Page 1: April 2018 Follow us on Facebook & Twier! Vol. 122: Ed. 2 — April 2018 Coming Events: Easter Special Offering . . . . . . . . . Pg. 1 March 25 & April 1 KDW Sprit Fests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 3 April 7, 8, & 14 Communicaon Workshops . . . . . Pg. 2 Tuesdays April 2018 Clergy Retreat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 3 April 24-26 KDM Cooking for Mission April 28, Salina Belmont Blvd. Camp Work Days May 18-19 Pentecost Special Offering . . . . . . Pg. 1 May 20 & 27 The Escape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 3 April 24-26, 2018 KDW Fall Retreats . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 3 October 3-5; 5-7 Appendix A: Thank you Donors! Easter Special Offering March 25 & April 1 Like good stewards of the mul-colored grace of God, serve one another with whatever giſt each of you has received. 1 Peter 4:10 The grace of God is overflowing in the giſt we have in Jesus the Christ. Our response to this great generosity is overflowing compassion, joy, faith, gratude, and love. Your giſt to the Easter Offering to support the General Ministries of the church is one way to share Gods generosity, to help bring life, love and learning to many. Pentecost celebrates the giſt of the Holy Spirit to Jesusdisciples, the birth of the church. Starng new churches is a God thing; it requires faith, maturity and partnership within the denominaon, the region and the local community. Since 2001, we Disciples have started 990 new churches, toward the goal of 1,000 new congregaons by the year 2020. The Pentecost Offering supports the new church movement. Half of the offering remains in the region, and half is used by Hope Partnership in new church ministry: assessment, training, and support for new church planters, and resources for new congregaons. Your generous giſt to the Pentecost Offering supports the new church movement. You will help new church pastors develop a clear vision and plan for their ministry. Pentecost Special Offering—May 20 & 27 Assuming spring arrives, the Disciples Center is looking good and will be ready for the summer program. The new caretakers house is well underway! Electric and plumbing inspecons are complete. The week of April 8, volunteers will hang sheetrock and do other projects to complete the house and to prepare the camp for summer. Painng will begin when the professional drywall finishing is done. Summer Camp Interns: Summer camp interns are Caleb Thompson from Pisburg in his second year, Lauren Eagon, also from Pisburg FCC, in her first year, and Mason Oswalt of Atchison, also a first me intern. All three grew up in our camping program. Mason and Caleb will be our lifeguards. Were pleased that Sid Rutland, manager last summer, is returning also. Camp Volunteers: Leadership for the summer program began in January when directors, chaplains and counselors gathered for inspiraon, training, and planning. Camp session directors are compleng their planning now. To be a summer camp counselor, complete the Volunteer Applicaon at www.kansasdisciples.org and send it to the Topeka office. Register for Camp: Register soon to get your choice of camp; some sessions will fill up before the Early Bird deadline. Scholarship applicaons were due March 31. Quesons? Contact Steve Marn, or 800-737-8130. Disciples Center at Tawakoni—2018 Season Many, many thanks to those who have been there working to get the project to this point.-Vern Failor, Volunteer Coordinator

Vol. 122: Ed. 2 — April 2018 Disciples enter at … · KYF Spring Retreat, ... Dixon rewell gave the message. A Wichita native, Kara and her family ... hild care workers—food

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Page 1: April 2018 Follow us on Facebook & Twitter!

Vol. 122: Ed. 2 — April 2018

Coming Events:

Easter Special Offering . . . . . . . . . Pg. 1 March 25 & April 1

KDW Sprit Fests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 3

April 7, 8, & 14

Communication Workshops . . . . . Pg. 2 Tuesdays April 2018

Clergy Retreat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 3 April 24-26

KDM Cooking for Mission

April 28, Salina Belmont Blvd. Camp Work Days

May 18-19 Pentecost Special Offering . . . . . . Pg. 1

May 20 & 27 The Escape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 3

April 24-26, 2018 KDW Fall Retreats . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 3

October 3-5; 5-7 Appendix A: Thank you Donors!

Easter Special Offering

March 25 & April 1

Like good stewards of the multi-colored grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.

1 Peter 4:10

The grace of God is overflowing in the gift we have in Jesus the Christ. Our response to this great generosity is overflowing compassion, joy, faith, gratitude, and love. Your gift to the Easter Offering to support the General Ministries of the church is one way to share God’s generosity, to help bring life, love and learning to many.

Pentecost celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit to Jesus’ disciples, the birth of the church. Starting new churches is a God thing; it requires faith, maturity and partnership within the denomination, the region and the local community.

Since 2001, we Disciples have started 990 new churches, toward the goal of 1,000 new congregations by the year 2020.

The Pentecost Offering supports the new church movement. Half of the offering remains in the region, and half is used by Hope Partnership in new church ministry: assessment, training, and support for new church planters, and resources for new congregations.

Your generous gift to the Pentecost Offering supports the new church movement. You will help new church pastors develop a clear vision and plan for their ministry.

Pentecost Special Offering—May 20 & 27

Assuming spring arrives, the Disciples Center is looking good and will be ready for the summer program.

The new caretaker’s house is well underway! Electric and plumbing inspections are complete. The week of April 8, volunteers will hang sheetrock and do other projects to complete the house and to prepare the camp for summer. Painting will begin when the professional drywall finishing is done.

Summer Camp Interns: Summer camp interns are Caleb Thompson from Pittsburg in his second year, Lauren Eagon, also from Pittsburg FCC, in her first year, and Mason Oswalt of Atchison, also a first time intern. All three grew up in our camping program. Mason and Caleb will be our lifeguards. We’re pleased that Sid Rutland, manager last summer, is returning also.

Camp Volunteers: Leadership for the summer program

began in January when directors, chaplains and

counselors gathered for inspiration, training, and planning. Camp session directors are

completing their planning now. To be a

summer camp counselor, complete the Volunteer Application at www.kansasdisciples.org and send it to the Topeka office.

Register for Camp: Register soon to get your

choice of camp; some sessions will fill up before the Early Bird deadline. Scholarship applications were due March 31.

Questions? Contact Steve Martin, or 800-737-8130.

Disciples Center at Tawakoni—2018 Season

“Many, many thanks to those who have been there working

to get the project to this point.” -Vern Failor,

Volunteer Coordinator

Page 2: April 2018 Follow us on Facebook & Twitter!

By: Jim McCollough, Pastor Holton First Christian Church

In 2009, the CEOs of the big three American auto makers asked Congress for a $25 billion industry bail-out. Each executive flew from the same city to the same destination in his own private jet. The estimated cost of each flight was $20,000, considerably more than a first-class ticket. Legislators expressed outrage that, as one put it, “you would come off private luxury corporate jets with tin cups in your hands!”

I have long contended that we become so accustomed to our way of life, our perception of reality, that we don’t notice when our actions bring us up short. One of the greatest enemies of gratitude is an entitlement mindset; they just don’t go together. It’s hard to be humble when asking for a billion-dollar bail-out, after showing up in a luxury corporate jet!

Our North American culture is awash in a mindset of entitlement. We live in a rich nation with a mindset that we had it all coming to us. Too often that attitude infects the church as well. Privilege and prerogative and power seldom yield to thankfulness, because thankfulness presupposes humility.

Faithful stewardship reminds God’s people that we came into this world with nothing. The Ash Wednesday liturgy reminds us that we will leave this earth with nothing.

What we do -with what we have -while we are here

is the long-standing question. That’s the call to faithful disciples of Jesus.

By: Steve Martin, Regional Minister

Where is God in the Midst of our Struggles?

That question was the focus of our KCYF Spring Retreat, as Rev. Lara Blackwood Pickrel led 120 youth and sponsors with keynotes and questions.

Her keynotes helped us to examine “the knots:” anxiety and pain, trauma and suicide, and other disruptions which cause us to struggle with life. Surely God doesn’t want us to suffer? Surely God has not left us desolate in these times? Psalm 139:14 provides significant insights into the depths of God’s care for us, for we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Knowing that God has created us and knows us deeply brings an intimacy with our creator.

Lara asked the youth to express their concerns and their understanding of God’s presence through poetry. Throughout the retreat she read their writings; let me promise you, our youth have great faith! She adapted some to fit the tune “My Chains are Gone,” made popular by Chris Tomlin. Her adaptation

of this poetry demonstrates God’s love and care in our human struggle.

Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)

Kansas Youth Poetry Edition, adapted by LBP

We all have struggles, trials and pain. We’ve hurts Band-Aids can’t cure.

But Jesus helps our wounded hearts – His bandages are sure.

When life feels like a boulder teetering on the edge, if you fall, don’t fear – for God will help you rise again. Abuse can scar bodies and minds. Hold fast and don’t believe. Instead turn to camp family -- Ask God to help you breathe.

My knots are gone, I've been set free My God, my Savior has untied me And like a flood His mercy reigns Unending love, Amazing grace (repeat)

If your sweet heart is tied in knots Know that you’re not alone. Your story hasn’t reached its end. God’s presence you will know. God’s love and grace you’ll know.

Church Communication Workshops 2018

“The Art of Communication” workshops begin at 9 a.m. on Tuesdays in April at Woodridge CC, Wichita.

These are for everyone, regardless of skill, who is interested in church communication ministry, including but not limited to office staff. Those who

attended last year will find helpful review and new skills.

Each workshop is $25. Register and pay online up to one week before each session, or download the form and mail with payment to the Topeka Regional Office (address on p4).

God calls us, speaking our names

God connects us, awakening the deep truth

God charges us, sending us into the world.

Disciples women from mid-western regions including Kansas are invited to Culver Stockton College, Friday -Sunday, June 22 - 24, for the Heartland Interregional Event. Come explore and celebrate the ways that we are Called, Connected and Charged for Christ.

Three mission opportunities will begin at noon on Friday and Blessing Box offerings will be

received. An offering will benefit International Disciples Women Ministries special projects.

Women participating in Woman to Woman Global trip to Cuba will be commissioned.

Cost, including meals, is $130 for double occupancy, $160 for a single occupancy. ADA rooms are available. Register and pay online or download the form and mail with payment to the Topeka Regional Office.

Heartland Inter-Regional Event

Page 3: April 2018 Follow us on Facebook & Twitter!

Boundaries Training 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Friday, September 14 or Saturday, September 15

Disciples Center at Tawakoni

Life-enriching relationships, whether with intimate partners, family, friends, colleagues or parishioners, require healthy boundaries. This workshop explores the meaning and practice of healthy boundaries in the context of ministry. It will also identify the signs, dangers, and preventions of boundary violations including those in today's social media.

Pine Valley Christian Church, Wichita, welcomed their new pastor Kara Courtney on Sunday, March 4. Renee Bridwell, regional minister, led the Installation Covenant and Pastor Natalie Dixon Crewell gave the message.

A Wichita native, Kara and her family (husband Patrick and two children) come to Pine Valley from Highland Christian Church, Des Moines, Iowa.

“God is Calling—Will You Answer?” 2018 KDW Spirit

Fests Karen Sturchio, Kansas Christian

Home CEO, will keynote the 2018 Kansas Disciples Women’s Spirit Fests. She will also help lead a workshop in which participants will be asked to share personal stories and callings.

Three additional workshops include the 2018 Just Women Bible Study, “Called for God’s Purpose.”

Three locations: April 7: Riverside CC, Wichita April 8: Pittsburg FCC April 14: Topeka, FCC

Pine Valley Welcomes Kara Courtney

Worship! Workshops, fun, mission, music: overall, a grand day at Tawakoni!

Caring for the Stranger 2018 Clergy Retreat

Rest, relax and reconnect with

colleagues in ministry April 24-26 at Tawakoni while learning from professor of Hebrew language and Scripture at Phillips Theological Seminary, Dr. Lisa Davison on "Caring for the Stranger." The retreat is $70. Scholarship money is available for clergy who wish to attend.

Register and pay online or download the registration form and mail with payment to the Topeka Regional Office.

A big bounce castle—swimming— Child care workers—food booths—

displays—more! NEW: KS Disciples Men and

Disciples Women will have dinner together at 6:30 p.m. Hillside Christian Church in Wichita on Friday evening, August 10, then meet separately for programs.

Come learn new worship skills to enhance what your congregation offers to God! Dr. Marcia McFee, who taught

a worship workshop series at General Assembly 2017, will be with us at Congregational Escape and MissionFest. This will launch an opportunity for your congregation to participate in her webinar program to enhance your ability to help people connect with God in worship.

Follow the Mini-Messenger for information on the Mission Grants that will be part of The Escape.

“Telling the Sacred Story” 2018 ADM Conference

The 2018 Association for Disciples Musicians conference is July 15-20 at Oklahoma City University. Workshops include

Small Choir Music, Handbell Techniques, Worship Planning, Creative Worship Experiences, and Choir Music Reading Sessions.

Single registration is $230; on-campus housing and meal cost is $270.

The 2018 Kansas Disciples Women Fall Retreats will be Oct. 3-5 (midweek) and Oct. 5-7 (weekend).

Pastor Lori Tapia, the National Hispanic Pastor of the Obra Hispana, will be our keynote speaker.

Join us for a variety of workshops including a movie study on Victoria and Abdul, service projects including Fresh Start Bags and tie blankets, prayer stations, painting, and more!

Save The Date! KDW Fall Retreats

Page 4: April 2018 Follow us on Facebook & Twitter!

Kansas Regional Office Steve Martin, Regional Minister Susan White, Executive Secretary 2914 SW MacVicar Ave. Topeka 66611-1787 785-266-2914; 800-737-8130 Fax: 785-266-0174

Barb Runge, Disciples Women

South Central Satellite Office Renee Bridwell, Regional Minister Jessica Marston, Communications 8492 SW Tawakoni Rd. Augusta 67010-8111 316-775-1236; Fax: 316-775-1455

Central & High Plains Satellite Office Ken Marston, Regional Minister Kathy Foster, Admin. Assistant 5230 Broadway Avenue Great Bend 67530-3208 620-792-6490; Fax: 620-792-1268

Disciples Center at Tawakoni 8492 SW Tawakoni Rd. Augusta 67010-8111 316-775-1222

Check out the latest news and events on our website, our Facebook & Twitter page or scan this QR code with your mobile device.

APRIL Oscar Moline 1961 Ross Kirk 1965

Lynn Dickson 1973 Don Bryant 1983

Ordination Anniversaries All those who have served 25 years or more in ministry

Cristine Warring has ended her pulpit supply service with Neodesha First CC. She has accepted the call to serve as pastor at First Christian Church in Girard. Leavenworth First CC has called John Sowers as their pastor, beginning May 1. Cindy Dubovich has been called as the new pastor at Stafford First CC. Installation Service was March 28. First Christian Church in Lyons has engaged the services of Rob Scofield as Interim Minister.


March Harvey & Imogene Reynolds, Leavenworth First CC . . . . . . . 70 Linda & Robert Paul, McPherson First CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

April Charles & Edna Kellogg, Pittsburg First CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Richard & Joyce Kellison, Emporia First CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Mick & Pat West, Atchison First CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

May Marion & Phyllis Maxwell, Wichita Hillside CC . . . . . . . . . . 71 George & Shirley Neal, Wichita Hillside CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Larry & Pat Rahal, Wichita Hillside CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Bill & Jane Wintle, Pittsburg First CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Anniversaries: All those who are celebrating 50, 60, 65 and more years together

MARCH Robert Martin, Arkansas City Central CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Martha Miller, Garden City First CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Mildred Boyer, Leavenworth First CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Gail Shore, Wellington First CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

MAY Virginia Faires, Wichita Hillside CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Betty Peterson, Pittsburg First CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Vera Clark, Kingman CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Doris Crotts, Baxter Springs First CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Eldena Doose, Wichita Hillside CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Mary Huddleston, Wichita Hillside CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Elizabeth Nellis, Arkansas City Central CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Helen Melton, Kingman CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Birthdays: All the saints who are 80, 90, 95, 100 and beyond

W ant to see a birthday or Anniversary listed?

The birthdays and anniversaries listed here are from your church newsletters or directly from your church office. Send us your list with names, dates including year, and church membership. We list those Kansas Disciples who are celebrating a birthday of 80, 90, 95 or 100+ years and an anniversary of 50, 60, or 65+ years. May

Ike Gillett 1952 Bill Nowlan 1956 Melvin Walton 1966 Phil Radatz [CME] 1974 Lydia Ganaden Cordaro 1978 Rob Scofield 1981 Tripp Edwards 1984

Lynn Scott 1986 Margaret McCullum 1987 Ken Marston 1988 Patsie Sweeden 1991 Diana Leaf 1991 Renee Bridwell 1992

MOVING? Take us with you!

Notify us of your new email and/or contact information to continue receiving the longest running regional newspaper among all Disciples. Call 785-266-2914 or email [email protected].