An Aaoclated Preu Newtpaper THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Partly Cloudy Vol. 29, '^o. 1S5 orricui. couNTT Hn'BPAPEn TWIN FALLS. IDAnO.'SATUBDAY MORNING. SEPTEMRER 28. lOin ^Pricc Fivo Cents Tokyo Joins Berlin, ^ m e in Alliance T o ta lita ria n s U n ite to K eep A m erica O iit of W ar W lilE EVES DfilFI \m cgnsiiTUTi Republican Nominee Cliaroes Roosevelt Use; influence Of Presidency ' to stroy American Order <Dy Tlie AMociai«l Prc.Mii MADISON, Wls.. Scpt.'27 — Speaking In the home slntc of ihc LaFollctte."!, W endell L. Wlllkle charRCti tonlghl Ihot president Roosevelt '•went throURh the mockcry of seek- ing to prcjcrve dcTnocracy" but u*ed the Influence of the prcsldcncy “to de.stroy It.” The Rtpubllcan prejidcnWal ItiM, artrtr^Mlng nn applnudlng crowd In ili« Unlvernlty of Wlwon- Mn Plfldhoa'*, rcfprrcd to Mr. nwevall'* Btitmpl to dejMil oinw- irtUon meniWi'* of conBCf« .In 1838. ind then «dcled; r-'- ' "Tlie theor>' Of Amrrlran ROverrn- m«nt li tlidt tlitiT should br Uirro ifptrale coordlnivle brniiclif.i. niow l» Il»m«racr “Yet Uie prexldcnk of the UnlKd SutM did tiol like Uie way mrm- her* of both the hou.ne cind th e ncn- *ie votfd, ntld Uterefore lie put JUX the purjf. <uid.lhrf«,;he full weight of tJje presltleney lo throw those mm Ittm putite IWe. “Thus he « n t throuich the niock- »ry of »eelclnB to prcwrve democ- n e r but ualns ibe Influcttce of Uie presidency to destroy it." Wlllklf »pok« of the nuprrme eourV-re«r{inlutian bill of 1037. nn^ »wert^ thit_ there hud J«cr ’ perfectly" chtnse tupreme Murt oplolon* tnd perwnnrl. He thm «dded thnt while tU< ehUf h»d demnndfd reor. l»ntuitlon of ■ the court on thi sroiwd ttitt tome JudiM were to< old, he recepUy had -'appointAl i ircr»ury of w*r who wa» beyond ihfl •p*’|litjt h fl.K t."... Btcnk Chwk. • Wlllkle noied thnt npproprltkUon ■* blllA muit be • Inaucurnted In the house or rtprMentntlvM.- nnrt wild (hb win done orlRlnnlly to prevent • thief executive from •Dulldlns «1thln him.'elf-enonnouii-power.” "And yet," lie luild. "retAlnlns the form and abnndonlnir the substAnce. thti admlnljtrntlon InslMrd shortly nfter It'came Inlo office on hni-lnK blank dl.wtlon»ry. npproprlaUon.i made bv fonsmi. *U'« power lo reeled UwU In 1S36 und llfl Rltempt to rcclrct Iticlf.ln 1D10 U bulcally built upon thou , blank cheek*." Centendtni! tlul the admlnlsti . tlon had "UMd fundu npproprlnted by conitrfM ta Infliience coiiRrer^i to appropriate more funds In Ihp rj^me manner," llie csndldatc <in1d hr eeiuld Blve numerous envmple.i oi how'thr pre.'^ent ndmlnl.itrntlon hn; "coBcrnlrated power . in lt-i o»t hands." anti added, -thnt Is the road by which ever>' modem democ- racy h»* Konr-" M etim Vnqu'esttonrd •Wlllkle «ld he would omIL the (lueMlon of motl<re>, "wlilch I shall (CeBllni>«4 ea P>ir« :. C«)iimn tl •War Comes to the Associated Press’s Door SI-AIIE o r FIIlE eaiued bV an »erial betnb llrliU ap tl\c London ofOfe btilldint of the A«»ofl»led rreu. The bomb fell at Ihe front door dorinc * German air raid. Thr ilaff wt np Itmporary headquarter* <l»e wherr. but relumrd aflrr thrrcand a half lionm. The bomh drmolithed Ui*-hulldlnj eppotllr. ahallrrtil windowa In Ar boitdlnr and llltrred reeepdon hail wlih debris. Objrrtu at left arr iandba(>.. Tills pi' «rai cabled from London. ' ' FLASHES of LIFE - Sfopf, Poital Error COliUMDU.g, O. - J. pontmoater (of all tlihiR^ 1»T<J. O.. tried to wiaH ft U tte r Isifct night and broueht .flRht pieces’ of flre-flRhilni: eJjulpment to n down' town Intersection, Stopf, nltcndlnK the national pojlmasters' Uon. admitted he ml.stook alarm bot for a malt box. Buahed KANSAS CITY-Llriilennnt Col- onel Pred M. MMn, army recniltlnK officer, received the following ret>orl from a hara.ucd rceniltlnK serseant al a Mijjourl branch office:, ”nif ru<h thU week of draft dodR- en, floaler«, hlshbroira wnVlnR M: corp* only; flyinf cadet* wltlfelRhth Crade education; Importnnt citizens wantlns Information: preacher*, doctor*. l»*7er*. dcnlLst.i, reserve of- fleers: C. c, C. pluw with ndmlnl.i- tratlre dUchaniei; married men with and wlthmit kids; In /act, er- erythlng eicept snpd ulnRle men wantons enlistment In tbe line of .the «rmy.' Close Enough , KANSAS crry - Mr*. Dorothy , Oroo, 27. fainted wlim she looked out a wlndav and saw fire trucka jtopplne before her home. A city ambulance phyildan revived her and Informed her It wns the house next door that w u on fire. Mftfbo So •PEORIA. IIL-A policeman hailed a motorlit who had anarled traffic by'trj'lnB to m*ke a "U" turn on a buiT street. ~8ay, you can't do that," he barked, wtlklni over to the car. 'Hie motcrtit glanced left. rlRht, Itnd (hen at the policeman, . "Oh. I believe 1 can make It," he rea.-iaured the officer. County Clerks Enlisted For Draft Registration F L yti SERVICE Twin Falls, B u rle y Men Announce'Plans for Operations.. ComplcUon of prelltnlnivry dflalLs for formation of a new company to be krawn as the AsMciuted Fly- InR 6cr\'lce, wm ftnnoiinced liu.t niKlil by Al Seed*. Biirlry nlrporl manancr. whtio In Tivlii f-alls to confer with local lnlerfsi.i m thi ronccm. . Piirpo.’.e.\ of the fompi\ny will hv elude avntliiblllly for iraiiililK .*,tu dent pilots under the civil aero natitlcs atilhonty fllRht trnlnlni prORrnin. to ofter charter trip.*; nerlnl laxl wrvlcr. anrlal photeprn- phy fiicllltlcj, BlgliL-^fliiR trlpn and aircraft malnlciiance and repair.'. Company ofrieiaU Indleatrd that, the OAA Iralnlns work may Ineliide rol- ls well as noii-colleKe pha.ir*. ilnlns nl the Albion Normal Is anticipated. Mrmbtr* Named The compsiiy will coiisLm of.Har- ild McKean and Kerx Senli, Burley, and Jack Whe. Tivln Falb. Doth Wl-'.e and RtnU now are actively enRafied In CAA liistrucllon. hnvc had ezteaslvR pilot lr;\lnlnR and hold re-rated mstruciorj' certifl- Wbe. who ha,s had.sU years of experience as a pilot. U a crndualc of the BoelnB Sehool of Aeronautic.-:, and haj been.ln.itruclor In Twin Pnll*' tralnlnc proKram Mnce lti\ Inception both In ground school and fllKhl training. Seedi has been fly- hiR forflve ycam and Is a student of Tex tUnkln In Uie ichool of acro- batics. and Li now ensaged as CAA it Uia University " Company.. ItHO Cub cruLier, (ConllauuS I’m 2. CslumR I) Idaho Governor Calls for Cooperation in Rapid.X (rderly Listing for Conscription (By Tlip Asjoclated Pre«) BOISE, Sept. 27 ~ A call to Idaho's county cltrk.^ to u.« all tlielr rcsource.s In fi.'i.'iurlnK a rapid, orderly,registration of Idnho’.t con.scrlptlon-aRe,mcn Oct. 16 wasjnnde today by Governor Bottolf.scn. N The flovernor»nl60 .spbctcd personnel for the selective .>!ervlce nclm lnlstr^lon ana e-itlmatid the number and loca^ tlon/Jf the varloiwciBeneles. Hla jcQjiefit to the county clcrk.i was.mnde bccausc. 'he ex- plained, on them will Xnll the brunt of arranging for the regl.stratlon. Tliry are to arruiiRc with election JiiilRe;, to oiwa rrnular |«lllnR place In pnrh iirrcliict between 7 aj nnd 9 pin. on reiclstration divi' an to call in Jiifflclenl n.v.L';t«nce I /or. Uic rcKlstrantA. . work will be paid for. WJi" c.^tlmalpd■ e n rh . rcRl.^trr would,care for from 30 lo 50 res|: trani.'. Rrcl.Mratlon forms, conil.sllnc ot I kin; cation I kppt rpKl-'trnnt and uneUicr filed, will be siippllpd to the clerks from slate Ijeadqunrter*. ttlih an instnicllon book-, but the cliTks must dl.itrlbuti thr p Prrr.on.1 hnnclIlnR the cards musl riccouiit for all In Uielr linntls, Tlie rierks nrc lo appoint chief regLs- ;rnrs lor each ISoard. Kacli teKl'trar Is em|)owercd lo nnkc notations oi\ Uie cards os lo n'heiher or not he believe* the resU.ttai\l Is Bn^werln« corrccUy. .Major Norman B, AdkLson, bhIsI- .ijit to Adjutniit aenerni M. O. Mo- Connel, whom the Kovernor has ilgnaled slate jelecUve aer\'lce di- rector, said II wa.1 esUmnted'7BJ)00 Idnhosns between 21 nnd 35 In- clusive would be required lo rcRlster nnd that liSO of them would.be clnsicd as Immedl.itely avftllnble. The first cnil tJ expected In mld-Novem- ber. Translcni* thplr resldcnc icarest p n nway from lo reglMer In mtl Uielr car* US OVEl i ROAO 1 3 'Passengers Escape W ith Minor injuries at Moun t^in Home A Union Pacific bus carrMnt p.ii-'eiitfr» plunsed from the roid, turned completely over and then rlchled ItMlf. 12 miles south of Mounliln Home'at 6:40 p. m. ye»' terilay, but occupants escaped f.erl- out lii)iirlcj, InvestlRallng office™ .said last nislit. Four paisenger.s were sllKhtly Ih- Jiired, Tliey were; Mrs. E. L. Simonson, Wendell, .wiilp wound and powlbly broken no'e; f :, D. McComiel, Bol.v, facial rwts; Q«U\ Chmln, M out\lft,lp Home, neck and shoulder Injuries; John Hurd. MounUln Home, bnilsej. Other paMenRers and Drtver Fred nif'-siiijier, DoLw. were reported to bi Tlic e«l.bound local was imvel' In? from Boise to Twin Fall* when Ihr accldcnt oceurrcd as It ejitcred n M<ior of ncwly-constrMcted n>#d. A pa-wiiKcr told Deputy Sheriff Bob Love, who ns.sUted Earl Winters. El« more counti' sheriff, and SUte Of- ficer Hsrold Quem.scy, Olenns Fer- In the Inve.iUgatlon. Uinl the (C«nlfnu») en r* f. J. Column 51 Planes Tuned for Air Show Tlie drone of motor* u alrshlpi j-e pul through difficult paces. ilummeUng figures of parochulo Jiunpei? and ,Uie variety of special slunU will combine to ibrlll Uie hundreds flf pertops expected al alr- ahow* Vo be suismS'-today arid B\in- . at the Twin PnlU municipal airport. Pinal delAllj for the event, which ipens al 3 p. m. today and 3 p. m. tomorrow, were completed at a meeUng. la*l night ot Uie sponsor- ing Idftlw Pilot* association,- Tsri|i Polls chapter, nt Uie RORerwn ho^ tel. to Indlcato lhal eacli show will offer nearlr-three hour* of concen- imted Utrlll*. ■ . ' 61at« Conteitj Enlivening Uie program will be'two Impromptu contests—acrobatic bom* pcUtlon between Laura Ingalbi nnd Uie famed Tex Rankin and a de- layed paraclmte iumplne oveni In ftlilch Dorothy Barden and Eddie Dimn. Boise, •ii-lll vie... _ WlUi Uie crowd as Judge In Uie acrobatic contest, a trophy wUl be ftwortlcd the winner, official* said Ifts; nlslit. Durtns iMt svlshi-'s mecUns t\l the noficrson hotel, one new member and one honorary member, were lAken into the pilot*’ ontnnlxaUon. Joe M. Gardner became & member, nnd Corl N. Anderson, president of Uie Twin Pall* Chamber of Com- merce, for hi* "greai service and w6rV for jidvanccment of avlaUon in Twm Pttlls.” was vpted nn hon- onirj- membership. Orriclali Attend Present al the sewlon were W. H. (Pete) Hill, state director of aero- naUUes, and C, A. Lovelnce, CAA In- or. who wlU Bupen-lse the *lr- . Mr. HUl spoke briefly, point- ing out that Twin Pall*:and rounding lerTttory are fortunate In having an alrthow featurliiR such na(lonal)y-kno«'n figures as Tex Bankln and Miss Ingalls. Ttie next dinner meeUng wn.i an- no«nttd Sot. Wednwdfcy a t 9 p. m. OffkUali announced last ulgl't 'Uiat amngemenl for almost 5,000 sraU, In addition to parking space, have been made, so Uiat eveiTone .will be able 10 see eveo' feature of the air itiow. Events will include Uie. 10.000 de- layed p&mchute Jump of Dorothy Barden, ao’robaUcs by Tex RanUn, Bin Carter In a comle demonstn- Uon. Prances Ola*. “deod-iUck" arUst; U u ra IngaJisT long-dlst&nc* woman flyer, and cliamplon woman air acrobat;-«Jr]ilan«-doff fight,' radio control flight and mQck “dog- fight." U. S. I n t e n d s to Continue Coiu'se iRv Pvev.i WASHINGTON. Sept- 27 — Thp Wa->ihlnKton RovcrnmPiit made It more than plain toduy that It Intcnch to follow lt.i pre.sent forclRii pollcle.s — 'In- cluding that of as.sl.stnnce to Qrc[it Britain — rrRarcllc.s.'i of the thtnfy di.s'i;u/.sod warnfTlg to thi.s country contained In Uie new •Oenniin-li.illan-Jaiii military' ulllance. Hull t old before fiecrr formal statemciil. ,%svinK lhal It hai been fully exi>ec(e<I, anil •'full; 1 Into acrount by the Kovcrn' : of the Unllert Statnr, In tin delermlnliir of thl.s coutiiry s poll Aid for ItritaJn t almoM rxaclly thr r.nuie llmr ,l(lent l{oo.^evclt »^as eni;nRed Ji iicilvliles which r,<-urcely rnuld havi r.'.c.iped the ' nllrntloii of Berlin Rome and Tokvo. In qulck^uccrs Sion he received Lord Lothian, thi British nmb;i.v'ftdor, and a parly ot l\UcoUenR\ ... . urclng all i>ov.lble help to EnRlatid and UienrfMiered upon x confrrenn with officials in cliarKe of Un American de/en.^e program, / r.ptkfsman for the ald-to-Hrltiilt Kroiip sni<l it had brrn "enUiuslasl rally encouraKed," liif part- iva* motivated, a pre •ailing opmion^ mn. by a desire or the pnrt of liie nxis powers to stoj retard Amerlrnn help to Great Britain and. In the same way. to enf ■•ueh anll-Jnpane,-j? actions ns U:i rerrnt loan to Ohlna and-the-ban- nlnE o{ Acrap Iron and steel sale: >Japan. Eye on Far Cast The only apprehension apparently fell by sUte department officials, who received word of Uie conclusion of the treaty with a noticeable li Of surprise or excltemr'nt.'wiis Hint 11 might eneourftKe the exlreniLtt Rroup of the Jnpanese mlllwry clique to some atcRravailon of the situation at Shanghai. Tliere wns no slijn Uiat, t United Stales wa.s planning furtli Immediate economic moves aRnlnst he Japanese, but It was plain I leverai-TniclT-jcconoml^ weapons mil held in reserve — InetudlnR erection ot an embargo ORnlnr.t ports of Jupane.'.e silk. Such n step, IV believe, would hit Japan in « vilal'spot. Pretldrnl Dtrtlnei'' At Tresldrnt RoosCv'flfi mic!- morning prea.i conference, he de- cllnrd to comment on the pact be- yond answerliiR yes and no, r,ome- uhnt archly, lo a question wlieUier le treaty had been expected. Secrrlnri' Hull, at his press fepence' a 'few minutes later, drew •prepared statemenl from le coat pocket and read 11 "nie reported nRreement ife," he said, "does not In Uie view of ihe United SUtes. substantially nlier a sltuatbn which ha.i existed cveral years, Announcemenl of Uie alliance merely'mrikes clear to relaUonshlp which hM long exlsted-and to which ihlj ROvem- haa repeatedly called atten- tion. lal such, nn agrecinent ha* been In procevs of conclusion ha* been well known for some Ume. Tliat Incl hn* bren fully inken Into neeount by the Ri-emmcnt of Ih* United Slntes In the determining Its country'* policies.” Mmi reaction lo Uie axis pact at Uie capital empliaslie<l Uie need for speeding Uie American defense pro- gnun. Saying the treaty hnd been expected. Senator Barkley of Ken- tucky. the DemocraUc floor lender, added Uint It 'should be a warning to UJ," Senator W, R. AusUn (R,-VU). the aaslsUmi Republican floor leader, obsen'ed Uiat It showed "tlie Ideology of world revolution In Ui'e midst of which we are Jusl an island." lator Clark (D,-Mo.), remarked Uml -It ought not to make the illRhtfat difference In our policy be- ;nu»e our policy ought to be to stay out of «-ar.- Senate Confirms Bryan a$ Marsbal Wasiunqton, Sepl, 37 (VPy—T he senate confirmed today Uie nomina- tion of Edward Millard Bryan as federal tnarshil far'Idaho. BOiaE.'sept. 37 (/P) — Edward M. Dtj’an of Bobe, whose nomlnaUon United atntes marshal foe Idaho J eonftrmed toiday by (he senate, a former state aeitinauUcs direct- and l«}t winter wai c>alrman of DemocraUc Jaeksm da; dlnnen throughout Idaho. Jle formerly lived In Ooodlng. and oi Ute has been employed In Uie state forestry deparuneni as an engineer. —Dryaa-vas talked of .as ttate' jlartjr chairman,.but the post went' to Robert Coulter of Cascade. World'.s (;:ipiliil.s (’onuiMMil on 'l'ri-Pou(*r Milil;n*v AIIiari<*e .Sovirl Rll;: 1 lo la.^i icnt of ih«- Gf-rn nlKhl iFrlriny). had : ;in • Italian - .lapiinr.M' ihcr.p U'cTc, In ,siib.;i.i I lo hf“r ppoplc, but from RuthorU'.ittve com m culs: : - - Washington: It I,-; ■'a'.slliialion which has lone I'Xl.'.tcd In pffrcl" — Scrrclary of Stale Htill, Tokyo: •Japan will not enter thi‘ Kitroiii'an war or at- tark aiiyoiip, but something may come u]i uhlrh will call for "inonii'iUmi.s dcfl-'ilon." Rome: Thn ilnlU’d Siatc.s had better kccji out of the ■'llvlnK .si)ar(‘;; ' ot thp throe :;l(^natorle.’. and, m orrover, re- froiTi iislnK U dtain'r; far ea.'^tfrn bii.so.'; like Sfn^’apore, J-oiidon: The pact 1-s the ninst monicntous devclopnipnt since the jirc-war Rns.^l.^n-Gcrman pact, lnlcn,ctcd to "In- tlnildato" tlie United State.*;, divert her aitentioii to the far pa?:t nnd curb her aid to Drllaln. S))aln; II m eans th e Unlletl Stale.-; inu.sl '•renounce" plan;, lo "Intervene" annln.st any nf the three pact-.';lt;nerr;. It brlni:,-; Sjialn elo.ser to the axis. Hillei- Stages Ceremonial Signing in-.- Big Scale.Attacks On Britain Renewed Ground Guns Beat O ff Uaid Climaxing Day-Long Assault.s ' (By 'D ie A.MorlntMl PreM' LONDON. ?eiH. 28 (Saturday) — With a m ichty har^age that almau .smothpred the sound ot falling bomb.s, Brltl.’ih ground gun.'; early today foucht a heavy Nazi air raid on Lon- don—the climactic attack In a conilniilng serle.s of n.-isauH.*! Ino.ied ye.sterday by hundred.-; of Germnti planes upon all Englmid. . . Soulhe.i-U London wns Intermittently n.s bright a.'5'day under the IjRht of N.ir.l flares; jalvoe.^’of explosive bomb.s, and Incendiaries iw well, fell In the city from southea.'ii norUiwest, Nowhere' ti.'u Uie antt-.ilrc orUllery more ihundcroiw ihat the very center of the mrtror Tliere, loo, heavy bombs came d —three In quick luccc.v.lon In instance. was a major nllack, one of Uie le.1t In many nlglit. During tlie day Uie NaiLs had stnirk nfcaln an*' tiRRln al London, but Ihelr RrraX Inr matlons were broken up .short oiniii city,..said the air rhinlilry, nnd Uu [lamaRC In London from tho'.e foray; was officially declared to have Ven iHSht, • • Ry 10:43 o'clock la.si iiUlit <2:4: p.m, MST.), the Mr mlnlMrj- -nn. nounced. at leaul 130 Oenii.-ui plnnj; had been shot down to 3< British s. Al alniosl the .laine time, s declared that a recapimlntlon of the books of vlolerC>e r.liowed lhal more Ujan l.tXW raiders had been de.stroyeif during Sepiember—the International At a Glance (By The A.uoclated Press) ROME-nEflLlN-TOKYO ,4X18 Japan Joins Germany and Italy in alliance aimed at tying U. S. hands In European. Oriental wirrs: Ru.islins In London aay U.S.S.R. also gravely Uireatenetl Jf Hitler failed to consult Rtnlin before- Ihitli?: Soviet public has not heard about II yet: Hull says nctlon long dl.scounted. American forelpn pol- icy remslni unchanRed: Japanese say they are nol entering Euro- pean connict. BATTLE FOR BRITAIN England westhcni blggesl day of rnlds: BrlUsh announce 13 Nad attacker*, 3t R ^P, craft downed: Germans list Is 7S Brtilsh. 23 Ger- mans; Oermaas launcli 21st night of as.saults on London; BrllUh nlr. men dump more bombs on vltpl German Industries and invasion ports. . : • ; IHREAISEENII) S. A i RUSSIA Reicti Attempt Ciiargcd to Force America to Turn West LONDON. Sepl, 57 (-T-)-Tlie Oer- jnnn-ltallan-Japaner.e mlllUiry al- liance has opened a new phase Ir the world's wnrs—a phn.sa.^f at- tempied Intlmlclntlon ot Uie United States, in Uie Briash view, and of grave threat to .Soviet Russia, In Uie opinion of Informed Russians Uicni.'rlves, RiLvslan sources descflbed Uie So- viet t/jilon's pasltlon ns •'dangeroiui and very crave" but.Mid Uie cnn of Uie que.\tloii was whether Oer- ni.\ny had Informed M«»cow In ad- vance of the irl-power alliance a; Uiry held she was botjnd lo do by J clause of tlie pre-war 'Rurjilnn-Ger- lan non-aSRre.Mlon ireaiy. • If Uils was not done, unofficial .sources jjiIc I. the clause of the new treaty purporting to pre.iervx the po- •lllcal status quo ofenei»..of the ilgnatorles as regards Russia. «Tis 'Up service only" to ihe Ruulan- OennAn p.ict nnd "Uie new ag menl turns the antl-Comlm pad Into a mlllUirj- alliance," • If Russia actually agreed, they lid,. It would be "In line wlUi her policy of 'lei Ihe world fight and we will pick up the post- pieces'." Thbi policy, they Indicated, might be behind rumors of n propor«l non-aggreulon ngrcement between UiB t;.S.S,R, and Japan whlcli would be designed to protect Russia from r In AiMa as Uie Ruwlan-Oerman :ord U suppo.sed to_4a IruQli 3no neutral dlplofffaCwW the "pitch-forking Uie United StaOS- inlo a crisis In world pollUts" and aa “nn admL«lon by Germany that she reallrfs full aid Is being given to Britain and that It will Increase tn Uie future to her detfiment." BKilLIN, Sept. 2" — Ger- riiany, Japan nnd Italy banded I together their totalitarian arm,-, and thc.energles of their f]iiartcr billion people today In a ten-year pact of mllltar>' and economic character which mean.s plainly that al! three will help each other again.^ the Unlled .Sl.Ttes If any one of llirin beromr.i Involved «lUi Amer- lc.i. ■llih Ur.iiirtrrboli of authnrllarlan diploiiiary, rnncrlvcd and stase- ni;iii;ii.T(l doBii lo tlie names on the. doited lines by Adolf Hiller, was slKned this afternoon In Berlin'* siuni>!uoiis nrK-.£liftlicellery by the fordirn mlnl'lers ot Germany and llaly nnd tlie amba.wdor of Japan. --.(Aulhorltntlve AvvKliilecl Press soiircn lorr.'liadourd the p ad two llflJS RCOI, I'lillnl Slates t.'nnienUoned Tli'* trr,itv it,^Ml iloTj noi mcn- But iliLi much Is clrar: No Euro- ■pe.in po'.vrr. save Soviet Rus.iU». cat» ever think of attacking the glgna- Govlet Ruisla. however. 1*, espe- cially named In the treaty's llTttcle five, which B«vs carefully th a t lha •Apolitical statvKjrlilch exLiW now" between eaeh,-^ the contraeUns [)owers nnd IjJie Soviet Union Is In no wise nfferied, Germany now hoa a non-aRRre.sslon pact wiUi Ritisln. TUcrefnrr, tlie Unllk SUles U the only other power envlxnged by article 3 of .the pact, as folloni: "Gcnnnny, Italy nnd Japan . . , underuke to a.-uLst one another with all political, economic and mlUUuT means a-lien one of th* thrw po»rtr«' - • w aUacW.by » •power it preseat not Involved In ihe European war or"* In the Clilnese-Japnnese conflict." OpposliloD tin e Up In the eye* of nfutnl obserrera Uie clraresl nffect of Uie treaty WM this: If Uie United SUles cnl«n Ihe European'war alie will be en- gaged Immediately In Uie Pacific by n Japanese navy which is the third. larRcsi In Uic world; and so Involved that Uie United Slates fleet would lidt be able to be of material o alit- anc* to Britain In elUier the AUsn- lie or the Medllerranean. In the words of Foreign Mlnlrtcr von Rlbbcntrop of Uie Uilrd reieh Uie. pncl also 1* directed against ' •'Inciters to war" over the world and tho,',e slate* which "harbor the In- tention of mixing in. Uie final phase nf the solution* of problems Irt either - Europe or east Asia. A foreign office spokesman u ld flaUy Uiat among Uiese “w w In- •cllers" Is “a certain group In tha United States,^' Sphere* of Interest' Formally, the pact recognUca spheres of Interest on the two tides of Ihe world: Japan^* "new order In greater east Asia" and Uie Oermaa- Ilallan “new brder InsEurope." It Is not clear wheUier Japan. 1« lo be recognlted a.i the master pow- er In so far os U^e Philippine Islaoda are concerned. Contrary to many expectatlom. Smln was not even menUoned In foaays’ ceremonies. Oonjecture w led between Ui« belief Uial Spain Is not yet ready to mortgage her . future nnd the conviction Oiat both and Spain are merely wklt- ' jnbmmV, Style Reviie and Auto Show Slated for Monday Eveiiuig. Tlie "»liow will go on" Monday when the. combined Pall Paahloa and ' Auto . show, originally tcheduled-.for lu i tiislit, »IU be >resented at 8 p. m. In downtown Ta-ln Palis. Because of unaetUed weaUier condlUon* Friday. mer» chant4' bureau offlcInU decided In favor of Uie later date. Twin Palls' business secUon don- ned a fall atmuphert;.last evening, lowetBrrfa*. wlndSwg earr>-lng wo- men'* re»di'-to-wtar modes^ and men's cloUilng «tylcs for fall were unvcUed at 7:30 o'clock. In announcUsg the postponement. Chairman Trank Coot pointed out that eon^tnKUon of the apeclal ramp, upon which model* and mo- an win appear between the Fidelity National bank buUdlng and Twin Fajl* Bank and Trust Mcn- pany buUdlng on Mata -amiue would require aa extended period, imd Uiat It wouJtl be u n w ise ^ w trt U wlUi Uireatenlng weather inaklps Its removal probable. . In preparaUon for the Uoaday night event, model* and car* art to be on hand at 7:30 p. m. on 8ht>- ihone atreet beside the Bonk and Trust company bulldlns. to Uiat or* gonixatian decaUs may be completad. by e p. m. for start of the ahow. Features of the event wUl Include special background music, spot- lighUng of cars and Uie models which they wUl carty and descrtp* tions of JM l automobllM and new fashions >'u Uiey appear on Use ramp. Init for a p«recholoB'e*t Ji which to spring an anni of alliance. Late today Count Oaleaso Clooo. the Italian foreign minister, had a long talk with Ramon Sem no Suner, who ha* been in Berlin for some Ume as Generalissimo Fr&neo'< special envoy. EffeeUn Tmmedla^iy - The pact b effective IflimedUMly. Joint technical edmmlaslons *w'“ meet at once. Before a pale, grey-clad BIC id a full panoply of itate In t familiar selUng of axis dlplooxai the gilded hall of smbasadon _ Uie Dew Scrlla chaseellery, Btb- benutipsald; •This pact . . . t» oot dlnotad.' Bgalnst any oUicr people but' elusJvely against UioerTScltam'to.' war and Irresponsible elemeota ta : the rest of Uie world who ara strlr* ' ing for a furUier lengUienlng ottk ot the widening scope or Utis v tr .; •*rhe pact which b u been a military a&lance between ttm . . of the mlshUsit states od earth, ft ^ u to serre toward htlnflnc atept'i. a Just order both within tbe X no^ ' - tphm and also In U» srM tc r . AalaUf space. Atan an.-Jt :to'W ri help to brl&c peace te tbe vorfd-u < quickly as poiflble. • .■■-V Ceseentnted M itbr~ \'} •^eiT (Ute which meets tHit Mdo':- wltti the inteatloa of bslplnc ■tore peaeefol nUttoBi betwaan p«»<^ plea li wtleooed "pHytitiy gratetaltr tnd wffl bi tmmad 'tt cooperate in the poUttcaliaad i ' nomls reortaatiatUa. ' •bould It harbor tU i ____ mlxlnt to .Ute flnaL M w ;« adhiUcm of UMie praM n n i'tB 'l.. or eastern Alta er-tttftektnK’i.

Vol. 29, '^o. 1S5 Tokyo Joins Berlin, ^me in Alliancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...An Aaoclated Preu Newtpaper THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Partly Cloudy Vol

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Page 1: Vol. 29, '^o. 1S5 Tokyo Joins Berlin, ^me in Alliancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...An Aaoclated Preu Newtpaper THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Partly Cloudy Vol

An Aaocla ted P reu New tpaper THE TWIN FALLS NEW S TODAY:

Partly Cloudy

Vol. 29, '^o. 1S5 o r r i c u i . couNTT Hn'BPAPEn T W IN F A L L S . ID A n O .'S A T U B D A Y M O RN IN G . S E P T E M R E R 28. lO in ^Pricc Fivo Cents

Tokyo Joins Berlin, ^ m e in AllianceT o t a l i t a r i a n s U n i t e t o

K e e p A m e r i c a O i i t o f W a r

W lilE EVES DfilFI \ m c g n s i i T U T i

Republican Nominee C liaroes Roosevelt Use; in fluence Of Presidency ' to stroy American O r d e r

<Dy Tlie AMociai«l Prc.Mii MADISON, W ls.. S c p t . '2 7 —

S p e a k in g In th e h o m e s ln t c of ih c LaFollctte."!, W e n d e ll L. W lllkle charRCti to n lg h l I h o t p re s id e n t R o o sev e lt '•w e n t throU Rh th e m ockcry o f s e e k ­in g to p rc jc rv e dcT nocracy" b u t u*ed th e In flu en c e o f th e p rcsldcncy “ to de .stroy I t .”

The Rtpubllcan prejidcnWal ItiM, artrtr^Mlng nn applnudlng crowd In ili« Unlvernlty of Wlwon- Mn Plfldhoa'*, rcfprrcd to Mr. nw evall'* Btitmpl to dejMil oinw- irtUon meniWi'* of conBCf« .In 1838. ind then «dcled; r - ' - ' "Tlie theor>' Of Amrrlran ROverrn- m«nt li tlidt tlitiT should b r Uirro ifp tra le coordlnivle brniiclif.i.

niow l» Il»m «racr “Yet Uie prexldcnk of the UnlKd

SutM did tiol like Uie way mrm- her* of both the hou.ne cind th e ncn- *ie votfd, ntld Uterefore lie pu t JUX the purjf. <uid.lhrf«,;he full weight of tJje presltleney lo throw those m m Ittm putite IWe.

“Thus he « n t throuich the niock- »ry of »eelclnB to prcwrve democ- n e r but ualns ibe Influcttce of Uie presidency to destroy it."

Wlllklf »pok« of the nuprrme eourV-re«r{inlutian bill of 1037. nn ^ »w ert^ th it_ there hud J « c r

’ perfectly"chtnse tupreme M urt oplolon* tn d perwnnrl.

He thm «dded thnt while tU< ehUf h»d demnndfd reor.l»ntuitlon of ■ the court on thi sroiwd ttitt tome JudiM were to< old, he recepUy had -'appointAl i ircr»ury of w*r who wa» beyondihfl •p* ’|litjt h f l . K t . " . ..

Btcnk Chwk. •Wlllkle noied thnt npproprltkUon

■* blllA muit be • Inaucurnted In the house or rtprMentntlvM.- nnrt wild (hb win done orlRlnnlly to prevent • thief executive from •Dulldlns «1thln him.'elf-enonnouii-power.”

"And yet," lie luild. "retAlnlns the form and abnndonlnir the substAnce. thti admlnljtrntlon InslMrd shortly nfter It'came Inlo office on hni-lnK blank dl.w tlon»ry. npproprlaUon.i made bv fonsm i.

*U'« power lo reeled UwU In 1S36 und llfl Rltempt to rcclrct I tic lf.ln 1D10 U bulcally built upon th o u

, blank cheek*."Centendtni! t lu l the admlnlsti .

tlon had "UMd fundu npproprlnted by conitrfM ta Infliience coiiRrer^i to appropriate more funds In Ihp rj^me manner," llie csndldatc <in1d hr eeiuld Blve numerous envmple.i oi how 'thr pre.'^ent ndmlnl.itrntlon hn; "coBcrnlrated power . in lt-i o» t hands." anti added, - th n t Is the road by which ever>' modem democ­racy h»* Konr-"

M etim Vnqu'esttonrd •Wlllkle « ld he would omIL the

(lueMlon of motl<re>, "wlilch I shall (CeBllni>«4 ea P>ir« :. C«)iimn tl

•War Comes to the Associated Press’s Door

SI-AIIE o r FIIlE eaiued bV an »erial betnb llrliU ap tl\c London ofOfe btilldint of the A«»ofl»led rreu . The bomb fell at Ihe front door dorinc * German air raid . T h r ila ff w t np Itmporary headquarter* <l»e wherr. but relum rd aflrr th r r c a n d a half lionm. The bomh drmolithed Ui*-hulldlnj eppotllr. ahallrrtil windowa In A r boitdlnr and llltrred reeepdon hail wlih debris. Objrrtu a t left arr iandba(>.. Tills pi'«rai cabled from London. ' '


- Sfopf,P o i t a l E r ro r

COliUMDU.g, O. - J. pontmoater (of all tlihiR^1»T<J. O.. tried to wiaH ft U tter Isifct night and broueht .flRht pieces’ of flre-flRhilni: eJjulpment to n down' town Intersection, Stopf, nltcndlnK the national pojlmasters'Uon. admitted he ml.stook alarm bot for a malt box.

B uahed KANSAS CITY-Llriilennnt Col-

onel Pred M. MMn, army recniltlnK officer, received the following ret>orl from a hara.ucd rceniltlnK serseant a l a Mijjourl branch office:,

”n if ru<h thU week of d raft dodR- en, floaler«, hlshbroira wnVlnR M: corp* only; flyinf cadet* wltlfelRhth Crade education; Importnnt citizens wantlns Information: preacher*, doctor*. l»*7er*. dcnlLst.i, reserve of- fleers: C. c , C. pluw with ndmlnl.i- tratlre dUchaniei; married men with and wlthmit kids; In /ac t, e r- erythlng eicept snpd ulnRle men wantons enlistment In tbe line of .the «rmy.'

C lose Enough , KANSAS crry - Mr*. Dorothy

, Oroo, 27. fainted wlim she looked out a wlndav and saw fire trucka jtopplne before her home. A city ambulance phyildan revived her and Informed her It wns the house next door that w u on fire.

M ftfb o So •PEORIA. IIL-A policeman hailed

a motorlit who had anarled traffic by'trj'lnB to m*ke a "U" turn on a buiT street.

~8ay, you can't do tha t," he barked, wtlklni over to the car.

'Hie motcrtit glanced left. rlRht, Itnd (hen a t the policeman, .

"Oh. I believe 1 can make It," he rea.-iaured the officer.

County Clerks Enlisted For Draft Registration

F L y t i SERVICET w in Falls, B u r le y M e n

Announce'P lans fo r Operations..

ComplcUon of prelltnlnivry dflalLs for formation of a new company to be krawn as the AsMciuted Fly- InR 6cr\'lce, wm ftnnoiinced liu.t niKlil by Al Seed*. Biirlry nlrporl manancr. whtio In Tivlii f-alls to confer with local lnlerfsi.i m thi ronccm. .

Piirpo.’.e.\ of the fompi\ny will hv elude avntliiblllly for iraiiililK .*,tu dent pilots under the civil aero natitlcs atilhonty fllRht trnlnlni prORrnin. to ofter charter trip.*; nerlnl laxl wrvlcr. anrlal photeprn- phy fiicllltlcj, BlgliL- fliiR trlpn and aircraft malnlciiance and repair.'. Company ofrieiaU Indleatrd that, the OAA Iralnlns work may Ineliide rol­

ls well as noii-colleKe pha.ir*. ilnlns nl the Albion Normal

Is anticipated.Mrmbtr* Named

The compsiiy will coiisLm of.H ar- ild McKean and Kerx Senli, Burley,

and Jack Whe. Tivln Falb. Doth Wl-'.e and RtnU now are actively enRafied In CAA liistrucllon. hnvc had ezteaslvR pilot lr;\lnlnR and hold re-rated mstruciorj' certifl-

Wbe. who ha,s had.sU years of experience as a pilot. U a crndualc of the BoelnB Sehool of Aeronautic.-:, and haj been.ln.itruclor In Twin Pnll*' tralnlnc proKram Mnce lti\ Inception both In ground school and fllKhl training. Seedi has been fly- hiR forflve ycam and Is a student of Tex tUnkln In Uie ichool of acro­batics. and Li now ensaged as CAA

it Uia University

" Company.. ItHO Cub cruLier,

(ConllauuS I’m 2. CslumR I)

I d a h o G o v e r n o r C a l l s f o r C o o p e r a t i o n i n

R a p i d . X ( r d e r l y L i s t i n g f o r

C o n s c r i p t i o n

(By Tlip Asjoclated Pre«)BOISE, Sep t. 27 ~ A call to Id ah o 's county c ltrk .^ to u .«

a ll t l i e lr rcsource.s In fi.'i.'iurlnK a rap id , o r d e r ly ,r e g is tra tio n of I d n h o ’.t c o n .s c r lp t lo n - a R e ,m c n O ct. 16 w a s jn n d e to d a y by G o v ern o r B o tto lf .scn . • N

T h e f lo v e rn o r» n l60 .spbc tcd pe rsonnel fo r th e se lec tive .>!ervlce n c lm ln ls tr^ lo n a n a e -it lm a tid th e n u m b e r a n d loca^ t lo n / J f th e v a rlo iw c iB e n e les . Hla jcQ jiefit to th e c o u n ty clcrk.i w a s .m n d e b c c a u sc . 'h e ex ­p la in ed , on th e m w ill Xnll th e b r u n t of a r r a n g in g f o r th e r eg l.s tra tlon .

Tliry are to arruiiRc with election JiiilRe;, to oiwa rrnular |«lllnR place In pnrh iirrcliict between 7 a j nnd 9 pin. on reiclstration divi' an to call in Jiifflclenl n.v.L';t«nce I

/or. Uic rcKlstrantA.. work will be paid for.WJi" c. tlmalpd■ enrh. rcRl. trr

would,care for from 30 lo 50 res|: trani.'.

Rrcl.Mratlon forms, conil.sllnc otI kin; cation I kppt

rpKl-'trnnt and uneUicr filed, will be siippllpd to the

clerks from slate Ijeadqunrter*.ttlih an instnicllon book-,

but the cliTks must dl.itrlbutithr p

Prrr.on.1 hnnclIlnR the cards musl riccouiit for all In Uielr linntls, Tlie rierks nrc lo appoint chief regLs- ;rnrs lor each ISoard.

Kacli teKl'trar Is em|)owercd lo nnkc notations oi\ Uie cards os lo n'heiher or not he believe* the resU.ttai\l Is Bn^werln« corrccUy.

.Major Norman B, AdkLson, bhIsI- .ijit to Adjutniit aenern i M. O . Mo- Connel, whom the Kovernor has

ilgnaled slate jelecUve aer\'lce di­rector, said II wa.1 esUmnted'7BJ)00 Idnhosns between 21 nnd 35 In­clusive would be required lo rcRlster nnd that liSO of them would.be clnsicd as Immedl.itely avftllnble. The first cnil tJ expected In mld-Novem-ber.

Translcni* thplr resldcnc

icarest p

n nway from lo reglMer In mtl Uielr car*


1 3 'Passengers Escape W ith M inor in ju ries a t Moun

t^ in HomeA Union Pacific bus carrMnt

p.ii-'eiitfr» plunsed from the roid, turned completely over and then rlchled ItMlf. 12 miles south of Mounliln Home'at 6:40 p. m. ye»' terilay, but occupants escaped f.erl- out lii)iirlcj, InvestlRallng office™ .said last nislit.

Four paisenger.s were sllKhtly Ih- Jiired, Tliey were;

Mrs. E. L. Simonson, Wendell, .wiilp wound and powlbly broken no'e; f:, D. McComiel, Bol.v, facial rwts; Q«U\ Chm ln, M o u t\ lf t ,lp Home, neck and shoulder Injuries; John Hurd. MounUln Home, bnilsej.

Other paMenRers and Drtver Fred nif'-siiijier, DoLw. were reported to bi

Tlic e«l.bound local was imvel' In? from Boise to Twin Fall* when Ihr accldcnt oceurrcd as It ejitcred n M<ior of ncwly-constrMcted n>#d. A pa-wiiKcr told Deputy Sheriff Bob Love, who ns.sUted Earl Winters. El« more counti' sheriff, and SU te Of­ficer Hsrold Quem.scy, Olenns Fer-

In the Inve.iUgatlon. Uinl the(C«nlfnu») en r*f. J. Column 51

Planes Tuned for Air ShowTlie drone of motor* u alrshlpi

j-e pul through difficult paces. ilummeUng figures of parochulo

Jiunpei? and ,Uie variety of special slunU will combine to ibrlll Uie hundreds flf pertops expected a l alr- ahow* Vo be suismS'-today arid B\in-

. a t the Twin PnlU municipal airport.

Pinal delAllj for the event, which ipens a l 3 p. m. today and 3 p. m. tomorrow, were completed a t a meeUng. la*l night ot Uie sponsor­ing Idftlw Pilot* association,- Tsri|i Polls chapter, n t Uie RORerwn ho^ tel. to Indlcato lhal eacli show will offer nearlr-three hour* of concen- im ted Utrlll*. ■

. ' 61at« Conteitj Enlivening Uie program will be'two

Impromptu contests—acrobatic bom* pcUtlon between Laura Ingalbi nnd Uie famed Tex Rankin and a de­

layed paraclmte ium plne oveni In ftlilch Dorothy Barden and Eddie Dimn. Boise, •ii-lll vie... _

WlUi Uie crowd as Judge In Uie acrobatic contest, a trophy wUl be ftwortlcd the winner, official* said Ifts; nlslit.

Durtns iM t svlshi-'s m ecU ns t\l the noficrson hotel, one new member and one honorary member, were lAken into the pilot*’ ontnnlxaUon. Joe M. Gardner became & member, nnd Corl N. Anderson, p resident of Uie Twin Pall* Chamber of Com­merce, for hi* "greai service and w6rV for jidvanccment of avlaUon in Twm Pttlls.” was vpted nn hon- onirj- membership.

Orriclali Attend Present a l the sewlon were W. H.

(Pete) Hill, state d irector o f aero- naUUes, and C, A. Lovelnce, CAA In-

or. who wlU Bupen-lse the *lr- . Mr. HUl spoke briefly, point­

ing out that Twin Pall*:and rounding lerTttory are fortunate In having an alrthow featurliiR such na(lonal)y-kno«'n figures as Tex Bankln and Miss Ingalls.

Ttie next dinner meeUng wn.i an- no«nttd Sot. Wednwdfcy a t 9 p. m.

OffkUali announced last ulgl't 'Uiat amngemenl for almost 5,000 sraU, In addition to parking space, have been made, so Uiat eveiTone .will be able 10 see eveo' feature of the air itiow.

Events will include Uie. 10.000 de­layed p&mchute Jump of Dorothy Barden, ao’robaUcs by Tex RanUn, Bin Carter In a comle dem onstn- Uon. Prances Ola*. “deod-iUck" arUst; U u ra IngaJisT long-dlst&nc* woman flyer, and cliamplon woman air acrobat;-«Jr]ilan«-doff fight,' radio control flight and mQck “dog­fight."

U. S. In te n d s to Continue

Coiu'seiRv Pvev.i

W ASHINGTON. S e p t- 27 — Thp Wa->ihlnKton R ov c rn m P iit m ade It m ore th a n p la in toduy th a t I t In tcnch to fo llo w lt.i p re.sen t forclRii pollcle.s — 'In ­c lu d in g th a t o f as.sl.stnnce to Q rc[it B r ita in — rrRarcllc.s.'i of th e th tn fy di.s'i;u/.sod w arnfTlg to thi.s c o u n try c o n ta in e d In Uie new •Oenniin-li.illan-Jaiii military' ulllance.

Hull told before fiecrr formal statemciil. ,%svinK lh a l It hai been fully exi>ec(e<I, anil •'full;

1 Into acrount by the Kovcrn' : of the Unllert Statnr, In tin

delermlnliir of thl.s coutiiry s poll

Aid for ItritaJnt almoM rxaclly th r r.nuie llmr ,l(lent l{oo. evclt »^as eni;nRed Ji

iicilvliles which r,<-urcely rnu ld havi r.'.c.iped the ' nllrntloii of Berlin Rome and Tokvo. In qulck^uccrs Sion he received Lord Lothian, thi British nmb;i.v'ftdor, and a parly ot l\UcoUenR\ . . . . • urclng all i>ov.lble help to EnRlatid and UienrfMiered upon x confrrenn with officials in cliarKe of Un American de/en.^e program, / r.ptkfsman for the ald-to-Hrltiilt Kroiip sni<l it had brrn "enUiuslasl rally encouraKed,"

l i i f part- iva* motivated, a pre •ailing opmion^ mn. by a desire or

the pnrt of liie nxis powers to stoj retard Amerlrnn help to Great

Britain and. In the same way. to enf ■•ueh anll-Jnpane,-j? actions ns U:i rerrnt loan to Ohlna and -the -ban - nlnE o{ Acrap Iron and steel sale:

> Japan.Eye on Far Cast

The only apprehension apparently fell by sUte departm ent officials, who received word of Uie conclusion of the treaty with a noticeable li Of surprise or excltemr'nt.'wiis Hint 11 might eneourftKe the exlreniLtt Rroup of the Jnpanese mlllwry clique to some atcRravailon of the situation a t Shanghai.

Tliere wns no slijn U iat, t United Stales wa.s planning furtli Immediate economic moves aRnlnst he Japanese, but It was plain I leverai-TniclT-jcconoml^ weapons mil held in reserve — InetudlnR erection ot an embargo ORnlnr.t ports of Jupane.'.e silk. Such n step,

IV believe, would h it Japan in « vilal'spot.

Pretldrnl D trtlne i''At Tresldrnt RoosCv'flfi mic!-

morning prea.i conference, he de- cllnrd to comment on the pact be­yond answerliiR yes and no, r,ome- uhnt archly, lo a question wlieUier

le treaty had been expected. Secrrlnri' Hull, a t his press

fepence' a 'few minutes later, drew ■ •prepared statemenl from

le coat pocket and read 11 " n ie reported nRreement ife," he said, "does not In Uie view

of ihe United SUtes. substantially nlier a sltuatbn which ha.i existed

cveral years, Announcemenl of Uie alliance merely'mrikes clear to

relaUonshlp which hM long exlsted-and to which ih lj ROvem-

haa repeatedly called a tten ­tion. •

lal such, nn agrecinent ha* been In procevs of conclusion ha* been well known for some Ume. T liat Incl hn* bren fully inken Into neeount by the Ri-em m cnt of Ih* United Slntes In the determining

Its country'* policies.”Mm i reaction lo Uie axis pact at

Uie capital empliaslie<l Uie need for speeding Uie American defense pro- gnun. Saying the treaty hnd been expected. Senator Barkley of K en­tucky. the DemocraUc floor lender, added Uint It 'should be a warning to UJ,"

Senator W, R. AusUn (R,-VU). the aaslsUmi Republican floor leader, obsen'ed Uiat It showed "tlie Ideology of world revolution In Ui'e midst of which we are Jusl an island."

lator Clark (D,-Mo.), remarked Uml -It ought not to make the illRhtfat difference In our policy be- ;nu»e our policy ought to be to stay out of «-ar.-

Senate Confirm s Bryan a$ M arsbal

Wa s iu n q t o n , Sepl, 37 (VPy—The senate confirmed today Uie nomina­tion of Edward Millard Bryan as federal tnarshil far'Idaho .

BOiaE.'sept. 37 (/P) — Edward M. Dtj’an of Bobe, whose nomlnaUon

United atntes marshal foe Idaho J eonftrmed toiday by (he senate, a former state aeitinauUcs direct-

and l«}t winter wai c>alrman of DemocraUc Jaeksm d a ; d lnnen throughout Idaho.

Jle formerly lived In Ooodlng. and oi Ute has been employed In Uie sta te forestry deparuneni as an engineer.

— D ryaa-vas talked of .as tta te ' jlartjr chairman,.but the post w ent' to Robert Coulter of Cascade.

World'.s (;:ipiliil.s (’onuiMMil on'l'ri-Pou(*r Milil;n*v AIIiari<*e

.Sovirl Rll;: 1 lo la.^i icn t of ih«- G f-rn

nlK hl iF rlr in y ) . h a d : ;in • I ta l ian - .lapiinr.M '

ihcr.p U'cTc, In ,siib.;i.iI lo

hf“r ppoplc, bu t from RuthorU'.ittve c o m m c u ls : : - -

W ashing ton : I t I,-; ■ 'a '.slliialion w hich h a s lo n e I'Xl.'.tcd In p f frc l" — S c r rc la ry of S ta le Htill,

Tokyo: •Japan w ill n o t e n te r th i‘ K itroiii 'an w a r o r a t- ta rk aiiyoiip, b u t s o m e th in g m ay com e u]i u h l r h w ill call fo r "inonii'iUmi.s dcfl- 'ilon ."

Rome: Thn iln lU ’d S iatc .s had b e tte r kccji o u t of th e ■'llvlnK .si)ar(‘;; ' o t th p th r o e :;l(^natorle.’. a n d , m o r r o v e r , re-

froiTi iislnK U d ta in 'r ; f a r ea.'^tfrn bii.so.'; l ik e Sfn^’apore , J-oiidon: T h e p a c t 1-s th e n in st m o n ic n to u s d ev c lo p n ip n t

since th e jirc -w ar R ns.^ l.^n-G crm an pact, lnlcn,ctcd to "In - tln ild a to " tlie U n ite d State.*;, d iv e rt h e r a i te n t io i i to t h e fa r pa?:t nnd curb h e r a id to D rlla ln .

S))aln; II m e a n s t h e U nlle tl Stale.-; inu.sl '• r e n o u n ce " p lan;, lo " In te rv en e " a n n ln .s t a n y nf th e th re e pact-.';lt;nerr;. I t brlni:,-; Sjialn elo.ser to th e axis.

H illei- S tages Ceremonial


B ig S c a l e .A t t a c k s On B r i t a i n R e n e w e d

G r o u n d G u n s B e a t O f f U a i d C l i m a x i n g

D a y - L o n g A s s a u l t . s

' (By 'D ie A.MorlntMl PreM'LONDON. ?eiH . 28 ( S a tu r d a y ) — W ith a m ic h ty ha r^age

th a t a lm a u .sm othpred th e sound o t f a ll in g bom b.s, Brltl.’ih g round gun.'; early to d a y f o u c h t a h eavy Nazi a i r r a id o n Lon- d o n —th e c lim actic a t t a c k In a c on iln iilng serle.s o f n.-isauH.*! Ino.ied ye.sterday by hundred .-; o f G erm nti p la n e s u p o n a ll E nglm id . . . • •

Soulhe.i-U L ondon w n s In te rm it te n t ly n.s b r ig h t a.'5 'day u n d e r th e IjRht o f N.ir.l f la r e s ; jalvoe.^’of explosive bom b.s, a n d In cen d iarie s iw w ell, f e l l In th e c ity from so u th e a .'ii norUiwest,

Nowhere' ti.'u Uie antt-.ilrc orUllery more ihundcroiw ihat the very center of the mrtror Tliere, loo, heavy bombs came d —three In quick luccc.v.lon In instance.

was a major nllack, one of Uie le.1t In many nlglit. During tlie

day Uie NaiLs had stnirk nfcaln an*' tiRRln a l London, bu t Ihelr RrraX Inrmatlons were broken up .short oiniii city,..said the air rhinlilry, nnd Uu [lamaRC In London from tho'.e foray; was officially declared to have V en iHSht, • •

Ry 10:43 o'clock la.si iiUlit <2:4: p.m, MST.), the Mr mlnlMrj- -nn. nounced. at leaul 130 Oenii.-ui plnnj; had been shot down to 3< British

s. Al alniosl the .laine time, s declared that a recapimlntlon

of the books of vlolerC>e r.liowed lhal more Ujan l.tXW raiders had been de.stroyeif during Sepiember—the

International At a Glance(By The A.uoclated Press)

ROME-nEflLlN-TOKYO ,4X18 Japan Joins Germany and Italy

in alliance aimed a t tying U. S. hands In European. Oriental wirrs: Ru.islins In London aay U.S.S.R. also gravely Uireatenetl Jf Hitler failed to consult Rtnlin before-

Ihitli?: Soviet public has not heard about II yet: Hull says nctlon long dl.scounted. American forelpn pol­icy remslni unchanRed: Japanese say they are nol entering Euro­pean connict.BATTLE FOR BRITAIN

England westhcni blggesl day of rnlds: BrlUsh announce 13 Nad attacker*, 3t R ^ P , craft downed: Germans list Is 7S Brtilsh. 23 G er­mans; Oermaas launcli 21st night of as.saults on London; BrllUh nlr. men dump more bombs on vltpl German Industries and invasion ports. . : • ;


Reicti A ttem p t C iia rgcd to Force A m erica to

T urn W est

LONDON. Sepl, 57 (-T-)-Tlie Oer- jnnn-ltallan-Japaner.e mlllUiry al­liance has opened a new phase Ir the world's wnrs—a phn.sa.^f at- tempied Intlmlclntlon ot Uie United States, in Uie Briash view, and of grave threat to .Soviet Russia, In Uie opinion of Informed Russians Uicni.'rlves,

RiLvslan sources descflbed Uie So­viet t/jilon's pasltlon ns •'dangeroiui and very crave" bu t.M id Uie cnn of Uie que.\tloii was w hether Oer- ni.\ny had Informed M«»cow In ad­vance of the irl-power alliance a; Uiry held she was botjnd lo do by J clause of tlie pre-war 'Rurjilnn-Ger-

lan non-aSRre.Mlon ireaiy. •If Uils was not done, unofficial

.sources jjiIcI. the clause of the new treaty purporting to pre.iervx the po- •lllcal status quo o fen e i» ..o f the ilgnatorles as regards Russia. «Tis 'Up service only" to ihe Ruulan- OennAn p.ict nnd "Uie new ag menl turns the antl-Comlm p a d Into a mlllUirj- alliance," •

If Russia actually agreed, they lid,. It would be "In line wlUi her

policy of 'lei Ihe world fight and we will pick up the post- pieces'."

Thbi policy, they Indicated, might be behind rumors of n propor«l non-aggreulon ngrcement between UiB t;.S.S,R, and Japan whlcli would be designed to protect Russia from

r In AiMa as Uie Ruwlan-Oerm an :ord U suppo.sed to_4a IruQli 3no neutral dlplofffaCwW the "pitch-forking Uie United StaOS-

inlo a crisis In world pollUts" and aa “nn admL«lon by Germany that she reallrfs full aid Is being given to Britain and tha t It will Increase tn Uie future to her detfiment."

BKilLIN, S e p t. 2" — G e r - riiany, J a p a n n n d Ita ly b a n d e d

I to g e th e r t h e i r t o ta l i t a r ia n arm,-, a n d th c .en e rg les o f th e i r f]iia rtc r billion people to d a y In a te n -y e a r p a c t of m ll lta r> ' a n d econom ic c h a r a c te r w h ic h m ean.s p la in ly th a t al! th r e e will h e lp each o th e r a g a in .^ the Unlled .Sl.Ttes If any one of llirin beromr.i Involved «lUi Amer- lc.i.

■llih Ur.iiirtrrboli of authnrllarlan diploiiiary, rnncrlvcd and stase- ni;iii;ii.T(l doBii lo tlie names on the. doited lines by Adolf Hiller, was slKned this afternoon In Berlin'* siuni>!uoiis nrK-.£liftlicellery by the fordirn mlnl'lers ot Germany and llaly nnd tlie amba.wdor of Japan.

--.(Aulhorltntlve AvvKliilecl Press soiircn lorr.'liadourd the p a d two llflJS RCOI,

I'lillnl Slates t.'nnienUonedTli'* trr,itv it,^Ml iloTj noi mcn-

But iliLi much Is clrar: No Euro- ■pe.in po'.vrr. save Soviet Rus.iU». cat» ever think of attacking the glgna-

Govlet Ruisla. however. 1*, espe­cially named In the treaty's llTttcle five, which B«vs carefully th a t lha •Apolitical statvKjrlilch exLiW now" between e a e h ,- ^ the contraeUns [)owers nnd IjJie Soviet Union Is In no wise nfferied, Germany now hoa a non-aRRre.sslon pact wiUi Ritisln.

TUcrefnrr, tlie U nllk SU les U the only other power envlxnged by article 3 of .the pact, as folloni:

"Gcnnnny, Italy nnd Japan . . , underuke to a.-uLst one another with all political, economic and mlUUuT means a-lien one of th* th rw po»rtr«' - • w aU acW .by » •power i t p reseat no t Involved In ihe European war or"* In the Clilnese-Japnnese conflict."

OpposliloD tin e UpIn the eye* of n fu tn l obserrera

Uie clraresl nffect of Uie trea ty WM this: If Uie United SUles c n l« n Ihe European'war alie will be en­gaged Immediately In Uie Pacific by n Japanese navy which is the th ird . larRcsi In Uic world; and so Involved that Uie United Slates fleet would lidt be able to be of material o a l i t - anc* to Britain In elUier the AUsn- lie or the Medllerranean.

In the words of Foreign M lnlrtcr von Rlbbcntrop of Uie Uilrd reieh U ie. pncl also 1* directed against ' •'Inciters to war" over the world and tho,',e slate* which "harbor the In ­tention of mixing in. Uie final phase nf the solution* of problems Irt either - Europe or east Asia.

A foreign office spokesman u ld flaUy Uiat among Uiese “w w In- •cllers" Is “a certain group In tha United States,^'

Sphere* of Interest'Formally, the pact recognUca

spheres of Interest on the two tides of Ihe world: Japan^* "new order In greater east Asia" and Uie O erm aa- Ilallan “new brder InsEurope."

I t Is not clear wheUier J a p an . 1« lo be recognlted a.i the master pow­er In so far os U e Philippine Islaoda are concerned.

Contrary to many expectatlom. Sm ln was not even menUoned In foaays’ ceremonies. Oonjecture w led between Ui« belief Uial Spain Is not yet ready to mortgage h e r . future nnd the conviction Oiat both

and Spain are merely wklt- ■ ■ ' ■ jnbmmV,

Style Reviie and Auto Show Slated for Monday Eveiiuig.

Tlie "»liow will go on" Monday when the. combined Pall Paahloa

and ' Auto . show, originally tcheduled-.for l u i tiislit, »IU be >resented a t 8 p. m. In downtown Ta-ln Palis. Because of unaetUed weaUier condlUon* Friday. mer» chant4' bureau offlcInU decided In favor of Uie later date.

Twin Palls' business secUon don­ned a fall atm uphert;.last evening, lowetBrrfa*. wlndSwg earr>-lng wo­men'* re»di'-to-wtar modes^ and men's cloUilng «tylcs for fall were unvcUed a t 7:30 o'clock.

In announcUsg the postponement. Chairman Trank Coot pointed out that eon^tnKUon of the apeclal ramp, upon which model* and mo­

a n win appear between the

Fidelity National bank buUdlng and Twin Fajl* Bank and T rust Mcn- pany buUdlng on M ata -amiue would require a a extended period, imd Uiat It wouJtl be u n w is e ^ w tr t U wlUi Uireatenlng w eather inaklps Its removal probable. .

In preparaUon for the Uoaday night event, model* and car* a rt to be on hand a t 7:30 p. m . on 8ht>- ihone a tree t beside th e Bonk and Trust company bulldlns. to Uiat or* gonixatian decaUs may be completad. by e p. m. for s ta r t of the ahow.

Features of the event wUl Include special background music, spot- lighUng of cars and Uie models which they wUl carty and descrtp* tions of JM l automobllM and new fashions > 'u Uiey appear on Use ramp.

Init for a p«recholoB'e*t Ji which to spring an anniof alliance.

Late today Count O aleaso Clooo. the Italian foreign minister, had a long talk with Ramon S e m n o Suner, who ha* been in Berlin for some Ume as Generalissimo Fr&neo'< special envoy.

EffeeUn Tmmedla^iy - The pact b effective IflimedUMly.

Joint technical edmmlaslons *w'“ meet a t once.

Before a pale, grey-clad BIC id a full panoply of ita te In t

familiar selUng of axis dlplooxai the gilded hall of sm basadon _Uie Dew Scrlla chaseellery, Btb- benutipsald; •

•This pact . . . t» oot d lnotad.' Bgalnst any oUicr people bu t' elusJvely against U ioe rT S cltam 'to .' w ar and Irresponsible elemeota t a : the rest of Uie world who ara s tr lr* ' ing for a furUier lengUienlng ottk o t the widening scope or Utis v t r . ;

•*rhe pact which b u been a military a&lance between t t m . .

of the mlshUsit states od e a r th , f t ^ u to serre toward h tlnflnc a te p t ' i . a Just order both within tbe X n o ^ ' -

tp h m and also In U » s rM tc r . AalaUf space. A ta n an .-J t : t o 'W r i help to brl&c peace te tbe v o r fd - u < quickly as poiflble. • .■■-V

Ceseentnted M itb r~ \ ' } • ^ e iT (U te which meets tH it Mdo':-

wltti the inteatloa of bslplnc ■tore peaeefol nU ttoBi betwaan p«»<^ plea li wtleooed "pHytitiy g ratetaltr tn d wffl b i tmm ad ' t t cooperate in the poUttcaliaad i ' nomls reortaatiatU a. '•bould I t harbor t U i ____mlxlnt to .Ute f ln a L M w ;« adhiUcm of UMie p ra M n n i 'tB 'l . . o r eastern Alta er-tttftek tnK ’i .

Page 2: Vol. 29, '^o. 1S5 Tokyo Joins Berlin, ^me in Alliancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...An Aaoclated Preu Newtpaper THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Partly Cloudy Vol


H o n o r e d

iPROSPEEIST^cn ipcra fic Ca'ndfdate. -D e­

fends Purchase o f A r­gentine Beef

w rJlrr twin)- brtorr the Dciii

Jfcply !)ial nny -ccniltf- i? Jnrt)(/lcf In th r un lt« l 1 by R cnrflcM nUitcmpn! or our nclRlibon. W li.c

Wftlllicc 'iilil "iiii nil' reprrjcntliiK S(i-lir:irt o Ail Hint was Invohrd.• - n ic aciinrlnifiit o sat Iti nn Dir Ari;i ■grrcmeni, i to Uic (ullr^

ArKfiillne lMil« ilfr.irtd to protcci i(irtj®l(ure. wlilli

» <1t■ eVfryUilns poulblc to Indi

Argenllnn our tlfjlrr to brinu men clojcr to u*." be *al<l.

- TIic convenUon, aficr Wiillnw'. Argenlinr ila!«mciiu, uiutnlinfltuli •pproved a plnt/orm »lUi Uilj p!nnk

-W« .are oppa^cU to ttie United Sl«lc» fovemmcnt euK-rlni; Inti} •ny reciprocal rmdr nKrccmentj wills ftuy fortJfTi counio’ wlflch n ig h t t«nd to be dnmnslng to tht New Mexico nRTlcuKure arut live- •locTc indiulry ”

CAIIL N, ANnEnSON. t f llir T«li> CUaininnifrff t»U nlithl e»mc


POLl ESC onflic t Depicted Between

‘ Forces o f L ibe ra lism and Reaction*

MIAMI, I'la . -S n ’t. 37 ''V. - Tliroii;:h hli wii, i‘;c.'.l(li'iit l io c r - vrit told the imtlontil prf-electloii riillv nl llir Vounn nmiocnillc rhib% of Aiiitilfii lomKhl Hint there nl»uv^ ■S.111 Ik- I’ku vwrllci In l l« UiUt<'<l fitates niid -inevltjhly the stniUKle muM be betwreti the forcei of llbernll-.m mid the /orcm of, r r n c

tYuiikliii U. Ho<viu'll, Jr.. rent Dtrsldriiffl mrs.iiiKe »t » p

Of ilelcuntc' rtprc.'.rt >eniocrntlc cliibi from ilir comitr>'. niliriK my lifuriy kicp

.. .LUfinct), -r (Arllii C.nrii T nrrtr-^iid Vp1<

2.',' of Ji'iome, jobtiiUiMl a

r)AM . ilAwW'-t N. U.-vvMcll'n vcr;.ll>- of.JOnn

meetliii YounK part.i 0

• Dfiiiocrntlr. It hM Inlli- r r ' Its lc;ider» have bo vcr.ir from a Democratic •The woiUl fniiiiot sUlid le wiilchword nf }OUtti in• prosi-'-^’- milticj, whlcl .rrtct ^rllse l.i nnotlier n

liLitend of iypp»r)lp

i-KlMcred brforc ;.Jor AdkljonI of yrr.'^oiim'l o

LDRIFI1 be of tmMiime In er<

noblest.""Dft y m kno« tliai 5n O rm :

there Is still » relclt-itac?" he Jiiketl. “and that in rinly there Is silll i pnrllnment> Tliey preserve nil thi Jornu, but (he mib'tanee is 'Rone.'

Tlie nominee, utandlns iitide' hrlRht floodlldit^ In front, of n bli American flntt, rircrnreil th a t jlemoc racy "car» be made Ihr m nit i>leaj ■ni and the mn. t effective wav o Ute." Tl\c atirtletv:e cheeretf.

Wlllkle freQtiently wn.i in lern ip t M by applause, nnd he Rrh

- acknowlrdcment. Tlio t acalnrt n third term, be-said, In aacred Utnt Uie few times tl American public leadem have ^olll to violate It herelnfnre they hi been overttlielmlnsly defeated."

Up mentioned Grant and "nnotl nbo'evclt" and ihrn ilpcltited tUnt "by practice that tradition hrui be.

a d l t i n

firm r tlonnl nystem."

Willkle made LaFollette.^ du

of c

. driven thrniich tlie Matll.wn biisl ne.« district lo iiie pheer.i cf crord, Tllft'Flelilhon'e. uhlcli hti-s Beallnif papnclty of istwo, was flllec

Mr*. Wlllkle, cnro-liii: n .she,if c red ro.ses, i>ai bpsiiie her hii!.b:in on tJie pIntJorni.

Willkle ntu Introduced bv 0rai Clirlsllan Christiansen of the tinl versttvVi coIICKe of agrlcuUiire, wh,

Child UiiJinrt ill Bikc*C;ir Mishnp

Twin FaUj pollee yesierdny , re­ceived n report from Joe Ends that, while he wa.s tumlns into an alley between Fourth arcmie north and T h W avenue north, a small boy on a blcyrle rnn''into the side 'of the cab which he aa.s drlvlns.

He told officer.' that no apparent tn ju rr or damajc resulted.

.vrncc bo:iids 111 tl cirli county excri

, Cniiion and T»i

of Hiliifiil—nt Irf'vhuin. Uol-.c l’ocntell(>-v,Vrc recnmmcnilrd ih«i Bovemar bMt ce<ii.ilt» tli« i»ceM-

Tlie ctly 10nior apiwuits l-.of) boards (

m .m beri each, Tliey at IlcndQtiarter* at Coeuil-cwislon, Wei.'.pr. Ciililf ..............Shoshone, Tv,ln Falli. Pocatello, Idaho Kails anil SaliiiQii.

He ab-Q sppulntx aUt'Uoryor earll of tlie

locals loci

local cxairiUUnK i>liysl( fo>cN where .•■pccial mraical

:c is rriulrc-<l in determhilnK lit. of physical dcflclcIlcl(• . Jii e«^f^ v.he:f

nnil feels he hiiv Ui .ly deprived of dffcnneix,

can appeal lo (he pre.'ldpiit hlms provlUUiK the boai-d of apprah.

JrclhiK Ills cliifm, hs« done :o tUvktcd ■iOlr. »


111 adjlltfiSn lo tho'.e air <1 \\rte: Mr*. Allee lUrknrll

daUKbler Deverly Dlcknell, italn Home; Alice Campbell, ; A, n, Saunders, Salt I John T. Wolf. Ilnise: R.

Immediately learnp<I.

liMotorConipniiv Owners Chaiiiic

K eep th e W h ite F lag o f S a m v F lv in g

S e v e n co nzeeu tlvc d a v s w ith o u t 0 / a t a l t r o / / l c a c c i ­d e n t in o u r M agic V a llcu . <-

of :i p Motor pi nue north

t Hnlmeiy. 130 Second 11 rail*, by m r s If. rasley, wn,i annoance<l Ins it, Mr, Uolmti-. who came hen e months nso 5rrvmVivUt>n, Nrv

ivhlch 1.S local distributor for I!ad' ■on niitomoblli-s. b T.. V. A.shby, nnd t WM pointed out that Mr, Holmi s ho ,ipcclallfe.s in mfchanlcal plms If the biislnerj, iflll continue upervlse tbop oj>eratton<, whl ■.ir, AJ.hby ^iill hw\fl!eiaUj.


NEW YORK, Sept 27 Ml - Feed the finlmaLj If you like, Bronx soo offleltils told visitor* today, but f ln t drop a nlcKrl In the n e r aul- mnl cracktr machine

The macfiln[^..'5];ich will dispense feSsculta spesAUi- prtpxstd to? w tft-

_turps ranrlnfi from elephaiita to diicfcs. are taklnc the place of th old ••don't feed Uio animaU" i lp i

all kJiow in. -thatr.electnl.


•' he de my fall


r floor ihrl

Rlbbentrop met him at the door, clicked his hcfl», tnllitcd and ^al^l. "Mein fuehrer. 1 report the f.ifmlnij of the. Oprman-ttallan-Japane.se pact."

Fuehrer 1-re.ldes ,■nien the fi

iQunii fhnlr •khltli.liad been sWppeil ' lounrll table, alrcad;

f f l i i o S H o m t ,

P /iC IF ItilP llS tSurvey indicates H aw a ii's

Supply S uffic ien t fo r Only 24 Days

HO.S'Ol.ULU, tiept. 71 i.Vr-'nii Mioime.'.t dcfciue outl>f>.M of thi Liiityd ainlps, 0.ihll lilaiul, h;is i Mipjyv ot ^lIlple loodi .MiffiPlint tc lii-.t. ll :::r),ooy ciyilinn iwpuliition

Oil Oahu, \ylierc I

ar;ny airport; th one of the if U. S, troops, .0 milliarj- rc- navy Of/lclaH icy tlipv could ,n food prob- llty of fci'dlns worrlV' them.

Oilier sliortntf

>n'i?ed for •op, Coun

)f Rliibpi

I hiid finWipd,

;lon. conchidiiii: with the prcdlci :hnt "the final victory that . . . c lot fan . , . will be the sure.st plc'dRe

chin on hw hand. Whei NhPd, n n irr rhook hni , bpckoned lo the Jnpn;

Japan '. S M e 'n i.:

he ^»or(;

y become

H o b o P a r t y P l a n n e d

F o r H a n s e n R . N . A .

helil October 23. iia.te plans for a 0 be held Ocioi>er

llam Emery rencd rrire

P I A N O F O R S . \ L EA B\iiiK a\ow U p riirb t

in f in e condition Sold new fo r W ill Sell N o w -fo r

$ 1 » 9 . 5 0

C L A U D E B R O W NKtusle £ ram llsre Stars •

Siutleiiis ToUl Of Ori(uit War

Dmi U.ile. U inpruiiaii and lre:.-.e<! T',vl:i

>. bud Jacobs and Mrjj. Bud•'•I ____ 1 •'areiiii of Son—Mr. iiul Mra lert U:inlels of CasUeford are Ihi cni.s of a son born yesterday a IVin f^ulls county (teneral liov

\1 nuiternlty home.

iUflilrr r a m —A .diiUKliter- 11 ye.trrday moriiInK to Mr. niiC ,. \V. 0 . Rotsiiison of Tulii fall!hr home of Mr.s. A, C. Zarliarlushri- of Mrs. nobln.’.oii.

l.lt Ell Itoule-M r. and Mrfc. W Moore and family of Boise *er« nilKht KuesU recenUy a t tht lice E. Parka Home. Mr. Moore lie retiring navnl recruiting offl- nf the Bol. e d ljtrlct, and l.s on way lo San Dleso. Mri. Moore cousin of Mrs. Pa riu . , .,

.s Ma.• Demonftfatlon Leader—Mb on KepMorth. .atftte home demon- itratlon nBPnt, arrived In Twin rails ■e.nerday and w!Ui ML\s Margaret nil. district home dejuflnstmtlon ijeiit, will Ro to Shoshone to<Iay to peak during tlie anniial Lincoln :ounty achievement day proKriim.

Mered tl

Inr Set—TJie public I' ttend a prOKram Sund


. . L. D. S. at 7:30 o'clock, sponsored by nealoBlcal society of the Bin Luke will .speak nn

'Temples- P. A, Babbcl «lll apeak Who May Obtain Cele.stial ■• and mu.slcal number* Mil be by Junior musicians.


Opens Today-'as P r e iu d - e ’ to Community Chest

Campaign•ihiK ye.Merday i'

Park hotel, mejnberj.,oI .Uic.-Coai-^ munlty ehe.n cainpalni co iiid Maiiacer Harold llane ilated'plAM for start of a inft employroct^l nurvty to ? dny-n' •elude tc le Oci

Purpose of tJi« jurvcy will be provide data for a record of Ul ih< recelTbiiK Incomea locally as a ba for conducting the campaltn towt

IIOJOO goal.Workers for Uils step In the Co:

lunlty chest «ffon will b< provided by vtrSwsi j*rtitlp»Ung oism tlon.s.


>ld H'if Kimberly, who Is Ii> the LD.S. lOM'iial at Salt Lake. Mrs. Wood iccompimlMl Mr. Hove on the um trip after spending a wed he Utah capital while Mrs. I uctvlMlly wiirttr-s.'enl

n<pllal S'oirt—Ullly rjistleford, .Mrs. P^rrj' Coe of iiv- Ferr^'. Baby Jerry l 'ox ot r. Moyd 01.v:n of Kimberly and rl's S.ittcrlce of 'BuW were ad- ni to the 1' •ln KalU county •r.il ho^pltfll yesttrdny. Patleni.s

adinlltr,! niid dl.\mlwcd yesterday Dorothy ArnBbiiVDale Krnmm, Krumm and Owen Smith of

It Ftlrr.Dorl' U Mur

nl Mur of Buhl.

nllKh n i 1/>U .*.tc



» indlciitl-d that

semcp for farm boyi. who ■ ould be iHLsy. at the lime of the

•Tlrst call, with fall-harvcjilnK ami plailtlni;,

lie prlmar. piiriwe of tli« inii motions, the war departuient e

lOalnt-d. was to "prpvidc commni ipproiiriate rank /or i: . ■Hired brlsradpn and dlvl.i-

tiiere wliejcellciit


th Ilie WTA, en iatts at the Uiould soon be llHon for CAA


\ni A:i'j Kxaiiiiiiali<)ns Set ForM oril System

F i l e r N a z a r c n e s

T o C l o s e R e v i v a J

T t ia t w h o l o i o m e , t a n g y o u t d o o r t a s t e . . .

jujf >«ol ood tc! . . . def;cioui eoW.../>e<5[(/)fuf,.,economrco/,.. order, lodoy, /rom yovr procer.

V a n Q m p 's Porkcnd B E A N S

F e a s t - f o r - Iflo - L o a s f

JI. Charrcy of II •lUe exam.', ivl

d'Alene, Le*lM( ^all^T^vlll^•.al•

\rlfare departm ent ainilicaiil.s Oct

iitpers'l.sor ’nionm?

I i:™ appllranf,. - :;<1 anil .Meiiosraplllc

<i)virpd nnd present mist riuallly lo retjiln

J u b i l e e . S n i f f e r s t o

A p p e a t ^ m H a f f e r m a H• llAOKUMA.-.', .Sept. 27 — Tlie MlS-

si.ssippian Jiibiirr sinker;., world famous, aiii appear In HaECmiAn Monday, Seiil. -lO at 3 p. m. at the

•pd. by ttie

ilU'.ri:il o! Thon


Pn iitt. of


Roosevelt Submits L is t o f 113 Promotions to

SenateWASniN'aTON, Sept. 27 - r —Tliu

largest ma.w promotion of hlch ranking army offlcrrs ) r pejicrlJme hi.story was announced today, as a means of providing commaiiOera for the nation's rapidly expanding land forces.

Submlttlns » list of 113 promotlims to the senate. Uie chief txeeutlvo strewed that the advancemcnu were temporary, a.s In tJis World war. and that the officers would revrrt to their lower permanent grades f.hould they be transferred to le.ss Imjiortnnl duties or the army be reduced In

otloiD, accompanied by ihuffllng of kpy inlhtar^' •cd tlie crcntlnii of S5

irw generalships. They increaj.ed :o 187 Uie number of army officers 3f the permanent or temp<irary iradporbrlKadler general or iiicher.

Asidr from the arniy promoUons icveloiiment.i related to defense tn- 'Itidcd;

'Hie par dcparUijent announced hat It iiad awarded »i:a.7:;r,..(j< of oiifract/ for, tank*, iran;.i)ort and :owbat cara.iin<LarLlller>^ parts. Oc- Ivcrv dates were not dLscloscil.

icliiLs dlwlosed that


.Draftiii.lder I plan


Verdict R eturned In Kiiife S laying

aALMON, Idaho, Sept. r t (/T>— Uter M 'i hourjjdelibcfatlon a d rlcL court Jiin'-Iolay returned - erdlct of Involunury man.slftURliter ij the trial of Blmon W, fDlck ircKpr. ranch hand accused of .slay iig-WIIIlam Hoey. S3.

■Hi# Jur '. whove forfman wa Charles Csjpenler, iialmon, also re onimended leniency.District Judge Ouy Stevens wll

.■.entente Brewer Monday.Hoey. for nine years Pahslmero

valley waiennaster. died a t CliallU AUK, M of knife woundi alleKrdly .suffered in an alteration wlUi Brewer three days before.

■nie Jurj' retired a t noon ye;.ter- day and'returned tJielr verdict at ]0:30 a.m. today,

Preslon .Tliaichcr ww appointed defense coutuel b>' the court, FVed Snook as.iljtf(LCounty Attorney E. W. Whitcomb m the projecutlon.

Conim nnioii'for ‘ Women P lanned ,

"sundai.a t 11 a. m. a t Aseennloi Epistbpal church corpornt* com 0iunlon for membera of all brnnclie; )f the women's auxllldrlcs of thi ;hurcK will be held. At this tlmi 4he Oullrt winUresent the U nl(« Tliank offering. To liiat It may b( forwarded to the tion.

ral .

generacollection Is prc.scnled M

I convention ever)- th^i Tlie national prt.«nta' will be Oct. 10. when

tSOO.OOO and 11.000.000 Is pected to be presented.

According to Rev. InnU L, J ns, the fund Is uaed to fbjn , omen church workers here anti In irelgn lands.

Boltolfsen Backs Two CongressmenDOiaE. Sept.^J7 M ',-If Idatioaiw

ave "any regard for our own state," Governor, Dottclfsen toM U»e Ada county rural Republican chm last night, "we must return John Tliomas

I office,''Tlioma.1, appointed by tlie sov- •ilor last spring to Uie scat of llip

late Senator Borah, seOis election

ir'Ttto-Run e IfglslaUveha

K n u l l G r a n f f e H a s

B o o s t e r P r o g r a mKNULL, Scjil. 21 - Kmill Gihx'ic- s ofeencfl bon^ter nlglit Wrrtnes- ly evening witli D. T. BoliiiKbroIce. )iuity agent; ami A, L. Roiiell o;

Ttt'lti Palls as KUP.it I>caker3,Mrt, C.' W, Ki

second monUi In <^hlch Uiat, figure. had been exceeded,

'T o ycjterday'i almwt'eiidle.-Ji aer- lal dueb al] about the ^iidlsh coa-,t WHS Joined by one of the hcovic.M arUllcry battles of the w ar-a long l>ombardment Jind counier-bom- bardnicnt by German and British Rims ncros.t •JJ'mlles of the Slrait of Dover, duriiig wlUch for 4 Ume Ocrninn sheila StU \ipon Ihl bo%rr area a t Uic 'rate of one every two

Tlie grcBtp.M Cermnn dnylltUit - nerlul assault.s today were In four waves—three directed a l London and another nt the Bristol area.

Over London tliere’ were duCflclits all day long, while ed and cheered tl ders. Stores, bon were amnng the st

*Onc of the mosi-''drnin’Btle In- cldcnta of Uie day was reporinl rom the coast near Beachy Head. A'litchrr* tliprc mw a DrltlsM- ptlnt .ippareiitly (Jellbcrately ram a O n - m nii-Juiikcri pUne. tearing o il lu -

n t the cost of bis own life.

I ousands watch e BfllLsh defni es and chnrclK

from iial tin

ot fpublcd. I


of 3 .irc than a.Sp.DOO c

J e r o m e F a m i l i e s

E n j o y G a y R e u n i o nJKROMr., sein. 2T - Hoiiorpd

..jr.st on her birthday anniversary Tuesrtay evenliitJ'trs. Kiiinie Isar'd,


1 pnJoylnK

C. W, Gill and Mr. and Mr« Wens RrijuRtd the dlunei honoring Mrs, laard’s eighty' birthday.ts bpslde.', Mrs. !.s.ird were d Mrs. J. H. Gill and Mr ■s. Waldon cm , Lo.s Angrles rida Flpld.i, Hollywood, Mrs I'arr. Muscatine. Li„ Mr.s Iter, Nampa; Mr. and Mra. 11. Mr. and Mrs. fipencer , Mr, and Mci. Herbert -nl- 1 Mr.. and, Mrs. Gilbert Til.

1 picture

VA n1.1-4. r-LiIry ai Iry, J,

howliu; t t Posadei

!x>s Angeles-. flood, the Amerlciui [yklon-convention at Lo.» Angeles ind msnv other Intcrestbig jw ln tj n C.’itlfnriila were displayed by ATal- Ion Gill during the dlnticr pnrij-^- Mr-. UmiJ. cWesl o{ w family If fi'p rhitdren,'traveled here last .''•r'.; to nMt the famlllfs of her five -liiltln-n, Including Mr». Nater, ‘Jniiipi: J? ir, GUI, U » Angele.s; >c.ir GUI. Monta Ho-.a, Calif,, and W Gill, Jerome, Wlille In Jerome

aiTillv members living out of ;atp are gup.ns of Mr, and Mrs. • WertA, Mrs. C. W, 0111 and .1X1 Mrs. TA Om.Iin. bppii nbiP years since Uie Yii have all. been togetlier.

he fir.1t practical balloon wm -ntpd b>’ the Montgolfier broth' In 1763 In rrance.


O F C O U R S E /

tile ’s.Master C, A, lloltoay ««'ItP.M of welcome.

C. E. Orlevp sang two. .solos i rpinpniileft Mrs. llollowfty, il;.o played ior croup slngliiR •Ood nier.s AmerU-ft" and "Idah Phyllis and Charlotte I^pei gi -padlngs and Elmer Dos.^etl r< icws Item* from the "Knull Orar

A number of itxltcu-s ivnr pt.-;.(


ViCiiy. Prance. Sept. 37 i-V,—In- ldi-iil\ between Frencii and -Jnp- nesp force.i In Preiich Indo-Chlnn' ave ended and the '.‘new Asia " n t- ord U being applied IB "the friendly, nd confident f.plrll which prrcedrd i sJcnature' the governincnt a n - ouncrd tonight. '


DiUVI-: AN R & r. iisi':i) CAR

From Ibe tlnloii Molar Co, ami .jp l a longer run for your money

SPECIALS36 V-fl Deluxe Cnupe ......... »12S35 ClKvrnlft Sedan ........... J2M37 V-8 Deluxe Tudor .......37 C iim o lrt Town Sedan ...'u tis 37 Plymouth Deluxe Coach .»3DS3B V-6 Deluxe Coach ........37 DpSoIo Tour S ed an__ MTS39 V-8 Deluxe Kordor _:,tW O37 Lafaypttr Seii.sn ___ i37S3< Do<lRe Uehue tkdan — J233 H V-B Deluxe •I'udor ......... iZ ii

T r u c k B a r g a i n sJO V-.fl,Stal;e Pickup ........,to V-H lia Tnick, « HP .,...»79S33.V.H Pickup, { »pced ’ ... HM3B V-B Plrkiip .. ...____MJ53(5 Dodge Pickup ........tK.I37 DodKP Truck, IM Wn .... H50 34 Dodge TTuck..................*176

T^OGELSV P h o n e 3 1 1 -3 1 2

B e t t e r F o o d s

' a n d S e r v i c e

P h o n e 3 1 1 -3 1 2 F o r L C S S

Frcflh GrountI UA.MHURGKR

I l h < ^ . ....... 2 5 c

S W IS S o r CU BE f S T E A K S , lb .........

S ho u ld er PORK S T E A K S , lb........ 1 5 c

S F A R E RIBS.lb . .,n ............- ....... 1 0 c

Sliccd PORK L IV E R ; ib .- ........ ...5 cB E E F PO T RO A ST S, ib ......... 1 0 c

T enderized H A M S. lb. ........... 2 2 c

T enderized PIC- « P f 0 % N IC HAM S. lb... A / V

■All Pork SA i;SA G K

2 5 cL O IN I’OUK C H O PS '

2 ,1 . ...... 3 5 cS IR L O IN S T E A K , lb 2 0 cP o rk BA CK 9 - H O N E S . !b............

S h o u ld e r PO R K «r o a s t s : i b r : : ^ , , I 4 C

P ic n ic C u t PO R K « A ^- - VST. lb ............ 1 Z Cr.A M B o r V EAL S T E W , lb................... S cB A C O N SQ U A RES S A L T POUK,Ih............ ............ 1 2 c

D o Y o u r S h o p p i n g T o d a y a t O n e o f O u r

H o m e O w n e d I n d e p e n d d n t S t o r e s

■ Idcn tific tJ B.v T h is• E m blem



Sp ec in l SaturtlR y P r lc w

, I n A ll‘'D iparlm eriLB

Page 3: Vol. 29, '^o. 1S5 Tokyo Joins Berlin, ^me in Alliancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...An Aaoclated Preu Newtpaper THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Partly Cloudy Vol


RnoR o u g m r t K I t W i t h W a l l a c e B e e r y

B o tto l/se rT C a lls for Repub' \ lican S ta te Adminis­

tra tionBOISE, 6<pt. 27 (/T>— Qovfrncir

DoUolfsen. In Ills !lrjl'»pefth ot the 1010 R tn«al election campalm In Ada county, tonlghi agilj) e»ll«l upon Idihoan* to elect tn all Ha* publican atale admlnbtniilon and vote for Wffldcll U VVlIlHs .for prp.'.Iricnt. t ■

BottoIti.cn alw lilntfd that If .. plccled he would s« k B«aln to

_obU ln IcKLiiatlon creBllnR the olflc* A or atnte comptroller, about whitli

bitter political controvrrsy rBBtd be- , fore the 1039 acl'.creatlna It

W declared unconitltutlonal by the ~ «tal* supreme court.

Jlti niMrerj. before an Atla countf Yoiinc Republican rally, v&i broail- car.t.

Plftlje J-ulfillfd ' f weii6*lnlo tiio office of sover- ir.on n campaign pledse of hoitfj-

ty ^frl^lr^1ry miit_lntf-r»;Office and 1 defy anyone to »ucccsj- fully cliallrnKc my rccord on that ncore," said Uottolf;.en, who »«kj a sccond two-year term.

He poInt<'<l out tliert had been neltlifir a Bpeclal Ipsislntlve stylon nor n urimd Jury Invc. tiKnUon dur-

■ InK hi.i admliiUtralion.Tlie former wa.i not needed. Hot-

tolf.icn (mid. “bfcnuse of Uic fore- nlKhi of thl.i adniUiUtrntlon a:id the lcKl.ilatuie la placlnK the burden ot public Khool nnd relief financing on an ad volorem bajili,"

T liat cJianRe. lie aald. refleved tlia'»e-UeDi'«n'fnt4 of dcpendencj on Uip ."Intcrmlircnt and hlRhly tin- cert.iln Income from eitclse

■’W elm ve been accuned of deeelv- a ’ Inc the cltizcni of Idaho becams ^ we mode the stalcmcnl Ihal iibt otie

y Im-

iised to pay operatlns'expen«» of the nuite Rovenlmrnt except for public lifliooli and relief."

‘ nor continued."I ftMuro you Uial our auiement

. . . Is absolutely true. We guaran- tffd th a t Uiese two psjtntlal func- tlon.i of modem state Rovemment, public achoola and relief, need h. .. no fears of uncertain and fUietuat- Inc Income.'

Of Uic niillonal eleciion, DoHolf- trn declnm l 'Wcniletl L. Willile and Uie Repuhllcsn parly offer to the cltlrcns of Uie Unlled Slates an Ideal,"

" It Is not ft nea- Idenl .but cobwcb.i of ncKli-cl nre Iwlnu bnnh- e<l iiway and the people are b«lnB AhoaTt once anftln. the pnlliway prosperity . . . I t Li Uie pathway of hone.ity, almpllQlty and InteBrlty,'

Complroltrr Kiui>On the comptroller l.-sue. conlest-

rd jucrrr.itully by Stale Audllor Calvin K, Wrteht. a Dcmocrai. a: cncroachlnif on Ills dutlej, the jcver' nor comment«l:

■•With tire help.of the Republican members of Uie leelslaturc

. '(W hitehead and himself; were A' to obtain the pa.uace of some ...• cellenl leRLslatloii. Some of what

we UiouKhi WM excellent lenlslatlon was found to be uncomtltutloiml' th e form In which It was pi.yed, but we may try U over ataln becaw. we sllll believe In the principles In-

In hl.n plea for a Republican slate admlnlstratton. the Kovcmor pointed out "the only Republican elective officials In the stiyti govemmcnl dtirlnc the prcsnit bltnnlum luva been Lieutenant Oovcmor.WiUc-

rjiend. and"Much, of the st,ntc bmlneu b

carried, on by cniploycs that/are aubjccl. no t to ihe sovcmor, but to the several stale bo:\rtli, on each of wlilch your present Kovcmor Li a lone, minority member.

. • "TJint Li one reason tiial It, Is of vital Importance tJial there shall be

• elected n full ticket of Republltan sta te officials. I t Li not fair to any Kfjvernor to clecl him' ai nominal chief executive of Uie mole, and then to Ue hi* hands Itf' forclni: him to a ll In a minority position on the im portant policy determining boarda of tha »Ute,"

n SottoUaen u » r t« d conulldatlon

B rarad1%« for WalUcc I hunUnc ramp, pukrd

... ........................... ITTtBfbefnre llif camrra.The fanioun' nimrod fbilird In Jackjon Lakr whllr tiioir foTfrrtf'ilie

r hb rifle and flihitig rqulpmrnt In ramp.

Food Stam p Phin lixlciiMoiiSiglilei■hied

■ A u n t A bby says

WASHINOTON. Ei'pC, 27 (-T,-RyV Dworshiik (t l - Idaho) annnuiiccd iftcr conferences wlih offlchils gl

Oie nBrJcullwre «Jcp.ir_wjriitjJi/ii had been assured the surplus ifts*-" ketmg admlnl-itratlon woulcLfnake a, survey'of dctcrmlhc the ffjjiblllly of cstnbll.'.liliiK n warehouse a t Poca- iWlo or Idaho. Fj iUs in wulhi'aslernIdaho;-------

If such n wnrehou.*^ (houlri be established. Dworahak said. It would permit extension of the food slamp plan to U ial section of the state. •The plan wos 'extended to nine counties ncar^ BoLic on la. t Wed- nef.day.

Idaho A n Week C hairm an Named

BOISE, se p t. 27 t,r,-Mr.v. KdnU L, Cnrpeiiter of BoLv has been dcs- iRnntrd chnlrmiin of tlir Idaho cum- mlttcft for n n wrek, to be otiscrved nationally the la.it week In Novem' bcr.

Her nppolntinent. by Francis Hen­ry Taylor, director of the Metropol­itan Muf.ciim of art In Nr*’ York City, wiw announced today by Doan W, Miller, work projeci.s admlnl^tm- tor for Idaho.

Morp than 1.000 Mle.-;-exhll)l[-i arr belnff firriinr.fd throuRhnut the nii- tlnii, Mllirr nald. at which Anirrlcnn art.-! aiicT c ra fts will be m UI at soniihic prices.

Mrs. Carpenter'al'.o was appoint-'1 a member ot Ihe national c

cU fo r.a rt week. .Miller addfil.She Li to name eommuiiliy ■

mlller.n to m:il:r local arransm ienu for cxhlblilonri. Tlie ^VPA,jirt pro­gram Is n,'.'.l:.UnK her, the BdrhlnU- U-alor mldeU,

of "a iium brr of dei^arlnicnui am! bureau;/' hud bc<’n iiiccei:,lii! In re- duchiij co:.t-i. /ind decl.irnl “wt have mnlnuilnetl 'ihc highways ol Idpho much better than under pre­vious adhilol.'-,tratlot« and at a

,V fflArkcd reduction In ciisti."■'One of the nccnmpll; lenl.i f

IhLi admlnlstrntlon In which I lake particular pride," he commrnlwl, "Li tlie fact Uiftt we have talircly re­moved tlie relief program froni the humlllatlnc and nefarious partL'-in- shlp th n t ROr.i wlih polUlCBl opera­tion of th a t mo.it important govern­mental activity."

C o l l e g e S t u d e n t s o f

B u h l R e s u m e S t u d i e sBUHL, Sept. 27 - .Mr. nnd .\lr,s.

R. C. Dulkley aiul family dici Mo.icoft'Turr.day, where MlMl’aulllie Dulkley win mroll a t the UnUcr, jlly of Idiilio.—MLv* Janet Runyon went to Mnj- cow WcdiicMlay to rnnllnue hri studies a t the unlver.ilty.\

Junior Mliler returned to iTouWrr, Colo.. Moii(l,iy:v to continue hli studies a t the University of Colo­rado.

Tony Kr.imrr' Harold McKiirlin and Jamr.-i jjo'.mrd wejil lo Pora- lello this wrric lo enter Ihe south­ern branch of the Univer.Mly nf Idaho. .

Ralph Hunt and Ted Pence sumeU Uielr wnik iit Iho. Unlvrr.-lty of IdiOio a t Mwcow this week.

Ted Homlins went, to Albinn Sunday, to enroll In Albion normal school.

Jim Klrchrr left Ruhl I'uciday 10 enter his Junior year at the University of hliilio a t .Mtvvcow.

MlK AUia Canllou went !o Se.itlle Tue.sday. w(iprc she will enroll I: University ot Washington.

Editor, Selioolnian Acldress Fireiticn

NAMPA. Sept. 27 (,T)-rm al bu.0- •M sessions tomorrow, at whleh ot- cer.i are to lie elected, will nirf

the 2fiUi .mnunl mcelinc of Idaho SIhte Bremen's n.\ioclatlonhere.. __ _

Tonlfiht Bernard'SlahiUorlnf: ot Nampa, eidtor of tlie Iilalrb Free Pre.ss. was Uie principal speaker at the n.uoclailon's 2Cth annual ban- Quet.' Meanllme. John Ji. Wabh, Nampa aui>erlntendent of whiK>Is who^J>nke

cately procrams ln:ihc schools, 1 pralr.c from Jiiy W. elevens,

clilrt Of the fire prevention bureau of the NaUonal Doard of Fire Un- derwrllerr., San Francisco, tor what

■ns tnm ed tlic br.a nnaiysLTTif had heard by » .school otiielat.

■ evens sunseaed WnWi appt.ir he next Inlernntlonal Hremfn'a ■enlKin progrivn^. "


nUHL. Sept. 27—John Daly, fer- merly of Buhl, who has been prac- tlchiR law a t Boise the past year, went to Moscow last Tuesday to bccome a member of the faculiy of the University of Idaho, n.i a lenclier of political science. consUtutlonal and bu.ilncM law In the.collesn ot

a M Wrams EtEciP o c a t c l l o C onvcn lion-D c-

(ers A c tion Call fo r Pension Law

POCATKLLO, Sclil. 37 i.V, - De- ferrlnK acilon on u rc-.dluilnn mi- vocalint: the stale lr;;Ulalurr ini.c stejxi provldInK an adrqu.iir prnsion for IdaJio teachers, nlthoiiKli sing It favorably In tlieir fina nCiS session, l.iOO tr.iclirrs etvirii a two-<lay Joint convmllnn here “ I the eii.st Idaho's av.oclatlon iiiui and Alxih dlitrlcLi.

Fxlwln _^rrr.■,chl ot I’re.sfnn war; auUBJiallcalli' .Advanced froi po’lUon of vice prrsldryt to uuii ot president ot llie tlllh di.Mrici C, H. liond of I*Dcalrltn w.i.i I vice pre.-.ldenl and I’rancps ui ot rocalrllo IreaMirer.

Alma E, Teu-srhcr orRcxlmri: » tfcelcd president’f>T the sixth ii irlct. Wllford P. Heyraiid ot RIs wai named secretarv-tri'asurer aii'i Robert A. Esbert of Idaho Falh, vice president.- OUier rc.’.oliitlons Inrludru «i;" that cnllrd tor plovl.^lons for u '" ot aililUlnnal fund If dura are i:i- crtaf.wl n;. propor.M; favoreii in- cuiillnued merllni: In Joint se.s'nm. and reafllrnicd faith and sallslnr- tlon of the uroiip In the >tnle eiiiim- Ijatlon profiram.' At Uils mnmlnic's sesr.lnn, Ihe loiir le;idlnK M»akers of Tuesday's ^e^- .'.lon gave short summaries of iiinr forum dl.scu.s'.lons, GlMng Uie tim;-, were Dr. Paul Witty ant Ho'iard Lane nf Northwe.Ueni uni- ver.slly. Dr, Fril? Rivll of Die un i­versity of Mlrhman*and Dr, Der- wood Baker of »mild*c. Colo,...

iVlolhcr SHiiiis'!'() Uescue Tot

D r c r 1 I n n t r i ' . ' i I * a v

I ( ) n ( - > > c j i s < > n I ’ m ( ^ ^

Eijiht-County GOP ]\Ieol al Goodiii"

O O O D lN ^Sept. 27—HepresenlB' tivfi of Ynune Republleans iron elcht cnuntles cnnvenert a t Gomiuii: Wednerday, meeting In I banfiuet rooms for a tiantiuel. r., ,m , Rayborn of Flier presldnl as loast ma.sler.

During the dinner. Mlu Dorothy Armstrong presented fight high school girls In n mllltnnMap danet*

, . jll»ybnm Introduced Branch Bird. Oooding county Repulillcan chairman, who In turn Injrodured Ihe Goodlnn eotmly canilldales for -piihlle office In the reneral election, nil of whom were present.

Frank ReitlR of Jerome, principal speaker of the rvcnhif. nddreswd Uir group on "Cnnitialcu Prlnclplev"

Unalee Ituv^ell ot Ilncerman pri' senled a vocal ra>Io. accompanlprt. a tho pinno by Mrs. J, W, Jones of Hngerman.

County chairmen ot Ihe '^'ouns nepiibllcan clubi who were pre-ent were Introduced as folloivs; Heibert May of UuiX'rt, Minidoka county: MJs? M ark nurke of Itiirley, Ca.ssnr eoiintv; Ren Barlow of Jerome eottnty; H.iroW Kofnte ot Ham Twin Falls county: Chsuncey Wil­lard of Wendell. Gooding county: Floyd Barrow 'of Fairfield, Csmns County. Blaine, and l.hirnin epunty chairmen failed, tfr’jitteml.'

Mrs. Harel McCcy.lOoodIng cnun-superintendent ot-schools, read

"Rejected." followed by a- talk by the district chairman, Bert ll:iriow ot Jerome. Jim McFarland of Wcn- d«ll..added lo yie.entcrlaliuntiit by CflntrlbulInK a-tromhnne';.'oto. ac- eompanled a l the pinno'by Dick Farts ot Hansen. .

IPiward.Hall of Murlaugh. presldenr'of the yoiing Republican chibs, wa.i prf.seiit and addrened

STOip. Loren Dean fiteven.vin of Wcndtll Rave a reading.

letter.i. and science. He will also be proctor ot Llndley hall annex. Mr.

Dalj' nnd his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dsly of Bol.se. vltllM trlenas afid relatives In Buhl and Twin Falls the past week.


E l k s R i i i e r a i

B iirlev ResignsnURLE'.'. Sei>l.‘27 - A moiitlily

hirthdnv meellni: tol!nv.cd a cliimrr for Ihe raki a t the F.lk.s ;eiui)le h Wednesday eveninc. Jack Hender- •son siiUmltted his rr'.ittniition r exalted ru lrr lo h'Toipe el terllve Oct. I. ^Mr, Hendrr.'on iia; a.i his rca.-.nn tur re.'.lnnhig Ihr Ini tha t he rxi>ecl.s lo go lo Snn Fr.sii

to tnkp n'coitr-e in rmlmhnlnii. national defei-.sc riimmlttee

from the Io<lKe was appointed. Tlioie lo serve on the committee arc H E. We(-:el. M ajor A. B. Penre. I.leiit . Arthur 0 . Dunn. D. L. lliish and WllllnnV Manifold,


" N o c o ffee fa ilu res in m y house sineo I s la r lo d fo u jo Hi//j flro j. Coffee. M y husband a lw ays says:

N o w t h a t ’s

w h a t - l c a ll

g o o d to f fe e !

Direct From Baker


T l ia f s till- w;iy you I ' , ' ' ' i i i t !■ : m \.'^ i-liw cii'k liai'iir.' iV. .‘-li-b;ik.'(i liilii.-.’ii'ii'.':. .Aii'l lluil'.^ Ih i ' \v,iv viiil n iil h r >:ii|’c t iu ’v'i-.' ;i |.

T iu 'iv-,. a P H -o ii f„i: Sni.wiuK--,-. ,,.,,uil;L i'iiy; W i' ii>i' ih c sam e ciii.- ;n)i| th i .‘- .u ii'' i ' i i f tn-

—■‘.^'l-ciiiiiiils th iil y<ui woiilil ii-c’ in y .u ir -.\m i k'itclli-'ii. T ry .'Jonn- of o u r iiviii-i(ju,i j 'n ': . ra.'itrio.'; rir Hrcaii.-; tndayj a.Hirii'.'; n r i^rcaii.-i i i i i ia y ;- -----------—

K X c i.t^ s iV L ’ i t f r i 'A r i . / r \ i n : r n ~IS Mnin . \v c . S . I’ iiono l i 'l - W

, Unde Bob 'Work itn 't ipcaktn' to Aunt Eathcr Work until iha ch inn t her

• new balr-do. '

■Wb® 1 vlilteid C<na5n M»rth» I riajed»afe M d took my own UPTON'S TEA. ••Well," •.h«,-.«,lded,

TON S makfy th# »m»ckinte«t best ten th a t over pourtxj out of » pat.”

Back In Grandm»’i day, It oi»d to tx Ciller to se t eompMiy to,£o homa early. The_y ju i t naturaliy g tt Tsro out Blidln* off tJie hor»e-hair aoft.

Ab I recall it, my •l»te^[n-Uw hu Dover pralicd butono th in jinhcrlift - a n d th a fi 'th o flavor ot LtPTON’S TEA. I t ’ll pleaao you, to o - try lu I t d o e u 't coBl but ball a e tc t i cup.

MlfrON'STEA‘ ‘ w o r l d - / g t r t o u s f o r '^ v e r ' ' j

.ybu f G rocer says:

i B r o s . C o f f e e Is

o n e c o f f e e y o u c a n

u s e “ c s I s " i n ' o n y

k in d o f c o f f e e - m o k e r -

See d ircc tio D S on th e side o f th e can ftnd f o llo w them carefullf. A n d d o n 't reo rio d H ills Bros. C o ffe t Y o u 'll lo ie tr o m t, flsvor, aad ^ i h o e t f .

The Covuui (Sjiind (i^u a ra n te ^ to produta-b«st i

D R I P ^ .G L A S S M A K C i r ( ^ P E R C O L A T O R ^ o i

If directions on th» ilda of tha~HIIIi Bros can or* followed


Page 4: Vol. 29, '^o. 1S5 Tokyo Joins Berlin, ^me in Alliancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...An Aaoclated Preu Newtpaper THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Partly Cloudy Vol





vDiiinn Of A3SITV.* l'rr» It <irlu

ruMKallnn >r all ><'•• dltpiichftt'obnrllit

a u lo jn o b llc s grow c h e a p e r o r 'b e l t e r o r botl). A lw ays w h a t seem s to Ijft th e l» a t w ord In m o to r in g tu r n s o u t to be m e re ly a new s t a r i - InR p o in t o f proBres5.

P r o s r c s s Is a lso m ade, o f co u rsc . In oH ier m e c h a n ic a l lines. B u t n o t. so ra p id ly o r ■slcndlly. T h e leaso ii Is t h a t m o re p eop le a re k e e n ly ln tc rc ,‘ited in a u to m o b ile s th a n In a n y o th e r k in d of m a ch in e ry . an\3 c o m p e ti tio n k e e n e s t In th is field .

r i i .m n .s f i iO f f a r m ore im p o r u n c c t lu n Uic d cccn -

n la l cen su s rev e la tio n of th e country 's popu­la tio n , 131,400,881. a s llR h t Increase of e ig h t a n d a h a lf m illion s in c e 1930, ts the sh if t h i In h a b ita n ts w ith in th e U nion which ii d is­closes.

C e r ta in fac to rs s ta n d ou t tor ro n s ld rra - ' t lo n on th is score . K lrs i o f a ll, the lorcc cities,

w hile KrowliiR. a re n o t do in g so .-vt a r a te o f Increxse equal to t h a t o f th e wliolc na tio n . T h e e ra of excessive u r b a n concentra tion Is

, ras ln B o ff. R oth In in c re ase from outside m lg ra U o n a n d by b i r th New E n g la n d .Is a lm o s t, s ta tic .• T lic re a rc sn b s ta n t ln l galn.n In tlie S ^ u th - e a s le rn .■itatcs — a dcvelopm en l-nS t 'tfon flned to F lo rid a : Tl^c w c.stern m a rg in of the c c n tra l

' d lv ls jo ri h a s been lo s in g In population, K an -■ saa n io fe th a n a n y o th e r s la te , Tlic ex trem e

W est co n tin u es to s h o w a siirpe fo rw ard .“ •C a lifo rn ia B a lncd_m or£_pcop lti~ th5.;T 'l a s l te n ye a rs t h a n lin y o th e r sta te . , —• ;

T h e re Is a c h a n c e t h a t fo r the f lw t tim e ' In th e h is to ry of th e f in tlo n the "ce n te r of■ p o p u la tio n " h a s n o t m oved westward. I n 1030 . I t w as in so u th e rn I n d ia n a a n d Its 1940 loca­

t io n h a s n o t b c e n ..d o te rm ln ed .T h e su m m ary of t h e c ensus totals .sho*s

t h a t A m erica Is In th o procc ,^ of even ing u p th e h ills a n d hoUow5 o f Its population,

, 'S K l.F -K N O W I.E D G E K now ledge of a c o u n try ’s n a tu r a l a sse ts

a n d how th e y a ffe c t e co n o m ic a p d p e rso n a l life Is o n e of th e g re a te s t w eapon 's o f deferfsts- s a y s D av id A, A ylw ard of B o s to n , p r e s id e n t of th e N a t io n a l WIW L ife FtdertvU ortT H a urges g e n e ra l e d u ca tio n a lo n g th is l ln e T ^ n n d s li re w d ly ob,-;ervcs t h a t "n o a m o u n t of lobbyi Ing by p re s su re g roups c a n a cc o m p lish ' so m u c h aa a n li;Xormed p u b lic .’’ >

■ 'S e lf-revc rcnce , se U -k n o w le d g e , se U -ro n - t r o l— thc,‘>e th re e a lo n e le a d life to sovere ign p o w er." sa y s a poet. I t Is t r u e a lik e o f a n In ­d iv id u a l a n d a n a tio n , ’

O th er Points of ViewQUICK O.V THE T n j p € t n

Idaho'* coi>j. apiMrenlly ir# quick on th« irlsjfr. As\d !,S ooi. ^0 kllV

Honir [irr.'on« 'rnlKlii artu* tha t jucli » rcinitnllmi »ou1d warn crimlnnij nway from the aUle. Bui Jurlc- Ins trom rvnit.i of rrccnl }car». »uch h»» not b»tn tin

A ■►tiif klilcd TutNisy in % gun balUc a t Mc­Call. A N tsro u a i iltiln (till lum m sr In > bnttlc Ui Dniifi foollilMs. A glnnce down through Uio recordi T.oiilcl dlflclor.c oilier cnr.e. In Jdalio. Includlnir tJie

....................- ......... - - Fifth and Myrtle by n

•Die SU» -frw y W .

n u t MKldfii (Uii battlei have led to the deaCh» of mimy o tflcrn . too—In fact, i check would probaBly reveal more offleer* killed than crlmlnalj,

•IM,’o efflcen were killed by Douglnj Van Vlack, another T«-lii FftlU officer killed by Danny Wll- llam r nnd two frdernl offlcim were alain In the Dolso fonthllls bntile. Tlierc have been others.

W ouldn't It be le tler. 1£ officert were qtileker In the mind and not so quick on the trlRBer? •

Wliftt About' tlie lue of tear gas. bloekndft of hlclr- ouli!. ft more cautious .-^outing? Ii ihould nq t be necc.'- 8«r>' for an offlcVr lo walk boldty up to a crlnilniil. Inviilns R nhoollne. Nine out of ten crlmlnaU tpoiiIiI ■urr^nder peaceably enough If. Nirrounded, thej- had lime lo think twice before Uie.bullfiyi beffna to Hy.

—U iero nw*V be anolhfr way and we should flnd.lt. ^Dol.ip Statesman.

N E W “ IM P E R IA L IS M ”

n iond C lappcK sa y s th o A m erican people to d a y -n re re su m in g thT r-tm pcrlnltsiT rthar^tffC '

"v ailed a t tire b e s in n ln g o f th is ccntury. T fia t ■ w as w h en we f o u g h t t h e S panish w ar a n d

g o t a fo o th o ld In th e Wc.*:t Indfts and took a n d k e p t th e P h ilipp ine .? a n d , a lit tle Inter. ucQul'red th e P a n a m a C a n a l zone and b u ilt th e c an a l.

S ince th e W orld w ar w c have fplt Increns- Ing ly fed up w ith fo re ig n po.«esslons a n d re- sponslbllltle.'!. u n t i l we p a ssiv e ly agreed to let t h e P h ilip p in e s go In a few m ore years. B ut to d a y th e re docs seem to b e a s treng then ing o f th e o ld sp ir it a g a in , p ro d u ce d by th e gre.y lon .' o f d ic ta to rsh ip Bovernm cnts. They- e re d r iv in g us to r e a rm a m e n t, to f ra n k co­o p e ra tio n w ith th e B r i t i s h E m p ltt In m ea­su re s s h o r t of w ar. to a cq u is i tio n of defensive oiiiposUs In bo th o f o u r b o rd e r in g occans.

T h is .sjllrU, C lapper f e a r s , will tem pi us to v e n tu re In to th e E u ro p e a n w ar. "We .a re In- d a i \s c r ," h e says, •'of ove rlook ing the d if fe r ­e n ce b e tw een h e lp in g B r i ta in and going Into t h e w ar oa an a c tlv c bc lH geren t, A k in d of d ry h y s te r ia Is c a r ry in g .u s I n .th a t d irec tion now , w h e n o u r rea l in te r e s t lle.i,ln by-passing th i s P h a se of th e w a r .”, I t £ tlll seem s, to c a lm o b se rv e rs , th a t we can

p ro b ab ly co o p era te w ith o u r na tu ra l friends, f o r m u tu a l a d v an ta g e , w ith o u t actuolly b | ^ c o m in g a rco m b a ta n l. B u t It will require s te a d y h a n d s a n d c lttv r h « v d s a t V iashlnglon a n d In t^ e Icndcr.-ihlp of b o th polillcnl pa rties .

.M AKEll.S O F .F A S H IO N SG e rm a n y ’s c onquc.u o f P rance probably

•n icans t h a t fo r som e t im e a t least P a ris wl\i h o v e , to take , a back s c a t a s a dc.^lgncr of w o m e n 's s ty les.

T h e re a rc m any w ho Ijcllcvc th a l 'th e re n e v e r w as a tim e In th e la s t two or th ree de- c a 'd c sv fh e n A m erican d e s ig n e rs were no t cap -

. a b le o f .tu r n in g o u t .J u s t a a a ltrac tlv e . o r be­c o m in g . o r blzar.re effect-s In hat-s.’ROwnis and c o a ts a s tho-se t h A t^ a m e from the form er F r e n c h c a p ita l. B u t t r a d i t io n had It th a t the F r c n c h w ith th e ir lo u r \f a s W o n season h a d t h e c a ll a n d th a t a " c r e a t io n " flrs l viewed a t t h e r a c c s a t A utcu ll o r L ongcham ps was Ipso f a c to th e p o te n tia l In sp lre r o f a mode pe rta in - t o b e th e vogue on th is s id e o f th e water ' ' •'

T h e w a r h a s e nded t h a l s ta te of affa irs for t h e tim e be ing , a n d p e rh a p s p e rm a n cn tljl A m e ric a n d e sig n e rs a re a lre a d y on th e qu i. v lv e _ ^ d e m o n s tra te th e i r c ap a cities as never b e fo r e , . A m e ric an s s h a l l s e e .w h a t they sha ll s ee . A t .a ll c v en ta ,, d e s ls n c rs . of A m erican fity les fo r m e n h av e be en rem a rk ab ly .luccess- f u l . T h e A m erican m a n is th e bc.st dres.sed m a p In th e world.- a n d w h a t Is more, his c lo th e s o f te n f i t h im . ‘

H E T T E R G A S - N ew a n d Im pressive p ro g re s s in automobiles Is fo re c a s t In a s ta t e m e n t fronv T. A. Doyd o f G e n e ra l M o tors ' r e s e a r c h laboratories . I t

• ls i& a ;o m p llsh c d w ith .ga.s(jllnc and ra te d In o c ta n e s . TJ)c h ig h e r, t h la j a t l n g , tlie_ m o rc . a vn lfab le ' pow er th e re Is in th ts iu c l . Tlie Ka.so- l in e In geno rftl use Is 7D o c tn n e . I t Is now pos- .tib le, sa y s M r. Doyd, to p ro v id e m o torb ts w ith 100 o c ta n c gaso line , h e re to f o re re.strlctcd to a lris ln n es . I t w ould g ive 40 to 55 per c en t m o re m ile s p e r ga llon , w ith -.imootlicr m o to r i>pcration.

T lie n e w gas, too , w o u ld in.ik'c poislb'lo B m allcr a n d l ig h te r m o to rs w ithout'’ loss of p o w er. A n d th is , in tu r n , .shou ld reduce th e c o s t o f cars .

I t 's th e 's a m e o ld s to ry . Y ea r a fte r ye a r , |

THE FIHHT BATTLE In th f current Virginia Qunrlerly Review. Dr. WaIHt

Dradforcl Cannon, H an’ard> dUtlnsiiiihed phytloloelit and R veifxftn of th t f l r u World w ar.V rltei: ,

Tlie InrvllAble conflict between tli# toulltarlan and the democratic formi of rovem m ent had been clearly announced by both Hitler nnd M uw llnl before in36. During (Ke SpanWi war. Ihe vlinl danger to Englnnrf and France of 'x -G erm an- Italbn-In.iurgenl <Praiico) Victory ifM repeatedly empha-ilred. bi '

... llielra.EnRland and F r i . ... belrayert the republic of Spain. In "iJie flrsl great balOir-o! Hie pru tn t war," ttiey supported HlUer , and Muvollnt,Tliej.p are hard word* to utter when nasi bomb* are

fnlllng on London. Tliey are nonethele.ui tnie wordi". U> may hope In the fullnw.1 of our hearta for a BritI.Ui victory antI ycl regrft. a* Dr. Cannon doej. Uiai Uie CliMTibfrihtns nl Rnslancl cmilfl noi have

«llll alive tfhal jo mnnv Americ

T h e R e i n c a r n a t i o n British Attack on Dakar Seen As Aid to Germans in France ♦

NEW YORK W m ilL IO ia B j Richard Walds and '

Gabriri Vo|llottl BTAOE.'All fren :h td r lc ti irdl

c iii .ih # D akir battle between Brlt- Ijh 'ann French n a til un lu wmi ■ rtm ed kI le a iljo u r week4 ijo , 1 ...Jermon thread tn the itory provides

the an»wer to levera! recent my»- terlee: why the Brltbh pennltted French crew* on French bnil«»hlp« to p*M Gibraltar; why Berlin per- mlUtd &n impotUnt lectlon of the French battle fletl to rUlc capture;' why de Oaulle wm in African w av^i er» dlrSeUng BrlUth fire on hl« co- naUonnU, *

The backffround itc rr eentem In Vldty »t\d ui\oceupl6d Fr»t\c» w1\e:e Natl consolidation hae bogged bad- ly. The flrat wave of pre-Qermnn senUment tha t followed the cnl- lApu haa now ebbed, Clalma of the L a v a l ' P e t a l n recelvenhlp ttmt French survival depended on all-, out collaboratlan with the releh no lonser promlie the qulclt and p«iln- leM reeonjlnjctlon that wa» reprc- aentfd. Laval h u failed to aatl.^fy Berlin and hai no following In Ihe French rank and file. The Oe.iUpo ditfovered iha t the,pendulum of jentlment wa» awlnglns prc-Brltaln.

The hookup with tiie African cam­paign now becomei a dlpIomAtlc Oppenlidm. ' '

N a t i o n a l W h i r l i g i g N rw a De^ilnd T h e N ew s

, 1 .WASHINGTON • n r lUy Tufker

IllOMC. Certain deleted . from Henry Wallace'! wrttm r rellslon and polltlci may provldi •ml)nrrn;-imfnt tor the Roo^e^ell• iVallftce tlckpt before ilie end of tho

Tl'* RgrkuKurRl myiUc men indulRed In llioughis j nent.i th a t may not find fi

nrly.e flr^l gi rli frll n

along ilie TJinmc*. Brllftln-i ra«RT is now In JtopnTdy. U binrt> up none nt tiif wounds. It rrpalr.i none of llir terrific dfMrucilnii of life nnd propi-rty, lo remind niic.«»lvi-!i of tht-. Rul It doej conlrlbulc slgnlflc«nlly to cirar-eyrd Amrrl- can ppr.'pecilvr nn the wnr and oiir relation to It—Si. Louli Po.M-Dlr,patch.

, ODT OFTHF. r.ASTA recent n rltc r In the PuWk Pulr.p rnrrrctccl ih

m h takciriilra tlint Ocorge Wn.-.hlnnfon^ refii.vil of third term war. b.uetl entirely uimn principle, v

It w»j tiot, Ax thin writer pnlnietf out. Mr. V tnKicin nc'.til trom n vnrlcty M in. of which ,a/i^ hh ric;,lre to go l.a his Moiint Vrriion home.’'

Howrvrr, U l.i rlear th a t Mr. Wmhlngton tllO ifilnjc, ftl'o, abniit the slgnlfloance of hl.< thh-d-temi rrrrn i dent. WrltlMC to Jamc.t Madron, he r.alilr

"MftV I lurU«T to aM ftr,- n <t>iv.\tlrtr.Unnfnr more lini)orLant..tliai. an-earlv ekrutiple of rrtntlr^i In nn nffire of so high and tirllcale ft nniiire nmy equnllv ncroril wlih the republican .spirit of mu- ron-'

.iUlutlnii .md the Ideas of liberty and.safely rntcrtnln- fd by the people."

The hour.e of reprtMulalives eance of the precc^iL2'llU > O'-orse WnslihiRion thus net. In Its formal rrplj- lo ;h e famed Farewell nrlrtresi 11 made thi.t drtlaraUon;

"We cannot be unmindful that your moderation and■ magnanlrplly, twice displayed by rcllrliig 'from voiir exBlled stations, afford examples no lexti tare anrt In- itnictlve to mankind than valuable to a republic , , .

•Tor your country'* take., for the sake of republican' liberty, It Is our eam eit wl.'h lhai vour example mav be Ihe guide of your succcMors, nnd thus, after being Uie ornament nnd safeguard of the prejent age, be­come the patrimony of our descendant-s."

In later yrar.s Tlioma* Jeffer.mn paid tribvile to GeorKe-Washtngton'n p rec^en t. In announcing his own retirement from the presld^cy, he said:

"Oeorge Wa.shlngton set the ex:imple of voluntary' rcllrcmenfirftFr-elght yeare. I h.•»ll follow It. And a few more prccedenw will oppose the ob.stflcles of habit to anyone, after a while, who ihall en'1e»vor to ex­tend hie term. . .

•Tlie example of four presldrnt.s voliintnrllv- retir­ing at the end of their elghtlt yr.ir, and the procrem Of public opinion Hint Uie principle Is r.nlutnry, have given It In practice the force of precedent and ujnge: inmmuch tha t should a pre.^ldent ronsent to be a can- clldnte tor a third election, I tn iit he would be rejfcted on this demonstration of nrnbltlou.s virv.r

"If the principle of rotation he a sound one. a« I constantlv believe with re.spect to this office, no pre­text shoti'ld ever be permitted to dl-pense, with It. be- enii.ie there will never be a time when real difficul­ties will not exist, and furnish a plauslhle pretext for' di'pen.',iition."

Tliat la.sl paragraph. Incidentally, practically quali­fies Mr, Jefferson for membership in tlic gre^t Inter­national Order of Clalr\’0>-jvnta, Cr>-at«J Oarers and Peera Into Hie Future. He foresaw Ujat II any atfibl- tlouj president ever reached for a third term It would be on tho pretext tha t the country was In the grip of■ great emergency. WlieUier Franklin D, Roasevelt

ger read the Jefferjonlan alftlcment. we don’t know, nvbe th .lt’s where he got Uie Idea.Tlit;,e vnrloMJ liS.storleal nuolntlcm* have been «et

down on paper ngaln. merfli' to help keep the record *«rii(iih(— If-thc-Amerlcan people now wish tOTlolitr a precpdeni which, has lasted a centu^v and a-half, of ro iire they have a clenr rljh l to 'ilo -'o-K ansaj City Btar-


CLEVELAND <-P^Frtend8 of m u k 6hus!cc will be je tting Easter ctirdg from hlln any day no*...Tliey received ChrliUniu eardi June .23. The C levdud cotleie student doesn't expUln other than to larTIt amuses him. Reclplenti u n t f in re w hether he's six months early .or slx-mqnths lAte.


tide* th a t later rmbodlcil In a book entitled "Stater.ma n « h l p'

nellKlon." Al'

t. Here Ls the

milted h

Bubjc(]uentlycllm' mated, froi book. In T

Rlleiupt lo rover up. It ti Ironic the only public ret

■ iwlltlc-iilly dnngerou • In a review ol the Wallace

book written by John iJoeli

New peal Chlr; ,• the ptesldei

> Triburthe

. He :

. Wall.se

. Roosev mbllsher of a Kca:

paper. , .In fairness to Mr.

should be noted here ported Al Smith in tti:B «c,ui Herbert Hoover, Mr. WnllnreV, i ;her — secretary of asrlculiure Harding's cabinet — coulil not nbl

• - aon inherlled t parental prejudice. Nevcrtheir’.',. i drleled remarks a« report<-rt RoesevelL Son-In-Law noett li;rr m upset a large political APPleciirl.

CHOICE, In hM eomparjitlve itutlj ot leui and :o ih century le.sder; (religious nnd polltlcaK Mr, Wal- Ihee- emitted 'rc5trnlnetJ"prais<for « c ls ln ra U n h i, Stalin #nd Muj.vTr llnl. In nne pa-v.nge which h his publishers to rub out hr said thU, as reported bv 6on- Doettner:—

'Tlie f irst Uilnc that sLvirtsthe of the refor I ot

Lenlianother ...........

il polltic.s ftntf

i,{un.-.oIl(]J|l(«md-Cialln." Ii

he Ucmo,•Ice-presldenllal candldat«

referred to the- parlous state ot thtI In the

ported by Son-ln-Lnw Ooelllirer;- "He (Mnrtln L utherl mcntlonitli ny In which pllKrliViagcs Interfer Ith regular work and conduce

Immorality. He calls Atienlim {■ "he commonly recognl.'.ed praetlc if prIesU living w ith a womsn am nvlng a family, bu t not being able to call their children legitimate,"

,lr. Wiillaco'a deleted remarks ms .Idercd opliilnr

I liiiinftpolltl V. P.

retary ol .tri- ■■Mr. Wallace fe-prrrldfiUlnl

nankhead — nnd Jnmes A, Fnrle

MENTOn. Wendell Wlllkle kri»

amendment lo providing

stnv Tlie I

dolnK land agalnM Ih e Rusjtell-Overtoi r corurrlpllon of lerto untold story O.O.P. nominee's ige and honesty,

doubt AboQt his

battle near here, were released from jail yeslerriay with the pi that Uiey leave the county pi Wlien last aeen. they were not irsvellng together, but had on oU Which they planned to i e.'plte earlier dllferencej they hid ttempted to settle with « nl< riendly cutting bee.

- ¥ ¥ * AtTEItNATJVE

Don Date. International iravtli who ^ k e before the Town Hi -leelWg httte IWs werk. li a pacitlit

■ th a t^ o doesnt believe In enter- ig wan th a l are primarily the Jilness of oUier eounirtes. He is strong advocate of a powerful de­

fense. however, polntllig out that l\UTibltb'iiip»" fitin’t boih Jo^ki like.

3f-Joe Louis.

M edennTie*naiilJe'd^arrure fen opportunltlei for the older n

1 •humi . In Utiihey hi . . . .................... .

>f ballle. *0 It isn't neCTfiary’lo b»' n ejpeclflly good eondltlnn for '

walks."Then. loo. he added, uhen n,

dklnred, they don't force yo: fljht,' They Just drc»% van up■ Un hat; pu l a suit, '£H you __

;e you ou t to where ilie fighting Is going on. he pointed out: ’ then “.'s entirely up to you .whether

)u want to fight oc noi.Thai war U but a trsglg game

In which the slakes are htgh, was shown by his comment that the Japaneie arm y of occupation In cer­tain sections represcnU only the •'scrub" team, "If you want to see til* first team In action, yeu- hare to go farther up the rlver,^" he ob' lerred,


Big VIrg Barren believes now thil he h u conclusive proof that his partner. Little v lrg Borden. hUa't been living right. In ihe drawing for pemllta for th e apecltl deer hiinl on the 'M inidoka stAl» game preserve, Dig Vlrg got t perroll, but LlttleVVlrg didn't. . . , Thus the eoneliMon.

• • ¥ *RERVICC

Wlien.a TVln FaJU . . . . goi-.lh on iwo consecuUve lenlce club meeUngs this w e e t th* flnt lime u a guest a n d 'th e second u a member of anotiier (rouPi he wu heard to say to . th e man next to ilm, " IM .s u re g ls d ’ those fellai

FAST WORKERSpeaking before n saUiering here

this week. M»yor Joe Koehler an- twunctd U iit h« h a d b t tn tbl« to (e l t price reduction on » moUaa picture •p ro jec to i'fo r the old folXs home from ISM to 1300.

"Mebbe h i should keep- worklni on It nwhlle longer," tM d * lUtener.

political sagacity. H ere is wlmt hap­pened:—

On Ihe nlgM of the vote Mr. Will kle lelef^ioned a prominent Wa^h' Ifigton newspapermnn. Tlie O.O.P. ilandard bearer, who was IndlanapolLi. explained thi garded ihn proposfti as a fwnare him, th a t h e had of Republican senators who voted for Industrial comcripllon, but he santed a full Account of the ' pliere aiirroundlng ronilderai the .suKje.-itiou. He was informed thBl he m ight anUiftonlie a pre group of voter* and fall Inlo 11 Dtmocratlc trn p If h e said attythli at a ll DUrcflnrrtlng this moit e: eellenl advice. Mr. Wlllkle la-slicd out ,fl|;nlnst th e proposal, althoueh he mMlfied til.*> stand .slightly afu Hiking with aena lo r Vanrtenberg;

Tlie Incident depict* one of Ih furdamental we.akne.s-sej of th ^yiiatle enmpalsn. Thrre w.is n ren.son why he nhould, mnke an eomment a t a ll. He should t.ike .. ifiif from, the political book of Pres- Itfenl Roo.'.evcit. who dirt not gl'

bles.slng to the amentlmenl ui ifter It hnd been (tdopted. Wet.

rifll may be n sijiart buslneiuiman.It he'

i-jwlv Ititlll

sny advlc*V

a political lid be fun lo i

In — if he

In thi

litar the Brttlsli aecordeU tlie slilps free pa.wage for a double reason Capture wa.s tACtlcslly difficult s( long as the ships eeuld retire to thi Touinn bnse. Once on Uie liiKh tcit.

flotllln could not re-enter Glb- nr and was made open.to volun-

lAry surrender or subject to cap' ture.

Britain playrd Die Dakar cards -.1 schedule, the FrpnrA fleet re- plied atfofflTllR TiT'SaW expectancy,

ltd Uie French public now has n ^rond O ran to study bver. So'lonK < Krenchmnn de Gaulle must ehool kticr Frenrlimen lo arttnnce tin

comebaek, hlfl appeal to ihe'imde, elded ma,s.sc$ in Frwice will Ih chilled. Ttie coming colonial clup-/-

t Ihe clianncl war will .luve '* .e bearing on Uie final jtor^-.

Rliould <te (XAMlte of the French empire to Britain he will emerge a* the sage taetlcian who

sa willing to sacrlflee a enmpany siive n retrlmenl. If he flops he

III go (Imvn -as the fratricidal ghmil IM .stupid lo tel well eivouRh iloiie, T h a t Ii the view of French ifflclalriom in New York.

n i iiii'. Tommie Corcoran's a l­leged laak of s«-lnglng New York

Inlo the .ftoojevelt electoral m give* old-time polltlclana a

belly hugh .'B ut his real Jobs in Uio town wipe tiie humor ouli

w odated Ona and Electric. illU- . cmplr£_-Khfufc-former. head —

Howard Q. yoiiron—has been deftly ■Jiiinteil Into ^ le hands of ps>xliili1-

for exmnlnatJon-as lo mentul

.SACltinCE. The Hooievcll ,»d, iiiiv.'.i^tlnri's ?clirinc.s to artiulri

ba-.ei from Uj'p B rltith - Bing, iioic, Freetown In Africa and per- niv, nn ertnbll.shmeni on the Aua. filt;in pr New Zentnnd <;oasti — ire'hndows n n ' Anglo-American

tii6«rtfiwn H ltltr. thi;'cli-I>ont.ecl flbsen'ers *'

Wuihlngton, il am ounts lo nn at. tempt to straii-Jaekel the dlcustor; ;-f» If they conquer Bigiand,TI\r bnfPs In the -tt-e»teni heml-

I’U'-if obtained Si\' tlie rteMtovti len iied ft" pan



Is the country ccii-*rnlly approved, Jomt Angio-Amerlcnn operntlon

llie Singapore base Is admitted' ;lueal to Japan , An AtiKClc; nl-nlr .•riiip a t Freetown wolild .•> (Iircfi ehnlleiigc to Oen I It:ily m.thc.cvcut.th*y.capl .Sue.': and G ibraltnr. I l woii

larnliiK that, de.-,pltc ihelr ..., thry would be barred from expansion - economic, mill, r dlplomalle — by the United and G reat BrlU ln.

•ly but surely — nnd any tradi Involving icquisltlon of GInKsport

"Teetown or NatsJ will not be lilted to th e senate - Uncli

Sam li forming « Isat-dlteh n«va *nd mllliary alllanee w ith lha Brit­ish. Tliai Is w{iy the ouKoms ef the *isttlc of BrlU ln m eans so much in rrmi of human and economie sac- Iflce to every American m»n. wom- n and child.

AhJUSTEO. ■Eney may be kid. ding, but Che Republican mshsgers of the-;villklji eompaiffn Insist that the Hatch ael'» limH«tlon on ex­penditures has been a blessing in disguise. It has enabled them to •ipe a bunch of p^illJcal boll weevllf ff the payroll, and to spend the

money where It count* the most.In the old daj'4...when there -wu 0 ll<3 on cainpAlsn moneys, lame utks and broken-down Republicans

got aboard the tpcsU nB and cam- psining payroll. T hey Invadec itaiM whose lirobleini and perscn- iM«u vhiy did p o t understand, an t iheir 'orotlona made more enemies Ihsn frlenda, .neaellonarles loured Pregreulve sta tes, and vice versa. Now. under the compulsion of a llmiied expense account. Eftsterr Dh'tilon Mani.set Sam Frvot In; on only the t>est m en. anti rout- Ini them Into t«rrltor7 where they ean.bs most effecUre. 8o U Joe Martin, th* national chairman, and John Hamilton, the Chicago boss,

ROPF_ Tlie German general sUff nd full knowledge that de GRUlle intered his entire comeback stral- ty on a revolt in the French col­

onics, As FrenOi and German eources knew, the general had made eowlflernble h e a d w a y among French coJonial jovemors by financ­ing their mllltar)' nnd privaie budg, ets. The fence-sitting colemlal gov- emors were hard to persuade be­cause Vichy gave them no encour- astm tnv twd no aisutanre they weren't climbing on a mllltar}' limb A nod from Lnval nnd Petnln. nnd

Implied go-lo-li from the publii occupied France s-ould stiffen governors into teaming with

uUe and the nrtUsl\,)n th is figuring, German'"« ritles permitted French fl ta to leave .the Me<ilt«rrinean Dnkar where a nniural fn orgy was In Uie cards, Tli«

commanders were tried Laval whitli satisfied the Germani dresdnauglit

campclcnce. vacsltd tremendous powers which recently «cre put In the hands of Weller H. Poll»ck. con.scrvatlve, wealthy, formerly aiwo- Claied with the law office of Coheo- Cole, WeLss and Wiarton. Thr. choice of thU able and weti-llked attorney for the »76,000 Job ts «ed - Ited W the ftstuta Tommie, who will have a movlni Unger In the v u t re- ' organisation which Is necetsary un­der the "death aentence" act.

•The busy ^^r. Corcoran also has the immediate assignment o! selling -■ * York bankers ihe Idea of put-

? fome six billion dollars of the iks'^txcess re.serve* into Cana-

dlan a n d ^r iU ih loans. Smoke i t to pour frtim a hundred thousand stack* In manufaeturtTig th« '*a»V equlpiw nt needed for the long Anglo-American war against Nasi- .

Europe. Tommie believes %n p u t i

t Joh him. ; Gib-

nURDENB, What th» Ctnsdlan nr effort means to the man In the reel la 'tnslructive. becsuse it may

liappcn liere. Rcnu are soarin^_ln ' all places wJarre there Is conccn- tffttcd indaftiftl »ctivlly, OttAwa. UftUCdX. Voncouvet, Klngttotx are the c icarcjt cases In point. Depend-

in localities, houses and #p»rt- 'jf are now icMlng for 16 per

cen t.to 100 per cent above prewar nlnU, Tlie govemmtnt ia withput ithority In the situsllon. althtJugh e boost putj the lower pild group*

. cltiscns In an extremely serious position.

Despite huge new iivxes, Canada ices Immense new loans. A year ;o nuUiorltles were contldent th a t le WAT could be finsnced on a pay-

n.*..you-R0 basis; today fiicsl cxpen- diture.s hnvo reached amoimts be­yond tho bluest pictures of profes- • slonal perjlmlsta. Originally tho war’s annual cost was estimated a t about MM.OOO.OOO; In the Jlmt h a ll v of ID40 spending attained the rate 11^ of *700,000.000, and present, eatl- maUs nre for 11,000,000.000 or m o r n ^ before Jftn. 1 next. Added to tha t tiTi

normnl civil outlay of HM.OOO,- annunlly. In' a word. spenSlnc

hfts trebled within one year. Shpuld the wnr drug on much beyond this yew the burden will become un-- bearable. A.i ngaln.st the present r*t#

r outgo, c\-en Ih* new and drastic ites. a t topmoit, wtU ro i pwrtd« lore th a n ’a revenue cf 1780.000,000.The AnRlo-Amer^can war effort III require vast funds—In llie name r defen.w—which will begin with jr neighbor to the north. Whll" ils Is doubtless a laudable proced- re for senUmenUl reasons, the cold ivesiment outlook is not reas.tur- ig to hardheaded banking men.

a JA G , A.f( Jl*'PTTnch titrar

:l_andc^»'ftlp[X raX io the New Yort--------■')d the best they were 00 to the dolUr. To

Ih,. Ute

d then

ibic to dosell ihcm .......................... .pcddlcr.i hnd to ring doti

loney-changlng doorbclli lund Inkers of only small amounu. Tlie few speculstors who will buy

:anes Are banking on th* known mission of the new French ambas- lador to free hi* countn''* exchange jalanc« now froten by O. 8, treas- ■iry order. Tlie a.s-'umpllon thnt ,hc5c French tiinrts will bo spent .n thia country'. If liberated.'Is not ihnred by Uie exchange houses, nie ir yiformaUon Is that purchases n tb trU . S.. whether for food or n ^ c n l supplies, would run afoul cfUhe WocV.Rde. tSwt fhtieltire th« dollar balances would'be shifted lo Ihe far east wlicre'premium prises' would be paid for Irana-siberlan phlpments.

In anv event Ihe toll nf Um n « e - lan , tribute exicttTTronv^Trfixch ixprfj'crs Is so high thal even Uj* :lenrc of more than a bllllorf dol- .rs of Ffcnch exchange would be ily n Allot In the arm to the cur- .•ncy's credit, So far as Uie finan­

cial commiir\lty U concerned the •rajic tfl.now worth a mark ef tAe re-Welmnr Qerman era.



Some ■ of our highly educated •oung people aeem to -need ■ bit of

sUffening in their louU. r itiier their S.ickbones, If you prefer It 'called hat. They have been reared to be »,iitcd upot^. no t » watt upen oih- rrs. Tilings' hav* be<n handed to ihem iiwiend of their having to go 3ut atid wre.'.t them from nature, or

the competition of labor. Work•s been e for U nby n ;

ilicy itilnk Hiem.Keives ahused It they have to walk.ti few blocks <

hiuida lo help themselK _13Ycit.solng.i«-hav*.*-rire-and roast tonight. Com* diw'n. won you?"

"How far U il?""O; lay a mile knd a half, tv

miles, according to th* trail you take."

'I'll so if you send a car. I don tI the fun of walking miles and

miles Uirough th* woods. No? Then I won’t go."

Thnt wa.i from a boy whose grand- fsther had unmpwJ hundred* of miles, labored year* and yean,' to eiUblUh th* hom*.h* wa* etijoy, Ing, Another on# w u offered a Jot »t the mil). "You mean I'd have t< Hand on my feet and feed that sav light hour* a doyt Nothinff doing."

U « reault. expenditures have beei iluhed one>thlrd. and *o far the resulU liave been more productive.-

To preicnd th a t the 0 , O. P . lifces the l&tch UmliaUon—eipeclally It

ot the administration'* com- of blllioni of dollars—would

be ailly. B u t Uiey or* making ih bait of a bad bargain.

AXE. President Roosevelt ma .Mn order a *hakeup of the arm. general aUff. He Is upul. becs'iise Chief Dl BU lf M anhall and Ihe latter'* subordinates oppose the idei of ahlpping needed military materia to Orest • Britain. War Beeretnry Stlraaon, who once proposed Ujatthe Britiah fleet be permitted lo use our ha tbon lor t tp td n and refueling, demands th a t U nde Sam turn ovtr everything to Uie British. Th* gen­eral staff, especlallr General Mar- ihaJI, aaya "No". 6o their heads may «oon be in Ute basket.

TliB w oijt of all this sort of thin* j cam* to my noUc* a whll# back. I An old lady who had livetl her Ufe'^ in th# Iiou.se her ancestor* had built, wiihoui benefit of modem Improve­ments, was dying. Nobody, that U, no able-bodied youni woman could be Jounfl to ta r t lor her because ihn water liad lo be carried up a s h o r t . IIlKht of steps from Ui?. spring in Ihc ccllar. ,T h# lamps hsd to be fill­ed and cleaned, woo<l had lo be bwiUKht m from Ihe slioa for th*

. Y etnyoung woman would serve Ui* short apBce of time tha t it-took that.old lady to dte, *o al« had to r» to ' lha nursin j home.

I t would do our young people |ood to hAv* to m-e In an old house Ilk* . th a t for a time and K in i wh*t their ancestors did evei7 dor, and In the ir '* stride. I t would »Uffen'their-^c3c-^ bones a b it to have to face th e la ^ r and Iho lelf-sacriflce of dally living*" as their peopl* had to do before ' them. T h e ; ar* soft In body and mind and character becauss thing* Are dcmc for them to such on ex- tcnl Uiat they iuv* had no expert* ence In the Joy of doing for Uiem-' selves. -niAt Is onr fault, not Uielr*.

I am Bind far evety machine, every Kbor-savlni: device, every hom* comfort tlint ourv inventors *nd

islnesimen have developed. T iey’n ra n d . • I'm glad women don't have to carry water and wood any norc. I'm delighted that men do 101 have to shoulder heavy loads. llK creiit dllche*. rali.o great stones,

unaided by the wonderful machine*- Uiey now direct. But I'm sorry fof Uie boys anti tirls who ar*,S«ln( reared in helpltanesa. They in m t : ‘ic i.iunl)f to sta rt a t Uie beglnnlne'If things and work Uielr way out md up cm Uielr own power,

Handwork ought to come befor* ' machine work. A skilled hand mean*I mlud trainsd in proportion to that iklli, Lalibr ought to come befor#If. reward bccauic labor mean* a

^caaoJlea body, a ripened ehoroctcr. . '± 001* And homei oil over the land should chock up on their Khcm** of education and make certain that ■they provide some sUffenliig for th* clifrMlcrs of Ui# youUi they re>r.

Page 5: Vol. 29, '^o. 1S5 Tokyo Joins Berlin, ^me in Alliancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...An Aaoclated Preu Newtpaper THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Partly Cloudy Vol


J I ■ . . S O C I E T Y E V E N T S a n d C L U B - N E W SJ'hree Hundred Attend Cityivide P T A ''

Meet to Hear State, National Leaders

Club Accepts Invitation to

Inspect P lan tMccllTiE yut«rday nltcmoon

- tltp Tioiiie of Mr», Ornce Collliis. mfmlwrs of Uie Lcnd-A-Himd club acccpUfJ the Invltftlloii of the New#- TlmM office to Inspect Uie news* paper plant Pflday. October 4, bc- tuTcn tljB houra-of 3 nnd 2:30 o'clocV. '

Members will meet Umt tlay ftl 1:30 o^cloek m Uie home of Mrs. Qertmdo Loueks, 438 Third nvciuie north, and bo from Uiere to Uie News.Tlmc* offlcc 111 a body.

Mrs. Loucti. who Li president, conducled Uic buslncii mceUns

c-durlne ycislerdny'i jicMlon. members a a it’er«l roll call 'slRl safety first htnLs.

Mr*. M. O. Kuykendall wn.i in dmrce of-Uie prosrnm on world

. e h u n d r e d pe rsons, m e m b ers d j . lh c five P o re n l-T c Q c h c r 'a s s o c la tlo n s of T w in F^ tls a n d th e i r g u e s ts ,

. w ere p r c s e n n u i f c v c n J n g to lic&r tim ely iiddrcs.'ics by M rs. R . L. B ra ln a rd of W a r d n e r , s U tc 'l^ r^ i .A . p re s id e n t; M rs.

• Chnrlc.'i E. Roc o l C h ica g o , n a tio n a l H eld s e c r e ta r y : M rs. Jo h n E. H ayes, S u p e r ln lc n - d fn l HomcrM. Davis wiiI a number of oUier upenkcrs. M n. H. H. Uurk- harl, P.T.A. council prcjldenl. pre­sided and msde tjie opening intro­ductions.

In her adrtrea. Mrs. Roe com­pared Iho Old scliool to the prc:.cnl day school as to cfjulpmenl. /school program and physical condition ol the children. She emplia.il»d tlie fa c lJ lu t actlvlllM In todiiy'u icliool lUIl follow Uie three C's of Uie enrly- day school-culture, chsracier. mid cltlzcnshlp.

Kceplnr l*»ce '■We ate kccpiug puce pcc;/Mil.

day school treiidi. utiowinK Umt Uie rcltool Is now nn extciulon of the home and the home nn extension of the Khool. In ililn w»y. It 1-n not

I a onc-wiiy road fioiii the home the Khool. or vice vrrr.n." she

■wvlt.She also i^ld Uint the need for

orsanlzAtlon Is more uri;cnt a t Uila, lime and ar.kcd Uiat'nll piircnLT try to become members of llielr rci.pcc- live P.T.A. units a.i i.oon as po.v,lblc.

Kt»tc l'rr.ldcnt Uniliinra, In her addre.-j. r.ald

tJiBi In tills time of crhl.i, parent- teacher work was pari\mouiit, nnd Uiat "4e are u.iInK as a ynrdulck tho projects nnd purposes ot P.T.A. work."

She ako ttres.%ed the nicmbtrshlp drive for national P.T.A. wcrk, Uie sccond-fttek in November, and urKcd all to be community minded und to let the spiritual forces "be Vulde In all we do tlUs ycixr."

Mrs. Braliiarcl was Imroducfd by Mrs. John E. Hayes, who compiirt-d P.T.A. work to a trnnsforiiier, tclllnK how the transformer, fonitjlnccl Uie love and devotion of f l i t p;ircnLi and tJie skill of tJie teachers Into ■ strong communir>'.ftjrce.

• Alwaj. IteaJy She abo f.aia .tjial people co*T-

nected with P.T.A. work are always ready to go forward and carry P. T j \, objectives.

Mrs. Hayes wii.i InUoduccd by Mr. Davis, who gave Uio addrcM of wcl come to Uic group a t Uie flp>t city' wldo meeting of Uie P.T.A. Uils year

A piano u lo by Mr.n. niilpli Dncoti opened Uie evening’s protcram. I'ttl- lowing Mrs. Dralnarcl's addrcvi, Wll ton Peck, accompanied by a string ensemble, sang a group of patrl. otic numbers.

A string eiucmble dtrcctcd. by fUchard SmIUi played i)rcllmlnno' music a t Uie first of the evening. RtKl Mrs. Otrftld WMli\cc ltd Ktoup singing.

Mrs. J. E. Tomlin was Introduced following Mr.v Coe's nddre.vi, ant conducted a recreational stunt u. Uint people might becomt afqualnt-

report.TJie hosteis WHS oi-.lsted-by Mbs

Mary Miller and Mlis Sadie Jnckey In serving refreshment.%. Next meeUnf will be held a t 'th e homo of MLy Mary Jane Turner Octobern .

Mrs. H .M lm ore Feted a t ShowerMr«. Harold Pllmore wa.i Uv

splratlon for a cleverly nrrallKed pink and blue shower ye.sterday afternoon. Her hostCMfs were Mrs J . M. Morgan, Mrs, Jam es Orlf- fllh ind Mrs. Bud Morgan nnJ Uio‘ event was held a t Uie J. "

■ Morgan home,Two contests wtce conducted

w|th prises going to Mr.s. ^ Routh, Mrs, O. E. Fllmore and Mr*. 'Ed Olmsiead.

Olfla were pre.ientnl to the hon- oree In n gaily decorated pink u id

.^w->blue basket.—.'V - Lunchcon wai *en’ed a t the oIo.'.i

of tho afternoon from tnble.i dec­orated with fall nowers. which wer« also aied to decorate the rooms lor the event,

Buhl Bride-Elect Feted at' E vents

Special Guest

..BBHi, 8<pt..37 - Two delightful social affairs httva been given dur­ing th» W ek honoring Rflw Mavis Pond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Pond, whaie jnarriage to G il­bert Howell oC Flier has l>een set for Oct, 4,

^ Friday ivenlni: of Ia.st week, MIm Pond's slstrrs, Mrs. J . D. Hill and Mr*, Harold Dial, entertained At an announcement party n l Uie W. C„ Pond homo. Ouesta were Mis* June Eartraess. Miss Marlon Klrch- er, Miss Elolse Watt, Mrs, William Watt. Mrs. Robert Klrcher. Mw. KenneUi Klrcher. Mrs, Joe Mln> nick, Mm, Irene PJanfc. Mrs. J. Xl. Hill and Mrs, W. C. PoTiljnoU i^^afUie bride-elect.,

The refreshment mjlCj. covered with Itce cloth, held u f l lighted la - licrs.NMd tha, place cords were small Envelopes contatnlnR omall Jig tayf pujsles, which, when pieced togelAer. told of the marrlaso dale

—~ _ o U ilw Pond and Mr. Howell..On Wednesday afte;noon, n m is­

cellaneous shower was given In hon­or of Miss Pond a t the home of Mm Riley HIU. Twenty..flve guests wen

^ present. A social afternoon was spcni w In Klvlng advice and choice recipe:

to the bride-to-be. Miss Pond- re­ceived many lovely sifts.

Jobs D au gh ters Stage Gay Dance

A gay Informal'dunce was ... ranged by members of Twin Falls

. beUiel ot Jobs Daughters last eve­ning with seventeen members anfl their fueit« attending the event.

The affair wm held a t the Peter Pan dancing roohi. where vlrid fal

• ■ decoraUoni made a delightful back­ground for Uj# event. Dancing wai to nicholodeon music.

Mrs. A. f . Oslund was the chaper­on for the evening.


Because the naUonal president will f be unable to keep the appoincment,

the dlstrtet meeting of Uie Supreme Forest Woodman circle*. Khcdulea

- for October 3 a t Pocatello, has been cancelled, U was announced a t Uie .meeting of tho Twin FalU group Thursday evening Uie Idaho

•Power, company auditorium.AnoUier district assembly will bo

held somBUme tn Uib future, de­tails to be announced later. '•

Twin Fail* circle will have social neeUng In tha form of

' bingo party. Thursday eTcnftia. October J, a t Uia homo of Mr. and Mrs. WllU&RV FeRjush..

T h o s a :^ having, transportation are asked to meet a t Uie home of Mrs. BdlUi Neeley, 103 Tlilrd avenue east.


• -POCAHOJITA8, Ark, Bept. -27 M v-W hea' IltU# Margaret Mcl»ftll returned home after nttendlns school for Uie f in t Umr, ahe was uk ed by her mother what o^l hap - penrt.

“Well." M srgartt responded. *^8 Ju it played around outside untU the ' bell rang and Uien they let us »n la free."

ed.Roll call of all Uie units iw l tliclr

prcjldents was conducted W Mr.i, Tomlin, and ou^-of-town gufci.i were given recopnlUon.

Unit preslilcnu, Mrs. D- P- Orovr.i 01 WoshlnRuon. Mr-i. Waller DlK ol Lincoln, Mri. Plicllx Hl.v,c 01 St. Edward's. Mrs, L. V. Morgan of Blckel and Mrs. John E. Hiiyc:

vice-president of Uie Junior- Senior unit. In the abr.cnce of Mrs, Scou ElUworUi. were InUoduccd by Mr*. IL H. Burkhart. ' ”

DUtrlot PrtildcnlMrs. ru\y Henry of Eden; ■fourth

district president, waa. ihuoduccd nnd gave a resume of the •district convenUon to be held In -Jerome today.

l ig h t refrcshmenU were .wrved during UiB social hour which fol­lowed with h!n, W. TL Chase. Mrs. Msy Kleffner, .Mrs. Dorotliy Custer, Mrs, A. H. Tlmmoai ond Mrs,’ Lena Kunkle. ho.iplUtllty chairmen M each unit, presiding a t tbe tea table.

Pall blossoms In sJiades of orange centered Uio attracUvelj' arranged table, and oUier autumn • flower* decorated the hall, Where refresh­ments were served.

S T A K E B O A RD H O N O R S - -R E T IR IN G .M E M B E R S

A party was arranged Thursday evening o t tho home of Mrs. Blanche Inaftia In honor Mrs. Nathella Whitehead and M n. Myrtle Alns- worUi. who have served as first and second counselora to Uie Twin Falls stake primary for many years,-Tlie old and new tAembers of the

stAke board arranged Uie party In Uielr honor In appreciaUon of their 8cr>'5ce and loyalty.

Corsages of rosebuds were pre­sented to the honorees by Mrs. Inama, and tokens of esteem were given by Ui# old officers of Uie stake bo<ird. HefreshmenLi were ser^’cd a t quartet tables.

MRS. IIA ItlK y HUTCIIINfiOS, prMldrnl ot tlir auxiliary of U. P. OIJ Tfmrr*' rlul.t In tiie area f Lo4 Ansrln to Ogilcn; ulIM>r of the dWlii£<JlUifiI KUfMi at (llimcr danre p!»ime<l far lunljtil hy the Oltl Tinier*'- orsaiiljalloin a t the Aoifflran I.reiim .Mcmorlil hall. (SfHt i:nrravl»ffl. -

D in n e r D an ce Planned Tonight For Old Timers,

t n rnul- In -Sii.i V;.ll,-v <>i third miiiii:'! VNCiin.lon tliii i end. Unlnn Pmiflc Old Tlmci.'.' clubi will hr Kur-.:-. llili eveiiliiK ;il n d' ncr (laiicp nl Hit Tv.1:i'!'nll'. Am* can Lrglnn Mriiiorlnl hall. Club' of Salt Lake. Osdrn nml Poc.’iIfUo nrr sponsors ol Ih.r rxcuc^lnn ' rvciils, nnd Olrnii'. }Vrr>', Nnmpn. Ijis Vr-

fy)s Aiisrkvi and Twin' PalU chibs arc rr^iyraUnR.,

eluded am onK dh.tlnKUlr.licdciicsLi f.tiirdyk-il nUtnd nrr Oov- ernor C. AUlnliolf;.pn, who will be Introduced ii; W, J. HyiK's. rp-'cbl repre.vriiinlhp of the U. P.: F. 11. KnlckerborRfi; pciifral maiincrr (if the !.outh erntrnl dhirlc t nnil W. A. IJo'.cnbcrr |irr:.ldcnt nf llir Rcnrral commltlcf or the U. P. Old Timers' clubs, nccnnllnr In I'. C. l-’nnnrr, local nKi'iil nml rhnlrniun ot the event In Twin F ll i.

Tonstms.-.trr will be G. E, »<>oth. Burley niirni. and Mayor Joe Koeh­ler of Twill F.111S will Klvr Oie art- drerj of wplcomr. •

Musical iiiitnher.i durlnc the Jin- ■r hour uill include ii vrtcal solo

by MKi Mnrlri.e Nc>.on of Buhl luid Kroiip shicllii: of "America." Oiis “ In.-.cr will pronoiinci; liivmtatlnn.

Dinner will be Inllowed by a dance/iiid n lVxjr ; how will be pre- senlril durlnc li)fvrTnl:i.'.lon.

Receptlnn •••comrultier members will Include Mr. nnchVn. J. I., ^^ll- ler. .Mr. nnd .Mrs. L. 1C MbI:. Mr. niid Mrs. R. E. Commoi>^JIr. anrt Mrs. D. P. Costello and Mrs>Frank G. Kleffner,

DccornlloiLs for the occa.ilon are In chargf of Mrs. Melvin CuUcr, Mrs. F- C. r«rra<'r. M rr-D . L- Moon niul.iJr.1. JTT^-^PiWon. ■*

Traaiportatlorf committee Includes Aiuir~Aulbnnir J- L. Pntton, nnd tlnance committee ti'M r. nnd Mrs. Fay Hann and Joe WlKon. ,■ H.' J. Sc.'.-.lons Is preiltlenl of Iht Salt Lake club: Byron Powell, of tho Ofiden club, nnd J. U. Mooney, of the Pocatello chib.

Hallowe ’en P arty Set by Pythians

Plnns for a cft'-tume Hallowe'en piirty. to be held October 24 a t the home of Mrs. Olive May Cook, were n\a«B hj- mrmbcr.s ol Uiu PyUilan SLiters Social club when Uiey met Tliursday cvcnlni? a t tho homo of Mrs. Harold MorrLson on poplar nventiB.

Members, answered roll call wlUi nliort fall poems -nnd late recipes. Club prize was won by Mrs.-,V;-R. Laird. 'j , . '"

Refre.'.hmentJt were served by uie hwtess nt a (ilnglo Ubla centered

nn .Jirmnsement of lato' fall blowoms.

•nt, i.;ild Hint fin intirrr llonal theme will be lentiircd’ 1n booth dtcorailnii:..

Festival Ixjolli chnlrnirn iinnieci by Mri.. Unillli liichidu; th rift booth.

, Orny, IcnKue prr;ildrnl;embroidery. .Mr;.. Grcirge Seidel; noveltle.i nntl dolls, Mrs. Cocckni'r; can<l,v. .Mrs. Ororcc.W.nllaceJ bakery nnd )*3Uliry l>ooth. Mrs. J. p . Hard­esty; wWihiR well, with Klft-s e.’ipe- clnlly lor chlldrrn. Mrs. A. C. Csr-

r; ^ullt.^. Mrs. Loyal Perry.At the nii'c-[lnt! 'niurndivy n t 'he

jiiirl.'.li hall, ii-v,tuned topIc.i were d i- ciLv'ed by Mrs. 'niiyxlore Goecknef. Mr.s. W alter W atMrii'nnd Miss KlU- abeth Burn-.. Illu^^t^IttnK Mi‘s Burn^’ t.ilk. Fiitlifr 11. R. Heltmaii dl.spliiyed nnd e\iilnlni-d tho it i..iered vev.rl-i.■The leitRUi- iilrci m:iclc plnn.s for 'pumpkin pie ' lea- to be held '.nr.t of Octolirr. Ueservallons inny m.nde wltli elilirr Mrri- Jam es Sid-

^^MrCcne neLnher. in r iH in l r d by Mrs,

>1 Kriince-,, M1.-.S Mlldn'ir-Wad:ili phivcd a vinlln Milo and MKs Jor- phlne Tliiockmorton plnyed n pianosoln.

Mr l


Miss Fionair- Hunt, daughter of Mr. ond Mrs. Mitchell W. Hunt of Buhl. recenUy presented a number ol piano accordion solos for Uio Klwonts club a t Reading Penn.

She Is n o w ^ a mU*lon to the eastern states for Uie L. D. fl. church, and her work thus far hoii.^rTled her to appolnlnrents In New York City. Palymro. N. Y.. Philadelphia, Pa., and to her present locaUon, Uie ;lty of Reading.

G o o d i n g C o u n ^ ^ a t

D e m o c r a t i c R a l l yOtXDINO. Sept. 37 — Gooding

. as rcprcseflted Saturday a t the Nlne*Stit« DemocraUe’ mlly In Boise by Mr*. William Bryon and Georg# Wedgwood.

Leslie • A. Miller of Cheyenne, ronner goremor of Wyoming, who a regional' director of the Demo* cn tlc prwldesUal "cainpalgn. ad­dressed tho meeting.

State chairmen and noUonol com* TJltteemen from many of the nlns tale* wem present. Special feature 3f Uie. *e*alon was tn sd d ru s «y Wr*. Uelvyn Douglas o f Hollywood. i in . Douglas told of her reosoa for ^er Interest la pollUc*.

|< A M P F I R E

OYCONZK Oyconro group of the Camp Plre

QlrU met Monday a t Uie home of Mr*. H. A. Olbbs for a Mexican cos­tume party wltli five membcni and .nine guests attending In eostume.

Next mectlog will 'be held a t the. home bf Geraldine Kidd.

Shively-Voorhees Bridal P a r ty Members Honored at Dinner P arty

MI.SS M n rK are t V oorhcc.s .ind L aw rence S h ively , who’ w ill cxchiinRC m a r r ia g e vow s a t a double rlnR c e rem o n y a t h ig h noon lo d n y n t Ih'c P r e s b y tc r ta n chtircli, w ere e n te r ta in e d w ith m em b ers of th e b r id a l p iir ty Inst even ing a t 't h e hom e of

Ml.s.s-'Voorhees' m o th e r , Mr.'?, Liiclen W. Voorhcc.s, 10^ L in ­coln, a t n clKirmlriRly a rr a n g e d rtlmicr |i:irty.

;calcd.jit-oiif Uirue.

Catholic League Makes H arvest F estiva l Plans

Mrcllnt: fiir Urn Itr.-.t time Tliurf- day rvrninc. ipcnibrrs nt ih c Cntli- ollc WonK'ir.s k'liKut; iiinde c x te irl'i plans for Uif- annual hiirvrst fr- tlvnl. to be held the flr.'t week it November nt the I. O. O. P . I'i'H- Mr,s, Max Oriu-,.a>rifiW>;ut of ilir leaRuf. conduiii'd I h e sc;..-,loi’Mni. Lyons Smith, Kmernl rlinlrn':i[» jpoiiy Mr, Voorhrrs will iilvc the

bhilc In nuiirlnKr.MiT-s Urtty Taylor and MKi Eilccn

Wlilie, (vho will be brmcsinal[la:.l-es. Hr lliiriilialter. wlio will be bi-si m;iii; Dun.ild Voorliers, brother of llie bride, and Eiigene While, will br

LItllr Mlv. Margaret Wi-iivcr will be /lottcr ijirl nnd Liiclcii Voorhecs. aiiotlifr brblhrr of the- bride, will llkht llie cnndlcs a t the nltnr p rrilliiK llie ceremony,

'Ilir lirldrKroom-i-leit Is llir j r 'Mr. nml Mrs. i-. E Shlvrly ot win h-nlk.

Ince-coicred table renttred wllli nrroHKcmcia ol white clirysanl miim.i niid Huhted whlto tnpcrs. and similarly decnratea quartet t

Htv. a . L. Clark, pastor . .. . Pre.\l)ylrrlaii church, who will of- Ilcliilc nt Hir ccremuny today, amniiK the Kucsts,

Ollirr Kursts were .Mrs. LfsUe Vdurlico of lYiI.-.oin. Calif, lii-lnw of Ihr brltlc-flecl. who will be matfon'of honor a t today

Informal P a r ty For Class Gj-oiipA gnln, "come n-s you are" party

ins enjoyed lust evenUiK by mem­bers of .Mr;.- C, C- Dudlry’s sopho­more Buiiday '!,chool eln.is o t tlip Melho<llNt church a t the home df

n ila Irene Ankeny. 2:8 Eighth

VI Clmrlotlr nirhardr.on anil iCvadna H dcr wrre in cluirge

of brhiKhiB Kiir.'.ts (o the parly, nnd MhJi Ankeny nnd MI.m Carole Lou Miller were In Charge ot refre.sh-

Vnrlcil Kamrs and dancing wer« 'njoyed «lurlng the cvenlnK. nnd Mrs. Dudley wils n r.pcclal giiesl.

Guesis Included MLv. Anne fells- orth. .ML'Ji Shirley Anne Wnlker,

Miss Ollle Fern Sccord, Mlki Cliar- loUe nichardj.on. Miss Elder, Miss Paullhr Honsteln, M!.'.* GcorKlc Wcltlmiin, MLss Rose Marie Har-

ML--S Maxine DcnUi. MI.ss Vft-' OMcs. MU-j MtUer and Ml%s


Autumn Dancing Party A rranged

"'IjBy Beta Gamma'I'wi'nty-five members o t the Beta

Oiimnia fhib, bir.lne.vi girls ot the Y. W. C. A., and their gursts a t- tenilfd n unla nutuipn dancing par­ly Tllur,^day evening. Several new members, who will be Initiated In Oclnber, were special Kue.'.t-s.

Tlie event was held In the gnlly decorated dancing' mom nf the I’cler Pan. Clusters of bnlloons In the vivid eolnrs of nutiimn were su.'peiidpd from the llglit-s la- Uie room, and leaves In matching colors riecorale<l the walls.

.Mrs. Leigh Schurman. sponsor of the groiiii, was a siwclnl piest.

^e^re.^hml-nls were i-ervctl, buffet style, nt the clo-.e of the evening's entertainment,

.MI.w Florence Orltrgs was genernl ehnlniinn; Ml?j Mildred Slacjc head­ed the decoraUon committee; Miss EiirlfHictta Va.-i]uex was chairman of the refreshment committee and

Geneva Peiuilng!<<n vras-jn charge of the music.

0?<E t/P ON KATHEIt TIME 6ALE.M. Ore. E. Sellwoott,

Portland, boiut-s tliat he has nt* lended 18 Oregon sta te falrn nl- thoiigh he Is only 51 years of ai;e. He was laken to hln first fair be­fore he was a year old.

t (>hoir ■ 10 A. At

i 5 e to 2 P. M.—2 0 e ‘0 Eve. 2 S i ‘ Plu* Tax

Kiddles l o e Anytime- - .............. from l;00P.M .

—UNCLE JO E -K 'S-Norse Air Conditioned

m m i r rL A ST T I M E S T O D A Y

S T A llT S ^T O M O R R O W !


I D D l E t f :1^ ]

enuLMondNEj oiz^'fpetjj> TOEM

; e S T r u * 5 ? & '2 S S M

khtm 'i OompoAsd i»*

mal* tiiacuonu i r t « s u £ w ^ - (ri4« I m l i r rX* AHEfttCAN *Urrt

MRS. G. M . S IM P SO N ■ E N T E R T A IN S CLUB . Mrs, a . M. Simpson eiilerialnert members of the Amlgas c lu l« M c r . home y«terday afternoon.

Eiiterwlnment w,as uiular the direction of Mn. Bnicc McMillan,

ho conducted games and contest.^ OtiesLs, besides members..' were

Mrs, William Gardner of fiallna-s. Kans.. and Mrs, Warren,

Hefrc.shmenU were served by Mrs. Sliiipvin. Tlie next meeting will be heW a l the home ol Mm. D. n . Young.

Diamond Not in the Roug:h

TO A KRD-II.AmED MIKS In a sapphire blue evening t orchid ellp. diamond' earrlngi. brarrlet, riiigs onu

of chle and (Irfan re for fal

Surprise Event H o n o rs P a ir

berscln.'j nt the .Mi'llio<llit gnwp, tin wonieo slin'iwetl Mrs. May Herron

d Mrs. Sue I.eccu with n.variety handkerchlef.s in honor of their

birilulay nunlvrr.'.nrlc.-;.The event wa-. held a t

of .Mrs. P. C. Graves wIUi Mrs. L. Benton nnd Mrs, Georeln Clark a; cn-hasU-Mfs. A no-hrxMesn liinrli-

prece<ie(l tho nfiernoon'i pro­gram.

Mrs, L. C. Sclineldcr. vlre-presl- dent. conducte<l the bu.slnevs meet. Inc, when twenty members answered roll call by filvlng au account of UiPlr summer vacntlpii.v

..Mr.i. W. M. Kloppciiburg In charge of the program n:id

Interesllng auloblography by one of America's real pio­



Bridge and hearts wrre tlif diver- Sion (luring Uie itx lal hour tiijojcd by inciulicrs ot Ihi- fc\ei\uis of lurrnvlon Epk.co|)al churdi when tliev met n iiir:< lav r\rnliiK at the

of Mrs. L e'te r M. Posell on

m B O H T


M g d c n i d iB trib u tio n m e th o d s i « n n i t y iju - to . buy fo o d s n s y o u re q u ir e

• th e m .' A nd mo.nt fo o d s a r c in s e aso n th e y e a r r o u n d !

..Y o u d o n ’t ov en go do w n to th e . m a r ­k e t e v e r y tim e y o u w a n t a s te a k o r r o a s t —T y o u j u s t c a ll o n th o te le ­phone . . Go c o m p le te ly i^Tnodem a n d a c c e p t th e h a b i t o f aay inff, "S e n d m e r a i l s B ra n d e d s te a k ' ( o r a n y k in d o f m e a t ) ."

\V h e a . Y ou o r d e r F n l ls B ra n d Y ou -know- Y o u -.f tro -B e ttin g th e B E S T , f t ’s t h e .M odern w ay to sh o p .


Independent Meat Co.A H o m e O w n ed T w in F a l l s P a c k e r

Mrs. PoAell i;nvc a rei>orl of Die ■tent dloces.m roiivorallon held in

T-xin Fall':. niKl ^erved lefrrOunents : the elo'.e o t the evfuing.Next mn-tliic ^vlll be.'held wlUi

Mrs. Harold Hoove,-, 13:8 Kimberly rf>ad.

Norsk Members A tte n d In itia l Luncheon PartyMembers nf tlir Norsk grbup were

guesis ot Mrs, A. Hommelvedt a t her home. 410 Tliird avenue west, yesterday afternoon for the first [Kil-ljck lutietieon of the season ind a n.nb nriernnon ot tnrormol enter- t:\nit1:rii(.

Giiesl.'. Wen- sealed a t one linen larc-covereU Inble rnitered with ft •twthrl.'ty la k i' b.il.n l b; Mn,—Hr— Wfslb'y of nniil, uiiii'announced that It was the blrtliday anniversary of Mr.'.. Ola Hiilver.'on nf Kimberly nnd h.r:.<-lf. Mrs. M. .‘3. Cnnlleld of KnnhiTly, wlio 4c-lebr,ited her blrthdiiy two rinyii ago, wns »L o nn hotioree when the cake uas cut,

Inrludrd I.Mrs. Cantlfld’s '

polatd dlih.bulls.

Mrs. .Rutherford «u» In. a ltrnioon’s proiiram.

iriu iianieu tJie two birlhduy cele- :ranl.s ns ruptnlns (if t'*'o teanu. Mrs, .Ve-,tby's "Nip” team defr;illnx Mrs. lalverson'r, -T ip" teniii In six hl-

Mrs. C inlle ld nnd Mrs. JlaKer- on lold of ttu-lr recent trip Ihrough lortherii Itlulio. Oregon, Wa.'lurg' on and parL-of California.

n ie i;roiip aci-epied the InvIW- loM nf .Mrs. Ciintlelil to meet at her lotne In October wllh Mrs. IlaUer- on as proi;rnin chalrinnn.

Naser-W agner N u ptia ls Told

FAmi-IKLD, ^ p t , J7 - Mr. and Mrs. R, C. Nn.ier iinve received word

e m arrlnge of ihelr youiite.M ... VIckU NR!.er. Sepunibtr i3,

a t Reno.,Nev.n ie ''b lu ir was formerly Lucille

Wnguer, dnugliter of Major and Mrs, Wngner of, I 'o rt Warren. Wyo, where Mr, Nnber haji been stationed :he p.v.t year for army service. He s a graduate of Cnmn.s'county high chool, niteiitled the University of

Idaho one yenr nnd tlie University ot Utnh four years.

Mr, nnd Mrs, Naser sailed for HiinoluJii September 19 wliere Iw.,-ni (.1.^ *,.1. _____ _____________ 'Will take iw. X of foreign s<


Mrs. Chris Ifawkln.i, recent bride, as the honorce a t a miscellaneous

shower arrnngeO Thursday after* -•->on by Mrs. Eugene Hawkliu.

Prlres a t gnme.i went (o Mr*, nianche Wynn nnd Mrs. Dessl# Bohftniin. Fifty guesu tlletw lrt;

U f ‘ As clever u th e y a re (u e fu ll N ew w id cxcliuivc design in p o p u la r O U ife rs ia Pat* tcty . The sdc shaker i t c ^ tn a tj ye lU w, cfae

p q in c r jhaker a tu rq u m t blue, s o jroti w o n ’t g e t s a lt w hen you w ant p e p p er , o r v ic e v c rsa l And you c an g e t as manv seu as you w a n t , f o r o n ly 20c a n d 6 labels for each set.

you£-£tniUf tuna K vcral.tim es a w e e k i T he) «R]oy it , and it’i good for th«ca. C oa t& ias Viti

iDdioe, effectiyc p rev e o tiT e o f nu tri- • t lm tlL to itcr .S co rc*o fw ay to f$crv iQ g~ .bo thbo taD d

c d ld ...a ll differeot, all d c lidous. G e t « »upp ly today!

m ChKk.n »r lh« IM ln .4 M WU>» I tn W , Mr i r r t t s m (Icll Sh«lc«c li C«»«r, TsOnn th«k«r -

Page 6: Vol. 29, '^o. 1S5 Tokyo Joins Berlin, ^me in Alliancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...An Aaoclated Preu Newtpaper THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Partly Cloudy Vol

PAGE SIX TW IN F A L L S 'I^ W b, TW IN F A L L S. m A H O . SATUKDAY jfO R N IN G . SE PT E JIB E R 28, 1940'.

T h e R o a d t o S h a n i L u n-_D yJU TA MOHLER y^ANSON. •

YESTEBDAtr ' t / n n Briltoft and her halNbrolhcr Dick h iie fled k Mon{ell»(Uni}pIe In irltlcli u m e »t (he U m u hare apparrnllr reea(nUtd her a« Ihe rclncartui'

. UoD «r the Goddcu Tara. The tiro a n hidint In Ihe falthSDU at the tnople, w alchlnr the crowd Billlinr about In Ihr

____ ■ Cliaptrr Tlirf*The Horetcope

'Sherdoclt'4 paclflrt them *«««- how." Dick Mid.

Sherdock and Ills hoiidfoine <}Cort mounud Ihelr lionea. led by- the conimanEllnc otdcK A rtblu). all *nd msRnllleent tn Mmpsrlian with the Mongol ponl«9 th*t fcUowed him. Thu su*rd threw the |a t« *kle open for Uio approoch. tn j CaralcidB which dashed throush. and halted with the hones pawlni th« ftlr vlillc (he rldcn glanced over the empty Held before fpewl' Ing flown the road U «t led to th« waUKl city of Pal film.

A' momfnt lite r DIcW wid Lynn . were oulAlde the ente of tJic Tern* •pie of Tliree Joyou.1 Rfftions'<nd It hnd closKl firmly behind thfm.

••What would hftve huppened If Ihfy’d found lu?" *ho asked.

"Plenty." JJe erlpiwd her elBiP< and turned her townnls the vlltaEC. "nje'y ihousht «e lind ft motor walUnB to l«ko us away." she a h u id on his arm to slow down walk. ■

"Win our vw i w ahan l Lun ha 'a ile d off now?“

•'Of course not," he replied Ini' psUenU}-.

"I wonder what he tnld to tliQ lamsi," the mused.

"Dick frowneil. "Remember you're not 111 America where n Rood-looklnc Bin cnn to where #he plenses nnd gel-Away wlUi anythlns. Tills is

"" 'th e Orient where women are prop­erly and rule no more connlriernllon Ui»n dome.^tic anlmi<U." Tlicy round­ed ft mud ho\’el arltl entered the vll-

' late ntrett.■ ' “What's Temu Darin?" she nuked • abrtipll.'f. "A curje or Uie

that officer?"-Both."■Tell mi about him." sha per-

ftlitK).' "Is lie-B friend of the PrlnceJ"

"HI a»y he’i • frirnd of Ihc Prlncol" ■

tj-nn itared a t Uie moon. T lia i 'look he flitve nu l Ue was dre*d' ;Juliy ■ocrj'- What did he say?"

“H» »W to i t t out oJ.Uwe."She lauihed a Ilttlr. "He didn't

soy.U in Ensll-'h. Was he edu­cated with the Prince In Friince and Amerlta?"

"Ho Wft.i.“

' 'dihliff."..... — ---------------------------Her broUier made ho an.wer. He

was Atlll trembllnE a.i they rcnched her door In . (he eoUrtynnl of the

—'•-^?t- 'W t «U alowi U\al pUsrlui ftieant ju h«rrn," she stild. "Ue’s the one who itaricd tlin trouble. Old you noUce him. Dick? He polntetl me out?" '

"1 warned you." he crowletl. ‘'lli.-it these people know llilnss without being told."

She Elaned nt lilm ohlKjuely. "Wliftt have you nRalhst Uils Teiiiu •D&fln? . . She paused. ."Or has

_ he wmetlilne against vnu?" — He llsht«l a clBorette. iBnorlnR

her question. 'T il ^encl word to Sherdock toiiljiu tha t he can flnil

. us here. It'A Juit os .well we. did l!0 to the {cmple," He sazed a t her distractedly for a'm oment. Lynn, I wish—" He gave up, and openitm Uie door. RtuUy Miovcd licr Into her room. "Good nlRhl. Kld.“

She went'penccably, but wonder­ing w h it wft» In his mind. .

■ Rash Dtciilon Llglltlng a Candle. Lynn sat down

on the kan;, a brick chimney that ran along one side of the room As Ik wide plaKcrm. It. Vi&s \naddtnl»g nat to know whai was bothering Dldkr-Jusi what thing ho foared.

eh* lurmljecl th»l there was m t. .■ to It than the escapade in tho

temple. The whole affair had bttrn■ queer'since thetr meeting In Peip­

ing, the first ono In many yearv It w u qult« evident tha t he was ■dis­appointed to find her Independent and Mlf-iufficient. and not ex­pecting him to become her guardian and 'arh lter of her fate, as he had apparently hot>ed.

8h« glanced a t.h e r trunks anil bags itackod under the parchment window, a t the freshly papered w.ill*, the clean floor with lt.i Mrlp of mat- ting. A ver* plenisoi Chinese Inn, but she wWied she could hai

, balh,\V ht h a d Dick whl^kcd her

Uirough Priping iind off up here to this border villnge Instead.of inklus her to Pal Sim wliere (here must be a Europenii hoiel? Tlinl he hnd something to tell her now neemed a Uilh c icu ie lor ihLi. Perhaps her friends and telallvcs were rlglit In .Hr^'lng to discourage h e r . from comlnB.

With the whole of Asia . _ ntoll, oho liad d u a l ly taken Dick

,n l hiJ word and acceptcd through • him an Invitation to vLsit the coiu-t . of a native fulcr of the Monsotmn

principality beyond Gobi.That Dick had started oitl badly

u a young man she well knew. She had been a child of fire when ran away to evade an embeirJement charge. The dlsgracv broke his Xather'a. heart.

But Dick had written wllh such genuine remorse for the sorrow he had brought on the family Uiat L)-nn was deeply touched. I t seemed Uiat a chance newspaper picture of her. his lllUe half-sister grown tip. had prp!ppl«d him to communicate wlUi Ills family despite hU Intentlim nevftr to dh-sa’ ■ ' • ■

Letter Frem Afar " 'The phoKtraph had T«tTrlSVfn

(Suring ber Junior Leigue social serrlee work and was first publish­ed In a San Francbco newspaper. A* a. re*ult of tin repreductloir of this picture of a sinllln^.-t^nder' ej'ed American girl holding a 'pair of Ctilneae twin babies In her arm* Lj-nn hnd received a 'good maoy ]e ttm . But Uie lupplcst return h a d . been tfio word from her brother.

At the .time he w u In Delun. Uio capital of Shanl Uii>. trying to ne- SoUat* a mining concession wIU) tiw Prttjct. Tha tntenlew h id

gone badly until he happeiird to glaiicc a t a newi.p;i r r lylns on one side of the de.ik wltli the picture folded -out as If ihe Prince Imd been looking, at It. Onclng more, closely a t Uie caption he saw Uie ra rc -v fT T m rB riiK ff ." ’ "" ' •

"That's my slsterl" he hnd .said. ■Die Prince became iniere.ned at

once,, and after scrutinizing Dick .•iliarjily. seemed to re.illie he told the trull;. Ttie Prince then 'f.eiit tor hU p.Kernal uncle. Sherdock no'eh, head oi Uie stale lamassery. his moUier, a Chlnesc-Prlncess. and his »unt..R Mongol duchcw

T ht plcwsrt provtd to b t an

•casnip for Dtck. Even though h ^ d not secure tho concession, 'le i | cflved prerequisites perhapi nior valiiablr. lll.s Uilrd letter urged U;s Ljii'n H.'ill lliem.,- ;

"Tlif>’'v« liftrt-thf grand lama cil your horoxcope,“ h r-w njtt.— And underiiand 11 U vary favorable c they would iirver have Invited you. Tlien he went nn in n morr «rrlnir« vein, rfsretlliTR' a ll the years had bren apart.- t lia t It woj. .... place to look after h it llltle sbter no'!', to help her plan her ^ltutc. He proml.sed to lake very good carc of her.

To b* eontlncti.

T h eL ite ra ryGuidepost

■TItE HOUSE OF LEE.‘ by Ger- trude Atlierlen; lAppIclon-Cen- (ury: KiO).O ertnide Alhenon tia» btoucht

off a difficult Job veo' neatly In ‘Tlie Houf.e of Lee," which l.t the first novel ihe has done In some years. She has succeeded In satiris­ing a p.trt of a lcx,l generiitlon. and a t Uie same time she has kept the reader's sympathy for the people under treatment.

Thfso people arc the Lfes. und they' live In the "Hou.-.e of Lee^l^ne of those awful, scrofulous houses ihdV stand In so many m tnon- umcnt.1 to the wave of bad lasti ihtil followed tlie War Detween thi .‘Jlalc.i, Tlie Lees are three-M rs. Ed' inkton. who Is CO and looks 10, r crandn dtune who hns bro.-idened her Interest to Include a certain FrancLsco club; Mrs. I/ce. her daiiRh- ter. who Is the fluffy, feminine one (hough not without threa-dnevs; Lucy, who Is t^ie.-modcm girl given tn shouting her thoughts out loud In Junior LeaRiie meeUnt Lucy. Ls. of coursf, Mrs. Edlnglon's granddaughter.

Suddenly the bollom diops out of the Lee finances, which already have bnen re<luc«l to wlint r.eemed bare living to Ihc tliree wmnen. Tliey hnd managed well rnoush widi cnrr nnd the help of phang. who ruled

house from .the kKchen. but It l» lmi>e^iitlvp Unit rvcrylkxly. M n. Etllncton, get a Job at

nnet Two tJilng.s sland In Uie way. The Leei nre genuine arlilocrBfy. Insofar as San PranclK'o supports surh beings. And Mr:. Etl'nginn hr.' ruled San Fmnclr^o /crlrty strong' ly and well, and now stands a^ s kind of symbol before all the towr which matter.i. Lucy has been lookr hig for ft Job. nnd-becau-’.e m ^prn girl, nobody cares, fan. wlUi onl>' .a j:nnll\.c( io hrr'iiocfnl consdenee. (S« bridge lessons. But how could Mm. Edlns' ton (le.Uroy her lmn;e in the mlmli of all Ban Frnncl;.oo7 It Is unthink­able. though oddh' eiioiicli her frlemU are vvlUluK for evcii;l\ec tci foinptomUe* niul lake In rfKuncrn. ,:t'.s worktnJ: "for hire'' th a t dlsturhJ everyone. ' '

The problem I.', rninpl|c'iite<l by number of IhlnKs liirliidlnR Cham;,

ccrlnln Chlne:.c vn,-.r. n cniiple of

The ForumArllctn eq u>pl<a H c

•idMiliaitnrtli «...

•uuior't DIB* •> •pilon I «r-»iUf.ilon »IU u iwl< •omaniileitlri*.

foomllealert by, jl i r str.inse, habit SnirF rancLxo "r.wlsiy" people of JnlVlnr'iil.iaui ihuuitalmii 111 ilm boolc. of course, Mr.s.'Alhcrtoit knows quite well Hint nobody «ii‘t>, rc.'illy h.1.1 a secure bloocl-llne bolhecs to dl-'.eu.« such mailers elilier at home ir nmnng frlind.v or enrt^ wiu'ihi-r inybody, elic knows about it. H ie !an Praiiclwo Leer, did talk nnd did are. nnd Mn;, Atherion mal:e;, -you

wnnt 10 weep with Uirm nt the •juiir time you are Inughlni; nt llicir odd pretenses, •

M a r r i a c c o t F i l e r

G i r l o n C o a s t T o l dFILER, Sei>t, 27-M r. and Mrs.

Art KlJtler announce the marrlnge of their daughter, Ml.u Erma Klst- ler. to Davo Herrnra at Yuma. Arts.. Saturday, Sept. 31. .

Mrs, Herrera I t ' a student at Woodbury • College a{ Los Angele.-. ftJid Mr. Herrera l» employed in Los Angeles where they will make Uielr home, 'M rs. Herrera will continue her itudles a t the college.

Technocracy Reporta on America’B T in ReservesEditor Twin Falls News—A short

concerning a "mountain somewhere In Oreson.UiBt Item to the Headquarters of Technocracy. Incorporated. In New York for verification. Tlie follow. Ing informailon has Just bfen re' ceivtd in reJpon.^e;

■•Tlierc are known tin deposits li the DIack Hills nnd southern Appa' laclilaiu; nUo In California. Nevada^ New Mexico and Washington. Auth­orities seem (o agree that Uie.se de­posits are too small and too low grade to merit development of any magnitude. We know of no auUiorl- Ulive siftKments to the conirary.

"However, wlUi,regards to Aiperl- ca'.-i future supply of this mcLal, It h believed tha t the tin deposits of Ali.-ka wilt supply a considerable quantity. The tin nu|>pllc.i of Bohvla nre al.'o well kno’f.n and available to Mils continent. In addlUon thi h a material wlilrh has many suiiiible i.ubs[lt«te5, A shortage of this mliienil Is very often greatly overplayed," ;

L L- DARNES. Clislrmnn.Teclmocrary Jnc. 51. D. lU t:.

I'-iilI.'., Idaho, tirpi, ::3, low.


s Kducal —Ml '. Jullan- Wb'e, daughter of Mrs. Ev.i WLre.

former Waslilngtoit grade i.chool teacher. left Wednesday for Corvnllls, Ore.. where she will re- Tntercollcge-.-Slie accompanied Mr. and .Mrs. J.imc.s Budd ns for as Aberilecn'. \Vn.nh.

Catilnrll .Student— Ml.u Bnrbarn Pclendn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

•O. R, Peteron , wa;- accompanied to Caldwell thin -*eeJ; i y her par-

and will re-enter the CollcKC of Idaho fo r'the coming term,

Al w : C. T. U. M eel-Ilev. W. F. Wllh, mlnl.-ler ot the Jpronie Pre.\- byterlnn church, attended the dl.s-

let W. C. T. U. ccnvcnllvu a t mch- 'IH la.M week. He also vuiied Icad- i«.of the L. D. S. church at Carey

In the hn«'re\ts of Uie tempcranre ‘ ifokrnm b r ttr r Idaho- Allied Civic Toic

Presbytery .Set— Fall mretlng ol the .Tv;15\ V',\ll', Pre:,bylcry \•lll bt held nt UolllMer !>t 10 a. in. Tue.-.dny, O tl. fl. Rev. Di- Ver Walker Is ly clectcd pjiilor of the Rogc Hollhiter field.

I’urty Plnmiea—Jerome I, O. O. K. IfidKC mrniheV;

jiariy. In chnrnc of nrninnenicnt.-, sire It.'A . Ambrose, Arthur .Me;.-.rnf;er, J . R. Wilf ' and y. P. Chui-eli.

Delegalcs .Vamfd — Mrs. Maude Knobcl retunicd recently from -•umuicr vftcatlon tr ip to nortliem C.illfomla. A delegate to Uie grand chapter of the Rcbekah lodge Couer d’Alene. Mrs. Knobtl. » past noble gland, will leave within days for the convenllnn city. Mrs.

Raker also wa.T named a dele­gate.

D atc 'T oK ^ubo is Sheep ^ a le Set

BURIXY. Sept. 77 -D a le -of the regular aheep 4*le thla year of Uie U. S.. sheep uperlm en t station a t Dulwli will be Oct. 12, according to Couiity Agent W, W, Palmer.

Approxl^jih^ly 300 liead ot breed­ing i.heep representing Uie follow­ing breeds will ,tje offered: Ram- boulllet, Corrlcdalc. Columbia. Targ- hee and crt-^hred?.,

in the p u t many fanners from .Burley icctlon h ave a ttended the sale and have proTJrcil BITWinr" slock and K li expected a number will attend nsatn this year.

A list ol slock 10 be sold Ik Bvall-. able al Uie office of Uie touiily agent in the Ca.vila county court hou.-.e ts.iemenl.

Surgeons at Idalio Falls Use Flashlights When P iw er Fails

IDAHO. .FALLS. Sept. 37 llTr- Seventeen y7ar old Donna Chloe Jorgeiuen. Idaho Falls high school gin. Jv,L;nldjt owed her life t< eiherKcncy'operation pcriorined der Uie Ksneilme*'faltering J>eams of flashllRht.s when a irewer *>T.tem breakdown left the L.O.S. hosplloi’ nnd all of Idnho Falls in darkness for almo.nt an hour during '

Midway through the oj>ernlion the power fulled and the attending

fihy.'.lflan called ujwn nursen to uie la.^hllsht.s when a ho.spllal auxili­ary power unit failed to funeilon


N!lM Jorgensen'* ecndltloa after Ihe appendecloniy w»i reported "i swxj 'fts can be expeeUd."

Tlie storm sU-uck hordesf-al 6;: pan. and coimtleat.T liundredi < Idaho Palls rnldenU had Uielr twiner by candlelight when the p o W failure occurred t short time lalerN. r • - - ~ A irtV ^fs~ V ere~T n~T iU C IllP5r and m osf^C rons u t In ihe lobbies and talked until repsln were com­pleted by city «leeirlcl»M.

The power breakdown resulted from a lightning-caused fire s t the No. 1 power plant, according to

RUJ^ERT .Bridge Sfiies-— Mrs. nomer BeU

gave Uie first of a aerlei of Ihree bridge parUes J r to n d a r afternoon. Mrs. Horace Nelson recelred high score,' Mrs. Paul FVtneh eocsola- Uon and Mrs. Earl Goode, all cuL

Oregon Student— Ulas Margaret kfoser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George M o«r, will leave Thursday for Corvallis, Wash., to atlend school

Ileturtla^Mr. and Mrs. U. Chrtitcn

Mr:I*r-Gmiily. -«lV -pow ef • auperin- (endonl.

Lightning h it the wires and fol­lowed Uiem Into tho switchboard al ihe power plant, he aald. Firemen

Klurrved Mosday from a tr ip to Butte. Mont., where Uier rlilted rel- ^Ure« and a ttende^ the wedding of

L ea m RMplUl — .'Mias B em l'e MerrtU. daughter' of Mr. and M n . Leo Merrill, who underwent an op- pendectomy last Monday * t- tho H u- • pert general hospital, w u rtle«M d .' Tuesday.

Sephemere Sltident-- Miss M aur- IBO Fisk, daughter ot Mr. and ifra . L. U Fisk, left Monday for Poca- tello to 'eo ta r the unlreralty as a -iphomore. ^ -

T# Slowow— {^. and Mrs. Gene Rrrfey arrived Sunday a t the home

.j:il«_slj* tfe» 'i-patenM , Mr. and Mrs, Paul French. aft*r a short wedding trip. They left Tuesday for Moscow, where they will be students In ttie senior class a t the U. of I.




O L I V E W I L L B E 'C H A P E R O N ’

OH,B6 VKB t m . y m . RHiHT, OUVE. ‘SHE \ MXl CAN JUSCALLEO A tfO UPR3R H E t? /-\p V S ? -v

KJ(? A D W ^ IN PIECES THl'b EPk: o f "THE




B E G I K l M I W e

n e x t w e e k


D I X I E D U G A N - , T H E S T O R Y .

Deicon Sliem Drowiic, ot Boston, ft.s the first pro'fer-nlonal sn is t In

Amcrlca of whom there li rfccnrd.

Yesterday's PunlV~

s • 7 3 .


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H E R E C 0 M E 9 - T H E

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Page 7: Vol. 29, '^o. 1S5 Tokyo Joins Berlin, ^me in Alliancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...An Aaoclated Preu Newtpaper THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Partly Cloudy Vol

‘ T W IR m i , S NEW S. T W IN 7AUS. n jA H tt'S A T O T D A Y MOENING, S E m j r e H R 28,1510 P A G f S T V W


Off Bob Feller as Tigers Chalk Up Victory, 2 to 0

TJioiisands of Cieveland Fans Hurl Fruit, Vegetaljles at Detroit Club

# ' " B y JUDSON BAILEYCLEVELAND. S e p t . 27- (/P) — R udy Y ork , th e p a lc - fa c c d

^ G eo rg ia In d ia n , n u l l i f ie d th e cou rageous ih r e c - h l t h u r lin g of Bobby F e lle r to d a y w ith o n e le fty ho m e ru n t h a t c lin ch e d th e A m erican le a g u e p e n n a n t fo r th e D e tro it T ig e rs .

T h e h o m e r c a m c w ith o n e on In th e fo u r th I n n in g a n d coupled w ith th e b r l l l l tm t p itc h in g of R ookie F loyd G lcbell

\ 'I j c a t th e C leve land I n d ia n s 2 to 0 w hile a r io to u s crow d of 45,553. ft th ir d 6^ th e m w o m e n , d e m o n s tra te d Its h o s t i l i ty to

• th e T ige rs w ith f r e q u e n t sh o w e rs of f ru i t, v e g e ta b les a n d eggs.O ne fa n d ro p p e d a b a s k e t o f green to m a to e s o u t of th e

u p p e r decic o f th e g r a n d s t a n d a n d h i t C a tc h e r B lrd lc ^ T e b b e lts on th e h e ad , k n o c k in g h im o u t, b u t n o t in ju r in g h im se rio u s ly . T h is In c id e n t c a m c -a f te r C h ie f U m pire B ill S u m m e rs s to p p e d th e gam e to w arn t h e c ro w d th a t every C leve land p la y e r w ho

- h i t a f ly b a ll w ould b e o u t If D e ifo lt f ie ld e rs w ere I n te r fe re d w ith by th e f ru i t th r o w in g .

TliB eamf will Int« BtArtlng bccaaie of Ihf crowd dfmoiutrnUoia ftiitl /j-rqufnt InwrrupUoM caused It- to dms on for iwo hour» lUjd 39 min­utes Ti’hlle a cold, gloomy du.ilc enveloped Cleveiiind'a huRe concrete itadlum.

U needn'l have taken to Ioijb. for nothin* counted after York's 33rd round tripper of the «et»5on foIIowliiK Charley Oehrlnner'* walk.

4 ' ThU W u Cllncbtr A eliort tlmi! later the blc scoreboard In center, field mn up the O' lo C «nal «o re of Uib New York .Ywikee*' beatlnc-ai Phlltdclphln and

everj'body kftcw tlie Tigers were In aa aoon an they went ihrouRh the rest of the motions.

■niey did — u1th the 26-ycar-old Qlel>eU. wlio isn't even ellslble for the w rld aerlea. checking Cleveland every time Uie Indiana Uireatened.

It waa a surprise b ll of ttm tcgy by vlilcli MnnaRer Del Baker en­trusted the vital task Of clinching Uie pennant to the olender blond right handcT who spent a ll auJnmer wIUj Buffalo In the Intemntlonal league, winning 16 Bamca and losing 17.

rou r tim is the Indians roI two ninners on base In an inning nnd left them stranded as Olebcll and hU cohorts battened dow: hatciies.

' Felter was a guUont figure In defeat. He never quite Rot the .. . under control. Although he fanned four, he was frequently behind Ui« baiters and n^lked e igh t men. Double plsys pulled him out of Jams la three innlnft.

Bui the whole game was wrapped up Into York's homer, which .came wlUi two oul and O ehrlnger on llrst. The count was two balls and on strike when Uie big. round first baseman reachcd his war club out f( one of Feller'a hlgli balls and sent it as h ig ira s Cleveland's Jamou terminal lover, but barely into Uio UUrd row of the grandstand In Ui left field comer, MO fee t from home plate.

r Crowd File* ,ObI la Silence The crowd (lied out in silence which conuusted wlih the n o l^ and

action It had given a t tho sta rt of Uie-gome.When tiie Tlgera flrat nppe'arod fruit and vegewblts were aliowercd

onto the field from the le ft neld stands where IS,000 women were nlttlnR. For a time the demonstrallon waa good naiurcd and Orccjjbtre and Kwl Averll! tossed some of th e fru lf back Into the stands. One woman su tto se t a Tlgtr autfigroph. ' •

In the first toning Oreenberg was struck two or three tlipes wlUi tomatoes as be caught a, fly; The game w-ji* delayed at least ten minutes while llie llUer wo* c lesned up and Umpire Summers made his nppeni

•^to Uie crowd (Itreugh .(Ae publlo addnss sytUm. tay ih ^ th e D etrolr club ■ ■ ■ threatened lo rcmo\'e It* playera from the field.

* niB demonstrations conUnued IntermlllenUy until Maimccr 0 « a r ,Vltl of Clevrtand told th e fans; ••Please stop IhrowlnR and may the bc.it dub wln. ' Even In the n in th inning several eggs were thrown in the direction of home plato. X

I I I 10 1 : 0 0 3 e : 0 0 0 4

AU It II 0 A

Jubilant Tigers Laud Rookie Hiu’ler for Pennant Clincher


Detroit Tigers' ccment • walled diewlnc room housed * bubbling pennant victory eWebmtlon to ­night because an-mlmost unknown West Virginia farm boy outpltched a famed one from Iowa.

Ployd Qlebell.; a 3S-ye&r-old .-.blond rlghtiiandw Jerk'ed fromAlMs

second string .ranks by Manager Del B iktr. had rejiponded wlUi a brllllanl 2 lo 0 shutout over Boa Feller and the Clereland Indians.

Ironically enough, Olebell. who halls from near Clarksburj. W. V«..

^ w l ll nal be eligible for Uie world I f serlM against th |^ m c lim aU Reds

'because he was brougia In from Uie Buffalo International league club after Uie Aug. 31 doadllne.

Loud and loyous shouta echoed through the Dressing room as Ole-- bell gave Uie credit to Buffalo Pilot Steve O'NelU. one of -m pande of maiugers flr^d. from Clet'elaod. for helping, him develop fully.

'•He Is a marvelous teacher." said Olebell. who beat Philadelphia last week In hU only other Ameri­can league apperance of ihg^aea-

Unlll 15 lolnutes before Ui« game, nothing ceuld pry from Baker the name of h is pitching eholc*. A eouplo of T igers even asked newsmen who waa going to s ta r t Baker preferred to save Schoolboy Itowo for use tomorrow

against a Ie.<iser Indian hurler and gamble on Olebell.• Wlien Pinch Hitter Jeff HcaUi made the last oul, Baker dashed to Uie drealng room wKh the oUier tigers and screamed:

"So you wanted io know who I ■was going lo pitch? Well, I guess I know who to use."

O rtr in Uje (julel Cleveland dressing room, Jl-year-old Feller, not a bit downcast a fte r hurling his unsuccessful ihree-hltter, de­clared: ' I liBven’l a n ^ alibi, ‘m * kid pitched 0 great game.^^

Rollle Hemsley was Uio first regular to appear In the Cleveland cIbUics quarters, ducking In before me last cut, which be heard on ft rsdlo blaring near Trainer Lefty Welsman’s padded work bench. Ho had nothing to say, notlilng a t all.

Manaiier Oscar Vllt's f ln l ' words were: .

"Well, Bobby pitched n helluva .ball Bume. didn't beT"

Ducking Into a sliower belore dashing over to congratulate Baker, OKar added;

"Yes, air, we Juil couldn't do - her." .

Tlie day's No. 1 glunuler was Cyril C. Slapnicka. tribe general manager who had Cleveland's world series Uckets already print­ed. Slapnicka went to U)e dress­ing room before Uie la.tt out, thought about Uie wasted ducaU and declared; *>

•Therell be a big bonfire now."

DETROITRarlen. ss .....,McC<nky. cf . .O ehrfnrer. :b .GreenbfTC, If ...York. Ib .........CampbeU, rf ...I litr ln i. 3b .....finlllran. e „ ...Olebell. p .......

T o ta ls ..........CLEVKLAND Chapman. If .Weatherly, cf .Boudreau, u ....Trotky. lb ........Bell, rf ..........Kcltner, 3b .....nUck. 3b ........Hemsley, c .....Keller, p ..........H eath i ...........

TolaU . ' ............... 33 0 « : i IIs U attrd for F'rllrr In 9Ui.

D rtroll ....................... 000 300 M&-;CIe>-eUnd ..................000 000 000-0

E r ro ^ B a r i t l l , Celirlnter, Bou­dreau. ■ Two b»e hit—Greenberg.

run—York. Stolen base—15ar- tell. Sarrlflce-Feller. Double plays L.Mack. Boudrrsu and Tro>ky: Bou-' drean, Mark and Troiky; York lun

'>ted); Boudreau and Trotky.

Beu-oit’s Horae Run “Twins”

In te rs e c tio n a l Fireworks on Grid SlateN a t io n a l C o n t e n d e r s T o B e K n o c k e d O u t in " S a tu rd a y ’s F i r e w o r k s

y V a s h i n j j t o n v s . M i n n e s o t a , a n d M i c h i g a n -

C a l i f o r n i a G a m e s i n S p o t l i g h t

Pirates Rally to

Down CincinnatiP i t t s b u r g h Club W ins in

10 th 'Inn ing Over Champions

. ClNCINNA'n, Sept. 21, (,P ,-Plttv burgh's'Plraif.'i pounded Uiree Cln^ clnnatl Red hiirlers for 10 hits and a « to 3 decision today but nol be­fore the eliiirnplnns hnd carried them to 10 Innlnss by a ninth-frame rally Dial m lw d vietory by a whlsr ken— ■ ~

DIR Pniil bcrrtnirpr. slated for ;nvy .duty In next wefk's world rlej. tried a third time for -his r l v lclon"«f ll'e K ^r but lasted jly >evrn innlntt.v Jo t Be gits

p itched -the -n ftl two but the vic­tory went to Truett Bewell atrtJthe lo.'j' lo Lloyd Moore, hi* elRhih.

Moore pinked Bob Elllbtt a t plate wllh a pitched ball to ftart the 10th and CTllnll scored on Arky VftURhan's two-bagger with the de.

Reign of Yanlts

Ends as A’s Win

In 1940 Finals■Babich H u rls , 5 -H lt

B a ll as C ham p ion s -.A rc DethronGci A fte r W inn in g Fo r F o u r Y tjars in Row

PllILADEXPHIA, Sept. 27 (,!■)- he top-heavy four year domlnanci

of Uir New York Yankep.i over Ihi mcrlcnn IrnKun ended today,The world champions lor.t the la.i

slim chnnee Ihev had of KalnhiR tJirir fifth stralKht Ulumpli when i OMc-tlme Yankee tannhand, Johnni nnblch. llmltMl thrin to five hll- Khllr ht.i Phllndrlpiila mates banged

itnph. In the Inr.l meet-of t:

) had <

the Yankees' latest bid for pennant honors and an eight game winning streak,

Tlic rlshUiajuI slider biill cpeclal- M 1.1 Uie only pitcher In the leaKue to beat Uic Yank<<-.i five tim ra this, year—and his fllih was cerlninly the g rcateit of them all, for" old Connie Mack, who 1ms built some'

Tican-league champions lilmielf, predleled the colliip^e of the. Yanks —and his team put on the clincher.

Tlie Yanks fought bitterly to hang )nlo Uielr last hope for a pennant, ilthough 11 wa.'. an uphill fight all the way.

It wasn’t until the ninth th a t the Yanks could wore. Wllh one Is.'i surge. Bill Dickey and Dnbe Dahl' gr^n .slnglrd. I3I11 Knickerbocker, batting for Sieve Sundra, singled left scoring Dlfkey and bending Babe to third from where he r,cDred

long fly th a t 8 am Cliapman got' with a .■sensational nintllng catch. Bui Dableh bor< down and retired tliem with no fur­ther damnpe—and the Yankee reign ■ id ended.

.MANACFR DKL B.\KER-fl gamble (list lie «aul If Ilank 'C rrenberg. left, and Rudy York. rUht. o rrr in the lineup, wa» proven a gboU hunch" today a« Hit T lren rlliirhfit lUr Amrrlran league jwnniMrt. Here Oreeiibfrg (•nniraluIalM Vnfk after tlir latter rlouled a home run to glre the Detroit rluti a : - 0.virtcrx nrrr Clrvebiid jestcfday afternoon.

W t i - t i1 Jerome Defeats

Shoshone, 13-12Crmriii M ('haruk x


Score hy Innlngji: R II EPlltsburgh ... 030 001 000 I - 4 10 3 Cincinnati .. 000 020 001 0- 3 10 0 Stt'lgart. Sowell and Davis; Derrin' ger. Beggs, Moore arid West.

Cubs Lose Final Cliince for Berlli

In First DivisionST. LOUIS. Sept. 21 lITi — Tlie

Chicago Cubs lost their last chanci to finish fourth and share In som( of the world series money by bow­ing meekly today lo the Cardinals. II lo 1, while PltUburgh w u noslhg out the champion Cincinnati Reds,

to 3. ‘Tills was Uie last po.ulblllty for

.. cliange In the Notional Itague standings. T in order now la settled: Cincinnati, Brooklyn. 81. Louis. Pittsburgh, Chicago, New York. Bos­ton and Philadelphia.

R n IChicago .......... 000 IDO 000 - I 2 :St.L0UU..... ...000 ftSI 23X-11 15 J

Ilaffensbcrgcr. Page and McCuI' lough: Wameke and W. (Soper,



.4 III

C rbllad 102

u m v r s MTSTEBY HARR008BOBO. Ky. W>-WU-

liwn B trdln plicad IS e n » u n d tr • ’ H tU Q cbcptad .W M ittrprlM dirtira

tliej tutcliKl 16 cbUkt. RU expUoft* Uon: One of Iho eggs doQbleyolk* . ■

Disappoinbnent itits Yanks After

Pennant FailurePHILADELPHIA. Sept. J7

l : , ,..w i..I l« .N t«L J!fo rlt_Y ftn iiees- bitter disappolnuaent. a t m b ^ their fifth straight American league pennant left th d r dressing room as sllenC a t a i«mb al(«r. today's dcfeal U ul kriockM. Utem out of. tlie pennant fight. •

They filed In qlllelly. undressed slowly, lit cigarettes and some opened botUe soda pop. while they were cooling out »f ter the 6-3 shel­lacking Uiat Johnny Babich and Uie AUiletles gave them. B ut none

• of them said .onyUilng.Manager Joe MeOarth}', prtesed

(or ft lUUment. said, -^ e ll . we did.all we could, I t Just goet (o show that the sun deesn^t thine 'all the ttaJB.-

Then. In ehamclerlstlc style, he .added, "But we. con sUU finish neond «nd not golne to quit

Air li i.mlKturs of gasea and 1* ne t ft cbtmlcti eoapoujKL ___

Fumble Leads To Filer Wiii

RUPERT. Sepl. n -T u fii ln g a Rupert fumble into a touchdown, n ie r defeau-d the Pirates. IS lo 8, here UiLi afternoon on a rain- drenched field.

All touclidowns of Ihe close batUe came on end runs, and fumbles were frequent lliroughout the game.

Filer scored In the second quarter, but failed to convert; and Uien Epicene Georges. Rupert right half, back, took Uie boll for a eS-yard touchdown dash after the Pirates had gained IS yards on the llrst play.

The count remained Ued.unin the last quarter when Rupert’s fumble on Use 30-yard linn waa-pltked up by » Filer halfback” 'T ie Wildcat* converted to brlng.the scor* to IS t«

Rupert first dawns numbered five 1 Filer's four.Yards galnM In scrlmmBge wera

neorly equal, and Plltr eompleUd ~ne pass to Rupert's two.

The game, played In a high wind, •as a season-opener for Filer, end

Uie Wlldcsta tangle wlUi Twin Falls Friday.

Murtaugh Bows "To Rupert Club

UurtAugh k lsh school cquid, in I football su n e pUyed to ’ the niln here today. R u w f i t i n t touch- d j r a wsLiKored f a Uiolecond pUy of finrt p | „frpm Bumell to Qloff.' The Bcore. f ^ M p c r t , by Quarter*: 14, 37, j j .

Albion N ^m al Opens Season

ALBION. Srpl. 27—Coach Or\'UIe Hull unvclb hl3 IflM Klltlon of Uie Albion Nomial Panther* here Sat­urday nftcnioon when Uicy tackle the highly-rated Eaatem Oregon Normal eleven.

Each chib will place ^lx letter* icn on Uie field and Uie two

srcgaUons total Ju.1i aboui the n In weight..

Tlie game la aclieduled to gel drrtt'ay a t 3 p. m. and many grid fans from Uie surrounding terrltoo'

re expected to wltne.u the cla-'h. Probable xtartlng llneupj;

Oregon Albion

G o o d in g S q u a d L o se s T o I n v a d in g B r u i n s

T w i n F a l I s ; W i n s , 7 t o 6 , W h e n P a t t o n C o n ­

v e r t s A f t e r S c o r i n g ’

0 0 0 D I N 6 . Sept,, 27 — T w in F a lls B ru in s fo o tb a l l te a m de feated G ood lnB S e n a to rs w llh a o tif -p o in i m u rc ln of. v ic to ry , 7 lo fl. u n tlc r t h e I lo o tlllg h ls on thi; new ju n io r hlK h schoo l field h e re to n ig h t . 'n ie re_ w a s no score iin tll th e th i r d q u a r te r ,

■pnd Q io irC ii tto n . B ru in hack ,

Hy SID FTDKIl NEW Y.ORK. S e p l, ^7 (,7‘) - T l i r r c ' l I be v e ry llU le iJlcklng on

llic ll l l lc fe llo w s tom orrow In fo o tb a l l 's f i r s t big S a tu rd a y of th e 5C«.son,

To]>i)cd o f f by ft hiRhly cxplo,slve s e t o f in lc rscc tlo n a l tu'i.slc,'i. th e blR collcKC ;,clicdulc n u ik c rs tm v c .ih o w n .ln th is ciir l:iln -fn l.ne r t h a t thc.Vve f ln a l ly -b e c o m c .scrlovi.s ab o u t gc l- tln n rid of Ih c old cnlorlcs;i h .ib il o f n io p ji ln j ; up th e sm a lle rschool;; a t t h e s t i i r t of a .sra- 1 ------------------------------------------------" ,son.

A.s .-I rM ilt of til ls opcnhiK ri’d - h o t K et-loR cthers,

n i roliK- to tnkp r.rv

pnwrrlioiiv'.plct.ir rltrlii

or thr

iiiliui-Hnd Mint rr at the Coiihn

.MlclilKiin': -



Kirby .. Roys „„

McKee ....DttPrry ..- Ovcrhtilr, . Babcock _


,., Winii Fromel WrlRhl . Lewi

. McHarguo ,., AlbcrU'on

Price____ Requa_ HepworUi _ rrcc.itone ... Richards

CasUeford Club Captures Thriller

CASTLEFORD, 6epU 37—Cu.nUe- ford Wolves remained undefeated in

nan league compellllon here to- , by staging a last-quarter rally

goo<I for a touchdown and an IB-12 victory over a surprising band Of -d m GrlBlles,

Coach Paul J o n e s defending champloaihlp club held a S-0 Irad a t Uie half-tim e, due to Emory Bryant's touchdown, Bryant also scored In the third frame to give his club a 13-0 lead, but Eden came right back wllh two counters and going Into Uie lost period tho score

knotted a t 13-aU...le two teams batUed on even

({rm.*;. unUl wllh only two minutes lo go Wilbur HlU caught a • pass and scored for th e home town club and assured vletor?-

F o o t b d U D MS c o r e s ^ W

' COLLEGE FOOTBALL ' Oklahoma City V. S. Otnah* u : 6.

(Ue).Furman <0. Eraklne 0. tVaynnburc 0, Duquesne 26.Ml. 6 U Mary's 0, Geerf* VVtsb*

Inifati 12.. Texas Teeh 6, OkUhoma A. A M.

•u. of Kentucky IS. X arler 0.H IG n SCHOOL

Jereme 13, Sheshene 12.DlcU-lch S3. Paul a. 'Burley IS. OoUey 6. - Filer 11. Rnpert 8.BdM 0. Glenni F e rrr *. • _ CasUeford 18. Eden 12. - ' ' Kvpert 40, M n r tu iJ i B (lix s m ) Twin Falls 7, Goodlnr >•LaCrande. O re- t l , Dolse 0.

' OUkB. M eat, C '

Record C row d Secs T igers ■Rally to .E k e ' Out

Close V ic to rySH08H0NE, Sept. 27-T lie larg-, ■icnift-d In the Jilstorj- of Shoshone

high school football turned oul here today to wIIih'm a . double-header fonlcit and »ce ‘the highly-rated' ahalhoric Indlan.i drop a clo ie 13-12 divlilon to the champion Clai Jerome Tigers. •

In tlie other half of Uie double bill Dlclrlch won a nU-m.'ticoiintcr from Paul by a count of 3J-0,-

The Jcronic-Slio.ihoiie ci mwd M one of Uie lop-noich affairs In suuih Idalio and brought ab many a Uirlll. Jerom e counted II

Charles Plastlno carrle<l ivcr Uie one-yard Iltie on

buck and then kicked Uie fx ... point to make the count stand 7-4 for Uie TIgrrs.

Indians Stage Drive I]i Uie second quarter Uis Indians

took the play Into the ir own hands and dreve from the 40*yard line to Uie one-half yard m ark, and from there King drove over. However. Uie attempted pass for cxlro point failed and Jefomc led. 7-8,

N'elUicr team scored In the Uitrd .nuarter, but lit the fourUi frame tihoshone gained Uie lead when earlj' In the frame a drive from the 31-yard line to Uie elghl »ei' tlA ball tip for seorlng. From Ultra McKaIn scored on a lateral. The attempied kick lo r ex tra point went ride. . .

Jeroi;ie took th e kickoff wlUi fi minutes remaining to play and dro from their 31-yard line to tho on, yard stripe.. From there PlasUno again eorrlcd the b a ll ' over—and Ume was-called ns he rested from the terrlfle drive. He was-reported 'all- fagged oul'' from the game and R-as' removed a fte r falling in hi attempt to kick tho unneeded exUi point. There were two and one-hal. minutes of play remaining when ihe final count was acored.

^Ine Defensive Work There was some line defensive

work on the p a rt of the Shoshone club early In the jam o when Jerome w u held for downs on the orie- half yard line and again on Uie IB'yard mark,

The Dlctrlch-Paul affair was all rielrlch as the no rthern team piled up M polnto in the first ouarter and then ran wild In the fourth to score 19 more. In th e la s f period Uie Paul club took to the air and

I a reiult Larsen, Dietrich ace. jr td twice while IntereepUng Paul

aerial Uirusui—running once for so yards and anoUser Ume for fiD.

Skilled laboren buUdins modem military planes t r e paid on average wage of 70 cents a n hour.

'ay fo r a n o th e r lonR r u r and rac ed 20 ya rd .s r6 r a touchdown- Patton converted for thi c.\tra point thiil ,\iKllrd vlctorj'.

GoodhiR’j hard-drlvuiK bad:. Mi> Crra, carrlcd the ball acro sT u ie field to score the acnalor'i

:allr»l I nverl.butdoui


Po'vcn cf the Druiiu and Joli Cooper oI lihe Senators. c-Nprc.'-rc Kratiliratlon over the showinK ma<i by their sqiiadi in the csrly seaso

.Hand and blea game.

The llnc-iip: T\V!V PALLS Andcrsoir . Hoover Gitrr naylex llaKkins «'apl nankhcad llobrrt^on .Singleton lllrbePatton

. .Meeker McCrea

TreesSubstllutlsna — Twin .'all«. Jlnki,

Terry, Prcnly, Bradley. Gooding — Dalirens, Pauls, SehmldL

Burley Bobcats

Top Oakley, 15-6

Bucfge Club Runs U p ‘ Safe M arg in in F irs t Three - Q uarters o f P lay

BURLEY, EepU 37 iSpcclal) - Burley BobcatA slgitallxed'Uiclr ser- loiis in tenU ^i of having a strong luind In ^ e rm ln ln g the Big Seven champloiiShlp race here yesterday as Uit}' mifrched to a 16-fl victor^ over the. U^ck}' Oakley Hornets tn a

Coach Ilulon Budgc*.i aggregaUon moved In front on Uie rain-drenched field to hold n 0-0 lead a t Uie half. The opening score came In Uie second period when Price. Bur­ley halfbi|fk. went off tackle for 30 yards and the counter. Tlie a t­tempt for Uie extra p ^ t failed.

Burley scored again In the Uilrd quarter on a safety when a Burley kick was blocked and it swarm of Bobcats fell on Uie ball behind Uie goal line. AnoUier six points when Bell, Burley halfback,

tackle for a countei, point plunge was gooc

wlUi Nelion e a n r ln j the bar The lone OokJey counu r ....

late In Uie fourth fram e vhen

ter. The attempted Uck for e x m point foiled. .

Next game on the Burley schedule «UI be agaliut the Boise Braves next Saturday.

KrttlnK bull park,

U^Wr.^lty of Ciillfornla> trrrltory wUM h ig h hnpe^, tilt .rlnion-purc Panthrrn of

l>\iri:h vi.sitliig Columbuj to Ic the high and mlchtv Duck- of Ohio State and Ilo'.ton cnl- Kolng down to tangle wllh Tu-' > hlclily-touied troupe, ipse fnur gnmr.^ aloiif are ex-

pertfd to draw In the nrlshbofhood of 160.000 casli outom erj.

idriltlon, there are such other ■phlcal tnixture.i to fool with .•a State n l Denver. Cfiitrniiry »a.- Chrjxtlali, LehlRh at Vlr-

Kinln, ColonicTo at Texnr.. and, one of the surslvlng "hreiWicr" eouir.^u for a bir.school, Colgate'* Ilri-llfter agalnsl Akron, — '—

Tl\e card of neiRhborly gfi-lo- getherj ffaUiren Uic rhamplniuhlp! camiiiign.i of the Soiitheni, Swith-' ea.-.terii and Pacific Coa.it confer-'

■'"lice:.,Calltornlii ojien^ de-.

Pacific CoiiU

W hile .Sox Seore Vi ill O y er Browns

CHICAUO, Sept. 27 !/7 - A »Ul- i:lr i)v Luke Applhig scored Joe Kuhel hi the lOih tuning to give thr ChlcaKO V /hltf So* a « to 3 vie- lor.v over the S t. LoiiH Brown.' to­day 111 the firt.l game of the sfa- Mn'» Ulial .serle.-.,

Kuliel accounted- for the flrtl run uhrn h r banged I1L5 27th home run in the llr.'.i'lim ing . His lota) tied Uie .•xa.'on record for a While Sox pl.iyer. Zeke Bonura hitting 27 In lfi34,

- • - R H EUt. L ouis.........000 001 020 0 -3 8 IChlciiKO ..... 101 001 000 1—4 13 3

Harri.', and Swift, Siisce; Dietrich and Tre.Oi, '


nnnln.'.t Wa.slilngton State, and th Trojani are expected to pick up rliiht where they Icfl off.

In othpr Pacific coast' naines, Snii Prnnci.'-;o' tackle.' Stanford, Utah greet.i Santa Clara and Idaho battles Ore«oii SUt<

Ferrymen And Biiiil Play Tic

GLLNNS FERRY. Sept. 27-Duhl and Olciuu Ferry high school foot­ball tcnmj bnlUed to a .«orelm -U* In a giune played h; hrre this aftemoon,

Thr visitors carried the loll twice, lo Ferry's 20-yard tone during Uie scconcl-fluarter. for Uie game's flril' Uireateiicd r,eor

■Twice during Uie final period, Olenna Ferry took poac.vMon of the ball when Buhl attempted to kick for field gonli. and once Conch Kenneth Barretl's Fern'men drove from their own 20-yard line Ui wiu'i- In two yards of the goal and touchdown, Tliere Coach M, Wieeler's line held and lumtd back the threat,

Oiit-itandlng In Uday'x game wrri Grimes and Ciinlnf. Bulil’a qusrter. back and full back, and Clegg and Golden. Olenns FVrry ftJIlbick and Imlfback.

The llne-up: nU H I>. GLENNS FERRYKylei .............. ..................... CmneJsrels ............_ .,.l------......Cagle ------------ g---------- nUckslenHamilton ...........e ............ Retarison

T ate 'Briggi _______Grime* ______

PliilHes Defeat Miibbell, Giants

NEW YORK. ScpU 27 Uie flrht (Imo since he. Joined Uie Gli.nt.-, In 1028 Carl HubbeU '« l l ' flnl.'h a »eason with a pi'-hlng per. cenlaKe of less than JOO.• •!>: old m aster of Uie screvbalf lost his 13U> of ifTe season lo the .Phmie.i e-O today In hU last ip> pcnraiice of n dUnstrous Qlant cam* palgn. He won II this year. ■ Philadelphia ;..,.000 i'?n nm—«-TT*iNew York ..........000 000 000-0 4 3

Mulcahy and Warren: HubbtU, Lynn and Dnnnlng.

_ Chresst - tiehroa , Ourllson - . Oelden


Boston Red Sox Score 24 Runs in Rout of Senators

BOSTON. Sept. 27 Ttie Bos- in Red Sox »et a IMO top for ma. ir league ecorlng • today u they

smacked Uie Washington Senator* J4 to 1. The aoclcen got 23 hits off three Washington pitchers. Uie big. se tt slugfest comtng In the fourth when 18 Boston men came to bat to bring In 10 runs.Boston .... _ , ._ . . . ia s (10)10 071-24Washington ____ 200 000 4

Monteagudo, Thuman. Krakaus- kas and Evoni; Ostermueller an] DeSaulels.

Go To The-

AIR SHOWwllh m UnWnl

w o o d lAw n7 0 Octane 'BrenM. Oaselloe

. New Only 2 m «Cbeck-Chort •

LUBRICATION7 5 « r K C u .

gip tr t >uto and trac to r rtpolrloc and palnUns.

rriU tende. Uwhanle R m 0»a«d]juB4 O penM


231 lU, ATCSM BobUi Jack F M n N -O w n e r

J e n k i n s O f f e r s a

B e t t e r ' U s e d C a r

“ A s k Y o u r s e l f

- F i r s t . .Jost Uke a m laote ta dlMtU* the car problem with jeOTiU. If 70U don 't cenclod* » G kn G. Jenkins aae4 car bay (hen ve'Q miss gtieas.

1S39 Chevrolet Deluxe Town Sedan — V acuum power gt«r Uilft. heaU r, defroster. JS.OOO miles --------IMS F ^ d -C oupe — Motor, finish, Ures. ffood, beat*

s u sll>38 Chevrolet O elun Town Sedan fx ce lle n t coniU-l i o n _______________ - t B M

.l»37 Plym outh Deluxe Town, Sedan — M otor reeondlUaaed, finish, uphoU letr, cood .'" .......- ---- -----------------9 - .W37 Ford- Tudon Sedan' — motor, finish, tftivalsterr.gootf ------------------S 3 7 » .1»37 C hoT olet Coupe — Mo* lor reconditioned, new fla*w* .......................- .....- S 4 9 0l»3S Lafayette Sedan — Mo- Uir reconditioned, new nnlsb,-hM ter ............--S34B:m i Chevrolet Sport 'motor, flnlah. g o o d __ S S M 'I IU Chevrolet 4 Door 8 t4 t a ' -M o to r recoodlUoned S 2 7 S ' 1B35 Fora Deluxe “Pair condition ___IM4 Ford P o rdor 8e*d a n ---------------------- —f l f gi m OldsmobUe 4 Door 8 ^

----------------------_ s a o o ' :i t u Cherrole t Coupe t S M F i m Ford Z \idor Sedan S 1 2 B '. U U Dodce Sedoa — S lO O ^

U30 O hevrolei Coach I W Ford R oadfter.

TRUCKS ■i m Ford U tc a , n e k - •, u p __ ■ ~ ’»•UM Cherrole t

m s Ford H . t a(7 l.> ra ta ru n C h » r i ^ - IH 4cB?r

Page 8: Vol. 29, '^o. 1S5 Tokyo Joins Berlin, ^me in Alliancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...An Aaoclated Preu Newtpaper THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Partly Cloudy Vol



s tock M a rke t S lips Again :— ^ r T f M n o Sentim ent

- &6ts New Jolt

M a rke ts At A Glance fNi-w TOIIK fw.,i m - •

O'.'.* > _ . __ * iH-». .|_

By rnEDKRICK OARDNFJl u r.w YOKK. StpV 27 (,V. - Tl'

&luck inarkcl itinoriin

opparcntly wai iil 'r” i> furiMrr jo 1))' forclK!! news,

DtnllilHt « r r r llillit (lurliu: 1110- Oi tlir procmlliKs hiil volume pick

N ewYork S T O C E S

k!?JrV- '

Off Jia ■I II........: llip <l«y>cries were Iti evKleiice re nl tlip clir.r, Ilidail; prliirlpul .'.ulfern.i

lie A^-Orlntrd prr'.N n .6 of n.00 1.V

« .I ,‘T rnnafm lolnllcd 501,m0 Miiirr.rSpeculative forccs, broliers r.nlc

wffo Bornewtint <IUHirl)e<! liy the an­nouncement of the mllllivo’-ftono- mlc flKrepincnt bcl»pcn Jnpaii nm Uie nom e-nrrllu nxb wlilcli Kni- erally wn.i l>elfcvNi nlmed nl thr United SlntM, I- ^ Consplcuoiis i.lmres of llie,tIoan. ^de IncIuded-UiS. Steel, Ucthlclicin Clirynlrr. Ajinconiln. Kruntcott Amerlcnn Snie1tlii(j. St. Jo.srpr Lead Amerlcnn Zinc, U, S. Ruljlxr, Senr Roebuck. DoiiKln.s Aircraft. Ameri­can Telephone. N. Y, Central. Orest Northern. SUnclnrd Oil of N. J. Dow Cliemlcul, Jofms-Mnnvnie, and Union Carbide.

CommodlUej turnrfl IrrcKiiInr Wheat a t ChlcnKO ended of! lo up aa much.

Stock Avcrafjes

T rend of Staples

Livestock Markets

, m m m mDomestic S u p p ly ' S itua tion

O lfsets Th reaten ing W orl'cTAffairs

llnK II' >mln over awhcni liners.coiiilnuccl

drift nlmler-ily tWl-V In the crofj current.^ of thrcnttnlni: intrrnn- lloiml nllalra nntl nrtltlflnl <Io- inr.Mlc siipj)ly .Htuatlon.

Tlir nxls-J.ipancAC pact ua.i jwrt- ly ic.'.iioji.sIIjIp fnr an rnrly tct^b.ick nl almo.M r tcnl, with dealers .Ijik-

IR thPlr cue from iiclloii of i.ecurl- ir . U-iter ihe inarkrt rcvrriMl It- ;lf. Deccmbrr coyiracis rallUOB J 'i

from tlie low and rraclilnt: flOS. best levTl ?.lncc /:irly (n Julji..a3U»..rf- flf^W MmiKlh In Uie njiot mnrltet n id inirch:i'!iii ;~'hy coiiiU-'nlUK ailtl liTT)Cr;-.lnK ftllrrcst-i. ^ , **

Anotlier tn^gllK .npell In Ui; Unjl IniilM Kave v,tieftt a 1 '. l(T*er to' till,-her clri'.c compared wlili yes-

iil Inrd 5-10 lo'‘*i'r

F raud Charged to ijaycees’ Leader

f)!;ATTLE, Kept. 27 (/1'/-Tom II, Drtmimry. former president of the Seattle Junior .dinmber -of’ Com* m rrie, wft.i nrre.ited on f t 's c ^ i mull frauJ indictment )•f^lc^day, tth|cli rrniltpd, Po^Lil Ins])cclor JoJm.t;. Sttrn:.on Mill, from a JIH.OOO trails- nclluii wlUi n Ptiyallup, W aili. «o-

'j.lvlie Drun«nev- »•»» wiiu a SraiUc Jailuslrlal banVIng firm,

rlaimcd knowleflKe of

- I f s all ncnlii'-t him.

•• lie t-

Dnimnicy, wldi-lv known tllrouKh- ut tlip Pacific norUiwrat, wa.i t iindldnte for conKreii In IMG. Tliflt n ir, the RrntUc Junior chnmijcr v,;ird(\! him lU dlMlnKlllsliw! Ben'' •o l;ry iif! "Ihr youns man nioM out- liUKllnif In civic uchlevemenl foi lu- vrar and liliih In [XTsoiml chiir- ct-T and ability" In Scalllc. He cailrd the nrk-aiilWtlDn In 1035. jvd rral nuUiorltlc.1 wlthlirld dc-

Inillctmeiit pendliiK ar-of.o ilcfciiilnnt.

mm GRANGES - AT J O i l E I

Charles S. T a y lo r Advises Farm ers They Must

U n it^nuHi/,

PO TA TO ESiiMno nrrA T oc

W o o l M a r k e t ' s

W e e k l y R e v i e w

v| I win Tails iMarkelf

■ Metals

Tonni.n, tv.-.'

TI- Ur*. I« .I rrrinrr. t

. nO.’TTON-OxKl ►Vt.tii romblrr^Jtnrfiht fin* Tmliorr »«.I« In Cfiflnil l«if» norlnf rMdllr at tSr 1a t!t iMuml Utia Udtr. Aiklnr dHcm

nrHA. lOQ-pounH Ic Ilrir. (oo-wun^l k

tocsl. ino-r» faoi t09-tw

I g n i t e r E j r c s

P erish ab le l i n gShippii

Coorttij Frtd Union TatlUe t n l t h t ' mttnl.Tvln F4ltl,

FarroV. ■ mttnl.

Carload .ihlpment.^ of perlihable commodities for Sept. 26:

Idaho Falls dlilrlct— Potatoej 67, ;jki 1.T»in PalLi district— Potaioes 30,

mixed vrsclRblM <, onlon.i 3. Caldwell dUtrlct—Apples M, on-

i!H 15, mixed veRrtnble.i 2,Nywa dijlric!—Potatoes 15 (all

for.feilenU relief). onlon«-2.



Pfoferjijnal TnERlnff Lambs 2e. T#Ri n i l more than pay for Job.'

nrrm an Nice. Filer. Id*h#

Kcnl IJs l.itc Tran.'sfcM

fMmliliec! or tlio IM'In FalLi Title and Abr.trast Corapjny

Wfdiirsday, Sept. 25Drfd; Tuln KalU County to \V. H.

ind J. Noll, S'D, }:’vSK H-lS-lii.inslon r

D rrd: w . J. Hi liikT. lo P. HiilchliiKr,, $1; part H Jill:., C Oolilen Iliile Addlllon. Deed; C. F, lieiulpnon to D. Million, $42.'.t), Lnl.i 22-:3-:<, lilk. < IJ L. Deed; H. M. KIPlcher lo C. S. t'tillls, S200. Lot 7, .■5ouih lj>v,n Siiir Di-etl; D. W. Jack,-.nn lo \V, L, Slmp.-.on, Jion. part f./)t 1, .Sec. 7 -ll-:o . Deed; C- V. \Viir. ter to J:*n. Coli.on. S15. Lol.-,C.7-a, nil;, la. tloKfvr.cm.

I today by

n - A GrnnRc bno.M- Twin F.ills county

(■;. wa\ held 'I^lPsdny evpiilnR Jiiihl Metlioilbt Phurrh rrcrc- I rooms, lloll call :.tin'xp(l len ■,i reiirpsenlfd nnrf nbout 200

ppopie prp^pnl.Tlip proirmin opened wl

IlriTT.- drill, Ilac ^ tu te nl if •••nie Slar SpaiiKled

Legal AdvertisementsP r o c e e d i n g s o f t h e B o a r d o f C o u n ^

C o m m i s s i o n e r s ; T w i n F a l l s C o u n t y , T d S h o r

• follov Klvcby MniJrIfp Oi

iprMilpd nl the pliino by Ml; iiple: r<MdlnK, "Alice In Woi il." hv NJl.'..', nclty RlnKl lie, Marlp Oticrrj-, accnmpnnled Mrr., Ted .Miu'.on at Iht- pi; m ;il .'olo'., - n i c DpmtI I 'O ne Alnnc," by Hobcrt Klr; licr; timiianled by Mf;.-: Matlon K in ' '

npw:.rar.t, wlUi Erie Jones,

Jinlltec. cave Ihe-main tlie evniliiK. His topic:

• farmcr.T miiM linllr'if they r« rl^e heni-fll.'t-eriSiiiarablt lu-r Indu.’.trle^, nnd If tlicy :iK 10 ;,[ablll.-c farm prlre; omplt-.h other rie.Mrable ob-

He !,ald one-fourili of iIk i>ll of Ihe United Slalp.-. itrt , and- yet- they have nlmor.t t volrc as to whnl l.s liap-

prntii!;,•• ■ .Mre.v.cd lha t all farmer:, .ihould

cQOlU'rate twd nwUc R Mi\U «! tUcm- vi, lo accomp1b.il their lUins, nni ted out a few of llic nrcompllr.li' t.i of Onincer.s IhrouBh iinlted

effort, anioiiK fhe.-c bclnK nir.il free dcliverj', Ihe paVcel por.t sy.v rural cli-ctrlllcallon nnil IpkU-

e «f)rk acfompllshed. He salil leKl.'lallvc roinnilltec.i In Wn. h- w , D. C., and in the .-.l.ile cap- , arc workliit: conliniiourily, try- :o i;et satlifactor>’ comllllon.s for

llir farmers.Afler uroup f.lni:li'S »t

;oclftl hour nnd r('tri.v.hi •iijoycd by Ihe Dr.inKcrs and lliplr rlends pre.fpiit. ..

I t wn.s nnnoiinced lliAt Friday «Vf .iliiK, Orl. •«, Oovrrnor Hotloll'.-.p \U11 be In Iluhl to-Klve a lalk to a if the farmers iind Ornncprs.

SNAKK Kii.i.i;i{ ■ nJscovi:«s KMiiAi.3iiNr. ri.u n )-\v o n K S

Oltt-AHOMA C U T . Sept. 27 ( ,n - I, DlllliiKliiini finally killed ht.s ^ltk;.nnV.e, AfSr: slirct taVc MaiU. He tt-anted to pul Iho «-1nrh fep-

lle to death withniit mutllnllng ILi i;ln. In ordiT to niiikc nji accurnlc la.'iter c.i;,t. DnCen of iialurBl KUS nd nutomnbile-.’ rxhau.-.t fume.V illed, n.n.dlil aitcniptisl drownlnR, DiinkhiK ila- r.ililcr In embnlmlnc iild tumeil iiie Iriek. thouRh,

’Cnnnila ;vorlil's leading pro.

2 5 T r a i l e r

W a g o n s ,

licadi/ To Go! E n it ip p rd w ith I fi” n r 20"

R U B B E R T I R E SA r.peclal prlcc Uila oeekl'Alio ft few new and nsi'd f.toci: tnvll- cm .. . . Ko<Kl w ed utocl; of 16 Inch Ir.ilirr nxle.vsOPER’S

ERYICE' I-lre Spot 8B fh«

Truek Lane"1 Fourth Are. W.

P R I C E S R E D U C E Db n

T h e S t u r d y O l i v e r

BEET PULLERSS e e T K e m B e f o r e B u y i n g

M O U S m m S T A T E S M P L E M E N T C O .

Twin Palb. Idatio__ Bcptember 6, IBIO

------- —lOiOO'o'clock A. M,nEGULAR JULY HE.S!itON

Tlic Board or Coiyity Commti' doners m et a t Uils Unie piiriuanlio •ecea, nil member* and Oie cjerl present. , .

FlxJnj Mlnlmtuo Price t - RcaI 'EaUi«

Tlic Boord too** under consider­ation tlie fUlng of minimum prices ... pieces of property nO'

but not Mid a t jmbllc sali ity -rea l estate, Afler carc'

fill apprnl.-ml of each of the follow- ln« de.'scrlbed pieces of projwrty II waa moved by Commtsjluncr Llnd- tey, ieconded by Cotiimb.sloner Pot­ter. nnd unanimously curried, that minimum prices for Uie pur\xr.e of

'vatc sale be fixed a t 11.00 ]>cr lot, th c 'lo tn l BUm of lIM.OO, on tht

follottlng lo li In ROKersoii townj.lte; L ou 1 to 1C Inc. Ulock 1; LoU I I 10 Inc. Block 3: Lota ] to 20 Inc,

Block 3; Lot 1 Block 4:■: Block S: Lot-s 12 nnd 13

Block O'. Lot 31 Block (I; Lol* 0 and 1 Block 1; SE',:, LolOUlocV: 10: LoU

and 8 Block 10; Lois 11.Block 10; Lot 3 Block 11; Lflt. 17. 18, IS Block 12; f l’4 Lot ID. all of U ts 20 nnd 21. Block 13; Loi.i ). 2 nnd-3. Block 10; Lot 2. Block 17; Lot

Block 20; LoU 1 nnd 2 Block LoLi e nnd 0 Block 21; LoU 12

H Block 21: S 'i Lot 0. All of Lots JO nnd 11 Block 22; Lol.s M lo IB Inc. Block 23; L o t.13 Block and Lol i nnd S ' i of Lol 5 Block Id,

Upo.'i i l ie motion bclnu p;it lo a I'Ble J{ iv.-M ijfiatilmou.ilj' ainU^I.

T ran jfer of Fundii Upon nn order of the Sui)c;liiten-

ilenl ot Public Instruction. Ilie fol- lowInK trnnsfera were ordered made: Debit General tnind Common School Dl/>t, No, C2 in Uie mnoiini of $1,* 700 JO anti Credit IHkIi School fund o{. IJlst, No, 62 with »<33.0fl nnd Cri-ilH oenernl I-'iind of Conimnii School Dl-st. No, 23 with *1J70.«. Approval Bi« Klven of 'the apportloniiifnt of all future funds of Common School DI,M. No. 62 to Common Srhcxil D No. 23.

Appllcnntj for relief wcrr hp until the hour of 5:00 o-clock p. ivhen a rcre.vs was taken until 10 o'clock a. m, Seplcmbcr 3. 1010.

BKN E. POn-Kfl,


WALTFR C. MUSGRAVF. Clerk, T»vln Fall.',, Malm September 0, IDIO 10:00 o'clock A. M.

ItKGIiLAK JIII.Y SESStdN lie Board of County Coiiiinl.'.-

slQUers met. M tliLi time tolembcrn nnd 'the fli-rl.'

pre.renl.rransfer nf ‘und^.fer of W,5S5.03 wa'. ordpred

made from Itic IJor.pltnl Kxpcii'P Fluid to the Horipllnl liiiilpnicn I'Mnd.

lte>lEnallDn Filed Ttte rc.'ilKiintlon of &hvar<l I

lall a.1 Deputy Sheriff, wa:, filed, nd. n motion wn? made by Com ils.'iloner Poiter. .■.c4:onde<! by Com- iLvilonpr Llinbpy nnd iinanimoii.ly urle<I, tlm i .'.aid rc:.lKHftUon b ■pted by Ihe Board.

Ilrer I.keniie Granted License Ip r the nale of bottled brer ns Kranted lo John W, Bolton,

t 'urrenl Fxpensr Cl.ilni* Approvet Current Kxpen.-.e clnlmn were aP'

proved bv the Board, and warrant' ,ere ordered drnwn In payrneni liereof In Uic following order am

Bay D.' Ance, mlleaRe. S2.I0; Cha.v K. Allcil.-weert worW. J15.25.

Albprt Bronn, weed work. t3C.OO; ol'.e Payelle Lbr, Co.. repair. M5.f3;. L. Barron, con:.tnble fee, « iO ;

II, 'N. Boland, JiL-itlce fees, 13.00: Joe Bt)vd, Juror'.n ccrt.. t2,25; Ban-

lOlL.Whllnpy Co., law books, »12.50; D. T. BollnKbrokc. ca.'ih recelpLi.

Jno.' A. Brown, mlleaice and 47C.05; Olive. Bland, will

fee, $<7i; Hnrry' Brook's, win!urrnui;hs Addins Mach, ipplle.n, n.<0; Miles J,

IlroinlnK. Inc., cnr exp.. J20.1B, Covey Giis i t Oil. Co.. car exp,,

J13 <5; Clas Book Store, office aupp., lOjCO; Cltlzen-necord. publication,

; G eo.'A: .ClilWs. mllw\Re and Albert Cnrr, weed work,

j; Clly W ater Dept, water. Chn.1. Coker, election exp.,

Mrs, Wni. Colnn, witiipij fee, Coker. • Justice fee.

li:.00;County Aiiillior. election exp.. {6.00, ■

UMle V, Dean, election exp., *3.00; Dhmond Hdwc to ., election e*p„

■); lx)renn Dimcftn, wltntM fee, ;; 0 . P. Duvall. Inr.anlty henr- (10.00. .

Krlckj.on. Sr.. wltne.u fee. {3J1U; Kvan.1 A: Johm on. election

$5.00; J, W. Eur,lb. election Jj.OO, •

I'oi.titicUt, RivUry. U, U. 110.00;,A. C. Foraii. sand, »28i5: I)cliiu-r Farmer, weed work. $35.10; Eliim Farrar, witness fee, »5.52; Fac­tory Radio Scn ice. repair. $3.00; Roy I'ullrr, ca-'.irrecelpUi, »8J5; Fletcher Oi: Co., car exp.. »5.D2,

crrlsh. supplies, M.OO; Mrs, Harriet Greeiunan, wltnc« fee,. E. Cordon, weed relund,«02B: Silas Olvcns, con-stable fee, *37,00; Wendell Onnnon.fs'llne.vi fee,

H- W. Ollleltc. wlUieaa fee, K.:5,

Sanford Himt, wltnerj fee. MJ3: Oeo, R. Hivrt. mllenKB »ncl exp., »:OiS; E. H.-HartlUiB. weed refund. ■■ ■ fiawnrd lljde'r. weed work. lU.fiO: Mrs. Carol Hartfelder. wit.

Carl JJartfelder. wlt-. .. ____: E\’n House, extra

help, I73JI0; E. P. Hall, casli re- •»2.M; L. W. Howklns. cft.^h rc-

eflpLi. 115,DO; L. W. Hawkins, prls- leni board. J2S5.0O,Idaho Senice 6ta.. car exp., »3.00;

Waho Power Co.. eleclrlclly. >W.«.Frank Kelly, election exp., 15.00;

filicvlean Keller. wltne.M fee, U.Ofl; Wm, Knox, w ltnerj fee. M.00: L, C. Krotcher, lalary. 110.00; W. M. KniPKer^,urcd work. I30JO; Pfiul U Kreft, elpctlon exp., *2^0; Ouy L. Kinney. Insanity hearluR. • 110.00; Kimberly AdvertLser. publication. 10.65,

C, B. Lindsey. mlleaBe nnd exp., *11.10; .Mrs. M artha U ennan, rcRli-

*SJi5; Ben Lukf;'Juror'/i .cert, 12^5; Lnnce UUIbrl'dge. Juror'# cert. $325.

Mnnlooth and Sons, repair. $18.00;, Oliver W. .\Jandcn, constablo fees,

.. , t r ,

$4*); Mabel P . Meyer, election exp.. .50; John- Morris, weed work, $20.00; MftBcI Automobile Co:.->expen5e. $22iiS; Robert Meyer,<«itness fees. $0.«0; MnJeatlc Plmmmcy, dnjgs, JO; Min.- Stale* Tel, * Tel Co,, tel, service. 1137.08.'

• l: E, Nlchob, weed work. $3JO; .M, J. NefzKcr,.'Jtifor’» cert,. $2.25; J . W. NorrU. Janitor help. $113.73; H. A. Neal Si Co.. office supplies, $13.65,

Dr, William F. Passer. Insanity hearlnus, $30.00; pickrell Motor Co, car expense. $13.60; H. S. P(x,t. sal­ary. $25.00; Ben E. Potter, mlleaRe nnd expenses, $13J4; J. O. Pumph- rey. Justice fees. $0.00.

Le-M Russell, witness fee, $3.12; Maiy Ann Reber. salary, $15,00; Rjiys Tcxato SmUon. car expcnr.c $10.B5;‘ Reed's U ltr Way klorcs. caj expem,e, $2,40; Mrs. Bam llasmu>- 8P.^.wltneu Jee, $2,12; Mrs, Loin luwoldfl. W1U1P.VI fee. $3.12: A, I. Ro.-.n, salary, $105.00; R. L. Roberts, repair, $3J0.

Bhipman Bros., draynKC. $3.00; n , 1!. Stewnrt. justice few. $3!),00; Cora E. Stevens. nwJcned claim; iRobcrt Jordan, w ltneu feel. $24.00; Syms-York Co„ law cook.-,. $4 00; Oeorse P. 81mp.^on, Juror's certifi­cate. $2,25; Self MainifacturhiK.Co., repnlr, $8.10; Cor« E. Sirvcna, ns- .•.Igned clnlinji: (Robert Miller, weed work. $44£0; Edward Johnston, weed woTi, $Jtj.»; Earl Ford, weed wwk. $15.00; Robert LlRlilfoot, weed work, $41.45)-$llflJ5: Schwnctz A uloro.,

cxpciwe, $3.04; Sipp-Ken Auto Part.'., cnr expense. $3,70; Arthur H. Sllfer, cash recclpu:. $2J0; Slirlvcr'a Drlve-ln. car expense. $12,13; P. C. ShrneberRcr, Inianliy licarhiR, $10.; 3'rank Slack. wltncM fee, $3.12; Lee SinnKcr. wltne.vs fee. $2.88; ARncfl Svnncara. wime.vs fee. $B,M; ,Mr.i. V. J, Snilicarn. wIUicm fee. $«00; Ralph Sviincaru. wltncis fee. $8.50; Ralph Svancnm, w llne;j fee. $9rt0; V. J, Svancar.i. wlUier.'i fee. $aiO; V. J, Svancnrn. wlUle.v? fer. $8.50; Htaiidard Printing Co.. prlntlni;,

^>3325,Tlie Tc.xas Co., ear exp.. $14.00;

Todd Sales Co.. ribbon. $3.25; J. C. T>ner. witness fee, $3.l2:.Twln Falls Co-op. Oil Co.. cnr >xp"i $2.ca;.Wal­ler Turner, weed workT StiO.OO; U'wln t^alU Flour Mill.'., nnppllcs, $33.25; T\Hn J-'alls Blink A: Tru.'.t Co., as- .',lRne<l claim: (frVcd Wlhnn. repair) $14JO; Twin Knlls G la ij A :'Paint Co.. repair. $20,39.

Utah Oil Reflnli $0.'70; Union Motor Co.,$r.9.4S: Union Motor Co.. car, $434.00

HlBh Vl<;us, weed work. $21,70. Hnrry W. WrlKm..weed work. $50;

Wi-.Mcott Oil Co.. car exp.. $44.37; Wheeler, Hrynolria, S tnnller. weed interlal, $:.190.55; L. E, Ward, Juk ce fcc.s. $30.00.Warbcrs Brai.. election exp.

JI4J0; GcorKe Wilson, Juror's cert. ■■.:5; Western Union. tclcKrnms, ,64; Claude Wiley, cash recelpta,

SG.45.Zion's Who Orocerj'. H. H. sup-

plli:.-;, $4.29.Tlie Boanl approved Ho'.pltal Ex-

prn-.e Clalmt, nnd ordered warrants drawn In payment thereof as low.s:

Ballnntyne PlbR. k HtR. Co. pair:,, $2J5; Buhl Laundry, laundry, $<50 00.

City WnUr Dept.. wMer. <7726; Clo'. Hook Store, office suppllc-s, $20.50; Commprclal KolvenUi Coqi. druRs,.$t3.30, i

n n ile r Fire Clny Co., driiRs, $10200; Diamond Hardw pairs, Jli.10.

J. C. Prederlck.-'on. provUloiis. $2 JO.

H, R. Harlriift, reiKilrf $50.35, Idaho Dept. Store. Ltd.. H H si

piles, $7J!0: Ideal Bakery. provLslons, $10.00; Independent Meat Co.. pro- vhlons, $20.82; Inland Sen Foods, provisions, $15.12; Idalio Dept. Store Lid, ns.'.lRned claim : Dolly Brown maid, $13.00.

H- C. Jcppf:,en, mllease,' $18.20; Jerome Co-op, Crenmcry, provklons, $130.68; Johnson A: Johnson, sursl. cal supplies, $407.60.• Pnlly Keaniea, mrtld salary. $5.42; Klnicsbury* DruK Store. dniKs. $355,- 4C; Dorothy Klous, maid salary, $11.02,

McKe.vvsit f i Robbins. Inc.. druES. $171,55'. S^ei^nen Co-. dniRS, $:V00; Mld-We.stem Dnlry- Products, pro- vhlons, $ig2B; MllU Hospital Sup­ply Co., RU?glcftl flupplle.'i. $2050; Eihcl Molnar, jinlnry. maid. $3J5; Mtn, 6t.itcs Tel As 'Pet Co.. tel r.en'- Ice. $70.04; W. H. Murphy, upkeep, $30.45; Burton E. Morse, new $108.10,

Ohio C hem lc itr* MfR. Co.Kical supplies, $1.33.

J. C, Penney Co.. H H nupplle.s. $18.00; Physicians M Hoi.pltal Si ply Co.. surKlcnl supplies, $3. Phy.-.lclnns' llecord Co., records. $38,70; Phyi,lclan.i’ Supply Co.. sur- Kical 5upp„ $137.65,

llarrv Rcc?<, iwovUlosis, $48.M; James W, Reeve, surRlcnl supp.. $151,07; Roynl Bakery, provisions. $58.57. - .

Safewny Stores No- 3*47, provlr.lons, *83J0; Bchwclckhardfs Bakery, pro- vWons. $3J0; John Scowcroft * eons Co.. provisions, $93.65: BcrUia Shockley, maid salary. $27,62; Simp- Mn A: Co.. provisions. $105.00; O. P. SkaKgs System. pro»Ulons, $23J7;O, P. SkaRKs, provisions, J43J5; So. Idaho Lnboratorlcs, lab. «upp, $10.00; Snako River T roul Co., provisions, $13.60; eutndanj Brands of Calif., provisions, $33.40; E- R. Squibb 6i eons, drugs, $30.24; Super Bervlco Market, provUlO!\i. M ill; Supctlo'r Dairy. p'rovUloifs. $67J0: S tuart H. ToyJor. Insurance prem., $57.70.

Twin Palls Coca-^CoIn BotUlng Co., provUlons, $23J9;- Twin Falls Co. Weed Bureau, upkeep. $47.12; To’ln m ils Co. Gen. HMPltaJ—Ar^lRntd Claims: Mr«. J. W. Vance, provisions, $13.00; Mrs. A. V. Sm llh. provUIons. $A.OO; A. T . Mulchbon, provlstoniv $6J3; N. R. Hunt, provisions. $I1J8; IWy Crisp. provWons, $10j0; Mrs.J. E. Casey, provlsloiis. $3J0—$47,01.

Twin Falls Co. Oen. Hospital. ca.sh receipts. $48.03; Twin Falls Olar.s* Palm Co., upkeep, $1.40; Ta-ln ^i(ll4 Highway Dl«t„ upkeep. $B70J)5;

Vogel’s, provisions. $2G.6l.Wonder Co.. provblons. $fl.OJ;

Warberg Bros., fre lsh l and draynRc, $107.10; Fred W nrren, provisions, $14J5; M n. Dora WntUi. provisions, $171.SB: West«m -Union, lelesraras, $8J)8: Wiley Dtvs Co., X -m y ,iiip. pllej, $43J4.

Youn«'» Dairy, provisions, I137JJ,

•-E G A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T S

nosplUl Eqnlpmeot C b la tAppretfd .

t h e Board ipprovtd pEqolnment claims, and ordered war* runts d ru m In Eiyment thereof m follows: ■ - -^ iv *'

Detweller Bros,. Inc;. equlpmenf, . . I $37,63; Ohio-Chemical i: Mfg. CO-.U2S: Soden Electric Co.. $599.73; , ^ Bert A. Sweet Pum lturt. $1001J3: ' Twin Fall* Bank t Tnisl-Asslsned Claim: Curtain t Drapery, $105Jl;Twin Palls Co. Oen. HospUal-As- slcned Claim: Rexalr Bales * Ser»-

$U?-00; Western Auto Supply,$8,40.

Poor Fund CUImi ApprarcdTlie Board approved Poor-Pund

clalms.-tmd ordered warranta drawn In payment Uiereof a* follows:

Charlott Armstron*. nurse. $45.00. James L. Barnes, supplies. $02J4;

.a rl G. Benson, warehouse rent, $30.00; Ben.ion Coal & Service, fuel,/- $fJ15; Buhl Pharmacy. Inc., drugs,

W. Brl8S», house re n t, .. $8.00. .

CUy SVnttrwoiHs, u-aler, 14.U; W .oiillneiiuil Oil Co.. car expense. “ $20.00; County Auditor, transp. ot Ind.. $54.80; CoRswell Tire i t Service

ta.. car exp.. $61-87.Davld;.ort G r o c e r y , provisions,

$46.00.Ford’s Liberty Market, provblons,

$35J5.John S. Goiirlcy, provisions,

$50.45; J. C. Given, supplies, $93.68.Hall’s Murkel. provlMoiu. $2J0; ome.Lbr, <t Cool Co.. fuel. $8J0;Ira, Gertrude Hnn’ey. nurse. $31.00.Idaho Dept. Store. Ltd., provisions,

$30.75; Idaho Dejit. Store. Lid., As- •slKMcd Claim: A. L. Halne.t. trniisp.CCC. $17J0; UlRlio Power Ca„ elcc.

'c iVr%’lcc. $81J5.Jfrrfme Co-op Creamer^-, provls-

Jcun. $4,70,•■■.s, e q u ip m e n t , $2.57; y ’s . Dnix Htoie, druijs,

$54.87; Kinney Wholc.'.alc Co., pro- vhloiis. $6.00.

Lyduni Drlve-In Market, provis­ions. $28.00,

Markclerla. provWons, $55-25; Ma- Re1 Automobile Co., car exp.. $16.25; Maje.nilc Phnrmaey. drugs; $5740:Mtn, States Tel A: T e l Co.. tel

irvlce. $13.75; Harry Miller. e.Mr# help. $18.71; Medford’s Grocery, pro- •I:.loii5. $39.25.

Parisian, Inc., laumln'. *68.10,Rccda Rlle-Way Stores, equip- _

nont, $6.43; Royal Bakecy. provis­ions, J34J3; Reynolds • Funeral Jionic, Ind, burials. $141.00, dlsnl $45.00. :

Grocery, provlr.lons. $21.00:So. Idaho U b,. sen'Icea, $33.07; Siudebaker G r o c e r y , provisions,$9.00; 81i«li\lT 8»ptr B tr.lc t. cnr exp., .W.OO; St. AIphon.-.iu Hospital, hospliallrjiilon, $163.03; 3 4: H Park

provisions. $23.50; W. Q, Ship- 1, salary, 575.00; Mrs. W. 0 . Ship­

man, extra help, $354)0; Ralph Shrl- ver, extra help. $45.00; W. G. Ship­man. ca.-.h receipts, $35.43: Swift &Co.. i.uppllcs.’ $32.01: Blmpson <k Co., provl.'.lons, $110.03.

Twin Falls Co. Gen- Hospital, hoa- pllallznUon. $2053.01: Twin FViUs Bnnk i t Trust Co., AsslRned Claim:H. N. Paddock, tramp, CCC, $10.00;Twin Falls Bank & Trust Co., Aa-. r.lRncd Claim: Bungalow Grocery, provision*. $86J0.

Unlot\ Motor Co. ear exp., $330. Vogel's, provisions. $24JO.Warbers Bros,. fuel, l .80: White'*

Grocer)', provision.^. $12,00; Walls i Cash Grocery, provblons. $:OJO; A We;,tem Auto Supply Co., car exp, ' ' $40.88.

Applicant.^ for relief were heard until the hour of 6:00 o'clock P. M. when a rece.-j was taken until 10;W) o’clock' A. M. September 13. 1840.

BEN E. POTTER.Chairman.

Atle.st:WALTER C. MUSGRAVE, Cleric.

Twin Falls. Idaho Beptcmber 13, 1940 ■ , - 10-,00 o'clock A- M.

REGULAR JULV SES.SION n ic Board of County Commis­

sioners m ft a t this, time pursuant to recess, all members and Uie clerk ’prc-iont,in Tlie Matter of Canninc Contract

A motion was made by'C ommb- . l0IIer H art lhat a contrnct for us» ot-a can elo.ilng machine to bo u-sed in the W P A cannery In Twin Fnlls,I>e signed by Uie chairman of th#. . Board. Tlie mdllon wa* seconded ' ■ by Commls.?loner Polter, and wa* uniinlmously carried.

Report of County Superintendent . 1 fo emerRCncy school matter* r«r ctlvtd.

RoutUifl business wa.: tran sacK d^ > nnd applicants for relief were heard until Uie hour of 5:00 o’cJock P. M. when a recer.s wa» taken unUl 10:00 o'clock A. M. Se/^m bcr 10, 1Q40.

BEN E, POTTER, * .Chairman.


Twin Fills, Idaho September 16, 1040 10:00 o'clock A. f.{.

REGULAR JULY SESSION Tlie Board of County • Commls-

doners met a t Uils Ums pursuant to •cce.«. all mcraben and Uia clerk pre.sent. ' .

Beer IJcense O ranU i LIcen.ie for Uie sale of botUcd and

drauRht beer wa* granted to O, E. WadsworUi.

Cancfllallon of Taxt*Upon nn affldavlt.Jnaae b>- Mnry

Kollmeyer tha t sho had been erron­eously ojuessed lor weed .lax tor Iho year 1930. and alter InvesllgaUon M irade by th# Board, a moUon wn*made by Commbsloner Polter l h a t __^the weed tax for Ui6 year 1930 In Uie amount of $I2JJ. on NW'.i and tliat pa rt of NW'i NEU West of Lateral, Sec, 34, Twp. fl S R J5 - E B M be cancelled. Tlio moUon waa stoonded by ConimUiloner Lindsey' nnd unatilmou-sly carried.

CancelUIloo of Tnxe*A retjutvt waa mod* by Uio VlllagB : Han.'.en Uiht the 1036 tax on U ta i anil 24. Block II of the Vlilago of anseii.be cancelled. After InvesU-

gatlon made by Uip Board, It waa found tha t the assessment had been ' erroneously mode and a motion wa* mnda by Commludoncr Potter, s«c* onded liy Commlwdoner H art, th a t Uie ]{I36 taxes (except special ssseu- ment) asalns*. said lota be cancelled.Upon being put to a vot« the moUon Kfts unanimously carried. . .

Routine buslnesi w u tr& nucttd and applltanu for relief were heard unUl the hour ot B;00 o'clckJc'p. m.,1irn a receu was Uken until 10:00 'Clock A. M. September 30, 1040.

BEN E, POTTER.Ohatnnan.

Attest: - WALTER O, MUBQIIAVE', C U rt



Page 9: Vol. 29, '^o. 1S5 Tokyo Joins Berlin, ^me in Alliancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...An Aaoclated Preu Newtpaper THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Partly Cloudy Vol


Do you need keys made? See Business & Professional Directory adsW A N T A P R A T E S

roT pubbe«Joa in Dolb t im e s u d NEWS:

r a t e s p e r tIN E PCB DATs Rl. d . n . P«r U»« P«f --------?!per d .y .O di M . P « -----------------------

33 1 /3 D isc o u n t F o r C ash

C»«h <Jl3«ninU U KlvertUo*menl U paid lor wllhln Mvcn d»y» of nr»t inienlon- —No eliiulfled ta taken to t Us* lhansoorlacluduis dlKouaULine of elAMlflKl idverlblnc com-But^d pn ‘" I *length wonb per line.



Lf »VB M l *t K & W Root Beer IN RDPERT

Lea'.'o AdJ a t Ruldcaec of.; Mr«- Ida WliMlcr. 713 D SU

IN BUHLLfiive A<li ol Jojlln'a

' ^ t l l Super Scr\'lcc SUiUon.200 Broadw»» BouUj

' This poper eubKTlbn (o Uie code ot •thle* of me Auoclalion of News* jwper Cliailfled Ad»erU*lng Men- ■eers *nd rMcrvM the right to edit or reject any dustfled advcrUilng "Blinds Ads" cinylng b New-TUnea

. . Box number are itrlcUy confldentlm ' «nd no Information cm b« glvrn ir

rtRsrd to the adverUjcr.E rrori should, bo ret>ort«J Immedr (ifflf, No aUoirancf irlJJ t>p CTude /or more than one liiconccl liuer-


BCD bug fumlgallon. T. P Floral.

HEWING, nllerntlona, rcllnlnR c sulta'. Edith Wllllama. 735 Mato|-E.

AMERICAN Dry Clcaner.i.Bunron.


50c JUMBO <34-01.) malted milks. IIiimburRerj 10c; l*fl. lone hot

, doKS 10c, Larse dunce floor. The Peter Pan, across from Scott's.



MISSOURI Sorshum. Public Mkt.

CONCORD grapes. 00c. 0ID1-IU...

ORAPES. Brtnc c

Fashiony o u r h o m e n iiw l o r

t h e co in in £ ^ E y iM > n

C u s t o m d r a p e r y s c i ’v i c c i s

o f f e r e d y o u i n t h e H u .s i -

n e a s a n d P r o f e s s i o n a l

d i r e c t o r y


PERM, H. 15, 10. ' i price. U13 Kimberly Rd Ph, 17U. Mri Dea- mer and Grace Wells, .

Denuly ehojr Ph. 424.ENRIQUCTA var/]iici will be perm*

anenUy localPd a t MRS. PAUL HARMON'S Dciiuly Shyp. 337 4Ul Av. E. Ph. 884. Peminncnv. 13 up.

- W n W n c BEAUTY SALON Ollpcniiiiiiriits'tl.S0up. Ph ISO


Oil PrnnniienLi »1.00 up. Junior iUi dent work tree. 135 Mnin West.


ntilo mcclmiilc.i, Ixviy iijic ' niiiM wntn, ixir.ltlon. Havi A-1 rcli. Bn* 2d, Nc»v

H E L P W A N T IC n -M E N

r .•iOe.'.mcn. SUiie Molar.

BLACICSMITH Biid h<7r:,esl]ocr by •monlli—part other work. Give nee. (itinllflr.iiloni. Ma^t take hc.-ilUi Ic-A. Box 20, Nfiv.i.Timc;,.


PARTLY fiirii., unfurn, H3 lOUi N.

c kllclicn. Ph. 7C2-W.


LCr. nietvnr htd. rm. 459 2d f

ir 2 bdks, lae Sth ^

■n^onnble. aiTViTAv. N.

iT fum T lir SzTitaln i f

d optional. 300-W.

RM , stoker. 411 3

1 LO. front rni- Abo rm. with priv. i.liowcr. ain»cd-ln i.lecplnK [wrch w ith Blcove,':07 BUl E .—.


mod, hoiMC. Call 0:OGJ3.•RAU.mod, house. Onrojc. Ph. ],

1. ISO Bl, Lkj. N,

2>RM. home. Iiiq, C13 Main N,

H E L P W A N T E D — W O M EN

TTALIAN Prune*. .flOc. * fc ln t« h• .apples. SOe. Tomatoes for canning.

Nortft Main Fruit HarkeU •

SBC. Harold’* Mkt. Ph, 3242.

PRUNES and apples. Du, or truck lood. Kollmtyer runch; 3 ml..E. of N. E. comer Buhl.

WINTEIl Banana, Delicious. Orimea Oolden, Jonathan apple.i. Bu. or truck load. I W . V B. Klmb, H. s ;

I McINTOSH. Delicious, W inter Jia* . nana, and Roman Beauty applej

5. L. Wcnacott OrcharcLi. t ml, E.• en Hy. 30. '.i 8. Ph. 04824J3,


SPECIAL elatsei In aecrclarlal. ... counting, builncu EnglLUi and letter wrIUng, T. P, Bus., Univ.

' AinCRAPT TRAINING L, H. KINDIO, bonded represenU-

Uve of the AIro Industries Tech­nical Institute. Bovemment ap-

I proved school, will be In Twin . PalU Sept. 28, 71.28. 39. For Infor­

mation about aviation training, call for Mr, KJndlg a t the Perrlno Hotel. 4 to 7 p, m. on above dates.


LOST; Clilld stroUer. 02«4J13.

LOST: Blue bike, crtam trim, no name, "Don Balsch" on upper bar. Reward. Call 81*.

h ^ L O S T —1 Guernsey ateer, wt. about ^ 800 lb.v. I ird war, about 1000 lbs.,

in vicinity of MurtauRh. E, A. Tolman. Ph. 1932. Reward.

L A D rs black leaUier purse, be­tween Kimberly and Jean Day or- thard. Reward. Mn, I, n T ate, Box 3U. XSmberl>-.

STRAYED or -atolen: MaJe Boston bull pup, 4 mos. old. Brlndle with white one side of nos«: Answen

■ to “PufT.” Reward.' Wrlt« or e si Burloy, Lea Rooms,

MIDDLE ai;e woman for housekeep­er, Le« Rooms. Burley, Idaho,'

CAPABLE woman lo take lull charse o f ’household duUe.i, care of r clilldrcnV Perm, position. 200 Lin'

WANTED-«:xp'd. girl or womaj gen. liswk. 3 In family. Mu.it be ROod cook, nest liMcpr. Good woKts, Stay nlghta. Ph. 253, Filer. •

b u s i n e s s o p p o r t u n i t i e S

SERVICE ila. and tourist camp for lease, good locaUon. Ph. 4S8.

COMPLETE equipment for I beauty parlor. Ph, 1J07-R.

RENT, or lease bu.slness hquse small town, funi, for cafe or furn. Boii 33,. New»-Tlmes,

F ^R Sale, acct. 111 health; Qeneral store. go6d loc. Good buy If .taken a t once. Box J3. Newa-Tlmes.


F U R N IS H E D A P A im iE N T S

I. ^dults. :

3-R.M, turn. Bungalow apt4, 2nd E.

AVAILABLE about Ocl. 20-.1 rm, mod. home on Lincoln, Pit, G05. Kller.

h o M E S I 'O It S A L E

4 RM. h.^e, 16J All! B-7 p, m. _ .

NICE hlc home with atlrnctlv Croiinils. WnshliiKlon fcliool ril.-.i All-day tun ro->iii. 2 Ilrrpli.cf Good furnace nnd stoker. Bur iinlnl C. A. ROBINSON, Bank / Truit Blilg.


MODERN TWO-APT. DWKLLING Prlccd right for quick talcl Stoker

—air conditioner. Ph. 2041,

TWIN PALIJ3 dwtlllng, arrnnKcd so can he rented in 2 |wrls. Pav.-. vrr5' Kood return on Invrilmrnl, Located tast'p iifl, F, C, Grnvrs A: eon.


14 ACHES cloie to Tfc'In 'F»ll3. Wrll Improved. Aildre.-.s Box 17, New:,. 'nme.T.

■niE Sliolwfil'BO, one (if the well Improved farjn.i cIom- • lo Twin FnlLv a t a sacrlllce. $13,000. Ea-.y terns. Rec^e M, Wllliiinis,

FA R M S. A N D A C R E A G E S FO R S A L E >

eACRinCF/-Small hnme nn T. P. tract. S 'i rfil, from town. wIickiI bill, elec. Box 21. Ncwn-Tlmes,


H A Y . G R A IN . F E E D

Grain sluraga and seed cleaning J3R&—Burliip^ and SeamJcai GLOBE SEED i PEED CO,

CUSTO.M G R IN D IN G FI.OVD MIlLElt. in . 1. Flier, Idaho.

iiB 7 :j:-v ,o pay phono Cfljls-

1.AVIS0.MASHPrr);. j,i .. .. j:.3n c Prntrlll • J lJO e


CU STO M G R IN D IN GGrind It where ii prowsl

MOniXAND MILLING SERVICE. :ia. Filer, Ph. cMIs off srlndlng.


;n ;D r v k tnr full pbminK. n:rriiu)uiii:itn S eed* Fuel Co,■ne i;o Twin F.ilb, Ida,


Order n'lw fyr full planting! GLOBE SEED ii PEED CO.


0 for sale. 22 A. wntered fnrmlniir wllh bliifKraM. coulees, cnnii banks. Price »l.:oo, A. C. Wllcoi JIazelton,

. C. K. 1‘lrcnoil,

GOOD JCO A. In prelly sw d r.tntc of culllvaltoii, fair biilldUiK,, unexcelled water riKht. W5 iin A.

A Koml flO « 0 per acre.A few 40's low aj 125 per A.An 60 close lo Buhl, l/iw pilce. Tliesc . bars.tlns wwv't X ' t lonK!

■|300D TEIImS Of? ALL flobln.'on. Bank A; Trust BldR,

L i f e ’s L i k e T h a t B y N e h r Kiwiiiiiuiis Told Of Salnuyi T rip

'.tliiK <lrr.crlptlnn aild

ir.lc.ll i>ro«ram wi\n tr:.. .Sterlmi; iUlllci.v

Ut;ih. Mnc iirvtK Itnlliclny WB.1 r

of But

hr Jnrk—Ilir Clilh W rclru..........................K;:ic-rv. Uni-.-. C. C. V ~i:rr, K;..vd, ' NYalr, J. W Ilifh iir ol l',vln l',iU';; liny llrv rr, Worlliy OIiU anil L. oJ MiiUKhtiii.

;rnl Inrnlbef^ «f the Biihl Kl­ein!) ntl--n(lrcl th r convention-

n *V’nlli-v-.. .Mondiiy and T um- hn-.r ;\l'triujlin: lioin iliUilwrr*

Dr. F. /

“S 'all r isM c h ic f . . . I r ip p ed m y pnnt.s


RA N C H SA C R IF IC E ■EQUITY Of JCOOO, bnliince ot si.nin

amount Fcclernl Loan.- ICO ncns located Biml dlslrlct,1)ave<J hl«li- wivy, Ideal dtilr)' Iiirm. ncUliiK fenced and cior-s fenced, contliiu- oil* runnliiK wale;, half In iilfulla. while clover bcc<I, artichoke: good 4-room houje. oulbulldlniri. Own­er's health force.i lo selkuitliln 10 diiys. Will include all farm nia-

14 brood

liv iilim Hold or T. ir ilK C r’sntloi);’ ewc~

to Inniblii O'-!:; M -I J.in. liirii fntiil)',: 'Hie-'.e e«c-, are frniMom'O'.', M;i. Hoc!: Uov;il CalKitlhiii Sclioenfrlil, Hrjlwri

, n;o c laml)Box


tUCilEST prices p;lld for you chickens mid turkeys Independ­ent McM Compiuiy.

B u s i n e s s a n d ‘P r o f e s s i o n a l , .

DIRECTORYUathB and Massages

aia-well. 535 Main \

Mallor>'. 1!4 Main No«l^ Pli, IIC-R,

Bici/cle Sales & Scrvice


W A N T E D T O R E N T O R L E A S E .

100 to 200 A. Imp. farm or ranch T. F. tract. Exp’d, farmer. Best equip. Refs. Box 18, News-Timet.

for cash. Bo;; 412. Flier,

r e a l E S T A T E L O A N S

I PARldS and :


Best rates and tcrmsl

3 ^ r . Is all Land Bank borrowers are currcQUy pitytng. Why pay mure? See National F ana Loan Office a t 113 S^d Ave. 8. In T, P.

R E A ^ E S T A T E W A N T E D

HAVE BUYER for 40 acrcs wtUiln .7 miles of Twin FiilLi, can pay *5,000 down. See J. E. Rob- ert.i A: A, fl. Hen-son.


PTLY fum. Adulw, 735 2nd N,

JDSTAMERE.lnn. Ph. 4i0 Oasis C71

APTS. The Oxford. 43a Main Nortii.

P E R S O N A L SMOTORISTS. Cut costs, taks sharo

exp, pass. Travel Bureau .-^ ,^ 220.

WANT S pass, to Los Angdea leav. ing Sunday morning, share ex-

. pcnscs. Phone 07.


ELNORA Dlckanl-Beautr Shop. 030 Qlije L«ku. Ph. 147L Eva. bj; ap p t

GENDTNE oil pemu.. t l ) n up. ^ o rk guaranteed. 03S Main N. Ph. 1«W .

CLEAN, comfortable, quiet, atlrae* ' UvD apL CaU a t Apt. 10, Calif.• ApU. 360 2nd Ave. N. Ph, lOOi.


BOARD .antf h»a i. 120 6U» Ave. N.

5 RMS. mod. wllh stoker.

7-R-M. house, new rm r, mod., ex­cept beaU Close 1C New dtsubla gamge. HMW, Ph. 2M0J evenings.

4-RM. modem suburban home, hew- ly remodeled. 4 acres and pwiura. garden. Lynn ,Slewart, P.osercon Hotel.*

BUAsrus CYCLERY p q q 181

Bieuclcs for RentGLOYSraN'S-PHONE 603-R

'ChiropractorsDr, li.'.W. mil. 135 Main. W. Ph, 120

Coal and WoodPHONE 3

nr Aberdeen coal, moving and imn*- fer. McCoy Coat St Transfer.

Money to Loan

r j l ‘ tor loans on 4 pruprrty Low ice 139 M.itn E

^ $ 2 5 t o $ 1 0 0 0


UP TO IR MOMllS 'TO REPAY Contract.1 rrllnnnced*-prlvala siiles financed—c:u,h nOvanccd.

C o n s u m e r s C r e d i t

C o m p a n y(Ownetl by Pnelflc Finance)

22(! Main Ave NnrUi


Dry CleaningParisian Dry Cleanert. Pho BSO.

J o b PrintingQ U A L IT Y JO B . P R IN T IN G

Key Shop

- Laundries

Money to Loan

A.. 8 rm s, hdwd. firs, stoker, flr«- place, full cement baamt.. laundrr

•tubs, alr-eond: dbl. garage, shade, shrubbery, Buchanan St. Saerl- flee price. Ph. 1748-J, owner.'

New S-tm. mod. home.-fun base* ment. garage. Blue U kes Add Convenient terms. Ph. 3145.

$15 AND UP


W E S T E R N f i n a n c e CO .Next to Fidelity Bank

CASH LOAl<rS $5 t< i$50

, CASH c r e d i t " o6 .■Rmi. 1-3 Burkholder Bid*. Ph. TZ«



CillNUINKcut K

rlfl<■ ' nr

N. i:o 7th Avp. N,

iin. ’h .^ n iT

lulTrT2i3 5I1i" e ’12-GA. Keili. n

HUNTING pennllA Diirnmaii O ISCJl

14 vol.. Sloddards LecliirM. 1213

30 liTANDS bees. ti. R, Arrlncum. Cnr, I/iciLil and Hlnliland View.

FOR field I


tl. X IG fl, caraKe.liM^K., n lllIll!lc roof, several insiJlrhui

doorr, door frame.i. 23fl Wiiliiu

lO-INCH Haminrrmlll and nodsi made Inlo pick-up or nlll tr.'vdi for nt>j'. grain or jJieep,.Al.'.n Aim tin car lo irnde for Model / plek-up. Don Yoimc, .Rl. 3, T»ln F,-\ll.'i. Phone 01D3-J1,


excel, cond^ooo.

De Solo 2 donr :r ,\S if ,n cw De Go:t


'31 Model A 3 door ................JI35'3ii Ford 4 door redi.n ........... Mnt)'3'. HUidehaker .^edan . . . .■30 Lufa.vcltr ^r(lun .. J^nr.

WOODY .SKAL MOTOR CO.130 Jrrt Ave. W. Ph. DfiS-Ii


1.AUOK slrr bo.v;.' blrjclr,' new Hr

' R A D IO . A N D M U SIC

vA R iirry of iiv


. Will

tier Dr rail!,. I'oc; •ind Buhl.

•. MK . 1 Mrs.;1 Mrs. M. '

. Bnj-d and Olln 15nilth. rirer, m i of Mr. nnd Mrr- ’.-K-rr. p ljjed f“ 0 It llie eanvrnllnn M<>n-

. KallU'.liy. |m;,lhe Buhl I iiil-Kt>vcnior fl till- Utiih-Idalio (tl-i- eomlnf: \c.ir. Clut;s lii.iv will b.- l.fllllO ). Tv^Ui K.lll. FtliT

k, K, n . Jolin;.on,

N e i g h b o r s ’ C h u r e h e s |


A--1 Colonial circulator, 6M.3d Ar, W

GOOD ranee. 115. 129 4Hi Avd-N.

iKlAErirealer72M 'Fourth Ave. N.

Jelll.ion Co. 435 Main E. Ph, 43dW.

Ostcopathic Plit/meianMiller Cllnrc, 412 Main N Ph. 1577.

Dr, O, W Rose 114 Main N.. Ph 037.

.Painting and Decorating

Planing MillFor all Keneral bulldinc nnd planln

mill work t.eeM oiitoo tli Si Son.s ;i78rW

We moke sash doors, screens, eabl* lets counters—anything of wood TWIN PALLS LUMBER CO.

Phone 543

Plumbing and Heating

<Radio RepairingPowell Radio. 152 2hd Ave. N. (

Shoe DyeingIDAHO Shoo Shine. Alt colors.

Shoe RepairingSpcclal prices ftir Sept. Reduced

prices on all shoe repair work:. T. P. Shoo Repair. 133 6ho. W.

TrailersTndler Houses. Qem T nO le Oa

TypewritersSalbTrentals and service. 'Phone M.

Upholstiring .

Vacuum CleanersVACUUM repair. New Rcyals.

25 USED coal heaters, from .*5 up. Terns. Robert E, Lee Sales Co. 238 iJaIn NorUi. Ph. M3,

Hrt«»7 slock-brooms only......Modern bed lamps, only....._.....|1J59x12 Axmln.iler rues only___ J27S5Folding baby bURglea only.......


USED Maytag, tquare tub. electric■ waiher.1 *17J0. Used healing

stoves, ised coal and wood ra priced lo sell NOW.Gamble Stores 221 Main E.

1 used oil burning s to v e_____ »20t uicd coal circulator ...»_____I u « d elec. range ....... .............



In Uie Ktatter of Uie Estate of VACLa;f TAYC. Deceased.

order of the Ju d ^ of said Court nade on the 16 day of SepUmtV. lB40,'DoUe* Is hereby glvim that September 30, 1040, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day a t Uie court room In the court house la -the a ty and Couoty of Twin Falls. Stat« of Idaho. Iiave been appointed as the time and blaee for proving th# wlU of Vaclav, Taye. deceased; for heartog petJUoo or Mildred E. s u c k for Im anca

> herself of letters Of aUon wllh wtU annexed, «ben and where any ' peraon ta ter« ted may appear and contest the same.. ““

Dated this IB day of September. 1040.


STREAM lined trailer hwne all bulli-lii.s. Priced riRht for niilek sale. 1C7 Atlarin or-24C 4th K.

EXCEimONALLY well built trailer hniir.c. Phone 54 i


W lical Insured by Growers

ijUiU.EY. Sept. ,27 - Slxly-UiCa^-.la t RtOWI

1 Ihclralready signed up "all rl.nk" croji In.Mirniice >1D41 crops, according lo 'a t ment by H. A. Shaw, Jr,. of Uie county aRrlcultuml vailon coinmlllee in charge In.uirancc.

Innired fnmiers are prlnclpajly wheal Rrowers who ilfened up Aur,

' before seedlnc tlielr 1841 crop, V said. Many more farmers

will :.lRn apiilloatloivi on sprlii .h rn l before Feb. 23. Uie deatllui

for taking out spring wheal In

Policle.s iMued lo date Insure sev enly-flvc per cent of an averag nonnal yield on 3.148 acres of whe.i In the county. Shaw said.' In al the tMllclea Ruarnntee a yield of 35.123 busheU

The 1041 wlnlcr whe.it ilgn-up ot approxlmatelj' 5.000 policies In

compares wllh a winter wl sIgn-up of 1.200 policies in 1039 . 1,B00 policies on Uie 1S40 winwr .lieat crop. Federal crop huiirance .as first Introduced for Ui« 1039

crop.e steadily Incrcaaliig signup

Indicates farmers are undersundlng prUiclples. of Uio federal crpp

'Insurance proeram and are makmg Insurance a regular part of wheat growing, Shftw said.


PROviNa m m etc . _ . _ .......................................IN THE PROBATE COURT OF- -honor of their -fponsor, Mrs'. James

B u h l P e p C l u b - G i v c s

F o r m a l D i n n e r P a r t yBUHL. Sept, 37-^Tlie high scliool

pep club gave a forma] dinner Tues­day evening a t the home of Jaekle Davis In McCollum addiUon In

H, Shields, their new advisor. Mrs, James T. Shleld-v and two new mem- bets of the club. ML'j Helen Skin-

er and MUs Marjorie Ring,Rooms werr decorated wiUi gladl-

oU. and one long table was ceniered with asters and. tall lapers. T«-o small quartet Ubles held center­piece* of tjiters.

Following the dinner, v formal candle-lighting tnlUaUon ceremony was conducted for the new members. ,Misj Phyllis Piclirell *an* thrto niimben. with M ls i^ v ls as h e ac-

- M ta DBTtrgaTt « itad»- Ing. The dub song was sung by the group. —

Ulss Ruth L eU i..u Uie new club president, conducted Use buUnESf mcetlnt. and plans were made for

Demnark ba i the lijwest tubercu­losis mortality rate In B urop^

JKitottc ticTiinni.sT'm.“ Church. Jo r.

IV •'•t‘ ilrliil.fi,-": I. "ioiu* W«ri‘Co BJCtn

: I’RiativncitUN

K p. m. Il'ifft' choir • oe Mn. II, M>ln. 8 Vrr» IWmi.ii..,

„l i,l. U^..^m. Mo^lhsI. m. KonsrIliUe >cr»lm-.*-P. r Blrrllnt.

>1.11 ..f Lm AnirlM. prMhlMt f l-»«irvf e...............

> beu Ikta .w a ll bt»

lOMr HT. PAUL'S LIITHBnAK P. WnlvrkiCsp. »*iler

I Suartiij’ flu J’Ml-. will «tN«rT« a


C A .m cponn UEmonisT'Orll C, llonnta, mlnliUT '

a . . ’m, wontila. u k . n . .(hi

10 ■. ra., Snndv Klw6t vlUl Lm Colb* in chAiT^ 41 t. B . siornlu '

__________aiirtii rR am a." Bui rea7i «o*i*

rhnrat ehoir uniUr. lb* dirwUnt •(.".r«lra5>s?Sir,.S''5i

B . Tm «( j*___ ________

»rv«r taMUac aad BM* al .t'v

■ i l l

Page 10: Vol. 29, '^o. 1S5 Tokyo Joins Berlin, ^me in Alliancenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls...An Aaoclated Preu Newtpaper THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Partly Cloudy Vol

_____■ = ^ .•n V IK F A T .I.? N I 'W S . TW IN ' F A L L S . 'J P A H n . SA T U R D A Y M O R K IN 'C ; S E P T E M B R R 28. 1 9 4 0


A p p e a r a t Session Here; Rate Study Group

Named"■ ^ T w ln Palh ClmmUpr or Conn

mcmbrri »»rf •’nlrmliiclpd” clurlns jeatfrtoy 'j liincMenii mrrtitiR t\t thi nog*f»on hoif) »lilch hud pitoi-' nnt others hcrt lor the .Hr nliow lortaj •nd Hunday n.i kucsUi.

PUm for Ihc nir Miow. to b«r prf- iienifd St 3 p. m. toilivy ninl 3 l> m Sunday. «frc Ol'fii.virtl by th r vWt' on, and n.v.iirancr civpii ihni Tfc-ln P«ll« buMiifw liilfrrM.» nre jlipportHn nil pJi»ir< of llic »lr

In accordiftice »llh ttiR r^qu^^t ol Southern Idalia Inc., lh « mrni- b«r 1»dlM name jprfUl tarlH com- mltiees to itudy frriRhi rairs, par- Uciilarly u llirv 'relate tC cn.iollno price*. tliLi group »oj ftnnoiinced to consist of Hrri Hurti, S. H. Oravea. State Senator Floyd W. Nc»le. R. 8. Tofflemlre mid finy J 'J«Unn o1 « elialmian ,,, .rat<-c will rniiie before llie flnil meellnc ol

L e g i o n H a i l s I t s N e w C o m m a n d e r

• lornir fulur

airport mt)er wcrs

named lt> ronr.llllite a special ISonal tSelnw fon\mlttec, anrt Uiey are Mlllon I- Pfii>el!. chnlrman; Lionel A, Dean, lin'd Clniide Det- n-ellrr

n ie rs «lio will nptirnr al lAday’l and Sundny'A aIiows anil who attend- ed the ieulon are Laura Inf«ll«.

.Datoihy Uinleii. Ftrh« s Dli* ana DIH Car{<T.

MLm insulK and Carter upoVe. and In lil« talk Curler Indicated lhaC the T»ln Kall.i airport offi opsMrtunltlM for drvelopmenl Into

e of tlie be.ii fleldi in the north'

Otiier siier.t.i ticfr for the air *how liRlmlrd Mr. aiirt Mrs. C. O. Wylll«.and Mr. and .Mm. Leon Mnr- tyiV'Mr, Wyllie li cenrra! mannK-er of the event on behalf of the pllow MMclatlon, and Mr. Martyn 1« pres- Weni of the av.oelallon..

OUier gite.Mji were SUlfl Sriii*tof Ployd W. Neale and Mayor Joe Koehler.

K U 'E rr INTO OFTICE on the (In ( ballBl. Mila 3. W arner ller<). Toledo, Ohio, aUome/. m rM hearlMr to delecilei after hU rleetlon aa nation* i i rommander of the American Le»ion durlnj lU d w ln e .ae^ilnn or national eniivnitlon In Roilnn. At rld it h Ihe're llrinc romma Rarmnnd Krily of Delrnlt. n rlrcatr« are ihniin awarmtilf Io,<ipe; (tand la ronrratnlalf tliHr new leader.

M otion P icture M ach ine Pur- cliase A pproved by


'r iili ttus the Rond ii

«(M for inirrlia;.-- ot

Moners. Allhout Iniproljiitilr !ln cnuld .be purcl couWy. Hip ih'CJiLilmrnl «R' II Koelllrr Ill purrMa.'e.of (he

prlcf> tta.s tlxrd on tlir nliiin.-,t r proJ'-cl(>r„It » ;n piirrliii.'.rd llirni a friend of .Mr. ICnrlilrr'.i. Wllll K.- Mor:.e. Jr.. Jlol. p. and a im

.Miivdr' Koe'liler exiircvM'd n'p\>»«u ciailon 10 liidlvliliinli imd rro iip pleilRliiK a tntnl of nbniit be

The Day in Washington

fnrrli,-n policies, liiclui; riiKland. rrcnnller.^ of «piled In the nrw.Oermai Ane^e mllll-in- alliance-

GRO ON STANDLeRoy W ilk ins Accoun ts fo r - —Him self on N ig h t o l

Alleged C rin ic' Ua>

r-old N rt

ml hr »in I(tlX ^lie film

n» 1 ^cciii.e<l u! n rl- I old noRerion r

em'elieA to | Wllkliw. 30-y-/rriiiitv of I jolu o»n ..... , ..........li 'm i-purrr | Maud In dliirlcl c ^ i in I nallnii to j ye.Merriay, a i y n i i ^ lll^

t calletJ four oilier r Uiii-;.mInr llie i illnck thi: repuUlloii of I

itla«k tti;Uai‘iu'rrpiil:uli)n

W ^eatherIDAHO: .Saturday partly cloudy

itiiil «l Usic« untellled « lth .lo ra i UloHcrt eatl-portlon; Sunday fair: lllllr ehanierln trmperalure.

IllKli tViniiernture In T u in Kail*ve-ierdAv vnn 55 desrees; low rrrfllillHtloii diirliiK Ulf H-l: lierlod eiKlliic la.H evrnliu; totaled o: liirli Wri.lerlv wlnih previillecl. IVr itlTf was clomly. , Ci.roii

II from ihe Piiclllcon Tliiir :indi Iioin Hr.Mrrii Mont.li itrrii W.'omlni: Uieiicr .••oui

li Ulal

•rrrev tlie hirgentof hlKli ranklni; esrellme Ml.Mory— j • -was aiinouncnJ.'

•and V racitrai 1 ch-i

Viced Piillinu (ionlcfil Won By Soph Hoys

WllkliU- V lacked Mrj. Marjorie IJiU; after netllni; fire to hrr-Iuiti I o'clock iij Hit morniiiK June 24.

He te.-.llHfd ycMerdiiv Ik i left,-Twin Kalh until 1 oVW 1 iiiornini: mid drove over In

rondi lowanl hLi rnnrli li nnKcr.-.on becaiiiWilj Jii'nvlh UMV-. nni trailer bckcd .i l;

n i e DIJfendarfer dwrlllni; creek wat In flame.i when he he .-.aid. Mr.i. Dlffcndnrfrr to liLn car. blood MreaiiiliU’ cm on (he head, and nr.kcd lake her away. Wllklin miIiI

wl Him , \«caMNr, h r •?:>ie had trleil to "frtinic"' In ^time hi-fore.,At lenitth lio cm J ie «Mld. and he took h.-r rnblii where they i.priit lli/'

d 'oiilherii C;illfon Hir irotii;h h folloArd on the v

much cooler air and with llKiit inotlcmte »howers, but only a lew ticly K-atlered IIkIiI sliowcrs oc- rreil to Ihe e.i^tward of the ti;ouKh. \lsO . temiirraturcr, continued lie hlclv lOf,r-,l of th r liciiKh and

; It I)l. . e.•l,Mfn. Prec. Wlhr. y. .00 Cloudy t i - ii Itatn

Slayer Scrpam rar^ Tlcath Sentence

NEW VORK. GfpC. « (flV-Mir- lUi 'Bu'uss;) oold 'tein—w ho 'onc i iilruck terror In his victims h*«rt^ '

rxecutloner lor Brooklj-n'* Sloodr _ iirder-for-proflt i j - i i d f e t i t e — reamed ye.iterday as a Judce <1e*

crred-lil-i deaUi In Uie electric chair.IP sjnie to you and mrmljeri

of your faniib-." he .houted hy»ter- Ically.

the 3].year-o!d Goldstem ynm- tiirred,' beside him sat his fello*'-

•.ter, silent and R lum .iyefl- liarry .Pitt*hurKh Phlli ainuis.v dncrll)«l by Uic itate a t t "cruel klllrr."

lioth were Aciitenced to <3Ie the .rrk of Nov. < by Brooklyn County

Judxe John F, rit^aernld. for Ihe itract" sluyhiK of Irvins iPucsyi

I-'elnr.udn on Lal»or day In 1039. Tliey were ronvlctcd »lx day* ago.


•nie cc (he

Filer Sliideiil.sHleel O ffieors

•ll.Kn, Srji!. 27 - I-ller rurin 'ilR h

1, ^ h jch

I ' h r c c l(» K n U i r

N a v a l H c r v i c c

■ BASQUES of I I f-alls .

e s

and yell 1

Phvlll'. A!ll';rn -ind J’ra' .'^mlor ofdeers inelu

H'.ijllfT. iire;.i'lent; .)nv

. W.il

Im rn io ra tion D irec to r H in ts a t Arranpem cnl to Re­

ta in ResidenceSALT I.A1CK c m - , Sept. 27

U. P. Lance, dl.^trlcUmmlKnitibii naturalization director, left Boise tonlKht hi an effort to di mine tiie status, under the i reslatratlon acl, of many residents of tJie'Idaho eaplUl ciiy'i Basdite eolooy.

/ Lance lald he would iw ifcr with WllUam K. Han. iiresldnit of the Independent order of Spanlsh- ra.vju# apeakInK People of Idaho.

Approximalely IIU ineniber.s of the colony are bplirve<5 to have eiiteicd the Unlletl St.Hes Illegally r.ince ID:<. Lance salrt,* and ellnrts nre Ix-inj: made to arrnnRc for them to re­main In Idaho, where they .have lettled land,, ral.^ed fainllle.i and have become active In civic affulr.i.

TJie BoL-.e B.isqii I* Ule larRe^l out.-,

followlnc ate thn.-.e wlio now >:o to Salt Lake City lor cxamhmtlon and final enll.Mmcnl; Aljihon.-.o Ml- kel Oenilxila. 20. ion of John G m i. bola, Murtam;h; Jerry Paul Boden- Jinmer, 21, >.on dI Uii.v.eH A. Hcxteii^ hainer. Men; and IlolamI Heard. JR. Uuhl. w .

T rihn lc at Kil(.*rt F or Mrs. GillcUc

aUundaiu^ervlcr.n niiirked by of Moral offrrhiKs dnnre were conducted

yer.teriJay afternoon n l Uie WUlt' mortuary chn|)el for Mm. Mary Kdlth Glllclte, pioneer Twin Fiills .’■'.si - ••• Chrl.Mlan .-clfiitl-.tj in cl

rlnl wa^ in th? TV'ln

. Ihe

lie .'!houf,r. e Cordon Nickol.'on,

d I^W Wiilker and Dw councillors, lore nfflclaU nre RcKcr t. pre.'.ldent: Rose Ann

vire.pre.-.ldent: Richard crct.iry-lren.-.urfr; Atidrev ul JCelth Wood, ccvinclllor.i ay .\funyon. reporter, en iiained Walter Tho . Boll .Smith, v lcr.p

IVainpa .^lan Dies Of (Irash Injiij*y

projivt livlull ol tw in Knll,i

jchool after nuthnrltle.s lupriisl Uiat broad lejf pl.iniln rulnliiff Ihe turf at the field.

Hny.i came 10 .whool a t nc«)ii <eiMny armed with knivrs of .irr.s and sh a iw -a n il wlii-n school

oul. went to Uie fifld with each rliivs ;Lv.lKiied to a llilriy-viird Mrip and Ihe remaliilnc leii yard-. lor tile ► roiip which completed tliclr av.lRn- rd :.lrlp first.

ot eiier clii.v nd t


Jolm Platt ancf MUs Dorolliv Call V judk'P' awarrip<l the 100 ixiints to le .••opliomore boyft,Gerald Wallace, Kcneri.l ..j.oiirar of

the club, .'aid yesterday ihaL Ihe ■XI main, iirojecl of the fto.v.s will • biiildlhf: tennis court-s lor the' nil school on school-owne<l ptop- IV near tlie Blckel ,«ho.>l.The boy.s will contrlbui

will i:ou);h v; projci-

money • a t the

I ) ( j 6 ( * X l i o i i C h a r g e

I n D i v o r c e S i i i lMrs. Beulah Funke, mbnicr of.lwo

children, started suit in dbirict rourt In Twin }'nlls ye.-iierday'Vor divorce from Ralph ninke to wh(im Oie wa.i married nt-8ho«hnne. Nov. 23, 103«, She ftllejetl enielty nnd Vharijed . her hu.'baiid abandnucd

iMiie la.-.t July lo p.iy hbi re- 10 another woman. 8he Mked >tody of inrchlldren. a girl,

3. and boy, 8 months old, and for

niKlit. The Iaid, lie ti r to nor

where nfter m


e had KOme hoE.1.

Mr:;. Churlc.', C Mary Bldlncs te.Mlfied Will played cards with them m home In Tulu FatU uiuil the morniiii: of ihe 'allri;r, nnd Perry L. Colllivi. lUii trilllcr hou.'.e at the Coir r said he talked with Wilkii th a t lime.

Wllkliw eipliiliied footprli Iff* officers found In n fiel. El-ne.',l Ttidlork. brothf'i' nf fenclarfer. owned shoe.^ il Klre nnd style a.s his own. was with Ihe DlffendHr .•r.^ home the nU'ht of the fire lececl nttack. Tlie woman Wilkins iiracKrd h e r- . act flel<l where the footprhit.-i v eoverrtl.

Called by dcten tlfy I

;.el 1,. ritlOD

II Gilbert

of the

inty Jatl

Cliarles Huntley,;id KIbert Morrison.Cornelia Wlille, mr ccuseil Neuro, wa-s i:C.M for the defenda; le wji;, confined In tli the lime of the q. . . ...................

becaii;,c she had refu.^ed to pay fine id coM.s In an notion brouuht by ni-JKhboT TM clinTKcrt ln'r liopi

iind been permHted lo n in a t larce.Wilkins told Ills i.tory under nues-

UonInK by D, JI. Oliver, J^alt Ijike Cliy Nrnro lawyer, entered as a.vM>: elate defense coiucel.

He cliinR to the story under Krill- K cm.'-s-einmlnntlon by Pro <.■eut•

IriK Auorncy Kverctt M. Sweeley.

IM'P IlNAWS TOT'S KAR.S niCIIMOND, Ind.. Kept- 71 i i r ^ T

lie thrre-montii'old dauRliter of Irs. Kd Cuneo wa.n In r jerlom nndltlon tonluhl with both earn liewed off. Mrs. Cuneo, absent ■om he!‘ h'nine » Jliort while. Warn- S a IniHilcs inip 'J>it Dr, Darnell

Milchcll blamed r^ts.

T w in .F a lls M o rtu a rytiiini«r c. rrilllin. Usr.

rn-m. 1 . t IlleVnkD ay-N lfht AmbuUnea Ph. 31


D o w n D r a f t C i r c u l a t o r P r i c e d a s L o w a s

* 2 55 0

L o t s o f G o o d U s e d C i r c u l a t o r s

J f c a t e r s a n d R a n g e s


olony reputedly of fiiJnm. I

Twin Fjj!ls,Uiiit, ‘~- Rc(,'elv<'s G;ivcl. O.W, F. IravdliiB I . . r i : | . ' \ ( l l l i l U d l l C a l i o i l

Vhlah will be pre: , .lodKe in Uie state .tiefnre It return.', to Boise, was tendered the T«hi Falls Odd Fellna-s lodije by a Flier dejegatlon durlni; Thundiiy nlKh| a

• mcellnc here., OrtelnatlnR In Boi.-.e. the travel li now moving to a iie» unit e,srh «-eek. and next week will hr i.iken by n T iln Falls delec.sllon to Jer-

there.AUo before the

decision to>-nlrr n bid.for holdliiF; th In Tn’ln Fall:.. A (

• <hW effort Will be

John IU.^mu^ (man. will be In l......................ins. »m t*-R .T nnifT :H tr:p’ i

Cars Checked in 1()-Miiiiil(‘ Zones

The 10-mlniile piirklnK liifront of the T*ln Fall.' ixi-,t .........mean^ juii that. Mimlrip.'il JndRe

' J. O- Pumphrey .'aid la 't night af • e eltalloti* tiad beeu Iwvtei!

eliar s of V - llml'-Ution*.

The. tone Ls policed at all hnurs. the official polnled oul. and vlola- tlon.1 will not be countenanced,

CltfcUonaW e been li'iied on cars ■ reKlstered ♦b-*Mr«,. Tracy Hn^kltvs.

Roy Mereer and an operator of a Conyes Frelrht llne.s maclilne on the oTertlme parking cha^e.

Youths Confess V ^xical) llul<lup

•• CALDWELL. Sept. ?7 Orofino youtJi. Cliarltj i^ iiinm OlftMon, V . faced n .itate jirison terra of from 7’j yenru lo life todoj iiid hU ■ocompllee; Gerald M. Me- C4rtner, 17-year.old Calitotlan. %. Jl»e.ye»r-t<nn. after t h t l r ^ c n j of rulic; 10 a charte of hcUTn;: up a taxi driver and n k ln t hUcab.

Announcement>1r. K rn c s t no lnuT -i.H nrnv th e w>li- o w n er o f I h t S ( ;t le M o lo r ro m p a n y , ho m e n f Ihc N ew FItiHson for 1!M1. ^W tch fu r ll iu isn n in Ihe A iilo Slinw .'Monduv n iK hl'.. . . .

. al.s6 I


K V K riv I.S IIK .U .I.V IIA IIC A IN !

•31 fl.VMOI TH .M JO O n SflDAS-; radin, hr:

•3* CnKVROLHT.fOlTK. radio. ipoilUhl. first eli<\ enndlflon •n V.R HJ-.I.VXH COACH.-TiiHo. cond' eondltlfli, ...... .1 ............ ......

$ 7 0 0 $ 4 7 5 $ 5 0 0

. O th e r K x rcp lJo n a l I 's c d .C n r Biiy.s n t . . .

STATE MOTOR CO.130 In i- Arc. N. . Emeit Ilolmer. Oirnef

SALESMANIV fhap.s 111.: inp.';i. v a liin b lc Ic.s.-ioii y o u r c a f r i c r l c u n i s ’

'vh ilo -■^crviiiK h is r o u te , is how to become, ti Biicccsfftil sale.sivaii. U n d er ab lo s lijicn -iso r.';; he le a rn s to m e e t people, inil< c o n v in c in g ly , p e t ordftr,"!- nnd miinnRO h is

■ ow n new .spaper ro u te . , , -t.> JA few yeiir.H liciice — w h e ii h e en ier.t th e liu.iineSs

\v(irl<i— thi); p n ic lic a l t r a ln i t i f j will s ta iu i h im in ;jood . 'U 'lu l.

- IIo will bo j i i s l ib e iyp<i to .sticci:i-d— an c n te rp r i.tin p y o u th w ho ha.'< adderl p e iu a l bti,Hint!.<.-i anti nales e x p e r i- c jije to hia^Hchola'stic- e d u c a t io n , nnd thufi. i,s f a r m ore bkeiy to .Mii'ceod in b is lift? wol-K, ilin n 'th e -n v c rn ffo Ind.

lie knrnr'i th is — t h a t 's w h y h c ’.s a Hiile.sman loo! (’clcVTratc N t:\Y S l‘ A l> E R nO Y AyEKK h y ^ o l- ' ‘ l in e h e l le r n c tiiiiiin lc d w ith y o u r c a r r ie r . He i.s a chnp u o r lh k n o ty in R nnd cncouraRinjlc.,



BLfiCMtTONfj u m m R

% Probably you’y i n e v er *cea a ladf look lilce tb i i w h « j doing (he family w s s h io g . . . but then you’r e never jcen t w ajher like th e new BlackHone Perfected Amo-

' matic. I t’s different from a n j other w u h e re v e r bo iltl lu ie it w athe*. b lues, r in tes, and d a m p ^ rie * . . . a l l

'a ii t tm a liu lly ...h ac tually eliminates w iihday en tirely .

W'ashin;; becom es a sim ple step in your rrr»7 d^y houacho ld rp u tin e . . . ea tier tbaa m ikinj; » bed. M atchc» m odern kilcfien fixtures . . . in stalled any w h e re w itb o u t Hoof b o lts or special foundations. N o noise, no v ib ra t io n . . . safe, simple, dependable, ta d gu.tiJiiiK d by n ia c k jto n e Corporation, America’s o ldest w asher manufacturer.

D E T W E I L E R S‘'E very th ing To Make Living M ore Pleaiont^’