1--5' . 1 V Vol. XV. No. 202. HONOLULU, II. I., Fit! DAY EVENING, DECEMBER II, 1891. 8UBPOHIPTION O Of kits oct unr liquid tanisliM fin's S ti G.IITEI1 T0 PK0SPECfIVE 0WNERS OK TIM K TABLK: -- I) 'X' O.A.STEVEN, - Li K A L - Estate k mnm Agent. Corner Fort ,t Merchant Sts. Mutual Tel, 419. Bell Tel, 274, P.O. Box 40, FOU KENT. Desirable Family Residence on Bere-tiiu- ia street, huge lot, well laid out In fruit trees and Mowers, a lovely home. Will let on a term to a suitable tenant at alow rental; every convenience iu the house. Ten-room- House on lieretaniii St., large and airy, pleu-antl- y situated, good view, large lot. Jietil S;i". House of (j rooms on Beretania st., stabling, outhouses, etc. Kent l.'i. Two Stores on King street. House of 0 rooms on Kawalahao lane, within 10 minutes of i'ost Oillce. Bent Furnished Small Cottage on Foitst. Bent $Ui. Hoti.-- e on Beretania st. Kent 25. PrBUmlBBryAnnonHGBmBnL IMPORTANT SALE ! ON' account of Captain Monseau'g departure by the next outgoing steamer, and to close partnership ac- counts Dr. Trousseau offers for sale the Hawaiian Ostrich & Egg Farm, Knploluiil IurU, Comprising the Freehold of the Pro- perly, Furniture, Agricultural Imple- ments, Windmills, Pumps, Steam .En- gine, etc., etc. 2 Pair of Breeding Ostriches, 35 more or less Yornig Ostriches, F'roin a day to 8 months old; 1 Horse and Brake, 1 Express Wagon, 1 Cart, a large number of purebred Brown Leghorn Fowls and others. SUIT The Property will be sold as a whole or everything separately lo suit piirchaseis. There are on the Farm over '200 Xavel Orange, Adriatic Fig, and Olive Trees, and over 1000 Imported Pineapple Plants of the best sorts. 'The whole of the laud is laid out for complete irrigation, the water being sup- plied from an inexhaustible surface well of very sweet water. Dr. Trousseau assumes all liahilities of the Ostrich Farm and would like all accounts, if any, to be sent to him by Inspection invited. Captain Moris-sca- n will give every possible informa- tion. ttjif For price and other particulars, apply lo -- :' DR. TROUSSEAU. Sucking Pigs ! For the Cbristmas Holidays, Ciaica k Uimi Pigs On hand ami for sale from now till New Years. fc Orders will be, received now in advance for delivery when wanted. KAPAHULU FARM. " Mutual Tel. 3."i2. 278 3Jt M. 1. S1LVA. M. COMICS. HAWAII AN Electroplating Works, Opposite Mormon Church, Punchbowl, Hanging Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets etc , can now be Kelacouered and eipial to new. It makes no differ- ence bow dirty and black thev are. we can make them look as good" as when you bought them from the store. Try it and be convinced. Mutual Telephone No. 700. 25S tf DesiralJlB Buiici Sites 4 FOR SALE! 1I1.W h l our Fine Residence Sites, on Piikoi street, for sale. The Lots have a frontage ,,f n feet on Piikoi street and are 2un feet deep, are nicely laid out iu fmit and shade trees and are all coveied with grass; water laid on throughout. The situation of the.-- e Lots and the limited niuuber make it liectsarv that intending purchasers should make early application to the undersigned, from whom all particulars can be had. ,l.s. F, MORGAN. 2u;l tf PI 1U.1U NOIICE. THE "DAILY B0LLET1H " IS PUBLISHED Ewry Afternoon Except Sundays At the Oflioe, Queen street, Honolulu, 11. I. DANIEL LOGAN Editor & Manager FOB TIJK Daily Bulletin Publishing Company, (Limited.) W I KMC It I TT IO : Daily Bulletin, 1 year $6 00 " " (I months 3 00 " " month per (de- livered) 5 Weekly Bulletin Summary, 1 year $i 00 foreign.. 5 00 Moth Toli'iilioix-- Ko. SS.10. tjyAddress nil business commuuica- - UOL8 ''AlANAGEH DAILY BULLETIN." tSPAddress all matter for publica- tion "Editor Daily Bulletin." 1. U. Box H'.i. Honolulu. II. I. JM. MONSARRAT. Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Merchant street, Honolulu. J Alfred Magoon, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. No. 42 Merchant street, Hono- lulu. HW. Schmidt & Sons, Importers & Commission Mer- chants. Fort street, Honolulu. I -- 91 HHACKFELD & CO., Commission Agents. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Hono- lulu, 11. 1. f GW. Macfarlane & Co., Importers and Commission Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu, H. I. GONSALVES & CO., Grocers and Wine Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu, H. 1. JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, and Dealer in General Merchandise. Queen street, Honolulu, H. I. & CO., WILDER in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. L EWERS & COOKE, Importers and Dealers in Lum- ber and all kinds of Building Materials. Fort street, Honolulu. HONOLULU IE0N WORKS, Honolulu, I I H. I, Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Coolers; Icon, Brass and Lead Castings ; Machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to Ship's Blaeksuiithiug. Job Work ex- ecuted at short notice. Dr. EMEKSON, 0. 133 FOllT HTltKKT. .Bell Telephone 51. nouns : 8 :30 to 10 :30 a. M."a gi. 2 to 3 p. m. Sundays, 9 to 10 a. m. Residence, 5 School St. Bell Tel. 149. 111-t- f. OF U.VI)0,. H. W. SCHMIDT 4 SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. LOUIS ANDRADE & CO., Contractors for Brick & Stone Build- ings of All Kinds. Good references and all work guaranteed tgy Office at L. Andrade's store, Ki- - uau street. 230 3m C. B. RIPLEY, 6 ARCHITECT. Office : Room 5, Sprockets' Block. Mutual Telephone 208. New Designs ! Modern Buildings I Complete plans and specifications for every description of building. Contracts drawu and careful superintendence of uuuon given wueu reuuneil. Hall and examine plans. apr 29 ly NOTICE ! 'pilE patrons of the Oceaulc S. S. Co. X are hereby notlllud that hereaftei no round trip or excursion tickets will ue issued for any of the through mai' steamers. These tickets will, however, at be issued as customary for the local steamers "Australia" and 'Zealaudia.'' Passeiiners who hold round trip tickets and wish to take the through mail steamer will be charged an extiafareoj Per order of the Oceanic S. S. Co, Wm. 0. IRWIN &CO., to 64 tf Oenoral A cents Scotch Splint Coal ! loss ''PlIK undersigned offer for mlo f,:M for 1 Ions of best Scotch Splinl t'oul, juut arrived Hit Mrathlilane" Innii (,'la- - i go, 'l ids Coal is cipial lo hel ti Coal, and especially suited for steam, liou.M'hiild mill ploughing engine uo, all If U. W, MAC F.Uil.ANL A CO. BY AUTHORITY. Homestead Lots in Hilo, Ha- waii. Notice is hereby given : 1. That Ten (10) Lots in Kaieie, Hilo, Hawaii, have been set apart for the purpose of conveying to such persons as may wish to acquire home- steads upon which to live. 2. Maps of these lots can be ex- amined at the Land Oflice, Interior Department, Honolulu, or at the office of Mr. A. B. Loebenstein at Hilo, Hawaii. 3. Mr. A. B. Loebenstein will point out the lots to any person de- siring to see them, for which service he will be entitled to a fee of $1 from the person applying. 4. Persons who may desire lots, shall apply in writing to the Minister of the Interior upon a blank form, copies of which may be obtained free of said A. B. Loebenstein. o. No application will be consider- ed from persons who already own land. C. Every applicant must be of full age. 7. The applicant will be allowed ten years in which to pay for the land, during which time it will be exempt from taxes. 8. He must within one year build a dwelling house on the lot and begin to occupy the same and continue to occupy it for the remainder of the term of ten years. 9. He must within three years en- close the lot with a substantial fence. 10. He must pay quarterly in advance interest upon the unpaid purchase price at the rate of 5 per cent per annum. The purchaser may pay the whole or any part of the purchase price at any time, which will stop interest. 11. The preliminaiy agreement is nonassignable and the land cannot be sold until all conditions are ful- filled. 12. Failure to comply with any of the conditions will work a forfeiture of the land. C. N. SPENCER, Minister of the Interior. Interior Office, Dec. 3, 1891. 288 St T H K Formerly the Grand Hotel, Corner Second & Market Streets, San Francisco. MRS. BURLING, Proprietress. This Fine Hotel, centrally located for business purposes, having been thor- oughly renovated and newly furnished throughout, offers special conveniences to intending visitors from the Hawaiian Islands. If A complete system of electric bells. Direct communication with Hoffman Cafe. Rooms from $1 per Day Upwards. 287 3m Germania Market, Fort Htrcet, HAS FKKSII DAILY Head Cheese, Bologna, Pork & Other Kinds ol Sausages unsurpassable quality, made by the well-know- n German sausage maker G. Schhadek. TELEPHONESE-10- 4 2r5 3 m GEORGE LUCAS, Contractor & Builder. Honolulu Steam Planing Milij, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings Bracket, Window Frames, Blinds,' Sashes, Doors, ami all kinds of wood work tlnisli. Turning. Scroll and Hand Sawing. All kinds of hawing and Planing, Morticing and Tenanting. r Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other Islands Noliclted. l.'U It VBTHRINAR7 IPIRTOY as J mug toirot-f- , Honolulu, & Excellent RcconinnuL.iion for patients. IMl.A.K. UO WAT, V, H. Ulrica Hours - 7::tu to lo a.m.. u-u- '4 p. in.; l:;tu to ti p. ui. THLKHioNks; Bell ut. Mutual U.1. LETTER FROM BISHOP WILLIS. Editor Bulletin: Permit me to thank you for your editorial last evening, and at tliu same time to say a word in reply to "Equality." The position taken up by the Anglican Church Synod in regard to leprosy and the Leper Settlement ua8 nothing to fear from a masked assailant, who feurs to show his face, as he hurls his darts of misrepresent- ation. It is an old device but get- ting timeworn and thin for thwart- ing reform. Insinuate into the pub- lic mind a false and oerverteil view of what is desired, and of the means proposed for its attainment. In that way you may sow distrust, and rouse antagonism. But to succeed the lie should not be manufactured out of whole cloth, as in the present in- stance. None, who have read the deliverances of the Synod on the question, are likely to be gulled into oeueving mat we desire "that an ironclad regulation be made to starve, fine, punish, scourge, or im- prison iu closer confinement until death any leper who may yield to the natural weakness of human nature." What the Synod does ask for, and it asks it on behalf ot a nation, which has not yet abandoned its title to be called Christian, is that, if the daugh- ters of its people, being alllieted with leprosy, must be taken from their homes, thev shall not be sent to a place where they cannot be protect- ed from a class of men who, in the exercise of their "discretion," would regard them as the lawful prey of the passions of their degraded manhood. "Equality" enters the lists, with visor down, as the champion of the lepers, to tilt against the ghost of the inquisition, reflected into the arena by his own imagination. But before his first paragraph is ended, the farce is concluded, and his true colors are displayed. What kind of a ehamoi- - on of the lepers is he who could pen such words as these to be read in the settlement, "The lepers are cant away there to (lie." Cast away! To die! "Equality" has taken his farewell of them long ago. Dead must that man be to all the finer feelings of human- ity, who will thus remorselessly close the door of hope to every man, wo- man and child who has been pro- nounced a leper, and say to them : "There is nothing to be done for you ; there is no cure, no remedy, uo alleviation for your disease except in the grave. When vou lauded at ICa- - laupapa, you stepped upon a shore from which there is no return." It is against this heartless view of their condition, this abandoning the lepers to despair, that the Synod protests, it believes that much may be done for them. It asks that remedial measures may be adopted, which, if they cannot cure, are cer- tainly able to improve the condition of the patients. It asks, also, that those in whom there are but slight manifestations of the disease may be kept separate from the worst and ad- vanced cases. For if, as I myself firmly believe, there are persons to- day at the settlement, who have been sent there as lepers, but who have no disease that could make them a source of danger to the public health, such persons ought to be restored to their homes, and to keep them in daily and hourly danger of inocula- tion is unjustifiable. Yours faithfully, Bishop Willis. Iolani College, Dec. 11, 1891. THE DEATH OF POLYCAMY. There are probably 150,000 Mor- mons in this Territory, but of that number many are only nominally so. Amid the contentions between them and the Gentiles many have sided wuu uie cuurcii in which are their parents, relatives and friends, with- out embrae'ng its faith. It is idle now to think of disfranchising the Latter Day Saints. They are an industrious, temperate people, as a rule, and my observation has led me to believe that they are since the church took its stand under the law against plural marriage. I am aware that now and then indivi- duals will report violations of that law since the manifesto; but upon investigation such charges are seldom sustained. It would be strange if there were no breaches of it ; there are some such cases among I do not believe that such marriages have been authorized or sanctioned by the officers of the Mormon church since the manifesto. I Judge Charles S. Zane, iu the Forum. THERE IS NONE BETTER. Dr. 11. L. St. John of Uowland, Putnam county, Missouri, takes es- pecial pleasure iu recommending Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy, be- cause he knows it to be reliable, lie has used it in his practice for several years, ami says there is none better. is especially valuable for colds and a preventive and cure for croup. ins most excellent medicine is for sale by all dealer-- . Jiiiison, Smith Co., ajjenu. Wlit'it .Mm want u 1'orlriiil Knl.it yi l c ill Ut IIm ir ui Iin ami Mt MUinph . Ha y can't lio beat. 1 LOCAL LINE. Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu from S. F. for S. F. S. S.AUSTRALIA. Dec 29 Jan 5 Jan 20 Feb 2 Feb 23 March 1 March 22 March 29 April 19 April 26 May 17 May 24 June 14 June 21 July 12 July 19 Aug 9 Aug 16 Sept 6 Sept 13 Oct 4 Oct 11 Nov 1 nov 8" THROUGH LINE. Arrive from San Sail for Sau Fran- cisco. Francisco. Mariposa Dec 17 Monowai Monowai Jan 14 Alameda Alameda Feb 11 Mariposa Mariposa Mar 10 Monowai Monowai April 7 Alameda Alameda Mav 5 Marin. Maiipo&n June 2 Monowai Monowai June 30 Alameda Alameda July 28 Mariposa Mariposa Aug 25 Monowai Monowai Sept 22 Alameda Alameda Oct 20 Mm ri noHd Mariposa Nov 17 Monowai Australian Mail Service ! FOK 8AM Fit AM I MO, The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship tarn w H Of the Oceaulc Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about Dec. 17, 1891, And will leave for the above port with mails and passengers on or about that date. Bsg"For freight or passage, having su perior accommodations, apply to Wm 6. IRWIN & CO., L'd, Agents. For Sydney and Auckland ! The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship ft MARIPOSA," Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will he due at Honolulu from San Francisco on or about Dec. 17, 1891, And will have prompt dispatch with mails and passengers for the above ports. W For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to Wm. G. IK WIN & CO.. I'd, I"91 . Agents. Br's StBaisiin Go.'s TIME TABLE: STMR. 'KINAU,' CLARKE, Co(r,manjr, Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock p. m., touching at Lahaina, Maalaea Bay and Mukena the same day; Mahu-kon- Kawaihae and Laupahoehoe the following day, arriving at Hilo at midnight. LKAVES HONOLULU. Tuesday Dec 22 Friday jivn i Tuesday Jan 12 Friday Jan 22 Returning leaves Hilo touching at Laupahoehoe same day; Kawaihae, a. m. ; Mahukona, 12 noon; Makena, P. m. ; Maalaea Bay, 8 p. m. ; Laha- ina, 10 p. m. the following day ; arriv- ing at Honolulu 6 a. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Of ARRIVES AT HONOLULU. Saturday Dec 19 Wednesday Dec 30 Saturday. : .Jan 9 Wednesday jan 20 Saturday Jan 30 IW No Freight will be received after 12 noon of day of sailing. STMR. 'CLAUDINE.' DAVIES, Commander, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday 5 o'clock v. m., touching at Kahu-lu- i, lluilo, liana, Hamoa and Kipa-hul- Returning will arrive at Hono- lulu every Sunday morning. ij io freight will he received after 4 P. m, on day of sailing. Consignees must be at the landings receive their freight, an we will not hold ourselves responsible after such freight has been landed. While the Company wilt use due diligence in handling live etock, wo decline to as- sume any responsibility jn cam of the of iaiue, and will not be responsible money or jewelry uulct placed in he i are of I'lirsers. W. C. WILDKH, President. S. 11. ROSE, Secretary. to CAIT. J. A. KING, I'uitStu.t, So. H'i King turret, DEALER in COAL ! HAS ON HAND FOR SALE; Departure Bay Cost, Newcastle Coal, IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. Delivered in nnv Dart of the town. 187-B0- TH TELEPH02CES-18- 7. 200 tf Bira LocoiDoUYes. The undersigned having been appointed ouic iigwus iui m uawauan Islands For the Celebrated From the works of Burbam, Parry, Williams 4 Co., Ishilttiteliliin, I'euo., Are now Drenared to rlv psiimntci sml receive orders for these size and style. The Baldwin Locomotive Works are now manufacturing a style of Loco- motive particularly adapted For Plantation Purposes, A number of which have recently been received at these Islands, and we will have pleasure in furnishing plantation agents au i managers with particulars of same. The superiority of these Locomotives over ail other makes is not onlv known here but is acknowledged throughout the United States. Wiu. G. IilWIN & Co., L'd, Sole Agents for Hawaiian lala-id- s lll IMONKKK STE&M UW FACTORY AMt ItA.lv IOliV. w w F. HOKX, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & Baker. 71 Hotel St. iStfjiar Telephone 74. BEAVER Jik SALOON The Best Lunoh in Tows., Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours The Finest Brands of Ciprs, Jll mm Always on linnet. H. A'. .TK. JNoui'ietor. C. BREWER & CO., (MUI ti:i. General Mercantile AND Commission Agents. LIST OF OKKICKHS: 1. O. ('arter President A Manager G. II. Robertson Treasurer K. F. Blshoj Secretary W, F. Alien Auiiitoi Muixrous: Hon. C. R. Bi.-ho-p, S. C. Allen, H. Waterhoiise. CASTLE & COOKE i n i i ;i ri.u, Hardware, h replug AN1 Commission Merchants. ( I.KAI KilH IN General tferchsndisc ' ' PUutaMon Ae-- - lifo, ; . 4 fl!;riue I JUlo.!.l tl AfcCilU HuNul.LI.C, It, I. n LOTS al PEARL CITY! "V- - ' fa s-- ,r " c 4 '?$- Special Inducements to Purchasers ! 1st The O. K. A L, Co. agree to curry purchasers of Pearl City Lots, for a term of nine years from date ol purchase, at 1 cent per mile second class, and ll cents per mile lirst class, and so slated in the deed. 2d Those who build residences be- fore January 1, 18'.)2, will be furnished a free pass for themselves and fami- lies until January 1, 1.N03. 3d Thi.se who build residences after January i, and before Jan- uary , IS'.):!, will be entitled to a spe cial rate, for each homestead, of 20 cents second class and 30 cents first class from Honolulu to Pearl City and return, or 10 and 13 cents res- pectively each way. 4th Those who build residences within six months from date of pur- chase will receive from the Company, after the improvements are com- pleted, 20 per cent, rebate from the price paid for each lot built upon. fth Those who build residences within one year from December 1, INUI, will receive from the Company, after the improvements ure com- pleted, 10 'per cent, rebate from the price paid for each lot built upon. (ith Those who build residences before July 1, 181)2, will be entitled to receive from the Company, 40 per cent, discount from our reirnlar freight rates on building material, while building. Till Those who build residences b fore January 1, i)3, will be en- titled to receive from the Company, 25 per cent, discount from our regular freight rates oil building material, while building. 8th The Company will transport builders and woikingmeu employed by purchasers of their land for the purpose named any time before Jan- uary 1, ls'.)3, at 10 cents each way from and to Honolulu. Working-men'- s tiain leaves Honolulu at G:15 A. m., reaching Pearl City in time lo commence work at 7 o'clock. Leaven Peninsula of Pearl City ut 4:15 i .t., arriving at Honolulu Station at 4:50 1'. M. teW Those who have purchased Lots at Pearl City previous to this day can if they will, avail themselves of the special inducements designated above as 2d, 3d, (Jth, 7th and 8th, which are in addition to any induce ments oll'ered at the time of or pre- - ion:; to the sale, C. V. STfiiDEVANT or James F. iMohoan will quote prices on any of the unsold lots'at Pearl City, OAUU RAILWAY 4LASDC)., B. I' DlLLINOIIAM, General Manager. Honolulu, Nov. 14, IS'Jl. 271 lm A GRAND OPPORTUNITY! I am instructed to sell that desirable, pioperty reeentlv owned and occupied by .) A. IIASSINGKH. Ksi . and which is now planted with rine Fruit and Or- namental Trees. The properly has been subdivided so that theie are FIVE LOTS on l'cnsacola Street, each lot being 75x200 feet; Four Lots on IMilioi Street, each ""x-'o- d feet. There is also a 1 . I 2ou x 100 feet, containing a FIFE LARGE RESIDENCE with Barn. Servant's Ojiurlors, Ktc. This lot has a driveway from both streets and will make a very pleasant home. For lurUicr particular, apply to C. .). McUARTUY, 3li Merchant Street. Residence Sites at Kamakela. I he undersigned has Ten Fine Lots to sell at Kamakela. adjoining the Buckle Homestead, and having entrances from I.iliba Street and St. Louis College. A No a Fine Lot mi the slopes of Punch- bowl Street, adjoining the property of rapt. W. II. (.o.lfrey. Mel!AUTIlV, tf 05 Merchant Si. K. H. THOMAS,' COXTBACTOIt BUILDER. on nil kinds of Btlck, liu, Mone and Wooden liuildjuns. All kind- - o Jobbing in the Building Trade attell,le, to heep,'rsalellricK, Li,,,,., eineni. ii onc pipe and Kitiiuus, li, and New Combated Iron, Mb, ton li:es. ,ii:triy J lie.., ns..ru-.- l sie and eolol-- ; I'.iUb.rnl.i Kiel MollteleV S,,Utd, ' ' t'nibbig and 111,,, k., Lie". o 4r (mil e and Yard : Cor, Kii,gi,i,, or -- II, Its. (iiti,,. ti,,,,,,; 8 ', VJ 4. si., and I to I e, M, II. 'i i' Ii d, ol is, it, a.-- , I ; Mnuial, - Be-- . del,, e; .Mutual, HO. p. u. Uo, 117. J;;iiy KNOW 1,11 "leu by ibis notice that, and alt. i this date, I have tins day dU. barged Mr. II. C. I'lukou lioui in ling as agent (, me in any sense h ii. ver, In i. chuigc and of all my pioper,y, and in the collection f all due and rents upon any and ail my estate in i., kingdom. Any one who bold-- , or is in p,i,'etou any properly or ,o 1,,,.. any business p.iMin nls to iu uke, u id Hail. act thu same itli me per-o- n ,li at liu plucu inn ,K..lel, a I llonoliibi, ti.il, ii. h viTul.ANI, IVr .lu, Nawaiii. Uuuuhdu, Nov, 3, JnsH, 5i 3m

Vol. Fit! liquid tanisliM S - University of Hawaii · 2015. 5. 30. · Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings Bracket, Window Frames, Blinds,' Sashes, Doors, ami all kinds of wood work

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Page 1: Vol. Fit! liquid tanisliM S - University of Hawaii · 2015. 5. 30. · Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings Bracket, Window Frames, Blinds,' Sashes, Doors, ami all kinds of wood work

1--5' .

1 V

Vol. XV. No. 202. HONOLULU, II. I., Fit! DAY EVENING, DECEMBER II, 1891. 8UBPOHIPTIONO Of kits oct unr

liquid tanisliM fin'sS ti G.IITEI1 T0 PK0SPECfIVE 0WNERS



-- I)



Estate k mnm Agent.

Corner Fort ,t Merchant Sts.

Mutual Tel, 419. Bell Tel, 274, P.O. Box 40,

FOU KENT.Desirable Family Residence on Bere-tiiu- ia

street, huge lot, well laid out Infruit trees and Mowers, a lovely home.Will let on a term to a suitable tenant atalow rental; every convenience iu thehouse.

Ten-room- House on lieretaniii St.,large and airy, pleu-antl- y situated, goodview, large lot. Jietil S;i".

House of (j rooms on Beretania st.,stabling, outhouses, etc. Kent l.'i.

Two Stores on King street.House of 0 rooms on Kawalahao lane,

within 10 minutes of i'ost Oillce. Bent

Furnished Small Cottage on Foitst.Bent $Ui.

Hoti.-- e on Beretania st. Kent 25.



ON' account of Captain Monseau'gdeparture by the next outgoing

steamer, and to close partnership ac-counts Dr. Trousseau offers for sale the

Hawaiian Ostrich & Egg Farm,

Knploluiil IurU,Comprising the Freehold of the Pro-perly, Furniture, Agricultural Imple-ments, Windmills, Pumps, Steam .En-gine, etc., etc.

2 Pair of Breeding Ostriches,35 more or less Yornig Ostriches,

F'roin a day to 8 months old;1 Horse and Brake, 1 Express Wagon, 1Cart, a large number of purebred BrownLeghorn Fowls and others.

SUIT The Property will be sold as awhole or everything separately lo suitpiirchaseis.

There are on the Farm over '200 XavelOrange, Adriatic Fig, and Olive Trees,and over 1000 Imported Pineapple Plantsof the best sorts.

'The whole of the laud is laid out forcomplete irrigation, the water being sup-plied from an inexhaustible surface wellof very sweet water.

Dr. Trousseau assumes all liahilitiesof the Ostrich Farm and would like allaccounts, if any, to be sent to him by

Inspection invited. Captain Moris-sca- nwill give every possible informa-

tion.ttjif For price and other particulars,

apply lo-- :' DR. TROUSSEAU.

Sucking Pigs !

For the Cbristmas Holidays,

Ciaica k Uimi PigsOn hand ami for sale from now till

New Years.

fc Orders will be, received now inadvance for delivery when wanted.

KAPAHULU FARM." Mutual Tel. 3."i2. 278 3Jt



Electroplating Works,Opposite Mormon Church, Punchbowl,

Hanging Lamps, Chandeliers, Bracketsetc , can now be Kelacouered andeipial to new. It makes no differ-

ence bow dirty and black thev are. wecan make them look as good" as whenyou bought them from the store. Try itand be convinced.

Mutual Telephone No. 700.25S tf

DesiralJlB Buiici Sites


1I1.W h l our Fine Residence Sites,on Piikoi street, for sale.The Lots have a frontage ,,f n feet on

Piikoi street and are 2un feet deep, arenicely laid out iu fmit and shade treesand are all coveied with grass; waterlaid on throughout. The situation ofthe.-- e Lots and the limited niuuber makeit liectsarv that intending purchasersshould make early application to theundersigned, from whom all particularscan be had. ,l.s. F, MORGAN.

2u;l tf




Ewry Afternoon Except Sundays

At the Oflioe, Queen street, Honolulu,11. I.

DANIEL LOGAN Editor & Manager


Daily Bulletin Publishing Company,(Limited.)


Daily Bulletin, 1 year $6 00" " (I months 3 00" " monthper (de-

livered) 5

Weekly Bulletin Summary, 1

year $i 00

foreign.. 5 00

Moth Toli'iilioix-- Ko. SS.10.

tjyAddress nil business commuuica- -UOL8 ''AlANAGEH DAILY BULLETIN."

tSPAddress all matter for publica-tion "Editor Daily Bulletin."1. U. Box H'.i. Honolulu. II. I.

JM. MONSARRAT.Attorney at Law and Notary

Public. Merchant street, Honolulu.

J Alfred Magoon,Attorney at Law and Notary

Public. No. 42 Merchant street, Hono-lulu.

HW. Schmidt & Sons,Importers & Commission Mer-

chants. Fort street, Honolulu. I -- 91

HHACKFELD & CO.,Commission Agents.

Corner Fort and Queen streets, Hono-lulu, 11. 1.


GW. Macfarlane & Co.,Importers and Commission

Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu,H. I.

GONSALVES & CO.,Grocers and Wine

Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu,H. 1.

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,and Dealer in General

Merchandise. Queen street, Honolulu,H. I.

& CO.,WILDER in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind. Corner Fort and Queenstreets, Honolulu.

LEWERS & COOKE,Importers and Dealers in Lum-

ber and all kinds of Building Materials.Fort street, Honolulu.


Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers,Coolers; Icon, Brass and Lead Castings ;Machinery of every description made toorder. Particular attention paid toShip's Blaeksuiithiug. Job Work ex-ecuted at short notice.

Dr. EMEKSON,0. 133 FOllT HTltKKT.

.Bell Telephone 51.

nouns :

8 :30 to 10 :30 a. M."a gi. 2 to 3 p. m.Sundays, 9 to 10 a. m.

Residence, 5 School St. Bell Tel. 149.111-t- f.


Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


Contractors for Brick & Stone Build-ings of All Kinds.

Good references and all work guaranteed

tgy Office at L. Andrade's store, Ki- -uau street. 230 3m


ARCHITECT.Office : Room 5, Sprockets' Block.

Mutual Telephone 208.

New Designs ! Modern Buildings I

Complete plans and specifications forevery description of building. Contractsdrawu and careful superintendence of

uuuon given wueu reuuneil. Halland examine plans. apr 29 ly


'pilE patrons of the Oceaulc S. S. Co.X are hereby notlllud that hereaftei

no round trip or excursion tickets willue issued for any of the through mai'steamers. These tickets will, however, atbe issued as customary for the localsteamers "Australia" and 'Zealaudia.''Passeiiners who hold round trip ticketsand wish to take the through mailsteamer will be charged an extiafareoj

Per order of the Oceanic S. S. Co,Wm. 0. IRWIN &CO., to

64 tf Oenoral A cents

Scotch Splint Coal !

loss''PlIK undersigned offer for mlo f,:M for1 Ions of best Scotch Splinl t'oul, juutarrived Hit Mrathlilane" Innii (,'la- -


go, 'l ids Coal is cipial lo hel ti

Coal, and especially suited for steam,liou.M'hiild mill ploughing engine uo,all If U. W, MAC F.Uil.ANL A CO.


Homestead Lots in Hilo, Ha-


Notice is hereby given :

1. That Ten (10) Lots in Kaieie,Hilo, Hawaii, have been set apart forthe purpose of conveying to suchpersons as may wish to acquire home-

steads upon which to live.2. Maps of these lots can be ex-

amined at the Land Oflice, InteriorDepartment, Honolulu, or at theoffice of Mr. A. B. Loebenstein atHilo, Hawaii.

3. Mr. A. B. Loebenstein willpoint out the lots to any person de-

siring to see them, for which servicehe will be entitled to a fee of $1

from the person applying.4. Persons who may desire lots,

shall apply in writing to the Ministerof the Interior upon a blank form,copies of which may be obtained freeof said A. B. Loebenstein.

o. No application will be consider-ed from persons who already ownland.

C. Every applicant must be of fullage.

7. The applicant will be allowedten years in which to pay for theland, during which time it will beexempt from taxes.

8. He must within one year builda dwelling house on the lot and beginto occupy the same and continue tooccupy it for the remainder of theterm of ten years.

9. He must within three years en-

close the lot with a substantial fence.10. He must pay quarterly in

advance interest upon the unpaidpurchase price at the rate of 5 percent per annum. The purchaser maypay the whole or any part of thepurchase price at any time, whichwill stop interest.

11. The preliminaiy agreement isnonassignable and the land cannotbe sold until all conditions are ful-


12. Failure to comply with any ofthe conditions will work a forfeitureof the land.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, Dec. 3, 1891.288 St


Formerly the Grand Hotel,

Corner Second & Market Streets, SanFrancisco.

MRS. BURLING, Proprietress.

This Fine Hotel, centrally located forbusiness purposes, having been thor-oughly renovated and newly furnishedthroughout, offers special conveniencesto intending visitors from the HawaiianIslands.

IfA complete system of electric bells.Direct communication with HoffmanCafe.

Rooms from $1 per Day Upwards.287 3m

Germania Market,Fort Htrcet,


Head Cheese, Bologna,Pork & Other Kinds ol Sausages

unsurpassable quality, made by thewell-know- n German sausage

maker G. Schhadek.TELEPHONESE-10- 4

2r5 3 m

GEORGE LUCAS,Contractor & Builder.

Honolulu Steam Planing Milij, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of MouldingsBracket, Window Frames, Blinds,'Sashes, Doors, ami all kinds of woodwork tlnisli. Turning. Scroll and HandSawing. All kinds of hawing andPlaning, Morticing and Tenanting.r Orders promptly attended to and

work guaranteed. Orders from theother Islands Noliclted. l.'U



mug toirot-f-, Honolulu, &Excellent RcconinnuL.iion for patients.

IMl.A.K. UO WAT, V, H.Ulrica Hours - 7::tu to lo a.m.. u-u-

'4 p. in.; l:;tu to ti p. ui.THLKHioNks; Bell ut. Mutual U.1.


Editor Bulletin:Permit me to thank you for your

editorial last evening, and at tliusame time to say a word in reply to"Equality."

The position taken up by theAnglican Church Synod in regard toleprosy and the Leper Settlementua8 nothing to fear from a maskedassailant, who feurs to show his face,as he hurls his darts of misrepresent-ation. It is an old device but get-ting timeworn and thin for thwart-ing reform. Insinuate into the pub-lic mind a false and oerverteil viewof what is desired, and of the meansproposed for its attainment. In thatway you may sow distrust, and rouseantagonism. But to succeed the lieshould not be manufactured out ofwhole cloth, as in the present in-

stance. None, who have read thedeliverances of the Synod on thequestion, are likely to be gulled intooeueving mat we desire "that anironclad regulation be made tostarve, fine, punish, scourge, or im-

prison iu closer confinement untildeath any leper who may yield to thenatural weakness of human nature."

What the Synod does ask for, andit asks it on behalf ot a nation, whichhas not yet abandoned its title to becalled Christian, is that, if the daugh-ters of its people, being alllieted withleprosy, must be taken from theirhomes, thev shall not be sent to aplace where they cannot be protect-ed from a class of men who, in theexercise of their "discretion," wouldregard them as the lawful prey of thepassions of their degraded manhood.

"Equality" enters the lists, withvisor down, as the champion of thelepers, to tilt against the ghost of theinquisition, reflected into the arenaby his own imagination. But beforehis first paragraph is ended, the farceis concluded, and his true colors aredisplayed. What kind of a ehamoi- -

on of the lepers is he who could pensuch words as these to be read in thesettlement, "The lepers are cant awaythere to (lie." Cast away! To die!"Equality" has taken his farewell ofthem long ago. Dead must that manbe to all the finer feelings of human-ity, who will thus remorselessly closethe door of hope to every man, wo-man and child who has been pro-nounced a leper, and say to them :

"There is nothing to be done foryou ; there is no cure, no remedy, uoalleviation for your disease except inthe grave. When vou lauded at ICa- -

laupapa, you stepped upon a shorefrom which there is no return."

It is against this heartless view oftheir condition, this abandoning thelepers to despair, that the Synodprotests, it believes that much maybe done for them. It asks thatremedial measures may be adopted,which, if they cannot cure, are cer-tainly able to improve the conditionof the patients. It asks, also, thatthose in whom there are but slightmanifestations of the disease may bekept separate from the worst and ad-

vanced cases. For if, as I myselffirmly believe, there are persons to-

day at the settlement, who have beensent there as lepers, but who have nodisease that could make them asource of danger to the public health,such persons ought to be restored totheir homes, and to keep them indaily and hourly danger of inocula-tion is unjustifiable.

Yours faithfully,Bishop Willis.

Iolani College, Dec. 11, 1891.


There are probably 150,000 Mor-mons in this Territory, but of thatnumber many are only nominally so.Amid the contentions between themand the Gentiles many have sidedwuu uie cuurcii in which are theirparents, relatives and friends, with-out embrae'ng its faith. It is idlenow to think of disfranchising theLatter Day Saints. They are anindustrious, temperate people, as arule, and my observation has led meto believe that they aresince the church took its stand underthe law against plural marriage. Iam aware that now and then indivi-duals will report violations of thatlaw since the manifesto; but uponinvestigation such charges are seldomsustained. It would be strange ifthere were no breaches of it ; thereare some such cases among

I do not believe that suchmarriages have been authorized orsanctioned by the officers of theMormon church since the manifesto.

I Judge Charles S. Zane, iu theForum.


Dr. 11. L. St. John of Uowland,Putnam county, Missouri, takes es-pecial pleasure iu recommendingChamberlain's Cough Hemedy, be-

cause he knows it to be reliable, liehas used it in his practice for severalyears, ami says there is none better.

is especially valuable for colds anda preventive and cure for croup.

ins most excellent medicine is forsale by all dealer-- . Jiiiison, Smith

Co., ajjenu.

Wlit'it .Mm want u 1'orlriiilKnl.it yi l c illUt IIm ir ui Iin ami MtMUinph . Ha y can't lio beat. 1


Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulufrom S. F. for S. F.

S. S.AUSTRALIA.Dec 29 Jan 5Jan 20 Feb 2Feb 23 March 1March 22 March 29April 19 April 26May 17 May 24June 14 June 21July 12 July 19Aug 9 Aug 16Sept 6 Sept 13Oct 4 Oct 11Nov 1 nov 8"


Arrive from San Sail for Sau Fran-cisco.Francisco.

Mariposa Dec 17 MonowaiMonowai Jan 14 AlamedaAlameda Feb 11 MariposaMariposa Mar 10 MonowaiMonowai April 7 AlamedaAlameda Mav 5 Marin.Maiipo&n June 2 MonowaiMonowai June 30 AlamedaAlameda July 28 MariposaMariposa Aug 25 MonowaiMonowai Sept 22 AlamedaAlameda Oct 20 Mm ri noHdMariposa Nov 17 Monowai

Australian Mail Service !

FOK 8AM Fit AM I MO,The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

tarn w H

Of the Oceaulc Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from Sydney

and Auckland on or about

Dec. 17, 1891,And will leave for the above port with

mails and passengers on orabout that date.

Bsg"For freight or passage, havingsu perior accommodations, apply to

Wm 6. IRWIN & CO., L'd,Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland !

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamshipft MARIPOSA,"

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willhe due at Honolulu from San

Francisco on or about

Dec. 17, 1891,And will have prompt dispatch with

mails and passengers forthe above ports.

W For freight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

Wm. G. IKWIN & CO.. I'd,I"91

. Agents.

Br's StBaisiin Go.'s


STMR. 'KINAU,'CLARKE, Co(r,manjr,

Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock p. m.,touching at Lahaina, Maalaea Bayand Mukena the same day; Mahu-kon-

Kawaihae and Laupahoehoe thefollowing day, arriving at Hilo atmidnight.


Tuesday Dec 22Friday jivn iTuesday Jan 12Friday Jan 22

Returning leaves Hilo touching atLaupahoehoe same day; Kawaihae,a. m. ; Mahukona, 12 noon; Makena,

P. m. ; Maalaea Bay, 8 p. m. ; Laha-ina, 10 p. m. the following day ; arriv-ing at Honolulu 6 a. m. Wednesdaysand Saturdays.


Saturday Dec 19Wednesday Dec 30Saturday. : .Jan 9Wednesday jan 20Saturday Jan 30

IW No Freight will be receivedafter 12 noon of day of sailing.


Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday5 o'clock v. m., touching at Kahu-lu- i,

lluilo, liana, Hamoa and Kipa-hul-

Returning will arrive at Hono-lulu every Sunday morning.ij io freight will he receivedafter 4 P. m, on day of sailing.

Consignees must be at the landingsreceive their freight, an we will not

hold ourselves responsible after suchfreight has been landed. While theCompany wilt use due diligence inhandling live etock, wo decline to as-sume any responsibility jn cam of the

of iaiue, and will not be responsiblemoney or jewelry uulct placed in

he i are of I'lirsers.W. C. WILDKH, President.S. 11. ROSE, Secretary. to

CAIT. J. A. KING, I'uitStu.t,

So. H'i King turret,



Departure Bay Cost,

Newcastle Coal,


Delivered in nnv Dart of thetown.

187-B0- TH TELEPH02CES-18- 7.

200 tf

Bira LocoiDoUYes.

The undersigned having been appointedouic iigwus iui m uawauan


For the Celebrated

From the works of

Burbam, Parry, Williams 4 Co.,

Ishilttiteliliin, I'euo.,Are now Drenared to rlv psiimntci smlreceive orders for thesesize and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Worksare now manufacturing a style of Loco-motive particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationagents au i managers with particularsof same.

The superiority of these Locomotivesover ail other makes is not onlv knownhere but is acknowledged throughoutthe United States.

Wiu. G. IilWIN & Co., L'd,Sole Agents for Hawaiian lala-id- s




AMt ItA.lv IOliV.

w w

F. HOKX,Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook &


71 Hotel St. iStfjiar Telephone 74.


The Best Lunoh in Tows.,

Tea and Coffee at 111 HoursThe Finest Brands of

Ciprs, Jll mmAlways on linnet.

H. A'. .TK. JNoui'ietor.

C. BREWER & CO.,(MUI ti:i.

General MercantileAND

Commission Agents.LIST OF OKKICKHS:

1. O. ('arter President A ManagerG. II. Robertson TreasurerK. F. Blshoj SecretaryW, F. Alien Auiiitoi

Muixrous:Hon. C. R. Bi.-ho-p, S. C. Allen,

H. Waterhoiise.

CASTLE & COOKEi n i i ;i ri.u,

Hardware, h replugAN1

Commission Merchants. (


General tferchsndisc ' 'PUutaMon Ae-- -

lifo, ; . 4 fl!;riueI JUlo.!.l tl AfcCilU

HuNul.LI.C, It, I. n


"V- - 'fa s-- ,r " c

4 '?$-

Special Inducements toPurchasers !

1st The O. K. A L, Co. agree tocurry purchasers of Pearl City Lots,for a term of nine years from date olpurchase, at 1 cent per mile secondclass, and ll cents per mile lirst class,and so slated in the deed.

2d Those who build residences be-fore January 1, 18'.)2, will be furnisheda free pass for themselves and fami-lies until January 1, 1.N03.

3d Thi.se who build residencesafter January i, and before Jan-uary , IS'.):!, will be entitled to a special rate, for each homestead, of 20cents second class and 30 cents firstclass from Honolulu to Pearl Cityand return, or 10 and 13 cents res-pectively each way.

4th Those who build residenceswithin six months from date of pur-chase will receive from the Company,after the improvements are com-pleted, 20 per cent, rebate from theprice paid for each lot built upon.

fth Those who build residenceswithin one year from December 1,INUI, will receive from the Company,after the improvements ure com-pleted, 10 'per cent, rebate from theprice paid for each lot built upon.

(ith Those who build residencesbefore July 1, 181)2, will be entitled toreceive from the Company, 40 percent, discount from our reirnlarfreight rates on building material,while building.

Till Those who build residencesb fore January 1, i)3, will be en-titled to receive from the Company,25 per cent, discount from our regularfreight rates oil building material,while building.

8th The Company will transportbuilders and woikingmeu employedby purchasers of their land for thepurpose named any time before Jan-uary 1, ls'.)3, at 10 cents each wayfrom and to Honolulu. Working-men'- s

tiain leaves Honolulu at G:15A. m., reaching Pearl City in time locommence work at 7 o'clock. LeavenPeninsula of Pearl City ut 4:15 i .t.,arriving at Honolulu Station at 4:501'. M.

teW Those who have purchasedLots at Pearl City previous to thisday can if they will, avail themselvesof the special inducements designatedabove as 2d, 3d, (Jth, 7th and 8th,which are in addition to any inducements oll'ered at the time of or pre- -

ion:; to the sale,C. V. STfiiDEVANT or James

F. iMohoan will quote prices on anyof the unsold lots'at Pearl City,


B. I' DlLLINOIIAM,General Manager.

Honolulu, Nov. 14, IS'Jl.271 lm


I am instructed to sell that desirable,pioperty reeentlv owned and occupiedby .) A. IIASSINGKH. Ksi . and whichis now planted with rine Fruit and Or-namental Trees. The properly has beensubdivided so that theie are

FIVE LOTSon l'cnsacola Street, each lot being 75x200feet; Four Lots on IMilioi Street, each""x-'o- d feet. There is also a 1 . I2ou x 100 feet, containing a


with Barn. Servant's Ojiurlors, Ktc.This lot has a driveway from both streetsand will make a very pleasant home.

For lurUicr particular, apply toC. .). McUARTUY,

3li Merchant Street.

Residence Sites at Kamakela.

I he undersigned has Ten Fine Lots tosell at Kamakela. adjoining the BuckleHomestead, and having entrances fromI.iliba Street and St. Louis College.

A No a Fine Lot mi the slopes of Punch-bowl Street, adjoining the property ofrapt. W. II. (.o.lfrey.

Mel!AUTIlV,tf 05 Merchant Si.


on nil kinds of Btlck,liu, Mone and Wooden liuildjuns. Allkind- - o Jobbing in the Building Tradeattell,le, to heep,'rsalellricK, Li,,,,.,

eineni. ii onc pipe and Kitiiuus,li, and New Combated Iron, Mb, tonli:es. ,ii:triy J lie.., ns..ru-.- l sie and

eolol-- ; I'.iUb.rnl.i Kiel MollteleV S,,Utd,' ' t'nibbig and 111,,, k., Lie". o4r (mil e and Yard : Cor, Kii,gi,i,, or

-- II, Its. (iiti,,. ti,,,,,,; 8 ', VJ4. si., and I to I e, M, II.

'i i' Ii d, ol is, it, a.--,

I ; Mnuial,- Be--. del,, e; .Mutual, HO. p. u.Uo, 117. J;;iiy

KNOW1,11 "leu by ibis notice that,

and alt. i this date, I havetins day dU. barged Mr. II. C. I'lukoulioui in ling as agent (, me in anysense h ii. ver, In i. chuigc and

of all my pioper,y, and inthe collection f all due and rents uponany and ail my estate in i., kingdom.

Any one who bold-- , or is in p,i,'etouany properly or ,o 1,,,.. any businessp.iMin nls to iu uke, u id Hail. act thusame itli me per-o- n ,li at liu plucu

inn ,K..lel, a I llonoliibi, ti.il, ii.h viTul.ANI,

IVr .lu, Nawaiii.Uuuuhdu, Nov, 3, JnsH, 5i 3m

Page 2: Vol. Fit! liquid tanisliM S - University of Hawaii · 2015. 5. 30. · Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings Bracket, Window Frames, Blinds,' Sashes, Doors, ami all kinds of wood work



Cor. Fort & Merchant Sts.




A:R!CULTURAL notes.A HiKlitt I 1 urn lite Count which nny

I ii I ciest llua:i 'ii Tilli-m- .

The Florida llorticultral Societyhas asked for three acres in which toshow an orange grove and make afruit display at the Columbian Ex-


W. M. Martin, who has been in

Fastevn Oregon for the past severalmonths, in Ihe sheep business, liasarrived in Yuba City, lie broughtdown a large hand of 12,000 sheep

Irrigation Notice.Honolulu, 11. I., Dtc. 2,181)1.

Holders of water privileges, or those

paying water rates, nre hereby noti-

fied that the hours for iitjiig walerforirrigation pnrpo.-e-s it re front ! to 8

o'clock A. M , and I to (t o'clock I'. M.

mil il ui in I' notice.JOHN 0. A II If K,

Snpl. Honohihi Water Works.A pproved :

C, N. Sl'KNCKIf,

Minister of the Interior.28-- tf

Issues Every Desirable Form of Policy !

It has paid its members since its organization THREE HUNDRED AND FOUR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.Its New Distribution Policy is the most liberal ever offered by any Insurance Company,

lay" For full particulars apply to

1.(General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.


On SATURDAY, Dec. 5,





Gases, Baskets, Couplets & Single

Bottles !,



BENSON, SMITH & CO.,I i:t-H- 5 Fort Ntiwt, .... Honolulu, II. I.

T niters for Supplies.

On irn ii 'l 11 k UoAHi) ok IIkm.tii, )

HoNol.l l.l--, Dee. II, lS'.U. S

Scaled tenders-- will he reeeived atthin Othee until noon, MONDAY,

Dec. 28, lS'Jl, fur supplying the Board

with the following Huildint; Materialand Provinioiis for use at tlie LeperSettlement, Molukui, until July 1,

1V2.iiids may he niaile for nil or nny of

Ihe articles, to he delivered aw orderedhy the Agents of the Hoard, f. o. h.

inland sleaineis.All hiils must be plainly endorsed

"Tender for Molokai Leper Settle-

ment Supplies."The Board of Health does not hind

itself to accept tho lowest or any hid.


Kough Nor'west luniher up to 35,-00- 0

feet.Tongttcd and Grooved M. W. up to

2.",0X) feet.Kedwood shingles up to 1(10,000.

Redwood surfaced up to 3000 feet.

Kedwood buttons, 1.1x3, up to 400

feet.Kedwood fence posts up to 1000.

Doors 2x0x6, lj, each.

Iron Cut Nails up In SO kegs (lOd

Basis.)JIuhbuck's boiled oil up to l.'tO gal-

lons.Turpentine up to 50 gallons.

White Lead Ilubbuck's up to 3000

lbs.Cement up to ."(0 bbls.Lime up to KlO bbls.Oulv. iron pipe i, .1, per foot.(ialv. iron moling per lb.

Washers and nails fur same per Hi.


Kiee No. 1, up to 100 sacks.

Cal. medium bread up to (100 cases.

Host quality Hour, sacks, up to

1000 sacks.Sugar No. 1, raw, up to 110 bags.

Salmon, best red, up to 1)0 bbls.

Brown Soap 2 lb. bars, up to 200

boxes (100 Hi. boxes )

Matches, card, up to 2.'0 gross.

Salt, coarse, up to fil'O hags.

Kerosene oil, up to 1000 gals.By order of the Hoard of Health.

DAVID DAYTON,21)2 3t President.

Tenders lor Ueef Cattle,

Ot vieKOK tiik Hoard of Health,HoNoi.rt.i , Dec. 11, ItitM.

Tenders will be received at thisotlice until MONDAY, December 28,

IM'l, at 12 o'clock noon, for supplyingthe Leper Settlement on Molokai:

(1) Willi (iood Beef Cattle averag-ing 325 His. per head.

(2) With "at Beef Cattle.The cattle are to be delivered at the

Leper Settlement in good condition!il an average of 'JO head per month,more or less, for lb.; e of the Hoardfrom January 1, 1MI2, to June 30,


Tho tender for Fat Heel' Cattlemn.-- ( he for the price per pound whendressed, and lli.it for (iood Beef Cat-

tle must he per bead.The hides and tallow are lo he the

property of the Hoard.All the bids must be marked

"Tender for Supplying the Leper Set-

tlement Willi Beef."The Board will elect which tender

to accept, ami does not hind itself toaccept, the lowest or any bid.

By order of ihe Board of Health.DAVID DAYTON,

202 3t 1'rcsideiit.

Sale of Government Lmd on the West

Corner of Bichards and MerchantStreets, Honolulu. Oahu.

On WLDNKSDAY, January 13,1891, at 12 o'clock noon, at the frontentrance of Aliiolani Hale will be sold

at public auction a strip of (iovern-jnen- t

land on the west, corner of

Kichards and Merchant streets, ad-

joining the property of A. S. B ilster,in Honolulu, Oahu, and containing anarea of 1 12 square feet more or less.

1'jiset prict t7M.C, N. Sl'ENCKR,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Oiliee, Dec. It, I Sill.

2!2 3t

FRIDAY, December 2.'i, JS'Jl, beingChristmas Day, and FRIDAY, Janu-

ary 1, 1M'2, being New Year's Day,

will be observed as Public Holidays,and all (iovei nineiit Olliccs through-

out the Kingdom will he closed on

those days.C. N. SPF.NCKR,Minister of Interior.

Interior Oiliee, Dee. 10, 1MH.

2'Jl ll-."- )0 31

(i. P. Nehcinia, Ksq , h is this daybee, appoinli d Poliudiiiaster for theiovei it I t Pound at Kaupo, II, ma,

Inland of Maui, Vice 'Jims. Wills, re-

signed.C. N. SPF.NCKR,

Muiit-- r of the Interior.Jul! rim otlict , Dee. J I, jy.M.

tamped Goods for Etching

which are now pasturing in I olusacounty. Sutter Independent.

An olive mill is soon to be set up

here up J. L. llowland, and that will

do much to increase the value ofolive orchards, inasmuch as the oilcan then be extracted, and there isan immense demand for that at largetrices. Pomona Progress.

If your orange trees have gumdisease pare down to the live woodand cover with tar paint or wax.Look over your orchard and examineevery tree "near the ground. Whileirrigating never allow the water totouch the body of the tree. Red-lan-


The grapes of the Mulligan vine-

yard in Alexander Valley are beingdried in hop driers. Thirteen car-

loads of superior wine have recentlybeen shipped to San Francisco fromthe Paxton winery. The wine madehere is of superior quality, andshould command top notch prices.lleahlsburg lCntei prise.

Jacob Scliram says the vintage atSchrauisberg is over and as usual hehas made up an excellent quality ofwine which he will store in his under-

ground cellar for at least two and ahalf years before putting it upon themarket. Mr. Schram's wines are in

great demand all over the world andare celebrated for their excellence.

St. Helena Star.11. C. Kells' shipped .this week one

carload of prunes to St. Louis, a car-

load of raisins to San Francisco anda carload of raisins to Providence,R. I. This shows how widely ourproducts are distributed one growershipping in oiu week to both the ex-

treme eastern and western verges ofthe continent, as well as to centralpoints.

Julian is boasting a sreat dealabout the apple crop from that sec-

tion, and rightly, too, for they are of

extra fine quality. Yet we can showas fine apples in this section, fromthe Yucaipe Valley, as were evergrown in any orchard anywhere. Infact the Yucaipe apples are as nearperfect as fruit ever becomes. Ked-ian-

Citrograph.It has in the past been supposed,

or at least by many said, that grapescould not be successfully diied in

Napa valley owing to the lateness ofthe ripening, and the early morningfogs, but these ideas have beenproven incorrect. K. E. Wood hasput up two or three carloads thepreseul season, after being assuredof success by an experiment withthroe or four tons last seasoio St.Helena Star.

Several parties throughout thecountry have tried the fumigation oforange trees by gas in the daytimeand the results have been most satis-

factory. One man, from Tustin,who has tried the treatment latelyboth by day and night for red scale,says that the trees fumigated in thedaytime suffered less injury, as aruie, than those treated at night, andthe effect upon the scale .was thesame. Pomona Progress.

W. A. Marsh, living about threemiles east of Orlando, has beenshowing a new citrus fruit. Il is across between a lemon and a Man-

darin orange, and is about the sizeof a good Sicily lemon, which it alsoresembles in taste The tree is saidlo look like a Mandarin orange, andlo be as hardy as any orange. Itpassed through the big freeze of1880 unharmed, though it was only aswitch. Florida Agriculturist.

J. II. Wheeler informs us that hewill soon commence the manufactureof cream tartar at his winery atBello station, lie is at present pur-chasing lees suitable for working upand as he has the appurtenances andunderstands the business he will cer-

tainly meet with success, Mr.Wheeler made up a small amount ofcrei'in tartar last year and the trialjustified his going into the manu-

facture of it on a larger scale thisseason. St. Helena Star.


Chamberlain's Cough IJemedy is afavorite during the winter months onaccount of its great success in thfcure of colds. There is nothiiiii thatwijl loosen a severe cold so quickly,or us promptly relieve the lungs.Then it counteracts any tendency to-

ward pneumonia. It is pleasant andsafe to take, and fully worthy of itspopularity. For sale by all dealers.Heiison, Smith & Co.. agents.

Srxiii'liN relieved tit nnee hy Cucumber Tonic. iSenson, Smith A Co.,Agents.







NEW SI ORE (l r .SAiio).

Auction Sales by Jiimes F. Morgan.


Auction Sale!

Ofi Saturday Evening, D&c. 12,

AT 7 (I t l.tX K.

I will sell an immense assort-ment of

Christmas Goods!fjQT Hold on to your coin until

this sale, as we will beat the recordin giving you bargains I

l&" The Goods are noc mine ao Ican sell them at tiny price, not car-ing if the owner loses a fortune

JAS. F. 31 ORGAN.?SS lit Auctioneer.


Carriages & Harness

f)n SATURDAY, Dec. 12tli,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

At the store of K. G. SCIIUM AN, Motelstreet, will sell at Public Auction hisliire stuck of Carriages and Harness,comprising

I Fine riiaoioii,I Side Km- - Itngsy,

1 il Wagini,1 I'Wpi'ONM Wagon.

4 I'elnluinn Curt.O I'aili Ciii'tM,

1 Iff I .HoiMe 'rt.1 Oxtel Curt.

13 Set Fine Single JIiwiichwFancy Lap Robes, linggy Whips,20 Pair.' Carriage Lamps. 1 HandCart, 1 Oak Desk. 1 Net DoubleHarness,

Oae MacNeale and Urban Safe.

ONE BAY MARE.in Koitl to the Stallion Nutwood.

J AS. F. 3IORGA V,2S7 "t Auctioneer.


iNi iiRPn nn hill PirnOIULUW Ull

On SATURDAY, !;;. l!)lh.AT I MM'!. '' X

At my Salesiooni, Queen street, I willsell at Public Auction,

The Premises at prt-S3.i-t (cx-- p

t d by Capt. Chaney ssa Residencf.

The Properly is situated in front ofthe residence of Henry Smith, Ksij., andbus a fiontiige of (il feet on Kurt street.There Is a Niat Collage on the Lot atpresent renting for 91" per month.

tr" Intending purchasers wishing toinspect the Properly can do so ou nppli-Uitti-


JAS. F. 3IORGAN,2sfl )3t Auctioneer.


liy order of S. K. Pierce,appointed hy the Hon. A. K.

dudd. chief Justice of the SupremeCourt, to sell eeriain Ileal Property ofthe KsHte of the lute A. bolster, I willsell at Public Auction ut my Salesrooms,Queen street, Honolulu,

On SATURDAY, Dec li)tli,AT O'CLOCK .00,

The Property of said Estate situ-ated on



Lot 1 li:" feet fronliige on Merchun'street, to 10(1 ft. deep.

Lot ;'!,, leet on Hicliarils street, li2feet on Meicliant street.

Lot il 1.1 feel on liichards street, 120feet clei p.

Lot I )"i feet on Kichards street, 121)

feel lb fp.Lot ." i:i!4 fret on Kichards street, 71

to 75 feel ili rp.Lol ii l;t':, feet on Hicliarils street. Ii!)

to 71 leet tlei p.

Terms Cutth in U. S. Gold Coin,

t'fT lle 'ds it purchasers' expense,Kor further apply In S. L.I'ikiK'k, i 'oiuiiii.-ioiie- r, or in

,JAS. MO I JOAN,2i'.)l'l Anc'li'mctr.


(V Cuii.tyi! in lit ouI'lini lilow I lu l l. I n- -

ts4 Uitv til . A .1 I K,Jw a Nllllllllll ft. elliiu Molt,








Corner Fort & Merchant Sts.292 3w

rr ii i.a


The Xew Drug Store is beingso well patronized, is veryeasy to understand.

It is well known that drugsand medicines do not improveAvith age, especially in Tinsclimate.

Hence, everyone who stopsto think a moment on thesubject concludes immediatelythat, if it is necessary to takemedicine, it is an importantpoint to be sure and get the

fuesiikst medicines that can

be obtained.For instance, if there is an

infant in the family and it is

desirable to feed it on Mellin'sFood or Ridge's Food, whynot get the fiiesiiest in themarket?

Scott's Emulsion is farmore palatable when fresh,and if you are taking it forgeneral debility, or anyother trouble, you will find it

better to get it as fkesii as

possible.Then again, Tills, Cough

Medicine, Liniment or anyone of the many Patent Medi-

cines, if they are krf.su, youcan expect to get benelicialeffects.

The entire stock at theXew Drug Store can be re-

lied upon, for everything is

nkw and of the ukst quality.Moreover IIohison, Xf.w-ma- n

it Co. guarantee thattheir Goods are just as theyrepresent' them.

As you pass their way dropin and look at those ToothBrushes which they claim tobe the, best in Honolulu.

Corner fort & King Streets.



Will be given at the Gymnasium, un-

der the auspices of the




A' (I Continuing Four fights

Teams from the following Countrieswill appear:







.? lifM-rvei- l He:il for l.it lirs.

)aily git lie fill

Plfdtd to nruhry .SVr nor 'anv,Hut rn.tahh'.hrd for the benrtit o all.

FRIDAY, 1)KC. 11, 181U.

Minneapolis, one of the twin citiesof Minnesota, has the honor of beingselected as the meeting place of the

Republican National Convention of

1892. San Francisco is left with

some hope of securing the Demo-

cratic National Convention.

Ka Loo a short while ago tried to

ridicule the Iki.i.i tin for its alleged

exclusive attention to diversified in-

dustries. Now the same paper thank

the Hi l.i.i ris for its "assistance" in

advocating diversified industries.We thought we could live down Ka

Leo's scorn.

Captain 1 Iughea-IIullet- t, command-

ing II. H. M. S. Camel, lias done

commerce a good service in survey-

ing the alleged shoal-wato- r off Bar-

ber's Point, on this island. I lis re-

port, which appears in this paper,supports the belief that, there is a

dangerous place in the locality in

question, and captains of vessels arewarned to give it a wide herd.

The San Francisco Chronicle of

November 25 says: "The proposedban on lofty buildings in Chicago

does not seem to have met with

favor, as no less than five permitswere granted on Monday to erectstructures sixteen stories high. Ifthis keeps on, by the time theWorld's Fair is opened half the busi-

ness in Chicago will be transactedamong the clouds." Some idea of

the height of buildings in Chicago

may be had from the fact that theprojected Odd Fellows' building will

be more than a hundred and fifty

feet higher than our Punchbowlmountain above sea level.

Mr. thiinn said at the Mechanics'Union mooting last night that roud

hoards should lie elected in the dif-

ferent districts. This is just what

will have to be done at the ensuinggeneral election, or else there will be

no road boards thereafter. The road

board so elected in each district will

have the appointment of a road

supervisor for such district. See

chapter 2 Session Laws of

lSDO. Platform or no platform, theextension of the elective system hy

the coining Legislature may dependa good deal on the manner in which

the people shall have acquitted them-

selves in the election of road hoards.

Our comment on the Advertiser'sargument against the constitutional-

ity of the McKinley Act was basedon the words of our contemporary,namely, "that the taxing power can

only he used to provide funds for

public objects." It can be otherwiseused without putting any of the ac-

tual money received in taxes into

private pockets. Whatever it may

be in "the eye of the law," the

American protective tariff is not "arevenue measure" in the eyes of its

supporters. Its opponents desire a

tariff for revenue as distinguishedfrom the present tai iff for protection.While the bounty system is a differ-

ent method of protection, it will be

easy enough, logically pursuing Lhejr

familiar arguments, for the protec-

tionists to construct, a very plausibletheory of bounties being a great na-

tional benefit, of sugar manufactur-

ers being great national benefactors,and the bounties paid them being asmuch for services rendered the nationas the pensions paid the soldiers who

saved the Union.

It ill soon lie too Into tosend rciitt'i'il) nnces lo yourfriends abroad. M go atonce lo King; ISio., on lin-tel st ivet, and get some ofIliHr irHly and novel "Ha-waiian'' Christina Cardsfor the purpose


The articles to be sold at Morgan'ssale evening will be onview ull day Time isan immense line of line rugs to besold at any price. Luige aortm-ii- tof toyt uud dolls, fancy bibles anduu elegant lot of wicker linkers andchair.

N. S. SACHS',1 04 Fort Street, - - Honolulu.


Stamped Sideboard Scarfs,Stamped Bureau Scarfs, j Stamped Toilet Covers,Stamped Splashers, Stamped Vegetahle Coyers,Stamped Tray Covers, Stamped Bihs and Doylies.

ALSO AN ASSORTMENT OFSta-miMi- Xewspaper & Letter Bags, Stocking Bags, Laun-

dry Bags, Etc., Etc.Linen Floss & Working Cotton in all Colors !

Fancy Colo ed Silk Fringe for Fancy Work !

Inn Rdi i liifi 6r stare If fti W!

AT :- -

Has it ever occurred toyon wlutt a desirable andacceptable present a pic-

ture makes? If liot lendus your ear for a momentuntil Ave explain. In thelirst place everyone, en-

joys looking at a prettypicture; it not only servesto beautify the home, butappeals to one's betterfeelings and forms excel-lent food for thought,which nothing else cangive, and if the subjectbe well chosen, serves asa silent lecturer for good.One need not confine him-

self to any particularstyle as the assortment ofboth styles and subject'?is unlimited and almostany fancy can be grati-fied.

A picture has the pecu-liar power of stamping itsimage upon the minds ofall who may see it, and inmany cases leaven a life-

long impression.When making your

rounds of shopping dropIn at King Bros.; on ojel street, and sec whatI In s. Jiayi: ( offer ji 1

line, if for no other pnr-io- m

than to enjoy hatI to be biteii,

? ? ?

OltDI US Tilt V. FOK

rJ'iiHiyw,01ii- lcmiM,

ueese& mucking PigsAT TIIK



.loe. Dhlon the Jiarbernow tlohti! liiiKlness on hi own nt

TS al 7 King mi rent, where hewill he pleitsetl to nerve all It in oltlfile nil anil ax tiiiinv' new one iih mayt all. dee lu-t- 'l


7ntXISKU limine fruu Ii i 'i m I it i i mr tin j

three he ilriiouiA, iliiiiiiir-riiou- i.

kilelteti, pitnlry, halhliotisit mill out --

hntiM's, wilh lease ol lot. Inipilre onpreliliieii on Yoiuiff lreet, lietneeilTlmnm." Si im t iiml Ahtpai Mivet,

j:m tf

In M'lt'tiiiitf your (lnlht.niiiH 1'reui ihm i"ii't liM'getIiml a I'll lure h tuiMinu: I lie

i l ht'ht it iid t hilt lliepliii eto cl Midi thing U at KiiitfUrn., Hotel htivet.

Page 3: Vol. Fit! liquid tanisliM S - University of Hawaii · 2015. 5. 30. · Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings Bracket, Window Frames, Blinds,' Sashes, Doors, ami all kinds of wood work

Anct nn Salos by Lowls J. Levey.SOUNGINCS.OAHU RAILWAY & LAND CO.'S


The Honolulu Iron Works seem tobe pretty busy these days.

Mb. E. C. Winston is in town againwitli a consignment of live stock, inthe way of bogs.

Tim Mutual Telephone Co. has putan iuFtrunu nt on board the U. S. S.Charleston No. W.J.

Captain Griiliths has the Bili.k-TI.n'- s

(hanks for a Chronicle of theday be sailed, Nov. 23.

Kkv. Father lieek was a passengeron I lie Kiuau lie joins theCatholic mission at Hilo.

THE Police Court calendar, withthe exception of a line for drunken-ness, was clean this morning.

A wooden building is in course o''construction on King street belowMauuakea, the scene of a late lire.

Kememiskr the musicalu at OalmCollege this evening, in which stu-dents will take pai l with Miss Dale.

The International Liberal Partywill hold a mass meeting at the OldArmory, Queen street,evening.

Mr. W.Cotthkm., engineer, formerlya resident of this city, returned on thebarkentine S. G. Wilder this morningfrom San Francisco.

1 ' Si A Ja Ia---" -- ,jm I

Silver Buckled Garters, Magnificent Piano & Banquet

Lamps, Silver Card Cases, Button Hooks in silver, Photo-

graph Frames in silver, Tablets, etc.. are among the things

which struck us and may strike you.

KSIIave you seen the articles made from Aluminium?

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,Fort street, oppo. Sprcckels' Bank, Honolulu.

HOLIDAY GOODS!An Unequalled Assortment and

104 Fort btreet, Honolulu.

HANDKERCHIEFS ! HANDKERCHIEFS !- -A mostComplete Stock, the very latest designs and extremely Low Prices. Come

and see our assortment of White Kmbroidered Handkerchiefs that we offer

for 2.) cents.

FANS, FANS, In Great Variety, Latest Novelties; Lace and

Lisse Fans, in Black, White and Delicate Shades; Hand Painted Fans in

Black and Fancy Colors. Feather Fans.

hand run blac-- lace soaiifs.l'ure Silk, extra long and wide.

Hand Satchels, Chatelaines, Card Cases and Purses. A Fine Assortmentof Embroidered Pongee Drapes and Hand Painted Silk Tidies,

in Dainty and Delicate Shades. Will IK SILK EMBROIDERED WRAPSand PURE SILK SHAWLS. Fancy Table Covers and Table Scarfs.

t If you are in search of Holiday Goods you will do well by examin-ing our goods and prices, before making your purchases elsewhere.

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO, L'd.,Fort Street, Honolulu.

Itepcirt ot ('iiplniii II uuIu'n-I- I all-- It

on I ho .Vl.-nei- l Klioul- - walrr oftlliirlier I'oiii'.

On Tuesday the 8th December offBarber Point the first soundingsstruck were 08 fathoms s. sh. withlighthouse N. ;ili V. i miles.1 then proceeded slowly towards thereported danger and when lighthousebore N. 41 W. 2 miles obtained 10

fathoms by band lead and Thomp-son's, co al; and this depth (13 to10 fathoms) was found to continuesome little distance Inwards DiamondHead. As the ship drifted to thesouthward the soundings deepenedto 22 fathoms and then no bottomwith hand lead Thompson's giving41-- Lih house N.' I I W. 2 miles.

The weather was very unfavor-able, so thick that points of hindwere not to be distinguished, and astrong breeze w ith a good deal of searendered anchoring out of (he ques-tion anil boat work impossible.

There is no doubt that the coralbank extends further from the shorethan is supposed, and I believe is oflive coral, so that there may besome coral heads standing up. Inany case it is not advisable to keepthe land close aboard, but the pointshould be given a wide berth, asthere was no sign of broken waterto act as a guide.

N. Huoiiic-ILvLLEr- r,

Captain II. M. S. "Garnet."December 8, 1891.


The Christmas "holidays alwayshave their forerunners in the shapeof night attractions at the differentstores. Of late years our merchantshave added largely to their stock offancy things so that, when lighted,the stores put on the appearance of"wonderland."

The exceptionally line stock ofnovelties gathered together by theHawaiian Hardware Company hasmade their store the center of attrac-tion for sight-seer- s during the day,and to accommodate those whoseduties prevent a day visit they havedecided to keep their store open onSaturday until 9 p. in. Last Satur-day night the store was crowded w ithadmirers of the beautiful things theyshow.


Saturday, Mr. L. J.Levey will hold the first Christmassale of the season at his spacioussalesroom at 7 o'clock.

The goods to be offered comprisethe choicest selections of the latestJapanese noveltie and being thefirst sale of the season will undoubt-edly attract a large audience.Amongst some of the goods to besold are China tea sets, cups andsaucers, cabinets, silk handkerchiefs,tables, fans, etc. Also, a choicecollection of fine rugs, toys anddolls. All will be sold without re-

serve. Special accommodation forthe ladies.



As a preventive and cure forcroup. Chamberlain's Cough Reined)'ha3 no rival. It is. in fact, the onlyremedy that can always be dependedupon and that is pleasant and safe totake. There is not the least dangerin giving it to children, as it containsno injurious substance. For sale at50 cents per bottle by all dealers.Benson, Smith & Co., agents.


W. II. Benson, who recently ar-

rived from the Slates, is prepared todo first-cla- ss work on llanos andReed Organs.teT Orders sent to Waikiki Villawill receive prompt atiention.

Honolulu, Dec. 7, 1891.

How uts it come to


that all the worldinsists fin having


Tlicy are linensnothing hut linensPure Linens.

SJiitnivock Linens.anmrrm-n-MBriw- a

MSB GO. NO. 1.


TjVNT.IXK CO. NO. 1 will wash ChinaKl Co. .Vs ll:ig pole at ib ill 4 o'clucK!'. M., SATl'KUA Y, Dec lath.

By onler. U. MoKK,f -- '''2 It tin ennui.

foh ki;nt- 'I'M IK YclT lii'si- -

ilctiru Ittrati1! on 1'"aibktSft Ml eel, tin' I'li-o- n. and

lalel.v enpied by Mr. p. ( I'Millivali.House ii nit i ii - 5 rooms, hi sides kitchen,iliiiiiiir and bathroom : also lar-- v -- I ililesand servant's room. The gionnd a'ewell laid out with grape ine- - alei oilierfruit tries. Apply In

P. O'M I.I.I V VN.

i'.'i 1 w A tlie Anchor Sal i.


( i I VIM. I. Mm li the pillule.- a

' and liae yo.u I'npe. ll.nn;li.g dunepionipily and 'neatly. I. in I oil lrnl,P- 1), Ilia ,ib7. Mutual telephonetl.J. loti tf



At the Large and Coolest Salesroom inthe country on


A.T 7 O't.'I .. It.The. Goods sold at my sales are all con-

signments!I never import on my own account!

On Saturday night I will sell withoutki si u k a splendid lot of


.lust landed ex S. . "Zambesi," andan assortment of

Toys, Rugs, Etc., Etc.Kverything will he ou view Fri-

day Ladies attending my Ninas Salesw ill be accommodated with seats.

LL WIS J. LEVEY,28!) "it Auctioneer.

H.F.Wichman,Fort Street.

At this season of the yearthe question naturally arisesin one's mind What shall Iyive father and mother, sisterand brother; and oh, yes, 1

must five so and so a present,and I almost forgot so and sowho has been so kind to meduring the jiast year; andthen I must send away some-thing to my friends in my oldhome. Dear me What shallit be? "Wont, some one helpnie out of my dilemma? Why,of course we will. If youwill only take the trouble tostep inside, we'll show you somany new and useful articles,that you will wonder you everwere perplexed about it. I

adhere closely to goods thatare in my line of trade, but asyou well know there arethousands upon thousands ofarticles in that line.

I have ready for this seasonlittle Pockkt Lockets madeof a Hawaiian dollar. To allappearances it is a dollar in-

tact; but by pressing withyour thumbnail in a certainspot, up Hies the cover andthere before you is well,whatever you see lit to putthere. They are splendid tosend away with your photoinside, and then they are Ha-waiian too, and you are alwayslooking for something parti-cularly Hawaiian. In all othergoods I am showing a verycomplete line; particularly soof fine Diamond Jewelry, andSolid Gold Watches.




(juuen Wtrt.A COM I'LKTE LINK OK

Crockery, Glaisware and Lamp Goods.

fust received direct from theManufacturers mi Assortmentof Kochesler, Piano, Banquetaud Table Lamps.



Shelf Hardware, Mechanic's Tools.Implements, Table Cutlery,

1'oeket Knives, Plated Forks and Spoons.Agateware, Tinware.

Usciul Inventions in Housohold and Kitchen



No. 10 Store,t Mtiwt.

Christmas & New Year's Goods


For Portland, Oregon,

'I H K h..ui Hark '"Klttv"iv wills, ail ou or about the

j3 13 I7ili lnt. for the above poll;jJfcEgJtf lias aecouiniodalion for a fewllit and second class andIrelgbt.

laf Throe First-cl- a Hongkong ltililtlioat- - for sale ; price u.odeiale. Apply to

CAPTAIN,Ilaik Kittv," llrewei's Wharf.


tow saw;I'lVNO III iinil ciiinliltni.. al line.

4 llin.l (n-- Aojily al this ctlne.J'Jl u

Syrup"" We are six In fam- -

A Farmer at ily. We live iii aplace where we are

Edom, Texas, 'uhject to vi(J,cnt

Says: Colds and LungTroubles. I h.ive

used Gorman Syrup for six yearssuccessfully for Sore Throat, Cough,Cold, Hoarseness, Pains in theChest and Lungs, and spitting-u- p

of Blood. I have tried many differ-

ent kinds of cough Syrups in raytime, but let me say to anyone want-ing such a medicine German Syrupis the best. That has been my ex-

perience. If you use it once, youwill go back to it whenever youneed it. It gives total relief and isa quick cure. My advice to every-one suffering with Lung Troubles is

Try it. You will soon be con-

vinced. In all the families nhereyour German Syrupis used we have no Johntrouble with the FranklinLungs at all. It isthe medicine for this Jones.vnnrrv $S

G. G. GREEN. Sole Mao'fr.Woodburj.NJ.

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.




There will be the Biggest Kind of a

Picnic in

Talk about reserved seats for the La-

dies; we will have an Elegant line ofWICKKlt P.OCKKKS and CHAIRSfor the Ladies to sit on, and at theSale they "the Chairs" will besold regardless.

All Sizes and Qualities of Rugs.


JAS. F. MO KG AN,21 !it Auctioneer.

The Holidays !

AT- -




Compi ising all the Latest Designs amiNovelties. In short, everythingpertaining to a llist-cla- ss JewelryEstablishment.



Prices to suit the times, ilWENNEK & CO.

2H2 tf

HAWAII.!Base Ball Association Grounds,


On SATUKDAY, lUv. 12th,at :i i. .ii.


Crescent vs Aliiolani.HATKS OK AI'MISSION :

A. lulls . cts.Children .in cts.Jjfc No extra charge for carriages.

i'.H lit

l'OK I Mi NT

TDK Very Desirable Hesi-5p- 31 deuce located on Kiuau

li'i i mrti street near the corner of Pcn-saco- la

street, presently occupied hy 1.1. August Killers. House contain par-lors, iiiiuiig-roo- kitchen, three cham-bers. Iiatlirooiu, pantry, veranda roomsand ample closet space. Possession givenDecember 1st. Inipiire at

HAWAII N ll AKI'.H'Aitlu CO.,tf I'nit street, opp. .Sprcckels.


KMIKNCE on Lunaliloit VH 1 1 street presently occupiedK3&ffiHly Ml- - '' A. Kennedy, cm-lami-

double parlors, four bedrooms,diiiiiig-innii- i, bailiiooui, large dining-roo-

kit. 'Inn and pantry; sci winl's,ro stabling, etc., on rear of unti'tI. nil. ling. (iioiiud. IJ'i'lxlOi feet, welllaid out. Vacant oil Hill August Lotadjoining amMUa feet may be pui'cliasidon reasonable term.,

It. 1. 1 11. I.IK,1i;s if Willi Theo II, Davie X Co.


AWAII N Council No, .;!!, Ame-

ricanH l.e-io- ll nl Honor, inecldii.l.n. I.VIAINO, al

n lo. k, al Harmony Hall. King tli'..IDS. M OAT,

.'ii .

Some merchants spend sleep-

less nights con juring- - up ways

for increasing their business.

We solved the problem long

ago and gel a good square,

night's rest seven times a

week. For the benefit of

those who have not found the

way we'll tell you. "Buythe best goods at the lowest

notch and sell at a small

prolit." It's easy, is'n't it?

a Variety to Suit all Ta ton at



and House Rented.

will receive prompt attention, tmlll - !tl

White House

FOK SAL1SThe lease, lislines and irond will of thealidve iiiemioneil house, etc. The aboveuieiiiitiiieil 1iiiiic lias

Dining-roo- m & Kitchen.It i enjoying a la rue patrnnafre and i

a fjond investment fur the rijjhl man.For further particulars nlv to

('. .1. Mt i'AKTIIY,2V.I tf y' Merchant slii-ct- .


Veterinary Surgeon,

laJTOHU-- at Hotel Stati'es, Hotelticet. Until Telephones U'--'. Resilience ;

Mutual Tel. lilii. ilec lu-l- il


MRS. DYKI! Ii.xiu ju-- r returnedSun Pram ieo In Initi all

llu-lat- . l tvU ami ih -- ijju, nubl !

j:l.ii In -- iv all lit I put ion of!i;i auytliiiiu' iloiie lu tier ill. tor theholi.l.n , tiiitnl 111 ainl pl iieii,I'uimIiIhiwI ami Kiuau

i!l hu


A.M. A.M. P.M. P M.Loava Honolulu. ..6:15 8 1 4:;iftArrive Honouliuli.. 7 :2C !.4!t 2:4!l 6:3tLeave Honouliuli..7 :.td 10:51 5:4')tArrive Honolulu. . .8 ::)" 1 1 ;55 4 :55 6 :50t

peaki. crrv local.Leave Honolulu 6:;io ....Arrive Pearl City U:07 ....Leave Pear1 City.. 6 :o:tArrive Honolulu... 0:40

t Saturdays only.Sundays excepted.Saturdays excepted.

TldH. Nun and Moon.BY 0. J. LYONft.

B' S St" IS CO IK ftDAY.

a.m. 'p.m. p. m

Mon. 8 37 9 201 8 30 3 0 25 6 18 11

Tiies. H 38: 111 211 4 .t" 3 3 in ft 1X1 ..Wed. 10 35 11 30 S 2!i 4 30 5 Ill 0TllUl'8. 11 50: 0 0 0 0 ft 111 1

11.111. p.m. S 111 2rrl. 0 U 1 i!0 !IS 7 10Bat. 0 5.1 1 9 7 10 8 0 20 3Kun. 1 55 2 35 7 4ft It 10 20 4

Flint quarter of the moon Doc. Stli, at (ill. 42in. a. in.

Tlie tiuio hIkhhI for the port 1h riven at 12h.4lm. Ohc. (midiilKlit) of Greenwich time or111. 2Sm. 34ec. p. ui. of Honolulu Olweiyatoiytime. It ig given by the steam whistle of tlieHonolulu l'liminx Mill, u few doom ubovnthe Custom Uouue. The uiime whlHtle isHounded con'ectly lit Honolulu menu noon,Observatory meridian, or lull. 31m. 2(isec. oftiieeiiwieh tlmu

Til 1

ilatlti KttlleftnFRIDAY, DEC. 11, 1891.

ARRIVALS.Dec 1- 1-

Am bktne 8 G Wilder, Grilllths, 154days from San Francisco

Sclir l.iholilio from KauaiStmr J A Cummins from KoolaitSclir Sarah & Eliza from KooltuiStmr Jag Makee from Kauai


Am bk II G Johnson, Colby, for IuuiqueDec 11

Btmr Iwalani for Labaina and Hamakuaat 10 a ra

Stmr Kiuau for Maul and Hawaii at2 p in

Kchr Kauikeaouli for KolialaU S S Albatross, Tanner, for San Fran-



Sclir Liholibo for Ilanapepe at 10 a m


For Maui and Hawaii, per stmr Kiuau,Dec 11 VMss Adele Widdilield, L Sever-anc- e,

W White, C J Austin, Miss Wendt.Mrs E P Low, J E Miller and wife, HonL von Tempsky and wife, Mr Hutching,KHind, Rev T Beck, Mr Mitchell, wifeand i daughters, Hons K W Wilcox audW White, f K Evans, and about 40deck.

For Hamakua, per stmr Iwalaui, Dec11 Mr Hewitt and several deck.

From San Francisco, per bktne S GWilder, Dec 11 Mrs Williams. WCottrcll aud E O Winston.


The bark l'ass of Leny has beenmoved from the P M S S wbaif to allowschooners to take In coal.

The yacht St George took in severaltons of coal yesterday, aud iy theU S S Charleston is receiving the samearticle.

'l'ie barkentine Discovery for Hono-lulu and the bark Harvester for Hilowere on the list of projected departuresyylien the Wilder left San Francisco

The schooner Liholibo arrived thismorning from Kauai. She will leaveagain for Hanapepe at 10 am with several thousand feet of build-ing material." The barkentine S G Wilder, J GGriffiths master, arrived in port thismorning almost sixteen days from SinFrancisco. She brought besides a deckload of pigs and poultry to E C Wins-ton, a full cargo of general merchandisevalued at $3l,Ufj(i. Captain Griltlths re-

ports that four days ago he was becalmedand' lost considerable time.


yesterday afternoon the last nailwas driven in the platform for thetug-of-w- and 'the rope is lying onit looking strong enough to hold any-thing that comes along, and every-thing is in readiness for the teams topractice.' ' It was amusing and interesting tosee teams of Juveniles plttini; theirstrength against each other last even-

ing and" trying to best' the rope, butthe rope was "in it" aud came totime looking as though nothing hadhappened, whilo the juveniles wereslightly winded.

The contest will commence onSaturday night the 19th, instead ofMonday the 21st, and the QuintetClub has been engaged to furnishmusic throughout the tournament.


The Temple of Fashion has a wholemuseum of automatic perlormers a

x, a Japanese juggler,seesawers, a fiddler, a hanging dan-

cer, etc,K. O. Hall fc Son stick to their old

reliable calendar with Hawaiian dol-

lar design, out as usual in good sea-

son.Theo. II. Davie & Co. present

their friends with a beautiful cale-ndarthe "Art Gem." It has an at-

tachment for making it stand on thedesk. The calendar tabid is sus-

pended on an embossed board, whichis adorned with bells and Dowers, bya silk cord with u core of gilt wire,UMeued with silver rivets and baby-blu- e

ribbon In


miurla ftriit-wri- l fcrrnilliAnd vigor where there has Wen i

The Tenth Monthly Match of theHawaiian Kille Association will beheld at the Kahauiki Range ou Sat-urday at 2 :30 p. m. All come!

J. F. Mono an will hold an auctionsale of carriages aud carriage material

at the store of E. U. Sehu-nia-

Hotel street, at 10 o'clock.

The U. S. S. Albatross will probablynot sail till The ship willcontinue the survey, for the intendedcable while on her way to Sun Fran-cisco.

Two Chinese opium liends wereplaced in the custody of the policeyesterday evening, the specials mak-ing the arrest having caught them inthe act.

Thehe will be a prayci meeting formen in the Y. M. C. A . parlors thisevening at 7:110 o'clock. Subject"Vessels in God's house." 2 Tim.2:19-20- . All are invited.

The Marshal's sale of a miscel-laneous stoc,k of merchandise waslargely attended this noon. J. F. Mor-gan wielded the hammer and the re-

gulation two-bit- s was in order.

Richard Cayford, who lately soldhis household effects and left thekingdom, leaving a power of attorneybehind to do his business, has openeda blacksmith shop in San Francisco.

Hons. R. W. Wilcox and W. Whitereturned from Koolau by way ofWaialua yesterday. To-da- y the gentle-men took passage on the Kiuau toopen the political campaign onHawaii. They will land at Kolialaand will canvass the whole island,returning by way of Kona. They,expect to be absent about two weeks.


I'll meet you at the Brunswick.tf

C. J. McCarthy has lots on Lilihastreet for sale. 3-- lf

The Brunswick are the only BilliardParlors in town. 0 tf

Order your Christmas Turkey atthe Central Market. 1

G. P. Nehemia has been appointedpound master at Kaupo, Maui.

After shaving use Cucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith it Co., Agents.


Hawaiian Council, American Le-

gion of Honor, will meet this even-ing

Souvenir spoons are among thespecialties at Wenner fc Co.'s jewelrystore,

"The reas in why the new drugstoreis being so well patronized" is setforth in this issue.

The residence formerly occupiedby P. O'Sullivan on Prison street isoil'ered for rent.

Engine Co. No. 1 will hold a drillwith their engine oh Mauuakea street

at 4 p. m.

None but iivsh medicines can befound at the New Drug Store, cornerFort and King streets. 8

Toys and dolls will be given awaygratis at N. S. Sachs'

store, to every purchaser.

Leave your orders at the Centr.ilMarket for Christmas Turkeys, Chick-ens, Geese and Sucking Pigs. 1

HandhoiME Christmas, New Year'sand Birthday Cards at the I. X. L.,corner of Nuuanu niul King strccst.

7-- tf

Delicious coffee and chocolate willbe served every morning early at thePalace lee Cream Parlors, Ludwigsen,& Cron, Hotel street. 221 tf

M GoLDliElio has npent.d out andhas ready for inspection gent's fur-

nishing goods, besides other articlesspecified in issue.

Tenders for supplying the LeperSetlli ment with beef cattle will bereceived at tio ulice of the Hoard ofHealth until noon of Dec. 2H.

A STRIP of Government land at thecorner of Richards and Merchantstreets will be sold at auction at

building at noon Wednes-day, Jan. I I.

The Hoard of Health calls for ten-ders for various supplies to the LeperSettlement, Molokai, for the li rrl sixmouths of lS',12. Tenders will doeat the t i4 the lloaid at in on ufDec. 28.

THE Intel national Tug of War isadwiti.-- i d It will begin Satur-day t i : , I'll Ii in-- l , an.l il in-

volve A in. .hi , Finland, Siollaiid,In land, Canada, Poiiue..d, (o iniaiivand Hawaii lu a all uelc for iiiiim iilar

The Pacific Hardware Co., Fort street, Honolulu, beg to announce thatthey have opened their ART ROOMS ou the second lloor of their NewBuilding, where they have on Exhibition, Articles suitable fur CHRIST-MAS PRESENTS, comprising examples of the Wares: Limoges,Boston, Rose I u harry, Newport, Ivory, Queeu, Bisipie, Royal Windsor,Royal Worcester, Royal Devon, Royal Hungarian, Tulip, Orchid, Bohem-

ian, Etc., Etc. A choice selection of Silver Plated Ware.

They have Just Received a tine line of the Latest Patterns of PIC-TURE MOULDINGS, .Mirrors, Engraving), Etching. Photogravures,Pastels, Autotypes, Etc., Etc., of the Latest publications; Easels in woodand bamboo ; Tables, Chandeliers, Hanging, Piano and Banquet Lamps,Statuettes, and many Articles too numerous to mention.

OIL PAINTINGS by local Artists-M- rs. Wells, Messrs. Barnlield,Hitchcock, Mrs. Paulis, and others. "

a2TAs soon as shelving on the first lloor is completed they will open aLine of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Agate, Japanned and Tin Ware.They trust their friends will appreciate the disappointment they haveexperienced in not being able to have their Store lilted completely at anearlier date and the fact tliat their entrance is so unattractive as to affordlittle inducement to visit the second lloor.

A VISI T to their Art Kooins will, they trust, be repaid.

Soliciting a continuance of the patronage they have so liberallyin the past, they will spare no pains to fill all orders with care and


c. j. McCarthy,Nhw Cummins' Block, Mkkciiast Stkekt.



lieuts Col'e led

tJSr Any business entrusted to menov -


Fancy Linen Goods



- nut it v -W. C. SPROUl.L.

j'.u tiI upicwai y.

Page 4: Vol. Fit! liquid tanisliM S - University of Hawaii · 2015. 5. 30. · Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings Bracket, Window Frames, Blinds,' Sashes, Doors, ami all kinds of wood work


CHBIHinilLlY DISPLAYCHRISTMAS, 1891!-lAiPoirricitS',

Saiiia GinWarmly Discussed by Work

ingmen.es HeaflanarteFsJ

old platform or a new one. A gen-tleman over there (Bowler) said wehad a platform, and this gentleman(Quinu) says we are to have a newone.

The chairman wished it to beknown that they took points fromtheir old platform.

Captain Jno. Ross said on July 28,18'JO, an incident occurred that thisorganization should not forget. Acommittee composed of J. Phillips,K. C. Macfarlane and J. Quinn was


UPTOWNShipping & Commission Merchants,

PLANTATION & INSURANCE AGENTS,Mcetina; of the ) hanlra' I'nloii Ht

and Hcveiis on the upw- -


The Mechanics' I 'niou met, whr.ter Safety Bicycles for Girls

seui, oy this Union to wait on theCabinet and ask for the removal ofseveral obnoxious olllcials from theemploy of the Government. Nonotice whatever had been taken ofSafely Bicycles, latest do

day evening in Robinson's hall, aboutfifty persona being present. The as-semblage was called to order at 7:15o'clock by Vice-Preside- Dun Wac-Kenzi- e,

President Jno. Phillips beingabsent owing to indisposition. Underthe head of bills and communicationsSecretary W. II. Stone read several

si;;1!!, lor Boys, Sl:.,iO.

The most beautiful of

tueir request. It was well knownthat a great deal, of abuse of ollicehad been occasioned bv Governmentemployees. They disregarded tholaws by being loo ollicious and byacting as political harlequins. Therewere facts pointing to them as beino-

GIFT BOOKSKvi'l' ottered is now mi rxlnhifinn at bills owinar bv the association.litis the only genuine bookstore in Mr. J. Yr. Gibbs moved that theyuie Hawaiian Islands,

Largest Assortment of Goods SnilaDle for Presents

Ever Offered in Hoiffio!oe leiericu to me executive commit-tee Carried."Editions de Luxe

Of I he most fa vorite authors lit prices

Builders' aad General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,


Carpenters', Blacksmiths', Machinists' A Plumbers' Tools,


Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods ami

Mike's Steara Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox & Gibbs, & Remington Sewing Hdcblces,

Dr. Jane & Sens family MMnks


engaged in the opium trallic, butthey were not backed by proofs.The result of that committee's in-

vestigation was very discreditableand was a factor to convince hismind and wish that Government of-ficials should be elected by the peo-ple. He asked Mr. Quinn whetherit was so. (Quinn Y'es.) Thespeaker had heard a report that thethen Attorney-Gener- had said,"what is the use of keeping faith

which dcly competition.e'iST" Film crimnli'li. xi.t i F W.i

veru.'v Novels. I.oiiwm. M A !(.'Utile Men & Women Series, Ma

T0 "forcT88tLBL


THE THOUSANDS IN STOCK TO AID SELECTIONS.canity s History of Enehmd. (ircim.Kne'lish l'cniile. and hint. tint nnl

A query being put as to the finan-cial standing of the Union, TreasurerA. Marques slated that there was adeliciency of $10.

Harry Mills and A. P. Peters wereproposed and elected to membership.

The secretary read a resolutionproposed by P. O'Sullivan to the ef-fect that the election of Governmentolllcials by the people being one of theplunks of the Mechanics' Union plat-form, the meeting advocate and re-solve that the Nobles and Represent-atives to the next Legislature be in-

structed to take action on and favorthe same.

The chairman staled it, was Hip

.1 asi, uie niygest Imrgain on record

t5vc; s:-- s

onse Furnishing Goods.

vuu our promise, tney are only com-mon mechanics and laborers!" Afterthat what is the use of questioningthe election of Government officialsby the people. There is nothing soreproachful as tjie rule in vogue ofappointing district judges, being asthey are appointed more bv fn

i V.il. for !p:5.2,, formerly ifS.oO.t'luih bound, riciily ilhmii- - A T.,,..i:,.i, .

i .. .8""" , Vr , a't4moin ot'ts English Katin- -im ZMfMImporter ami Dealer in ! natcd and illustrated.

Cooks for Oar Beys arid Cur Girls!& wooa jjearoom huts, English Walnut Bed-roo- m

Sets. S.otr.i. mthan merit. The neonle should h,,subject for discussion that evening,Steel and Iron Ranges, Sieves aM Fiziures a voice in the appointing of the Cir-cuit Judges, as he thouirht it, WOlllll BmW yvood TabloB, Frond, Walnut Tables,

miving ueen postponed from lastmeeting. He hoped the matter wouldlie settled then and forever.

j Our display of BOOKLETS in theluo.-- t fanciful designs 1ms never been eei) them out of politics, nn.l itnailed and at rices within (be Alt'. J. C. Oiiinn made n. mritimi would be a lesson to others lint, tn.J .i icacii oi all. that the resolution pass as read. He mix up with affairs outside of their' 'T' "'"' w iw :iWWK7 I Santa Cl.iuw V.m1 R.-- . . i

Poller to ClliUI! ulullir snill .L-- it .ill

y ' x'1 irac iMancls,Oak Dinner Wagon, Upholstered Chairs, Uattaulonna Chairs Oak 1L.H Chairs, Occasional Tables, SChairs Iron Bedsteads, Children's Cribs, Piano Lamps,Banquet Lamps, Hall Lamps, Koehester Lamps, Etc., Etc.


in, nut- lie retired in litter bewilder-iiiient- .

u( the display.Ai.bl'MS l'Ol! PHOTOGRAPHS'

in (in; newest designs.

stated further that two years theLegislature had passed a law creat-ing road boards in the different dis-tricts. This he thought was a goodthing. It was agreeable to one ofthe planks in their platform. liequestioned, however, whether it wasnot a jjood nlan to have rojid hnnrdu

ollice. He was present in a districtcourt when he was told that indivi-dual interest should not stand in theway of a corporation. He wouldsuggest ollicers he thought ought tobe elected by the voice of the people.The suggestions were read from adocument

Tho Cabinet by the Legislaturewith the approval of the Sovereign.

Heads of Bureaus by the people.Judges of tho SliorpNio fViio--

AUiiKJiJAPIl ALBUMS for'very body.

la ClULBIJKN'iS BOOKS we!iac excccdc.l all our nasi, i.floi-- A x minster Center Rugs,

Sofa Rue's,: 11 fet-- i

old surely none need go away, e.-''-

rejoicing.I .'I'lluloid and O.xidi.e Sels forshav-ai"- .

Br.'ssinii and Manicnro imr.i

'Smyrna Center Rugs,Velvet Pile Center "Rugs,Door Mats,Chenille Portieres,Amritzar Portieres,Scrim Curtains,Linen Sheets-

elected in the several districts. liefavored the resolution, as there wasno harm to try new experiments. Hutlie would advise not to be loo liberalin their ideas, but to feel their way, alittle at a time.

Mr. J. Kaniii asked the privilegeof making a few remarks, which wasgranted. He asked what Nobles andRepresentatives they expected wouldact on this resolution. The Ilui

Stair Carpets,Madras Portieres,Lace Curtains,Embroidered Pillow Shams,Linen Table Cloths,

Embroidered Linen Carving Cloths.

i" 'dl the latest designs from?2..-,-


up.A.N!) DUM'T VOU run awav will,

The Auditor-Genera- l.

The Inspector-Genera- l of Schools.The Custom House.The General Post Ollice.The Marshal.The Board of Health.The Board of Immigration.The Sunerintcndnrit. nf p,,m,-,- .

lie idea dial. Santa Clans forgot to

Housekeeping Goods &. Kitchen Utensils,AGA1E WARE IN LARGE VARIETY.


Linen Table NapkinsI'M e some

r.570Y??. TOYS. lvalaiaina, of which he was a mem-ber, had drafted a similar resolution.

4 . UUIItVorks.Circuit. Police ami IHutrir.t .t,i,- -lahips - and - f CTUHE8. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE.

BOLLS from iic and dressed at that'eioeipedcs, Wagons,

He did not think it would be success-ful. The matter should be left to aspecial committee, to report at nextmeeting.

Mr. Harry Mills wished a littlelight on the subject. To what re-presentative or Noble was this reso- -

Boll ( 'arriages,Hocking Horses

Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps,

Wafer Closets, Water and Soil Pines.

Sheriffs (by election in their severalislands).

Also, Tax Assessors and Collec-tors.

This would confine the expendi-ture of all moneys for local objectsin the different districts. The rp- -

Xiu;is Cards 5c. up! Decorated Dinner Sets,China Tea Sets,China Breakfast Sets.and

k fromPlumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet iron Work. Xtivksni

" s..1 lUook," XS'o. WO u OAKI) CA.SES. Pocket.. ,.. ,. ,, ..,,,.,, Jii,,, newest designs.Decorated Toilet Sets,Books of

Japanese Tea Sets,"

niuon 10 oe referred? lie con-sidered the remarks of the previousspeaker were very apt, and hefavored his opinion, that the matterbe left to a committee. The founda-tion of the resolution was somewhatentangled. Were they to elect thewhole of the Government, .ifHi.inla

venue would be disbursed satis-factorily. The present system oftaxation would be revised with thebetter equalisation of taxation oncrops, cattle, pasture and cultivatedlands. The document he said em-anated from him personally and had

-- P. O. Pox v7'2.Teh phone:-- , JNo, ll'J

MS SBi HiBefQno


S iis'i'M ioi1803!THOa. C. THRUM,


LfllGOli i OiUuK.

Moustache Cups,Shaving Sets,Royal Worcester Vases,

Wedgewood Vases,Crown Derby Vases,Bohemian A'ases,Cut Salad Bowls,

ronly a few. The committee to beappointed to consider the resolutionshould revise and give it in a morepresentable shape.

King Street, bet. Fort & Alakea Streets


ut,cl "ecu ooctored or plastered,and he. presented it in the form of aresolution. If the Union "thought fitto give it to a special committee forconsideration they could do so. nMr. Mills asked that, with thepermission of the author, it be re-ferred to a committee.

Mr. Bowler moved that it be re-ferred to the executive committee.

Artistic Piifllcirapftj! Cut Decanters,Claret Jugs,Fancy Flower Pots,( Hfliwmw riieou

Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed.

A gentleman moved an amend-ment that the committee draft areport and present it at next meet-ing.

Mr. Kanui asked that the questionbe put with reference to the appoint-ing of a committee.

Mr. Mills said that a committeeshould be appointed to formulate theviews of the Union and present them

Fresh. California Roll Butter & Island ButterULIAMS

ALWAYS ON HANU.Imari Vases,Satsuina Vases,Umbrella Stands,

a ue matter should have been refer-red in the first place to that body,and Mr. Ross being a membershould have done so. As is wellknown there is a difference of opin

New Goods received by every steamers from San Francisco.

All Olders faitbhillv attended l.n unil s.itisl'wiimi n.ll.,,t....l 1.1 Pedestals,

Hishcs to aiiiioimee to Ins old friendsami the public generally, that he hatsecured the services of

MR. C. W. WEATHERWAX,V lUvi-.r.- -j i ....

to uie next legislature.Mr. Gibbs thought it, WHS iflQollltdnorders solicited and packed with care. Toilet Mirrors,

Telephone ' ..inula iiiiiii.ui aim cil- -.v1. U. liox Z'Ji. graver, from the studios of Theo. 0..uiuci aii at sun r rancisco, St. J.ouis andlndiar.apfjlis. 'l'bemm Jk m . 111 ?mt Rtri

ion between the Mechanics' Unionand the Liberal Party.

Mr. Quinn rose to a point of order.Mr. Bowler renewed his motion.Mr. Ross said he left the resolu-

tion with the body, and, if they savvfit, they could refer it to a commit-tee.

Mr. Mills asked how many motionscan be before the meeting at onetime. He amended the innt ir.n Inn,- -

that the introducer of the resolutionwas absent. The gentleman oughtto have been present, lie couldmake nothing out of this resolution.

Secretary Stone favored the viewsof President Phillips at a previousmeeting. He believed in electingCabinet ollicers. He thought it verygood.

T. K. Nathaniel said it was no usediscussing the matter. A motion

HONOLULU, II, L, Hiyjil iJ iV i 0 GI ATI

Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries & Provisions. ml ,.,. areate& OJX ICE ' to all who lak a silting hi Ins new gal- -

Dessert Sets,Glass Flower Stands,Tumblers,Wine Glasses,

ANCY GOODS.Lawn Tennis Sets, Croquet Sets, Pictures,Japanese Screens, Fancy Clocks, TennisRackets, Writing Cases, Writing Desks,Electroplate Water Jugs, Electroplate But--ti'i" DikIuih VLir.ti'.iilnf,, P,. w. : c .i-- i

, - "iu'ivii anymg the resolution to an independentcommittee. Don't make it a hole- -was before the house, lie moved

the previous question. (Laughter.)Mr. Qtiinn wished to hear the gen-

tleman (Mr. Mills) state what olll-cials he thought should be elected.He would like to see a platform first.This matter of referring to a com-mittee might make a delay of two orthree weeks before they reported.

and-corn- business. Give outsidersa show. He moved the previousquestion.

Hon. W. While asked liberty tomake a few remarks.

The President Time is limited.A motion to adjourn was made bv

Mr. Bowler.Mr. Mills Protested !W I horn wot,

, .- uitv,ii ,i,ui; I'aucy iare, OOUUS.iK.,.1. i,o C:i vr . i 4V . : . -

1 tin 3 diiu j munt ..U.U.. ium jOLWt;u X J USUI veil X rullS, ijC WIS iX, CvO. S Ma it se 11 . V ,1 el ' wtiu 'lBrand Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat: i ! (''in!'8 yon can giveFlakes and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons and California Riverside bound Albums IHled with" l'1!""l"l,yOranges, Oregon Burhau'k l'otatoes, Etc., Eto.. E;c. Sai.isfac!i:;n guaranteed

l Hawaiian Visws and Portraits

P. O. Box 115. jgdgjgr Telephone No. 92. "&Z"Z """ne canea ior an immediate discus-sion, and he would like this and thatgentleman to air their opinions of thequestion.


J J'L, Jvt. iiuabusiness unsettled.The chair said Mr. Mills, being

a newly admitted member, had noright to dictate to II


Groceries, Provisions and Feed, !piSrr"" -

When the gentleman got more fami-liar with the rules he would getalong better. When he (the speaker)went to a new place he i waited tolearn how things were run.

Mr. Mills Ouite n. Itnf if k

Mr. Mills wished the gentlemanto name the ollieials to be elected.He was of Mr. Quinn's opinion.

The President called on Hon. T.R. Lucas for his views.

Mr. Lucas said it has been thehue and cry of the people that Gov-ernment ollieials should be elected.


...... i.'pi-ujio-, ouiiu onver iapivin jungs, Hand Painted

Sachets, Fancy Hammocks, Ink Stands, Triple Mirrors, Toi-let Mirrors, Hanging Mirrors, Dressing Mirrors, Hand Mir-rors I lags. Fancy Saddles, Silk Hose, Xeek Wear, LinenHandkerchiefs, Point Lace Handkerchiefs, Limerick LaceHandkerchiefs, Japanese Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Purlses, Letter Cases, Pocket Books, English Bicycles, Dressino-Cases- ,

Manicure Sets, Photo Cases, Albums

TOYS AND GAMES.Rocking Horses, Velocipedes, Drums,Trumpets, Horns, K'ubber Balls, Foot-balls, Draught Boards, Toy MusicalInstruments, Wheelbarrows, Carts, Doll

, Houses, Dolls, Mechanical Toys, Box-es Blocks, Tool Chests, Etc., Etc., Etc.

oNew (IixhIs reeeived Iil' i.vi.ri. i.....l.O fr.....

t!ilt lOl'll 1:1 I'roilllCe lor .v..rir l....i....p UlEastern Slatos and Europe, " PrtvnvirtVfrT

o.ders faithfully attende.l lUUCil UUIIlDclIIVof charge. Island orders X 1

T fl--

"J V.VIJ nUV..IIIIUI.to and Ooods delivered to any part of the city freesouciieu. guaranteed. SI EIV( STRKRT

wasn't done differently from someplaces it must be done badly. Atthe same time ho considered, as therewas business before the house, itshould be acted upon.

The meeting adjourned at !hloo'clock in disorder.

His understanding in the reading ofthe resolution was that it meant theheads of bureaus. In his manao itcould not take place between thisand four years hence. Thought him-self it was best, but, in the fultil-mei- il

of such a plan, amendments tothe Constitution were reqtiiied. Hedid not think that. tlo. (

PALMER & RICHARDSON,a. i. WALLER, . - Manager.

VJi3!a!e & Retail Butchers




If you are troubled with rheuuia-tis-or a lame back, bind on over

tho seat of liain a niece nf nnm.idampened with Chamberlain's Pain CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS CARDS:


Ea.-tlak-e, iueen Anne, li'euaissaiice, Gothic, Italian, Classic, Norman,

IN STONE, BRICK, IRON Oft WOOD.best Modern Designs in Residences! Cheap Artistic Coi'ayns a Specialty!

( Vinpli'tc plana and specillcations given ; also siipcriiiieiidenei' ot ruction,

ler 01 FICE-Chii- ton Block cor. King & Fort. Enti&.te oa Fort St

be elected, but subordinate ollicersshould be.

Mr. Kanui agreed with the pre-vious speaker. There was a motionbefore the house, however, whihshould have first consideration. Ifnot, the secretary should be or .luredto throw it out the window.

Mr. John Bonier said that theelection of Government olllcials be-ing already a plunk in their idtitlunu

uaim. iou will tie surprised at theprompt relief it affords, f.o centUtiles for sale by all dealers. Ben-so-

Smith & Co., agents.

Will Mill''' iilKl JMViU(l.

h LL pi are hen by notilicd that' person found siiooting Kolca

i i ..iber bird.-- without a permit on thelao.'s known as Kukuhuoo (ladler

liorti, as Mrs. C. p. Waid's), nearK.ik.iako, will bt. prosecutod for tr. s- -

i i n d.,!bn- - tl; it ward is olli n d i

I" anw. m- w,o Will J4 i ' illiollllidionlb. it w id lo id to the convit t,on of any i

pi i - ii loKitii.u t In- prohi-lotion- .

i j s. i. WIJ.SDX,' ' "J Sbuolilij PiKbi. j

il'Vi iint i

Tack's Latest Novelties,

Hildesbeimer's Latest Novelties,

Prang's Latest Novelties,

Ihey should decide whether it should, The best thing lo send (oyour iricmh abroad Is KingJlros.' Illuhtrale.l Souveniroi llnwiill, Mhhh u tnlteuUj lor the purpose an. I hnot an HdvcttJseuicut,

" Weekly UullktiN "

Issued Every Tuesday,

lay there or not. lie favored itsotawng theie.

Mr, .Mills said he was at sea andlie would LKe a little light. JK

aided to Know whether they hud tut

I'm:, i:tl.,, Etc.

Page 5: Vol. Fit! liquid tanisliM S - University of Hawaii · 2015. 5. 30. · Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings Bracket, Window Frames, Blinds,' Sashes, Doors, ami all kinds of wood work


iuv i i;tti;i6. EUMJCll.MOKE ?

8. LEVY.

W'placed a cherub. The two groupsare placed in a sphere, and are sur-

rounded by cupids and cherubs hold-

ing up escutcheons oii which are dis-

played the arms of the States andNations. Polly Laiikis.

ia LI pi? -- AND THE.OF- -













Satchels! Purses!



These are not the Caiihaob Lkap Vaiuktv, so often palmed off as realManilas by some dealers, but the GENUINE GOODS, coining to our handsdirect from the makers. For this reason, we are able to offer you a really

A IHq. I Cigas--

For S3. 50 to $7,00 Pur Hundred.

LI.ISTE3 M10 Fort StwM't.

IiUHef ai film Bobs, Collar k Cuff Boxes,


and Genilemen's Handkorchiofs,-- -


Call ai B. F. Ehiers & Oo.'s, 08 For? St.,FOR A FINE SELECTION


Etc., Etc., before Ihc assortment is broken.


Corner Fort & Hotel Streets.itY & fa:

Jijy Will loop ..pen iweniii;:- - I rem2

nameSociety of the United States.

New Assurance Written in 1880 203,826,107 00Income 35,036,683 24Surplus (from which dividend will bo made) 23,740.447 34


An Snvestrrssnt Worth Knowing; About !

mi u i;8fi till iln sAND EXAMINE THEIR NEW STOCK

Ribbons, Laces. I'.andkerchiof ?. Dreso Goods, Silks,F?n, Htc, Etc


We are showing a choice line of Ladies' A; ( enflenien's

sVlaohitosh rlain Goats!(.lust the thing for a Chii-tin- as piv.-eut-

Hi!k Ciiibrollas in Ladh-s- ' & CJi iit Icini'n's.Sr-- FINE GOODS AT LOW' PRICES, .-a

Before assuring your life, or investing your money, examine the Twenty-Yea- r

Tontine Policies of The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S.

Policies maturing in 1891 realize cash returns to the owners, of amountsvarying from 120 to 176 per cent, of the money paid in, besides the advan-

tage of the Assurance during the whole period of twenty years.The following is one of many actual cases maturing this year:

Endowment Policy No. 64,925.Issued in 1871, at age 27. Amount, 5,000.

Premium, $239.00. Total Prems. Paid, 84,798.

Aii, is ;.?" 3LJ S-J j& ;

at End of Tontine Period in 1891 :

Cash Surrender Value, S8,449.45

(Equal to $170.10 for each $100 paid in premiums, which is equivalent to3 return of all premiums paid, with interest at "t per cent, per annum.)

Or, in lieu of cash,

A Paid-u-p Life Policy for SI 9,470

(Equal to $405.80 for each S 100 paid in premium.s.)Or,

A Life AauidtY of $633.55.

' ":mji;.:::....! J-

--M !.:.?:VM Ctr. rS' 11 iiiMiu OU. Kiii ."--t eects;.

All kinds of NEW and SECOND-HAN- FURNITURE ,ld cheapfor cash at, the 1 X L.

gT The I X L taiys the II Kill EST CASH l'Rlt! E for all kinds olband Furniture, Stoves, Sewing Maeliinc-.- , En',, lilo.

S2T IK YOU WANT TO SELL old. your ilouseb-.'- Furniture in itsentirety, call at iln; J X L Auction A Oninniis,-i,c- i Ilmise, eorner Ne.u.iuuand Kin;'; streets.

i'romjM- I'oiurfii't M.'ido on (iood 'Mild an S'onunis.slou


San Fkancisco. Nov. 21, 1891,

slgak itkms.Ohio parties have purchased C40

acres of the Chino ranch betweenChino and Ontario. The price, withwater, was $200 per acre. Fiftyfamilies are to settle on the land.They will lease large tracts of otherland and plant it in beets for theChino sugar factory.

The Commissioner of InternalRevenue, Mr. Mason, is taking a tripthrough Louisiana and Texas for thepurpose of making a personal inspec-

tion of the sugar bounty clause ofthe Taiiff Act.

Acting Secretary Spaulding ofWashington has informed a SanFrancisco linn that in the event ofthe rcimposition of tin; duty on sugarfrom Germany all such sugar aboveNo. 16 Hitch Standard will be sub-

ject to duties at rales prescribed bythe Tariff Act.

Capitalists are investing a, milliondollars in the beet sugar businessnear Omaha.

1'p to November 16, over 900acres of land had been entered forbet't funning in the Chino districtfor the coming year, and most of thecontractors are from the growers oflast year. The last number of theChino Champion contained reports in

full of the the season's work ofseveral beet growers giving namesof the farmers ami an itemizedstatement of the expenses of thecrop, and thev show a net profit offrom !5 to 1(1 per acre. Thesefigures show the protit alter thefaiiniT has charged for his work. Inseveral ifi?iaiKT the range of profitshas been from 50 to 75 per acre.The chino, Alvarado and Watson-vid- e

factories are but, the pioneers ina long chain of licet sugar factorieswhich are destined to come intoworking existence on this coast.

Claus Spreekels, the promoter andchief owner of the factory locatedat Wulsonville, is mainly deservingof thu credit for the permanent posi- -

tion this enterprise has achieve:.!. Hehad perfect fuilh in it and investedmoney in it to the amount of overS500,(l()i! at a time when the businesshad marked the financial wreck ofevery man who had tried to stay withit in this country. The Held in ibisSt 'ite lor the loi afioi) of other heelfactories is unlimited and it wouldlift well for other capitalists "to followthe example of the sugar lung, u i'iiproper encouragement it is believedwithin a levy years beet sugar wouldbe one of the leading enlei prices in

California.The cont"Uiplatcd establishment of

a beet ntiiKiy in ! ramie, andthe phintiie: of be-t- t supply it byAlbany cnna'y's farmer-- ' is ot inl.'r-o- t

to 'h Oxnnid Company, v. hofind that it, cannot jet as m."iiv U'ctsas it wauls at the Grand I

' Ni b. The ffitni't'hv, :ir ex- -

change, has come to the conclu-io- n

t hut in order to gel, hirmers io r;m-

beet ; liiey mil-- t p V tiling l.e.H'v. hat they arc os 'i . giving t he

!! s a lit! le ui.

WOULD ,All; xoiI.. :, ,1, .;!,.,!,!, !,.,:,, ,,

Cormiek. lie !'.; :hl s I'ierC'!jmi!ti.-.i:.i!e- y : " ' iiiii r. -

in ( ireat ih it:, in in 1; e ; ion is

(hd'y iiiere-- . ii.g asd no" r'a i"' p i ':.; 'l ies -

evh.ii i.eei! y the on; ah; r o! bend, a s

v In, It i am k o a, in:; in n, l nil ;i

tn ring lov, - ;i L '

; , iii on-J-

; the ( Liisiilar i iuci is ,,f I'liiifdSuites.

A'ore than o.( 'Ol ;,!.i o o.r

iron and st.el! will b, n e.l ;n t lieof lie ",!;. ie-- . and ..liiijiuof the Wo.id'-- V dr.

The J "eniisylv 'ania Worlii'.-- , FairCom mi sion vol ed don n a p a po ,i; i,,n

tliiil he mana;.o r ol the Fan he no-- i

lilied that the Fee iim l a u ia Hoardfavored eloping t!ie Fair on Sundays.

.Mi. Sell, theagent, less ajijilied for apace to ;

hiloi ' pecinions of a.:l '.io1 leaih;:'.;I, of tin.' world li!c-- Iks'.

b, i o j! in'ed (iunng the ;,. o (

to.'i.'A p!ci,i!i.! fsbibi! from An . ; a !:a

sis in a Mile la1', cdooat in,forest ry and eapi ei.dl v wool areto l,e n pi, st lit, d. Woo! oiaea i I's

and wool hrokei-- . In t he number offilly, met. it eenlly at Sytlney. Now

Smith Wales, and look slops in makeat the Exposition a ory extensive

' Col h'ol ive e'i!iil of Wool,. New.Sol, til U ;l!io ha- - M'h'- ted euaiiiii:.- -

sioii to the W oihL- - Fair.y I . Aidey, who is in char;;!' and

has In en orgitiii.tny; tin' wonien'n de-p-

i incut of the Wi-- i Id's F.dr, in ik,--

a good iioae-iio- jvlien si'.s thata "peeial depa; Hunt, -- hoiihi t;e ado! --

tin to each lountl'y, to be aUelali I

i by pe, ,le of thecolmllies. 'I ie aso in

V, ill no duiihl, be adopted ami canbut 1" nil ia g i eat or .,. !',t Iom if

the ehibit i w el'e lliade ill bli,k.

' Jnai'iteh, the li.iif.l l.en i, n I.. ohlb-all r. ili'i l.d- to elei to the .".o

it ii,n an a ph Iclicr ol ( 'ioI Ldiiiol e, for winch he paid

foil '(ill,t ine ol I 1:1 . Iii'i'.-- t ol d caht.a'-- i

has entered t enni et it ion L a' t heU lil'ld's fail ihcolaUolii. .Mi

Ullhllc llelel id. e, o ,M;,I iie.jhler olt io ci ncr I c idee, of till! ellleov in ( i a en io pic-oli- l In

I'-- ll i id, ill il w i k i ii

the Won, eid- - i.ijihlii.o lo I lu- mm-U.iiU-

M - Li Vi blue'-- , u.n.ii - ai e

,11 I, I ,1 l i . v o l aii - I hi i e

nl - ca- I, I 1. e , ll.i- e,,i:p1 j -- i nl I ,!i i a' Hi , h, ain a, l,ai

I, an. I the I. i, ii ! coh.i.h lino nl andi :i . U no I,, i i d, .io, i -- hi

U ci o w nil, g a - let Ii.mii e pi i colI'm ll :o I III al I'S VI l.l.l - Ho

lb HI c ol I h ilo l I o the i i uinl

eiuopaie I c a Ii' I'd ALoli - aiintin a tlioi j I I an c In,' m dp-toi- l

- u i i I.I Ihc i i I i I I Hi

loill, an, I at tin' f .d.i l I Ma il ,,

Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co.

For Yokohama & Hongkong.Steamers of the above Companies will

call at Honolulu on their way to theabove ports on or about the followingdates :

Stmr. "China" Dec. 15, U91Stmr. "Gaelic" Feb. 11. 1392

Stmr. "Dio lie Janeiro" April 12, 1892Stmr. "Oceanic" June 9. 1892

For San Francisco.Steamers of the above Companies will

cull at Honolulu on their way fromHongkong ami Yokohama to the aboveport on or about the following dates:

Stmr. "Rio da Janeiro"' Jan. 9, 18S2

Stmr "Oceanic" March 5, 1892

Stmr. "Cily ol Peking" May 5, 1892

Stmr. "Gaelic" Aup. 17, 1C92

Ipji Round Trip J'icke'.s lo Yokohamaami return, iJ'.'.IO.

SiSr For ffeljtlil and pas-ag- e, apply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,27 tf Agents.

. iif to ffl loopy.(i,uirn:n.)





Felt Steam Pipe UwH H siscr,




Hiift Grade Chcstcal Cane Hanara.

IT t; i ,v. ? 4 S IP ITS .5



Beef, 1 and i ib. tin.SALMON IN I'Aiil' K!.:

F. ill' .'! .1 Mi i:; an.v. . ll. in 'Ol.

DRAYMEN.AH orders for cn; !'s:e pvoaiplly aiteiu'ed

to. !':.;! eLr Rttc:it;'i.tito the

Of sood in tran-i- f t.M the oilier

Als'i. Ble tk A Whit,, Sand

iu ii;:iii!ii!i:- - ,ves! priee.

t-j-: ilor t- - .las. V.

nV aiH'tiu'i rii:i.:u.u 19 "VV.iu TclcphtM r- jy 411

-: 1


- i !' ) :;k

From Htivfian Dorcr.

,"i :v.. J. L.;ri',tn,


.MAMTAiTi "l;l(.i, I " I - ,1 i elii,ii , I,c-i- ',

KliK'JI JEwf ! RY e t'PrtlAlTY.

Kiii;Ji St ri''t , lli'iioliiiii, II. ,

r.tiiinilai- ail. i i ,ii aid U allkiiul. of re,aii. I HI

. leilililia ol .in:e oe, ll,c lal.iNVI ,, alii.iw.l W ai inae-i,k.,-

niaii", ai iwa, .Maiiai, i. H'ai.iii. iIhi Hi

ol I lalO'li.Oni 1m hoi lie' iom lieu nla,l alal Ilia l iUel or ln.iknl a,la,ho

Jxa,ai.aiil, all.ele, l.il.l, i, 111 plu-lobi- h

d Hillii'Ul llie ien"-.il- llliillil, hi, I, leal he I, id oil a, (ah il.oh 0' Mi.1, M p.l- - U, al ii to , t o.'. It. a

(I.,,, ,, la, lulu.ItoUHL K Vi IL

.Mil., i ,L M. .u I -


Over 52,700 immigrants arrived inthe United States during .September.

The Baron Ilirsch trustees havepurchased 5000 acres at Woodbine,N. J.

A plague of locusts has been wor-

rying the fanners in the ArgentineRepublic this fall.

'The Baltimore American say : Bal-

timore has not had a bank failure forlifty-seve- n years.

Oliver Pelkey, a famous diver, wasdrowned at Alpena, Jlieh., througha hole in his armor.

Arrangements are being made tolay a cable from Nassau to JupiterInlet, on the coast of Florida.

Pennsylvania's loss by the dis-honesty of IJardsley & Co. wasSG.S."),o'72, instead of' S 1 ,;!i;ii,:l7s, asfirst reported.

Hiram Lester, claiming to be onehundred and twenty-fou- r years old,married Mrs. Mary Moseley, agedeighty-two- , in an Atlanta tlieatre afew days ago.

In the city of New York there areabout 200 Japanese, and there are afew of them in many other Easterncities. Probably there are "000 inSan Francisco.

Two men have been arre-te- d byPnited States troops in the Indian

1 crntory, accused of sellimi thous-ands of lotti in the alleged liilurecapital of the Cherokee Strip.

It is estimated thai, there are be- -

tween 7,000 ami ,s,()!' colored rcsi- -

dents of New York city who werebom in slavery and sr;u;o of whom

j grew to maturity in slavery.A dog is frequently seen prouie- -

nailing South Ninth street, Phihulel- -

phia, with a corn-co- pipe in hismouth, and, from all appearances, heseems to enjoy hini-e- lf immensely.

The war upon Foo!i-- h sparrows inIllinois will be opened up on Deecin- -

her 1st by the law of the Slate.Noting America, however, hc;;an the

i war some no uMi-- . yon so as to get hisihand in.

About, ;)(,') ol the of At- -

latiia have oigani.ed under a eomsti- -

lutioii and by i '.vs. An r inAtlanta is a man .win.) has lived theresince and -- lauds well in thecommunity.

This season lie less than I hoi -- cshave made records of a mile in theI ecu-- , ti) say nothing oi t he records! Hat, Ino e In en made m the lens hvSonal, Nancy Hanks, Palo All", .VI- -lerton, Nc! on and Anon.

Si.ee t!m Mikado of ,'ai.an per-- :milled liis subj-c- ts to emigrate to-- nnie other cnUn'iie-- mauly LMl.lhH)i,! them ha,',' h H ilo.oi' nali'.e laud.'! hei e e ahtiul :Ji',t!'!i oi' hem in!i.o.va i and ll,, re a.',' id. ipiemi reu,- -'

ii.o'i'lii: His.

. i U ibat !! I.sc.i! ..'e iw raiio;l. ' ween M P,;n; and Moo'apoii .

' have ali been lake:: id.'. Is i;;a: in, aideI.I C Mi:! ,;: V Ph he die: I'll' i', ia 1,

w itie'i i i if vv.z in- - i i.dit

to a ooninn t

Volonel !;. X. Siearn , o! d Tn'ontMid (icle'lai i I (!!; IL'lh oi

'i.";';! nia ,

a .Major licneral tinder l.e;', hpji'iiat- -

i d by 'he of War lo il'e-i'i-- :

l.aie 'lie n; iet;i;'ar armycniiniianiN i;i the lid;!- of An; a in.have (heir e, on bat- -


An I'd'erl mtil.iug to oie'i'ii.c'a hat U caiied a i'":;uia.r armv andliay Uliioii, to be enmpo-.e- id tillwho have served one enli-lme- and,ill of el rctneii! , hae receivedtill hnnorable It, declaredpurpose - in eleval it ! he slamlaiatnl I he Aim rie.i n jci,Ii:T.

Idle ' anainlna.i-i- laim," i,

I, ,: e tak-- ti lip. A i ;irs;;o 111,- Stale pii !i!i iied a I'd oil, illwhich Ihc-- e Iai'tii- - wirelocal .alii bi d, and, sincebat lime, -- o many of ihem have

beci! piiiv'ii.i-- 'd by new aimer- - t hatthe li- -i i now very much .!,.!! -- rthan il wa-- la-- t, -- jiric;.:.

hile w oi kne n w etc ee:n a: herb.r t..-.- gale, ju-- l :.!,., e ;c AI ,i i

Lh. dtiui !i.y f,,tid a ro ol--

a of of - tone, I aeh , toneInn,: v.,1,1,. vc!e f, . na andt;',ia; one to -- ic, ide, v. ith aihichia--.-- of ii,n ii,,.;,, . Vl'eh -

a tiuiili t iiat the oa-- in- bui

provim; ,i be a i.n! uiimivd lh,---- in

, lirii,;! of in Ii iliipri a d nli dieda. On bo'.h - di - i I...' ia:!i,,.o!

is I I. I,i;u.cn--- e Ii, i of "lain,a ; hei i J i :i n -- ina h , ,. i!

fill' an-p- a I ;on , I moa, oi !,u n:

l.ib.il'ci s al c ill ib iiiai.d al t n

d pa; day, wii'n bo n 1, and I. on-- iiilumaiid .i per da .

h rAVitf.'IfF. ITi.iEOV.

( 'leiu.be S'nh t ,!'.'!, le ill, ah a

lti M ,i e duillig 'be n o,l . i' in. nl , i into e i. lllil of I' 0 ' ai ii,a , II, hii'OI e of i,,id I'h, ii' i In Ii atV. ill f'O-- l I, ,1 -- i C t I i i ; i Ipla I. il .

i a pi .11, i e' a I e Hi -

I r a it i . in. Ii la a - a, i. h n, law id ,o ' n i i j o, i

-- afe I,, I. il,,,. and b.in w. O! , .1

p oho ,H . J ,. .:, i , ,; . .

.. Siinlli .V I , ..-- -

liuilif, I ,, a , 0 i an til J I.,'ilfia.iilt J I'llHKl.llll I'1. liia'l H4,l!,a,t I,

ko'i'llli. I J I il I ("leed t J.ie ,, .,...Iv'allit'l fuiiH, I'u . hill la due:tint ll a ii.aii s v' l 'aj t ... ,

1Kb I t t .l


ESoiKtiulil. il. I.

Saturday. Dee. lL'tli, to Clirislma.--.

SOvoninus Ui it iv'clo, k ifia


' A tt. H i t


Hiir'f'T-- l ire lr; surar.ee Co.,

Assehi, $5,2 0,,'I DS. S3.

rmd.-r- , i. Lir.ensliitv f ire Int. Co.

Asseis, $4,317,052.

Thames ft olcrs-- y riii'iito !r,s. Co.,(Limb, si;,

Ass.,;; SC.1 24,057.

New York I i In; ur...sce Ce.,. : ! . Z ' ?S..7 r '.10.97.

V- - V.. AJ I J a. V ... .lUlt;IbiMM.l I.U.

(to, , era) .;rei!l -r Ibswaiian I date!-- .

CASTLE cu iiOOKi:,Fi'!.:, ";,'t- - eV L?.riUf.

Ai;.- s rs i ,,,(

few !:!i:;!.i.:d Ssfn.il i.!:- - It. Co,,

Of lUlsiilN,

A"l;i.i Firo liv-- Co. i f Hertford,

I : i su iviuc o Co mp any,l ice A 'i n i .

in IU.M I O il, I 4. olt.M.

um si; in iiiri( iN b.i.imn .iii.a, he-- L

- " la, i n I'likel aia I Ivi e,itthSli lUliedul Ii, , , ,a,l ,,l r .',

Oai seed O (.,. ,, -i ' . t 'i lb i.i i i i i a Aji,

t I) lo II V I ,S,I l a M i. I ii. I A I ml l,


li t w a Inn , ... ,,,, ,, Cattil,11I ,. i l in I, i n il .lane, , ,,

il, c I'. ia., i, i,, I. Uiu only.I ,,ii .. . , j hi. I', it It,,), Mmi.t

. h , ., U a J jay t

r'n ttn b. i ni. k te

General Aent for the Uv. aiian Ixiatvfj., Equable LL'e Ahsnranee So-

ciety o? the U. S.

ST '2 w; ft V .'

f 1. 1 ? k, i S Bie'S

S fil ij h fj 8",'i ft fe K ! t, if teE?

J. N. S. WILLIAMS.I!. i!Ol.lL, :

nriiieers &

lug Assurance

t - f' W e

$4 ' is SU'I , 8

: .v! s io;;.


Iron Founders!

Oor. Ldo.Li.rgh i tieen S's.

FOl! SA1.K- -

I'. ). ISO X !!SU.


Susar Machinery, Steam Engines,Plain or Automatic Cutoff, Boilers for land and marine ie--

Vacuum Pans up to 11 feet in diameter,Double, Triple or Quadruple Kfl'eets,

Wrought Iron or Cat Iron Tanks for ali purposes,

Cane Wakens, Biugas- - Wagons, Orsnes,

f.i" SiiMv 0wn S.H iH'e.;iy

4 S'fiS i t t




Stylish Uphoi'.Lrrt d OUah?.,

New Bdiriboo uoi e! h

Tvctly Wicket' V.':-.ri'-

Tulvroc Hat Uack.s.

Lovclior t Pnltcrus,


11ARV .11 Ml'l.lis!

No baby ia,ii, i,i w i:h :.i uif :

bIDi BOAUD3, NEW i.GilS.

j j' M aili.ielaoi- - h, ' nher."

Ik I ill,: h co,1. ii j ri it.

Win. . irw iii I ' i I, ha A M ii a oai 'hoi- - spn-ck- . - Vi, i' ihi i. i.;

l alii M. l.ill.Oilia.-i.i- l i' A I i ea a, el

'l'!e-- f, I'eile, n ,1

i ; m i'u ihi.

A.-- K , I '( I il a

Mki Miillildllil Uiillip'l',

it I .t, , i.i I , Ml

ru'i i; it MiiMi i

I I I I I M,l. a ,!.. 'o, a..,, ,UI o. I i, , .., ill,. ,. ,

I' a. ui t ,.-

II . k . a il o ,1 ,. , I,, a, ala i I , ,(

Hoisting IMachinery, liiee Mill Maehineiy andWroiniht & Cast, Iron Work for House Building.'

A Largs & Varied Assortment or Bar Iron always on Land !


Diffusion Machinery in ail its Branches.Sl'LK IllANl'l' ACT1 Ill'.US IX HAWAIIAN Jsl.ANl'S FOR

William's Patcni Furnocc-- for burning cane trash.Wi'ilipm's Patent Cuno Ci'cinij Machines, the uw-- .uece.sful tu:l eeono-miea- l

made.Mursden & Rlckard's Patent Evdporstcr, utilizing the wate heat in smoke-btac- k

the latest improvement.- i.le AchSh in HliwMn in tnluiiiis 1. i' (he

relton Watci" WIhh'I Co. of Kan rram-iseo- .

r.oIPs AisboOM I'aekiii; Co. of London,Sheet r.icl.iii;;, StulUne; Hex l'uckin,M..nhole A. llalhihoir (iuslo it, r team Pipe & lh.ih r Com rings.

'1 Iick,.' p.iekiiins aie u i d exelu.-ivel- y by the L; it Adniii uh y inwar

gjST Jb pui; !.. all kind., of Machinery d...e t i,v vnablf rat' ' and a!

ihorl nolicc.

Tib poms.Nu. 175. J3t&"

-- OFFF.I!

t'idiuuni.i Wheat. I i.i I ILiv, in largo ucd o. u d l.,,!, - , ll.iih y, l!"!h dtb tiloliod llai h , 1 'alltonii.i A Xi w sal, Hid 1 -- , Middhui; , liiao, Vi n,

lei l'. Corn, Wbiat, I'.ti',, Jill., Ftc, ha, Abo,

Drifted Unow one! Victor Plour l

I li'l-iltT- MIJMh i

We ift Ho,l.i;.l.y la ti.il I In cch In a ,1 i't do. i Oi.ii.olai loud by M i .

A. ll.la of Mi. l.llll lo o, VU.: t. lie M al, iml Jl,,.-,- .iloj lllh tiia.leIjiUplT I'le f pb.il. all W hli b I all be bad ,il hi iloa I. pi a i

g0" !lHt wr.U-- "bi', i j in) .tti.,(rti lion uaunlii'l.