-- 1 1fc nr :W i jgH LiVirjn;;i.;f :, V ;V!..U vcnin few kjjj rSUIlCllIl t K VOL. l. NO. 179. THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published overy day except Sunday nt 009 King Street, Honolulu, II. 1. SUItSCIlIPTlON ItATKS. Per Month, nnywlioro In the Ha- - wnllnn Islands 8 70 Per Yenr. 8 00 Por Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 10 00 Per Yenr, postpaid, othor Foreign Countries m 00 I'liyulilo Invnrliitilr I" Advnnen. Tolephono 2o(i. 1. O. Dox 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. PURE BLOOD Is the source of good health. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Makes Puro Blood, Strengthens tho Nerves, Shaipens tho Appetite, Removes that Tired Fooling, and Makes Life Worth Living. Suf furors from indiges- tion, general debility, skin diseases, or any other all-nie- nt arising from impure blood, should tako &VE?E3 3& tt .l a mq u a LLA G: '.'j c: i!i3 World's Crest expositions. Itif" Hnwnro of ehvnp imitations. Tlio iiiniL Ayor's Siirtiiiiutrllla Is promt-in-l- it mi tint wrapper, and is blown lu tho glas of each buttlo. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. SoIoAgeuta for tho Itopublio of Hawaii. in Iotwtioff! U W Imports of Champagne In- to the United States, pnOM jan. 1st to junk 1st, 1895. Cast's. G II Milium fc Co.'s extra dry 30,831 Ponimory & Grnno 11,798 Moet & Ohnndon 9,008 Hoidsicck & Co., (dry Monopole) 7.501 Louis Roederor 3,438 Ruinart 3.13G Perrier Jouot 3.286 Irroy&Co 1,785 Vvo. Clicquot 2,378 Bouohb Sec 992 DelbeckifeCo 728 St. Mnrcoi.ux 334 Krug& Co 270 Chas. Hoidsicck 355 Various 5.419 Total 81,859 COMPILED FROM CUSTOM HOUSE RECORDS. Macfarlane & Co., Solo Agouts for G. H. Alumtn & Co, for tlio LJiiu-iiiia- Ldauds. 124-t- f ConsoLflated Soda Water Co., LI EHplanade, Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu. HOLLISTER & CO., Agents. City Curriugo Co.. J. S. And. rado, manager. If you want a huak with good horso and oaro-f- ul driver ring up i'elophono 118, corner of Fort and Merchant streets, liiiok nt all hours. MEMORIAL COURT SESSION. HI.SOI.UTIO.NM OV 11 Ml OS MCATIl ui' j i Mil.; nicisMiiro.N. Tlicjr nro Ordered Sprcn.l on llio Itcenrd Altor Aillroo liy.M- - loriiojs mill Jiidscm. This v.rs the stated diy f.ir the opening of tho December torui of tho Supromo Court. At 10 o'clock j Chief Justice Judd and Second Associato Justice Frear took their seats upon tho bench, accompani- ed on thoirleftby Judges Whiting andMngoon of the Circuit Court of tho First Circuit. Tho vacant chair of tho hto .First Assooirto Justico Bickerton was covered with black crapo. Tho following members of the Bar wero present : Prosident Sanford B Dole, Minister II E Cooper, Attorney-Genera- l Wm O Smith, Deputy Attorney-Goner- al A W Cuter, Marshal A M Brown. A S Hurtwell, Cecil Brown, L A Thurston, J L Kaulukou, J M Monsarrat, A Bosa, Enoch John- son, V A Kinney, J K Kaulia, 131ia Htlokunlhi, M Kealoha, C Creighton, A Perry, A G M Rob- ertson, S K Ivano, W Luther Wilcox, W S Edings, Goo D la Vorgno, L A Dickoy, 13 P Dole, Geo A Davis, A S Humphreys, W L Stanley, W Horace Wright and A G Correa. Tho following Court officers woro al8 prosont: Honrv Stnitli, Clerk of tho Judiciary; V W Foblbohr, bailiff; J W Jones, stenographer. Sheriff Androws and his deputy, Chas Lindsey, of Maui woro also prosont. W. O. Smith. Attorney-Gener- al said: May it ploaso tlio Court, wo havo known our departed brother for many years, and our relations with him have boon pleasant. In thinking of him and of bis life, his relations with us and ours with him, thoro is no one quality which has loft a doopor impression on my mind than bis unfailing courtesy. Mr. Bickerton was a gentleman at heart, and in tho courso of trials whore moro or loss feeling was excited, wbero there wero disappointments, wbero of necessity advocates appearing beforo tho court had to meet with disappointments, ho never failed to treat all with gentleness and with forbearance Ho bad not bad the advantages that some have bad in his early life, the advant- ages of legal training, but he had a wonderfully good common sonse. Ho bad a gontlonoss of heart which mado his relations not only with tho members of tho Bar, but with the jurors and tho parties who came beforo the Court pious-ant- . I think it can besuft-I- y said that be never unnectsarily in- jured tho feelings of anyone. It is fitting on occasions of this nature for ns to pause and re- member that wo, each of us in our turn, must loavo all these all thoso relations which are so dear to us and must appear beforo that higher Court. It is a matter and perhaps not to refer to ou this occasion, a matter of congratula- tion that tho members of the Bar of this Supromo Court do main- tain a high character, a character of integrity in their rolations to each other and to the Court. This is not only duo to their own instincts, and tboir own charact- ers, but it is also duo purtly to Iheir rolations with tho Court. It is a matter pleasant to think of that tho Supremo Court and also tho Circuit Courts in tboir relations to tho bur pursued n courso which has tended to olevato tho bar. Wbilo tho deceaBO of our brothor was not unexpected, death always' HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY, bruigH moro or loss of a shock. Wo mourn for tho dopnrtod. "Wo will long remomber .Mr. Justico Biokoiton, and it is with foelings of tho deepest Forrow I tako pleasure in presenting this Reso- lution propned by tho Committee of the Bir: Wiikukas: ItlmsplonsodGod in His wise Providonco to reniovo tho Honorable Bichaul Fiodorick Bickorton, First Associato Justico of tho Supremo Court, by death, bo it ltnsoLVKU: That wbilo wo bow-i- submissive resignation to the loss which wo havo suffered in the romoval by death of J ustice Bickorton from his high office as a Justico of tho Supremo Court, we hereby record our appreciation of Ins unfailing courtesy and bis conscientious and faithful atten- tion to tho responsible duties of his position; That wo hereby oxpross to tho family of the decoasod Justico our siycoro condolonco and our sym- pathy with them in their s:idbo-re.ivemon- That this resolution be spread upon tho records of tho Supreme Court and that a copy bu forward-o- d to tlio widow of tho docoaptd. Mr. Cocil Brown: May it pleaso tho Court, on behalf of tho Bar I would like to second tho Hcsolu-tio- n road by tho Attorney-Gener- al and to say that tho lato Justico Bickorton in all his dealings with the Bar, his dealings in all bis rolations with tho people who camo boforo him wore, as set forth by tho Attorney-Gonera- l, gentle in every rospoct. His handling of cases at nisi prius 1 know has boon talked of and ho compli- mented thoreupon, more especial- ly as wo all know that ho w.-.- h a man who had not had the training that tho majority of the members of tho Bar havo had. Ho was in fact n solf-mad- o man, Mv first acquaintance with tho late Justice iJickerton waB in 1875 whon ho wbb living at Waialna. After that be camo to Honolulu and pur- sued his studies in the oflico of Mr. Jones and was ailmittoil to tho Bar and obtained a vory fair suaro ot practice. Wo all know that ho filled tho office of Police Judge of tho District of Hono- lulu, faithfully, fearlessly and satisfactorily to all parties, from which ho was promoted to tho Boncb of tho Supromo Court. And we all know, thoso who havo had tho plensuro of practicing oeioro n mi ooioru tuo ouungo in tno Judicial system, that at trials at nisi prius ho was fair, just and courteous, and ovorybody iirno- - ticing boforo him roceivod their due without foar or favor. And for this loss that tho Bir has sustained, and tho Court itsolf.woall mourn, and wo mourn for him although wo know from his Hfo and for tho last few months of his living hero that the change was a happy one. Wo also mourn for his family, but wo have this satisfaction, that wo know that his lifo hero as a jurist, us a Judge of this Court, was such that no man can pay anything ngainst it, and it is therefore with pleuHiiro that the Committoo of tho Bar haspresoutod these Reso- lutions and ask that not only should a copy bo sont to his fami- ly, but also that with tho permis- sion of tlio Couit thoy may bo en- grossed upon tho record. Mr. S. K. Kaeo spoko briclly in Hawaiian. Mr. Ilurtwoll: May it ploaso tho Court, I should like to express my entire accord with tho Reso- lutions and with what lias boon said about Mr. Justico Bickorton. I knew him first whon Manager of the Kualuea Plantation, having the ploasuru uf being eutertuined by him on ono occasion. I him as he camo in and out in this community for many years, as woll as after ho became Polico Magistrate and a Justice of this Court, lu an isolatod communi- ty like this, in which it is said that the tongue of scandal is moro than ordinarily free to wag, I do not recollect over having heard anything against Mr. Biokortoii's integrity, impartial DECEMBER 10. 1805. ity and fair dealing, and I cer- tainly have novor observed any- thing of that sort in my long acquaintance with him. It np-poa- rs to me that he had excollont senso and tact in dealing with mon. A knowlodgo of law alono is vory well.but is not enough either for n practitioner or for a judicial oflicor. Moro thau that is requir- ed for successful piactico or of tho law. I think thoso requisites of tact, of com- mon senso and of knolodgo of men wero possessed in a vory eminent degree by Mr. Justico IJickerton. He also, it appoared to mo, was in tho habit of making a caroful study of the facts in the oasos bo-for- him, n simplo onoiigh thing to do but still a thing which a groat many do not do. I think bo was in tbo habit of studying tho ovidenco and form- ulating tho facts in tho case with a groat deal of caro and industry and precision; and for constant and caretul consideration of all tho statutos and rules of practice-an- the docisions of tho Courts horo which boro or might bear upon tho caso in hand, I think ho was never failing. Cortainly ho loft nothing to be desired in bis record as an honest man, as a good citizen and as a fair Judgo, and I am happy in those brief words to oxpross my viows to that effect. Mr. Chas. Creighton: If your Honors please, so much has boon said that I may almost siy that tho ground has boon entirely cov- ered, but I dosiro to say a fow words in order to oxpross my sor- row at the loss of Justico Bickor- ton, a gontloman whom I knew well and intimately not only as a jurist but in social life. As a jurist I mot him first, my first acquaintance with him boing wheu bo was on tho Polico Bench of Honolulu. After that ho was promoted to tho Supremo Boncb under the o'd systom of practico whon the Justices of tho Supreme Court eat at nisi prius and traveled on tbo circuit. 1 havo had tho ploasuro on many occasions to travel with Justico Bickerton to tho othor islands on circuit. I havo been his guest on tho other Islands and in San Francisco. I havo seen biin under nil oircum-stanc- os, when be was ill and under tbo most trying circum- stances, and I must say that I have nevor scon him fail in that courtosy and gontlo treatment to mombers of tho bar for which ho was noted. As has been remarked by the gontlemon who havo pre- ceded me, 1 think, as Mr. Brown said, ns n trial Judgo it has been remarked very often by tho mom- bers of tho B.ir, no matter how trying, no matter bow annoying, no mattor how long and weari-som- o tho cso may havo boen, ho still maintained that uniform manner and courtosy, no mattor how ill ho may have boon. I remomber the circumstances of ono caso when I was Doputy Attorney Goiiorul, tho caso last- ing sovoral dajs and Mr. Justico Bickerton at that timo ill, and yot notwithstanding his sickness, and which I presume was the ono bo had beon sufloring from for years and which gradual- ly iuoruused and practically in- duced liitultmth.lio remained in tho court room until 5 o'clock in tho morning. Numbors of incidents of that sort I havo obsorvod with him, and I must say that 1 wish to record ray ontiio sympathy with the Court and with his family and with the Bar at tho loss that wo havo unstained. Mr. J. Lot Kaulukou delivered n sympathetic speech in Hawaiian, which was not interpreted. Judgo Whiting: Brothron, I would udd a few words in regard to one whoso loss wo all mourn. I cannot say that ho was a life- long frioud, but for my Hawaiian life horo bo was a friend from the timo I may say when I landed, now going on iifteon yours; and not only was he a frioud, but he was a true friend. I have known for years of bis having this Hick-iioh- h, I think it was Homo fourteen years ago whon he wbb first trou- bled with what oventually carried hi m off, that is an organic disease At times bo was moro allbcted with it thau others, but ho concoalcd it for a long period. IIis suffer- ing tit timos was acute but ho boro it with tho cheoiful bopo of im- proving and getting ovor it until tho latter part of bis life. It is undoubted that bis knowlodgo of the world and of men, and his great com i on '!hso, enabled him to apply tbo lw with t!.e facts in a clour and just way. You can- not, any of you, feol his loss moio I believe than 1, and I wish to go on record ns ono of thoso of bis friends who greatly mourn at his loss. ' Tho Chief Justice said: Judge Bickerton is the seventh of my colloaguos who havo passed away during my inoumboncy of this Bench which began nearly twenty-tw- o yoars ago. Tho thought is impressivo and especially sadden- ing to mo. Judge Bickorton oano to those islands in 1874 oud im- mediately sought cmploympnt and becamo manager in turn of tho Waialna and Kaalaca Sugar Plantations. Ho thus gained much oxporionco of Ha- waiian affairs, as woll as know- ledge of tho Hawaiian language Soon after giving up plantation lifo ho bogan tho study of law horo and was admitted to tho Bir, upon examination on tho 31st of May, 1877. lie was qu'uk to learn trom others, and being fucilo in Bpooch, was quite suc- cessful as a jury lawyer, having tho patronage of several largo business houses Besides, serving in sovoral legislatures where ho displayod bis inherent honosty and independence ho sorvtd as Polico Justico of Honolulu, from August lGtb, 1884,to Decem- ber 29th, 188(3, whon ho was ap- pointed a Justice of this Court. All will admit that ho was a good Polico Justico. Ab a mombor of this Court for nine yoars his characteristics were, porfoct honesty , fidelity to duty, common senso and a con- servative view of affairs. Ho was affable and of n happy disposition, a faithful father and an aifec-tionat- o husband. He boro with pationco and resignation the ling- ering and wasting diseas" that was long ago fastonod upon him. His dignity, solf respect and un- impeachable character tiro worthy of imitation. His lifo is a record of what a man can do in tbo pro- fession of law without tho aid of Univorsity education or a law school, applying himself patiently to all tho facilities within his reach until ho attainod tho goal of securing tho respect of his follow mon and tho approbation of uou. .Let tho Resolutions bo re- corded. In honor to tbo memory of our decoased First Associato this Court will adjourn until to- morrow morning. Tlio Conspiracy Cnoei. Those who had gathered in tho Polico Court this morning to hoar tho examination of Undorwood and Shoridan on tho charge of conspiracy wero disappointed, mb tho matter was agiiu postponed. Deputy Attornoy-Gonei- al A. W. Carter appoared for tho Govern- ment and A. G M. Robortson for tho dofonse. Wheu his clients woro called on to plead. Attorney Uobortson objected to tboir doing bo on tho ground that they had not been served with copies of tho complaint and specifications of tho charges. After some argu- ment the dofeuso curriod its point mid the cuso w.s adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow to allow tho copios to be mado. Thoro is a general rumor in circulation tLat the two defendants will be allowed to loavo on the Australia today, but it oinnot bo traced to any roliable source. Kamuhumoha boys mid girls are pieparing to celobrate Founder's Day next ThurHday -- in grand stylo. Tff! .iiginiiinfn, t fr iJiLiiuyuajjL Ui ".'tt.Trff i"u mm ji jujube PRICE 5 CENTO. LKI'Elt.V C'HIIISTUA.S. nollshtliil Concert I,, U'rnr 'I ii) lot-a- t ICnumnkuplll. Forti'iiatoly the weather claar. td up on Saturday evening after the heavy rtin of sovoral days, so that in ?p:to of a host cf couitoi-nttractio- ns there was a largp nt WiMV Tail' r' e "iroit, f'-- r laising funds for a .i e.ny Chriiten - ;r tin- - Sopors, at el,' i.-'i- . Mrs. D ill- - wi-i-- so .t.-- . ith several others in the ex r y.il ; ow . t tho right of tho muo. u the pfw opposite Mr A. G. S Hawes, British Commissioner, Mr. and Mrs W. F. Allen and others wore seated. In tho body of tho church, wh-ir- c there were but fow vacant seats, wore noticod U H Consul Geuoral and Mrs Mills, Dr C M Hyde, Bev and Mrs O II Gulick, Corbott ot the-- M C A, M P Robinson, Mm S C Allon, Mrs (Dr) MoWayno, C Hedemaun, J K Ka hooka-n- o, Prof Borgor, Mr and Mrs Atkinson, Marshal A M Brawn, Dr and Mrs Tucker, Lieut. Elliott, U. S. X., Mons Vizzavoni, French Ctmnussionor, Chas. Croighton. J.T. Waterhouse, W. W. Hill and many other lead- ing cltizons. Mr. Taylor opened tbo pr. grurr. with mi ovorturo on thd groat organ, played with a raro skill that brought out somo of the sweotost hiiimonies of the splen- did instrument. An instrumental rovorio in G, by Fanconier, was rondored by the" following gontlo-me- n: BL Marx, first violin; J Lightfoot, second violin; E Kop-k- e, flute; Wray Taylor, cello; C Hedenunn, bass violin; W L Fletcher, piano. It awoke tho enthusiasm of a loud recall. Miss Kulanuuiu Ward sang Hnwloy's "Bocauso I lovo yon dear," in lovely voico, and boing oncored to tho echo responded with "I know a bauk" in equal style. Miss Ingersoll mado her dobut boforo a Honolulu audience on tho violin, ip a concerto by Da Beriot, displaying fiuo profi- ciency, and bad to repeat her porformanco. Miss Kato Fiold, tho Amorican journalist, wus re- ceived witli applauso on hor first appearance horo as a vocalist. Her selection was u Spanish mule- teer's Fong, and sbo rendered it ia a dashing mtinuor, uccentunted with a livoly rattle of tho cas- tanets. An enthusiastic recall showed that tbo lady had made a hit. A class of young pupils from Kawaiahao Somiuury gavo a corn song in costu'mo, oaoh maiden bearing a woll developed stalk of corn. Their singing was in unison, and thoir group- ing and countermarching wero very pretty. Thoy wero con- strained to givo a repetition. Miss Alice Rico guve an artistic piano foIo, "Montguard," and w.ib en- cored. Tbroo young pupils oi Armstrong cnnitli, of tlio Kuulnwola school, gavo soloe-tio-ns on tho hand bolls, in oldtimo popular aits, which wero remark- ably swoet. For their number thoy really vied with tho famoun Swiss boll ringers who toured tho globo moro than a scoio of years ago. The au'dienco would not lot them off without another STios. Mrs. J. T. Lewis and MissS R Patch wero tho accomplished DiunistB who played accompani- ments throughout tho concert. Mr.Tnylor closed tho rich program with Aloha Oo and Hawaii Ponoi on the organ. Nothing but ex- pressions of porfoct satisfaction havo boon b iiird from persona who attondod tho ooucort. About $200 whs rotlized with some ticket handlers to hoar from. Mr. Tajr-lo- r is worthy of all praise for the oomplote siiooess of his laudable enterprise. If tho lepers onjoy tho results ns muoh as tho K.m-makap- ili auditors did tho mo&na, then their Christmas will bo in- deed joyous. Subscribe for the EVENlNd Huu. I.UTIN. H ': :1

:W V LiVirjn;;i.;f ;V!..U jgH vcnin rSUIlCllIl · 2015. 6. 1. · Louis Roederor 3,438 Ruinart 3.13G Perrier Jouot 3.286 Irroy&Co 1,785 Vvo. Clicquot 2,378 Bouohb Sec 992 DelbeckifeCo

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Page 1: :W V LiVirjn;;i.;f ;V!..U jgH vcnin rSUIlCllIl · 2015. 6. 1. · Louis Roederor 3,438 Ruinart 3.13G Perrier Jouot 3.286 Irroy&Co 1,785 Vvo. Clicquot 2,378 Bouohb Sec 992 DelbeckifeCo

-- 1 1fc nr

:W ijgHLiVirjn;;i.;f :,

V ;V!..U vcnin few kjjj rSUIlCllIl



VOL. l. NO. 179.


Published overy day except Sunday nt009 King Street, Honolulu, II. 1.

SUItSCIlIPTlON ItATKS.Per Month, nnywlioro In the Ha- -

wnllnn Islands 8 70Per Yenr. 8 00Por Year, postpaid to America,

Canada, or Mexico 10 00Per Yenr, postpaid, othor Foreign

Countries m 00I'liyulilo Invnrliitilr I" Advnnen.

Tolephono 2o(i. 1. O. Dox 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.

PURE BLOODIs the source of good health.

Ayer's SarsaparillaMakes Puro Blood,Strengthens tho Nerves,Shaipens tho Appetite,Removes that Tired Fooling,and Makes Life Worth Living.

Suf furorsfrom indiges-tion, generaldebility, skindiseases, orany other all-nie- nt

arisingfrom impureblood, shouldtako

&VE?E3 3&tt .l a mq u a

LLAG: '.'j c: i!i3 World's Crest expositions.

Itif" Hnwnro of ehvnp imitations. TlioiiiniL Ayor's Siirtiiiiutrllla Is promt-in-l- it

mi tint wrapper, and is blown lutho glas of each buttlo.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.SoIoAgeuta for tho Itopublio of Hawaii.

in Iotwtioff!U W

Imports of Champagne In-

to the United States,

pnOM jan. 1st to junk 1st, 1895.

Cast's.G II Milium fc Co.'s extra

dry 30,831Ponimory & Grnno 11,798Moet & Ohnndon 9,008Hoidsicck & Co., (dry

Monopole) 7.501Louis Roederor 3,438Ruinart 3.13GPerrier Jouot 3.286Irroy&Co 1,785Vvo. Clicquot 2,378Bouohb Sec 992DelbeckifeCo 728St. Mnrcoi.ux 334Krug& Co 270Chas. Hoidsicck 355Various 5.419

Total 81,859


Macfarlane & Co.,

Solo Agouts for G. H. Alumtn & Co,for tlio LJiiu-iiiia- Ldauds.


ConsoLflated Soda Water Co., LIEHplanade,

Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.


City Curriugo Co.. J. S. And.rado, manager. If you want ahuak with good horso and oaro-f- ul

driver ring up i'elophono 118,corner of Fort and Merchantstreets, liiiok nt all hours.



ui' j i Mil.; nicisMiiro.N.

Tlicjr nro Ordered Sprcn.l on llioItcenrd Altor Aillroo liy.M- -

loriiojs mill Jiidscm.

This v.rs the stated diy f.ir theopening of tho December torui oftho Supromo Court. At 10 o'clock

j Chief Justice Judd and SecondAssociato Justice Frear took theirseats upon tho bench, accompani-ed on thoirleftby Judges WhitingandMngoon of the Circuit Courtof tho First Circuit. Tho vacantchair of tho hto .First AssooirtoJustico Bickerton was coveredwith black crapo.

Tho following members of theBar wero present : ProsidentSanford B Dole, Minister II ECooper, Attorney-Genera- l Wm O

Smith, Deputy Attorney-Goner- al

A W Cuter, Marshal A M Brown.A S Hurtwell, Cecil Brown, L AThurston, J L Kaulukou, J MMonsarrat, A Bosa, Enoch John-son, V A Kinney, J K Kaulia,131ia Htlokunlhi, M Kealoha, CCreighton, A Perry, A G M Rob-ertson, S K Ivano, W LutherWilcox, W S Edings, Goo D laVorgno, L A Dickoy, 13 P Dole,Geo A Davis, A S Humphreys,W L Stanley, W Horace Wrightand A G Correa.

Tho following Court officersworo al8 prosont: Honrv Stnitli,Clerk of tho Judiciary; V WFoblbohr, bailiff; J W Jones,stenographer. Sheriff Androwsand his deputy, Chas Lindsey, ofMaui woro also prosont.

W. O. Smith. Attorney-Gener- al

said: May it ploaso tlio Court, wohavo known our departed brotherfor many years, and our relationswith him have boon pleasant. Inthinking of him and of bis life,his relations with us and ourswith him, thoro is no one qualitywhich has loft a doopor impressionon my mind than bis unfailingcourtesy. Mr. Bickerton was agentleman at heart, and in thocourso of trials whore moro or lossfeeling was excited, wbero therewero disappointments, wbero ofnecessity advocates appearingbeforo tho court had to meet withdisappointments, ho never failedto treat all with gentleness andwith forbearance Ho bad notbad the advantages that some havebad in his early life, the advant-ages of legal training, but he hada wonderfully good common sonse.Ho bad a gontlonoss of heartwhich mado his relations not onlywith tho members of tho Bar, butwith the jurors and tho partieswho came beforo the Court pious-ant- .

I think it can besuft-I- y saidthat be never unnectsarily in-

jured tho feelings of anyone. Itis fitting on occasions of thisnature for ns to pause and re-member that wo, each of us inour turn, must loavo all these

all thoso relationswhich are so dear to us and mustappear beforo that higher Court.It is a matter and perhaps not

to refer to ou thisoccasion, a matter of congratula-tion that tho members of the Barof this Supromo Court do main-tain a high character, a characterof integrity in their rolations toeach other and to the Court.This is not only duo to their owninstincts, and tboir own charact-ers, but it is also duo purtly toIheir rolations with tho Court.It is a matter pleasant to thinkof that tho Supremo Courtand also tho Circuit Courtsin tboir relations to thobur pursued n courso which hastended to olevato tho bar. Wbilotho deceaBO of our brothor wasnot unexpected, death always'


bruigH moro or loss of a shock.Wo mourn for tho dopnrtod. "Wowill long remomber .Mr. JusticoBiokoiton, and it is with foelingsof tho deepest Forrow I takopleasure in presenting this Reso-lution propned by tho Committeeof the Bir:

Wiikukas: ItlmsplonsodGod inHis wise Providonco to reniovotho Honorable Bichaul FiodorickBickorton, First Associato Justicoof tho Supremo Court, by death,bo it

ltnsoLVKU: That wbilo wo bow-i-

submissive resignation to theloss which wo havo suffered inthe romoval by death of J usticeBickorton from his high office asa Justico of tho Supremo Court,we hereby record our appreciationof Ins unfailing courtesy and bisconscientious and faithful atten-tion to tho responsible duties ofhis position;

That wo hereby oxpross to thofamily of the decoasod Justico oursiycoro condolonco and our sym-pathy with them in their s:idbo-re.ivemon-

That this resolution be spreadupon tho records of tho SupremeCourt and that a copy bu forward-o- d

to tlio widow of tho docoaptd.Mr. Cocil Brown: May it pleaso

tho Court, on behalf of tho Bar Iwould like to second tho Hcsolu-tio- n

road by tho Attorney-Gener- al

and to say that tho lato JusticoBickorton in all his dealings withthe Bar, his dealings in all bisrolations with tho people whocamo boforo him wore, as set forthby tho Attorney-Gonera- l, gentlein every rospoct. His handlingof cases at nisi prius 1 know hasboon talked of and ho compli-mented thoreupon, more especial-ly as wo all know that ho w.-.-h aman who had not had the trainingthat tho majority of the membersof tho Bar havo had. Ho was infact n solf-mad- o man, Mv firstacquaintance with tho late JusticeiJickerton waB in 1875 whon howbb living at Waialna. After thatbe camo to Honolulu and pur-sued his studies in the oflico ofMr. Jones and was ailmittoil totho Bar and obtained a vory fairsuaro ot practice. Wo all knowthat ho filled tho office of PoliceJudge of tho District of Hono-lulu, faithfully, fearlessly andsatisfactorily to all parties, fromwhich ho was promoted to thoBoncb of tho Supromo Court.And we all know, thoso who havohad tho plensuro of practicingoeioro n mi ooioru tuo ouungo intno Judicial system, that at trialsat nisi prius ho was fair, just andcourteous, and ovorybody iirno- -ticing boforo him roceivod theirdue without foar or favor. And forthis loss that tho Bir has sustained,and tho Court itsolf.woall mourn,and wo mourn for him althoughwo know from his Hfo and for tholast few months of his living herothat the change was a happy one.Wo also mourn for his family, butwo have this satisfaction, that woknow that his lifo hero as a jurist,us a Judge of this Court, was suchthat no man can pay anythingngainst it, and it is therefore withpleuHiiro that the Committoo oftho Bar haspresoutod these Reso-lutions and ask that not onlyshould a copy bo sont to his fami-ly, but also that with tho permis-sion of tlio Couit thoy may bo en-grossed upon tho record.

Mr. S. K. Kaeo spoko briclly inHawaiian.

Mr. Ilurtwoll: May it ploasotho Court, I should like to expressmy entire accord with tho Reso-lutions and with what lias boonsaid about Mr. Justico Bickorton.I knew him first whon Manager ofthe Kualuea Plantation, havingthe ploasuru uf being eutertuinedby him on ono occasion. I

him as he camo in and outin this community for many years,as woll as after ho became PolicoMagistrate and a Justice of thisCourt, lu an isolatod communi-ty like this, in which it is saidthat the tongue of scandal ismoro than ordinarily free to wag,I do not recollect over havingheard anything against Mr.Biokortoii's integrity, impartial

DECEMBER 10. 1805.

ity and fair dealing, and I cer-tainly have novor observed any-thing of that sort in my longacquaintance with him. It np-poa- rs

to me that he had excollontsenso and tact in dealing withmon. A knowlodgo of law alono isvory well.but is not enough eitherfor n practitioner or for a judicialoflicor. Moro thau that is requir-ed for successful piactico or

of tho law. I thinkthoso requisites of tact, of com-mon senso and of knolodgo of menwero possessed in a vory eminentdegree by Mr. Justico IJickerton.He also, it appoared to mo, was intho habit of making a carofulstudy of the facts in the oasos bo-for-

him, n simplo onoiigh thingto do but still a thingwhich a groat many do not do.I think bo was in tbo habit ofstudying tho ovidenco and form-ulating tho facts in tho case witha groat deal of caro and industryand precision; and for constantand caretul consideration of alltho statutos and rules of practice-an-

the docisions of tho Courtshoro which boro or might bearupon tho caso in hand, I think howas never failing. Cortainly holoft nothing to be desired in bisrecord as an honest man, as agood citizen and as a fair Judgo,and I am happy in those briefwords to oxpross my viows to thateffect.

Mr. Chas. Creighton: If yourHonors please, so much has boonsaid that I may almost siy thattho ground has boon entirely cov-

ered, but I dosiro to say a fowwords in order to oxpross my sor-row at the loss of Justico Bickor-ton, a gontloman whom I knewwell and intimately not only as ajurist but in social life. As ajurist I mot him first, my firstacquaintance with him boingwheu bo was on tho Polico Benchof Honolulu. After that ho waspromoted to tho Supremo Boncbunder the o'd systom of practicowhon the Justices of tho SupremeCourt eat at nisi prius and traveledon tbo circuit. 1 havo had thoploasuro on many occasions totravel with Justico Bickerton totho othor islands on circuit. Ihavo been his guest on tho otherIslands and in San Francisco. Ihavo seen biin under nil oircum-stanc- os,

when be was ill andunder tbo most trying circum-stances, and I must say that Ihave nevor scon him fail in thatcourtosy and gontlo treatment tomombers of tho bar for which howas noted. As has been remarkedby the gontlemon who havo pre-ceded me, 1 think, as Mr. Brownsaid, ns n trial Judgo it has beenremarked very often by tho mom-bers of tho B.ir, no matter howtrying, no matter bow annoying,no mattor how long and weari-som- o

tho cso may havo boen, hostill maintained that uniformmanner and courtosy, no mattorhow ill ho may have boon. Iremomber the circumstances ofono caso when I was DoputyAttorney Goiiorul, tho caso last-ing sovoral dajs and Mr.Justico Bickerton at that timoill, and yot notwithstanding hissickness, and which I presumewas the ono bo had beon sufloringfrom for years and which gradual-ly iuoruused and practically in-

duced liitultmth.lio remained in thocourt room until 5 o'clock in thomorning. Numbors of incidentsof that sort I havo obsorvod withhim, and I must say that 1 wishto record ray ontiio sympathy withthe Court and with his family andwith the Bar at tho loss that wohavo unstained.

Mr. J. Lot Kaulukou deliveredn sympathetic speech in Hawaiian,which was not interpreted.

Judgo Whiting: Brothron, Iwould udd a few words in regardto one whoso loss wo all mourn.I cannot say that ho was a life-

long frioud, but for my Hawaiianlife horo bo was a friend from thetimo I may say when I landed,now going on iifteon yours; andnot only was he a frioud, but hewas a true friend. I have knownfor years of bis having this Hick-iioh- h,

I think it was Homo fourteen

years ago whon he wbb first trou-bled with what oventually carriedhi m off, that is an organic diseaseAt times bo was moro allbcted withit thau others, but ho concoalcdit for a long period. IIis suffer-ing tit timos was acute but ho boroit with tho cheoiful bopo of im-

proving and getting ovor it untiltho latter part of bis life. It isundoubted that bis knowlodgo ofthe world and of men, and hisgreat com i on '!hso, enabled himto apply tbo lw with t!.e facts ina clour and just way. You can-not, any of you, feol his loss moioI believe than 1, and I wish to goon record ns ono of thoso of bisfriends who greatly mourn at hisloss. '

Tho Chief Justice said: JudgeBickerton is the seventh of mycolloaguos who havo passed awayduring my inoumboncy of thisBench which began nearly twenty-tw- o

yoars ago. Tho thought isimpressivo and especially sadden-ing to mo. Judge Bickorton oanoto those islands in 1874 oud im-mediately sought cmploympnt andbecamo manager in turn oftho Waialna and KaalacaSugar Plantations. Ho thusgained much oxporionco of Ha-waiian affairs, as woll as know-ledge of tho Hawaiian languageSoon after giving up plantationlifo ho bogan tho study of lawhoro and was admitted to thoBir, upon examination on tho31st of May, 1877. lie was qu'ukto learn trom others, and beingfucilo in Bpooch, was quite suc-cessful as a jury lawyer, havingtho patronage of several largobusiness houses Besides, servingin sovoral legislatures where hodisplayod bis inherent honostyand independence ho sorvtd asPolico Justico of Honolulu,from August lGtb, 1884,to Decem-ber 29th, 188(3, whon ho was ap-pointed a Justice of this Court.All will admit that ho was a

good Polico Justico.Ab a mombor of this Court fornine yoars his characteristicswere, porfoct honesty , fidelity toduty, common senso and a con-servative view of affairs. Ho wasaffable and of n happy disposition,a faithful father and an aifec-tionat- o

husband. He boro withpationco and resignation the ling-ering and wasting diseas" thatwas long ago fastonod upon him.His dignity, solf respect and un-impeachable character tiro worthyof imitation. His lifo is a recordof what a man can do in tbo pro-fession of law without tho aid ofUnivorsity education or a lawschool, applying himself patientlyto all tho facilities within hisreach until ho attainod tho goal ofsecuring tho respect of his followmon and tho approbation ofuou. .Let tho Resolutions bo re-

corded. In honor to tbo memoryof our decoased First Associatothis Court will adjourn until to-

morrow morning.

Tlio Conspiracy Cnoei.

Those who had gathered in thoPolico Court this morning to hoartho examination of Undorwoodand Shoridan on tho charge ofconspiracy wero disappointed, mb

tho matter was agiiu postponed.Deputy Attornoy-Gonei- al A. W.Carter appoared for tho Govern-ment and A. G M. Robortson fortho dofonse. Wheu his clientsworo called on to plead. AttorneyUobortson objected to tboir doingbo on tho ground that they hadnot been served with copies oftho complaint and specificationsof tho charges. After some argu-ment the dofeuso curriod its pointmid the cuso w.s adjourned until10 o'clock tomorrow to allow thocopios to be mado.

Thoro is a general rumor incirculation tLat the two defendantswill be allowed to loavo on theAustralia today, but it oinnot botraced to any roliable source.

Kamuhumoha boys mid girls arepieparing to celobrate Founder'sDay next ThurHday -- in grandstylo.

Tff! .iiginiiinfn, t fr iJiLiiuyuajjL Ui ".'tt.Trff i"u mm ji jujube



nollshtliil Concert I,, U'rnr'I ii) lot-a- t ICnumnkuplll.

Forti'iiatoly the weather claar.td up on Saturday evening afterthe heavy rtin of sovoral days, sothat in ?p:to of a host cf couitoi-nttractio- ns

there was a largpnt WiMV Tail' r' e "iroit,

f'-- r laising funds for a .i e.nyChriiten - ;r tin- - Sopors, at

el,' i.-'i- .

Mrs. D ill- - wi-i-- so .t.-- . ith severalothers in the ex r y.il ; ow . t thoright of tho muo. u thepfw opposite Mr A. G. S Hawes,British Commissioner, Mr. andMrs W. F. Allen and others woreseated. In tho body of thochurch, wh-ir- c there were but fowvacant seats, wore noticod U HConsul Geuoral and Mrs Mills,Dr C M Hyde, Bev and MrsO II Gulick, Corbott otthe-- M C A, M P Robinson, MmS C Allon, Mrs (Dr) MoWayno,C Hedemaun, J K Ka hooka-n- o,

Prof Borgor, Mr andMrs Atkinson, Marshal A MBrawn, Dr and Mrs Tucker,Lieut. Elliott, U. S. X., MonsVizzavoni, French Ctmnussionor,Chas. Croighton. J.T. Waterhouse,W. W. Hill and many other lead-ing cltizons.

Mr. Taylor opened tbo pr. grurr.with mi ovorturo on thd groatorgan, played with a raro skillthat brought out somo of thesweotost hiiimonies of the splen-did instrument. An instrumentalrovorio in G, by Fanconier, wasrondored by the" following gontlo-me- n:

BL Marx, first violin; JLightfoot, second violin; E Kop-k- e,

flute; Wray Taylor, cello; CHedenunn, bass violin; W LFletcher, piano. It awoke thoenthusiasm of a loud recall.

Miss Kulanuuiu Ward sangHnwloy's "Bocauso I lovo yondear," in lovely voico, and boingoncored to tho echo respondedwith "I know a bauk" in equalstyle. Miss Ingersoll mado herdobut boforo a Honolulu audienceon tho violin, ip a concerto by DaBeriot, displaying fiuo profi-

ciency, and bad to repeat herporformanco. Miss Kato Fiold,tho Amorican journalist, wus re-ceived witli applauso on hor firstappearance horo as a vocalist.Her selection was u Spanish mule-teer's Fong, and sbo rendered it iaa dashing mtinuor, uccentuntedwith a livoly rattle of tho cas-tanets. An enthusiastic recallshowed that tbo lady had made ahit.

A class of young pupils fromKawaiahao Somiuury gavo a cornsong in costu'mo, oaoh maidenbearing a woll developed stalk ofcorn. Their singing was in

unison, and thoir group-ing and countermarching werovery pretty. Thoy wero con-strained to givo a repetition. MissAlice Rico guve an artistic pianofoIo, "Montguard," and w.ib en-cored. Tbroo young pupilsoi Armstrong cnnitli, of tlioKuulnwola school, gavo soloe-tio-ns

on tho hand bolls, in oldtimopopular aits, which wero remark-ably swoet. For their numberthoy really vied with tho famounSwiss boll ringers who toured thoglobo moro than a scoio of yearsago. The au'dienco would not lotthem off without another STios.

Mrs. J. T. Lewis and MissS RPatch wero tho accomplishedDiunistB who played accompani-ments throughout tho concert.Mr.Tnylor closed tho rich programwith Aloha Oo and Hawaii Ponoion the organ. Nothing but ex-pressions of porfoct satisfactionhavo boon b iiird from personawho attondod tho ooucort. About$200 whs rotlized with some tickethandlers to hoar from. Mr. Tajr-lo- r

is worthy of all praise for theoomplote siiooess of his laudableenterprise. If tho lepers onjoytho results ns muoh as tho K.m-makap- ili

auditors did tho mo&na,then their Christmas will bo in-deed joyous.

Subscribe for the EVENlNd Huu.I.UTIN.

H ':


Page 2: :W V LiVirjn;;i.;f ;V!..U jgH vcnin rSUIlCllIl · 2015. 6. 1. · Louis Roederor 3,438 Ruinart 3.13G Perrier Jouot 3.286 Irroy&Co 1,785 Vvo. Clicquot 2,378 Bouohb Sec 992 DelbeckifeCo


?V wWT' ,1Uv,-"- W?w1

noiii.r nix miNimr.i).

One of Tlicm Tells Ilotv UeautlfullrIheKotilinCnuuou Worked.

In connection with a banquetgiven at tho anniversary of thebattle of Balaclava, to the sur-

vivors of tho Light Brigades atBirtninghnm.Englund, in Octoborlast, tho following Btory ib con-

tributed to tho BirmninghatnMail. It mny be montioned thatthero woro fifty-t- wo survivors oftho "noble six hundred'' presontat the banquet :

I had the privilogo last night ofa conversation with TrnmpetorBrown, tho old Holdier who sound-ed tho charge, and rodo in thefront line of tho 17th Lancers utBaliicluvn. Tbo wonderful storyof this old warrior's life wns toldin the Mail tho other day. Butthrilling as that story is, it canonly bo appreciated fully bythose who have sc-o- the old munand had a talk with him. Ho isas unassuming and yet as en-

thusiastic us a little child ovortho recollections of his soldiordays. A man carrying tho woightof oighty-on- o yours on his should-ers, no is still its straight as thelunce ho used to carry, a littlosparo man, not above fivewith a light elastic tre.id when hisnno norvous tompcrinient isexcited. Brown wears the Logionof Honor among his decorations.I asked him how ho earned it."Oh," he said, in quite a matter-of-fa- ct

way, "for saving throoof my wounded comrades intho field; I had to fight a big Rus-sian colonel for it; ho wanted tokill mo, but I kilud him." Onoof tho threo whose lives Brownsaved was Sir Charles Gordon,and it whs heio tbo big Russiancolonel enmo in. Browu was rid-ing closo behind Gordon when thodocimatod ranks of tho Light Brig-ad- o

fought thoir way back againthrough ii horde of Russian caval-ry. The Russian colonel markedSir Charles out and nmnngod toforce the issue with tho Britishofficer nt a juncture that left Gor-don at his mercy. Anothor soc- -

ond and Gordon's lifo would havegouo. when Browu coolly inter-posed, taking tho risk of the deathblow intendod for Gordon, and'pistolled tho Russian. Then of-fic-

and trumpeter rodo on fight-ing and hacking their way up tholong valley, and Gordon, in thelury of battlo, turned to Brownand shouted, "Damn you, raun,why didn't you leave him to mo."Brown's word picture of tho nt

of tho famous ohargois exceedingly naive. "1 was ontho right front of tho 17th Lan-cers; poor Captain Nolan wastwenty yards in front of mo, andwo rode straight at them. Therothoy wore on my side, nineteenguns all in a row, firing as hardas they could at us, and workingbeautifully."

Thoio is alwuys an ill holingbetween a doctor and his pu-tie-

Philadelphia Cull.

Friend Wero you auccossfulwith your first caso ?

The Doctor Yes; his widowpaid the bill. Town Topics.

lu a medical collego tho placeof the btudont who moans .to bo achiropodist is at tho foot of hisclass. Seymour Democrat.

Mrs. Hiebeo Tho doctors sayit is unhealthy to sleop in thodaytime.

Higbeo I shall havo to givo upgoing to church, then. AlbanyJournal.

IIf f'immti H fetf a&G3

(J'rom U. S. Journal ifXtdMiit.)i'rof.W.n.I'u'kr.whoir.iltouR rcclnKy' KpUcpny,

ban without doulit In ated anil curid more cubes UiatuyliYlug 11ijlcton ! 'lUnuccemUutonUhlng. W oiaveliMrdofcaetiofSUyfirs'ntaniUnncurwlbylilm.IIepuWIhevluaWfworkontliiillesihicljbeend with a luru--e bottln of In tbsolnto cure, free to

uecr w bo may md 'liclr P.O. awl Expw s

Wo advlo anyone wishing a euro to addruM,

I'rof. W. II. 1'KKliK. P. U., CnUr SU, NcwVotk.


flSZT" Estimates givon on nilkinds of StonB, Brick nnd "Wordwork. King si root. 'ilu

DAI NIPPON.roa tiii:

HolidaysSatsmna aud Kutunl waro. Silk KiiauuaH

ami Pajamas.Kiubroldeied Handkerchiefs, IJoilics,

Cushions and Cosys.

AH Hand Painted.Arlington Block

17f ?Uotol St.

W,rJr-- ""Wy Tlff1 w mm mm --if-





96 Gases XmasGoods

Now open ex "Australia."


Monday! Morning.


Republic Building.IGO-- tf



UL7wmer fcmji laiwls

(XYvA. clU

Bwcl Troubleskyz, cured ty


Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

130-t- f (Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


EXPRESSKino ami NciMMJSTiittrM.

Telephone AJ-1C-

fjW Comment 1h uuueiBy.




When It Comes

To Disinfectants we still have

plenty, our stock has not

been exhausted, and now

arrivals are on hand.

Geo. H. HuddyD.D.S.

X31VTIST.Foht Stkkkt, orp. Catholic JIissio:,

Hour. houi I) a.m. lo 1 P.M.I.M-t- f

:- - Dr. Bussel, -- :

Oflico, Masonic Building.

Hours: : U- -ll am, -5 pin. : Telephone 484.

Residence llawnllnn Hotel.103 lm



Awnings n ripcoinlty. Over Cali-fornia Feed Company's store.

86-- tt

Aloha Bath House.

NEXT TO MAUINn JtAILWAY;luought (no from tlie tug-boa- t

wLaif i'ii telephoning Ko. OSS. l'umisLeclrooms to let on tho premises.

130-t- f MKS.J. 11. HEIST.


Soils Hawaiian trees nndEnglish saddles.

Onr Motto is :

"Take Pains and Zcsp Customers."HC llcthcl St., between King and Hotel.

Ifi2-tf- "


Don't Forget ThatMEDKIIIOH dc CKKK

Ilavo asplendfd lino of


KColid.a-37-- s IArlington Mock, : : : : Hotel streut..

S, ElBckEr, Mgr,

Bargains inClocks, Watches, andJewelry !.

Owing to failing health, 1 w!h1l to closeout my bubiuohs early next year. To thisend I will sell my entire stock of

Clocks, Watches andJewelry 1


Thomas Lindsay,Campbell Block, .... Merohant St

144 tf


: AND : DEAL-ER : IN ... .

Furniture, Bedding, Etc., Etc.

Contractor nnd Unlklor.No. 89, Nuiinnu street.

Huh on hand Coffins, Camphor Trunks,Slatting, VA'ardrobes, Desks, Matreibcs, etc,

' IJST Call lu and iuNpect youil,160--

POI! POI!Van Doom & Co., Fort Street

Noxt Lncns' Planing Mill, will havofresh sveiy day



Which will bo sold to fumilies in lrgo orsmall quantities. No Contain- -


V. L. WILCOX,Wllf- - Proprietor Knlilii l'oi Factory.

Store open menhirs.

IST. F. BURGESSReualrs Garten Her, Spnnklers Water Taps.

Etc., Etc.

Snw Filing nnd nil kinds of Toola Sharp-eno- d,

inoIudiiiB Cnrrinj Knives nnd Scis-sors. Lnwn 3Iovers ropnlrcd nnd for rent.Also, SettinK Glass in fnot nil kinds ofTobbiuK. Work culled for nnd returned.Shop nnd residence en Miller street.King up Telephouo 802. tf

S. KIMTJBA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines..Lienors and Provisions, Sskl a Bpcclaltr,

Allkn Stkket. Telephone 703.151-l- y


103 Hotel street, Honolulu.47-t- f

QUONG SAM KEE & CO.Importers and Dealers In Gcnoral


Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants

145 Corner King and Mauualcoa Sts.

C T. AKAN.A,No. 324, Kuuauu street.

MERCHANT TAILOR, vKino Suitings made to order atloncst pcUivs.

145. Clothes cleaned and repaired.

TOM CHUNG KEE,No. 47, ... . Nauanu street.

Dealer in Ladies' nnd Gentle-men's Shoes.

Hoots ami. Shoes to order. Eubo the bctmaterial. (JnoJs warranted towiiar w etl. 142--

L. AHLO,No. 4G8, Nnuann street.

lias jiist received a usw lino ofDllY GOODS, LADIES AND GENTS'


Agent for the following rao pKntutionn:Waipio, Wniiwu, Widualn, Waiaiua,.Kauiuho and ICnpalauia.

fJtT My rice, from Kaneohe is marksdL A and is guarwiteed At.P. 0. Box 114, .... Telephone 190.

143- -

StoaLl-tl- x

Tho Bus man will sendbusses to privato residen-ces for passengers to Wai-ki- ki

without extra chargo;privato parties can bo ac-

commodated at reducedrates, hut remember this,that a bus or wagonettewill call at your privatoresidence and tako you toWaikiki nnd bring youback at tho regular streetcar faro.

3?- - SjCpLXttX.


I , jflr TnTh.Pr" 'i 1 ' rTi1nii "JJ I


TEL- - 604



J gm0)0Stm. n

C, W. Macfarlane,

t eowAws -- jtSSM ' . r.MH hTOBE f3K

V .B. .8, M TTTM-Lft- V'rs P'W-- "


CHOICE FRESH GROCERIESJust oponcd a full and complete adsortmont of tholuxuries nnd tlolicnciea from ovory civilizeil nution,which will bo sold lowor tbiin the lowest. . . .

Fresh. California Creamery and Island Butter.-- .


XA Goods delivered promptly. Civility and ovory attention given to customers lit





A Nnturully Boiled

Viator, pronounced' by

pcoplo who know to bo

tho best on tbo Market.

Tbis Wator roceived

tbo very bigbosii awaird

at tho . . ,

California,. Mori (ml


As c Table Beverage,


is a favorite antljoasily

loads all other Mineral


Benson Smith & Co.

Wholesale and retail scents for the Ha-

waiian Islands,

FOR . . .



At lowest pricos, go toWING TAI LUNG.

HI- - U31 Nuuanu street.


3F3LiTT:m:B33I3 ,

All kinds ol tinware, crockery,oto, at lowest prices. , . , ,

HIS Nuuanu and Hotel Btrccti


With or with- -out Canopy .

Top. . . .

Will tako or-

ders for aliikindsof Vohi-clc- s.

. . .

SL Harness of every description

'as: v. U. Uox 2U2, Tol 0.


TEL- - 604,



HMM lirS 11gjgglftB IB I

BRAUNSCHWEIGER - & - CO,Importers andLIquor Merchats.

No. 0, Drnmni Street, -- Son Fwncisco.


American IIourhov WiiUnlKti in Hand perbarrel containing about 40 gallons each.at various prices according to ago andquality.

California Graph Diumuy t' Jhnd perbarrel of about 40 to.SO gallons.


Alio the celebrated Gcue ffltitliet:"Extra Pony" Bourbon, Whisky, 12 bottlos,

3 gallons per caso."Boarprass" lionrbou Wliisky, 12 bottles, 2

2-- 0 gallons per casi."Old Pioneer" Bourbon Whisky, 12 bottles,

2 2-- 6 gallons pen case."Tennessee White Ityo" Whisky, 12 bot'Jes,

2 2'C gallons pox caso.


Send orders by raoil. Satisfaction gunrantoed,

Brannschweiger & Co.,141-l- No. 5, 1)rummtreet.

Here'sthe Stuff

Oritorion Saloon

Page 3: :W V LiVirjn;;i.;f ;V!..U jgH vcnin rSUIlCllIl · 2015. 6. 1. · Louis Roederor 3,438 Ruinart 3.13G Perrier Jouot 3.286 Irroy&Co 1,785 Vvo. Clicquot 2,378 Bouohb Sec 992 DelbeckifeCo

7S5KSg?7PW. v-- i WFjs "1 Z '"Mf,,W --x "WET Hr' ' i WMrEVENING BULLETIN, DECEMBER 1G, 1895.

Unwitting Shoplifting.Thero was an oxoitint scono in

a millinery Hhop in tho Arcatlojrostorduy. A somowhat oxuotingcustomer enmo in to buy a hat,and was a wholo half hour overit. That waB not whoro tho ex-

citement enme in tho real busi-

ness was but a tedious interludeto what followod. "Whou the ladybad found something to bortaste alio looked round for theheadgear with which she badboon adornod when sho came intotho shop. It could not be found.Tho wholo shop was turned up-Bi-

down in tho soaroh for thomissing hnt. Thoro was tin grouta commotion in that tnillinor'ashop over tho disappearance of "abluok folt hnt with a whito foatheronon0 8ido"uB there was in thobishop's court at Hhoinis, whentho jackdaw stolo tho episcopalring. Yot tho hat could not bofound. In tho midst of the com-

motion a socoud lady wns seen tocomo hurriedly into tho shop withbor umbrolla hold liko u lunco atthe charge in front of hor. Andbanging on the forrulo of tho um-

brella was tho missing hat. Howit. got thoio while this socondladv was in tho milliner's shop shecould not tell. All sho know wasthat sho had been pronioniidingCorporation Street and NowStroot, seeing tho fashions forhnlfun hour nnd m.iro, and thatall thut time tho lost hat, with itsupstindiug whito foather, badbeon ihUtering from tho top of theumbrolla which she hold over horbead. ''I wondered what all thepooplo woro staring nnd smilingat as they passed mo," sho said,"unti" a frioud camo up to moand in nu agitated voice said,'Whutovcr have you got on yourumbrella?' And tho only possi-

ble placo in which I thought Icould liHve picked it up wasbore." Rirminyham aU.


Do Sonictlilus Good.

It was festival day in a certainsnntll country church in War-

wickshire, and the choir woro

indulging in tho luxury of annnthoui which thoy had boon assi-

duously rehearsing far monthspast A bold sturt was made, butafter iriding rough-Bho- d ovorpiano and forto passages alike,tho vocalists came to a suddenstoppago, and tho bewildorcd or-

gan blower, forgotting his dutiesin tho gonoral dmoomfituro, therowas an awkward pause for thospace of half a minute. Theclergyman, a mun of resourco,theroupon sought to ongugo thecongregation in prayer, a movewhich tho olderly and somowhatprivileged clerk npproved by re-

marking, sotto voco, "Ayo, parson,let us pray, for I'm dommud if we

can sing1."

Philanthropist Why don't youtoko a bath?

Tramp I do, sir, ovory time Igot a chanco.

Philanthropist (not so stupid ashe looked) I mean an oxtornalbath. Detroit Froo Press

Just liko finding it: Lumbly1 hivo a notion to take a littlellyor in sugar. What do you thinkof it?

Puttson Calls (tho broker,My boy, never spcou-lat- o

uuIosb you can afford to loso.Lambly Well, I can afford to

loso.Puttson Cills (oagerly) My

boy, now is tho timo to invoBt.Puck.

The tiuod QuulltlcTossossoil by Hood's Sarbapnrilla aro nluiostbeyond montion. Host of nil. it purifio theblood, tuiu strengthening tho nerves. Itregulntos tho digestivo orguus, inviporatesthe kidneys and livor, tones and builds uptho on tiro system. It cures dyspepMa,scrofula, catarrh and rheumatism. Iteuiem-.he- r,

Hood's Cures.

Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly andeffectively on the liver and bowels. 25 c

110 .

J. J.Suixivan, J. nuoKicr,I'resldeut, Seo'v.

FasMon StaWes Co.,Kfl.llonolnlu, II. I.

Sullivan & Buoklet, MonVrs.


in tho City, with Competent and Care-ful Drivers.

Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Comer of Fort nnd Hotel Streets.

TeLBi'iioNu:Ilnw'i, Ilotol Htnbloa, 82.I'uutheon Striblea, 111,

fashion Btablcs, 148.

QueenG-xocez- 3r






Tinned Buttor, Top o' Can Hutter, WhitneyItoll Butter, Potted Meats, Bonod Turkoy,Chicken, Dovilod Ham, Lunch Tongues,Bonoloss Herring, Boston Baked Beans andn comploto linen of


Fort : St. : Store, : No.

Hclid.a3r G-ood.- s.

Marseilles Quilts, Toilet Quilts- -


Silks And Surahs,Fancy Colored Silks

-- AND-

Crepo Grenadines, Eoal Maltose Loco,Valonciennos Lace. Ladios and GentsKimberly Gloves, Ladies Cloths Brown,Drub and Grey, Ladies Black Hosp, Sani-tary Dyo, D. P. Corsets, R. and G. Corsots,Equipoiso Waists and Corsots

John T.


Honolulu streets aro so wellkept and tho hack sorvico so per-fect that unless there is a regulardownpour of rain, Indies will dotheir shopping just tho samo ns inclear weather. It is ono of thopeculiarities of tho peoplo! "Whenthey seo or hoar of a good thingthey aro going to bavo it, particu-larly when it is something out oftho regular order of things, andis not coated ovor with highprices. "Wo have lots of goodthings in our storo that look nsthough thoy should cost a pot ofmoney. Tho quality warrants it,but wo givo thorn to you nt a fairprofit over what thoy cost us.Nearly ovory one can afford tospend a dollar and a quarter for aprcsout for a mnlo friend, particu-larly if that friend is a sinokor.If you have tho monoy and thesmoker friend lot us suggest onoof thoso cuto littlo live o'clock teakettles from tho Bpout of whichextends a wick saturated withnlcoliol. Thoy aro really thocutest littlo things you ovor sawfor the money, nnd tho same thingexactly that other dealers havebeen charging twicn as much for.That shows that wo aro cuttingprieos in two.

If you have uso for chamborsets wash bowls, pitchers, etc.,look at thoso in our stock. Attho price, from 85 to $12, younovor saw thoir equal. Nowshapes and now decorations,nothing conventional. Every-thing up to tho center.

Storo open ovonings from nowuntil Christmas.


l&q-t- t I'ort near King idreot.

tree! : orHDept.




Drapery Silks.


I llC q



Cummira' Block.


Grand Sale ofPaintings,

Commencing Saturday, Doc. Mth,189.').

Choice Pictures,11- Y-



Mastorpiccos in Parian

Mnrblo, Guarunteod Qon-uin- o;

Silk Lamp Shades,

tho B nnd N Lamps, Pio-tur- os,

Artotypoa, Photo-gravuro- a,


Water Colors.

170-t- f.


i F1'i i

j.firr7r aiw .


ZMCsira.-u.fsiotia.iei- s


P. 0. Box 480.


Buy Second-Han-d



King & Nuuanu Sts.

AM NOW prepared to accept your orders

I for il) ring, nil kind .of cotton (roods,woolen, sllkn, crcpee, lanne, etc, utcheapest price:

N MIYAMOTO,1S2-- U KaulllvO etrect makal of King street.


Plumbersand dealers In

CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ETC., ETO.Water l'ipes, laid ami repaired,and plumbing neatly

14-3- No 41, Nuuanu street.

Empire SaloonA general stock of Liquors, Alos and




Aro of the finest nml como to uhdirect from Europe. . . . .


Imporlod slruight from Louts-vill-


JAMES OLDS, Prop.48-t- f

Dr. W. L. Moore

andSTjLrgfeorL- -

Hllo, Hawaii.

Special glen to diseases of tliucju and ear.

Olllcu linurs 0 to 12 am.2 to 4 pin.

Wainmienuo Ave. near Court Houho. KW-t- f


Hawaiian Blue StoneProm the


PonabOQ Qua-

rries!T7 ono Xv13 Itt3

fe Ata 41 tit II tirr ll ThelincitStonenutiMimiv II In Hawaii for

ml ,MH laiu II building andfencing nur)K)JC-- Cut toorder In anyilic or ihapeto suit the7TOLiNS0w trade or pub.lie. . . : . .

MF-Tl- ili (toneIt the tameused III tlie I'llnaliou Lolleue

I Von noitMi n huildlnffl.Auent for Lane Dro.., S. V,

Arthur Harrison, Prop.151-- t!

JShHtji anusBUYS lS



-:- - IBigr -:- - SlooHONOLULU.










IXL Honolulun. i.



V'tt talus parlor, two lied rooms, dlnlnjr,rocm, kitchen, pantry ami bathroom.

Emjulrc L. ADI.EIt, 13 Nuuanu street.IC7-2-


flrin of tho late J. T. Waterhouse, forto .March 1, 1S'J.", aro

notlticd to settle samo before January 1, ISM),at the olllec of J. T. Waterhouse, Queen St.

170-- 1 m

To Let.ONLII.IIU STltlXT. NEW COTTAGEcontaining four largo rooms, kitchen nmlbntli room, largo gnrdou with Btabio andcoach house, poswwsiou nt onco. Apply to

W. II. PAIN, on105-t- f a I). CHASE.


T. ICrotiao, - - - 3?rop.Por Dny 8 2.00Per Week 12.00

paclal IXonttiljr HatonlTbo Best of Attomlnnco, tho lleRt Situa.tion nnil tho FinoHt aionla in thia City

Wanted at the Louvre Saloon,01 Nuuauu htrrt.

CO00 mou daily to drink the C000


EDWARD & HARRY,l'ostofllco Bor 475 Uouolulu.



Telephono S50, No. COO, King St10J-- tl


Doitlors in Lutnbor and Coaland Building MatoriulB of allkinds.

Quoon Htroot, Uouolulu.

YEE ON CO.,317 Nuuanu 8t. P. O, Ilox 143.

Watchmakers and Manufactur-

ing Jewelers.Repairing of Watches and jewelry, ALLWOUK OUAItANTEED.

Importers of Watches and Clocks ol Finest14U Urades,

Orient Planing Mill,V1NG FAT & CO.,


Furniture n( all kinds mado and repaired,llulldlni; luiincs uud ruiiMui; rlcu mllU a

P. O. Ilox IW, comer Klugaud ilcliieltnits. HJ


A $110 BICYCLEmw.w.-a.t.asffla- i



PIERCEEither n roailstor or n rnerr, lndy's-o-

fjontliMiiau'H, suit yoursolf.

With ovory ONE DOL-JiO- lt

imrclmso, wo givo hI'oupon which entitles youto u cliaiico on tho


fifty dollnrH imrchnso yougot fifty coupons. "Withono coupon you may gottho wheel, hut of coursetho more coupons youhrtvo tho inoro chancesyou huvo

J3J" The drcMon nwl u lied u III beclvcnnt our store TUESDAY cveulnc;, December.'list, at S M.

I. J. EGAN.170-t- f



. . . . SUNDAYS

TrnlnH will lenvo on Sntunlnys nt 9:10a.m., nnd 1:15 p.m., arriving iu Houolnlat .1:11 p.m. and C:2(i p.m.

Train will lcmo on rjundnyB nt 0:15 a.m.,arriving in Honolulu nt 5:20 p. m.


1st CIfl88 $1 782nd Olnss, 1 26

F. C. Smith,132-3i- n Gou'l Pass, nud Ticket Afent.

IB -- . k: E! is tt IBREAD, PfES and CAKES

Of nil kindd.

C"Tho finest imported confectionery.105-t- f Hotel htreet, near Fort.





mndo und ropnirod.

aTitrticulur attention paid toSHIPS, BLAOKSMITIIING.

invnnnrinxT P-- T 7TTIV Ml I V V V' 1 Vv J

121-- tf Queen St.

Castle & Cooke(Limited)










Page 4: :W V LiVirjn;;i.;f ;V!..U jgH vcnin rSUIlCllIl · 2015. 6. 1. · Louis Roederor 3,438 Ruinart 3.13G Perrier Jouot 3.286 Irroy&Co 1,785 Vvo. Clicquot 2,378 Bouohb Sec 992 DelbeckifeCo


i i


BESSH fji-'r- - '""i ' " "WwrTiw-- , tfvmfrfY7KmmmiXmrire,wim" wi'k mnim mmTp-f"-



Water Notice.

In accordance with Section 1, Chapter--IXVI of the lawn of 1880.

All persons holding water privilege orthose pitying water rates (or tho torm end-

ing Jnn 30, 1800, will bo due and payablett the office of the Honolulu Water Works,on the 1st day of January, 1890. All ratesremaining unpaid for fifteen days after they

ire due will bo subject to an additional 10

rr cent.

Kates aro payable at tho office of theWater Works In tho Kapuaiwa Duiiding.

ANDKEW DltOWN,179-- Supt, Honolulu Water Work.

IN THE CIliL'UT COUKT, FIltST CIIJ-- 1cult of tin' Ilnrtull.in Islands. In the

aiattcr of the estate nf I III' SAM, of Knlluii,Kcu.i, Hawaii, a ImnKriipt

Crulitors of thusald bankrupt are herebynotified to come In ii.ul prou- - their debts e

such .Judge ol the Circuit Court of theKlrst Circuit n shall he sitting at Umiubers,

it Alllolani Hale, JudUlary llulldliu.', In Hojinlulu, Oahu, on FltlDAY, Dicrmbcr U'Oth,

1S0 between the hour of ten o'clock In theforenoon ami noon of the said day, and electone or more ul!finf of the alil bankrupt'Tstntu.

lly the Court:HENHY SMITH,

Clerk Jml. Dept.

Honolulu. Dee. 14, lS'.IV 178--

Di:rvicTMi:vT ok Finvnch. I

Hosoui.c, Die. '.I, 1S'J3. j

Under Article 33, Section 1 of the Consti-

tution, It Is required that lorh minilier of theCabinet 'lull make an annual report of thetransactions within his Department, diningthe j car ending December illst.

The .Minister of Finance take this mentionto rc'iuest all tho-- c haling cl.ihns against theGovernment f .i monetary nature, to present

tliein to this ofllic, through the proper De-

partments, not latir than 12 o'clock noon onTUESDAY, J.iuuarj Uth. ISW, after whli.li

dite the books ol this Department will lie

closed.All persons having moneys on account of

tho I, ox eminent aro reiuohtcd to maketheir returns promptly, in older that theremay be no delay in closing the accountsfor the car ending December .'11 t, lSO.I.

S. M. DAMON,17,1-1- Minister of rinaucc.

51? Eueiir?2 Bulletii,


MONDAY - - DEC. 1G, 1895.


An ni tide in tho Hilo Tribuuoreplied to critics who tried torepresent that paper as being fur

tho monarchy wbon it does notaccopt tho issue of annexation asinevitable nnd ossentiui to thoprosperity of the islands. Tho fol-

lowing passage is worth quoting,us giving the view of tho d

Liberal party of Hilo:To be clear in our statement we

will ropoat our position. We arofor nniioxitioti, first and last, onreasonable terms, such as anyindependent nation is entitled todemand and rocoive. "YVocontoud

further that tho tonitory neverwill bo nnnexed by tho UnitedStates until it can bo shown thutonr government can be made toharmonizo with its own, bo re-

publican not ouly in name but infact. It cortainiv cannot bo

that the United States willoonsont to enfjreo the iule of aminority horo. A nntion must boconsistent with tho principles up-

on which it is founded and withttuths that were deemed by it self-evide- nt

and that aro stated inthese unequivocal words, ""Wehold these truths to bo self-eviden- t,

that nil men are created equal, that they aroendowed by their croator withcortiin inulienablo rights, thatamong these aro life, liberty andtho pursuit of happiness, that tosecure these rights governmentsare 'nhtituled utnoug men, dom-ing their just powers horn thoconsent of the governed, thutwhenever any form of governmentbecomes destructive of these ends,it is tho tig'itof tho pooplctoalter or to abolish it and to insti-

tute a new government, laying itsfoundation on suoh principles andoiganiztng its powers in such aform ns to thorn shall soom mostlikely to effect their safety andhappiness." Can it bo presumedthut a nation with s eh a founda-

tion would cnihont to annex atorritory nnd eifotco tlioronn agovernmont wliiuu iIooh not deriveits just powor from tho coiwont oftho govorned? It it did ho would

it not merit the eondeinnaliou it

has worded in its elementary lnw ?

Does anyone think that tho UnitedStates, if wo should become a partof it, will oonsont that "our"' oran' class of poople shall governthis land otherwise than with thooonsont of tho majority ?

Tho Tribuuo procoedn to thoond in this strain, arguing thatpopular governmont is out of thochief fundamental principles inthe United States. It is quitecorroot in theory, but, to givo thepresont Government its duo, n

consideration of tho position ofaffairs must not ovorlook the factthat our present rulors, when theytook hold, oxpoctod to oarry an-

nexation with a rufh. Thore islittlo or no doubt that thoy hadoncounigement in high qunttorsfrom the puty of tho other part,but thn old adage, "There's manya slip botwixt tho cup nnd thelip," was verifkd to their dis-

comfiture. This may hao boonpartly duo t- tho death of JamesG. Blaiuo, hut it is probablethat, lnoro than anything else,tho caubo was (ho operation of

that vory Aniorican principle"governmont ouly with the con-

sent of tho governed" whichtho Tribune cites. Still, if thoGovernment pursues, with

purpose, tho primaryobject of its fotmatiou annexa-tion to tl'O United St lies itought to Ini i.fTudi'd a roasonublo

time to accomplish its ond beforeit Ciin justly be condom noil forinconsistency.

Julian D. Elayuo said in hismagazine last number: "Thotditorof one of our most prom i- -.

uont newspapers told tho editorf the Hawaiian, that ho only

di.rrd go a c itain distance in hiscnticii'm, then tho 'boll was rung'

tli exact words used and afterthat, if anything was said, theoflicinls of tho Hawaiian Gov-ernment would go up oneside of tho stroot and down theother and get every advertisementtaken out of his papor." Onoby ono the writing serfs nnd weak-lings aud lizards grindingvarious organs hnvo, withoutrising from their knoos,whimpered aud wailod, "Mr.Hayno don't moan mo." TheStar, in tho security of beingknown as a papor froe from nil

excepting tho will of itsimmediate managers, and havinga churititblo contempt for thewearers of collars, had paid noheod to the Ilaivaiian's measttroof sovoral of its contemporaries. Uno ot too latterhas, howovcr, had tho impudenceto suggest The Star ns the publi-cation the Hawaiian mo.uit. luindicating that this suppositionis without foundation, and in un-

willingly hinting at what is knownto be tho right trail', The Star in-

sists it was cruel of Mr. Hayne touso the chatter of a drunken man,however striking it soomed to him.Hayne overestimated both the in-

fluence of thut particular pupor andus ouuor. wi uio inn ib maytruly be said that it makos nodifference upor which side of anyquestion they aro arrayed. Whenthat oditor pricks his ours forbolls or puts his houd to theground to listen for praiso or pro-tos- t,

ho simply magnifies and do-lud-

himself. The only boll hohoars is that of the cash registerwhen eomo ono else settles for thedrinks. JIuivaiian Star.

Tlio above specimen of Ariz ma

Kicker journalism is true to itsmodel in that tho author kickshimself in tho back of tho neck-Ye-

Mr. Star, ono by ono "theweaklings uud lizards" as youare plousod is call them havedonied Mr. Juliau' D. Huyne'sassertion. "Tho Star in the fo- -

lUvujMMjiTtixrzra ntuf.W jfASr"ova Jrcuwrtt) a V3 "Mi iwv


cuiity of being a paper freo from nilinfluences," otc, has paid no hoedto tho charges, nnd why? Simply,Mr. Editor, beonuse you aro thatiimn, and if tho urticlo clippodfrom your paper, which bondsthese remarks, is mount for n de-

nial of that ffaot, tho Bulletinbrands you as a linr on the strong-est proof. Mr, Julian D. Hnynotold ono of tho proprietors of thoBulletin, in lnngungo not to bemisconstruod, that tho Star editornnd no othor was tho man ho

to, and in his noxt numberof tho Hawaiian will come out audplainly state this ns a Let.

"Wo aro Borry to soo tho oonfos-sio- n

of your lamentable conditiuiiwhou you unbosomed yourself toMr. Hayne, and would not bringit into piininonoo worn it not for

your inhibition of tamper.Ft is a great pity for yon that Mr.

the influenceuf yourself nnd your paper. TlioIJULLETIN Wi'iild like to know where

)ou get your warrant for yourmuch - boasted indopendouce.You diiro not critic'se the Govern-

ment no, not oven in a fair-minde- d

way. If you do tho bellwill be viing, jiiit as you told MrHayne it would bo You may bea vory small man.Mr.Star Editor,and hnvo i in mopoly ot the edit-orial brains in Honolulu, butyou hnvo been caught in n delib-erate falsehood and it is tho dutyof tho Bulletin to stamp you ac-


hilo rrr.ins.

Ilooin lu MurrlnKcis IihihI Slide ona Monti.

Tlin fnllmvinrr intnlllponco isgleaned from tl.o latest Hilo Tri-bune to hand:

Tho Hnkalau school is clot-e-

ponding tho nomination of a nowteacher.

Tho new Olnn church is nenringcompletion. It is situated neartho olevou milo section.

Tho Kaiwiki homostoad road isprogressing. Mr. Bruner expectsto have it finished by Xmns.

It is reportod that the roadwnrkin Kona and on this sido of thoisland must stop for want of funds.

V. A. Cnrvalho, Into principalof tho IJiikriluii Govornmenteohool, has been transferred totho llonomu school, Miss Lo Loihaving resigned.

'Phera Bonms to bo a resulnrboom in tho marriage business utElilo just ut tho present timo,Whotner tho porsons authorizedto perform the services and isBtiocorlificntos nro landing in withcivil authorities or not we cannotsiy, but tho rostilts nro alarming.

Tho Tribuno notes with greatsatisfaction tho approaching com-

pletion of a road from Hilo toWainken. It is 3810 foot longwith an average fill of five feot,tho deepest fill boing fourteenfnpr. Tho road is sixty feot inwidth, has n macndnmizd top oftwenty-fiv- e feet, consisting of onofoot of largo stones, six inchos ofhrokon stones and ono of dressingof screening of brokon stone. Itis now possible to pass with safetyand plensuro from Hilo to W'ai.ikeaon one of the host roads upon theisland. J. It. Wilson was thecontractor. Funds wero obtainedthrough tho purchase of Govorn-

ment lands by John A. Soott nndG. 0. Kennedy.

The Bemi-annu- uotico of wuterrates will bo found in the oflioialcolumn.

There is to bo a groat day saleof Christmas goods, at tho storesof H. W. Schmidt & Sons, at 10o'clock Wednesday. V. S. Lucowill bo tho uuctiouoer. Soo his no-


jr-- f ortiflT . m ti 1Uu .TrryiTrjVritrrnnit3aKinarrrti9rm;j.iriimtvT2sxuiii ti.,i


wrr3jaw7TOn-- -

Si s"f4 lwitPSC,i -- Mitij



Ba&Ja,. Carefully Kr i m i


CANS AREG mrtvr TT - "JSKiX en rrTrr i . - ...(I f""' I IriTil s4.. toniain hour; VBffW1M3 KPWJi :eUMD 0Y6TLP5IMAN J

I ' ZSy

Jimely Jopie





In the first place we want itdistinctly understood that weare right in it with the bestof them " in a general assort-

ment of holiday goods, and inspecial lines that we lead asusual. By the last Australiawe received a tine line ofgoods especially adapted forthe holiday trade, selected tosuit the requirements of Hono-lulu people. Most of thesegoods will be found to be bothuseful and ornamental andtheir prices are more than rea-

sonable considering the highquality of the articles. Thesegoods are now displayed onour shelves and in our windowsand showcases, and it costsyou nothing to examine them.We will enumerate a few ofthe useful articles suitable forholiday gifts.

A fine assortment of BEAU-TIFUL ALUMINUM WARE,handsomely engraved, com-prising hair brushes, mirrors,cloth brushes, jewelry cases,toilet table requisites, whichmust be seen to be appreciated.

A full line of SOLID SILVERWARE, among which may bementioned tilting water pitch-ers beautifully engraved andornamented, pretty pocketflasks in new designs, superbjewel cases, tea sets, milkpitchers, sugar bowls, knivesand forks, toast racks and athousand and one other usefularticles in this useful and al-

ways fashionable metal.An elegant line of cut-gla- ss

goods at prices so reasonablethat no one need use commonglass-wa- re any longer.

In plated wares we nave re-

ceived a big addition to ouralready large stock in this line,consisting of new designs intea sets, goblets, water pitch-ers, ice bowls, finger bowlsand such like.

Our variety of lamps andlamp shades is simply bewild-ering. Come and see themand we shall be sure to suityou if you are looking forsomething in that line.

Those elegant onyx tableswe have imported are a littleahead of anything of the kindever seen here and they are notso expensive as they look tobe.

If you want to buy your boyor girl a bicycle for Christmas,we have a number on handwhich will suit any boy orgirl in Honolulu without tak-

ing every dollar the parentsdecided to spend on Christ-mas.

Call and examine the manybeautuul, uselul and economical goods we have on handsuitable for presents. Youwill be sure to see somethingthat will strike your fancy.


.avoir wftjmnt

miiM U

Proprietor IUrry Wlrth.Manager J. J. Liimcrou.

Fine WcMlicr at Last and Auother DoibloTriumph Saturday whea

2 -G- reat Audieuces 2







Wednesday . ftext,

2 - TWO -- : 2Mammoth. Performances



Special Don't miss seeing tho irenento ns it rouuiiiis Itnu ouce vjth- -

niawn cannot be repfiuou.l'oruuu 1'kicm: Chair 51.00 which

cm be reserved nt tho Circus from 2 nm-X- o

vxtr.i chft'go Ixing made; Gallery 50 cU,chil.licn half jir.eo.

Doors open at 7:"0, commence 8 sharp.C.irrina-- s limy Iks oriltreil for 10: 0 pni.

Wwlnemlj' aftcruoou doors open at 2:30,continences at .1.

N. U. --All accounts iroscut todiy forpiyment Tuesday: 179- -

Evening XmasSA.L.13 13Y

17. S. LUCE - - Auctioneer

I am instruct! by A. Darren, Kmj., tosell at my Sale Dooms nt 7 o'clock


(Weather permitting) n very lino assortmentof.lupanfho and Chinese faucy goods per-sonally selected by Sir. Dames whilo inJapan and China, viz: Sillcs,Satins,Crepes,l'ongees, Mats, Dugs, etc, etc., too numer-ous to mention. Special attention called toLadies lieautifnl Crepo Skirt Waists, drawnthrend Dress 1'ieces, draun thread s,

Wood Shavings Mats (n prettynovolty), etc, etc.

Goods on iuspeclion tho day of tho sale.Deserved beats for Ladies.

178-- 2t

For Sale.

Ann HEAD OP DEEP CATTLE. TODfUU gale in lots to suit.

'S. NORDI8,143-t- I Kahuku, Kan, Hawaii.

Silk cropes

Pretty drawnneckties,

workcloth, justdross patterns,white and

Presents dress in babycarved ivorytortoise shellcombs andvases hanging,

a fowPopular few prettyand shavingsroll, 40 yardshnir pin

aces nnd bagsJt53F" Much

and all prices

177-l- m


FOUNDERS' -:- - DAYDecember IO,


Kainelmmeha ."'. Schools,

Literary Exercises will bo hold In tho Gym.nasium (at tho Manual) nt 2 p. m. inwhich all threo schools participate.

SDPOjECTSOn tho Campus at 3:30.

I"tT Tho publio is cordially invited to bopiesent. ' 170--


rlulit l'lano lu excellent condition 111 besold cheap. Address, X,la8-- tf Bulletin OHiee.


Apply to

ED. A. WILLIAMS,m-t- f

Stable Room To Let.riNK STADLD ROOM TO LET PDOMJ 1 to .1 stalls.

ED. A. WILLIAMS.144-t- f

For Sale.riXE LACK HODSE, PERFECTLYr sound. Apply to

ED. A. WILLIAMS.144-t- f

To Let.ALMA COTTAHE, AT WAIKIKI, 13 TOLet, furnished, together with a beach lot.

Apply to


To Let.OF fi DOOMS DADTLYCOTTAGE suitable for n doctor's office, or

light house keeping. Inipuiro of

D. MoKENZIK,IGS-- tf 27 AUkea St.

Election of Officers.i

A MEETINd OF THE SHAUEllOLI).AT crs of the California Feed Co., Ltd., tho

following oMcers w ere elected to serve for thuensuing year:

President Cecil Brown. 8. Doth.

Secretary C. M. V. Foretcr.Treasurer and Manager T. J. King.Auditor Geo. J. lioss.

The above named ofllccrsalso constitute theHoard of Directors.

C. M. V. FOUSTErt.Secretary California Feed Co., Ltd.

Honolulu, Dec. 2nd, Ib'Jj.nl77-- 3t



npon a piece of coral rock, while bath-lu- gat Walklkl, and not caso up or make any

prolano remarks, must also be able tn knocka mosquito on" his nose without bitting thatorgan, ho will bu required to examine a bicy-cle track and tell which way the wheel wastra cling; call on Drown A Kubey and lookon their now stock lust retched tier last"Australia." 158-t- f

solid colors, silk bod spreads, pnjri-m- ns,

cushion covers, tidies, doyliesnnd lmnd painted silk bolting

tho tiling for painting on. Sovoral silkladies oinbroidored dresses in

brown linen and ono pretty baby'sblue, bovoled mirrors with elegantbacks, carved ivory boxes. Inthere nro lorgnettes, ladies sido

linir pins in various styles. Flowerwall and stand, in colored porco-lai- n,

dozen of broad and butter plates, apearl rings and pins, mats in grass

!ix(j, shaving slippers, mattings inonch, ladies Bilvor powder and

boxes, and nn endless variety of boxessuitable for candy for children.

of the above, latogreatly reduced. Open evenings.

A. BARNES.FortBtreot.


Bathing ResortAT WAIKIKI.

Exclusive and Attractive. TjMUG FislliUS'.Eroo Hods aud Unit Eurnishod.




mm & oik&vsE.

Page 5: :W V LiVirjn;;i.;f ;V!..U jgH vcnin rSUIlCllIl · 2015. 6. 1. · Louis Roederor 3,438 Ruinart 3.13G Perrier Jouot 3.286 Irroy&Co 1,785 Vvo. Clicquot 2,378 Bouohb Sec 992 DelbeckifeCo





SherifT L. A. Androws en moovor on the Clnudine.

Baud concert at Emma squaretonight at tlio UBiial hour.

Snow fell in Now York andBoston on Novomber 20th.

Sonntor TV. H. Bice is backagain from tlio Qardon Islo.

Tho Jnpnneeo acrobats will givoa performance tomorrow night.

Two Ohinoeo wero arrested Hubmornnig for oruolty to animals.

King Brna. received soven tonsof Art poods by tho last stoaraor.

Puro candy for holiday uso attho Palnco Uandy Storo on Hotelstroot.

0. H. Ensign, J. E. Mills andE. S. Olson aro in tho city fromKnuai.

W. II. Sopor and H. Louissonoro booked to leave on tho Austra-lia today.

Chostor Doyle returned fromKauai by the steamer of thatnamo yestordny.

Thoro is eonsidorablo sicknessin town, saporiuducod by tho


Messrs. G. H. and W. Y. Horn-er aro in tho city, having arrivedon tho Claudino yestorday.

Rov. W. Horsfall and FatherLoonor woro among tho arrivalsby tho Claudino yostorday.

II. Borlowilz, C. von Ilammand Ruby Dexter woro returningpassengers on tho Mikahala.

Polico Olork George Sen isback from his vacation and re-

porters aro glad to soo him at hispost.

Four drunks paid the usualfino today, which is los3 than thousual numbor on Monday morn-ing.

Julian D. Hayno has recovorodfrom his recont illness sufficientlyto come down town a littlo whiletoday.

Tho Hoalani Yncht and BoatClub house is gottiug to bo a pop-ular Sunday iuorniug resort formotnbers.

Tho tug Kleu loft again on Sat-

urday night on another cruisonltor tho mysterious opiumschoonor.

Some changos in the arrivaland departure of Inter-islan- d

steamers for next week aro notedin our shipping columns.

lialuanui pokor players bar outnative womon from their gamosand got fined 7 oach whon thoofficors catch thorn playing.

Theo. P. Dredge, a son-in-l- aw

of Alexander Young, who stoppodovor from tho Alameda, loaves fortho Coast on today's stoamor.

Pacific Lodgo of Masons hasinstallation of officors for tho en-

suing term this evening, to befollowed by a choice banquet.

Duck Yin pleaded guilty in thoDistrict Court this morning to thecharge of selling pork after 9o'clock on Sunday. Sontonco wasresorved.

M. Grossman, father of thepopular dontist, who has beenvisiting the islands for sevoralmonths, loaves for his homo todayby tho Australiu.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Nuuanu streets, lodging byday, woek or month. Terms: 25and 50 cents por night- - $1, and$1.25 por weok.

A South Soa Islander wasthis morning on a ohargo

of larceny. His oflbnso consistedin stealing fish near Kakaako bymoans of u trap.

Thoro will bo a matinee per-

formance at tho circus on Wed-

nesday next. Heroaftor reservedseats may bo obtained in advancewithout extra chargo.

Thero will bo another changoof program at tho circus at theWednesday matineo and eveningporformuuoe, and whon Mr. Wirthsays u chango ho means it.

Delegates to Japan from thoAmerican Board of Missions arooxpocted on tho China on thoirway homo, and will ho givon areception if tho stoamer romainslong enough in port.

Miss Isabel K. Lyons, daughterof Curtis J. Lyons, was marriedtoPoBtor A. Davis on Saturdayovonlng. Tlio ceremony tookpluco at the residence of thobrldo'H pim'iitH, llov. Mr. Hinduollloiating.

Tho conspiracy casos woropostponod until tomorrow.

Tho "Wall, Nichols Company'sstoro will bo opon evonings untilChristmas.

KingBros huvo over 20,000 feetof picture mouldings Iron) whichthoy aro making frames at Friscoprices. "

Sovon Chinoso, arrosted onSaturday ovening for havingopium in possession, are out onbonds ponding trial.

Tho trial of Iwumoto and Mi-tat- i,

two Japnnoso charged withviolating tho passport laws, takesplaco tomorrow morning.

Tho 700 contract luborors ex-

pected on tho stoamship Chinaaro all Jupaneso. Slio has nChinoso laborers on board.

Boatboys aro happy ovor thoprospoct of increased business.They oxpoct five mon-of-w- inport for the Christmas holiduys.

Tho District Court took a ro-c- ess

this morninc to allow at-

torneys and tho Court to attend ameeting of mombors of tho bnr onthe death of Justice Bickcrton.

Thoro is only one placo in Ho-

nolulu whore you can got freshcandy overydny.Tho I'alaco candystore caters to tho host pooplo,and you can always got what youwant.

Boar in mind that entries ofhorses for tlio New Year's dayraces closo at midnight today.Entries for tho bioyolo contostslcloso "at Thrum's storo at 6 p.m. '

on Friday, tho 19th instant.Mrs. Geo. E. Boardman will

hold hor annual Christinas sale ather rosidonce, Kapiola'ii and Ki-n- au

streets, beginning Thurs-day, Dec. 5. Fancy ort'clos of

all descriptions now roudy for in-

spection.Sheriff Andrews reports that n

echnonor supposed to bo tlio Hon-riot- ta

was seon by natives on thoMaui coast. Tho strango baboon-e- r

made a landing ut a point nearNiihau, Knuai, and natives whosow her Eaid she was very smalland had only six mon on board.

S. M. Damon has presontod apetition for probate of tho will ofJames W. Austin, late of uoston,filing a copy of tho document andof its probato in Boston. Thoproporty of tho ostate in tliesoislands is valued at $147,323, ofwhich $94,570 consists of roalestate.

Mr. Fattorson, tho Fort strootgrocor, who rosides at tho cornorof Alakoa and Hotel streets, losta horse from his premises lastnight. Tho animal is black witha whito faco, about sovon yearsold,with an exceptionally poculiareye. Any ono returning him tothe Family Cash Grocery, Fortstreet, opposito Club Stablos, willrocoivo a suitable reward.

Tho prosecution in tho caso ofKawamoto, undor arrest for maliciously destroying a lot of cloth-ing belonging to a Japanese fami-ly uy throwing a corrosivo acidtheroon, finished its case thismorning before Judge Porry andtho dofonao will present testimonyon Wednesday, raul JNeumann isassisting tho prosecution and G.A. Davis defending.

KvndliiK a ltule.A good joke was told a Bulle-

tin man today, by a lato arrivalfrom Kauai, about a littlo episodowhich occurrod on that island.Ono of tho plantation mnnagorshas a bulletin postod up at hiswharf, warning all steamersngainBt landing liquor of anykind and undor any circumstances.It sooms that a largo caso con-taining, among other things, somobottlos of wino, sout to tho afore-said managor himself from Scot-land, arrived by stoamor twowooks ago.

Tho purser rofusod to broak therulos and regulations postod, sotook tho caso Imok to Honolulu.A second timo it mado tho tripand again tho purser proved ob-

durate At last a coupromiso waseffected and the caso wus putashoro upon its third voyago up,at a landing somo twolvo milesfrom thcpluntntion. A horso andwugon finally conveyod it to itsdestination,

.11 r, Yoiiiiu'i HIMIiUh)'.

Last Saturday was tho birthrttyof Manngor Young of tho Honolu-

lu Iron Works nud bin hoHpitublohomo at AVaiklki wan thrownopon to his employer! and their

mm . , , frrwupnri ,v ,i -


Higliost of all in Leavoning Pow


families in tho evening, all hav-ing boen invitod to assist in oelo-bratin- g

tho oooasion. A litornryprogram was first givon consistingof Hawaiian songs by tho Hono-lulu Iron Works Gloo Club; arecitation by Mrs. Black; songsby Miss Bertha Young. Messrs.Montenglo, Brown, Crozior, Boweand Hodemnrtn, nud a "Drum-mer's Story" by Mr. Drodge; con-cluding with a Scotch reel.

Refreshments woro thon sorvedand tho balanco of evening spentin dancing to the music of theQnintotto Club. At 11 o'clocktoasts in Mr. Young's honor worodrank and tho oorapany joinod insinging ''For Ho's a Jolly G odFollow" and "Auld Lang Syno."Those prosont onjoyod thomsolvosimmensoly.

No sign of the Baltim ro yet.Tho Mohioin is sovord sii'ors

short.Tho stores woro all do'ng a good

business this m rniug.Hawaiian and Foroigu Christ-

mas cards also; scones in oil colorssuitable for mailine. at KinaBros., Hotol fit.

J, V. Jones, official court re-

porter, has our thanks for steno-graphic report of tlio memorialoddrosses boforo the SupremeUourt, and ilenry omith, clerk,lor other tavors in tlio s.imo c

This silo and fair of tho St.Androw's cathodral which waspostponod from Saturday on ac-

count of tho inolcmout wrnther,will be hold tomoriow, Tuesday,in tho nfternoon and ovoning.Tho doors will opon nt 2 p. m. inthe aftornoon and at 7 p. m. intho evening.

Tuesday, Di:cE.um:n 17,Fiiiday, Decemiieh 20,








These fiimoui acrobats are the wondrroftho ltltli Century. Their Teats of I lead l!auic-Inj;- ,

Jiisi;linc, Trapere work, ltlillne nfand Chair Iialaneln on Slack Wire are



Adults ---- -- fiO centsChildren 2f cents- - - -Kesorved Seats - - - 75 cents

Seats on sale at Building.170-1-

tV JF&9 'r

r. Latest U.S. Gov't Boport.

A. J. Dorby, D.D.S., Dontaloffice Cottngo No. 100, Alakoastroet, telephono No. G15. Officehours 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


A 11LACK HOUSE ABOUT 7 YEARS,wlilt- - fnee, peculiar while eye, very gentle.Mrayed from my premise, corner Alakea andMotel streets, nlghl of December 1.1th.Kinder please return to Fumlly Cnsh Grocery,Fort street, opposite Club Stables and Ki

reward.17it-t- f. 1' II PATTERSON.

ChristmasAuction Sale !

W. S. LUCE, Auctioneer.

Wednesday, Dec. 18, 1895,At 10 o'olock A. M.,

I nm instructed by Mcusm II W Schmidt A:

Sons to sell ot their plnco of busi-

ness, l'ort street, ou

Wednesday, Dec 18, 1895,At 10 o'clock A. M.,

A full assortment of .Inpnneso ware,such as ton sets, silk handkerchiefs,vssos, ornaments, lucqnor ware,ctn., nlo nigs, parasols, brackets,lacs curtains, Hags, albums, accor-

dions, statuary, shawls, operaglasses, spy glassos, etc., etc

Tho Japaneso goods being a consignmentmust bo sold regardless of coht. Oooilsnow on inspection.

Seats for ladios whose attention is partityularly called to this sale.

W. S. LUCE,KHU't Auctioneer.


About the best place to buy


-- we ri'itsisii--



California FeedCo. TKi,i:iii)f: 131.

157-- tf





New Advertisements.


N. S.520, Fort Stroot, - -



Honolulu.- - - -


Our stock is most complete, our storo is n grand carnival of gift.


White Metal Novelties!A fino assort inont of

JFans, IrTand LJaus and Leathernt vory low prices.


Special bargains in

Handkerchiefs,Tho most complete lino, and priceseclipse all former values. .

Lace J3f.d Sets, Curtains and Por-tieres,

Latest novelties in

Children's Fancy Cloth Gaps,A now iiBsortmout of

Children's Capes, Coats, Jackets,A special assortment of

Children's Trimmed Hats for Christmas.

Latest Style Ladies Sailor Hats,Just arrived por Australia. If you aro look-ing for HOLIDAY GOODS, visit our storobeCoro making your purchases. . . . .


EalarKi;'"oloa,1-uU- l O'1

.'. CLEARANCE SALE .'.30 Days ut my storo, No. 304, Nuunmi street, one door mnuka of Kliiu street, wkert1 will offer my ontire stock at greatly reduced price. Uelov I mention several

articles at marielouuly low figures. Please coll and seo for yourselves :

Brown Cotton, good value, 22 yards for SI. 00Brown Cotton, 1 yard wide, 15 yards for - - l.ooFarwell White Cotton, 1 yard wide, - - 9 cents per yardWhite Cotton, heavy, 32 inches wide, 20 yards for - 1.00Bleached Sheeting, 10-- 4, 25 cents a yardBlankets, whito with fancy borders, - 90 cents a pairFrench Merino, doublo width, nil wool, J - 37 cents a yardVictoria Lawn, fine white, - - - 70 cents a pieceLad Chemises, embroidered, - - - 40 cents cacliMosquito Netting, 10 yard pieces, - - $1.75 per pieceMen's Undershirts, fine balbriggan, 3 for $1.00, worth 50 cts ca.Whito Unlaundere'd Shirts, linen bosom, good make, 45 cts ea.Silk Handkerchiefs, 15 cents each, 2 for - - 25 centsSilk Handkerchiefs, men's white, hemstitched, lnrgo sizes, 30

cents each.

Just the thing for ChristmasPresents.

1C3-3- 301


And all tho staple nrticlos in tho!Urocory lino.


B"Cut prices on all articles forcash,


UO-ft- 1'ott stint.





Kuuauu Strrcct.ouo door mauka of Kirg St.


Sucking Pigsron

TIj&nkggiViiHj S tg

C. W. MaofarlaneJloa-- u


Fur l.nllr ami llriitli'incn,.Mill KIiik Irttl

!3TI.imii rnou H.:ki a m to l:ao v, w.Our ultnii ttin urn lniiitiiiuiln r.wi.i .

I unit riium uiij all(diitir allcinUiice.nvtv m in vmiiv. 1U3 l




Page 6: :W V LiVirjn;;i.;f ;V!..U jgH vcnin rSUIlCllIl · 2015. 6. 1. · Louis Roederor 3,438 Ruinart 3.13G Perrier Jouot 3.286 Irroy&Co 1,785 Vvo. Clicquot 2,378 Bouohb Sec 992 DelbeckifeCo



nranTMIran iTT nnrT!fFniVv S ?wEffqL iwHwBTOWffiM t w,

mw- - - ' 4

fw 'MJI","-- -ar8cWiv . :5j'?p: 'WR H''JJl)?"!r . r .' -- r

EVENING BULLETIN, DKCEMBKR 1G, 1805. tTlio Art or AdvertUllie.

Thoro is nothing on earth so

mystoriously fuuny ns tho way in

which umny business men treatnn advortiaement. Tho primo,first, last, and objoctof an advertisement is to drawcustom. So tho merchant waitstill tho busy soason comes, andhis storo is so full of custom bocan't got his hat off, und then ho

rushes to his printor mid goes infor advertising. "Whon tho dullseaton conies along, nnd thoro isno trado, and ho wants to sell hispoods so bud that ho can't pay hisrent, ho stops advertising. Thatis, some of them do; but occasion-ally a level hcadod merchant doesmore of it, and scoops in all thobusiness, whilo his neighbors aromaking mortgages to pay tho gnsbill. There uio times when yoncould'nt stop people from buyb--everything in thu store if youplanted a cannon behind the door,and that's tho timo the advortiae-meu- t

is sent out on its holy mis-

sion. It makes light work f ir ad-

vertising, frr a chalk sign on thesidewalk could do all was neededand havo a half- - holiday six daysin a week; but who wants to favoran advertisement? Thoy aro builtto do hard work, and should bosent out in tho dull days, when acustomer has to b- - knocked downwith hard faets, and kicked insen-sibl- o

with bankrupt reductions,and dri'Uged in with irresistibloelauglitoi t.f pi ices, In foro he willspond a cent. That's tho aimand end of ndvi rtihing, and if overyou opou a st"iv don't try to getthem to c mo when they uieai-road- y

sticking out of tho windows,but give them your advortisomontright between tho yes in tho dullsoason, and you will wax rich,and own a fiiHt horse, and perhapsbe able to sinoko a cigar onco ortwice a vear. Write this down

liMro you'll f 11 over it everyday.

Frizzer That young Dr. Fois a remarkably patient ntio,

isn't ho ?

Sizzor For a person who 1ms

no patients at all, ho is. B., lv.

& Co's Monthly.

Fashionable Patient This bill's exorbitant.

Doctoi ButFashionable Patient Not n

word, sir. Either cut it in twoor find else the matterwith mo. Detroit Tribuno.

A Fronch physician hasthat old ago is caused by

a microbe and that the pesky lit-tl- o

critter is c.ipable of ostonuiriH-tion- .

By dving young tho visitsof the varmint may bo prevented.

Los Angeles Times.

Dinwuldio I wonder whj

young Dr. Pepsin finds it so diff-

icult to work up a practice, when

other young physicians are doingwell? He graduated high in hisrdncp.

Hiland That is true, but he j

finds it imiossiblo to raise aboard. Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegrap- h.


Tlie O. 1!. t S. N. Co.'

SS "RBCOST3SGB"Will bo due nt Itnniiliilii from Yokohama c,u

or about

December 18th,ndvlll In vo Immediate aUnatcli for above

port direct.

ZV For Freight or passage apply to

FflEO. H. DAVIES&Co., Limited.

17,.l,l Ocncrnl Agintn.



Tho O.K. &8. N. Co.'s

S S Mount Lebanon3103 tons, Heuilry, mater, will io due at

Honololu from Portland, O.,on or about

December 21st,And will luiT Immediate dlipatoli for i'boT


EST For (relfilit nnd pannage npply to

theo. h. davies & co., Limited,

It Old Ucuirnl Aucnti.


Burning Paini Erysipelas In Faooand Eyosj Inflammation Subdued and Tor-- I

turos Endod by Hood's."I am so Rlad to bo rellovcrtof my torturei

that I am willing to toll tho benefit! I bare d- -I

tired from Hood's Sarsaparllla. In April andMar, I was afflicted V.IIU erysipelas In my facsand eyes, which spread to my throat and neck.I tried dlrers ointments and altcratlrts, butthere was no permanent abatement of tho burn- -Inc, torturing piln, Peculiar to this complaint.1 began to take Hood's Barsaparllla and

Folt Mnrkod Rollerbefore I had finished tho first bottle. I continued to lmprore until, when I had taken four


CURESbottles, I was completely cured, and felt that allslcni, marks nnd Bjmptoms of that dire com.pl.ilnt had forecr vanished." Mns. K. u.Ottawa, lllllsboro, Wisconsin.

Hood';: Pills arc rrompt and clllclcnt, ycleasy lu nctluu. Sold by hU JtuksIjU. 8Jc.

Hobi'on Drug Co., L'd,Solo Agents for tho Itcpublio of HawniL

Dr. J. K. Smith.


Olllco 1 In lira: 0 to 13 n. ill.lSS-3- m

Fine Fresh Frozen

Columbia SalmonCity Meat Market.

in.'-t- f J. Tinker. Proprietor.

N. Fernandez,Notary Public and Typewriter,

U KAAHUMANU STltEET,P. 0. Box 330. TelepUono 313.


S3. Street.O. J. Walleh -- -- JIanaqeii.



Naw Contractors




fill nIH i


iff3 N

500 PAIR


Kerosene Oil



j Hawaiian Hardware Co.1,111 nx'i).

l UOILDING 11UHNED 11EOENTLYf" in Milwaukee, without Insurance,

because n clerk 1011GOT to ronew certainpolicies promptly as instructed.

"Ho was discharged.

"A few days'later, tho owner diod withoutinsurance on his life, tearing a widow andthrco young children in poverty, becausehe hod NEGLECTED to insure. Ab procrast-

ination is mora culpable than forgctfulnessperhaps the owner is having his punish-

ment NOW."JIOItAL 1 Consultation nnd offlco treat-

ment free. Special attention glvon to


J Tho Equitable Life Assurance Society

of the United States.

Bruce Cartwright,General Manager for tho Hawaiian Islands!



Carriage Manufactory123 & 130 FOKT STKEET.

Carriage BuilderAND ItnrAIltEI!.

Blaclzsmitliing in All Its Branches.

W. IV. WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Successor to G. West.)

C. B. DWIGHT,Does all kinds of Work in

Cement & Stone Sidewalks & Curbing

ITo lins on hauil a larRO supply ofCliincpo Orauito Curb ami always keepsHawaiian Curbing Stone. Lstimntespiven anil lowcs4 prices assured. Telc-oho-


Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on car lino nnd on PA

LAMA UOAD near FertilizingPlant.

These Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable. Acre Tracts near tho city nndother Properties for snlo.

BRUCE, WAKING & CO.,Dealers in Lots nnd Lands,

tf C03 Fort Street, near King.

TEMPnown C07. P. O. Box 321.

Jose Do Espirito Santo,

Guitar siL Maker.Taro-Patc- h and Ukulele Guitars

Mado of Ilawiitian Woods.REASONABLE DUCES.

130 Fort Street Opposite Club Stables.Gl-t-

rti - ts"

i sm

Smz,r.tf.Thcaboro Illejcle na madu as (,'ood a

new by

H. G. Wooten,Illeiclu .Manufacturer.

107 King utreet. H2--tf

WING WO & CO.,MnuufucturerH nnd dealers iu Ltuliua',

UeuU'aud Ohildien'a

Boots, - Shoes, - 0 - Gaiters.No. 35 Nmiauu St. - - r. O. Boi 193.


SM Bootn aud Plioos ninda to order inleit style at Wliolomilc nuil Kctail piiceH.


European Restaurant.509, (lotel utreet.

CHOCK SING, Manager.First-clai- meals at roular rates. Fowl

served on Thursdays and bunduys.Hoard by week

g0f For lwst cpiality of Manilla Cifiars,Cigsreites aud Tobacco come to Hop Sing'snext door. 147-t- l

SING WO,Onrnor King and lletbel ttreU,

Dealer in Cigars mul Tobncciisllext bralldK of Mmilllu Cliramand tlnol Ulcaiiliea, , ,

At lMCt Ik. 14'.'.

Sans SouciSeaside Resort.

Tho pleasantost, quietest,shadiest and most perfectly ap-pointed soasido resort on thoIslands. It is only four milosfrom tho hoart of tho city andwithin easy reach of the tramcars,which run every twonty minutesor oftouor. Elegantly furnisheddetached cottages or rooms aroobtainable on oasy terms. Thotablo is suporior to that of nny oftho city hotels and nil tho modernconveniences aro provided.

Picnics nnd bathing parties canobtain extra accommodations bytelephoning in advnnco.

Tho bathing facilities of SnusSouci aro superior to those of anyplnceou tho beach. 89-t- f

Jewelry !

Our Stock of Holiday Goodsis acknowledged by every-body to bo tlio finest on theHonolulu market, and con-

sists of everything Usefuland Ornamental. Our pricesaro roderato. Jewelry inspec designs manufactur-ed to order on short notice.

JACOBSEN & PFEIFFER.P. O. Box 287 Fort Street.

H. G- - BIART.FINK WATCH ltEPAIMNG.Island Jewelry mado to order,

Souvonir Spoons, Gold wireJowclry, oto.

fiMF" Island ordors solicitod.P. O. Bex 355; at 0. Gortz's store.

Fort Street. G2- -t




Hilo, Hawaii.

touiusts and others visitingIIIlo enn llml Mil' jMo board nnd lodging bjcalling on JOHN A'CUnoUS.

In connection . jtli the abovu he can supplyyou wltb- -

Forelgn and Domcetlc Fruits,Clears and Tobacco,Cool Drinks, etc.

85-l- y.

The SINGER Received54 First Awards for Skwjno Ma-oiiin-

and EMniioinEHY Wokkat tho World's Fair, ChicaRO, 111.,being tho largest number of award,obtained by any Exhibitor, andmoro than double tho numbergiven to all oihor Sewing Ma-

chinesB. BEitoEnsoN,

Agont.my31 tf Bothol st., Honolulu.


Headanarters Enlcrorisc Brewino Co'

Largest Consignment of Beorthat ever arrived hero, now

ou Draught. J. DODD. Prop'i

Ccitral JVEeat YaretLove's Iluilding, Nunauu St.

A FI11ST CLASS Market iu every.epect.

Orders delivered promptly to all parts ofhe city.

WESTHItOOK & GAHESProprietors.

S? Tcleplione 101. 129-t- f.

Live Stock

DELICACIESof all kinds.


and FeedFltKr. DELIVERY.

A. L. MORRIS & CO.,01 Fort Streot Toleplione 422

ino-t- f

HOP HING & COMPANY,Wboleiale Dealers In

Cliluuu Bilk, Tea, and Matting,

I.lipior and .Manila Clears, EiikIUIi and

American (Irocerleii.

Wi Hotel . .itrett. - - TvUilione U1.

THUG. HIuI3ivd:iTE3ID.

Importers of

White BroOiers1 Cement,

Corrugated Iron Roofing, r

Galvanized Water Pipe

Paints and Oils.


Roche Harbor Lime,

Fine Flour,

Hay, Grain, and Groceries,

Hardware and Cutlery,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Elo.

' Tan:Wt wm


C. A C.

HiTbted. for2P-u.xit- 3r

StreaLgftlD- -

arLd. FlavorMade of tho Finest and Most Delicately Flavored Tobacco.

by Druggists Cigar Dealers.

M. PHILLIPS & CO.;143-t- t Agents for IsIamU.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALT, nOUHS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWATS ON HAND.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly hand.

Estimates givon for house wir-

ing and Electrical plants.Marino Wiring a spocialty.


32-t- d Manager.

r. a jones. E. A. JONES



Investment Co.HAVE FOR SALE

A Few Slinros of

Pnia Sufriir Stock,IIuiTuilun Sugar Co. Stock.


Hawaiian Government and 1stHortgnire Sugar Planta-

tion Bondu,tST For pnrliojUarn apply to

Tho Hawaiian Safo Doposit &Invostruoat Company,

D Vort Btratt IIoBoIala


WZCWM.$? y&m a. s,iasm. .'r-sm-timm&F&prA



For sale nil nud







clioico CHOCOLATES iueiu'.lcfs variety.

Choice Confections 'In 2, 3 and 5 pound Boxes,

Sulloblo for Holiday Presents.Cninplclc Line or

Christmas Toys and Novelties,IGS-t- f


Honolulu, Howaiinn Islands

DRAV5L EXCHANGEPrincipal Parts of tho World,

andTransact a General Banking?


Merchants ExcfiangeS. I. SHAW, l'ropiiotur.

Corner King A; Xa,, btlt.oUi ii..I1)(luIu

Clioico Liquors and Fine JJeer.

1'olerl3,ct3ac, 4a3iAH PING,

Dealer in Chinese Tea, Cigars,roannt Oil. Biigur, SoapCandles, etc, at loweutmarket pneo. . ; , ,

Corner Nunann and Fauahi Htreeta. 143.

CHIN WO & CO.VounK Ab In, liarCorner llerelanU and Ntuinutt'i., Honolnla.

K1CE FLANTEIIB-Aln- ay. hare for ul tbebet quality of rice. O.rIt rniranteed to be Al. " uupASIn.1,i,' ' .ff""!"f .. plL.tlon.:KAiaMAO. Knwnlliin A.i n.i. it r.lM ' "1

' '" """"' andlUnalel, Kauai. V

110 Tel. 318. I'Oi; ?.




Page 7: :W V LiVirjn;;i.;f ;V!..U jgH vcnin rSUIlCllIl · 2015. 6. 1. · Louis Roederor 3,438 Ruinart 3.13G Perrier Jouot 3.286 Irroy&Co 1,785 Vvo. Clicquot 2,378 Bouohb Sec 992 DelbeckifeCo

Iiov III Town.They had no parttni; In tlie wooj,

No meetings In the lonely lntie;Beside tho ieu they never Mood,

Not watched the tunset after rain.Their pathway vraa the bmy street,

Their trtstfng r' the office atalr;And jet I know Joy more complete

Did never vlilt mortal pair.

And why thonld rustic love aloneBe decked with all poetic art?

These dull, gray city walks have knownThe beating of a Nation's heart.

The weary workers come and go,The secret of each soul Is dumb;

Yet still at. times a radiant glowAcross thslr wayworn lives may come,

d And the, my happy lovers, knowJt Hard lull, small wage, and humble fare;If The skies Jhcy saw were never blue,

Ulll lova raauu ginuuess evcryn nere.Ills step upon tho olllcc lloor

Was sweet to her as robin's sour;Her face, that passed the open door,

For him made sunibluo all day long.Truth.

The Tailor's Irllatnke.

"John 1" Thoro woro tears inlior oyos ns bIio spoke.

"Yen, tny ilonr.""1 think it's jnst too tnouu for

anything.""What is. Mary VWith an efl'irt sho choked bnok

a sob.' My blootnorB," cho said."What about thotu ?" lio ask-

ed."I sent them to your tailor to

bo cloaned," sho explainod, "andand""Woll, what did ho do ?""Ho ho croasod them."And sho tearfully hold up a

pnir of croasod blooraora for hisinspection. Chicngo Post.

KV4Mine. Yale' Hairt Tonic.i Limns and .Obntlemen : It allbrdsmoIreat nlcai'iru to call the attention of the public to my Yale's Hair Tonic, which Is the tlrstfail only remedy known to chemistry which

osuiveiy turns gray nair uacK to us originalJlor without dye. I personally Indorse Itstlon and i;lu the public my solemn guarnn.

ee that It has been tested In every concelvablo way, and lias proved Itself the only Hair

Jipcclllc. It stops lialr-falli- ng Immediatelynd creates a luxurious growth. Contains no

Injurious Ingredient. It Istiot sticky orgreasy;lui tho contrary, It makei the lmlr soft, youth-Ju- l,

ilully, keeps It In curl and remove dand-ruff. For gentlemen and ladles with halm

crar. streaked gray, entirely gray andvilli HAlD IIKADS, It Is specially recom-jicudc-

All druggists Price $1; also Yale's SkinK)iHI, ti.w, lniosuompexion Trunin, mYale's Face Powder, 50c; Yale's Beauty

Soap,S5c. M me. Yale, Hraltli and ComplexionSpecitilst.Templo of lkauty, 140 State st,CMcafli. 0 tilde to Beauty mailed free.

hobkon Ditca CO.,Wholesale Acents.

UK Mile In Ono Mfimito on n

T Cleveland by A. A. Zim.ineriiinn, lias never beeninado. nor has it everbeen inndo by anybody ou

any kind of u lilcycle.But Nevertheless

The Cl kvfland Is Hie Strongest andSpeediest lllccle ever built, for

it is cunMrncUNl rightly.'li.vnaE Tubing menus

strength and rigidity offrame.

Burwell dust proof ballbenrings mean easy run-ning

Narrow TitEAD moans acomfortable position fortho logs.

Cleveland Chain moansno stretch, no wonr.

Cleveland Tires moanquickness of repair.

Cleveland Bicycles meanJ tho handsomest, most' popular and finest bicy-cl- a

over built.If it las Large Toning il's a CIe?e-t- oi

or an Imitation.Catalogue frtcj call, write or send for


H.E. Walker,Solo Agont,



T. Waterhouse'siJ. : :


LWill bo open this ovouing, andovory ovomug until

fefOX jXJDj&rzzrs172-t-

mr if"


Chocolate Emulsion is for salo by tho


130-t- f Agonts for tho Hawaii an Islands.

R. I. MOORE,3l.X.S.

DENTIST.Offick nooas1 0 a. m. to 3 p. si.

No. 90 Hotel St., Honolulu, H. I.1B3--

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMorokant Stroot, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian Nows Company'sBook Storo. my 13.

Ring Up Ring Up

290 290

For a Hack,For a Carriage.



For the Holidays

TXTa-tclie- a


Clocks.Repairs or all kinds. Kort and V.ercliaut

Street. 1701m

...,.--lLSM.tr- .j... .my ...Inii.i..i-rj-- ga

via vgiKjjjxsEr & V!xil'H

Wall, jIiCpoLp ,

AUTHORIZED AGENTS.Republic Building, King Street.

Dolivored by Carriors,S1.00 per month.







By tho pair.




Business Cards.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. Q. Irwin, - President and ManagerOlaua Sprcckoh, ..."W. M. Giflhrd, - Secretary TreasurerTheo. O. Porter, ... Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.






225 Queen streot, Honolulu, H. I.47-t- f

MOwW O y

km 3 I

Sllllil 5.inPA

m s Inw

J 3r 2 A

7 g--e--l 7

your or tip

Business Cards.



Cor. Fort and Qnoen Btroets, Ilonolnla.




Fort Street, Ilonolnla.

Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

98 Streot, HonoluluTelephoner 22 Box 470

iul tf


318 Furt St. - Telopbono 91.27-3m- a


No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisemont ofEstato and Furniture.

n2 lmj

Cook's Music School.WAKING'S BLOCK.


Thirty years experience enables ProfessorCook to economize the time of tho pupil.

I?3-t- f

If youWant Ha . . . .

HACKRing JJp Telephone 705.


t)& Stand: Cornet BerolnnU anaNuuauu streets. 140-t-



Also White Black Sandat tho very lowest marketrates. Tolphono No.

77 tf

No, 1 19. 237-t- f,

H. HACKELD & CO.Havo just rocoivocl a now Supply of tho

Celebrated "Danish Beer"Of tho following Brands :

"Gold Label,""Mimic" and

'Export."Also, Just to hand largo consignment of

Genuine Bavarian Hops!

C. - Hustace - Grocery - Store,Kino Stkkkt,

HAS JUST RECEIVED THE "AUSTRALIA"Choice, lllock llnttor, Kits Nellies, Cbolco Horn andI!.tcon,Suu)ko(l llecf, OroRon liurlmnk Potatoes, Yellow Tur-nip, Onions, Manlo Buur, Maplo Cream, Gonuinu IiulUttUbutuuyH, Honed Chicken, Curried Fowl, Lunch Tongue, Ah.iinraguH, 1'renu JnmB, Toblu Fruits, Qolilon Gftto Flour, Sweet1'icklen, Dried Fruits and u general assortment of Standardfloods, ut lowest prices,

SJW I.eavo order ring telephone










-- I For Sale


WR DOm DO WR1.1,




Oroceries.LEWIS & CO.

211 Fort St., : , Telcphono 210ir.n.tf


No 74 King Street,



Only bjr the i- -

CO- -

r,i. ir-oi--t StiMjot


Bedroom SotsSido BoardsDininpr TablesUpholstered OoodsMattresses "Jliounq;ea

Chairs in Variety.

Honolulu, I.

-- r. o. iiox io

BLOCK Honolnln, H. j,



Groceries, Provisions and Feed.Now Goods.Rocelved by Every Packet from tho Eastern States and Europe.

FRESH CALIFORNIA PEODUOE BY EVERY STEAMEE?All Ordors faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any

l'ort of tho City FltEE,Island Oiidkiw Soucitfd, SATisrAorios GDAiuwinn













Gitv Furniture Store,(Comer of Fort nd Bcrctanla trcets.)

Just roooivcJ Ex. Bk. Albert ca nesortmeut ofK,I3EE lUItlVITUjtlE.

125 tf


H.H. WILLIAMS, (Manager).Undortnkor and Emblntn



Page 8: :W V LiVirjn;;i.;f ;V!..U jgH vcnin rSUIlCllIl · 2015. 6. 1. · Louis Roederor 3,438 Ruinart 3.13G Perrier Jouot 3.286 Irroy&Co 1,785 Vvo. Clicquot 2,378 Bouohb Sec 992 DelbeckifeCo

l"'f ' (

Dp '



v :




Mm '

ml mmaK9 - -

s.l r ' . - -- a-. .. - -r-- .....t. inili'?mfgwtri WWHMpimi-- vi &



Tin; AUsntAi.n'-- i i)i:i'Aitniti: toTlH: HAY CIIY.

Fartlgn Shipping" Clirlatmaa Ar-

rangements for the Inter-Inlnu- d

HnatKOther News Aloneshore today.

I.lncr China tonight.The bark Mnrtlia Dnili has hauled along-khl- o

Kliinu aluif.The steamer Wnlntenle lell for windward

Knunl port till- .

The tinmen in bonrd tin" Aintrnlui cnter-tnln- rd

llumii,lTi, illi ft tpnrrhii; exhibitionjMlrrdii).

Tne Mlkuhnla, CIn'iillne, Knimioud lunliiiil nrrlu-- l Uiila) Willi Mg car-p- n

ol etignrTin' liaiki'iilliii' Willie 11 Hume comn rnei'd

lloehii vim; hi'i eurifn of I'O.il ill new loiltrcel whart llil- - IllumingMr. Hani!', id iilllcer of the liner An- -

trull 1. one of tin mo.t popular men on theilty Iront. lie l nlnnjs good tntiued.

Tlio tug Kleii with laptnln Jack lllltiiift Ineh.iru l"fl mi S.iHinl.ij mlit for nuotiiireiulMi nLnut Mie Ul.iuil lor the euitotnsbureau.

Tlie steamer XV (J Hall return to till portTiie-di- v innming, the Sitli lnt., n thatthe liiy on bo.iul ean fpend Clirltnin withtheir fiitullles In town.

The f learner Mlknliala return on next Sat-

urday the 'Jft Inst, from Kauui and returnthence the follow In:; Moud.iJ. The MikiiluiU!)- - will spend ClirUtmas on the (iarilenUlo.

Tim uteamor Autmli.i wltli n lilgcnrgoofmerMltl huiichet of luniiiias, BlVII hack ofxigur and loi o( riee and general Miind pro-iluc-

iiuil n l.ilr xlml pnnnger list lell at 4o'clock till afternoon for San Kraneleo.


Smr Kauai, llioun, from Kauai.Stinr Jlikalmla, IlaLiluiul, fruni Kauai.Stiur Walaleale, Gregory, from llanama-ul- u.

Stmr Clnudhi", Cvuirnn, from Maul andllniili.

Stint Iutildiii, Smjtlic. from llirnakua,llauull.

DKI'AItTt lll'.S.

Tu; Klcu, Illllnis, for a cr'il.e.Stmr l.diua. tor Molokni and l.annl.

.'mr iiulii, iininii, for n eireult of Onhll() a AuetiiilU, iloudlcttc, for ban 1'ran-cUc- o.

Stmr Walaleale, Grcsjnrv, forllaii.iiiiau'.ii, Kllauiu, K.illhlnal and Ilanalel.

projected riEiu.TUiirs.Stmr Ulaudlne, Caimron, for Marl and

Hawaii, Tu.xlaj, Dee 17, at 5 p m.Mmr W (i Hall, Sltnron, for Koua and

Kau, Hawaii, Tucfdar, Dec 17, nt 10 a m.Stmr Mlkahala, IIglnnd. for Xuwlllwlll,

Koloa, F.leele. Mnkancll, Wnlnien, Kckalia,Tuesday, Die 17, at 5 p m.


lVrMinr Innlnnl, from Kauai, Doc IS Ml.V M Jttoucn am' 10 on deck.

Per stmr Kauai, from Kauai, Dec 15 C HKnMgn, C A Doyle, K ()lcn and 10 on deck.

1'erctnir Mikahida, from Kauai. Dee 13

W H ltlce, W Hcrlowltz, V Von Hiimin, III.IihIcbv. J I.lojd, K Dexter, II Wllllauu andH'i on lieck.

P r stmr C'lnudlne, fioni Maul and Hawaii,Dee l"t Mr K V Carter, luluiit and uurfc,Mr S M Carter, Mar Jimupli, Kuthor I.eonorand liny, V Wltlioeli, I!e V Korffall, J Wllciir-ttc- ilinry llarrUou, J II Tmlor, C It

I.lndav. I. A Andrew, H Anderson, A Sin-

clair, Awana, Tunc Sun;:, K Helekuiilhl, (iroSea, wile and child, Mr Chum; Chum: andtliiee ehlldren. Ah .Yen lUmataul, Shlmonl-fill- ,

M Kealuliu, fiio II Horner, XV Y Horneranil 3S on i eck.


Per Mmr Auatmlla, for San KrancUco, DecIfl Mr- - IMwIn I'niitli, II llenner, WHSnner,Then If Dredce, Dr Drown, II I.oulon, .IrkIllKSln", M (irnssninn, .Mr K C Ilenshaw,MIsa (Ircenwell, Mis McCully, J P Ciamer,MIm Ii I. Arnold, Mr and Mr n.TGrcnham,(J II Horner, T.I King, 11 E


Ex Knimi SlJl !(! u,:ar.K Iwulunl 1'Ni bn,'1 ijjf r, In pl.s sun-

driesI'.x VaUiKali I'JIS h.iK b'i'ar, SJS liacs

paddy.K Mikahi'.a lifil liai; sii'iar, 150 nheep,

J horn'B, .'cow, II lulls hide- -, V pks sun-dries.

V. Cl.tildlne 1 !" Iul--s su'ar, CM po pipe,4SI bagf i : i'i.i , '.')1 bnK loin, i7 ln,;r, H7

il, uudrl-- .

IN filerN.vu. vivsni.-- .

II II M t Wild fin. Xn;i'i r, Ks'iulnu ItU hf Hen iIpiUou 1'i!;iiiiiii,AIhi ImViiI


(('nilfi no Included In till lift.)OSS AUMn'li, ll'iiMlelte. F.Am liktn Wllllui! Munie.llrldi'iuiiu.NewenMIellr bk Tun ' liiniler, Seabod...cwc:utluAm bk Mnrllin I) sun 1'n.nilsio.Oer ok ii Ili'iMilo. ,iui - Y.Am eh lliib-r- t Iwers.tJondiri.iii, Pgi Sound,Am bk Aliulc Joliiisiin, S r' (Hlo)Nle lil. Don Ailnlfii, Xow.mjIIs.Am bk Mnlilern, llmwii, Calluo.Am ln;t W Irwin, Villhiui, i I.Am i'br Abibn. Dbel BK.

Hi bk AMi'it,'""-- ' 'berle Uverpool.


Vcsnels Where trom Dnr

Am bk Edward May.... Huston DueAm clir Ar.iu rt !' fKahulul) DunHer bit .1 C I'lliiirer Hremeii DueAm schrKlriiCj rim.. .Newcastle. linellr bl Cnryplieii.' Newcastle DuoAm sell Robert Searle..Nuenll DueAm lik HeiiiliHilfl N'owc.ntlc DueNor bk flcrlinri Newnistlc DuoAm sell rt'm liowden. XewcHio Due

m bktn Amelia Eureka DueHrbk r.iXKlne I'tStanley Due(lerbklleli t'l Slaulej.. Duewin i.ij- li.iiwi.ili.i.i NewcHStlu DueAm bklnC K fruiter.... Newcastle.... DueAm itilpU rtJiiruent.... Newcastle.... Duu

Wife's Stamsliip Cos


C. L. WIGHT, 1'rcs. S. 11. HOSE, Seo.xwu)bt u a. ninu, i uri ijupu

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu nt 2 r. M., touching ntLahniim, JInnlnea Day mid M.ikena tlio8'iino ilny; MnUukotiit, Knwnlliao niul

tho following tiny, nrriviug ntllllo tlio snuio oTcniug.


Tiiwiliir ..l)c. 17Friday Dec. ?0 Tuenlav Pen 27


Tticsil.iv Deo ::i 'l'uesdny Jnu .... 7181M1

Friiliiv Jan. . ..10 Friilay Jim .i;Tiirsiliiy Juu. ..'Jt 'lucidiy .Inn,.,1'ri'lay Ifnn . . :n Friday lcliT u silnv Fob ..11 I tiCHiny Feb . .is

rl lay Yob . ..ai I riilny Vol . .'JS

lteturning, will lenvo llilo nt 1 o'clockr. m., toueliitiB nt Ijaupalioelioc, Mnlnt-liim- n

niul Knwiillino h.uho ilnyj JInl;ona,Mnnlnen lliiy nuil Lnlinlnn tlio followingday; urritiug lit Honolulu tlio nftcruootisof lucsdny niul Fiidnys.

ZJf"Xi Fieiglit will bo lecclvcil nftcrla noon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CMUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will lenvo Honolulu Tuesday nt fir. M.,touching ut Knhului, II mm, Iliimon andKipnlmlu, Maui, liettirniiig arrives ntHuiiolulti Sunday mornings.

Will cull ut Nun, Kuupo, on second (ripof ench month.

TXo Freight will be received nflerr. M. on ilny of siilliug.

This Coiiipiiny will resenes tho light toniiilio clmiigcs in tho timo of ilip.itttiro niulnrrivnl of its BteauieiH without notico midit will not bo lcsponsihlo for imy cuiikc-ijucue-

nrisiug thcrefl-oui- .

foiisii;niH;a must ho nt tho Landings toreceivo their Freight; this Couipniiy willnot hold itself responsible for freight nftcrit hns been biudod.

I.io Mock only nt owner's risk.This Company will not lio icsponsililo

for Money or Vuluabhs of luivsougcmunless plaeni in the caio of I'urbers.

l'liiKCtigei-- ure reiUested to luirchnsotickets liefiiro omliarking. TliO'jO failing todo k will bo Rtibjcet to nil ndditioimlcharu of twenty-liv- per cent.

be mm


Arrive Honolulu Lenvo Honolulufrom S. F. for S. P.

Dec. 10Jan. 3. lMlli,.. Juti.O, 18Jim. '.'7, lS'JC. Feb. 1, 180(1

Feb.21,lbi)()M, .. .Feb. 20, 1890

THROUGH LINEFrom Sun Francisco From Sydney for

for Sydney. Snn Frnncisco.

.lrnie Ilunululu. Leaie Honolulu.Monowiii,. . Dec. ID Mnriposn, Jnn.0,'00Alnmodu, Jan. 10, '00 I Monowiii, Feb. 0, '00Maniiosn, Feb. 1.1. 'Ofi

New MillineryPer. S. S. Australia


" fkisco "The new Sailor lint, very chic.

Cio mid see tliun at

Miss Cahill's.Arlington niock, : : Hotel Street.

ITS lt


My $10.00 Hath Tulu, lined with lichtijiiulity, No. 1U zinc, 0 in. I'ijk', Chain midl'lntr, wi'li wood 'ini nil complete, tttheidealers nro duiufoiiuded, end r.'sort to allmanner of Tiicks umi Excuses.

)! not ilerehtd, tbisu Hath Tubs hnvobftun sold fin $11 until i ledticed tho pilo.-- .

I nm prepared to do all work in my linoand gunriiut hiitufactton. Estiuiates d.

If you wnnt n good Job cheaji for dish,ring up 'lolephuuo Ml, mid I uin yournum.

JAS. NOTT Ju,I77-l- f Tinsmith cl l'liiinber'



uoxt to I.ncus' Mill

Ships' Blacksmithing,

Carriage Building

and Repairing

Drays, Carts and

Wagon Building



Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line

8tenmcrs of the nliovo Lino running in connection with tho

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancouver, D. 0., nnd Sydney, N. S. W and calling at Victoria, B. O.,

Honolulu nnd Suva (Fiji),

J&.TZJ3 3DTTB A.T KONOLTJLTJOn or nbont tho dales below stated, viz.:

From Sjdiiey nnd Sun, for Vlctorln niul I'rnm Vletorln niul Vniinimi-r- , II. C toVnneniitur. II. C.i Sinn nnd Sjiliil

" "WA1HUMOO" Jnnunry 1 ls.8."MIOWEKA". Dcccniber21" "MIOWKHA" Februnry 1 " "WAHHIMOO" Jmninry 21

" "WAHHIMOO" Mnreh .') " "MIOWEUA" Februiiry2' "WAllltlMOO" Mnrcli24

Through Tlckots ivsucil rrimi Honolulu to Cnntiilii,Unitctl Stiitc.s niul Kiiroiic.

rnr.iojiT and PASHF.Nonn aokntb: tST For Ft eight and 1'nssngo nud nilGcnernl Information, npply to

IX McXicoLTi, Muntrcnl, Cnnndn.HonniiTKntm, Winnipeg CanndnXHEO. H. DAVIES & CO,, L'ti

At. 51. hTr.iiN'. Sun 1 rnnnwo, Cnl.G. JIcLi. BitowN, Vnncoiiver, B. C. Agents for the Hawaiian TtdnmK

Steamsh ill Go.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:Tlio New and Fino Al Steel Steamship

"Mariposa"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willho duo nt Honolulu from Sydney nudAuckland on or nlxnit

January 9, 1896,And will lenvo for tho ahovo jiort withMails and l'nsgcngcis on or about thntdate.

For Sydney ant) I ucldard:Tho Now nnd Fino Al Steel Steamship

"Monowai"Of tho Oceanio Steamship Company willho duo nt Honolulu from Sun Frnnciscoon or about

December 19th,And will hnvo prompt despatch withMnils and Passengers for tho nbovo ports.

Tho undersigned nro now preparedto issiio

TlmniKli Tickets to All Pointsin tlio I'liitt'd States.

CSTFor further particulars regardingFreight or rnssngo npply to

WM. G.IRWIN &C0., L'd,l-- tf General Agents.


Queen street, Honolulu, II. I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Conipanj, Onomca SugarCo in pa ii , Hoiiomu Sugar Company, WnllukuSut;ar Company, Wailict Sugar Company, MakecSugar Comany, Ilakakala Kaiu.lt Comnany,

Ranch riautcrs' Lint San Franciscorackets, Chas, Hrcwcr Ac Co.'s Line of Hostouracktts.--Anunt- lifistmi Iloanl of Uinlcrwritcts,Agtnt 1'hiladtlpliia Hoard of Underwriters.


1 0 Jonea, President; George. II Itohcrtson,Manager; E F KUboj), Tieiwmer and Sec-retary; Col. W F Allen, Auditor; OM Cooke,II Watcrhouse, A V Carter, Directord.


Hew Yean I(acB? , . .


January 1, IBBEi

1st llicicix ltAcr; E O Hall Trophy. FieeTor nil.

2d llicrru: Haci:j Otio-lin- inilo Juvcuiio.lipeu to ull non-- itinera under Hiyears.

3d Vicvclk It.ici:; I'rizo not decided. Ar- -ruugenient to be luudo lutcr.

Mi Ittrr.i l'no $100 I'nruo.One-liu- in i In and rejent. Weightfor ngo.

fithTuOTTiMi IUrr.; Prize $100 l'urse. auiinuto clui-s-j imlu beats, bent 2 in 3.l'or Hnwi iimi bteil bomes.

ItAi'i.j Prizu ?10l' l'lirnc.cl'is ; 1 mile bents, beht 2 ill 3.

Kiee fur nil7tli O.nk Milk Nov, i.tv 11un.ni.mi Kackj

l'li.e :?lt'0. Pi c fur nil. Firut bornerencliiug tho quarter to rcctiv$25Piriitboise reaching the hull to to- -

ceive $25. First horso reaching tbotbree-ipiuit- er to receivo $25. Firstborhe ruiicbitig liouiu to receive $25.

This race will bo of special interest as itwill allow admittance of both long and Hhortdiatancu runners.

Entrance fco to trotting and runningracon to bo ten (10) per cijnt of the amountof the pnrw-n-.

All trotting and pacing races arc to begovrrneil by the lUwMhn ocley Clubrules. Entries M cloao on Beciuilwr ICtb,

HXF For furtbor information aibliem

CHAJRLES DAVID,1. O.Ih)x477, Manager.


Mic M fail kAND THE

Occidental & Oriental Steamsliip Co.


Steamers of tho nliovo Compnnics willcall nt Honolulu on their wiy to thenbovo portH on or nbout tho followingdntes:

Stmr City of Peking Dec. 23, 1695

For SAN FP.ANC1SC0:Stenmcis of I lio iiIkivo Companies will

call nt Honolulu on their wny fromHongkong and Yokohama to tho aboveport on or about tho following dntes:

Stmr Coptic, .Tnn. 113, 1890Stmr Chinn Feb. 2i, 1890

Rates cf Passage are as follows:TO TOKO TO IIOXU- -

1IAMA. KONG.Cnbin S1D0.00 $175.00Cabin, round trip, 1

months 223.00 2G2.C0Cabin, round trip, 12

months Qfionn MRor.European Steerngo. . . . 85.00 100!00

CrTPnu'engers paying full fnro will boallowed 10 percent off return fnro if re-turning within twelvo mouths.

EFor Freight nnd Pnssngo npply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,i- - Agents.


NOTARY PUBLIC.Office: With J. A. Mngoon. 145-t- f

A. S. Humphreys.ATTORNEY AT LAW.

In office of J. A. Mngoon, old Capitol Building, UB 1'OSIOIIICO, UOUOlUIU.

145-t- f


Assets, - - - $10,000,000.

H. W. SCHMiOT & 6013,148-t- f Agents for tho Hawaiian Inlunds.

p&W&ii&ii Fertilizing


Is prepnicd to furnish

4000 Tons -:- -

':- - Cane Fertilizerto order for IKOC.



Soluble anil Available 1'liospUorIe Aelil,Sulplmto of Ammonia,

Nitrate of Soda,

Sulphate of I'otaBli,

Coral I.I me Stone,I'lKuplinto ami FUU Ouano.

In Quantities to Suit.

gjF" Orders solicitod for a future de-


A P. COOKE.17UU Manager.


Picture HTbcamesITine MirrorsSmoking SetsToys! Toys! Toys!

At Reduced Prices,Monday, Dec. 16th.



" 5Th



It is the only ono in town nnd wo Move Pinnos withit. Wo move them snfer, quicker and Chkapkii thanany ono else. Wo will also move j'our furniture andbaggngo of whatever description. Trunks to anypart of city 25 cents, smaller packages 10 cents.


Gil, King Street,

i'J?xr( k:'if y



received n lot

Tho L.the orand tbo



.'ouiun,&i 9 I'oht


Ed. A. Williams, Manager.Telephone 170. 145-t- f


HOLLISTER &j CO.Vi Cor. Fort aiul'N'erclinnt M- -.

of Smokers' nrticles suitable for


Importors direct from tlio Factories in


Of Tobncco niul Cigars. Pipes nntlSmokers' Sundries. ......

l&tT Just choiceHoliday presents.

TO ALL WHO USE PAINT:ltuderslpneil,

inventor l'i'Osell l'KKULt-s- s



F110M- -



O. Abies nnd II. P. Walton, purohasod from Charles J.Wagner,vlcs li CM'rvIng l'ulnt, thooicliiBixe light to iimnufnctuie, use

l'lti.HKiivi.so Paint iu tho Hawaiian Islands.

Patent for Peerless Preserving Paint.On tho 20th day of September, 1E03, tho Itepublio of Hawaii granted to L. C. Abies

and H. P. Walton, a patent No. 110, granting them tho exeluidve right to muko, u'ie andvoud PcLULKhS PjiusMtviNO Paim throughout the Hawaiian Islands.

Tredo Mark for Peerless Presorvlno Pnlnt.Tho Itepublio of Hawaii has alno granted to Ii. O. Abies unci II. P. Walton tbo excln.

sivo use of the words Pkmiless Piu.mhivi.no Paint as u trade mark throughout the Ite-publio of Hawaii for tho term of SO years.

Imltntlon.Curtain parties in Snn Francisco have recently been sending to Honolulu under the

name of I'ieiilkm Piiumkvu'ii Paim 11 spurious artiolo not only iuferlor to the Rcnuinpaint, but one which is poiltively injurious to any metal to which it may applied.

Bwr of Fraud.We hereby Tarn nil persons Again. t being defranded into naing any but the wnuine

PtiaUJtBH l'ltLMiikVlKU Paikt, which can be obtained only of Ablea and Walton.Warning Against Infruioom.nl.

Wo also hereby warn all persons against buying, selling or using any articlethe name of Tcei'Ies PreaerTlng Paint, except that sold by us, as suen buyingnr iiulurr will lin n fl(rint lllfrinCHrnnnf fif nnr i,nli,it .nil Imrfu mh.1. ..! trVour rights, siibiocting the persons buying, selling or using sucii mint to n'elaim'for

tion of

damages by iu iu accordance with the Hawaiian Law. '

Honolulu, Oct. 10, 1803.


