wahyu mustika engineering

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wahyu mustika engineering.cdrTENTANG KAMI ABOUT US
Engineering, Contracting & Supplier. Kami menawarkan jasa
Enginering, Procurement, Construction & Maintenance dalam
bidang Electrical dan Automation dalam proses pembangunan
industry juga pembangunan gedung komersial. Kami juga adalah
supplier yang tepat untuk pengadaan anda.
“Kami Hanya Membikan Solusi”
Ketika yang lain tak hanya memberikan solusi juga masalah,
kami mencurahkan segenap kemampuan profesional kamu
untuk memberikan solusi bagi pelanggan tanpa ada
pengecualian sesuai dengan semangat pada motto kami
“Kami Hanya Memberikan Solusi”.
Supplier Company. We offer Engineering, Procurement, Construction
and Maintenance service to the process industry and commercial
building establishment on field of Electrical and Automation. We are also
the best choice for the supply of industrial Automation.
“We Delivy Only Solutis”
While others deliver not only solution but als problems, we put highest
professional effort to deliver solutions to our customers with no
exceptional as described in the spirit of our motto “We Delivery Only
perusahaan-perusahaan di seluruh dunia merupakan visi kami.
Dan selangkah demi selangkah, kami mencoba meriahnya
melalui tiga misi utama, Jaminan Kualitas, Pengiriman tepat
waktu dan harga yang bersaing.
To be the best partner of industrial companies worldwide is our vision.
And step expectation by step, we tied to achieve this vision through our
three main missions, quality assurance , on –time delivery and
competitive price.
kami menawarkan solusi yang paling efektif dan efesien. Dan
selanjutnya, kami akan melaksanakan tanggung jawab yang
dibebankan dengan layanan terbaik kami melalui team yang
professional, berorientasi pada pelanggan dan kerjasama
team yang baik.
kami siap mempertanggung jawabkan semua yang kami
We always start a project by fully understand the expectations
and objectives our customers first. the we proceed to offer a
solution that most effectively ad efficiently. And further, we carry
out responsibilities that have been given by our customers with
the best service through our professional team, customer-
oriented and good teamwork.
Finally, evaluation for improvement made us th be ready be
account for all that we do.
Otomatisasi Total Baru Solusi
New Total Automation Solution
Kami siap untuk pekerjaan dari nol. kami akan bkerja bersama
pelaggan untuk mendapatkan desain yang sesuai, menyiapkan
desain yang matang, membuat jadwal eksekusi project hingga
serah terima project lengkap dengan dokumentasi project yang
Siemens, Allen Bradley, Omron, Scheneider, etc. berikut adalah
beberapa solusi yang dapat kami lakukan :
- Production batching system
- Production mixing process
- Conveyor Automation system
- Production Output monitoring
We are ready for a job from scratch. We will work with customers to get
the right design, prepare a mature design, make a project execution
schedule to hand over the complete project with comprehensive project
We are capable of programming various brands such as Siemens, Allen
Bradley, Omron, Scheneider, etc. Here are some solutions we can do:
- Production batching system
- Production mixing process
berusaha untuk memberikan mutu dan pelayanan terbaik dengan
tekad :
pelanggan dalam menydiakan produksi, pelayanan yang
bermutu dan delivery tepat waktu.
2. Mutu adalah prioritas utama bagi PT. Wahyu Mustika
Engineering, yang berarti bebas cacat, tepat waktu, aman dan
penuh disiplin dalam bekerja.
tugas utama setiap karyawan PT. Wahyu Mustika Engineering.
Direktur PT. Wahyu Mustika Engineering akan memastikan
bahwa sasaran-sasaran mutu untuk produk telah yang dibuat,
terukur dan dapat dicapai pada setiap fungsi yang relevan.
We understand and comply with our quality policy and always try to
provide the best quality and service with the determination:
1. Wahyu Mustika Engineering, PT. prioritizes customer satisfaction
in providing production, quality service and on time delivery.
2. Quality is a top priority for Wahyu Mustika Engineering, PT., which
means defect-free, on time, safe and full of discipline in work.
3. Improving the quality on an ongoing basis is the main task of every
employee of Wahyu Mustika Engineering, PT. Director of Wahyu
Mustika Engineering, PT. will ensure that the quality objectives for
the product have been created, measured and can be achieved at
each relevant function.
Kebijakan Mutu PT. Wahyu Mustika Engineering Quality Policy of Wahyu Mustika Engineering, PT.
Sistem manajemen mutu diterapkan, didukemntasikan, dan akan
dikembangkan untuk memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan yang
memenuhi setiap produk atau jasa yang dihasilkan.
Untuk mewujudkan kepuasan pelanggan, kami melakukan
beberapa langkah untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut :
- Mengidentifikasi dan mempelajari spesifikasi yang diinginkan
proses produksi;
- Membuat laporan penyimpangan dimensi;
A quality management system is implemented, demonstrated, and will
be developed to meet customer satisfaction that fulfills every product or
service produced.
To achieve customer satisfaction, we take several steps to make this
- Identify and study the specifications desired by the customer;
- Determine the materials and processes that will be used in the
production process;
- Checking the final results before submission;
- Create dimensional deviation reports;
- Documentation of production results.
Direktur PT. Wahyu Mustika Engineering telah memeliki komitmen
untuk beruusaha menerapkan dan mengembangkan sistem
mana jemen mutu ser ta secara terus-menerus dan
berkesinambungan melakukan perbaikan secara efektif :
- Dimaksudkan untuk memenuhi tujuan PT. Wahyu Mustika
- Dikominikasikan dan dimengerti oleh semua karyawan;
- Diperiksa secara terus-menerus;
memiliki wewenang untuk melakukan aktivitas yang bertujuan
untuk menjamin bahwa setiap proses yang terjadi telah sesuai
dengan sistem manajemen mutu.
berjalannya sistem manajemen mutu.
meeting untuk kelancaran komunikasi dengan karyawan
mengenai sistem manajemen mutu.
Director of Wahyu Mustika Engineering PT. has committed to trying to
implement and develop a quality management system and continuously
and continuously make improvements effectively:
- Intended to meet the goals of Wahyu Mustika Engineering PT.
- This includes a commitment to completing the requirements and
effectiveness of the continuous improvement of the quality
management system;
- Checked continuously;
Director of Wahyu Mustika Engineering PT. is responsible and has the
authority to carry out activities that aim to ensure that every process that
occurs is in accordance with the quality management system.
Ensuring the occurrence of an effective communication within the
Wahyu Mustika Engineering PT. to ensure the running of the quality
management system.
Wahyu Mustika Engineering PT. uses internal memos and meetings for
smooth communication with employees regarding the quality
management system.
Direktur PT. Wahyu Mustika Engineering menjamin kebutuhan
pelanggan dapat dipenuhi termasuk mutu produk yang dinginkan,
serta pengiriman yang tepat waktu.
Director of Wahyu Mustika Engineering, PT. guarantees that customer
needs can be met, including the desired product quality, as well as on
time delivery.
Rapat tinjauan manajemen dilakukan setiap tahun untuk melihat
kembali sejauh mana tingkat efektifitas sistem manajemen mutu
yang ada serta melihat pencapaian sasaran mutu.
Tinjauan manajemen berdasarkan pada :
- Perubahan yang dapat mempengaruhi sistem manajemen
Management review meetings are held annually to review the level of
effectiveness of the existing quality management system and see the
achievement of quality objectives.
- Feedback from customers including customer complaints;
- Process capability and product conformity that occurs;
- Changes that can affect the quality management system.
Tinjauan Manajemen Management Review
tindakan yang berhubungan dengan pengembangan sistem
manajemen mutu dan pengembangan produk.
Dalam membuat perencanaan produk harus dapat menjelaskan
beberapa hal, yaitu :
- Kebutuhan untuk melakukan proses, pendokumentasian dan
sumber daya untuk produk yang akan dibuat;
- Kebutuhan untuk verifikasi, validasi, pengawasan, inspeksi da
pengujian yang lebih spesifik untuk produk serta kriteria untuk
kesesuaian produk;
adalah sesuai dengan permintaan.
The results of the management review are decisions and actions related
to the development of quality management systems and product
In making product planning, you must be able to explain several things,
- The need to carry out processes, documentation and resources for
the product to be made;
- The need for verification, validation, supervision, inspection and
testing of more specific products and criteria for product conformity;
- Documents required to prove that the product is in accordance with
the request.
Untuk setiap produk yang akan diproses harus dijelaskan
permintaan-permintaan yang diinginkan, yaitu :
pengiriman dan aktivitas setelah pengiriman;
- Permintaan yang tidak diminta pelanggan tetapi perlu
direalisasikan untuk fungsi produk nantinya;
- Permintaan yang bersifat peraturan yang berlaku menyangkut
produk tersebut.
For each product to be processed, the desired requests must be
explained, namely:
delivery activities;
- Requests that are not requested by customers but need to be
realized for later product functions;
- Requests that are applicable regulations regarding the product.
Peninjauan Terhadap Permintaan Review of Requests
Peninjauan terhadap permintaan pelanggan harus selalu
dilakukan untuk melihat tingkat kemampuan perusahaan
terhadap permintaan pelanggan.
biaya yang diminta dan dilakukan sebelum order. jika terjadi
perubahan permintaan harus dilakukan peninjauan kembali dan
perubahan harus didokumentasikan.
Review of customer requests must always be done to see the level of
the company's ability to customer requests.
The review is carried out in terms of process capability, time and cost
requested and carried out before order. if there is a change the request
must be reviewed and the change must be documented.
lengkap. Mulai dari instalasi distribusi power dan kontrol hingga
instalasi kabel dan tray. Desain dan engineering elektrikal.
Percayakan pada kami desain dan enginieering sistem distribsi
power, transformer sizing, desain panel elektrikal, cable sizing
lengkap dengan sistem manajemen kabel, desain dan konfigurasi
sistem kontrol dan lain-lain. Kami siap melayani anda untuk
equipment layout drawing, single line diagram, schematic
diagram, data sheet teknik dan juga perkiraan engineering.
Instalasi elektrikal Electrical Installation
We are able to carry out a complete electrical installation service.
Starting from the installation of power distribution and control to
installation of cables and trays. Electrical design and engineering.
Trust us to design and engineer power distribution system, transformer
sizing, electrical panel design, cable sizing complete with cable
management system, control system design and configuration and
others. We are ready to serve you for equipment layout drawings, single
line diagrams, schematic diagrams, engineering data sheets and also
engineering estimates.
lebih fleksibel dan lebih dapat diandalkan.
- Memperbarui perangkat yang usang dengan yang baru,
mengencangkan sistem perkabelan, melakukan audit sistem
logic, mengganti kabel lama dan lain-lain.
- Mengganti hardware lama (pompa, heater, sensor, dll) maupun
perbaikan dan pengondisian kembali perangkat-perangkat
yang rusak.
- Changed the conventional relay system to a more flexible and
reliable PLC system.
systems, auditing system logic, replacing old cables and so on.
- Replacing old hardware (pumps, heaters, sensors, etc.) as well as
repairing and re-conditioning of damaged devices.
Tenaga Kerja Man Power Supply
Kami siap untuk menyediakan teknisi berpengalaman sebagai
maintenance team support. Team kami sanggup untk melakukan
maintenance seperti sistem air conditioning, layanan listrik untuk
penerangan maupun power, sistem alarm kebakaran, sistem
telepon dan sistem distribusi power termasuk genset, transformer
dan juga panel-panel listrik.
We are ready to provide experienced technicians as maintenance team
support. Our team is able to carry out maintenance such as air
conditioning systems, electrical services for lighting and power, fire
alarm systems, telephone systems and power distribution systems
including generators, transformers and electrical panels.
Kami menyediakan panel distribusi utuk tegangan rendah baik
untuk industry maupun gedung-gedung seperti : panel
penerangan, panel untuk distribusi power, panel COS (charge over
switch) dan juga panel sinkronisasi untuk genset.
Panel Distribusi Tegangan Rendah Low Voltage Distribution Panel
We provide low voltage distribution panels for both industry and
buildings such as: lighting panels, panels for power distribution, COS
panels (charge over switches) and also synchronization panels for
seperti sistem WTP, sistem kontrol produksi, kontrol panel sistem
CIP dll.
kontrol sistem sesuai dengan kebutuhan seperti, kondaktor dan
relay, PLC micro controller. Kami dapat melakukan desain untuk
sistem anda.
Kontrol Panel Untuk Industri Control Panel For Industry
We provide site control panels for industrial systems such as WTP
systems, production control systems, CIP system control panels etc.
We provide it complete with system control devices according to your
needs such as, conductors and relays, PLC micro controllers. We can
do the design for your system.
Kami menyediakan sistem penerangan yang berkualitas dan harga
yang bersaing baik light fittings maupun bulbs dengan merek-
merek ternama seperti Philips dan Osram.
Sistem Penerangan Lighting system
We provide quality lighting systems and competitive prices for both light
fittings and bulbs with well-known brands such as Philips and Osram.
Kurangi pengeluaran bulanan anda dengan mengurangi konsumsi
listrik. Kami menyediakan Kompensator Daya yang dapat
diandalkan untuk mengurangi konsumsi listrik anda.
Kami akan memberikan ukuran Kompensator Daya yang sesuai
dengan melakukan observasi power factor sistem anda.
Dengan desain yang sesuai dari kami, konsumsi listrik anda akan
We provide reliable Power Compensators to reduce your electricity
We will provide the appropriate size of the power compensator by
observing the power factor of your system.
With our suitable design, your electricity consumption will be reduced.
industri secara retail. Anda dapat memilih salah satu dan begitu
banyak merk yang kami sediakan untuk PLC PCU. Power supply, I/O
module, HMI system, Motor Starter dan Moor protection system,
relays, circuit breakers, dll.
We provide electrical components and automation for industry in retail.
You can choose one and so many brands that we provide for PCU PLC.
Power supply, I / O module, HMI system, Motor Starter and Moor
protection system, relays, circuit breakers, etc.
Kami adalah supplier yang lengkap untuk kebutuhan kabel anda.
Baik kabel power maupun kabel kontrol berbagai tipe seperty NYY,
NYYHY, NYCY, NYFGbY, dll. Termasuk asesoris cable gland, cable lug,
cable ties, cable marker dll.
Kabel Power Dan Kontrol Serta Asesoris Power And Control Cables And Accessories
We are a complete supplier for your cable needs. Both power cables
and control cables of various types such as NYY, NYYHY, NYCY,
NYFGbY, etc. Including cable gland accessories, cable lug, cable ties,
cable marker etc.
berbagai ukuran dan pilihan seperti perforated cable tray, ladder
dan basket tray. Anda dapat memilih cable tray dengan corrosive
protection ataupun elctro galvanized. Kami juga menyediakan
asesoris cable tray seperti tee, elbow, riser dll.
Cable tray Cable tray
We can help you provide cable trays of various sizes and options such
as perforated cable trays, ladders and basket trays. You can choose a
cable tray with corrosive protection or electro galvanized. We also
provide cable tray accessories such as tee, elbow, riser etc.
Struktur Organisasi Organizational Structure
fabrikasi, yang mana perbengkelan untuk menunjang untuk
perakitan permesinan ataupun fabrikasi. PT. Wahyu Mustika
Engineering memiliki 2 tempat perbengkalan yang terletak di
wilayah Cilegon Banten dan Wilayah Bekasi Jawa Barat. Adapun
alat-alat yang kami miliki antara lain :
- 1 unit CNC Milling YCM 550x800
- 1 unit CNC Milling Sklilfull 450x500
- 1 unit CNC Bubut Takizawa 6 inc
- 1 unit CNC Bubut Takizawa 8 inch
- 1 unit CNC Bubut Feller 8 inch
- 1 unit CNC Bubut Leadwell 10 inch
- 1 unit CNC Bubut Dosan Lynux 8 inch
- 2 unit band Saw 8 inch
- 1 unit Band Saw 20 inch
- 1 unit Bubut Manual 8 Inch
- 1 unit Bubut Manual 20 inch
- 2 unit Milling Manual
- 1 unit Grinding Machine
Perbengkelan Workshop
Workshop is really needed by a fabrication company, which is the
workshop to support the assembly of machinery or fabrication. PT.
Wahyu Mustika Engineering has 2 workshops located in Cilegon Banten
and Bekasi West Java areas.
The tools we have include:
- 1 unit CNC Milling YCM 550x800
- 1 unit CNC Milling Sklilfull 450x500
- 1 unit CNC Bubut Takizawa 6 inc
- 1 unit CNC Bubut Takizawa 8 inch
- 1 unit CNC Bubut Feller 8 inch
- 1 unit CNC Bubut Leadwell 10 inch
- 1 unit CNC Bubut Dosan Lynux 8 inch
- 2 unit band Saw 8 inch
- 1 unit Band Saw 20 inch
- 1 unit Bubut Manual 8 Inch
- 1 unit Bubut Manual 20 inch
- 2 unit Milling Manual
- 1 unit Grinding Machine
Pelanggan Customers
PRODUCTSPhoto Galery
Ofce & Workshop I : Link. Sambirangon RT. 002/002 Kalitimbang Cibeber - Kota Cilegon, Banten E-mail : [email protected]
Workshop II : Villa Mutiara Indah 3 Taman Kebalen Blok E1 No. 46 Babetan - Bekasi Jawa Barat Telp. 021-22145265 Fax. 021-5908876
: 0812 9014 857 : 0813 1045 5332 : 0813 9870 0989
Account Rek. Rupiah Bank a/n No. Rek
: CIMB Cabang Cilegon : PT. Wahyu Mustika Engineering : 102.01.00362.004
Account Rek. USD Bank a/n No. Rek
: CIMB Cabang Cilegon : PT. Wahyu Mustika Engineering : 459.02.00050.00.6
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