THE WASHINGTON TIMES NOVEMBER 12 190C MOM Y I THE CIRCLE OF SOCIETY P IN Miss Clayton to Become Bride of Arthur GrantDuff CEREMONY THIS AFTERNOON Bride Is Daughter of Former to Mexico Clayton Mits KHthken Clayton dawKhter of G n Powell Clayton formes American Ambassador to Mexico will be married to Arthur GrantDuff Hrfllsh mlnlHter to Cuba at oclock tills afternoon in the Uelgian legation on 11 street the wile of the Belgian minister being hur- t Ider sister with whom spends M Pert of tHch winter The house IK HOMU tifully decorated with palm white chrysanthemums R bower af green dotted with the white flowers being ar- ranged in the drawing room as R back- ground for the bridal party The Roy Ernst C Smith rector of Thomas Episcopal Church wilt perform the ceramony The bride will he attended by Mias Grace Thompson of St Louts and the bridegroom will have for his beet man Ronald C Li nil Hay of British em- bassy staff unl GenetHi Clayton will Rive daughter in marriage IteCHUs of mourning for the recent death of the bridegrooms father Sir Mounts Stuart ranUDuff company to witness the ceremony will be quite small and In lormal Mr GrantDun will take bin bride trip through Virginia probably for a short stay Ht the Hot Springs and next month will will for England where they will spend the winter Mr Granl huff will not present his credentials to Cuba until the early spring This redding will a ju of in the diplomatic the bridegroom of today was British charge daffutrde there and the father of the bride was the American ambassa- dor The members of the British embassy uJid the Belgian legation staffs the relatives and very few personal friends will only guests at the wedding General Mertesa the minister from Persia who spent the summer in Wash- ington to Canada about the middle uf October for mouths vacation re- turned to Washington lat week While in General Merteza was taken 111 but sine hH return to Washington has entirely recovered Representative Spencer Blacklnirn re- turned to his apartment in the Highlands where he Joinod Mrs Black- burn who has remained th re sl eo their return idtng summer with her parents Col and Mra M M Parkor lu the North Mr and Mrs Shuttiick are the guests t Mm E of th Mrs Alien wife of iefal Mrs Johnston and Mm A Hens daughter Miss Allen left Washington this morn ing for Saranac Lake N Y Mrs Loer wife of L4entfnant I oer is the guest of Major and Mrs Russell during her husband Ml b ne in Cuba BELGIAN LEGATION OF WEDDING Kathl en 1 4 nd S the t Ills the CO- la a rornatnce o IMweral circle In when a be a J i I Saturda trOlJls the I I 1 Keen 6 1 SCENE 4 Am- bassador the yecre MeX1CO C I Q I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Miss Hard wick of the Highlands has as her guest Miss Roberta Robert of Alabama death of Mr Bowlings ntother recalls tjo invitations to the marriage of his daughter EllenLee to H W Uewi ing for Wednesday November 21 hW The wedding wilt take on the date and will be witnessed only y the immediate families Rear Admiral Frank Courtis U S X retired and Mrs Courtis will the winter in Washington and have apartments Cairo for the ssa Albert F Dixon L S N and Mrs Dixon have taken apartments in the Westmoreland for season Mrs McLaan und Miss McLean wife and daughter of Commander Walter McLean U S N have house in 0 street for the sa n and will spend the winter in Japan Mrs Nancy Robinson wife of Com- mander will spend the win- ter in Washington lies taken apart- ments Bucklnsjnam II Hawthorne I S A who hits detailed to duty it the War College has arrived in Washington from the Praldo and bo the uest for several j days of Mrs on Lamont street Sne will appear with her sis tr Mr j and Miss loule Dyas In pfa io song and I violin recital in tiv ball of Arlington TIoM tomorrow afternoon for the DftKtif of the Xur ea Home The nutronesMMt for ir K known and distinguished yocml traders and will Mrs 1- Arkert Thomas II Anderson Mra iharlea J il il Mrs M Browii Mrs K Goldsuoroih Mrs Krank R H ner Henrv i- ITanohoroufrn Henry L Ilodghin William H fl x n Mr Gardiner ITubbard Mrs James Lowndes Mrs John IT Mrs Randolph H McKim Mrs M V Mrs rhavlfs W N M dlutin Mis B i avsoi Mrs Charles W Richardson Mr Henry G Satterle Mrs D K- Shute Ms Fr i rick True and Mrs Henry C Yarrow Is so severe that it cannot be relieved with Dr Miles AntiPain Pills It is only infallible remedy known for th cure of every kind of pain headache from neural- gia rheumatic pains backache side ache menstrual muscular pains stomachache toothache etc If you are subject to aches And paInn- of any kind Dr Miles AntiFescin Pills when you fI the first symptom on You will be relieved from the attack They arc pleasant little tab lets but they do th business besides wre harmless I here used Dr ftUIes AntiPain Pills for three years and never tall to relieve mjr nervous headache and I have learned to get the boat of the attacks by taking a tablet In J JOHNSON Albuquerque X M It first package does not benefit you tell your and he will refund i money 25 doses 2 Never sold in bulk I L YOIP wwIneLo place same son leapt the le H ln apt I t CorielI of Xw I will arrive ut hIs afternoon AIltrlcJee h I Charles F 1 Irs tr Ims Lewis the An h I I they to I t cent L1netan the ta- ken 4 been Mts White York Waabitut t a y team the a the well Mrs Mrs No PLir cause S > ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ¬ < + GRANTDUFF British to Cuba Son of the Late Sir Mounts Stuart GrantDuff I ARTHUR Minister MISS KATHLEEN CLAYTON Who Will Be Married This Afternoon in the Belgian Legation to Arthur GrantDuff British Minister to Cuba Miss Hinckleus ODens New Dining Room Luncheon Mrs Robert Hinckley entertained a cofnpany yecterduy at luncheon in her home In Sixteenth street Mrs Hinck ley added a large new and beautiful diningroom to her house this summer which will b y competed few weeks She is now out of will again take KQf fllace in society Miss Gladys Hinckley fe again in school and will be a leMit Hte two years hence Mrs James P and her daughter Mrs HtfHMita MAd Mrs Jane Ttlckard left yostorday for a short visit to Xew York Mr and tIre Charles J Bell who in Warren ton last w t k for the wedding of their niece Mlstr AHeon Kerr and Charle Mcllvain Harris are now in New York and will not return until the middle of the week when they will take possession of their city house in Connecticut avenue Their country nJaee was closed when they left for Grace Hell has just ar rived In England where she i to lola H party of ISnxiish friends and go to India for tn winter Mrs P Stuyvesant Pillot of York who was known in WaahingttMi Ina Iournln r arreftton 1 New MR HEATON WEDS Ilrbo were Miss ¬ < < ¬ Ceremony Performed in Bal timore Last Saturday Be fore Few Friends John Henry Heaton son of A G HeatoH of this city was married on Saturday in Baltimore to Mary K- Jcnnoan daughter of the late Joseph Horace Jennea of Portsmouth N U The wedding took place at 5 oclock In home of the bride sister Mrs Gamnh wife of Dr Gary B n Biddie street te Rev William B Starr pastor of Corpus rtsii Cath bile Church in Baltimore officiating Xo- iHvltations were iaaued anti th wedding company smell and Informal The brides only attendant was her young nlecv J o tt4 GamM The bridrl gown wri T dtieheas sad white satin with a veto of fullo held With a coronet f amnaje blossoms The bride carried a shower of of the al The maid f honor wore a of white embroideted lm n anti ovr pink and carried a basket of pinic AujruHttts Jfeaton oC M w York acted as best for hto brother ailr and Mrs Heaton Itt Saturday Averting for a trlpin the North and will take ny In ru9hln ton early in December I The Misses Brandt o Baltimore are i h gu t a short visit of Lieuten- ant ComnuMidrr and Mrs Edward at thou horn in Nineteenth street For sale or 2 Exchange i Panos- i Taken in N Part Pay men for New i i BAKGAZX7S sassj JOHN F ELLIS CO- t 937 Pa Ave Oldest Piano House in the City i j j I MISS I I the est lace roses bridal or I PIANosl fT fOld f i 1 rr S COItD f f HAND INS B11MINTS T f eX I Miss ass MISS lilies sown lace ma their residence Simp- son I n j I I ¬ ¬ < > ¬ society as Miss HenriettR H charming singer is the guest of her grandmother Mrs Gardiner Hubbard at her country place Oaks ad Joining the country home of Charles J Bell Mrs J Donald Cameron and her young daughter Miss Martha Cameron arrived in New York Saturday on the St Paul from Kttrope where spent the last live months wilt come to Washington about the middle of the week and apes th ir In Lafayette i square On then Cameron and Mist Cameron were pre- sented at the court of St and were entertained both In England and Mrs D P Morgan who usa leased her house in Scott Circle again this season U Mr and Mrs Perry Balmont will spend the season In York She will present her two hters Miss Mildred Carter and Ml Kiwel to society there at R tea December 5 and utter in the nwHth will give a ban at Sherrys In honor The fair and luncheon for the ProCathedral Church of the Ascension will open tonight in the Toga pie avid will continue until 17 Iunc eon will be served ure ev ery the women of th church there will be a change of program every evening at the fair rents luncheon from 12 to 2 ocK ck and 10 cents for admission in the evealog are the prices offered See Mr Mrs J Oliver Moque and their ilaughter Voleta are registered at the Hotel Westminster New York Mrs Moque will return to the and be at home Informally November 1 and 22 t 1 MJ street northwest The is announced of Miss Frances granddaughter of he late Governor and daughter of With Irritating Skin Humor Whole Body Scalpltched All the Time and Hair Began to Fall Out Wonderful Result From APPLICATION OF CUTICURA REMEDIES I am never vilhouf ditirura Sop and Cuti ura Ointment since J them last summer About the Inttur part of whole body began to I take of it i at first hut it began to get worse aU the j time and then J began to i and tried all of and other remedies that were recommended for skin humors but I became worse all the time hair fall out and itched all tho timo daily at night just as soon a I would in get warm my whole body would begin to itoh and finger nails would it irritated and it nut long before T could not rest night or day A friend asked me to try i Remedies and I did and ihe first helped me wonderfully about I take a hot bath every night and then apply the to tfi time I used of Cut ura I wu5 entirely cured and hair stopped out but 1 continue to use Cuticura on seal It keeps all out and scalp is I always use Ointment on and have found nothing to equal it 1 will never ba it 319 N Del St Oct 27 1905 Indianapolis Ind- I have used Cuticura Ointment for chafing of infants and as they grew skin diseases were treat- ment with that and the Cuticura Soap 1 never found it nece to call a tor as these Remedies are a sure euro if used as directed I am glad to recom mend them to all Sincerely yours Mrs F A Kennard June 21 1005 St Paul Park CUtleurt tap Ointoif nt rd Filli ti otld rotltr Drux J Qitm Corp I Ort MlntAII I TIt I I ew their da and I tIcket may had In proportion and ty B COULD NOT REST I NIGHT DAY I Aff P lilY did tu w I rlr mp and I kept getting better ant by fOl r Q RfGOMMfNDfD TO MOJ fRS en II I finn ire d ti2bo I I win home Son be Bagle OH Iiiy appli- cation hod dan- druff shavin flit aId ¬ > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ Clippms of Phone Cable Presents Legal Problem l CJfstftct Attorney to Deci r Police Whigs Company Has I f J t est lr iJ lts X Ir a ii t with a k I problem yettrO which It deemed ttclri Uk to Whit IHotrirt Attorneys ofdet thw MornlhK- i fort takirR any action in the mottor The question involved U e right of ovpr- cublee and whether th f oWn tug th lines have Htehf t tr tch their cables without permission of th ow i rs Cable Was Clipped The i e npeuke uid Potomac Uiioit Company eoni llned totlie pellet Hon f had dipPed of theii cables over r building on DumHarten- HVWI hve n TMrtloth ThfrfV- ttrat streets The oibht was iv Dotwtlv OJrl n by ono of th officials of th JMIHV visited tar nd made an By measuring both of th aW s sm il what UiiUiinB the jutting had been done Telephone wires ren tly art clipped John H Bagtey to wyilam H Wallace of New York held M Detroit October 3 Miss Franca Dickinson daughter of exPoytmurter HIWs Gladys Newbttrry niece of AjMtetMnl Secretary of the T Thurtwr formerly secretary to Ire dent wer the Capt Sydney Amos Clonvin and Mm Flora ClenietK whoiH etigajt- ue Hs of honor ut u lun heort at ia Club yesterday with the Comp roller of the Currency and Mrs William iMrrett RJdgely as hosts Antony the were British ambassador Sir thur Addlson Captain HeBbtaghaus and Mme u rent t- Henel Mrs Frank Miss Williams of Chicane Oeneral Arthur Hjr and Xtlec Thorn son H S Howe L7 S A and Howe who hav been the guests of Major and Mm In their home in the the suinat r have re- turned to and will make their home in the Herbert Strtfel of New York city a few days here the peat week with friends Alfred Kuntx of this city is spend Ins a short while In his former home New Orleans Rabbi Abrmm 3ton of the Street Temple the fol owing course of lectures for the next two months to be followed by similar pcrtes throughout the winter and spring TlK o P To tnt Thnnk T Art of tying Miser- able The Wandertoir Jew The of the Blood MAkta Good Will PlppH Pa wes A cordial welcome Is pxtendtsd the public to attend Mrs Frederick Schwab f Columbia rood entertained the Brid e Whist Club Thurslay afternoon when prise were won by t3N W Hrsteh Mrs S and Mrs Arthur Baiun- narten Mrs R Harris and dnuftitcr MK t Mae F V HarriS have retirned to New YOk city after spendIng we k with Mm Phil Kins at thf Im- perial Mm Harris haw taken an apart- ment at the Hjrrrare treet anti Columbus avtmne1 for the winter Miss Minnette Swkiter of Virksburar ins hi tudyiHT here at the Chevy Chase school Al Stern returned to New York city The Police was presented e the head when pak IiI Ute one end red nttt 1IC JQpaJtjed lOn the inv tn endS ceremony was Navy Marion of Her Louise were C UeII Mortimer nutRnd Mr and Yr Ar Dt Cather- Ine Bu- Chanan r or pent fl Thl Cell or R I past i I s Destent till telelhGnC fld gnJ dyes resideBce Tale that oat sometime Saturday teltph tie the over The General Miss mont recently was annuuced iii Chevy rs Mrs ageS ihtl has c Mrs the 3evcat second > < > < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ orx tompany trial ttirt- Kl to buildta Wl- X cut wires down Difficult Problem vt r was not fu bin run close to Vh lias H n rbttrt tit M thom HI- i w hfchAlsj th air wltnmi flw ffm of the owni rs to aliucstk i the District Attorney wilt baY a i question e nta d many wires aail fn ttfephmtir ttcrvls In that ruttmir veril hours jestrdaj It- to said that tlanerw were wofMnff Satur- day on the roof of the building wn re the cable was rut 1 after pcn4lH row here with his mother Mrs B Sleet of street Mrs Eusrne ixhwab of VlMfath street southeast is fntertainimr tHe Bridge VfMft Club this afternoon Mist Mervl Qoldamith has returned to Alexandria Va after the truest of Mis Irene Sonuners of West Wajhlnaton 21st ANNIVERSARY SALE PER CENT DISCOUNT on For One Veek Only During the present week I will offer my FINE FURS embracing the newest and most desirable creations of the sea son at 30 PER CENT DIS COUNT for cash Every piece is of my own manufacture the skins are the very choicest being my personal selections This is an Anniversary Sou venir that will be of decided practical value to purchasers- If you desire furs of any de scription this is your chance to secure them at the very begin- ning of the season at a most substantial pricesaving ember this cent Is for Oirc WEEK 821 Fouripenth St r o4 M- II 17 the the the f passing ot unent house et C9mlaY t plftCJetlr or liar no richt t4 1Ii parLie o her sent the clr TI1145d tiLe Eighth 5 0 ALL I I I discount ONLY ZRKIN9 I N w 77s t tIttioe atI nm- I inipuumg lieauae tii t c s p4ijiC cst ve- t 1kv ipfr ot- eavi t- aity bajidhig teispe 114 rIWbrwIt pa- i ddci 4L ui4ir whet hag it grig5jind wand bp tte settle The mph seetkinC wis liy for being r FURS 301 per ft > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Jtuelu1Ale 01lI flleMlue thai t t ftlea L- Aln 631 to 639 Massachusetts Avenue NEW Dinin room Our aSsortment of Room Furniture a remarkable choke of style and design and we have been enough to many good Vle show many sets and sin- gle pieces in t or weathered oak and in mahogany L t 65 00 And Jfec2te 4dtjwu 44d Furniture Dining offers fortunate secvre values golden This fourpiece set i weathered carefgliy built anti wSU- designeIgOtHI IVjl Buet lre l fOQt Table neat Side Table Cosnpiste Oak J xten lon letle6taI1- bl well 16 00 price only e VtitiheiPj ma l- t6Iot size iKsntM Oak Dining Chairs of this gnrm dtekin with rush S seats all quartered oak H with finish Price vr W U I ViJ I I i I was > > Carpets Remade t II- t Cleaned Mattresses Dealer Says Wower ntaetcen ye iv old of Kver- rr K Qweens cdimty Wiikiav tHppe- ltlfhteen ytMtrs old of fjavfar av hsj years ofa jot Evergreen aVcnue r ohv lyn were arrcsteu by l etctlvc r dermar and Oa ag er f fhe Gl dale Nation who received word yesterday frost a junk dealer of the ctt in iked sale he iron e tabiet stolen tront monument The fiuths held today by 34 ton in the p fl e cotWt for a furtlwr exawtnaUop uqd l ie poUcu arw- tDing o find the tablcL- T8n bronze including of the model sod the ascnvr nprgsenus an- rutlay of 4K lIlt a n Junk the tahftt would no bring was marred and liipV l in H li a KILLED HIS COMPANION WHO GRQWLED LIKE WOLF POTTSVlti PaXovi ISJelaAlW of James Aldrich received a telegram that had been shot h ne of hls eomj- ULjttoof John Kosers ajs the r9tii a white oil a hufifcti trip In Canada ICnowhsr that was afraid of wolves Aldrich stole outside the hunting and imitated the howl of a so well that Rogers seined his rifle and fired l HELD JlJ11t oPt rJ j c T 91 i Ul r- r 1 r X VI t t I ila r Brook1 tit e CpI Flu Ih h lOt d ke lodge SLOCIJMBBUNZE- ASUSPECT Tltet- p Dpq- S ojt thre ystap- Inen lvtlg tbeIT ukn Iad Hairy thItlt etin n thel were the cuM Ue > > > < > = HOUNDS IN MM Clad Only in Thin Wrapper Shoe Wanders the PAHODY MaIL Jf v IX A pack of MsadiuNuitfs trained eapeciaily i tbe bj yar Wasan b lns tf today leadlnir a party of aeairhera throuxn- th3 woods sad swamp in thIs vicin- ity in the hope of ending Mrs An ST flmlth seve i pears oM who it 4 l te ud has t her death In Itome big note or TObbed by tramps She left her horn on Thursday and wits dad only to a tnln wrapper had JUt other gniiunt to protect h r- trust the Irst blast uf winter wliirii haJJ swept tbis Oration It us known thet Smith had souse her possoavton when she left home and upon tfti IB the theory that may have been slam tramps and body ror aed The police du full ereden i this theory und thy h clin H to the that the woman Is lost in the woods GOLF FAVORED BY KAISER FOR HiS ARMY OFFICERS BKni IN No 12 The game of golf which has attained much popularity in Germany I likely to receive an Impetus from the Kaisers offer to cHow the Berlin Club the use of the beau- tiful grounds of the Admiralty adjoin ing royal r at 4am It is that the Ka er hopes to in terest German otllccrs in the same 4- AGEDWOMAr lOST f c and IIIOIN her tOt Wo1k f o Golf I undf Into Woortr ale tty a a sit give 5 tare states ¬ > < > ¬ ¬ > IT PAYS TO DtAL AT COLDENBifiRGS The Dependable StoreS SEVENTH AND K STREETS Our Annual Sale year during the early part of Novernlier ve held this sale of BLACK SILKS The prices we quote represent genuine bona fidt1 reductions from regular prices reductions wren compared with the exaggerated virtues advertised by some tores seem less in will go behind the inflated values of the careless stores you will find that our truthful values offer far bigger buying advantages The oiTerings quoted in this sale represent big lPf l h Z mi JI of Black SilksEac- h These printbut ifyou I 1 VI mul ry t I13 t S L Black taSefa Silks2- 7in Black Taffeta wear p f guaranteed quality regular price 85c yard Sale price 27m Black Taffeta extra heavy wear guarant d regular fj price i jr l Sate Sw price 24ln Btaek a tural finish Wear guaranteed R u ar price S c a yard Sale OVr price xtra superior duality Regular Hle o yard Sale f IK i 4- t 1 la l T rt j 7 C r f r t J tk 4o j I 6ln n1O price 4 Taffeta > + Silks 30in Black Peau de Sole f quality Regular 4 5c yard Sale prier s- aln Black Peau de Sole heavy Regular price satin It tsh- 9Mn 9184 de extra one heavy grade f tC ular pifce 15 Sale 74 pri w X sin Peau Sole extra h av iIouM Mew trade Hetrirta rlc M yard 3 1 Sal price iy P au de Sole 5 9c grade R1k Nau ole 69C pJICI SaaPfkoe I mack I lustrous p ice ttCt- 7ta ie Sole Rag e t Regular 35 values Regular 3750 values Regular 40 values Such values as these are bound to create the most enthusiastic buying tomorrow Several hun- dred womens highclass Tailored Suits are finest materials If you have any idea of buying a out by this great otTering slioiilu Appeal to you and brin you here tomorrow to be fitted Tailored in faahlott by to e t inao ta lacs Chevfotn- IWp Hngt- In aral all fav f IM ti Viir siatse in JS7W and W of vrtliws usually sold at I35o- uVVellknown Alex Smiths Make Regular Price 2500 v4 More evidence of leadership in rug selling The fame of the Alex Smiths Soils to every point the country Rugs bearing this firms name stand lor the highest quality This lot consists of Alex Smiths genuine Rugs size 9x12 liirge rooms newest patterns designed for this season showing1 handsome patterns in Oriental and floral effects Another remarkable bargain castes about thru the pecaJpurth e I ford Carpet Mills concession In a varied a sortment of rich cdlortng and deigns Reifufar price I S3 Tomorrow a 9x12 Wilton Rugs regularly 4 590 at 9x12 Tapestry 2000 Sli98 9x12 Body BrusselSj Rugs regularly 2500 9x12 Imperial Smyrna Rugs 53000 2100 Axminster Rugs regularly 3000 1 1998 9x12 Duchesse Smyrna Rugs regularly s25OO Womens Suits 2 If 15 fj t in- v w in unt1erpri i saltrepresen- ti le this seasons most fashionable models and i r 11 w suit this the advantages that are held i I i ii l Pr Ii of lilt ck1oUlJi i and rit models include J i ftC trimmed ws tiftf I- ir aek Ali II the j iji ilOIc fOr 1 97 J Axminsler feetfull t of 1 lfol Rugs eI1 the Hart t a 1 9 0 o r 3600 Bru ISR IgsregYJ 3500 reg arly 9x n 1698 J 2- jt t ccLt this Uflustlal ing I season rE If k L liib gentle reeled FL 5 Srfpm Pony jacket styles Ktol Tgk i I tub II hit i k Ioias t4t t- 479x12 Auninster Rugs oldenbers size for Oi 75O genninh AxmInstt uu front p S <

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1906 …...The maid f honor wore a of white embroideted lm n anti ovr pink and carried a basket of pinic AujruHttts Jfeaton oC M w York acted

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1906 …...The maid f honor wore a of white embroideted lm n anti ovr pink and carried a basket of pinic AujruHttts Jfeaton oC M w York acted




Miss Clayton toBecome Bride of Arthur



Bride Is Daughter of Formerto Mexico


Mits KHthken Clayton dawKhter ofG n Powell Clayton formes AmericanAmbassador to Mexico will be marriedto Arthur GrantDuff Hrfllsh mlnlHterto Cuba at oclock tills afternoon inthe Uelgian legation on 11 street thewile of the Belgian minister being hur-t Ider sister with whom spends M

Pert of tHch winter The house IK HOMUtifully decorated with palm whitechrysanthemums R bower af greendotted with the white flowers being ar-ranged in the drawing room as R back-ground for the bridal party

The Roy Ernst C Smith rector ofThomas Episcopal Church wilt performthe ceramony

The bride will he attended by MiasGrace Thompson of St Louts and thebridegroom will have for his beet manRonald C Li nil Hay of British em-bassy staff unl GenetHi Clayton willRive daughter in marriage IteCHUsof mourning for the recent death of thebridegrooms father Sir Mounts StuartranUDuff company to witness the

ceremony will be quite small and Inlormal

Mr GrantDun will take bin bridetrip through Virginia probably for a

short stay Ht the Hot Springs and nextmonth will will for England wherethey will spend the winter Mr Granlhuff will not present his credentials toCuba until the early spring

This redding will a ju ofin the diplomaticthe bridegroom of today was Britishcharge daffutrde there and the fatherof the bride was the American ambassa-dor

The members of the British embassyuJid the Belgian legation staffs therelatives and very fewpersonal friends will only guestsat the wedding

General Mertesa the minister fromPersia who spent the summer in Wash-ington to Canada about the middleuf October for mouths vacation re-turned to Washington lat week Whilein General Merteza was taken111 but sine hH return to Washingtonhas entirely recovered

Representative Spencer Blacklnirn re-turned to his apartment in theHighlands where he Joinod Mrs Black-burn who has remained th re sl eo theirreturn idtng summer withher parents Col and Mra M M Parkorlu the North

Mr and Mrs Shuttiick are the guestst Mm E of thMrs Alien wife of iefal Mrs

Johnston and Mm A Hens daughterMiss Allen left Washington this morning for Saranac Lake N Y

Mrs Loer wife of L4entfnant I oer isthe guest of Major and Mrs Russellduring her husband Ml b ne in Cuba



Kathl en






t Ills



a rornatnce o IMweralcircle In when





trOlJls the I


1 Keen






















Miss Hard wick of the Highlands hasas her guest Miss Roberta Robert ofAlabama

death of Mr Bowlings ntother recallstjo invitations to the marriage of hisdaughter EllenLee to H W Uewiing for Wednesday November 21 hWThe wedding wilt take on the

date and will be witnessed onlyy the immediate familiesRear Admiral Frank Courtis U S

X retired and Mrs Courtis willthe winter in Washington and have

apartments Cairo for the ssa

Albert F Dixon L S N andMrs Dixon have taken apartments inthe Westmoreland for season

Mrs McLaan und Miss McLean wifeand daughter of Commander WalterMcLean U S N havehouse in 0 street for the s a n andwill spend the winter in Japan

Mrs Nancy Robinson wife of Com-mander will spend the win-ter in Washington lies taken apart-ments Bucklnsjnam

II Hawthorne I S A whohits detailed to duty it the WarCollege has arrived in Washingtonfrom the Praldo

and bo the uest for several jdays of Mrs on Lamontstreet Sne will appear with her sistr Mr j and Missloule Dyas In pfa io song and I

violin recital in tiv ball ofArlington TIoM tomorrow afternoon forthe DftKtif of the Xur ea Home ThenutronesMMt for ir Kknown and distinguished yocml tradersand will Mrs 1-

Arkert Thomas II AndersonMra iharlea J il il MrsM Browii Mrs K GoldsuoroihMrs Krank R H ner Henrv i-

ITanohoroufrn Henry L IlodghinWilliam H fl x n Mr Gardiner

ITubbard Mrs James Lowndes MrsJohn IT Mrs Randolph HMcKim Mrs M V Mrsrhavlfs W N M dlutin Mis Bi avsoi Mrs Charles W RichardsonMr Henry G Satterle Mrs D K-

Shute Ms Fr i rick True andMrs Henry C Yarrow

Is so severe that it cannot be relievedwith Dr Miles AntiPain Pills

It is only infallible remedy knownfor th cure of every kind ofpain headache from neural-gia rheumatic pains backache sideache menstrual muscular painsstomachache toothache etc

If you are subject to aches And paInn-of any kind

Dr MilesAntiFescin Pills

when you fI the first symptomon You will be relieved fromthe attack They arc pleasant little tablets but they do th business besideswre harmless

I here used Dr ftUIes AntiPainPills for three years and nevertall to relieve mjr nervous headache andI have learned to get theboat of the attacks by taking a tabletIn J JOHNSONAlbuquerque X M

It first package does not benefit youtell your and he will refund imoney

25 doses 2 Never sold in bulk I

L YOIP wwIneLo






H ln

apt I

tCorielI of Xw Iwill arrive ut hIsafternoon

















L1netan the





Mts WhiteYork Waabitut


ay team the

a the well



No PLircause











British to Cuba Son of the

Late Sir Mounts StuartGrantDuff




MISS KATHLEEN CLAYTONWho Will Be Married This Afternoon in

the Belgian Legation to ArthurGrantDuff British Minister

to Cuba

Miss HinckleusODens New Dining Room


Mrs Robert Hinckley entertained acofnpany yecterduy at luncheon in herhome In Sixteenth street Mrs Hinckley added a large new and beautifuldiningroom to her house this summerwhich will b y competed few weeksShe is now out of willagain take KQf fllace in society MissGladys Hinckley fe again in school andwill be a leMit Hte two years hence

Mrs James P and herdaughter Mrs HtfHMita MAd Mrs JaneTtlckard left yostorday for a short visitto Xew York

Mr and tIre Charles J Bell whoin Warren ton last w t k for the

wedding of their niece Mlstr AHeonKerr and Charle Mcllvain Harris arenow in New York and will not returnuntil the middle of the week when theywill take possession of their city housein Connecticut avenue Their countrynJaee was closed when they left for

Grace Hell has just arrived In England where she i to lolaH party of ISnxiish friends and go toIndia for tn winter

Mrs P Stuyvesant Pillot ofYork who was known in WaahingttMi














Ceremony Performed in Bal

timore Last Saturday Before Few Friends

John Henry Heaton son of A GHeatoH of this city was married onSaturday in Baltimore to Mary K-

Jcnnoan daughter of the late JosephHorace Jennea of Portsmouth N UThe wedding took place at 5 oclock In

home of the bride sister MrsGamnh wife of Dr Gary Bn Biddie street te Rev William

B Starr pastor of Corpus rtsii Cathbile Church in Baltimore officiating Xo-iHvltations were iaaued anti th weddingcompany smell and Informal

The brides only attendant was heryoung nlecv J o tt4 GamMThe bridrl gown wri T dtieheassad white satin with a veto of fulloheld With a coronet f amnaje blossomsThe bride carried a shower of ofthe al

The maid f honor wore a ofwhite embroideted lm n anti ovrpink and carried a basket of pinicAujruHttts Jfeaton oC M w York actedas best for hto brother ailr andMrs Heaton Itt Saturday Averting fora trlpin the North and will takeny In ru9hln ton earlyin December I

The Misses Brandt o Baltimore arei h gu t a short visit of Lieuten-ant ComnuMidrr and Mrs Edward

at thou horn in Nineteenth street

For sale or2 Exchange



Taken in N

Part Paymen forNew



JOHN F ELLIS CO-t 937 Pa Ave

Oldest Piano House in the City















fOldf i



f eX I







their residence











society as Miss HenriettR H

charming singer is the guest of hergrandmother Mrs Gardiner Hubbardat her country place Oaks adJoining the country home of Charles JBell

Mrs J Donald Cameron and heryoung daughter Miss Martha Cameronarrived in New York Saturday on theSt Paul from Kttrope where spentthe last live months wilt cometo Washington about the middle of theweek and apes th ir In Lafayette

i square On thenCameron and Mist Cameron were pre-sented at the court of St andwere entertained both In England and

Mrs D P Morgan who usa leased herhouse in Scott Circle again this seasonU Mr and Mrs Perry Balmont willspend the season In York She willpresent her two hters MissMildred Carter and Ml Kiwelto society there at R tea December 5and utter in the nwHth will give a banat Sherrys In honor

The fair and luncheon for theProCathedral Church of the Ascensionwill open tonight in the Togapie avid will continue until17 Iunc eon will be served ure every the women of th churchthere will be a change of programevery evening at the fairrents luncheon from 12 to 2ocK ck and 10 cents for admission inthe evealog are the prices offered See

Mr Mrs J Oliver Moque andtheir ilaughter Voleta are registered atthe Hotel Westminster New YorkMrs Moque will return to the andbe at home Informally November 1 and22 t 1 MJ street northwest

The is announced of MissFrances granddaughter of helate Governor and daughter of

With Irritating Skin Humor WholeBody Scalpltched All

the Time and Hair Began to FallOut Wonderful Result From


I am never vilhouf ditirura Sopand Cuti ura Ointment since Jthem last summer About the Intturpart of whole body began to

I take of it i

at first hut it began to get worse aU the j

time and then J began to i

and tried all of and otherremedies that were recommended forskin humors but I became worse allthe time hair fall out and

itched all tho timodaily at night just as soon a I would

in get warm my whole bodywould begin to itoh and finger nailswould it irritated and it nutlong before T could not rest night or dayA friend asked me to try i

Remedies and I did and ihe firsthelped me wonderfully

about I take a hotbath every night and then apply the


time I used of Cut ura I wu5entirely cured and hair stopped

out but 1 continue to useCuticura on seal It keeps all

out and scalp is Ialways use Ointment on

and have foundnothing to equal it 1 will never ba

it319 N Del St

Oct 27 1905 Indianapolis Ind-

I have used Cuticura Ointment forchafing of infants and as they grew

skin diseases were treat-ment with that and the Cuticura Soap1 never found it nece to call ator as these Remedies are a sure euroif used as directed I am glad to recommend them to all Sincerelyyours Mrs F A KennardJune 21 1005 St Paul Park

CUtleurt tap Ointoif nt rd Filliti otld rotltr Drux J Qitm Corp










tIcket may had In proportionand












mpand I kept getting better ant by

fOl r Q




Ifinnire dti2bo I




Son be

















Clippms of Phone CablePresents Legal Problem


CJfstftct Attorney to Deci r Police WhigsCompany Has



J t est lr iJ

lts X Ir




with a k I problem yettrO whichIt deemed ttclri Uk to WhitIHotrirt Attorneys ofdet thw MornlhK-i fort takirR any action in the mottorThe question involved U e right of ovpr-

cublee and whether th f oWntug th lines have Htehf t tr tchtheir cables withoutpermission of th ow i rs

Cable Was ClippedThe i e npeuke uid Potomac

Uiioit Company eoni llned totlie pelletHon f had dipPed of theii

cables over r building on DumHarten-HVWI hve n TMrtloth ThfrfV-ttrat streets The oibht was iv

Dotwtlv OJrl n by onoof th officials of thJMIHV visited tar nd made an

By measuring bothof th aW s sm ilwhat UiiUiinB the jutting had beendone

Telephone wires ren tly art clipped

John H Bagtey to wyilam H Wallaceof New York heldM Detroit October 3Miss Franca Dickinson daughter of

exPoytmurter HIWsGladys Newbttrry niece of AjMtetMnlSecretary of theT Thurtwr formerly secretary to Iredent wer the

Capt Sydney Amos Clonvin and MmFlora ClenietK whoiH etigajt-

ue Hs of honor ut u lun heort atia Club yesterday with the Comp

roller of the Currency and Mrs WilliamiMrrett RJdgely as hosts Antony the

were British ambassador Sir

thur Addlson Captain HeBbtaghaus andMme u rent t-

Henel Mrs Frank MissWilliams of Chicane Oeneral

Arthur Hjr and Xtlec Thornson

H S Howe L7 S A andHowe who hav been the guests ofMajor and Mm In their home inthe the suinat r have re-turned to and will maketheir home in the

Herbert Strtfel of New York citya few days here the peat week

with friends

Alfred Kuntx of this city is spendIns a short while In his former homeNew Orleans

Rabbi Abrmm 3ton of theStreet Temple the folowing course of lectures for the nexttwo months to be followed by similarpcrtes throughout the winter and spring

TlK o P To tntThnnk T Art of tying Miser-

able The Wandertoir Jew Theof the Blood MAkta Good Will

PlppH Pa wes A cordial welcome Ispxtendtsd the public to attend

Mrs Frederick Schwab f Columbiarood entertained the Brid e WhistClub Thurslay afternoon when prisewere won by t3N W Hrsteh MrsS and Mrs Arthur Baiun-narten

Mrs R Harris and dnuftitcr MK t

Mae F V HarriS have retirned toNew YOk city after spendIngwe k with Mm Phil Kins at thf Im-perial Mm Harris haw taken an apart-ment at the Hjrrraretreet anti Columbus avtmne1 for the

winterMiss Minnette Swkiter of Virksburarins hi tudyiHT here at the Chevy

Chase school

Al Stern returned to New York city

The Police was presented

e the

head whenpakIiI




nttt1IC JQpaJtjed


inv tn endS

ceremony was

NavyMarion of Her



UeIIMortimer nutRnd Mr and Yr Ar

Dt Cather-Ine Bu-Chanan



fl Thl








telelhGnC fld gnJ

dyes resideBce


that oat

sometime Saturday

teltph tie

the over




mont recently was annuuced iiiChevy








3evcat second


< >



> ¬



orx tompany trial ttirt-Kl to buildta Wl-

X cut wires downDifficult Problem

vt r was not fubin run close to

Vhlias H n rbttrt

tit M thom HI-

i w hfchAlsj th air wltnmi flw ffmof the owni rs to aliucstk i the

District Attorney wilt baY ai question e nta d many

wires aail fn ttfephmtir ttcrvls In that

ruttmir veril hours jestrdaj It-to said that tlanerw were wofMnff Satur-day on the roof of the building wn rethe cable was rut 1

after pcn4lH row here with hismother Mrs B Sleet of street

Mrs Eusrne ixhwab of VlMfath streetsoutheast is fntertainimr tHe BridgeVfMft Club this afternoon

Mist Mervl Qoldamith has returnedto Alexandria Va after thetruest of Mis Irene Sonuners of WestWajhlnaton



For One Veek Only

During the present week I

will offer my FINE FURSembracing the newest and mostdesirable creations of the season at 30 PER CENT DISCOUNT for cash Every pieceis of my own manufacturethe skins are the very choicestbeing my personal selections

This is an Anniversary Souvenir that will be of decidedpractical value to purchasers-If you desire furs of any description this is your chance tosecure them at the very begin-ning of the season at a mostsubstantial pricesaving

ember this centIs for Oirc WEEK

821 Fouripenth St


M-II 17

the thethe f


ot unent house etC9mlaY t


liar no richt t41Ii parLie o her


the clr TI1145d tiLe







77s t

tIttioe atI nm-I inipuumg lieauae tii

t c sp4ijiC cst ve-


1kv ipfr ot-eavi t-

aity bajidhig

teispe114 rIWbrwIt pa-

i ddci 4L ui4irwhet hag it grig5jindwand bp tte

settleThe mph

seetkinC wis liyfor




301 per










Jtuelu1Ale 01lIflleMlue thai

t t ftlea L-

Aln631 to 639 Massachusetts Avenue

NEW Dinin roomOur aSsortment of Room Furniture a remarkable

choke of style and design and we have been enough tomany good Vle show many sets and sin-

gle pieces in t or weathered oak and in mahogany


t 65 00And

Jfec2te4dtjwu 44d

FurnitureDining offers

fortunatesecvre values


This fourpiece set i weathered carefgliy built anti wSU-designeIgOtHI IVjl Buet lre l fOQt Table

neat Side Table Cosnpiste

Oak J xten lon letle6taI1-bl well 16 00price

only e

VtitiheiPjma l-

t6Iot size

iKsntM Oak Dining Chairs of thisgnrm dtekin with rush Sseats all quartered oak Hwith finish Price vr W








Carpets Remade




Cleaned Mattresses

Dealer Says

Wower ntaetcen ye iv old of Kver-rr K Qweens cdimty Wiikiav tHppe-

ltlfhteen ytMtrs old of fjavfar av hsj

years ofa jot Evergreen aVcnue r ohv

lyn were arrcsteu by l etctlvc rdermar and Oa ag er f fhe Gl daleNation who received word yesterdayfrost a junk dealer of the ctt in iked sale

he iron e tabiet stolentront monument The fiuths

held today by 34ton in the p fl e cotWt for afurtlwr exawtnaUop uqd l ie poUcu arw-tDing o find the tablcL-

T8n bronze including of themodel sod the ascnvr nprgsenus an-rutlay of 4K lIlt a n Junk thetahftt would no bring wasmarred and liipV l in H li a


POTTSVlti PaXovi ISJelaAlWof James Aldrich received a telegramthat had been shot h ne of hls eomj-ULjttoof John Kosers ajs the r9tii a

white oil a hufifcti tripIn Canada ICnowhsr that wasafraid of wolves Aldrich stole outsidethe hunting and imitated the howlof a so well that Rogers seined hisrifle and fired



oPt rJ j

c T 91 i Ul r-r1 r X VI tt I ila r



e CpIFlu


hlOtd ke




Tltet-p Dpq-

S ojt thre ystap-Inen lvtlg tbeIT ukn

Iad Hairy thItlt etinn


the cuM








HOUNDS IN MMClad Only in Thin Wrapper

Shoe Wanders the

PAHODY MaIL Jf v IX A packof MsadiuNuitfs trained eapeciaily itbe bj yar Wasan b lns tf todayleadlnir a party of aeairhera throuxn-th3 woods sad swamp in thIs vicin-ity in the hope of ending Mrs An

ST flmlth seve i pears oMwho it 4 l te ud has ther death In Itome big note or TObbedby tramps

She left her horn on Thursday andwits dad only to a tnln wrapperhad JUt other gniiunt to protect h r-

trust the Irst blast uf winter wliiriihaJJ swept tbis Oration It us knownthet Smith had souseher possoavton when she left home andupon tfti IB the theory thatmay have been slam tramps and

body ror aedThe police du full ereden

i this theory und thy h clin Hto the that the woman Is lost inthe woods


BKni IN No 12 The game of golfwhich has attained much popularity inGermany I likely to receive an Impetusfrom the Kaisers offer to cHow theBerlin Club the use of the beau-tiful grounds of the Admiralty adjoining royal r at 4am It is

that the Ka er hopes to interest German otllccrs in the same



f c




Wo1k fo


I undf



ale tty

a a


give5 tare



> <





The Dependable StoreS


Our Annual Sale

year during the early part of Novernlier ve held this saleof BLACK SILKS The prices we quote represent genuine bona fidt1reductions from regular prices reductions wren comparedwith the exaggerated virtues advertised by some tores seem less

in will go behind the inflated values of thecareless stores you will find that our truthful values offer far biggerbuying advantages The oiTerings quoted in this sale represent big

lPf l h Z mi JI


Black SilksEac-h


printbut ifyou

I 1 VI mul ryt I13 t



Black taSefa Silks2-

7in Black Taffeta wear p fguaranteed quality regularprice 85c yard Sale price

27m Black Taffeta extra heavywear guarant d regular fjprice i jr l Sate Swprice

24ln Btaek a tural finishWear guaranteed R u arprice S c a yard Sale OVrprice

xtra superiorduality Regular Hle oyard Sale f IK



t1 la l Trt j 7 Cr fr t Jtk 4o j







Silks30in Black Peau de Sole fquality Regular 4

5c yard Sale prier s-

aln Black Peau de Soleheavy Regular price

satin It tsh-

9Mn 9184 deextra one heavy grade f tCular pifce 15 Sale 74pri w X

sin Peau Sole extrah av iIouM Mew tradeHetrirta rlc M yard 3 1Sal price iy

P au de Sole

5 9cgrade

R1k Nau ole 69CpJICISaaPfkoe



lustrousp ice


7ta ie




Regular 35 valuesRegular 3750 valuesRegular 40 values

Such values as these are bound to create themost enthusiastic buying tomorrow Several hun-dred womens highclass Tailored Suits are

finest materials If you have any idea of buying a

out by this great otTering slioiilu Appeal to you andbrin you here tomorrow to be fitted

Tailored in faahlott by to e t inao ta lacsChevfotn-

IWp Hngt-

In aral all fav f IM ti Viir siatse in

JS7W andW of vrtliws usually sold at I35o-

uVVellknown Alex Smiths Make

Regular Price 2500 v4More evidence of leadership in rug selling The

fame of the Alex Smiths Soils to every point the countryRugs bearing this firms name stand lor the highest quality

This lot consists of Alex Smiths genuine Rugs size9x12 liirge rooms newest patterns designed forthis season showing1 handsome patterns in Oriental and floral effects

Another remarkable bargain castes about thru the pecaJpurth e I

ford Carpet Mills concession In a varied asortment of rich cdlortng and deigns Reifufar priceI S3 Tomorrow a

9x12 Wilton Rugs regularly 4 590 at9x12 Tapestry 2000 Sli989x12 Body BrusselSj Rugs regularly 25009x12 Imperial Smyrna Rugs 53000 2100

Axminster Rugs regularly 3000 1 19989x12 Duchesse Smyrna Rugs regularly s25OO

Womens Suits2 If 15fj t


v w in unt1erpri


ti le this seasons most fashionable models and

i r11w suit this the advantages that are held


i ii l PrIi of lilt ck1oUlJi

i and rit models includeJ i ftC trimmed ws tiftf


ir aek AliII the j

iji ilOIc


19 7JAxminsler



of 1 lfol Rugs eI1 the Hartt a1 9 0or

3600Bru ISR IgsregYJ

3500reg arly

9x n1698



jt t

ccLt this Uflustlaling

I season

rE I f


Lliib gentle reeled

FL 5 Srfpm Pony jacket stylesKtol Tgk

i I

tubII hit

i k Ioiast4t t-

479x12 Auninster Rugs


size for

Oi 75O genninh AxmInstt uu frontp

