THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY JANUARY 1910 2 2 gT A I retail prices of butter for last week and this week is shown Prices Compared Lat week This week Wholesale Retail KTholeeafe Retail SSti to to c 32 to X to 40c Profit of retailer last week maximum Profit of retailer this week maximum basis 7 cents per pound Thus it is seen the retailers thiS week te a cent and t Half per pound lieher on the average tni In some quarters it is ted the out of tim Elptn factories has recently increased and the reduction was node crder to dean up surplus stock While there any number who are of the opinion there may be surplus stork they attribute it to the fact that butter has not been jnovhur readily at pi oductton For this reason they are of the opinion the price ushered today will not be changed conditions are considerably altered Others Join IH Pit With indications on all sides of a victory for the attempt being made to secure food products at cheaper cost new associations and organised bodies of various sorts are daily joining in the tight of the people Organized labor has affiliated with the crusade for tower food prices Resolu- tion indorsing the AntiFood Trust league and calling upon Congress to1 r move at once the duty on cattle anti were adopted a meeting of the Ontral Labor Union last night The re- port of John P Coipors president of the central body and a delegate of the AntiFood Trust League prompted the resolution which was adopted after heated opposition oa the part of those wbo were of the that the move snent would result In decrease wages Reduced Prices Sought J L Rodier of the printers led the opposition In defense of the resolution Sam De Nedry said that during the last decade the price of foodstuffs had in- creased i pet cent while wages had only increased 2 per cent This afternoon a large number of Washington women held a maas meet- Ing at the Arlington Hotel The discus SiDe principally was with respect to the cost of beef Mrs John B Henderson the Stats director of the National Anti Food Trust League was present as were Mrs Alice E Whitaker and Xrs Mary Sits Parker two of the national board of governor and Mrs Mary S Lockwood In the company were many women of the Capital who took part in the discussion and manifested a keen interest in the war lHng waged in the interest of the re- duction of household expenses Chamber f Commerce Te Act Interest hi the plans being mapped out for the future carrying oa of the fight centers in the special committee of the Chamber of Commerce of which Allen D Albert jr is chairman which will shortly inaugurate an investigation It is said this committee will number of hearings and probably will make the investigation more exhaustive than the one conducted by the Chamber on the proposed change in the form of the District Government which covered e period of several months Mr Alberts committee will rush Its In every possible manner but will conduct a large number of hearings be- fore attempting to make up its report When this document is eady it submitted the Chamber for adoption after which it will be sent to Congress The plan is to have the report set fcrth conditions as they exist giving the reasons which in the judgment of the committee are responsible for the Jiisher cost of and to suggest remedial legislation which Congress will l asked to carry out HETTY GREEN SAYS MEAT IS TOO HIGHN- EW YORK Jan 25 Mrs Hetty Green who has more real money then any woman in the United States does nor eat meat because she thinks the price is too high Mr Green says site has not joined thf meat boycott but she thinks prices sv too high and those who eat it dont grt their moneys worth There are other says Mrs Grvcn just as good and cheaper PRICES OF MEATS DROP IN NEW YORK NK VARK X J TaIL S A falling off of at least S per cent in the eon sumption of nat at clubs and the bet i v lass restaurants in this city and a still highs percentage at lunch count- ers awl cheap eating places brought the g neral public of this city into line yes tcniay with union men alt over the country in their protest against the high prices for meats chased by the trust Simultaneous with the large decrease i tire denMMtd prices for choice cuts aio one large retail concern with liimi of stores hi this city and its en r i announced a cut of 5 cents per j ur l in lIps price of pork butchers In every section of i ity declared that their trade had fiiilon off from to 40 per cent HIGH PRICE OF FOOD DEPICTED AT BALL Masked Dancers Show Staples More Now Than Past onification te the way of grotesque costume emphasiains mOIl other things the present cost of nVtos as com perrtl with that of other periods was it the masque ball of the fioctnt Bcwevolent Association last night at National Rifles There were many unique costumes 1ir all had a purpcae and they One costume depleted the high cst of Irvine the roembei snowies by exaggerated mathematics what a pi n Kum would purchase today as d with what it would purchase i vonr ago This group won the first 1rizc- T1 personalHy of Gifford Pinchot- l lrrd oii participant to win the prize f t the most comical costume the being wrapped in birch bark to jiKturv the lorner chSet ferostcr- Tuo executive committee in charge affair consisted of Louis Frfeard J Louis Wegv and John W Grover BOARDWALK EXTENDED ATI ANTIC CITY X J Jan S Council has voted to order consort of the now stool and concrete IoaJwalk uptown with the primcnade- in to the Inlet The wor will be for arrival of the Kasttr trade cough just a little cough It may not amount to much Or it may amount to everything Some keep coughing until the lung tissues are seriously iajured Others stop their cough with Ayers Cherry Pectoral Sold lot seventy years How many years have ysu known it Aak f r J cfer c eef dyers Chary Pec- toral If he saw Take it lcn lake X bats I cents pet pound in uricou rather than to gen- eral a in wrk t t ioeef I to cents per pound a I tan Cst lit r Armory BelTed fOiL moa pdl high of- t h in J One Cough- A uNflu tkn Jont ctc 4 pro t former 1ucr hogs a living fii from t ii Itist rated t pm- t Tat 3 1f6cso ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TEMPTING MENUS WITHOUT MEAT BREAKFAST- Corn flakes or puffed rice Scrambled eggs Creamed potatoes Baked apples Hot bread or coffee LUNCHEON Fruit sandwich Puree of bean soup and sailed Trafcm Boston brown bread Preserves of fruit Malted mills tea or coffee DINNER Vegetable soup BMcallopcd tomatoes Brussels sprouts Browned potatoes Baked fish brent stuffing Lettuce and celery salad Preach dressing Cranberry sauce Stuffed figK Nuts and raislnn PRICE INVESTIGATION- BY COMMERCE BODY Plans for a searching Investigation of the relative cost of at the time and at various periods within ten yens were launched this morning by a committee appointed for that pur pose In the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce The committee determined that the investigation should be confined solely to records kept by housewives stew- ards dealers and information in prod- uce Journals of prices for various com- modities The report of the committee WIll cover all commodities included within the three necessaries of life food shel- ter and clothing and among the first commodities to be complied will be meats salt and fresh butter oeffee tea coal star wood hour oysters clothing sad reStS The chairman of the committee Al- len D Albert jr and on the are Dr Richard D Harlan Clarence Moore Charles W Darr William T Gattifcer Robert N Harper Arthur D Marks- H H Glassie J Louis Willige The committee adjourned shortly af- ter noon today to meet on Friday af- ternoon at 4 oclock J Lynn YeRgle vice president of the National Anti Food Trust League will be invited to be present at that time choco- late I I living pres- ent COMmi- ttee ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ APPEAL TO TAFT FOR GIRL STRIKERS- Is Asked to Use Nobel Peace Prize Funds In Shirt- Waist Fight Tile influence of President Taft may yet he brought to baar materially upon the shirt waist strike now on in New York Philadelphia 2id other cities Hte opinion is sought as to whether the funds of the Nobel peace prize awarded u former President Roosevelt in recognition of his efforts toward and turned over by him to the committee on industrial peace cannot be used In an effort to settle the shirt waist striUe Mrs Belva A Lockwood has addressed- a Kuer to President Taft advocating the use of the fund for this purpose and stating that the Jeanne dAre Suffrage Club Xew York which 10 also In terested In the strike would Join in the appeal to him to use his influence In Interesting the committee Sirs Lockwood says that the con- dition of the girl strikers Is alarming that both employers and employes are losing money and that the funds at In- dustrial could not be more ap- propriately used than In an endeavor settle differences between the strikers and the bosses ASSEMBLY TAKES UP LARGE LAND CLAIM Virginia Body Considers Special Message Regarding Ceded Tract RICHMOND Va Jan 5 Tbe gen- eral assembly today began careful con- sideration of the special message of Governor Swanson in which the chief executive of the State sets forth that Virginia probably is a valid claimant for JXZJK99M from the Federal Govern- ment for land ceded by Irginia to form the States of Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Ohio and part of Oliver of Fairfax there were more drunkards in dry communities than there Vere In wet ones PILES CURED IS 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed t cur IMf of Itching Blind Bleeding or Pre fanned 56 I t pee e Swan ons ota I At session or tho I MmblY the monotony by declaring that case truding Plies is 6 to Ii w mosey re beat 1 yesterdays general broke days ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Administration of Law a Farce Says Former Am bassador White ITHACA Jan 25 That laxity in our court system is responsible for the large percentage of crime in the United States te the opinion of Dr Andrew D White formerly president of Cornell Univer- sity and former Unlte States ambas- sador to Germany and Kassla Dr White said in an address that the number of criminal homicides in the United States each year was practically fortythree times greater than in Can- ada and eight times greater than in Belgium which has the greatest num- ber of any European country that in the United States the average criminal serves but seven years of a life sentence and that at present only about one murder in every is pun- ished By far the greatest of all causes Is the fact that the administration of criminal law has become simply a safft Dr White A trial la a- gama between two or three lawyers and the whole has become very much of a farce OFFICER IS HELD ON MURDER CHARGE Illicjt Whisky Sales Said to Have Caused Double Tragedy BLUEFISLD W Va S John Waldron deputy sheriff of McDowell county is held under charge of double murder te said to have shot and killed Ben Tate Sunday night and so seriously wounded Wade Gilleepie that he died yesterday morning The shooting occurred in connection with an Investigation made by Waldron into the charge of selling illicit whisky The deputy alleges that the two men assaulted him with beer bottles Wal dron was reappointed a few days ago Hay the Sunday evening edition of The Times The entire proceeds of next LAXITY IN COURTS BLAMED FOR CRIME e t out mid Jan a ron Sundays sale hO to the lionie for tile Blind thing ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ I f I- It NEW YORK WASHINGTON PARIS t- t t t J t F Street Corner 13th I The Most Notable Suit Sale I- i in the History of Our Store i S S C S C C C 4 e 4 S S 50C SS SS S tSS 5 55 5 5 54 4 5 0 S C SC 5 I > + + + + + ++ ONE LOT SUITS I Regular Prices 45 and 4750- I These Suits are in Broadcloth Fine Novelty Cloth and Plain and Rough Serges At25 ANOTHER LOT Regular Prices S to 7850- Ir Finest Broadcloths Novelty Cloths and Finest Diagonal Serges I r- At 35 > We only mention two lots of many in this sale We positively will not carry over from one season to another These suits the Newest Styles and Materials The Best Workmanship t any stock i I t t are 4 5 CCS C S CSS SS S C CCS 00 0 4 CC C CC I S C C SSS S SS SS SSS CC S S CS S SS SS S S SS I I S I 4 S + + + You Always Save When You BUY AT EVANS HENRY EVANS New Store 1006 F St Wholesale and Retail Druggists k THE PRINCESS BELT PatentedLaced In Back Ira strong pressure is not required Mad of elastic light in weiofit fashioned by our patented method Abdominal Brlt Trusses Elastic StovKS and Invalid Everything for the Sickroom McKee Surgical Instrument Co 1004 Z1 St IT W That Cold Needs AttentionT- he quicker you get rid of that cold the less danger there is of contracting pneumonia and other diseases Is the best remedy for Colds La Grippe Chills and Fever At all druggists BLACK SAVE YOU Wm X Three f Cor th and 1C SU f KeJlaW She Uouao v yyyYYVYYYVyyyyyYVyyyyyyyy t- t I fo SJ1rortr when BABER 1- 1tj i t DOLLARP Hahn Cos3 t i isttii pa s n t Pa 1 S tot It 1 AAAkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAkk H tTt exciItnt ox 4 SS S C SSS SSS S CS SSS S S S S RAVEN r A 4JLU Ave v B- C 4css s I SS S = Health and Beauty Talks BY MRS MAE MARTYN I I B C V It Is to your credit that you wish to remain young ts H n as possible A pleasing complexion goes far toward smoothing the way through life The regular use of a good com- plexion cream does much to preserve the youthful contour of the face keep- ing the flesh firm and the skin smooth and velvety You can make a grease leas cream at home as follows Get from your druggist one ounce of alma zoin and put it In half a pint of cold water adding two teaspoonfuls of glyc- erine Stir and let stand over night be fore using This cream jelly thorough- ly cleanses the pores of the skin taking out all dust oil and grime Its regu- lar use tends to make large pores smaller and prevent blackheads Jt keeps the skin soft pliable anti fresh looking and removes tan freckes and skin pimples Almozoln cream jelly can be used both as a massage cream and face cream for it contains nothing that might cause a growth of hair It is splendid for chapped face and hands Miss M J It Is no wonder that your friends think you wear a switch The light streaks in your hair are the result of shampooing with soap All and many r shampoos contain alkali whch takes the very life out of the hair and leaves it dry dull and brit- tle Whet you wash your hair be sure to use a good and reliable and you will note a big improvement in your hair The shampoo I always use myself and recommend to my friends- is made by dissolving a teaspoonful of canthrox in a cup of hot water This shampoo can be prepared at a very small cost It lathers fine cleans the hair and scalp splendidly and relieves itching scalp It dries quickly and makes the hair bright soft and fluffy You can get a canthrox shampoo at almost any shampoo parlor if you ask j for It or you can buy canthrox at any drug store and make the shampoo your selfArline The indoor confined life of winter tends to play havoc with health and beauty Lack of ambition and loss of energy that feeling of Oh whats the use deranged digestion a torpid liver and accumulated impurities of the blood bring about sallowness pimples liver blotches and a most discouraging and unsatisfactory when one looks in her mirror You must get all the fresh air veil can and let fresh into your rooms Five mmutes be- fore each meal and before ocdtlrae take a tablespoonful of a tonic made as fol- lows Dissolve onehalf teacupful of suear and one ounce of karflene in a halt pint of alcohol and add enough I sir < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ boiling water to make a full quart o When your stomach and liver are right and your blood pure your step will be springy eyes bright and your complexion blooming and charm- ing Gertrude J The dandruff itching scalp and brittle falling hair with ends of which you complain come from- a diseased scalp due to the presence of germs surest way to get rid of these troubles quickly and remove the germs will be to shampoo twice a month with canthrox and rub into your scalp twice a week a quinine har tonic made by one ounce o jjuin In half a pint of alcohol then adding half a pint of cold water Use this tonic regularly and it will remove the and irritation stop your hair from falling and make it sort B8Q13 Harriet S As the add so mucn to ones personal charm you should be very careful about using unreliable- eye tonics A good ye tonic is indis- pensable for tired and inflamed eyes If you will an ounce of crys tos and dissolve it m a pint of water and put a drop or two of this in each eye dally it will strengthen and bright- en up your eyes until you probably will no longer need to wear glasses This tonic is splendid for granulated eyelids does not smart or burn Ella G Winter is a trying time for those inclined to be stout as the ten- dency hen is to gain even more weight Here is a simple and harmless remedy that will not only stop the accumula- tion of flesh but will reduce your weight if you are too fat Just get from your four ounces of parnotJs dissolve it in a pint of hot water and take a tablespoonful before each meal This remedy has worked wonders where others have failed and I feel sure it will do you much good Jane S and Others The finest com- plexion beautifter I have ever seen to soften and whiten the skin and take- away that oily sallow coarse look is made from four ounces of spurmax half a pint of hot water and two tea- spoonfuls of glycerine Apply a little of this lotion to your face neck and and it will improve your looks wonderfully This Is much better than face powder as it d Jen not show on the face or rub off so easily but win give your skin a pink healthy youth- ful appearance Spurmax lotion is inex- pensive and for tan freckles cold sores chapped and rough skin caused by raw penetrating winds Rear Mrs Martvns Boot Beauty 5 Advt our spilL ut pun eyes set nd arms sum ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ OIL TRUST FACES Charging Sherman Act Violation May Be Brought SPRINGFIELD Mass Jan at Thomas I Hfagen president of the Petroleum Marketers As- sociation loft today for Minneapolis where he will attend the executive meeting Jo be kid in that city Friday and Saturday- A test suit for dfunsfre against the Standard Oil Company to be brought under the Sherman act which the Standard ha been found sdlty of violating will be considered by the ownmittec President Htegen is opti- mistic oter the outcome of such a suit He says his lawyers have reported fav- orably He adds AH independent jobbers who have bees injured In any way through the monopoly maintain that the Standard Oil Company should take advantage of this opportunity to recover the money taken from them by the Ofi trust There Is no question that thorn ia damans In fact all the evidence that the Gov enuaeat has In its last saoceeefal case Is simply evidence of d s age done by the trust to the independent oil mon They have suffered greatly at the of the Standard and it is only rght that they should recover that which the Standard took away from them by terse A favorable de- cision on this test suit will let the bars all over the country and would cost the Oil trust millions of dollars Brobtt Seee Throat CeiA BCh B- Us Cud in H ad end Catarrh EXTRA SIFTED PEAS 3 Cans for The wise they buy our Groceries J T D PYLES 14 STORES All Make Sewing Ma chines Re 100 for and Delivered OPPENHEIMERS 514 9th St Leading Sewing Mi chin Dealer INDEPENDENTS I be I Omega Oil The Great Family LmimentP3hcm- atmLwinte kt eh t It I cJekdiet Ilk Vc I 25c I paired Called Wash onj SUIT- Case In- dependent ads sheer don Spielas fires lee 5 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ BUILDING FRONT Buffalo Structure Collapses Injured As Far As Known BUFFALO JT T Jan 25 The front of a fivestory brick building at 210 Ter- race occupied by Whitney Noyes Co collapsed at 11 a m today It Is be loved that no one was buried under Firemen were called and began digging at once to see if there was any- one under the deoris The building was mimi with tons of hay and grain Physicians Say Dont Use Poi- sonous Depilatories extravagant claims made by unscrupulous manufacturers of hair removers in mn tloii l advertising unquestionably jaelfy physicians In cautioning the sybil aflabwt the us of this class of depilatories- How many people have bees enticed into iwtnjr tRee dangerowe preparations with con- sequent Injury to themselves cannot l ea preparations above referred to erS In variably in the farm of creamy pastes which are te fce spread upon the BUB to remain until they dry contain Sulphide of Barium an Insoluble which can BOt b dissolved therefore cannot be ab- eerfcod by tho chin The very fact that you told to leave the pasty compounds on the skin until they dry and and then lift off with a knife IB proof positive that Jfcey not absorbed If they are why do they stilt remain oa the skIn The most they can possibly do is to remove the surface hair which la co e9 ence will reappear stronger and thicker after each removal There SB only one logical and scientific way to remove heir and that i by means of a liquid containIng soluble ingredients which ran be by the skis De Miracle knew all the world over a only real aapciflxms hair remover Is just such a preparation It Is easily and quickly ab- sorbed and after you have wed It you will note there i nothing left en the skirt It leaves the skirt free fruit Irritation what IB more to the point It is absolutely non therefore It win not produce ee- aeraa or blood poisoning Rqmoniber no saat what are mode to the contrary no poicoMNH pasty compound or other worth concoction con reach the hair root can prove it Beware of the tAke free advertisers and otbr Dont be deceived by them Better take a doctors Miracle te sold by P Kann Son Co sad the W S Thomp- son Pharmacy booklet containing full information concern- ing title remarkable treatment a well as testImonials of prominent physicians sue dermatologists medical and the principal magazines Too should read ihi booklet before you try anything Write to rb De Miracle Chemical Co Dept lit I9 e Park ave New Yor simply saying you want th8 booklet and it win be mailed sealed at once THE NEV BARRETTE This sells al over town rt p from 75c to Sf C Our special two r sale 4J Lucios High Art Jewelry 13G7 y ST Tf W Sells It Cheaper FINGER BR S Two Stores at 818 Seventh 17X2 Iourteesrto St Paris Compound PerOxide Vanishing Gold Cream Per Jar 25c The Ideal cream for face bleach after shaving etc TEMPLE DRUG STORE Ninth and F Sts It FALLS TO GROUND N- One th- en HAIR ARE DANGEROUS TIle tiuated but only at These chemical are cake are absorbed Ute and pot er advice De We wilt you a ldpage journals C Finger FORMERLY 7XE rADr St- and N W I S REOVERS recently guessed The elaine lees and- o send gems ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > II CREDIT IS YOUR PUft lIJI j- lI Close Daily It 6 P hI SlIiurdiY t P Ii- Q JANUARY These Furniture are for you I- I I to profit by now can pay the bill A 9- I LITTLE A of I- I Sample Iron Beds I At Astonishingly 4 best beds or their kind and It Is because some of I them are slightly marred I are cut In I I 300 iron Beds 149 fI 450 Iron Beds 195 iI S7OO Iron Beds 1 l 850 Iron Beds 45- 0I c i SI OO Beds S575 I 111 51200 Iron Beds68- 5IsamPleExtension Tables f f I I Lot of Sample Oak t Tables to Ughtly marred To close out to first corners at J- ct 495 1 TheHDRmr o I- I j Southeast Corner Seventh and D Streets Northwest j I STORE THAT SAVES YOUMONEr II 9 Al CLEARANCE c Bargains AT TIME Extraordinary Sale O SinaI Prices These Sample Beds are th- eO only that the prices this manner t I 375- I I I Iron 495 1Exten sion worth ftiome A most stylish COLLAR 15 cents each 2 for 25 ceau Cluett Peabody Co Makers ARROW CUFFS 25 cents x PMC CLEAN SWEEP Sale Now in Progress 513515517 Seventh St Special Notices PAY NO COLLECTIONS AGENCY OR any collectors whatsoever whether they have bills they can my written permission to collect J T CLEMENTS Ja 3t OFFICE OF THE WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT COMPANY Washington D C January 3s iNS The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Washington Gas Light Company for the election of directors and for such other business as may properly come be fore said meeting wJl be held at the office of the Company Nos 40417 Tenth street northwest JJONBAY 7 1 at OCLOCK NOON The polls will be open from 32 oclock noon to 1 oclock D m WILLIAM B ORME JaSelSt Searetary OUR COAL is rsEE PROM DIRT because we acreen every load before Ufrm jr This te on of many renmonm why y u should place order with R J JC C GRACE TeL Lincoln SO 4tb and r ftm X Schools and Colleges Y W C A We wish to announce the opening of our secanj tern of the Association The course embraces the JslNM subject Gymnasium Millinery Arts aad Crafts TooUmg I ather French Germs Spanish English Ltteratwre Voice Stenography Current Events Parliamentary Law in Special Subject Bible Classes Mission Study Special English dass for fincoigv gMs Young Womens Cfcristima Association 12TH PHONE MAIN ain Pays to Use Coke T It is a clean inexpensive and aT T thoroughly dependable fueL Ideal j T for cooking you J- LJ 26 Bushels Large Colts deH mJ KH- J 40 BushelS Large dfT ndSI1 J- J BttSbeto Large Coke deUverad 1K- JJ S Crushed Coke d tlvend St j Bushels Crushed delivKedSC3 J- j Bushels Crushed Coke d f ac dS nJ- LJ Washington Gas Light Co i i3 TENTH STREET X W 4 HIGH GRADE Unsurpassed for Quality Just Right in Price C W SVlcHUGK 708 12th Street N W Music HouseN- ow Located at 13tb Sts- Chronic Foot Defectsa- re a specialty with us If you arc bother- ed with a mysterious foot ailment that has baffled you and others had it treat ed for a long while with no hwtMOve it out elimination and cure Hours S to S Phone M SB Georges Son Inc Chiropodists Toot SpecialiStS 1214 F St N W Ruedesneirner Berg AusIese 1895 Unique quality of that celebrated r German vintage Output was between Bremen ftatluketler 150 bot Christian Xanders JK Family Quality House Phone 3ain 27- 4dla Urililiiaiaiia a A comfortable- and ARRow r 4 t I r T J lM St x w FEB- RUARY the a JllSK School re8 iAdvaacof Spe scu p STS N w JiIdItt It t t Well Bushel i Droops i I f i G and i meat see us about We ea- u at once just what the uwe Is employ meaSS and tMII rr lis yyyyyyyyyyyyy yVYYY 4c dI- vided and Christian Xander UI Sea 909 7th St A IIIECIITSI for ma l lone j and z Cots 55 1 4 Cobs S 1 ii PIANOS lI S i and 6 i q ¬ + ± ±

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-01-25 [p 2].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-01-25/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · 2 THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY JANUARY 2 1910 gT

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-01-25 [p 2].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-01-25/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · 2 THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY JANUARY 2 1910 gT


gT A

Iretail prices of butter for last weekand this week is shown

Prices ComparedLat week This week

Wholesale Retail KTholeeafe RetailSSti to to c 32 to X to 40c

Profit of retailer last week maximum

Profit of retailer this week maximumbasis 7 cents per poundThus it is seen the retailers thiSweek te a cent and t Half per poundlieher on the average tniIn some quarters it is ted the out

of tim Elptn factories has recentlyincreased and the reduction was nodecrder to dean up surplus stock

While there any number who areof the opinion there may be surplusstork they attribute it to the fact thatbutter has not been jnovhur readily atpi oductton For this reason they are ofthe opinion the price ushered todaywill not be changed conditions areconsiderably altered

Others Join IH PitWith indications on all sides of a

victory for the attempt being madeto secure food products at cheaper costnew associations and organised bodiesof various sorts are daily joining in thetight of the people

Organized labor has affiliated with thecrusade for tower food prices Resolu-tion indorsing the AntiFood Trustleague and calling upon Congress to1r move at once the duty on cattle anti

were adopted a meeting of theOntral Labor Union last night The re-port of John P Coipors president ofthe central body and a delegate of theAntiFood Trust League prompted theresolution which was adopted afterheated opposition oa the part of thosewbo were of the that the movesnent would result In decreasewages

Reduced Prices SoughtJ L Rodier of the printers led the

opposition In defense of the resolutionSam De Nedry said that during the lastdecade the price of foodstuffs had in-

creased i pet cent while wages hadonly increased 2 per cent

This afternoon a large number ofWashington women held a maas meet-Ing at the Arlington Hotel The discusSiDe principally was with respect to thecost of beef Mrs John B Hendersonthe Stats director of the National AntiFood Trust League was present aswere Mrs Alice E Whitaker and XrsMary Sits Parker two of the nationalboard of governor and Mrs Mary SLockwood In the company were many

women of the Capitalwho took part in the discussion andmanifested a keen interest in the warlHng waged in the interest of the re-duction of household expenses

Chamber f Commerce Te ActInterest hi the plans being mapped

out for the future carrying oa of thefight centers in the special committee ofthe Chamber of Commerce of whichAllen D Albert jr is chairman whichwill shortly inaugurate an investigation

It is said this committee willnumber of hearings and probably willmake the investigation more exhaustivethan the one conducted by the Chamberon the proposed change in the form ofthe District Government which coverede period of several months

Mr Alberts committee will rush ItsIn every possible manner but will

conduct a large number of hearings be-fore attempting to make up its reportWhen this document is eady itsubmitted the Chamber for adoptionafter which it will be sent to Congress

The plan is to have the report setfcrth conditions as they exist givingthe reasons which in the judgment ofthe committee are responsible for theJiisher cost of and to suggestremedial legislation which Congress willl asked to carry out


EW YORK Jan 25 Mrs HettyGreen who has more real money thenany woman in the United States doesnor eat meat because she thinks theprice is too high

Mr Green says site has not joinedthf meat boycott but she thinks pricessv too high and those who eat it dontgrt their moneys worth

There are other says MrsGrvcn just as good and cheaper


NK VARK X J TaIL S A fallingoff of at least S per cent in the eonsumption of nat at clubs and the beti v lass restaurants in this city and astill highs percentage at lunch count-ers awl cheap eating places brought theg neral public of this city into line yestcniay with union men alt over thecountry in their protest against thehigh prices for meats chased by thetrust

Simultaneous with the large decreasei tire denMMtd prices for choice cutsaio one large retail concern with

liimi of stores hi this city and its enr i announced a cut of 5 cents per

j ur l in lIps price of porkbutchers In every section of

i ity declared that their trade hadfiiilon off from to 40 per cent


Masked Dancers Show StaplesMore Now Than

Pastonification te the way of grotesque

costume emphasiains mOIl otherthings the present cost of nVtos as comperrtl with that of other periods was

it the masque ball of thefioctnt Bcwevolent Association lastnight at National Rifles

There were many unique costumes1ir all had a purpcae and they

One costume depleted the highcst of Irvine the roembei snowiesby exaggerated mathematics what api n Kum would purchase today as

d with what it would purchasei vonr ago This group won the first1rizc-

T1 personalHy of Gifford Pinchot-l lrrd oii participant to win the prizef t the most comical costume the

being wrapped in birch bark tojiKturv the lorner chSet ferostcr-Tuo executive committee in charge

affair consisted of Louis FrfeardJ Louis Wegv and John W Grover


Council has voted to order consortof the now stool and concrete

IoaJwalk uptown with the primcnade-in to the Inlet The wor will be

for arrival of the Kasttr trade

cough just a little cough It maynot amount to much Or it mayamount to everything Some keepcoughing until the lung tissues areseriously iajured Others stop theircough with Ayers Cherry PectoralSold lot seventy years How manyyears have ysu known itAak f r J cfer c eef dyers Chary Pec-toral If he saw Take it lcn lake X

bats I cents pet pound


uricou rather than to



a in




ioeef I to cents per pounda

I tan







of-t h



One Cough-A

uNflu tkn Jont ctc


pro t

former 1ucr

hogs a


fii fromt

ii Itist rated















BREAKFAST-Corn flakes or puffed riceScrambled eggsCreamed potatoesBaked apples Hot bread

or coffee

LUNCHEONFruit sandwichPuree of bean soup and sailed

TrafcmBoston brown breadPreserves of fruitMalted mills tea or coffee

DINNERVegetable soupBMcallopcd tomatoes Brussels

sprouts Browned potatoesBaked fish brent stuffingLettuce and celery salad Preach

dressingCranberry sauceStuffed figK Nuts and raislnn


Plans for a searching Investigation ofthe relative cost of at the

time and at various periods withinten yens were launched this morningby a committee appointed for that purpose In the rooms of the Chamber ofCommerce

The committee determined that theinvestigation should be confined solelyto records kept by housewives stew-ards dealers and information in prod-uce Journals of prices for various com-modities

The report of the committee WIllcover all commodities included withinthe three necessaries of life food shel-ter and clothing and among the firstcommodities to be complied will bemeats salt and fresh butter oeffeetea coal star wood hour oystersclothing sad reStS

The chairman of the committee Al-len D Albert jr and on the

areDr Richard D HarlanClarence MooreCharles W DarrWilliam T GattifcerRobert N HarperArthur D Marks-H H GlassieJ Louis WilligeThe committee adjourned shortly af-

ter noon today to meet on Friday af-ternoon at 4 oclock J Lynn YeRglevice president of the National AntiFood Trust League will be invited tobe present at that time




living pres-ent












Is Asked to Use Nobel PeacePrize Funds In Shirt-

Waist Fight

Tile influence of President Taft mayyet he brought to baar materially uponthe shirt waist strike now on in NewYork Philadelphia 2id other cities

Hte opinion is sought as towhether the funds of the Nobel peaceprize awarded u former PresidentRoosevelt in recognition of his effortstoward and turned over by himto the committee on industrial peacecannot be used In an effort to settlethe shirt waist striUe

Mrs Belva A Lockwood has addressed-a Kuer to President Taft advocating theuse of the fund for this purpose andstating that the Jeanne dAre SuffrageClub Xew York which 10 also Interested In the strike would Join in theappeal to him to use his influence InInteresting the committee

Sirs Lockwood says that the con-dition of the girl strikers Is alarmingthat both employers and employes arelosing money and that the funds at In-dustrial could not be more ap-propriately used than In an endeavor

settle differences between thestrikers and the bosses


Virginia Body Considers

Special Message RegardingCeded Tract

RICHMOND Va Jan 5 Tbe gen-

eral assembly today began careful con-

sideration of the special message ofGovernor Swanson in which the chiefexecutive of the State sets forth thatVirginia probably is a valid claimantfor JXZJK99M from the Federal Govern-ment for land ceded by Irginia toform the States of Illinois MichiganWisconsin Ohio and part of

Oliver of Fairfaxthere were more drunkards in drycommunities than there Vere In wetones

PILES CURED IS 6 TO 14 DAYSPAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed t curIMf of Itching Blind Bleeding or Pre

fanned 56



pee e

Swan ons

otaI At session or thoI MmblY

the monotony by declaring that

casetruding Plies is 6 to Ii w mosey re



yesterdays general








Administration of Law aFarce Says Former Am

bassador White

ITHACA Jan 25 That laxity in ourcourt system is responsible for the largepercentage of crime in the United Stateste the opinion of Dr Andrew D Whiteformerly president of Cornell Univer-sity and former Unlte States ambas-sador to Germany and Kassla

Dr White said in an address that thenumber of criminal homicides in theUnited States each year was practicallyfortythree times greater than in Can-ada and eight times greater than inBelgium which has the greatest num-ber of any European country that inthe United States the average criminalserves but seven years of a life sentenceand that at present only about onemurder in every is pun-ished

By far the greatest of all causes Isthe fact that the administration ofcriminal law has become simply asafft Dr White A trial la a-

gama between two or three lawyersand the whole has become verymuch of a farce


Illicjt Whisky Sales Said to Have

Caused Double

TragedyBLUEFISLD W Va S John

Waldron deputy sheriff of McDowellcounty is held under charge of doublemurder te said to have shotand killed Ben Tate Sunday night andso seriously wounded Wade Gilleepiethat he died yesterday morning

The shooting occurred in connectionwith an Investigation made by Waldroninto the charge of selling illicit whiskyThe deputy alleges that the two menassaulted him with beer bottles Waldron was reappointed a few days ago

Hay the Sunday evening edition ofThe Times The entire proceeds of next



e t out




Sundays sale hO to the lionie for tileBlind









I f I-




t F Street Corner 13th

I The Most Notable Suit Sale I-

i in the History of Our Store

i S S C S C C C 4 e 4 S S 50C S S S S S tSS 5 5 5 5 5 54 4 5 0 S C S C 5


>+ +


+ +

+ +


I Regular Prices 45 and 4750-

I These Suits are in BroadclothFine Novelty Cloth and Plain andRough Serges


Regular Prices S to 7850-

Ir Finest Broadcloths NoveltyCloths and Finest DiagonalSerges

I r-

At 35>

We only mention two lots of many in this sale We positivelywill not carry over from one season to another Thesesuits the

Newest Styles and Materials The Best Workmanship

t any stockiI

t t


4 5 C C S C S C S S S S S C C C S 00 0 4 CC C C C I S C C S S S S S S S S S S S CC S S CS S S S S S S S S S I I S I 4 S


+ +

You Always Save When You


HENRY EVANSNew Store 1006 F St

Wholesale and Retail Druggists k

THE PRINCESS BELTPatentedLaced In Back

Ira strong pressure is not requiredMad of elastic light in weiofitfashioned by our patented method

Abdominal Brlt Trusses ElasticStovKS and InvalidEverything for the Sickroom

McKee Surgical Instrument Co1004 Z1 St IT W

That Cold NeedsAttentionT-

he quicker you get rid of that coldthe less danger there is of contractingpneumonia and other diseases

Is the best remedy for Colds La GrippeChills and Fever At all druggists


WmX Three f Cor th and 1C SU fKeJlaW

She Uouao v


t I


SJ1rortr when




Hahn Cos3 t

i isttii pa s n tPa 1 S


It 1


HtTt exciItnt ox

4 S S S C S S S S S S S C S S S S S S S S


Avev B-

C 4css s I S S S


Health and Beauty TalksBY MRS MAE MARTYN



B C V It Is to your credit that youwish to remain young ts H n aspossible A pleasing complexion goesfar toward smoothing the way throughlife The regular use of a good com-plexion cream does much to preservethe youthful contour of the face keep-ing the flesh firm and the skin smoothand velvety You can make a greaseleas cream at home as follows Getfrom your druggist one ounce of almazoin and put it In half a pint of coldwater adding two teaspoonfuls of glyc-erine Stir and let stand over night before using This cream jelly thorough-ly cleanses the pores of the skin takingout all dust oil and grime Its regu-lar use tends to make large poressmaller and prevent blackheads Jtkeeps the skin soft pliable anti freshlooking and removes tan freckes andskin pimples Almozoln cream jelly canbe used both as a massage cream andface cream for it contains nothingthat might cause a growth of hair Itis splendid for chapped face and hands

Miss M J It Is no wonder that yourfriends think you wear a switch Thelight streaks in your hair are the resultof shampooing with soap All andmany r shampoos containalkali whch takes the very life out ofthe hair and leaves it dry dull and brit-tle Whet you wash your hair be sureto use a good and reliableand you will note a big improvementin your hair The shampoo I always usemyself and recommend to my friends-is made by dissolving a teaspoonful ofcanthrox in a cup of hot water Thisshampoo can be prepared at a verysmall cost It lathers fine cleans thehair and scalp splendidly and relievesitching scalp It dries quickly andmakes the hair bright soft and fluffyYou can get a canthrox shampoo atalmost any shampoo parlor if you ask

j for It or you can buy canthrox at anydrug store and make the shampoo yourselfArline The indoor confined life ofwinter tends to play havoc with healthand beauty Lack of ambition and lossof energy that feeling of Oh whatsthe use deranged digestion a torpidliver and accumulated impurities of theblood bring about sallowness pimplesliver blotches and a most discouragingand unsatisfactory when onelooks in her mirror You must get allthe fresh air veil can and let fresh

into your rooms Five mmutes be-fore each meal and before ocdtlrae takea tablespoonful of a tonic made as fol-lows Dissolve onehalf teacupful ofsuear and one ounce of karflene in ahalt pint of alcohol and add enough



< >









boiling water to make a full quart oWhen your stomach and liver are

right and your blood pure your stepwill be springy eyes bright andyour complexion blooming and charm-ing

Gertrude J The dandruff itchingscalp and brittle falling hair withends of which you complain come from-a diseased scalp due to the presenceof germs surest way to get ridof these troubles quickly and removethe germs will be to shampoo twice amonth with canthrox and rub into yourscalp twice a week a quinine har tonicmade by one ounce o jjuin

In half a pint of alcohol thenadding half a pint of cold water Usethis tonic regularly and it will removethe and irritation stop yourhair from falling and make it sort

B8Q13Harriet S As the add so mucn

to ones personal charm you shouldbe very careful about using unreliable-eye tonics A good ye tonic is indis-pensable for tired and inflamedeyes If you will an ounce of crystos and dissolve it m a pint of waterand put a drop or two of this in eacheye dally it will strengthen and bright-en up your eyes until you probablywill no longer need to wear glassesThis tonic is splendid for granulatedeyelids does not smart or burn

Ella G Winter is a trying time forthose inclined to be stout as the ten-dency hen is to gain even more weightHere is a simple and harmless remedythat will not only stop the accumula-tion of flesh but will reduce yourweight if you are too fat Just get fromyour four ounces of parnotJsdissolve it in a pint of hot water andtake a tablespoonful before each mealThis remedy has worked wonderswhere others have failed and I feelsure it will do you much good

Jane S and Others The finest com-plexion beautifter I have ever seen tosoften and whiten the skin and take-away that oily sallow coarse look ismade from four ounces of spurmaxhalf a pint of hot water and two tea-spoonfuls of glycerine Apply a littleof this lotion to your face neck and

and it will improve your lookswonderfully This Is much better thanface powder as it d Jen not show onthe face or rub off so easily but wingive your skin a pink healthy youth-ful appearance Spurmax lotion is inex-pensive and for tan frecklescold sores chapped and rough skincaused by raw penetrating winds

Rear Mrs Martvns Boot Beauty5 Advt
















Charging Sherman ActViolation May Be


SPRINGFIELD Mass Jan atThomas I Hfagen president of the

Petroleum Marketers As-sociation loft today for Minneapoliswhere he will attend the executivemeeting Jo be kid in that city Fridayand Saturday-

A test suit for dfunsfre against theStandard Oil Company to be broughtunder the Sherman act which theStandard ha been found sdlty ofviolating will be considered by theownmittec President Htegen is opti-mistic oter the outcome of such a suitHe says his lawyers have reported fav-orably He adds

AH independent jobbers who havebees injured In any way through themonopoly maintain that the StandardOil Company should take advantage ofthis opportunity to recover the moneytaken from them by the Ofi trust ThereIs no question that thorn ia damansIn fact all the evidence that the Govenuaeat has In its last saoceeefal caseIs simply evidence of d s age done bythe trust to the independent oil mon

They have suffered greatly at theof the Standard and it is only

rght that they should recover thatwhich the Standard took away fromthem by terse A favorable de-

cision on this test suit will let thebars all over the country and wouldcost the Oil trust millions of dollars

Brobtt Seee Throat CeiA BChB-

Us Cud in H ad end Catarrh


3 Cansfor

The wise they buy our Groceries


All MakeSewing Machines Re

100for and


OPPENHEIMERS 514 9th StLeading Sewing Mi

chin Dealer






The GreatFamily

LmimentP3hcm-atmLwintekt eh tIt


cJekdiet Ilk Vc





Wash onj







fires lee








Buffalo Structure CollapsesInjured As Far

As KnownBUFFALO JT T Jan 25 The front

of a fivestory brick building at 210 Ter-race occupied by Whitney Noyes Cocollapsed at 11 a m today It Is beloved that no one was buried under

Firemen were called and begandigging at once to see if there was any-one under the deoris The building wasmimi with tons of hay and grain

Physicians Say Dont Use Poi-sonous Depilatories

extravagant claims made byunscrupulous manufacturers of hair removersin mn tloii l advertising unquestionablyjaelfy physicians In cautioning the sybilaflabwt the us of this class of depilatories-How many people have bees enticed intoiwtnjr tRee dangerowe preparations with con-sequent Injury to themselves cannot l ea

preparations above referred to erS Invariably in the farm of creamy pastes whichare te fce spread upon the BUB to remainuntil they dry contain Sulphideof Barium an Insoluble which canBOt b dissolved therefore cannot be ab-eerfcod by tho chin The very fact that you

told to leave the pasty compounds onthe skin until they dry and and thenlift off with a knife IB proof positive thatJfcey not absorbed If they are why dothey stilt remain oa the skIn The most theycan possibly do is to remove the surface hairwhich la co e9ence will reappear strongerand thicker after each removal

There SB only one logical and scientific wayto remove heir and that i by means of aliquid containIng soluble ingredients whichran be by the skis De Miracleknew all the world over a only realaapciflxms hair remover Is just such apreparation It Is easily and quickly ab-sorbed and after you have wed It you willnote there i nothing left en the skirt Itleaves the skirt free fruit Irritation whatIB more to the point It is absolutely non

therefore It win not produce ee-aeraa or blood poisoning Rqmoniber no saat

what are mode to the contraryno poicoMNH pasty compound or other worth

concoction con reach the hair rootcan prove it

Beware of the tAke free advertisers andotbr Dont be deceived by them Bettertake a doctors Miracle te sold byP Kann Son Co sad the W S Thomp-son Pharmacybooklet containing full information concern-ing title remarkable treatment a well astestImonials of prominent physicians sue

dermatologists medical andthe principal magazines Too should readihi booklet before you try anything Writeto rb De Miracle Chemical Co Dept litI9 e Park ave New Yor simply saying youwant th8 booklet and it win be mailedsealed at once


This sells al over town rt pfrom 75c to Sf C Ourspecial two r sale 4J

Lucios High Art Jewelry13G7 y ST Tf W

Sells It Cheaper


Two Stores at 818 Seventh17X2 Iourteesrto St

Paris Compound PerOxideVanishing Gold Cream

Per Jar 25cThe Ideal cream for face bleachafter shaving etc










tiuated but only at







advice De

We wilt you a ldpage













lees and-o














II CREDIT IS YOUR PUft lIJI j-lI Close Daily It 6 P hI SlIiurdiY t P Ii-

Q JANUARYThese Furniture are for you I-

II to profit by now can pay the bill A 9-I LITTLE A

of I-

I Sample Iron Beds IAt Astonishingly

4 best beds or their kind andIt Is because some of

I them are slightly marredI are cut In II 300 iron Beds 149 fI450 Iron Beds 195 iIS7OO Iron Beds1

l 850 Iron Beds 45-0I


i SI OO Beds S575 I111

51200 Iron Beds68-


Tables ffI ILot of Sample Oakt

Tables toUghtly marred To

close out to first corners at J-ct 4951 TheHDRmr o I-

Ij Southeast Corner Seventh and D Streets Northwest jI STORE THAT SAVES YOUMONEr II

9 Al



Extraordinary Sale

OSinaI Prices

These Sample Beds are th-

eO only

that the pricesthis manner






sion worthftiome

A moststylish

COLLAR15 cents each 2 for 25 ceau

Cluett Peabody Co MakersARROW CUFFS 25 cents x PMC


in Progress

513515517 Seventh St

Special NoticesPAY NO COLLECTIONS AGENCY ORany collectors whatsoever whether theyhave bills they canmy written permission to collectJ T CLEMENTS


LIGHT COMPANYWashington D C January 3s iNS

The annual meeting of the shareholdersof the Washington Gas Light Companyfor the election of directors and for suchother business as may properly come before said meeting wJl be held at theoffice of the Company Nos 40417Tenth street northwest JJONBAY

7 1 at OCLOCK NOONThe polls will be open from 32 oclocknoon to 1 oclock D m


because we acreen every load before Ufrm jrThis te on of many renmonm why y ushould place order with R J JC CGRACE TeL Lincoln SO 4tb and r ftm X

Schools and Colleges

Y W C AWe wish to announce

the opening of our secanj ternof the Association

The course embraces the JslNMsubject

GymnasiumMillineryArts aad Crafts

TooUmg I ather

FrenchGermsSpanishEnglish Ltteratwre

VoiceStenographyCurrent EventsParliamentary Law

in Special SubjectBible ClassesMission Study

Special English dass for fincoigv gMsYoung Womens Cfcristima



Pays toUse Coke

T It is a clean inexpensive and aTT thoroughly dependable fueL Ideal jT for cooking you J-LJ 26 Bushels Large Colts deH mJ KH-J 40 BushelS Large dfT ndSI1 J-

J BttSbeto Large Coke deUverad 1K-JJ S Crushed Coke d tlvend St j

Bushels Crushed delivKedSC3 J-

j Bushels Crushed Coke d f ac dS nJ-LJ Washington Gas Light Co



Unsurpassed for QualityJust Right in Price

C W SVlcHUGK708 12th Street N W

Music HouseN-

ow Located at

13tb Sts-

Chronic Foot Defectsa-

re a specialtywith us If you arc bother-ed with a mysterious foot ailment thathas baffled you and others had it treated for a long while with no hwtMOve

it out

elimination and cureHours S to S Phone M SB

Georges Son IncChiropodists Toot SpecialiStS

1214 F St N W

Ruedesneirner BergAusIese 1895

Unique quality of that celebratedr German vintage Output was

between Bremen ftatluketler150 botChristian Xanders

JK Family Quality HousePhone 3ain 27-

4dla Urililiiaiaiia a A



r 4



r T J

lM St x w


the aJllSK




scu p STS N w


It ttWell


i Droops i



i G and i

meat see us about We ea-u at once just what the uwe Is

employ meaSS and tMII rr lis

yyyyyyyyyyyyy yVYYY


videdand Christian Xander UI Sea

909 7th StA









1 4 CobsS




lI S








