THE WA IINffTON TIMES WEDNESDAY APRIL 20 1911 11 MICHS LETTER DOUBTED BY MANY They Say His Retirement From Senate Is Only a Shrewd Political Move KALES ACTION ALSO CAUSES s SPECULAT- IONs Friends of Both Say They Intend to Retire at Zenith of Glory The Casual is more Interested ia the announced retirement of Senator Aid rich and Senator HaM than ia aay event which has developed for a ons time This overshadowed the passage of the rivers and harbors bin the railroad bill sad all other pending measures and for tile time being at any rate Both houses of Congress discussed the withdrawal of these two great leaders of the organization in the Senate Their successors were speculated upon the policies of the old regime were trembled for and the probable results upon legis- lation were guessed at on all sides In spite of this widespread interest but few members of either branch were willing to be quoted on the matter ICothtag in weeks have developed upon which the Senate particularly was so reluctant about commenting for publica tion Insurgent Senators as well as regulars for the most part asked to be excused from talking to the public Yet there was a plenty of pertinent Otecnssion There were Senators who doubled seriously the funoexity of Senator AMriehs letter They sug- gested that the wbofe thing might be another political aeve and that Senator Aldriefa might be wfllteg to oome back to Washington after all when he hAs bad the summer to think She matter over Associates Say Hes Sincere There were even more of bis asso- ciates however who limited that the whole move on Ute part of the Rhode Islander was In good faith and time would establish that fact They remembered the letter Senator Spooner wrote once declining to become a candi date but afterward being elected and while this letter was recalled it did not shake their faith in the maGe by Senator Aldrich to retire from the Senate Senator Lodge of Massachusetts who has been a loyal follower of Senator Aldrich is one of tboee who believes ab solutely that the Rhode Islander means every word he says in his letter of the matter Senator Ledge saidOf course Senator Aldrich means It We regret exceedingly that he does The whole Senate win feel tile lose It is a national loss Yet we cannot blame Senator Aldrich for his action I do not blare Mm He has made his place in history He has done 4 years splendid work for the republic and he is now entitled t rest He does not want to linger JR tfca Senate until Ms usefulness wanes Tbo many Senators stay la that body fitter they have heroine too feeble to attend to their important committee work His Crewaiag Act Senator Aldrich of remains on the Monetary Commission That Is im- portant to the country He wants to crown his lifes work with a new mone- tary system one that he can present to the American people tbat te neither Democratic nor Republican but one that all parties can indorse and aid In through Congress I say that It that Senator Aldrich is willing to continue his work upon the Monetary Commission Senator Clapp an insurgent Senator was asked about the Aldrich letter Let me see it said the Xteneso tanWhen he had finished x be turned away with question Do you west me to give you an interview on this I am not going to Jet me Into anyway VETERANS INDORSE HOWARD Confederate veterans of the District have indorsed Gen George H Howard as commander to succeed General Evans election to take at the annual encampment in Mobile April S3 to 28 Capt D C Grayson has been elected chairman of the local delegates the selection being made at the meeting last night pro- gram announcement coarse jg Important What sort of trouble are you trying to I i the J ace I j I d u In- king the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ THE ISLE OF DEAD SHIPS By CRITTENDEN MARRIOTT Copyright J9 by CrHt n n Marriott Synopsis of Chapters Already Published- The steamer Qe B bond frwu Porto Btoe ta New York ba as one of IMF pas ni Miss Dorothy Fairfax daughter eC a raalUmaUeaalFB railroad builder On tie ship alee to Offktfc Jackson de t eUv who to taking back Frank How- ard U S N charged with the raarder his wife horny bolero the chip lot Porto Rico aa announcement eC Miss Fair faxs engagement to Ueoteaaat U S A a close friend Howard la made la a newspaper The engagement ia however dented toy Miss Fairfax The ship is caught by a storm awl driven headon Into a derelict All puMa gore and crew take to Ute boots except Jackson and Howard who get left behind As the lest boat leaves It capetee sad Miss Fairfax ta into the see Howard rebates her and takes her beck a beard the drifting wreck C tile Oases When she Sods she to alone OB the ship with the tw men as feints CHAPTER V Dinner Is Served AS Dorothy fell forward Howard her ia Ills arms and laid her upon the sofa Then he faced Jackson Nice thing this he remarked grimly A very nice thing conliider terpected as he aaw Jackson eyes wander to the girL DorJt worry about her just now Shes exhausted anyway and shell sleep it off and b- all the better when she rouses Meanwhile theres work for us We all need food and its imperative that we should find some at once Come The angle of the ships deck made examination both difficult and danger- ous but when by the exercise of care it was safely accomplished it was evident that the voyagers need not fear either starvation or thirst for a long time to come The storerooms of the Queen were above though only just above the new waterline and in them there was food for months to come It was good food too intended for the consumption of passengers who paid welL In addition to goods of which the stock was large varied there was a quantity of ice and fresh meat fresh vegetables- flour fotecuita sauces breakfast foods and so forth to say nothing of wines liquors gad tobacco With water the ship was equally loon scuttlebutt full but search Howard found two large tanks whose contents had not even been touched In the pantry just forward- of the saloon was a refrigerator with cooked food enough for two or three days AH theee were not found in an instant As It chanced the eamo last and tbe moment the food was discovered further investiga- tion was promptly suspended and prepa rations made to comfort the inner men A plentiful supply was quickly transferred to the saloon table where it was held in pines by the which had been put on the night before at dinner and bed not been Leaving Jacksoa to brew tbe coffee an art in which he asserted tttat be was proficient Howard went to see after Miss Fairfax As he had expected he found her sleeping her BWOOB having quietly passed into slumber A little color had come back to her cheeks and to her lips and her breathing was regular For several moments be stood looking down at her noting the sweep of her long lasbes on her cheeks the delicate penciling of her eyebrows and the pure curve of her parted lips She was of his own class in and He checked his shortly From this girl and all connected ititk her he had been out off by Ms trial and his sentence Had it not been tor the storm and the wreck be would never have spoken to one of her he realised that her eyes were and that she was regarding him curiously The next instant she blushed furiously and struggled to her feet not offer to help her he did not dare to Oh she begged forgive me Howard mumbled something Indistinct He was too much to speak clearly Miss Fairfax however dM not accept his presumably disclaimer Xo but really she reiterated I owe you an apology It was very silly of me to faint I was exhausted and the discovery The discovery that you were alone at sea with a detective and a convicted murderer appalled well it might Do not Name Mss Fairfax and do not think that I am sensitive No man can through an experience such as mine and fall to have ills cuticle thickened Give yourself no uneasiness about me Dorothy began to reply when sud- denly the dinner gong rang out im peratively- Whats that gagged Howard smiled Jackson he explained and hes hungry Wlll you come to dinner I But Dorothy did not come to dinner- at When she did ten minutes later after a visit to her stateroom which luckily was far aft and above water Howard DOtted with amused that in those few minutes she had managed to bind up her tangled haiir and change her dress for another She glanced at the table as j she approached and flushed at Jacksons glum looks MIlS a of Laving tIM wag lal the state or affairs he In f I I I well supplied Not only the after some d b re- moved I I su youas elf she once con IU e IAo and want se cooked fid- dles kind- s open Please ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ as Rainwater housewife knows the value of nice poft rainwater for washing clothes and for all cleansing purposes convenient to Secure rainwater however Neither is it necessary Gold Dust will soften the hardest water out the mineral substances and make It so near like the water that falls from the clouds that couldnt tell the difference Think what this means to you on washday Theres a deal of difference between action hard and soft water for all cleansing Just a little Gold Dust added to the water renders it soft and tft rL out the greatest cleansing value it the next time f wash clothes or lishes Gold Dust real g y cleanses so easily that- t relieves housework of I 11 its drudgery ftfade by THE N K FAIRBANK COMPANY Makers of FAIRY SOAP the oval cake GOLD DUST Makes Hard Water as Soft I r J r b 4 1 oU 0 O Iii Let to GOLD DUST f r as dsowsrerk- I > < Oh she cried Why did you wait I told you not to she slipped into her seat rm so hungry The hot and the meal lightened the spirits of the trio in spite in which they found With a albeit crip one under their feet and with plenty of food and water at it was not human nature to despair es- pecially as the sea had gone down so much it no threatened them To both Jackson and Miss Fairfax the worst seemed to be over in a day or two some one would pick them up they thought and all would be welL Howard alone wiser in the ways of the sea doubted He listened to the others hopeful prognostications but said little I must study the situation before I can anything was as far as he would commit himself even in answer- to a direct question they had finished their meal Dorothy rose Ill clear away these dtsheev she announced Im sure you have more Important things to attend to Later Mr Howard has studied the situation as he wishes we will hold- a council of war Howard bowed and went on deck His first glance assured him that his worst fears were true The Queen was evidently far within the Sargasso sea and under the impulse of a strong breese from the west was steadily driv ing eastward into everthickening fields of weeds Wreckage was here and there mute evidence of disasters that had occurred perhaps close at hand perhaps thousandsof miles away The passage- of open water that had trellteed the sea an hour before had disappeared and with them had tone faint hope Howard might nave had of rescue No skipper would venture into that tangle no boat could move through it almost it scented that one could walk on it yet Howard knew that any one trusting to that firmness would drown without oven a chance- to swim The weeds would coil round him soft slimy but strong and drag him down Like all who have sailed these waters Howard had heard many tales of the great Sargasso sea and had whiled away many an hour listening to the sailors yarns of the haven of dead ships buried far within those tangled confines a haven in the middle of the ocean a haven without a harbor a haven where tile ships dropping to pieces at last by slow decay must sink for two miles or more before they reached the floor of the ocean And into this haven the Queen was drifting slowly but sorely Notching but sinking could prevent her from raving onward till she reached the in- nermost haven What would it be like be wondered Would wrecks really be crowded together so that one could pass from one to the other That there had been plenty of them borne in to make a very continent of ships he did not doubt but had they floated long enough to ac cumulate to any great extent The sailors declared that the sea was as large as Europe that the weed was impenetrable over an area larger than France that there might well be an area of massed wreckage two or three hundred miles in diameter But these were sailors tales Would they prove true Wen Howard turned around Porotby and Jackson had come up behind him and were staring curiously over the weedy ea Well reiterated the latter Howard hesitated- I fear it is not well bo answered at last Our chances of escape for the present sem practically ail Miss but flushed darkly What are you Jaokaen to te she That is not the danger Look around you He waved Ws hand to the weedstrewn horlaen Jackson looked again Well What of h demanded This You see how thick the weed to thicker even than it was an hour rye sailed those seas long enough to know wbat that roeane It means that we have been Blown a long way Inside the Sargasso sea No ships come here sailing ships would lose nearly all their speed and steamers would lose ail of It for their screws would soon be hoptesely fouled No vessel will come to rescue us If we are ever to leave the Queen it must be by our own efforts What can we do asked Dorothy qtrteUy That Is it exactly What can we do Frankly I dont see that we can do anything at present We have no boats and nothing but a boat and a sharp edged one at that could make any- way through this morass And every minute we are getting deeper In Tb current below matches our sunken bow and the wind above catches our uplifted stern and both sweep us eastward toward the center of tho weed If took to a raft we would move much more slowly but we would starve much more quickly and our chances of picked up would not be improved But what will become of us I dont know It seems likely that we will be swept into the center of the ment a L at When tWo the us he roughly The ship aint going I It I ago we I I abundant themselves lon et w de- manded Nom be- ing ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Glycerin Tar Soap 4 Per C Cake J T II D PYLES 16 Stores I J I s e Ise- cnmns e where there are supposed to be thousands of derelicts the of the North Atlantic for 409 yoars I say supposed because nobody has even sees bet there Isnt much doubt about Jackson laughed scornfully What are yoa usl he demand- ed Incredulously turned to him all true she corroborated with- a catch ia her voice yesterday wishing poor fellow And now She off and turned to Howard Isnt there any chance at all of our being she asked Howard shook his head None I fear he answered gently- I am sorry Miss Fairfax more sorry than I can say but I fear we shall be on this wreck or on another for weeks and months to come So far as I can see now we can do nothing till we reach the central we may fled boat or the tools to build one ours are some other way to It will be desperately hard to wait to drift deeper deeper into this tangle day after day hoping that things will change when come to the worst but its all can do Mean- while can thank God that we have food drink and comfortable shelter and we are on our way to yes what no one has ever seen before and tell it Lets make the best of The best of itf Jacksons face was tempestuous and M0 eyes tended electric chair here You can afford to wait and watt But bow us How about me How about my wife and children Its hard Howard assented bitter hard but Youre lying to us Youre a sailor and can get us out of this if you will You dont want to out You hope that youll get a chance to but by heaven you ahant rll Howard spoke quietly but a spot of red glowed on cheek It is your duty to kill me rather than let me escape But it is not your duty to Insult me that I permit no man to do I warn you not to repeat your offense For the rest Was FaIrfax there is some reason in what this men says The catastrophe which has brought d to so and suffering both past and future to you baa saved me ant safe front the electric chair have to shrink from every casual glance would have to lie in answer to every wanton question But no extra dltion run to the heart of the Sargasso Sea So it might seen natural that I should to stay nere In so far our excitable friend is right But I once that I am even more anxious to get out of here than yourself I have still a task to do in the world my view is not entirely bounded by the electric chair If any faintest chance offers for as to escape from lore be sure that I will seize it But I am helpless see what aid they have to offer Then on t sew York with Jackson but I do promise to get you and him safety out of this place if it is within my power to do so I better it be Say that you believe ma It was impossible not to betters this dear eyed straight gentlemen convicted murderer though he were Dorothy held out her hand you she said and I trust you Howard looked at the hand doubtfully That is not nominated m the bond be suggested Chen welt put It ta return the girl As for what have done ia tbe past I have forgotten it We will all H till So be It tffl then The hands of the two met But Jack son standing aside grunted scornfully TH not forget it he growled Not for a single minute not till I get you to New York rye known your smooth spoken sort before The CoBtJHHHtion of This Story Be Found la Edition of The Times LADY FROM JACKS DULL DISGUSTING Like the Girl From Hectors Ha predecessor from the pen o Paul M Potter The Lady FrOm Jacks which had its premiere at the Columbia last night depends upon its encroachments over the borderland of decency to make K a success With the exception of a couple of vaudeville turns it is of any redeeming features uninteresting and dlagMstin the play heads the list of undesirables among recent theatrical offerings them Dorothy Its told me about it He was for chance to explore tM a wateror We We retarD- ed to it The best or It he vociferated heaven well for Youre all right here Youre from the Its I t escape you first Before I will rCs your duty to do so I where else In wide world I would you my word of honor not as a but as the gentleman I was until we reach the central wrecks and I will do what a man may I do not prOIId8e too go aDd forget 4 de- void Dull a broke far under its you p sates Bah heaves the give es Will Tomorrow ti ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Iten Well as Little Ones Delicious and fragrant with all the natural flavor of sweet birch It pleases the palate and aids digestion Sold Everywhere in 5c Packages 7 tIRGERS LONlr WITFRAGRNCff h tou J n- E r GrownUps as 1 c e e sJu a Y f- O e S 1 = t NOWS WE TIME TO RAVE YOUR HOME EQUIPPED fOR t ELECTRIC LIGHT When carpets are taken up Is X- sn excellent time The work can A then be accomplished without turbhig anything A- Y Let US show you how the wires tug the decorations A POTOMAC ELECTRIC POWER t 713 14th at N W That Cold Needs AttentionT- he Quicker you get rid of that cold the less danger there Is of contracting pneumonia and other Is the best remedy for Colds La Grippe Chills At all druggists Qeeeeee ds can be without disfigur 0 BABER and J Q b O O lnstalleet e C- Ot O Faer + Galloping His TeamHe Got Burning Potash Safely- to Street I TBW YORK April at The officiate of the HamburgAmerican Steaatefatp Company look with favorable eyes today upon Butch Adams driver for Berry Forwarding Company of this city for had Butch shown lees pres- ence of mind than be did in the that confronted him pier 3 of company tn kea might have been destroyed by lire Butch went with his truck to pier of chloride of potash This being a combustible article Butch bandied barrels very gingerly but despite all his care the fourth tarrsl burst into tame the instant it was placed on the truck Butch is a quick thinker Springing on the seat Ute truck be gave tIe horses a cut with the whip and beaded as the animals daubed sway tlie vehicle with Its blazing barrel of potash a chariot in full flight tfurtng a race meet ta a Roman 8tadnai Other teams were entering x e pier and drivers who did not run aside with celerity were bumped and Jostled un- ceremoniously Once off the pier and on the stone pavement of the street Butch stopped his team and soon his horses meantime yelling to spectators to call the Are engines Engine 1 responded and had the burning barrel out in a iffy Then Dutch looked the body of which completely burned out but hitching up team drove away to get a new wagon The firemen expressed the opinion that if Adams had not got his wagon off the pier ae soon as he did the would have destroyed ST PATRICKS CLUB PRESENTS COMEDY The Dramatic Club of St Patricks Church Sunday school preeented a four act comedy lean entitled For One Only in the new Halt The play was staged under the direction of John O Allen and Dennis E Connell AmooK thos in the taut were Paul Hbiea John O Allen Johanna Glotzaer- Xfaw Helen Gantlet Miss Ante Con ners Dr Newman J Hartnett KIN Margaret Corcoran and James S McKee DRIVER SAVES PIER BY ijUlGK ACTION the emer- gency t J is a wooden one to get a load the of them at a gallop toward the DttI truck structure been night NIght tat whkh street re- sembled un- hitched quick wan Car dli ¬ > ¬ > + HESC3TS RESORTS Old White Made New GREENBRIER COUNTY W Hotel and Cottages Open June 15 Completely renovated btfbs installed new casino golf courts many new attractions Low rates New management For catalog aad pariiaikrs address T ALEX BAXTER Manager White Sulphur Springs Greenbrier County W a WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS links ten- nis V- At Atlantic City ATLANTIC C1TT X J JO6IAH WHITE A SONS C UCPAXT and Sanitarium c 3 Owing to our Tonic and Cttrtilne Baths Service w sin always busy F TOCXG General lafonaatlOB Mr Foster owr tt RlUara CHETWOOBEPA- OIFIC AND HXINOiS AVS Special M t 9U Hotel earl aad ebMrfaL Spa oas lor lath year Bo OeC Mrs KKILT- DEMPSET Sole a S PONCE DE LEON I European plan Si day up Alfred B Qrlndroa- apUMC of all aaaj n ats and Asaarlcan and European Plans Sea water In aH baths renovated and refurnished Equipped with modem Orchestra Famoas Wtadsor Cf Restauraat Open all year S S PHOEBUS Maaaeor Virgtala ava Near Deacfa asd D XXIMAX Hotel Claxesd011 Eteel Pier The Wiltshire elevator Miwlc Special T59 up weekly 69 up dally Booklet xnhnMt SAiTCTEI R ELLIS HOTEL TRAYfWORE Atlantic City 37 Open throughout the Yew Famous sa botel with ex y raoaera convenience and all the comforts o home Traymora Hotel S Prep S1EAMBOATS POINT COMFORT Including Sound Trip Tickets staterooms ar 5 accommodations at Hotel Saturday to Monday 7 50 Saturday to Tuesday FridaY to Monday j 11Oil Norfolk SkaHkat Co City Ticket Office Saflftfag 720 14th St 1520 A highclass Rhine Wine Imported direct in dozen M per 34 half bottles S Christian Xanders FAMILY QUALITY HOUSE g Sf P100 3 274 5 branch houses marIbo IenbeIm spDoUt GALEN HAllH- otel eat EIepDC Oomtort aDd oral Table L Manger Bot Owner lid Amerle8B plan per day up weekly up WniDSOB Directly on the ocean front Ute very end WIt X cap 3fiQ PrIvate baths water In room the co- D CXAS O OLD Chamber S W 11 mmmmn iqm Imp i- li Ij II the wood Ii t 909 7th No ti- n i i HI m mHU m II W- t t ad weekly Par 3d e 3 515 HOTEL heart features Newly eve im VIRGINIA 1VE r matat S WINE LL HQUETXB Shertsprkng Tours to 5 1s BPS UDC S litlMR- H Ntt > > > TO UNVEIL STATUES President Taft to Speak at Dedication of Pulaski Monument- With the few minor de- tails the arrangemecta for the dedica- tion exercises at the unveiling of the Pnlaaki and the Koeciusko statues Thursday May IS have been completed The Pulaski monument being erected- in the triangle at Thirteenth street and Pennsylvania avenue will be unveiled first and following the exercises the spectators and specially invited guests reassemble at the Koaclusko mon ument in Lafayette Park President Taft will make the dedica- tion address at the Pulaski ceremonies and J F Smulskl of the Polish Na- tional Alliance will make an address in Polish T X Heliaeki president of the Polish monument central committee will unveil the statue The military will pass the stand for review by Pres ident Taft and will march put the H will be by Secretary of War Dickinson who Is scheduled to make the speech of acceptance there The dedi cation speech Is to be made by Anthony Scbrieber censor of the Polish National Alliance and an address In Polish will be made M B Steczynskl Several thousand men will be in the military parade Youth and BeautyW- omen and Men Are Anxious- to Keep Young seas of woman as duO faded rasterless There is no excase for this because notice ta hereby given to the of The that Sage the acting hale restorer Is now on sate m Washington at the drag store of Henry Evans and is sold a rigid at SO cecte a large bottte Since its introduction late America Paris ian had had an immense sale and here are the reasons It if sate and harmless It cires dandruff in two weeks by kSUag tile dandruff germ It It promptly stops ring of the scalp It hair and lux- uriant It rives life and beauty to te hair It not sticky or It is the daintiest hk tonic made It fe the best the most pleasant and to- tt shy of the druggist who offers you Hute he is unworthy of your confi only ta America Giroor Mfg Co N Y The girt with ARRANGEMENTS MADE of a wil JItDd at ko where Noshing eo from the a Te br I I t hair iog on V statute reviewed detracts condition adsys readers tic guar- antee Sae a blade ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ AMUSEMENTS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE A Religion of Progress W iToCHACKSX C S B Mendwr of d Cristtaa Silence Board of IXstareafeip of tie Poet j Christ Seteatisi Boston TT 3 C NATIONAL THEATER Sunday Afternoon April 24th- AT Welcome SXTBA Original Motion Pictures of Roosevelt in Africa Next BRIGADIERS aplS6t ECHOES FROM DIXIE- BY MRS MICHAEL Pim100 OF Recitations In Negro and aCracfcer Dialect April 22 530 P 3C Tickets fAdmlttHJinBt Reserved Seats Street and Park Road Week Continuous After 2 j ta Genuine Motion Pictures Stowing Strenuous Nature of This Hunt Our new Corona Screen will show these pictures to the best advantage pictures no vaudeville Best Ventilated Theatre In City DA2TCETQ I3T SAilSOOSI- HVSSV EVSKT27G Best Ventilated Theater in City Attractive Japanese Soil Ball Game MOVING PICTURES- Not a Store Show but a Theatre S to i Eve 7 to 1- 1IQC ADMISSION IQo Ri BY D n AT 3to OCLOCX Free YCEUM I ALL THIS WeekTHE UGUSTA GA 1 VILLARD DALLZOOU LOO u I- tT ARCADE1- 4th AIl ROOSEVELT IN AfRICA nrxEBESTmG AND mUCATZOJrAL All ROOF aplltf tft1A ES VAUDEVILLE LYD MAnS OGJUP Aft ap5ti A Church Acne apiit- M Mat cee Ew SSE- EKJario Do Paris Girls ElV L64 < AMUSEMENTS- NEW NATIONAL CHARLES KROH1CAK Pr at jms DOT Next and Box Sale Tomorrow Henry B Harris Presents A 3fewVa JcaI Comedy by JAXZ8 FORBES Author of The Chorus Lady sad Traveling Salesman Limited of 4 Weeks Osly Aborn Opera Company Week of play 2 3H31a zxodiste Week of 2 ay 9 El Capitaa Week of 16 Merry Monarch Week of day 23 XSff X odo Season Tickets 1 3 3 now OB sale To gfct815 Sic to H Sat He to 9LM- THO3IAJ3 KTXET Present PALL pcnrEars XEW NEXT WEEK SEATS XOW OK SALE THE WORLDS GREATEST MAGICIA3T- XEESiAKS SUCCESSOR GUS EDWARDS MUSICAL ODDITY ZITS HUMAN Woelt PZEHRE OF THE PUU- KKBELASOO Weal Mat Sc to Lit Sat Mat JX Another IEW YIELDS Tulles THE MERRY CO3IEDT Is MatrJmonyaFailure Same cast and production as dcrtc its 7mostlis 3C CEO C ArGH S GIGANTIC AND LILLI PT3T1AK jJONl jN COMEDIANS Ham Viflovj Quartet The acibaan Trio Johnny Stanley Elda iforris Hilda Tboooas and Lou HaiL Herr Rubens Week Edwia Stevens dour Hit Go idy- latyrc CKntyn a SPRING MUSICAL fKTIVAL BElASCO THEATER May 2 3 and 41910 Bee BTeategs and Wedeeeday M ttaeo Benefit B adfeft Faatf for aa Howe la Wacblascea D C PROGRAMS GeaenV SDte men XTEL6ZX Ft r ACT a crKMwrr M SBGO Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Tuesday Erasing May 8 BwWMMia Mesda7 Motatos if sate dob Miss Margaret Keyes S Wsl And Mire Opera OrAesIra Opera Orcheatra HK Scfeool Chorus and Ml HOBEKTA mine IB dSato DSBM- 3rsstaa Prosrsa vita lime FKEMSTAD the Bl Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Seats at Droops 13th and G Confetti Carnival TO3SOBOW SZGST At tb retroert of hundreds of- candval fin Thursday a evaasaa- JL Supply of oniettt VTIXit Eac2 Ticket Throw t on their qtantficjig bets Rub It in their hair TOM it ea tbas while they dance oa the S5o Aflnlts to Svc tMn I4tb and CASS SSA23BPES SO Z W THEATER Most Perfeetly Plreproof Tbatuisr IB America Wm MORRIS CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE Americas Best Picture Plays S SCatiaees All Seats 10 CeaU LO 2O Ceats- alS8t GAYETY THEATRE All This Week 9rary Day Sam A Serttmecs BIg Show BreseaU- J A3Sr KAHCOSBB Next JataS- CTN3DAT 8JIL And the Eminent Artists Mme JEANNE JOMKLLI Pznaa DftMk Soprano formerly of Xetropolltea sad Companies Mrs ALICE 3CERRITTCOCHKAN Snprag- 3OS6 LIliiA SJvBLLIXa CoBtca ta- e Metvoaotttaa Opera Coscpaay DR FKAKKLJX T MR FRA2TK CROXTON Bat TIekste SS a XM Anhor Smiths 1G1 S1 ft afU TONIGHT AT 315 BiLLIE BURKE In w S Fascinating WeekSeat b Mata PLAY Lady From Jacks THURSTON IIOtf ACADEMY SCHOOL DAYS TIM BERG Next 8IIU 750 i Sf MARIE DRESSLER fineness Nightmare I BY LEo seen ew York ruaK players DeUT zc and ic and Kyame dca BUT Seats Tod apJ5tt Opera Mar Apeenne Mmes BOLe aad the mike weGaee1J8S May sirOran lilt Season aksM UM 00- Eh S1rA0 EIJL am- Msc PCcm uro s tGn Iif MIDWAY paUOO5 the big oor u4 be turned Into a grand galaxy f PBEE g450 Pact ALT CASINO Prices the DullIng The talk of AfIIft NEXT PrrTSDtJ1irG CARL BERTHALER Opera LA ilk at r nee rug Comedy TIlu TINT ap7Dtf- i prices sec s2 burs datisee Taea Tlsuraandflat stem Re gd UUUeatQUUf f wxuz DAVID BELASCQ SEATS NOW Pee ts TaJYHrEL pltti Maen uanOc do The rlt graph seat k Mc tabs le Manny sraa 3 rasa ie L- ad Metr tat Roamay Matinee ar 4rMetsepeltaa Evsea4 Wa os apa eesrI4- i o if i1341 Poteda The 6e Midway BALL5QC PLOO WAY P seat Sts add ear Wselnial a Wes The rasher THE PBSTXVd- LOBCIESTa oosdne Manhattan T n- il r ± =

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-04 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-04-20/ed...THE WA IINffTON TIMES WEDNESDAY APRIL 20 1911 11 MICHS LETTER DOUBTED

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-04 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-04-20/ed...THE WA IINffTON TIMES WEDNESDAY APRIL 20 1911 11 MICHS LETTER DOUBTED




They Say His RetirementFrom Senate Is Only aShrewd Political Move


IONs Friends of Both SayThey Intend to Retire at

Zenith of Glory

The Casual is more Interested ia theannounced retirement of Senator Aidrich and Senator HaM than ia aay eventwhich has developed for a ons time

This overshadowed the passage of therivers and harbors bin the railroad billsad all other pending measures and

for tile time being at any rateBoth houses of Congress discussed the

withdrawal of these two great leadersof the organization in the Senate Theirsuccessors were speculated upon thepolicies of the old regime were trembledfor and the probable results upon legis-lation were guessed at on all sides

In spite of this widespread interestbut few members of either branch werewilling to be quoted on the matterICothtag in weeks have developed uponwhich the Senate particularly was soreluctant about commenting for publication Insurgent Senators as well asregulars for the most part asked to beexcused from talking to the public

Yet there was a plenty of pertinentOtecnssion There were Senators whodoubled seriously the funoexity ofSenator AMriehs letter They sug-gested that the wbofe thing mightbe another political aeve and thatSenator Aldriefa might be wfllteg tooome back to Washington after allwhen he hAs bad the summer to thinkShe matter over

Associates Say Hes SincereThere were even more of bis asso-

ciates however who limited that thewhole move on Ute part of theRhode Islander was In good faith andtime would establish that fact Theyremembered the letter Senator Spoonerwrote once declining to become a candidate but afterward being elected andwhile this letter was recalled it did notshake their faith in themaGe by Senator Aldrich to retire fromthe Senate

Senator Lodge of Massachusetts whohas been a loyal follower of SenatorAldrich is one of tboee who believes absolutely that the Rhode Islander meansevery word he says in his letter

of the matter Senator LedgesaidOf course Senator Aldrich means ItWe regret exceedingly that he does Thewhole Senate win feel tile lose It is anational loss

Yet we cannot blame Senator Aldrichfor his action I do not blare MmHe has made his place in history Hehas done 4 years splendid work for therepublic and he is now entitled t restHe does not want to linger JR tfcaSenate until Ms usefulness wanes Tbomany Senators stay la that body fitterthey have heroine too feeble to attendto their important committee work

His Crewaiag ActSenator Aldrich of remains on

the Monetary Commission That Is im-portant to the country He wants tocrown his lifes work with a new mone-tary system one that he can presentto the American people tbat te neitherDemocratic nor Republican but onethat all parties can indorse and aid Inthrough Congress I say that It

that Senator Aldrich iswilling to continue his work upon theMonetary CommissionSenator Clapp an insurgent Senatorwas asked about the Aldrich letterLet me see it said the Xteneso

tanWhen he had finished x beturned away with questionDo you west me to give you aninterview on this I am not going to

Jet me Into anyway

VETERANS INDORSE HOWARDConfederate veterans of the District

have indorsed Gen George H Howardas commander to succeed GeneralEvans election to take atthe annual encampment in Mobile AprilS3 to 28 Capt D C Grayson has beenelected chairman of the local delegatesthe selection being made at the meetinglast night




jg Important

What sort of trouble are you trying to



the Jace I














Copyright J9 by CrHt n n Marriott

Synopsis of Chapters Already Published-The steamer Q e B bond frwu Porto

Btoe ta New York ba as one of IMF pasni Miss Dorothy Fairfax daughter

eC a raalUmaUeaalFB railroad builderOn tie ship alee to Offktfc Jackson det eUv who to taking back Frank How-ard U S N charged with the raarder

his wife horny bolero the chip lotPorto Rico aa announcement eC Miss Fairfaxs engagement to UeoteaaatU S A a close friend Howard lamade la a newspaper The engagement iahowever dented toy Miss Fairfax Theship is caught by a storm awl drivenheadon Into a derelict All puMagore and crew take to Ute boots exceptJackson and Howard who get left behind

As the lest boat leaves It capetee sadMiss Fairfax ta into the see Howardrebates her and takes her beck a beardthe drifting wreck C tile Oases Whenshe Sods she to alone OB the ship withthe tw men as feints


Dinner Is Served

ASDorothy fell forward Howard

her ia Ills arms andlaid her upon the sofa Thenhe faced Jackson

Nice thing this he remarkedgrimly A very nice thing conliiderterpected as he aaw Jackson eyeswander to the girL DorJt worryabout her just now Shes exhaustedanyway and shell sleep it off and b-

all the better when she rousesMeanwhile theres work for us We

all need food and its imperative thatwe should find some at once Come

The angle of the ships deck madeexamination both difficult and danger-ous but when by the exercise of careit was safely accomplished it wasevident that the voyagers need notfear either starvation or thirst for along time to come The storerooms ofthe Queen were above though onlyjust above the new waterline and inthem there was food for months tocome

It was good food too intended forthe consumption of passengers whopaid welL In addition togoods of which the stock was large

varied there was a quantity ofice and fresh meat fresh vegetables-flour fotecuita sauces breakfastfoods and so forth to say nothing ofwines liquors gad tobacco

With water the ship was equally

loon scuttlebutt full butsearch Howard found two large tankswhose contents had not even beentouched In the pantry just forward-of the saloon was a refrigerator withcooked food enough for two or threedays

AH theee were not found inan instant As It chanced theeamo last and tbe moment thefood was discovered further investiga-tion was promptly suspended and preparations made to comfort the innermen A plentiful supply was quicklytransferred to the saloon tablewhere it was held in pines by the

which had been put on the nightbefore at dinner and bed not been

Leaving Jacksoa to brew tbe coffeean art in which he asserted tttat be wasproficient Howard went to see afterMiss Fairfax

As he had expected he found hersleeping her BWOOB having quietlypassed into slumber A little color hadcome back to her cheeks and to herlips and her breathing was regular

For several moments be stood lookingdown at her noting the sweep of herlong lasbes on her cheeks the delicatepenciling of her eyebrows and thepure curve of her parted lips She wasof his own class in and Hechecked his shortly

From this girl and all connected ititkher he had been out off by Ms trialand his sentence Had it not been torthe storm and the wreck be wouldnever have spoken to one of her

he realised that her eyeswere and that she was regardinghim curiously The next instant sheblushed furiously and struggled to herfeet not offer to help herhe did not dare to

Oh she begged forgiveme

Howard mumbled something IndistinctHe was too much to speakclearly Miss Fairfax however dM notaccept his presumably disclaimer

Xo but really she reiterated Iowe you an apology It was very sillyof me to faint I was exhausted andthe discovery

The discovery that you were aloneat sea with a detective and a convictedmurderer appalled well it mightDo not Name Mss Fairfaxand do not think that I am sensitiveNo man can through an experiencesuch as mine and fall to have ills cuticlethickened Give yourself no uneasinessabout me

Dorothy began to reply when sud-denly the dinner gong rang out imperatively-

Whats that gaggedHoward smiled Jackson

he explained and hes hungry Wlllyou come to dinner I

But Dorothy did not come to dinner-at When she did ten minuteslater after a visit to her stateroomwhich luckily was far aft and

above water Howard DOttedwith amused that in those fewminutes she had managed to bind upher tangled haiir and change her dressfor another She glanced at the table as j

she approached and flushed at Jacksonsglum looks






lal the state or affairs he In





well supplied Not only theafter some













want se













as Rainwater

housewife knows the value of nicepoft rainwater for washing clothes and for allcleansing purposes convenient toSecure rainwater however Neither is itnecessary Gold Dust will soften the hardestwater out the mineral substances and makeIt so near like the water that falls from the cloudsthat couldnt tell the difference

Think what this means to you on washdayTheres a deal of difference between actionhard and soft water for all cleansing Just a littleGold Dust added to thewater renders it soft and tft rL

out the greatestcleansing value

it the next time fwash clothes or

lishes Gold Dust real gy cleanses so easily that-t relieves housework of I

11 its drudgery

ftfade by THE N K FAIRBANK COMPANYMakers of FAIRY SOAP the oval cake

GOLD DUST Makes HardWater as SoftI r J r



1oU 0 O


Let to GOLD DUST f r as dsowsrerk-




Oh she cried Why did you waitI told you not to she slipped into herseat rm so hungry

The hot and the meallightened the spirits of the trio in spite

in which they foundWith a albeit crip

one under their feet and withplenty of food and water at itwas not human nature to despair es-pecially as the sea had gone down somuch it no threatened them

To both Jackson and Miss Fairfaxthe worst seemed to be over in a dayor two some one would pick them upthey thought and all would be welLHoward alone wiser in the ways ofthe sea doubted He listened to theothers hopeful prognostications butsaid little

I must study the situation before Ican anything was as far as hewould commit himself even in answer-to a direct question

they had finished their mealDorothy rose

Ill clear away these dtsheev sheannounced Im sure you havemore Important things to attend toLater Mr Howard has studiedthe situation as he wishes we will hold-a council of war

Howard bowed and went on deckHis first glance assured him that hisworst fears were true The Queen wasevidently far within the Sargasso seaand under the impulse of a strongbreese from the west was steadily driving eastward into everthickening fieldsof weeds

Wreckage was here and theremute evidence of disasters that hadoccurred perhaps close at hand perhapsthousandsof miles away The passage-of open water that had trellteed the seaan hour before had disappeared andwith them had tone faint hopeHoward might nave had of rescue

No skipper would venture into thattangle no boat could move through italmost it scented that one could walkon it yet Howard knew that any onetrusting to that firmnesswould drown without oven a chance-to swim The weeds would coil roundhim soft slimy but strong and draghim down

Like all who have sailed these watersHoward had heard many tales of thegreat Sargasso sea and had whiledaway many an hour listening to thesailors yarns of the haven of deadships buried far within those tangledconfines a haven in the middle of theocean a haven without a harbor ahaven where tile ships dropping topieces at last by slow decay must sinkfor two miles or more before theyreached the floor of the ocean

And into this haven the Queen wasdrifting slowly but sorely Notchingbut sinking could prevent her fromraving onward till she reached the in-nermost haven

What would it be like be wonderedWould wrecks really be crowdedtogether so that one could pass fromone to the other That there had beenplenty of them borne in to make a verycontinent of ships he did not doubt buthad they floated long enough to accumulate to any great extent

The sailors declared that the sea wasas large as Europe that the weed wasimpenetrable over an area larger thanFrance that there might well be anarea of massed wreckage two or threehundred miles in diameter But thesewere sailors tales Would they provetrue

WenHoward turned around Porotby and

Jackson had come up behind him andwere staring curiously over the weedyea Well reiterated the latterHoward hesitated-I fear it is not well bo answeredat last Our chances of escape for thepresent sem practically ailMiss but

flushed darklyWhat are you


to te sheThat is not the danger Look

around you He waved Ws hand tothe weedstrewn horlaen

Jackson looked again Well Whatof h demanded

This You see how thick the weedto thicker even than it was an hourrye sailed those seas long enoughto know wbat that roeane It meansthat we have been Blown a long wayInside the Sargasso sea

No ships come here sailing shipswould lose nearly all their speed andsteamers would lose ail of It for theirscrews would soon be hoptesely fouledNo vessel will come to rescue us Ifwe are ever to leave the Queen it mustbe by our own efforts

What can we do asked DorothyqtrteUy

That Is it exactly What can we doFrankly I dont see that we can doanything at present We have no boatsand nothing but a boat and a sharpedged one at that could make any-way through this morass And everyminute we are getting deeper In Tbcurrent below matches our sunken bowand the wind above catches our upliftedstern and both sweep us eastwardtoward the center of tho weed Iftook to a raft we would move muchmore slowly but we would starve muchmore quickly and our chances of

picked up would not be improvedBut what will become of usI dont know It seems likely thatwe will be swept into the center of the


L at




us heroughly The ship aint going








lon et










Glycerin Tar Soap

4 PerC Cake

J T II D PYLES16 Stores



I s



where there are supposed to bethousands of derelicts the ofthe North Atlantic for 409 yoars I saysupposed because nobody has even sees

bet there Isnt much doubt about

Jackson laughed scornfullyWhat are yoa usl he demand-

ed Incredulouslyturned to him

all true she corroborated with-a catch ia her voice yesterdaywishing

poor fellow And now Sheoff and turned to Howard Isnt

there any chance at all of our beingshe asked

Howard shook his headNone I fear he answered gently-

I am sorry Miss Fairfax more sorrythan I can say but I fear we shall beon this wreck or on another for weeksand months to come So far as I cansee now we can do nothing till we reachthe central we mayfled boat or the tools to build oneours are some otherway to

It will be desperately hard to waitto drift deeper deeper into thistangle day after day hoping that thingswill change when come to theworst but its all can do Mean-while can thank God that we havefood drink and comfortable shelterand we are on our way to yes whatno one has ever seen before and

tell it Lets make the best ofThe best of itf Jacksons face wastempestuous and M0 eyes tended

electric chair here You can afford towait and watt But bow usHow about me How about my wifeand children

Its hard Howard assentedbitter hard butYoure lying to us Youre asailor and can get us out of this ifyou will You dont want to outYou hope that youll get a chance tobut by heaven you ahant rll

Howardspoke quietly but a spot of red glowedon cheek It is your duty to killme rather than let me escape But itis not your duty to Insult me that Ipermit no man to do I warn you notto repeat your offenseFor the rest Was FaIrfax there issome reason in what this men says

The catastrophe which has broughtd to so and suffering bothpast and future to you baa saved meant safe front the electric chairhave to shrink from every casualglance would have to lie in answer toevery wanton question But no extradltion run to the heart of the SargassoSea So it might seen natural that Ishould to stay nere In so farour excitable friend is right But I

oncethat I am even more anxious toget out of here than yourself I havestill a task to do in the world my viewis not entirely bounded by the electricchair If any faintest chance offersfor as to escape from lore be surethat I will seize it But I am helplesssee what aid they have to offer Then

on t sewYork with Jackson but I do promiseto get you and him safety out of thisplace if it is within my power to do so

I better it be Say that youbelieve ma

It was impossible not to betters thisdear eyed straight gentlemenconvicted murderer though he wereDorothy held out her hand

you she said and I trustyouHoward looked at the hand doubtfullyThat is not nominated m the bondbe suggestedChen welt put It ta return thegirl As for what have done ia tbepast I have forgotten it We will all

H tillSo be It tffl then

The hands of the two met But Jackson standing aside grunted scornfullyTH not forget it he growled Not

for a single minute not till I get youto New York rye known your smoothspoken sort before

The CoBtJHHHtion of This StoryBe Found la Edition

of The Times


Like the Girl From Hectors Hapredecessor from the pen o Paul MPotter The Lady FrOm Jacks whichhad its premiere at the Columbia lastnight depends upon its encroachmentsover the borderland of decency to makeK a success With the exception of acouple of vaudeville turns it is

of any redeeming featuresuninteresting and dlagMstin the

play heads the list of undesirables amongrecent theatrical offerings



told me about it He wasfor chance to explore tM



retarD-ed toit

The best or It he vociferatedheaven well for Youreall right here Youre from the



you first Before I willrCs your duty to do so

Iwhere else In wide world I would

you my word of honor not as abut as the gentleman Iwas

until we reach the central wrecks andI will do what a man mayI do not prOIId8e too go



4 de-void



far under

its you psates













Well as Little OnesDelicious and fragrant with allthe natural flavor of sweetbirch It pleases the palateand aids digestion

Sold Everywherein 5c Packages





r GrownUps as1 c




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When carpets are taken up Is X-sn excellent time The work can Athen be accomplished withoutturbhig anything A-

Y Let US show you how the wirestug the decorations APOTOMAC ELECTRIC POWER t713 14th at N W

That Cold NeedsAttentionT-

he Quicker you get rid of that coldthe less danger there Is of contractingpneumonia and other

Is the best remedy for Colds La GrippeChills At all druggists


dscan be without disfigur







e C-Ot O



Galloping His TeamHe GotBurning Potash Safely-

to Street

I TBW YORK April at The officiateof the HamburgAmerican SteaatefatpCompany look with favorable eyes todayupon Butch Adams driver forBerry Forwarding Company of thiscity for had Butch shown lees pres-ence of mind than be did in the

that confronted him pier 3 ofcompany tn kea might have

been destroyed by lireButch went with his truck to pier

of chloride of potash This being acombustible article Butch bandied

barrels very gingerly but despite allhis care the fourth tarrsl burst intotame the instant it was placed on thetruck

Butch is a quick thinker Springingon the seat Ute truck be gave tIehorses a cut with the whip and beaded

as the animals daubed sway tlie vehiclewith Its blazing barrel of potash

a chariot in full flight tfurtng arace meet ta a Roman 8tadnai

Other teams were entering x e pier anddrivers who did not run aside withcelerity were bumped and Jostled un-ceremoniously Once off the pier and onthe stone pavement of the streetButch stopped his team and soon

his horses meantime yelling tospectators to call the Are engines

Engine 1 responded and hadthe burning barrel out in a iffy

Then Dutch lookedthe body of which completely

burned out but hitching up teamdrove away to get a new wagon

The firemen expressed the opinion thatif Adams had not got his wagon off thepier ae soon as he did thewould have destroyed


The Dramatic Club of St PatricksChurch Sunday school preeented a fouract comedy lean entitled ForOne Only in the newHalt The play was staged under thedirection of John O Allen and DennisE Connell

AmooK thos in the taut were PaulHbiea John O Allen Johanna Glotzaer-Xfaw Helen Gantlet Miss Ante Conners Dr Newman J HartnettKIN Margaret Corcoran and James SMcKee





J is a wooden one to get a load



them at a gallop toward the DttI











Car dli







Old White Made New


Hotel and Cottages Open June 15Completely renovated btfbs installed new casino golf

courts many new attractions Low rates New managementFor catalog aad pariiaikrs address

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links ten-nis



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and Sanitarium c 3Owing to our Tonic and Cttrtilne Baths

Service w sin always busyF TOCXG General

lafonaatlOB Mr Foster owr tt RlUara


Special M t 9UHotel earl aad ebMrfaL Spa oaslor lath year Bo OeC Mrs KKILT-DEMPSET Sole a S

PONCE DE LEONI European plan Si day up Alfred B Qrlndroa-


of all aaaj n ats andAsaarlcan and European Plans

Sea water In aH baths renovatedand refurnished Equipped withmodem Orchestra Famoas Wtadsor Cf

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Open throughout the YewFamous sa botel with ex y raoaeraconvenience and all the comforts o home

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cap 3fiQ PrIvate baths water Inroom






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mmmmn iqm Imp i-li IjII the woodIit

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t ad



3 515



eve i m


r matat



ShertsprkngTours to



UDC S litlMR-







President Taft to Speak atDedication of Pulaski


With the few minor de-

tails the arrangemecta for the dedica-tion exercises at the unveiling of thePnlaaki and the Koeciusko statuesThursday May IS have been completed

The Pulaski monument being erected-in the triangle at Thirteenth street andPennsylvania avenue will be unveiledfirst and following the exercises thespectators and specially invited guests

reassemble at the Koaclusko monument in Lafayette Park

President Taft will make the dedica-tion address at the Pulaski ceremoniesand J F Smulskl of the Polish Na-tional Alliance will make an addressin Polish T X Heliaeki president ofthe Polish monument central committeewill unveil the statue The militarywill pass the stand for review by President Taft and will march put theH will be by Secretary of WarDickinson who Is scheduled to make thespeech of acceptance there The dedication speech Is to be made by AnthonyScbrieber censor of the Polish NationalAlliance and an address In Polish willbe made M B Steczynskl

Several thousand men will be in themilitary parade

Youth and BeautyW-

omen and Men Are Anxious-to Keep Young

seas of woman as duO faded rasterlessThere is no excase for this

because notice ta hereby given to theof The that Sage

the acting hale restorer Is now onsate m Washington at the drag store ofHenry Evans and is sold a rigid

at SO cecte a large bottteSince its introduction late America Paris

ian had had an immense sale and hereare the reasons

It if sate and harmlessIt cires dandruff in two weeks by kSUag

tile dandruff germItIt promptly stops ring of the scalpIt hair and lux-

uriantIt rives life and beauty to te hairIt not sticky orIt is the daintiest hk tonic

madeIt fe the best the most pleasant and to-

tt shy of the druggist who offers youHute he is unworthy of your confi

only ta America Giroor MfgCo N Y The girt with


of a


JItDd at ko where

Noshing eo from the a TebrI



hair iog

on V















CHRISTIAN SCIENCEA Religion of Progress

W iToCHACKSX C S BMendwr of d Cristtaa Silence Board of

IXstareafeip of tie Poet j ChristSeteatisi Boston TT 3 C

NATIONAL THEATERSunday Afternoon April 24th-

AT Welcome

SXTBA Original Motion Pictures ofRoosevelt in AfricaNext BRIGADIERS



MRS MICHAEL Pim100OFRecitations In Negro and aCracfcer

DialectApril 22 530 P 3C

Tickets fAdmlttHJinBtReserved Seats

Street and Park RoadWeek Continuous After 2 j ta

Genuine Motion Pictures StowingStrenuous Nature of This Hunt

Our new Corona Screen will showthese pictures to the best advantage

pictures no vaudevilleBest Ventilated Theatre In City


Best Ventilated Theater in CityAttractive Japanese Soil Ball Game


Not a Store Show but a Theatre

S to i Eve 7 to 1-1IQC ADMISSION IQo













tT ARCADE1-4th







tft1A ES





Acne apiit-

M Mat ceeEw

SSE-EKJario Do Paris Girls






jms DOTNext and Box Sale TomorrowHenry B Harris Presents

A 3fewVa JcaI Comedy by JAXZ8 FORBESAuthor of The Chorus Lady sad

Traveling SalesmanLimited of 4 Weeks OslyAborn Opera Company

Week of play 2 3H31a zxodisteWeek of 2 ay 9 El Capitaa

Week of 16 Merry MonarchWeek of day 23 XSff X odo

Season Tickets 1 3 3 now OB sale

To gfct815

Sic to H Sat He to 9LM-








KKBELASOOWeal Mat Sc to Lit Sat Mat JX




Is MatrJmonyaFailure

Same cast and production as dcrtcits 7mostlis 3C


Ham Viflovj Quartet Theacibaan Trio Johnny Stanley Eldaiforris Hilda Tboooas and Lou HaiL HerrRubens Week EdwiaStevens dour Hit Go idy-latyrc CKntyn a



May 2 3 and 41910Bee BTeategs and Wedeeeday M ttaeo

Benefit B adfeft Faatf for aaHowe la Wacblascea D C


GeaenV SDte men XTEL6ZXFt rACT a crKMwrr M SBGO

Metropolitan Opera OrchestraTuesday Erasing May 8 BwWMMia

Mesda7 Motatos if sate dobMiss Margaret Keyes S Wsl

And Mire Opera OrAesIra

Opera Orcheatra HK Scfeool Chorus andMl HOBEKTA mine IB dSato DSBM-

3rsstaa Prosrsa vita lime FKEMSTADthe Bl Metropolitan Opera Orchestra

Seats at Droops 13th and G

Confetti CarnivalTO3SOBOW SZGST

At tb retroert of hundreds of-

candval fin Thursdaya evaasaa-

JL Supply of oniettt VTIXit Eac2Ticket

Throw t on their qtantficjig betsRub It in their hair TOM it ea tbaswhile they dance oa the

S5o Aflnlts to Svc tMnI4tb and


THEATERMost Perfeetly Plreproof Tbatuisr IB America


Americas Best Picture PlaysS SCatiaees All Seats 10 CeaU

LO 2O Ceats-alS8t

GAYETY THEATREAll This Week 9rary Day

Sam A Serttmecs BIg Show BreseaU-


Next JataS-


And the Eminent ArtistsMme JEANNE JOMKLLI Pznaa DftMk

Soprano formerly of Xetropolltea sadCompanies


e Metvoaotttaa Opera CoscpaayDR FKAKKLJX T


Smiths 1G1 S1 ft afU


BiLLIE BURKEIn w SFascinating




Lady From Jacks








BY LEoseen

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MIDWAYpaUOO5 the big oor u4be turned Into a grand galaxy f





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