y f- S WASHINGTON TIMES SATDEDAY IfOVllDBEB 19 1910 10 THE I i 4 o > SEASON FOR SPEEDERS IS NEARING THE CLOSE Last Automobie Event of the Year Will Be Held at Santa Thanksgiving of Interest to Auto Owners- By HARRY WARD Monica DayNotes Csr VM taw practi- deefcted bein the Santa liionle to Io Angeles Than agiiiaa Day The mason now Hared fcsaon- gtrateJ af trtiarndous interest m the auto ractajc gmit The rules of the American Automobile AsBoriatfcm dU much to win the conftdenee of the pub- lic The feetag that ears entered as stock cars were really stock machines leas bees strengthened It to an urn doubted fact that tile public has under- estimated the strength of the sport feature of motor racing They have not realized that many manufacturers are in the game to a great extent for the pleasure of it Of course the comsaer vial phases are strong inducements but the Lame feeling which makes a private owner rejoice in pawling arrival ntotor- jst on a good streten of country road is also a big factor in brinicinc an auto manufacturer into the racing gaaae For the same reason some makers have transgressed upon the rules in too Manufacturers who have supported racing feel that with the perfection of the rules the sport of motor racing will be protected and developed With all makers rating on the same terms and precautions taken to prevent mis- leading claims afterward the entire sport will become more wholesome and increase the confidence and support of the public A number of of the officials of the threes A will be held before spring and the present rules will be Improved a complete official list of records will be drawn up and plans for the 1911 racing season formulated racing ful and less hazardous pursuits Ray Harroun who has heel a star for sev- eral years te the driver m questiou Hie appearance at the wheel of a Mar mon car in the Grand Prise race mark- ed the end of his racing career Har roun will devote attention to aeroplane engines Joe Dawson will succeed him as chief of the Marmon radar crew A track meet will be heN in Orleans during Mardi Gras week in conjunction with an auto show It meets ever held la this country te to make debut with the Case ear at this meet and he Is to do some sensational Endfcott and the Cole car will be on head as well as Bob Burman and the Buick outlet The Jackson and CIao companies will also be represented at the moot in addi- tion to many others Preparations for the eleventh na tional automobile show In Madison Square Garden in January are being made on a plane which Indicates that this event is coming more and more to rival the horse show as a social fete While the New York auto show lg always a great social function at which the ultra fashionable in both cars and costumes is displayed the show committee te planning to make the forthcoming exhibition more con- spicuous than ever in this respect Two outoftown sales were made this week by David the pur The racing caUS t taaee 1 r be I i I desire to i noted the game to tDchI1ce In more teace I to be one the track Lewis Head k sense- 2 ciaei ts 7 eveat 1ip er is none bas 1 1 graft a win meets gs a Andtbet drirer has ghat t1P design- ing New promhres Af beet expected ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + chaser in each mstsnce the ear from the floor of Hendrteks and during it to his bone S Salabee came over from Baltimore and purchased a Thornma and im- mediately hit the pike for horns with tbe machine Frank H Rouse dame to Washington from Chariestown W Va sad purchased an Interstate roadster which he drove to W C Long yesterday issued a call be held at Eckatelns Tuesday night for the purpose of deciding upon a dune for the automobile show Every dealer as well as those in tile allied trades has been invited to participate in the show movemeat C Williams who drove a Ifaynea car in the recent reliability ran of th Chicago Motor Club is in the city and Is T C Sims the Williams made a perfect road with his car and lost only two points in the technical examination winning the trophy in the touring car division A Stanley Zell and F C Sibbald of the Zen Motor Car Company will leave for Detroit on November 27 to attend the annual conference of Cbal mers dealers The convention will begin November r J and will continue four days la addition to the sessions the Chalmers Motor Company has arranged to give the dealers many entertainments during their stay in Detroit a banquet being the feature event AUTOMOBILIST FOR 6900 DAMAGES Hackuwm Seeks to Recover From EH For Speed way Accident Charles F Smith a hsekman has med a suit for 9609 ama es m the Telephone Company for alleged ha Juries received when tile dents automobile ran into a victoria he was driving on the Potomac driveway on the night of September 1 Clarke was arrested charged with reckless soon after the coi- nsion and was fined O in Police Court The petition avers that the automo bile struck tbe victoria from the rear hurting Smith from the box and render ing him unconscious Two the victoria it is alleged were pinned beneath the wreckage Walter P Plnruey filed the suit for Smith MISSION JUBILEE OPENS IN DETROIT DETROIT Mich Nov A notable observance of the fiftieth anniversary of the United Missionary Societies of Michigan was opened hi Detroit today Delegates from all parts of the State are taking part In the celebration which will continue over Sunday and Monday taJda tor a meeting of the auto dealers to L Bay lapel busi- ness SUED- Clarke District Supreme Court manager Ute Wire- less I 1Ir a- in sales- room eaaiint dense Ii slate of Coiairaf hat i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ << << THE SHADOW OF THE SPHINX By ALBBR21 PAXSON TBRHUNE Copyright The Frank A j uns y Company I Synopsis of Preceding Chapters Hugs and his friend Jack traveling through Egypt In of Prof Keyes who thinks taR help him trace bit soUi r9 fanny Tbey mud him witn his daughter Ha the ftocots of a Bedouin Arab emir Baacaeul offers to two nan his hospKaMty to efecoverad to be eon e- oW 8tMer and Is In conM- oeoce neat IB of successkw T- ftaet the fact eC Ms alien Wood emir paaaa to adopt Mn a his and give his daughter FerMab IB marriage who hitherto ranked a b tr to the emuship treacherously tries to kill ton Fertdah eonfoeMc her to Standish who te already in with Hope Keyas Hope SMUtR t two together mtow tile situation Staadis is BW- Hbu teal answer to the offer oAa Stead h his daughter a to lavoGt him rights Hashs refusal of the tor by meamnser from Ute fchattfaa awe- ferted love He te aaoopt Arab heritage CHAPTER XVI- I Burn My Bridges a space we rode in silence site L The easy lope of our had carried us punt the slowerinarching tribesmen and on to tbe hillfoot before the wordless spelt broken It was enough for me to be at her sMe where 1 had no right to be and to know that my pres- ence no looser tiled her with the that had yossastHMl her when last met Though I wondered vainly wily she had sought rid with me today yet a sort of illogical contentment Ailed me It was good oh it was good u- be near her again So might x son exiled forever from home peer in throng h the lighted windows of his fathers Arouse and momentary surcease from homesick loneliness by a fleeting glimpse of those he loved and had forever lost I noted that Hopes dainty 3owerfae was thinner and paler than oC oM There was a settled sadness about the glorious a Arm to the from what cause I could not divine I would not speak first It was not stubbornness that gripped my tongue merely a yearning to remain longer under this sweet anesthetic that stilled for a time the dull ache gnaw ing ever at my heart It was enough to be near her And I was betrothed to another woman At last Hope spoke- I have wanted to see you once more she began speaking with difficulty and looting anywrere but Into my inquiring eyes I have wanted to see you be- e there something I ought to say for my om sake not for yours She stopped I did not help her out The horses mounting the steep hill neck tc lord Their rapid salt had slowed into st dy walk I looked bata at the plain behind The ttttle army was streChed out like a long brown snake the foremost ranks Just beginning to breast the Keyes and Jack were some ten yards to our rearI have a Bt word to you more than once as yes know asking a moment of your times she continued formally You sent word to me I cried as- tounded Four times seed she surprised at my vehemence by my crora Each time your harass reported My kavassT Why yes He carried the message from my groom to your tent and re- turned with word that you were too busy to be disturbed Is it passible PtIIID are trIM Ute Ute older line him TIle Sheik lId who has love mooed to council of tIM tribe to give TIle emir with el- I interrupted a Hugh enMItY FOR i i We I I hOt alWaYs Wore busy and mot Cone J I I I I Standish aearca wrong Standish gates the son yomg kvee Fon- da and love dvsta ado a a sirs sad is else eodtgm tly refsaes s his was loath- ing eyes pathetically mot wets wee hat you ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SEASONABLE MOTOR CABS Caalmers 30 Limousine ciOOO with complete equipment THE GUARANTEED CAR llfs Always Ready When You Want A There is no car before the public that cora lames as many liighgrade qualities as does the CHALMERS Automobile In every detail of construction the CHALMERS is made to stand the most rigorous test It is very quiet and economical It is especially smooth m opera tkxi en crowded streets is simple and com- pact and wit require very tittle attention f I of iC It t I Chalmers- f 3 i i tt + lpasaenger SImottsfno Price 4600 FOR COMFORT The StevensDuryea Limousine the easiest riding most luxurious most comfortable car ever made It is the ideal car for city use in the and its equipment be im proved upon r 6cylnder lawn winter throughout cannot ok i iek JC f it > iC x t k c a l T k 1 << f j 6v4- Y 6 < 4cyUader 5400 cylinder Town Car OHmousine Price THE LAST WORD IN LUXURY The 1911 Peerless Limousine reaches the highest perfection of automobile construction It is built for the man who wants the best and will use discrimination in his selection of an automobile 4200 t i ZELL MOTOR CAR I 1315 York Ave N W YYYYVY YYVYYVyyyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYrYYYYYYYY1YYYYY1YYYYYYVYY YYVVYY Y- I Limousine e x COG- e New C 1 > she added half doubting half hoping that he was wrong r Most things are possible Ir this sphinxshadowed country I answered wearily In this particular case it isnt a matte of possibility but of certainty Either your groom or my kavass has been bribed not to deliver such messages But ft was not alL Angrily I realized who it was that to make im- possible all nope of reconciliation be- tween American girl and myself by intercepting any messages that might be sent by one of us to the other And again I was irked by my imperial and imperious fiancees surveillance But- I not explain to Hope She was stilt pondering over zny work Then she said Ton received none of my messages Naturally not You are certain she asked incredu- lously it seemed to me- lt was the list straw of the mornings burden and under it my temper went to nHres I laughed disagreeably I forgot for the moment said 1 am an Arab and in our desists with that we thinly It no sin to use deception in ear power Yes the messages came no doubt and were all delivered to me to d e form and I gave the answers reported by my faithful kavass and by our equally faithful groom Then I forgot thing and now that it is recalled to my mem ory I lie about it Oh Hugh she exclaimed impati- ently that worthy of a school- boy Then catching herself up and resumimr her more formal tope she added I dM not doubt your woNt I Tm orry I said contritely I teem forever saying or doing the WMNMC thing where you are concerned and then tc aixHoitfs I dont know come over me these test few months Its all right she answered touched at mv abject capttdlation Thanks I said in gratitude and our hands met We both drew a ray m confusion from that handctoap For the contact sud- denly brrught us Hack memory of our present relations towaM other T had been behaving for a moment like the Hugh Standish and she like the Hnte Keyes of oM Now we woes both on guard again It was my fault I ventured hi stele extrfanation- Ko she It was mine It must be hard to become an Arab an at There shall be no more I answered You call me Hugh My name is Nas sar You took my hand The last per son who grasped it had just tried to killed me I You are In danger she asked In quick alarm this r L any t only amazed at what to onto lapses tot kith was the hav- Ing each denied There must be ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ No I hastened to lie Of esrrse not I was only a Joke I understand yo In Jperaeon You last and I begrn drstnd tine a different Hugh Standish 1 knew And tolerated I si checked I ass what you Have made me And you mustnt bUuno my own And I Med again I am very happy have no right to say that dechired That I ant happy T I asked No That you are what I made It te not true You know it is not speak to you To tell me It wasnt ten you that 1 have been thinking land wondering for weeks over what happened back there at the old encamp sire replied A11 my reason all my common sense tolls me I was not mistakes hi the conclusions I formed then seared i the to m sad says I couldnt grow into the sort of man you think I Is that foolish Jfo I said an unaccoontabh not And sirs argued Xy own sanity tews me w0 1 know what to think idol not answer There mas nothing lay I had oared out my own path lAgty over the golden valleys of So I decided at last she continued I ask your And if I am m- any way wrongly responsible thte mad nave of yours n turning your back on your own land and your I be you to y before It is too late and too tote I said quietly I had been doing some rapid thinking and my coarse was The step I lad taken was irrevocable By solemn oath I was the betrothed tasband of FyrMah adopted by the sheik of the El Kanah adopted by the as his son While the princess lived while the tribe should endure there was no release for me I was chained to my poet as truly as by material fetters Nor could I be our enough to send my lost away iron ire with the idea hat sho rt risible for mr terrible T ositi n She oust rot go through with f that lead r coat YU lit this sIaort- the F I herself yourself for I t1Iraed t I I you I It for that party I wanted see youto and true o meet I But always just wMa rve rm tight tile WMIDM7 of I little boy I to knoW years in Concord back am shorts throat Yet kIIow k yet tt be t bow tr- I too late sow toisok beck 1oIIc Bean I after for me to I de cided to to you that If I had in any way done you an touce or wronged day I fagot fOl3fv I to I I I I love life tht k she s gazed West never an cant havs broom gnat des aa as she have Poor she to sturdy honest ened ago comes lump in m y imurt easy to was JUght Have waiting Pa en myself so for- e i form i defog emir way wirer She c > cruelly me and broken my life Tide last poo reparation was the least 1 could make to Ute woman who was alt the world to me I must hurt her tf I would cure her Thus it was that I said It te too late It Is never too late she protested you See I will take your own unsup- ported word that Usten I said stealing myself to Ute awful effort that her every preeJomt You are utterly mistakes I R American or thought myself so I cane out hoe My ancestral blood asserted itself All at once my old ttfe grew tem dear to me An irresistible drew me to become what I am today I fought against I even tried to be- come interested in you my way on Tip in the that morning I tried to make to you But the time my heart was down In the tents where Fteridab was singing That evening we became bethotfced she and I The next day I followed you to see if you really cared I found that you didnt so I had j nothing more with which to reproach myself I could turn to my new chosen career with a clear conscience And I old I am no longer an American even in thought I am a Bedouin A sheik of the JB Kanah of ray mothers people That te alL I threw out my arms In a gesture that tried to express happy freedom The motion dislodged somKhhig from the breast of my caftan TIle object fell to my saddle bow I caught and replaced It before Hope ould catch sight of the relic I so earefuHy restored to its hid It was a tiny The gW said no word as I nnfehsd I had torn my heart to tueces falsehood that was to save her from future misery The thing was done and I was weak and next I think murmured Hope at length I will go back and ride with father now Goodby Goodby I answered heavily with- out looking up She seemed about to weak ate but And I rode on alone I was the hilltop Beyond lay my future Behind was alt that had life beautiful spurs to my charger I dashed ahead recklessly eager to meet half- way the fate those fearful caprices I luckily had not the wit to foresee TIle Centinnailwa of Tbln Stery Will Be Feuad In Tecaorrovvs wronged will help yoamy help hIe made more and more dIaIeuL was It Words choked ate but I fought love I I on breast silk dIIIg nor could L more In the elaborate her mind reined her horse Strtk I father will craving The ku oil tab lug piece ny speaking sal changing in nearing made Timers ¬ ¬ General Wood Announces This After Visiting Horse Show favorably in every way wt h the picked soldiers of tile armies e Eu rope but the horses which Untie Sam provides are not the equals of those of foreign troops Such Is Ute conclusion of Mai Gen Leonard S Wood chief of star U A who has returned from a visit to the New York horse show where American cavalrymen contested wltti entrants from France Germany Eng land and other countries riding skill shown by our as great as of any of ti foreigners said General Wood but the visitors horses were vastly supe- rior to the American horses I that sums are paid for trained exhibition horses over there and their value with additional schooling The American cavalrymen have on to the Chicago horse show they will participate la a simi- lar series of contests LIeu Adna R ChsJTee Jr Is the only representative tbe contestants most of whom are from Fort Riley trained fer two weeks at the Fort Myer grounds ju the horse show at Madison Garden CHAUFFEUR HELD AS GARAGE THIEF Police Recover Property Taken From Former Employer of Oscar Slack Oscar R Stack a chauffeur of III Sixth street northwest te locked up at the Sixth precinct police station garage m Sails court northwest con ducted by William H Harrison by whom he was at one time and taking several tires and tool boxe Policeman Lurten recovered the prop- erty CAVALRY HORSES OF S INFERIOR I1a e me- w increases Fort X7er with the American te- AM l Is dsarged with Into Us eavuAryort eemhe moat nat under- stand gone of cav- alry Square He breaking a employed ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = i i Ji hg 1 f r J i m f COLE 30 1911 I TIlE CAR YOULL BE PROUD TO OWN < = = il- t COLE 30 FORE DORE TOY TO XAUFOUR PASSENGER 1650- I COLE 30 FLYER TORPEDO ROADSTER 1500 A whirlwind for speeda beauty for style I z i IY A i re- I H = The 1500 Cole 30 was the low est priced car en tered in any of the Vanderbilt Cup Races Its performance is in direct contra- diction to its price The stamina speed and power which the Cole 30 has shown in economy tests in races and in the hands of satisfied owners give evidence of unusual perfec- tion in construc tion I O I 3 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ COLE 30 PORE DORE TOUKING CAR FIVE PASSENGER 1650 Let us demonstrate the Cole 30 We will be glad to do so without imposing any obligations whatever upon you we will prove to you that the Cole 30 is the car youll be proud to own THE WILSON COMPANY Agents St NW Phone North 3144 I- Yi J k t k k F I Vti3 a Fourteenth fI s

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-11 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-11-19/ed-1/seq-10.pdf · 10 THE WASHINGTON TIMES SATDEDAY IfOVllDBEB 19 1910

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1910-11 …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1910-11-19/ed-1/seq-10.pdf · 10 THE WASHINGTON TIMES SATDEDAY IfOVllDBEB 19 1910

y f-




Last Automobie Event of the Year Will Be Held atSanta Thanksgiving

of Interest to Auto Owners-


Monica DayNotes

Csr VM taw practi-

deefcted bein theSanta liionle to Io AngelesThan agiiiaa Day

The mason now Hared fcsaon-gtrateJ af trtiarndous interest m theauto ractajc gmit The rules of theAmerican Automobile AsBoriatfcm dUmuch to win the conftdenee of the pub-lic The feetag that ears entered asstock cars were really stock machinesleas bees strengthened It to an urndoubted fact that tile public has under-estimated the strength of the sportfeature of motor racing They have notrealized that many manufacturers arein the game to a great extent for thepleasure of it Of course the comsaervial phases are strong inducements butthe Lame feeling which makes a privateowner rejoice in pawling arrival ntotor-jst on a good streten of country road isalso a big factor in brinicinc an automanufacturer into the racing gaaae Forthe same reason some makers havetransgressed upon the rules in too

Manufacturers who have supportedracing feel that with the perfection ofthe rules the sport of motor racingwill be protected and developed Withall makers rating on the same termsand precautions taken to prevent mis-leading claims afterward the entiresport will become more wholesome andincrease the confidence and support ofthe public A number of ofthe officials of the threes A will beheld before spring and the present ruleswill be Improved a complete official listof records will be drawn up and plansfor the 1911 racing season formulated

racingful and less hazardous pursuits RayHarroun who has heel a star for sev-eral years te the driver m questiouHie appearance at the wheel of a Marmon car in the Grand Prise race mark-ed the end of his racing career Harroun will devote attention toaeroplane engines Joe Dawson willsucceed him as chief of the Marmonradar crew

A track meet will be heN inOrleans during Mardi Gras week inconjunction with an auto show Itmeets ever held la this country

te to make debutwith the Case ear at this meet andhe Is to do some sensational

Endfcott and the Colecar will be on head as well as BobBurman and the Buick outlet TheJackson and CIao companies will alsobe represented at the moot in addi-tion to many others

Preparations for the eleventh national automobile show In MadisonSquare Garden in January are beingmade on a plane which Indicates thatthis event is coming more and moreto rival the horse show as a socialfete While the New York auto showlg always a great social function atwhich the ultra fashionable in bothcars and costumes is displayed theshow committee te planning to makethe forthcoming exhibition more con-spicuous than ever in this respect

Two outoftown sales were made thisweek by David the pur

The racingcaUS ttaaee 1 r be




desire to


noted thegame to tDchI1ce In more teace


to be one the trackLewis

Head k

sense-2ciaei ts 7 eveat 1ip er



1 1

graft a win

meets gsa

Andtbet drirer has ghat t1P



promhres Af beet










chaser in each mstsnce theear from the floor of Hendrteks

and during it to his bone SSalabee came over from Baltimore andpurchased a Thornma and im-mediately hit the pike for horns withtbe machine Frank H Rouse dame toWashington from Chariestown WVa sad purchased an Interstateroadster which he drove to

W C Long yesterday issued a callbe held at Eckatelns Tuesday nightfor the purpose of deciding upon adune for the automobile show Everydealer as well as those in tile alliedtrades has been invited to participatein the show movemeat

C Williams who drove a Ifayneacar in the recent reliability ran of thChicago Motor Club is in the city andIs T C Sims the

Williams made a perfect roadwith his car and lost only two

points in the technical examinationwinning the trophy in the touringcar division

A Stanley Zell and F C Sibbald ofthe Zen Motor Car Company willleave for Detroit on November 27 toattend the annual conference of Cbalmers dealers The convention willbegin November r J and will continuefour days la addition to the

sessions the Chalmers MotorCompany has arranged to give thedealers many entertainments duringtheir stay in Detroit a banquet beingthe feature event


Hackuwm Seeks to Recover FromE H For Speed

way AccidentCharles F Smith a hsekman has

med a suit for 9609 ama es m the

Telephone Company for alleged haJuries received when tile dentsautomobile ran into a victoria he wasdriving on the Potomac driveway on thenight of September 1

Clarke was arrested charged withreckless soon after the coi-nsion and was fined O in Police Court

The petition avers that the automobile struck tbe victoria from the rearhurting Smith from the box and rendering him unconscious Two

the victoria it is alleged were pinnedbeneath the wreckage

Walter P Plnruey filed the suit forSmith


DETROIT Mich Nov A notableobservance of the fiftieth anniversary ofthe United Missionary Societies ofMichigan was opened hi Detroit todayDelegates from all parts of the Stateare taking part In the celebration whichwill continue over Sunday and Monday


tor a meeting of the auto dealers to






District Supreme Courtmanager Ute Wire-



1Ir a-



eaaiint denseIi slate of Coiairaf










The Frank A j uns y CompanyI

Synopsis of Preceding ChaptersHugs and his friend Jack

traveling through Egypt Inof Prof Keyes who

thinks taR help him trace bit soUi r9fanny Tbey mud him witn his daughterHa the ftocots of a Bedouin Arab

emir Baacaeul offers to twonan his hospKaMty

to efecoverad to be eon e-

oW 8tMer and Is In conM-oeoce neat IB of successkw T-

ftaet the fact eC Ms alien Wood emirpaaaa to adopt Mn a his and give

his daughter FerMab IB marriage

who hitherto ranked a b trto the emuship treacherously tries tokill ton

Fertdah eonfoeMc her to Standishwho te already in with Hope KeyasHope SMUtR t two together mtow

tile situation Staadis is BW-

Hbu teal answer to the offeroAa Stead h his daughter

a to lavoGt him rightsHashs refusal of the tor

by meamnser from Utefchattfaa

awe-ferted love He te aaooptArab heritage


I Burn My Bridgesa space we rode in silence site

L The easy lope of ourhad carried us punt the

slowerinarching tribesmen andon to tbe hillfoot before the wordlessspelt broken It was enough forme to be at her sMe where 1 had noright to be and to know that my pres-ence no looser tiled her with the

that had yossastHMl her when lastmet

Though I wondered vainly wily shehad sought rid with me today yeta sort of illogical contentment Ailedme It was good oh it was good u-

be near her again So might x sonexiled forever from home peer inthrong h the lighted windows of hisfathers Arouse and momentarysurcease from homesick loneliness bya fleeting glimpse of those he lovedand had forever lost

I noted that Hopes dainty 3owerfaewas thinner and paler than oC oMThere was a settled sadness about theglorious a Armto thefrom what cause I could not divine Iwould not speak first

It was not stubbornness that grippedmy tongue merely a yearning to remainlonger under this sweet anesthetic thatstilled for a time the dull ache gnawing ever at my heart It was enoughto be near her And I was betrothed toanother woman

At last Hope spoke-I have wanted to see you once more

she began speaking with difficulty andlooting anywrere but Into my inquiringeyes I have wanted to see you be-

e there something I ought tosay for my om sake not for yours

She stopped I did not help her outThe horses mounting the steephill neck tc lord Their rapid salt hadslowed into st dy walk

I looked bata at the plain behindThe ttttle army was streChed out likea long brown snake the foremost ranksJust beginning to breast the Keyesand Jack were some ten yards to ourrearI have a Bt word to you more thanonce as yes know asking a moment ofyour times she continued formally

You sent word to me I cried as-tounded

Four times seed she surprised atmy vehemence by my crora Eachtime your harass reported

My kavassTWhy yes He carried the messagefrom my groom to your tent and re-turned with word that you were toobusy to be disturbed Is it passible

PtIIID are




himTIle Sheik lId who



mooed to council of tIM tribe to give

TIle emirwith el-


interrupted aHugh








alWaYs Wore busy andmot Cone J









yomg kvee Fon-da and


dvsta adoa

a sirssadis

else eodtgm tly refsaes shis



eyes pathetically mot



hat you






Caalmers 30 Limousine ciOOO with completeequipment

THE GUARANTEED CARllfs Always Ready When You Want A

There is no car before the public that coralames as many liighgrade qualities as does theCHALMERS Automobile In every detail ofconstruction the CHALMERS is made to standthe most rigorous test It is very quiet andeconomical It is especially smooth m operatkxi en crowded streets is simple and com-pact and wit require very tittle attention







I Chalmers-






lpasaenger SImottsfno Price 4600

FOR COMFORTThe StevensDuryea Limousine the

easiest riding most luxurious most comfortablecar ever made

It is the ideal car for city use in theand its equipment be improved upon




throughout cannot

ok i


JC fit
















4cyUader 5400 cylinder Town Car OHmousine Price

THE LAST WORD IN LUXURYThe 1911 Peerless Limousine reaches the highest perfection of automobile construction It is built

for the man who wants the best and will use discrimination in his selection of an automobile












she added half doubting half hopingthat he was wrong r

Most things are possible Ir thissphinxshadowed country I answeredwearily In this particular case itisnt a matte of possibility but ofcertainty Either your groom or mykavass has been bribed not to deliversuch messages

But ft was not alL Angrily I realizedwho it was that to make im-possible all nope of reconciliation be-tween American girl and myselfby intercepting any messages thatmight be sent by one of us to the otherAnd again I was irked by my imperialand imperious fiancees surveillance But-I not explain to Hope

She was stilt pondering over znywork Then she said

Ton received none of my messagesNaturally notYou are certain she asked incredu-

lously it seemed to me-lt was the list straw of the mornings

burden and under it my temper wentto nHres I laughed disagreeably

I forgot for the moment said1 am an Arab and in our desists with

that we thinly It no sin to usedeception in ear power Yes themessages came no doubt and were all

delivered to me to d e form and I gavethe answers reported by my faithfulkavass and by our equally faithfulgroom Then I forgot thingand now that it is recalled to my memory I lie about it

Oh Hugh she exclaimed impati-ently that worthy of a school-boy Then catching herself up andresumimr her more formal tope sheadded I dM not doubt your woNt I

Tm orry I said contritely I teemforever saying or doing the WMNMC thingwhere you are concerned and then

tc aixHoitfs I dont knowcome over me these test few months

Its all right she answered touchedat mv abject capttdlation

Thanks I said in gratitude and ourhands met

We both drew a ray m confusion fromthat handctoap For the contact sud-denly brrught us Hack memory ofour present relations towaM otherT had been behaving for a moment likethe Hugh Standish and she like theHnte Keyes of oM Now we woes bothon guard again

It was my fault I ventured hi steleextrfanation-

Ko she It was mine Itmust be hard to become an Arab an atThere shall be no more I answered

You call me Hugh My name is Nassar You took my hand The last person who grasped it had just tried tokilled me I

You are In danger she asked Inquick alarm






only amazed at



onto lapses



was the




There must be








No I hastened to lie Of esrrsenot I was only a Joke

I understand yoIn Jperaeon You

last and I begrndrstndtine a differentHugh Standish 1 knew

And tolerated I sichecked I ass what you

Have made me And you mustnt bUuno

my own And I Med again I amvery happy

have no right to say thatdechired

That I ant happy T I askedNo That you are what I made

It te not true You know it is not

speak to youTo tell me It wasnt

ten you that 1 have been thinkingland wondering for weeks over whathappened back there at the old encamp

sire replied A11 my reason allmy common sense tolls me I was notmistakes hi the conclusions I formedthenseared itheto m sad says I couldnt grow intothe sort of man you think I Isthat foolish

Jfo I said an unaccoontabh

notAnd sirs argued

Xy own sanity tews me w01 know what to thinkidol not answer There mas nothinglay I had oared out my own path

lAgty over the golden valleys ofSo I decided at last she continued

I ask your And if I am m-any way wrongly responsible thtemad nave of yours n turning your backon your own land and your

I be you to ybefore It is too late andtoo tote I said quietly

I had been doing some rapid thinkingand my coarse was The step Ilad taken was irrevocable By solemnoath I was the betrothed tasband ofFyrMah adopted by the sheik of theEl Kanah adopted by the as hisson While the princess lived whilethe tribe should endure there was norelease for me I was chained to mypoet as truly as by material fetters

Nor could I be our enough to send mylost away iron ire with the ideahat sho rt risible for mr terrible

T ositi n She oust rot go throughwith f that lead



YU lit this sIaort-the

F Iherself

yourself for I t1Iraed tI


you IIt for that party I wanted seeyouto and



IBut always just wMa rve

rm tight tile WMIDM7 ofI

little boy I toknoW years in Concord back


shortsthroat Yet kIIow k

yet tt bet bowtr-I

too late sow toisok beck 1oIIc


after for me to I decided to to you that If I had in anyway done you an touce or wronged

day I fagotfOl3fv

I toI





lifetht k

she s gazed

West never ancant havs broomgnat desaa



Poor she


sturdy honest enedago comes

lump in m yimurt


towas JUght



en myself so






wirer She c >

cruelly me and broken my lifeTide last poo reparation was the least1 could make to Ute woman who wasalt the world to me I must hurt her tfI would cure her Thus it was that Isaid It te too late

It Is never too late she protestedyou See I will take your own unsup-ported word that

Usten I said stealing myself toUte awful effort that her every preeJomt

You are utterly mistakes I RAmerican or thought myself so I caneout hoe My ancestral blood asserteditself All at once my old ttfe grewtem dear to me An irresistibledrew me to become what I am today Ifought against I even tried to be-come interested in you

my way onTip in the that morning I tried

to make to you But the timemy heart was down In the tents whereFteridab was singing That evening webecame bethotfced she and I The nextday I followed you to see if you reallycared I found that you didnt so I had j

nothing more with which to reproachmyself I could turn to my new chosencareer with a clear conscience And Iold I am no longer an American evenin thought I am a Bedouin A sheik ofthe JB Kanah of ray mothers peopleThat te alL

I threw out my arms In a gesture thattried to express happy freedom Themotion dislodged somKhhig from thebreast of my caftan TIle object fell tomy saddle bow I caught and replacedIt before Hope ould catch sight of therelic I so earefuHy restored to its hid

It was a tiny

The gW said no word as I nnfehsdI had

torn my heart to tuecesfalsehood that was to save her fromfuture misery The thing was done andI was weak and next

I think murmured Hope at lengthI will go back and ride with father

now GoodbyGoodby I answered heavily with-

out looking upShe seemed about to weak ate but

And I rode on aloneI was the hilltop Beyond lay

my future Behind was alt that hadlife beautiful

spurs to my charger I dashedahead recklessly eager to meet half-way the fate those fearful capricesI luckily had not the wit to foresee

TIle Centinnailwa of Tbln Stery WillBe Feuad In Tecaorrovvs


will help yoamy help

hIe made more and more dIaIeuLwas

ItWords choked ate but I fought




on breastsilk dIIIg

nor could L moreIn the elaborate

her mind reined her horse


I father will


Theku oil


lug piece ny

speaking sal

changing innearing





General Wood AnnouncesThis After Visiting

Horse Show

favorably in every way wt h thepicked soldiers of tile armies e Europe but the horses which Untie Samprovides are not the equals of thoseof foreign troops

Such Is Ute conclusion of Mai GenLeonard S Wood chief of star UA who has returned from a visit tothe New York horse show whereAmerican cavalrymen contested wlttientrants from France Germany England and other countriesriding skill shown by our

as great as of any of tiforeigners said General Wood butthe visitors horses were vastly supe-rior to the American horses I

that sums are paidfor trained exhibition horses overthere and their value withadditional schooling

The American cavalrymen haveon to the Chicago horse showthey will participate la a simi-

lar series of contests LIeu Adna RChsJTee Jr Is the only representative

tbe contestants most of whomare from Fort Riley trained fer twoweeks at the Fort Myer grounds ju

the horse show at MadisonGarden


Police Recover Property TakenFrom Former Employer of

Oscar SlackOscar R Stack a chauffeur of III

Sixth street northwest te locked up atthe Sixth precinct police stationgarage m Sails court northwest conducted by William H Harrison bywhom he was at one timeand taking several tires and tool boxePoliceman Lurten recovered the prop-erty




e me-w


Fort X7er with the Americante-



Is dsarged with Into


eavuAryort eemhe moat




of cav-alry


He breaking a









i i Ji hg 1 f r J i m f

COLE 30 1911 I


< = =



COLE 30 FLYER TORPEDO ROADSTER 1500A whirlwind for speeda beauty for style










The 1500 Cole30 was the lowest priced car entered in any ofthe VanderbiltCup Races Itsperformance is

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The staminaspeed and powerwhich the Cole30 has shown ineconomy testsin races and inthe hands ofsatisfied ownersgive evidence ofunusual perfec-tion in construction











Let us demonstrate the Cole 30 We will be glad to do so withoutimposing any obligations whatever upon you we will prove to you that the

Cole 30 is the car youll be proud to own

THE WILSON COMPANY AgentsSt NW Phone North 3144 I-

Yi J






IVti3a FourteenthfI
