Water Cycle Lesson 3

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  • 8/7/2019 Water Cycle Lesson 3


    Water Cycle

    I. Title: The Water Cycle!

    II. Michigan Standards:

    S.IP.01.11 Make purposeful observation of the natural world using

    the appropriate senses.

    S.IP.01.12 Generate questions based on observations

    S.IP.01.13 Plan and conduct simple investigations.

    III. Lesson objective: Students will identify the steps in the water cycle

    and recognize its importance to our weather.

    IV. Materials Needed:

    Computer Access

    Glass Cup


    Bowl of Water ( Microwavable safe)

    Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation handouts

    ( attached)

    Crayons, Markers

    Bottle of Water

    Digital Camera

    V. Anticipatory Set:

  • 8/7/2019 Water Cycle Lesson 3


    Mind Capture: Once students arrive, and our seated at their seats

    grab your bottle of water and pour it into a glass. Start drinking the

    glass saying ahhhhh, after each sip. (This should get your students

    attention) Once you have their attention ask them, Boys and girls

    how long do you think this water has been hereon earth? Wait for

    their answers and Discuss. Boys and girls this water has been on

    the earth since the world was born!! Whoa thats old. You thought

    Ms. Gardner, and your parents were old this water is over a million

    years old. If it is a million years old how am I able to drink it? We

    will find out the answer together soon!

    Bridge to Previous Learning: We have talked about the sun and

    how it heats our earth we will be furthering this knowledge during

    our lesson today.

    Statement of Purpose: It is important for students to learn aboutthe water cycle because it affects our daily lives, by the water we

    drink and the water we use around the world.

    VI. Instructional Input:

    1. Boys and girls who can tell me what the water cycle is?

    ( Discuss, students may not know)

    2. The water cycle is how I am drinking this water that is over amillion years old. The water is recycled everyday. ( Clarify what

    recycle means if needed)

    3. The first step of the water cycle is Evaporation. This is when

    water is pulled out from a lake, river, stream or puddle and

    sucked up into the air, by the sun. Which remember the sun is

    very important to our world.

    4. When the little water droplets are in the air the wind pushes

    them together to form clouds. As the little water droplets forminto clouds this is called condensation.

    5. So what was our first step to the water cycle? ( Look for

    Evaporation) The second step is what? ( Look for Condensation)

    6. The third step is when the clouds get too full of all the water

    droplets. This is when it rains, called precipitation.

  • 8/7/2019 Water Cycle Lesson 3


    7. Once we go through all these steps the water is back into a river,

    lake or stream and we start all over. When the water makes it

    back down to earth this is called collection.

    8. Boys and girls tell me again the three steps to the water cycle.

    9. We are now going to watch a short video on the water cycle.

    Access the video World Ahoy The Water Cycle on


    10.Once you have watched the video ask what happened to the

    little droplet during Evaporation. Condensation? Precipitation?

    When the droplet comes back down to earth what is this called

    boys and girls?

    11. Have students sit on the carpet for circle time.

    12.Boys and girls I have a few experiments I want to show you.

    13. Pin the Evaporation Hand out up so all students can see it.


    14. Heat a bowl of water up in the microwave for about 10

    minutes. Take it out and have students gather around the bowl.

    15. Boys and girls do you see the steam rising out of the bowl?

    This is Evaporation in action all the water droplets are

    evaporating into the air.

    16. Boys and girls what is the next step in our water cycle?

    ( Condensation)

    17. This boys and girls is what condensation looks like, pull a

    glass of water out of the freezer. The glass will form water

    droplets on the glass have students feel the water droplets as

    they form on the glass.

    18. Boys and girls do you see and feel the water on the outsideof the glass? This is condensation.

    19. What is our last step to the water cycle? ( Precipitation)

    20.Grab another glass out of the freezer, set it on the desk so water

    can fall off of the glass on to the desk, mimicking precipitation.

    Friends while we wait I am going to teach you a song about the

  • 8/7/2019 Water Cycle Lesson 3


    water cycle. (Go to youtube.com Type in the water cycle song by

    Mr. Davies.) Sing the song with students a few times until the

    water is off of the glass.

    21.Boys and girls do you see the puddle at the bottom of the glass?

    This is because the water droplets got to heavy for the glass tohold and they fell off. This is just like when it rains, the clouds

    get to heavy and let go of all the water droplets.

    22.Boys and girls lets go outside to take a picture of our daily

    weather and record it in our weather charts. Also boys and girls

    glance at your Lima bean plants to take some notes on what

    they look like.

    23. Take a picture of what the weather looks like.

    VII. Opportunity For Practice:

    Guided Practice: Our guided practice was circling time, the song

    and videos along wit the experiments.

    Independent Practice: Students will color the Evaporation,

    Condensation, Precipitation and Collection worksheets. Have them

    write a one two or three in the corner of the paper, stating which

    step their picture is. Have them turn in when finished. Students areallowed to use their table team members for help.

    VIII. Closure: Boys and girls your ticket out the door is to tell me one

    thing you learned today bout the water cycle. I would also like you

    for homework to draw a picture of the water cycle and label the

    steps 1, 2, 3. We will share our pictures tomorrow. ( Assessing

    through discussion and homework)