We have thought that working on emails could help us to focus our attention on Topics, Grammar forms and Vocabulary, together with the layout of Letters

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  • We have thought that working on emails could help us to focus our attention on Topics, Grammar forms and Vocabulary, together with the layout of Letters. The Italian translation has also taught us that English and Italian are not always the same ones in referring facts and situations, in fact the Italian translation is often free from the English structure. P.S. You can click on the letters for Italian Backversions. Class II M Teachers Alunna: Marilli Cristina Tarquinio Rosalba Cardone Roberta
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  • Present continuous for activities happening now; present simple vs. present continuous Vocabulary: housework Talking about activities happening now Talking about housework
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  • Hi Richard! This is just a quick message, because Im really busy. Were all getting ready for my grandfathers sixtieth birthday. Theres a big family party this evening in the garden, with about 40 people. so this afternoon, were cleaning an d tidying up. My mother is cooking in the kitchen and my aunts are helping her. Dad is putting up lights in the garden at the moments, and my uncle is organizing the tables and chairs. My cousins are here too, but they arent helping much- theyre playing computer games. I must go now. See you on Monday. PeterPeter. Hi Sarah! How are you? Im stressed, because were all getting ready for my mothers birthday. As every family party, we organize the event at my house! Well, everybody has a role, but because its a surprise party will be very difficult to prepare all. So while my father is bringing to shopping my mother, my aunts and I are organizing the tables and chairs. My grandmother is cooking for the party. Unfortunately we will not be many, because my brother is leaving for work and my cousins are on holiday in Sardegna. Sorry. I have to go now. Write me soon. Criss
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  • To be going to: intentions and predictions; must/mustnt To be going to must/mustnt Vocabulary: phrasal verbs Talking about intentions
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  • Hi! Happy New Year! How are you? Did you have a good time last night? We only had a small party here at home, just my family and a few friends. But it was OK, and I didnt go to bed until 2.00 in the morning. This email is part of my New Years resolution- Im going to write a lot more emails this year! My dad hes going to give up smoking and go running every morning. He said this last year, but he didnt keep it up. Have you got any resolutions for this year? Weve got a holiday this week, so Im going to real and spend some time with my friends. It snowed here yesterday, so were going to do some snowboarding. Write soon! Bye for now Jessie
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  • Hi! Happy New Year! Im fine thanks, and you? How are you? Did you have a good time last night? I stayed here at home with just my family. But we had fun and we went to bed about 3,00 oclock. I have a few New Years resolution. Im going to go to dancing school this year! My mum says shes going to practice some physical exercise like running every morning. She says this many times, but she doesnt keep it up. I hope she doesnt give it up this time. Weve got a holiday this week, so Im going to my grandparents farm and spend some time with my family. Write soon! Bye Criss.
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  • Present simple/continuous and past simple review Vocabulary:guessing meaning from context Describing temporary/permament activities; past and present situations Interview about free time
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  • Past continuous Past continuous Past continuous vs. past simple; when/ while Vocabulary: phrases with get Describing past actvities
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  • Comparative and superlative adjectives Intensifiers with comparatives (not) as as comparatives Adverbs/ Comparative adverbsComparative adverbs Vocabulary: antonyms Making comparisons Comparing yourself with others Describing a sport event
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  • Hello Amy, how are you? Did you see a dramatic third and last round of the womens Big Air contest at the Winter X Games at Mount Snow, Vermont? More than 7,000 people saw it. Tara Dakides, a regular winner of the top events, won with the very last jump of the competition. She jumped brilliantly, a 540 turn, and the scores came up quickly on the board. She said It wasnt easy, but in these competitions you never win easily. It a fantastic experience! I hope that you've seen it! Write me soon CrissCriss.
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  • Will/wont; might/ may(not): predictions Will/wont; might/ may(not) First conditional; unless First conditional; Vocabulary: the environment Discussing environmental problems Predicting future events
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  • Hello Paolo how are you doing? Did you know that coral in the sea will de if people cut down more rainforests? It happens like this. If people cut down more rainforests, the worlds temperatures will rise. If the temperature of the sea go up too, the small animals and plants that coral lives on will stare to die. So, the coral dont get enough food, and then it will go white and die. If the coral died, over 90,000 different kinds of fish will be in danger of dying too. So, as you can see, one natural disaster often causes another one. What do you think about it? Write me soon. Criss.
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  • Present perfect simple; just/already/yet Present perfect simplejust/already/yet Vocabulary: British vs. North American English Checking information Talking about recently completed activities Question tags
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  • Hi Mark! How are things with you? Thanks for your email-I got it yesterday. So, here I am on holiday in California- and Im in an Internet caf in San Francisco, writing to you! Were having a great time. Weve already been to San Diego and Los Angeles- San Francisco is the last city on our holiday (they say vacation here). Its a great place and the weathers beautiful. Weve already done lots of things! Yesterday, we went to Alcatraz prison, on an island- really interesting! We havent visited the Golden Gate Bridge yet, but f course Ive seen it! Oh, but weve already travelled on one of the streetcars (tram) here- it was wicked! Well, its time for dinner- were going to a Mexican restaurant tonight, I cant wait! Hope everythings OK with you- write to me again soon, OK? Love, Sarah PS- Ive already bought a present for you- a San Francisco Giants baseball cap! Hope you like it!
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  • Hi Francesca! How are things with you? Thanks for your email-I got it yesterday. So, here I am on holiday in UK- and Im in an Internet caf in London, writing you! Were having a great time. Weve already been to London and Oxford- Liverpool is the last city on our holiday (they say vacation here). Its a great place and the weathers beautiful. Weve already done lots of things! Yesterday, we went to the Oxfords University-really interesting! We havent visited the British Museum yet, but Ive seen it! Oh, but weve already travelled on one of the streetcars (tram) here- it was wicked! Well, its time for dinner- were going to a Chinese restaurant tonight, I cant wait! Hope everythings OK with you- write to me again soon, OK? Love, Criss PS. Ive already bought a present for you, but its a surprise! Hope you like it!
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  • Dear Amy! How are things with you? This is just a quick message, because Im really busy. Im going on holiday to the UK and I need to do something, for examples I have to but something to wear but I havent bought any new clothes yet. Especially I have already bought a guide book of London, so Ill can visit all part of London. I have already written to the family with Im going to stay and to the language school, but I havent got a letter from the school to say that Im going to be a student there yet. I havent also found out how to get from the airport to the English family. I hope to enjoy there and learn to speak English much better than now. Sorry, I have to go now. Write me soon. Criss
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  • Present simple passive; by Present simple passive Let/be allowed Let/be allowed Vocabulary:describing a persons age Describing a ceremony Retelling a story Talking about permission
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  • Hi Amy! How are things? You all right? Sorry I havent replied to your last email, but Ive just finished my exams. Listen, its my sixteenth birthday on 17 June and Im having a party at my place. Can you come? Hope you can! The party will be great, and all my friends going to be there. Let me know, ok? See you! Mike
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  • Hi Mike How are you? Hope youre well and your exams were OK! Thanks a lot for your email-it was good hear from you. Thanks too for the invitation to your birthday party on the 17 th, but were going on holiday on the 10 th and we arent coming back until the 20 th, so Im afraid theres no way I can go. But I hope you have a really good time and enjoy the party. Im really excited about our holiday cos were going to the Bahamas! Cant wait-its my first time! Lots of sun and swimming, I hope-itll be great! You wont get a postcard from me, of course- you know Im too lazy! Well, Ive got loads of other emails to write so Ill finish here. Take care and write again soon Love Amy
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  • Hi peter! How are you? Hope youre well! Thanks a lot for your email- it was good hear from you! Thanks too for the invitation to go and stay there with you. Would be great! But we have just planned to spend our summer somewhere else. Were going to Paris! Im really excited about our holiday cos its my first time. I go to Paris. Lots of monuments and museums, but especially I hope to see the Tower Eiffel. You wont get a postcard from me, you know Im too lazy! Well Ive get loads of other emails to write, so Ill finish here Take care and write me soon. Love, Criss
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  • Present perfect simple; for vs. since Vocabulary:verb and noun pairs Talking about unfinished situations
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  • Hi there! How are you doing? Havent heard from you for a long time! Where have you been? Listen, were doing a project at school about how different teenagers around the world have fun. Id really like you to help me, if you can! So, can you tell me: -what kinds of things make you laugh? -what things you do to have a good time? -how often you do them?! -how long youve done them for?! -why you think having fun is important? If you can think of anything else to write, please do! In return Ill send you some great photos of me and my friends in California. Thanks very much, and write soon! Brad
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  • Hi Brad Thanks for your email. Sorry I havent written sooner, Ive to study for an exam. Anyway, you want to know how I have fun: for example when I stay with my friends in the afternoon or when I go to the dancing school: its my passion! Also lots of thing make me laugh, for example when my brother makes silly faces. Having fun is very important because the life I very difficult, so sometimes its important laugh: everybody needs to have fun. Take care and write again soon. Criss
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  • Verbs+ing/ Verbs+ to+base verb Verbs+ing/ Verbs+ to+base verb Vocabulary: films Expressing likes/dislikes and preferences Talking about film
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  • Dear Lucia, how are you? Yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends to watch the film Gangs of New York. The film, directed by Martin Scorsese, was almost three hours long. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz, Daniel Day-Lewis and Liam Neeson. It was about gangs of men in the street of New York, in the middle of the nineteenth century. DiCaprio plays the role of Amsterdam, a boy who saw his father killed by Butcher Bill, played by Day-Lewis. Amsterdam comes back to New York many years later, looking for a way to kill butcher bill when he is in New York he falls in love with Jennie, played by Cameron Diaz. Have you ever watched this film? If yes, did you like it? Tell me something about it. Bye. Criss
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  • Past simple passive Past simple passive A, an or the A, an or the Vocabulary: disasters Exchanging information Describing a dream
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  • Hello Jake, how are you? Well, last night I dreamed that I was somewhere in a wood. In the wood there were lots of strange things. First I saw a house. The house was made of chocolate. When I walked closer, a woman opened the door. The woman was very old and she was wearing big glasses. She said, You can eat some of the chocolate, but you have to give me a present. I didnt know what give her. But then I remembered. I had a photo of my dog in my pocket. I gave it to the woman and she looked at it. Suddenly, I saw a giant cat. The cat was bigger the an elephant. I was so scared that suddenly I woke up Have you ever had a strange dream? Write me soon. Criss
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  • Too much/many; not enough Too much/many; not enough Will/wont vs. to be going to Vocabulary: homes Describing quantity Talking about your home
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  • Hi John! Well, Im back! I had a great time in Borneo, really fascinating. Kuching was interesting, but I dont think we spent enough time there. When we left to go on the river, there were too many people for the longboat, so we travelled to the village in a bus. The village was fascinating. I loved the longhouses, but there werent enough rooms for all of us to sleep there, so we had to sleep in tents. The first night was great, but I ate too much delicious Iban food, I felt ill the next morning! The second night wasnt as good because there wasnt enough food for everyone. After that, there was a jungle trek- lots of interesting thing there, but not enough time to see everything. Anyway, Ill see you next weekend and show you all my photos. See you then! Annie
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  • Determiners (everyone/ no one, etc.) Must/ mustnt vs. dont have to Must/ mustnt vs. dont have to Vocabulary: remembering and forgetting Discussing memory
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  • Dear Lisa You mustnt think that your parents are wrong and youre right. Remember that youre younger than they are and they want the best for you. So you must listen to your parents and try harder. Claire.
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  • Present perfect continuous/ Present perfect continuous vs. simple Present perfect continuous/ Vocabulary: music Describing recently completed and unfinished actions Talking about music and instruments.
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  • Hi Luca, How are you? Is all right? Well, yesterday while I was playing on the computer, I saw a photo of a young winner, but I didnt know who she was. The I found her on the Internet, and I know that her name is Jennifer, and she is from Cheshire. But why is she a young winner? She is a young winner because she won the BBC televisions Young Musician of the Year competition. She has been playing the violin since she was five years old. She has been playing classic music but she likes pop music too. I was very impressed. What do you think about her? Sorry, now I have to go. Write me soon. Bye, Criss
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  • Defining relative clauses Used to Vocabulary: medicine Exchanging information Expressing past habits
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  • Hi Maria, how are you? Yesterday I had to find something about the medicine in the past and I found really interesting things. People had always had headaches and in some cultures, people use special herbs. For example, Native American Indians use plants which contain a chemical found in aspirins. Instead, thousands of years ago, for example, medicine men used to make holes in the head of people with headaches, because they believed this would let the headache out. In Ancient Egypt, medicine men used to lie a ceramic crocodile, which was filled with herbs, to the head of the patient. The reasons for this are not clear to us today. In the Middle Ages, the people that did go to doctors were usually treated with leeches. Who would have thought! What do you think about it? Write me soon Criss
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  • Second conditional Second conditional Conditionals: zero, first and second Vocabulary: information technology and computers. Giving advice Talking about unreal situations; computers and the Internet
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  • Dear Anna Do you like computer? I can not do without the computer! I use it everyday. At school weve got computers, of course, but we dont have IT lessons- I enjoy learning how to use some to the software. There are brilliant programs for drawing and designing. I love looking for information on the Internet, its really interesting. So I think computer are 99% important in our lives. I also have got one at home. Especially I think the Internets amazing and I use my computer for chat. Do you have a computer? And when do you use it? Write me soon. Criss.
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  • Past perfect Past perfect Vocabulary: noun suffixes (-r,-er,-or and ist) Describing events in the past and earlier past Telling a picture story
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  • Hi John, how are you? Im so worried about what happened yesterday with my friend. When we got home yesterday, we found a terrible mess in our living room. We were afraid, so we immediately phoned the police and asked them to come to our house. When the police arrived, they found something very strange: the man who had broken into the house was asleep in one of the bedrooms! The thief had gone in to our house, and had started to put some thing into a big bag. But then he had found some food in the kitchen, and, because he was hungry, he had eaten it all. Feeling sleepy, he had gone into a bedroom, and he had fallen asleep! Fortunately, now everything is fine, but Im not feel very well. Now I have to go, write me soon. Criss
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  • Reported statements in the past Reported questions Third conditional Third conditional Vocabulary: noun suffixes (-ation and ment) Reporting statements and questions in the past
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  • Dear Sirs, Last week I read Philip Lawrences review of the Brazilian film Central Station and I am writing to say that, in my view, Mr. Lawrence was wrong in everything he said. First of all, he said that the film was not good enough to be nominated for an Oscar, but I thought the film was an excellent production, with very high quality acting and directing, and I enjoyed it enormously. Secondly, Mr. Lawrence said that the young actor Vinicius de Oliveira was not a good choice because he was not a trained actor. Personally, I think that de Oliveira gave an excellent performance, even without any acting experience. The film would not have been better if the director had chose a trained teenage actor. Finally, Mr. Lawrence said that the Brazilian film industry has a long way to go before it is as good as cinema in the USA or Europe. Hasnt he seen some of the awful films that come out of Hollywood? In my opinion, the money for a cinema ticket is much better spent on films like Central Station. Yours, James Singleton