www.reginapacis.org buletin informativ nr. 04-08 1 We suggest you to find the following titles in the 4th number of Information Bulletin Regina Pacis : Regina Pacis informs p. 2 The distribution points of lunches p. 3 Remote Assistance News of the local Press p. 5 A father and his two sons, slaves on a building site in Russian Federation p. 6 Children with disabilities can be integrated into society if they are offered affection p. 7 UNICEF publishes new data on the situation of children in Moldova p. 8 There are 67 thousand unemployed people in Moldova p. 8 EU and Moldova will collaborate in managing Migration p. 9 Smoking destroys the Moldovan youth p. 10 The activity "Starturi vesele" (Jolly starts) will be held in Balti by IREX Moldova at a center for children of the street

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We suggest you to find the following titles in the 4th number of

Information Bulletin Regina Pacis : Regina Pacis informs p. 2 The distribution points of lunches p. 3 Remote Assistance News of the local Press p. 5 A father and his two sons, slaves on a building site in Russian Federation p. 6 Children with disabilities can be integrated into society if they are offered

affection p. 7 UNICEF publishes new data on the situation of children in Moldova p. 8 There are 67 thousand unemployed people in Moldova p. 8 EU and Moldova will collaborate in managing Migration p. 9 Smoking destroys the Moldovan youth p. 10 The activity "Starturi vesele" (Jolly starts) will be held in Balti by IREX

Moldova at a center for children of the street

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The Distribution Points of Lunches

One of the socio-charitable projects of Regina Pacis Foundation is "Social Canteen" project which tries to fulfill its objectives by providing solutions for disabled and disadvantaged families through the Distribution Points of Lunches. The Distribution Points of Lunches (DPL) operate from March 14, 2003. The beneficiaries of this project are needy people, namely the disabled, veterans, lonely old people, children of the street. This project is carried out through three Distribution Points of Lunches (as DPL), which are situated:

1. The Distribution Point of Lunches No. 1 Chisinau, 17 Avram Iancu Street; 2. The Distribution Point of Lunches No. 2 Chisinau, 68/3 Albişoara Street; 3. Social Center "Regina Pacis" of Vărvăreuca village, Floresti county.

Purpose: assistance to subjects of all ages living in conditions of poverty through the

distribution of humanitarian goods, food and whatever may be necessary to improve their condition;

assistance to families, especially those who live in severe poverty conditions; providing material aid and free services to immigrants and their families,

disabled, solitary persons, orphans, families with many children, unemployed, prisoners, persons who have suffered from war and natural disasters.

Lunches distributed to the three DPL are composed of II courses and a loaf of bread. Depending on the season, fresh vegetables and fruit can be distributed, too. The menu is composed weekly and includes the necessary calories: meat, fish, eggs, dairy products etc. Kitchens, where lunches are prepared, meet and comply with all sanitary and epidemic requirements. They are provided with modern equipment and have everything necessary to prepare hot food, including baking bread.

Photo 1, 2 Preparing meals for distribution:

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Photo 3, 4 The distribution of lunches:

Every day through the three DPL over 200 (two hundred) needy people are fed.

Until now, over 300 000 lunches have already been distributed to persons who are in serious conditions of poverty. Monthly, the following products are necessary to ensure the continuous achievement of this project objectives:

1. Wheat flour - 2000 kg 2. Oil - 80 liters 3. Potatoes - 400 kg 4. Onion - 85 kg 5. Carrot - 85 kg 6. Rice - 60 kg 7. Fish - 50 kg 8. Wheat groats - 50 kg 9. Barley groats - 50 kg 10. Pearl barley -25 kg

11. Peas - 75 kg 12. Beans - 50 kg 13. Corn flour - 40 kg 14. Chicken - 75 kg 15. Fish - 55 kg 16. Meat - 50 kg 17. Frankfurters - 25 kg 18. Salame - 10 kg 19. Vegetables - 100 kg

For donations and further information: www.reginapacis.org

Remote Assistance Since 2003 Regina Pacis Foundation conducts the project Remote Assistance. Initially, the number of beneficiaries was approximately 45 children who come from socially vulnerable families. From that moment until now their number has increased up to 75-80 aged from one to 18 years old. Most beneficiaries are from the city of Chisinau, and counties of Hânceşti, Leova, Floresti, Orhei, Criuleni, Cricova, Vadul-lui-Voda, etc. Periodically, once a month, the colleagues of Regina Pacis Foundation visit children. During the visit they receive food, hygiene products, clothes, school supplies and toys for the little ones. To ensure the education process for children coming from socially vulnerable families, expenditure for kindergarten or school is paid monthly.

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All this is not only confined to providing humanitarian and financial aid. The children look forward to meeting with sister Leo and Tudor Braga, responsible for the project, because besides material food they also need spiritual food, which unfortunately often the family cannot provide. They lack communication, need to be listened to, encouraged and receive answers to questions, which worry them, to be offered advice and guidance. Thus they become more self confident, determined, optimistic, think positively both about themselves and about those around them. During the summer, together with volunteers from Italy, various activities, discussions, meetings with experts in various fields, interactive games, fun for children are organized. Also they look forward to going to summer camps. The main purpose of Remote Assistance Project is to maintain the child in its biological family by supporting the family, providing continuous education, psycho-social assistance, animation activity, professional training. For Arthur from Bubuieci Denis and Mihai From Chisinau village the longed-for day arrived admire the toys and school supplies

Mrs. Viorica, Leova county: "The greatest joy of a mothers is when the child is fed and Ana from Chisinau is what to put on” passionate about soft toys

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A father and his two sons, slaves on a building site in Russian Federation A father and his two sons, aged 18 and 22 from Vasiliuţi village, Râşcani county were labor exploited in Russian Federation. After being required to work from dawn till

night and living in inhuman conditions, they returned to Moldova without money, having debts and health problems. Men have decided to go abroad at the beginning of the current year because they had two preschool aged children at home with the second and third degree of disability, requiring special medical care. This was the reason they easily accepted the proposal of an acquaintance of going abroad. Furthermore, Leonid, the father of children, decided to take his two elder

sons with him. He thought that the money the three of them earned would be a real help for buying medicine. Without a thorough analysis of the consequences that may arise, the family borrowed money for the constituent documents and, shortly, has gone to Russia to work in construction. When they left Moldova, they were promised that they would have accommodation, food and decent pay. The reality, however, was different. Once in Russia, in wintertime, the men were accommodated alongside other employees in a cold basement. They were required to work from dawn till late at night and their nourishment was very modest. At the end of each month the men asked about their pay, but they were not heard. They were promised that they would be paid on the expiry of three months of employment. Although it was difficult for them to live without having any money in their pockets, men comforted themselves with the idea that in such a way they would be able to save money and help the children significantly. These three months have passed hard, and because they lived in unfavorable conditions men's health worsened. Upon the expiry of three months, the employer told the men that it was time for them to return to Moldova. He bought them train tickets and he promised that they would receive their money shortly. They came home, hoping to receive the money they worked hard for, but… illusions. The employer was nowhere to be found. When trying to call him in Russia, the "boss" asked not to be disturbed. The statistical data provided by the International Center for the Protection and Promotion of Women's Rights "La Strada" show that if in 2005, out of the total number of traffic cases, women exploitation prevailed for certain; in 2007-2008 men have reached almost the same footing with women. In the most common cases, men are labor exploited, especially in construction, but also in agriculture. At the beginning of the last year, the percentage of cases, where victims of trafficking were men, constituted only 13%, but at the end of 2007 and beginning of the current year, the number of men who call the hotline of the Center "La Strada" constitutes over 40% of the total number of calls. Source: Agency DECA-press

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Children with disabilities can be integrated into society if they are offered affection

Children with disabilities can be integrated into society if they are offered the chance to express themselves and if they get a lot of affection, love and dedication

from both psycho-pedagogues and family members, but also from society as a whole, say the specialists from the Pilot-Complex of Curative Pedagogy "Orpheus" in Chisinau, Info-Prim Neo related. Children with disabilities who study in the mentioned complex recently celebrated five years from the foundation of the institution. For five years, children with disabilities enjoy special training methods through which they may be integrated into society. Curative pedagogy methods

are applied on the basis of examples and experience of Western countries. The founder and director of the complex, Oleg Ababii, consulted numerous international institutions in this field to develop a programme of curative pedagogy in the Republic of Moldova as well. The "Orpheus" complex is the first to implement such training methods. 'Let 's educate the child, loving him' it is the generic and purpose of curative pedagogy. The psychologist Silvia Topala says that curative pedagogy is based on the principle of the integration into society of the children with mental and locomotion deficiencies through their involvement in various activities in order to enable them to develop their senses, thinking, analytical ability and, in some cases, even to recover their locomotion deficiencies. Curative pedagogy has an emphasis not only on classical training of learning letters and numbers, but especially on the integration of children into society, giving them the opportunity to know how to behave and how to express themselves. Together with the establishment of the "Orpheus" complex and the application of curative pedagogy, children are given the chance to participate in various activity groups, such as dance, painting, carpentry, sewing, embroidery, music, etc. Secondary school pupils attend professional training classes. Due to the hard work of doctors, pedagogues and teachers of technological education, most pupils from graduate forms, girls with various deficiencies, including very serious ones, managed to sew their own clothes for the graduation ceremony. The same thing happened to boys, showing their extraordinary skills in sewing. Also, children made embroideries of an unbelievable complexity and difficulty. There are remarkable wooden objects made by the skillful carpentry pupils. Silvia Topala says that through drawing children express their feelings, often repressing their negative mood. According to the cited source, curative therapy through drawing, sewing, and carpentry contributes also to the development of patience, attention, will and positive feelings directed towards the discovery of Beauty and Goodness in children with disabilities.

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As a result of the teachers, doctors and speech specialists’ activity over the years, these children with various deficiencies are able to get rid of numerous complexes, becoming much more relaxed, much more open to life. Alexandra Dascăl, Deputy Director of the complex, told Info-Prim Neo that the institution operates under a special program, designed for children with mental deficiencies. As in the auxiliary educational institutions, designed for children with disabilities, "Orpheus" complex operates under a special program. The institution is also a boarding school. There are children who must remain on at night because they cannot move and face numerous locomotory problems. For these reasons, the institution operates 24 hours; doctors and nurses are always around children. At the moment nearly 200 children attend the center. Source: Info-Prim Neo

UNICEF publishes new data on the situation of children in Moldova

In the Republic of Moldova, where children constitute almost 23% of the country's population, the National Bureau of Statistics together with UNICEF made public new

data about their situation in November 2007, on the occasion of International Children's Day. The data show that during the last year, the number of children without parental care was 2,200 – decreasing by 5% compared to 2006 and is almost 21% higher than five years ago. Out of the total number of registered children, more than half of them are placed in families, inclusively under supervision, and the rest are assigned

to boarding schools or children homes. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, last year foreign citizens adopted 95 children; the citizens of Italy, the United States and Spain adopted most children - 44 of them. Last year, over six thousand children were affected by their parents' divorce. The number of broken marriages has increased by nearly 11% compared to 2006: 4 divorces in one thousand inhabitants on average. Meanwhile, the birth rate out of the wedlock remains high, and the percentage of children born out of wedlock last year was almost 23%. According to statistics, the number of children born alive has been increasing, with over 300 children last year, compared to 2006. In the last few years, the number of children placed in the hospital has increased and the number of pediatricians has decreased by half. Last year, for example, every sixth child stayed in hospital. On the other hand, the number of children who joined primary and secondary schools has decreased in recent years - by 26% since 2000 and until last year.

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Regarding the study of foreign languages in schools, big differences between village and city schools are observed. According to statistics, French is the most studied language by children from rural areas, and English is the most studied language by those from urban areas. French is also studied more in the primary and secondary schools and English - in high schools. With regard to juvenile crime, data from National Bureau of Statistics say that the number of crimes committed by minors is in constant decline. Most crimes committed by minors and for which they are often sentenced are thefts and robberies. At the same time, however, the number of sentenced minors decreases annually with 287 children on average. On the other hand, last year the number of crimes committed against children increased: 43 children were victims of rape, 48 children have suffered from robberies and banditism and 8 of them were killed. Source: UNIMEDIA

There are 67 thousand unemployed people in Moldova According to the results of the first quarter of the current year, there are 67 thousand people in Moldova officially registered as unemployed. The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) announced this on Monday for the agency NOVOSTI-MOLDOVA. According to NBS data, the total active population in the republic is 1,221 million people. In fact, 1,154 million people are employed. Among the unemployed, men constitute 59.8%, while in the cities they are more than in the villages - 55.4 percent versus 44.6%. Every second employee in Moldova is engaged in the sphere of service. The most active age group is citizens aged from 35 to 54 years old. Among them only 292.1 thousand have a job and only 18.7 thousand are unemployed. And, for example, among people aged from 25 up to 34 years old, 123 thousand are working and 8.4 thousand people are left without work. Source: Novosti — Moldova

EU and Moldova will cooperate in managing migration

The European Union and the Republic of Moldova signed a joint declaration concerning the launch of a partnership of EU-RM mobility on Thursday in Brussels in the Council "Justice and Home Affairs". Infotag agency related, with reference to a press release of the European Commission in Chisinau, that for Moldova the document was signed by the Minister of Home Affairs Valentin Mejinschi. According to the press release, mobility partnerships mean new community instruments

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designed to offer a practical expression to partnerships between the EU and third countries managing together Migration flows for the interest of the EU, its partners and immigrants. The European Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner, responsible for foreign affairs, said that the mobility partnership between Moldova and the EU is a step forward in the cooperation between the EU and Moldova. "This new generation of partnerships will allow Moldova and the EU to address together, in a single framework, the problems of migration and development which are essential for the life of Moldovan citizens. The Commission will offer its entire support to this partnership, including financial assistance, "she noted. The partnership aims at promoting a more efficient framework for the movement of persons and regulated migration, in particular, by strengthening the capacities of the Republic of Moldova to manage migration, through measures of information, integration and protection of immigrants and returned persons, taking into account the economic and social situation of Moldova. Source: UNIMEDIA

Smoking destroys the Moldovan youth

Approximately 15 percent of students aged between 13 and 15 years old smoke.

This data are shown in a study of the National Research Center for Preventive Medicine. Out of the total number of respondents, 43 percent have mentioned that they tried smoking, and 46 percent experienced this before reaching the age of ten. According to the experts in the field, the main causes that motivate young people to start smoking is the consumption of tobacco by their family members and free access to tobacco shop products. Other causes are the exposure of youth to pro-smoking advertising as well as the perception formed among young people

that "smoking is normal" or "fashionable". Not less important is the passive smoking when non-smokers inhale tobacco smoke finding themselves in smoking places. Tobacco smoke spread into the rooms is several times more toxic than the inhaled one. World statistics show that, globally, the number of young people who smoke is constantly increasing. This situation is also characteristic for our country. Every year on May 31, World Non-Tobacco Day is marked. This year, the event was held under the generic "Tobacco free youth". The aim is to prevent smoking among young people by promoting a healthy way of life and the prohibition of advertising tobacco products. Tobacco smoke contains substances that favor the emergence of malignant tumors. Over 90 percent of people suffering from lung cancer are smokers. The most serious

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fact is that all substances contained in tobacco smoke are present not only in the smokers' body, but were also detected in the body of passive smokers. Exposure to tobacco smoke increases by 25% the risk of lung cancer and by 10% the risk of heart disease. Passive smoking is a risk factor for breast cancer, cervix, thyroid gland, brain tumors or leukemia. Furthermore, a prolonged exposure to smoke increases the concentration of these substances in certain organs (brain, lungs, ovaries), blood, and urine. It was found that the newborn babies of smoking women often have a lower weight at birth than the acceptable average, that is around 2,500 grams, and the more pregnant women smoke the lower is the child's weight when comparing to the norm. Moreover, the mortality ratio of children in the last days of pregnancy or during the first days after birth is higher for smoking mothers than for non-smoking mothers. For unknown reasons, the likelihood of sudden infant death is closely linked to tobacco consumption of the mother. Children of a early age whose parents are smokers suffer more frequently from acute bronchitis than those whose parents do not have this harmful habit. Children and adolescents from the age of 5 to 16 years, who are constantly breathing tobacco smoke, can have various forms of irritation of the airways: coughs, expectorations. Bronchitis get conical, the risk of respiratory infections gets 3 times higher comparing with children who live in an environment free of tobacco smoke. These children suffer frequently from repeated inflammation of the auditory canal and tonsillitis. Source: FLUX

The activity "Starturi vesele" (Jolly starts) will be held in Balti by IREX Moldova at a center for children of the street

An educational fun activity with the generic "Starturi vesele" will be held by IREX / Moldova in collaboration with a placement Center for children in the situation of risk "The road to home" in Balti, notes DECA-press agency. Program Coordinator of IREX, Natalia Dubencu, says that through this activity, the organizers aim to propose a model for

the participation of the community in promoting a healthy way of life. The action will be held in June at the Center 'The road to home', stated Dubencu. Graduates of the academic U.S. State Department exchange programs will carry out various activities with the participation of disciples of the 'The road to home' Center from Balţi. 'The road to home' Center in Balti has about 40 disciples – vagabonds, orphans or children who are left at the mercy of fate by their parents. The Center has started its activity in the summer of 2003. Source: DECA-press