Web Service Handler Architecture Beytullah Yildiz [email protected]

Web Service Handler Architecture

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Page 1: Web Service Handler Architecture

Web Service Handler Architecture

Beytullah Yildiz

[email protected]

Page 2: Web Service Handler Architecture


Introduction Background Research

Statement Motivation Architecture Issues

Milestones References

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Web service is define by W3C as: “A Web service is a software application identified by a URI, whose interfaces and bindings are capable of being defined, described, and discovered as XML artifacts.”

Handler is an incremental addition to Web Service functionalities

A new approach to Web Service Handler Architecture

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Distributed Systems Creation of distributed systems has been

studied for a long time Derived from the need for integrating

geographically distributed components Service Oriented Architecture was proposed

for seamless and loosely coupled interactions Previous Distributed System Technologies

CORBA, DCOM Web Services started after mid-2000

SOAP Version 1.1 Release

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Web Services Client-Server Architecture SOAP Messaging Transportation

Mainly HTTP Others such as SMTP and FTP

Service Oriented Architecture Reusable Services share a formal contract Loosely coupled Services abstract underlying

capability Composable Autonomous Discoverable

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Web Service Standardization Very important for integration

China cart wheel distance and language standardization Around 60 specifications

UDDI,SOAP,WSDL WS-Addressing, WS-ReliableMessaging, WS-Reliability, WS-

Security,WS-Eventing,WS-Notification,WS-Context, WS-Resource Framework

Many groups are involved Commercial Companies; Microsoft, IBM, Sun, SAP, BAE,

TIBCO, Systinet and etc Organizations; OASIS, GGF

Some specifications are competing WS-ReliableMessaging and WS-Reliability WS-Notification and WS-Eventing

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Web Service Handler I Also known as “filter” Incremental addition of capabilities Request or response chain Apache Axis, Web Service Enhancement An example for current handler framework: Apache Axis

Sequential invocation Shared memory usage, not concurrent processing Static deployment Communication via MessageContext object Weak asynchronous messaging support Mainly synchronous request/response communication paradigm

ServiceS1S2S3Client C3C2C1

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Web Service Handler II XSUL deploys a handler as a web service

Distributed for getting better performance and scalability Have a contract (WSDL) for each handler deployment Need to address dynamic handler deployment

addHandler(new handler()); May need to have a mechanism such as message queuing

to cope with High volume input and output for each handler Synchronization of concurrent processing ; automatic

matching may be needed Reliability and security for every interaction between

handlers; may be very costly

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Message Oriented Middleware

Supports communication between distributed system components by facilitating message exchange.

Producer and consumer roles Supports loosely coupled communication Supports Publish/Subscribe and/or point to point

communication Supports asynchronous messaging Supports reliable messaging Glues together stand-alone applications and

components Each application may evolve independently from the


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Work flow Known as flow composition, orchestration and

choreography Very simple configuration file Several specification for Web Service work flow : WSFL,

WSBPEL, WS-Choreography

Provides execution sequence of the functionalities Automates integration Supports parallel processing Supports optimization Supports logging and tracking Privacy and Security

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Proposal Statement

Handler is very critical in a flexible and simple Web Service architecture

A message-based handler approach significantly improves

modularity Simplicity Quality of Services

by leveraging A message Queuing mechanism A Work-flow mechanism

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Motivation I Simplicity

Very important criteria in distributed systems Having only one notion; messaging Making life easier for clients

Interoperability “Integration has replaced security as the highest priority

in IT planning for 2004” Integration Standard Trends (IDC) report

Improving interoperability by messaging Scalability

Handling high volume of input and output messages Coping with convoy effect of insufficient handler within

the chain

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Motivation II Performance

Reasonable response time

Necessity of more resources CPU and Memory

Availability Handlers are replicable

Reusability Distributed handler can also be used

By many services By many clients

Dynamic handler invocation

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Message-based Handler I

More natural for Web Service Architecture Modular Can work as a local and distributed

component A handler can be deployable in both Request

and Response path Supports dynamic handler Can deal with high volume input and output

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Message-based Handler II Supports four deployment types

One virtual machine (process) Several virtual machines in one physical machine Distributed over LAN Distributed over WAN

Hybrid approach may be utilized Easy to use Able to leverage proven systems

Message Queue Work flow mechanism

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Local Deployment Same CPU and Memory

space Supports synchronous

Request/response paradigm Communicate via messaging Configuration file versus

work-flow mechanism





Client Request response

<deployment xmlns="http:/ / xml.apache.org/ axis/ wsdd/ "xmlns:java="http:/ / xml.apache.org/ axis/ wsdd/ providers/ java"><handler name="handler.A" type="java:handlers.ClassA"/ ><handler name="handler.B" type="java:handlers.ClassB"/ ><handler name="handler.C" type="java:handlers.ClassC"/ > <service name="MyService" provider="java:MSG"> <requestFlow> <handler type=" handler.A "/ > <handler type=" handler.B "/ > </ requestFlow> <responseFlow> <handler type="handler.C"/ > </ responseFlow> <parameter name="className" value="ServiceClass"/ > <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*"/ > </ service></ deployment>

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Distribution of Handlers Either one or many physical machines Utilize one-way asynchronous messaging Utilizes different resources, CPU and Memory Can be deployed either alone or together with other components May result in additional cost because of

Network latency Flow Management

The nature of the distributed deployment needs to be investigated: Standalone application, Intermediary






Client MessageMessage

Message HandlerD

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Hybrid Approach Leverages both

Handlers staying in same memory space with services Message-based Handlers

Decision is required about handler deployment approach Performance versus modularity and simplicity




HandlerAClient MessageMessage



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Queue and Work Flow Message queue addition

Supports high volume message and prevents message drops Provides reliable communication between handlers Supports asynchronous communication between handlers Copes with memory utilization problems Copes with synchronization related issues especially in case of

voluminous inputs and outputs Supports for different queuing type; priority, time and produce

ordering May support batching May support flow control

Work Flow Supports concurrent processing Provides automatic integration Optimizes overall deployment

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Overall Architecture








Work flow

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Research Issues I Quality of Services

Performance Is performance reasonable when

we use messaging? we distribute the handler?

Fault Tolerance Can message-base deployment tolerate the faults? Can mustUnderstand be utilized ?

Security Is overall system secure if we distribute handlers over

the network?

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Research Issues II

Nature of Message How can a state be passed between handlers? Metadata may be needed, WS-Context Is SOAP Data Model ? Is SOAP explicit communication media ?

Work Flow Naming for handlers Privacy and security Concurrent processing

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Research issues III Is handler appropriate for distribution?

Nature of handler; Reliability, Security Decision about possible handlers

Three type of specifications Affecting only header: WS-Context Affecting only body: WS-Trust Affecting both : WS-ReliableMessaging, WS-

Reliability, WS-Eventing WS-Notification Transformers

Federation, Mediation Audit , logging

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Selection of targeted handlers Deployment for

implemented WS-ReliableMesaging WS-Reliability WS-Eventing WS-Notification Loggers

others Testing

Getting local deployment results Getting distributed results. Measuring message queuing contribution

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References Service Oriented Architecture, Thomas Erl Enterprise Service Bus, David A. Chappell Developing Java Web Services, Ramesh

Nagappan, Robert Skoczylas, Rima Patel Sriganesh Java Web Service Architecture, James McGovern,

Sameer Tyagi, Michael E. Stevens, Sunil Mathew http://www.naradabrokering.org/ http://www.informit.com http://ws.apache.org/axis/java/index.html