Old Bawn Community School Additional Programmes to Support Student Wellbeing Plans 2019/20 Integr8 Music Therapy Social Skills Understanding Me Artistic Expression Film Studies

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Old Bawn Community School

Additional Programmes to Support Student Wellbeing

Plans 2019/20


Music Therapy Social Skills

Understanding Me

Artistic Expression

Film Studies

Creative Writing

Kick Boxing Mindfulness

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Old Bawn Community School

Additional Programmes to Support Student Wellbeing 2019/20

Film Studies / Movie Making

AimsThe aim of the film studies programme is to allow students to express themselves creatively and to explore and discuss current issues found in selected films and documentaries. By doing this they are exploring issues surrounding wellbeing, self-esteen and current affairs.

ObjectivesThe overall aim will be met by exploring the following objectives:

Introduction to Film Theory

Film Analysis - Irish Film & International Film: Discussing the Current aspects of Irish Cinema and beyond.

Digital Media- Discussing the Aspects of Digital Media and its impact on today’s world.

An Introduction to Scriptwriting

The Rise of Documentary Making on today’s world.

Editing: A basic lesson in editing- An introduction to the Software program Final Cut Pro and how to use the tools.

OutcomesThe film studies programme will give our students the opportunity to explore issues surrounding their wellbeing through film, script writing and documentaries. Students will be able to address issues regarding wellbeing in a healthy and creative manner through filmmaking and script writing. After the module students will be encouraged to continue to use film to help their general wellbeing.

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Old Bawn Community School 2019/20

Wellbeing: Other Areas of Learning Planning

Title of Unit: Media and Film Studies

Duration: Six Weeks

Aim: To examine the Impact of Media and Digital influences in the modern world

Links to Junior Cycle Statements of Learning:Statement of Learning Example of related learning in the unitLearn how to interpret textual analysis through the medium of film and visual content.

Watching and comparing movie genres, students will develop awareness skills in the realm of visual content and beyond.

Use digital technology to communicate, work and think collaboratively in a responsible and creative manner

By learning basic software editing and digital awareness, students will foster both practical and creative skills

Links to Junior Cycle Key Skills:Key Skill Element Student Learning ActivityCommunicating Discussing and Debating Documentary and Film analysisWorking with others

Co-Operating in group activities with teacher and peers

Group work in the classroom with emphasise on characters and narratives of films watched

Being Creative Implementation of ideas applied to a project

Writing a short script incorporating a beginning middle and end plotline with characters and a narrative

Links to the Junior Cycle Wellbeing Indicators and Descriptors:

Indicator DescriptorConnected Students will become aware of how to engage with digital media in

a positive manner, whilst also learning the dangers of the digital world.

Respect Participating in group led activities and dialogue in a classroom setting with respect to teacher and peers.

Awareness The Media module will foster a holistic approach to wider social issues through the careful selection of visual mediums.This will impact on the influence of important social topics such as (non-normative genders, sexualities, relationships, racial and ethnic minorities and the wider issues of mass media influences and more.

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Learning Outcomes & Success Criteria

At the end of this learning unit, students will be able to:

Identify different visual mediums (Films, documentaries, plays etc.) Be aware of the role of the audience and consumer in the digital world Learn basic media tools for digital competency Enhance creativity in all media platforms

Sample Learning Activities:

Scriptwriting Assignment Group Activities and discussions Day visit to a Media Studio with access to film and radio studio Sitting in on Lectures in Media and Film Studies in Kairos Studio

Students will show evidence of their learning when they:

Submit assignment Complete a digital task Engage in classroom discussions about social topics directly related to Films

watched in class Attend Day visit to Kairos Studio

Success criteria for completion of the learning unit:

Completeion of Assignment Engage in Classroom Activities Show competent engagement with the module two-fold both conceptually and


Resources / Websites used:

https://www.jct.ie/english/resources_films https://www.ted.com/playlists/66/the_power_of_film http://www.worldwiseschools.ie/downloads/JC-DigmediaLit.pdf

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Old Bawn Community School

Additional Programmes to Support Student Wellbeing 2019/20

Understanding Me


The aim of the programme is to provide our students with the knowledge and skills needed for healthy relationships with themselves, their peers and those around them. It teaches them how to understand themselves as a person and equips them with the necessary tools to understand their sexuality and how to handle all kinds of relationships.


To achieve aims of the programme of ‘Understanding Me’ different topics are covered each week.

1. Children with additional needs and relationships2. Personal Care3. Puberty and emotions4. Teaching personal safety5. Online Safety and the law


By the end of the programme students will have explored their relationships and sexuality, thereby increasing their ability to relate to others in a healthy way.

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Old Bawn Community School 2019/20

Wellbeing: Other Areas of Learning

Title of Unit: Understanding Me

Duration: Six Weeks


The aim of the programme ‘ Understanding Me ‘ is to provide students with the knowledge, understanding and skills needed for healthy relationships with themselves, their peers and with those around them. It teaches them how to understand themselves as a person and equips them with the necessary tools to understand themselves as a person and also equips them with the necessary tools to understand their sexuality and how to handle all kinds of relationships. 

Structure and Content of the Unit

Week One Children with additional needs and relationships Formation Friendship Theory of mind Social rules Social norms Inappropriateness of senses

Week Two Personal Care Sense of Self Slow gradual change

Week Three Puberty and Emotions Recognising and naming emotions Identifying physical feelings

Week Four Teaching Personal Safety Appropriate and inappropriate touching Which areas of the body no one should touch except with young person’s consent Personal space, including space in communal areas Public toilet etiquette

Week Five Online Safety and the Law Most incidents occur because the young person does not know the rules. Teach appropriate social rules for different settings

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Use multiple scenarios and examples Explicitly Teach: What is appropriate in a setting and what is not appropriate in a setting.

Week Six Reflection and Evaluation


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Old Bawn Community School

Additional Programmes to Support Student Wellbeing 2019/20

Social Skills

AimsThe programme aims to assist students to learn skills and techniques to help them cope with and to overcome anxiety. It teaches coping and problem solving skills, which can be applied to daily life. These skills can build emotional resilience, which protects individuals against stress and enables them to face the difficulties and challenging situations daily life may bring.

ObjectivesTo achieve aims of the programme different topics are covered each week, with their own objectives.

1: Introduction to the Group – To get to know the group, to explore group rules, to discuss expectations.

2: Understanding Feelings and Practicing Empathy – Understanding feelings and body clues, exploring what it means to be empathic.

3: Confidence – Learning about what confidence looks like and how we can practice confidence.

4: Learning to Relax – Practice mindfulness, why should we relax, and discussion on different ways people relax.

5: Your Powerful Thoughts – How our thoughts can change our outlook.

6: Making and Keeping Friends – What makes a good friend, what does good friendship look like?

OutcomeBy the end of six sessions students will have explored a number of ways to improve their social skills, thereby reducing social anxiety and increasing personal resilience

Old Bawn Community School 2019/20

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Wellbeing: Other Areas of Learning Planning

Title of Unit: Social Skills

Duration: 6 Weeks

Aim: To assist students to learn skills and techniques to help them cope with and to overcome anxiety. It teaches coping and problem solving skills, which can be applied to daily life. These skills can build emotional resilience, which protects individuals against stress and enables them to face difficulties and challenging situations.

Links to Junior Cycle Statements of Learning:

Statement of Learning Example of related learning in the unit

SoL. 5: Has an awareness of personal values and an understanding of the process of moral decision making.

By reflecting and listing their own personal values and how these affect decision making.

SoL. 11: Takes action to safeguard and promote her/his wellbeing and that of others

By exploring problem solving skills and coping skills that can help daily wellbeing.

SoL. 6 appreciates and respects how diverse values, beliefs and traditions have contributed to the communities and culture in which she/he lives

By working in diverse groups and through discussion about their lives, culture and tradition.

Links to Junior Cycle Key Skills:Key Skill Element Student Learning ActivityCommunicating Discussion Students will learn effective communication

skills through group work and open discussion.Working with Others Co-operation Students will learn how to work with others

during role-play and group work activities. Co-operation is key to this.

Staying Well Reflection Students will discover the emotional aspect of staying well as they reflect on their lives and the balance they have in their lives.

Links to the Junior Cycle Wellbeing Indicators and Descriptors:

Indicator DescriptorResilient Through role-play, group work and reflection students will

learning and be given the tools to build resilience in their own lives.

Respected Through working with others in a small group, and by following group rules and boundaries students will feel respected in the group and confident to share.

Aware Through the programme content students will have the

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opportunity to explore how to become more aware of their feelings and emotions, as well as the feelings and emotions of those around them.

Learning Outcomes & Success Criteria Week One: To get to know the group, explore group rules, discuss expectations. Week Two: Understanding feelings and body clues, exploring what it means to

be empathic. Week Three: Learning about what confidence looks like and how we can practice

confidence. Week Four: Practice mindfulness, why should we relax, and discussion on

different ways people relax. Week Five: Exploring positive thinking. How our thoughts can change our

outlook. Week Six: What makes a good friend, what does good friendship look like?

Sample Learning Activities: Group and pair work Role Play Personal Reflection Group Discussion Mindfulness & Relaxation Brainstorming

Students will show evidence of their learning when they:

By the end of six sessions students will have explored a number of ways to improve their social skills, thereby reducing social anxiety and increasing personal resilience. This can be seen by:

Recall what was discussed in previous weeks and how they used the tool during the week between classes.

End of module reflection on learning throughout.

Success criteria for completion of the learning unit:

Complete and engage with all of the topics covered in social skills. Actively take part in role-play and group work. Complete an end of module reflection.

Resources / Websites used: Friends for Life Programme & One Drive resources.

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Old Bawn Community School

Additional Programmes to Support Student Wellbeing 2019/20

Creative Writing

IntroductionThe use of free form written expression can be very therapeutic for a young person. In the context of our programme at OBCS, it should be made clear to the student that they are not to feel restricted by the usual conventions of language, grammar, punctuation or spelling and thus inspire a sense of liberation while distinguishing the programme from the English classroom. Students should be made to feel confident that there is no wrong response on the page.

Introducing students to this use of writing as a form of self-therapy in a fun and relaxed environment as part of a small group of peers will encourage them to adopt writing as a coping skill that they can use independently of a teacher or therapist. They will hopefully feel encouraged to continue this as a process of reflection by keeping a personal journal.

An environment of sharing only what the student feels comfortable with should be fostered. Students should feel that if they so wish, they can tear up what they’ve written many times before they decide to commit a draft to completion.

Creative expression can help improve mood, according to the HSE on mental health. Engaging in creative activities can absorb a person’s attention and aid them in forgetting negative thoughts.

AimsThe overall aims of the six week programme are:

To introduce students to a new coping skill. To encourage students to explore their thoughts, feelings and behaviours. To foster positive peer-peer interactions and teacher-student interactions. To provide students with the opportunity to feel a sense of achievement.

ObjectivesOver the course of the six weeks at one hour per week students will:

Learn how to use writing to deal with stressful thoughts and emotions. Learn to express negative thoughts and feelings in a constructive and creative manner. Discover alternative methods to help overcome peer conflict. Create an original piece of writing in the form of a poem or short story.

Old Bawn Community School 2019/20

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Wellbeing: Other Areas of Learning Planning

Title of Unit: Creative Writing

Duration: 6-8 weeks

Aim: This unit aims to encourage and facilitate creative involvement in writing to promote positive wellbeing. Participants will also develop self and social awareness as well as develop their imaginative faculties. Students will explore creative writing as a tool to enhance and maintain wellbeing.

Links to Junior Cycle Statements of Learning:Statement of Learning Example of related learning in the unitSOL 1: Communicates effectively using a variety of means in a range of contexts in L1*

Creative writing will provide the opportunity for students to communicate, process and understand their own thoughts as well as those of others.

SOL 3: Creates, appreciates and critically interprets a wide range of texts

Creative writing will encourage and enable students to develop their creativity while learning how to manage themselves and their wellbeing.

SOL 11: Takes action to safeguard and promote her/his wellbeing and that of others.

As a result of experiencing the benefits of creative writing on wellbeing, students will become confident in taking care of their own wellbeing and that of those around them.

Links to Junior Cycle Key Skills:Key Skill Element Student Learning ActivityCreativity Writing Students will explore their creative

ability through engaging with various forms of writing.

Team Work Brainstorming ideas Students will engage with collaboration within their class group regularly to share ideas.

Communication Self Expression Students will verbally express their ideas prior to their writing process, as well as sharing their writing after if they should so wish.

Links to the Junior Cycle Wellbeing Indicators and Descriptors:

Indicator Descriptor

ResilientThrough using the tool of writing, students will build their confidence in self-expression, and will learn the importance of resilience.

RespectedStudents will be respectful and respected at all times while engaging with creative writing.

AwareStudents will become more self-aware as they express themselves through writing.

ConnectedStudents will feel connected to their inner self as well as to their class mates as they embrace the opportunity of creative

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Learning Outcomes & Success Criteria At the end of this learning unit, students will be able to:

Write for a variety of purposes, for example to analyse, evaluate, imagine, explore, engage, amuse, narrate, inform, explain, argue, persuade, criticise, comment on what they have heard, viewed and read.

Demonstrate their understanding that there is a clear purpose for all writing activities and be able to plan, draft, and edit their own writing as appropriate.

Engage in the writing process as a private, pleasurable and purposeful activity and using a personal voice as their individual style is thoughtfully developed over the years.

Respond imaginatively in writing to their texts showing a critical appreciation of language, style and content, choice of words, language patterns, tone, images

Sample Learning Activities: Diary Writing Brainstorming Story Writing Writing competitions Reflective writing

Students will show evidence of their learning when they:

Become confident with various writing formats Are facilitated to express themselves through writing Develop their confidence as a person and as a writer

Success criteria for completion of the learning unit: Completion of creative writing portfolio An increase in self confidence Development of self-management and wellbeing

Resources / Websites used: www.jct.ie https://www.tes.com/enie/teachingresources/hub/secondary/english/

creative-writing https://www.mdgadvertising.com/marketing-insights/creative-writing-


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Old Bawn Community School

Additional Programmes to Support Student Wellbeing 2019/20

Music Therapy

A 2017 survey conducted by the Irish Examiner and Reachout Ireland found that 45% of teens self-reported listening to or playing music as their primary way of alleviating stress or dealing with

mental health issues.

IntroductionMusic therapy is an evidence-based practice. In this programme the music therapist will use music and all of its facets – physical, emotional, mental, social, aesthetic, and spiritual – to help students improve their general wellbeing and quality of life.Music therapy with adolescents can help to reduce and alleviate feelings of anxiety and depression, as well as promote relaxation and wellbeing. It can be used to support students who are going through significant life events, such as bereavement, bullying, sexual/gender identity, etc. It can be utilised as an emotional support and to increase confidence and self-esteem.

AimThe aim of music therapy is to improve students general wellbeing through the exploration of music in its broadest sense.

ObjectivesSong Writing: Primarily for emotional wellbeing and self-expression. It can help to develop emotional insight and encourage coping.

Lyrical Analysis: Encourages self-reflection and insight.

Improvisation: Improvisation can be used as a form of expression, improve cognitive and social functioning.

Listening to music: Listening to music can reduce stress and anxiety, and encourage coping and relaxation.

OutcomeMusic therapy will give our students the space to use music to promote wellbeing and personal development. It will be a tool to help students reach their full potentail.

Old Bawn Community School 2019/20

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Wellbeing: Other Areas of Learning Planning

Title of Unit: Music Therapy

Duration: 6-8 weeks


Referrals: Students displaying anger issues, disruptive behaviour, concentration problems. 3-5 students.

Duration: 6 weeks

Goals/Objectives: 1. To provide a safe, therapeutic space for anger management and release. 2. To encourage joint attention/concentration through highly structured drumming/rhythmic experiences. 3. Provide organised sessions focused on achieving a group goal to encourage on task and appropriate behaviour.

Literature: Drumming in a music therapy session can be used to help manage restlessness and agitation (Murphy, 2015). It can aid in releasing energy and allow clients to connect to their physical body (Borling, 2011). In music therapy with adolescents with ADHD, an established sense of control paired with creative expression can encourage improved executive functioning such as inhibition.


Referrals: Students with ASD who are experiencing difficulties with peer interaction or executive functioning. 3-5 students.

Duration: 6 weeks.

Goals/Objectives: 1. To provide a space for positive peer interaction through music playing. 2. To encourage social skills such as turn-taking, eye contact, and joint attention. 3. To encourage self-confidence through success oriented musical activity.

Literature: Research has shown that children and teens with ASD often have a unique attraction to music as well as enhanced musical ability (Heaton, 2004; Thaut, 1988). Multiple pieces of research has shown the efficacy of music therapy as an intervention to improve social and communication skills in children with ASD (Carpente and LaGrasse, 2015).


Referrals: Students with emotional difficulties such as depression/anxiety/bereavement. 2-5 students.

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Duration: 6 weeks.

Goals/Objectives: 1. To encourage emotional expression and coping through songwriting and original lyric writing. 2. To facilitate a discussion surrounding emotions. 3. To write and record an original song.

Literature: Songwriting can be valuable in allowing clients to examine and express their feelings (Krout, 2015). Songwriting can also increase confidence, the production of a song can provide a sense of achievement (Derrington, 2005).


Referrals: Students with a lack of confidence, experiencing bullying, struggling with peers or struggling with coping. Up to 10 students.

Duration: 6 weeks.

Goals/objectives: To encourage coping/resilience, positive peer interaction, self-confidence and emotional/creative expression through group singing with peers.

Literature: Singing in a choir can have positive physical and emotional effects. Moss et. al, 2017 describes some of the positive effects being social connection, enjoyment, and a sense of belonging. Peer singing has a positive effect of mood (Gick, 2012).


Referrals: Students suffering from anxiety/depression. Students lacking in coping mechanisms. Up to 8 students.

Duration: 6 weeks.

Goals/Objectives: To provide a space for relaxation and mindfulness through receptive and active music making. To encourage coping mechanisms and techniques. To encourage self care and wellbeing.

Literature: A 2017 Randomized control trial found music therapy effective in reducing anxiety in adolescents (Kwok, 2017). It is also effective in reducing psychological distress in teens (McFerran, et. al, 2018). Mindfullness techniques can be effective in decreasing anxiety, depression, and encouraging coping skills (Bondolfi, 2013).

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Old Bawn Community School

Additional Programmes to Support Student Wellbeing 2019/20


A Six Week Kickboxing Programme to Inspire and Challenge Students

Overall AimThe aim of the KICK programme is to improve teenager’s physical and mental health by combining challenging youth work activities and kickboxing techniques.

ObjectiveThe objective of the KICK programme is to bring sport and challenging youth work together in one programme. It address anti-social behaviour and unhealthy behaviours in a positive and challenging way. The programme allows trust to build between students and coaches. This trust facilitates discussion about sensitive topics to take place such as drug awareness, crime, right and wrong and positive mental health.

OutcomeThis KICK programme will give our students the opportunity to address many issues like the rising levels in obesity, mental health issues and anti-social behaviour among teenagers and acquire the necessary skills and tools to address everyday challenges. On completion of this programme the students will be encouraged to join their local clubs, be It kickboxing or other sports.

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Old Bawn Community School 2019/20

Wellbeing: Other Areas of Learning Planning

Title of Unit: Kick Programme

Duration: 5 Weeks

Aim: We want class to be fun, slightly ever more challenging and for the body to incrementally get used to exercise. If the classes are fun, time will pass more quickly, participants are more likely to stick with it and weight loss/fitness will take care of itself. The classes will have to be challenging so as to gain a sense of self satisfaction and accomplishment but not so challenging that’s its over whelming or unachievable, incrementally building the mind and body up to support greater movements and belief in abilities.

Check list: Consent form with a separate medical history section? A general questionnaire including questions like A) What they are hoping to achieve? B) How they are hoping to look? C) What do they expect D) what they would like to be able to do. Assess the mid way point and the end to highlight the progress they will have made.

Week one first class with Kickboxing coach

Gently loosening up joints and get the blood moving around the bodySlowly warm up the muscles and calibrate the bones and joints

Low impact flexibility and stretch workFull body warm up

Light cardio kickboxingLow speed TechniqueCool down and stretch

Week two with Kickboxing coachGently loosening up joints and get the blood moving around the body

Slowly warm up the muscles and calibrate the bones and jointsLow impact flexibility and stretch work

Circuit trainingCardio bag work

TechniqueCool down/stretching

Week three with Kickboxing coach

Gently loosening up joints and get the blood moving around the bodySlowly warm up the muscles and calibrate the bones and joints

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Static and dynamic stretchingCircuit training

Technique and padsIntermediate level stretching

Cool down

Week four with Kickboxing coach

Gently loosening up joints and get the blood moving around the bodySpecifically targeting the mechanics of Kicking and punching muscle memory

Dynamic stretching/ reactive drillsBag work cardio

Stomach/core workIntermediate stretching

Cool downWeek five with Kickboxing coach

Gently loosening up joints and get the blood moving around the bodySpecifically targeting the mechanics of Kicking and punching muscle memory

Dynamic stretching/ reactive drillsStrong man/semi explosive training

Stomach/core workIntermediate stretching

Cool down

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Old Bawn Community School

Additional Programmes to Support Student Wellbeing 2019/20

Art Therapy

The arts can help build self-esteem, bring joy and provide motivation for struggling students to stay in school.

IntroductionThe value of art activities for students with additional needs can't be overemphasised! They provide all students, and additionally students with additional needs, with an outlet for expression and creativity that enhances learning. Art activities are good ways to foster self-esteem. Because no work of art is ever "wrong," students with additional needs don't need to worry that their art won't be "as good as" others!

Aims Promote inclusion of students with additional needs Provide these students with a space to express themselves in a creative

manner Promote self-esteem and motivation to succeed Enable students to develop their fine motor and problem solving skills Enhance the communication and expression of students with additional


ObjectivesA number of objectives can be met through art therapy such as: exploring racial and cultural identity, improved behaviour, improved development and coordination, improved social skills, self expression, leisure and group work.

OutcomesArt is one activity where there is no ‘fixed’ standard. This allows the students to be able to do art at their own pace without competition and expectations. Through this atmosphere self-esteem is increased and students are able to communicate through their artwork.

Old Bawn Community School 2019/20

Wellbeing: Other Areas of Learning Planning

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Title of Unit: Artistic Expression

Duration: 6 weeks

Aim of Unit: To create pieces of art/craft which enables the learner to deal with emotional wellbeing through exploration of the art elements line, shape, colour, form, texture, and space as well as the principles of design , balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, and unity/variety.

Links to Junior Cycle Statements of Learning:Statement of Learning Example of related learning in the unitSOL 4: creates and presents artistic works and appreciates the process and skills involved

Learners will use a range of media and variety of AEDP to make a range of art pieces which represent their identity and share their experiences with their peers through artistic expression over a 6 week block

SOL 16:describes, illustrates, interprets, predicts and explains patterns and relationships

Learners will explore relationships with others through sculpting and collaborative discussions

SOL 11: takes action to safeguard and promote her/his wellbeing and that of others

Learners will create a self care kit using skills and activities explored throughout the programme and will be encouraged to support peers in the process

Links to Junior Cycle Key Skills:Key Skill Element Student Learning ActivityBeing Creative Learning

CreativelyLearners will create a wheel using colour to identify and classify emotions and map those colours to an emotional self portrait

Working With Others

Learning with Others

At all times learners will collaborate and offer support and guidance to each other regarding design choices (Conflict figure sculpting)

Managing Myself Knowing Myself Leaners will design and create a self-care box which encompasses tools, objects and activities they can use to further help their well being.

Links to the Junior Cycle Wellbeing Indicators and Descriptors:

Indicator Descriptor

ResilientLearners will create a tool kit which is designed by them to help them specifically with their needs which will allow them to continue to work on their own well being with tools designed by them for them.

AwareThrough the art making process and collaborative space learners will explore their emotional, behavioural, social and physical needs and are given opportunities to examine their feelings, relationships and needs through their workLearners will work in small groups to help support and

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Connected encourage each other. Visual stimuli will be used to help them connect what they are doing to the world around them.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this unit, students will be able to:

Illustrate their emotional wellbeing through use of AEDP and discussion (Cognitive/Affective)

Evaluate their work in relation to their feelings, thoughts and emotions as well as the work of their peers (Affective)

Analyse the effects of thoughts and feelings on their relationships and environment (Psychosocial)

Create a tool box with art activities or pieces they created that may help them going forward (Cognitive)

Collaborate with others in art making activities (Psychosocial) Design and create pieces of art which demonstrate correct use of AEDP

Sample learning activities

1. Identity: Identity hands 2. Worries/Fears: Worry postcard, Portrait of your fear, decorative

worry/gratitude jar 3. Emotions: Emotional colour wheel and colour portrait4. Motivations: Motivational dream catcher5. Obstacles: Sculpt the obstacles (objects or people)6. Tools : Decorative tool box, journal, meditative painting, zentangle

AssessmentStudents will show evidence of their learning when they:

Create an artwork that demonstrates chosen AEDP relates to feelings Evaluate their work and discuss it in front of their peers (Peer reflection) Acknowledge their feelings/needs through words or expression as part of the

group and participate in collaborative activities Identify the tools that work well for them

Useful resources, web links and community links:







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Old Bawn Community School

Additional Programmes to Support Student Wellbeing 2019/20


Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

AimsThe aim of mindfulness to is help students to be mindful which in turn will help students to savor the pleasures in life as they occur. It aims to help our students to become fully engaged in activities and creates a greater capacity to deal with adverse events.

ObjectivesThe objective of mindfulness is that by focusing on the here and now, many people who practice mindfulness find that they are less likely to get caught up in worries about the future or regrets over the past, are less preoccupied with concerns about success and self-esteem, and are better able to form deep connections with others.

OutcomeThe outcome of mindfulness is that students will acquire the skills and tools to help relieve stress, improve sleep, etc. Mindfulness meditation can also help address issues of depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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Old Bawn Community School 2019/20

Wellbeing: Other Areas of Learning Planning

Title of Unit: Mindfulness

Duration: 5 weeks

Week 1Content

Introduction session GAD 7 questionnaire Intro to mindfulness powerpoint, settling the mind practice End of the day practice- to be shared at the end of the day with the person

who does the last lesson.

Week 2Content

Start of the day practice Support of sound/support of breath Memories of Kindness End of the day

Week 3Content

Start of the day practice Self Compassion Break Loving Kindness for Self End of the day

Week 4Content

Start of the day practice Loving Kindness for Others Undercurrent and Observer End of the day

Week 5Content

Start of the day practice What have you learnt

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What changes have there been? GAD 7 Questionnaire End of day

Discussion and Reflection Topics Throughout the Module:

What is mindfulness?What causes you stress?How does sound distract you?A discussion topic on kindnessDifficult people, and situations in lifeA discussion topic on forgiveness

Useful resources, web links and community links:

All of the resources for this module are on the Mindfulness one drive folder, this includes handouts, full schemes of work, PowerPoints and audio clips.