U3A BULLETIN No 4 - AUGUST 2016 Dear U3A Member August General Meeting Your Executive Committee look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our next General Meeting which will be held, as usual, in the Malthouse Suite of the Syston Conservative Club on Wednesday 10 th August starting at 10.30 a.m. On this occasion, Gail Deveraux- Batchelor will speak on “Scam Awareness”. Fraud schemes affecting the elderly are all-too-present in today’s society. Gail’s presentation should help you recognise and defend yourself from the criminal efforts of those involved. Not to be missed! Also at the meeting, East Midlands Regional Trustee, Jane Pavier, will present us with our official U3A Membership Certificate. Executive Committee policy matters a) Refreshments at General Meetings Members are reminded that tea/coffee and biscuits served at General Meetings cost 50p per cup, payment to be placed in the “honesty box” provided for the purpose. b) WiFi Password for users of the Community Centre Members using the Community Centre/Council Offices for meetings can enjoy free WiFi access. Log on to TC GUEST with Password 254735A0A2 (Please note that “0” = zero.) c) Photocopying service Through the good offices of Vice-Chairman, Derek Burdon, we have acquired a top-quality photocopier which is now sited in The Hub café at the Methodist Church. U3A Members may use the copier free of charge for copies made on U3A business. Simply fill in the register, providing the information requested to enable us to monitor usage. We have negotiated a deal with the Methodist Church to share revenue from this service which will also be open to the public at a small charge. The Church will provide the space and meet the cost of the electricity used. SADU3A will supply paper and toners and keep the machine serviced d) Access for disabled persons We wish to offer access to as wide a range as possible of individuals within our local community. However, because of safety and insurance concerns, we have to establish - as a minimum membership condition – that individuals must be capable of managing their membership independently. U3A is neither able nor qualified to offer care services to 1

u3asites.org.uk€¦ · Web viewGail’s presentation should help you recognise and defend yourself from the criminal efforts of those involved. Not to be missed! Not to be missed!

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Dear U3A Member

August General MeetingYour Executive Committee look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our next General Meeting which will be held, as usual, in the Malthouse Suite of the Syston Conservative Club on Wednesday 10th August starting at 10.30 a.m. On this occasion, Gail Deveraux-Batchelor will speak on “Scam Awareness”. Fraud schemes affecting the elderly are all-too-present in today’s society. Gail’s presentation should help you recognise and defend yourself from the criminal efforts of those involved. Not to be missed!Also at the meeting, East Midlands Regional Trustee, Jane Pavier, will present us with our official U3A Membership Certificate.

Executive Committee policy mattersa) Refreshments at General Meetings

Members are reminded that tea/coffee and biscuits served at General Meetings cost 50p per cup, payment to be placed in the “honesty box” provided for the purpose.

b) WiFi Password for users of the Community CentreMembers using the Community Centre/Council Offices for meetings can enjoy free WiFi access. Log on to TC GUEST with Password 254735A0A2 (Please note that “0” = zero.)

c) Photocopying serviceThrough the good offices of Vice-Chairman, Derek Burdon, we have acquired a top-quality photocopier which is now sited in The Hub café at the Methodist Church. U3A Members may use the copier free of charge for copies made on U3A business. Simply fill in the register, providing the information requested to enable us to monitor usage. We have negotiated a deal with the Methodist Church to share revenue from this service which will also be open to the public at a small charge. The Church will provide the space and meet the cost of the electricity used. SADU3A will supply paper and toners and keep the machine serviced

d) Access for disabled personsWe wish to offer access to as wide a range as possible of individuals within our local community. However, because of safety and insurance concerns, we have to establish - as a minimum membership condition – that individuals must be capable of managing their membership independently. U3A is neither able nor qualified to offer care services to individual members while they are in attendance at any U3A function.

e) First Anniversary “Open Day”A small sub-committee has been set up to begin planning for a SADU3A Open Day to be held later in the year – probably November, to co-incide with the 1st Anniversary of our foundation. While planning is at a very early stage, all Groups are invited to give early thought to ways in which they might illustrate to members of the public the range of activities undertaken during the 12 months since we started up.A concentrated publicity campaign will be devised in the hope and expectation that the event can be used as a platform to encourage more members and the setting up of more Groups to meet the needs of a growing membership.

f) More on hearing loopsWe are anxious to make an accurate assessment of the number of current Members who have hearing difficulties and who would benefit from – or who need – assistance through the provision of a hearing loop system. If you are one of these people – or if you know of


Page 2: u3asites.org.uk€¦ · Web viewGail’s presentation should help you recognise and defend yourself from the criminal efforts of those involved. Not to be missed! Not to be missed!

another Member who falls into this category, please contact Vice-Chairman, Derek Burdon, as soon as possible. ([email protected])

g) “Welcome” PacksIt has been agreed that “Welcome” packs should be prepared for anyone who would like to know more about SADU3A and to issue to non-members who attend General Meetings with a view to joining. These packs will contain, among other things, a letter from the Chairman, a schedule of currently active Groups, a list of forthcoming events, the annual Speakers’ Programme, details of the SADU3A web site and publicity materials published by the Third Age Trust (TAT).Any Member wishing to obtain a pack (or packs) in order to attract family and friends to join, should contact the Membership desk at any General Meeting.

“Third Age Matters” and “Sources”Early in July all Members should have received by post copies of the national Third Age Trust magazines “Third Age Matters” and “Sources”. If you did not receive your copy, please notify Membership Secretary, Norma Grimes, as quickly as possible. We have also received reports that the Post Codes on some packages were incorrect. Again, if this is true in your case, please inform Norma. ([email protected])

Local History GroupGroup Leader, Jennifer Sandys, has pointed out that there is a clash between her Group’s planned meeting on 21st September and the proposed visit to the National Arboretum (see following article). Sadly, within such an active organisation as the U3A is turning out to be, it is, perhaps, inevitable that such clashes will occur. The Local History Group had a long-standing booking of a Leicester Blue Badge guide (at a significant cost to be shared among those attending the meeting) to do a tour entitled “Leicester from the Romans to the burial of King Richard III”. About 25 Members initially registered for the event - indicating a cost of around £3 per head. Unfortunately, this number has been reduced to about 10 because several have decided in favour of the day’s excursion. Unless more can be attracted to support the Local History event, those involved will have to be charged a minimum of £6 to cover costs – which might lead to further cancellations!All Members, whether currently members of the Local History Group or not, are invited to consider attending the event to listen to a very experienced speaker on a subject of wide interest to everyone living in the area.

Excursion to National Arboretum and Trentham GardensA number of people have expressed concerns that the day’s combined programme might prove too much. It has therefore been decided that the excursion planned for Wednesday 21st September will be to the National Arboretum only at a revised price of £16.Those Members who have already paid will receive a refund of £5.Unless I hear otherwise, I will assume that all those who had put their names down still wish to go. Full payment still required by 10th August, please.Janet Downes ([email protected])

Philosophy Group (Group Leader Michael Wherton)‘I cannot teach anybody anything – I can only make them think’ SocratesThe Syston and District U3A philosophy group has been meeting now since December 2016, and we’d like to welcome more members to join us in the process of thinking clearly and with purpose. We all know that as we get older, it’s important to keep the muscles active and exercised, and the brain is a muscle that needs plenty of exercise too. What better way to do so than to examine the


Page 3: u3asites.org.uk€¦ · Web viewGail’s presentation should help you recognise and defend yourself from the criminal efforts of those involved. Not to be missed! Not to be missed!

thoughts of philosophers through the ages, to look at the circumstances in which they lived, and most importantly, to see what lessons we can learn from their experiences. Here are a few quotes from some of the early Philosophers. You’ll be surprised to know that, in some cases, the statements were made 2,500 years ago, and yet they still have us discussing and arguing today. You may have quoted some of these statements, perhaps without knowing where they came from. You may even disagree, but at least you’ll have considered them and taken a stand. See what you THINK!‘You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.’ Plato“I count him braver who overcomes his desires, than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory of all is over self.” Aristotle‘While there’s life, there’s hope.’ Cicero‘It is quality rather than quantity that matters.’ Seneca‘Faith is to believe what you do not yet see; the reward for this faith is to see what you believe .’ St Augustine‘In the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is King.’ Erasmus‘It is not titles that honour men; it is men that honour titles.’ MachiavelliTry this one as a finisher – taking us back to the beginning with our opening quote;‘By all means marry: If you get a good wife (husband) you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher!’ Socrates.If you are interested in learning more, contact Michael Wherton for details of the next meeting date and venue.

Photography & Digital Imaging Group (Group Leader Michael Wherton)In this modern age of smart phones and digital cameras we may not be printing as many photos as we used to, but is that because we can’t be bothered, or that, as is shown in the photo below, there is too much background ‘noise’. So we just leave it to take up hard drive space on our p.c.

Well here, at the digital imaging group, we tackle these little issues in a few clicks of the mouse and ‘voilá’ we get a photo that wouldn’t look out of place in photo frame mounted on the wall. Most computers have their own basic editing software that enables one to make changes. We take editing a stage further by using a free software package (GIMP 2.8) to enable more advanced editing to get the desired results. None of us is an expert but have varying degrees

of knowledge on the subject to ensure we can achieve the results we require. The photo above, taken at my daughter’s recent birthday party, displays the background ‘noise’ referred to earlier. We have two people in the left hand side and a chair at the right hand side which draw the eye away from the subject of the photo.

I hope you all agree the edited photo (left) looks much better and this was achieved quite quickly.In our digital imaging group our projects are decided by the group on a monthly basis and we have recently changed a monochrome photo to colour (Dad’s or Grandad’s army photo?). We meet monthly and should you be interested in joining contact Michael Wherton for details of the next meeting. ([email protected])


Page 4: u3asites.org.uk€¦ · Web viewGail’s presentation should help you recognise and defend yourself from the criminal efforts of those involved. Not to be missed! Not to be missed!

Birdwatchers’ GroupJohn Winter reportsIt was a lovely, warm, sunny morning as our group of 8 intrepid SAD U3A birders assembled at Eyebrook Reservoir in Rutland for another morning of birding with our leader Robin. We had little idea that two and a half hours later it would be a happy, but slightly damp, group that adjourned to the pub for lunch.But, before the rain episode, we had a lovely time. A gentle stroll along the lane beside the lake, stopping periodically, looking out to see what was on the water and also to the fields on the other side. And it was not long before we encountered a problem that none of us had anticipated: there is a wide variation in height between the tallest and the shortest member. Now this is not a problem in most situations, but when a telescope is focussed on some unsuspecting feathered friend, it does start to matter. The group very soon split into two camps. The shorter members argued that tall people can bend. The taller ones reckoned that the shorter ones could either jump or bring a box to stand on! It was finally decided that it should be set so the shortest member could see through it, at which point it was discovered that the tall members could indeed bend; it was the standing up straight again afterwards that was the problem.As we walked slowly along the reservoir, many birds were seen on the water and the edges, various ducks and geese, grebes, partridges, waders (godwit, sandpiper). But the highlight was undoubtedly a glorious few minutes when no less than three raptors (birds of prey) were seen at the same time. A Buzzard was soaring over the trees, a Red Kite (one of several seen during the morning) gliding gracefully over the fields and the lake, and a Kestrel hovering right over our heads.

Having walked us back to the cars, Robin took us to the end of the reservoir so he could take us to a tree where he had seen a Little Owl earlier in the day. As we parked it started to spit with rain, “It’s OK, it’s only 100 yards,” said Robin. So, on with the coats and off we set down a lane. The rain got harder and harder as we trudged along and it was a pretty decent downpour by the time we arrived at a lonely tree in the middle of a field. Robin set up his telescope, we peered optimistically through our binoculars. All that could be seen were stair-rods of rain. Even if the owl had been jumping up and down on a branch in full view, we would have struggled to spot it. As it was, it was clearly hunkered down in the foliage keeping dry (and doubtless being thoroughly amused at the sight of 9 humans getting a good soaking). Then, as quickly as it started, so it stopped; the sun came out, it got warmer and spirits lifted. The owls, however, remained resolutely hidden. We adjourned, slightly damp, to the pub for lunch.All in all, a brilliant way to spend a morning.

Another day’s excursion plannedAny members interested in going to the N.E.C. Birmingham on Saturday, November 5th to visit the Christmas Crafts Show, are asked to contact Janet Downes (email [email protected]) by no later than our August General meeting. The cost will be Cost £23 per head inclusive of bus and entry ticket.


Little egret There MUST be a Little Owl out there somewhere!

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Leicester and Rutland Regional Network of U3AsChairman Colin Grimes and Secretary Cynthia Baker represented SADU3A, together with representatives of 16 other U3As at a Regional Network meeting held in The Gate Hangs Well on Friday, 22nd July. Discussions centred on ways in which U3As in the Region might benefit from sharing experiences (successes and failures) and on the possibility of developing more inter-U3A shared activities. A fuller report on the meeting will feature in the September issue of “Vitality”.

World Dining Group

Treasure Hunt - Friday 29th July 2016Lyn & Dave Palmer reportThis inaugural Treasure Hunt for the SADU3A was a walk around some of the older parts of Syston, starting and finishing at the Queen Victoria pub in High Street.28 people took part, with some joining up with each other to make 8 teams. We provided sheets of cryptic clues to solve along the described route.The first team got away at 6:25 and all teams managed to get back by 8:25, in time for the food at 8:30. Unfortunately there was a brief shower en route but it soon cleared up and, in fact, some people were able to sit outside on the decking area afterwards.Lyn & I marked the answer sheets and the winners were announced. . . (with suitable hesitation – as is the TV way these days)…1st – Team - ‘Golden Oldies’ – Carole Walker, June Bishop and Margaret Percival2nd - Team - ‘2 x JCs’ – Cynthia and John Baker with Jean Ruston and Christine Ringrose3rd – Team - ‘Queni Quizzers’ – Carol and Colin Faver with Jane Vale and Jennifer SandysEveryone said they had enjoyed it very much, and thanked us for organizing the evening.Our thanks to all who took part and made it a very enjoyable evening for us too…

Syston and District Volunteer Centre – A little known community serviceIf you are elderly, infirm, handicapped or rurally isolated, Syston & District Volunteer Centre can help you. The Centre offers transport and a range of other services designed to enable you to be as independent as possible and helping you to continue to play a full and active part in your family and community life.The Centre provides:(a) Social car service

Personal door-to-door transport, by private car, to doctors, hospitals, hairdressers, shopping, visits to relatives, U3A meetings etc. to help you to sustain your independence and involvement. With the benefit of a team of volunteer drivers this service is much cheaper and more convenient than using a taxi.


“The Chairman has just realized he is paying for this!” says World Dining Group Leader, Cynthia Baker.Picture shows the World Dining Group enjoying a meal at the Turtle Bay Caribbean restaurant in Leicester on 13th

July. The Group are scheduled to try Portuguese cuisine in August.

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(b) Minibus trips and days out Door-to-door service to Day Centres, U3A meetings, social outings, community lunches and other activities organised both by the Centre and other not-for-profit groups (such as U3A) within our local community.

(c) Community lunches These occasions provide much-needed opportunities for social contact and interaction with old friends and the chance to make new ones. Transport to and from the venue is provided by minibuses owned by the Centre.

(d) Mobility aids hire service For a very modest fee, you can rent equipment, including wheelchairs, bath boards, commodes, crutches, rollators and walking frames, for long and short periods.

(e) Listening serviceCentre staff and volunteers provide solace, comfort, support and advice to all who call.

(f) Links to specialist advocacy services The Centre staff are always happy to direct you to specialists who can speak up on your behalf to local authorities, utility providers and other service providers where problems have been identified.

The office, on School Street, is open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5.00p.m. Telephone: (0116) 260 7888 Email: [email protected] Web: www.syston-vc.orgLet the Centre help you to help yourself.

Volunteer drivers wantedThe services provided by the Syston and District Volunteer Centre (see above) rely heavily on a team of volunteer drivers. The transport services by private car and specially adapted minibuses enable the Centre to meet the increasing levels of local demand, to fulfil contract requirements for carrying young people and adults with special needs to Day Centres or to placements in enterprises such as Hawleyfield Farm in Seagrave or the Oakdale Project in Rearsby. Drivers are also needed for the Centre’s Social Car Service using their own cars to take the elderly, infirm and rurally isolated to hospital, to visit family and friends, to doctors’ surgeries and hairdressers or simply for shopping (or attending meetings of the U3A) Generous mileage rates are paid when you use your own car. Only in exceptional circumstances does the Centre arrange weekend trips. Full MIDAS training is given to those who wish to drive minibuses. Drivers are supplied with uniform fleeces and guidance packs and, as a group, enjoy regular opportunities for social interaction among themselves.You can choose to do as much or as little driving for the Centre as you wish, to fit in with your other commitments. The Centre always gives plenty of notice of their requirements. Current drivers say that he experience gives them great satisfaction. Their experience demonstrates just how valuable a service the Volunteer Centre provides for each of them. Sad to report that, in some cases, they are the only contacts that some of their passengers have had the opportunity to speak to since the last time they travelled together. As a driver, you have to be a good listener, without losing concentration. The mileage and subsistence rates paid by the Centre adequately cover expenses.If you, or if you know of someone else who might be interested, would like to consider getting involved by sparing an hour or two per week to help fellow members of our local community to be as independent as possible and to continue to play a full and active part in the life of their families and the community, please contact Centre Manager, Mark Smith (Tel: 0116 2607888 email: [email protected])


Page 7: u3asites.org.uk€¦ · Web viewGail’s presentation should help you recognise and defend yourself from the criminal efforts of those involved. Not to be missed! Not to be missed!

Pre-paid funeral plans - Questions to be asked (Advertorial)The idea of paying for a funeral in advance is becoming increasingly popular. Millions of people now choose this cost-effective way of dealing with their final expense. There are a number of plans advertised and, if the idea appeals to you, we suggest that asking the following questions may be helpful and could avoid costly mistakes:

Does the plan actually guarantee to pay for the funeral when required? Some insurance based policies only provide a sum of money, which may not keep up with the rising cost of funerals.Can you see exactly how much the plan will cost? Whether you pay all in one go or by monthly instalments you should be able to see what the total price will be. Beware of some policies that offer attractive low premiums but require you to keep paying for the rest of your life - they can work out very expensive in the long run!Will the funeral be right for you? Most firms offer a choice of packages, but what if you want something slightly different? A funeral is very personal and you should not have to compromise. The best plans allow you to choose and pay for what you need. Will a respected local Funeral Director provide the service? With some plans the Funeral Director will not be appointed until the service is required, and there is no guarantee that it will even be a local firm. If you want to use a particular Funeral Director we suggest you consult them first.Who will hold the money until the funeral is required? The most secure arrangement is an independent Trust Fund with an independent custodian Trustee - which means that the payment for the funeral will be safe even if the Funeral Director or the funeral plan company should go out of business. Is the company administering the plan regulated by the Funeral Planning Authority? Firms registered with the Funeral Planning Authority have to comply with strict regulations governing the sale and administration of plans, but not all funeral plans are registered.A pre-paid funeral plan is a very practical way to solve an important, and sometimes sensitive issue, but as with any major purchase it is wise to shop around and ask questions before you buy.

For further information please contact: Chris at Chris Meynell & Family, Tel: 0116 2607 954 Email: [email protected] Web: www.meynell-funerals.co.uk

REMINDERS from earlier SADU3A communicationsa) 2016 Regional Conference and AGM

Details of the 2016 Regional U3A Conference, to be held on 19th September at the Eastwood Hall Conference Centre, Nottingham, have now been published. (See Bulletin No 3 for programme and registration details. Closing date for registration 19th August.)

b) First AidAny Member who has a current First Aid certificate - or who is qualified in some other way to give First Aid - is asked to notify the Secretary, Cynthia Baker, (email: [email protected]).Groups holding meetings in the Community Centre are asked to note that both Town Manager, Catherine Voyce, and her Deputy, Ursula Southan, are fully qualified first aiders on site. There is also an on-site defibrillator.

c) Group LeadersAs always, ideas for new Groups and volunteers to lead new Groups will always be welcomed. If you have something to contribute, please contact our Group Co-ordinators to discuss the matter further.


Page 8: u3asites.org.uk€¦ · Web viewGail’s presentation should help you recognise and defend yourself from the criminal efforts of those involved. Not to be missed! Not to be missed!

d) Executive Committee vacancyAnyone interested in volunteering to take up the role of Minuting Secretary to the Executive Committee (meetings once per month) is invited to contact Chairman, Colin Grimes - [email protected]

e) NewsletterEditorial material, with or without photographs, suitable for the September “Vitality” edition (Number 4) is requested. Email format preferred to “Colin Grimes” [email protected]

f) Publicity i. Membership car stickers are available, free, on request to Membership Secretary,

Norma Grimes ([email protected])ii. Group Leaders please make a monthly habit of informing Fiona Henry the Editor of

"Syston Town News" of the dates(s) of their Group Meetings to be featured in the Diary section of the newspaper. ("Fiona Henry" email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116 2693 221).

iii. Those of you who live in neighbouring locations which have community newspapers can do the same with the respective Editors.

g) Member CommunicationsIf you don’t have access to email, please provide the Membership desk with stamped addressed envelope(s) for future editions of communications.

COLIN GRIMESChairman/PRO3rd August 2016