1 The rules of making various kinds of sentences 1.Avwg Qwe AvuwK-I draw a picture. 2.Avwg Qwe AuvwK‡ZwQ-I am drawing a picture. 3.Avwg Qwe AvuwKqvwQ-I have drawn a picture. 4.Avwg `yÕN›Uv a‡i Qwe AuvwK‡ZwQ-I have been drawing a picture for two hours. 5.Avwg Qwe Gu‡KwQjvg-I drew a picture. 6.Avwg Qwe AvuK‡ZwQjvgÑ I was drawing a picture. 7.‡m Avmvi c~‡e© Avwg Qwe Gu‡KwQjvg-I had drawn a picture before he came. 8.Avwg `yÕN›Uv a‡i Qwe AuvwK‡ZwQjvg-I had been drawing a picture for two hours. 9.Avwg Qwe AvuKe-I shall draw a picture. 10.Avwg Qwe AvuK‡Z _vKe-I shall be drawing a picture. 11. ‡m Avmvi c~‡e© Avwg Qwe AvuKe ev Gu‡K _vKe-I shall have drawn a picture before he comes/he will come. 12.Avwg `yN›Uv a‡i Qwe AvuK‡Z _vKe-I shall have been drawing a picture for two hours. 13.Interrogative :Do you go home? (Zzwg wK evox hvI ?) 14.Interrogative :Are you going home ? (Zzwg wK evox hvB‡ZQ ?)

mdotadotnaim.files.wordpress.com · Web viewThe rules of making various kinds of sentences. 1.Avwg Qwe AvuwK-I draw a picture. 2.Avwg Qwe AuvwK‡ZwQ-I am drawing a picture. 3.Avwg

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Page 1: mdotadotnaim.files.wordpress.com · Web viewThe rules of making various kinds of sentences. 1.Avwg Qwe AvuwK-I draw a picture. 2.Avwg Qwe AuvwK‡ZwQ-I am drawing a picture. 3.Avwg


The rules of making various kinds of sentences 1.Avwg Qwe AvuwK-I draw a picture.

2.Avwg Qwe AuvwK‡ZwQ-I am drawing a picture.3.Avwg Qwe AvuwKqvwQ-I have drawn a picture. 4.Avwg `yÕN›Uv a‡i Qwe AuvwK‡ZwQ-I have been drawing a picture for two hours.5.Avwg Qwe Gu‡KwQjvg-I drew a picture.6.Avwg Qwe AvuK‡ZwQjvgÑ I was drawing a picture. 7.‡m Avmvi c~‡e© Avwg Qwe Gu‡KwQjvg-I had drawn a picture before he came.8.Avwg `yÕN›Uv a‡i Qwe AuvwK‡ZwQjvg-I had been drawing a picture for two hours.

9.Avwg Qwe AvuKe-I shall draw a picture.10.Avwg Qwe AvuK‡Z _vKe-I shall be drawing a picture. 11. ‡m Avmvi c~‡e© Avwg Qwe AvuKe ev Gu‡K _vKe-I shall have drawn a picture before he comes/he will come. 12.Avwg `yN›Uv a‡i Qwe AvuK‡Z _vKe-I shall have been drawing a picture for two hours.13.Interrogative :Do you go home? (Zzwg wK evox hvI ?)14.Interrogative :Are you going home ? (Zzwg wK evox hvB‡ZQ ?)

15.Interrogative : Have you gone home ? (Zzwg wK evox wMqvQ ?)16.Interrogative :Did you go home?(Zzwg wK evox wM‡qwQ‡j ?)17.Interrogative :Will you go home ? (Zzwg wK evox hv‡e ?)18.Negative: I do not go to market. (Avwg evRv‡i hvB bv |)19.Negative: He does not go to school. (‡m ¯‹z‡j hvq b)20.Negative: He is not reading. (‡m co‡Z‡Q bv|)21.Negative: You have not gone (Zzwg hvI bvB)22.Negative: He has not been reading for two hours. (‡m `yÕN›Uv a‡i co‡Z‡Q bv|)23.Negative: He did not go to school. (‡m ¯‹z‡j wM‡qwQj bv|)24.Negative: He was not walking. (‡m nvuU‡ZwQj bv|)

25.Negative: He will not go to school. (‡m ¯‹z‡j hv‡e bv|)26.(am/is/are + past participle = g~j wµqvi A_© + nq )Passive: The letter is written.(wPwVwU †jLv nq|)

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27.(was/were + past participle = g~j wµqvi A_© + n‡qwQj | )Passive : The letter was written.(wPwVwU †jLv n‡qwQj|)28.(shall be/will be + past participle = g~j wµqvi A_© + nB‡e| )passive : The letter will be written.(wPwVwU †jLv nB‡e|)29.(have been/has been + past participle = g~j wµqvi A_© + n‡q‡Q | )The letter has been written.(wPwVwU †jLv n‡q‡Q|)30.can be/may be + past participle = g~j wµqvi A_© + n‡Z/‡h‡Z cv‡i| The letter can be/may be written.(wPwVwU †jLv †h‡Z cv‡i|)31.Kiv,hvIqv,LvIqv,cov cÖf…wZ A_© n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-Reading book is a good habit. (eB cov GKwU fv‡jv Af¨vm)32.Kwiqv,hvBqv,LvBqv,cwoqv cÖf…wZ A_© n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-Reading the book, I shall eat rice. (eB cov GKwU fv‡jv Af¨vm)33.m¤úv`bKvix A_© n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-The boy going to school is my brother. (¯‹z‡j MgbKvix evjKwU Avgvi fvB|)34.wµqvi †k‡l Õ†ZÕ hy³ n‡Z cv‡i| ‡hgb-He started reading the book.(‡m eBwU co‡Z ïiæ K‡iwQj|)35.Noun- Gi A‡_© Avm‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-

36.wµqvi †k‡l AšÍ hy³ n‡Z cv‡i| ‡hgb-I saw a flying a bird.(Avwg GKwU DošÍ cvLx †`‡LwQjvg)37. wµqvi †k‡l gvb hy³ n‡Z cv‡i| ‡hgb-We expect the increasing development of our country.(Avgiv †`‡ki µgea©gvb Dbœqb cÖZ¨vkv Kwi)38.wµqvi †k‡l kxj hy³ n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-Bangladesh is a developing country.(evsjv‡`k GKwU Dbœqbkxj †`k|)39.AwaKvsk transitive verb Øviv cÖ_g cvuPwU wbq‡gi gva¨‡g cvuP ai‡Yi evK¨ MVb Kiv hv‡e|40.(To ev‡` Ab¨vb¨ preposition -Gi c‡i verb Avm‡j mvaviYZ: ing hy³ n‡e)For reading book, I went to library.I went to library for reading book.

wKš‘ with a view to (D‡Ï‡k¨),look forward to (cÖZxÿv Kiv ),can not help, could not help, mind, worth, get used to (Af¨¯Í nIqv) ,accustomed to (Af¨¯Í) cÖf…wZi c‡i verb Avm‡j verb Gi ‡k‡l ing hy³ n‡e|

I read more with a view to passing in the exam.I could not help going thereHe got used to reading book.He was accustomed to drinking tea.Would you mind drinking tea.Life is not worth living without love.

while Gi wVK c‡i subject bv G‡m verb Avm‡j verbGi †k‡l ing hy³ n‡e Ges evsjv Abyev‡`i †ejvq while "mgqÓ A_© w`‡e| †hgbÑWhile going (hvIqv র mgq)

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While reading (covi mgq)While writing (‡jLvi mgq)While reading the book, he came. (eBwU covi mgq †m G‡mwQj|)

while Gi c‡i subject Avm‡j while A_© w`‡e "hLb ÓI past continuous tense n‡e| †hgbÑWhile I was reading the book, he came. .( hLb Avwg eBwU co‡ZwQjvg ‡m GLv‡b G‡mwQj |)

eva¨evaKZv A‡_© am to/are to/is to/have to/has to / have to/has to / had to/shall have to/will have to– Gi e¨envi :

1.am to/is to/are to + present form = ‡Z nq| †hgb-I am to go. Avgv‡K †h‡Z nq|He is to write. Zv‡K wjL‡Z nqThey are to write. Zv‡`i‡K wjL‡Z nq|Rimi is to read the book .wiwg‡K eBwU co‡Z nq|

2. have to/has to + present form = ‡Z nq/‡Z n‡q‡Q/‡Z n‡e| †hgb-I have to go. Avgv‡K †h‡Z nq/n‡q‡Q/n‡e|He has to write. Zv‡K wjL‡Z nq/n‡q‡Q/n‡eThey have to write. Zv‡`i‡K wjL‡Z nq/n‡q‡Q/n‡e|Rimi has to read the book .wiwg‡K eBwU co‡Z nq/n‡q‡Q/n‡e|

3. had to + present form = ‡Z n‡qwQjI had to go. (Avgv‡K †h‡Z n‡qwQj|)He had to write. Zv‡K wjL‡Z n‡qwQj|They had to write. Zv‡`i‡K wjL‡Z n‡qwQj|Rimi had to read the book .wiwg‡K eBwU co‡Z n‡qwQj|4.shall have to/will have to + present form = ‡Z n‡e| †hgb-I shall have to go. Avgv‡K †h‡Z n‡e|He will have to write. Zv‡K wjL‡Z n‡eThey will have to write. Zv‡`i‡K wjL‡Z n‡e|Rimi will have to read the book .wiwg‡K eBwU co‡Z n‡e|

Tense ewnfz©Z Ing-hy³ verb -Gi objectn‡Z cv‡i-‡hgb-Reading book ( eB cov) Kiv,hvIqv,LvIqv cÖf…wZ A‡_©Cathing fish ( gvQ aiv)

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Writing a letter (wPwV †jLv)Eating rice (fvZ LvIqv)

Ing hy³ verb + object + be verb + evKx Ask| †hgb- Reading book is a good habit. (eB cov GKwU fv‡jv Af¨vm) subjectCatching fish is not possible for me. (gvQ aiv Avgvi Rb¨ m¤¢e bq) subject

Reading book ( eB cwoqv)Cathing fish ( gvQ awiqv) Kwiqv,hvBqv,LvBqv cÖf…wZ A‡_©Writing a letter (wPwV wjwLqv)Eating rice (fvZ LvBqv)Ing hy³ verb + object ,subject + verb + evKx Ask| †hgb- Reading book ,I shall go to school. ( eB cwoqv Avwg ¯‹z‡j hve|)Catching fish, I shall eat rice. ( gvQ awiqv Avwg fvZ Lve)Writing a letter, he will go there. (wPwV wjwLqv †m †mLv‡b hv‡e|)Eating rice, I shall read the book. (fvZ LvBqv Avwg eBwU coe|)

wKš‘ ing hy³ AskwU c‡i emv‡j Kgv e¨envi Ki‡Z nq bv| †hgb- I shall go to school reading book . ( eB cwoqv Avwg ¯‹z‡j hve|)I shall eat rice catching fish. ( gvQ awiqv Avwg fvZ Lve)he will go there writing a letter (wPwV wjwLqv †m †mLv‡b hv‡e|)I shall read the book eating rice. (fvZ LvBqv Avwg eBwU coe|)

Ing hy³ verb m¤úv`bKvix A‡_© Avm‡Z cv‡i| G ‡ÿ‡Î ing hy³ AskwU subject I object G Dfq Ae¯’v‡b Avm‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-The boy going to school is my brother. ( ¯‹z‡j MgbKvix evjKwU Avgvi fvB)A bird coming from abroad is called a guest bird. ( we‡`k †_‡K Avmv cvwL‡‡K ejv nq AwZw_ cvwL| )I know the boy going to school.( ¯‹z‡j MgbKvix evjKwU Avgvi fvB| )

evsjv wµqvi †k‡l “‡ZÓ hy³ n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-I saw him going to school. (Avwg Zv‡K ¯‹z‡j †h‡Z †`‡LwQjvg)I saw him reading book. (Avwg Zv‡K co‡Z †`‡LwQjvg|)He joined the job. (‡m PvKzix‡Z †hvM`vb K‡iwQj| )

evsjv wµqvi †k‡l AšÍ hy³ n‡Z cv‡i| †hgbÑ I saw a flying bird. (Avwg GKwU DošÍ cvwL †`‡LwQjvg)I saw a sleeping bird.(Avwg GKRb NygšÍ evjK‡K †`‡LwQjvg|)I saw floating ice. (Avwg fvmgvb eid †`‡LwQjvg|)

Page 5: mdotadotnaim.files.wordpress.com · Web viewThe rules of making various kinds of sentences. 1.Avwg Qwe AvuwK-I draw a picture. 2.Avwg Qwe AuvwK‡ZwQ-I am drawing a picture. 3.Avwg


evsjv wµqvi †k‡l “gvb” hy³ n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-The increasing development of Bangladesh is a good news for us.( evsjv‡`‡ki ea©gvb Dbœqb Avgv‡`I Rb¨ GKwU mymsev`|)evsjv wµqvi †k‡l “kxj” hy³ n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-Bangladesh is a developing country.(evsjv‡`k GKwU Dbœqbkxj †`k|)

Past participle hw` tense – Gi AšÍf©y³ bv nq Zv n‡j Bnv adjective wnmv‡e e¨eüZ n‡e I evsjv Abyev‡`i †ÿ‡Î wµqvi †k‡l “K…ZÓ hy³ n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-It was an accepted decision. {GUv wQj GKwU MÖnYK…Z (M„nxZ) wm×všÍ|}

“Want” verb - Gi c‡i mvaviYZ: to hy³ verb (infinitive) em‡e| †hgb - I wan to go there. Avwg †mLv‡b †h‡Z PvB|I want to read the book. Avwg eBwU co‡Z PvB|

“need I require” verb - Gi c‡i mvaviYZ: to hy³ verb (infinitive) em‡e| †hgb - I need to buy a book. Avgvi GKwU eB †Kbv cÖ‡qvRb|wKš‘ need Gi c‡i Ab¨ verb bv Avm‡j to em‡e bv| †hgb -I need a book. (Avgvi GKwU eB cÖ‡qvRb|)

G Qvov negative I interrogative Gi †ejvq tense Abyhvqx e¨envi Ki‡j to em‡e, Ab¨_vq em‡e bv| G †ÿ‡Î need I dare mvnvh¨Kvix verb wnmv‡e e¨eüZ n‡e|I need not buy a book.Need you buy a book.I do not need to buy a book.Do you need to buy a book.

Past participle hw` tense Gi AšÍf©y³ bv nq, Zv n‡j Bnv adjective wnmv‡e MY¨ n‡e| †hgb-The allotted books are on the table.(ewÈZ eB¸‡jv wQj †Uwe‡ji Dci|)

mvaviYZ: cÖ_‡g adjective Ges Gi c‡i noun e‡m| †hgb - He is a good boy. Adjective noun

wKš‘ GKvwaK kã w`‡q adjective MwVZ n‡j, GKvwaK kã w`‡q MwVZ adjective wU noun-Gi Av‡M bv e‡m mvaviYZ: noun – Gi c‡i e‡m| †hgb-good at (`ÿ) - `yB kã w`‡q MwVZ adjective

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going to school (¯‹z‡j MgbKvix) - GKvwaK kã w`‡q MwVZ adjectivefallen from the tree (MvQ †_‡K cwZZ) - GKvwaK kã w`‡q MwVZ adjectivepublished from Dhaka (XvKv †_‡K cÖKvwkZ) - GKvwaK kã w`‡q MwVZ adjective

GKvwaK kã w`‡q MwVZ adjective wU noun-Gi Av‡M bv e‡m mvaviYZ: noun – Gi c‡i e‡m| †hgb-The student good at English went to school. ( Bs‡iRx‡Z `ÿ evjKwU ¯‹z‡j noun adjectivewM‡qwQj)I saw the boy good at English. (Bs‡iwR‡Z `ÿ evjKwU‡K Avwg †`‡LwQjvg|) noun adjectiveThe boy going to school is my brother. (¯‹z‡j MgbKvix evjKwU Avgvi fvB|) noun adjectiveThe mango fallen from the tree was ripe. (MvQ †_‡K cwZZ AvgwU wQj Noun adjectivecvKv|)I shall eat the mango fallen from the tree. (MvQ †_‡K cwZZ AvgwU Avwg Noun adjectiveLve|)I read the newspaper published from Dhaka. (XvKv †_‡K cÖKvwkZ cwÎKvwU Noun adjective

Avwg c‡owQjvg|)Seem (g‡b nIqv), appear(g‡b nIqv/cÖZxqgvb nIqv), take (a‡i †bIqv) , consider , believe G¸‡jvi c‡i mvaviYZ: to be hy³ adjective e‡m| †hgb-

He seems to be happy. (Zv‡K myLx g‡b nq|)I took him to be Indian. (Avwg Zv‡K fviZxq a‡i wb‡qwQjvg|)

AZxZ Af¨vm eySv‡Z would + present form / used to + present form e‡m I evsjv wKqvi †k‡l Zvg, †Z , Z hy³ nq| †hgb - I would play cricket. (Avwg wµ‡KU †LjZvg|)I used to play cricket.(Avwg wµ‡KU †LjZvg|) Subject +be verb + noun. ‡hgb-He is a student. (‡m GKRb QvÎ|)

Subject +be verb +adjective‡hgb-He is honest. (‡m mr|)He is clever. (‡m PvjvK|)

Subject +be verb +adjective+ noun ‡hgb-He is an honest man. (‡m GKRb mr gvbyl|)He is a clever a boy. (‡m GKRb PvjvK evjK|)

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Can (cviv), could cviZvg/cviZ/cvi‡Z), may(cviv), might (cviZvg/cviZ/cvi‡Z), shall(e/‡e), will(e/‡e),, should(DwPZ), would (Zvg/‡Z/Z), must (Aek¨B), ought to(DwPZ) –G¸‡jvi c‡i verb-Gi present form em‡e| †hgb - I can do the work. (Avwg KvRwU Ki‡Z cvwi|)I could read the book. (Avwg eBwU co‡Z co‡Z cviZvg|)It may rain. (e„wó co‡Z cv‡i|)He will go there. (‡m †mLv‡b hv‡e|)m¤¢vebv I AbygwZi †ÿ‡Î May e¨eüZ n‡q _v‡K| ‡hgb- It may rain today.May I come in ?B”Qv I cÖv_©bv eySv‡Z May e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i| ‡hgb -May Allah bless you.May Allah help you.May Bangladesh live long.

May Gi past form n‡”Q might †hgb - He might go there. (‡m †mLv‡b †h‡Z †c‡iwQj)

m¤¢vebvi †ÿ‡Î Might have +past participle = K‡i _vK‡Z cv‡i/wM‡q _vK‡Z cv‡i wj‡L _vK‡Z cv‡i - GRvZxq A_© n‡e| ‡hgb - He might have done the work. ‡m KvRwU K‡i _vK‡Z cv†i|He might have written the letter.(‡m wPwVwU wj‡L _vK‡Z cv‡i|)He might have gone there. (‡m †mLv‡b wM‡q _vK‡Z cv‡i|)f`ªZv cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ might e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb -You might use my pen.You might buy this umbrella.

mÿgZv cÖKvk Ki‡Z can e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb - I can do the work.(Avwg KvRwU Ki‡Z cvwi|)I can walk. (Avwg nvuU‡Z cvwi|)

can Gi past form n‡”Q could †hgb -I could do the work.(Avwg KvRwU Ki‡Z cviZvg|)I could walk. (Avwg nvuU‡Z cviZvg|)

mÿgZvi †ÿ‡Î could have +past participle = K‡i _vK‡Z cv‡i/wM‡q _vK‡Z cv‡i wj‡L _vK‡Z cv‡i - GRvZxq A_© n‡e| ‡hgb - He could have done the work. ‡m KvRwU K‡i _vK‡Z cv†i|He could have written the letter.(‡m wPwVwU wj‡L _vK‡Z cv‡i|)He could have gone there. (‡m †mLv‡b wM‡q _vK‡Z cv‡i|)

f`ªZv cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ could e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb -

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Could you tell me the correct thing ?

eva¨evaKZv I wbðqZv A‡_© must e¨eüZ nq| †hgb –I must go there. (Avwg Aek¨B †mLv‡b hve|)must have +past participle = Aek¨B K‡i _vK‡e / Aek¨B wM‡q _vK‡e / Aek¨B wK‡b _vK‡e | GRvZxq A_© n‡e| †hgb -I must have gone there. (Avwg Aek¨B †mLv‡b wM‡q _vKe|)I must have done the work. (Avwg Aek¨B KvRwU K‡i _vKe|)Dare A_© -mvnm Kiv . Affirmative sentence G dare Gi c‡i infinitive to e‡m, wKš‘ Negative I Interrogative sentence G Dare hLb mvnvh¨Kvix verb wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq, ZLb to e‡m bv|‡hgb- I dare not go. (Avwg hvIqvi mvnm Kwi bv|)Dare you go ? ( Zzwg wK hvIqvi mvnm Ki?)

Dare hw` g~j verb wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq , Negative I Interrogative sentence Ginfinitive to e‡m| †hgb - He does not dare to go.Dare- Gi past form n‡”Q dared/durst. Negative I Interrogative sentence G Dared/ durst DfqB em‡Z cv‡i|wKš‘ Affirmative sentence G ïay dared e¨eüZ nq| Negative I Interrogative sentence G Dared/durstGi c‡i to e¨eüZ nq bv| wKš‘ Affirmative sentence G dared Gi c‡i infinitive to em‡Z cv‡i ev Dn¨ _vK‡Z cv‡i| †hgb -He durst not do it. (‡m Bnv Ki‡Z mvnm K‡iwQj bv)He dared not do it. ( ‡m Bnv Ki‡Z mvnm K‡iwQj bv)Dared you go alone? ( Zzwg wK GKv †h‡Z mvnm K‡iwQ‡j?)He dared go there.He dared to go there.

Need A_© cÖ‡qvRb nIqv| Affirmative sentence G need Gi c‡i infinitive to e‡m, wKš‘ Negative I Interrogative sentence G need hLb mvnvh¨Kvix verb wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq, ZLb to e‡m bv| ‡hgb -I need to go there. ( Avgvi †mLv‡b hvIqv cÖ‡qvRb|)He needs to buy a book. (Zvi GKwU eB †Kbv cÖ‡qvRb|)I need not go there.Need you go there ?

need hw` g~j verb wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq , Negative I Interrogative sentence Ginfinitive to e‡m| †hgb - I do not need to go there ?Do you need to go there ?

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Ought G e¨envi DwPZ A‡_© ought e¨envi Kiv nq| ought - Gi c‡i infinitive to e‡m|‡hgb-We ought to love our country. (Avgv‡`i †`k‡K fv‡jvevmv DwPZ|)(Note : evsjv Abyev‡`i †ejvq need I ought Gi subject Gi mv‡_ i/Gi †hvM Ki‡Z nq|) Should G e¨envi (a)DwPZ A‡_© should e¨envi Kiv nq| ‡hgb - You should read the book. (‡Zvgvi eBwU cov DwPZ|)(Note : evsjv Abyev‡`i †ejvq should Gi subject Gi mv‡_ i/Gi †hvM Ki‡Z nq|)

(b)Abygvb ,B”Qv,cÖ‡qvRb,m¤¢vebv ev Aby‡gv`b cÖKvk Ki‡Z should e¨eüZ nq| †hgb -I am anxious that he should be successful.(c)“hw`Ó A‡_© should e¨eüZ nq| †hgb - Should you (If you should) stand first, I would give you a prize.(d)lest conjunction Gi c‡i should e¨eüZ nq| †hgb - Read more lest you should fail in the exam. (AwaK co cv‡Q fq nq †h, Zzwg cixÿvq †dj Ki‡e|)(e)Interrogative “how I why”Gi c‡i should e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb - How should I know it ? wKfv‡e Avwg Bnv Rvbe|Why should you help me ? wKfv‡e Zzwg Avgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡e|(f) DwPZ wQj A‡_© should have +past participle †hgb - You should have gone to school. ( †Zvgvi ¯‹z‡j hvIqv DwPZ wQj|)

Introductory adverb “there I here” w`‡q evK¨ ïiæ n‡j finite verb mvaviYZ: subject Gi c~‡e© em‡e| ‡hgb - There is a school in our village. ( Avgv‡`i MÖv‡g GKwU we`¨vjq i‡q‡Q|)There are 5 hundred students in our school. ( Avgv‡`i we`¨vj‡q cvPu kZ QvÎ-QvÎx i‡q‡Q|)There lived a farmer in a village. (GK MÖv‡g GK K…lK evm KiZ|)

KvD‡K Av‡`k ,Dc‡`k,Aby‡iva Kiv n‡j -g~j verb + object + ext. ‡hgb - Read the book. (eBwU co|)Open the door. (`iRvwU †Lvj|)Go to school. (¯‹z‡j hvI|)wb‡la eySv‡j -Do not + g~j verb + object + ext. ‡hgb -Do not read the book. (eBwU cwoI bv|)Do not open the door. (`iRvwU LywjI bv|)Do not go to school. (¯‹z‡j ‡hI bv|)

Ki‡Z `vI/LvB‡Z `vI /co‡Z `vI -G RvZxq A‡_© - Let +object+present form+ext. ‡hgb - Let me go home. ( Avgv‡K evox †h‡Z `vI|)Let us read the book. (Pj Avgiv eBwU cwo|)

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Let him write the letter. (Zv‡K wPwVwU wjL‡Z `vI|)Let them play cricket. (Zv‡`i‡K wµ‡KU †Lj‡Z `vI|)Let Rana go to school.(ivbv‡K ¯‹z‡j †h‡Z `vI|)

‡Rvi †`Iqvi Rb¨ very e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i | †hgb -At the very beginning,he met me. (ïiæ‡ZB †m Avgvi mv‡_ mvÿvZ K‡iwQj|)

positive degree Gi evK¨| †hgb- He is a tall boy.No other boy in the class is so tall as he.Very few boys in the class are so tall as he.Zzjbv eySv‡Z comparative degree Gi evK¨| †hgb-He is taller than Rana.He is taller than any other boy in the class.He taller than any other boy in the class.Zzjbv eySv‡Z superlative degree Gi evK¨| †hgb-He is the tallest boy in the class.He is one of the tallest boys in the class.Few A_©-LyeB Kg msL¨K ,hv negative A_© cÖ`vb K‡i| ‡hgb- I have few friends in this new place.I have few booksA few A_© - Kg msL¨K | ‡hgb -I have few booksThe few A_© - Aí msL¨K,wKš‘ me¸‡jv‡K eySvq| †hgb-I have read the few books.

[g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h, MYbv Kivi †ÿ‡Î few, a few, the few G¸‡jv e¨eüZ nq|]

Little LyeB Aí cwigvY| hv negative A_© cÖ`vb K‡i| ‡hgb-I have drunk little water.

A little- Aí cwigvY| ‡hgb -I have drunk a little water.

The little A_© - Aí cwigvY ,wKš‘ me¸‡jv‡K eySvq| †hgb-I have drunk the little water.

g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h, cwigvY wb‡`©k Ki‡Z Little , a little ,the little G¸‡jv e¨eüZ nq| †hgb -

MYbv Kivi †ÿ‡Î many e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb-Many boys are playing cricket.wKš‘ cwigvY eySv‡j much e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb-I have drunk much water.

Many , a great many, many a G¸‡jvi A_© eû msL¨K| Many I great many Gi c‡i plural noun Ges many a/an -Gi c‡i noun wU singular n‡e|‡hgb-Many men were present in the meeting.

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Many a man was present in the meeting.Many boys are playing cricket.Many a boy is playing cricket.

Some Gi A_© -wKQz/KwZcq| †hgb - Some students went to Barisal.

Any Gi A_© -‡h †Kvb | †hgb - You can do any work.Such Gi A_© -GBiƒc| †hgb - I bought such a book.The same Gi A_© -GKB|‡hgb- He told the same story.Another Gi A_© -Ab¨/Aci| Bnv singular nounGi c~‡e© e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb - He bought another book. Other Gi A_© - Ab¨/Aci| Bnv Plural nounGi c~‡e© e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb - He bought other books. Any other Gi A_© -Ab¨ †h †Kvb| †hgb - I do not know any other person in this area.Others Gi A_© -Ab¨iv|‡hgb- We should help others

‡h verb -Gi K‡g©i dj KZv© wb‡R †fvM K‡i bv ,Zv‡K causative verb e‡j|

wb‡¤œ KZ¸‡jv causative verb Gi form ‡`Iqv nj :

Simple verb Causative verbEat (LvIqv) feed(LvIqv‡bv)Dive (Wze †`Iqv) dip(Wzev‡bv )See (‡`Lv) Show(‡`Lv‡bv) Sit (emv) set (emv‡bv) Learn (‡kLv) teach(‡kLv‡bv/wkÿv †`Iqv)Know (Rvbv) inform(Rvbv‡bv)Rise (RvMv/DVv) raise (RvMv‡bv/DVv‡bv)

‡h mKj verb-Gi Avjv`v causative form †bB,‡m¸‡jvi Av‡M get,cause,make,have cÖf…wZ e¨envi K‡i causative Kiv hvq| ïay make Gi c‡i to Dn¨ _v‡K| Ab¨ m‡ei †ÿ‡Î Dn¨ _v‡K bv|‡hgb- I shall make you drink waterI have made you drink waterI cause him to drink water.I have him to drink water .I got you to drink water.G Qvov Ab¨fv‡eI Kiv hvq|‡hgb- I get a letter written by him. (Avwg Zv‡K w`‡q GKwU wPwV †jLvB)

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‡h mKj intransitive verb Gi KZv© mvaviYZ: it nq,Zv‡K impersonal verb e‡j| †hgb-It rains today.It dews in winter season.

‡h mKj verb-Gi adjective ev noun phrase e¨eüZ nq Zv‡K linking verb e‡j| ‡hgb- The child grew pale.The mangoes smells sweet.All animals grow old.

c~e©eZx© †Kvb verb Gi cybive„wË Gov‡bvi Rb¨ Zvi cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ verb -‡K pro-verb e‡j| Do -Gi GKgvÎ D`vniY| ‡hgb-Dance here as you did (danced) yesterday.(GLv‡b bvP †hgbUv Zzwg MZKvj †b‡PwQ‡j|)He reads as her brother does.Non-finite verb wZb cÖKvi: (2) Gerund (3) Infinitive (3)Participle

Participle(1)Participle : ‡h mKj verb form GKB mv‡_ verb I adjective- Gi gZ KvR K‡i Zv‡K participle e‡j| Participle wZb cÖKvi :(1)Present participle (2) Past participle (3) perfect participle

(1)Present participle : verb Gi present form Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ n‡q hLb GKB mv‡_ verb I adjective Gi gZ KvR K‡i Zv‡K present participle e‡j| ‡hgb-I saw a flying bird. A running train looks beautiful.Closing the door , he went out.I saw him walking on the road.

(2) Past participle : verb Gi past participle form hLb GKB mv‡_ verb I adjective Gi gZ KvR K‡i Zv‡K past participle e‡j| ‡hgb-He is a retired officer.The fruit fallen from the tree was ripe.It was eaten food.

(3) perfect participle :verbGi past participle Gi c~‡e© having hy³ n‡q perfect participle MwVZ nq| †hgb-Having gone home, he played cricket,

GerundVerb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ n‡q GKB mv‡_ verb I noun Gi gZ KvR Ki‡j Zv‡K gerund e‡j| ‡hgb-Swimming is a good exercise.Reading book is a good habit.

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(g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h, gerund Gi †ejvq ing hy³ verbGi A_© me©`v Kiv,hvIqv,LvIqv,‡jLv,ejv cÖf…wZiƒ‡c n‡e|)

Verbal nounGerundGi c~‡e© the I c‡i of D‡jøL _vK‡j Zv‡K verbal noun e‡j| ‡hgb-The reading of books is useful.The smoking of cigarettes is harmful.

InfinitiveVerb Gi present form Gi Av‡M to em‡j Zv‡K infinitive e‡j|‡hgb-To swim is a good exerciseWe eat to liveInfinitive `y' cÖKvi :(1) Simple ev noun infinitive(2) Gerundial ev qualifying infinitive

(1) Simple ev noun infinitive: ‡h infinitive noun Gi KvR K‡i Zv‡K Simple ev noun infinitive e‡j|

(1) Noun infinitive Gi e¨envi (a) Subject iƒ‡c| †hgb-To forgive is divine.(b)object iƒ‡c| †hgb- He loves to play.(c) preposition Gi object iƒ‡c| †hgb- The man is about to dieThe tree is about to fall down.

(d) verb Gi complement iƒ‡c|†hgb-He seems to be happy.He appears to be rich man

g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h,know verb Gi object iƒ‡c infinitive e¨eüZ n‡j Zvi c~‡e© how to e‡m| †hgb- He does not know how to swim.He does not know how to read and write.

(2) Gerundial ev qualifying infinitive Gi e¨envi:(a) Adjective iƒ‡c| †hgb -This is a room to sleep inThis is a house to live in.This is a pen to write with.(b) adverb iƒ‡c| †hgb - I went to the field to see the game.We eat to live.The baby tried to walk.(c) verb Gi mv‡_ m¤úK©nxbfv‡e| †hgb -

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To say in brief , a well educated man is always respected.To speak the truth, he is a good man.

wb¤œ wjwLZ †ÿ‡Î infinitive Gi to Dn¨ _v‡K|(a)Make,dare,need,see,behold,watch,hear,please,let,bid,know,feed cÖf…wZ verb ¸‡jvi c‡I infinitive Gi to Dn¨ _v‡K|I saw him go there.I heard him say this.I have made you drink water.wKš‘ passive voice G let e¨ZxZ Ab¨vb¨ verb ¸wji c‡i to Dn¨ _v‡K bv| †hgb-

You have been made to drink water by me.He was made to leave this place.

g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h,dare I need Gi c‡i affirmative sentence G active voice G to e‡m| ‡hgb-He needs to go.He dares to appear before the head master.

(b) shall,should,will,would,can,could,may,might,must G ¸‡jvi c‡i to Dn¨ _v‡K| †hgb –I can help you.I shall buy a book

(c) Better, had better, had rather, had sooner G¸‡jvi c‡I to Dn¨ _v‡K| †hgb-I had better go away.I had rather support him.You had sooner come here. (d) than, but, except G¸‡jvi c‡i to Dn¨ _v‡K| †hgb-I could not but go there.He did every thing except give the report timelyHe is able to stand than walk.

Some other rules :1.in order to A_© D‡Ï‡k¨ | Gi c‡i mvaviYZt infinitive A_v©r to hy³ present form e‡m| g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h, Bnv me mgq verb -Gi c~‡e© e‡m| †hgb -

He reads more in order to pass in the exam.

2. because of ( Kvi‡Y), in spite of (m‡Ë¡I) ,in lieu of (cwie‡Z©), on account of (Kvi‡Y) , instead of (cwie‡Z©) G¸‡jvi c‡i ing hy³ verb e‡m| ‡hgb -

Because of being honest, all love him. (mr nIqvi Ki‡Y mevB Zv‡K fv‡jvev‡m|)Because of having book , he could read the book. (eB _vKvi Kvi‡Y †m eBwU co‡Z †c‡iwQj|)

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In spite of having book , he does not read . (eB _vKv m‡Ë¡ †m eBwU co‡Z †c‡iwQj|)Because of reading book, he could pass in the exam. (eB covi Kvi‡Y †m cixÿvq cvk Ki‡Z †c‡iwQj|)3. Had better A_© eis fv‡jv | Gi c‡i mvaviYZ: Present form e‡m| †hgb -

You had better go there. (‡Zvgvi eis ‡mLv‡b hvIqvB fv‡jv|)

4. feel (Abyfe Kiv) , support (mg_©b Kiv) , discover (Avwe®‹vi Kiv) , report (cÖwZ‡e`b †`Iqv) , know (Rvbv) , judge (wePvi Kiv), assume(a‡i †bIqv) , G¸‡jvi c‡i to be ewm‡q mvaviYZ: evK¨‡K cwic~Y© Ki‡Z nq| †hgb -

He was judged to be guilty. We assumed him to be innocent. wKš‘ consider, think, believe, declare, prove, find cÖf…wZ verb ¸‡jvi c‡I to be ‡hvM Kiv ev bv Kiv DfqB ˆea| †hgb We consider him honest.we consider him to be honest. 5. regard, condemn, acknowledge , treat – G verb ¸‡jvi c‡i as e‡m Ges Gi c‡i adjective ev adjective phrase e‡m| Avevi accept, knowledge, consider, know, define, describe, treat, use, regard, interpret G ¸‡jvi c‡i as I Gi c‡i noun complement e‡m| wKš‘ take verb- Gi †ÿ‡Î for + noun complement e‡m| †hgb -

I treat me as innocent.I could accept him as my real friend.I took him for my friend.

Some more rules 1.Adjective Gi c~‡e© the e¨eüZ n‡j adjective wU plural wnmv‡e MY¨ n‡e| †hgb ÑThe rich (abxiv),The poor (Mixeiv),The old (e„×iv) ,the brave (mvnmxiv) ,the new (bZzbiv), the virtuous (c~Y¨evbiv)Sentence-G e¨envi :The rich are not always happy. (abxiv me©`v myLx bq|)The virtuous are always happy. (c~Y¨evbiv me©`v myLx)Fortune favours the brave.(fvM¨ mvnmx‡`i AbyKz‡j _v‡K|)2.Relative pronoun mg~n †hgb-What ( hv/‡hUv/‡h¸‡jv)Which (hv/‡hUv/‡h¸‡jv)That (hv/‡hUv/‡h¸‡jv)Who (whwb/hviv)Whom(hv‡K/hv‡`i‡K)cÖf…wZi c‡i e¨eüZ verbwU Gi antecedent Gi number I person Abyhvqx e¨eüZ n‡e| ‡hgb-I saw a boy who likes me.I saw the boys who like me.I t is I who am your teacher.

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It is you who are honest.It is he who is a student.3.Present indefinite tense Gi subject wU 3rd person singular number n‡j verb Gi †k‡l s/es hy³ n‡e|‡hgb-The boy plays cricket.The sun rises in the east.He goes to school.4.mg‡qi D‡jøL _v‡K bv Ggb sentence G hw` always(me©`v),usually( (mPivPvifv‡e),regularly(wbqwgZfv‡e),normally (¯^vfvweKfv‡e),generally (¯^vaviYZ:),daily,often (cÖvqB),occasionally (gv‡S gv‡S),sometimes(gv‡S gv‡S), every day(cÖwZ w`b), every night(cÖwZ iv‡Z /cÖwZ ivZ ), every hour (cÖwZ N›Uvq/cÖwZ N›Uv), every week (cÖwZ mßv‡n/cÖwZ mßvn), every year (cÖwZ eQ‡i/cÖwZ eQi) cÖf„wZ hy³ _v‡K Zv'n‡j sentence wU present indefinite tense n‡e| †hgb-He always speaks the truth.((‡m me©`v mZ¨ K_v e‡j|)He goes to school regularly.(‡m wbqwgZ ¯‹z‡j hvq)He often comes here.(‡m cÖvqB GLv‡b Av‡m|)5.Now,at present (eZ©gv‡b), at this moment (GB gyn~‡Z©), day by day(w`‡b w`‡b) cÖf…wZ ev‡K¨ D‡jøL _vK‡j evK¨wU mvaviYZ: present continuous tense n‡e| ‡hgbÑNow he is reading (GLb †m co‡Z‡Q|)Our population is increasing day by day.(Avgv‡`i RbmsL¨v w`‡b w`‡b evo‡Z‡Q|)6.AZxZ Kv‡j Pj‡ZwQj Ggb KvR eySv‡Z past continuous tense nq| G †ÿ‡Î ev‡K¨ while (hLb), then(ZLb/Zvici),at that time,at that moment cÖf…wZ D‡jøL ZvK‡Z cv‡i| †hgbÑHe was reading the book at that time.(H mgq ‡m eBwU co‡ZwQjvg)He came here while I was reading the novel.(‡m GLv‡b G‡mwQj hLb Avwg Dcb¨vmwU co‡ZwQjvg|)

7.while Gi wVK c‡i subject bv G‡m verb Avm‡j verbGi †k‡l ing hy³ n‡e Ges evsjv Abyev‡`i †ejvq while "mgqÓ A_© w`‡e| †hgbÑWhile going (hvIqv mgq)While reading (covi mgq)While writing (‡jLvi mgq)While reading the book, he came. (eBwU covi mgq †m G‡mwQj|)8.while Gi c‡i subject Avm‡j while A_© w`‡e "hLb ÓI past continuous tense n‡e| †hgbÑWhile I was reading the book, he came. .( hLb Avwg eBwU co‡ZwQjvg ‡m GLv‡b G‡mwQj |)9.ev‡K¨ yesterday (MZKvj),last night (MZ ivZ),last week (MZ mßvn),last year (MZ eQi) ,long,since,ago cÖf…wZ D‡jøL _vK‡j evK¨wU past indefinite tense n‡e| †hgbÑHe came here yesterday. (‡m GLv‡b MZKvj G‡mwQj)I dreamt a dream last night.(Avwg MZ iv‡Z GKwU ¯^cœ †`‡LwQjvg)I saw him five years ago.(cvuP eQi Av‡M Avwg Zv‡K †`‡LwQjvg)10.eZ©gvb Kv‡j Pjgvb †Kvb ev‡K¨ mg‡qi D‡jøL _vK‡j evK¨wU present perfect continuous tense n‡e| †hgbÑIt has been raining since morning. (mKvj †_‡K e„wó co‡Z‡Q|)I have been reading the novel for two hours.(Avwg `y'N›Uv a‡i Dcb¨vmwU co‡ZwQ|)11.AZxZKvjxb `ywU Kv‡Ri g‡a¨ †hwU Av‡M msNwUZ n‡qwQj †mwUiv †ÿ‡Î before Gi c~‡e©i Ask I after Gi c‡ii Ask Past perfect tense n‡e| †hgbÑThe patient had died before the doctor came. The patient died after the doctor had come.

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I had eaten rice before I caught fish.12.shall,should,will,would,can,could,may,might,ought to, dare, need, must, used to GB 13 wU modal auxiliary verb Gi c‡ii g~j verb wU present form n‡e| †hgb-I can read the book.I could read the novel.He shou`d go to school.13. shall be, should be ,will be ,would be ,can be ,could be, may be, might be, must be ,to be, being, having Gi c‡i verb Avm‡j verb wU mvaviYZ: past participle n‡e| †hgb-The sum can be done.He will be given the book.The sun having set, I returned home.Having bought the book, I returned home.14.just,just now,already,yet,lately,recently,ever,never cÖf…wZ ev‡K¨ Avm‡j mvaviYZ: present perfect tense n‡e| †hgb-Have you ever been to Dhaka ?I have never seen him.I have already finished the work.I have just now received your letter.15.wish,if,if,fancy,as if (‡hb) ,as though (‡hb),it is time, (Dchy³ mgq), it is high time(Dchy³ mgq),G¸‡jvi c‡i verb to be Gi †ÿ‡Î were I g~j verb Avm‡j past indefinite tense n‡e| ‡hgb-I wish I were a poet.If I were a writer!I wish I were a writer.He talks as if he were a mad.He talks as if he knew every thing.It is high time he went home.

16.Adjective Gi †k‡l ly ‡hvM K‡i †mwU‡K adverb G cwiYZ Kiv hvq| †hgbÑThe day was observed (significant)The day was observed significantly.

17.Subject wU Zvi verb w`‡q KvR Ki‡Z bv cvi‡j mvnvh¨Kvix verb ‡hv‡M past participle G cwiYZ Ki‡Z n‡e A_v©r passive voice G cwiYZ n‡e| †hgbÑRice is eaten.fvZ LvIqv nqRice was eaten.fvZ LvIqv n‡qwQjEnglish is spoken all over the world.

18.To Gi c‡i verb Avm‡j verbwU mvaviYZ: present form n‡e| †hgbÑI want to write a letter.Avwg wPwV wjL‡Z PvB|He wants to buy a book.

19.To ev‡` Ab¨vb¨ preposition c‡i verb Avm‡j verb Gi †k‡l ing hy³ n‡e| I came here for reading the bookYou should have the habit of reading book

After going home,I ate rice.Before going to school,I shall meet you.

20.with a view to (D‡Ï‡k¨),look forward to (cÖZxÿv Kiv ),can not help, could not help, mind, worth, get used to (Af¨¯Í nIqv) ,accustomed to (Af¨¯Í) cÖf…wZi c‡i verb Avm‡j verb Gi ‡k‡l ing hy³ n‡e|

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I read more with a view to passing in the exam.I could not help going thereHe got used to reading book.

He was accustomed to drinking tea.Would you mind drinking tea.Life is not worth living without love.

21.‡Kvb simple sentenceG g~j verb ev‡` Ab¨ GKwU verb _vK‡j †mB verb wUi †k‡l mvaviYZ: ing hy³ n‡e| ‡hgb-I saw him goingwKš‘ KviY eySv‡Z ev D‡Ï‡k¨ cÖKvk Ki‡Z to em‡e| †hgb-He reads more to pass in the exam.

22.Have,has had Gi c‡i verb Avm‡j verb wU mvaviYZ: past participle n‡e | †hgb-I have done the sum.He has drawn the picture.I had gone to school.

23.Get Gi c‡i Avi GKwU verb Avm‡j verb wU mvaviYZt past particple -G cwiYZ n‡e| G †ÿ‡Î get Gi A_© n‡e-ÓnIqvÓ |†hgbÑI got myself admitted. (Avwg fwZ© n‡qwQjvg)I got worried.I got married.

24.Noun modifier e¨ZxZ Ab¨vb¨ †ÿ‡Î noun Gi c‡i Avi GKwU noun e‡m bv| mvaviYZ; noun Gi c~‡e© adjective e‡m| †hgb-He was a good boy.It was a significant event.

25.do not, does not I did not Gi c‡i e¨eüZ g~j verb wU me©`v present form n‡e| †hgbÑHe does not go to school.He did not play cricket.

I do not drink tea.

26.Let,make,see cÖf…wZ verb Gi c‡i Ab¨ GKwU verb Avm‡j verb wU mvaviYZ present form n‡e| †hgb-Let him go.Zv‡K †h‡Z `vII shall make you drink water.Avwg †Zvgv‡K cvwb cvb Kive|I saw him go/going. Avwg Zv‡K †h‡Z †`‡LwQjvg

27.Help verb c‡i Avi GKwU verb Avm‡j to ‡hvM Kiv bv Kiv DfqB ˆea| †hgb-He helped him to buy the book.(Avwg Zv‡K eBwU wKb‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡iwQjvg|)He helped him buy the book. (Avwg Zv‡K eBwU wKb‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡iwQjvg|)

28.Let Gi c‡i ev‡K¨ be D‡jøL _vK‡j A_v©r passive Gi †ÿ‡Î Gi c‡ii verbwU past participle n‡e| †hgbÑLet the letter be written. (wPwVwU wjwLZ n‡Z `vI|)

29.hw` †`Lv hvq †h,k~Y¨¯’vb cyiY Kiv QvovI evK¨wUi A_© mwVKfv‡e cÖKvk cvq Zvn‡j G †ÿ‡Î adverb RvZxq kã †hgb-really,certainly,surely,truely,usually cÖf…wZ kã emv‡Z n‡e| †hgb-He is really a good student.

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30.c~e©eZx© evK¨ AZxZ Kv‡ji n‡j cieZx© evK¨I mvaviYZ: AZxZ Kv‡ji n‡q _v‡ K, Z‡e wcQ‡bi evK¨ AZxZ Kv‡ji nIqv m‡Ë¡I cieZx© evK¨ eZ©gvb Kv‡ji n‡e,hw` ev‡K¨i g~j e³e¨ AZxZKv‡ji gZ eZ©gvb ev fwel¨Z Kv‡ji Rb¨ cÖ‡hvh¨ nq| †hgb-Reza wrote a letter to me. He suggested me to be admitted to a computer training course. Because , we live/are living in the age of computer.

31.hw` †Kvb verb Gi †k‡l GKwU gvÎ consonant _v‡K I wVK Zvi c~‡e© GKwU gvÎ vowel _v‡K Zvn‡j verb wUi †k‡l ed/ing ‡hvM Ki‡Z †kl consonant wU wØZ¡ n‡e| †hgb-He is getting older day by day.He was admitted to this college.

32.hw` †Kvb verb Gi †kl y _v‡K I y Gi c~‡e© consonant _v‡K Zvn‡j ‡k‡l ing ev ed ‡hvM Ki‡Z y wU i G cwiYZ nq| †hgb-He replied that he was not worried.

33.wKš‘ y Gi c~‡e© vowel _vK‡j y wU cwiewZ©Z n‡e bv| †hgbÑHe was playing cricket.

34.eªv‡K‡U cÖ`Ë verb Gi c~‡e© the D‡jøL _vK‡j verb wU‡K noun G cwiYZ Kiv ev ing ‡hvM Kiv DfqB ˆea| G †ÿ‡Î verb Gi c‡i mvaviYZ: of D‡jøL Ki‡Z nq| †hgbÑThe (cultivate)----land was not easy for me.The cultivation of land was not easy for me.The cultivating of land was not easy for me.The (collect)------ books is needed for us.The collection of books is needed for us.The collecting of books is needed for us.

35. since Gi c~‡e© present tense _vK‡j cieZx© Ask past indefinite I since Gi c~‡e© past tense _vK‡j cieZx© Ask past perfect n‡e| †hgbÑIt is many years since I saw him.Many years have passed since I saw him.It was many years since I had seen him

36.ev‡K¨ as soon as Avm‡j `y' As‡ki gv‡S Kgv I c‡ii Ask past indefinite n‡e| †hgbÑAs soon as I saw him, he ran away.

37. No sooner had Avm‡j `yAs‡ki gv‡S than Ges scarcely had I hardly had Avm‡j `yAs‡ki gv‡S when e‡m| G †ÿ‡Î G wZbwUi †ejvqB c‡ii Ask past indefinite n‡e| evsjv Abyev‡`i †ÿ‡Î G wZbwUi †ejvqB "Ki‡Z bv Ki‡ZÓ,"‡hZ bv †h‡ZÓ,"co‡Z bv co‡ZÓ G RvZxq A_© n‡e| †hgb-No sooner had he reached home than he ran away.‡m evox †cuŠQ‡Z bv †cŠuQ‡Z e„wó ïiæ n‡qwQj|Hardly had he reached home when he ran away.‡m evox †cuŠQ‡Z bv †cŠuQ‡Z e„wó ïiæ n‡qwQj|Scarcely had he reached home when he ran away.‡m evox †cuŠQ‡Z bv †cŠuQ‡Z e„wó ïiæ n‡qwQj|No sooner had the teacher entered the class than the students stood up.wkÿK †kÖYx‡Z cÖ‡ek Ki‡Z bv Ki‡Z QvÎ-QvÎxiv `vuwo‡q †Mj|

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38.If hy³ AskwU present indefinite n‡j Aci Ask future indefinite n‡e| †hgb-If you read more,you will pass in the examination.

39. If hy³ AskwU past indefinite n‡j Aci As‡k would/could/might hy³ g~j verb em‡e| †hgb-If you went home,I could help you.

40.If hy³ AskwU past perfect n‡j Aci As‡k would have/could have/might have hy³ past participle em‡e| †hgb-If you had gone there,I could have helped you.

41. If hy³ As‡k had Gi c‡i Ab¨ †Kvb verb bv _vK‡j Aci As‡k would /could/might hy³ g~j verb em‡e| †hgb-If I had a car, I could drive it.If I had a pen,I could write a letter.

42.ev‡K¨ If I were Avm‡j Aci As‡k would /could/might hy³ g~j verb em‡e| †hgb-If I were rich, I could help the poor.If I were a bird , I could fly in the sky.

43.ev‡K¨ so that (hv‡Z) , so….that (GZ...‡h) Avm‡j can/could/may/might hy³ g~j verb em‡e| †hgb-He reads more so that he can pass in the exam.He is so weak that he can not walk.He is so foolish that he can not answer the easy question.

He is so short that he can not touch the roof.The load is so heavy that I can not carry it.

44.ev‡K¨ lest (cv‡Q fq nq †h) Avm‡j Aci As‡k should/might hy³ g~j verb em‡e| †hgb-He reads more lest he should fail in the examination.Walk fast lest you should miss the bus.

45. ev‡K¨ too _vK‡j Gi c‡i mvaviYZ: to hy³ g~j verb em‡e| †hgb-He is too weak to walk.He is too short to touch the roof.He is too foolish to answer the easy question.

He is too short to touch the roof.The load is too heavy for me to carry it.

46.GKvwaK subject hw` and Øviv hy³ nq , Zvn‡j verb wU plural n‡e| †hgbÑRafi and Reza play cricket. Mina and Mitu are two brothers.47.`ywU subject GKB e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡j ev GKB fve Ki‡j verb wU mvaviYZ: singular n‡e| †hgb-Slow and steady wins the race.Bread and butter is my favourite break fast.The crown and glory of life is character.e¨wZµg-

Time and tide wait for none.

48. Singular subject Gi c~‡e© each,every,no Avm‡j verb wU mvaviYZ: singular n‡e| †hgb-

Every boy and girl knows it.49. GKwU wRwbm‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡j subject wU plural ‡`Lv‡jI verb wU singular n‡e| †hgb-

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Arabian nights is an interesting book.Gulliver's travels is a famous book.The united states of America is a developed country.50.ALÛ cwigvY ev `~iZ¡ eySv‡Z verb wU singular n‡e| †hgb-Fifty miles is a long way.51.fMœvsk eySv‡Z verbwU plural n‡e| Z‡e G †ÿ‡Î AskwU GKvwaK n‡Z n‡e| †hgbÑTwo thirds of the mangoes were sold.

52.Singular subject Gi c‡i as well as ,with, together with, along with, in addition with cÖf…wZ hy³ _vK‡j cÖ_g subject Abyhvqx verb wU singular n‡e| †hgbÑRafi as well as his sons was present.53.or, nor, either……or, neither….nor Avm‡j verb Zvi wbKUeZx© subject ‡K AbymiY Ki‡e| †hgb-Neither you nor I am happy.

54.KwZcq kã †`L‡Z plural g‡b n‡jI †m¸‡jv singular wnmv‡e MY¨| †hgb-News, gallows, politics, mathematics, economics, civics, ethicsD`vniY : The news is true.

55.Had better (eis fvj ) Gi c‡i present form e‡m| †hgb-He had better go to school. Zvi eis ¯‹z‡j hvIqv fvj|56.would rather….than (eis/ZeyI),would sooner…than (eis/ZeyI) Gi c‡i present form e‡m| †hgb- He would rather die than beg.He would sooner die than beg.57.m~Pbvg~jK ev anticipatory it Gi c‡i singular I plural hvB †nvK verb wU singular n‡e| †hgb-It was Sharmin who did it .It is these books that I want.58. Possessive (my, our, your, his, her, their, its, Rahim’s ) Gi c‡i verb Avm‡j verbwUi †k‡l ing †hvM Kiv ev verb wU‡K noun G cwiYZ Kiv DfqB ˆea| †hgb-My calculating was right.My calculation was right.

Have - Gi KwZcq A_©

Have- Gi A_©mg~n : 1. _vKv | †hgb - You should have honest. (‡Zvgvi mr _vKv DwPZ|)2.LvIqv | ‡hgb - I have breakfast. (Avwg bv¯Ív LvB|)3.cvIqv | †hgb Ñ I tried to have the book.4.ivLv | ‡hgb - It has had a great impact on our economy.5.jIqv/ MÖnY Kiv| †hgb Ñ Did you have rest ?6.KvUv‡bv| †hgb Ñ Have a nice day . (fv‡jv w`b KvUvI|)7.Rb¥ †`Iqv| †hgb Ñ She had a new baby.8. Av‡Q| †hgb Ñ I have a book.

Interrrogative : Have you money?/ Do you have money ? (‡Zvgvi wK UvKv Av‡Q ?)Negative : I have no money./ I do not have money. (Avgvi UvKv †bB|)

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Affirmative to negative1.Affirmative : Only Allah can help you.(‡Kej Avjøvn †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cv‡i |) Negative : None but Allah can help you. (Avjøvn e¨ZxZ †KD †bB †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cv‡i|)2.Affirmative : You alone can help me. Negative : None but you can help me. 3. Affirmative: Rimi has only two books. Negative :Rimi has nothing but two books.4.Affirmative : Rafi is only 22. Negative : He is not more than 22. 5. Affirmative : Every mother loves her child.Negative : There is no mother but loves her child6. Affirmative : All men are mortal Negative :There is no man but mortal.7. Affirmative: Everybody likes him.Negative : There is no body but likes him.8.Affirmative : Everyone believes him.Negative : There is no one but believes him.9.Affirmative : I must read the book. (Avwg Aek¨B eBwU coe)Negative : I can not but read the book. ( Avwg eBwU bv c‡o cvwi bv|) Or,I can not help reading the book. ( Avwg eBwU bv c‡o cvwi bv|) 10. Affirmative : I have to read the book.Avgv‡K eBwU co‡Z nq/n‡q‡Q/n‡e|)Negative : I can not but read the book. ( Avwg eBwU bv c‡o cvwi bv|) 11. Affirmative : I had to go to Barisal.(Avgv‡K ewikvj †h‡Z n‡qwQj|) Negative : I could not but go to school.(Avwg ewikvj bv †h‡q †c‡iwQjvg|12. Affirmative : He is an honest manNegative : He is not a dishonest man13.Affirmative : He is a regular student.Negative : He is not an irregular student.14.Affirmative : He is a pious (avwg©K) man.Negative : He is not an impious man.15. Affirmative : I shall remember you.Negative : I shall not forget you.16Affirmative :Always speak the truth.Negative : Never tell a lie.

17.Affirmative : He was always punctual (mgqwbô).Negative : He was never late.18. Affirmative : He is always busy. Negative : He is never free.19. Affirmative : He is too weak to walk.Negative : He is so weak that he can not walk. ( †m GZ `ye©j †h †m nvUu‡Z cv‡i bv|)20. Affirmative : As soon I saw him, he ran away. (‡hBgvÎ Avwg Zv‡K †`Ljvg, †m cvwj‡q †Mj)Negative : No sooner had I seen him than he ran away. (Avwg Zv‡K †`L‡Z bv †`L‡Z †m cvwj‡q †Mj)21.Affirmative : Reza and Nabil went to school.

Only /alone –Gi cwie‡Z© e¨w³ evP‡K none but e¯‘ evP‡K nothing but I msL¨v/eq‡mi †ÿ‡Î not more than /no more thane‡m|

Every/all cwie‡Z© there is/was no+ Every/allGi c‡ii kã +but +evKx Ask

Must Gi cwie‡Z© can not but Or Can not help + ing

Have to /has to Gi cwie‡Z© can not but Ges had to Gi cwie‡Z© could not but e‡m

Adjective,verb I adverb Gi wecixZ kã cÖ‡qvM K‡i evK¨wU‡K Negative G cwiYZ Ki‡Z n‡e|

Always Gi cwie‡Z© never I adjective Gi wecixZ kã e‡m

too…..to Gi cwie‡Z© so….that

As soon Gi cwie‡Z© No sooner had I Kgvi ¯’‡j than em‡e

Both…..and A_ev ïay and Avm‡j Gi cwie‡Z© not only…….but also e‡m|

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Negative : Not only Reza but also Nabil went to school.

22.Affirmative : Both Reza and Nabil went to school.Negative : Not only Reza but also Nabil went to school.

23. Affirmative : He is the tallest boy in the class. ( ‡kÖYx‡Z †m me †P‡q AwaK j¤^v)

Negative : No other boy in the class is so tall as he. ( †kÖYx‡Z Ab¨ †Kvb evjK †bB Zvi gZ GZ AwaK j¤^v|)24. Affirmative : He is taller than any other boy in the class.Negative : No other boy in the class is so tall as he.

25 .Affirmative : He is taller than Rafi. ( ‡m ivwdi †P‡q AwaKZi j¤^v)Negative : Rafi is not so tall as he. ( ‡m ivwdi †P‡q GZ j¤^v bq|)26. Affirmative :He is as clever as Raju. (‡m ivRyi gZ PvjvK ) Negative : He is not less clever than Raju. ( †m ivRyi †P‡q Kg PvjvK bq)27. Affirmative : He is very clever.Negative : He is not a little clever.28. Affirmative :A few/Only a few students attended the class.Negative :Not many students attended the class.

Assertive to Interrogative1.Assertive : Rana goes to school.Interrogative : Doesn’t Rana go to school ?2. Assertive : Reza went to school ? Interrogative :Didn’t Reza go to school ?3. Assertive : He is absent from school.Interrogative : Isn’t he absent from school ?

4. Assertive : He can do the work.Interrogative : Can’t he do the work ?5. Assertive : He is not an honest man. Interrogative : Is he an honest man ?6. Assertive : He did not go to school. Interrogative : Did he go to school ?7. Assertive : Everybody likes him.Interrogative :Who does not like him ?8. Assertive :Everyone is reading.Interrogative : Who is not reading ?9. Assertive : All love his motherland.Interrogative : Who does not love his motherland ?10. Assertive : Nobody/No one/None trusts a liar.

No other +than any other/all other Gi c‡ii Ask+ verb +so +positive degree +as +subject

No other +degree k‡ãi c‡ii Ask+ verb +so +positive degree +as +subject

than Gi c‡ii Ask+ verb +so +positive degree +as +subject

as……as Gi cwie‡Z© not less…….than

very Gi cwie‡Z© not a little e¨eüZ

A few/Only a few Gi cwie‡Z© not many e‡m|

Tag question Gi gZ evK¨wU affirmative n‡j mvnvh¨Kvix verb wU ev ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ verb wUi mv‡_ not hy³ n‡e Ges negative n‡j not hy³ n‡e bv ,wKš‘ mvnvh¨Kvix verb wU ev ev‡K¨

Everybody/Everyone/All Gi cwie‡Z© who +mvnvh¨Kvix verb +not e‡m|

Nobody/No one/None Gi cwie‡Z© ïay Who e‡m|

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Interrogative : Who trusts wek¦vm K‡i a liar ?11. Assertive : None can live alone.Interrogative : Who can live alone ?12. Assertive : He never tells a lie. Interrogative : Does he ever tell a lie ?13. Assertive : There is nothing to do. Interrogative : Is there anything to do ?14. Assertive : There is no hope for me.Interrogative :What is the hope for me ?15. Assertive : There is no man in the room.Interrogative : Who is the man in the room ?16. Assertive : Life is nothing but hopeInterrogative : What is life but e¨ZxZ hope ?

Assertive to Exclamatory1.Assertive : It is a very beautiful garden. Exclamatory : What a beautiful garden it is ! (KZ my›`i evMvb GUv !)2.Assertive : He is a very great fool.Exclamatory : What a great fool he is !3. Assertive : The garden is very beautiful. Exclamatory : How beautiful the garden is !4. Assertive : He leads a very poor life.Exclamatory : What a poor life he leads !5. Assertive : Reza is a very intelligent boy.Exclamatory :What an intelligent boy Reza is !6. Assertive : It is a matter of joy that we have won the game.Exclamatory : Hurrah ! we have won the game. (wK gRv ! Avgiv †Ljvq wR‡ZwQ)7.Assertive : It is a matter of joy that I have obtained G.P.A. 5Exclamatory : Hurrah ! I have obtained G.P.A. 5 8.It is a matter of sorrow that I have failed in the examination.Exclamatory : Alas ! I have failed in the examination.9. Assertive : It is a matter of sorrow that I am undone. Exclamatory : Alas ! I am undone. (nvq ! Avwg weaŸ¯Í|)10. Assertive : I wish I were a poet (Avgvi Kvgbv ev B”Qv Avwg Kwe nZvg|).Exclamatory : If I were a poet ! (hw` Avwg Kwe nZvg! )11. Assertive : He wishes he were a bird.Exclamatory : If he were a bird !12. Assertive : I wish I had the wings of a bird .(Avgvi B”Qv Avgvi cvwLi Wvbv _vKZ|)Exclamatory : If I had the wings of a bird ! (hw` Avgvi cvwLi Wvbv _vKZ!)13. Assertive : I wish I had a car.Exclamatory : If I had a car !14. Assertive : I wish I could go there.Exclamatory : Would that/If I could go there. (Avwg hw` Kwe n‡Z cviZvg!)15. Assertive : I wish I were a poet.Exclamatory : If/ Oh that /O that ! I were a poet ! hw` Avwg Kwe nZvg!16. Assertive : I wish I could be a child again./ I wish I were a child again.Exclamatory :Would that I could be a child again! (hw` Avwg Avevi wkï n‡Z cviZvg!)17. Assertive : It is a matter of shame that he was guilty.

Never Gi cwie‡Z© ever

nothing Gi cwie‡Z© anything em‡e|

There + be verb + noun Avm‡j Gi cwie‡Z© what e‡m I noun wUi c~‡e© mvaviYZ the e‡m|

What a/how +adjective+ (noun) + subject + verb + ! ( g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h, adjective-Gi c‡i noun bv _vK‡j How em‡e|

It is a matter of joy that Gi cwie‡Z© Avb›`m~PK interjection †hgb Hurrah em‡e

It is a matter of sorrow that Gi cwie‡Z© `ytLm~PK interjection †hgb Alas em‡e

Subject +wish Gi cwie‡Z© mvaviYZt if e‡m

It is a matter of shame that-Gi cwie‡Z© Fie RvZxq interjection em‡e|

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(j¾vi e¨vcvi †h †m wQj Acivax|) Exclamatory : Fie ! He was guilty.( waK! †m wQj Acivax|)18. Assertive : I wish good morning to my friend. Exclamatory : Good morning, friend !

Comparative to positive

1. Comparative : He is taller than any other boy in the class. (‡m †kÖYx‡Z Ab¨ †h †Kvb evj‡Ki †P‡q AwaKZi j¤^v|)Positive : No other boy in the class is so tall as he. (kÖYx‡Z Ab¨ †Kvb evjK †bB Zvi gZ GZ j¤^v|)2. Comparative : He is taller than all other boys in the class.Positive : No other boy in the class is so tall as he.3. Comparative : The peacock gqyi is more beautiful than any other bird/all other birds in the world.Positive :No other bird in the world is so beautiful as the peacock4. Comparative : He is taller than most other /than few other boys in the class.Positive : Very few boys in the class are so (GZ) tall as he. (‡kÖYx‡Z Lye Kg evjKB Zvi gZ GZ j¤^v)

5. Comparative : Hasan is wiser than RafiPositive : Rafi is not so wise as Hasan.

6. Comparative : Rafi is not less wise than Riaz.Positive : Rafi is as wise as Riaz.

7. Comparative : Rafi is less strong than RiazPositive : Rafi is not as strong as Riaz

Superlative to comparative

1.Superlative : Mr. Hasan is the wisest man in the village.Comparative : Mr. Hasan is wiser than any other man in the village.

2. Superlative : He is the tallest boy in the class.Comparative : She is taller than any other boy in the class.

3. Superlative : He is one of the tallest boys in the class. ( ‡m kÖYx‡Z AwaKZi j¤^v evjK†`i GKRb| )She is taller than most other boys in the class.

Superlative degree –Gi cwie‡Z© comparative degree + than any other/than all other e‡m|

One of hy³ superlative degree Gi cwie‡Z© comparative degree + than most other e‡m|

No other + than any other/all other c‡ii Ask+ verb +so +positive degree +as +subject

Very few + than most other /than few other Gi c‡ii Ask+ plural verb +so +positive degree +as +subject

than Gi c‡ii Ask+ verb Gi negative +so +positive degree +as +subject

not less….than Gi cwie‡Z© as……as e‡m|

less….than Gi cwie‡Z© not as……as e‡m|

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Superlative to positive1. Superlative : Mr. Rafi is the wisest man in our village.Positive : No other man in our village is so wise as Mr. Rafi.2. Superlative : He is one of the tallest boys in the class.Positive :Very few boys in the class are so tall as he.3. Superlative : Iron is one of the most useful metals.Positive : Very few metals are so useful as iron4. Superlative : He is the tallest of of all boys.Positive : No other boy is so tall as he.5. Superlative : It burns the prettiest of any wood.Positive : No other wood burns so pretty as it.

Note : g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h, Very few = Positive Than most other = Comparative One of = Superlative G wZbwU k㸔Q GKB m~‡Î Mvu_v |

Complex to simple1 Complex : Since/As Rafi works hard, he will prosper in life. Simple : working hard, Rafi will prosper in life.2. Complex : Since he was intelligent, he could solve the problem.Simple : Being intelligent, he could solve the problem.

3. Complex : Since Rina is a brilliant student, all love her. Simple : Rina being a brilliant student, all love her. Or, Being a brilliant student, all love Rina.4. Complex : When the meeting was over, we returned home.Simple : The meeting being over, we returned home.5. Complex : When the sun had set, we returned home.The sun having set, we returned home.6. Complex : Since cricket is a very popular game in Bangladesh, there are many cricket loving people here.Simple : Cricket being a very popular game in Bangladesh, there are many cricket loving people here.

7. Complex : Since he was ill, he could not attend the class.Simple : Because of his being ill, he could not attend the class. Or

No other +degree k‡ãi c‡ii Ask+ verb +so +positive degree +as +subject

Very few + degree k‡ãi c‡ii Ask + plural verb +so +positive degree +as +subject

Of all/of any _vK‡j D‡V hvq

since/As/When D‡V hv‡e I cÖ_g As‡ki verb Gi †k‡l ing hy³ n‡e + evKx Ask em‡e |g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h, G †ÿ‡Î cÖ_g As‡ki subject wØZxq As‡k em‡e|

Dfq As‡ki subject Avjv`v n‡j Dfq As‡ki subject envj _vK‡e| cÖ_g As‡k ing hy³ n‡e | g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h,am/is/are/was/were Gi cwie‡Z© being I have/has/had Gi cwie‡Z© having e‡m|

†h‡nZz A‡_© since/as Gi cwie‡Z© because of emv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i I Gi c‡i possessive ‡hgb-my, our, your, his, their, its, Rari’s emv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i| Dfq As‡ki subject GKB n‡j possessive e¨envi Kiv bv Kiv DfqB ˆea| wKš‘ Dfq As‡k Avjv`v subject n‡j Aek¨B

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Because of being ill, he could not attend the class. Or,Being ill, he could not attend the class.8. Complex : Since he had seen the tiger, he was afraid.Simple : Because of his having seen the tiger, he was afraid. OrBecause of having seen the tiger, he was afraid. Or, Having seen the tiger, he was afraid.9. Complex : As he invited me , I attended the ceremony.Simple : Because of his inviting me, I attended the ceremony. OrBeing invited by him, I attended the ceremony.

10. Complex : When I saw him, he ran away.Simple : While seeing him by me , he ran away. Or, At the time of seeing him by me, he ran away.11. Complex : When rain and flood wash away some of these chemicals, they get mixed with water.Simple : At the time of washing away some of these chemicals by rain and flood , they get mixed with water.12, Complex : When I saw the bird, it flew away. Simple : While seeing the bird by me, it flew away.At the time of seeing the bird by me, it flew away.13. Complex : If you read more, you will make a good result.Simple : By reading more, you will make a good result.

14. Complex : If you do not work hard, you will not succeed in life. Simple : Without working hard, you will not succeed in life.15. Complex : Unless you read more, you will not pass in the examination. Simple : Without reading more, you will not pass in the examination.

16. Complex : We read more so that we can pass in the exam. Simple : We read more to pass in the exam. Or,We read more in order to pass in the exam.

17. Complex : The patient is so weak that he can not walk.Simple : The patient is too weak to walk.18. Complex : He is so foolish that he can not answer the easy question.Simple : He is too foolish to answer the easy question.19. Complex : He is so short that he can not touch the roof.Simple : He is too short to touch the roof.

†h‡nZz A‡_© since/as Gi cwie‡Z© because of emv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i I Gi c‡i possessive ‡hgb-my, our, your, his, their, its, Rari’s emv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i| Dfq As‡ki subject GKB n‡j possessive e¨envi Kiv bv Kiv DfqB ˆea| wKš‘ Dfq As‡k Avjv`v subject n‡j Aek¨B

When Avm‡j I Dfq As‡k Avjv`v subject n‡j while /at the time of + ing Ges Kgvi c~‡e© by ‡hv‡M cÖ_g As‡ki subject wU object wnmv‡e em‡e + evKx Ask

Unless / If hy³ Negative n‡j Without + cÖ_g As‡ki verb Gi †k‡l ing +evKx Ask em‡e

So that Avm‡j so ‡_‡K can/could/may/might ch©šÍ DwV‡q w`‡q Gi cwie‡Z© to / in order to emv‡Z n‡e

So------ that Avm‡j so Gi cwie‡Z© too em‡e I that ‡_‡K can/could/may/might ch©šÍ DwV‡q w`‡q Gi cwie‡Z© to emv‡Z n‡e

If hy³ affirmative n‡j By + cÖ_g As‡ki verb Gi †k‡l ing +evKx Ask em‡e

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20. Complex : The load is so heavy that I can not carry it.Simple : The load is too heavy for me to carry it.21. Complex : The sum is so hard that he can not do it.Simple : The sum is too hard for him to do it.

22. Complex : Though he worked hard he could not succeed. Simple : In spite of working hard, he could not succeed. Or,In spite of his working hard, he could not succeed.23. Complex : Though he has a car, he can not drive it. Simple : In spite of having a car, he can not drive it. Or,In spite of his having a car, he can not drive it.24. Complex : Though he is poor, he is honest.Simple : In spite of his being poor, he is honest. Or,In spite of being poor, he is honest.

25. Complex : Though he has no car , he will arrive in timeSimple : In spite of his having no car , he will arrive in time. Or,In spite of having no car , he will arrive in time

26. Complex : Though cricket is a very popular game in Bangladesh, the performance of the country is not satisfactory.Simple : In spite of cricket’s being a very popular game in Bangladesh, the performance of the country is not satisfactory.

27 Complex :.It rains when it is the rainy season. Simple : It rains in the rainy season. OrIt rains during the rainy season. OrIt rains at the time of the rainy season.28. Complex : When it is spring, the cuckoo sing Simple : In spring, the cuckoo sing. Or, During spring, the cuckoo sing. Or,At the time of spring, the cuckoo sing.29. Complex : When it was 2006, he was living in Paris.Simple : In 2006, he was living in Paris.

Dfq As‡k subject Avjv`v n‡j c~‡e©i wbqgwU e¨envi K‡i to hy³ verb Gi c~‡e© for ‡hv‡M wØZxq As‡ki subjectd wU object wnmv‡e e¨eüZ n‡e|

Though/Although Gi cwie‡Z© In spite of + cÖ_g As‡ki verb Gi †k‡l ing +evKx Ask em‡e| Dfq As‡ki subject GKB n‡j possessive e¨envi Kiv bv Kiv DfqB ˆea| g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h,am/is/are/was/were Gi cwie‡Z© being I have/has/ had Gi cwie‡Z© having e‡m I Ab¨vb¨ verb Gi †ÿ‡Î verb Gi †k‡l ing hy³ n‡e

Dfq As‡k Avjv`v subject n‡j In spite of Gi c‡i Aek¨B possessive em‡e| possessive mg~n ‡hgb- my, our, your, his, her, their, its, Rarfi’s cÖf…wZ emv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i|

when it is/was Gi cwie‡Z© in/during/at the time of e‡m

Relative pronoun Gi mv‡_ verb hy³ _vK‡j mvnvh¨Kvix verb mn Relative pronoun wU ev` hv‡e I g~j verb wUi †k‡l ing hy³ n‡e | wKš‘ Relative

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30. Complex : The boy who is going to school is my brother. Simple :The boy going to school is my brother.(¯‹z‡j MgbKvix evjKwU Avgvi fvB|)31. Complex : The birds that come to our country in winter are called migratory bird.Simple : The birds coming to our country in winter are called migratory bird.32. Complex : The boy who is playing cricket is my brother.Simple : The boy playing cricket is my brother33. Complex : The poem which was written by Kazi Nazrul was very lucid.Simple : The poem written by Kazi Nazrul was very lucid.

34 . Complex : I saw the boy who is poor.Simple : I saw the poor boy .35. I saw a bird which was niceSimple : I saw a nice bird.36.A boy who is intelligent can answer the question.Simple : An intelligent boy can answer the question.37.The boy who is poor can not help me.Simple : The poor boy can not help me.38.Cricket is a game which is very exciting.Simple : Cricket is a very exciting game.39.A boy who is industrious boy will succeed in lifeSimple : An industrious boy will succeed in life40.Cox’s Bazar is a sea-beach which is the most attractive in the world.Simple : Cox’s Bazar is the most attractive sea-beach in the world.

41.I know where he lives.Simple : I know his residence.42.I know where he was born.Simple : I know his birth place.

43. Mr.Reza who is the principal of our college has gone to Dhaka.Simple : Mr.Reza , principal of our college has gone to Dhaka.

Complex to Compound 1. Complex : As he was ill , he could not attend the class Compound : He was ill and he could not attend the class2. Complex : Since/As Rafi works hard, he will prosper in life. Compound : Rafi works hard and he will prosper in life. 3. Complex : Since he was intelligent, he could solve the problem.

Relative pronoun Gi mv‡_ verb hy³ _vK‡j mvnvh¨Kvix verb mn Relative pronoun wU ev` hv‡e I g~j verb wUi †k‡l ing hy³ n‡e | wKš‘ Relative

Noun + Relative pronoun + verb to be + adjective hy³ _vK‡j adjective + Noun em‡e I verb to be mn Relative pronoun wU ev` hv‡e|g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e ‡h, e¨w³evP‡Ki †ÿ‡Î who I Ab¨vb¨ †ÿ‡Î what /which/that e¨eüZ n‡e|A‡bK †ÿ‡Î eyw× LvwU‡q

A_v©byhvqx ev‡K¨i structure Abymv‡i cwieZ©b Ki‡Z

GKB Rb‡K ev wRwbm‡K Bw½ZKvix `yÕwU noun Gi gv‡S Relative pronoun + verb to be _vK‡j Relative pronoun + verb to be Gi cwie‡Z© Kgv em‡e| g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h,Grammar Gi cwifvlvq Bnv‡K apposition e‡j

ev‡K¨ since/As/When Avm‡j wecixZ As‡k and em‡e| since/As/When D‡V hv‡e|

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Compound : He was intelligent and he could solve the problem.4. Complex : When the meeting was over, we returned home.Compound : The meeting was over and we returned home.5. Complex : When the sun had set, we returned home.Compound : The sun had set and we returned home.6. Complex : Since cricket is a very popular game in Bangladesh, there are many cricket loving people here.Compound : Cricket is a very popular game in Bangladesh and there are many cricket loving people here.7. Complex : As he invited me , I attended the ceremony.Compound : He invited me and I attended the ceremony.8. Complex : When rain and flood wash away some of these chemicals, they get mixed with water.Compound : Rain and flood wash away some of these chemicals and they get mixed with water.9. Complex : When I saw the bird, it flew away.Compound : I saw the bird and it flew away.

10. Complex : If you read more, you will make a good result.Compound : Read more and you will make a good result.

11. Complex : If you do not work hard, you will not succeed in life.Compound : Work hard or you will not succeed in life. 12. Complex : Unless you read more, you will not pass in the examination.Compound : Read more or you will not pass in the examination.13. Complex : If you do not move , you will dieCompound : Move or you will die14. Complex : If he goes there, I shall help him.Compound : Let him go there and I shall help him. Or,Compound : He may go there and in that case I shall help him.15. Complex : If he does not do it, he will die.Compound : Let him do it or he will die.16. Complex : If we do not work hard, we shall not prosper in lifeCompound : Let us work hard or we shall not prosper in lifeLet us work hard or we shall not prosper in life

17. Complex : Though he is poor, he is honest.Compound : He is poor but he is honest/He is poor but honest.18. Complex : Though he worked hard, he could not succeed.Compound : He worked hard but he could not succeed./ He worked hard but could not succeed. 19. Complex : We read more so that we can pass in the exam.Compound : We read more and want to pass in the exam. 20. Complex : He worked hard so that he can succeed in life.Compound : He worked hard and waned to succeed in life.

21. Complex : The patient is so weak that he can not walk.Compound : The patient is very weak and can not walk. Or, The patient is very weak and he can not walk.

If hy³ affirmative sentence n‡j cÖ_g AskwU imperative sentence n‡e I Kgvi ¯’‡j and em‡e|

So that Avm‡j so ‡_‡K can/could/may/might ch©šÍ DwV‡q w`‡q Gi cwie‡Z© tense Abyhvqx and want to/and wants to/and wanted to em‡e|

So------ that Avm‡j so Gi cwie‡Z© very em‡e I that Gi cwie‡Z© and emv‡Z n‡e

Unless/If hy³ Negative sentence n‡j cÖ_g AskwU imperative sentence n‡e I Kgvi ¯’‡j or em‡e|

Though/Although Gi cwie‡Z© `yÕAs‡ki gv‡S but e‡m

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22. Complex : He is so foolish that he can not answer the easy question.Compound : He is very foolish and can not answer the easy question.23. Complex : He is so short that he can not touch the roof.Compound : He is very short and can not touch the roof.24. Complex : The load is so heavy that I can not carry it.Compound : The load is very heavy and I can not carry it.25. Complex : The sum is so hard that he can not do it.Compound : The sum is very hard and he can not do it.

26 . Complex : I saw the boy who is poor.Compound : I saw the boy and he is poor.27. Complex : I saw a bird which was niceCompound : I saw a bird and it was nice.28. Complex : The boy who is intelligent can answer the question.Compound : The boy is intelligent and he can answer the question.29. Complex : The boy who is poor can not help me.Compound : The boy is poor and he can not help me.30. Complex : Cricket is a game which is very exciting.Compound : Cricket is a game and it is very exciting.31. Complex : The boy who is industrious boy will succeed in lifeCompound : The boy is industrious and he will succeed in life32. Complex : Cox’s Bazar is a sea-beach which is the most attractive in the world.Compound : Cox’s Bazar is a sea-beach and it is the most attractive in the world.33. Complex : I saw a beggar who was going to market.Compound : I saw a beggar and he was going to market.

Simple to Compound1. Simple : Working hard, Rafi will prosper in life.Compound : Rafi works hard and he will prosper in life. 2. Simple : Being intelligent, he could solve the problem.Compound : He was intelligent and he could solve the problem.

3. Simple : Rina being a brilliant student, all love him. Compound : Rina is a brilliant student and all love him.4. Simple : The meeting being over, we returned home.Compound : The meeting was over and we returned home.5. Simple : The sun having set, we returned home.Compound : The sun had set and we returned home.6. Simple : Cricket being a very popular game in Bangladesh, there are many cricket loving people here.Compound : Cricket is a very popular game in Bangladesh and there are many cricket loving people here.

7. Simple : Because of being ill, he could not attend the class. OrBecause of his being ill, he could not attend the class. Compound : He was ill and he could not attend the class.8. Simple : Because of his having seen the tiger, he was afraid. OrBecause of having seen the tiger, he was afraid.

Relative pronoun Gi cwie‡Z© and I noun wUi cwie‡Z© pronoun em‡e|

ing hy³ verb Avm‡j wØZxq As‡ki subject cÖ_g As‡k em‡e I ev‡K¨i aiY Abyhvqx ing hy³ verb ‡K g~j verb G cwiYZ Ki‡Z n‡e I Kgvi ¯’‡j and em‡e|

Dfq As‡ki subject Avjv`v n‡j Dfq As‡ki subject envj _vK‡e| cÖ_g As‡ki being Gi cwie‡Z© am/is/are/was/were I having Gi cwie‡Z© have/has/had e‡m I Kgvi ¯’‡j and em‡e|

cÖ_g As‡ki possessive Gi subject iƒc / wØZxq As‡ki subject + being Gi cwie‡Z© am/is/are/was/were I having Gi cwie‡Z have/has/had e‡m I Ab¨vb¨ ing hy³ verb Gi †ÿ‡Î ev‡K¨i aiY Abyhvqx g~j verb G cwiYZ Ki‡Z n‡e I Kgvi ¯’‡j and em‡e + evKx Ask em‡e |

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Compound : He had seen the tiger and he was afraid.9. Simple : Because of his inviting me, I attended the ceremony. OrBeing invited by him, I attended the ceremony.Compound : He invited me and I attended the ceremony.

10. Simple : While seeing him by me , he ran away. Or, At the time of seeing him by me, he ran away.

Compound : I saw him and he ran away.11. Simple : At the time of washing away some of these chemicals by rain and flood , they get mixed with water.Compound : Rain and flood wash away some of these chemicals and they get mixed with water.12. Simple : While seeing the bird by me, it flew away. Or,At the time of seeing the bird by me, it flew away.Compound : I saw the bird and it flew away.

13. Simple : By reading more, you will make a good result.Compound : Read more and you will make a good result.

14. Simple : Without working hard, you will not succeed in life.Work hard or you will not succeed in life. 15. Simple : Without reading more, you will not pass in the examination.Compound : Read more or you will not pass in the examination.

16. Simple : We read more to pass in the exam. Or,We read more in order to pass in the exam.Compound : We read more and want to pass in the exam.

17. Simple : The patient is too weak to walk.Compound : The patient is very weak and he can not walk.18. Simple : He is too foolish to answer the easy question.Compound : He is very foolish and he can not answer the easy question.19. Simple : He is too short to touch the roof.Compound : He is very short and he can not touch the roof.

20. Simple : The load is too heavy for me to carry it.Compound : The load is very heavy and I can not carry it.21. Simple : The sum is too hard for me to do it.Compound : The sum is very hard and he can not do it.

22. Simple : In spite of working hard, he could not succeed. Or,In spite of his working hard, he could not succeed.

By + verb Gi †k‡l ing Avm‡j by hy³ AskwU imperative sentence n‡e I `yÕAs‡ki gv‡S and em‡e|

Without + verb Gi †k‡l ing Avm‡j without hy³ AskwU imperative sentence n‡e I `yÕAs‡ki gv‡S or em‡e|

to / in order to Gi cwie‡Z© © tense Abyhvqx and want to/and wants to/and wanted to em‡e|

too Gi cwie‡Z© very +c‡ii kã + and +subject+ can/could/may/might+ verb+ evKx Ask

to hy³ verb Gi c~‡e© for ‡hv‡M kã _vK‡j kãwU‡K wØZxq As‡ki subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ n‡e I cvkvcvwk c~‡e©i wbqg envj _vK‡e|

cÖ_g As‡k cybivq wØZxq As‡ki subject + ing hy³ verb wU‡K g~j verb G cwiYZKiY I `yÕAs‡ki gv‡S but em‡e| g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h, cÖ_g As‡k possessive _vK‡j †mwU subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ n‡e | G Qvov being Gi cwie‡Z© am/is/are /was/were I having Gi cwie‡Z© have/has/ had

Simple sentence G cÖ_g As‡k while /at the time of + ing I by †hv‡M object Avm‡j by Gi c‡ii kã‡K subject wnmv‡e e¨envi K‡i ing hy³ verb ‡K g~j verb wnmv‡e e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e I Kgvi ¯’‡j and em‡e|

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Compound : He worked hard but he could not succeed. 23. Simple : In spite of having a car, he can not drive it. Or,In spite of his having a car, he can not drive it.Compound : He has a car but he can not drive it.24. Simple : In spite of his being poor, he is honest. Or,In spite of being poor, he is honest.Compound : He is poor but he is honest.25. Simple : In spite of his having no car , he will arrive in time. Or,In spite of having no car , he will arrive in timeCompound : He has no car but he will arrive in time26. Simple : In spite of cricket’s being a very popular game in Bangladesh, the performance of the country is not satisfactory.Cricket is a very popular game in Bangladesh but the performance of the country is not satisfactory.

27. Simple : It rains in the rainy season. OrIt rains during the rainy season. OrIt rains at the time of the rainy season.

Compound : It rains and it is the rainy season28. Simple : In spring, the cuckoo sing. Or, During spring, the cuckoo sing. Or,At the time of spring, the cuckoo sing.Compound : It is spring and the cuckoo sing 29. Simple : In 2006, he was living in Paris.Compound : It was 2006 and he was living in Paris.30 . Simple : I saw the poor boy .Compound : I saw the boy and he is poor.31. Simple : I saw a nice bird.Compound : I saw a bird and it was nice32. Simple : The boy who is poor can not help me.Compound : The boy is poor and he can not help me.33. Simple : Cricket is a game which is very exciting.Compound : Cricket is a game and it is very exciting.34. Simple : The boy who is industrious boy will succeed in lifeCompound : The boy is industrious and he will succeed in life35. Simple : Cox’s Bazar is a sea-beach which is the most attractive in the world. Compound : Cox’s Bazar is a sea-beach and it is the most attractive in the world.36. Simple : I saw a beggar going to market.Compound : I saw a beggar and he was going to market.

in/during/at the time of Gi cwie‡Z© ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡Z it +be verb e‡m + in/during/at the time of Gi c‡ii Ask I and ‡hv‡M evKx Ask em‡e|

adjective + Noun Avm‡j adjective I noun Øviv Avjv`v evK¨vsk K‡i `yÕAs‡ki gv‡S and emv‡Z n‡e|

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gyL¯’ Kiæb I ev‡K¨ e¨envi KiæbSubject iƒc Object iƒc (‡K) possessive iƒc(i/Gi)

I (Avwg) me (Avgv‡K) my(Avgvi)We (Avgiv) us (Avgv‡`i‡K) our (Avgv‡`i)You (Zzwg) you (‡Zvgv‡K) your (‡Zvgvi)You (‡Zvgiv) you (‡Zvgv‡`i‡K) your (‡Zvgv‡`i)He (‡m) him (Zv‡K his (Zvi)She (‡m) her (Zv‡K) her (Zvi)They (Zviv) them (Zv‡`i‡K) their (Zv‡`i)

(1)what ( Kx/‡Kvb&/hv/‡hUv)(2)which (‡Kvb/hv/‡hUv/‡h¸‡jv)(3)Who (‡K/Kviv/whwb/hviv)(4)Whom (Kv‡K/Kv‡`i‡K/hv‡K/hv‡`i‡K)(5)Whose (Kvi/Kv‡`i/hvi/hv‡`i)(6)When (KLb/hLb(7)Where (‡Kv_vq/‡hLv‡b)(8)Why (†Kb)(9)How (KZ/‡Kgb/wKfv‡e)

Wh -question(1)what ( Kx/‡Kvb&)(2)which (‡Kvb)(3)Who (‡K/Kviv)(4)Whom (Kv‡K/Kv‡`i‡K)(5)Whose (Kvi/Kv‡`i)(6)When (KLb)(7)Where (‡Kv_vq)(8)Why (†Kb)(9)How (KZ/‡Kgb/wKfv‡e)

Rule no. 1

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Wh-word hy³ interrogative evK¨ MVb Ki‡Z n‡j ïiæ‡Z Wh word ewm‡q evK¨wU‡K interrogative -Gi wbqg Abyhvqx interrogative -G cwiYZ Ki‡Z nq| ‡hgb -Where do you go ? (Zzwg †Kv_vq hvI ?)When will you buy the book ?How are you ?Which book did you buy ?How are you ?

Rule - 2What I which- &Gi e¨envi :

What I which “‡Kvb&Ó A‡_© Avm‡j Gi c‡i GKwU noun em‡e Ges D³ noun-mn what I which G `yÕwU wh- word -G cwiYZ n‡e| †hgb - Which book will you buy . ( †Kvb& eBwU Zzwg wKb‡e|) What class do you read in ? (‡Kvb& †kÖYx‡Z Zzwg co ?) Rule no. – 3Who Gi e¨envi : Who-Gi c‡i mivmwi verb em‡e Ges Bnv interrogative -Gi wbqg AbymiY Ki‡e bv| †hgb - Who went ?(‡K wM‡qwQj ?)Who goes ?(‡K hvq ?)Who go ? (Kviv hvq ?)Who will go ?(Kviv hv‡e?)

Rule no. – 4

Whose- &Gi e¨envi :

Whose “Kvi Ó A‡_© Avm‡j Gi c‡i GKwU noun em‡e Ges D³ noun-mn whose wU wh- word -G cwiYZ n‡e| †hgb -Whose pen did you buy ? (Kvi Kjg Zzwg wK‡bwQ‡j?) Rule no. – 5How - Gi e¨envi : “KZ Ó A‡_© Avm‡j How -Gi c‡i GKwU adjective ev adjective -hy³ noun em‡e Ges D³ adjective ev adjective -hy³ noun mn how wU wh-word -G cwiYZ n‡e| †hgb -How many books will you buy ? (KZ eB¸‡jv eB Zzwg wKb‡e ?) How clever is she ?(KZ PvjvK †m ?)How many mangoes are on the table ? (KZ¸‡jv Avg wQj †Uwe‡ji Dci?)How much rice did you buy ? (KZ Pvj Zzwg wK‡bwQ‡j?)How many brothers and sister do you have ? (‡Zvgvi KZRb fvB-‡evb Av‡Q?)How many brothers and sister have you ? (‡Zvgvi KZRb fvB-‡evb Av‡Q?) Rule no. – 6 Wh – word – Gi c‡i subject - bv _vK‡j :

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Wh – word – Gi c‡i subject - bv _vK‡j mivmwi verb em‡e| Bnv interrogative - Gi wbqg AbymiY Ki‡e bv| †hgb -What happened on the road ? (iv¯Ívq Kx N‡UwQj ?)Who went ? (‡K evox wM‡qwQj ?)How many people attened the meeting ? (KZRb †jvK wgwUs- G †hvM`vb K‡iwQj?)

Rule no. – 7Wh – word hy³ evK¨wU tense Gi Aš‘f©³ bv n‡j : Wh – word hy³ evK¨wU tense Gi Aš‘f©³ bv n‡j, wh-word -Gi c‡i am,is,are,was,were,have,has,had - G ¸‡jv emv‡Z nq| †hgb What is your name ?(‡Zvgvi bvg Kx?)Where is the book ? (eBwU †Kv_vq ?)On which table is the book ? ( †Kvb& eBwU †Uwe‡ji Dci ? )

Rule no. – 8 What + be + subject + like ……… ?‡hgb Ñ The sky is cloudy.Question : What is the sky like ? (AvKvk Kxiƒc?) or , How is the sky ? ( AvKvk †Kgb?)

Rule no. – 9

Wh-word- Gi mv‡_ preposition hy³ n‡j : Wh-word-Gi mv‡_ preposition hy³ n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb -For whom ? (Kvi Rb¨?)From whom ? (Kvi †_‡K ?)For which person ? (‡Kvb †jvKwUi †_‡K ?)From whose field ? (Kvi gvV †_‡K ?)From where (‡Kv_v †_‡K ?)To whom ? (Kvi Kv‡Q?)With whom ? (Kvi mv‡_ ?)In which school ? (‡Kvb we`¨vj‡q ?)On which table ? (‡Kvb †Uwe‡ji Dci?)In what class/In which class ? (‡Kvb& †kÖYx‡Z ?)For what (Kx Rb¨ ?) Rule no. – 10Wh – word Gi mv‡_ preposition hy³ n‡j Bnv‡K ev‡K¨i ïiæ‡ZI †hvM Kiv hvq Ges †k‡lI †hvM Kiv hvq| wKš‘ †k‡l †hvM KivB †kÖq|‡hgb -From where have you come ? /Where have you come from ? (‡Kv_v †_‡K Zzwg G‡mQ?)In what class do you read ?/What class do you read in ? (‡Kvb †kÖYx‡Z Zzwg co?)

Page 37: mdotadotnaim.files.wordpress.com · Web viewThe rules of making various kinds of sentences. 1.Avwg Qwe AvuwK-I draw a picture. 2.Avwg Qwe AuvwK‡ZwQ-I am drawing a picture. 3.Avwg


Some other rules: ‡Rvi †`Ihvi Rb¨ It +be verb +noun/pronoun +who/which/that + verb+ext.‡hgb --I t is I who am your teacher. (AvwgB †Zvgvi wkÿK|)It is you who are honest.(ZzwgB mr|)It is he who is a student.(‡mB mr|)It is health which is wealth (¯^v¯’¨B m¤ú`|)Note : evsjv Abyev‡`i †ÿ‡Î †Rvi cÖ`vbK…Z k‡ãi mv‡_ “BÓ hy³ n‡Z cv‡i|)