Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of Technology Overview: •Motivation •Problem Formulation •Experimental Results •Conclusion, Future Work

Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical

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Page 1: Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical

Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement EstimationSam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick

Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of Technology


• Motivation

• Problem Formulation

• Experimental Results

• Conclusion, Future Work

Page 2: Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical

Mobile Robot Localization•Proprioceptive Sensors: (Encoders, IMU) - Odometry, Dead reckoning•Exteroceptive Sensors: (Laser, Camera) - Global, Local Correlation


Scan 1 Scan 2


Displacement Estimate

Initial Guess

Point Correspondence


•Correlate range measurements to estimate displacement•Can improve (or even replace) odometry – Roumeliotis TAI-14•Previous Work - Vision community and Lu & Milios [97]

Page 3: Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical

1 m


Weighted Approach

Explicit models of uncertainty & noise sources for each scan point:

• Sensor noise & errors• Range noise • Angular uncertainty• Bias

• Point correspondence uncertainty

Correspondence Errors

Improvement vs. unweighted method:• More accurate displacement estimate• More realistic covariance estimate• Increased robustness to initial conditions• Improved convergence


Page 4: Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical

Weighted Formulation

Error between kth scan point pair

Measured range data from poses i and j

sensor noise

Goal: Estimate displacement (pij ,ij )

bias true range

= rotation of ij

Correspondence ErrorNoise Error Bias Error

Page 5: Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical



1) Sensor Noise

Covariance of Error EstimateCovariance of error between kth scan point pair =

2) Sensor Bias

neglect for now see paper for details

Pose i

CorrespondenceSensor Noise Bias

Page 6: Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical

3) Correspondence Error = cijk

Estimate bounds of cijk from the geometry

of the boundary and robot poses

•Assume uniform distribution

Max error


Page 7: Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical

Finding incidence angles ik and j


Hough Transform

-Fits lines to range data

-Local incidence angle estimated from line tangent and scan angle

-Common technique in vision community (Duda & Hart [72])

-Can be extended to fit simple curves

Scan PointsFit Lines


Page 8: Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical

Likelihood of obtaining errors {ijk} given displacement

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

•Position displacement estimate obtained in closed form

•Orientation estimate found using 1-D numerical optimization, or series expansion approximation methods

Non-linear Optimization Problem

Page 9: Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical

Experimental Results

• Increased robustness to inaccurate initial displacement guesses

Fewer iterations for convergence

Weighted vs. Unweighted matching of two poses

512 trials with different initial displacements within : +/- 15 degrees of actual angular displacement+/- 150 mm of actual spatial displacement

Initial DisplacementsUnweighted EstimatesWeighted Estimates

Page 10: Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical

Unweighted Weighted

Page 11: Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical

Displacement estimate errors at end of path

• Odometry = 950mm• Unweighted = 490mm• Weighted = 120mm

Eight-step, 22 meter path

More accurate covariance estimate- Improved knowledge of measurement uncertainty- Better fusion with other sensors

Page 12: Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical

Conclusions and Future Work

Developed general approach to incorporate uncertainty into scan-match displacement estimates.

• range sensor error models • novel correspondence error modeling

Method can likely be extended to other range sensors (stereo cameras, radar, ultrasound, etc.)

• requires some specific sensor error models

Showed that accurate error modelling can significantly improve displacement and covariance estimates as well as robustness

Future Work:

Weighted correspondence for 3D feature matching

Page 13: Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical

Conclusions and Future Work

Developed general approach to incorporate uncertainty into scan-match displacement estimates.

• range sensor error models • novel correspondence error modeling

Method can likely be extended to other range sensors (stereo cameras, radar, ultrasound, etc.)

• requires some specific sensor error models

Showed that accurate error modelling can significantly improve displacement and covariance estimates as well as robustness

Future Work:

Weighted correspondence for 3D feature matching

Page 14: Weighted Range Sensor Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation Sam Pfister, Kristo Kriechbaum, Stergios Roumeliotis, Joel Burdick Mechanical

Uncertainty From Sensor Noiseand Correspondence Error

1 m
