We warmly welcome you to worship at The Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge. We pray that you will be encouraged in your journey of faith and drawn closer to God by your experience with us. Childcare and Sunday School Childcare for infants and children under age 3 is available in the church nursery all morning. Pagers are used to contact parents during the worship service when necessary. 9:00am Children ages 3-5 yrs. may go directly to the Preschool Program, Jesus & Me. 10:15am All children are invited to remain in worship today for the Childrens Musical. There is no Sunday School or Bibles and Bagels program today. Calendar of Prayer Sessions and Congregations are invited to pray for the congregations, pastors, members and staff of the Presbytery of Elizabeth during 2014. This week, we pray for The Officers of the Presbytery of Elizabeth. Online Sermons Recorded audio sermons from most Sundays are available on the church website at www.brpc.org. To access, click on the Ser- mons link under Worship and Music on the main menu. Amplification Headsets So that all may enjoy the worship service, sound amplification headsets are available from the ushers for those who need assis- tance with hearing. Welcome Who Does God Call Us to Be? We are a vibrant, warm and welcoming community of faith. Those who worship here come from a diverse range of backgrounds and would describe themselves in a rich variety of ways. We acknowledge our doubt, our struggles, and that we are all quite human and imperfect and that we are each at a unique place on our faith journey. We find our unity, our common identity, in Jesus Christ and together we seek to joyfully worship God and energetically minister to the needs of the world on Gods behalf. We gather in anticipation of being transformed by the power, purpose and presence of God among us, and go forth equipped to love God and neighbor more deeply and more whole- heartedly. We believe that faithful leadership of a church requires being open to new possibilities, tak- ing risks and learning from mistakes as we try again. Honoring the past, we are convinced that God calls us to a new future. ~The Opening Paragraph of Vision 2017 of the Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge

Welcome [brpc.org]...We warmly welcome you to worship at The Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge. We pray that you will be encouraged in your journey of faith and drawn closer to

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Page 1: Welcome [brpc.org]...We warmly welcome you to worship at The Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge. We pray that you will be encouraged in your journey of faith and drawn closer to

We warmly welcome you to worship at The Presbyter ian Church in Basking Ridge. We pray that you will be encouraged in your journey of faith and drawn closer to God by your experience with us.

Childcare and Sunday School Childcare for infants and children under age 3 is available in the church nursery all morning. Pagers are used to contact parents during the worship service when necessary.

9:00am Children ages 3-5 yrs. may go directly to the Preschool Program, Jesus & Me.

10:15am All children are invited to remain in worship today for the Children’s Musical.

There is no Sunday School or Bibles and Bagels program today.

Calendar of Prayer Sessions and Congregations are invited to pray for the congregations, pastors, members and staff of the Presbytery of Elizabeth during 2014. This week, we pray for The Officers of the Presbytery of Elizabeth.

Online Sermons Recorded audio sermons from most Sundays are available on the church website at www.brpc.org. To access, click on the Ser-mons link under Worship and Music on the main menu.

Amplification Headsets So that all may enjoy the worship service, sound amplification headsets are available from the ushers for those who need assis-tance with hearing.


Who Does God Call Us to Be? We are a vibrant, warm and welcoming community of faith. Those who worship here come from a diverse range of backgrounds and would describe themselves in a rich variety of ways.

We acknowledge our doubt, our struggles, and that we are all quite human and imperfect and that we are each at a unique place on our faith journey.

We find our unity, our common identity, in Jesus Christ and together we seek to joyfully worship God and energetically minister to the needs of the world on God’s behalf.

We gather in anticipation of being transformed by the power, purpose and presence of God among us, and go forth equipped to love God and neighbor more deeply and more whole-heartedly.

We believe that faithful leadership of a church requires being open to new possibilities, tak-ing risks and learning from mistakes as we try again.

Honoring the past, we are convinced that God calls us to a new future.

~The Opening Paragraph of Vision 2017 of the Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge

Page 2: Welcome [brpc.org]...We warmly welcome you to worship at The Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge. We pray that you will be encouraged in your journey of faith and drawn closer to

Order of Worship

9:00 a.m.—Chapel; 10:15 a.m.—Sanctuary

December 14, 2014 Third Sunday in Advent

(As the prelude begins, please prepare prayerfully for worship and be sure all cell phones are turned off.) PRELUDE O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Matthew H. Corl

Prelude and Meditation

LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT CANDLES (9:00) Courtney and Michael Battista

Leader: The Spirit of the Lord is with us.

People: The time of God’s favor has come.

Leader: Pray for the gift of joy from God.

People: Shine in our lives, Lord Jesus Christ.

Leader: Living God, you have come among us

to lead us in paths of righteousness.

Guide our feet through the wilderness

toward the living water of your grace,

following in the steps of our Savior:

Jesus Christ, the light of the world.

People: The time of God’s favor has come.

*HYMN 92 While We Are Waiting, Come waiting

PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) Rev. Dennis W. Jones

God our maker, we confess

that we are not ready to meet you.

You send your Spirit to release us,

yet we remain captivated by sin.

You stand among us in Christ Jesus,

yet we claim we do not know you.

Forgive us, God of grace.

Make us holy; make us whole.

Keep us safe and sound until the day of your coming;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


*Those who are able are invited to stand.

Page 3: Welcome [brpc.org]...We warmly welcome you to worship at The Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge. We pray that you will be encouraged in your journey of faith and drawn closer to

PRAYER RESPONSE (unison) Change My Heart, O God (sing once) Hymn 695 ASSURANCE OF PARDON *RESPONSE OF PRAISE (unison) Gloria, Gloria (sing twice)


Leader: Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us forgive one another. The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

People: And also with you. Leader: I invite you to turn and greet one another with a sign of Christ’s peace.


SCRIPTURE LESSON (9:00) John 1: 6-8, 19-28 p. 91

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

SERMON (9:00) What Does Your Sign Say? Kayla Kelly

SCRIPTURE LESSON (10:15) Jacqueline Obregon John 1: 6-9 p. 91

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

CHILDREN’S MUSICAL (10:15) The Light Before Christmas Joseph M. Martin

Please turn to page 6 for the Children’s Musical

(If you would like to show your gratitude to God and appreciation

for the entire cast with applause, we invite you to do so at the end of the musical.)

Page 4: Welcome [brpc.org]...We warmly welcome you to worship at The Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge. We pray that you will be encouraged in your journey of faith and drawn closer to


ANTHEM (10:15) Walk in the Light André Thomas

Sanctuary Choir

*DOXOLOGY (unison) Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.



THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

*HYMN 88 O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (vv. 1, 6 and 7) veni emmanuel


POSTLUDE O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Matthew H. Corl


The Flowers on the Piers this morning are given to the glory of God.

~ By Ken and Sally Warman, in celebration of their 55th Wedding Anniversary on Decem-

ber 19!

~ By Jann and Hal Slapin, in loving memory of Dorothy and Alvah Voorhees.

The flowers that grace our sanctuary each week are gifts from members of the congregation. Flowers may be given in memory or in honor of someone, to celebrate an occasion or simply to contribute to the beauty of our service. There is one pier opening on January 4 and 18. If you would like to donate an arrangement, please contact Debbie Schaub at 908- 507-3844; e-mail: [email protected].

Our Greeters this morning are Helen Mallon and Bev Prochazka at the 10:15 a.m. service. Join us for Coffee and Fellowship between services beginning at 9:45 a.m., hosted by Bert and Ron Whalin, and after the 10:15 a.m. worship service, hosted by Michael and Jeanne Poehner.


Church Family

Page 5: Welcome [brpc.org]...We warmly welcome you to worship at The Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge. We pray that you will be encouraged in your journey of faith and drawn closer to

The Light Before Christmas Joseph M. Martin

Scene 1 Prepare Our Hearts Readers: Sarah Celentano, Westin Lukes, Dermot McGuire, Margaret Pinto

The Wonder of Advent Youth and Spirit Choirs

Scene 2 The Candle of Hope

Candlelighter: Max Lukes; Readers: Armani Jackson, Teresa Jones, Brigid McGuire,

Tommy Moudry, Jack Thompson

Hope is Like a Candle Youth and Spirit Choirs

Soloists: Tommy Moudry, Ella Quincy

flutist: Nancy Wynant; sleigh bells: Armani Jackson, Teresa Jones

Scene 3 The Candle of Peace Candlelighter: Teresa Jones; Readers: Annabella Biondo, Caitlyn Costello,

Ella Quincy, Gregor Rankine, Grant Studness

A Prayer for Peace Youth and Spirit Choirs

guitar: Dermot McGuire; violin: Peter Fritze; cello: Thomas Porter; bells: youth choir

Scene 4 The Candle of Joy

Candlelighter: Margaret Pinto; Readers: Hanna Celentano,

Caitlin Vollrath, Matthew Porter, Emily Thompson

Sing for Joy, Children of Light Youth and Spirit Choirs

Scene 5 The Candle of Love Candlelighter: Armani Jackson; Readers: Rebecca Kilroy, Dermot McGuire,

Alexandra Pellegrino, Annie Quincy, Juliet Studness

Look to the Light Youth and Spirit Choirs

flutist: Nancy Wynant


Page 6: Welcome [brpc.org]...We warmly welcome you to worship at The Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge. We pray that you will be encouraged in your journey of faith and drawn closer to

Scene 6 The Christ Candle Candlelighter: Tommy Moudry; Readers: Carly Holda, Max Lukes,

Katie Pinto, Charlotte Porter, Alexandra Szabo

An Echo Carol of Praise Youth and Spirit Choirs

Sleigh bells: Armani Jackson, Teresa Jones; egg shaker: Emily Thompson

Spirit Choir (gr. 1-2)

Carly Holda

Westin Lukes

Alexandra Pellegrino

Charlotte Porter

Annie Quincy

Grant Studness

Jack Thompson

Caitlin Vollrath

Spirit Choir (gr. 3-5)

Annabella Biondo

Caitlyn Costello

Armani Jackson

Teresa Jones

Max Lukes

Dermot McGuire

Tommy Moudry

Margaret Pinto

Matthew Porter

Ella Quincy

Juliet Studness

Emily Thompson

Youth Choir

Hanna Celentano

Sarah Celentano

Rebecca Kilroy

Brigid McGuire

Katie Pinto

Gregor Rankine

Alexandra Szabo

Little Spirit Choir

Isabella Beaudry

Effie Bolton

Prisca Bolton

Maggie Caputo

Norah Hughes

Aiden Kerrigan

Isabella Pellegrino

Callum Rankine

Special thanks to:

Charlotte McGuire, for her wonderful accompaniment and hours of rehearsal time.

Nancy Wynant, for her beautiful piano and flute accompaniment.

Judith Cook, for her love, support and guidance of the choir children.

Mary Lou Stevens, for her musical coaching and guidance.

Jacqueline Obregon, for teaching and direction of the Spirit Programs.

Susan LaCourse, for teaching the Spirit Programs.

David Brownlee, for his assistance with scenery and set up of the sanctuary.

Maureen Paterson, for her assistance with the script.

Dr. Tom Porter and Peter Fritze for sharing their musical talents.

Youth Choir and Bells for being such a wonderful part of the musical!

Wayman Williams, for the video taping and pictures.

Beth Donley—Director of Children’s Music Ministry

Page 7: Welcome [brpc.org]...We warmly welcome you to worship at The Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge. We pray that you will be encouraged in your journey of faith and drawn closer to

Men’s Luncheon—December 18 The next Men's Luncheon will be held Thursday, December 18 at 12 noon in the Church House Parlor. Our chef extraordinaire, Gary Ingram, will prepare one of his magnificent meals for which we ask a mere $8 donation to cover costs. We will discuss our favorite Christmas memories! Please sign up at the Church House Reception Desk, (908)766-1616. Invite a friend!

Men’s Ministry

Ladies who Brunch—Meet Today Ladies who Brunch will be meeting at 11:45 a.m. on December 14 at the Washington House in Basking Ridge. All women welcome. Invite friends! Reservations required. If you are interested, please contact Linda Rhyne: [email protected] or 732-567-2464.

Adult Small Group

Children and Family Ministries

The Light Before Christmas: A Children’s Christmas Musical-10:15 a.m. Service

We are grateful for this very special worship service led by our children’s choirs, as we celebrate Advent’s joyful anticipation of Christ’s birth and the arrival of Christmas! Join us for The Advent Festival in Westminster Hall after the 10:15 a.m. service and enjoy refreshments, crafts and fellowship!

Senior High Fellowship (Grades 9-12) from 7-9 p.m.—Youth Center Tonight Rev. Bruce E. Schundler will lead our discussion entitled Who is Jesus? Mark your calendars for our White Elephant Christmas Party next Sunday, Dec. 21! Please bring a wrapped gift at a maximum cost of $10 and wear your ugly sweater. All youth and alumni are invited! Coming up: Senior High lock-in: Sat., January 3 beginning at 7 p.m. through Sunday, January 4 ending with the 10:15 a.m. service.

Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Middle School Bibles & Bagels (gr.6-8) Bibles and Bagels will not meet today due to the Children’s Musical. We will see you next Sunday, December 21.

Middle School Fellowship (Gr. 6-8) Join us on Wednesday, Dec. 17 for our Christmas Party from 5:30-7:30 p.m. (note earlier start time) in Westminster Hall (instead of the Youth Center). Please bring a glass jar with a screw-on lid and a wrapped gift, cost maximum of $5. Mark your calendars and join us for a movie and game day on Monday, Dec. 29 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. (We will not meet on Dec. 24 or 31 due to the holidays.)

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Opportunities to Give and Serve

9 AM Chapel Service Good News & Opportunities to Usher

Volunteers have signed up to usher during months of January and March 2015. This is in-deed good news for Chapel ushering. We still are looking for ushers for the month of Febru-ary. As February is practically here, we raise this to your attention in the hope you would be willing to usher during this month. We offer on the job training and encouragement. Please contact Rudy Hyzer and/or sign up to usher using the BRPC web site if you would find ush-ering interesting and enjoyable. Alternative Gifts Available from Mission Council Still shopping for that perfect gift? Look no further than Westminster Hall after worship where members of the mission council can help you select a meaningful gift for all of those on your list this year. These gifts will help those in need look forward to a brighter and hap-pier future. Stop by the Alternative Gift Fair table to learn more.

Oak Table Service/Come As You Are Our new alternative worship service begins this Lenten season! The Oak Table Service will be an informal and interactive worship experience for people of all ages–wherever you are on your spiritual journey. It will take place on Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. in Westminster Hall beginning February 21, 2015. Children are welcomed to attend with parents and the Nursery will be available as a mother’s room.

New Worship Service


Stewardship 2015 We are Grateful for the Generosity of the Congregation Thank you to the 205 families and individuals who have made pledge commitments for 2015 totaling $773,960. In response to prayerful consideration of what God is calling them to do, many in our congregation have increased their pledges from last year. We are excited and encouraged by the 24 new pledges so far this year. Those of you still in thought and prayer about your commitment to the mission and ministry of our church are encouraged to return a pledge card as soon as possible so we can complete our plans for the coming year. You may also pledge online at www.brpc.org.

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Christmas Season

Order Your Poinsettias—Deadline is Tomorrow! Poinsettias will grace our sanctuary again this Christmas season. If you wish to contribute to the fund for these flowers, in memory or in honor of a loved one, please call the church house by Monday, December 15. The cost is $15.

Walk to Bethlehem Join the annual walk to Bethlehem next Sunday, December 21 begin-ning at 4 p.m. A candlelight procession will make its way to four churches in town. Carols will be sung at each church and the Christ-mas Story will be told. The walk will begin at St. James Roman Catholic Church and will end here at BRPC. All are welcome to join in this special community event.

Christmas 2014 Worship Schedule

Christmas Eve, December 24 Christmas Day, December 25

4:30 p.m. Young Children’s Service 11:00 a.m. “Come As You Are” Little Spirit Choir Informal Worship 7:35 p.m. Family Service Dr. Maureen Paterson, preaching Spirit, Middle School Youth and Bell Choirs 10:00 p.m. Candlelight Service Rev. Dennis Jones, preaching Sr. High Youth and Alumni and Sanctuary Choirs

The Giving Tree—Unwrapped Gifts are Due Today Our tradition of sharing our blessings with others continues this year with our Giving Tree. Christmas wishes from shelter guests at Homeless Solu-tions and clients of God’s Co-Op Pantry are on the Christmas Tree in Westminster Hall. Please visit the tree and select an ornament with one of these wishes. Purchase the gift indicated and return it unwrapped to the Christmas Tree today in an open gift bag. Your gift can help make this Christmas a happy one for all of our friends in need. Please contact Amanda Hughes 908-872-3391 if you would like more information.

Page 10: Welcome [brpc.org]...We warmly welcome you to worship at The Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge. We pray that you will be encouraged in your journey of faith and drawn closer to

It’s About BRPC’s Future!

We need your help in identifying the best candidates for important leadership positions at BRPC. A sense of God’s call to serve, coupled with a willingness to serve, is much more important than any particular set of skills or talents. Please prayerfully consider those who play significant roles in the life and activities of BRPC today, who bring experience from another church, who may have new and imagi-native ideas for the future, and who will dedicate their energy to moving God’s work for-ward. Since you know yourself much better than does anyone else, please feel free to submit your own name if you believe that you are called to serve. All active members of the congregation are eligible for nomination at the May, 2015, congregational meeting. Elders—constitute the Session, the ruling body of the church, and have full responsibil-

ity for policies, personnel and programs of the church. They also operate as chairs of the various Councils and committees.

Deacons—carry out a ministry of care, communication and hospitality to the members. Trustees—responsible for the corporate/financial operations including the overall care

and maintenance of the church properties.

The Financial Review Committee verifies the statistical and financial records of the

church. The Nominating Committee selects candidates for election to the boards.

To make a suggestion, please complete the form below and return it to the Church Office.

The Nominating Committee: Rev. Dennis Jones (ex-officio), Butch Cooper (Trustee), Don Grossmann, Jeff Schaub, Peggy Harris (Deacon), Jean Wadsworth, Chris Whitlock, and Nancy Bedner (Elder, Chair). —————————————————————————————————————— CHURCH OFFICER CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION Candidate Name:________________________________ Office:_________________________________________ I believe this person would be a good candidate because:

Page 11: Welcome [brpc.org]...We warmly welcome you to worship at The Presbyterian Church in Basking Ridge. We pray that you will be encouraged in your journey of faith and drawn closer to

Weekly Calendar


Early Bird Bible Study, 7:45 am ...... Library Worship, 9:00 am ............................. Chapel Preschool JAM Program, 9:00 am .... Ed. Bldg. Nominating Comm., 9:00 am ........... Library Fellowship Time, 9:45 am ................ Westminster Hall Worship & Chil. Musical, 10:15 am. Sanctuary Advent Festival, 11:15 am ................ Westminster Hall Special Session Mtg., 11:30 am........ Chapel Ladies Who Brunch, 11:45 am ......... Off-Site Senior High Fellowship, 7:00 pm ..... Youth Center MONDAY—DECEMBER 15

Little Spirit Program, 4:00 pm .......... Ed. Bldg.

Stewardship, 7:00 pm ....................... Parlor Personnel Coun., 7:30 pm ................ Library


Oak Tree Quilters, 9:00 am Geneva & Middle Rms. Spirit Program, 3:45 pm ................... Ed. Bldg. Youth Bells, 4:00 pm ........................ Sanctuary Youth Choir, 4:45 pm ....................... Sanctuary Alpha Bell Choir, 6:15 pm ............... Knox Rm. Communication Practice, 7:00 pm ... Library Knox Bell Choir, 7:30 pm ................ Knox Room


Women’s Bible Study, 9:30 am ........ Parlor Middle School Fellowship, 6:00 pm. Youth Center Joint Budget Comm., 7:00 pm .......... Library


Men’s Luncheon, 12:00 pm .............. Parlor Sanctuary Choir, 7:30 pm ................. Knox Room Scout Troop #351, 7:30 pm .............. Youth Center



SUNDAY—DECEMBER 21 Early Bird Bible Study, 7:45 am ...... Library Worship, 9:00 am ............................. Chapel Preschool JAM Program, 9:00 am .... Ed. Bldg. Fellowship Time, 9:45 am ................ Westminster Hall Sunday School, 10:15 am ................. Westminster Hall Bibles and Bagels, 10:15 am ............ Library Worship, 10:15 am ........................... Sanctuary Fellowship Time, 11:15 am .............. Westminster Hall My Faith, My Life, 11:30 am ........... Library Walk to Bethlehem, 4:00 pm ............ St. James Church Senior High Fellowship, 7:00 pm ..... Youth Center

The Presbyterian Church One East Oak St., Basking Ridge NJ 07920

908.766.1616 FAX: 766.4450

e-mail: [email protected] - www.brpc.org Pastor & Head of Staff Rev. Dennis W. Jones .......................... ext. 15

Associate Pastor

Dr. Maureen Paterson .......................... ext. 11

Parish Associate Rev. Bruce E. Schundler

Director of Ministries to Youth, Young Adults and their Families

Donna Anderle .................................... ext. 17

Director of Ministries to Children Jacqueline Obregon. ........................... ext. 14

Tree House Director Jennifer Nowack. ............................. 221-1619

Minister of Music Mary Lou Stevens ........................... 953-9809

Director of Children’s Music Ministry Beth Donley .................................... 953-9809

Handbell Director Linda Langstaff .............................. 953-9809

Seminarian Kayla Kelly.............................. 816-401-3666

Church Administrator & Treasurer Janet Bentley ...................................... ext. 18

Assistant Treasurers Liz Messineo ..................................... ext. 21

Nancy Kuhn ......................................... ext. 21

Pastoral Administrative Asst. Cara Burchett ....................................... ext. 19

Church Administrative Asst. Pam Smith .......................................... ext. 12

Receptionist Michelle Berger ................................... ext. 10 Communications Coordinator Gary Ingram ....................................... ext. 13

Sexton Staff Peter O’Connor ................................... ext. 16 David Brownlee


All the People

Clerk of Session Tina Bramel

President of Trustees Rudy Hyzer

Moderator of Deacons Pamela Meyers