Welcome to our Hounslow partnership event A workshop to discuss how we can bring health and care services closer together Thursday 28 March 2019 Hounslow Arts Centre

Welcome to our Hounslow partnership event!

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Welcome to our Hounslow partnership event

A workshop to discuss how we can bring

health and care services closer together

Thursday 28 March 2019 Hounslow Arts Centre


Time Agenda Item

09:30 – 10:00 Coffee and registration

10:00 – 10:10 Introduction to the day

10.10 – 10.30 Our wider context and challenges in Hounslow Mary Clegg, Managing Director, Hounslow Clinical Commissioning Group

10:30 – 12:00 Group work / Reflections & table discussion on what we’ve heard

Tea and coffee will be available at 11:30am

12:00 – 12:30 What did you talk about?

12:30 – 13:00 Next steps Mary Clegg, Managing Director, Hounslow Clinical Commissioning Group

13:00 Workshop finishes

Lunch not provided

How to get the most out of today

Get involved and share your opinions! • Contribute to the group discussions • Write your thoughts on a post-it note • Email [email protected] with

any thoughts or ideas you have after the workshop

Let each other talk Respect each other’s ideas We are all equal (no hierarchy) Everyone participates and listens, equally No question or idea is stupid

Who is involved in this event?

Local patient representatives

Mary Clegg

Managing Director,

Hounslow Clinical Commissioning Group

Our borough

• A young and enterprising borough

• High employment rates

• Dedicated health and care staff who stay in the borough

• Staff who are invested in Hounslow

More than just health

Some of our health and care challenges

• More residents living longer with complex health and care needs, like heart

disease, cancer, asthma, diabetes and dementia

• A steady increase in the number of residents needing unplanned hospital


• 848 emergency hospital admissions caused by a fall 2015/16

• More than 1,200 carers

• Around 28,000 smokers (14% of all adults)

• Around 126,000 overweight adults (63%), and 54,000 adults that do less

than 30 minutes exercise a week (27%)

• High numbers of overweight or obese children and particularly high rates of

tooth decay in 5 year olds

• A gap in life expectancy for men and women living in more deprived areas

• High rates of self-harm in young people

• Around 3,000 older people experience chronic loneliness

Source: Hounslow Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, 2017 and Loneliness and Social Isolation

in the London Borough of Hounslow, 2017

Bringing health, care and voluntary services together

Integrating care means bringing health, care and voluntary services


Enabling local services to work more closely on a daily basis should

help to deliver three goals for local people:

1. Improve the care that Hounslow residents receive

2. Improve the overall health of people living in Hounslow

3. Make sure that we provide better value for money

If we get this right, it should mean that the needs and experiences of

people are prioritised when services are organised and delivered.

We have talked about integration for a long time. If we want it to

happen it requires all of us to do things differently.

Is this something new? We are already bringing services together in a way that improves patient care in Hounslow:

• Hounslow Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) now buys and plans some local health and care services with London Borough of Hounslow council.

• Hounslow and Richmond Community Health Trust and the CCG jointly run the Integrated Care and Response Service and the Community Recovery Service.

• West Middlesex Hospital Trust provides planned and unplanned hospital care for Hounslow residents and the CCG supports their performance.

• West London NHS Trust provides mental health services for Hounslow residents and their Single Point of Access telephone line offers advice 24/7.

• The voluntary sector works with the CCG to offer a social prescribing service.

The NHS Long Term Plan

• Our local plans fit with a national ambition to bring together health, care and the voluntary sector.

• Last year the NHS celebrated its 70th birthday. • Looking ahead to its 80th birthday, the NHS

wrote a Long Term Plan so it can be fit for the future.

• The Plan aims to address concerns about funding, staffing and increasing pressures from inequalities and an ageing population.

• On your tables, you will find copies of a Snapshot View of the Long Term Plan.

2020 Scope of Service


Primary Care

Quality Outcomes Framework


Hounslow Primary Care contract


HRCH contract Paed nursing

Heart failure


Nursing Care

Mental Health

WLMHT outpatient services


West Middlesex selected non-elective

Urgent Care Centre

Social Care

Personal Care

Voluntary sector


Dementia care

Specialist IAPT

Discharge support

Advocacy and support

Things we are doing now Integrated Community Response Service

• Commissioned since 2014

• Prevents patients from being admitted to hospital if they don’t need to be

• Ensures that if patients do need to stay in hospital, they are discharged as soon as possible to continue their care at home

• Made up of a GP, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, support staff, social workers and pharmacist who work for different organisations

• Working with Hounslow Community Recovery Service and London Ambulance Service.

Primary Care Networks

• Geographically aligned networks developed since 2011

• Hounslow Clinical Commissioning Group (HCCG) working with its members

• A focus on sharing data, and developing relationships and trust between practices

• With the introduction of the Primary Care Network scheme (July 2019 ) these networks should be strengthened and have shared staff delivering care to their patients.

Liaison Psychiatry


• New service with Hounslow and Richmond Community Health

The Provider Alliance – local partners working together

Local health, care and voluntary organisations have already started working together as a Provider Alliance

This means that local organisations are committed to finding ways to work together more sensibly and flexibly together.

For example making sure they have the same records for patients and are working towards the same treatment goals.

This alliance could help local organisations to think more like one Hounslow organisation, when it would benefit the care of residents.

This should make it easier for Hounslow residents to be given comprehensive treatment when they become ill or frail.

Our starting point

Urgent and Emergency Care

Home Visiting

Health Deterioration Frequent and Complex

Four Priorities

We think there are four areas where we could most improve the health and care of Hounslow residents.

1. Urgent care Sometimes people can be better supported at home when they are unwell.

We want to help our residents to stay well, so that they need urgent care services less.

This may involve investing more to help people to stay healthier.

For example, if a Hounslow resident has a long term condition, they may receive more invitations to see a health professional in the community to help them to stay well and not require urgent care.

2. Health deterioration

Hounslow residents are getting older and are living with more complex conditions. We want Hounslow residents to live well for as long as possible. However, if they do become ill or frail, we want to make sure they are receiving the best care for them. Strengthening the relationship between primary and community care – and focusing on preventing ill health through lifestyle change – could help to address this.

3. Home visiting

We know that this is an area we could improve on.

Hounslow residents have told us that there is duplication that needs to be reduced.

Communication also needs to be improved between patients, their carers and the staff that are caring for them.

Working together in a more sensible way could help to reduce this duplication and ensure that people receive the right care in their home at the right time.

4. Frequent and complex users Some Hounslow residents have complex health problems and need to see a health professional often.

We need to think about what we can do to reduce the number of times they have to tell their story and the number of places they have to go for their care.

Networks of care that are available closer to home could help Hounslow residents to live well, even with complex health problems.

The voluntary sector can also help, by offering ways to manage other needs in a person’s life. This may help to change a person’s relationship with local care services.

We need your help today

For the rest of the workshop you will be working in groups to discuss the four priorities.

Each table will discuss one priority.

Stay at your table – facilitators will move around so that everyone gets an opportunity to contribute

We have provided some patient stories to help you get started.

You could talk about…

Do you recognise the challenges we are talking about?

Have we missed something?

What will it look like if we get this right?

What are your experiences of services in Hounslow?

How can we improve them?

How can we all support Hounslow residents to stay well?

Group work on tables

Be ready to feed back what you have been talking about at 12pm

• Refreshments will be available at 11:30am

Highlights from your discussions

• What did you talk about at your tables?

• What surprised you?

• What did you learn?

What next? The move towards working more closely across Hounslow will not happen overnight.

It will be a change that is evolutionary and sustainable and planned with the performance of existing services in mind.

Prioritising these four areas first will enable local health, care and voluntary sector partners to focus on getting things right.

However, we have a clear long-term ambition: We want to strengthen our relationships with our local partners (including patients and residents) and work with a shared goal in mind; to improve the health and care of Hounslow residents.

How can I get involved? • We want Hounslow residents, patients, carers and health,

care and voluntary sector professionals to be involved throughout this process.

• Your contributions today will be analysed and will form part of our on going discussions.

• Our thoughts on next steps are not fully developed yet and by sharing your opinion you are helping us to redesign Hounslow’s local services.

• We are committed to developing services together with patients, the public and staff.

• We want to hear from you: get in touch by emailing [email protected]

• More events are planned for later this year

Thank you for coming today!


Email [email protected]