Welcome to Squadron Leadership School Presentation Design Modifications By Lt Colonel Fred Blundell TX-129 th Fort Worth Senior Squadron For Local Training Only Rev 5.0 15-Oct-2012

Welcome to Squadron Leadership School Presentation Design Modifications By Lt Colonel Fred Blundell TX-129 th Fort Worth Senior Squadron For Local Training

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Page 1: Welcome to Squadron Leadership School Presentation Design Modifications By Lt Colonel Fred Blundell TX-129 th Fort Worth Senior Squadron For Local Training

Welcome to Squadron Leadership School

Presentation Design Modifications By Lt Colonel Fred BlundellTX-129th Fort Worth Senior Squadron

For Local Training OnlyRev 5.0 15-Oct-2012

Page 2: Welcome to Squadron Leadership School Presentation Design Modifications By Lt Colonel Fred Blundell TX-129 th Fort Worth Senior Squadron For Local Training

Course Goal

“To prepare members to contribute at the squadron level.”



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Learning Blocks

1. Preliminaries

2. Volunteer Service2.1 Officership & The Public Trust2.2 Introduction to Professional Development

3. The Role of the Squadron and its Staff3.1 Squadrons: The Heart of CAP3.2 Squadron Staff Officers3.3 Individualized Training in Staff Specialties

4. Foundations for Leadership4.1 Introduction to Leadership4.2 The Staff Officer as Communicator4.3 Creative Thinking & Problem Solving

5. Closing: Critique & Graduation


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Ground Rules

How to Have a Great Seminar

Begin with an open mind.

Ask good questions.

Share your ideas and perspectives.

Stay positive and on track.

About this Facility:


Drinks & snacks


Special rules4

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Let’s get acquainted

What’s your name?

Where are you from?

What do you do for work?

What do you like best about CAP?


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Officership & The Public Trust

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“When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property.” - Jefferson


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Define the concepts of “accountability,” “public trust,” & “officership.”

Explain why public organizations are held to high ethical standards.

Describe basic responsibilities of staff officers.

Describe moral concepts embedded in each Core Value; apply your understanding to a case study

Describe how to develop positive attitudes toward accountability. 8

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Key Concepts

What do these concepts mean to you?



Public Trust9

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Key Concepts

Officership: A blend of leadership, management, and professionalism (Gen. Bennie Davis)

Accountability: Everyone is expected to be able to justify their actions

Public Trust: The duty to respect the true source of democratic power, the people and the overall community


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Public Organizations

Why are public organizations held to high standards of ethics?


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Public Organizations

Why are public organizations held to high standards of ethics?

Owned by America


Humanitarian missions have life and death implications

Special trust in working with youth

Affiliation with USAF

Claim to be benevolent


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Basic responsibilities of staff officers

What are some basic responsibilities all staff officers

hold in common?


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Basic responsibilities of staff officers

What are some basic responsibilities all staff officers hold in common?

Follow the Core Values

Stay safe & promote safety

Follow CAP policies in fact and spirit

Be a good steward of CAP money and property

Model a positive attitude

Mentor, coach, & correct new members


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Core Values Project

Premise: Each Core Value is really a form of shorthand for many other values.


1. Provide a well-rounded, multi-faceted definition for your assigned Core Value by identifying at least 4 moral concepts embedded in the Value.

2. Identify 4 practical ways a squadron staff officer can demonstrate your assigned Core Value.


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Core Values: Integrity First

Honesty: the habit of telling the truth

Moral Courage: the willingness to do what is right, even if it’s not easy

Responsibility: acknowledge your duty and take responsibility for success or failure

Openness: being transparent in your motives and actions

Honor: Showing integrity in and out of uniform; integrity is not something that can be turned “on” or “off.”

Analysis of the Core Values is based on USAF Doctrine Document 1-1


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Core Values: Volunteer Service

Altruism: when your actions stem from a desire to help others; the difference between “giving” and “taking”

Selflessness: seeing “service” as the act of putting someone else’s needs ahead of your own

Good Citizenship: making a contribution to the general welfare of the community

Fun: volunteerism takes effort, but it is not supposed to be a dreaded chore 17

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Core Values: Excellence in All We Do

Professional Development: participating in training programs and learning how to contribute more

Teamwork: working together and recognizing that teams accomplish more than individuals

Efficiency: recognizing that budgets and equipment are not limitless; making do with what we have

Big Picture Vision: knowing how your role affects the team and CAP as a whole; acting in a way that supports the overall mission 18

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Core Values: Respect

Loyalty: Supporting the leader; not trying to undercut their authority

Politeness & Tact: Treating others as you would want to be treated

Good Faith: Giving the other person the benefit of the doubt

Humility: Recognizing you are human; not boasting about rank or position

Tolerance: Recognizing individual rights and differences


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Case Study

How do the Core Values relate to this case?


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Promoting Accountability

How can squadron-level leaders promote accountability among squadron members?


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Promoting Accountability

How can squadron-level leaders promote accountability among squadron members?

Lead by example

Say thanks

Avoid favoritism

Integrate the Core Values

Promote professional development

Show you support your leaders’ efforts

Don’t make ours a “one mistake” CAP

Correct members’ mistakes


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Final Thoughts

“Nobody can acquire honor by doing what is wrong.” - Jefferson

Accountability makes us stronger.


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Introduction to Professional Development

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“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has!” - MARGARET MEADE


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Justify the need for CAP volunteers to participate in professional development activities.

Outline the anatomy of the CAP Professional Development Program.

Describe CAP’s leadership development model.

Identify the steps involved in maintaining your personnel record & requesting awards & promotions.

Identify your next step in the CAP Professional Development Program.


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What is “professional development”?

The continual process of learning and keeping up to date in a given specialty

The process of increasing knowledge and skills

through seminars, hands-on training, self-

guided reading, or mentoring

A personally-initiated obligation to build

discipline expertise, foster personal growth,

and advance organizational development

Professional Development


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Benefits of professional development

Develop leadership skills for CAP and for


Increase their ability to serve in CAP

Engage in fellowship and make friends

Share their learning with others Earn


Qualify for promotions

Professional development programs enable CAP volunteers to:


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Anatomy of the PD Program


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CAP Model





Professional Development Levels



People Team

Leadership Development Model


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Special Opportunities

Training Leaders of Cadets

Unit Commander’s Course

National Emergency Services Academy

Read to Lead

Wing, Region & National Conferences

AF Institute for Advanced Distributed Learning

National Cadet Special Activities


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Important Forms Recording Your PD Accomplishments:

CAPF 45 & CAPF 45BMaster Record

CAPF 24Request for PD Awards

CAPF 2Request for Promotion

E-ServicesOnline Database


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Your Next Step in PD

Continue in Level II:

Technician Rating - any specialty

Serve as a squadron staff officer

CAP Officer Course (AFIADL-13)

Then Begin Level III:

Corporate Learning Course

Prepare for command or wing staff service


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Closing Thought

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”


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Squadrons: The Heart of CAP

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AF Bases

CAP Units

Hometowns Across America


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Defend the idea that the squadron is the “heart” of CAP.

Explain how the squadron fits within CAP’s overall organizational structure

Describe the role of the following, as they relate to the squadron:

Wing HeadquartersNational HeadquartersCAP-USAF

Describe stories of successful squadron programs


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The Three Main Types of Squadrons

CadetMinimum 3 seniorsMinimum 15 total


CompositeMinimum 3 seniorsMinimum 15 total

members2 deputy


SeniorMinimum 15


Advantages:Focus on cadet

missionSmaller staff needed

Advantages:Focus on all missions

Something for everyone

Advantages:Focus on ES or AE

Smaller staff needed


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Organizational Structure

What does CAP’s overall organizational structure look like?

Which echelons go where?

How are they connected?


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Board ofGovernors

CAP National Headquarters

National CommanderNEC / National Board

Headquarters, Air Education and Training



Air University



Region Liaison Offices CAP Regions

CAP Wings

CAP Groups

CAP Squadrons

State Directors

Secretary of the Air Force AFAB

Squadrons: Last But Not Least


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The Squadron / Wing Partnership

Participation in training activities

Maintain mission readiness

Support wing goals

Meet regulatory & accountability requirements

Develop a good reputation for CAP within the community

Provide training & lend squadrons staff expertise

Coordinate state-wide programs & manage key assets

Host special activities and events

Process financial & admin actions in a timely manner

Represent squadron interests to senior leaders

How Squadrons Help the Wing

How the Wing Helps Squadrons


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The Squadron / NHQ Partnership

Perform the missions of CAP

Recruit & retain members

Quick processing of awards, paperwork

Friendly customer service & staff expertise

Manage CAP-wide programs and publications

Represent members’ interests to the Air Force, the Congress, and other organizations

How Squadrons Help NHQ

How NHQ Helps Squadrons


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The Squadron / CAP-USAF Partnership

Perform the missions of CAP

Recruit & retain members

Represent the Air Force in hundreds of communities across America

Other Possibilities:

Partner with local Air Force or Air National Guard units.

Partner with local Air Force recruiters

Program leadership & oversight

Reserve Assistance Program (CAP-RAP)


Liaison with local military units & federal agencies

Connect us to AF & DoD headquarters

How Squadrons Help the Air Force

How the CAP-USAF Helps Squadrons


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Success Stories

How has your squadron been successful?

Why was your team able to succeed in that area?


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Final Thought

CAP could function without a National Hq

CAP could function without regions

CAP could function without wings

CAP could function without groups

But CAP could not succeed without squadrons because that is where CAP accomplishes its mission!


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Squadron Staff Officers

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Does JFK have a good staff?

THIRTEEN DAYS © 2000 New Line Cinema47

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Thirteen Days

Positive Attributes of JFK’s Staff:

Technical expertise is a given

Presented the issue to the President; did not act on their own

Staff had talked-through the issue together; no one group locked-out another group

Staff had coordinated details of both options before seeing JFK

Staff did not simply state a problem, but offered JFK potential solutions

Staff spoke in clear, frank words; did not hide behind language


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Discuss the advantages and

challenges associated with using a

military-style organizational structure.

Describe basic attributes commanders

want to see all staff officers


Diagram the anatomy of a squadron

staff; list basic duties, programs, and

regulations affecting each position.

Describe steps staff officers can take

on their own to learn more about their

job. 49

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Advantages & challenges of our hierarchy

Clear chain of command

Staff can specialize in one or two areas

Allows for a clear division of labor (in theory)

Shows our Air Force affiliation

Helps the commander monitor and allocate resources

Easy to tell where you need to go for help

Shows “who does what to who” and how your job fits in

Provides structure, logic, order, predictability


ChallengesNot very democratic

Cross-staff communications & coordination can be a burden

Potential turf battles

Potential “not my department” excuses

“Wide” trees need lots of staff & have span of control issues

“Tall” trees can be slow to act

Bureaucracy tends to create more bureaucracy 50

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Commanders & Staff Officers

What do commanders expect from staff officers?

What should the staff be doing in service to the commander’s leadership and decision-making process?


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What Commanders Want from Staff Officers

1. Know your job

2. Do your job

3. Be a responsible volunteer

4. Don’t surprise the commander

5. Follow the “commander’s intent”

6. Make decisions on your own

7. Play well with others

8. Suggest solutions

9. Find and mentor your replacement.

10. Have fun52

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Anatomy of a Squadron

GROUP PROJECT: Create a squadron organization chart. For each “box” on your chart, include the following:

1. Name of Position

2. Summary of Duties

3. Key Activities, Events, Programs

4. Key Deadlines / Suspenses

5. Key Regulations

6. Note other staff positions that are closely related


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Help for Staff Officers

As a staff officer, what avenues are available to you for learning about your staff position?

Where can you go for help?


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10 Ways to Get Help With a Staff Job

You are not alone. Help is available to staff officers:

1. Read your regulation

2. See if your predecessor left a “continuity book”

3. Use your Specialty Track Study Guide

4. Review the Subordinate Unit Inspection Guide

5. Ask your commander to assign you a mentor

6. Ask your wing staff counterpart to share their expertise

7. Partner with a neighboring squadron

8. Get input from CAP-USAF Reservists

9. Use the CAP Knowledgebase


10. Browse your section’s web pages at cap.gov


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Final Thought

Individual commitment to a group effort -

that is what makes a team work, a company

work, a society work, a civilization work.


Artwork: USPS


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Individualized Training

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This is your time to get answers to your questions.

This is your time for individualized training in your specialty.


Identify major policies & procedures of your specialty and 1 mission area.

Identify the major publications that guide your specialty.Acquire practical tips for succeeding in your specialty.


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Individualized Training

30 min Mission Areas (choose one)

Aerospace EdCadet Programs

Emergency Services

10 min Break

40 min Support Areas (choose one)

ie: Finance, Admin, etc.


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Make the most of your time

Work with your mentor to:

Examine your position description in-depth.

Take a guided tour of your regulation(s).

Discuss procedures for doing the job.

Take note of your reporting requirements.

Review training & supporting materials.

Ask for practical tips.

Ask questions!60

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Introduction to Leadership in CAP

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Is Coach Brooks a leader?


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Define “leadership” in your own words.

Identify qualities of leaders.

Defend the idea that “anyone can be a leader.”

Discuss leadership techniques suited for a volunteer organization like CAP. 63

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What does “leadership” mean to you?


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What leadership traits do you see?


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Who can be a leader?


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What does Lincoln teach CAP?


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Leadership can be defined in many ways, but ultimately it is a form of service.

Society expects leaders to be virtuous, and most of all, to lead by example.

You don’t have to be a commander to be a leader. Everyone can lead.

The best CAP leaders lead through persuasion, not by giving orders. 68

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The Staff Officer as Communicator

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The Great Communicator?

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

- Richard Nixon (attributed)


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The Great Communicator

“… we shall defend our island,

whatever the cost may be,

we shall fight on the beaches,

we shall fight on the landing

grounds, we shall fight on the

fields and in the streets, we

shall fight in the hills; we shall

never surrender…”

Winston Churchill


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Describe principles of effective and ineffective communications

Describe the seven steps in the Air Force’s communication process

Analyze a case study and explain how poor communication affected the mission

Explain the purpose and requirements of:- Letters of invitation and thanks- Award nominations- Official requests for support- Information or advocacy briefings- Introducing and thanking a speaker- Facilitating a meeting

Create checklists for successfully using the media listed above


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Characteristics of Good Communications

What are some characteristics of effective communication?


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Characteristics of Good Communications







Appropriate for audience

Reasoned and unemotional










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Characteristics of Good Communications

What are some “mortal sins” that make communication ineffective?


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Mortal Sins of Communication




Full of assumptions


Grammatically incorrect

Inappropriate for audience











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Five Principles of Effective Communication








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Seven Steps for Effective Communication

Research your topic

Support your ideas

Organize and outline



Fight for feedback and get approval

What is involved in each step?

What is the correct sequence?

Analyze your purpose and audience


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Seven Steps for Effective Communication

1. Analyze your purpose and audience

2. Research your topic

3. Support your ideas

4. Organize and outline

5. Draft

6. Edit

7. Fight for feedback and get approval


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Case Study: Columbia


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Review Of Test Data Indicates Conservatism for Tile Penetration

• The existing SOFI on tile test data used to create Crater was reviewed along with STS-107 Southwest Research data– Crater overpredicted penetration of tile coating

significantly• Initial penetration to described by normal velocity

• Varies with volume/mass of projectile (e.g., 200ft/sec for 3cu. In)

• Significant energy is required for the softer SOFI particle to penetrate the relatively hard tile coating• Test results do show that it is possible at sufficient mass

and velocity• Conversely, once tile is penetrated SOFI can cause

significant damage Minor variations in total energy (above penetration level)

can cause significant tile damage

– Flight condition is significantly outside of test database• Volume of ramp is 1920cu in vs 3 cu in for test

This is a facsimile of a slide prepared by Boeing on 2/21/03 81

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Case Study: Columbia


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Common Communication Projects


A. Invitation letter

B. Thank you letter

C. Award nomination

D.Request for support


E. Oral briefing

F. Introducing a speaker

G.Thanking a speaker

H.Facilitating a meeting

Group Project:

1. When would you be tasked with such a project? Give 3

specific examples.

2. What information would you include, or what guidelines would you follow? Create a

c hecklist.

3. What pitfalls should you avoid? What are the “mortal sins” in this communication medium?

4. Present your findings to the class


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Letter of Invitation

Sample Occasions:

Come be a guest speaker

Come present a Mitchell Award

Come teach at our encampment




Get to the point. What do you want from me?

Cover obvious logistical issues

How does this relate to the “big picture”?

People support people, not programs

Coordinate with their staff

Promise to follow up by phone

Mortal Sins:

Sending the letter too late

Not following up

Spelling errors


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Thank You Letter

Sample Occasions:

Thanks for being a guest speaker

Thanks for your donation

Thanks for lending us a hand




Sincere; mention something memorable about their contribution

Signature: Your boss

Recipient: Their boss

Think you should send one? Then you need to!

Mortal Sins:

Sending the letter too late

Not sending one

Asking for another favor in the same letter


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Award Nomination

Sample Occasions:

Annual CAP awards

CAP Commander’s Commendations

College-bound cadets / letters of reference




Your relationship to the nominee; strength of your perspective

Factual and specific -- cite examples

Demonstrate they meet the minimum criteria

Don’t go over the top with praise

Mortal Sins:

Not presenting the nominee in a favorable light

Missing the deadline


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Request for Support

Sample Occasions:

Can we host a SAREX at the state park?

Will you let us tour your facility?

Do you want to start a program with us?


Get to the point

What exactly do you want from me?

Why do you need my help? Why me?

Who are you?

When and where do you need help?

Have you talked with my staff?

This is getting detailed, why didn’t you ask to meet me in person first?

What happens next?

Mortal Sins:

Sending the letter too late

Not following up

Spelling errors

Rambling on and on


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Oral Briefing

Sample Occasions:

Kicking-off a program or activity

Updating the boss on a program

Reviewing how a program went






Leave behind a brochure or report

Speak extemporaneously

Mortal Sins:

Taking more time than allotted

Fumbling with computers, visual aids

Not identifying the objective

Talking to the slides, vs. the people

Not including all stakeholders


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Introducing a Speaker

Sample Occasions:

Guest speaker

Visiting dignitary

Award presenter


Who are they?

What is their title or position?

What’s their connection to CAP or this program? Why are they speaking?

Be brief

Shake hands

Call for applause

Before taking the stage: Ensure the speaker is comfortable and knows how the event will proceed, what to expect

Mortal Sins:

Getting the name wrong

Inappropriate humor

Stealing their thunder

Droning on forever


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Verbally Thanking a Speaker

Sample Occasions:

Guest speaker

Visiting dignitary

Award presenter



Mention why the speaker’s content will be memorable or useful

Quote or paraphrase a small part of the speech

Shake hands

Call for applause

Mortal Sins:

Forgetting to say thanks

Not calling for applause

Being absent or asleep during the speech


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Facilitating a Meeting

Sample Occasions:

Staff meeting

Leading a special project


Start on time

Outline the agenda and stick to it

Manage the conversation; allow everyone to participate

Keep the group on track

Summarize findings or decisions before moving on or concluding

Have someone take notes

Ask open-ended questions

End on time

Mortal Sins:

Being disorganized

Running long without full consensus

Dominating the discussion


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Position Paper

Position papers are

short, well-reasoned

documents where you

take a stand on an

issue and ask the

commander to act.

-- See handout.

TONGUE & QUILL: Your source for practical tips and guidelines on staff communications 92

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Final Thought

Great communicators are leaders who

“mobilize the English language

and send it into battle.”


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Creative Thinking & Problem Solving

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Opening Thought: Emerson

“Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”


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Explain what “creative thinking” is in your own words.

Describe at least one problem-solving method; apply the method to a squadron-level leadership challenge.

Justify why a team approach to problem solving is effective.

Discuss 4 common mistakes in problem-solving and explain how you can avoid them. 96

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What is creative thinking?


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What is creative thinking?

Seeing ideas or objects in a new context

Grabbing hold of the thread connecting two concepts

Overcoming how we are constrained by culture, tradition, or circumstance

Contempt for the “we’ve always done it that way” attitude

“Excellence in all we do”


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Who is smarter: me or us?


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Problem-Solving Process

What is the right sequence?

A. Evaluate the options against the criteria.

B. Assess the risks and liabilities.

C. Define the problem and the criteria for a solution.

D. Identify your options.

E. Identify and select the best alternative within the resources available.

F. Assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and benefits.

G.Compare the alternatives.100

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Problem-Solving Process

1. Define the problem and the criteria for a solution.

2. Identify your options.

3. Evaluate the options against the criteria.

4. Assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and benefits.

5. Assess the risks and liabilities.

6. Compare the alternatives.

7. Identify and select the best alternative within the resources available.

A3, B5, C1, D2, E7, F4, G6101

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Six Common Blunders

1. Not admitting mistakes


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Six Common Blunders

2. Valuing credentials more than ideas or capabilities


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Six Common Blunders

3. Groupthink

When people seek unanimous agreement in spite of facts pointing toward another conclusion. (Irving Janis)


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Six Common Blunders

4. Being too objective or too emotional

Aristotle’s golden mean


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Six Common Blunders

5. Succumbing to a false dilemma


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Six Common Blunders

6. Following a false consensus

“The Road to Abilene”


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A. Our squadron coffers are nearly empty.

B. Very few people in our town know about CAP.

C. Attendance at squadron meetings is sporadic.

D. In 6 months, our commander will be moving out of state.

E. If we do not fly more, our airplane will be taken away.

F. We recruited 5 new seniors and now we need to keep them active.


Work individually or with a partner.

Choose a scenario.

Recommend a solution.

Show how your thinking follows the problem-solving process.


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Final Thought

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”