Welcome to State of Michigan Time & Expense Processing Employee Expense Modification Employee Expense Modification (No Advance) (No Advance) Tutorial Brought to you by the Office of Financial Management

Welcome to State of Michigan Time & Expense Processing Employee Expense Modification (No Advance) Tutorial Brought to you by the Office of Financial Management

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Welcome to State of Michigan

Time & Expense Processing Employee Expense Modification Employee Expense Modification

(No Advance)(No Advance)Tutorial

Brought to you by the Office of Financial Management

Page 2: Welcome to State of Michigan Time & Expense Processing Employee Expense Modification (No Advance) Tutorial Brought to you by the Office of Financial Management

Expense Modification – No Advance

• This tutorial will illustrate the web process that will allow users to modify expense requests that have been submitted for approval

• A modification will create a new expense version number.

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Reasons you may need to modify a submitted expense request include:

Adding a forgotten expense

Changing the amount of an expense

Deleting an expense line

Changing an expense type

Adding a comment to a line

Employee Expense Modification

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The day after the employee submitted his expense request, he found parking fee receipts that he incurred on his trip. The parking fees totaled $21 (3 days at $7 per day). The expense request will be updated to reflect a total reimbursement amount of $324.19 that is due.

Employee Expense Modification Scenario

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After log-in the Home Page will display.

Home Page

For employee entry, select ‘Employee’ then ‘Expenses’. The Expense List Page will display.

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Expense List Page

Notice the Last Action status is SUBM. This expense request can be modified.

Click on the ‘Expense ID’ to view the request.

A list of expenses will be displayed on this page. The list can be viewed by Type selected.

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A modification is initiated from the ‘ID’ tab.

Click ‘Modify’.

Modify Expense – ID Tab

Note: Expense Versions begin at zero and increment each time a modification is submitted.

Note: The Expense fields are currently in non edit mode. Once the ‘Modify’ button is clicked, all the fields in all the tabs become editable.

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Modify Expense – ID Tab Continued

Note: The Save button is now activated and you must save the data on the ID tab first. If you click on a different tab without clicking ‘Save’ you will receive a popup asking if you wish to save.

Click ‘Save’.

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Modify Expense – ID Tab Continued

A new Version is created.

Click on the ’Expenses’ tab to continue the modification.

Note: You can navigate between different versions of the expense record using the scroll arrows.

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Modify Expense – Expenses Tab

Expense Summary displays the current expense details for this request.

Expense Details displays blank fields ready for additional data input.

‘Add’ will clear all fields so that a new expense line item can be added with new data.

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LANSING Michigan BENTON H Michigan03/23/2010, 03/

Modify Expense – Expenses Tab Continued

From – Enter city where the trip started (traveler’s work location). This can be typed in or selected using the drop down arrow.

To – Enter the destination city. This can be typed in or selected using the drop down arrow.

Enter the Parking Fees: For Date – use recurring dates 3/23 – 3/25.

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7:00 11:59

Modify Expense – Expenses Tab Continued

Departure – Enter the time of day you left for the trip, or select from the dropdown list. Leave AM.

Return – Enter the time of day you returned on this day. If overnight, enter 11:59. Leave PM.

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For Reimbursement amount, enter the amount from the receipt for the expense.

Parking Lot Fee

N/AOnce data entry is complete click ‘Apply’.

Modify Expense – Expenses Tab Continued


For Expense Type select from the dropdown. (Tax Treatment)

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Note: The multiple dates entered for parking created three lines, one for each day.

Click ‘Save’.

Modify Expense – Expenses Tab Continued

Total expenses now displays the modified amount after adding parking fees.

Note: you will have to select the 2nd & 3rd parking lines separately and change the Departure time to 12:00 AM. Day 3 the Return time is the actual time you returned.

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The Expense modification was successfully saved.

Click on the ‘Coding Block’ tab to view updates.

Modify Expense – Expenses Tab Continued

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Modify Expense – Coding Block Tab

Click on the ‘Summary’ tab to view any updates.

Expense Summary now displays detail lines for parking fees.

Note: The three lines entered for parking will be charged 100% to standard (Std) coding block.

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Modify Expense – Summary Tab

Total displays updated amounts after the expense modification.

Summary by Category displays expense items by expense types. Parking Fees are categorized as “IN-STATE NON-TAXABLE OTHER”.

Summary by Coding Block displays coding block assigned to expense items. This example charged all items to standard coding block.

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Once the summary has been reviewed users can print the summary or details. Click the ‘Submit’ button to submit the modification for approval.

Modify Expense – Summary Tab Continued

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Modify Expense – Summary Tab Continued

Added Parking Fees 3/23 – 3/25

Enter an appropriate comment for the reason the modification was done. Click ‘OK’.


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The modification has been submitted.

Modify Expense – Summary Tab Continued

Note: Check for errors.

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Approval ProcessOnce the Expense has been modified and re-submitted, it will enter the approval path appropriate for your agency and the Action code will still be SUBM. An email may be sent to the first level approver to inform them of the needed action.

As long as the expense request is in SUBM status it can be modified by the initiator or the first level approver. As it goes through the approval process the Last Action will change until it has been completely approved.

Expense Adjustments: Once the Expense reaches PROC status, users with appropriate security (those with EXP ADJ role) can still change the expense request if further corrections are needed. The process is similar to modification, but is called an adjustment because the incremental dollar impact will process in a subsequent payroll cycle.

To view the Action code and History of the expense request click on the History tab:

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Modified Expense – History Tab

Version shows the number of times the expense request was modified after being submitted the first time.

Action Code shows the action that was done. Click title for list of values.

Comments will show additional information about the action.

Action Taken By is the userid that performed the action.

Action Date is the date and time the listed action was done.

’Previous Page’ will return user back to the ‘Expense List Page’Note: Status: Contains the approvals that still

remain for the expense to be paid.

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Expense List Page

The modified expense now displays on the ‘Expense List Page’ with the same Expense ID. Last Action will also list appropriate Action Codes.

Revision Number will display most current version.

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History Tab – Payroll Cycle Processing Inquiry

Note: Status: “Processed” indicates that the expense has been completely approved and processed.

The History tab looks like this after the expense has been fully processed by HRMN.

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Earnings Statement

Note: The Travel Expense reimbursement was processed and paid for the above Payment Date. The Earnings Statement includes parking fees added in Version 1 and the original expenses from Version 0. The Description will list expenses by category.

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Where To Get Help

Users with questions or needing help should call the OFM Help Desk at:


1-800-856-6246 (not local)

At the welcome message press “8” then press “3” for HRMN Payroll/DCDS.

We would like to hear from you! Please click the button to provide your comments or suggestions about this tutorial.

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