Released under the Official Information Act 1982

Welcome to The Ministry of Defence | Ministry of Defence Website … · 2019. 8. 20. · Thales Bushmaster Released under the Official Information Act 1982. Explosive Ordnance Disposal

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  • Released under the Official Information Act 1982



    Defence Led


    Released under the Official Information Act 1982

  • Defence Capability Change Action Plan

    …Building a Contemporary Defence Capability Management System Together

    Released under the Official Information Act 1982

  • The Capability Management SystemReleased under the Official Information Act 1982

  • Capability Management Framework OnlineReleased under the Official Information Act 1982

  • Matrix





    Land Mobility Capability Challenge




    Today Sub Portfolio Vision

    Consolidated Logistics Project (CLP)Protected Mobility Capability Project (PMCP)Garrison and Training Support (GATS) VehiclesMedium Heavy Operational Vehicles (MHOV)

    Released under the Official Information Act 1982

  • 7

    Consolidated Logistics Project Released under the Official Information Act 1982

  • Protected Mobility Current CapabilityReleased under the Official Information Act 1982

  • Protected mobility vehicles that will provide ground forces with a mix of mobility, survivability, firepower, carrying capacity and surveillance and communications across different threat environments.


    Carriage Capacity

    Protected Mobility Capability Released under the Official Information Act 1982

  • Special Operations Vehicles Supacat High Mobility Transporter (HMT) –

    Extenda (6x6)The HMT Extenda can be supplied with a mine blast and ballistic protection kit and can be fitted with a variety of mission hampers, weapons, communications, ISTAR and force protection equipment to suit a wide range of operational roles.

    Picture of a representative production model similar to that procured for NZSOV

    Thales Bushmaster

    Released under the Official Information Act 1982

  • Explosive Ordnance Disposal Released under the Official Information Act 1982

  • “Informing situational awareness to aid critical decision making and reduce operational risk”

    The goal of the Network Enabled Army Programme is to provide better support to deployed land forces by improving command and control systems, communications and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance sensor systems. Transmitting real time information across large distances and over challenging terrain the network will link leaders and soldiers with their systems, joint forces and partners. This connectivity will provide a clear and current picture of the dispositions of people and assets which will in turn enable better planning and decision making; which will help keep people safe.

    Network Enabled Army

    Released under the Official Information Act 1982

  • Network Enabled ArmyReleased under the Official Information Act 1982

  • Network Enabled ArmyReleased under the Official Information Act 1982

  • Modular Assault Rifle System - LightReleased under the Official Information Act 1982

  • Organic Fire Support Capabilities

    81mm Mortar Upgrade Project

    The goal of the project is to equip NZ Army with a mortar system that enhances current medium mortar capability’s operational effectiveness, including lethality, and addresses identified capability gaps

    Released under the Official Information Act 1982

  • Garrison and Training Support Vehicles

    The purpose of this project is to deliver a range of wheeled vehicles and wheeled equipment that supports future NZDF ground based garrison and training support.

    Released under the Official Information Act 1982



    Colonel Richard Weston, Director Capability Working Groups (Capability Branch)


    Released under the Official Information Act 1982


    Key Focus Areas

    • Night Vision Equipment

    • Soldier Modernisation

    • Distribution and Modules

    • Joint Fires and Effects

    • Urban Operations

    • Simulation and Mission Command

    • Commercial Initiatives


    Released under the Official Information Act 1982


    Night Vision Equipment

    A Rolling Capability Refresh programme:

    • intended to sustain credible night-fighting capability,

    • funded per annum and delivered in annual tranches,

    • provisioning pan-NZDF outputs including SOF.

    Challenges include:

    • maintaining appropriate, but affordable, interoperable capability

    • synchronising the NVE refresh rate with technology improvement rates,

    • streamlining the surveillance target acquisition and night observation (STANO) inventory,

    • closing the industry/practitioner knowledge gap.


    Released under the Official Information Act 1982


    Soldier Modernisation & SPPE

    A Rolling Capability Refresh programme:

    • intended to sustain credible protection, mobility and sustainability requirements of the individual soldier in an expeditionary or coalition context,

    • funded per annum to systematically refresh current capabilities,

    • includes ballistic protection, does not include weapons, communications or STANO.

    Challenges include:

    • maintaining interoperability standards across alliances,

    • actively managing size, weight and power complexity,

    • integrating sub-systems capabilities as well as integrating with other land combat systems,

    • closing the industry/practitioner knowledge gap,

    • allowing industry to provide integrated solutions rather than discrete items of equipment.


    Released under the Official Information Act 1982


    Distribution and Modules

    The Land distribution enablers capability is made up of multiple fleets of various equipment namely:

    • MHE, CSS Modules and trailers.

    • DAG project is focused on procuring equipment that is intended to “Equip the Force” for operations.


    Released under the Official Information Act 1982


    Joint Fires and Effects

    • Replacement Fire Control System

    • Multi Option Fuse Artillery and Portable Inductive Fuse Setter


    • JTAC Digitally Aided Close Air Support (CAS) Solution (with NEA)

    • Target Registration Sight

    Released under the Official Information Act 1982


    Urban Operations Refresh


    Open tender project fm FY 19/20

    Key refresh areas

    • Training Systems

    • Tactical Systems

    • Infrastructure upgrades

    Released under the Official Information Act 1982


    Mission Command and Simulation

    • Mission Command

    • Decentralised simulation

    • Priorities and Future focused areas:• Weapons

    • Driver and equipment.

    • Operational analysis.

    • Training environment.

    • All Arms Counter Explosives Training.


    Released under the Official Information Act 1982


    Commercial Initiatives

    • Exploring syndicated/AoG agreements across a number of enabling capabilities (trailers, generators, …..)

    • Simplify the requirements system – benefits the tenders process on non-complex projects i.e. non-platform

    • Early engagement with industry• Helping to define our requirements

    • What does the market have

    • Listening to industry rather than talking at you

    • NZDF Strategic Partners: Understanding them and exploring alignment for TLS should be considered


    Released under the Official Information Act 1982



    • Non developmental

    • Interoperable

    • Whole of Life Cost approach

    • Sustainable


    Released under the Official Information Act 1982