West Africa 7 th Grade World History

West Africa

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West Africa. 7 th Grade World History. Quiz Ch. 12. Name the Five Pillars of Islam and describe them (2 pts per pillar) 1. S 2. S 3. Z 4. S 5. H Matching: 6. founder of Islam, originally a merchant a ) Mecca 7. where Muhammad was born b ) Qur’an - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: West Africa

West Africa

7th Grade World History

Page 2: West Africa

Quiz Ch. 12

Name the Five Pillars of Islam and describe them (2 pts per pillar)1. S2. S3. Z4. S5. H Matching:6. founder of Islam, originally a merchant a) Mecca7. where Muhammad was born b) Qur’an8. holy book of Islam c) Sunnah9. record of Muhammad’s actions d) Muhammad

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Check Answers:1. Shahadah: declaration of faith2. Salat: pray 5 times a day facing Mecca3. Zakat: almsgiving to the poor4. Sawm: fasting for a whole month (Ramadan)5. Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca Matching:6. D7. A8. B9. C

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Africa Notes:• 1. What is a griot?• 2. Who was Sundiata?• 3. What happens during silent bartering?Why was this helpful/not helpful?• 4. What were some of the items traded?

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Ghana, Mali, Songhai

Three Kingdoms of Western Africa

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Regions Of West Africa• The region farthest north is

the Sahara Desert. • South of the Sahara is a

region called the Sahel. (this is much like a desert, but with more grasses)

• Below the Sahel is the savanna, a large grassland.

• South of the savanna is the rainforest region.

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The Sahara Desert

Salt was mined in the deserts of the Sahara.

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What is a Griot?A griot was a storyteller.

Most of Mali’s history was told as stories. Griots often told stories using music and dance.

The instrument that a griot plays is called a KORA. He strums the strings like a guitar.

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I am a griot.

I am a teller of stories, and a singer of songs.

I am the keeper of memories and laws.

I am the teacher of kings and children.

I hold the whole story of my country in my head and in my heart. I want to share it with you!

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Funga Alafia

• Funga Alafia, Ashay Ashay (4x)-My thoughts welcome you-My words welcome you-My heart welcomes you-I have nothing hidden from you (up my sleeve)(Peace.)

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Stories about the MansaA king was called a MANSA.

The mansas became rich and powerful kings. They collected taxes from the citizens of their empire.

Sundiata, better known as the “Lion King,” saved Mali and brought back peace. Under his rule, Mali became rich.

Mansa Musa, another great king, helped Mali grow in size. He was known as, “the King of Africa.”

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This story:

• 3 min. • The Lion King and the story of Sundiata (see

weebly for another link)

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Silent Bartering (Ghana)• Silent bartering:-Leave the trading item, beat the drum-2nd person comes and leaves an item to trade, beats the drum-1st person returns and looks if it’s a fair trade; leaves more items or

takes the item, beats the drum and leaves-process repeats, leaving items, beating the drum, until an agreement

is reached.

• tax to Ghana• What did they trade?: kola nuts, salt, slaves, gold

NEED: 2 volunteers, drum, Ghana King

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Extra Info:

• Check out the following slides for more info on Mali and Timbuktu!

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The Niger River

• The Niger River runs through the Empire of Mali, and brings water for drinking.

• The Niger River also gave farmers plenty of good soil called, SILT, in which to grow their crops.

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Architecture in Mali

Buildings were created from sun dried mud made from sand.

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Camels Camels were Mali’s treasures.

They helped make Mali rich, because they carried the GRAND cargo.

Camels preparing to make their slow, steady way across the Sahara loaded down with goods on their way to the great markets.

Camels carrying Mali’s finest treasures.

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A camel caravanA caravan is a group of camels that travel together carrying

goods.They were often traveling to trade centers.

Camels were the trucks and trains of Mali often bringing goods from far away lands to trade. However, camels were well adapted for life in the desert. They have special eyes and feet, and they can drink lots of water at a time!

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A Mud Cloth

Each piece of mud cloth tells a story. No two pieces are alike and each pattern or color combination has a meaning. The symbols used, their color and shape, as well as the arrangement reveal the secrets of the story.

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More Mud Cloths

Adding the symbols to the cloth.A completed “mud cloth”

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SaltSalt was mined in the Sahara.

The slabs were loaded onto camels and sent to trading centers.

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Miners mining salt.

These are slabs of salt ready to be exported by camels to a trading center.

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Trading Routes in Mali

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Mali citizens on their way to the markets in Timbuktu to trade their goods.

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Trading in Timbuktu

Malians trade their goods at the markets.

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The people of Mali were “Muslims” and followed the ways of ISLAM, their religion. The worshipped at temples called “mosques.”

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Mansa Musa, a famous king, took the Islam religion very seriously. One thing they wanted every Muslim to do was to journey to Mecca once in his or her lifetime. Mecca is a holy city in Saudi Arabia. The journey, called a hajj, was a trip that was more than 3,000 miles from Mali. Can you imagine riding a camel that far?