.,, .mo r iniigifi .uss!r" -- iWWiWiPt9BMBi ' ' '' wfTvY"1?-- 5y:ir yTcv"tr7"V'fi" t,r'w'?,'''w"T'y - Vi p - w :, '' - s v I toft JVQ W I W .,,. 11 W f! Voi,. HI ISO. 4013. HONOLULU, II. L. TUESDAY LOYEKINCL Jt'LV 0, 3S02. uaaoftT(dfi &wm.twnwtrAomwjtw TilB''DMLlBai.,i1hliri,'ii)CeiicS6ailllC0i -- is ftutt.isi in Evtry Aftoi'iioou Except Sundays At tin, Olliccs, Queen stieot, Honolulu 11. I. DANIEL LOQAfJ Keillor h Y.anagei KOUTIIK Daily Qullutin Publishing Company, (Limitod.) Daily Bui.i.hiin, 1 year 0 00 ' 0 months 'A 00 11 " per mouth (de- livered) 0 Wkkici.y Bui.li:tin Summauy, 1 your 34 00 foreign. 6 00 e llulli IV'lciilloiiCM Sn. SiSO. -- S ss nil business communica- tions "Manauku Daily IJui.i.ktin.- - tSSTAililrcss all matter for publioa-tlo- n "Kuitou Daily Uullkhn." I'. O. !ii ss. Ilouultilii. II. I. ALFRED MAQOON, if , Attorney at Law and Notary l'ublle. No. J'2 .Merchant street, Hono-uli- t. sohmidt & Sons, Hw. linpoitcis & Commission Mer- chants. Fort sticel, Honolulu. 01 IT IlACKFELD & OO , LJL. General Commission Agents. UorniT Fort and Queen streets, Hono- lulu, 11. 1. . 01 W MACFARLANE Ss CO., VJT Importers anil Commission Murehants. Queeu street, Honolulu, 11. I. 1-- 91 ONSAIiVES & OO., G r Wholesale Giocers and Wlno Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu, 11. 1. 01 JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer iu General Merchandise. Queeu street, Honolulu, II. I. WILDER & CO., In Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. & OOOKE L3WERS I and Dealers in Lum- ber and all kinds of Building Materials. Fort street, Honolulu. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Honolulu, i i H. I, Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings; Machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to Ship's Blacksmithiiig. Job Work ex- ecuted at short notice. 01 JNO. S. SMITHIES, Audioneer & General Business AGEN M MuliM ! II. Kollltlll. lluwuli. WINNER & CO., MANUFACTUHING AND importing Jewelers. 92 Fort Street Honolulu Atlas Assurance CDipny OK I.OXltDX. H. W. SCHMIDT &. SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. Uiiiir HtriM-t- . Honolulu, Excellent accommodation for patients. D. A. It. ItO WAT, V. S. Olllco Iloui'a 7:80 to 10 a. m.; 12;0 to 2 p in.; 1:!I0 to G p. m. Tklki'honkh: Bell Oil. Mutual 183. 1'. O. Box H2fi. 102tf NewCoHag&io Rent! bKSrJ I7UNK Cottage with I'arlor, Dlniug-X- 1 loom Hull, 4 I.aigo Bediooins, Bath, l'.uttiy. Kitchen and all modern !iuiovuiiioiit. lieietaula stieet-cai'- ri puss i ho door. Hem .?;!."). KS" For further Information apply to O. J. McOAUTHY, aim if 'Wi .Mciclmnt CKAS. 7. CULtCK, Notary Public fur the Island of Calm. Agent to Take Acknowledgment!, to La- bor CoiltllH'trt. Agenl to Giant Marrlagi! JJcenses, Ho- nolulu Oatiii. Agent for the Hawaiian Itdamlaof J'lltit Scott's Ki eight iv, laiccl Hxpieiis. Agentb for the BiiiJliigton Joute. Real Estate Broker & "flT.x Hell Tt'lo. Tele. 130. I. O. lloxliri. MaV" Ori'im:: No.aSMcrohiintbtii'et, Honolulu, Ouhu, 11, 1, jmi si Anstraliau Mail Seivice! FOIt MAX FltAXCIJSCO. The New nnd Fine Al Steel Steamship "fVIARIPOSA," Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be duo at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about July 28, 1892, And will leave for the above port with mails and passengers on or about that date, For Sydney and Auckland ! The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship "ALARflEDA," Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu from San Frauclsco pn or about July 29, 1892, And will have prompt dispatch with malls and passengers for the above ports. tay The undersigned aro now pre- pared to issue Through TicketR Irom this city to all points in the United States. tf For fuither particulars regarding Fi eight or Passage, apply to Wm. Q. IRWIN & CO- - L'd, 01 General Agents. ners Mm Go.'s TIME TAIJLE: ST MR. 'K1NAU: CLARKE, CommaniJr, Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock p.m., touching ut Laliuina, Maalaeu Bay and xMakena the same day; Mahu-kon- a, Kuwajliao and Laupahochoe the following day, arriving at Hilo at midnight. LEAVES HONOLULU. Friday, July 8th Tuesday, " likh Friday, " 29th Tuesday, Aug. 9th Fiiday,M ' lilth lteturning leaves Hilo, touching ut Laupahoehoo same day; Kawaihao a. m.; Muhukona 10 a. m. ; Alakena 1 p. m. ; Maalaca. Bay (5 p. m.; Luha-in- a 8 p. m. the following day; arriv- ing at Honolulu G a. m. Wednesdaya and Saturdays. AKKIVES AT HONOLULU. Wednesday, July Cth Saturday, " Kim Wednesday, " 27 th Satunlay, Aug. (Jth Wednesday " 17ih Satuulay, " 27lli 0)9 No Freiglit will bo received after 12 noon of day of sailing. STRIR. rCLAUDINE ' DAVIES, Commander, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at 5 o'clock p. m., touching at Kahu-lu- i, Huelo, Hanii, Hiunoa and Kipa-hul- u, Maui, and l'muihiiu, Hawaii, Buturiiing will arrive at Honolulu every Sunday morning. No Freight will hit rei'oivnil after ! p. m. on day of sailing. Consignees iniiBt ho at tho landings to receive their froight, as we will not hold ourselves responsible after such freight has heon landed. While tho Company will uso duo diligence in handling live stock, wo decline to any responsibility iu case of the loss of same, and will not bo responsible for money or jewelry unless placed in the caro of Pursers. W. O. WILDER, President. S. B. ROSE, Secretary. CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Supt. ThOS. LINDSAY, MANUFACTURING iJewulur .St WntolimiiUor. KUKUI JEWELKY a SPECIALTY. King St root, Honolulu, II. I. tST Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. Island Shells and Gurlos ! r IIOI.KSALK ami retail, cheap for T cash, at 101 Fort stieot, between Killers' diy gooilb ktore and Frank Geit.'s shoo store. 853 U 'J'. TANNATT. ai oppoBTOsnr At tho request of a number of our patrons, we have eonoluded to offer the eer vices of our artist, Mr,. "W. Y. Itow, as a practical instructor in Oil P.uinting and Wa- ter Coloring, free of charge. Mr. Itow has been in our employ for the past two years and we feel confident that, by prac- tical demonstration, he can teach his pupil just what he wants to know in the matter of handling -- colors, etc., without the tiresome course usually adopted, by instructors. For further particulars enquire at KING BROS., Hotel street. Pacific Mail Steaisi Go. -- AND TIIK Occidental & Oriental S, S, Go. For Yokohama & Hongkong. Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way to the above ports on or about the following dates : Stmr. "Gaelic" July 2. 1892 Stmr. "Oceanic" Aug. 23, 1892 Stmr. "China" " Oct. 3, 1892 Slmr. "Oceanic" Nov. t, 1892 Stmr. "China" Dec. 12, 1892 Stmr. "Ocoanic" Jan. 11, 1803 Stmr. "ohina" Feb 20,1893 Stmr. "Gaelic" April 11, 1b93 For San Francisco. Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way from Hongkong and Yokohama to the above port on or about the following dates: Stmr. "Oceanic".. .July 26, 1892 Jffi- - Kound Trip l'ickets to Yokohama and returu, S3J50. SST For freight and passage, apply to H. HACKFELD & CO., 207 tf Agents. Oceanic oiiMiiiiiiiili Hi).;; TIMK TA1IL.K: LOCAL LINE. S.S.AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu from S. F. for S. F. July 12 Inly l'J Aug!) Aug 10 Sept (! Sept 13 Oct 4 Oct 11 Nov I Nov 8 TIIUOOOU LINK. From San Francisco From Sydney for for Sydney. San Francisco. A ft ivc Honolulu euvc Honolulu. Alameda .July 2il Mariposa .July 28 Miiripoa. .Aug 2(S Moiunvai Aug 25 Monowai..yept 2.1 Alameda. Hup! 22 Alameda.. Oct 21 Mariposa ,()c t() Mariposa. .Nov 18 iMonowai ..Noi 17 FOR SALE OR LEASE, On mid after May lnt, 181)2, the No ami lu jpjfk Modern Itesldenco of tlie uuderlL'iied. On Thurston AVeuue, containing Large I'ar- lor, Olnlllg lCoom, Conservatory, Two Hcdiooms, Dressing Ituom with Station- ary Withstand mill Cedar Waidrobo, litithrooiii with 1'atcnt Closet and Hot and Cold Water attachment, I'.iutries, China Closet and Kitchen with New ltauge, Hot Water Holler unit nil attach- ments complete. Large nod convenient stable on the pieniises containing two huge box-Hall- s, carriage, harness and feed moms, ami seivunis' (MinNer?. Uiouilds iOx'.iOO, lieaiitUully laid out and loiince'd. The view is uiibuipasscd in Honolulu. For further particulars see W. O. AM1LKY, a8(i-- tf O. 11. & I,. Co.'s Depot. C. B. RIPLEY, akuihtkot. Okiick: Jtooiii 5, Hpreckels' ISloek. Mutual Telephone 2U8. New Dosigns I Modern Buildings ! Complete, plans ami Miecllicutluns for overy dcbcilption of building. Contiacts drawn and careful Hiiperlutemluucu of coustruetlpu given when leijuhed. Call uud oxauiiuo uluus. apr 2'J ly MAUI MCE THACK. Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Maui Racing Association. l.nrge tNiucuui'MO nl Niici'tnturH unit n I.lvrlj IIiij'h Hiirt. The annual horc races al Spreck-el- s' 1'ark, Kaliului, on July ltli, catno off id good style. Only two races out of fourteen lifted were scratched. There was n large at- tendance and good humor prevailed throughout the day. Tlu time made in the races was respectable, espec- ially in view of the fact that the track is only a half mile, circuit, be- sides being of a powdery soil hard to get or keep in first rate condition. AVilder's new iron steamer Clau-din- o loft Honolulu as adver- tised, with an excursion party for Kaliului, at (i p. in. on Sunday. Seventy cabin passengers and nearly half as many deck passengers em- barked. A detachment of ten play- ers of the Royal Hawaiian Baud was of the party, tendered by the Minis tcr of Foreign Affairs to give music for the races. With the band playing and the steamer dressed out in the full code, thodepaiture of the excur- sion made a gay and lively scene. Off Diamond Head the wind was bldwing fresh and the string of flags on the foremast carried away, but one end remaining fast Hie tl.igs were hauled on hoard again. Then a sail- or gave an exhibition of agility and nerve by climbing to the ball and reeving the halliards through it again, coming down with the free end in his teeth. Some of the passengsrs early sought their berths to hide the emo- tions awakened by Neptune's em- braces, and others stood out the pitching and rolling ol the ship, standing on the bridge and along the rails, until, shortly after sunset, a sharp rainstorm lufiVnone but the watch iu sight. ' Notwithstanding that many con- fessed and olheis did not need to confess to the iiriseiitH of an unac- customed sea passage, morning found all fairly capable for enjoying the day's pleasure as anchor was cast in Kaliului harbor. The steamer had called at Kaunukakai, Molokai,ul 12 o'clock for Hon. II. 1. Baldwin. Landing of the passengers was ef- fected in a moderate sea about six o'clock. Messrs. O. 1'. Wilder, A. F. Hopke, L. M. Vetlescn, C. II. Broad, I). Douglas and others look cure of a large number of the Hono- lulu visitors, giving them breakfast at their respective liou.es. Those who had only heard of Mams hospi- tality had actual experience of it now and will not soon forget it. The intervening time till the beginning of the races at 10 o'clock was spent in looking over the village and, by not a few, in a railway tup to Wailuku. As the time approached people could be seen pouring into the vil- lage from all directions, driving in all horts of vehicles and lidiug on every description of horse and mule. The'trains emptied many carloads of passengers, a large pioporliou of them decorated witli leis. When the bell rung for the first race there was a grand stand packed to the eaves, mid stoics of spectators were grouped iu tho adjacent giounds, with otliera bitting on the grass out- side the truck opposite, The baud struck up and the day's sport be- gan. The Hawaiian Quintet Club, which was alo iu atleiideneu ftom Honolulu, sprang the with startling elfecl on the unsuspecting Mutilans. Below is the program ot the ntcus witli the results noted : KIHST HACK. Spreckelsville Purse, $(!0. Hun-nin- g raci', half mile dusli. Free for all Hawaiian bnd hones. Kiilered: Amurino, b. c, II years, by W. II. C'ornwell ; Ivunhoc, Jr., br. g., aged, C. II. Broad. Queen L., I), in. ,!)) It. Bullentyiie, withdrawn. Ainariuo 1 Ivaulioe, Jr 2 Ainariuo hud the pole. The horsus were about even at the citiar-ter- ', but Amurino held a slight lead and won by a head. Time, o!) sec- onds. si:cond hack, Waikapu Purse, 880. Illuming race, : mile dash, ficu for all. En- tered: Lord Brock, c. c, U years, by V. 11. Cornwell. Joe Stacy, e. c, it years, by Luhuina Stables, withdrawn, iu consequence of which Loid Brock is awarded the race on running round the course. muni itACi:. Luhuina Purse, S 100. Trotting and pacing, mile licuts, best 2 iu !t to harness, for all horses not having a record of 2:!i0 or better. Kiitoicd: Luhuina Chief, b. h., aged, Luhuina Stable-- ; Lady Ventuie, hi. in., a d. J. V. Kerr; Ilex, roan g., Win. tJoodiH'ss. Liliuiiia Chief 1 La ly Ventu'c 2 Fir-.- t ileal, Lidy Venture li id llie pole. Lu'iainu Chief took nu uirly lead ami held it over Lilly Venture. Ilex was nowhere. Tiio vuiluiv-sOin- e Lilly hioke, but was discounted by Ilex, who parsed her on u tearing gallop, and both went under the wire iu that unceremonious way. Laliuina Chief won iu ft '2(5. The winner was driven by Jones, their owners driving the others respectively. Second heat. Luhuina Chief was behind on the word "go," but took the lead without spieial effort iu a few yards. Lady Venture broke badly while losing and ultimately was distanced. The Chief won in !:8. r.XTKA HACK. Match race tor a purse, amount not given out. Half-mil- e dash. Filtered: Little Dave, carrying 10." lb., 1). Center; Hongkong, lift lb., Sam Sing. Little Dave 1 Hongkong had the pole and at the outset got a distinct lead, but was closely chased by Little Dave, and passed by him on entering the home stretch, Little Davu winning by a length iu o" seoo"ds. lOLUTll uaoi:. Wailuku Purse, S100. Ilunuiug race, half mile and repeat, free to all Hawaiian bred horses. Knterud: Billy C., g. g., (J years, W. II. Corn-wel- l: Queen L , bl. in., ! years. II. iKMIciityne; Ivanhoe, Jr., br. g., aged, C. II. Broad. Billy C 1 Ivanhoe, Jr 2 First heat. Billy C. got the pole, and Ivanhoe second place. There was a good start and Billy C. got the lead, keeping it to the linisli, made two lengths ahead of Ivanhoe, Jr., iu oi seconds. Second heat. Ivanhoe was only able to give Billy C. a chase, and was chased by Queen L.,u length (be- tween eacli succeeding two at the quarter. These relative positions were maintained lo the Ia-,- t, when Billy C. won by a length and a half iu 51 seconds. Slocuui rode the winner; Fiank Jones, Ivanhoe; Cal. Leonard, Queen L. fifth itAcr.. " Kaliului Purse, S125. Running race, one mile dash, free for all. Ku-tere- d: Senator Stanford, g. li., 3 years, II. Focks; Ainariuo, W. II. Cornwell. Jon Stacy, by Luhuina Slablus, withdrawn. The Senator, ridden by Jim Crow, carried lb. over-weigh- t. Amurino i First place fell to the lot of Amu- rino, who after a good start was leading. After several iluctuatioiis Amurino came home one length ahead after a pretty race. Time, 1 : t'.I.L SIXTH U.V0K. liana Purse, $115. Trotting and pacing. Mile heats, best 2 in li, tj harness. For horses not having a record of i inin. or better. Declared off, on withdrawal of Bell llinger by Win. Goodness, leav- ing WuikiipuMuid and Minnie, both from W. II. Cornwell's ..tables, alone in the field. si:vi:stii iiaci:. Kula Purse, S.IO. Running race, mile dash, for ponies 1 Inlands and under, to cuiry 100 pounds. Kn-teie- Little Uuve, ch. g., aged, D. Center; Whistling Coon, rouu g., aged, W. L. Mossinun ; Flash, roan g., I years, C. 11. Broui. Little Dave Whistling Coon 2 Slocum rode Little Dave; Frank Jones, Flush, and a native boy, Whis tling coon. hud the pole, Little Dave second. Flash led olf but was speedily overtaken by Little Dave, three length-- , being between tliuni ut the quarter pole. Whistling Coon soon gained second place but could not get lirt. Little Dave won by three lengths. Time r seconds. i:i(iiiTii icaci:. Munu Cup, value SliO, or its equivalent in coin. Running race, mile dash, free for alt Iluwaiiau hied lioiscs, Holered: Senator Stan- ford, as above; Billy C,, as above; Yum Yum, g. in., .0 yeais, 11. e. Senator Stanford Viiiii Villi) 2 This was tun twice. Stanford, carrying flh. overweight, had lirsl place. Yum Yum led and guiued, being live lengths ahead of Stanford attlielhiid quarter. Stanford gave the gray inure a hot chase, however, iu the lust half. There were iwo lengths between each two succeeding i miners at the lininh. The judges ordeied the race run over again, be- cause Stanford's place was taken by Billy C. The second trial made a lino race. Yum Yum led all the way to near the homestretch. Billy C. was ahead of Stanford, but only a neck when the first liiilfuule ini nearly covered, and then Stanford streaked into second place. At the (Coiitiiiutd on 1th I'ugo.) Win. G. irwiii & ConipiiDj, if.mtTt.r.) ; on Mi ron salIs 2 -- 3JJ10 & lt, ' I'AuAFFINE I'AIM CO T. j COMPOUNDS and ROOFING, REED'S PAIENf Fslt Steam Pipe Covering, all si?ts.. FERTiLiZLSS : WOOL DUST, BONE MEAL, FISH GUANO ALSO BUOK. & OUIjANUT'S High Grade Chemical Cane Manure. GHASS SEEDS : COCKSFOOT, It YE OBASS And CLOVERS Refined Sugars, Fairbank Canning Go.'s Gornci' BeeF, 1 und 1 lb. tiui. SALMON IN BAKKEl.t-l-!- FlliE, LIFE AND MARINE I tfS UKANCE. Ha t.ord Fire Insurance Co., Assois, $6,219,458.98. London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Assets, $4,3 7,05 2. Thames & Mersoy Marine Ins. Co , (Limited, Assets, $6,124,057. New York Lifo Insurance Co., Assois, $125,947,290.81 C.O.JBEKGEIi, HONOLULU. General Agent for Hav.-aila- thiamin. fill. 11. IRII14 CO., (i.uiiri:i.) Win. (J. liwiu. . .President it Manager L'l.iiin npreckels Ylce-l- 'i evident W. ,M. Oitlaid...-.-- crutun & 'J'rcasuicr 'J li ).( Iu lei .' Auditoi MJUAIi FAOTOlta Commission Agents. AOKNTC OK T11K Owe Steaniilup Cdib'j, (11 Mini I rinii'lKi-n- , Cul, CASTLE & COOKE. Lite, Firo & Mariuc Insurance Agents 1 AOI1NT3 FOll Kew Haglaud Mutual Lire ins. Co., OK 11081 ON, Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, HMON Insuri-inc- e Gompan.7, OK SAN KIIANOISCO. OAI.IFOIINIA C. BREWER & CO., (M,iiiti:ij. General Morcantilo ANI CoramiGBiou Agentb. LIST OK OKFIOUtS: J. O. Cartel President it Manager ' ''''"urti-o- TieuMire. K. I' . ItlsllOII Si-i'- i nt.iri W. F. Allen Auditoi inti:cTOHs; Hon. O, H. Itlshop, s. O. Allen, 11. W'uU'i linu.se. l"yl For Moiildiiitf.s, Fniiiiow, PiislolH, ArloljpoH, I'holo-nivui'O- M, ICujJiins und uvurjlliiii in (Ihj lino of pioturoH, go (o Iviiitf Hros., Hotul Htroot, BY AUTHORITY. it) UViulors fur Purolmsu of Hawaiian Govern nioiit Bonds. Notice is hereby given that utuli i authority of Chapter S, Session Law- - of lSbS, "A n Act to give greater securi- ty to Dt'iiuiilursiii the Hawaiian IV-i.i- i Savings Hank,-- ' the n cral otl'oiK for of Coupon Uomlb of tho Hawaiian Government, bond- - lo be isiied in the dem initiation ol One TliotiHiuul Dollni-cac- h, ledei-mnbl- in not ler than Iim. years nor ninn than tweiiiy year-- , with interest at ci. per cent, per i, payable initially, princip 1 anil interest pjyuble in U. S. gol I coin, the houils to express on that they are issued as seour-i- j for the Postal Suiugs Hank l)epo-i- i Tenders toi the purchase of the whole oi any part of said bunds will be leivhcd at the ollieo of tho Uegi-i- i iii ol I'uhlio Accounts, Finance up to 1:2 o'clock on the 1st day of July, 1S112, llie I'ostmastei-Gonoi-.i- l does mil biiiil hiuirolf lo uccept any lendir, oi the whole of any tender. WALTEJt HILL, I'ostniiister-Geiieni- .. ' Hated May 2S, 1892. Approved : II. A. Wmn.MANN, Minister of Fiimudo, Sa.miji:i, l'AiiKnit, MiniMer of Foreign Aflun-- . C. N. Sl'KNCKll, Minister of Interior. W. A LSI IN WlUTINU, Attorney General. i:i: tf WATER KOTlGii. Ho.soi.i l.u, June 21, lb'Ji In uceoi dance with doe. 1 of Uh.ip-terXXV- of tho L.iWs or ISSIi. All persons holding water priviK-go-o- r those paying water rates, are heiu-b- y nolilied thai the water rales for the toiin ending Decembor .'II, lb'J2, will be duo and payable at the ollieo of the llonoluhi Water Works, on thu lirst day of July, 1SU2, All such rates rem. lining unpaid for fifteen days after they aio due, will be hiibject to un addiiioual 10 per cent. Itntci, aio payable at (ho ollk-- of the water woiks in tho ICupuaiw.i building. JOHN C. WHITE, Supt. Honolulu Wulor Works, 102 2:tt Sale of Leaso of tho Govornmot'i Lands lying botwoen Hanska- - piai and Kjlalau, Kauai. On THL'ILSDAY, July 7, 1S02, ,.i 12 iiVliick noon, at the front ciitiaue.-o- t Aluolani Hale will bo mjIiI at Pub- lic Auction the Lease ol all tla.tr rugged N.ip.ili Uegion, K.iu.ii, lyiiu between llunakapiai and Kul.il.iii, fiiiitaining heio and there a few uciu tit for cultivation or pasturage. Tornis Lease for 2fi years. Upsot price $20 per uniiiini, paya-abl- e seini-.uinuiill- y iu advance. C. N. SPKNOBIt, Minister of the Inteiior. Intel ioi Ollieo, June l.'l, 181)2. 115 It Sale ot a Strip of Government Land at Kalua, Hamakua, Hawaii. On WICDNL.SIMY, July li, 181)2. .it 12 o'clock noon, m the front oniraiu-.- i of Aliiolani ll.de will ho sold at Pub- - llie Auction a Strip of (Jovemiui in Laud at K'alua, lluiiialua, Hawaii, containing an men of 2.'1 uoref. .i lltllu more or loss. L'pfot pi ice :ilf)(). C. N. SPKNCKH, Minister of tho lutunoi. Interior Ollieo, J iino !(, 1602. J 88- -1 1 Irrigation Notice. Honolulu, 11. 1 Dec 2, 18U1. Hohleis of mil ci privileged, or those paying water rates, tue hereby noti-lie- d (hut (he hours fm using water for irrigation pin poses are from ti lo 8 o'clock a. .m., and I to 0 o'clock i m. until turthor notjee. JOHN 0. WHITK, Supt. Honolulu N uloi Woiks, Approved: 0, N. Sr&NOKK, MinUtor of tho luturioi, 281 tf

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11 W f!Voi,. HI ISO. 4013. HONOLULU, II. L. TUESDAY LOYEKINCL Jt'LV 0, 3S02. uaaoftT(dfi


TilB''DMLlBai.,i1hliri,'ii)CeiicS6ailllC0i-- is ftutt.isi in

Evtry Aftoi'iioou Except Sundays

At tin, Olliccs, Queen stieot, Honolulu11. I.

DANIEL LOQAfJ Keillor h Y.anagei


Daily Qullutin Publishing Company,(Limitod.)

Daily Bui.i.hiin, 1 year 0 00' 0 months 'A 0011 " per mouth (de-

livered) 0

Wkkici.y Bui.li:tin Summauy, 1

your 34 00

foreign. 6 00

e llulli IV'lciilloiiCM Sn. SiSO. -- S

ss nil business communica-tions "Manauku Daily IJui.i.ktin.- -

tSSTAililrcss all matter for publioa-tlo- n

"Kuitou Daily Uullkhn."I'. O. !ii ss. Ilouultilii. II. I.

ALFRED MAQOON,if , Attorney at Law and Notaryl'ublle. No. J'2 .Merchant street, Hono-uli- t.

sohmidt & Sons,Hw. linpoitcis & Commission Mer-chants. Fort sticel, Honolulu. 01

IT IlACKFELD & OO ,LJL. General Commission Agents.UorniT Fort and Queen streets, Hono-lulu, 11. 1. . 01

W MACFARLANE Ss CO.,VJT Importers anil CommissionMurehants. Queeu street, Honolulu,11. I. 1-- 91

ONSAIiVES & OO.,Gr Wholesale Giocers and WlnoMerchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu,11. 1. 01

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer iu General

Merchandise. Queeu street, Honolulu,II. I.

WILDER & CO.,In Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind. Corner Fort and Queenstreets, Honolulu.

& OOOKEL3WERSI and Dealers in Lum-

ber and all kinds of Building Materials.Fort street, Honolulu.


Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers,Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings;Machinery of every description made toorder. Particular attention paid toShip's Blacksmithiiig. Job Work ex-ecuted at short notice. 01


Audioneer & General Business


MuliM ! II. Kollltlll. lluwuli.


importing Jewelers.92 Fort Street Honolulu

Atlas Assurance CDipnyOK I.OXltDX.


Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

Uiiiir HtriM-t- . Honolulu,Excellent accommodation for patients.

D. A. It. ItO WAT, V. S.Olllco Iloui'a 7:80 to 10 a. m.; 12;0

to 2 p in.; 1:!I0 to G p. m.

Tklki'honkh: Bell Oil. Mutual 183.1'. O. Box H2fi. 102tf

NewCoHag&io Rent!


I7UNK Cottage with I'arlor, Dlniug-X- 1

loom Hull, 4 I.aigo Bediooins,Bath, l'.uttiy. Kitchen and all modern!iuiovuiiioiit. lieietaula stieet-cai'- ri

puss i ho door. Hem .?;!.").

KS" For further Information apply to

O. J. McOAUTHY,aim if 'Wi .Mciclmnt

CKAS. 7. CULtCK,Notary Public fur the Island of Calm.

Agent to Take Acknowledgment!, to La-bor CoiltllH'trt.

Agenl to Giant Marrlagi! JJcenses, Ho-nolulu Oatiii.

Agent for the Hawaiian Itdamlaof J'lltitScott's Ki eight iv, laiccl Hxpieiis.

Agentb for the BiiiJliigton Joute.

Real Estate Broker & "flT.xHell Tt'lo. Tele. 130.

I. O. lloxliri.MaV" Ori'im:: No.aSMcrohiintbtii'et,

Honolulu, Ouhu, 11, 1, jmi si

Anstraliau Mail Seivice!

FOIt MAX FltAXCIJSCO.The New nnd Fine Al Steel Steamship

"fVIARIPOSA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be duo at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

July 28, 1892,And will leave for the above port with

mails and passengers on orabout that date,

For Sydney and Auckland !

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"ALARflEDA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu from SanFrauclsco pn or about

July 29, 1892,And will have prompt dispatch with

malls and passengers forthe above ports.

tay The undersigned aro now pre-pared to issue Through TicketR Iromthis city to all points in the UnitedStates.

tf For fuither particulars regardingFi eight or Passage, apply to

Wm. Q. IRWIN & CO-- L'd,01 General Agents.

ners Mm Go.'s


ST MR. 'K1NAU:CLARKE, CommaniJr,

Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock p.m.,touching ut Laliuina, Maalaeu Bayand xMakena the same day; Mahu-kon- a,

Kuwajliao and Laupahochoe thefollowing day, arriving at Hilo atmidnight.


Friday, July 8thTuesday, " likhFriday, " 29thTuesday, Aug. 9thFiiday,M ' lilth

lteturning leaves Hilo, touching utLaupahoehoo same day; Kawaihaoa. m.; Muhukona 10 a. m. ; Alakena1 p. m. ; Maalaca. Bay (5 p. m.; Luha-in- a

8 p. m. the following day; arriv-ing at Honolulu G a. m. Wednesdayaand Saturdays.


Wednesday, July CthSaturday, " KimWednesday, " 27 thSatunlay, Aug. (JthWednesday " 17ihSatuulay, " 27lli

0)9 No Freiglit will bo receivedafter 12 noon of day of sailing.


Will leave Honolulu every Tuesdayat 5 o'clock p. m., touching at Kahu-lu- i,

Huelo, Hanii, Hiunoa and Kipa-hul- u,

Maui, and l'muihiiu, Hawaii,Buturiiing will arrive at Honoluluevery Sunday morning.

No Freight will hit rei'oivnilafter ! p. m. on day of sailing.

Consignees iniiBt ho at tho landingsto receive their froight, as we will nothold ourselves responsible after suchfreight has heon landed. While thoCompany will uso duo diligence inhandling live stock, wo decline to

any responsibility iu case of theloss of same, and will not bo responsiblefor money or jewelry unless placed inthe caro of Pursers.

W. O. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Supt.



iJewulur .St WntolimiiUor.KUKUI JEWELKY a SPECIALTY.

King St root, Honolulu, II. I.tST Particular attention paid to all

kinds of repairs.

Island Shells and Gurlos !

r IIOI.KSALK ami retail, cheap forT cash, at 101 Fort stieot, between

Killers' diy gooilb ktore and FrankGeit.'s shoo store.

853 U 'J'. TANNATT.

ai oppoBTOsnr

At tho request of anumber of our patrons,we have eonoluded tooffer the eervices of ourartist, Mr,. "W. Y. Itow,as a practical instructorin Oil P.uinting and Wa-

ter Coloring, free ofcharge.

Mr. Itow has been in

our employ for the pasttwo years and we feelconfident that, by prac-

tical demonstration, hecan teach his pupil justwhat he wants to knowin the matter of handling --

colors, etc., without thetiresome course usuallyadopted, by instructors.

For further particularsenquire at

KING BROS.,Hotel street.

Pacific Mail Steaisi Go.


Occidental & Oriental S, S, Go.

For Yokohama & Hongkong.Steamers of the above Companies will

call at Honolulu on their way to theabove ports on or about the followingdates :

Stmr. "Gaelic" July 2. 1892Stmr. "Oceanic" Aug. 23, 1892Stmr. "China" " Oct. 3, 1892Slmr. "Oceanic" Nov. t, 1892Stmr. "China" Dec. 12, 1892Stmr. "Ocoanic" Jan. 11, 1803Stmr. "ohina" Feb 20,1893Stmr. "Gaelic" April 11, 1b93

For San Francisco.Steamers of the above Companies will

call at Honolulu on their way fromHongkong and Yokohama to the aboveport on or about the following dates:

Stmr. "Oceanic".. .July 26, 1892

Jffi-- Kound Trip l'ickets to Yokohamaand returu, S3J50.

SST For freight and passage, apply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,207 tf Agents.

Oceanic oiiMiiiiiiiili Hi).;;



S.S.AUSTRALIA.Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.July 12 Inly l'JAug!) Aug 10Sept (! Sept 13Oct 4 Oct 11Nov I Nov 8


From San Francisco From Sydney forfor Sydney. San Francisco.

A ft ivc Honolulu euvc Honolulu.

Alameda .July 2il Mariposa .July 28Miiripoa. .Aug 2(S Moiunvai Aug 25Monowai..yept 2.1 Alameda. Hup! 22Alameda.. Oct 21 Mariposa ,()c t()Mariposa. .Nov 18 iMonowai ..Noi 17


On mid after May lnt,181)2, the No ami lujpjfk Modern Itesldencoof tlie uuderlL'iied. On

Thurston AVeuue, containing Large I'ar-lor, Olnlllg lCoom, Conservatory, TwoHcdiooms, Dressing Ituom with Station-ary Withstand mill Cedar Waidrobo,litithrooiii with 1'atcnt Closet and Hotand Cold Water attachment, I'.iutries,China Closet and Kitchen with Newltauge, Hot Water Holler unit nil attach-ments complete.

Large nod convenient stable on thepieniises containing two huge box-Hall- s,

carriage, harness and feed moms, amiseivunis' (MinNer?.

Uiouilds iOx'.iOO, lieaiitUully laid outand loiince'd. The view is uiibuipasscdin Honolulu.

For further particulars seeW. O. AM1LKY,

a8(i-- tf O. 11. & I,. Co.'s Depot.

C. B. RIPLEY,akuihtkot.

Okiick: Jtooiii 5, Hpreckels' ISloek.Mutual Telephone 2U8.

New Dosigns I Modern Buildings !

Complete, plans ami Miecllicutluns forovery dcbcilption of building. Contiactsdrawn and careful Hiiperlutemluucu ofcoustruetlpu given when leijuhed. Calluud oxauiiuo uluus. apr 2'J ly


Sixteenth Annual Meeting of

the Maui Racing


l.nrge tNiucuui'MO nl Niici'tnturH unit n

I.lvrlj IIiij'h Hiirt.

The annual horc races al Spreck-el- s'

1'ark, Kaliului, on July ltli,catno off id good style. Only tworaces out of fourteen lifted werescratched. There was n large at-

tendance and good humor prevailedthroughout the day. Tlu time madein the races was respectable, espec-ially in view of the fact that thetrack is only a half mile, circuit, be-

sides being of a powdery soil hard toget or keep in first rate condition.

AVilder's new iron steamer Clau-din- o

loft Honolulu as adver-tised, with an excursion partyfor Kaliului, at (i p. in. on Sunday.Seventy cabin passengers and nearlyhalf as many deck passengers em-

barked. A detachment of ten play-ers of the Royal Hawaiian Baud wasof the party, tendered by the Ministcr of Foreign Affairs to give musicfor the races. With the band playingand the steamer dressed out in thefull code, thodepaiture of the excur-sion made a gay and lively scene.Off Diamond Head the wind wasbldwing fresh and the string of flagson the foremast carried away, butone end remaining fast Hie tl.igs werehauled on hoard again. Then a sail-

or gave an exhibition of agility andnerve by climbing to the ball andreeving the halliards through it again,coming down with the free end in histeeth. Some of the passengsrs earlysought their berths to hide the emo-

tions awakened by Neptune's em-

braces, and others stood out thepitching and rolling ol the ship,standing on the bridge and along therails, until, shortly after sunset, asharp rainstorm lufiVnone but thewatch iu sight. '

Notwithstanding that many con-

fessed and olheis did not need toconfess to the iiriseiitH of an unac-customed sea passage, morningfound all fairly capable for enjoyingthe day's pleasure as anchor was castin Kaliului harbor. The steamer hadcalled at Kaunukakai, Molokai,ul 12o'clock for Hon. II. 1. Baldwin.Landing of the passengers was ef-

fected in a moderate sea about sixo'clock. Messrs. O. 1'. Wilder, A.F. Hopke, L. M. Vetlescn, C. II.Broad, I). Douglas and others lookcure of a large number of the Hono-lulu visitors, giving them breakfastat their respective liou.es. Thosewho had only heard of Mams hospi-

tality had actual experience of itnow and will not soon forget it. Theintervening time till the beginning ofthe races at 10 o'clock was spent inlooking over the village and, by nota few, in a railway tup to Wailuku.

As the time approached peoplecould be seen pouring into the vil-

lage from all directions, driving inall horts of vehicles and lidiug onevery description of horse and mule.The'trains emptied many carloads ofpassengers, a large pioporliou ofthem decorated witli leis. Whenthe bell rung for the first race therewas a grand stand packed to theeaves, mid stoics of spectators weregrouped iu tho adjacent giounds,with otliera bitting on the grass out-

side the truck opposite, The baudstruck up and the day's sport be-

gan. The Hawaiian Quintet Club,which was alo iu atleiideneu ftomHonolulu, sprang the

with startling elfecl onthe unsuspecting Mutilans. Belowis the program ot the ntcus witli theresults noted :


Spreckelsville Purse, $(!0. Hun-nin- g

raci', half mile dusli. Free forall Hawaiian bnd hones. Kiilered:Amurino, b. c, II years, by W. II.C'ornwell ; Ivunhoc, Jr., br. g., aged,C. II. Broad. Queen L., I), in. ,!))It. Bullentyiie, withdrawn.Ainariuo 1

Ivaulioe, Jr 2

Ainariuo hud the pole. Thehorsus were about even at the citiar-ter- ',

but Amurino held a slight leadand won by a head. Time, o!) sec-onds.

si:cond hack,Waikapu Purse, 880. Illuming

race, : mile dash, ficu for all. En-

tered: Lord Brock, c. c, U years,by V. 11. Cornwell. Joe Stacy, e.c, it years, by Luhuina Stables,withdrawn, iu consequence of whichLoid Brock is awarded the race onrunning round the course.

muni itACi:.

Luhuina Purse, S 100. Trottingand pacing, mile licuts, best 2 iu !t

to harness, for all horses not havinga record of 2:!i0 or better. Kiitoicd:Luhuina Chief, b. h., aged, Luhuina

Stable-- ; Lady Ventuie, hi. in.,a d. J. V. Kerr; Ilex, roan g.,Win. tJoodiH'ss.Liliuiiia Chief 1

La ly Ventu'c 2

Fir-.- t ileal, Lidy Venture li id lliepole. Lu'iainu Chief took nu uirlylead ami held it over Lilly Venture.Ilex was nowhere. Tiio vuiluiv-sOin- e

Lilly hioke, but was discountedby Ilex, who parsed her on u tearinggallop, and both went under the wireiu that unceremonious way. LaliuinaChief won iu ft '2(5. The winner wasdriven by Jones, their owners drivingthe others respectively.

Second heat. Luhuina Chief wasbehind on the word "go," but tookthe lead without spieial effort iu afew yards. Lady Venture brokebadly while losing and ultimatelywas distanced. The Chief won in!:8.


Match race tor a purse, amountnot given out. Half-mil- e dash.Filtered: Little Dave, carrying 10."

lb., 1). Center; Hongkong, lift lb.,Sam Sing.Little Dave 1

Hongkong had the pole and at theoutset got a distinct lead, but wasclosely chased by Little Dave, andpassed by him on entering the homestretch, Little Davu winning by alength iu o" seoo"ds.

lOLUTll uaoi:.Wailuku Purse, S100. Ilunuiug

race, half mile and repeat, free to allHawaiian bred horses. Knterud:Billy C., g. g., (J years, W. II. Corn-wel- l:

Queen L , bl. in., ! years. II.iKMIciityne; Ivanhoe, Jr., br. g.,aged, C. II. Broad.Billy C 1

Ivanhoe, Jr 2

First heat. Billy C. got the pole,and Ivanhoe second place. Therewas a good start and Billy C. gotthe lead, keeping it to the linisli,made two lengths ahead of Ivanhoe,Jr., iu oi seconds.

Second heat. Ivanhoe was onlyable to give Billy C. a chase, andwas chased by Queen L.,u length (be-

tween eacli succeeding two at thequarter. These relative positionswere maintained lo the Ia-,- t, whenBilly C. won by a length and a halfiu 51 seconds. Slocuui rode thewinner; Fiank Jones, Ivanhoe; Cal.Leonard, Queen L.

fifth itAcr.. "

Kaliului Purse, S125. Runningrace, one mile dash, free for all. Ku-tere- d:

Senator Stanford, g. li., 3years, II. Focks; Ainariuo, W. II.Cornwell. Jon Stacy, by LuhuinaSlablus, withdrawn. The Senator,ridden by Jim Crow, carried lb.over-weigh- t.

Amurino i

First place fell to the lot of Amu-rino, who after a good start wasleading. After several iluctuatioiisAmurino came home one lengthahead after a pretty race. Time,1 : t'.I.L


liana Purse, $115. Trotting andpacing. Mile heats, best 2 in li, tjharness. For horses not having arecord of i inin. or better.

Declared off, on withdrawal ofBell llinger by Win. Goodness, leav-ing WuikiipuMuid and Minnie, bothfrom W. II. Cornwell's ..tables, alonein the field.

si:vi:stii iiaci:.Kula Purse, S.IO. Running race,mile dash, for ponies 1 Inlands and

under, to cuiry 100 pounds. Kn-teie-

Little Uuve, ch. g., aged, D.Center; Whistling Coon, rouu g.,aged, W. L. Mossinun ; Flash, roang., I years, C. 11. Broui.Little DaveWhistling Coon 2

Slocum rode Little Dave; FrankJones, Flush, and a native boy, Whistling coon. hud the pole,Little Dave second. Flash led olfbut was speedily overtaken by LittleDave, three length-- , being betweentliuni ut the quarter pole. WhistlingCoon soon gained second place butcould not get lirt. Little Dave wonby three lengths. Time r seconds.

i:i(iiiTii icaci:.Munu Cup, value SliO, or its

equivalent in coin. Running race,mile dash, free for alt Iluwaiiau

hied lioiscs, Holered: Senator Stan-ford, as above; Billy C,, as above;Yum Yum, g. in., .0 yeais, 11. e.

Senator StanfordViiiii Villi) 2

This was tun twice. Stanford,carrying flh. overweight, had lirslplace. Yum Yum led and guiued,being live lengths ahead of Stanfordattlielhiid quarter. Stanford gavethe gray inure a hot chase, however,iu the lust half. There were iwolengths between each two succeedingi miners at the lininh. The judgesordeied the race run over again, be-

cause Stanford's place was taken byBilly C. The second trial made alino race. Yum Yum led all the wayto near the homestretch. BillyC. was ahead of Stanford, but onlya neck when the first liiilfuule ininearly covered, and then Stanfordstreaked into second place. At the

(Coiitiiiutd on 1th I'ugo.)

Win. G. irwiii & ConipiiDj,

if.mtTt.r.) ;

on Mi ron salIs

2 -- 3JJ10 & lt, '




Fslt Steam Pipe Covering, all si?ts..





High Grade Chemical Cane Manure.




Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Go.'s Gornci'

BeeF, 1 und 1 lb. tiui.




ItfS UKANCE.Ha t.ord Fire Insurance Co.,

Assois, $6,219,458.98.

London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.

Assets, $4,3 7,05 2.

Thames & Mersoy Marine Ins. Co ,

(Limited,Assets, $6,124,057.

New York Lifo Insurance Co.,

Assois, $125,947,290.81


General Agent for Hav.-aila- thiamin.

fill. 11. IRII14 CO.,(i.uiiri:i.)

Win. (J. liwiu. . .President it ManagerL'l.iiin npreckels Ylce-l- 'i evidentW. ,M. Oitlaid...-.-- crutun & 'J'rcasuicr'J li ).( Iu lei .' Auditoi


Commission Agents.AOKNTC OK T11K

Owe Steaniilup Cdib'j,(11 Mini I rinii'lKi-n- , Cul,

CASTLE & COOKE.Lite, Firo & Mariuc

Insurance Agents 1


Kew Haglaud Mutual Lire ins. Co.,

OK 11081 ON,

Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford,HMON


C. BREWER & CO.,(M,iiiti:ij.

General MorcantiloANI

CoramiGBiou Agentb.LIST OK OKFIOUtS:

J. O. Cartel President it Manager' ''''"urti-o- TieuMire.

K. I' . ItlsllOII Si-i'- i nt.iriW. F. Allen Auditoi

inti:cTOHs;Hon. O, H. Itlshop, s. O. Allen,

11. W'uU'i linu.se.l"yl

For Moiildiiitf.s, Fniiiiow,PiislolH, ArloljpoH, I'holo-nivui'O- M,

ICujJiins unduvurjlliiii in (Ihj lino ofpioturoH, go (o Iviiitf Hros.,Hotul Htroot,


it)UViulors fur Purolmsu of

Hawaiian Govern nioiitBonds.

Notice is hereby given that utuli i

authority of Chapter S, Session Law- -

of lSbS, "A n Act to give greater securi-ty to Dt'iiuiilursiii the Hawaiian IV-i.i- i

Savings Hank,-- ' the ncral otl'oiK for of CouponUomlb of tho Hawaiian Government,

bond- - lo be isiied in the deminitiation ol One TliotiHiuul Dollni-cac- h,

ledei-mnbl- in not ler than Iim.years nor ninn than tweiiiy year-- ,with interest at ci. per cent, per i,

payable initially, princip 1

anil interest pjyuble in U. S. gol I

coin, the houils to express onthat they are issued as seour-i- j

for the Postal Suiugs Hank l)epo-i- iTenders toi the purchase of the

whole oi any part of said bunds willbe leivhcd at the ollieo of tho Uegi-i- i

iii ol I'uhlio Accounts, Financeup to 1:2 o'clock on

the 1st day of July, 1S112,

llie I'ostmastei-Gonoi-.i- l does milbiiiil hiuirolf lo uccept any lendir, oithe whole of any tender.

WALTEJt HILL,I'ostniiister-Geiieni- ..

'Hated May 2S, 1892.

Approved :

II. A. Wmn.MANN,Minister of Fiimudo,

Sa.miji:i, l'AiiKnit,MiniMer of Foreign Aflun-- .

C. N. Sl'KNCKll,

Minister of Interior.W. A LSI IN WlUTINU,

Attorney General.i:i: tf

WATER KOTlGii.Ho.soi.i l.u, June 21, lb'Ji

In uceoi dance with doe. 1 of Uh.ip-terXXV-

of tho L.iWs or ISSIi.All persons holding water priviK-go-o- r

those paying water rates, are heiu-b- y

nolilied thai the water rales forthe toiin ending Decembor .'II, lb'J2,will be duo and payable at the ollieoof the llonoluhi Water Works, on thulirst day of July, 1SU2,

All such rates rem. lining unpaidfor fifteen days after they aio due,will be hiibject to un addiiioual 10 percent.

Itntci, aio payable at (ho ollk-- ofthe water woiks in tho ICupuaiw.ibuilding.

JOHN C. WHITE,Supt. Honolulu Wulor Works,

102 2:tt

Sale of Leaso of tho Govornmot'iLands lying botwoen Hanska- -

piai and Kjlalau, Kauai.

On THL'ILSDAY, July 7, 1S02, ,.i12 iiVliick noon, at the front ciitiaue.-o- t

Aluolani Hale will bo mjIiI at Pub-lic Auction the Lease ol all tla.trrugged N.ip.ili Uegion, K.iu.ii, lyiiubetween llunakapiai and Kul.il.iii,fiiiitaining heio and there a few uciutit for cultivation or pasturage.

Tornis Lease for 2fi years.Upsot price $20 per uniiiini, paya-abl- e

seini-.uinuiill- y iu advance.C. N. SPKNOBIt,

Minister of the Inteiior.Intel ioi Ollieo, June l.'l, 181)2.

115 It

Sale ot a Strip of GovernmentLand at Kalua, Hamakua,

Hawaii.On WICDNL.SIMY, July li, 181)2. .it

12 o'clock noon, m the front oniraiu-.- i

of Aliiolani ll.de will ho sold at Pub- -

llie Auction a Strip of (Jovemiui inLaud at K'alua, lluiiialua, Hawaii,containing an men of 2.'1 uoref. .illtllu more or loss.

L'pfot pi ice :ilf)().

C. N. SPKNCKH,Minister of tho lutunoi.

Interior Ollieo, J iino !(, 1602.J 88- -1 1

Irrigation Notice.Honolulu, 11. 1 Dec 2, 18U1.

Hohleis of mil ci privileged, or thosepaying water rates, tue hereby noti-lie- d

(hut (he hours fm using water forirrigation pin poses are from ti lo 8o'clock a. .m., and I to 0 o'clock i m.until turthor notjee.

JOHN 0. WHITK,Supt. Honolulu N uloi Woiks,

Approved:0, N. Sr&NOKK,

MinUtor of tho luturioi,281 tf

Page 2: wfTvY1?-- Vi f!

' 5


, ', V.'';;Tj.lJIS.ull'jiMjifa!ll'.'ll.";),lBY AUTHORITY

'lMlo Minister of c'iniinco approvesof llio following list of pt'tsonti lo netUs Deputy Awrrurs mid Cullurluisfor Uio year 1S02 : j

OAI1U. j

Honolulu T. A. Lloyd j

13wtt nuil Wuiiuinu 8. lluokituu j

Wnlalua 1'. Muh.uiluIvoohiupoko No. 1 Asu lviiulinKuuhuipuko No. 2 12. 1 Aikue j

Koolauloa L. J. Aylett


Lnlinlna Davkl TaylorWaltuku Wm. T. RobinsonMrtktttViio David Mortonliana J. 1'. SylvaMolokai anil Lanai J.Nakaloka


llilo ami N. llilo ....A. C. Willfongllnnmkua Chat.. WilliamsSouth Koliala. . . Wilmut VredcnburgXorth lvoliala Eben 1". Low

North IConn J. IvneleninkuloSouth Kona Thus. II. WrightIvan 0. T. Shipman1'uun J. 13. Eldeits


AVaimoannd Niihau Th. BrandtJvoloa A. 1C. MikaLilnio J. B. llunaikeKnwaihau S. Kindllnnsilci W. E. Dcvonll

H. A. W1DHMANX,Minister of Finance.

Finance Department, June 2i2, 1S92.lfiU-t- f


During the process of deepening thechannol at tho entrance to Honoluluharbor the Dredger will be in opera-

tion night and day. At night therewill be a dangoi signal placed on theforward denick of Dredger about 110

feet above sea level, which can be seenby all vessels approaching tho harbor.The signal consists Ked Bedof tin co red lightsand a white lightas in tho diagram, Whitethe red lights beingabout 3 feet apaitwith the white lightmi the center. Ked

All fcteameis crossing the bar will

stop at a safe distance from the Died-ge- r

and give one blast of their whistlewhich will be answered by a singliblast from the Diedger, to be

by three bl.ists from the Di till-er ,w hen the passage is clear and lhecm proceed.

The Tug will be on hand when not

otbei wise engaged toassistsailingcraliin passing the Dredger when necesaary.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of tho Interior.

Intel iur Oilicc, March 1), 181)2.

3(iG-- tf

Y ju Si;

& .. t' sift ... XT .. i'ii U C I II 'JPfc U I S? I i II

r i.J7.r

Pledged to neither Sici nor Party,Hut estaoltstecl for the benefit of all.

TUESDAY, JULY o, 1892.

The Louisiana Democrats are tak-

ing advantage of the presidentialcampaign to save the sugar bounty.It was determined by the parly lead-

ers in Congress to move for llie re-

peal of the bounty. But the Louisi-

ana Democrats have served notice

that if the repeal of the bounty on

the chief product of Iheir State be

enacted, they will deliver the elec-

toral vote of Louisiana to the Repub-

lican ticket. Late advices indicatethat the threat will piove clfective.


The Chicago Herald of June 19

contains the following editorial para-

graph. It makes the same mistakethat many othor American papersdo, in attributing AL-- . JUncfarlnne'sresolution to llie Government:

Our relations with Hawaii havebeen biiglitly perturbed, but theclouds h.ve blown over, and we arcagain on friendly terms with theisland kn.gdoui. As in the case olthe late unpleasantness with Chile,the trouble was largely due to theimpolitic conduct of our consul. Mr.Stevens, tho American representa-tive, made a speccli on Decoralion day, in which he made un-

favorable comparison between theUnited Slates and the Kingdom ofHawaii. The latter governmentthereupon introduced a resolutioncciibiiritig the United Stales consul.All good democrats will be relievedto know that the obnoxious resolu-tion has been retracted. If Mr.ll.urUon had declared war again-- tHawaii just at this juncture ho wouldhave so aroused the inailial spirit olAmeiica as to have made his electionsure. And what's more our navycould whip Hawaii's.

- f';

--qp $'- - A?I

Sii ,,


l.tii'lou Kri.t.Mis:fcoaiu lime hjjo I had occasion lo

cxnintiii! n piece of ribe land which'was lor sale. It was a small piecein llio midst of a large rleo plnntalion. Tho owner wanted lo sell ut.$?."iO per acre. A it was f.tr fiomntiy toivn ilu- - price seemed lomo veryliigh; but lite ortner an old withe

called my nit en' ion to lliu fact Hintthe Chinamen had been paying himnti annual reniul of So pur aero.ThU was pio'i-ibl- an exceptionalcase, litil i lieli! thai thu usualteiilnlt paid ioi nee lamU is lioiu SHO

to $0U per m tv. Tins suggests ?oui"qucsiio is lo me relative lo llie dulyo i rice: Who is reipinj; Hie lienellior llie pto'.eclitvi o i rice, llie ricegrower or ihe owner of rice land?If llie owmr or tne land, does lieseem 10 ik oil that protection 'i it thatpumel.o.i is withdrawn will the ricegioivor cease to cultivate rice or willhe simply pay a little less rent forhis laud? In thi3 latter ;ase will notthe owner of rice land still be morefortunate than the average citizen?

Now 1 am not speaking for thesugar planters. 1 do not wish tohelp them grind tho poor down anylower man they have already giouiulthem. But is it fair to raise the pi iceof the ordinary necessaries of life tomany of the poorest people of theland, that the fortunate owners ofrice land may receive such stupen-dous rentals? L may be mistakenabout this, but it seems to mc thatthe author of the pamphlet concern-ing rice is throwing dust in the eyesof tho public, and that the rice in-

dustry is not in any danger of extinc-tion. If the owner of rice land haslo step do n o.l his stilts and walkon the cum with the rest of us Isball not waste much time grievingat o it it. Equal Jtstick.


Bibliomaniacs are usually men.Women have a rage for collecting old

china, old lace, fans, miniatures andthe rest, but not ofteii rare and curi-

ous books. There is, however, onewoman in New York who journeyedto Boston not long ago after a "firstedition" that was to be sold there.She did not get it. It was a littlebook of not more than thirty pages,a first edition of Edgar A. Poo'swritings, of which only two areknown to be in existence. The vol-

ume sold for SlSoO which was a littleabove her figure. "1 wanted it bad-

ly," site confessed, '"but 1 had tolimit my bidding, and it was belowthis sum."

This same woman had a fortunetied up in rare old books. ""Whynot?" she says. "They constantlyincrease in value, and it you knowwhat lo buy they aie as safe as peach-blo- w

vases. You can insure themagainst tire, and it would take a verycultured thief to know what volumesii cirry away. I find a wondcrluifascination in the pursuit of a treas-ure - tl.is l'oe edition, for instance.I'lie pi biter who got it out has beeniiaced, Iii5 descendants visited andlii- - tcconl scutched. It is positivoi hut onlj two copies of the originalidiii'Ui sue left. No, old books arcnot loiged," she finished, in answerto a (pic-uo- n. "It has been tried,but Hie deception is sure to be dis-

covert d. The old paper and old typeeanuoi be made now." New York



The following telegram from Hon.J. O. Carter to Mr. P. C. Jones hasbeen extensively copied in the UnitedStates pi ess. Mr. Carter's actionwas thoughtful and patriotic, furnish-ing an effective antidote to false re-

ports that were certain to be letloose:

"Everything quiet here. Acceptno alaimiug newspaper accounts. V.V. Ashford, 11. W. Wilcox and twen-ty others have been arrested for trea-son. Preliminary hearings on twenty-si-x

warrants issued by Judge Dole,of the Supreme Bench, on a fullkno ledge of facts. No excitement.niioiig iniiiNus. The Altorney-Gcn-ei- al

mid Marshal are confident of(o.iVK-ttinii- . Fifty other warrantsat o in Hie hands of llie Marshal.Our iiu.ons generally approve of theaction oi Hie government."

A piesa telegram from Toronto,June 1, says :

"A despatch was received herethis afternoon from a brother of Col-

onel Volney Ashfoid, who is underarrest at Honolulu on the chargo oftreason, stating that there is no foun-dation for the charge and no causefor alarm. Colonel Ashtord was bornat Poll Hope, Out., anil was educat-ed in Toronto, wheio ho joined themilitia."


The following is from the DenverRepublican:

"The revolution in Hawaii is at anend. The conspirators have beenin rested and will be bi ought to trial,it is evident that the authorities arecapable of preserving order and main-taining the government. The failureof the revolution is the best kind ofevidence that the kingdom is capableof maintaining its autonomy, ll ispiobable that the republican spirit isgrowing, and the day may come whena republican government will be es-

tablished upon the islands, hut thetune has not yet arrived for the over-throw of tho monarchy."

'1 he best spring medicine is a doseor iwodf St. Patrick's Pills. Theyii'ii, only physio but cleanse the wholehvstcin :u. I purify the blood. Forui'ii by Bi'iison, Smith & Co., Agents,

Leo XI II is the richest man inRome.

mi in inill,lU Ji


TuiaiuY, July f, 1892.

.IIihiiIiil: Nf-lt-

Assrmhly convened at 10 o'clock,resident Walker in the chair. Mili-um of previous meeting were readand appiovcd.

1 lie fol'owing petlliona were pre-sented and lelctred

By Bop. Wilder from 12. Colt Hob-ro- u

llu.l S2.i0 be paid him for lauddamages. To Committee on l'ublioLands.

By Rep. K:niauolia that all lijihtcases of leprosy at the Leper Settle-ment be returned to Kalihl for treat-ment by Mr. Lowell. To SanitaryCommittee.

Rep. Kaluna read for the first limea bill relating to the descent of in-

heritances.Rep. Kaunamano offered a resolu-

tion that 2500 be appropriated fora schoolhousc at Hamakua, Hawaii.To Committee on Education.

Under suspension of the rulesRep. lvoahou presented a petitionfrom Central llilo, that the duty onrice lie lemoved. lo committee hav-

ing bills on the subject.Noble Baldwin presented two peti-

tions asking that the term for settle-ment of homesteads be extended.Committee on Public Lands.

Ry Rep. lvoahou a petition fromllilo that Hawaiian be made theollicial language of the Kingdom.Tabled.

Noble Baldwin from the FinanceCommittee reported on a petitionfrom C. Brewer & Co. as agents ofthe Onomea Sugar Co. that S338 berefunded for double taxes said tohave been paid on a lot of sugar.The committee slate that they aresatisfied that this is a case of doubletaxation and recommend that theBiun be placed in the AppropriationBill. Adopted.


C. J. McCarthy has lots on Lilihnstieet for sale. tf

A moistoaoi:k'k notice of sale ap-pears y the bale next Saturday.

Aktkh shaving use Cucumber Skin'ionic. Benson, Smith it Co., Agents.

l-- lf

Si'Niiun.v relieved at once by Cu-

cumber Tonic. Bcnbon, Smith it Co.,Agents. 1-- tf

Tiik Biunbwick billiaul parlors arethe most elegant pleasure lesort inHonolulu. tf

"Wiikuk shall 1 sec you this even-ing?" "Oil, same old place, theBrunswick."

Tiik famous "Seed Plate" for photo-graphing is attractively advertised byHollister .t Co.

Cokkuoati:i) iron at lowest pricesand in quantities to suit is for tale bvJ I. Hackfeld & Co.

A new supply of the celebratedHaier Saueibrunnen is just receivedby 11. Hackfeld & Co.

This evening the Pioneer Buildingand Loan Association will hold its an-nual meeting and elect dii colors.

Oni: freight boat, damaged, off thesteamer Kimiii, will be sold at auctionby Jas. F. Morgan at 12 noon

Dm.icious coiice and chocolate willbe solved every morning eiuly at thePalace Ice Cream Parlors, Ludwigsen,it Cron, Hotel stieet. tf

Diti:ss.MAKiNG, Cutting and Fittingdone at ladies' houses. Perfect litguaranteed. MISS WOLF, 7:t Bere-taui- a

street, or Mutual telephone G9G,before 8 a. m. or f:!!0 p. m.

II. If ackitlu it Co. announce thearrival by tho bark J. C. Plluger, 119days fiom Biemen, of diy goods,groceries, oils and paints, and severalother staple lines of meicliandise.

Dn. LoLenna.v has removed toAlaken street, opposite tho Y. JI. C.A. hall,' premises lately occupied byDoctor Lut.. Office hours, 9 to 12,2 to 4 and evenings (! to 7. Sundavs:10 to 1. Bell Tclephono, 197, Mutual,082. 2--

mm m


There is a lively lime going on atSan Leandro at present over the em-

ployment of Chinese, who are en-

gaged in picking and packing cher-

ries. The packing-hous- e of Langley& Cook of Sacramento leased a ware-

house at San Leandro and employed anumber of people to pack cherries tobe shipped East. A few days laterllie white people were discharged anda gang of Chinamen were put lowork in their place. Tho reasongiven for tho change was that thewhite people did not puck the cher-ries properly and many of themspoiled.

A mob, formed In the town, pro-

ceeded to the warehouse and demand-ed thai the Chinamen be discharged.No satisfactory arrangement couldbe made with R. C, Sutton, the agent,and the mob commenced lo thtowsticks and stones at the Chinamen.The latter lied for their lives andwere pursued. Some of the China-men received injuries, hut no arrestswere made. Mr. Sutton insisted onworking the Chinamen in preferenceto the white people.

The packing linn informed the ob-

jectors that if thoy persisted in pur-suing tho Chinamen there would hetrouble. No satisfactory arrange-ment has been arrived at as yet, amimore trouble is expected. S. K.Chronicle, June 5.

THE BULLETIN is the leadingI daily paper oftlie Kingdom. 50

cents per mouth.

Aactiou Sales Dy Jainos F. Morgan.

Underwriter's Sale,W, July 01 h,

AT l UTI.UCIl XOOX.At the Klnmi Wlurf t will I at Public

Auction, fnr ncconut nf whom itinn v ccncoin:

ONE FREIGHT BOATDamsigul Kx Slmr. Klnau."


lllUt Auctioneer.


Household Furnitura !

On TILUKSDAY, July 7th,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M..

At the Residence of MR. A. K. WKIR.Ko. 2 Kukui stieet. 1 will sell at

Public Auction the

Household FurnitureComprising


Wicker Rockers, Curtains A; Pole",Hovelled Plate Glass Minor,New ( 'hamlcllcr-i- , Pictures,Oak Center Table,

4 Ash Marble-to- p Bedroom Sets,

MaUraes Mosqullo Net,Center & Sofa Rugs,H. W. Kxtuiilou Table & Chillis,Crockery it Gla'-swiu-

1 HAVILAND DINNER SET,15. W. hldcbonrd, 15ed Lounge,Hanging Lamps, Stove , Utensil,

I New Tip Seat Brake,Etc., Etc., Etc., Ktc.

JAS. F. MO KG AX,101 4t Auctioneer.

Mortgagee's Notice ot Fore-


THE UNDERSIGNED, EDWARDFURSTENAU, the mortgagee namedina certain moitgage deed from C.ALEE and CHANG FOOK, datedDecember Ll, 188(5, of lccord in Liber100, folios 47C--17- Hawaiian Registryof Deeds, gives notice that ho intendsto foreclose said mortgage for condi-tion broken, t: Ihe failure of saidmortgagors to pay when due theirnote for $7,000, by taid moit-gage, and that he will cause tho prop-erly named in said mortgage to besold at public auction at the balesrooms of J. F. Morgan, in Honolulu,on SATURDAY, July !), 1892, at 12o'clock noon.

The following properly is coveredby said mortgage, viz. :

1. Land at Waihole, Koolaupoko,Oahu, containing 31 8 100 acics moreor less, being a part of L. C. A. 50110

to Puuiki, It. P. (f.)78, convoyed bymetes and bound lo Miid nioitgngorsby deed of Lydia S. Ulanehatd, datedSept. 23, 1878, Liber o7, folio lb:

2. Land on the North side of Mer-chant street, in Honolulu, being aportion of L. C. A. .0573, It. P. 2101,to Kualii, conveyed to said ChangFook bv deed of Ikclupainii et al.,dated Dec. 27, 1870, Liber 02, folio1(51.

3. Lease from Joseph S. Gilmanand Louis Maigret to Chang Fook,dated March 20, 1880, Liber 02, folio1J0, for lei in of 30 years from saiddate, of premises on Punchbowl stieetin Honolulu, now occupied by

fj&- - TERMS CASH. Deeds alCApente of purcluu-ers- .

E. FURSTENAU.Uy his Attorney-iu-fac- l F. A.Scbaefer.

gjST For further particulars applyto F. M. Hatch, attorney, or to J. F.Morgan, auctioneer. 1(5311

1 f U 0 fi

BiuiaiCEISlu m US

Ueg to announce the arilval of theCeiniau Itiuk

( J.C. PFLUGER"1 lit Days from Bunnell, with a Full

Assortment of

DRY GOODS,Groceries,

OUb & Paints,Bags & Bngging,

Market Baskets,


Demijohns,Cement & Firo Cloy,

Bails, Tanks,

H A K D W A R E,Vienna Furniture,

Liquors,Mineral Waters,

Crockery,Etc., Etc., Etc.

Hill 2v

When you want u PortraitEnlarged call on Kinu liros.,gut their nricu linl and mmouinplea. They can't be beat.

ijmimlflt'.inwji'.uj.iv.'t.ji iwnrxw'vu'i mm wm.n,ijjijajjjji


Isssjgs fevery Desirable of Policy !

It has paid its members since its organization THREE HUNDRED AND FOUR MILLIONS OF D0LIARS,lis Now Distribution Policy is the most liberal ever offered by any Insurance Company.

Kay For full paiticulars apply tof3. 115. UffO!i IK,

91 General Acnt for the Ilnuaiian Islands.

Auct on S les by Liwis J. Levey.


Notion U h reliv elvoil (hill 111 necoiil- - '

ance with ilii- - luw In such cu-c- s ni.uloanil I will onnse to bo sold thefollow big articles of Ilooni; Clung Toug,taken by me hi (lltrtiluhi' for lent, towit:

1 Clock, Medicine Cutter, 1 liimibooT.ouiiro, 1 Step Ladder, 1 Folding Table,2 Square Tables, 2 Chairs, 2 1

Lamp and a (inutility of Medicines andL)IUS.

BSjy Said sale will take place at thoAuction Salesrooms of l.i:wis.I. I.i:vi:y,Auctioneer, corni'i' of Fori mid Queenstrei't, )iil"miAY,.ulvlith,atlOA m.

I."--' 15t XO OOOX.

A"frip to fauna Loa

AM) T1IK- -

Great Grater of Mokiraoweo.

Special arr.inp mculH have beenmade by the Volcano House Companyfor bonding a party to the top of Jin-un- a


THE l'AUTY WILL LEAVE HO-NOLULU ON THE STAIR. HALLON JULY If) and icturn on thosteamer Kiniiii arrivinc; in Honolulu,.Inly 27.

THE PRICE FOR A ROUNDTRIP TICKET, jnoliidiiur Mcanierfare, animal?., guides, blankets, foodsand all expenses will bo 100,which includes all of the regular ex-

penses of a trip to tho Volcano. Thetrip includes a tlnee days' slay at theVolcano House after the return fromthe mountain.

7" rickets can be obtained fromllio Inter-Islan- d Steam NavigationCo., and full information will be sup-plied by said Company, E. C.

A. Tiiuiisto.n,Secretary of tho Volcano Cuiiip.my.

Applications for tickets should bemade immediately as the number willbe limited.


Honolulu, June 21, 1802.

volcano House Rate s

Special Rates For Families and


The Volcano House rate.-- fiom andafter tliih d.tto will be :

It Hind Trip, up and return bygame route, 7 days $.")0

Up by way of Kau, return bvway of llilo, 1 1 days '. .$70

Up by way of llilo, return byway Ivan, M days $80

Boiild and Lodging at VolcanoHouse, $1 por day.

To Holdeis of Knuml TiipTickult,slaying over, and any one btayinglover live days, $.5 a day for all excessover livo ilayt.

To families, or paitiess of Tour andupwanlti, holding tickeU and Mayingover, or Maying after live days, :ji2.sH)

per day.

Childicn under livo, with parentis,iiuai tor rates.

Children between live and Ion, halfwiles,.


June 21, 1892.1.1(1 15l 2(1 It

WANTED.JYiVL within IB mhuites'ISftsft I L walk fiinii l'ost Olllco,

fcfejBSsJ.'tr 'ontaiuhig Dlningroom, Par-lor, :i Liu go hleil Iteihooms, Kitchen,I'iiulry, ll.ithrooiu, cle., etc. Addiess,wilh full imiilciilais. "P. O. o87."

4rb :it


jSv A 'lUK Cottle on Uoro-.- j,

1 inula stieet near I'llColWwSsiif bticet, (oiitaiiiin I'arlor, Twolied rooms, lSulhiooia, Obihi;-ioo-

l'.mtry anil Kilehcu; Servant's Kooin,I 'ii I I itirm ll.,itkit Siltilili. itli. 'Pi i mini i1

pafcseveiy SO minimis. Apply olllco oflino ;.iiui , l;8 tf


fi$ & rI",Hl' I'leinlK'h on Liiima&?'?$ sticei lately occupied by

tGwrJv"S A. IJ. Naoue, a New amiDc-lrab- le House conliilnbijj Khelieu,Jtathrooiu, etc , etc Also, Outhouseson the inuuilncs, will be runted orleaded I'lisesslon given 1st of .July.Apply on the inuinlscs.

J05 lin A. 11. NAONE.

Tho best tiling to hcimI loyour i'rioiidK abroad is KingUros,' Illustrated Souveniroi' Hawaii, which is got (enup lor tho nurnoso and isnot an advertisement.

' s j



OF NEWI'tl'llt!Ut.


iiMiec o mm uihvol$ t Ub


New China, Glass & Furniture Saleroom

Kaahumanu Street, Ground Floor, with

Lane Assorlinl of Hew Goods ex "Beiiore."


Ryal Worcester,, Wedgewood fe






Oils &


A lii'ni'c tlm h.mit niiwli. .i ciw.o.iiland


,.. iaii nv.i- - m.1-- 1 l ,.i jif-irti- n



On a


BSew Rugs & Carpets,English Furniture,

Rattan Ware.

Fine Show of Glassware,IVORY WARE, BOHEMIAN VASES,



Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., LU,Fort Street, Honolulu.


duraey MripMors

IC CHESTS,Oraaiaeut.ill Economical Durable!

Eddv's Estaiimshi:i

Icd Ghent! k Mpratori,China, Crockery & Glassware,

Plaoiat'on Tools, Implem mis Supplies

I'aints, VarnUhes.

Vacuum Co.'s Lubricating Oils!in.

process always reliable.


in to Suit.J I AKD WARE CO., Id.,


5KfLiS3 m

I 04 Fort Street,

Grown Derby,

Other Fine Ware.

aaw-v-Y- -vx-i'KitS-t'



Carbolincum Avenarius QuantitiesPACIFIC

Cummins Mock, Fort.fc Merchant streets.

Just Received a New Invoice of the


StockingsGuaranteed to be Fast Color and Absolutely Stainless

For Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses & Children,

Tho Adeline Black Slocking? uro tho i?est Made -- a


TEMPLE OF FASHIONCorner Fori V. Ilolol . t reclN.



Shoes & Boy's Clothing Etc., Etc.S. E11KL1CII & CO,,

Corner Kort & Hotel streets.m0KmtMm aiid


mmlAt (iicatly Ucduced l'nccb,

OI.ji .Jlo 1'ortiurcb al .fC a l'air. Black Buadi d CapeB for Ladies, ir'S Ueduccdfrom .flf) and $20,

GENTS' WHITE SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR AT COST.A new line of Challies at 10c. per yard. h All Wool DrcsB

Hoods, in l'laiii, Stuped and ChccKcd, leduccd fromil to UOo. per yaul, al

B. F. EHLERS & CO.'S, 99 FOBT ST.BiT DrcBsuiakluj; under tho maiiagciiicut of MUSS OLAKK. a


Page 3: wfTvY1?-- Vi f!










V$S '



rito.ii .! Airr.it rr.n. i. mm


A.M. A.M. l'.M. 1 SI.LoJWD 'lonnlulu. ..11:1") 8.i 1 M I iHfitArrive ilnoLtluli..7:'.'r 1:7 2 :t17 fli.Wtt.tavo Hoiiniiliuli..T::lo 10:in .1:-- t fiil'JtArrive Honolulu. ..fi :;!." 11:.". I :.5 !:5()i

ITAUt. cirv l.OOAI..

Loivn llainli''ii 'i:'20Airivo I'oarl City 5:tSLcdvo Pear! City.. (1:00Arrive Honolulu. ..11:10

Sundays excepted,t Saturdays only.

Saturdays excepted.

'1'liton. Su:i nuil tlcinn.uv CI. llONS,

? S"'

t'" ir- - is

li.ui. ti.in. a.m. n.mMnn. I (i ::u .. .i A hi 7 0 ft 22 Ii 411 1 17

Tiii't. n l in o 10 a w. 7 40 r. : i (I 111 1 A I

Will. Hi U 0 40 II 40 !l II .1 2.1 (I IIS 2 :ioTlllU-8- . 7 a In I 20' 7 :io in :io -.

'i i (i 111 :i isI'll. 8 a at l 40 7 no n :io A '21 II 1(1 4 4

Sat. si 3 :t7 :i o h hi n :.o A 24 (i 411 ft 0bun. 10, :i in 4 o ii o A 21 Ii I ft ft 0


full iiuioii nn the inh, at nil. Mm. p. m.

Til JB



Stmr Waialealo from tlie Leper Settle-ment .

Stmr Kluau from Maul and HawaiiJuly 5

SttiirVlaudine from Mum

DEPARTURES.Julyll-St- mr

Ulaiidiuc for Kahultil. at G inJulvo

StinrWG Hall for Maui and Hawaii at10 a in

Stuir U K liUliup for Waianae, Walaluaand Kahuku at !) a in

Stmr Mokolii for Molokai, Laiial andMaui, at 5 p m

Stmr Kilaueu Hon for Kukaiau and Oo- -kata

Stmr .1 A Cummins for Koolau and Will- -manalo at 10 a m

Stmr Waiinaualo for Molokai aud Lmiuilit 5 p m

Stmr Kaala for Kllauea and Hanalci, at4 p m

Stmr AVaialeale for Labaiua and Hatrra- -kua at 10 a in

Stmr i luuiliuu for Maui, at o p mMini- - Mikaliala for Ka ill, 5 p inSehr Moi aliine for l'aauilo at 10 u m


Stmr Kluau 1 JIT sheep, 2 horses, 12bales wool, 103 bags spuds, i7 bagseorn aud 180 pkgs smithies.


From Maul and Hawaii, per htnir 1CI- -.

nau, July 1 A W Iticliitidgoti, MissHelen Clarke, I' A Dias, dipt J ItJtoheruon, i has lloibwill, H S Jtlckmd,A Cameroy, Mis Thos Maddock, MUsAlice .Maud, MibS G Leckie, A belt A est,W 11 lllckaid, Mr Paul Jauett, Mr Geo11 Jtubeilsou and family (5), Miss Sarah,MiM K Holstciu, Jiih Kenton aud 01deck.

For Muni and Hawaii, per stmr W GHall, July 5 For Volcano: Mr and Mr.iLiming, G llalfour, Mr Kolker. Forway ports.: Mi-- s Dayton, Mr Xelson, AW Coekett, MUs Haley, Alina, Vra

and s daughter.-- , J W Kuai-mok- u,

Mr Cariulher, X Kaiihauo, M u,

Peter Leo and daughter, YuenChung. 2 wives and 2 ehildieu.


The steamer Kluau is on the MarineHallway undei going a general overhaul-lu- g.

She will be down in time to leaveagain on Friday.

I'lm schooner Tianslt, Jorgenenmaster, arrived this uftei noon, 17 daysIiom San Fjatieiseo with a cargo ofgeneral merchandise.


Arrived I line M, steamer Klnau fromHilo; June 17, steamer Kllauea J Ionfrom Honolulu, steamer Hawaii fromHonolulu; June IS, steamer Kluau fromHonolulu; June 21, steamer Klnau fromHilo and way poits; June 2!l, steamerKluau fioin Honolulu; July 3, steamerIC i mill fiom Hilo.

hailed I uuo 11, steamer Klnau forHonolulu; June 17, steamer KllaueaHun fur Kawaihae, teainer Hawaii forHilo: .lime IK, Kluau lor Hilo;.hint: stcaiucr Klnau for Honolulu;June 2'.i, Aiueiicau rohoonerGolden Shoic, Heudci'sou master, forSan Francheo, with 22, '72 bags sugar,2,."i(i0,557 lbs, value' $71,!":i.!)l.

J T Wiitei house. 01)10 bags; T IIDavie it Co, 15,602 bag; Juno 20,hteamei Kluau for liHoaud way pin tt ;

July is, etcniner Kliiiiu for Honolulu.M'hiiouei J U Noitb disehiiigitig at


Saili'd Jiuin i!0, brlgantlue I.iulini),Capl C'lniM MutMiii, for Sail Franciscowilli a lull of sugar. Passenger--Mr

.las liaib


I',. ' lli'iiiiiiiri'.1'

Tliu I'acii'io IIaudwahk Co., Lrl.,

havu just rucuivi'il from Kngluiul an

invoice of the well-know- n Dotilton

Ware, coinpriaing Hreukfiist and Din-

ner Sets, Toilet Sets, Cups anil Sau-

cers, Jugs, etc., etc.

Tliuir "upply of Plantation Tools

and Supplies is very complete, as also

of Lubricating Oils.

C'arholinciiui Avenuiius by the bar-

rel, case or smaller quantity.


Diamond Hkad, .'I p. m. Weatherlui.y, wind, high ca.--t.

The Weather Service hud jirodiotedlight winds for tlie Fourth, but failedlo lei the press know of it.

A Chinaman linnud Quen Chongwitli liit two wives nuil two childrenweio passiMigirs by the W. G. Hall

Ail IIki:, the ehu fa bank owner, ilis luiiinrcd, went iiito bankruptcy to-day, much to the delight of So Young,upponition.

Look out fur a r idling good gameol baseball next Satuitlny, uh il willbo between the Crescents and Kuuii'hiiuii has'.

Tin: naluof u strip of Governmentlaud nt iviiltiu, ll..ui.ikua, Hawaii,will take place tit luioll utthe fiutilcntiiiuee of Aliiohiui Hale.

A liUAUTttui. lire balloon was sentup fi oiu Sam Lederei's house .Mondayevening. It sailed over the town dis-charging colored lights, as it passedout to sea.

Tiik ball game on Saturday betweenthe KainehauiehiiH and lluiioluluswuh won by the former in a one-side-

gaine, with the giants f.irly out of it,score 8 to 0.

EvEUYiiooY's liiend Liming andhis unliable spouse were passengersby the steamer W. U. Hall for theVolcano this morning, expecting toreturn next Tuesday.

A full atteud.iiice of Hie dancersof tlie minuet is desired at the lehear-sa- l

this evening, to be held at the. Pal-ace. Tlie entrance will bo throughthe gate on Palace Walk.

Tiik yacht lleahiin's time last yearfur the pennant was Hi. 30m. lb.; theUonnie Dundee's timu yesterday was:ih. 20m. 29s. The race could hardlythen be called a "diifting" one.

Miss Grace Mcrriam Woods, adopt-ed daughter of the late PaymasterWoods, U.S.A., was married on June20th to J. L. Walls, driver for Wells,Fargo & Co. She eloped with him.

Thk Steens-Sniit- h troupe of mysti-iier- s

will arrive on the S. S. Australiaon Tuesday next, and will give seve-ral performances here. A ventrilo-quist is a member of the company.

Fuank Fkuuhira, whose trial on acharge of manslaughter will takeplace this mouth, was arrested yester-day for assault and battery. Fraukis the terror of the Portuguese colony.

EioirrrjUN eases of diuukenucbb weredisposed of in the Police Court thismorning. Three were discharged, onewas sentenced to ten days' imprison-ment, and the rest were lined moreor less.

W. C. Acm, a member of the bar,has been arrested for embezzlementof certain moneys alleged lo havebeen received in a certain land tians-actio- n.

Achi's trial will take placeou Tuesday.

The concert in Kawaiahao Churchon Saturday night was poorly attend-ed, but the program was an excellentone. Those who were fortunateenough to bo present enjoyed an ex-

cellent evening's entertainment.

Thkue were tug-of-w- matches onhorseback between the crack Kauaiand Koolau bullock horses yesterdayafternoon on the old baseball grounds.The attendance numbered hundreds.The Kauai horse won after a hardstruggle.

Many envious glances were easttow.uds the Flagship San Franciscoyestetday by good Americans. Judg-ing from the cheers and laughter onboard the Fourth was celebrated with"High Jinks" by all bands, and aglorious limo had.

Kki'kkhkntativk White began talk-ing against time on the gamblinglicense bill after routine business thisforenoon. Notwithstanding every pos-sible illbrt to put him down in a par-liamentary mode, the talking mem-ber for Lahaina was still wagging hischin at 4:00 this afternoon, havingpievented the Hoiiso from takingrecess.

Job Ferreira, the famous run-awa- y

catcher, was caught himself yesterdayin company witli a native namedKahoai. The two were on horsebackracing with each other. Ferreira pre-tended he was riding Senator Stun-fou- l

while Kahoai bestrode Amarino.Kahoai won the race, but In thePolice Court this morning tlioy woreboth beaten for $5 each by the PoliceJubtice.

Thk six Chinamen reported pre-viously as being found on the barkSonoma in San Francisco,while beingsmuggled into that city by HenryPrell, the cook of the ship, aro onhoaul the four-maste- d schooner Tran-sit which arrived this afternoon.Captain Leo of the Sonoma bad theChinainon put on the Transit for

them, as he would have for-feited .000 on each Chinaman to es-

cape. Poit Surveyor Crabbo, whenasked if they would be allowed to landhero, said not unless they hud thenecessary papers.


The following is the standing oftlie different clubs in the HawaiianLeague up to July 4 :

K . S3 C O "5g 2 2 3 g

. ' s ft2. s p re a

S 'g r? 3 : 7 3 3n 2


Honolulu.... .." 1 F .".T "aT-U:-

Kaiuehiuueha 2 " JJ ,r' I ,71''Hawaii 7 . .. . TT7 . . f". . Tf 8T WA

Crescent 2 1 .1 .. 4 .071Gunies Lost..! 1 2 4 3 ..!

Miss Maiiy LYLK,latcly hook-keop- er

with Kgan A (Juiiu, is 'opined t 'tostenographing and typo-writin- g atmoderate rates. Graduate of Heald'sHusiness College, San Fiancisco.Olllco willi C. J. McCaithy, a5 Me-rchant street. 2-- liu


Honolulu Keeps Up Its Record

for Observing the Day.

Library Exwcisbs Aqnitlc and Moid

f parts R llwiy Excursions

Ministerial Reception.

Tlie glorious Fourth this year boreout its name in respect of the weath-er as well as of its traditions. Therewas a crowded assemblage of Ameri-cans in the Hawaiian Opera Housefor this literary exercises. Partici-pants in the exercises occupied tliestage. Tile order of exercises was asfollows, with an introductory speechby Hon. J. B. Athcrton, chairman ofthe day:Overture "Pique Dame" Suppo

Hand of the U. S. Flagship SanFrancisco.

Invocation Hov. E. G. Ueckwithjtfitioual Song Instrumental and

solo by L'eut. L. M. Garretand Chorus.

Heading of the Declaration of Inde-pendence . By W. K. van Hoy pen,

Medical Inspector, U. Si N.Song "Columbia the Gem of the

Ocean".... Mrs. K. D. Wal-bridg- e

and Chorus.Addresses By K. H. Hoes, Chaplain

U. S. N., and His ExcellencyJohn L. Stevens.

Duet, for Flute and Clarionet "Min-nehaha".. . .Band of the San

Francisco.Closing with "America."

The addresses of Chaplain Hoesand Minister Stevens were eloquentefforts.


Tlie first class yacht race was wonby Bonnie Dundee; Hawaii second;Jlelene third ; Healani fourth. Fullreport crowded out.


The boat races in the harbor com-

menced at 1:30 o'clock in the after-noon, although the event commencedat 1 o'clock on board of the FlagshipSan Francisco and consisted of thefollowing:

Three-legge- d race Distance oncearound the spar deck. Prize 84 towinning team. Won by seamenJohnson and Lcsg.

Foot race Fifteon minutesplease. First prize, 85 ; second

prize 83. First prize won by seainagWaters, second prize by seamanKivers.

Sack Race Length of spar deck.Prize 83. Won by William Beer.

Potato Race Twenty potatoes.Prize S2. Won by seaman Allien.

Tug-of-w- ar Watch and watch.Won by the Starboard Watch.

Tlie first boat race was a twelve-oare- d

cutter race between- - the ma-

rines and the berth deck cooks. Thecourse was to and around the sparbuoy for a prize. It was won by theblack shirts, time 10 minutes.

A dingliey race, four oars, waswon by the bandsmen, 8:14. Thecourse was to and aroun 1 a buoy ofT

the Marine Railway about half amile. Prize, 81.0.

The next event was a six-oare- d

race, between two crews from theSan Francisco and one from theBritish cruiser Champion. TheAmerican whalcboat fouled tlie Am-

erican gig near tlie lighthouse, soanother start was made. The Am-

erican llect gig manned by six sturdymen took the lead from the start andmaintained it, finishing six boatlengths ahad. The course was twomiles, prize 8-- 1. Time 17:18.

A twelve-oare- d cutter race betweentwo ciews fiom tlie San Franciscoand one from the Champion camenext and was an exciting event. TheSan Francisco boats shut the Champion out at tlie lighthouse, but thehearts of oak stuck to it and with along and good btrong pull crossedthe Hue three lengths ahead ; time,18:01. It was a tiood and aclose race, causing no little excite-ment.

A whale-boa- t race between coal-heave- rs

and firemen was a good one,and was won by the coal-heav- n.

The distance was the same ; time,19:14.

The other events, which were noIes9 interesting, were as follows:

All Comers Race Distance, twomiles. Prize, 830. Won by tlieFlagship's launch.

Swimming Race Distance, 'JOO

yards. First Prize, 83 j won bySeaman Rcides. Second Prize, 2 ;

won by Seaman Bucktou.Catamaran Sculling Race Dis-

tance, 200 yards. Prize, 82 ; wonby Seaman Aberg.

Tub Race Distance, 200 yards.Piize, 82. Won by Usury Host.

The races were run, with the ex-

ception of the six-oare- d one, withouta hitch, and weie started from thebow of tliu San Francisco witli thecrack of a pistol.

The Committee of Arrangementswas as follows: II. E. Olesen, C. Q.M., II. G. Porter, S. W. Sec, Cutis.Leiiubach, C. O. M,, Russell Aiken,S. Corp., E. P. McFoy. Bugler; W.A. Brady, Pvt. ; M. Bow, IS. M.,starter, II. dayman, S. W., judge,Clias, Leiiubach, C. U. M., icferee.

Salutes of twenty-on- e guns werefired from the shore battery, II. B.M. S. Champion aud U. S. FlagshipSan Francisco at noon in honor ofthe Fourth. The combined reverber-ations died away in the distance likea roll of thunder. Tliu two war ves-

sels were decorated from stem to

- "" r 1- - 13 . . T"-"- . Ji'stern and the ship' olliicrs exchang-ed couiti'tic iluritnr tlie day. A

huge number of people vWtetl thevessels and viewed tlie race from the-decks-.

Her Majesty the Queen nasan interested spectator of the eventsfiom the boathoii9e. The Myitieboathouse was crowded also, thegentler sex predominating.

A laughable event win taken innear tlie late King's boallinii.e whenHie Walker boys of tlie Healani boatclub would not allow a uieiuber olthe club to enter the 'Bella W."ItccatHc lie had a small silk American11. ig around his hat.

It VSI'.U Vt.I.

The Crescent3 and the Hawniismet on the Leaguu grounds ycstei-la- y

uftei noon fur Hie ihinl time be-fo- ie

the laigcsl crowd ever assem-bled on Hie League grounds. TheCrcsce its won ihe Uiis and look thebat, but were retired in short ordeiamidst wild applause and shouting.The Hawaiis were no better, and theladies, whose favorites wcie theCrescents, waved tliuir handker-chiefs aud clapped hands. Tlie ap-plause iu the next inning was deafen-ing, as by sheer luck three Crescentplayers crossed the plate. The Ha-

waiis made two runs in the next in-

ning.The Crescents made another three

runs in the fourth and one in theseventh, making a total of sevenruns. The Hawaiis knocked downone iu tlie fifth inning aud two morein the sixth, making a total of five.Several times during Hie game tlieHawaiis had men on tlie liases onlyto diu there.

A biillianl feature of tlie game wasthe batting of tlie Hawaiis. Angusand his curves was buffetted here andthere like cockle shells. Thompsonplayed his usual good game, as alsoMorris at second. Rosa played thirdin line style. Long at short was verygood, iu fact tlie whole team wasgood, only three paidonablc errorsbeing credited to the nine. Theplaying of Prince Cupid at centerfield must be mentioned. He playeda professional game both iu the fieldaud at the bat.

The Crescents could have playeda better game, but then they playedjust well enough to win. Specialmention must be made of PercyLishman's work at third base. Thereis no mistake, little Percy is the starplayer of the league. Lionel Hartat shortstop was very poor ; he didnot play his usual game, but indulgedin too much funny business. Hehandled the ball as if he was lookingover the records in the Court ollice.Willie Wilder was as uprightly asever and several times made somebrilliant plays. Soper at first playeda daisy game. Angus pitched lesseffectively than tihiial but as ablysupported by Chris. Willis' back-stop. Tile umpiring by C. Crahheand Robert Parker were satisfactory.Following is the score:

cnr.ci:vrs,.NAMCs. All. 11 1III. u. A. i:.

Willis, Co 3 1 2 (J 0 (I

Lishuiaii, l,:tb. 112 5 ." 0Hart, L., s.s. .. ii 0 0 1 II 2Wilder, W., 2b.. 5 0 1 7 2 2

Caiter, r f B 1 1 1 0 0Soper, J., lb.... 1 1 I a 2

Thrum, c.f a i i i o

Giube, l.f I 1 0 1 0 0Angus, G., j).... :i o o o o ii

Total :is 8 27 1 11


nmi:s. Alt. IS. 1111 O. A. K.

Long, s.s - 0 2 2 C I

Kosa, G., :tb 5 0 1 1 I 1

Dan, 1. f - I 110 0Cupid, c.f 4 0 10 0 0Woods, P., p 5 1 2 0 3 1

Morris, 2 b 4 1 0 0 0Thompson, J., lb i i k; oHolt, l.f 10 0 01'ryci", c 14 10

Total 1:1 .. ii K! a

hColll', IIV INNINfisCiesceuts 0 II 0 'J 0 0 1 0 07Hawaiis 0 2 0 0 12 0 0 0- -5

SuMMAiu : Two Base lilts W. Mil-der, Pilueo Cupid and Piyce. ThieeHae Hlt-Wl- llN. Double Plays -- W.Wilder and Soper. Left ou Bases Ha-

waiis, 12; descents, 7. Stiuck Out UyWoods, 2; by uigus, S. Wild itchesWoods, 1; Angus, 1. Parsed Halls-Wi- llis,

3 Bit by Pitched ltall Linli-ina- u.

Earned Kims Ciesceuts, fi; Ha-

waiis, 1, Uinplii". "rabbc and Parker.Scorer J. W. inler.


The reception at the AmericanLegation given by Minister Stevensand which lasted from 3:30 to 0:30gave opportunity for a large numberof persons lo present their respcctito Uncle Sam's lepresentatives.Mrs. Stevens and her daughters aid-

ed iu tlie reception of calleis, andthey were assisted iu doing the hon-

ors by Mrs. Frank Hatch, Mrs.R. I). Walbridge, Mrs. S. M. Damon,Misses Carter, Miss Dora Dowsettaud Miss HarUell. The cullers - afull list of whom is omitted ou ac-

count of lack of space includedMinisters Parker, Spencer and Wide-mau-

; Major J. Hay Wodchoiwc,Moiib. Vizzavona, W. M. Giffard, F.A. Scliuefer, II. Renjes, II. F.Ulude, Thomas It, Walker and othermembers of the Diplomatic and Con-

sular Corps; His Lordship BishopWillis, Hon. J. M. Horner, Hon. W.V. Horner, don. It. D. Walbridge,don. James Anderson, Chief JusticeJuild, Prof. W. T. Brighain, Prof.M. M. Scott; Captain Watson andlicet olllcers of the U, S. F. S. SanFiancisco, and a large number oflocal residents. The baud ol tlie U.S. San Francisco discoursed sweetmushj during tlie reception hours andthe lady horU aud assistants pro-

vided refreshments for tho myriadvisitors.

ici;hom ;itovrA laige crowd took advantage of

the railway excursion yesteiday foran outing at Peail City and Ewa.

-- -.

The car wee more oi 1. ss crowdeddining ' l(--' "ay, but in tliu afternoonu large number went down, Poitu-gues- e

predominating. There wasdancing at the Grovo, anil gporlsamong the plantation hands at Ewa.

rtir: it viii,.

A brilliant ball wn? held in theevening at 8 o'clock in a hinai spe-cially constructed for tho occasionou Hie Hawaiian Hotel grounds lunrthe new l.mai. Tne place was nicelylighted up i i.tl presented a fairy-lik- e

appeararce. The inside was gailydecorate I with (lags of till utitinn,protuiiii'iil among which were theliiis and snipes. Near midnight

the company ol partook oflight leficlinicnts, after which danc-ing ai resumed until early morning.v n, tiled but happy, all wenthome Tin committee managedeverything in UrM-clas- st,le, ly

e veiy thing went olf smoothly.. mm

Mr. J. P. Blaize, an extensive realestate dealer in l)cs Moines, Iowa,nauowh escaped on ol the severestattacks of pneumonia while in Hienorthern part of that slate during arecent blizzard, says the Snturthtylieview. Mr. Blaize had occasion todrive several miles during the stormand was so thoroughly chilled thathe was unable to get warm, and in-

side of an hour alter his return hewas threatened with a severe case ofpneumonia or lung fever. Mr. Blaizesent to the nearest ding store andgot a bottle of Chamberlain's CoughItemed', of which he had oftenheard, and took a number of hugedoses, lie says the effect was won-

derful and that in a short time liewas breathing quite easily, lie kepton taking the medicine and the nextday was able to come to Des Moines..Mr. Blaize regaids bis cine as simplywonderful. Fifty cent bottles forsale by all dealers. Benson, Smith& Co., Agents.

li 10QUI WATER DM 0.

ellicacj of hot water in inflam-matory conditions can hardly be

overrated. To a limited extent itsvalue has long been known. Ourgrandmothers made Use of woolencloths dipped iu hot water as a sub-

stitute for hot-wat- bags. At presentthe worth of this remedy in almost allforms of p.iin is generally recognizedby the medical profess'on.

Hot cloths, however, aiu not con-

venient of application ; aie apt to wettlie clothes, and they soon cool andrequire repeated dipping. The rubberbag is in every lcspi'ct superior. Once(nought to tho proper tetnpenituic,the heal is long rctaiiied ; it is neat,and easy of application.

We have them in ruzos of 1, 2, 3

and 4 quarts.Eveiy household should have one

at k'ast icady for an emergency.


OIlUCiCitjSTfc-i- .

Curni-i- ' fort A; Ivliiir hlreols,


rrUIE Regular Monthly Meeting of1 the File Police will he held THIS

(Tuesday) EVEXIN'G, July filli, attheir New Hall, comer Hotel and Foitstieets at 7 o'clock h:up. Tlie at-

tendance of every uii'inbcr is leqllested.11. AHMlTAliE,

4i3 It Secretary.



Will be held Til 1m (Tm-dii- y) EVEN-ING. July nth, at 7 :.I0 o'clock. A

full attendance Is desired, as an

Election for Directors !

Will be held.

TI1KO. F. LANmINO,10:i It Secietary.

Now LandingEX IIAJtK

J. O. PFLUG-E- 5?

A New Supply of the Celebrated

Harzer Sauerlirunneu


H HACKFELD & CO.n.i 2w


- AT -

Quantities to Suit!


H. HACKFELD & 00.igj aw



rcj-- j iii



wAMVltuMJ"'.'""" "

I urn



mmiJk-f-A I

' iaS$&2$iJ

-r-:.- T -

iir s - 4-- S

-- " "V.kw


it's somo







than ever.

HAW AU AN HARDWARE GO,street, oppn. Bank, llonninhi.









Tliu first requisite is r,)(i ,at,.. begood the octU PLATE, but if so.

we have failed to

Fill anfl Frcsli Supply op Hand. i Far Sals

H0LL1STER & CO., DRUGGISTS.lOi "rt .Sti-iM'- :




aas as


104 Fort street, Honolulu.

Choice Millinery!o




Special Reduction School HatsFOR I WEEK ONLY -- xdt



Is -- lumiii;' a lieaulifiil line nf


if AIR


III the pierced work now mi popu-

lar anil nt prices which you willconsider


For Such High Gaile Goods


sa a lOIt a Ifi in ol jeiif!', tin-fS-

I'lopeili belonyhi" toIhe Estate cf Luiig, do- -

eased, situated iu M tuna Valley andfor tlie past In je.iin haiiif; been occu-pied by a. A. There aie twopieces; tho Hut cnn-isti- ii of a Laiul'aldiH'K nu tlie Wall.lkl hlo of theiipiei Alaiio.i aud billable furruiv-In- tl

utiuiisi aiijlb'iii;. the secmnl ou theKwa Fide of ilie upper Mauu.i uiatl, be-lli,' a Laige Pailiioi-- Milialilu fur e,

toitlu-- r willi all the lliiihluisthereon. l'oMi'nsiui) given at once. Torpaitlculai'd apply in

F. A.h MIAIIFTJI.Or .1. T. ItiO hv

io a:t1IVAL J'UK.MIES, ail i liiretanli tireot, onnii- - i

elte Foit-rtii- ei Chureh. Aii- -lily to H. 1. L1LI.IE,

UK'.! tf At Then U. Davl'-- n A: f'n. I

TO liifil' '

'PWO Xlcolv Fuinl.huilma 1 Itnnnni eoutrlly jucilinl.1 Kiuiulro Hui.t.l!TiN Oilke. '

;i03 ii

Thno mnkus many

nnd about timo

be made in

your dinner The now


which vc show is the best

chansT- - you can make.

Xuw Goods ox C.

now on and

fur sali. I much lower


There MAY otherbrands

find them,








SB&2S&& I'lnin







if 7.

.- - ...(Efrff-- r'MARK


M A K v:

Honolulu. !5 1.

mmj mwm


& Toques !

Desirable Residences

TO LKTCO'ITAOE on Kiniiia street, lately oc-

cupied by Mr. McCarthy. Kent S'Mper niomh mid water fate.

UOTI'ACIK on Kiii sjjvet, ICeiwilo,l.ilely eciiipied by Mr. ClaieiieeCiabhc. Kent &''.r per month andwater rate. It:! lilt

DoMle Kssiflera Situsc


HAVE I otii I iui) ItoMilenco Sites,I Mlnated on I liUnI for siile.The I.olh have a fi outage n( 111 feet miI'liholMieei ami nru 'JOO feet deep, aienicely laid out Iu fuiit and treesand in u all coveied with fjrass; wat.-- i

laid on throughout. Tfio situation ofthen! I. ols and the limited number nuiU-i- l

neeen-ar- y ihat Intending puiclnisyrsbhuiild iiiaKe early application to thuiindurKiiied, fnim whom all particularscan he hail. .US. F. MOKOA.W

una tf


.lulililiif; promptly attended to.

84 Bcrutania St. -- vriuiai-Hull Tolo. 280.151 Hiii'

U)i T

POSTAL Savings Hank Tass llnokL Xo. 7:i.sl hub I) on lul, mill

it have been stopped. Fljideiwill pleate leturn to tliu I'oiinl biivlns;-liiink. 102 :u


Vl.l. persons IiinIi) claims againstwill plca-- u tend In their hllU

befuio.lnlv JOtii fur payuieiit. Alldue me iiiut bo paid before that

date, as I Intend luavliie: tho Kliipliuu.A. K. WJ?I1.

Houuliilii, July 1. IbO.'. 101 Iw

lMetiiro Kraiuos inaile toorder l'rm latest stylos t

inonlilisis. Heiiovation othl picliires si siuuiiaHy til

liing rris., Hotol stroot.

Page 4: wfTvY1?-- Vi f!


uwpnM.Wtwifr' t 4"w"-ii-v ".. i --ni - ia- v k " ": 'A '1 .,.' 'Htetnr


ylitWsSlp n&ybSMlBUBi1ST. LOUIS, ino.



Pure Malt and Highest Grade Hons !

&&J No Corn or Corn preparations used in place of Mult, as is doneby other Eastern Breweries, in order to eheapen the cost of their Beer,and to compete, with our woiid-reiinwne- d and justly famed article.

With the Completion of the New Brewhouse,the Brewing: Capacity is the Largest

of any Brewery in the World.Brewing Capacity: 6 kettles every 2-- hours, G,O0O-Barre- ls, or 1,800,000

Barrels per year.Consumption of Matemu.: Malt, 12,000 bushels per day 3,600,000

bushels per year. Hops: 7,o00 lbs. per clay 2,250,000 lbs. per year.No Corn or Corn Preparations are used in the manufacture

of the Anheuseu-Bupc- h Beer. It is, therefoie, the highest priced but theTiost wholesome and really the least expensive for its sujierlor quality.

Annual Sihppinp Capacity: 100,000,000 Bottles and 5,000,000 Kegs.

The Anheuser-Busc- h Co. have carried off the highest honor-- , and the

highest class gold medals wherever 11103' have competed. At all of the

International Exhibitions, throughout the world, their Beer excelled all


This Company have prepared a special brand of their highest gradeBeer, for the Hawaiian Islands, known us " liiJJ ATi JJIIEW," with

a handsome label and in white bottles, which with their best " EXPORTA.NQEUSE11" in dark bjtiles,, heietolore iuported, we will now

supply to the trade in quantities to suit.

G-- . W. MACFAKLANE & CO.,Aleuts lor the Hawaiian Islands.U51


Society of the United States.An Eminently Conservative and Safe Company.


The consideration of first importance in judging of the condition ofany financial institution (and notably ut u lite insurance company, the ma-

jority of whoao contracts extend over lung purioiU ol years) is its nurplustitrenyth. Tho Equitable; has, over and above all liabilities, a larger biir-plu- b

than auy other assurance company.

Assets, Dec. 31, 1891, - - $136,198,518.38

LI.3IUTIES, including tho ltaser;o on all existing Policies, (4per cent. Standard) and Special Reserve (toward tho es-

tablishment ol a 38 por cent, valuation) of $1,500,000 109,905,537.82





$ 26,292,980.56

will receive piomnt attention. &3MU

This Surplus remains after making provision for every obligation, on arigid calculation of JAubililka based on tho standard prcsoiibul by the In-

surance Law of the Statu of Mow Yuik, which assumes that Assets will be

invested so as to realize interest til the rale of ! per cent, per annum. Inaddition to this, in a spirit of conbervaiiHiii, the Diieclors of the Society,on the lecoiniiiundatiou ot its Finance Committee, have set aside a SpecialAdditional Reserve, looking towards even a more stringent and conservativefuture standard of valuation than the law now prescribes.

ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT,General Aifcut for Hawaiian Inlands.

c. J. McCarthy,New CuMMiNb' Block, Meiicjia.nt Srm:i;r.


ItOlltb- - Collet id .iml IlitUSUS Jtoulcd,

gj& Any business entrusted to nit--

, - uuv -l

VRfG&-T-T "HTES." - ,v spv"V ?" 'ly

.vJt-- ' 'ir'j,






I herewith appoint Mb. M. GOLD-BERG, Agent for the sale of myGenuine Sanitary Underclothing inthe Hawaiian Islands. Beware ofimitation. Signed,

PROF. DR. G. JAEGER.Stuttgart, the 19th of September, '90.


2117 tf



Is open now and offers an un-

excelled Stock of Fancy Goods.We make a specialty of

Stamping Patterns and are now

ready to take orders in that line.A brand now stock of Silk Em-

broideries, Art Linens, Tassels,Fringes, Draperies and otherartistic gooih are offeied to theladies of Honolulu.



t'oi'l --ilrcct.I'iOJ'itLJW- -

mkl Cil? FACTOR!



ifisc'ilS! 8i2m


F. iiOKN,Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook fc


71 Hotel St. -- t&- Telephone 74.




G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesalo & Retail Butchers




The Best Lunoh In Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 HourThe Finest Brands ol

dears, JJ& Totaci

A.rwuyn on Hand.II. JJ. NOLTK, Proprietor.



White & Black SandWhich wo will bull at the very lowest

111111 Kut rates foi cash.Boll Tele. 414. --AUot6y- Mutual Tole. 19.

my 20-9- 2


ANY party or pinties having claimsagainst mu. forward same In

IteiuUcil hill, and I will euttlo in full.ALI1KRT LOOMANS,

P. O. Itox 12U, .Sacramento, Cal.401 1


TWO Now Cottage to letJL on Punchbowl street.

Kiiouho ofL. A1JL1SK,

453 ?w 13 Nuuaiiu stroot.

k (Continued fioni 1st lWe.)

third Stanford was pulling "iuin Yumdown, and was lending before thetflllo pale was readied. Vtiui VuinwaS game to the end, losimi by onlya Billy C had long befotedropped out of-th- e possiliilitics foreven a good thiid. Tune '2:23.Senator Stanford was ridden by .liinCiow, Bdi'v G. by Slocum and YumYum by Cal. Leonard. Befoic thisrace was run the second time. Sena-

tor Stanford has taken a second beat-ing for the day in the eleventh race.


Waihee Purse, SloO. Trolling andpacing to harness, mile heals, best II

in 6. All Horses Having a rururu 01

2 "U0 or hotter to l'o to load cart andcarry 185 lbs. Entered: JohnnyHay ward, g. g., aged, W. II. Corn-wel- l;

Blitz, b. ., 5 years, Lahaino.Stables (C. F. Horner's); Hilly, br.g., aged, R. Ballentyne.Johnny Hay ward 1

Billy ..2First heat. Billy had the pole,

Johnny llayward next. Billy wasdriven by D. 11. Davis, Johnny llay-ward by Decker, Blitz., a colored man.Billy took the lead, with Blitz. secondat the quarter, after which Blitz, fellback, but kept close to llaywardsome distance, then fell hopelesslybehind. At the finish llayward was aneck ahead of Billy, but the heat wasawarded to Billy because of Hay-ward- 's

fouling on the homestretch.Time, 2:-in- .

Second Ileal. Billy had the pole,and secured an initial lead, keepingit lor the half mile, then letting Hay- -

ward go by him. llayward btokeoften with advantage and was threelengths ahead at the thrce-tpiaiter-

which was reduced by Billy at thefinish to a length and a half, Blitztwo lengths behind BIllv. Time,


Third heat. Mr. Ballentyne drovefor himself this time. Johnny Hay-war- d

having the polo led olf, withBilly pushing him hard past thequarter, but losing two lengths be-

tween that and the half. Johnnyfinished a length ahead. Blitz, wasfour lengths behind the second.Time, 2:12.i.

Foiuth heat. Davis resumed thoreins ove'r Billy, gaining and holdingthe lead till near the half, whenJohnny Hay ward hi caking wildly re-

duced the gap to almost nothing andpassed Hilly at the third quarter,finally winning the heat and the raceby one length. Blitz, .was no time init. Time,


Corinthian Race. Gold medal,value $f)0. Entrance fee, S 10. Run-

ning lace, one mile dash, welterweights, for all members of the As-

sociation. Entered: Black Diamond,blk. h., aged, Dr. Geo. Herbeit; Joe,b. g., aged, R. Ballentyne; Elector,c. g., aged, L. M. Vellesen,Joe 1

Black Diamond 2

l'lns was one of the most interest-ing races of tho da'. The medal,previously described in the Bui.i.iiix,was well worthy of strenuous compe-tition. The contesting riders as wellas hotses came out in line form. Dr.Herbert's soldierly figure never ap-peared to better advantage, as, dec-

orated with blue, pink and cerisesasli and cap, he rode into the arena.Secretary Vetlesen's tall and grace-ful form Droved as linn in the sad-dle as a cavalry commander, andcould not be stirred when his horseplayed some lively prank3 before hehad got his feet in the slirrups. Hewore as colors lilac sash and cap.Mr. Ballentyne, tall, wiry and agile,had a keen determination to winHashing from his dark eyes, hiscolors were dark pin pic jacket, oldgold sleeves and sash.

Elector had the pole, Black Dia-mond, second place. Black Dia-mond forged ahead on the shut, withElector second. Joe was not long inoverhauling his rivals, and Electorgained a brief lead over Black Dia-mond, which got second at the halfmile and was giving Joe a severepush at the three-qiiaiter- s. Electorfrom henceforth tell sadly behind.Joe won over Black Diamond by acouple of lengths. Tho doctor'sstrong attempt at victory was gener-ally admired, and his failure concedcd to be no shame, consideiing thathe was fully 2fj lbs heavier than thewinning rider. Time 1:58A.

i:i.i.vi:ntii HACi:.

Queen Liliuokalani Cup. Purse8150. Running race, 1 mile dash,free for all. Enteicd: Senator Stan-ford, as above ; Lord Brock, as above ;

Yum Yum, as above; J. A. C, h.h., aged, C. II. Broad.Lord Brock 1

Senator Stunfoi d 2Yum Yum !(

Every animal in this race having11 good reputation there was muchinterest in the result. Stanford hadthe pole, Brock second, Yum Yumthird. Stanford again had to carryoverweight. He was ridden by JimCrow, Lord Brock by Slocum, YumYum by Leonard, and J. A. C. byFrank Jones. There was a goodstart, from which Lord Brock led.Following him at the quarter wereYum Yum and J. A. C, with theSenator coming rapidly up in theicar, and passing J. A. C, was neckand neck with Yum Yum at the thirdquarter. The rest of the race wasbetween Lord Brock and SenatorStanford, the Senator giving IdsLordship a hot pursuit up tliu homebtretch, yet failing to reach him atthe wire by a couple of lengths.Time, 2:20.

twi:i.ftii iiaci:.Polo Cup. Purse Entrance

fee, 87.50. Running A mile dash,owners to ride, welter weights ; lormembers Hawaiian polo clubs. En-

tered: Whistling Coon, roan g.,

imen, . i. iwossiunii; nil lliuiagain, sor. in., nged, John McGuire.Whittling Coon 1

A lively, lnriiui scaruin race. HitIllin Again led a good part of theway rmnid, but was parsed and beatenby Whistling Coon with a lead ofthreo lengths. Time, 1 :2.

Tiinrrr.i nth itAcr..

Mule Race. Purse SnO. llunnlngrace, A mile dash, catch weight, fre'ufor all. Rocky,b. in., nged. Wn.luku Stables; Niol, hi. 111 , . years,Win. Fiiel; Jenny, br. in., 11 years,I'. Cockett.X10I , , , , , 1

When the II ig f,. one ,m,0 9loocistill at the wire, starting when theothers were a sixteenth of 11 mileahead. It was nip and luck betweenNiui and Jenny most of the way, butNioi won by two lengths.

The thirteenth race was declaredoff, as only R. Ballentyne's Joe wasentered. It was to be'a free for allsweepstakes, SoO each, Associationadding S.")0, 10 forfeit, runningmile dash, handicap.

The day's events were managedably by the ollleers of the day, whowere as follows :

Judges-I- I. Center, W. A. Mc-Kay, II. II. Plciner.

Starters -- D. L. Meyer, E. R.Biven.

Clerk of the Course Dr. Geo.Herbert.

'i'ime Keepers A. F. llopkc, Ed.Hoffmann.

Patrol Judge Ed. Kruoger.Saddling Paddock L. von Temp-sky- .

Tho ollleers oT the Maui' RacingAssociation are as follows: Presi-dent, Hon. R. D. Walbridge; Vice-Preside-

A. F. Hopke; Secretary,L. M. Vellesen; Tie.isurer, F. L.Stolz. ; Executive Committee C. II.Broad, G. P. Wilder, Dr. GeorgeHerbert.

Messrs. Broad, Wildei, Vellesenand 11. G. Treadway were active inassisting the ollleers' of the day, andare entitled to shaie in the creditdue for the smooth working of allarrangements.

When recess was called a nootifor an hour, many of the visitorswere enteitained at lunch at the res-idence of Mr. llopkc, United States

....... 1 it' t if- - .. ... ...

consular Agent. A number of la-

dies were piesent and two large ta-

bles were inadequate to accommo-date all the guests at once. How-ever, none went away without beingabundantly refreshed at the bounti-fully and elegantly laid boards.

Hon. Paul Neumann in a felicitousmanner not foreign to him proposedthe health of the hospitable host, in-

cluding in the compliment Hie namesof the gentlemen assisting him inmaking the visitors at home. Thetoast was enthusiastically honored inbumpers of chanpagne.

Afler (he conclusion of the racesmany of the Honolulu people wereagain inn in by the principal resi-dents, and treated to substantialdinners by way ot reinforcing themfor the voyage home.

The Claudine weighed anchor at 8p. 111. and without especial incidentariived in Honolulu at (i this morn-ing.

A traveling man who chanced tobe in the store of E. V. Wood, atMcKecs Rocks, Pa., says while hewas waiting to see Mr. Wood, a littlegirl came in with an empty bottle la-

beled Chamberlain's Pain Balin andsaid : "Mamma wants another bot-tle of that medicine; she says it isthe best medicine for rheumatism sheever used." d0 cent bottles tor saleby all dealers. Benson, Smith &Co.,Agents.

O FTO rv fl u 1 1' J-U- .

f orPortlaud, 0M Victoria, B. C.

TheS. S. "PALM AS"Of the above LI lie will lie due at

Honolulu about

JUNW Xi.-Ji-h,

And will have immediate diojiatch foraboe poi Ir,.

JtQjT For Fielght or Passage apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES &, CO.,441 171 Aguutt-- .


"VrOTIOEisheieby given that I will--L not he lesponilblo for any debt-- ,

contracted without my wiitteu outer..1. CIKNICENS.

Honolulu, .Inly 2, IS'.iu. Wl at

NOTICE."VrOTI',E Is hereby given that thei- - iinileilgnei) will not bo ivrpmibl-bl- o

for any debts ineiu red without hiswiitteu consent.

A. It. XAONK.Honolulu, ,111110 li,'i, IS . .J,--


A .MAN who uuiluistaiuK funningIV and taking caio ofMouk; 11111M hosober ami thon ughlj pitted In hi workand have good refcionccn; none hut acompetent man need apply. Adiheas"P. O. box I" Honolulu. 412 Hn

FOlt ftALE!

flas Ma-chine in complete woiklug older

and giiaiaiitced. Will be bold uponfuvoiahlo teinii to the purchaser. jhta few Handsome Flxtmea. Apply to

.lOHXPJlILLIPft,:!W tf King btreut.

FOR hALilfl

il.MIJKIt enouirh to uiiiKe COUO eoidhX of Kbewood or Ch.ucoal at CO

cents a cord. Apply atKAIH'KU KAXmi.

41"' tf Hawaii.MchKi'H. Kuiy; "limn, arci

Hhowing--a lino linii ol Ham-bo- o

and ntlmr Htylo ParlorEuhuIh, Wall JJrackols andWindow t.ornicoH at pricesto meet tho times.

-- . . - . l . .

JOHNImnoMor and Oinhr in

Steel siifl Iran Ranges,

ekmFj? .v : &..I.VVMl ll?X.i4.W.Lt13i& " "" --

KSKiPBSWaawftiwM fSJ.Ui'Jili'

BtT !iW a.Housekeeping Goods Ilitchon Utensils,




..,, win .iTi i.n.1

HiJ S 9.S


kt. f?

Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps,

Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes,

lumbing, Tin, Copper end Sheet Iron Wo

Builders' & Geneial Hardware,

A.gricuitura! Smpiements,




Ciitiery k General MMM,Blake's Steam Pumps,

Weston's Centrifugals,WILCOX & GIBE'S, AND REMINGTON


:i. u. box ISO.: Rrti Smg,, "

Wi'hl Cor. N'unJtuu




I?h f i.?una UU'SVlHrn

.5 i:.

i. m



Stoves nil Fixtures,

mim .






M ! mutual do.:

l.in Strei'ts.


Eveiiiii.s till i) o'ultxskv

jSf5Er P.

VwhimhBau"vwa"" BBWHf

- Edinburgh & Queen Su..5


&'- - If want to time and money buy your Furniture, at thoI. L.. eorucr Nuiiauu Ivin .street-- .

Kisf" I'ouuil plaeo to buy New ami hpcoml-ham- ! Furniture of kinds atlowest priees, the I. (,., eoiuer Xiiuaiiu and King .streets.

te.r liedroom Waidiobes, Ice l)nxu. Stoves, Chairs. Hauling Lamps,Jtugs, Itui cans, Uheftonier.-.- bold elieap lor cash at (lie I. L., corner Xuu-an- n

and Kiuj; stiecu.Jefif" Meamer mid Veranda Chairs, Sofa- -, Bed Lounges, IJaby Cribs,

Sewin; JIacliiue.s, Wli.ituoU, Meal ates, Trunks, etc., sold at lowestca-- h pnees at the I. L., New and S coml-liau- d Furuituie llouse, eoiuer Nuii-auu and Kini; stieets.

S. W.

ttSr Str Open

No. 119.


s?b utavwjr auas wb






youX. and

the allX.

ClothesUakuts, the



Kiag Street, bet. Fort & Alakea Streets,IMPORTER & DEALER IN

Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed.Fresh California Roll Butter & Island Butter


New Goods received by every steamers fioraSan Frauciscogj All oidire fauhlidly attended to and batn-f.ietio- n guaranteed. Inland

oidcm solieited and oackid with caio.

relephoneSjNo. Vi3T


V- Si



Oaliforuia Wheat, Oat Hay, in laigo and comjirut-hc- baleb; Barley, Rolledfe Oioiind JJai ley, California it New e.iland Oata, Middlings, Bran, Coin,

Uutokod Corn, Wheat, Etc., Etc., 13lc., Etc. Also,

Drtftid Unov and Victor Flour I: to' tO li 1 L. I Z W li S :

vVe keep conM.uiil in tho celebrated Feililims nianiifaottned by Mr.X. ll.tiia ol S.111 Fi.uicinco, viz.: Bono Meal, Wool Dust High UiadeSuper i'liObph.uoi, all of which can had at bediock piiees.

SIS' Ultud ordoro ununited and HHtisfaotioa guaranteed. Jf$Tolophono



LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, 11. L,

Importers, Wholesale & Mail Dealers in Groceries & Provisions,


JUK- -


steamer of O. 8. S. California fiesh CalaforniaButter, Fro.en Oystero Ficidi California Fruits, Fibh, Ganie, Vogotablcb,

A complete of Crosse & Blaekwell's & J. T. MortonV CannedA Bottled (loodb uhriiyt, on hand. Also, just leeuved a of Cionnaufates Potted Meats Bottled Piobuived Fruits, Lewis & Co.'u MaltehOBrand Sugar Cuied ILmih Bacon, Breakfast Ceieals, CreamFlakebandCre.ini Wheat Flakeb, Sicily Lemons Califoiniu ItivorsiduOranges, Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., IS Hatisfaci'm (iuartinteed.

P. O. 115.--


&" -- OXS

imiEHCI Liir.



Box 372.



Sets,etc., X.

175.- -



-- P. O. Box


No. U2,

By each the Co. from Rolland

etc., etc. linefrobh lino

and andand Now Oat




j&gfr- -


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

0New Goods received by every imokol from Eiibtern Slates and Europe,

Fit-al-l California Produeo by oery bteamer. All oiders faithfully attendedto and Goods delivered to any part of tho city free of charge. It hi ml ordoruaolioited. Batiufactiou jjuarantood, 1
