What is Sculpture Vocabulary

What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different

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Page 1: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different

What is Sculpture


Page 2: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different


Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line

Sculpture Line: the edge where two different planes meet and creates an implied line.

Importance: Line helps define the space. Line can create stability,rhythm, texture or movement

Page 3: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different


Drawn Shape: A 2D shape is formed when two ends of a line meet

Sculpture Shape/Form: Sculpture includes both 2D shapes and 3D forms. The way the forms and shapes fit together creates spaces, both positive and negative.

Uses: Both positive and negative space is important in sculpture. The contrast between them creates visual interest. Sculpture interacts with its surrounding as you can see through and around the artwork.

Page 4: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different


Drawn texture: Making something look as though it might feel using line, dots or marks

Sculptural Texture: How a surface would feel if you touched it. Texture affects light as it interactswith the surface. Sculpture uses actual textures such as smooth, rough, silky, pitted, ridged

Sculptural Uses: texture is used to enhance the mood, feeling or meaning. Texture can change the visual experience you have as you interact with the sculpture. Smooth, polished metal evokes a different feeling than rough, cut stone or soft, fluffy cotton.

Page 5: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different


Drawn Balance: refers to the placement of shapes with in a composition on a 2D surface: symmetrical, asymmetrical or radial

Sculptural Balance: refers to the placement of forms as a whole. Symmetrical sculptures have their forms distributed equally along and axis and Asymmetrical sculptures are balanced visually, but the forms are distributed unevenly

Uses: Symmetry evokes stability and Asymmetry evokes tension, instability, movement and action. A sculptor chooses the position of the forms to evoke a specific reaction from the viewer.

Page 6: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different


Drawn Scale and Proportion: refers to the objects on the page compared to one another.

Sculptural Scale: refers to the measurement of a form in relation to a person.

Page 7: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different


Uses: Size affects how we relate toward a sculpture. Something small that can be held in your hand has a different feeling than a large pointy sculpture that looms over your head. What emotions do you think Claus Oldenburg’s Safety Pin and Louise Bourgeois’ Spider are trying to evoke from their viewers?

Page 8: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different


Drawn Form: It is the illusion of space and volume on a 2D surface

Sculpture Form: Is actual form that has high, width and depth as well as volume. It takes up actual space.

Uses in Sculpture: Sculpture is an actual volume that can be walked around, sometimes under, over and through.

Page 9: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different


Drawn Contrast: Usually refers to the extreme differences in value or color to create definition or visual interest

Sculptural Contrast: Differences between positive/negative space, color, size, form, line, material or texture with in a sculpture.

Page 10: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different


Uses: – Different materials catch the light differently and have

different moods or temperature. Louise Bourgeois contrasts the qualities rough wood pedestal and soft, folded form made of hard, polished marble.

–Different types of shape evoke different feeling: geometric angular vs. soft organic. Isamu Noguchi uses organic and thin piercing lines,

Page 11: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different

– Here Claus Oldenburg uses an unusual material to construct a set of drumkit. This is a contrast of materials and structures we know, but are not present

Page 12: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different

Abstract vs Representational

Representational art is art that focuses on the realistic details of a subject.

Abstract art is not realistic but is based on an actual subject, but it has been reduced, simplified and the details have been removed. Abstract Sculpture focuses on forms, shapes, contours, movement rather than on realistic details.

Page 13: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different

From realistic to abstract

Page 14: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different


French Word- literally chewed paper Chinese origins Paper pulp or small pieces or strips of

paper that has a binder or glue mixed in or applied to it. It is layered over an armature in a wet state and as it dries it becomes hard.

Page 15: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different

Examples of Large Papier-Mache’

Page 16: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different


A framework or skeleton around which a sculpture is built. It is used as a stiff support for soft materials such as clay, wax, papier-mache’ and cloth.

Page 17: What is Sculpture Vocabulary. Line Drawn Line: a dot moving through space. This is a measurable distinct line Sculpture Line: the edge where two different


A 3D sketch that is a small scale version of the larger sculpture to be constructed. Several maquettes may be made until the final ideas is decided. Pictured above is one of several maquettes Henry Moore created for his sculpture Family Group pictured to the right.

It is a reference plan to be referred to as construction progresses. Video of Roxie Paine using a maquette to guide the construction of Placebo