still I 8 Definition A Fourier series on 0,253 is an expression f the firm fat z Cu duct which is conga Eleni where fact int conges I iii I to get coff en ca Et It 4 Hdt ik t e today's thirty getty caff as the Coard of a weak representation of fat via arth projector Ck fat 4,9 i Hermitron aka sequitur inner product

where iii - GitHub Pages · Uav IC v w Lu w want an Hull real suchthatwaxntlmntysyw.tw Lu.w 7tLywD and Lu Xu D Gw Xtc and Gu twin Lu w threw Givin It cu w a u am Ez E yw T w I STEbi

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Page 1: where iii - GitHub Pages · Uav IC v w Lu w want an Hull real suchthatwaxntlmntysyw.tw Lu.w 7tLywD and Lu Xu D Gw Xtc and Gu twin Lu w threw Givin It cu w a u am Ez E yw T w I STEbi

still I 8

Definition A Fourier series on 0,253 is an

expression f thefirm fat

zCuduct which is conga


where factint



iii I

to get coff en ca Et It 4 Hdtik t


today's thirty getty caffas the

Coard of a weakrepresentationof fat via

arth projector

Ck fat 4,9

iHermitron aka sequitur innerproduct

Page 2: where iii - GitHub Pages · Uav IC v w Lu w want an Hull real suchthatwaxntlmntysyw.tw Lu.w 7tLywD and Lu Xu D Gw Xtc and Gu twin Lu w threw Givin It cu w a u am Ez E yw T w I STEbi

121 A Hermitian inner product ona complex neckspare

Visi a mapUav IC

v w Lu w

want an Hull real

suchthatwaxntlmntysyw.twLu.w 7tLywD

and Lu Xu D Gw

Xtcand Gu twin Lu w threw

Givin It cu w

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Page 3: where iii - GitHub Pages · Uav IC v w Lu w want an Hull real suchthatwaxntlmntysyw.tw Lu.w 7tLywD and Lu Xu D Gw Xtc and Gu twin Lu w threw Givin It cu w a u am Ez E yw T w I STEbi

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if fct Ecuolnut Yoif n th

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ofmud FED 4dm Scuola

Page 4: where iii - GitHub Pages · Uav IC v w Lu w want an Hull real suchthatwaxntlmntysyw.tw Lu.w 7tLywD and Lu Xu D Gw Xtc and Gu twin Lu w threw Givin It cu w a u am Ez E yw T w I STEbi

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Input signal i fCt assume periodicsampleat

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to tu tu tu equally speed in priced

Caneucence rescale sothat to O ti l t 2


Page 5: where iii - GitHub Pages · Uav IC v w Lu w want an Hull real suchthatwaxntlmntysyw.tw Lu.w 7tLywD and Lu Xu D Gw Xtc and Gu twin Lu w threw Givin It cu w a u am Ez E yw T w I STEbi

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then In 44mW look sane

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Morali if you aretryto sample a high foamy

signal your samplerateneeds to be big as


alias z

Page 6: where iii - GitHub Pages · Uav IC v w Lu w want an Hull real suchthatwaxntlmntysyw.tw Lu.w 7tLywD and Lu Xu D Gw Xtc and Gu twin Lu w threw Givin It cu w a u am Ez E yw T w I STEbi

Nygoisterierion sample ratemust be more than tie

thehighest frequency youare lookingfan



samphyexactly Triceas fast not


But more than Trice isalways enough

Sore 01N sane sampledas 00


when we are tryingtoreconduct asampled

function fG

from fats itmakes senseto only


o too I ION i

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tfo Heldt

Page 7: where iii - GitHub Pages · Uav IC v w Lu w want an Hull real suchthatwaxntlmntysyw.tw Lu.w 7tLywD and Lu Xu D Gw Xtc and Gu twin Lu w threw Givin It cu w a u am Ez E yw T w I STEbi

as f m.IO ya fam Cm standsin Art

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Sampledfunctun i f lo fld ACND

u ethinkof as acolumn vector

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Page 8: where iii - GitHub Pages · Uav IC v w Lu w want an Hull real suchthatwaxntlmntysyw.tw Lu.w 7tLywD and Lu Xu D Gw Xtc and Gu twin Lu w threw Givin It cu w a u am Ez E yw T w I STEbi

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Page 9: where iii - GitHub Pages · Uav IC v w Lu w want an Hull real suchthatwaxntlmntysyw.tw Lu.w 7tLywD and Lu Xu D Gw Xtc and Gu twin Lu w threw Givin It cu w a u am Ez E yw T w I STEbi

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So candetermine en's by inn product

Suppose have asampled signal fee fu of f

suppose can wite it F E en En

then i en IN Lem I