WHKRKAS, the Council Qf the City of Fart St, John wishes to adopt a Development PermitArea Bylaw pursuant to the Aocrd OQUCITImeIIt Act, WHEREAS, Gfticial Coixlxnunity P]an Bylav;No. 2076, 2011 doesnot include Development Permit Areasguidehnea sincethesewill Ibe incorporatedaa part of the new Zorlirlg Bylawwhich haa not been adapted as of yet, WHEREAS the guidelines within this bylaw v:ill be in effectuntil such time aa the proposed Zoni.ng Bylaw ia adopted, NGW THEREFGRK, the City Qf Fort St. John in openmeetingasaemMedenacts aa follows: This Bylaw may be cited aa "'Cityof Fort St. John Developxnent Permit Ai.ea Bylaw No. 2078 2011". 1.1 Thc LQC«it GQUCTTITTicrit Act cxlablcs IDunlclpRlltlcs to «lcaigxlatcd spcciQC areas Bs Development Perxnit Areas. In such cases, a developxnent permit wouM be required pT3GI to thc «1cvcloplxlcnt GfR site Gr Bx'ca. As provided 1Dtile Act, Dcvclopxxlcnt Permit Arca8 mRv be clcslgnatcd for ihc followlxlg purposes: Px'otcctlon, of thc natural cnv3ronlncTlt lt, ccoaystcxns and biological diversity. P3. 0'teflon of «lcvcloprncIltfx'GID hazBTdous cori«ilUQD s. Protectio~ of farming, RcviXalizBtion Gf 'thc designated coinmcrcial areas. Regulation Qf form and charactex of intensive residential developxnent. Regulation of forrxlan«lcharacterof commercial, industrial QT multii-faxnily Tc sldcDtlal «lcvclopxn cn t. Design guidelines providebasic design criteria that contributeto the enhancement RDd Rcathctlc Improvcmcllt of form, scale Bndcharac'tci of dcvclopIIXcnt lxl Fort S't. John. 1.2 Developxxlent permits are not required within the specifieddevelopment permit areas under the followixlg conditions: Fox' ln.'tcIYlal Rltcl Btloxls which do Dot affect 'the o'uter. RppcRTBxlccGf Qlc bu Ming.

WHKRKAS, the Council Qf the City of Fart St, John wishes

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UntitledWHKRKAS, the Council Qf the City of Fart St, John wishes to adopt a Development Permit Area Bylaw pursuant to the Aocrd OQUCITImeIIt Act,
WHEREAS, Gfticial Coixlxnunity P]an Bylav; No. 2076, 2011 does not include Development Permit Areas guidehnea since these will Ibe incorporated aa part of the new Zorlirlg Bylaw which haa not been adapted as of yet,
WHEREAS the guidelines within this bylaw v:ill be in effect until such time aa the proposed Zoni.ng Bylaw ia adopted,
NGW THEREFGRK, the City Qf Fort St. John in open meeting asaemMedenacts aa follows:
This Bylaw may be cited aa "'City of Fort St. John Developxnent Permit Ai.ea Bylaw No. 2078 2011".
1.1 Thc LQC«it GQUCTTITTicrit Act cxlablcs IDunlclpRlltlcs to «lcaigxlatcd spcciQC areas Bs Development Perxnit Areas. In such cases, a developxnent permit wouM be required pT3GI to thc «1cvcloplxlcnt Gf R site Gr Bx'ca.
As provided 1D tile Act, Dcvclopxxlcnt Permit Arca8 mRv be clcslgnatcd for ihc followlxlg purposes:
Px'otcctlon, of thc natural cnv3ronlncTlt lt, ccoaystcxns and biological diversity. P3. 0'teflon of «lcvcloprncIlt fx'GID hazBTdous cori«ilUQD s. Protectio~ of farming, RcviXalizBtion Gf 'thc designated coinmcrcial areas. Regulation Qf form and charactex of intensive residential developxnent. Regulation of forrxl an«l character of commercial, industrial QT multii-faxnily Tc sldcDtlal «lcvclopxn cn t.
Design guidelines provide basic design criteria that contribute to the enhancement RDd Rcathctlc Improvcmcllt of form, scale Bnd charac'tci of dcvclopIIXcnt lxl Fort S't. John.
1.2 Developxxlent permits are not required within the specified development permit areas under the followixlg conditions:
Fox' ln.'tcIYlal Rltcl Btloxls which do Dot affect 'the o'uter. RppcRTBxlcc Gf Qlc bu Ming.
Par replacementupgrading Qr repair of raofixlg, except where it changes the shape, form, al texture oi'the building, For one small additiax3 that results in less thaxl 820,000 of construction value inchlding labour arid xnaterials. ChBIlgcs lx3. terms Qt coloul, IElater38103 forlxE as approved lxl R prevxous pcrmxt to B. facade, x'aof, al sxgxlage. An Bdditioxl to the rear of a building which is nat exposed ta a street.
1.3 The faHowing statements should apply to aH developlllent perxoit areas:
ACSlthCltiC TX'Calt
Yhraugh attention to detail Rnd by utilizing positive derigrE prixlciples, development can generally be constructed xnore attractively by the faHowixxg:
GBs 01 powcl Utlllty cnclosux'cs shaH be located away fx'Qixl the street fBclxlg facades Bnd screened f3 GIEI vlcw. SateHite dishes, when exposed ta public viexvshaH be as inconspicuous Rs passible. Mechanical equipment shaH be screened ar incorporated ixl the roof envelape. %herc covclcd parklxlg 18 pravKlled, thc scBlc, faIII3. all i character' shBH tlc consistent with the building design..
,1 Yhe Multiple FalnHy General Devcloprxlent. Permit Area is designated under cctlon 919 j. ! f! form arid chR3"Betel' of multip/c famiiy dcvclopxlxcnt! Gf
the Local GaverEmlent Act.
.2 Yhe desigrlated areas are shown as the Multiple k"BXIIHy General Development Perlxxit Area oxl Schedule &'.
Gst Muitlplc FRIIUly devclapxExcllts Rrc locBtcd lx3. areas xlcxt ta xDajor TGBdwRys, areas next ta low dcnsxty rcsldcntla] uscax3d Rx'cRS go3ng through B transition fx'Gxn low dcI18ity rcsidcxltial to II3Ultlplc faxnlly residential use. Because af their proxninent size and location, multiple fBEITEly dcvclapIx3cnlLs carl have B 83~3fECB'Dt vEsuai impact Qxl tile 8urrau.ndxng Bx'Ca.
Cltp' of Fox't Slt. John Development P@FxlMlt Ax'ea Sp'I!BY3F 86. 2078, 2OX X
2. Dcvcioipx33Len3t Pex'm3lt Areas IcxIX3L3t3ln3L3Lex!I]I
Good des3gn guxdcllnc8 can h lp crlsUTc that tlM development enhances GM Brea xather thaxl create an eyesore arid a source Qf friction between exdSting TCSident8 Rnd ti;Lc new dcvclopxncnt. Good dcslgxl 81'3ouid tWc into RCCGUD't public 8Bfctv Bnd crlxnc prcvclxt3oxl.
The objcct3vc Gt this deslgxxatloxl 18 to cnsul c that Ynultlplc family devclopYTLcII't8 BTc Ritractxvc Rnd CQIDpatlbic 3vxth the 8'uxrQLlxldln.g Rx"ca.
DcvclopDMxlt Pcr3131lts 188ucd lxl this Brea Shall bc in Rccox'daDcc with thc follow!Fig gu3dcllnc8:
BU dcvclopxiLcntS, the dcSigxl. of exterior flniShlng 3TLBtcl lais ShBH bc Similar to GI' bcttcl than. the standBY'd of Surrounding dcvclopxxlcnt. Buxldlng YY3atcx'iBlS sha!l llc dUx'Rblc axld Qf high qua]xty.
Fach Sltc Shal'! bc dcvciopcd Kith duc lcgard Bnd SCIYSitiv1tp to Bdjo3Dlng sltcs 3xl GIdcx to cDBUTc dcvelopmcntS Bxc complimentary Bnd CGIDpRtlMc.
A box-ixke Rppcaxaxicc lxl buxid3ng icslgxl Bnd lax gc cxpBI3.8c8 Gf uninterrupted building BUx'faces should bc avoided
The px'c ioxxlixlatc builxllng xnatcrlal Shall cox18lst of brick, Stoxlc, stucco, wood, architecturally finished blockarchitecturany finished concrete, or QUMT dUx'able Bnd BcSthc'tlcSLlly plcBSYHg HatUI'Bl DlBtcrlals l'lavlxlg I'cgax'd to the objective Qf ensuring that materiel is appropriate to the d.cvclopIxlcnt style.
Doorway entrances Bnd window frames should 'be highlighted through vertical facade articulation including Toofline accents the use of awn3ngS or other architectural features.
Color is one Qf the ITLGSt powerful desigxl elements used to establish chaxRC'tcl" BDd appearance. AIl Overall color' Schcxx3c shall UDlfv vax'ious clcDMD'ts of thc facade.
Accent colors Should be uSed discreetly to create Subtle areas Qf focuS i.e. doorwaySwindov' frame8 and facie. trim!
Colors should biexld harmoxxiously with the colors Qf adjacent buiidingS on the Mack.
C3EImc P3rcvcnt3EQn Yhr63I h KnvIErcn
,10 DesigEI shaB disceurage crixne by:
Reducing coxlccalrnent Qppor'tllDltlcs;
Placirlg windows in order to rllaxinliEC inforlnal surveiBarlce;
Providing street addresses that are easy to identify.
.11 Winter city design principles should 'be used wherever possible and pE RctECR1 fQI".
Maxiinizing sunlight opportunities for natural light in the building and Q13 the lot;
Pl,QVEd'Eng for weather pI'otcctlorl iXQID wlrlcl, IR3EI, lcc RxKI snow. Callop3CS Bnd RWnings BTC Cncoui"aged.
ACCGUntlng fox' 83low rcnlovai QT stol age.
Energy corlservation in building constiwctiorE.
. 12 KDCQUI"Rgc ihe Usc of lax3dscaplxlg Incthods that utilize low water consuITIptlo'n, su.ch B8 xcI'1scapiIig.
.13 Yhe development should be designed in accordance with the City of Fort St. Johrl W3ntcx City 13cslgn Guldellrlcs Sct. Gut 3D AppcndXX A.
. 14 Thc gcEEc3 Rl character Gf signs ShoEIld posl'tlvclv Tclatc to thc character Qf the associated buiMings. Where necessa3~, signs should show the directiorls of entrances and exits to andi fram the site.
The site should bc provided v'ltl3. screening ln thc form of waBS, fcDclxlg, hedging, planting ether screening materials or R. coinbinatioil of inaterials ill the fGHO3VITEg BICRS:
. 15 Between parking Ri"cas BDd 'thc st3 cct. A IXIiniXDUXD of 1.5ID of. landscaping shaH be provideriI either Grl private land or the city Toacilway T3ght Of Way plopCltV.
, 16 Thc sltc sho'UM bc provided with landscaplxlg 3II thc fGHGwlng Rx'cas:
Aloxig thc property to thc c lgc of I"oadwav
Cxty QADI' Fcjrt St. John Develcjpment Perxrffflt Area Syhffm No. M!78, 20X 3.
Q. Developxnent Perrxxflt Areas CQIXtlnlxecm!
i anijsca in anii S~cresnia fciirriirruedj
Betwccxl bulM!ngs Bxl«II pBIklIlg RI'cBS.
Along Qn-8ltc access I'oads.
Along the sides Qf buildings
ln Other Open space areas riot required for parkillg, access roads QX' walkway 8.
.:! 7 The larldscaping componexlts shouM be designed Bs part Qf a comprehensive landscaping plan that complilxlents the building arid SUX1f OUDdlng BX CBS.
.18 Large parking areas shouM be broken into sxnaller groups divided by landsCBplXlg.
. 19 Safe Bnd cfflclcHt vehicle cntx'BIlccs Bxld cxlts Rxld QD-sltc clx'culatlon shall bc px'Qvldcd..
~ae uenes ani~jTimirr
.20 iScqucncc and tmllDg will bc consldcI'c«l foI' pllRscd developments to encourage ol.derly developxxlent, identify priorities and fa.cilitat:e coxDplctloll Gf phases.
.l. Thc Highway Rnd Scrvlcc Colxllncxclsl Dcvclopnlcxlt Pcrxnlt Axca 18 dcsignatccll uxldcr Section 919.1 ! f! form and character of commercial development! Gf the Local Governxnent Act.
Yhc dcslgrlatc«l areas Rrc shovrn Bs thc HIghway Grid Scl vice Commerclsl Development Permit Area on Schedule F.
Hlghwav arid Service Commercial Bx'cas Brc qUltc vlslble from the AlaskB Highway and Often form the first impression of Fort St. John for tourists, as well Bs a colfjtIDILlmg lxxlpx'csslon !or rcsldcnts who rcgularlv drlvc BloDg thc Alaskfa Highway. hc areas Rx"c lxnpoI tant foI' thc tourism BDd highway commercial bUSIness Hl Foxt
St. John,
Jkxslti6catxoxk con till u cki!
Thc objective of this dcaignatioxk 18 to cnhBncc thc Bppcax'ance Gf dcvclopnkcnta havixlg public view, to ensure that all ncw developxxkent xneeta B. consistently high standard of vk >U Bl qllalltp Lo kxnpro> c Lhc Bppcaraxkce ot hlgl kwav axles servkcc commercial properties m the city, and to ensure that safe arid elf lcient access is pk Qvkded.
Developmexlt Perxnita issued in, this area. shall be ixl accordance with the foUowing guideii Xle 8:
The design of commercial developxxlent shall enhance the overBH. RppcBx'ance Ba scen by lL'hc tTBvchng publkc Bnd to cxlsu.x'c Rppx'opl kate separation axld buffering fxoxn adjacent uses.
A box-like appearaxlce in buiMing design and loxlg expaxlaes of straight wBHS ahouM be avoided.
i~argc buildings shollki 13c dcsignccll to px'Gject Bxl 11DBgc of less bUlk Bnd sxnallcl Uxll'ts 13y Ualxlg bukldkng Jogs, Irrcgular fBccs Bnd colox' vax'latlGD.
Doorway entrances and windovv fraxnes should be highhghted through vertica1I facade BY'tlculBtloxl. 1Dcludlng I'Gof linc Bcccl'its, thc Uac of avi'nkngs or Other BY'chltcctU1B1 features,
ln BH developx.enta, the design of exterior finishixkg materials shall be Slxnllax' to QY' 13cttck than thc standald of surrounding dcvclopxncnt. BUYMIkng Ynatcxlals shall bc dUxBi31c Bxld Gf high qualkty,
.6 Texkxporary fabrkc atx'Uctux'cs BY' ". Dot pcx'Ynktted.
Murals shall tkt with the chaxactel. Qf the bulldlng thc area and the city
MUY als ahaN not contaixl arsy profaxxity illegal activities or any other depiction, of thenles that vvould be Unacceptable tc the gexleral cc nlmuxkity.
Color la one of the most powerful design elemexlta to eatabhah character Rlad appcRY'Bncc, All QvcrBH colox schcxxlc should Unkty vaxlous clcnlcx3ts Gf thc facade.
Accent. coloxa shoUM be used to create areas of subtle focus doorways, vvindow fraxne, facade trim!.
City OF Fart St. Jebn DeveicLIpment Permit Area Bylaw Ke. 20"I82011I.
2. De%'e!GIpmexLt Perm3it Areas cGZLtin3Lxe8!
Red Llclxlg conccalIHcDt opportunitlcs
Placing window's 3D or'dcl 'to Dlaxllnlzc lxlfol IILal suxvclllaDcc'
PI Gviding stI'cct addresses 3lhat BI c easy to ldcxltify.
Wi3nter Cities Desii, XX Pr33neiyies
,12 Winter city design prirlciples shouM be Llsed wherever possible and practlclll for:
Plovldlng tGI' weather plotcctlox3. txoxn wind! lain., lcc and snow. CBDoplcs Bxld awnings al"c cxlcouragcd,
Accounting for snow rexnoval Gr storage.
Energy conservation in. buiMing construction.
Encou rage thc usc Qf lalldscap333g IDethods that utilize low wRtcr consulnptlon! su.ch Bs xcx'lscRplng.
Thc dcvcloplnent shou/d bc designed LD accordance with thc Cltv Gf Folt St. John Winter City Design Guidehnes set out in Appends A
~8i n@ge
.15 Signage shouM coxnplixnent the existing buildixlg designs andi finishes.
..l 6 Thc locatloxl, sLEcs, shape. ,typecolor, graphics Bnd Illustration Qf slgDs and awnings shouid be dctcrxnined with careful consideration Gf the building design, facade Rnd other signsboth Gn the buiMing Rnd on the site.
.17 Freestallding signs should be well spaced 'between signs including th.ose GD BdJBCCxlt SltCS.
The site shouM be provided with screexling in. the forxn Gf walls fenci3lg, hedgixlg, planting Other screening Inatcrials or a coxnbination Gf xnaterials in t' he followlxlg BrcBs:
. 1.8 Between parking areas and the street. A xninixnuxn of J.Sm Gf landscBpirtg ahaJJ bc px'ovidcd either QD private land ox' thc clif roadway light of wBJ' proper@.
.19 The Site should be provided with landscaping in the following areas:
Along thc proper@' to the edge Qt ToadwFQ Si
Betwcexi buiMtxlgs Bxld pBI'king R1ca.s",
A]oxig on-site access roads;
Aloxlg the aides of buildlings; Rnd
Jxl o'thcx' open. space areas riot required fox' paxking, access roads Qr WRJkways.
.20 Yhc landscBpxng coxxipoxlcxlts Hh GUM tie dcslgricd. Bs pBI t oi B coMpt chcnsivc JBndscaping plarx that coMplixncrits thc bUildixlg Bxld Surrourxdxxxg Bx'CBS.
.2 1. J Rx'ge pBx'kixig Bx'cas ShoUM bc brokexl ixlto slxxaJJCT gx'Qups dlvidcol 1BDd scBpiXlg.
.22 Safe atMi cfficlcnt vchlcle entrances Rnd exits Bnd GI1-sltc c11CUlatiQD shall bc px'Gvldcd.
Where drive-through or take-out services ax'e provided careful design Gf service JRTEcs shall en Hut c theI'c ls xxnnlxnal conflict with traft! c GI' pcdestrlaxls lxl thc parking lot RTCB.
J.6 .1 Yhe Core Conixxxercxal Developxnexlt Permit Area 18 designated under Section 919.1 ! d! TcvxtalxKRtloxx Gf B. Coxnxnercxa] BxcR Rncl Scctlori 9 J.9. 1 ! f! foTID Rnd chRtRctcx' of CGInnlcx'CIBJ dcvcloprncnt! of tllc iQCBJ Govcxxxxncnt Act.
Yhe dcsigT1Btcd areas Bx'e showrt Rs thc CGY'c Colnxncrcxal 13cvelopxncnt Perxxnt Axea on Schedlule P.
Thc Col"c Coxxxx1MFcial Bx'cR 18 thc highest order, xnost. important commc3 cia] BTca 3T1 Port St. Johxl Bnd thc sul rounding xxlBTkct Brea, Thc vxsual IIDpx'css30x! Qf thxs Cox'c CGIXIIxlcx'cia] BrcB forms B 8'tY'Qng part GI tlM coxx3Ixlunlty 8 Idcx3txty. Councx] v>OUM hkc to cDsurc that tlM v38UBl chBTBctcx' of thc CGI'c Coxxlxncx'clBi BTca lnlpx'Gvcs Bs dcvc]opmcnt QCCUI8 Qvcx' tlxnc.
The objective of this designation is to ensure that IMw deve]opment enhaxlces the appearance of the Commercial Cure and meets a consistexltly high standard of visual qua]xty.
.4 Dcvclopxncxlt Pcrxnlts 38sUed in this Bx'ca. shal] bc 3H. BccordaTiicc vv'ith HM fo]]owing gul«lC]HM 8:
.]. Buildings should be designed to enhance the visual character Gf the dowxxxown.
.fn downtowxx areas, tlM City WGUkl Ilkc to encourage bUlkllDgs that BTc two Storeys or gxeater, or if the building is only Gne Storey, it is designed to create t' he impression Qf a higher bui]ding.
in thc downtown thc C3tI> would llkc to cxlcoux'Bgc bulkllngs to covc3. B slgxxxficant pOI'ilon Gf the paX"CCl,
]Yl downtowx3. BlcRsbui]dings BI'c gcncra]ly cncoux'Bgcd to bc close to thc Sidewalk, however, the City wants to encmn age a variety of Setbacks in GI «icx' t 0 cx'cBtc spBccs fox' plazas > bcDC]M 8 BY3 d. other landscaping fCBtUTCS. The ground. f]003. should have B strong pedestrian orientation wiith windowsrecesses and Rttractxve entrance teatures.
Long expanses of featureless Straight walls shouM be avoided at the gx'0'ux3.d Icvcl.
l~argc buikllIlgs shoUM bc dc83gIlcd to px'0]cct BH lxnagc of less tlU]k Rnd sma]ier units 'by using bulkling jogs, irregu]ar faces and color variation.
Attractive storefront facade treatment Should be Bccomphshed by coor«llxlatixlg matcrxa]8> co]ox'8, BI chltcc'tUI"Bl composxtxon> windows> I'Qof ]IY3cs> sigx38 Bxld awil'lnlgs Bnd Gthcl cicH3cxlts.
Doorway entrances and window frames Shoukl be highlighted through vcx'xlcal Bl"tlcll]atlGD Inc]udxng root ]lmc accents> QM llsc Gi awnings GI' othcY' Brchltcctura] fcatux'cs.
Arch3]itee]t3ixr33i]I Bnit]l Design Feaitlxres coxltinuedJ
.10 in BH developnlenta, the design of exter30r frnishixxg xxlaterials shaH be SiIX3Har or better than the ataxldard of surrounding development. The predominate buiMing material shaH consist of brickatone, stucco, 3vood, architecturBHy finished Mock, architccturaHy finished concrete, or Other. durable and BcsthctlcaHy pleasing Tlaturai Txlatcx'lais hBving I cgax'd to thc ob]cctlvc Gi cTlsux'lxlg 'that n'1BTcT38] 38 appropriate to the dcvclopxnerit style.
.11 Temporary fabric structures are xlot permitted.
.12 Murals shaH f~t vtAth thc character Gf the buiidirlg the Brea, and the ciity.
].3 MUTBLS shBH not CGTlta3xl Bniv pxo fanixy lHega] act jlvit3«s Qx. Bxly other depict30n Qf themea that iivouid be uxlacceptable to the general community,
.14 Colox' 18 Gne Gf thc Txlosi po%"cx'fu] dcaigrl e]ex31cnts to establish cl'1BI'BctcI' andI appearance. An overa]1 co]or scheme should Unify various elements oi the facade.
.15 Accent colol8 shou]d bc Used to cx'cRtc Brcas Gf sub'tlc focus door3vays, v i33d.ow fTBnlc, facade trix31!.
.16 DesignahaH discou.rage cr3ime by:
Reducing conccalxnent Gpportu.xlxtlca'
Placing windows in order to maximize inforxnal aurveiHance;
Providing Street addresses that are caav to identify.
%ix3i3ter C3]t3]es Desi ixx Pr3]nei les
.17 %inter city design pxinclp]cs ShollM bc Used v;her«ver possible Bxld pi"Bct3cai foi"",
Maxixx3iiz3ng sunHght cpportunities for natural light in the building BIld Gxl tl"-C lot.
Px"oviding fox' vi'cather px'otect30n. from wind, x'B3n, icc Bnd sxlow. Canopies and awnings are encouraged.
Accountlxlg fox' snow Tcxnoval GT stoxagc.
Winter Cities Eieak n Prineiy!ea continued!
. 18 EDCQUI'Bgc the llac Gf landscaping xncthoda thRt utilize low xvatcr consuinptxoxx, such Bs xcrxscapxng,
.19 Yhc dcvclopxxlcnt should bc dcalgxlcd ln Bccox'dBDcc with 'the City of Folt St. John Winter City J3caign Guidelines set Qut in Appendix A.
.20 Signage shGUM coxnpllxxicDt 'the existing build LYlg designs Rnd finishes.
.2 1 The locBtloH., Sizes, shape, type, colorgraphics Rnd illustratxoTl Qt slgDs arid awnixlga ShoUM bc dctcrxYlincd with CBY'cf ill coxlaidcratxon of the builMlxig design, facade Bnd Gthcx sigxia both GTi thc building and Gn thc SltC.
.22 Freestanding signa shouM be WCH spaced between signs inchxding those oxi Bd!accxxt Sites.
Yhe Site shOUM be px.ovidcd with screexlixig in the farm. Qf WBHS, fencing, hedging, planting other acreerling materials or a combination of materials in the following areas:
.23 Bctwccxx pBI'klDg Bx'cRS Bnd thc stl ccrc B lxii'llxr«UII. Of 1.5xn of 1BDdscaplng shall be provided either on private land or the ciity roadway right Qf way property,
.24 Yhe site should be provided with landscaping in the fGHowixxg ai eaa:
Along the pI'Qpcx'ty 'to thc cdg«". Qf roadways",
BctwccD bixlMlxlgs Bnd parkxI1g areas Aloxlg on-altc Rcccss x Gael 8!
lxl 0'ther open Space areas I'lot rc«luxrcd fox' parking, access roads 0'I Vi'Blkwaya.
.25 The landscaping components ahouM be designed Ra part c f a comprehensive landacapirig plan that utilizea wiinter city flora to coxilpliment the buiMing and surrounding areas,
Citp' Gf Fort St. JcLRLn DewelGpment Permit Area 8'g]laiEEE !NIcE. 2078 201 X
2. Development Permit Areas ccntiniLIe6!
At the rear of the building; Under the building; Underground, or, ln. ihc 8Ldc vsrd.
,27 LB1 gc pR1 klDg areas should bc broken into Sinallcr gi oups divldcd by landscapix1g.
,28 Safe Bnd cfflclcTlit vcirdclc cntx'RTlccs auld exits Bnd on-site circulation
shall bc pi ov3dcd.
%herc drive-through Qr tBkc--GUt scY'vices BI'c provided, cBx'cfUl Ticslgii Gf service lanes shall ensure there is minimal conflict with traffic or pedestrians in the pax'king lot RTca.,
, l Yhc Coinxnci cial. DcvclopTXEcnt PcTIIIIt ArcR 38 dcslgDatcd under ScctLQTE 9 l9, l l.! f! foi YI3. arid chaxactcx Qf coxx3Ixicxclal dcvclopTLMDt! Qf thc Local Govcrrllricnt Act.
YiM dcslgilatcd REcas Brc shown Bs thc Commercial DcvclopEncnt PcEIxilt AxcB oxl Schedule F.
Yhe Colxixncrcial Brea 38 located !ust Gff Qf thc Alaska Highway> crcatYDg R stx'Gng 'Egsual entrance ixlto tiMCQIxlinuilitv This dcsigxlatlQTL 18 located in thx cc priinary Bx'cB8: thc Totcnl Mall / Mal-Mart BrcR; thc Chu3ili trIRTEglc Ri cB Dear thc IntcrscctLGTL Qf loOL3' Avcnuc Bnd thc AiRSka Highway, 'RTLd thc coxnincrclal BrcB located north of the Alaska Hiighway near its intersection with the Bypass Road 2I"~ Street!. These areas foITH QIM Gf tlM fu"st visual impressions Qf Port St, John foY' both rcsidcTLts Bnd V38itoi 8,
Yhc Objective Gf this clcslgnatlQD 18 to cxlhBHcc thc appearance Gf dcvclopxDcnts having public view, to ensure that BH. new deveiopmeTLt ITLcets B col>SEsteiit]y hEgh standard Gf visual quahty to UDpx'ovc thc appearance Gf coxDIIIcrcIRl properties lxl thc city, Bnd to cnsu!.c that 8Bfc REId cffEECEcnt Bcccss ls provided.
Cit3T Qf Pert St. JC3hn DeweieyxziLen3t Perm!it Area iI3IyiSLW Se. 2078, 2013.
Development PcrTD3ts issued lrl this Brea Sha]l hc lIl accordance vL6th thc following guxdcl3nes:
The design Qf coxnxxxercial developxxxcnx shall enhance the Overall appeal axlcc RB Bccxl by the tx"Bvchng piiMxc Rxld to cIlsUI'c Rppi oprialtc Bcpax'Btloxl Brid buffcrxng trorxx RdjBccnt Uses.
JL! ool viiBy cntx RTicc 8 axld iivxxld Qw' traxne8 shou M hc h3 ghixghtcd thx oi3 gh vertical facade articulation inchiding roof lixle accents, the use of Bxvnxngs Gx G'tile!. architectural fcBturcs,
ixi Bll dcvclopxncnts, the dc83gn. Gf cxtcx'1GT' t3nxshxng xDBtcI'lais Shall Vc sixn<lar to GX' hc! tcr than thc standard of Surrounding dcvclopxxxcxxt, BuiMing TLxaterials shall be duxable and of high quality.
Tcxnporary fRbx'xc Structux'cs BI'c xlot: pcrinxttcd.
Murals Shall fit v;ith the character of the buildixig, the area, and the city.
Mux'Bls Shall riot contaiD Rny profaxxxty, 3Wcgal Bc'tlv3tics ox' Bny othcx dcplctlon Gf thcxncs thBt vzouid bc UDBcccpxRMc to thc general coxnxnun xty.
.7 Color is one of the Txiost pmverfu] design elexxients to establish character Rnd Rppcalar.cc, Axl Overall colox' schcTxlc shouM Uxxx@ vax'3GUB clcxxlcD'ts of the facade.
,8 Accent. coloxs shoUM bc usccl to cxcBtc Rxc88 Gf subtle focus doorways, %6xldov/ frs.xnc, facade tx ixn!
RcdUciDg conccalxxlcnt Gpportulxitics;
Placiriig vvindoxvs ixx oxdci. lio Ixxaxixxxi2c inforTLxal Surveillance:
Providing Street addresses that are easy to identify.
%'Inter CIIties Deaii. n Priinc31 Iles
. 10 %ii..ttcr cl'ty design px'lnclplcs shouM bc Used wherever possible RDd practical fol":
Maxilnizing sunlight Qpportunitics fox' xlatUY'Bl 13ght ix3. the bu3Mlng Bnd QD the Iot.
Providlrlg fox' weather pY'otcctiox3 froxn wixld! laiD, icc Bnd snow. Canopies Bnd BwIUDgs Brc clicouragcd.
Accounting fox snolv rexxloval or atoxagc.
Energy conscrvatioxl in building constructioxl.
. 1 l Encourage the use Qf landscaping xnethods that utilize low water CGDSUDlptlon, such Rs xcx'lscaplng.
. 12 Thc dcvclopxncnt ShouM bc designed 3xl Rccoldaxice w3th thc C3ry Qf Port St. John Arlntcx' City Design CTuidcllncs sct QUt ix3 Appclldui: A.
.13 Signage ShouM coxnplixnent the existing building designs arid finishes.
Thc locRtloD> Sizes> shape> type> coloi> glBphlcs Bxld Illustratioii Qf slgxls Bnd Bwxlixlgs shouM 'be determined with careful consideration of the buildirlg design, facade and other signa both on the building arid on the 81IC.
,15 Freestanding sigxls shGUM be weH spaced betweexl signa ixlcluding those on R.djaccxlt sites.
The site ShouM be provided v>ith screening ixl the forxn of walls fencing hcdgix3g, planting other screexung Xnaterials or a coxxlbination Qf xnateriials in the fo]low3ng RY cas:
. 16 Between parking areas Bnd the street. A xxriniinum Gf 1.5xn Gf landscapliig shall bc provided clthci GD prlvatc land ox' thc city roadway right; Qf way px'Gpcxty.
The site should be provided witlY landscaping in the foHoiving areas;
Along the property to the edge Gf roadways; Between bUIM3ngs Bnd pBY"king Bl"cas;
Aloxlg on-Site access roads
LanBNLca in sndI S~eresmn car>tirsued!
IIl Other Open. space Bx'cas xlot required for pBY'klDg, access loads OX %'BlkWBys.
.18 The landscaping coYnponerlts should be designed Bs part of a colnprchcIISYvc landscaping plBII 'that coYDpI11ncnts thc bulMlng a!id 8'ul'X'OuXldlrlg Bl Cas.
.19 Lalgc park>ng BYcas S.!GUM be broken into sxDBllcl groups dlvldcd landscaping.
.20 Safe and efficient vehicle exltrances and exits and QH-Site circulation shall bc provided.
%here drive-through Gr take-Gut services are provided, carefu! design Qf service lanes shall cnsux'c thcrc 18 IYIIYDIDRI conflict vvlth traffic GI pcdcstrlBDs ln the pax'king lot. BrcB.
Schedule A Development Permit Area Map is attached to and fornls part of this Bylaw.
If Rny Section! Sub-scc'tloD, clause, phlRsc, GY' IDRp Hl thIs Bylaw 18 fQI' BDy I'cRson hcM to bc invalid bv thc dcclslQD of arly coux't Gf CGIIlpctcDt jurisdiction, Yhc invalid portion Shall be severed Bnd the decision that it is invalid shall nct affect the validity of the rcx3.! Indcr.
1 I!+ DAY GP
Advertised ln the Alaska Hlghmay News GH October 1.7 and 18, 2011
October, 2011DAY GPADOPTED THIS 24'»
QCtobCX >
P; y' ltji
Temporary Indus trial Permit Ares
Temporary Commercial Permit Ares
Tins is Schedut» "F attached ta aad farming pal u' the City u'Fart Sh John Otticial Cammuniiv Plm nvtaw nu 2076 261 I
Datr. Adopted
This niap represents a broad snd concaptu-I illusuaiion of rhe desired fuiurc land de clopmcni. snd is noi imcnded io provide siie specific direcbon io land u e regui.rions Please chcch itith thc Plmaning and
gngineering Dcpartmeni io ensure this is the most up-to-dain vcr.ion
F !Rl h j t !j j;v I JJ I tol, rl
nld, ~' i. "
;. "ijg!j', I r jt . Jv.itt . i,, j 55' i -",:i;"':= . ' i'