“Go Forth and Set the World on Fire” is the theme chosen by the pioneering batch of Colegio de Santo Inacio de Loiola for their momentous gradua- tion day,on the 22nd of December 2018, Saturday. The ceremony started with a thanksgiving masspresided by Fr. Joaquim Sarmento, SJ, to give thanks for the grace and spirit of accompaniment that God bestowed onto the students from the day they started their education at CSIL until this very day of Graduation. It is also a thanksgiving mass for the efforts of all the educators, parents, staffs, superiors, and everyone that contributed to the success of these students today and in the future.

whoever is interested in watching the live...CSIL is not only a place to seek knowledge and intelligence, it is also a place for the students to form their characters and manners through

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Page 1: whoever is interested in watching the live...CSIL is not only a place to seek knowledge and intelligence, it is also a place for the students to form their characters and manners through

“Go Forth and Set the World on Fire” is the theme chosen by the pioneering batch of Colegio de Santo Inacio de Loiola for their momentous gradua-tion day,on the 22nd of December 2018, Saturday. The ceremony started with a thanksgiving masspresided by Fr. Joaquim Sarmento, SJ, to give thanks for the grace and spirit of accompaniment that God bestowed onto the students from the day they started their education at CSIL until this very day of Graduation. It is also a thanksgiving mass for the efforts of all the educators, parents, staffs, superiors, and everyone that contributed to

the success of these students today and in the future.

Page 2: whoever is interested in watching the live...CSIL is not only a place to seek knowledge and intelligence, it is also a place for the students to form their characters and manners through

The spirit and efforts of the students make them more inventive in looking for ways to find some financial support for their graduation ceremony. On the 12th of December 2018, the students organized The Loiola Concert to raise some funds by selling concert tickets to other schools and

whoever is interested in watching the live musical event. The concert which lasted for four hours has been a successful fund-rais-ing event for their graduation ceremony.

“As the Chief Organizer for the concert, I am proud to see the dedication and seriousness of the 2018 finalists’ collaboration and effort to make this musical concert eventful for everyone.”

“The objective of this concert is to raise some funds to support our graduation ceremony. Even though the preparation for the concert was arduous, we the finalists of 2018 are extremely proud of everything that each and every one of has contributed for this successful event,” expressed Gabriela M. Cabral, Loiola Con-cert organizer.

Page 3: whoever is interested in watching the live...CSIL is not only a place to seek knowledge and intelligence, it is also a place for the students to form their characters and manners through

Salvador J. Leono Zota Soares, the Valedictorian for the 2018 National Exam is very proud after hearing the results of the National Exam that he conquered the first place.

“I am very proud with all the effort that I have made to finally realize my dream. However, the dream that I have achieved is not my dream alone, it is also the dream of the school and the dream of my parents. My parents have been very supportive of what I have been doing and the school has given me everything that I needed to accomplish my dream. The school wants their students to be the best and my family also wants me to be the best. So now that I have achieved the best, I feel proud to be the best of both worlds.

The focus of the graduation ceremony of the 103 CSIL students is to celebrate the achievements of the students and to recognize their academic achievements and honors. The graduates have worked with patience, passion, and dedication for their graduation to become a reality. They put all their efforts and energy to prepare for the National Exam and

hopeful for good results. Undoubtedly, their diligence and patience have made them conquered wonderful results. Several students graduated with flying colors. So, this ceremony is the time for the graduates, parents, teachers, and all of us to celebrate their success.

“I am very proud with all the effort that I have made to finally realize my dream However, the dream that I have achieved is not my dream alone, it is also the dream of the school and the dream of my parents.”

Page 4: whoever is interested in watching the live...CSIL is not only a place to seek knowledge and intelligence, it is also a place for the students to form their characters and manners through

“Personally, I think CSIL is my second home that supports me in developing my intellectual capacity but more importantly in forming good characters and manners in my life. Every single day that I spent at CSIL has taught me to be the best for others. In order to be the best for others I have to express myself with courteousness and charisma to interact with others in any activity that I do. I have to respect other students, listen to their opinions, know how to behave even though there are many challenges. The challenges that we faced in school are our experiences and the building blocks to form our characters and manners to be able to serve others once we graduate from CSIL, said Cecilia Sofia F. Barreto.

CSIL is not only a place to seek knowledge and intelligence, it is also a place for the students to form their characters and manners through the Ignatian spirit, to be themselves but more importantly to serve others and to see others as their companions.

“CSIL has taught me to be the best for others”“CSIL has taught me to be the best for others”

Page 5: whoever is interested in watching the live...CSIL is not only a place to seek knowledge and intelligence, it is also a place for the students to form their characters and manners through

Graduation is a not just an achievement, it is another step forward towards a brighter future with hopes and dreams to continue to make a difference in the world. “Today is our last day at CSIL and we have made history that will last a lifetime in this momentous graduation ceremony. I am proud that I have spent six years at CSIL and have learnt many things. I hope that in the future I will make more suc-cessful steps forward and to be able to serve others and to be what I can for the greater glory of God, said Geovania G. M. Freitas, Salutatorian and an awardee of Loiola Awards.

“In the future I will make more courageous steps forward and to be able to serve others”

Page 6: whoever is interested in watching the live...CSIL is not only a place to seek knowledge and intelligence, it is also a place for the students to form their characters and manners through

The hopes and dreams of the graduates would not be realizable if not with the support of the donors that has been supporting CSIL since the beginning. Sely Lutizia Araujo dos Santos, the awardee of Menção Honrosa (Honorable Distinction), with joy expressed her profound gratitude for the donors that supported CSIL. “I am grateful for the donors that kindly support us Timorese through supporting CSIL. This school has

given us many great things, not just academically but also spiritually. During our years at CSIL we had the opportunity to enhance our intellectual capacity and also deepen our faith. All of these things and all of the opportunities that were given to us were possible because of the close collaboration between the donors and the Jesuit society that organize this school, said Sely Lutizia Araujo dos Santos.

Page 7: whoever is interested in watching the live...CSIL is not only a place to seek knowledge and intelligence, it is also a place for the students to form their characters and manners through
Page 8: whoever is interested in watching the live...CSIL is not only a place to seek knowledge and intelligence, it is also a place for the students to form their characters and manners through

Clearly this graduation ceremony has marked a history for the graduates but also for CSIL. The school is proud of the achievements of the students. Not to mention, the parents are very proud of their sons and daughters, they are confident in the education system that

CSIL offers and the progress that the school has made. All of these are possible because of the generous contribution from the donors and also sacrifices that the staff, teachers, and the Jesuits who believed firmly on this important mission of educating the future of this country.


About  the  title:    

“lia–tatoli”  means:      Before  Jesus  Christ  ascended  to  heaven,  he  “entrusted  the  message  ”  (lia-­tatoli)  to  mankind  in  order  to  bring  it  into    the  worship  and  comfort  of  peoples.  "You  go  to  convey  My  word".  The  Jesuits  Region  in  Timor-­‐Leste  calls  us  all  to  channel  the  responsibility  and  give  each  other  a  close  look  at  Jesus.  "The  message  entrusted  to  us"  (lia-­tatoli)  wants  to  be  a  conduit  to  connect  all  of  us  who  are  friends  on  the  journey  of  Jesus  and  who  share  the  mission  of  Jesus  Christ.  “lia-­tatoli”  now  becomes  the  official  newsletter  of  the  East  Timor  Region.      Support  Our  Work  :  The  Jesuit  in  Timor-­‐Leste  rely  on  generous  support  of  our  friends,  donors  and  collaborators  to  carry  out  our  work   in   the   service  of   the   faith  and  promotion  of   the   justice.  Through   this  newsletter  we  share  with  you  news   and   updates   of   our  many   projects   and   activities,   particularly   those   for  which   continued   support   is  needed   in  various  ways.   If   you  wish   to  know  more  about  our  work  or  donate   to  a  project,  please  email   :  [email protected]  ,  visit  https://timor-­leste-­jesuits.org  or  like  our  fan  page  at  Jesuítas  em  Timor  Leste.