aossir or wall siiieet. The Increase of tlio Cnii.iili.iti l'.iclflc Utvl-cion- il vvns followed by mi ovornlelit, ad- vances nf V, points In th" stock. Soon iftor the openlnc. 1 tin toclt sold lit 505, 7 points on 'Iny atitl price) conn purlin, with n pteiious lilkiti record of 2o:, mudn l.t Noi ember 'I In' dividend dec-l- .i ration put tin' stoik on n 10 per cent, luisis, tin' dividend 1'iiitiK p.ild In ciuurtorly i nr a inii'iii 01 i , piTifui m .uiiiuiir. mid , of I per cent from l.unl union. The iii tense Is in tlu distribution from l.inil h"k lii previous Ji'm tho cotnpiiiiy piiid I per ii'ttt H .veur from land sales. i erel.i vs mi'ii'.-ifi- of dividend vvim the .. .id of tlm last sl months, tlm into li.t mi: Leeii raised fiom to ,h cr tout, i l.i inrut j i'i the flicnt year ended .limn 3n, limit. ( tiiIi.hi Paclne not an nvpriiirn price or : .. mi arm from sales of l.inil. Tlm if t'Uiv had alioill :i.ix i.ihmi nrres loft i ii. I'.i' ful of tlm yi'.ir. On tlm nilinitlon ii t tni roinniiiimf land wits worth ns mticli .in ii '" a that noli! In Usui tlm cotnpany'n i.m t. I property had a value Just about to the par valtm of its common stock, mI .'Ii now standi lit tlio.ooo.noo, Most (.' tlm laud Ii In the Cnuadlnu Northwest, u' em tlm demand fur fnim land has been f.M'or In tlm tail year than icr before. IiiMun-'rant- Into western Canada from this contiiry nlotio In tlm hit year iititnhorod (!.Vi. and C.inndlau authorities ostlimtto th.v they lirouuht with thorn more than ff..ooo.poil. Fniloiibtedly a itood deal of this inntiey neat to tlm Canadian l'aclflo for land, so that tin- - o.trn dividend Is paid In part from money which camo from this rountry. When American railroad men reflect that the Canadian Pacific ln't tioMered by a multitude, of State ntul I'cderal commis- sions, that it sot from tlm Cioernmenl n rash subsidy of $25,ooo.ivio and a laud era tit nf :;.0oo,Cn acres, that It has a charter permitting it to run steamships on the At- lantic and Pacific and all the lakes and rivers, to run hotels and do about every thin cle, thesn American railroad men simply can't lielp envylne tho Canadian Paclllo the nt under which It does business. With Canadian Tactile on a in per cent, basis there am now three in per cent rail- road stocks on the Now York Stock chance. Tho others, I'nlon Pacific and Lehigh Valley, sell nt prices well below Canadian. Four and a quarter per cent, bonds of tho rlty sold off n little after It wax announced that tho new too.tK-j.Oi- o Issue ould bear prcro,nr). nnd llarluir llrothers A Ltd . Interest per llln ClOSlnK prlie I ! T,,- - rnlelilT,l..l.. nrr.inlnllnn of ii f nmnniiv fn mnnllnnnri wu 100',. Tho four of 10M alio lint !irmllet fraction. The 4'i per ronf the ml t,A of In nt noi- - '" - "'" ' lw " nail the n. .he tallrntlon of nnd will reduce filed would offer t per cent. Vn rnerlne at that rato of intereM would have com 60th Held Stock Heal oilier New idi'tid We, that Central npnnlr,. Central make nn lionrlR on ""; exlntlnc Central .n.i.in t.ii. i,- -. I'amlnir. pro vlded 111 pay t he secured deb t of Cen tral ry Com- - Insured n It ,n party the floatlns of tho and sum taken for In of the detraliie the city fnder to receive 4', tier cent, bond could sold, lo nn to the pnr of their bonds and Interest to 1910 the success of the offering provable on bonds in nn ro per of Hut common stock .and other will Ilkewle new preferred to the Ihought the margin above in the selling price of the outstanding I', per cents, was so smalt that th Inter entlon of any develoiunenl before tho date, of the .ile restrain bidders. Wall Mreet knows of many things that may happen to disturb sentiment and re caution befote the bids for the city lends are opened. The argument in the rii.iroad rate enes will concluded this week and a may be handed down in a wry short tune. It Is a possi- bility that the American Toluccu case will be decided before tho iihorlptloti ends. It Is n certainty that the steel man-- ' nnctiirers will have nnd ' price.-- the ofiering is made quite as important, that bankers will have h better idea of the strength nnd duration of the demand for bond- -. Itcari-d- i pecu-lito- rs al"0 always cnlcul.ito thai the "clripter of accidents" i generally In their lav or. 'I hey argued tint it would be dinlcult to conceive an event ihat would great's the for. it y bonds and tliat it was easy to predict occurrences that mlglfc wea ken them. The by the Comptroller of the Cur-len- reports of condition of natlonul banks placed the date earlier than i cus- tomary. Ijtst year anl in ltwo the first c nil ol the year specified a date in February, li.is year banks are required to report as of January V. It is a singular coincidence thai this is the day of the failure of the Trust Company. w that the returns will show what preparations the big banks had made In anticipation of the failure State therefor agreement showing that ary a , olan mid Two small steel and Iron companies, Thomas Iron Company Ftnpire Steel and Iron Company, have wages n of Id r cent. Tho cut affects men is tho llrt since the period I In tho steel and iron ss Tho companies do more in itou than In steel. The l.mplre cut a divi- dend not long ago the depres- sion in tho pig .W.4 RISK IXrr.LLWEXCL. Tills PVT. sen rises .. 7:10 .Sun sets. I la sets.. HIGH THIS IHT. irii...3..V)Oov.l5lni, Gate ll Arrlrrd-TnhNO- lo. Mira, Dee. 31. Iilui-ch- r. Ilsmburg, Dro. 31. nce, Palermo, Dee. CA. Caclr. Urc. JO nke. lwrrpw, Dec. T7. Shields, Dec. 21. le.ttilaiiil, Antwerp. Dec. 31. August WUIirlm, Kingston, Jan. 3, ' "i Trinidad. Jan. 3. Havana, Jan. 7 Port Antonio, Jan; 4. S'a'itlaeo, Jan. 3. r.i "is, cjalveston. Jau. 4. l .nilo (inlirston, Jan. 4. t.l t'sso, fw Orleans, Jan. 5, Nrac 'ie, Jaclivim lllc, Jan, 7, Tamp'. Jan. 0, nmlltoii, Norfolk, Jan. 0. inn Ciranct'. Jan. 7. mill, S. C Jan. 0. oct.' at from N' Ynrk s- - mrlde. at Hav re from New s, ' nlled Stales, at Copenli.igen New York, .t'.iila, at Liverpool from New York, siiun rnovi uninnv I'oiits, (".cnlgln Lulse, for New York from llremen. is ' ariMlhla, tor York Iruin Palermo, HIF.VMRIIlrS. Ull mres i . ..llau, llcrmtida.. ..no ti Cuayra... 'Idle jim.i Tncksonvlllc i.ii.ttilanatno rsoti, Sill iv. .le, Inc oln, llamh'rg llsrliados Havana rnuli'. i Hermuds la. Hav .Wnif.i l.'HIM fi.HIAM Al A M f no a Jl r ... i. M ir "s. 7 Ol A M di nt t 1 A M "i is ... tl Stvannali Iiriiuscvlcli '.on, .Sui' Januuru ranei, Nassau lllem Haytl llle tmiii. nrF.wisnirs, . Seville HntnhiirK Mili-lds.- nriie., ''hie ,a dr Orosfc union Wlihelm 11 on AM AM 1) .Hi A M i: m II U) A M t . 13. . 1; ci M - v iv . ., ii ri , ,M 'Mr . . ... ,, iircmen Hamhiirir ., llottc-rdatu- , llainb'.lll! ht Thomas, Due TO'ittorroie. llremen Liverpool, 6 is marls .Sflll. .1 i 1' M lo oi AM 10 oi A M ISO) I oi l I 1(1 I.I AM I oi I' M oi l M i:oi M F ii in m M oi M I oi I' M ism l i:oi I noi C t oi I' II oi I' M i m 3 0) ! M .1 Ol I' M I Ol P M I oi l M :i oi I m Dee lice .Dec .Dec .Dec .Dec, ..Ian Dec Dec Jan. Jan, Jan, ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW YORK. HENRY B. STOKES, President. Total Payments to Policyholders Since Organization Plus Amount For Their Benellt $87,581,798.13 ADMITTKD A.SSKTS .lAXt'AKY 1st, 1111 1 HoikIh unci owned bv Cotnp.niv $:,oni, 413.00 HoihIh mid MorfunkcH, first "lion ir'iro Ins. on hhiiw S.OoO.FJil.CO Kstnto owiiiHlhv Coiiipiinv ft,8l7,Mi.K Ijoiiiw ntitl Liens on f'olirip.s in forco 3,41,i7.0i CukIi in mid on Net Deferred Premiums nnd Premium in routvo or collection ini.M7.lil Interest Rout mid uerriied, and all '.'s:i,S3Q.52 MAHIIilTIIvS Polinv Hecerve ttw eomptited bv tho York Insurance Depar- tment)... $i8,ots,mo.oo All nubilities Ill 1,011.81 to provide Tot' any possible depreciation or other liability r,000.00 held, .subject to contingencies, for sur- vivorship dl pollele!, $l,0l7,.ri:M.O3 I j,30.'jS2a.4U ContltiKent Ke.serM' Knml Oj.'.'W.aO I ' $21,503,400.13 the undcoiKtied. a Committeo clceteil by the Hoard of Directors of tho Manhattan Insiiranco Comptmy to examine the accounts of tho Company, hereby certily we have eaieftilly examined In detail the assets of the that they arc correctly shown In the foregoing statement. The liabil- ities' shown include the reserve on policies in force an calculated certified to by tho York Insurance Department, WAII KU 0. STOKKS, ALFRED SK1TT. KIMKO.V KDWIN S. SCHKNCK.j Committee. Total Insurance lit Force SS.4.12.1)7..1H Paid Polley-lloltle- rs Dtirlnp; lOlO 2,noO,347.r7 Total Assets s2i,nn:i,4io.2:t i:cos Assets Over Liabilities S2,;05,821. 12 REORGANIZATION OF Central Foundry Company The underslcned have prepared a plan and acreement of moriranlratlon, and hare j lodred the Trust of New York, the depositary said nl.lll. f't.niea tf Ttifi titin nml ntn.flnnnl Tnn nlilllnfif! fif until ,lnnAltart up nf the ()f rommlttee. Company. Undon. 4', COM. the ns In the plan, substantially all of the property of Koundry wil Ifsue of flrt mortcace nnd of preferred and mock n ncale of prevalent lilea that city '''""''""' the the chnree i Koundry Company, I the company well viililn whut i believed to lie n conservative catlmtte of ltn probable ... '..minium ..mi The new mntier succeKful nbcrlpllon. nnd debt subsidiary companies provldo u considerable sranted some hanWMiat for Improvements. nuthnritles had recehed assurance ' this deposltinc delienture bondholders nre new preferred stock that a be nmount equal February 11, (belnc the and was there nmount said the bankruptcy), plus additional cent, new continently predicted. speculators creditors receive stock amounts par might be cleci-io- n remote met before nnd,1 strengthen pine call for Car- negie uerago s,.v and depression becau.-- o MINUTl'KK Moon Sdtuly M'JliIevlih'O, I'rln liiurcetutwi, Washington, from Southampton. rifilvesion Colon mi) vtlmia FrVUy. , . iscoMiNo . .Hainhure Clirlsilnnla.. .101 I. .1 noi hunt! and due assets other Amount Amount Life and same Company Company, Kouud plan at which their claims, rosiectiely, shall be proted in the bankruptcy with 20 por cent, of new common .Stockholders of Central Foundry Company, whether preferred or common, will be permitted to sharo In the reorganization only upon deposltinc certificates representlnc shnres of stocl; In Central foundry Company, and subscrllilni; nnd paying, for the pur- poses of the reorganization, s for each share deposited by them, and will then receive first mortcairo r.r to the amount of payment and common stock of the new company equal, in the ease of depositors of preferred stock, to 54 per cent., and In the case of depositors of stock, to in jst cent, of the par value of tho Central foundry Company stock deposited by them, respectively. Thus a stockholder of Central foundry Company depositing inn shares of stock the plan will pay soo for the purposes of the reorganization, and will recoie eight !PX) of the new company, and, if a pre- ferred stockholder, 1'4 shares, nnd, lr a common stockholder, 19 shares, of the new com- mon A syndicate has been organized, which, for a commission of S3.vi.noo of new preferred stock, will, to th extent of M.ow.cxi, underwrite the mentioned pa rents required of stockholders. In the opinion of the committee, n speedy reorganization Is the only eit-rs- o which will preserve to the creditors the value of their rights. A crcat part of value of the properties Is the existing organization, employee, plants and business and generally their value as a going conn-rn- . The value of the mere physical assets when sold upon liquida- tion in a bankruptcy court would be less than their Intrinsic value and rulnouly less than the value of the companies ns reorganized going concerns. The lourt Is not willing to . the rec enerl ip indefinitely, nnd a speedy reorganization Is essential to preervo tills value for the creditors The holders of certificates of deposit the deposit ngreement. dated feh-- , riiary 10. mill, w hereunder the Central 'lrust Company of New ork Is depositary, repre- -' renting debentures or claims, will be entitled to the benefits of the plan and agreem"nt of reorganization, and will beiome bound thereby without further action on their part and without tl.e issue of new certitkates of deposit, except such certificate-holder- s as "hall withdraw from the said deposit agreement dated February 10,1010, a.s permitted by the said deposit ni:reejii"iit and the nonce of committeo published In connection here- with and within lie' pennd in said notice spi'cilled Holders of deheiitmes of ,md l.iltr.s the Central foundry Company, who have ret deiio-ite- d their debentures or under the deslt agreement dated February Itl, lulu, ru.iv beiome parties to the plan and agreement of reorganization only ' by cbMiositing thcr debentures or claims (slid debentures being In uery case accom-j..uiie- d by maturing M.iv 1. I!'l. and all subsequent coupons) with ( out rat I'rqst Company of New ork. at its otllce, 51 Wall M recti. New ork t ity. or with Hiring c ompunv, i,t i.. nt their omre, s isisimiisjate, ixuicinn. i.ngianu, receiving cer of the Carnegie. The Superintendent tiilcntes of deposit isued the deposit dated February 10, lflni. of Hanks has for returns as of .lanu- - w"h Proper notation theieon the holder of said certillcule hus irrevocably asente, to the said plan and of reorganization agreement which should show the effect of the of lenind Foumirv become Holders of preferred and stocl. Company m.iv trifling runs upon state Institutions. , parties to the agreement by deposit tig certitlcates reprewtulng hares of such the and the c ut began. pig of iron trade. ALMANAC WATHIl ::,Hcll Jtnuary llnxrc. Mttiinlry. rename, sarainga, Nicholas c'uiii'ii, . l.inio, llriinswick. i Ar.nivKn Cherbourg York, New OUTOOISO i Antwerp i Norfolk Havre '.i.mdc. Norfolk ' N'urfolk I'ati Mohlle flee Now Hank New with under which common stock. bonds such common under bonds stock. above the onttiiiie Issued under the against already claims the lonpou moitier , under common stock dulv endorsed in blank nnd duly stamped to comply with the provisions of law, witli Central Trust Companv of New York, at its office, Si wall street. New York city, or with paring llrothers A t oinminy, i.tct., at their oinee s insiiopsjaie, lJiiiton, re- ceiving certitlcates of deposit thetefor. All deKsits must be made prior to I'Kllltl AHV I. lull, and after l l'llllt n V I, Itl 1 1 . no spouritles or shares of stock will lie allowed to particulate in the plan except a.s may be permitted by th" committee in Its discretion upniibuch terms as It may prescribe. .1. N. AI.UXCi;, v. i. r. .i. i ii vi' iii: Ksciirn. i;i:mit;r. . NATHAN II. HIM.. lit stay i:. iiissi:i,, L. lUlirocK. Secretary. r.J Wall Street. New York City. .lOI.IVK. LAI! KIN A IIUiNi: A Counsel, $600,000 Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Coal Co Consolidated Mortgage Gold 4s Dae June 1, 1915 Principal and guaranteed by Central Railroad of New Jersey of Tax in Pennsylvania Price on Application Full I'arl;(iilar4 on licqucul Montgomery, Clothier & Tyler White, & Co Adriatic Cerca.... African I'tlnce Morro Caslle. . City of Coluinhus. romus . Cumaiiihe... Due I Kant' Anna ... iji I'rovencr. I'ludud de Ileus..., American filnunmarc Texan Cervantes N'uecc s I I Ueclilcnte., . 1 .13. l"i South Fourth St. Philadelphia i Iran, 'I rlnldad. V.r.i t riu Savannah Nee, orlcMtis. Jai ksoiivllle.... ridttu. J'inutiru l.'l. Nni les Havre Seville.. ,, Puerto Vleilco, .. Palermo. ,, Hue nos A rrs Harhailos. . (inlvc-sicn- . (fUlveston... MnriMiDl Mlreless. l.iisltanla. York, ahnut miles Hook rMenla. Kroiilirln Wlllielm inllesrAhtol Sand) llnolint.VtoA lilrlatlc, miles Sand) I'rhdrli'h cross.-- York, miles Sandy Hook Kant' Anus, lork, miles Hook ;:.v iu:ci. rioxs. 'nmparty Ttrm. Mlnhuc, qiiar-lerl- y Ijike Mlnlne, llcallyand linituve- - ment, .iiinrlerly Fnllril Trurllun I'ltts- - Inili;, annual Itallwavs Cniiin.iuy uiiattcrly Canadian I'at-lllc- , , Canadian I'arlllc, ipiai-lerl- extra I'avnblr. ' , 4 27 II Jan. .1 H .Ian. 7 U ,H) Jan. 7 . 1 Jali. ss for was l.Mi of Sand at P. SI Ss fur 1 ors, was 1,1.1s M Ss fin was jus of Hook P M. ih r for New was ;.ia east of at s an M Ss lor New was 1 ol S.i ml nt rioou r it 1 mi Kerr lake Ken rilra F. S, of semi (irn- - cral. ipiar lerly 4V Me. ".Ii- m i IK H Jan Dec Dec Dec Dec. .Jan. Dec Dee .Inn, .Jan. Si Hy east New New- ork, east at 21.1 VJ east .suc-;- . .tin. pfii Jau. Jan. New Marrh 1.1 March 13 Feh, I Jan. :o Feh. I N.'is.iu M. New ork SUN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1911. 13 Chairman: kiiitiii:iis4, iiAi.i.titMt, Committee. FRANKLIN' HATHIIONK, CL'ICHFON. Interest Free Weld Southampton, THE lionmi.urr. can The Itnokrry Chicago i is i.vf i. ori:s. Si'cyi'r A Co, iiiitioiitico Hint a Inrirn Hill. mini or Hie .i,'iisi,oiiii Mimieniiolis nml St I.ouls ll.illio.ul i oniimny .'. por cent. i;oli) Holes clue I eliriuiry I, lull, have do. liiislleil with I li.'iu lor evl.'tisloii. ho tlnio lor cleposlilni,' i he noies mid. t th" terms of Ilicti'iiiiipmiyV iiiiv.'i'Iiseinetii is evtetuleil to unci .l.iiiimry ', Hill The riu'lii lo ternilii.ili' iho nller til iiny Hum without previous iiulic. Is reserved Cillilo iiilvlies In. in lixtlm ntllioiiiice (he listliil' oil the Herlltl lioilisn o si I.ouls nnd Sim Fr.inclsi-- Kiuiernl lien iiricrii- - twenty )l'"l' '' l'"r ent irolll Imilils At yesforiliiy's ineelluir of the Hlock-linliler- s ol tho .Stniiilni'it till Couiiuiiiv tho tinnilierof cllrec iorM wns In. ti'.i-c- il to fifteen hy the nilcllilnu of I). T. Wiirluir. Iletiriiur ellrectors were re.'lectecl Mr WHriuv has lieeti witli the icinipdiif for thirty yours .Mine workers in Hie nntliriiclt" reuioii of I'eiiiisylvniilii hnvi. for Ihelr lulior ilurliu' th itionlli of Decemlier an increiisi. of 7 per colli cm the wiu'e rate lived liy I ho illilliruc llo strike commission. The workers trot I per Increase lor every advance of five' cents in Din price of domestic; sizes of coal. Ilecniiso of tho t'rnwtli of Cornell and of Hie cllv or Itliiiea th" l.ehlirh Valley Is (.'nlnir lo relmllii unit relocuto its imssoiiucr Bintloii there. The Wall Street edition of Tll I'.VK.MNQ SUM contains all Ihe financial reus and the stock and I. .. Hi quntallnns to the close nf the market. Tlm clnslne quotations, Including tho "hid anil naked" prices with additional news matter arc. con- tained also la tho night tsllUon of Th Etimnu siVH. Ait. $1,500,000 Western Maryland Railway Go First Mortgage 4 Gold Bonds Due October 1. ll'2. Interest p)blo April 1 and October 1 Authorized, fjo.tni.imo Outstanding, Ju,Jl,nro Secured by a mortKnuo on tho entire railroad property dlrectlv owned bv th Western Marvland Railway Company anil throtiKli collateral on about 110,000 acres of bituminous coal lands. After AtiKUt 1, Hill, tho bonds will bo a direct first mortgage on practically all the present main line. Tho mortgage is eloseu except for refunding purposes. dross earnings have Increased about 30"i since 1007 and current statements show continued gains. Tor tho lfJn fiscal vear the Com- pany reported n substantial surplus ever the t dividend require- ment on ttO,000,iHW preferred stock. We would draw special attention lo the construction of S7 miles of road which upon completion will connect the Pittsburg tV KaUe Kile i.Ncw York Central System) with the main line of the Western Maryland Hallway and will be oper- ated under a Oil year trallle agreement between the two com- panies. This connection will give the .New York Central Nys-ter- n la the Western Maryland Hallway the shortest route between Pittsburg and Baltimore, and a through line from the (.rent Lakes to Tidewater, 140 miles shorter than the pres- ent main route to New York. , Price 87 and interest, yielding 4.70 Special Circular with Map on application William Salomon & Co BANKERS 25 Broad Street NEW YORK CENTRAL FOUNDRY THE PHENIX national bank. I'uMimnt to a rrhiltntnu of the Himrct ut Dlrrr. COMPANY ro hik iioi.nr.KH or ckutificates or unrosiT issfkii t'Ntir.it tiik nr.pcisir Atiitr.r.MFNT iiateu ikii. Itl AItt 111. 1010. AMI lir.l'KKsn.NT-IM- ; M. KIM. I't'Ml IIKIIKN- - it itr.s or cr.MiiAi, iiii'miki com- pany AMI AliAIST SAIII KOI 1'A.NY: 1 AKH NOTICi: that the rommlttee constituted hy the aferrmcnlloncd drpeslt ajrrc ment has ap- proved and adopted a certain plan and agreement, dated January 3. lot t. for the reorganization nf the Central Foundry Company, and that a copy of said plan and agreement has been filed with the Central Trust Company of New York, as de- positary under the aforesaid deposit agreement dated February 16. li10. As pruldrd lnsal'l deposit agreement, any holder of a certificate of deposit may, within thirty da from the first publication of this no. tlce, upon surrender of his certiorate (endorsed In blank for transfer) to Central Trust Company of New Y'ork, the depositary under said agree- ment, at Its omre, 14 Wall .Street, New York, and upon payment nt tho rale of si to for eaeh J100 of debentures and of rlalms represented by said rerllRrate of deposit (being IU1 as his pro rata share of the sum tHrd b the rommlttee as a fair contribution, toward Its expenses, and $3 3.t as his pro rata sharo of the Indebtedness, obligations and liabilities of the committer) with- draw from said deposit agreement and will be thereupon entitled to recelie the debentures or rlalms represented by his certiorate of depolt The committee makes r.o eharee for Its compen- sation acalnst withdrawing subscribers Suitable receipts will be glien withdrawing depofltors rn titling them to rrrelie the amount rontrlhulrd by iliem rrsprrtluiy toward th ohllcallnns and liabilities of the committee, or a portion thereof, if and when collected hy the rommltteo from o'her sources. Holders of certiorates of rtrpnslt who do not withdraw their debentures and rlalms within the period, subject to the renditions and In the man- ner thoe mentioned, will, as prolied In the de- posit atrerment. be deemed for all purposes to hsc assented to and will be lrrrvorabl bound and concluded by the plan and agreement of re- organization. Dated January 3. U11. .1. N. WAI.t.AC F, C hulrnun: c. i). s.vmfir.its. I'. .1. tiOOIHIAKT. At cjcsr iiri'Ksi'UF.ii. CIKOKCi: II. HAI.I.OCk. NATHAN l. 1111. 1. til'MTAV I'. KISSKI. Ccimuiltteo. I It MiI.IN I.. I1ADCCVK. i Serrctary, M Wall Street, New Y'ork City. JOI.INK, l.AHKIN 4 ltATItllONU, 1IYHNK 4 CCTCHKON, Counsel. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company Denver Extension Four Per Cent. Bonds, lo oi X 10 Stale hanks sr.AI.FD lo the signed Its Devonshire Items. Mais for .V Co tension Honds" F.N Specie S,3::.T3s M 1 FN h JAM'AllY II, notes... lull, to the TCI s tS TlfDCSAND, circulation) NK ami CF.NTS ie- - hi aciordanco clenipllon fund. ciaieu iieceniner i, in. Froposals he opened and suceesful hlds declared January II, AND l.NTFIU'.ST ON ACCFITUl) WILL CXASU January 18. 1'Jll TheNewEnglandTrustGompany !r TKV tel- ly ' I). It WIIITNLY. 1'rc.i.idcnt. Hnston, January 2, 1911. TllllDl.DllltS DFiTIFITllSTJlOIITllAlit; F1VF. j Pl'.H HIINDS l)F Till'. l.ltilU I.NIi lOJIl'ANY. Nollcels herehy irlven, that, In accordance with tho terms of an areeincnt, dated July 12, imi. hetween Iho West, l.ljhtlnir Comiany. the Consolidated lias Conuia'iy nnd whereby the latter company guaranteed the payment of the principal and tiiteicsi of the nhove mentioned hnldeis then of mav have the ituarai.lv stamped Iherco-- nml cvecnU'd h ItieCoriMill.latc.l l,ns Coiniianv h prcscntlnc the same nt the Na tlu'ial lily Hai.U of lork, Wall Street. New York. he cu.iranly he In the fuUcinliiir '""Pursuant to the te rms of an Agreement, dated July II, ltM, the West, hestei l.lL'hlliiK Company, Iho and Wem Hester l.litlil-In- Companv the lias Improvement Coin-oan- the c oiiholldalcd (las Company of .New ami the Central Triisl Compa y of New N the Consolidated lias Company of New York herehy aid nirrei's to pay the ho- clof Hie Westchester Llghtlnit Company nnd the Interest thereon, aud as the samo fall lespectlv. I) HAS COMPANY OF NF.W YOHK, II CAUTI'.lt, Secretary cr.YIHAI. F.Mil.A.MI KAII.WAY FUJI Central New Fnglsnd Hallway Cisnpany, a cor noratloii organlrc-- and cvlstlug under tl.e laws u.e State ol New loth, hiniiy give ft to nil icncerneil under and In accordance with ciim uiuisof lis lirsi Morlk'age Honds. said ol nn daii-- the Ihlr.l day of Januarv. IMm, aid secured hy n mortgage of I delllv Trust Compa'ii of I'lilladciphlu uiiidcr Its then Iiiime of I Idcilty Insiirame Trust and Safe Deiioslt Companv of tho ills of Philadelphia), as T It. Central New Hallway Company, Intends to and will rcdi said at lift per cent of the par value thereof, and hileiesl to the llrst day of February, lull, said llrst day of February, lull, nt the otllce of said lidciltj irusl Compkiiy In the city of Philadelphia In Ihe Slain of Penusvlvanla. Anv mid all honds not presented said ofhie on sal.l day of redemption will then rcasc to clraw Interest Ily order of the nf Directors of Central fit'W l.ngiaiio nanwsy omciany. . M. KOCHFltSIT'.Hlil.ll, l lio Hume or Ciminany, 181 La tors of The Phenlc National Hank. Nineteen m... drrd of the rapllal stock nf the Phelps .I'm held by the bank, nr,i m.N in .s ,nHi,kA... : of record of said bank at tho close of business I rub. iw I The transfer books will closed at three - t. Januar- - nih. 1011. and will remalu cloed until ten A xf i:th. mil. January nth, Snllo Street CHICAGO January January l. ion. . I1A.SK1N.S. HANK HKPOUTM. No 1370 ) hei'oht or Tin; condition or The Merchants National Bank of ths City of Hew York at New ortc, la the Male of Nw York, at the cioso of hutlness January 7th. 1911. itrsofiiT:s. and discounts JIS.BI.I.OM Overdrafts, secured and unsecured n no ins io sec ure circulation S secure C b. deposits.. retr.lums on C s. Uoiicls, securitie s, etc Hiuiklng house. Due from national hanks re- serve agenls) Due from stale and private banks and bankers, trust companies and savings bonks Checks and other cash Hems . . for Clearing House.. Notes of other national tianks 1 racilimal paper currency, nhkels and rents reserve In bank, viz . Specie.. ;S30.HS 15 Legal-tende- r notes l,t.Wciciti Itedemptloa fund with V. S. Treas-ure- r (3 per cent, of circulation). Due from U. S. Treasurer... . . . a.01,lo0 79 i.iAiin.nTr.s. Capital Hock paid In Surplus fund. i i.iltv tiled less rxnenses at.d taxes paid. atlo.-ia- ba is'ioics outstanding. . Due lo other national banks n Due to Stale and private hanks and bankers 731 J3: Ml Due lo trust cotiipantcs and savings banks (l,lV,,:ni ft Dividends unpaid c...)7 :l Individual deposits sub- - Jccl lo check. 8.I33.7CH 39 iirinanu cerunraies teooslt. Certlllcd rherks Cashier's checks ou standing t'nlted States deposits Cashier. 73,nani) 370 At 37 1,157(1 on no 10.IVJ l.lCIIJ.'OOJ Total ;7.0!9.1W 79 State of New York. of New York, ss.: I. JOSIII'H II V UN r of the above-name- hank, do solemnl) wenr thai the above statement Is irue lo the but of my know ledge and JOS. HYHNK. Subscribed sworn to rue this loth day of Januarv. 11,11 r.IIlSi:nTS, Notary Public. -- Attest JOHN A STKWAUT. J WAl.I.ACi:. Directors. HOHI'.HT M (iALKAWAV. itrpoitT or Tin: condition or MERCANTILE NATIONAL BANK or Tin: crrv or ni:v at the close of business January 7, lull nr.souitcr.s. .nans and i:.:vr,9s ,n Ovrrdrafis, secured and unsecured.. r h. nouiis secure circulation C S. honds to secure F. S. delflll sfcutltles. eic Due from national tianks line Fehnmrr I, Itl'J'J, Due from an.t han'iers I'HOI'OiiAUS addrchsed under- - Clucks and other cash at otl.ee, 3.1 Street. Huston, H3.TBI 19 , and endorsed ion outside of envelope) Clearlns TroooMtattiN'IIC II Q It It Denver r.- - llnusv. .Wl.soo .VI 4o Wll.l. 111'. KKCFIVFII 'ill. O'Cl.ciCK A M. VIl'ltDAY. I.ci:altender l,01B,uuu.i) for the sale of atiove honds Itederuptlon fund vilth AIISOIIII MltK SFkt OF ONK HCN- - I" Tresurir nf ONF. TWO Ifl'N M.7.190O liltl.l) TWl.NTV noi.i.Aiui i in , Due rroni f. s. Treas-T'Kl'.- ll.1l.::i 11). OU A.N I'AltT urer. other than a TIIFKHOF tho agreement, lT.nonoo will lull, liONI! Mass., CFNT WF.VKill'.srKIt others, t.onds, , New ,M T will h.twc-i-i- Nc"v York . CnlKd VoM ork, assumes within whim due ." consdi.datfd A NF.W I'A.Nl. notice thai bonds Issue tucntv hiini: ilii's.iiiieiliitctolhe rustee. I'.iiglaml em bonds upon at Hoard i Imuran shares b" , m::tT I i I bonds bonds. tnot money . Total.. proms, sa.iwi,3M i belief. THOS Moncls, named irustee. DIll'.I) TlflltrY Total 'anltal stock oald In LIAHILITIFS. fund hied orotlts. less eit.ent-e- nnd taxes palii.. National hanknoles outbtanding. Dividends Due to other national banks i:,sl7,TO3 23 Due to St. te hanks anil bankers. :W),l3a77 Due to trust companies and savings hanks. Individual deposits sub- ject to c heck Demand ccrllllcatcsof de- posit .. . Cashier's checks out standlni; N. deposit.-- I 1 l.oca) with 2.3S),20.1.0I 7,I.17,3US.14 23.31.1 OS 3IH.077.2J 12,l!)l t'l l,i)i)ll is) III :,t),naiii .mom i::,7m m lAVl.cnH it ISKV.237 3 i,io:,j:3: S7.M1 M 1.MI..V17 O.I t :.i-- 3 :s SAVMIS 13 lOO.onooo loa.oas c; t3.onn.ono to 1..VO.KII (I) 333.1.0 00 l.lO.Jlt ?3 County cashier Cashier. and before Correct THE yohk, discounts unpaid. checks. 1,71c . .13.0.11 no t.UHI.Ill .Mll IKI i,iT,o;.i.to JlB47,0114 3D n,im.nm Oi 2,OXJ,IIIO.O) B7S.724 01 .17.1.11111 00 C.732..V) - ri.Mci.cvia.cvt Total . H),i1l7.0Si.,1i) Slate of New York, County of New York, ss.: I. l:tlt, KI.HIN, Cashier of the above named do solomnly swear Hint the above statement I- true lo the bst of my knowledge and belief FMII. KI.FIN, Cashier. Sul '.crlheil mid sworn to before ine this loin day of .Iniiuarv , hill. Al.lintT H COHY, Nolan- - Fuhllc. Correct A I lesf II. I.I M II. TWl.OII,) c II. IMHOFF Illrectors WILLIS (i NASH THE NATIONAL RESERVE IANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK HllPOItr TO COMPTHOLI.FH OF CFIIHFNCY, J ANFAItl 7th, 1311, CONDHNSKD, Capital . l,20).(iO)no Surplus and pronts ni3.mil im .Nalioiial banknote's I.17.4U7.M Deposits .I.OIMtltv 33 t(l,tia.1jui).7l) Ijians and discounts 13,I73.7A 41 Honds, s.'i'iiiltles, etc 3'Vs,i)7.73 Furniture ami ilvturrs H.ouo.O) CASH HI'.SOFHCF.S -- Due from bonks Sl,3n,:s7.n7 4'ash and eirhnnges u:o,l.vi..Vi Stock Mjchango demaiitl loans ni7.noi net S,ID7,7. H.tMA.3tii) 71) oludlng capital, of more than $I2,:)0.()00 rim iiMh aeml-annu- Btatomont of the w wilhilioja.ooo.txxi oapltal anil li.wm.. Homo InBtirunoo Pompany hIiowh aHpta , regervei B(t 0 oonfltturatlon wirnlun, of moro than 3il,noo,000 and u surplus make the Huriilus aa regards policy. ovir all contlngeocles aud liabilities, iu- - holders nearly 117,000,000. Exeoutor Chartered 1822 Trustes The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street, Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue, New York. LOUDON H ffipPS PARIS, 41 Boulevard nanasmann Travelers' Letters of Credit. Foroign Exchange. Administrator UNITED STATES MORTGAGE & TRUST mWhm CHARTEUKU mi Pays Interest on deposits Acts In all trust capacities Offers modern safe deposit facilities s cedar st. $2,00 ,0D9 S5K5dsi.ai ftb Ave." Surplus, $4,000,000 STANDARD TRUST COMPANY 25 Broad Street John T. Atlerbury, Francis S. Hangs, William M. Ilarrell. Alexander If. I)e Haven, Ssmuel M I'elio.'i, I'llny Flsk. Frank K, Sturgls. 1st Vlre Fresl lent. Charles M. Illll!.s. Serretary bale !:. M. F. John (!. ON tc C II IC 1 Hs nf I'l-- al for and and of i and Capital - $1,000,000 & 1,600,000 in ill I. onus N. Y. . X. Y. . . X. Y. Not OF NEW Diitr.c-- i Wllllwn (lulhrle. alrrHx Harrison, (iar.llner Williams;. Late. nfllce Cash Stnte vol.) Citf val.) City OFKHF.ItS President. C. Fdward Ylre President. Ilralnerd Van Kuan. Secretary. INTEHEST Al.l.OUr.ll tlKPOSIl.S Sfll.ir.CT ciu:tri: I.SSI'KSi I.NTF.HF.sr IIF.AItl.NCi DI'.l'IlM Trustee Corporate Mortgages. Agent Corporations Indlviiuals. Transfer Agent rtegMrar I)'insltar Flans Hrorgvilatlo Fxerutor, Administrator, clusr.ltan. Trustee, Herelver Acent Surplus Profits STATEMENT, JANUARY 1911 ASSKTS, bunks .Mutiirinc securities bonds (tnkt. bonds (mkt. Other M'iirhles (tnkt. vnl.)... uiortcnges uccrued Interest William tJ I'ncilvidecl 5.7T3.I37.M2 3,:i7!l,F.'l.llS Guardian Capital, WII.I.AHI) V. President. (1. I'AlNi:. IIOWAItl) IIAYNF. ,V liens. l.ANC.l.KY WHifilX, Secretory. FHFI). C. .MAI.'STON, Asst. l'AKK Msr. .Municipal Dept F.. V Trut Olllcer IHItlXTOHS. .iciiin ii. n vititF.rr. Johnson Jc Hlgglns, Insurance. S)All Kl, i. IIAl.NIi President Seaboard National Hank FN ion v iiivriii:t.i. President New Telephone Co. ItOltl-It- Si, HKAIII.I'.r. Chairman Am. Agricultural Chemical Co. II. KATON. President Am Car A Foundry Co. .IAMK.S M. (ilFFOItll. (ilrlord. Hohbs 4 Heard. Attorneys. IIK.MtV IIOI.IIMAN. tioldman. A: Co , Hankers W ILL I AM N. HA 11. Heal Hstalr. A. II. IIFl'HCItN. President Chase WILI.AItl) V. KINIi, President of the Company. ;. IIKKJIANN KINMCITT. Kissel, Klunlciitt & Co., Hankers. Member of the THE sui for The initial the niiinbi r our In Kc an that of of nn: riti-cir- v ami i.innr V. The as Trustee under the Per Cent. Trust Lien Mortgage, dated ' April 1st, Wi. will sealed lenders up lo noi) P, M on 2d. 1011, for the sale to of $30,iio) face v alue ot honds Issued tor account of the sinking at a price not c cceitlng HWb anil accrued i ns Trustee reserves the right reject anv or all tenders Ni: YOHK TilCST Trustee. Hy 11. W. MOHSi'. Dated. York. .tel. lull No. 14(11. of of CITY of Y'ork. at York. In the Stntj of New York, at the of business Januarv 7, lull: Laws and discounts. . Overdrafts, ana unsecured F. S. honds to secure circulation F. S. bonds lo I.. S. Deposits Other Honds to V. S. Dc- - isislts F. S. Honds loaned 1. S. Honds on .... Premiums on F. S Honds, securities, etc Hanking house, furniture and fix- tures. ,. Due Hanks mot agenlsl Due Stale Hanks and Hankers Checks and oilier cash s . Kichanges Notes of other National Fractional paper currrno, nickels cents Money Heservc In Hank, v I.. Stvcc le. . M7,72M:noi Legal lender notes . .i,uci cu with F. 1.1 of Duo I'. S. Treasurer .. Total, slock paid In. I - S. surplus iiiiice Undivided profits, less . Hank notes Due to olhcr National Hanks. Due to Slate Hanks H,7lO.M.1.t3 Due to Trust Compa- nies Hanks. 2.1,224.nit 47 Dividends 1.113 Ol 1'rovldi'i.l Fund. Jl.no) Ind sub eel to checR A1.8I0.0TA.M3 Foreign funds.. checks Cashier's checks out- standing Fulled Inirrovved D Chariest,, M Miller, JlcCullnugh. It 1.3.14 j::..vi 2,.lis,li7.l mi l.nil.rs;.Mi 2.144.s:7.tl i,3ii.1is.77 oits llasll York, C. Lane, Cox, Ass'l Ass't F.IJI TF.S, Arts under 9, Cnsli first York Sachs Hank honds re- serve Zelah YORK cnpitiil n:t4,lii'.i.sii plus (earuedi Deposits 7sii,(m ii lteservo tnos ''us, 433 S3 M.1M.MI COM FAN live First to Till: Tin: New New close secure secure from from fund from tnnes palii oi cm ' lo nos.iiii.iii 11,3.11.1111 07 PH.22 13(130 in Total. Slate of New York, Counly sf New York, ss.- Iheatinee named haute, swear that the above Is trus to the best of mv and A K I ashler. sworn lo before me this Itth day of toil KDWIN I Notary Public. Correct- - Attest: w.i J. P. Jit. j I'a-- k. .lolin S rniiMis, Henry W. Putnam. Jr V. Itoue. William Charles F. Smlllh Y. I.I v John Spoor ll. er 1. S,irac I?. I.ouls I.. Stintoi. ( harles Sin le. I rank K. ,Slur?ls William M. F. Miller, F. Hulklev. Scrrstar OF National and and and A,us,iVMi do and 133 C1TV Mill. ITU Thavcf. llthl.l US 1.00 At'OUSTFS W. TUItr.F.1,1.. FHKltF.HICK AN IIIOM It. Prcs So J. rsev lias. i:i-- i- Tra- - Co. .ICIIIN It. Pittsburgh. P.c f. mm not .son. llnriuoi fc Ad'jj. VV II. 1. 1 CM II, MCIIOI.S, Oenrrnl l Co AI iFSI I S Ii. I'VINF. New urk nnd l'cuii. lo HM. It. Pelers. While A Co . w. I iilon Tviu'wrltir Co MI:i.('K;n, A Melt ken. Merc hints JAW S''li-ma- 'i ft Co . P.vikirs I.I. Post ft li.igg. i rs .incii u:i. i. van iii:niK Van lleuri'li A Jesun, Hankers h. Peters, White ft Co., Ceoimlltcr. siilist RTowtli in and Miltiinc of deposit ac- counts, and our iural liiislnoss is the comniiiiiit.v appreciates the a policy f conscrviit Ism, uuirorui courtes.v, and Indepemlcnce of the control any sliiRh interest. iiaii.way undersigned Collateral receive February It thereunder, Fund, Interest COMPANY, serrctary. New January HANK lU'.l'OUTN. nr.t'oirr condition THE NATIONAL BANK, HFSOI'HCKS. '.15.S74.1V1.()II hand. National forClearlngllouse Hanks. lledemptlon Treasurer circulation). LIAHILITIFS. Capital cipenscs National outstanding 841,127,001.31 Hankers. Savings unpaid. vidua! Deniandccrllllratesol deposit. tiovernmenl ('entiled .SUIesdoposIls Honds YORK J,ii"i,-.ii'.i.li- 1,V:'J,4.V.',71 115,1118,511.411. .seereliiry. 4.M2.3I S.ixis.r.iiu) :M),uti !,2i7,oni Lliis.Atuiii B.2IS.IS 2,Ol;,st2M 41.321.0:ai) III.IMO) S2i:,iu;,un.4i 21,oll,oi.) ;.i,cii,oi.o) I7.1..VIS, 24J,1!)7,4IIC1.40 I.AUTIfl'ltKAVANKiir.Cahhlernf solemnly statement knowlcdre belief. WAN'Atllf, Suhscrlheil COltl'Y, hocki:i'i:i,i.i:ii, MOIHIAN, Dlrecturs. M.TAYLOlU'YNrJ. Salomoi. Nctv N. .Nathaniel Treas'jrsr Broadway NEW ,74?.oin profits 7ic.itl.:i2 .jtc.iw.m KIXO, tiKOlltli; ItliKN, .t30.27.7:t 17.1,11111k) 371I,I7S..II KI'SFII. I.Cil.Nl.t:i, Manufacturer, cimti.r. Kraulho't, Mailieuso.), Chairman pcu:its, Cheiul.als ct,i(f.n'i: m:au,.s, IIFIIMA.NN Crossniau ITtllllFIMCK STICAF.ss.. AHIIICIt riit.NIH iiti:ii:iitcK iviinc Chemicals i:rcutlve Indication value deposits 2.s2.1,MHloi 3s.;M.r:a.3il T.M.i,ai:.m 2.HOS.IU7..V) January, Frrsi.irni SINKINI! li'.Ni) NOTICF DFI.I'III. Illssilli: A- - MlltlllF.ltN ItAll.UA) IIVII'ANV. X First I'oiisollcLitecl HortKAce Honds DATFI) JA.NCAH1 IS Isitl The Central Trust I ompa.iv of New York elves notice tliat In arrordiiucc with Article V of a r er lain Indenture made by the above railway com pany, clalul Januarv 1st, lhio, It will receive scaled pui osals to sell tl.e arovc described lionets, at a rale not lo cecd 103 per cent and accrued Interest, the total oiler not to consume more than the nmount of one hundred and fortv s timet sand two hundred ami tlilrlj one ul to) dollars ill ia.su on The sealed proposals will he opened at the omce of the Central Trust Company of New lork, In New lork City, at twelve oilock iicsm o i the 17lh day of .limiwiri. liil. CF.NTHAL THCST COMPANY OF NLW YOHK. Trustee. Hy 3. N. WAl.I.ACi:, I'refldenl. New York, Jonuarj 4th, lull. IIAMi HFI'OIITS. I1FFOKT OF Tlif. CONDITION OF THE HANOVER NATIONAL BANK, of the Cllv of New York, at New York, hi the Stale of New lork, at the close of business January 7th, luilf ItKSCIIItl'CS .V.V.U7S.Wi Loans and fsVIA11,413.iO Ovcrclrafls F. S. Honds lo secure Circulation F.S Honds to secure F S. F S Honds on hand Honds. Seeurltll's, etc Hankli.g House Hue from other National Hanks Due from Stale llanlcsnnd Hankers Checks aud olhcr Cash llems Fvc'tiaigcs for Clearing House Note-so- other National Hunks NlcUis and Pennies Specie Tender Noies lli iii'iupllou Fuiiil with F. S. Treas- urer . Dm" from F. S. Trcasuirr (other Hi. in ,1 per rent. Fund) 1,1 AU1LITIKS Capital Stock paid In Surplus Fund t'r.cllvlied Fronts, less Fxpcnses nnd T.iies pal. I National Haul, Notes Outstanding Dividends Unpaid ... Indlv I.I lull Di'pnsltsBUti- - Jecl to Check 20,3M,(i:i.S2 Deiuii.id Ccrtlllrnti's of Deposit 21.117.27 Cerllilcd Checks 7IO171.s2 Cashier's Checks Out sliinillng 3.3.m,a7S.II Dun to other NnlloM.nl Hanks . J2fl.7B2,IM.IV. Due lo State Hunks and Hankers. 12,7.111,1)1(1.1.1 Due loTriislConipailes and Savings H.mks l7,ni7,BMin Fnlted States Drposlls Honds Hoi low cil IMS! OCMI.ISJ l.i.'.ii.tni President Discounts Deposits B.S22.44 l.rno.nnoon l.v).()6,oi) t).2A9.l)l) 7,ttV.IC0.M ,11L'I,I)IX),U) t,7ta.:i)2.M :i,302.llll.4S i n.::u.3s A.lMa,l0.4.1 3a,Tie.m ii7u.ni 14.r.u..vvi.oii 5.m.:,:uo.cu w.noo.qa 273,01.(111 100,S14,72.UV M.ooo.ono.m i:.iio,ucx).ou lM.ni.ti 1,171, Iii7.cn 4.0S8.OU M),.i79.4a.i.a iM.oon.ng 23,OU).nO' ioo,sii,-o;- .: orl..c"i'it of New York, ss. I. lU'ill It I' vv HliM IKFH ('ashler of the lfanovei Nalhmiil H.uik of Ihe (tty ol New York, do solciniill swear Hint the above statement, Is tructo the heU of nil krow ledge ami belief, ULMlil F WHITI'livFIl, Cashier. Subs' ilhcl i'"1 sworn to before mr, this tenth ' dv of Ja 'iiarv . mil. wit J CMlii'lt, Noiars Puhllc, Cnrrec Mtesi New York Cenititv , WILLIAM VVOODWAltl), vkhnon l( iiltoWN, ) Directors. VOX. UK 1'. 1UYNB3, J

William Salomon Coaossir or wall siiieet. The Increase of tlio Cnii.iili.iti l'.iclflcUtvl-cion-il vvns followed by mi ovornlelit, ad- vances nf V, points In th" stock. Soon iftor

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Page 1: William Salomon Coaossir or wall siiieet. The Increase of tlio Cnii.iili.iti l'.iclflcUtvl-cion-il vvns followed by mi ovornlelit, ad- vances nf V, points In th" stock. Soon iftor

aossir or wall siiieet.The Increase of tlio Cnii.iili.iti l'.iclflc Utvl-cion- il

vvns followed by mi ovornlelit, ad-

vances nf V, points In th" stock. Sooniftor the openlnc. 1 tin toclt sold lit 505,

7 points on 'Iny atitl price) connpurlin, with n pteiious lilkiti record of 2o:,mudn l.t Noi ember 'I In' dividend dec-l- .i

ration put tin' stoik on n 10 per cent,luisis, tin' dividend 1'iiitiK p.ild In ciuurtorlyi nr a inii'iii 01 i , piTifui m .uiiiuiir.mid , of I per cent from l.unl union. Theiii tense Is in tlu distribution from l.inil

h"k lii previous Ji'm tho cotnpiiiiypiiid I per ii'ttt H .veur from land sales.

i erel.i v s mi'ii'.-ifi- of dividend vvim the.. .id of tlm last sl months, tlm intoli.t mi: Leeii raised fiom to ,h cr tout, i

l.i inrut j

i'i the flicnt year ended .limn 3n, limit.( tiiIi.hi Paclne not an nvpriiirn price or

: .. mi arm from sales of l.inil. Tlm

if t'Uiv had alioill :i.ix i.ihmi nrres loft i

ii. I'.i' ful of tlm yi'.ir. On tlm nilinitlonii t tni roinniiiimf land wits worth ns mticli.in ii '" a that noli! In Usui tlm cotnpany'ni.m t. I property had a value Just about

to the par valtm of its common stock,mI .'Ii now standi lit tlio.ooo.noo, Most(.' tlm laud Ii In the Cnuadlnu Northwest,u' em tlm demand fur fnim land has beenf.M'or In tlm tail year than icr before.IiiMun-'rant- Into western Canada from thiscontiiry nlotio In tlm hit year iititnhorod(!.Vi. and C.inndlau authorities ostlimttoth.v they lirouuht with thorn more thanff..ooo.poil. Fniloiibtedly a itood deal of thisinntiey neat to tlm Canadian l'aclflo forland, so that tin- - o.trn dividend Is paidIn part from money which camo from thisrountry.

When American railroad men reflectthat the Canadian Pacific ln't tioMered by amultitude, of State ntul I'cderal commis-sions, that it sot from tlm Cioernmenl nrash subsidy of $25,ooo.ivio and a laud era titnf :;.0oo,Cn acres, that It has a charterpermitting it to run steamships on the At-

lantic and Pacific and all the lakes and rivers,to run hotels and do about every thin cle,thesn American railroad men simply can'tlielp envylne tho Canadian Paclllo the nt

under which It does business.

With Canadian Tactile on a in per cent,basis there am now three in per cent rail-

road stocks on the Now York Stockchance. Tho others, I'nlon Pacific andLehigh Valley, sell nt prices well belowCanadian.

Four and a quarter per cent, bonds of thorlty sold off n little after It wax announcedthat tho new too.tK-j.Oi- o Issue ould bear prcro,nr). nnd llarluir llrothers A Ltd .Interest per llln ClOSlnK prlie I !T,,- - rnlelilT,l..l.. nrr.inlnllnn of ii f nmnniiv fn mnnllnnnriwu 100',. Tho four of 10M alio lint!irmllet fraction. The 4'i per ronf



of Innt noi- -

'" - "'" ' lw "nail the n. .he tallrntlon of nnd will reduce filedwould offer t per cent. Vn rnerlne atthat rato of intereM would have com












make nn lionrlR on

"";exlntlnc Central

.n.i.in t.ii. i,- -. I'amlnir. pro vlded 111 pay t he secured deb t of Cen tral ry Com- -

Insured n It ,n party the floatlns of tho and sumtaken for In of the detraliiethe city fnder to receive

4', tier cent, bond could sold, lo nn to the pnr of their bonds and Interest to 1910the success of the offering provable on bonds in nn ro per of

Hut common stock .and other will Ilkewle new preferred to theIhought the margin above in the sellingprice of the outstanding I', per cents, wasso smalt that th Inter entlon of any

develoiunenl before tho date, ofthe .ile restrain bidders.

Wall Mreet knows of many things thatmay happen to disturb sentiment and

re caution befote the bids for the citylends are opened. The argument in therii.iroad rate enes will concluded thisweek and a may be handed downin a wry short tune. It Is a possi-bility that the American Toluccu casewill be decided before tho iihorlptlotiends. It Is n certainty that the steel man-- 'nnctiirers will have nnd '

price.-- the ofiering is madequite as important, that bankers will haveh better idea of the strength nnd durationof the demand for bond- -. Itcari-d- i pecu-lito- rs

al"0 always cnlcul.ito thai the "clripterof accidents" i generally In their lav or.'I hey argued tint it would be dinlcult toconceive an event ihat would great's

the for. it y bonds and tliatit was easy to predict occurrences thatmlglfc wea ken them.

The by the Comptroller of the Cur-len-

reports of condition of natlonulbanks placed the date earlier than i cus-tomary. Ijtst year anl in ltwo the firstc nil ol the year specified a date in February,li.is year banks are required to reportas of January V. It is a singular coincidencethai this is the day of the failure of the

Trust Company. w that the returnswill show what preparations the big bankshad made In anticipation of the failure

State therefor agreementshowing that

ary a ,

olan mid

Two small steel and Iron companies,Thomas Iron Company FtnpireSteel and Iron Company, have wages

n of Id r cent. Tho cut affectsmen is tho llrt since the period

I In tho steel and iron ss

Tho companies do more initou than In steel. The l.mplre cut a divi-dend not long ago the depres-sion in tho pig


sen rises .. 7:10 .Sun sets. I la sets..HIGH THIS IHT.

irii...3..V)Oov.l5lni, Gate


Arrlrrd-TnhNO- lo.Mira, Dee. 31.Iilui-ch- r. Ilsmburg, Dro. 31.

nce, Palermo, Dee. CA.

Caclr. Urc. JOnke. lwrrpw, Dec. T7.

Shields, Dec. 21.le.ttilaiiil, Antwerp. Dec. 31.

August WUIirlm, Kingston, Jan. 3,' "i Trinidad. Jan. 3.

Havana, Jan. 7

Port Antonio, Jan; 4.S'a'itlaeo, Jan. 3.

r.i "is, cjalveston. Jau. 4.l .nilo (inlirston, Jan. 4.

t.l t'sso, fw Orleans, Jan. 5,Nrac 'ie, Jaclivim lllc, Jan, 7,

Tamp'. Jan. 0,nmlltoii, Norfolk, Jan. 0.

inn Ciranct'. Jan. 7.mill, S. C Jan. 0.

oct.'at from

N' Ynrks- - mrlde. at Hav re from News, ' nlled Stales, at Copenli.igen New York,

.t'.iila, at Liverpool from New York,

siiun rnovi uninnv I'oiits,(".cnlgln Lulse, for New York from llremen.

is ' ariMlhla, tor York Iruin Palermo,


mresi .

..llau, llcrmtida....no ti Cuayra...




Silliv. .le,

Inc oln, llamh'rgllsrliadosHavana

rnuli'.i Hermuds

la. Hav


l.'HIMfi.HIAMAl A Mf no a Jl

r ...

i.M ir "s.

7 Ol A Mdi nt t 1 A M

"iis ...



.Sui' Januururanei, Nassau

lllem Haytlllle





,adr Orosfc



11 on A MA M

1) .Hi A Mi: mII U) A M



13.. 1; ci M

- v iv . ., ii ri , ,M




iircmenHamhiirir .,

llottc-rdatu- ,

llainb'.lll!ht Thomas,

Due TO'ittorroie.llremenLiverpool,

6 is


.1 i 1' Mlo oi A M10 oi A MISO)

I oi l I1(1 I.I A M

I oi I' M

oi l Mi:oi M

F ii

in m Moi M

I oi I' Mism li:oi I

noi C toi I' IIoi I' M

i m3 0) ! M

.1 Ol I' MI Ol P MI oi l M:i oi I m









HENRY B. STOKES, President.

Total Payments to Policyholders Since Organization Plus AmountFor Their Benellt

$87,581,798.13ADMITTKD A.SSKTS .lAXt'AKY 1st, 1111 1

HoikIh unci owned bv Cotnp.niv $:,oni, 413.00HoihIh mid MorfunkcH, first "lion ir'iro Ins. on hhiiw S.OoO.FJil.CO

Kstnto owiiiHlhv Coiiipiinv ft,8l7,Mi.KIjoiiiw ntitl Liens on f'olirip.s in forco 3,41,i7.0iCukIi in mid onNet Deferred Premiums nnd Premium in routvo or collection ini.M7.lilInterest Rout mid uerriied, and all '.'s:i,S3Q.52

MAHIIilTIIvSPolinv Hecerve ttw eomptited bv tho York Insurance Depar-

tment)... $i8,ots,mo.ooAll nubilities Ill 1,011.81

to provide Tot' any possible depreciation or otherliability r,000.00

held, .subject to contingencies, for sur-vivorship dl pollele!, $l,0l7,.ri:M.O3 I j,30.'jS2a.4U

ContltiKent Ke.serM' Knml Oj.'.'W.aO I

' $21,503,400.13

the undcoiKtied. a Committeo clceteil by the Hoard of Directors of thoManhattan Insiiranco Comptmy to examine the accounts of tho Company,hereby certily we have eaieftilly examined In detail the assets of the

that they arc correctly shown In the foregoing statement. The liabil-ities' shown include the reserve on policies in force an calculated certified toby tho York Insurance Department,


Total Insurance lit Force SS.4.12.1)7..1HPaid Polley-lloltle- rs Dtirlnp; lOlO 2,noO,347.r7

Total Assets s2i,nn:i,4io.2:ti:cos Assets Over Liabilities S2,;05,821. 12


Central Foundry CompanyThe underslcned have prepared a plan and acreement of moriranlratlon, and hare

j lodred the Trust of New York, the depositary saidnl.lll. f't.niea tf Ttifi titin nml ntn.flnnnl Tnn nlilllnfif! fif until ,lnnAltart up nf the

()f rommlttee. Company. Undon.4', COM. the nsIn the plan, substantially all of the property of Koundry wil

Ifsue of flrt mortcace nnd of preferred and mock n ncale ofprevalent lilea that city '''""''""'the the chnreei Koundry Company,

I the company well viililn whut i believed to lie n conservative catlmtte of ltn probable... '..minium ..mi The new mntier

succeKful nbcrlpllon. nnd debt subsidiary companies provldo u considerablesranted some hanWMiat for Improvements.

nuthnritles had recehed assurance ' this deposltinc delienture bondholders nre new preferred stockthat a be nmount equal February 11, (belnc theand was there nmount said the bankruptcy), plus additional cent, newcontinently predicted. speculators creditors receive stock amounts



becleci-io- n


metbefore nnd,1

strengthen pine



ueragos,.v and














FrVUy., .










and due assets





same Company




at which their claims, rosiectiely, shall be proted in the bankruptcy with 20 por cent,of new common

.Stockholders of Central Foundry Company, whether preferred or common, will bepermitted to sharo In the reorganization only upon deposltinc certificates representlncshnres of stocl; In Central foundry Company, and subscrllilni; nnd paying, for the pur-poses of the reorganization, s for each share deposited by them, and will then receivefirst mortcairo r.r to the amount of payment and common stock of the newcompany equal, in the ease of depositors of preferred stock, to 54 per cent., and In the caseof depositors of stock, to in jst cent, of the par value of tho Central foundryCompany stock deposited by them, respectively. Thus a stockholder of Central foundryCompany depositing inn shares of stock the plan will pay soo for the purposes ofthe reorganization, and will recoie eight !PX) of the new company, and, if a pre-ferred stockholder, 1'4 shares, nnd, lr a common stockholder, 19 shares, of the new com-mon

A syndicate has been organized, which, for a commission of S3.vi.noo of new preferredstock, will, to th extent of M.ow.cxi, underwrite the mentioned pa rents requiredof stockholders.

In the opinion of the committee, n speedy reorganization Is the only eit-rs- o whichwill preserve to the creditors the value of their rights. A crcat part of value of theproperties Is the existing organization, employee, plants and business and generally theirvalue as a going conn-rn- . The value of the mere physical assets when sold upon liquida-tion in a bankruptcy court would be less than their Intrinsic value and rulnouly less thanthe value of the companies ns reorganized going concerns. The lourt Is not willing to. the rec enerl ip indefinitely, nnd a speedy reorganization Is essential to preervotills value for the creditors

The holders of certificates of deposit the deposit ngreement. dated feh-- ,riiary 10. mill, w hereunder the Central 'lrust Company of New ork Is depositary, repre- -'

renting debentures or claims, will be entitled to the benefits of the plan and agreem"ntof reorganization, and will beiome bound thereby without further action on their partand without tl.e issue of new certitkates of deposit, except such certificate-holder- s as"hall withdraw from the said deposit agreement dated February 10,1010, a.s permitted bythe said deposit ni:reejii"iit and the nonce of committeo published In connection here-with and within lie' pennd in said notice spi'cilled

Holders of deheiitmes of ,md l.iltr.s the Central foundry Company, who haveret deiio-ite- d their debentures or under the deslt agreement datedFebruary Itl, lulu, ru.iv beiome parties to the plan and agreement of reorganization only

' by cbMiositing thcr debentures or claims (slid debentures being In uery case accom-j..uiie- dby maturing M.iv 1. I!'l. and all subsequent coupons) with ( out rat

I'rqst Company of New ork. at its otllce, 51 Wall M recti. New ork t ity. or with Hiringc ompunv, i,t i.. nt their omre, s isisimiisjate, ixuicinn. i.ngianu, receiving cer

of the Carnegie. The Superintendent tiilcntes of deposit isued the deposit dated February 10, lflni.of Hanks has for returns as of .lanu- - w"h Proper notation theieon the holder of said certillcule hus irrevocably

asente, to the said plan and of reorganizationagreementwhich should show the effect of the of lenind Foumirv becomeHolders of preferred and stocl. Company m.ivtrifling runs upon state Institutions. , parties to the agreement by deposit tig certitlcates reprewtulng hares of such

theand the

c ut

began. pig

ofiron trade.





rename,sarainga,Nicholas c'uiii'ii,




















with under



bonds such







Issued under


againstalready claims

the lonpou

moitier ,



stock dulv endorsed in blank nnd duly stamped to comply with the provisions of law, witliCentral Trust Companv of New York, at its office, Si wall street. New York city, or withparing llrothers A t oinminy, i.tct., at their oinee s insiiopsjaie, lJiiiton, re-ceiving certitlcates of deposit thetefor.

All deKsits must be made prior to I'Kllltl AHV I. lull, and after l l'llllt n VI , Itl 1 1 . no spouritles or shares of stock will lie allowed to particulate in the plan excepta.s may be permitted by th" committee in Its discretion upniibuch terms as It may prescribe.

.1. N. AI.UXCi;,v. i.r. .i.

i ii vi' iii: Ksciirn.i;i:mit;r. .NATHAN II. HIM..lit stay i:. iiissi:i,,

L. lUlirocK. Secretary.r.J Wall Street. New York City.



$600,000Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Coal Co

Consolidated Mortgage Gold 4sDae June 1, 1915

Principal and guaranteed by

Central Railroad of New Jerseyof Tax in Pennsylvania

Price on ApplicationFull I'arl;(iilar4 on licqucul

Montgomery, Clothier & Tyler White, & Co

AdriaticCerca....African I'tlnceMorro Caslle. .

City of Coluinhus.romus .

Cumaiiihe...Due I

Kant' Anna ...iji I'rovencr.I'ludud de Ileus...,AmericanfilnunmarcTexanCervantesN'uecc sI I Ueclilcnte., .

1 .13. l"i South Fourth St.


i Iran,'I rlnldad.V.r.i t riuSavannahNee, orlcMtis.Jai ksoiivllle....

ridttu. J'inutiru l.'l.

Nni lesHavreSeville..

,, Puerto Vleilco,.. Palermo.

,, Hue nos A rrsHarhailos. .

(inlvc-sicn- .


MnriMiDl Mlreless.l.iisltanla. York, ahnut

miles Hook rMenla.Kroiilirln Wlllielm

inllesrAhtol Sand) llnolint.VtoAlilrlatlc, miles

Sand)I'rhdrli'h cross.-- York,

miles Sandy HookKant' Anus, lork, miles


;:.v iu:ci. rioxs.'nmparty Ttrm.

Mlnhuc, qiiar-lerl- y

Ijike Mlnlne,llcallyand linituve- -

ment, .iiinrlerlyFnllril Trurllun I'ltts- -

Inili;, annualItallwavs Cniiin.iuy

uiiattcrlyCanadian I'at-lllc-



Canadian I'arlllc, ipiai-lerl-




, 4


Jan. .1


.Ian. 7U


Jan. 7.1


ss for was l.Miof Sand at P. SI

Ss fur 1 ors, was 1,1.1sM

Ss fin was jus ofHook P M.

ih r for New was ;.iaeast of at s an M

Ss lor New was 1

ol S.i ml nt rioou

r it 1

miKerr lakeKen rilraF. S,


(irn- -
















New- ork, eastat 21.1



.suc-;- . .tin.




Marrh 1.1

March 13

Feh, I

Jan. :o

Feh. I

N.'is.iu M.

New ork













The Itnokrry


i is i.vf i. ori:s.Si'cyi'r A Co, iiiitioiitico Hint a Inrirn

Hill. mini or Hie .i,'iisi,oiiii Mimieniiolis nml StI.ouls ll.illio.ul i oniimny .'. por cent. i;oli)Holes clue I eliriuiry I, lull, have do.liiislleil with I li.'iu lor evl.'tisloii. ho tlniolor cleposlilni,' i he noies mid. t th" termsof Ilicti'iiiiipmiyV iiiiv.'i'Iiseinetii is evtetuleilto unci .l.iiiimry ', Hill Theriu'lii lo ternilii.ili' iho nller til iiny Humwithout previous iiulic. Is reserved

Cillilo iiilvlies In. in lixtlm ntllioiiiice (helistliil' oil the Herlltl lioilisn o si I.oulsnnd Sim Fr.inclsi-- Kiuiernl lien iiricrii- -twenty )l'"l' '' l'"r ent irolll Imilils

At yesforiliiy's ineelluir of the Hlock-linliler- s

ol tho .Stniiilni'it till Couiiuiiiv thotinnilierof cllrec iorM wns In. ti'.i-c- il to fifteenhy the nilcllilnu of I). T. Wiirluir. Iletiriiurellrectors were re.'lectecl Mr WHriuv haslieeti witli the icinipdiif for thirty yours

.Mine workers in Hie nntliriiclt" reuioii ofI'eiiiisylvniilii hnvi. for Ihelr luliorilurliu' th itionlli of Decemlier an increiisi.of 7 per colli cm the wiu'e rate lived liy I hoillilliruc llo strike commission. The workerstrot I per Increase lor every advanceof five' cents in Din price of domestic; sizesof coal.

Ilecniiso of tho t'rnwtli of Cornelland of Hie cllv or Itliiiea th" l.ehlirh

Valley Is (.'nlnir lo relmllii unit relocuto itsimssoiiucr Bintloii there.

The Wall Street edition of Tll I'.VK.MNQ SUM

contains all Ihe financial reus and the stock andI. .. Hi quntallnns to the close nf the market. Tlmclnslne quotations, Including tho "hid anil naked"prices with additional news matter arc. con-

tained also la tho night tsllUon of Th EtimnusiVH. Ait.

$1,500,000Western Maryland Railway Go

First Mortgage 4 Gold BondsDue October 1. ll'2. Interest p)blo April 1 and October 1

Authorized, fjo.tni.imo Outstanding, Ju,Jl,nro

Secured by a mortKnuo on tho entire railroad property dlrectlvowned bv th Western Marvland Railway Company anil throtiKlicollateral on about 110,000 acres of bituminous coal lands.

After AtiKUt 1, Hill, tho bonds will bo a direct first mortgage onpractically all the present main line. Tho mortgage is eloseu exceptfor refunding purposes.

dross earnings have Increased about 30"i since 1007 and currentstatements show continued gains. Tor tho lfJn fiscal vear the Com-pany reported n substantial surplus ever the t dividend require-ment on ttO,000,iHW preferred stock.

We would draw special attention lo the construction ofS7 miles of road which upon completion will connect thePittsburg tV KaUe Kile i.Ncw York Central System) with themain line of the Western Maryland Hallway and will be oper-ated under a Oil year trallle agreement between the two com-panies. This connection will give the .New York Central Nys-ter- n

la the Western Maryland Hallway the shortest routebetween Pittsburg and Baltimore, and a through line fromthe (.rent Lakes to Tidewater, 140 miles shorter than the pres-ent main route to New York. ,

Price 87 and interest, yielding 4.70Special Circular with Map on application

William Salomon & CoBANKERS

25 Broad StreetNEW YORK

CENTRAL FOUNDRY THE PHENIX national bank.I'uMimnt to a rrhiltntnu of the Himrct ut Dlrrr.


ro hik iioi.nr.KH or ckutificatesor unrosiT issfkii t'Ntir.it tiiknr.pcisir Atiitr.r.MFNT iiateu ikii.Itl AItt 111. 1010. AMI lir.l'KKsn.NT-IM- ;


it itr.s or cr.MiiAi, iiii'miki com-pany AMI AliAIST SAIIIKOI 1'A.NY:

1 AKH NOTICi: that the rommlttee constitutedhy the aferrmcnlloncd drpeslt ajrrc ment has ap-

proved and adopted a certain plan and agreement,dated January 3. lot t. for the reorganization nfthe Central Foundry Company, and that a copyof said plan and agreement has been filed withthe Central Trust Company of New York, as de-

positary under the aforesaid deposit agreementdated February 16. li10.

As pruldrd lnsal'l deposit agreement, anyholder of a certificate of deposit may, withinthirty da from the first publication of this no.tlce, upon surrender of his certiorate (endorsedIn blank for transfer) to Central Trust Companyof New Y'ork, the depositary under said agree-ment, at Its omre, 14 Wall .Street, New York,and upon payment nt tho rale of si to for eaehJ100 of debentures and of rlalms represented bysaid rerllRrate of deposit (being IU1 as hispro rata share of the sum tHrd b the rommltteeas a fair contribution, toward Its expenses, and$3 3.t as his pro rata sharo of the Indebtedness,obligations and liabilities of the committer) with-draw from said deposit agreement and will bethereupon entitled to recelie the debentures orrlalms represented by his certiorate of depoltThe committee makes r.o eharee for Its compen-sation acalnst withdrawing subscribers Suitablereceipts will be glien withdrawing depofltors rntitling them to rrrelie the amount rontrlhulrdby iliem rrsprrtluiy toward th ohllcallnns andliabilities of the committee, or a portion thereof,if and when collected hy the rommltteo fromo'her sources.

Holders of certiorates of rtrpnslt who do notwithdraw their debentures and rlalms within theperiod, subject to the renditions and In the man-ner thoe mentioned, will, as prolied In the de-posit atrerment. be deemed for all purposes tohsc assented to and will be lrrrvorabl boundand concluded by the plan and agreement of re-


Dated January 3. U11.

.1. N. WAI.t.AC F, C hulrnun:c. i). s.vmfir.its.I'. .1. tiOOIHIAKT.At cjcsr iiri'Ksi'UF.ii.CIKOKCi: II. HAI.I.OCk.NATHAN l. 1111. 1.til'MTAV I'. KISSKI.

Ccimuiltteo.I It MiI.IN I.. I1ADCCVK. i

Serrctary,M Wall Street, New Y'ork City.



Chicago, Burlington & QuincyRailroad Company

Denver Extension Four Per Cent. Bonds,





Stale hankssr.AI.FD lo the

signed Its Devonshire Items.Mais for

.V Cotension Honds" F.N Specie S,3::.T3s M1 FN h JAM'AllY II, notes...lull, to the

TCI s tSTlfDCSAND, circulation)

NK amiCF.NTS ie- -

hi aciordanco clenipllon fund.ciaieu iieceniner i, in.Froposals he opened and suceesful hldsdeclared January II, AND l.NTFIU'.ST ONACCFITUl) WILL CXASU January 18.


TheNewEnglandTrustGompany !r

TKV tel-


I). It WIIITNLY. 1'rc.i.idcnt.Hnston, January 2, 1911.

TllllDl.DllltS DFiTIFITllSTJlOIITllAlit; F1VF. j

Pl'.H HIINDS l)F Till'.l.ltilU I.NIi lOJIl'ANY.

Nollcels herehy irlven, that, In accordance withtho terms of an areeincnt, dated July 12, imi.hetween Iho West, l.ljhtlnir Comiany. theConsolidated lias Conuia'iy nnd wherebythe latter company guaranteed the payment of theprincipal and tiiteicsi of the nhove mentioned

hnldeis then of mav have the ituarai.lvstamped Iherco-- nml cvecnU'd h ItieCoriMill.latc.ll,ns Coiniianv h prcscntlnc the same nt the Natlu'ial lily Hai.U of lork, Wall Street.New York. he cu.iranly he In the fuUcinliiir

'""Pursuant to the te rms of an Agreement, datedJuly II, ltM, the West, hestei l.lL'hlliiKCompany, Iho and Wem Hester l.litlil-In-

Companv the lias Improvement Coin-oan-

the c oiiholldalcd (las Company of .Newami the Central Triisl Compa y of New

N the Consolidated lias Company of NewYork herehy aid nirrei's to pay the

ho- clof Hie Westchester Llghtlnit Companynnd the Interest thereon, aud as the samofall lespectlv. I)


II CAUTI'.lt, Secretary


Central New Fnglsnd Hallway Cisnpany, a cornoratloii organlrc-- and cvlstlug under tl.e laws

u.e State ol New loth, hiniiy give ft tonil icncerneil under and In accordance withciim uiuisof lis lirsi Morlk'age Honds. said

ol nn daii-- the Ihlr.l day ofJanuarv. IMm, aid secured hy n mortgageof I delllv Trust Compa'ii ofI'lilladciphlu uiiidcr Its then Iiiime of I IdciltyInsiirame Trust and Safe Deiioslt Companv oftho ills of Philadelphia), as T It. CentralNew Hallway Company, Intends to

and will rcdi said at lift per centof the par value thereof, and hileiesl to the llrstday of February, lull, said llrst day ofFebruary, lull, nt the otllce of said lidciltj iruslCompkiiy In the city of Philadelphia In Ihe Slainof Penusvlvanla.

Anv mid all honds not presented saidofhie on sal.l day of redemption will then rcascto clraw Interest

Ily order of the nf Directors of Centralfit'W l.ngiaiio nanwsy omciany.

. M. KOCHFltSIT'.Hlil.ll,

l lio Hume or Ciminany,

181 La

tors of The Phenlc National Hank. Nineteen m...drrd of the rapllal stock nf the Phelps.I'm held by the bank,nr,i m.N in .s ,nHi,kA... :of record of said bank at tho close of business I

rub. iw I The transfer books willclosed at three - t. Januar- - nih. 1011. and willremalu cloed until ten A xf i:th. mil.

January nth,

Snllo StreetCHICAGO







No 1370 )

hei'oht or Tin; condition orThe Merchants National Bank

of ths City of Hew York

at New ortc, la the Male of Nw York, at thecioso of hutlness January 7th. 1911.

itrsofiiT:s.and discounts JIS.BI.I.OM

Overdrafts, secured and unsecuredn no ins io sec ure circulationS secure C b. deposits..

retr.lums on C s.Uoiicls, securitie s, etcHiuiklng house.Due from national hanks re-

serve agenls)Due from stale and private banks

and bankers, trust companiesand savings bonks

Checks and other cash Hems . .

for Clearing House..Notes of other national tianks1 racilimal paper currency, nhkels

and rentsreserve In bank, viz .

Specie.. ;S30.HS 15Legal-tende- r notes l,t.Wciciti

Itedemptloa fund with V. S. Treas-ure- r

(3 per cent, of circulation).Due from U. S. Treasurer... .

. . a.01,lo0 79i.iAiin.nTr.s.

Capital Hock paid InSurplus fund.i i.iltv tiled less rxnenses

at.d taxes paid.atlo.-ia- ba is'ioics outstanding. .

Due lo other nationalbanks n

Due to Stale and privatehanks and bankers 731 J3: Ml

Due lo trust cotiipantcsand savings banks (l,lV,,:ni ft

Dividends unpaid c...)7 :lIndividual deposits sub- -

Jccl lo check. 8.I33.7CH 39iirinanu cerunraies

teooslt.Certlllcd rherksCashier's checks ou

standingt'nlted States deposits


73,nani)370 At 37

1,157(1 onno



Total ;7.0!9.1W 79State of New York. of New York, ss.:

I. JOSIII'H II V UN r of the above-name-

hank, do solemnl) wenr thai the above statementIs irue lo the but of my know ledge and

JOS. HYHNK.Subscribed sworn to rue this loth day

of Januarv. 11,11

r.IIlSi:nTS, Notary Public.-- Attest


itrpoitT or Tin: condition orMERCANTILE NATIONAL BANKor Tin: crrv or ni:v

at the close of business January 7, lullnr.souitcr.s.

.nans and i:.:vr,9s ,nOvrrdrafis, secured and unsecured..r h. nouiis secure circulationC S. honds to secure F. S. delflll

sfcutltles. eicDue from national tianks

line Fehnmrr I, Itl'J'J, Due from an.t han'iersI'HOI'OiiAUS addrchsed under- - Clucks and other cash

at otl.ee, 3.1 Street. Huston, H3.TBI 19, and endorsed ion outside of envelope) Clearlns

TroooMtattiN'IIC II Q It It Denver r.- - llnusv. .Wl.soo .VI

4o Wll.l. 111'. KKCFIVFII 'ill.O'Cl.ciCK A M. VIl'ltDAY. I.ci:altender l,01B,uuu.i)for the sale of atiove honds Itederuptlon fund vilth

AIISOIIII MltK SFkt OF ONK HCN- - I" Tresurir nfONF. TWO Ifl'N M.7.190O

liltl.l) TWl.NTV noi.i.Aiui i in , Due rroni f. s. Treas-T'Kl'.-

ll.1l.::i 11). OU A.N I'AltT urer. other than aTIIFKHOF tho agreement, lT.nonoo







,New ,M

T will


Nc"v York. CnlKd



whimdue ."




bondsIssue tucntv



em bonds









iI bonds












namedirustee.DIll'.I) TlflltrY


'anltal stock oald InLIAHILITIFS.

fundhied orotlts. less eit.ent-e- nnd

taxes palii..National hanknoles outbtanding.DividendsDue to other national

banks i:,sl7,TO3 23Due to St. te hanks anil

bankers. :W),l3a77Due to trust companies

and savings hanks.Individual deposits sub-

ject to c heckDemand ccrllllcatcsof de-

posit.. .

Cashier's checks outstandlni;

N. deposit.--






23.31.1 OS


12,l!)l t'll,i)i)ll

is) III:,t),naiii

.momi::,7m m

lAVl.cnH itISKV.237 3


S7.M1 M1.MI..V17 O.I


:.i-- 3 :s


lOO.onoooloa.oas c;

t3.onn.ono to1..VO.KII (I)

333.1.0 00

l.lO.Jlt ?3


Cashier.and before






1,71c ..13.0.11 no

t.UHI.Ill.Mll IKI


JlB47,0114 3D

n,im.nm Oi2,OXJ,IIIO.O)

B7S.724 00


- ri.Mci.cvia.cvt

Total . H),i1l7.0Si.,1i)

Slate of New York, County of New York, ss.:I. l:tlt, KI.HIN, Cashier of the above named

do solomnly swear Hint the above statementI - true lo the bst of my knowledge and belief

FMII. KI.FIN, Cashier.Sul '.crlheil mid sworn to before ine this loin

day of .Iniiuarv , hill.Al.lintT H COHY, Nolan-- Fuhllc.

Correct A I lesfII. I.I M II. TWl.OII,)c II. IMHOFF Illrectors




Capital . l,20).(iO)noSurplus and pronts ni3.mil im.Nalioiial banknote's I.17.4U7.MDeposits .I.OIMtltv 33


Ijians and discounts 13,I73.7A 41Honds, s.'i'iiiltles, etc 3'Vs,i)7.73Furniture ami ilvturrs H.ouo.O)


Due from bonks Sl,3n,:s7.n74'ash and eirhnnges u:o,l.vi..ViStock Mjchango demaiitl

loans ni7.noi net

S,ID7,7.H.tMA.3tii) 71)

oludlng capital, of more than $I2,:)0.()00rim iiMh aeml-annu- Btatomont of the w wilhilioja.ooo.txxi oapltal anil li.wm..Homo InBtirunoo Pompany hIiowh aHpta , regervei B(t 0 oonfltturatlon wirnlun,of moro than 3il,noo,000 and u surplus make the Huriilus aa regards policy.ovir all contlngeocles aud liabilities, iu- - holders nearly 117,000,000.

ExeoutorChartered 1822


The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company,Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street,

Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue,New York.

LOUDON H ffipPS PARIS, 41 Boulevard nanasmann

Travelers' Letters of Credit. Foroign Exchange.




Pays Interest on depositsActs In all trust capacities

Offers modern safe deposit facilitiess cedar st. $2,00 ,0D9

S5K5dsi.ai ftb Ave." Surplus, $4,000,000


25 Broad StreetJohn T. Atlerbury,Francis S. Hangs,William M. Ilarrell.Alexander If. I)e Haven,Ssmuel M I'elio.'i,I'llny Flsk.

Frank K, Sturgls.1st Vlre Fresl lent.

Charles M. Illll!.s.Serretary

bale!:. M. F.John (!.

ON tcC I I IC 1

Hsnf I'l-- al for and

and of i


Capital - $1,000,000& 1,600,000


I.onusN. Y. .

X. Y. . .

X. Y.Not


Diitr.c-- iWllllwn (lulhrle.

alrrHx Harrison,(iar.llnerWilliams;. Late.


Stnte vol.)Citf val.)



C. FdwardYlre President.

Ilralnerd Van Kuan.Secretary.

INTEHEST Al.l.OUr.ll tlKPOSIl.S Sfll.ir.CT ciu:tri:I.SSI'KSi I.NTF.HF.sr IIF.AItl.NCi DI'.l'IlM

Trustee Corporate Mortgages. Agent Corporations Indlviiuals.Transfer Agent rtegMrar I)'insltar Flans Hrorgvilatlo

Fxerutor, Administrator, clusr.ltan. Trustee, Herelver Acent

Surplus Profits


bunks.Mutiirinc securities

bonds (tnkt.bonds (mkt.

Other M'iirhles (tnkt. vnl.)...uiortcnges

uccrued Interest







WII.I.AHI) V. President.(1. I'AlNi:. IIOWAItl) IIAYNF. ,V liens.

l.ANC.l.KY WHifilX, Secretory. FHFI). C. .MAI.'STON, Asst.l'AKK Msr. .Municipal Dept F.. V Trut Olllcer

IHItlXTOHS..iciiin ii. n vititF.rr.

Johnson Jc Hlgglns, Insurance.S)All Kl, i. IIAl.NIi

President Seaboard National HankFN ion v iiivriii:t.i.

President New Telephone Co.ItOltl-It- Si, HKAIII.I'.r.

Chairman Am. Agricultural Chemical Co.II. KATON.

President Am Car A Foundry Co..IAMK.S M. (ilFFOItll.

(ilrlord. Hohbs 4 Heard. Attorneys.IIK.MtV IIOI.IIMAN.

tioldman. A: Co , HankersW ILL I AM N. HA 11.

Heal Hstalr.A. II. IIFl'HCItN.

President ChaseWILI.AItl) V. KINIi,

President of the Company.;. IIKKJIANN KINMCITT.

Kissel, Klunlciitt & Co., Hankers.Member of the




The initial the niiinbi r ourIn Kc an that


nn: riti-cir- v ami i.innrV.

The as Trustee under the PerCent. Trust Lien Mortgage, dated 'April 1st, Wi. will sealed lenders up lonoi) P, M on 2d. 1011, for the sale to of$30,iio) face v alue ot honds Issued toraccount of the sinking at a price not ccceitlng HWb anil accrued i ns Trusteereserves the right reject anv or all tenders

Ni: YOHK TilCST Trustee.Hy 11. W. MOHSi'.

Dated. York. .tel. lull

No. 14(11.

of ofCITY

of Y'ork. at York. In the Stntj of NewYork, at the of business Januarv 7, lull:

Laws and discounts. .

Overdrafts, ana unsecuredF. S. honds to secure circulationF. S. bonds lo I.. S. DepositsOther Honds to V. S. Dc- -

isisltsF. S. Honds loaned1. S. Honds on ....Premiums on F. SHonds, securities, etcHanking house, furniture and fix-

tures. ,.Due Hanks mot

agenlslDue Stale Hanks and HankersChecks and oilier cash s .

KichangesNotes of other NationalFractional paper currrno, nickels

centsMoney Heservc In Hank, v I..

Stvcc le. . M7,72M:noiLegal lender notes . .i,uci cu

with F.1.1 of

Duo I'. S. Treasurer ..


slock paid In.




surplus iiiiiceUndivided profits, less


Hank notesDue to olhcr National

Hanks.Due to Slate Hanks

H,7lO.M.1.t3Due to Trust Compa-

niesHanks. 2.1,224.nit 47

Dividends 1.113 Ol1'rovldi'i.l

Fund. Jl.no)Ind

sub eel to checR A1.8I0.0TA.M3


checksCashier's checks out-



D Chariest,,M



1.3.14 j::..vi2,.lis,li7.l mil.nil.rs;.Mi





C. Lane,Cox,

Ass'l Ass't














cnpitiiln:t4,lii'.i.sii plus


7sii,(m ii lteservo tnos''us, 433 S3






New Newclose






tnnes palii



lo nos.iiii.iii

11,3.11.1111 07



Total.Slate of New York, Counly sf New York, ss.-

Iheatineenamed haute, swear that the above

Is trus to the best of mvand A K I ashler.

sworn lo before me this Itthday of toil

KDWIN I Notary Public.Correct- - Attest:

w.iJ. P. Jit.


I'a-- k.

.lolin S rniiMis,Henry W. Putnam. Jr

V. Itoue.WilliamCharles F. Smlllh



John Spoorll. er 1. S,irac I?.I.ouls I.. Stintoi.

( harles Sin le.I rank K. ,Slur?ls

William M. F. Miller,

F. Hulklev.Scrrstar











Mill. ITU


llthl.l US 1.00




AN IIIOM It.Prcs So J. rsev lias. i:i-- i- Tra- - Co.

.ICIIIN It.Pittsburgh. P.c

f. mm not .son.llnriuoi fc Ad'jj.

VV II. 1. 1 CM II, MCIIOI.S,Oenrrnl l Co

AI iFSI I S Ii. I'VINF.New urk nnd l'cuii. lo

HM. It.Pelers. While A Co .

w.I iilon Tviu'wrltir Co

MI:i.('K;n,A Melt ken. Merc hints

JAW S''li-ma- 'i ft Co . P.vikirsI.I.

Post ft li.igg. i rs.incii u:i. i. van iii:niKVan lleuri'li A Jesun, Hankers

h.Peters, White ft Co.,Ceoimlltcr.

siilist RTowtli in and Miltiinc of deposit ac-counts, and our iural liiislnoss is the comniiiiiit.vappreciates the a policy f conscrviit Ism, uuirorui courtes.v,and Indepemlcnce of the control any sliiRh interest.



February Itthereunder,



New January


nr.t'oirr conditionTHE NATIONAL BANK,





lledemptlonTreasurer circulation).



National outstanding



























statement knowlcdrebelief. WAN'Atllf,



hocki:i'i:i,i.i:ii,MOIHIAN, Dlrecturs.



Nctv N.





profits 7ic.itl.:i2.jtc.iw.m


tiKOlltli; ItliKN,





Manufacturer,cimti.r.Kraulho't, Mailieuso.),


pcu:its,Cheiul.alsct,i(f.n'i: m:au,.s,




iiti:ii:iitcK iviincChemicals









SINKINI! li'.Ni) NOTICFDFI.I'III. Illssilli: A-- MlltlllF.ltNItAll.UA) IIVII'ANV. X

First I'oiisollcLitecl HortKAce HondsDATFI) JA.NCAH1 IS Isitl

The Central Trust I ompa.iv of New York elvesnotice tliat In arrordiiucc with Article V of a r erlain Indenture made by the above railway company, clalul Januarv 1st, lhio, It will receivescaled pui osals to sell tl.e arovc described lionets,at a rale not lo cecd 103 per cent and accruedInterest, the total oiler not to consume more thanthe nmount of one hundred and fortv s timetsand two hundred ami tlilrlj one ul to) dollarsill ia.su on The sealed proposals will he openedat the omce of the Central Trust Company ofNew lork, In New lork City, at twelve oilockiicsm o i the 17lh day of .limiwiri. liil.CF.NTHAL THCST COMPANY OF NLW YOHK.

Trustee.Hy 3. N. WAl.I.ACi:, I'refldenl.

New York, Jonuarj 4th, lull.



of the Cllv of New York,at New York, hi the Stale of New lork, at theclose of business January 7th, luilf

ItKSCIIItl'CS.V.V.U7S.Wi Loans and fsVIA11,413.iO

OvcrclraflsF. S. Honds lo secure CirculationF.S Honds to secure F S.F S Honds on handHonds. Seeurltll's, etcHankli.g HouseHue from other National HanksDue from Stale llanlcsnnd HankersChecks aud olhcr Cash llemsFvc'tiaigcs for Clearing HouseNote-so- other National HunksNlcUis and PenniesSpecie

Tender Noieslli iii'iupllou Fuiiil with F. S. Treas-

urer .

Dm" from F. S. Trcasuirr (otherHi. in ,1 per rent. Fund)

1,1 AU1LITIKSCapital Stock paid InSurplus Fundt'r.cllvlied Fronts, less Fxpcnses

nnd T.iies pal. I

National Haul, Notes OutstandingDividends Unpaid ...Indlv I.I lull Di'pnsltsBUti- -

Jecl to Check 20,3M,(i:i.S2Deiuii.id Ccrtlllrnti's of

Deposit 21.117.27Cerllilcd Checks 7IO171.s2Cashier's Checks Out

sliinillng 3.3.m,a7S.II

Dun to other NnlloM.nlHanks . J2fl.7B2,IM.IV.

Due lo State Hunks andHankers. 12,7.111,1)1(1.1.1

Due loTriislConipailesand Savings H.mks l7,ni7,BMin

Fnlted States DrposllsHonds Hoi low cil









i n.::u.3sA.lMa,l0.4.1







lM.ni.ti1,171, Iii7.cn



ioo,sii,-o;- .:

orl..c"i'it of New York, ss.I. lU'ill It I' vv HliM IKFH ('ashler of the

lfanovei Nalhmiil H.uik of Ihe (tty ol New York,do solciniill swear Hint the above statement, Istructo the heU of nil krow ledge ami belief,

ULMlil F WHITI'livFIl, Cashier.Subs' ilhcl i'"1 sworn to before mr, this tenth'dv of Ja 'iiarv . mil.

wit J CMlii'lt, Noiars Puhllc,Cnrrec Mtesi New York Cenititv ,

WILLIAM VVOODWAltl),vkhnon l( iiltoWN, ) Directors.VOX. UK 1'. 1UYNB3, J