1 WinPlot The Data Analyst’s Tool of Choice Roger Moody Computer Sciences Corporation Marshall Space Flight Center

WinPlot The Data Analyst’s Tool of Choice

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WinPlot The Data Analyst’s Tool of Choice. Roger Moody Computer Sciences Corporation Marshall Space Flight Center. Agenda. Objectives Significance Developmental Status Assessment of Use Innovation and Creativity Awards Closing Remarks. WinPlot Objectives. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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WinPlotThe Data Analyst’s Tool of Choice

Roger MoodyComputer Sciences Corporation

Marshall Space Flight Center

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• Objectives

• Significance

• Developmental Status

• Assessment of Use

• Innovation and Creativity

• Awards

• Closing Remarks

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• A desktop data analysis tool was needed to allow a user to conduct detailed analysis of unrestrictive amounts of propulsion test or flight data

• Needed powerful tool to evaluate the large quantities of data in a very efficient and thorough manner

• High sample-rate test/flight data analysis software did not exist which could handle the amount of data involved in analysis of space vehicle propulsion systems.  

• Commercially available tools did not … (get info here from J. Herndon)

• The intent was to develop a tool that the engineer could easily use to perform post-test/flight data analysis

• Ease in portability to data analyst’s desktops was key

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WinPlot Background

• WinPlot and the read/write access libraries were developed solely by Roger Moody, CSC, for NASA/MSFC

• WinPlot’s architecture is object oriented providing efficient code development and maintainability for Windows-based software

• Access to various test data is achieved through the use of a generic data access interface DLL (Dynamic Link Library)

• New data formats can be easily incorporated by simply adding the format specific access functions to the generic data interface DLL

• Data from different acquisition and recording systems easily aligned regardless of the sample rate

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WinPlot Code Structure

Data FilesServer/Local

Real-timeNetwork Stream


Data Manipulation

CalculationsData FilteringView SelectionFunction Selection

EMF files



Other Applications(exported)


PresentationsOffice ApplicationsElectronic transfers

View of data values

Direct export to external programs, spreadsheets etc.

Application generated

real-time files


Data SourcesData Interfaces

ImportedTabular Data


WinPlot Scripting


External ProgramControl







DataAccData Access


xxxAcc(foreign format)

SunAcc(standard format)

yyyAcc(foreign format)


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• Runs on Windows 98, NT, XP, and 2000 Operating Systems

• C++ Object-oriented Software

• WinPlot data files are easily created by using supplied write libraries and documentation

• Executable and associated files size is 15.5 Mb (including large help file) and performs best on processors running > 200MHz and with RAM > 256Mb

WinPlot Highlights of Capabilities

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WinPlot Background

• WinPlot uses highly compressed data files (>10:1), decompresses them as required, enabling quick access of very large files

• WinPlot’s native file format is structured such that complete decompression is not required to access specific data

• Decompression is done within WinPlot, which greatly reduces network bandwidth required for data servers

• This file structure and compression algorithm allows WinPlot to quickly access and display large amounts of data

• WinPlot can open up to 1000 files and display up to 1000 curves

• Display still maintains individual data points for each curve to ensure proper evaluation of data

• Amount of data is limited only by the memory and storage of desktop computer

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WinPlotFile Structure

Basic Sun File Structure

Header - File ID- Content Information

File MapDirectory of ParametersParameter InformationLinks to data positions

Comment BlockOptional Text block to contain various notations on file content, history etc.

Parameter DataParm1 compressedParm2 compressed….Parmn compressed

Compressed blocks of parameter data. Each parameter individually compressed using LZH compression.

Typical Parameter Retrieval

1) User opens file

- File map retrieved and maintained by WinPlot

2) User defines time slice of interest

- Not required (defaults may be used)

3) User selects parameter of interest

- Parameter is located in file map

- Begin and End locations of data determined based on map pointers and time offsets

- File data is uncompressed and discarded until begin position reached

- Following data placed into data buffer until end location reached

- Only selected parameter data must be uncompressed for retrieval

4) Parameter data displayed

- Data is now plotted or tabulated and/or further manipulated

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WinPlotData Compression

Typical comparisons over non-compressed data formats.

Flight data exampleChill file: ~8 hours of data at 1 sample/secondFull file size: 79.3 MegCompressed file size: 2.6 MegCompression ratio: >30:1

Ground test exampleEngine file: < 4 hours at 50 samples/secondFull file size: 31.2 MegCompressed file size: 2.3 MegCompression ratio: > 13:1

Test facility exampleFacility file: < 4 hours @ 250 samples/secondFull file size: 489.5 MegCompressed file size: 66.5 MegCompression ratio: >7:1

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WinPlotDevelopmental Status

• WinPlot is fully operational and has been implemented in flight and test data facilities across the country

• During the development phase, WinPlot went through extensive testing by both the government and industry to ensure it’s credibility

• Each new release of WinPlot goes through an extensive beta test period, with a 35 person beta test group, and verification process prior to formal release.

• Boeing Rocketdyne conducts a formal Software Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP) prior to formal software release and use.

• Updated versions of WinPlot are never released with any known issues of system stability or reliability.

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• WinPlot has standard Windows format and is controlled by pull-down menus or icons on the tool bar

• Certain functions can also be controlled by keypad strokes or right mouse click

• Key Features:• Point and click zooming

• Selectable user default settings

• Scripts for pre-established analysis

• One-step export to office products

• Calculations/mathematical expressions

• Data query tool

• Markers and Text added to graphs

• Trending

WinPlot Highlights of Capabilities

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WinPlotSignificant Features

• Scripting• All interactive functionality is supported in WinPlot script language. • The comprehensive functional support of scripting allows a user to do everything

from basic default setup to complete data analysis packages.

• Expressions• Capability to perform a wide range of mathematical expressions, including standard

math functions. • Allows users to make complex calculations by combining parameter data from

various sources/files, constants and math functions all within the same expression with data automatically calculated for each point within a specified time period.

• Real-time • Capability to display real-time data without limiting any functionality• All interactive and scripting capability is available for real-time data analysis• Real-time data can be intermixed with posttest data/flight data for comparative

analysis without performing any special setups

• Zoom and Pan – • Data views can be easily manipulated via mouse or keyboard to achieve desired plot• Scaling may be zoomed in/out or panned up/down/left/right to reach desired level of

detail• Axes may be set specifically to a desired precision

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WinPlotDevelopmental Status

• WinPlot has an extensive on-line help with examples for each of its menu items

• Icons have pop-up descriptions

• Printed users guide is available

• WinPlot is very user-friendly and it’s basic features are frequently self-taught

• Detailed classroom training is available

• Training package developed by Boeing, Rocketdyne

• Classes have been conducted by at several NASA centers and throughout the Boeing Company

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• NASA On-line Software Catalog

• Soon-to-be-released NASA Tech Brief Article

• Computer Sciences Corporation’s prestigious Civil Group President’s Excellence Award- September 2002

• NASA Space Act Award- Certificate of Recognition in October 2002

• NASA Space Transportation Director Ingenuity Award- April 2002

• NASA Software Award-NASA Inventions and Contributions Board- January 02

WinPlot Publications and Awards

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WinPlot Major Programs/Projects Supported

• NASA Programs

• Human Exploration of Space (Code M) and Aerospace Technologies (Code R)

• WinPlot is currently used on NASA’s Next Generation Launch Technologies (NGLT) and Space Shuttle programs.

• Future use of WinPlot will include the Operational Space Plane (OSP) and Expendable Launch Vehicle (ELV) Programs

• Examples of Specific Projects:

Space Shuttle Main Engine ground test and flights

Space Shuttle Main Propulsion Systems tests and flights

X-33 Engine Component, Engine Systems, and Propulsion System Tests

X-34 Engine Component, Engine Systems, and Propulsion System Tests

X-37 Propulsion Systems Test

ASTP/NGLT RBCC engine tests

RS-27 Engine Tests and flights

RS-68 Engine Development and 1st flight

Delta IV propulsion system static test and flights

Atlas V RD-180 Engine Tests

Integrated Powerhead Demo- Joint Air Force/NASA project

Space Launch Initiative/NGLT- RS-83, RS84, TR-107, and Cobra Engine Component Tests

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WinPlot Current Government and Non-Government Users

• Current Government Use

• NASA, MSFC ( 400+ Users)

• NASA, SSC ( 50-250 Users)

• Current Government Use (10-50 Users)



• NASA, White Sands

• U.S. Army AMCOM

• U.S. Army Thaad Project

• Current Non-Government Use

• Boeing, Rocketdyne, Canoga Park ( 400+ Users)

• Boeing, Rocketdyne, KSC ( 50-250 Users)

• Current Non-Government Use (10-50 Users)

• Alliant Tech (Thiokol)


• Boeing, Huntington Beach

• Florida Turbine Technologies

• Boeing Aircraft

• Det8, SMC/MVC (CCTF)

• Boeing, WSTF

• Boeing, Wichita Kansas

• Penn State Applied Research Lab

• Health Tactics

• Johnson Controls, Inc

• Sverdrup Naval Systems Group

• Plumbrook Operations Support Group

• Stone Engineering Company

• Aerojet

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WinPlot Significance/Tangible Value

• Data analyses more thorough, easier, faster, and ultimately cheaper than the methods previously used by NASA and the aerospace industry.

• Reduced the average time of a propulsion test/flight data analysis process from ~24 hours to 4 hours

• Allows more accurate and faster problem resolution.

• Reduced I.T. and support personnel cost by 75% @ MSFC by allowing the test/flight data to be made available directly at the engineer’s desktop.

• Similar impacts at other government and non-government facilities.

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• Allows researchers and engineers to examine data with precision not previously or currently competitively available.

• Additional Benefits

• Efficient performance reduces the time spent in research/test facilities.

• Reduced man-hours, facility power consumption, and streamlined testing schedules

• Helps eliminates redundant testing, fuel and manpower costs are lowered, and the risks of hazardous testing can be minimized.


• Conservatively estimated at greater than $5M (since 1998)

• Based on increased analysis efficiency and decreased data processing/infrastructure

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• NASA’s/Air Force ELV/EELV Program

• Lockheed Martin- Atlas

• Boeing- Delta

• OSC- Pegasus

• NASA’s OSP Program

• DOD Military Aircraft Industry

• DOD Air Force Research Lab- Edwards AFB

• Expanded use at DOD- Army

• Expanded use at DOD- NAVY

• Expanded use at other NASA Centers- Ames, GRC, LaRC, JSC, JPL

• Expanded use at University Research Laboratories

WinPlot Projected Future Use

Letters of Endorsement- Please See Attached

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• Pull down menus• Help file• Parameter filtering• Zoom• Min / max / avg• Delta values• Script recording • Favorites• Symbolic names

WinPlot Features to be Demonstrated

• Query Tool• Script file• Tiling plots• Filter helper• Export • Script execution• Power Point presentation• Integration with WinDisplay


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• Special investigations … can be run in a few hours. The compressed file format takes only minutes to transfer and standardized processing programs run in a tenth of the time of the old programs.

• Through all of this, Roger has continued with his unfailing customer focus, his inventive genius, and his willingness to listen to new ideas and try new things. His attention to detail, meticulous documentation, and thorough testing reveals itself in nearly bug-free software releases.

• Winplot has become such a standard tool for us that we often take for granted how truly amazing this code really is. It is our primary tool to plot and analyze the wide array of data that forms the backbone of our work. Winplot is as much a part of our daily activities as a word processor or a spreadsheet.

• Winplot is used not only to examine collected test data, but also in coordination with our own analytical modeling tools. We use it to simultaneously plot test data and analytical model results.

• I know of many instances where the speed, the versatility, and the ability to handle huge amounts of data have made Winplot the fastest, if not the only, tool available to rapidly assess historical data during flight anomaly investigations.

• I have been extolling the virtues of Winplot to people within our organization as well as to the customers that come to our facilities to conduct test programs. Every test engineer at GASL now uses Winplot as do most of the customers that have been introduced to it. I have yet to hear a truly negative comment about the software package in all of the years of use at our facility.