Official Publication of the Supreme Council of the Royal Arcanum V.M.C V.M.C. 1105 1105 Fraternal Services to Our Members Since 1877 Winter Edition 2014 A Flurry of Delight

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Official Publication of the

Supreme Council ofthe Royal Arcanum



Fraternal Services to OurMembers Since 1877

Winter Edition 2014

A Flurry of Delight

Page 2: WinterEdition 2014 A Flurry of Delight - Royal Arcanum


Chers frères et sœurs ,

Je voudrais profiter de cetteoccasion pour souhaiter à tousnos membres à la fois aux États-Unis et au Canada une nouvelle année heureuse, saineet prospère.

Il semble que l'histoire majeur dans notre pays cetteannée passée et en 2014 a été le très mauvais tempsqui sévit dans la plupart des régions. Neige, verglas,glace et la pluie ont causé d'importantes perturbationsdans les transports et d'énergie étendue des pannesdans les grandes sections de l' US et Canada. Pendantque je vous écris cette lettre, nous nous préparonspour une autre tempête qui a le potentiel d'affecterplus de 70 millions de personnes dans les deux pays.Espérons que le printemps est sur le chemin et feraune arrivée précoce.

J'ai commencé à faire mes présentations pour monprogramme « Maintenir le cap ». J'ai visité lesprovinces du Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey,Québec, Illinois, Floride, Rhode Island et la Caroline duNord. J'ai prévu ma présentation Pennsylvanie pourJanvier. J'apprécie la chaleur et l'enthousiasme que j'aiété accueilli avec dans tous les visite. Je tiens égalementà exprimer mes remerciements à la Grande Regents etsous Regents suprême qui a présenté mon programmede ces territoires que je n'étais pas en mesure devisiter. Si il est une juridiction qui souhaite organiserune visite s'il vous plaît n'hésitez pas à me contacterdirectement ou par l'intermédiaire du ministère del'Intérieur. Mon adresse e-mail est [email protected] .

Je voudrais profiter de cette occasion pour rappeler àtous nos membres que notre 2014 Session généraleaura lieu à l'Hôtel Omni à Charlotte, NC prochainAoût. L'Omni Hôtel est situé dans le centre-ville deCharlotte proche de toutes es activités que la ville a àoffrir. De plus amples détails sont disponibles dans leBulletin. J'espère tous vous voir à Charlotte .

Bien à vous en V. M. C.

Peter D. FerraraSuprême Regent

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I take this opportunity to wish all our membersin the United States and Canada a happy,healthy and prosperous new year.

It seems that the major story in our countriesthis past year and continuing into 2014 hasbeen the extremely bad weather that hasplagued most areas. Snow, sleet, ice and rainhave caused major disruptions in transportationand extensive power outages in large sectionsof the US and Canada. While I am writing thisletter we are preparing for another storm thathas the potential to affect over 70 millionpeople in both countries. Hopefully spring is onthe way and will make an early arrival.

I have begun making my presentations for myprogram ‘Keeping on Track’. I have visited thejurisdictions of Massachusetts, New York, NewJersey, Quebec, Illinois, Florida, Rhode Island andNorth Carolina. I have scheduled my Pennsyl-vania presentation for January. I appreciate thewarmth and enthusiasm that I was welcomedwith at all the visitations. I would also like toexpress my thanks to the Grand Regents andDeputy Supreme Regents who presented myprogram in those jurisdictions that I was notable to visit. If there is any jurisdiction thatwould like to schedule a visitation please donot hesitate to contact me directly or throughthe Home Office. My email address [email protected].

I take this opportunity to remind all of ourmembers that the 2014 Supreme CouncilSession will take place at the Omni Hotel inCharlotte, NC this coming August. The OmniHotel is located in downtown Charlotte closeto all the activities that the city has to offer.Further details are available in the Bulletin. Ihope to see all of you there.

Yours in V. M. C.,

Peter D. FerraraSupreme Regent

Bulletin - Winter Edition - 2014 www. royalarcanum. com2

A Message from the Supreme RegentUn Message Du Regent Supreme

Peter Ferrara - Supreme Regent

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BULLETIN COMMITTEEKenneth J. Kolek, Chairman

Cynthia A. MaconDr. Herbert J. SnyderCarl J. Krzystofczyk


Peter D. FerraraCarl J. KrzystofczykErrica ConfortoCarol A. ZavitzKenneth J. KolekCynthia A. Macon

Dr. Herbert J. SnyderJanice S. Brazas

EDITORPatrick Fitzgerald


EDITING STAFFFrances Magnotta

EDITORIAL OFFICE61 Batterymarch St.

Boston, MA 02110-3208

Toll Free 1-888-ARCANUM (272-2686)E-Mail:


Official publication (Publicationnumber USPS 472-260) of theSupreme Council of the RoyalArcanum, 61 Batterymarch Street,Boston, MA 02110-3208. Publishedquarterly. Periodicals postage paid atBoston, MA 02110 and additionalmailing offices. Subscription terms:one dollar per year. Printed in theU.S.A.

Postmaster: In the event magazine isundeliverable, please send Form 3579addressed to Royal Arcanum, 61Batterymarch St., Boston, MA 02110-3208.

Volume 114 Number 1January, February, March 2014

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PAGES 28 - 29



In This Issue:

ReflectionsPage 17

Sisters of Lifein New YorkPage 10

Supreme Regent inFloridaPage 6



Articles and photos must be in the editorial office byMarch 21, 2014. Mail to the Royal Arcanum Bulletin,

Home Office, 61 Batterymarch Street, Boston, MA 02110-3208.

Next Publication Date: May 11, 2014

Recently DeceasedMembers are reported onour web site on a monthlybasis. Click "About Us"and "In Memoriam.”


Juniors pictured onthe cover, frolicking inthe snow, are JudyLynn, Jacob andJessica Kolek.

Scan Our QR Code toVisit Our Website

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The youngest members of Rhododendron Council,Asheville, NC have been busy helping with our “Coats forthe Cold” drive in Asheville. We collected about 30 coats

-- which means 30 people will have a coat to warm themwhen the cold winds blow in the mountains.

Dee Jay Sampson, age 2, is helps his Granddad,Harley Sampson, pack the coats for the delivery to

the Rescue Ministry.

Noah Miller, age 6 helped his great grandmother,Lucy Lance get the coats ready for delivery.

Above: Deputy Supreme Regent Donald Ferry Sr.(second from right) presenting a donation checkto Gina Petrino of the VA Boston Healthcare

System, while Veterans John Beadle and MichaelGuilbault look on with Supreme Regent Pete

Ferrara (second from left).

Door prize winners with Pete Ferrara [c]. Left toright are John Beadle, Gina Petrino, Lynda Rodil,

Debra Veino Basa and John Crisanti.

On September29, 2013,Grand RegentTony Basawas pleased

to welcome RoyalArcanum members for a

special gathering of the GrandCouncil of Massachusetts forthe program presentation ofSupreme Regent PeterFerrara. Thirty-five Arcanianmembers, Juniors and guestsarrived for a morningbreakfast that was scheduled to welcomeSupreme Regent Ferrara.After partaking in a bountifularray of favorites, the GrandRegent introduced specialguest, Supreme RegentFerrara.

The Supreme Regent outlinedthe “Keeping on Track”program for 2013-2014 andinvited the members toparticipate in the programsthat our society has availableand reminded them to sharetheir “good news” of Councilactivities by publicizing theircommunity and charitable

good works. He also thankedthe members for theirsupport of his campaigns.

Grand Regent Tony Basaintroduced representatives ofthe New England Veterans. Adonation of $3,000 from theSupreme Council mini-vacation gifting project waspresented to Gina Petrino,Administrative Officer forVoluntary Service VA BostonHealthcare System, VeteranJohn Beadle and VeteranMichael Guilbault. Gina alsoaccepted a military blanketdonated by San Jose Council.They expressed theirgratitude for having been sogenerously remembered bythe RA Fraternal Family.

The day concluded with theawarding of door prizes andgifts from the Supreme Regentand with everyone sharinggood wishes for a blessedholiday season.

Submitted by Dotti Pagnani


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SUPREME REGENT VISITS NEW JERSEYOn October 19, 2013 themembers of New JerseyCouncil welcomedSupreme Regent PeterFerrara at theMeditteraneo Restaurant inBayonne for thepresentation of his"Keeping on Track"Program. Visiting officersincluded Supreme ViceRegent Carl Krzystofczyk,Supreme Orator ErricaConforto, Past SupremeRegent August Magnotta,Past Grand Regent of NewYork Frances Magnotta andGrand Orator of New York,Joseph Conforto.

Brother Ferrara's innovativecampaign was bothinformative andenlightening. He introducednew programs of thesociety and highlighted ourproduct portfolio,emphasizing that we are afamily fraternal benefitsociety. He recognized theefforts members have made for enrolling relatives andfriends in the Royal Arcanum and applauded the manyfraternal initiatives and charitable activities beingsponsored on behalf of our organization.

Deputy Supreme Regent Gen Macon presented "GardenState" gifts of appreciation to the Supreme Regent andvisiting officers. Additionally, the Supreme Regent received

several new membershipapplications.

Grand Regent RichardMacon acknowledged themembers for theircontributions to the "Soup-er Saturday" project whichwas conducted forcommunity soup kitchensand for their generoussupport rendered for giftingprojects which aresponsored on all councillevels.

Brother Macon pledged thesupport of New Jersey forthe new campaign andextended appreciation tothe Supreme Regent andvisiting officers. He wishedBrother Ferrara success inthe coming year andthanked him for the giftpackages that everyonewould receive. Luckywinners of the SupremeRegent's door prizes wereRaeann Hempel, Steve

Durma, Stella Rakowski, Evelyn Magarban and Gen Macon.

Following dessert and some lively conversations, themeeting concluded with everyone setting their sights tothe track leading to Charlotte, North Carolina nextsummer.

Submitted by Gen Macon

NJ Grand Regent Richard Macon, FIC (standing left)welcomed Supreme and Grand Council Officers to the

Supreme Regent’s program presentation.

Prize winners with Supreme Regent Ferrara.

Community Service Committeemembers Steve Durma, MarieBaranowski, Ann Dworzanski and

Robert Galdon coordinated the “Soup-er Saturday” project for local foodpantries. More than 200 cans of soupwere contributed by the Arcanians.

The Minicieli-Butto Family was happy to greetSupreme Regent Pete Ferrara in Bayonne. Three

generations comprise a 100% Royal Arcanum Family.

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Ferrara visited the eastcoast of the Floridajurisdiction on November24th. Grand Regent Louise

Reynolds welcomed everyone andspoke of the many benefits of

membership in our fraternal organization.She introduced Deputy Supreme RegentLouis Brill and wife, Charlotte, PastSupreme Regent Donald Foley and wife,

Hillie and last but not least, Supreme Regent Ferrara.

The Supreme Regent was happy to inform themembers about some exciting new things happening inthe Royal Arcanum. He highlighted the variousinsurance products and annuity programs anddiscussed the educational opportunities for our youth.He invited everyone to consider attending theSupreme Council Session next August in Charlotte,North Carolina. He commended the officers andmembers for their participation in charitable andvolunteer work in the Florida communities and fortheir support to the Supreme Council’s nationalcharity projects.

Sister Reynolds presented Brother Ferrara with aunique lighthouse lamp on behalf of the GrandCouncil and hoped it would “pack well” for the flightback home to Philadelphia.

After a delicious meal, prizes - compliments of theSupreme Regent - were awarded. Susan Polito wonthe wheeled cooler. She presented it to Arlene VanAmburgh who planned on traveling to New York withlots of homemade favorites to be shared at familyholiday meals. Fred Polito won the barbecue set andsaid it would go great with his outdoor grill.

The time passed all too quickly as members andfriends wrapped up a wonderful fraternal event.Everyone enjoyed receiving the Supreme Regent’s“Keeping on Track” gifts and appreciated his visit tothe “Sunshine State”.

Submitted by Louise Reynolds

Supreme Regent Pete Ferrara and Past SupremeRegent Don Foley

Deputy Supreme Regent Louis and wife, Charlotte

Supreme Regent’s door prize winners, Susan andFred Polito

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Coronation Council collected food andclothing for the "Welcome Center" forwomen to help them get through thewinter. There was a check contributedfor $1,000 to purchase additional items.

Submitted by Tom Bayliss

The Grand Councilhosted a Pizzaparty on November1st. Thirty-twomembers attended

to hear about theSupreme Regent's"Keeping onTrack" Program.


Marty Cullen, age 92 is Coronation Council's seniormember. Marty was a Baseball player for many yearsand always stressed to the Council how important it isto support our youth who participate in sports. SouthWindsor Little League baseball players presented Marty witha plaque and their gratitude.

Debbie Young and Sharon Bayliss waitingfor some help to unload van.

Van loaded with items to be donated.

Sharon Bayliss, Gloria Donaldson, Stephanie Bayliss, MartyCullen and Darcy Bayliss

Deputy Supreme RegentTom Bayliss presentedthe program withSecretary Virginia

Lauzon.Members in attendance.



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DISTINGUISHED HONORS FOR NEW JERSEY MEMBERRichard P. Dworzanski, amember of BayonneCouncil #695 washonored on October30th for his dedicatedservice to the CatholicCemeteries of theArchdiocese of Newark.A graduate of theAmerican AcademyMcAllister Institute ofFuneral Service inManhattan, he is theowner of the Dworzanskiand Son Funeral Home inBayonne, which wasfounded by his parents in1949. The award waspresented at a mass at

the Cathedral Basilica ofthe Sacred Heart inNewark. A Past Presidentof the Hudson CountyFuneral DirectorsAssociation, Rickcurrently holds theposition of Secretary-Treasurer. He is an activeofficer and member ofmany professional,community, heritage andvolunteer organizations.The New Jersey memberscongratulate Rick on thiswell deserved recognition.

Richard P. Dworzanski (center) accepts the 2013Meritorious Service Award from Archbishop John JosephMyers. They were greeted by Andrew Schafer, Executive

Director, Catholic Cemeteries (left).

Joe Tedesco and his son, Kyle Tedesco, the Regent ofIntegrity.

Joe Tedesco and his wife, Joan Tedesco, and the Elf(Maryann Squillaciotti)

Pennsylvania fraternalists came together at Popi'sRestaurant on December 9th to honor Brother JosephTedesco for his long time service to the Royal Arcanumand to celebrate the holidays together. The event wassponsored jointly by Integrity Council #586 and thePennsylvania Grand Council. The evening of muchmerriment was arranged by a committee of LilliePanichelli, Ralph Ferrara, and Herb Snyder.

Joe Tedesco, the treasurer of Integrity Council, came intothe Royal Arcanum about forty years ago at the invitation

of the late Abraham A. Wehbe. He and his wife, Joan, arethe proud parents and grandparents of a Royal Arcanumfamily. Joe held several council offices, including Regentand was elected to serve as Grand Regent ofPennsylvania. He is a Representative to the SupremeCouncil and continues to serve our fraternal society veryeffectively.

The full course dinner was high-lighted by the musicalentertainment of the Doo-Wop group, “Second Chance.”

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Putting Technology to Workat the Home OfficeThe Royal Arcanum is committed to using all tools

available to stay in touch and to service its members.

The website, at www.royalarcanum.com provides awindow into the works of our fraternal benefit societywith pictures, stories, and accounts of the life and timesof our family. Our calendar is managed by the HomeOffice and is available to our Councils to promoteupcoming events and activities. You can [email protected] to have your events posted.

There are other tools that are being used behind thescenes to deliver better customer service to thoseinterested in our products line of annuities and lifeinsurance.

Doclanding allows for our agents to have up to dateand on-demand access to all of our applications anddocumentation across all of the states which weservice.

Docusign has been recently launched and thistechnology provides you with the easiest, fastest, mostsecure way to send, sign, track and store documents inthe cloud. From the comfort of your home or on yourmobile device, you can complete many of our forms tochange names, beneficiaries, sign up for check-o-maticand many more. You can go to our home page formore information.

We continue to look for more ways to help memberswork with us more efficiently, and to share witheveryone how the Royal Arcanum continues topromote family and fraternity.

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On Saturday, November 16, 2013, the Best BuddiesFriendship Walk was held at Riverside Park in NewYork City, with the beautiful scenery of the HudsonRiver in the background.

BEST BUDDIES is dedicated to establishing a globalvolunteer movement that creates opportunities forone-to-one friendships, integrated employment andleadership development for people with intellectualand developmental disabilities (IDD).

BEST BUDDIES is a vibrant internationalorganization that has grown from one original

chapter to almost 1,500 middle school, high schooland college chapters worldwide. BEST BUDDIES’programs engage participants in each of the 50United States and in 50 countries around the world.

The staff members were fantastic, taking care of theyoung people. There were so many games theyplayed and the young people had a wonderful time.In addition there was a variety of food and beveragesserved to everyone who attended, free of charge.

Submitted by August Magnotta

Shown in the photo are severalfamily members, including ourdaughter, our grandchildrenand greatgrandchildren, allmembers of the RoyalArcanum. Standing next to meis Mandy Fullmer, AreaDirector of BEST BUDDIES,who accepted ClaremontCouncil's donation of $500.

On November 19,2013, a donation of$200 was made to theSisters of Life, a con-templative/ apostoliccommunity founded in1991 by John CardinalO’Connor. Theyprofess vows ofpoverty, chastity andobedience. The sistersalso take a fourth vowto protect and enhancethe sacredness of life.

In a midtownManhattan convent, theSisters invite women to live with them during theirpregnancy and for months after the birth of theirchild. Both in Manhattan and Toronto, the sistersassist pregnant women in need with material,

emotional andspiritual supportwith the help of anetwork of Co-Workers of Life, whoshare professionalskills, and open theirhomes and theirhearts in friendship.The Sisters also offerhope and healing tothose who sufferafter abortion. TheSisters host retreatsto Villa Maria Gua-dalupe, an inter-national retreat

center of the Knights of Columbus in Stamford, CT,designed to uphold the dignity of human life andhuman love. They also direct the Respect Life Officeof the Archdiocese of New York.

(left to right) are Augie and Fran Magnotta, SisterFilumena, Sister Veronica, Sister Virginia Joy and Joe Conforto.

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On November 25, 2013, we deliveredadult and children’s clothing, toys anda baby’s crib to the Bishop Joseph M.Pernicone Catechetical Center.

On November 27, 2013, we delivered20 turkeys, stuffing, pasta, canned foodand chicken broth for Thanksgiving,which will be distributed to needyfamilies of the area.


On November 21, 2013,we visited the WoundedWarriors office in NewYork City and personallydelivered a check in theamount of $500 which wascollected from ClaremontCouncil and the RoyalArcanum Association ofNew York. We presentedthe check to Sgt. JuanGarcia, U.S. Army Ret., whoserved in the Army forseven years. He was verygrateful for our support.The staff gave us a tour of the office, which wasbeing decorated for a Christmas party for thewounded soldiers and their families. They showed us

a collection ofartifacts recoveredfrom the WorldTrade Center. Wealso saw manyphotos of heroeswho went aboveand beyond toprotect our countryand our freedom.

Thinking of the painand suffering theyand their familieshave endured washeartbreaking. Weowe them a debt ofgratitude for theirselfless dedication

that makes our very way of life possible.

Submitted by August and Frances Magnotta

Fran and Augie Magnotta presenting checkto Sgt. Juan Garcia.

Shown in thephoto are (leftto right) AugieMagnotta, JoeConforto,FrancesMagnotta,Sister Loreto,M.S.C.,ReligiousEducationCoordinatorand ErricaConforto.

Shown in the photo are (left toright) Joe Conforto, Augie andFrances Magnotta, PBO Mary

Cunningham (who will graduatefrom the Police Academy in

December at Madison SquareGarden and she will sing the

National Anthem with the New YorkPolice Department Choir), Sister

Loreto, Carmine Campo and ErricaConforto.


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On October 3,2013, Grand Regent of New York,Bettina DiBartolo welcomed Supreme Regent PeterFerrara. Accompanying the Supreme Regent wereFraternal Director Cindy Macon and Junior DirectorHerb Snyder. The meeting was held at JulianosCaterers in New Rochelle, NY, with 53 adults andthree Juniors in attendance. After dinner, theSupreme Regent presented his new program,"Keeping on Track." He encouraged the membersto continue with their fraternal endeavors andattempt to enroll new members by explaining thevarious programs that Royal Arcanum has to offer. Inaddition, he shared that the 102nd Supreme CouncilSession will be held at the Omni Charlotte Hotel,Charlotte, North Carolina from Sunday, August 3rdto Thursday, August 7, 2014. At the meeting, CindyMacon presented Augie Magnotta with the 2013Fraternalist of the Year, Second Runner-Up Awardfrom the American Fraternal Alliance.

Cindy Macon presenting Augie Magnotta with hisFraternalist of the Year, Second Runner-up Award with

Peter Ferrara.

Seated left to right, Aurora Caponegro, Herb Snyder,Peter Ferrara, Errica Conforto and Frances Magnotta;standing, Fred and Bettina DiBartolo, Cindy Macon,Augie Magnotta, Diana Chiechi and Joe Conforto.

Supreme Regent's prize winners, Paul Mita, TeresaDiBartolo, Freddie DiBartolo, Teresa DiFranco,

Supreme Regent Peter Ferrara, Frances Magnotta,Frank Mortati and Bettina DiBartolo. Kneeling, front

row, Sal DiFranco.

MAKING THE HOLIDAYS BRIGHTERSan Jose members presented the PediatricOncology Department at Santa Clara KaiserMedical Center with handmade blankets andbooks for the young patients. Pediatric LifeSpecialist Emily Heffelfinger and Child LifeSpecialist Wendy Fought graciously acceptedthis donation. They thanked the RoyalArcanum for such a wonderful gift tohelp the children during the treatmentprogram and throughout the recoveryprocess.

Left toright,OratorToinetteFanelli,EmilyHeffelfinger,WendyFought andVice RegentGraceHowell.

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On Saturday,November 16,2013, SupremeRegent PeterFerrara and Dr.Herb Snyder,Junior Directorwere welcomedto Rhode Islandby Grand RegentKevin Kolek. Thedinner meetingwas held at theHose CompanyNo. 6 Restaurantin Pawtucket.Peter presentedhis SupremeRegent’s program,“Keeping onTrack”. Attendees were very interested when Peterspoke about Royal Arcanum’s insurance and annuityofferings. He emphasized the special annuity ratethat we are now offering members for a limited time.Peter then encouraged all to attend our Supreme

Council Sessionin Charlotte,North Carolinain August 2014.He assured themthey would havea great time inCharlotte.

Brother HerbSnyder spokeabout many ofthe RoyalArcanum Juniorprograms andactivities.

Kevin Kolekextended thanksto all for their

attendance and for the wonderful donations to theRhode Island Food Bank. At the conclusion of themeeting the Supreme Regent’s promotional gifts weregiven to the members.

On Sunday, October, 27, 2013members from the Grand Councilof Rhode Island made their annual visit to the SummitCommons Nursing Home inProvidence, RI. As in the past,Juniors were happily dressed intheir colorful Halloweencostumes. They presented each3rd floor resident with adecorated pumpkin. Manyresidents were anxious to posefor pictures with the Juniors.Jackie Wudkiewicz, ourphotographer, later gave residentsa personalized picture ofthemselves as a remembrance ofthis special day. Pictured are Karen Lockaby, Ken Kolek, Sandra Gauvin, Victoria and

Nicholas Gauvin, and Judy Kolek. Sitting down is Judy Lynn and JessicaKolek, Kaitlyn Lockaby and Lisa Kolek.

Left to right, Ken and Judy Kolek, Herb Snyder,Pete Ferrara and Kevin Kolek.


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Bulletin - Winter Edition - 2014 www. royalarcanum. com14

Section 19 (1), 20, and 21 of the Constitution

The offices, including the committees, shall remain the same.

By July 15 of the year of the Supreme Council Session, the Chairperson of the Supreme Council ExecutiveCommittee shall appoint a Committee on Nominations consisting of four Supreme Council Sessionmembers (current or past), representing the diversity of our Order, plus the Supreme Regent, who will serveas chairperson for the purpose of developing a slate of officers for the ensuing Supreme Council Session. Itis suggested that an announcement of this appointed committee and the nominations procedure be includedin the “CALL” to the Session and in the Spring Edition of the Bulletin.

At the REGISTRATION DESK on OPENING DAY of the Supreme Council Session a list of the Nominationswill be distributed to the representatives. It is recommended that a brief bio of not more than 75 words foreach nominee be included.

On THE SECOND DAY of the Supreme Council Session additional nominations may be made from the floor.All those being nominated shall have been contacted by the member making the nomination in order toinsure that those being nominated are willing to have their names on the slate. A bio on each nominee ofnot more than 75 words would be helpful. (A resolution will be presented at the beginning calling fornominations on the second day).

On THE THIRD DAY of the Supreme Council Session, printed ballots including the names of all nomineesshall be distributed. In the case of the Line Officers and the Executive Committee, there must be individualballots (unless the Constitution is changed), but the other committees may be elected on one ballot.Additional nominations will not be entertained at this time. Delegates will cast their votes, which will becounted by the two appointed tellers and the Judge of Elections, who will count the votes. (A resolution willbe presented at the beginning to nominate and elect all Committeepersons and Trustees, collectively unlessthere is a contested election. In the case of the two Finance Committee Members, Supreme Trustees,Committee on Juniors and Committee on Appeals, if there are more than four nominees, the four receivingthe highest vote will be declared winners).

THE NOMINEE with the majority of votes based on our established ratio between delegates and officers,shall win the election to his or her respective office. In the case of the committees, the required membersfor each committee with the highest number of votes shall be elected (the four Supreme Trustees, the threemembers of the Committee on Laws, the two additional members of the Finance Committee, the fourmembers of the Committee on Juniors, and the four members of the Committee on Appeals).

Send bios to Chairman James O’Neill, 6196 Kaski Court, San Jose, CA 95123. Bios should in the Chairman’shands by June 1, 2014.

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On September 15, 2013 the annual picnic of San JoseCouncil #2384 was held in Campbell, California. Adultsand Juniors enjoyed a delicious Italian sausage luncheonand played many games for prizes. Royal Arcanum gifts,courtesy of Junior Director Herb Snyder, were distributedto the Juniors. The council held an “Alex LemonadeStand” to raise funds for Child Leukemia. Special guestswere the Goeders family, who were at the Mini-Vacationin San Francisco with their son Jacob, “The LeukemiaSlayer” and the Jimenez Family whose baby daughter, Isla,

is undergoing cancer treatment. Appreciation is extendedto the Royal Arcanum members throughout the UnitedStates and Canada who donated during our campaign inSan Francisco which enabled San Jose Council to reach itsgoal of $2,000 for the foundation. A special thanks toGrace Howell who spearheaded San Jose’s effort.

The lemonade stand is ready to go!

San Jose members enjoying the picnic. Left to right, Amy and Tommy Jimenez,baby Isla and Jacob Goeders.


Members of San Josejourneyed to Palo Alto,California in October topresent gifts to RonaldMcDonald House at StanfordUniversity. They deliveredhomemade blankets andbooks for the kids at theCare Center (a home forchildren who receivetransplants, cancer treatmentsand other medicalprocedures.)

Left to right, Jim O’Neill, Grace Howell, Joanie Francis, Family ActivitiesCoordinator Sara Reichanadter

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In November, San Jose membersdelivered groceries and a check to theSecond Harvest Food Bank in San Joseto assist in the mission of providing foodand clothing to many needy familiesduring the holiday season.

Left toright, KelliQuan,BryannaNevarez,Mary AnnValenti, JimO’Neill andDollieDeFranco


In early December San Jose members presentedtoys, blankets and books to the pediatricsdepartment at Oakland Kaiser Medical Centerwith the hope of making the holidays merrier forthe young patients.

Left toright, JessicaGarcia,GraceHowell,Child LifeSpecialistCarlaDeLemos,and JoanieFrancis


Christmas stockings, which were part of the mini-vacation charity project in San Francisco, weredelivered to the Goeders Family by Grace Howelland Laura Slabon. The stockings were to bedistributed by Jacob Goeders, “The LeukemiaSlayer” to the children at Stanford Hospital’soncology unit.

Left to right,GrandmotherJane Perri,JordanGoeders,Grace Howelland LauraSlabon


Grace Howell is an excellent example of what RoyalArcanians do for community. Despite a demandingwork schedule and helping her husband John in thefamily business, she has dedicated herself for the sake ofothers. Grace is actively involved in Royal Arcanumcharity work. She works closely with manyorganizations relating to children’s cancer, animalrescue, feeding the hungry, and for providing food andclothing to the underprivileged in the area. Most of thegifts she distributes are handmade, such as the blanketsfor hospitalized children.

Left to right, Dominic Fanelli, Grace Howell, John Howelland Joanie Francis

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“Bonjour! Comment allez-vous?” From the time I was achild, my mother insisted that my siblings and I memorizethe basics of polite French phrases. She is part of ageneration which, like many before it, learned that Frenchwas a lingua franca – a language that one needed to speakto “get by” almost anywhere in the world. That remainstrue, as nearly 300 million people in the world speakFrench as their first or second language. An officiallanguage in 29 countries and the United Nations, it is stilla great choice for striking up a conversation with astranger almost anywhere in the world.

“Hello! How are you?” Yes, English is myfirst language, so I’ve learned and used itthroughout my life. In the earlytwenty-first century, English has alsobecome a lingua franca, as 380million people speak it as their firstor second language. No matterwhere I travel, I can find someonewho speaks English (especially ifthey are under 30 years of age).

In our Royal Arcanum family,French and English are bothofficial languages. We have manymembers in the Province ofQuebec, and French is one of the official languages ofCanada. Most of our materials, especially relating toproduction and other official business, must be available inboth languages. Wherever we go as a Society, ourlanguages will both be heard in restaurants, meetingrooms, and hotel hallways.

I count French as my fourth language, so I thought that itwould be fun to reflect on our two languages for ourBulletin. I hope that you’ll enjoy this time of thinkingabout our two languages!

Many people forget how influential French has been onthe development of English over the centuries. Evenbefore William II (“The Conqueror”), Duke of Normandy,became King William I of England in 1066, there wereNormans living in southern England. As a result of theBattle of Hastings, it suddenly became stylish to speakNorman French, and that became the language of the

aristocracy forgenerations. As a result,many “sophisticated”words derived fromFrench replaced thecommon or “vulgar”English equivalents (derived mostly from Anglo-Saxon).This is seen most clearly in our English names for animalsand the food that comes from them: we raise steer, andwe eat beef (boeuf); we raise swine and eat pork (porc);sheep are animals, but their meat is mutton (mouton); deerrun wild, but they become venison (venesoun) on thedinner plate.

Since France and England are separated onlyby the English Channel, which is some 20miles wide at its narrowest, there has beenmuch interaction between the two cultures

throughout history. The influence ofFrench language on English continuestoday (interestingly enough withFrench heavily influencing English“upper-class culture” and cuisine [yetanother word derived from French]).Where would English be without café,restaurant, pistol, squadron, terrace, pavilion,… and on and on? Some experts

estimate that 30% of English comes from French, and thatsome 80,000 words could be included on this list!

English is the “younger” language, so words didn’t startmoving “the other direction” until more modern times.Today we hear or read “jeans,” “lawn-tennis,” “sport,”“trade-union,” all imported directly from English intoFrench. One might even read the sentences, “Un meetinga cu lieu au Skating-Rink. Les leaders des Trade-Unions ontexplique au personnel lock-out la cause du conflit,” andalmost wonder if it was in a French news report or in anEnglish newspaper!

Thanks for spending a few minutes thinking about ourtwo wonderful languages with me! The next time thatyou’re with someone who is fluent in “the other” languageof our Society, sit, and listen. Sit in admiration of howbeautiful each language is…and you’ll probably hear aword or two here or there that you recognize!


Because of his skill in languages, Jay R. Newlin has been asked to be“Guest Reflectionist” for this article. Jay is a Past Regent of IntegrityCouncil #586, Grand Sentry of Pennsylvania, and a Supreme Trustee.

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Contact Information: Royal Arcanum 61 Batterymarch Street Boston, MA 02110-3208 1-888-272-Arcanum18

DOMREMY COUNCIL #23On Saturday, November 16,2013, members of Domremy Council #23, Lowell,MA participated in theChristmas Fair of the St. LouisSchool. They sold items fromthe Hours of Treasures (yardsale), with the proceedsbenefitting the school.

Submitted by Cecile Provencher

Pictured are leftto right, SuzyCarnevale, NancyDowning, YolandeLessard and CecileProvencher.

Visit us at today atwww.royalarcanum.comto find out more aboutall of our products.

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Members of Versatility Council’s FraternalCommittee attended the veterans’ tributewith Bayonne Council at the museum in


InternationalFraternal ServiceProject: BayonneCouncil presented a$1,000 donation to theBayonne VeteransMuseum, a non-profitorganization with isoperated by the Joyce-Herbert Post 226Veterans of ForeignWars. The mission ofthe museum is to showrespect, honor andgratitude to all of themen and women whoserved in the Armed

Forces and to educatestudents and visitorsabout the times that theveterans served throughdocuments, artifacts anda vast collection ofmilitary history; many ofwhich have been giftedto the museum fromfamilies whose lovedones proudly servedtheir country. The RoyalArcanum donation wasmade to Glen J. Flora,Commander of the Postand Jackie George,Museum Curator.

Honors in the Peninsula City:Bayonne Council hosted anAppreciation Dinner for MargaretRummel in recognition of herdedication as New Jersey’s GrandSecretary. Gifts of gratitude and aCertificate of Meritorious Servicewere presented to Sister Rummelby Bayonne Regent John

Baranowski. Shown in photo areGrand Regent Richard Macon andPast Regents of Council #695 whooffered their congratulations andthanks to Peggy for her tirelessservice.

Pictured left, On Track for Happy Deliveries: Members ofVersatility Council’s Community Service Committee, Gen Macon,Evelyn Magarban, and Christine Piscitelli, delivered parcels ofgroceries and healthcare essentials which were contributed byCouncil members and friends to several charitable foundationsthroughout New Jersey’s Hudson County in time for the holidays.

Food Pantry Donation: A monetary donation and cartonsof canned goods were gifted to the Giordano Food Pantry at

Our Lady of Assumption in Bayonne, New Jersey forThanksgiving. The presentation was made to Marianne Silvaniand Janice Machin, coordinators of the parish cluster soup

kitchen and food bank. Program volunteers provide nourishingmeals and grocery parcels to those in need.

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Constance, “Connie”, passed awaypeacefully on November 8, 2013 atthe Tappan Zee Manor RetirementHome in Nyack. She spent most ofher life in the Belmont section ofthe Bronx (a neighborhood sheloved dearly). She moved to Nyackafter suffering a stroke four yearsago.

Connie was Grand Chaplain ofNew York from 1995 until herdeath and had served as DeputyGrand Regent. She was a

Distinguished Service Award member withtwenty Diamonds.

She was an active parishioner of Our Lady ofMt. Carmel in the Bronx. She was theconsummate people person. She is fondlyremembered for the great joy she brought toour fraternal gatherings, teaching line dancingand participating in a host of Supreme Councilproductions.

Connie is by survived her son, Tom (Vivian)Lucia, two grandchildren, two greatgrandchildren and many family members andfriends. A dedicated fraternal sister, she will bedeeply missed.


Albert “Al” Sausto of ClaremontCouncil #1655, Bronx, New Yorkdied on October 23, 2013.

His dedication to the Order wasconstant. A Past Grand Regent ofNew York, he was also GrandAuditor, Grand Secretary-Treasurer,officer of the Hospital Associationand Supreme Representative. Hewas a member of the SupremeCouncil Committee on Financefrom 1998 till the time of his death.

Al served in the US Army during the KoreanWar. He was Vice President of AmVets Post 38and President of the Belmont CommunityCenter in the Bronx. Al earned the Legion ofHonor, ‘1105’ Royal Purple Achievement Awardand attained the illustrious Founders’ Ring ofDistinction.

Al is survived by his children, Joseph (Eileen)Sausto and Rose Ann (Thomas) Harrigan, fourgrandchildren and many family and friends.

The Supreme Council is grateful for Al’s stellarleadership and tireless service to our fraternalorganization.


Anna Lucas, a forty-year veteranmember of the Royal Arcanum, diedon September 20 , 2013. She wasa Past Regent of Versatility Counciland served New Jersey as GrandCommitteewoman and DeputyGrand Regent.

An active Arcanian, “Annie” wasdedicated to the fraternal andcharitable works of the Council.She was an avid baker and crafterand volunteered with the Orator’s

committee for planning unique meetings andactivities. Her generous heart was alwaysshared to help the underprivileged, particularlyfor special needs children.

Since 1974, Annie attended Supreme Councilevents and she was a participant in manypremiere presentations of Supreme Regentprograms.

Annie has a 100 percent Royal Arcanum Family.A genuine fraternalist, she will be deeply missedby all who knew her.


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A long, snowy season is here for many of us, so it’s notunusual to start wondering how to keep your spirits upduring the cold and dreary winter days. No need to fret;turn your frown upside down and be assured that yoursmile will go a long way to lift your spirits and brightenthe days for others, too. Now may be the perfect timefor you to get involved and participate in your Council’sfraternal and charitable initiatives. It could be the start ofa wonderful experience! There’s a host of projects beingcoordinated by the brothers and sisters in oursubordinate and Grand Councils, and volunteers arealways welcomed.

The gloomyforecasts don’thinder ourfraternalists inaction in several ofthe jurisdictions;they continue withan energeticenthusiasm to lendhands and lifthearts, bringingwarm rays of hopeand happiness tothose in need, bothnear and far.Sometimes onemember’s idea caninitiate a flurry of activity and produce a meaningfulresult. However, since we’re still in the midst of bleak anddamp days of winter, it’s possible for some to drift toinactivity. So why not be the one to keep your spirits upand take the lead in a project for your Council? It couldbe collecting non-perishable groceries for a communityfood bank, serving hot beverages in a soup kitchen,organizing a mitten and muffler drive for a local shelteror collecting new or gently used towels for the humanesociety. These are just sample suggestions. You knowbest where help is needed in your area. Perhaps you’dlike to make it a family project in the Council and invitethe Juniors to come on board, too. Before long, you’llforget the winter blues and see sunshine on the horizon.Make sure to send your Council news and photos forinclusion in the Bulletin and for posting on the RAwebsite.

In his program, SupremeRegent Peter Ferraraencourages our Councilsfor “Keeping on Track”;growing our society withnew member enrollments,promoting good will andfellowship in fraternalendeavors, and increasingcommunity awareness ofour society through ourcharitable projects andvolunteer efforts. The Royal Arcanum takes pride in ourCouncils’ good works and acknowledges our members’

inspiring service.On that note,applications for theLorraine J. D’Emilio“Legacy of Hope”Award are to besubmitted by March21, 2014.

Volunteers for theFraternal EventsCommittee for ourgifting project inCharlotte, NorthCarolina will beappreciated.Contact theFraternal Director if

you wish to join the team for the Supreme CouncilSession activities. These members will assist incoordinating plans in their jurisdiction in the weeksleading up to the Session. As we’ve done before, bysharing and blending thoughts and talents, we’ll be able tocreate a memorable national project.

In closing, I hope that everyone stays safe, warm andhealthy. If you’re stuck indoors as the snowflakes fall andsnowdrifts mount, you can keep your spirits up, confidentthat spring’s just ’round the bend!

In friendship,

Cindy Macon

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On December 5, 2013, San Jose Councilheld their annual Junior Christmas Partyat St. Martin’s Church Hall. There were17 Juniors in attendance who received toysand gifts from the Council and the RoyalArcanum Junior Department. Everyone enjoyed thehot dog dinner and trimmings, thanks to the efforts ofOrator Toinette Fanelli. Grand Regent Alice Mangano,Leslie Hein and Denise Lemucchi assisted in theactivities. Members brought toys for the SacredHeart Community Center’s program for needy kids.Gifts for senior citizens were also collected fordistribution to various local senior care homes.

Alice Mangano delivered gifts toSacred Heart.

San Jose members donated toys for kids.

Junior members enjoyed the Christmas Party.

DeniseLemucchiand AliceMangano



A Christmas Partywas held at Viva’sRestaurant in San

Jose on December15, 2013. Everyone

celebrated the holidayseason and lookedforward to another busyyear of Royal Arcanumactivity in 2014.Members broughtpresents for the “Giftin the Middle”game and everyonehad a great time.


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YORKTOWNE COUNCIL JUNIOR CHRISTMAS PARTYSanta arrived a little early in Pennsylvania. OnDecember 20, 2013, Yorktowne Council held theirannual Junior Christmas Party at the Church AidSociety. There were 13 Juniorsand 19 adults present.

Our group was served a fine anddelicious luncheon. We wereentertained by a group of 17puppeteers based onstories from the Bible.Following the interestingprogram, Santa arrived withgifts for the children. Everyoneenjoyed the gifts from the SupremeCouncil Junior Department. Afterphotos were taken, YorktowneCouncil awarded several door prizes as allexchanged good wishes for a happy holidays.

Submitted by Herb Chronister Some of Yorktowne juniors with Santa.

On December 17, 2013 members of SanJose Council delivered food to theCarmelite Nuns at their Monastery inSanta Clara. This is a yearly ritual toprovide needed food and goodies to theresidents and is made in honor ofdeceased Past Grand Regent Paul Ferro.Leslie Hein, Bob Sherman, Dom andMarilyn Fanelli, Grand Regent AliceMangano and Edd and Judy Enfantinopresented the donations.

Left to right, LeslieHein, DominicFanelli, AliceMangano, SisterMarie, MarilynFanelli, and EddEnfantino.


Joanie Francis, Grace Howell and JimO’Neill presented toys andother gifts to the Lucille PackardHospital at Stanford University. Thesetoys will be located in the “OncologyBox” which assists children currentlyundergoing cancer treatment. Santaarrived before Christmas to the delightof the children.

PicturedareGraceHowell,JoanieFrancisand Jacob, thePediatricLifeSpecialist.

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Time has caught up with us and regrettably this will be our final tournament.

If you have not attended in few years, this is your last chance, so…

Please join us for a Special 62nd National RA/LDS BowlingTournament!

Information Sheet

DATE: May 16 and 17, 2014

TOURNAMENT SITE: Oak Lanes, 8450 N. Middlebelt Rd., Westland, MI 48185

BOWLING TIMES: Friday - Singles – 2 PM and Doubles – 7 PMSaturday - Teams – 11 AMGrudge Match follows Team Events.$19.00 per event

HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS: Comfort Inn – Livonia, 29235 Buckingham Drive, Livonia, MI 48154$74.99 + tax per room per night – King or Double Queen$84.00 + tax per room per night – King w/WhirlpoolFree Hot Breakfast included

SATURDAY NITE AWARDS BASH:Burton Manor, 27777 Schoolcraft, Livonia, MI 48150Free for all RA/LDS Members $30.00 charge for non-membersTime: 6:30 PM to 12 MidnightOpen Bar - Dinner - Dancing

ADS & WELL WISHERS:Cost of Ads – 1/8 page - $25 1/4 Page - $35 ½ page - $50 Full Page - $100Cost of Well-Wishers - $5.00 Per Name

Mail all Entry Blanks, Payments for bowling, banquet fees, ads, well-wishers anddonations by April 5, 2014 to:

Janice Brazas23826 Valley Drive

Brownstown, MI 48174Home: 734-283-7335Work: 313-222-3283Cell: 313-670-2105

Email: [email protected]

Mark your calendar & join us as we celebrate our Final Bowling Tournament!

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As I reflect on the past year, I’m certainly proud ofmany of our accomplishments that we have beenable to achieve in 2013 and look forward toaccomplishing more in 2014. It’s still hard to believeDecember marked my first year anniversary withRoyal Arcanum. We have met many challenges withinthe business and fraternal operations, and certainlyfeel we have made progress. We recently added anew Social Media outlet to Royal Arcanum bydeveloping a Facebook page in addition to our socialblog on our web site. Please feel free to “like” ourpage and post your stories to our page to share withmembers. An additional feature we added to ourweb site www.royalarcanum.com allows you tosubmit certain forms electronically. It is called“Doc-u-Sign”. For example: you can electronicallysubmit abeneficiary changeor checkingaccount or creditcard paymentauthorization formfor your policy.This does notaffect your abilityto continue to mailrequests into theHome Office. Ifyou would likeadditional information or have any questions, pleasefeel free to contact Don Ferry at (888) 272-2686.

In this holiday season, I’m proud to take a momentto reflect upon what is important to everyone aspeople. Locally, we donated toys and holiday food toa family affected by recent unemployment, and wecontributed to the “Toys for Joy” program inSpringfield, MA. Please share your stories ofkindness by writing a post on our Facebook page,web site blog, e-mail me or send me a letter. Mythree- year old put a bag of toys together from herown collection to give to children who may not beas fortunate as her and her sister. I’m certainly veryproud of her. I know my three-year old daughterwas certainly pleased with the drawings that she

made to pass out toindividuals she saw at thegrocery store with my wife,as well as to Santa Claus.

We reviewed the financialproducts available to ourmembers and made achange to one of our lifeinsurance products in 2013by reducing the FinalExpense/Simplified Issue ageminimum from 40 to 20. This policy has a simplifiedapplication with limited underwriting requirementsto qualify for coverage.

This year I will belooking to add newproducts to ourportfolio to betterenhance theproducts available toour members.Please see ourwebsite, Facebookpage or contact theHome Office at(888)272-2686 forthe latestinformation!

If you have any questions, comments or concerns,please feel free to reach out to me as I alwaysenjoying hearing from you.


Nicholas G. BenoitOperations [email protected]

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This time of year is particularly busy for those of uswho do charity work. In addition to IntegrityCouncil #586 sending out thousands of dollars indonations to favorite charities, some memberscontinue to volunteer in their community. PastSupreme Regent, Herb Snyder, prepared and served200 meals to the homeless of Center CityPhiladelphia the Sunday before Thanksgiving.

Past Grand Regent, Joe Tedesco took the donationfrom Integrity, doubled it with donations from familyand friends, bought thirty pies and a turkey to helpMANNA. Then he took the items and donated themto St John's Hospice. Thus he helped two charitieswho were able to obtain their goals in helpingothers.

Submitted by Joe Tedesco

Joe delivering the pies to St. John’s Hospice. Joe presenting a box of pies to a member of St. John’sHospice.

New Jersey’s Hoboken Council#99 made a donation of $400 tothe Secaucus Volunteer FireDepartment’s Engine Company #3.The Royal Arcanum recognized thesquad’s ongoing dedication andoutstanding efforts in providingsafety, support and rescue forresidents in communities ofHudson County. Regent PhilSyracuse (center) delivered thecontribution to Lieutenant RoyCoville. Firefighters RoccoBhotani, Jason Leppin and CaptainCarl Leppin witnessed thepresentation. The photo was takenby Firefighter Frank Sasso, Jr.

Volunteer Firefighters with Regent Phil Syracuse.

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Juniors, their parents, and adult leaders can be on thelook-out for some special Junior activity this month.VALENTINE CARDS will be sent to all the Juniorswho became Royal Arcanum members in the pastyear.

A SPECIAL OFFER TO 16 YEAR OLDS will be madeto encourage them to improve their SAT, ACT, PSAT,and LSAT by offering reimbursement up to $50.00to any Junior taking a workshop, course, or tutoringto assist them in doing better with these tests. Thereceipts for whichever method is selected forimprovement should be sent to the Home Office,attention of Dorothy Pagnani, Royal Arcanum, 61Batterymarch Street, Boston, MA 02110.


SCHOOL STUDENTS should besure that we have their schooladdresses so that we can sendthem a COLLEGE CARE GIFTPACKAGE filled with “goodies.”Last year we sent over 70 suchpackages!

Word has it that there weresome very nice JUNIORCHRISTMAS PARTIES andCOUNCIL PARTIES geared to

Juniors this holiday season.The stuffed frogs, puzzleblocks, and the bean bagtoss games were receivedwith much enthusiasm! Thetime is now for us to beplanning some very specialSUMMER ACTIVITIES forour Juniors.

Good luck to all our HighSchool Seniors who haveapplied for our RoyalArcanum SCHOLARSHIPSAND GRANTS this year. I just wish that we couldgive scholarships and grants to all our students whoapply. The good news this year is that more than halfof those who apply for a scholarship or grant willmore than likely receive one.

Plan on bringing our Juniors to the Supreme Sessionin Charlotte, North Carolina. There is no cost tothose staying in the rooms with their parents oranother adult, except for transportation; and many ofthe fun activities like the Water Park and MotorSports Museum are free also. This is a wonderfulopportunity for an unusual family vacation.

by Dr. Herb Snyder, Junior Director


www. royalarcanum. com - Bulletin - Winter Edition - 2014 27

Junior Director Herb Snyderarranged a special Christmasparty for the Juniors of hisown Council, Integrity #586,held on the afternoon ofDecember 15th. This year'sparty setting was “Bette'sFamily Fun Center,” achildren's delight just filledwith games, activities,amusements, and all sorts ofsurprises. Santa “Newlin” was on hand with somespecial gifts to make the youngsters even happier.

The Integrity Juniors and theadults accompanying them hadtheir own special section ofthe Fun Center, where theyenjoyed pizza, beverage, andbeautifully decoratedChristmas cupcakes made byMrs. Nettie Malone. Eachyoung person in attendancereceived a special gift fromIntegrity Council in addition

to the cuddly frogs, puzzle blocks, and bean bagtoss games provided by the Royal Arcanum JuniorDepartment.


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All Junior entrants canearn a $10.00 gift

certificate award fromAmazon.com!

Junior Must Submit:




Email Address


Bulletin - Winter Edition - 2014 www. royalarcanum. com28


Our rules provide that aJunior can win only one prizeper issue of the Bulletin.Members from the samefamily can submit answers tosame puzzles in order to win.Puzzle entrants are restrictedto Juniors no older than 17years 11 months. All entriesmust be received prior todistribution of the nextBulletin.








[email protected]


HAPPY VALENTINESHAPPY VALENTINESUse the key on the side to figure out

the phrase

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Come join us at the Omni Charlotte Hotel

Cost per person Points for Free Trip U.S. / Canadian Occupancy U.S. / Canadian $525 / $525 Double 750 pts / 750 pts $702 / $702 Single 1003 pts / 1003 pts $315 / $315 Triple 450 pts / 450 pts Please enter my reservation for the 2014 Royal Arcanum Supreme Council Session at the Omni Charlotte Hotel, Charlotte, North Carolina on Sunday, August 3 to Thursday, August 7, 2014. My party will consist of the following persons: (type or print only) M______________________________________________ Council No. ___________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________

Spouse (please enter first name)___________________________________________________

Children (enter names & ages)_____________________________________________________

[ ] double room for __ adults [ ] king-size bed [ ] double beds [ ] single room [ ] king-size bed [ ] double beds [ ] third person in room Have you earned a prize trip? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] No. of trips _________ Arrival date__________________________ Departure Date________________________ Signature ___________________________________________ Date________________ Package includes: Dinner on Sunday, August 3rd, hospitality party and formal banquet on Tuesday, August 5th and hospitality party and dinner on Wednesday, August 6th, 2014. The Omni hotel’s Trade Restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. For an inexpensive breakfast, McDonald’s and Dunkin’ Donuts are available in the hotel. There are many moderately priced and gourmet restaurants within walking distance. Arrangements for attendees who wish to extend their hotel stay in Charlotte (if rooms are available) can be made at the same room rates. IMPORTANT: Home address of individuals with different names must be supplied. Guest rooms will be available after 3 pm on Sunday, August 3, 2014; Departures will be on Thursday, August 07, 2014. A Deposit of $50.00 is required with each reservation.

MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ROYAL ARCANUM Mail to Supreme Treasurer John Crisanti

Royal Arcanum, 61 Batterymarch Street, 6th floor, Boston, MA 02110



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A WORD FROM THE SUPREME SECRETARYAs a fraternal benefit society,Royal Arcanum strives formembers to become involved incharitable and volunteer work.We seek to accomplish thesegoals by organizing local andnational events where ourmembers can connect and havethe opportunity to work as ateam. Many of our members havecreated lasting friendships withfellow Arcanians throughout theUnited States and Canada. Eachyear we schedule either ourSupreme Council Session or“Mini-Vacation” and search to find interesting, excitingdestinations where attendees can have a pleasurableexperience at affordable prices. In recent years we’vebeen to San Francisco, San Antonio, Nashville, AtlanticCity, Orlando and St. Pete’s Beach.

This August we aregoing to Charlotte,North Carolina.Founded in 1768, it isknown as the “QueenCity”, being named forQueen Charlotte, thewife of King George IIIof England. The OmniHotel where we willbe staying is located inthe center of the city.

The first gold mine in the United States was established inNorth Carolina at Reed Gold Mine. In order to conven-iently process this gold, the United States Congressapproved an Act in 1838 to establish one of the nation’sfirst mints in Charlotte. At that time only gold coins werepermitted to be made. The mint remained in existenceuntil May 1861 when North Carolina seceded from theUnion because of the Civil War. As you can imagine, thesecoins are very scarce and are highly valuable today. Thereare two mint museums in Charlotte, one in the Randolphsection and one in the Levin Center for the Arts inCenter City. Both of these museums offer exhibits and atheater featuring lectures and performances.

Charlotte is now one of the leading financial centers inthe country. Financier Hugh McColl is largely responsiblefor this notable position, having transformed the North

Carolina National Bank into today’sBank of America, with its nationaloffices located in the center ofCharlotte.

The bulk of the city’s business,entertainment and cultural sites arelocated in Center City, whichcomes alive every night with diners,theater goers and folks just out andabout to enjoy the sights andsounds of the city.

Charlotte is also home to threemajor professional sports teams:

Carolina Panthers of the National Football League,Charlotte Bobcats of the National Basketball Associationand Charlotte Hounds of Major League Lacrosse.

There are many things to experience in Charlotte andone of them is a tourof the NASCAR Hallof Fame where youcan participate ininteractive exhibits likethe Pit Crew challengeand racing simulatorsduring team buildingexercises.

The Reverend BillyGraham was born in

Charlotte and many people enjoy visiting the Billy GrahamLibrary and boyhood home which chronicles more than60 years of his life and ministry.

Charlotte has much to offer and we invite you toexperience it with the Royal Arcanum. Save the dates --Sunday August 3 to Thursday, August 7, 2014. We lookforward to having you and your families join us!


Kenneth J. KolekSupreme Secretary

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C h a r l o t t e H i g h l i g h t sNASCAR Hall of Fame - Discovery Place - Bojangles' ColiseumCarolinas Aviation Museum - Bechtler Museum of Modern Art

Come Join us for the

102nd Supreme Council Sessionin Charlotte, North Carolina

at the Omni Charlotte Hotel

Sunday,August 3,



Thursday,August 7,