Wip Calculation

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  • 8/10/2019 Wip Calculation


    Work in Process-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad

    SAP PPPI Certified ConsultantE-mail:- devidas.karad@gmail. om


    Work in Process


    "#e $IP al ulation fun tion valuates t#e unfinis#ed %rodu ts &'ork in %ro ess(.

    In t#e Product Cost by Period om%onent) 'ork in %ro ess is valuated at target osts. "#e o%eration *uantitiesonfirmed for t#e manufa turing orders or %rodu tion versions &only in re%etitive manufa turing( t#at are not

    s ra% are valuated at target ost in a ordan e 'it# t#e valuation variant for 'ork in %ro ess and s ra%.

    +ou an al ulate 'ork in %ro ess at target osts for t#e follo'ing ob,e ts:

    Produ t ost olle tors Produ tion orders 'it# *uantity stru ture Pro ess orders "#e $IP al ulation fun tion valuates t#e unfinis#ed %rodu ts &'ork in %ro ess(. In "#e Product Cost by Order om%onent) t#e 'ork in %ro ess is valuated at a tual ost. $ork in %ro ess is t#e differen e bet'een t#e debit and redit of an order t#at #as not een fully delivered. +ou an al ulate $IP at a tual osts for t#e Pro ess orders on "#e individual or olle tive basis as %er re*uirement.

    $ork in %ro ess: t#is is done during Period end %ro ess) '#en you 'ant to see P / or balan e s#eet.

    Say su%%ose you #ave some order on 0! 1ar #) you 'ant to see t#e ost of %ending orders) '#ere you#ave not done 23)

    "#en you do $IP to see t#e total %ending order ost.

    "#is is al ulated at a tual osts.

    $IP is only reated for orders t#at #ave been released &3E/(.

    If t#e order #as been te #ni ally om%leted &"EC4( or delivered &DE/() t#en $IP is not reated) but isbroken do'n if it e5ists. 6o'ever) $IP is only %osted to 7I '#en t#e order is settled. $IP annot be

    al ulated at target osts.

    It is only %ossible to al ulate $IP in Produ t Cost by Period.

    "#e $IP al ulation fun tion valuates t#e unfinis#ed %rodu ts &'ork in %ro ess(. In t#e Produ t Cost byPeriod om%onent) 'ork in %ro ess is valuated at target osts. "#e o%eration *uantities onfirmed fort#e manufa turing orders or %rodu tion versions &only in re%etitive manufa turing( t#at are not s ra%are valuated at target ost in a ordan e 'it# t#e valuation variant for 'ork in %ro ess and s ra%.

  • 8/10/2019 Wip Calculation


    Work in Process-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad

    SAP PPPI Certified ConsultantE-mail:- devidas.karad@gmail. om


    Scenario :- Standard ost run is arried out and released) standard %ri e is u%dated

    Produ tion order for 8 *uantity is reated

  • 8/10/2019 Wip Calculation


    Work in Process-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad

    SAP PPPI Certified ConsultantE-mail:- devidas.karad@gmail. om


    In t#e ost analysis you an see %lanned osts are al ulated

  • 8/10/2019 Wip Calculation


    Work in Process-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad

    SAP PPPI Certified ConsultantE-mail:- devidas.karad@gmail. om


    $#ile doing onfirmation '#en you %ress a tual data) a tual values for a tivities and material getdis%layed.

  • 8/10/2019 Wip Calculation


    Work in Process-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad

    SAP PPPI Certified ConsultantE-mail:- devidas.karad@gmail. om

    ;o' 'e 'ill #ange t#e yield) a tivities and onsum%tion to #alf of original values

  • 8/10/2019 Wip Calculation


    Work in Process-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Created by: - Devidas Karad

    SAP PPPI Certified ConsultantE-mail:- devidas.karad@gmail. om

    ;o' in ost analysis of order you an see values are u%dated

    7inally al ulate $IP in KKAX

    WIP = Material consumption + Activities G value

    = ! + "#$%" %)$'(

    = -(!$*'

    ;o' you an settle order t#en values get %osted to 7I &Status of order must be , ./012 forsettlement(