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World history pres5

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During 2nd half of 19th century, nation-state building commenced at a global scale and for good measure, these new nations (including the U.S.) began to expand its borders to create colonies (imperialism).

The treatment of indigenous natives living within these colonies would challenge Enlightenment ideology about the idea of governments treating its peoples with decency.

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United States and its Nation-Building

Nations building from imperialism: Britain, Germany, France, Russia, Japan

The U.S.A. was able to do so as well because of …

Technological advancements that modernized these nations.

Rifles, railroads, schools, and land surveys encouraged

Americans to fulfill manifest destiny.

Native Americans attempted to resist but in the end the resistance proved futile.

Mexican American War (1846-1848) was a victory for U.S. and after paying a cool $15 million dollars to Mexico as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, land acquisition for the growing nation would include land that would make up the states of Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and of course Texas.

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SLAVERY—an unresolved political issue since the USA’s inception and now the issue is decided through the American Civil War.

Despite the outcome of the war, America on through to the 20th century would struggle to ensure equality and suffrage for its female and non-white ethnic citizens.

Grass-roots women’s suffrage movements and civil rights movements would start following the end of the American Civil War.

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A downside to the technological advancement: As more goods were being created through mechanized production, an overproduction of goods occurred where less Americans needed them or could afford them.

This overproduction led to a severe recession (depression) where millions of urban workers lost jobs or had sharp cuts in wages.

WHAT’s HAPPENING IN OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD at this same period of time?

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They were in a kind of geographical competition with the U.S.A

The Canadians feared its provinces would be absorbed into U.S.A.

Inspired the Canadians to maintain colonial status with Great Britain

Great Britain peacefully gave Canada independent status but the Canadians maintained a relationship with Britain as to prevent any possibility of American expansionism…it worked.

The Canadians like the Americans manipulated and mistreated the Native population

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Like in North America, the elites led the nation-building, mistreated the Native populace and also the African populace.

Restrictions to civil rights for non-white populace.

Money made by elites in the rubber trade but the environmental landscape severely affected due to tree reduction

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SERIOUS EVENTS would take place that ultimately led to the hostile climate that would start World War I.After years of different wars, Prussia and a

few neighboring states created the new nation of Germany.

Similarly a new nation of Italy was created from several smaller states

The rise of German military and economic might led to fear and an era of competition for influence and status among European nations such as France, Britain, Russia, and the Austro-Hungarian empire.

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This competition led to ever-increasing expansionist practices from Britain, the U.S., and other Western nations as well as Eastern nations like Japan and China.

Consequently, many nations of the African continent (with the exception of Ethiopia), Indonesia, India, would suffer as would Asian nations such as Korea.

Japan, in particular, would demonstrate its abilities at being a military power with its imperialistic global goals.

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Japan began to emerge as a global power through the Meiji Restoration—a period of Enlightenment where Japan began to stress linguistic and ethnic homogeneity. intense nationalism (jingoism) developed. Unified national currency Developed a strong army Promoted industrialism for national strength The government invested (sold) valuable

enterprises to some ancient family-run guilds known as zaibatsu that would lead to future modern corporations (Mitsubishi, Mitsui, Honda) Japan won wars for colonial expansion against

Russia and China!

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RUSSIA became imperialistic

attempted an invasion of Eastern Europe and parts of the Ottoman Empire

Led to a war where Russia fought against an alliance with France, England, and the Ottoman Empire

Russia lost.

The series of defeats and the inequality that existed within the Russian nation on top of…

The unpopularity of Russia’s absolutist monarchial government opened the door for Russia’s citizens to want change from anyone that of Russia

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CHINA China attempts to reform its society

Known as the Self-Strengthening Movement, China took a page out of technological leanings of its Asian and European neighbors and began a series of new ventures

Railroad building to connect the nation as it continued to grow in a western directions

Also China now begins to make an attempt at incorporating western educational ideologies.

Chinese citizens begin the practice of sending their brightest students to American universities like Harvard for higher education and then return home to incorporate what they learned