Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island

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  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island







    Maku/Chief:Nanya-Shaabu:El[HENRY SEAN WESLEY, SIC] CESTI !I TRST SICan" :#iani:$eyElIN %R&%RIA %ERS&NA


    CASE NO. 090939596P1-01-001 and090939596P1-01-002






    &HN an" ANE #&E.S 0h12u3h 455 '


  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island



    Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

    The Forein Soverein !mmunities "ct:

    28 U.S.C. 1603

    Articles of Confederation : March 1, 1781



    #in "$fred P$an%%%&'( )*

    The +,ar+ Treat of 19*.


    D E C L A R A T I O N

    ( I a9 Maku/Chief :Nanya-Shaabu:ElTM, 2f A0-Sik-Ha0a Na0i2n 2fYa9a66ee M2216( I a9 a Li;in3 ->,

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    B( Thi6 +2u10 2f 1e+21" ha6 n2 u1i6"i+0i2n be+au6e 0hi6 a+0i2na1i6e6 un"e1 0he f2ll2?in3 C2n60i0u0i2nal 6e+0i2n6 an" la?6 2f 0heni0e" S0a0e6: NITE# STATES C&NSTITTI&N, ARTICLE III, SECTI&N >D

    TITLE B>, NITE# STATES CE, Se+0i2n6 F, F4, an" FG, TITLE>F, NITE# STATES CE, Se+0i2n6 , , an" BD an" TITLE F,NITE# STATES CE, Se+0i2n6 >B an" >B>( The C2n60i0u0i2nal6e+0i2n6 an" la?6 2f 0he ni0e" S0a0e6 a77ea1 921e fully bel2?(


    I D E N T I F I C A T I O N O F P A R T I E S

    4( I a9 a Ya9a66e in 0he Lan" 2f A0lan( A0 all 0i9e6 9en0i2ne"he1ein I ha;e 1e6i"e" in 0he Lan" 2f A0lan( I a9 n20 a 6ube+0, an"a6 6u+h I a9 en0i0le" 02 all 1i3h06, 71i;ile3e6, i99uni0ie6 an"7120e+0i2n6 a0 +2992n la? a6 3ua1an0ee" in 0he C2n60i0u0i2n(

    G( Re672n"en086' in 0hi6 a77li+a0i2n a1e f1ee In"i3en2u6 +i0i@en62f A0-Sik-Ha0a Na0i2n 2f Ya9a66ee M2216 in 0he uni0e" 60a0e6 2fA9e1i+a kn2?n a6 A0lan, A9e=e9, Tu10le I6lan" an" Lan" 2f The

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    I "

    A L L E # A T I O N S

    F( I alle3e 0ha0 E'(

    ( I a9 bein3 7126e+u0e" 2n inf219a0i2n an" 6u7726e" 60a0u021y89e1e +2"e' ;i2la0i2n( In 6ub60an+e, 0he 6u7726e" ;i2la0i2n i6 n20a 6ub60an0i;e 8+2992n la?' +1i9e, n21 1ela0e" 0he1e02( In i06 f21u9,0he %12;in+ial C2u10 ?a6 a+0in3 9ini60e1ially an" "i" n20 e60abli6hu1i6"i+0i2nal fa+06 21 ne=u6( C2u106 enf21+in3 9e1e 60a0u0e6 "2 n20a+0 u"i+ially 8TH&M%( )( SMITH, 4B SE 4D +f( F SBGBD *ELLER )( %E, >G S B>F'( Thi6 +2u10, a+0in3 a6 in TH&M%S&N )(SMITH, ha6 n2 "i6+1e0i2n, bu0 9u60 31an0 0he 1e9e"y 2f Habea6C217u6(

    >( I ha;e "enie", an" +2n0inue 02 "eny 0he u1i6"i+0i2n 2f 0he60a0e/712;in+ial ni6i 71iu6 +2u10( Re672n"en06 a1e e60277e" f21failu1e 02 712;e 0hei1 726i0i2n( A +2u10 ?hi+h a+06 in ?an0 2fu1i6"i+0i2n +an i66ue n2 u"39en0 n21 ?a11an0 2f au0h21i0y, an" all2f i06 a+06 a1e ;2i" ab-ini0i2, n20 u60 ;2i"ableD n21 "2e6 6u+h a

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    +2u10 ha;e any +2n0e970 72?e16D ?he1eu72n habea6 +217u6 6h2ul"i66ue8ILL )( SIMAN, >FB Ill( >F, ILL( )( $ARRETT, >5 Ill( '(


    C A " E A T

    ( Thi6 i6 an a+0i2n a0 la?: 712+ee"in36 ?ill be 7u16uan0 02Rule 8a', 8+',

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    A S S E R T I O N O F L A $

    The la?6 in 0hi6 +a6e a1e he1eby a66e10e":

    4( KIn all +a6e6((((in ?hi+h a 60a0e 6hall be 7a10y, 0he Su71e9eC2u10 6hall ha;e 21i3inal u1i6"i+0i2n(K f129 ( S( C&NSTITTI&N,ARTICLE III, SECTI&N >8>'( 9ean6: 6ube+0 02 a u1y(

    G( K(((all e=e+u0i;e an" u"i+ial 2ffi+e16, b20h 2f 0he ni0e"S0a0e6 an" 2f 0he 6e;e1al 60a0e6, 6hall be b2un" by 2a0h 21affi19a0i2n, 02 6u77210 0hi6 C2n60i0u0i2n((((K f129 ( S(


    ( KThe 1i3h0 2f 0he 7e27le 02 be 6e+u1e((((a3ain60

    un1ea62nable(((( 6ei@u1e6, 6hall n20 be ;i2la0e", an" n2 ?a11an066hall i66ue, bu0 u72n 712bable +au6e 6u77210e" by 2a0h 21affi19a0i2n((((K f129 ( S( C&NSTITTI&N, AMEN#MENT I)(

    F( KN2 7e162n 6hall((((be "e71i;e" 2f((((libe10y(((( ?i0h2u0 "ue712+e66 2f la?((((K f129 ( S( C&NSTITTI&N, AMEN#MENT )(

    ( KThe enu9e1a0i2n in 0he C2n60i0u0i2n, 2f +e10ain 1i3h06,6hall n20 be +2n601ue" 02 "eny 21 "i67a1a3e 20he16 1e0aine" by 0he7e27le(K f129 (S( C&NSTITTI&N, AMEN#MENT I(

    >5( KA f1ee9an 6hall 2nly be a9e1+e" f21 a 69all 2ffen6ea++21"in3 02 0he 9ea6u1e 2f 0ha0 2ffen6e((( An" n2ne 2f 0heaf21e6ai" fine6 6hall be i9726e" 6a;e u72n 2a0h 2f u71i3h0 9en f1290he nei3hb2u1h22"(K f129 MANA CARTA, ARTICLE

    >( KN2 6he1iff, +2n60able, +212ne16, 21 20he1 bailiff6 2f 2u16

    6hall h2l" 0he 7lea6 2f 2u1 +12?n(K f129 MANA CARTA, ARTICLE

    >>( KHen+ef210h 0he ?1i0 ?hi+h i6 +alle" .%1ae+i7e. 6hall n20 be6e1;e" 2n any 2ne f21 any h2l"in3 62 a6 02 +au6e a f1ee 9an 02 l26ehi6 +2u10(K f129 MANA CARTA, ARTICLE B( KN2 f1ee9an 6hall be

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    0aken, 21 i971i62ne", 21 "i66ei@e", 21 2u0la?e", 21 e=ile", 21 inany ?ay ha19e"--n21 ?ill ?e 32 u72n 21 6en" u72n hi9--6a;e by 0hela?ful u"39en0 2f hi6 7ee16 21 by 0he la? 2f 0he lan"(K f129 MANACARTA, ARTICLE (

    >( KIf 0?2 21 921e 7e162n6 +2n67i1e 02 inu1e, 2771e66, 0h1ea0en,21 in0i9i"a0e any +i0i@en in 0he f1ee e=e1+i6e 21 en2y9en0 2f any1i3h0 21 71i;ile3e 6e+u1e" 02 hi9 by 0he C2n60i0u0i2n 21 la?6 2f 0heni0e" S0a0e6, 21 be+au6e 2f hi6 ha;in3 62 e=e1+i6e" 0he 6a9eD21 KIf 0?2 21 921e 7e162n6 32 in "i63ui6e 2n 0he hi3h?ay, 21 2n 0he71e9i6e6 2f an20he1, ?i0h in0en0 02 71e;en0 21 hin"e1 hi6 f1ee

    e=e1+i6e 21 en2y9en0 2f any 1i3h0 21 71i;ile3e 62 6e+u1e"

    >B( KThey 6hall be fine" n20 921e 0han 5,555 21 i971i62ne" n20

    921e 0han 0en yea16, 21 b20hD an" if "ea0h 1e6ul06, 0hey 6hall be6ube+0 02 i971i62n9en0 f21 any 0e19 2f yea16 21 f21 life(K f129

    (S(C(, TITLE F, Se+0i2n >B(

    >4( OWh2e;e1, un"e1 +2l21 2f any la?, 60a0u0e, 21"inan+e,1e3ula0i2n, 21 +u6029, ?illfully 6ube+06 any inhabi0an0 2f anyS0a0e, Te11i021y, 21 #i601i+0 02 0he "e71i;a0i2n 2f any 1i3h06,71i;ile3e6, 21 i99uni0ie6 6e+u1e" 21 7120e+0e" by 0he C2n60i0u0i2n21 la?6 2f 0he ni0e" S0a0e6, ((((6hall be fine" n20 921e 0han,555 21 i971i62ne" n20 921e 0han 2ne yea1, 21 b20hD ((((K f129

    (S(C(, TITLE F, Se+0i2n >B>(

    >G( KThe "i601i+0 +2u106 6hall ha;e 21i3inal u1i6"i+0i2n 2fall +i;il a+0i2n6 a1i6in3 un"e1 0he C2n60i0u0i2n, la?6, 2101ea0ie6 2f 0he ni0e" S0a0e6(K f129 (S(C(, TITLE >F, Se+0i2n


    K8a' The "i601i+0 +2u106 6hall ha;e 21i3inal u1i6"i+0i2n 2f any

    +i;il a+0i2n au0h21i@e" by la? 02 be +299en+e" by any 7e162n:

    K8' T2 1e+2;e1 "a9a3e6 f21 inu1y 02 hi6 7e162n 21 7127e10y, 21be+au6e 2f 0he "e71i;a0i2n 2f any 1i3h0 21 71i;ile3e 2f a +i0i@en 2f

    0he ni0e" S0a0e6, by any a+0 "2ne in fu10he1an+e 2f any +2n67i1a+y9en0i2ne" in 6e+0i2n F4 2f Ti0le B>D

    K8>' T2 1e+2;e1 "a9a3e6 f129 any 7e162n ?h2 fail6 02 71e;en0 21 02ai" in 71e;en0in3 any ?12n36 9en0i2ne" in 6e+0i2n F4 2f Ti0le B>?hi+h he ha" kn2?le"3e ?e1e ab2u0 02 2++u1 an" 72?e1 02 71e;en0D

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    K8' T2 1e"1e66 0he "e71i;a0i2n, un"e1 +2l21 2f any S0a0e la?,60a0u0e, 21"inan+e, 1e3ula0i2n, +u6029 21 u6a3e, 2f any 1i3h0,71i;ile3e 21 i99uni0y 6e+u1e" by 0he C2n60i0u0i2n 2f 0he ni0e"S0a0e6 21 by any A+0 2f C2n31e66 712;i"in3 f21 eJual 1i3h06 2f+i0i@en6 21 2f all 7e162n6 ?i0hin 0he u1i6"i+0i2n 2f 0he ni0e"

    S0a0e6( ((((K f129 (S(C(, TITLE >F, Se+0i2n B(

    >( KE;e1y 7e162n ?h2, un"e1 +2l21 2f any 60a0u0e, 21"inan+e,1e3ula0i2n, +u6029, 21 u6a3e, 2f any S0a0e ((((, 6ube+06, 21 +au6e602 be 6ube+0e", any +i0i@en 2f 0he ni0e" S0a0e6 21 20he1 7e162n?i0hin 0he u1i6"i+0i2n 0he1e2f 02 0he "e71i;a0i2n 2f any 1i3h06,71i;ile3e6, 21 i99uni0ie6 6e+u1e" by 0he C2n60i0u0i2n an" la?6,6hall be liable 02 0he 7a10y inu1e" in an a+0i2n a0 la?, 6ui0 ineJui0y, 21 20he1 7127e1 712+ee"in3 f21 1e"1e66( ((((K f129 (S(C(,

    TITLE B>, Se+0i2n F(

    >F( K((( 8' If 0?2 21 921e 7e162n6 in any S0a0e 21 Te11i021y+2n67i1e 21 32 in "i63ui6e 2n 0he hi3h?ay 21 2n 0he 71e9i6e6 2fan20he1, f21 0he 7u1726e 2f "e71i;in3, ei0he1 "i1e+0ly 21in"i1e+0ly, any 7e162n 21 +la66 2f 7e162n6 2f 0he eJual 7120e+0i2n2f 0he la?6, 21 2f eJual 71i;ile3e6 an" i99uni0ie6 un"e1 0hela?6D (((( in any +a6e 2f +2n67i1a+y 6e0 f210h in 0hi6 6e+0i2n, if2ne 21 921e 7e162n6 en3a3e" 0he1ein "2, 21 +au6e 02 be "2ne, any a+0in fu10he1an+e 2f 0he 2be+0 2f 6u+h +2n67i1a+y, ?he1eby an20he1 i6inu1e" in hi6 7e162n 21 7127e10y, 21 "e71i;e" 2f ha;in3 an"e=e1+i6in3 any 1i3h0 21 71i;ile3e 2f a +i0i@en 2f 0heni0e" S0a0e6, 0he 7a10y 62 inu1e" 21 "e71i;e" 9ay ha;e an a+0i2nf21 0he 1e+2;e1y 2f "a9a3e6 2++a6i2ne" by 6u+h inu1y 21"e71i;a0i2n, a3ain60 any 2ne 21 921e 2f 0he +2n67i1a0216(K f129

    (S(C(, TITLE B>, Se+0i2n F4(

    >( KE;e1y 7e162n ?h2, ha;in3 kn2?le"3e 0ha0 any 2f 0he?12n36 +2n67i1e" 02 be "2ne, an" 9en0i2ne" in 6e+0i2n F4 2f 0hi60i0le, a1e ab2u0 02 be +299i00e", an" ha;in3 72?e1 02 71e;en0 21 ai"in 71e;en0in3 0he +299i66i2n 2f 0he 6a9e, ne3le+06 21 1efu6e6 62 02"2, if 6u+h ?12n3ful a+0 be +299i00e", 6hall be liable 02 0he 7a10yinu1e", 21 hi6 le3al 1e71e6en0a0i;e6, f21 all "a9a3e6 +au6e" by

    6u+h ?12n3ful a+0, ?hi+h 6u+h 7e162n by 1ea62nable "ili3en+e +2ul"ha;e 71e;en0e"D an" 6u+h "a9a3e6 9ay be 1e+2;e1e" in an a+0i2n 2n0he +a6eD an" any nu9be1 2f 7e162n6 3uil0y 2f 6u+h ?12n3ful ne3le+021 1efu6al 9ay be 2ine" a6 1e672n"en06 in 0he a+0i2nD((((K f129

    (S(C(, TITLE B>, Se+0i2n FG(

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    5( F SC >B an" B> SC F K9u60 be +2n601ue" in 7a1i9a0e1ia(K f129 %IC*IN )( %ENNSYL)ANIA R( C&( 8CCA ' 4 "' >B5,

    1e;.3 5

    (S( B(

    >( K(((an(((2ffi+e1 ?h2 a+06 in ;i2la0i2n 2f 0he C2n60i0u0i2n+ea6e6 02 1e71e6en0 0he 32;e1n9en0(K f129 $R&&*n" Se+( 45, )II Ci;il Liabili0y(

    B( K#e+en+y, 6e+u1i0y, an" libe10y alike "e9an" 0ha032;e1n9en0 2ffi+ial6 be 6ube+0e" 02 0he 6a9e 1ule6 2f +2n"u+0 0ha0a1e +299an"6 02 0he +i0i@en( In a 2;e1n9en0 2f la?6, e=i60en+e 2f0he 32;e1n9en0 ?ill be i97e1ile" if i0 fail6 02 2b6e1;e 0he la?6+1u7ul2u6ly( C1i9e i6 +2n0a3i2u6( If 32;e1n9en0 be+29e6 a

    la?b1eake1, i0 b1ee"6 +2n0e970 f21 0he la?(((K f129 &LMSTEA# )((S(, > S BF, BF4D BF S C0( 4GB, 44D > LE" BB(

    4( A ?1i0 2f habea6 +217u6 i6 a 7127e1 1e9e"y if 7e0i0i2ne1 ha61ea62nable a771ehen6i2n 2f 1e601ain0 2f libe10y by f21+e( T2 u60ifyi66uan+e 2f 0he ?1i0 2f habea6 +217u6, +2n601ain0 nee" n20 +2n6i602f a+0ual 7hy6i+al f21+e( C2n"u+0 in"u+in3 a 1ea62nable a771ehen6i2n2f f21+e 9ay be 6uffi+ien0 02 1e601ain 2ne 2f hi6/he1 libe10y 8

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    +u602"y an" 6ube+0 02 1e601ain0 8''(

    ( The 60a0e +2u10 la+ke" u1i6"i+0i2n 2;e1 9e in 0he 60a0e+2u10 hea1in3 8i(e( n2 inu1e" 7a10y ?a6 712"u+e", an" I ?a6 ne;e1

    7127e1ly ?i0hin 0he +2u10.6 u1i6"i+0i2n' 8>F SC >>4B8"'8B''(

    B5( I "i" n20 1e+ei;e a full, fai1, an" a"eJua0e hea1in3 in

    any 60a0e +2u10 712+ee"in3 8>F SC >>4B8"'8G''(

    B( I ?a6 "enie" "ue 712+e66 2f la? in 0he 60a0e +2u10 712+ee"in3

    8>F SC >>4B8"'8''(

    I &

    P R A % E R

    B>( WHERE

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    By: :/iani-aa:,e-'$'Dini'Be()El, Mrtirc* of At)Si+)t Ntion of

    %-ee Moor, Cre!itor, Sec/re! Prt(, A/t*ori0e!

    Re1reenttive, Bilor2Bilee

    Title 4 U.S.C. 1-4 Title 28 U.S.C. 1333, 1337

    Title 50 U.S.C. Appendix Sections: 7(c, 7 (e, ! "nd 12

    #ed.$%les o& Ci'. )oced%)e $%les: 8, 13 * 24 1!17 T)"din+ it te ne/ Act


    , :i"ni-"":e-l, "/ " #les "nd lood 6o/"n , "t)i")c o& Te At-Si 9"t" "tion o&

    "/ssee oo)s. Te &olloin+ United "tions A)ticles "nd C")te) e)e 'iol"ted d%e to teidn"ppin+ o& / %s;"nd :"n"-S"";%:l o is " #o)ei+n 9e"d o& St"te is ;ein+ det"ined "nd

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    3. Uni'e)s"l Co'en"nt on Ci'il "nd olitic"l $i+ts, A)ticle 12 Section (1 st"tes: >'e)one

    l"&%ll itin te te))ito) o& " St"te, "'e te )i+t to li;e)t o& /o'e/ent "nd &)eedo/ to

    coose is )esidence.?

    4. C")te) o& te United "tions, A)ticle 55 st"tes: >@o'e)n/ent"l $ep)esent"ti'es ")e ;o%nd to>p)o/ote %ni'e)s"l )espect &o), "nd o;se)'"nce o&, %/"n )i+ts "nd &%nd"/ent"l &)eedo/s

    &o) "ll ito%t distinction "s to )"ce, sex, l"n+%"+e o) )eli+ion.?

    5. C")te) o& te United "tions, A)ticle 5= st"tes: >All /e/;e)-st"tes pled+e te/sel'es to t"e

    oint "nd sep")"te "ction in coope)"tion itte )+"niB"tion &o) te "cie'e/ent o& tep%)pose set &o)t in A)ticle 55.?

    =. Uni'e)s"l ecl")"tion o& 9%/"n $i+ts, A)ticle ! st"tes t"t: >o one s"ll ;e s%;ected to

    ");it)") "))est, detention o) exile.?

    7. Uni'e)s"l ecl")"tion o& 9%/"n $i+ts, A)ticle 10 st"tes t"t: >'e)one is entitled in &%ll

    e%"lit to " &"i) "nd p%;lic e")in+ ; "n independent "nd i/p")ti"l t)i;%n"l, in te

    dete)/in"tion o& is )i+ts "nd o;li+"tions "nd o& "n c)i/in"l c")+e "+"inst i/.?

    8. Uni'e)s"l ecl")"tion o& 9%/"n $i+ts, A)ticle 11 st"tes t"t: >'e)one c")+ed it " pen"l

    o&&ense "s te )i+t to ;e p)es%/ed innocent %ntil p)o'en +%ilt %ntil "cco)din+ to l" in "

    p%;lic t)i"l "t ic e "s "d "ll te +%")"ntees necess") &o) is de&ense.?

    !. nte)n"tion"l Co'en"nt on Ci'il "nd olitic"l $i+ts, A)ticle 2, Section 1 st"tes t"t: >"c

    St"te ")t to te p)esent Co'en"nt %nde)t"es to )espect "nd to ens%)e to "ll indi'id%"ls

    itin its te))ito) "nd s%;ect to its %)isdiction te )i+ts )eco+niBed in te p)esent Co'en"nt,ito%t distinction o& "n ind, s%c "s )"ce, colo%), sex, l"n+%"+e, )eli+ion, politic"l o) ote)

    opinion, n"tion"l o) soci"l o)i+in, p)ope)t, ;i)t o) ote) st"t%s.?

    10. nte)n"tion"l Co'en"nt on Ci'il "nd olitic"l $i+ts A)ticle 2, Section 3 st"tes t"t: >"cSt"te ")t to te p)esent Co'en"nt %nde)t"es:

    ". To ens%)e t"t "n pe)son ose )i+ts o) &)eedo/s "s e)ein )eco+niBed ")e

    'iol"ted s"ll "'e "n e&&ecti'e )e/ed, notitst"ndin+ t"t te 'iol"tion "s;een co//itted ; pe)sons "ctin+ in "n o&&ici"l c"p"citD

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    ;. To ens%)e t"t "n pe)son cl"i/in+ s%c " )e/ed s"ll "'e is )i+ts te)eto

    dete)/ined ; co/petent %dici"l, "d/inist)"ti'e o) le+isl"ti'e "%to)ities, o)

    ; ote) co/petent "%to)it p)o'ided &o) ; te le+"l sste/ o& te St"te, "ndto de'elop "%to)ities possi;ilities o& %dici"l )e/edD

    c. To ens%)e t"t te co/petent "%to)ities s"ll en&o)ce s%c )e/edies en


    11. nte)n"tion"l Co'en"nt on Ci'il "nd olitic"l $i+ts A)ticle ! Section (1 st"tes t"t:

    >'e)one "s te )i+t to li;e)t "nd sec%)it o& pe)son. o one s"ll ;e s%;ected to");it)") "))est o) detention. o one s"ll ;e dep)i'ed o& is li;e)t except on s%c +)o%nds

    "nd in "cco)d"nce it s%c p)oced%)e "s ")e est";lised ; l".?

    12. nte)n"tion"l Co'en"nt on Ci'il "nd olitic"l $i+ts A)ticle ! Section (1 st"tes t"t: >Anoneo is "))ested s"ll ;e in&o)/ed, "t te ti/e o& "))est, o& te)e"son &o) is "))est "nd s"ll ;e

    p)o/ptl in&o)/ed o& "n c")+es "+"inst i/.?

    13. nte)n"tion"l Co'en"nt on Ci'il "nd olitic"l $i+ts A)ticle ! Section (2 st"tes t"t: >Anoneo "s ;een " 'icti/ o& %nl"&%l "))est o) detention s"ll "'e "n en&o)ce";le )i+t to


    United States and Canada are Obligation to Respect the Right to Own Property: The arbitrary

    1. Uni'e)s"l ecl")"tion o& 9%/"n $i+ts, A)ticle 17, Section 1 "nd 2 st"te: >'e)one "s te)i+t to on p)ope)t "lone "s ell "s in "ssoci"tion it ote)s? "nd >o one s"ll ;e

    ");it)")il dep)i'ed o& is p)ope)t.?

    2. Uni'e)s"l ecl")"tion o& 9%/"n $i+ts, A)ticle 12 st"te: >o one s"ll ;e s%;ected to");it)") inte)&e)ence it is p)i'"c, &"/il, o/e, o) co))espondence, no) "tt"cs %pon is

    ono) "nd )ep%t"tion. 'e)one "s te )i+t to p)otection o& te l" "+"inst s%c inte)&e)ence

    o) "tt"cs.?

    3. nte)n"tion"l Co'en"nt on Ci'il "nd olitic"l $i+ts, A)ticle 17, Section 1 "nd 2 st"te: >o one

    s"ll ;e s%;ected to ");it)") o) %nl"&%l inte)&e)ence it is p)i'"c, &"/il, o/e, o)

    co))espondence, no) to %nl"&%l "tt"cs on is ono) "nd )ep%t"tion? "nd 'e)one "s te)i+t to te p)otection o& te l" "+"inst s%c inte)&e)ence o) "tt"c.?

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    UNITE( STATES C#ar$r o* Ri#s and Fr$$do'

    Par -, Ari!&$ , /, and -0 r$!oni1$ #$ *unda'$na& ri# o* 2usi!$ *or a&& 3$o3&$, o "$ *r$$

    *ro' ar"irary d$$nion and o #a%$ #$ "asi! &$a& ri# o du$ 3ro!$ss. Ari!&$ -4 $sa"&is#$s

    #$ ri# o "$ *r$$ *ro' !ru$& or unusua& 3unis#'$n, %$ri*yin #a any 3$rson d$ain$d or

    i'3rison$d in Uni$d Sa$s #as #$ "asi! #u'an ri# o '$di!a& a$nion and n$!$ssary &i*$5susainin !ar$.

    1.Ei&e, Ei;e)t "nd Sec%)it o& e)son, A)ticle 7

    >'e)one "s te )i+t to li&e, li;e)t "nd sec%)it o& te pe)son "nd te )i+t not to ;edep)i'ed te)eo& except in "cco)d"nce it te p)inciples o& &%nd"/ent"l %stice.?

    2. etention o) /p)ison/ent, A)ticle !

    >'e)one "s te )i+t not to ;e ");it)")il det"ined o) i/p)isoned.?

    3. A))est o) etention, A)ticle 10

    >'e)one "s te )i+t on "))est o) detention to ;e in&o)/ed o& te )e"sons te)e&o)eD

    "nd to ;e )ele"sed i& te detention is not l"&%l.?

    4.To )et"in "nd inst)%ct co%nsel ito%t del" "nd to ;e in&o)/ed o& t"t )i+tD

    "nd to "'e te '"lidit o& te detention dete)/ined ; " o& ";e"s co)p%s

    5.T)e"t/ent o) %nis/ent, A)ticle 12

    >'e)one "s te )i+t not to ;e s%;ected to "n c)%el "nd %n%s%"l t)e"t/ent o)



    Fa! -. :Nanya-Shaabu:El is Plenipotentiary of Atlan, Amexem, Turtle Island, Land of the Fros, Eypt of the!est" and #E$%&NI'E( by the &%)E#N*ENT of $ANA(A and ha+e reei+ed letters from the &o+ernment of$anada as *au.$hief of the At-si-hata Nation of /amassee *oors0 %ur Nation is #E$%&NI'E( 1/ T2E3NITE( NATI%NS as an Indienous Peoples %rani4ation - 3NIP%5 6789" %ur Nations has TreatiesA3T2ENTI$ATE( by the Pro+ine of Alberta reonition of our Self-Autonomy and Self-&o+ernment0 see


    Fct 3. :Nanya-Shaabu:El is #E$%&NI'E( by $ANA(A IN(IAN and N%#T2E#N AFFAI#S as

    Indienous.Aboriinal.Autohthon" and the $#E(IT%# IN FA$T of $anada, The 3NITE( STATES , T2E 30S0

    P%ST%FFI$E - ;hih ;as reated 1EF%#E the 30S0 &o+ernment, and *exio0 - T2IS 2AS N%T 1EEN

    #EF3TE(, $%3NTE#$LAI*E( %# #E13TTE( 1/ AN/ %F T2E AF%#E*ENTI%N $%#P%#ATE ENTITIES

    TA$IT $%NSENT AN( AEE*ENT IN $%**E#$E T% T2E FA$TS P#ESENTE( 3$$ 6-60

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    Fa! 6. :"n"-S"";%:l o is " #o)ei+n 9e"d o& St"te is ;ein+ det"ined "nd

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    Fat 80 There is no $anada, 30S0 or *exio see http:..sites0oole0om.site.authentiexport.6- T2E/N% L%N&E# EHIST N% $%3#TS N% $%#P%#ATE %PE#ATI%NAL $2A#TE# N% J3#IS(I$TI%N N% A3T2%#IT/ N% )enue T2E $%3#TS /%3 A#E TEN(E#IN& PAPE#!%#B T% A#E operatin inadmiralty on the LAN(, ;hih they annot do as it has already been established they are in the *iddle ofthe Atlanti ALL these so-alled 30S0 ourts ;ith their Puerto #ian Judes= Title K9 3S$ se 97K> are inan improper L%$ATI%N and improper +enue, either they shut the ourt do;n entirely or they tae thebuildin to the middle of the Atlanti oordinates are

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    Th C"&tr%'t( 7%rt(, '"&8r* th%t #&"'()9 whthr '"**(tt) (& t(* "3 p%' "r (&

    t(* "3 w%r9 (, % 'r(* -&)r (&tr&%t("&%$ $%w wh('h th+ -&)rt% t" pr;&t %&) t"



    I& th pr,&t C"&;&t("&9 #&"'() *%&, %&+ "3 th 3"$$"w( %'t, '"**(tt) w(th

    (&t&t t" ),tr"+9 (& wh"$ "r (& p%rt9 % &%t("&%$9 th&('%$9 r%'(%$ "r r$(#("-, #r"-p9 %,


    %2 K($$( **!r, "3 th #r"-pr&'h9 R-,,(%& %&) Sp%&(,h

    tt, %r F-%$$+ %-th&t('9 ,h%$$ !%r th )%t "3 D'*!r 146.

    Art('$ 11

    Th pr,&t C"&;&t("& ,h%$$ ! "p& -&t($ ?1 D'*!r 14 3"r ,(#&%t-r "& !h%$3 "3

    %&+ M*!r "3 th &(t) N%t("&, %&) "3 %&+ &"&**!r St%t t" wh('h %& (&;(t%t("&

    t" ,(#& h%, !& %))r,,) !+ th G&r%$ A,,*!$+.

    Th pr,&t C"&;&t("& ,h%$$ ! r%t(8)9 %&) th (&,tr-*&t, "3 r%t(8'%t("& ,h%$$ !

    )p",(t) w(th th S'rt%r+G&r%$ "3 th &(t) N%t("&,.

    A3tr 1 %&-%r+ 1509 th pr,&t C"&;&t("& *%+ ! %'')) t" "& !h%$3 "3 %&+

    M*!r "3 th &(t) N%t("&, %&) "3 %&+ &"&**!r St%t wh('h h%, r'(;) %&

    (&;(t%t("& %, %3"r,%().

    I&,tr-*&t, "3 %'',,("& ,h%$$ ! )p",(t) w(th th S'rt%r+G&r%$ "3 th &(t)


    Art('$ 1

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    A&+ C"&tr%'t( 7%rt+ *%+ %t %&+ t(*9 !+ &"t(8'%t("& %))r,,) t" th S'rt%r+

    G&r%$ "3 th &(t) N%t("&,9 t&) th %pp$('%t("& "3 th pr,&t C"&;&t("& t" %$$ "r

    %&+ "3 th trr(t"r(, 3"r th '"&)-'t "3 wh", 3"r(#& r$%t("&, th%t C"&tr%'t( 7%rt+ (,


    Art('$ 1?

    O& th )%+ wh& th 8r,t tw&t+ (&,tr-*&t, "3 r%t(8'%t("& "r %'',,("& h%; !&

    )p",(t)9 th S'rt%r+G&r%$ ,h%$$ )r%w -p % pr"',,;r!%$ %&) tr%&,*(t % '"p+ "3 (t

    t" %'h M*!r "3 th &(t) N%t("&, %&) t" %'h "3 th &"&**!r St%t,

    '"&t*p$%t) (& Art('$ 11.

    Th pr,&t C"&;&t("& ,h%$$ '"* (&t" 3"r' "& th &(&t(th )%+ 3"$$"w( th )%t "3

    )p",(t "3 th tw&t(th (&,tr-*&t "3 r%t(8'%t("& "r %'',,("&.

    A&+ r%t(8'%t("& "r %'',,("& 't) ,-!,F-&t t" th $%ttr )%t ,h%$$ !'"*

    't(; "& th &(&t(th )%+ 3"$$"w( th )p",(t "3 th (&,tr-*&t "3 r%t(8'%t("& "r


    Art('$ 14

    Th pr,&t C"&;&t("& ,h%$$ r*%(& (& 't 3"r % pr(") "3 t& +%r, %, 3r"* th )%t

    "3 (t, '"*( (&t" 3"r'.

    It ,h%$$ thr%3tr r*%(& (& 3"r' 3"r ,-'',,(; pr("), "3 8; +%r, 3"r ,-'h

    C"&tr%'t( 7%rt(, %, h%; &"t )&"-&') (t %t $%,t ,( *"&th, !3"r th p(r%t("& "3

    th '-rr&t pr(").

    D&-&'(%t("& ,h%$$ ! 't) !+ % wr(tt& &"t(8'%t("& %))r,,) t" th S'rt%r+G&r%$ "3 th &(t) N%t("&,.

    Art('$ 15

    I39 %, % r,-$t "3 )&-&'(%t("&,9 th &-*!r "3 7%rt(, t" th pr,&t C"&;&t("& ,h"-$)

    !'"* $,, th%& ,(t&9 th C"&;&t("& ,h%$$ '%, t" ! (& 3"r' %, 3r"* th )%t "&

    wh('h th $%,t "3 th, )&-&'(%t("&, ,h%$$ !'"* 't(;.

    Art('$ 1

    A rF-,t 3"r th r;(,("& "3 th pr,&t C"&;&t("& *%+ ! *%) %t %&+ t(* !+ %&+

    C"&tr%'t( 7%rt+ !+ *%&, "3 % &"t(8'%t("& (& wr(t( %))r,,) t" th S'rt%r+G&r%$.

    Th G&r%$ A,,*!$+ ,h%$$ )'() -p"& th ,tp,9 (3 %&+9 t" ! t%& (& r,p't "3 ,-'h


    Art('$ 1

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    Th S'rt%r+G&r%$ "3 th &(t) N%t("&, ,h%$$ &"t(3+ %$$ M*!r, "3 th &(t)

    N%t("&, %&) th &"&**!r St%t, '"&t*p$%t) (& Art('$ 11 "3 th 3"$$"w(:

    %2 S(#&%t-r,9 r%t(8'%t("&, %&) %'',,("&, r'(;) (& %''"r)%&' w(th Art('$ 11hene+er the legislati+e or executi+e authority or lawful agent of any %tate in contro+ersy with

    another shall present a petition to ongress stating the matter in question and praying for a hearing, notice

    thereof shall e gi+en y order of ongress to the legislati+e or executi+e authority of the other %tate in

    contro+ersy, and a day assigned for the appearance of the parties y their lawful agents, who shall then e

    directed to appoint y oint consent, commissioners or udges to constitute a court for hearing and

    determining the matter in question: ut if they cannot agree, ongress shall name three persons out of

    each of the nited %tates, and from the list of such persons each party shall alternately strike out one, the

    petitioners eginning, until the numer shall e reduced to thirteen; and from that numer not less than

    se+en, nor more than nine names as ongress shall direct, shall in the presence of ongress e drawn

    out y lot, and the persons whose names shall e so drawn or any fi+e of them, shall e commissioners orudges, to hear and finally determine the contro+ersy, so always as a maor part of the udges who shall

    hear the cause shall agree in the determination: and if either party shall neglect to attend at the day

    appointed, without showing reasons, which ongress shall udge sufficient, or eing present shall refuse to

    strike, the ongress shall proceed to nominate three persons out of each %tate, and the secretary of

    ongress shall strike in ehalf of such party asent or refusing; and the udgement and sentence of the

    court to e appointed, in the manner efore prescried, shall e final and conclusi+e; and if any of the

    parties shall refuse to sumit to the authority of such court, or to appear or defend their claim or cause, the

    court shall ne+ertheless proceed to pronounce sentence, or udgement, which shall in like manner e final

    and decisi+e, the udgement or sentence and other proceedings eing in either case transmitted to

    ongress, and lodged among the acts of ongress for the security of the parties concerned: pro+ided that

    e+ery commissioner, efore he sits in udgement, shall take an oath to e administered y one of the

    udges of the supreme or superior court of the %tate, where the cause shall e tried, ?well and truly to hear

    and determine the matter in question, according to the est of his udgement, without fa+or, affection or

    hope of reward?: pro+ided also, that no %tate shall e depri+ed of territory for the enefit of the nited


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    $ll contro+ersies concerning the pri+ate right of soil claimed under different grants of two or more

    %tates, whose urisdictions as they may respect such lands, and the %tates which passed such grants are

    adusted, the said grants or either of them eing at the same time claimed to ha+e originated antecedent

    to such settlement of urisdiction, shall on the petition of either party to the ongress of the nited %tates,

    e finally determined as near as may e in the same manner as is efore presecried for deciding

    disputes respecting territorial urisdiction etween different %tates.

    "he nited %tates in ongress assemled shall also ha+e the sole and exclusi+e right and power of

    regulating the alloy and +alue of coin struck y their own authority, or y that of the respecti+e %tates 44

    fixing the standards of weights and measures throughout the nited %tates 44 regulating the trade and

    managing all affairs with the #ndians, not memers of any of the %tates, pro+ided that the legislati+e right

    of any %tate within its own limits e not infringed or +iolated 44 estalishing or regulating post offices from

    one %tate to another, throughout all the nited %tates, and exacting such postage on the papers passing

    through the same as may e requisite to defray the expenses of the said office 44 appointing all officers of

    the land forces, in the ser+ice of the nited %tates, excepting regimental officers 44 appointing all the

    officers of the na+al forces, and commissioning all officers whate+er in the ser+ice of the nited %tates 44

    making rules for the go+ernment and regulation of the said land and na+al forces, and directing their


    "he nited %tates in ongress assemled shall ha+e authority to appoint a committee, to sit in the

    recess of ongress, to e denominated ?$ ommittee of the %tates?, and to consist of one delegate from

    each %tate; and to appoint such other committees and ci+il officers as may e necessary for managing the

    general affairs of the nited %tates under their direction 44 to appoint one of their memers to preside,

    pro+ided that no person e allowed to ser+e in the office of president more than one year in any term of

    three years; to ascertain the necessary sums of money to e raised for the ser+ice of the nited %tates,

    and to appropriate and apply the same for defraying the pulic expenses 44 to orrow money, or emit ills

    on the credit of the nited %tates, transmitting e+ery half4year to the respecti+e %tates an account of thesums of money so orrowed or emitted 44 to uild and equip a na+y 44 to agree upon the numer of land

    forces, and to make requisitions from each %tate for its quota, in proportion to the numer of white

    inhaitants in such %tate; which requisition shall e inding, and thereupon the legislature of each %tate

    shall appoint the regimental officers, raise the men and cloath, arm and equip them in a solid4like manner,

    at the expense of the nited %tates; and the officers and men so cloathed, armed and equipped shall

    march to the place appointed, and within the time agreed on y the nited %tates in ongress assemled.

    )ut if the nited %tates in ongress assemled shall, on consideration of circumstances udge proper that

    any %tate should not raise men, or should raise a smaller numer of men than the quota thereof, such

    extra numer shall e raised, officered, cloathed, armed and equipped in the same manner as the quota of

    each %tate, unless the legislature of such %tate shall udge that such extra numer cannot e safely

    spread out in the same, in which case they shall raise, officer, cloath, arm and equip as many of such extra

    numer as they udeg can e safely spared. $nd the officers and men so cloathed, armed, and equipped,

    shall march to the place appointed, and within the time agreed on y the nited %tates in ongress


    "he nited %tates in ongress assemled shall ne+er engage in a war, nor grant letters of marque or

    reprisal in time of peace, nor enter into any treaties or alliances, nor coin money, nor regulate the +alue

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    thereof, nor ascertain the sums and expenses necessary for the defense and welfare of the nited %tates,

    or any of them, nor emit ills, nor orrow money on the credit of the nited %tates, nor appropriate money,

    nor agree upon the numer of +essels of war, to e uilt or purchased, or the numer of land or sea forces

    to e raised, nor appoint a commander in chief of the army or na+y, unless nine %tates assent to the same:

    nor shall a question on any other point, except for adourning from day to day e determined, unless y

    the +otes of the maority of the nited %tates in ongress assemled.

    "he ongress of the nited %tates shall ha+e power to adourn to any time within the year, and to any

    place within the nited %tates, so that no period of adournment e for a longer duration than the space of

    six months, and shall pulish the ournal of their proceedings monthly, except such parts thereof relating to

    treaties, alliances or military operations, as in their udgement require secrecy; and the yeas and nays of

    the delegates of each %tate on any question shall e entered on the ournal, when it is desired y any

    delegates of a %tate, or any of them, at his or their request shall e furnished with a transcript of the said

    ournal, except such parts as are ao+e excepted, to lay efore the legislatures of the se+eral %tates.


    "he ommittee of the %tates, or any nine of them, shall e authoried to execute, in the recess of

    ongress, such of the powers of ongress as the nited %tates in ongress assemled, y the consent of

    the nine %tates, shall from time to time think expedient to +est them with; pro+ided that no power e

    delegated to the said ommittee, for the exercise of which, y the $rticles of onfederation, the +oice of

    nine %tates in the ongress of the nited %tates assemled e requisite.


    $anada aedin to this onfederation, and adCoinin in the measures

    of the 3nited States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all thead+antaes of this 3nion" but no other olony shall be admitted into the

    same, unless suh admission be areed to by nine States0


    $ll ills of credit emitted, monies orrowed, and dets contracted y, or under the authority of

    ongress, efore the assemling of the nited %tates, in pursuance of the present confederation, shall e

    deemed and considered as a charge against the nited %tates, for payment and satisfaction whereof the

    said nited %tates, and the pulic faith are herey solemnly pleged.


    9+ery %tate shall aide y the determination of the nited %tates in ongress assemled, on all

    questions which y this confederation are sumitted to them. $nd the $rticles of this onfederation shall

    e in+iolaly oser+ed y e+ery %tate, and the nion shall e perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any

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    time hereafter e made in any of them; unless such alteration e agreed to in a ongress of the nited

    %tates, and e afterwards confirmed y the legislatures of e+ery %tate.

    $nd >hereas it hath pleased the reat o+ernor of the >orld to incline the hearts of the legislatures

    we respecti+ely represent in ongress, to appro+e of, and to authorie us to ratify the said $rticles of

    onfederation and perpetual nion. =now 6e that we the undersigned delegates, y +irtue of the powerand authority to us gi+en for that purpose, do y these presents, in the name and in ehalf of our

    respecti+e constituents, fully and entirely ratify and confirm each and e+ery of the said $rticles of

    onfederation and perpetual nion, and all and singular the matters and things therein contained: $nd we

    do further solemnly plight and engage the faith of our respecti+e constituents, that they shall aide y the

    determinations of the nited %tates in ongress assemled, on all questions, which y the said

    onfederation are sumitted to them. $nd that the $rticles thereof shall e in+iolaly oser+ed y the

    %tates we respecti+ely represent, and that the nion shall e perpetual.

    #n >itness whereof we ha+e hereunto set our hands in ongress. one at (hiladelphia in the %tate of

    (ennsyl+ania the ninth day of 7uly in the 6ear of our Lord @ne "housand %e+en *undred and %e+enty4

    9ight, and in the "hird 6ear of the independence of $merica.

    $greed to y ongress AB -o+emer ACCC #n force after ratification y aryland, A arch ACDA

    %ource:ocuments #llustrati+e of the

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island





    ;"T !S " "T!

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    The roth in the numAer of nation-states means that nation-states are oin

    to have to co7e ith ne 7o$itica$= economic= and socia$ rea$ities% The ne

    entrants in the 7o$itica$ sstem Arin ith them ne o77ortunities for the

    internationa$ 7o$itica$ sstem= Aut a$so Arin ne 7roA$ems that theinternationa$ order must Ae aA$e to a77roach and attem7t to so$ve%



    " nation-state is a state= or countr= that has dened Aorders and territor% !t

    is additiona$$ a countr in hich a nation of 7rinci7a$$ the same t7e of7eo7$e eists= oraniHed A either race or cu$tura$ Aac4round% !n the nation-

    state= enera$$= everone ou$d s7ea4 the same $anuae= 7roAaA$ 7ractice

    the same or simi$ar t7es of re$iion= and share a set of cu$tura$= Inationa$=J


    From this strict denition itKs eas to see that the BS is not a nation-state% e

    have mu$ti7$e ethnicities= numAers of re$iions 7racticed= and diDerent cu$tura$

    norms% 'ven thouh citiHens of the BS share the same Aorders and territor=

    e do not= in the sense of the nation-state= share a common nationa$it%

    "nother a in hich a nation-state cannot eist is hen there is a dened

    ethnic and cu$tura$ rou7 that eists ithout territoria$ Aorders= and com7$ete

    riht of onershi7 to those Aorders% For eam7$e= hen immirants to the BS

    dec$ared the countr to Ae a state= numerous ative "merican triAes ere

    nations ithout Aein states% The Aorders of the various ative "merican

    nations ere disrearded A the $arer BS state= resu$tin in re7eated

    re$ocation of these nations to other areas and territories% These territories

    ere on$ he$d at the 7ermission of the BS% Toda= some triAes do have dened

    Aorders Aut the sti$$ in some cases ma Ae suAect to the $as of the BS=

    ma4in them not fu$$ nation-states%

    !n fact= most countries do not com7$ete$ fa$$ ithin the denition of the

    nation-state= since most countries have immirants%

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    Countries ith on$ a sma$$ numAer of immirants ma sti$$ Ae seen as

    containin 7redominant$ the same ethnicit and shared cu$ture and ma thus

    Ae considered as a77roachin the theoretica$ nation-state%

    !ce$and is considered a$most an idea$ nation-state since immiration to !ce$and

    is Luite $o% a7an a$so comes c$ose to Aein a nation-state Aecause the sense

    of nationa$ identit and shared $anuae is ver stron% !t is not coincidenta$

    that Aoth of these countries are is$ands and thus $ess Icrossin of the AorderJ

    can eist%

    The &e7uA$ic of !re$and a77roaches the nation-state= thouh immiration to

    other countries often $ed to more Southern !rish 7eo7$e $ivin outside of the

    &e7uA$ic than inside it% !t has re$ative$ fe immirants= ece7t returnin

    nationa$s or their descendants= and shares a stron nationa$ identit% !n the

    &e7uA$ic of !re$and= the state is founded on the 7rinci7$es of the nation= ith

    $as made res7ectin the dee7 Catho$ic Ae$iefs of the countr%

    The desire to estaA$ish a nation-state can Ae one of the most devastatin ones

    and ma resu$t in either mass eviction of other nationa$ities or ethnic

    c$eansin% ;it$er attem7ted to estaA$ish German as a nation-state A rst

    ei$in es= and then u$timate$= A 4i$$in the maorit of eish residents in

    German= and in other countries he conLuered $i4e Po$and% "ttem7tin to

    enforce a nation-state here none tru$ eists often resu$ts in hih numAers ofdeaths for $are minorit 7o7u$ations and a $ac4 of humanit to the etreme

    *% ! co7ied this 7art from the end of $in4 M5 Ae$o for ou to research%

    ,ac4round: Federa$ Court of Canada Fi$e o% T-1309-0)= #ahentinetha et a$ v%

    The Nueen:

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    Sec% *) Federa$ Court "ct% Fi$ed FeA% 26= 2009= on ;on% ohn Sims= /e7ut

    "ttorne Genera$ of Canada 613-9*6-2..* Fa 613-952-6006% Contact:

    arie4e ,ouchard 613-952-6006 Cnthia Reaver= &eiona$ "ssistant 613-952-

    3653 Shurman Rono Grenier 613-)6)-9009 incent ei$$eu 613-952-6006%Q

    "rt% 2.= Geneva Conventions: 7rotected 7ersons are entit$ed to res7ect for

    their 7ersons= honor= fami$ rihts= re$iious convictions= manners and

    customs% The sha$$ Ae treated humane$ es7ecia$$ aainst vio$ence or

    threats and insu$ts% omen shou$d es7ecia$$ Ae 7rotected aainst indecent

    assau$t Aased on race= re$iion and 7o$itica$ o7inions%

    C""/" "CC!/'T"RR &'C

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    The omen are not Canadian citiHens as the oha4 ation never

    re$inLuished our territoria$ inde7endence% The to omen too4 it to the

    Federa$ Court of Canada= FC" T-1309-0)= to address the human rihts aAuses%

    Canada is su77osed to $ive u7 to its commitments under internationa$ $a to

    res7ect human rihts of a$$%

    The Cron issued orders res7ectin our sovereint%

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    co$on of Canada = the are res7ectin our sovereint% The actua$$ have no

    Ausiness as4in our 7eo7$e anthin% e cannot a$$o them to interfere ith

    our natura$ Airthriht and our riht to trave$ free$ aAout our home$and or

    enterin our communities%

    The co$onia$ 7irates that are attac4in and conscatin our $eitimate

    7roducts on our rivers are a$so out of their urisdiction% The have no riht

    hatsoever to interfere ith our trade and commerce anhere% "$$

    ateras are our hihas $on Aefore the comin of foreiners to this $and

    to Ae free$ traversed A us%

    These Federa$ Court of Canada orders reconiHe that !ndienous 7eo7$e on

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    htt7:88%cafe7ress%com8moha4nes SuAscriAe to for Area4in nes

    u7dates htt7:88%moha4nationnes%com8nes8suAscri7tion%7h7 Sin omen

    Tit$e ;o$ders 7etitionW htt7:88%i7etitions%com87etition8!roLuois

    ,ac4round: Federa$ Court of Canada Fi$e o% T-1309-0)= #ahentinetha et a$ v%

    The Nueen:

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    ItP, "!B't ,h%$$ ! t" %);%&' th ,'(&' "3 B-r(,pr-)&'9 pr"*"t th %)*(&(,tr%t("&"3 B-,t(' %&) -&(3"r*(t+ "3 $#(,$%t("& %&) "3 B-)('(%$ )'(,("& thr"-#h"-t th N%t("&9-ph"$) th h"&"r "3 th pr"3,,("& "3 th $%w9 &'"-r%# '"r)(%$ (&tr'"-r, %*" th**!r, "3 th A*r('%& %r %&) t" '"rr$%t th %'t(;(t(, "3 th %r "r#%&(%t("&, "3th r,p't(; St%t, "& % rpr,&t%t(; !%,(,9 (& th (&tr,t "3 th $#%$ pr"3,,("& %&)"3 th p-!$(' thr"-#h"-t th &(t) St%t,. AA C"&,t(t-t("&9 Art('$ 12



    R,"$;)9 Th%t th A*r('%& %r A,,"'(%t("& &"t, w(th %ppr";%$ th 3-rthr pr"#r,,*%)9 w(th(& th ,tr-'t-r %&) Ch%rtr "3 th &(t) N%t("&,9 %t th r'&t I&trA*r('%& C"&3r&' 3"r th M%(&t&%&' "3 C"&t(&&t%$ 7%' %&) S'-r(t+9 h$) %t-(t(&)(&(% (& r%($9 (& (*p$*&t( th A't "3 Ch%p-$tp' %&) ,trth&( 3-rthr

    th ,p(r(t "3 3r(&)$+ '"&,-$t%t("&, %&) "3 ,-!*(,,("& t" $%w#";r&) pr"')-r,9 %, w$$%, th *%&, "3 -&(t) ,$3)3&,9 thr"-#h"-t th A*r('%,9 %#%(&,t %##r,,("&, 3r"*"-t,() %&) 3"r th pr;&t("& "3 th '%-,, "3 )(,p-t, %&) *(,-&)r,t%&)(, %*"th &%t("&, "3 th(, h*(,phr. Th A,,"'(%t("& h%($, w(th p%rt('-$%r ,%t(,3%'t("& thI&trA*r('%& Tr%t+ "3 R'(pr"'%$ A,,(,t%&'9 ,(#&) %t R(" ) %&(r" "& Spt*!r !+ th rpr,&t%t(;, "3 &(&t& A*r('%& rp-!$(',9 %, % '"&'rt )*"&,tr%t("& "3wh%t '%& ! %''"*p$(,h) w(th(& th 3r%*w"r "3 th &(t) N%t("&,9 !+ &%t("&, wh('h%r w($$( t" ,-!*(t th*,$;, t" th r-$ "3 $%w %&) t" %#r t" %'t t"#thr 3"r*-t-%$ %,,(,t%&' %&) )3&, %#%(&,t %##r,,("& '$%r$+ )8&).

    Th A,,"'(%t("& '"**&), th(, Tr%t+ t" th '"&,()r%t("& "3 th D$#%t("& "3 th&(t) St%t, (& th G&r%$ A,,*!$+ "3 th &(t) N%t("&, %&) t" $(*(&)) p"p$,

    !'%-, "3 (t, '$%r %&) ,p'(8' ,t%t*&t %&) $(*(t%t("& "3 (t, ,'"p %&) p-rp",, %&),p'(%$$+ (t, %''pt%&' "3 th pr(&'(p$, "3 )'(,("& !+ % ;"t "3 tw"th(r), "3 th**!r &%t("&, "& *%B"r F-,t("&, % *%B"r(t+ ;"t "& ,"* "thr,29 w(th % p%rt+ t" %)(,p-t !tw& **!r, '$-)) 3r"* ;"t( "& (t9 &" &%t("& rF-(r) t" -, %r*)3"r' w(th"-t (t, '"&,&t9 %&) &" r(#ht "r p"wr "& th p%rt "3 %&+ &%t("& t" ;t" "r!$"' th )8&) pr"')-r, 3"r p%'(8' ,tt$*&t "3 '"&tr";r,(, w(th(& th A*r('%,%&) 3"r -&(t) %'t("& (& th r'(, "3 th (&hr&t r(#ht "3 (&)(;()-%$ "r '"$$'t(; ,$3)3&, r'"#&() !+ Art('$ 51 "3 th Ch%rtr9 %#%(&,t %##r,,("& 3r"* %&+ ,"-r'9%&+whr w(th(& % C"&t(&&t%$ A*r('%& "& )8&) (& th tr%t+.

    R,"$;) >-rthr9 Th%t th A*r('%& %r A,,"'(%t("& h%($, w(th ,p'(%$ ,%t(,3%'t("& thpr"#r,, *%) %t -(t(&)(&(% %&) R(" ) %&(r" !'%-, (t h%, !& 3",tr) %'t(;$+

    %&) ,-!,t%&t(%$$+ !+ $%w+r, "3 th A*r('%,9 thr"-#h th(r r,p't(; !%r %,,"'(%t("&,%&) $%r&) %'%)*(, "3 th $%w< %&) th%t th(, A,,"'(%t("& p$)#, (t, '"&t(&-),-pp"rt9 thr"-#h (t, "w& %'t(;(t(, %&) (t, p%rt('(p%t("& (& th I&trA*r('%& %rA,,"'(%t("&9 (& !h%$3 "3 th "!B't(;, "3 th tr%t+ %&) (& !h%$3 "3 p%'9-&)r,t%&)( *-t-%$ %,,(,t%&' %&) ,$3)3&,9 %&) th pr;%$&' "3 th r-$ "3$%w9 thr"-#h"-t th A*r('%,.

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    R,"$;) >-rthr9 Th%t th A*r('%& %r A,,"'(%t("& 3%;"r, %&) -r#, th %r$(,tpr%'t('%!$ r%t(8'%t("& "3 th I&trA*r('%& Tr%t+ "3 R'(pr"'%$ A,,(,t%&' !+ thS&%t "3 th &(t) St%t,.

    Q Th, r'"**&)%t("&, wr %)"pt) !+ th H"-, "3 D$#%t,


    R,"$;)9 Th%t th A*r('%& %r A,,"'(%t("& pr,,, (t, #r%t(8'%t("& th%t th G&r%$A,,*!$+ "3 th &(t) N%t("&, h%, !3"r (t 3"r '"&,()r%t("& %&) %'t("& % &"t%!$rp"rt !+ (t, )(,t(-(,h) '"**(tt9 wh('h ,-!*(t, )8&(t(; p$%&, 3"r th pr"#r,,(;);$"p*&t %&) th ;&t-%$ ,t%t*&t "r '")(8'%t("& "3 th r-$, %&) pr(&'(p$, "3(&tr&%t("&%$ $%w.

    R,"$;) >-rthr9 Th%t (3 th I&tr&%t("&%$ L%w C"**(,,("& pr"p",) !+ th rp"rt (,%-th"r() !+ th G&r%$ A,,*!$+ %&) $'t) !+ th &(t) N%t("&,9 th(, A,,"'(%t("&%, %& %''r)(t) "r#%&(%t("& $" %t w"r (& th 8$) ,h%$$ t&)r %&) r&)r t" thC"**(,,("& %&) th S'rt%r(%t ,-'h %,,(,t%&' %, th+ ),(r th%t th(, A,,"'(%t("& ,h%$$

    -&)rt%9 thr"-#h (t, '"&,t(t-t) '"**(tt, %&) ,'t("&, %, h(thrt" ;"t) !+ thH"-, "3 D$#%t, %&) (& '$", '""pr%t("& w(th Th C%&%)(%& %r A,,"'(%t("&9 t" th'"&t(&-%&' "3 wh('h th(, A,,"'(%t("& p$)#, (t, !,t "rt,.


    R,"$;)9 Th%t th A*r('%& %r A,,"'(%t("& pr,,, %#%(& (t, '"&,()r) "p(&("& t"! th%t th (&tr,t, "3 p%'9 B-,t(' %&) $%w thr"-#h"-t th w"r$) w($$ !,t !%);%&') thr"-#h th '"&t(&-%&' "3 -&(t)9 "-t,p"& ,-pp"rt "3 th &(t) N%t("&, !+th A*r('%& p"p$9 %&) th%t "rt, t" ,trth& %&) t&) (&tr&%t("&%$"r#%&(%t("&9 '""pr%t("& %&) '"&tr"$ "3 *%ttr, wh('h %r (&tr&%t("&%$ (& th(r ,'"p,h"-$) ! -&)rt%& w(th(& th 3r%*w"r "3 th &(t) N%t("&, %&) "& th !%,(, "3

    -&)(;()) ,-pp"rt "3 th%t "r#%&(%t("&.

    R,"$;) >-rthr9 Th%t th A*r('%& %r A,,"'(%t("& -r#, th%t $%w+r, %&) "thr'(t(&, ,h%$$ )" %$$ th+ '%& (& th(r h"* '"**-&(t(, t" *%(&t%(& %& (&3"r*) p-!$('"p(&("& (& 3%;"r "3 w"r( thr"-#h th &(t) N%t("&, 3"r %''"*p$(,h( th #r%t"!B't(;, "3 th Ch%rtr %&) th St%t-t "3 th I&tr&%t("&%$ C"-rt "3 -,t('.


    R,"$;)9 Th%t wh($ th A*r('%& %r A,,"'(%t("& h%, r'"#&() %&) -r#)9 %t th t(*"3 th %)"pt("& %&) r%t(8'%t("& "3 th Ch%rtr (& 145 %&) ,(&'9 th%t ,trth&(%*&)*&t, (& ,;r%$ r,p't, w($$ ! &)) %&) ,h"-$) ! '"&,()r) (& th $(#ht "3

    pr(&'9 th A,,"'(%t("& r,p't3-$$+ ,-!*(t, t" th D$#%t("& "3 th &(t) St%t, (&th G&r%$ A,,*!$+ "3 th &(t) N%t("&, th A,,"'(%t("&P, "p(&("& th%t %t th pr,&tB-&'t-r thr (, %& ,p'(%$ &) th%t9 thr"-#h %#r)"& (&trprt%t("&, "3 th Ch%rtr(& th pr"')-r%$ r-$, "r thr"-#h th 3"r*-$%t("& %&) %)"pt("& "3 ,p'(8' %*&)*&t,"3 th Ch%rtr (3 &) !9 (t ,h%$$ ! %,,-r) th%t tw"th(r), "r "thr ,-!,t%&t(%$ *%B"r(t+"3 th &%t("&, wh('h w(,h t" ,-!*(t th*,$;, t" th r-$ "3 $%w %&) %''"*p$(,h thp%'(8' ,tt$*&t "3 (&tr&%t("&%$ )(,p-t, '%& t% 't(; %'t("& %#%(&,t %##r,,("&%&) )" ," w(th(& th pr"')-r, "3 th &(t) N%t("&,9 !+"&) th p"wr "3 % *(&"r(t+ t";t" %&) pr;&t th %'t("& "3 ,-'h % *%B"r(t+ (& th, r,p't,.

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    R,"$;) >-rthr9 Th%t %$th"-#h th A*r('%& %r A,,"'(%t("& h"p, th%t %$$ **!r, "3th &(t) N%t("&, w($$ %'') t" th pr(&'(p$, "3 't(; %'t("& !+ ,-!,t%&t(%$*%B"r(t(,9 ,-'h %, h%; $%t$+ !& %''pt) !+ &(&t& rp-!$(', "3 th(, h*(,phr9%$$ "3 wh('h %r **!r, "3 th &(t) N%t("&,9 th A,,"'(%t("& r,p't3-$$+ ,-!*(t, t"th D$#%t("& "3 th &(t) St%t, (& th G&r%$ A,,*!$+ th A,,"'(%t("&P, '"&,()r)"p(&("& th%t %&+ ,-'h %*&)*&t,9 (3 pr"')) w(th9 ,h"-$) ! ,p'(8' %&) ,-@'(&t

    t" %''"*p$(,h th %!";,t%t) p-rp",9 %&) th%t '"&,()r%t("& ,h"-$) ! #(;& t" ,"'"&)(t("&( th(r ,-!*(,,("& 3"r r%t(8'%t("& %, t" *% '$%r th (&t&t("& "3 thr%t(3+( **!r, t" p-t th* (&t" 't !tw& th*,$;, (3 %&) wh& th+ %rr%t(8) !+ %t $%,t tw"th(r), "3 th **!r St%t,.


    R,"$;)9 Th%t th A*r('%& %r A,,"'(%t("& pr,,, th & (&tr,t "3 (t, **!r,(& th pr"p",) I&tr&%t("&%$ Tr%) Or#%&(%t("& %&) (t, pr"p",) Ch%rtr9 t" ! #(;&8&%$ 3"r* %&) %ppr";%$ %t % '"&3r&' t" '"&;& (& H%;%&%9 C-!%9 "& N";*!r 1"r %& %-th"r(t%t(; !")+ "3 B-r(,'"&,-$t, t" ,t%t %&))'$%r (&tr&%t("&%$ %&) w"r$) $%w w($$ #(; (t #r%t w(#ht %&) 3"r'9 w($$ *% (t %,t%&)%r) t" wh('h $%w%!()( &%t("&, w($$ rp%(r. T" #(; (t !(&)( 3"r' (& th ,&, th%t)"*,t(' $#(,$%t("& (, $%w w($$ ! % ,'"&) ,tp9 !-t h%r)$+ )(@'-$t "& th p%rt "3

    &%t("&, th%t %r *(&)) t" p$)# th*,$;, t" %!() th r-$ "3 $%w.

    Y"-r '"**(tt ,-!*(t, th 3"$$"w( !r(3 '"**&t "& (t, pr(&'(p%$ r'"**&)%t("&,:



    N(&t& A*r('%& rp-!$(',9 12 '"&,t(t-t( *"r th%& "&th(r) "3 th ,t%t-, (& thr(t(,h C"**"&w%$th "3 N%t("&,9 th D"*(&("& "3 C%&%)% )() &"t t% p%rt (& thC"&3r&' "r ,(#& th Tr%t+9 !-t pr";(,("& w%, *%) 3"r (t, %'',,("& "r '""pr%t("&9 (3C%&%)% ," ),(r, %&) )'(),. I& %&+ ;&t9 C%&%)% %&) th &(t) St%t, h%; 3"r

    *%&+ *"&th, !& t%( pr%'t('%$ ,tp, 3"r th )3&, "3 N"rth A*r('% %#%(&,t%tt%'9 %&) h%; $" r,"rt) t" 3r(&)$+ %&) p%'3-$ *%&, "3 ,tt$( wh%t;r)(,p-t, "r pr"!$*, %r(, !tw& th*.

    O3 3%r r%'h( (*p"rt%&' (, th 3%'t th%t th Tr%t+ "3 R(" ) %&(r" '"&t%(&, % '$%r)8&(t("& "3 $*&t%r+ %'t, "3 %##r,,("& wh('h %r "-t$%w) (& %);%&' %&) %r &"t$3t t" p",t 3%'t" )!%t %&) p"$(t('%$ %'t("& ,-!B't t" th ;t"9 %, (, th '%, (& thCh%rtr "3 th &(t) N%t("&,. A 3-rthr #%(& (, th r'"#&(t("& %&) ,p'(8' %&) !%,('%;r*&t th%t th A*r('%& r#("&%$ '"**-&(t+ %@r*, %, *%&(3,t tr-th th%t B-r()('%$"r#%&(%t("& (, % &',,%r+ prrF-(,(t "3 ,'-r(t+ %&) p%' %&) (, 3"-&)) "& B-,t('%&) *"r%$ "r)r 7r%*!$2.

    I& th(, %&) "thr r,p't,9 th ,(#&(8'%&' "3 wh%t h%, !& %''"*p$(,h) !+ th&%t("&, "3 th A*r('%, *%+ w$$ ! '"**&)) %t th(, t(* t" th A*r('%& D$#%t("&(& th &(t) N%t("&, %&) t" th w"r$). Th pr(&'(p$,9 p-rp",,9 %&) pr%'t('%$'t(;&,, "3 th Ch%rtr h%; !& %,,-r) %, t" th W,tr& H*(,phr. Wh%t h%,!& %*('%!$+ %#r) "& %&) )"& hr t" "-t$%w w%r "3 %##r,,("&9 %,,-r th,tt$*&t "3 )(,p-t, !+ B-r()('%$ "r "thr p%'3-$ *%&,9 %&) pr";() 3"r th '"**"&)3&, %#%(&,t %tt%'9 *p$(8, wh%t '%& ! )"& -&)r th Ch%rtr. Th%t *"r th%&"&th(r) "3 th **!r, "3 th &(t) N%t("&, !(&) th*,$;, t" %''pt )'(,("&, !+ %tw"th(r), ;"t "& %'t("&, w(th(& th%t ,p'(8' %&) $(*(t) 8$)9 w(th "-t % ;t" p"wr"& th p%rt "3 %&+ &%t("&9 P*%+ ! %$," % h"p3-$ %-#-r+ %, w$$ %, %*p$. Th ,"$$(*(t%t("& "& '"$$'t(; %'t("& ," )tr*(&) (, th%t &" &%t("& ,h%$$ ! rF-(r) t" -,%r*) 3"r' w(th"-t (t, '"&,&t Tr%t+9 Art('$ 029 !+ (t, ;"t "r "thrw(,.

    Th Tr%t+ *%+ th-, "r %& "pp"rt-&(t+9 (& th%t (t )&"t, th ,-pp"rt "3 th &(t)St%t, %&) "thr **!r, "3 th &(t) N%t("&,9 (& th(, h*(,phr9 3"r pr(&'(p$, wh('h*(#ht ,"$; ,"* "3 th *%B"r )(@'-$t(, -&)r th Ch%rtr. N" &%t("& w($$ ! "!$(#%t)t" p%rt('(p%t (& ,%&'t("&, "3 % *($(t%r+ 'h%r%'tr -&$,, (t h%, ;"t) 3"r th%t "r "thrw(,'"&,&t). O& "3 th r%,"&, -r#) 3"r #r%&t( %&) rt%(&( th ;t"9 3"r th 8;pr(&'(p%$ p"wr,9 h%, !& th%t th &(t) St%t, ,h"-$) &"t p-t (t,$3 (& % p",(t("&

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    whr (t *(#ht ! '%$$) "& t" 3-r&(,h %&) -,9 w(th"-t (t, "w& '"&,&t9 (t, %r*) 3"r',t" &3"r' &"&-&%&(*"-, )'(,("&,.

    Y"-r '"**(tt r'"**&), th%t th A,,"'(%t("& 3%;"r th ,p)+ r%t(8'%t("& "3 thTr%t+. ?2



    Th rp"rt "3 th G&r%$ A,,*!$+P, '"**(tt9 %, ,-!*(tt) t" th **!r, "3 th&(t) N%t("&, %&) &"w p&)( !3"r th G&r%$ A,,*!$+ %t >$-,h( M%)"w,9 %,,-**%r() (& th -$+ ORNAL ?? A..A.. ?0 142 %&) p-!$(,h) (& 3-$$ (& thA-#-,t ORNAL ?? A..A. . 6?16?5 142

    Th r'"**&)) t%, (, t" ! &tr-,t) (& th 8r,t (&,t%&'9 %, "-r A,,"'(%t("&r'"**&)) (& 1459 !3"r th S%& >r%&'(,'" C"&3r&' ?1 A..A.. 6< M%+9

    1452 %&) %#%(& t" th St%t Dp%rt*&t (& M%+ "3 14 ?? A..A.. 6< -$+9 1429 t"%& I&tr&%t("&%$ L%w C"**(,,("& "3 83t& ,p'(%$$+ F-%$(8) B-r(,t, %&) B-r(,'"&,-$t,wh" w($$ ! &"*(&%t) !+ th **!r &%t("&, "& % !%,(, wh('h w($$ t&) t" %,,-r th%t&"& w($$ &%* "&$+ (t, "w& &%t("&%$,. 42 Th+ w($$ ! $'t) !+ th G&r%$ A,,*!$+%&) th S'-r(t+ C"-&'($9 (& th ,%* *%&&r %, B-)#, "3 th I&tr&%t("&%$ C"-rt "3-,t(' %r $'t) 42 th(, %$," %, r'"**&)) !+ "-r A,,"'(%t("& ?1A..A.. 6OR THE NITED NATIONS AND >OR WORKINGTHROGH THE NITED NATIONS TO STRENGTHEN IT

    O-r A,,"'(%t("& h%, rp%t)$+ )'$%r) 3"r -&(t)9 -&)(;()) ,-pp"rt "3 th &(t)N%t("&, %&) (t, Ch%rtr !+ th A*r('%& p"p$. S-'h % )'$%r%t("& (, "pp"rt-& %&) w$$B-,t(8) %t th(, B-&'t-r. >()$(t+ t" th &(t) N%t("&, w%, )'$%r) !+ 7r,()&tTr-*%& %t R(" ) %&(r" t" ! th '"r&r,t"& "3 A*r('%& p"$('+. It h%, pr"3"-&)$+

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    %'t) %&) 'h%) th%t p"$('+9 (& th%t "r#%&() '""pr%t("& w(th "thr &%t("&, h%,!'"* % pr(*%r+ "!B't(;.

    p t" th pr,&t t(*9 th &(t) N%t("&, h%, !& (& *"r th%& % 3w r,p't, $,,'t(; th%t h%) !& 3"&)$+ h"p) wh& th Ch%rtr w%, ,(#&). 7rh%p, t"" *-'hw%, p't) "3 (t t"" ,""&9 !+ ,"*< th *%'h(&r+ %&) pr"')-r, 3"r '"&,-$t%t("&,

    %&) "r#%&() '""pr%t("& '%&&"t "3 th*,$;, *% %$$ &%t("&, $%w%!()( "r (&,t($$(**)(%t$+ % p-rp", t" #t %$" t"#thr %*('%!$+ ),p(t '"&=('t( ()"$"#(,.

    M*"r(, *%+ ! ,h"rt$(;). 7r"!%!$+ #"")w($$ %&) % ,p(r(t "3 -&)r,t%&)( %&)'""pr%t("& %r *"r *%&(3,t t")%+ %*" *"r &%t("&, th%& w%, th '%, )-r( th8r,t t& "r *"r +%r, %3tr W"r$) W%r I. E;& (& th '"&,p('-"-, %&) h(#h$+ pr";"'%t(;'"&tr";r,(, (& wh('h th &(t) N%t("&, h%, %pp%r) t" *% $(tt$ "r &" h%)w%+ (&th %!,&' "3 (t, G&r%$ A,,*!$+9 *%&+ "!,r;r, h%; 3$t th%t th %##r%;%t("&,wr $,, %'-t !'%-, th )(,p-t%&t, wr 3%' t" 3%' %&) %r"-&) % t%!$9 %&) h%) t",t%t %&) %r#- th(r '$%(*, (& %, 3r(&)$+ %& %t*",phr %, '"-$) ! 'r%t).

    +"&) % )"-!t9 th r(3t !tw& th E%,t %&) th W,t h%, th-, 3%r 'r%t) ,r("-,

    "!,tr-'t("&,9 wh('h (,t( pr"')-r, %&) p"wr, h%; &"t ";r'"*9 -t th &(t)N%t("&, pr";(), th "&$+ 3"r-* (& wh('h th ,p",*& 3"r th tw" ,phr, %r'"&t(&-%$$+ !r"-#ht t"#thr< 3"r )(,'-,,("& wh('h (, %*('%!$ (& ,p(r(t %$th"-#h%&(*%t) %&) %t t(*, )(;(,(;. E,p'(%$$+ (& ;(w "3 wh%t h%, r'&t$+ !&%''"*p$(,h) -&)r th Ch%rtr %&) w(th(& th 3r%*w"r "3 th &(t) N%t("&,9 +"-r'"**(tt (, "3 th "p(&("& th%t "rt, t" ,trth& th Ch%rtr %&) t&) th't(;&,, "3 (&tr&%t("&%$ "r#%&(%t("& %&) '""pr%t("& ,h"-$) (& %&+ ;&t #"3"rw%r) "& th !%,(, "3 ,-pp"rt( th &(t) N%t("&, r%thr th%& "3 %!%&)"&( "rrB't( th (,t( (&tr&%t("&%$ "r#%&(%t("&.



    Th G&r%$ A,,*!$+ (, (& ,,,("& (& Nw Y"r C(t+. 3"r (t, pr,&t '"&;"'%t("& &),9th pr"p",%$ "3 %*&)*&t, "3 th Ch%rtr ,*, 'rt%(& t" r'(; th '"&,()r%t("& "3$%)r, %&) )$#%t, (& th%t t"w& *t( "3 th w"r$).

    E;r ,(&' th ,(#&( %&) r%t(8'%t("& "3 th Ch%rtr (& 1459 "-r A,,"'(%t("& h%, !& "3th "p(&("& th%t ,trth&( %*&)*&t, w($$ ! &)) %&) ,h"-$) ! ,"-#ht %,pr(&' *%) (t %);(,%!$. At th %ppr"pr(%t t(*9 (3 th &(t) St%t, D$#%t("& (&th A,,*!$+ (&)('%t, th%t th B-)#*&t %&) r'"**&)%t("&, "3 "-r A,,"'(%t("& %r),(r) "r w($$ ! '"&,()r)9 +"-r '"**(tt w($$ ! prp%r) t" ,-!*(t ,p'(8',-##,t("&,.

    At th pr,&t t(*9 +"-r '"**(tt (, "3 th "p(&("& th%t %'t("& !+ "-r A,,"'(%t("& w($$&"t %);(,%!$+ #" !+"&) th r'"**&)%t("&, wh('h %''"*p%&+ th(, rp"rt. Th Tr%t+!tw& th A*r('%& rp-!$(', wh('h '"*pr(, *"r th%& "&th(r) "3 th **!r,*%+ "p& "r p"(&t w%+ t" (&trprt%t("&, "r %*&)*&t, wh('h w($$ &%!$ pr"*pt %&)'t(; %'t("& !+ % tw"th(r), ;"t "r "thr ,-!,t%&t(%$ *%B"r(t+. Th Ch%rtrP,rF-(r*&t "3 -&%&(*(t+ "3 %'t("& %*" th 8; &%t("&, h%;( pr*%&&trpr,&t%t("& (& th S'-r(t+ C"-&'($ h%, #(;& t" ,r("-, pr"!$*,. 52 M"r th%& %th(r) "3 th **!r, "3 th &(t) N%t("&,9 (&'$-)( th &(t) St%t, h%; %#r) th%t

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    &" ,-'h ;t" (, &)) %*" %&+ "3 th &%t("&, "3 th(, h*(,phr9 (& 3-$8$$( thp%r%*"-&t p-rp",, "3 th Ch%rtr.

    It ,h"-$) "3 '"-r, ! r'"#&() th%t th ;t", (&trp",) h%; !& w(th(& thr(#ht, "3 th pr(&'(p%$ p"wr, -&)r th Ch%rtr. N" '$%(* th%t th+ ;("$%t) thpr";(,("&, "3 th Ch%rtr '"-$) ! *%). O& th "thr h%&)9 *%&+ "3 th* %r r#%r))

    %, ;("$%t( !"th th ,p(r(t %&) th $ttr "3 th %,,-r%&', wh('h th 8; pr(&'(p%$p"wr, #%; %t th S%& >r%&'(,'" C"&3r&'9 %, t" th t&t %&) p-rp",, 3"r wh('hth+ w"-$) -, th ;t". 2

    Crt%(&$+ th S%& >r%&'(,'" C"&3r&' )tr*(&) %&) )'$%r) th%t (3 % ;t" w%,(&trp",) %, %& %*&)*&t "3 th Ch%rtr ),(r) !+ th #r%t *%B"r(t+ "3 th **!r&%t("&,9 th%t *%B"r(t+ w%, &"t t" ! w(th"-t r*)+. 2

    Th pr,,) %tt(t-) "3 th &(t) St%t,9 !3"r9 %&) )-r( th 8r,t )%+, "3 th*t( "3 th G&r%$ A,,*!$+9 (, th%t 62 W %r &"t -&%$tr%!$+ "pp",) t" ;r+pr"p",%$ 3"r % r;(,("& "3 th Ch%rtr %$th"-#h w !$(; th%t thr (, %t th pr,&tt(* &" &) 3"r *%B"r r;(,("&, "3 th Ch%rtr "r 3"r % 'h% (& th #&r%$ 'h%r%'tr

    "3 th &(t) N%t("&,.

    M%&+ %rt('$, "3 th Ch%rtr h%; &"t +t !& !r"-#ht (&t" p$%+ %&) #(;& $(3 %&)*%&( !+ pr%'t('%$ %pp$('%t("&. N"& "3 th pr(&'(p%$ "r#%&, h%; %, +t 3-$$+ rt)th %-th"r(t+ %&) (&=-&' wh('h %r p",,(!$ -&)r th (,t( Ch%rtr. Th **!r,th*,$;, %, rpr,&t) (& th G&r%$ A,,*!$+ h%; !+ &" *%&, h%-,t) thp"t&t(%$(t(, "3 th Ch%rtr (& 8&)( w%+, %&) *%&, "3 ";r'"*( "!,tr-'t("& %&) "3*t( th(r '"**"& pr"!$*, Wh($ w *(#ht ! w($$( t" %''pt 'rt%(&%*&)*&t, t" th Ch%rtr9 w !$(; th%t r%p() pr"#r,, '%& ! *%) (& th(**)(%t 3-t-r w(th(& th #&r%$ 3r%*w"r wh('h w &"w h%; %&) w ,h%$$"-r,$;, *% pr"p",%$, 3"r -t($(( *"r 3-$$+ (,t( *%'h(&r+.

    Th &%t-r %&) ,'"p "3 th pr"p",%$, !+ th &(t) St%t, t" 3-$8$$ th p"t&t(%$(t(, "3th Ch%rtr9 t" 8&) w%+, %&) *%&, "3 ";r'"*( "!,tr-'t("&9 %&) t" %''"*p$(,hr%p() pr"#r,,. . . (& th (**)(%t 3-t-r w(th(& th #&r%$ 3r%*w"r wh('h w &"wh%;9 h%; &"t !& *%) p-!$(' %t th(, wr(t(. 2 %,('%$$+9 th+ , th,trth&( "3 th G&r%$ A,,*!$+ t" %& t&t th%t (t, pr,&t ,,,("& *%+ !#(&% &w ph%, (& th $(3 "3 th &(t) N%t("&,. S%() S'rt%r+ M%r,h%$$:

    Th G&r%$ A,,*!$+ (, th 3"r-* (& wh('h th(, ,pt('(,* *-,t ! 3"r,t%$$) %&) th3"r-* (& wh('h "-r )(,%#r*&t, *-,t ! r,"$;). Th #r%t *"r%$ %&) p"$(t('%$ 3"r',"3 th w"r$) *-,t ,"*h"w ! !r"-#ht t" !%r w(th 3-$$ 't thr"-#h th G&r%$A,,*!$+.

    Th A*r('%& pr"p",%$, w($$ )"-!t$,, (&'$-) %$$ "r *",t "3 th", wh('h D$#%tHr,'h$ V. "h&,"& (&3"r*%$$+ ,-!*(tt) t" th S'-r(t+ C"-&'($ "& A-#-,t 9 t" ,h"wth t&t t" wh('h %#r)"& '$%r(8'%t("&, %&) %*&)*&t, "3 th C"-&'($P, pr"')-r%$r-$, '"-$) r*"; "!,t%'$, t" 't(; %'t("&9 w(th"-t %*&)*&t "3 th Ch%rtr. 102I3 th, 'h%, h%) !& (& 't9 th+ w"-$) &"t h%; !%rr) th ;t", wh('h h%;!& (&trp",).

    A&"thr pr"p",%$ 3%;"r) !+ ,"* &%t("&, (, th%t9 thr"-#h %#r*&t "r thr"-#h%*&)*&t "3 th Ch%rtr (3 &) !9 th ;t" ,h%$$ %pp$+ "&$+ t" ,%&'t("&, %&)

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    &3"r'*&t *%,-r, !+ th S'-r(t+ C"-&'($ %&) ,h%$$ &"t %pp$+ t" ,tp, 3"r 3%'t8&)( %&) th p%'3-$ ,tt$*&t "3 )(,p-t,. Th(, 'h% w"-$) h%; !%rr) %$$ "r*",t "3 th ;t", wh('h h%; !& !$"'( %'t("& 3"r (&;,t(#%t("&, %&) "rt, t",tt$ )(,p-t,.

    I3 %*&)*&t, "3 th Ch%rtr %r &"t pr"')) w(th %&) th $%w%!()( &%t("&, h%;

    t" '"&,()r %&) )'() %, t" wh%t (&)(;()-%$ %&) '"$$'t(; %'t("& th+ '%& %#r "& %&)t%9 w(th(& th 3r%*w"r "3 th Ch%rtr %&) p-r,-%&t t" (t, Art('$ 519 % '"&,()r),-##,t("& h%, !& *%) 3"r % ,-pp$*&t%r+ %#r*&t "r pr"t"'"$ 3"r *-t-%$)3&, %#%(&,t )8&) %##r,,("&9 t" ! 't(; %*" th r%t(3+( &%t("&, wh&tw"th(r), "3 th* h%; r%t(8). 112

    A$$ !-t "& "3 th **!r, "3 +"-r '"**(tt %r "3 th pr,&t "p(&("& th%t ,-'h%*&)*&t, %, *%+ ! );$"p) %&) )'()) "& !+ th G&r%$ A,,*!$+ ,h%$$ !,-!*(tt) -&)r Art('$ 106 "3 th Ch%rtr 3"r r%t(8'%t("& %&) th%t % G&r%$ C"&3r&'-&)r Art('$ 10 ,h"-$) &"t ! '%$$) %t th(, t(*9 3"r th )r%3t( "3 %*&)*&t,. Ap",,(!$ %$tr&%t(; "r '"*pr"*(,9 (& th ;&t th%t th G&r%$ A,,*!$+ (, "3 th"p(&("& th%t th 3"r*-$%t("& "3 %*&)*&t, ,h"-$) ! '"&,()r) !-t th%t (t, '%$&)%r

    3"r (t, pr,&t r#-$%r ,,,("& (, t"" h%;+ %&) '",t)9 h%, !& ,-##,t)9 t" th't th%t th G&r%$ A,,*!$+ ;"t t" *t (& ,p'(%$ ,,,("& %r$+ (& 146 t"'"&,()r %*&)*&t,9 %&+ pr"p",%$, 3"r %*&)*&t t" ! 8$) w(th th S'rt%r+G&r%$ (& %);%&' %&) !+ h(* '(r'-$%t) %*" th **!r &%t("&,. Th(, w"-$) ! (&$(- "3 th '%$$( "3 % C"&3r&' -&)r Art('$ 109 wh('h w"-$) %, % pr%'t('%$ *%ttr! *%) -p "3 ,-!,t%&t(%$$+ th ,%* pr,"&, %, %r )$#%t, t" th G&r%$ A,,*!$+.

    Y"-r '"**(tt )", &"t %t th(, t(* p%,, -p"& %&+ "3 th, pr"p",%$, %, ,-'h. Th%*&)*&t, pr;("-,$+ r'"**&)) !+ th H"-, "3 D$#%t, %r %$" $(&, wh('h%pp%r t" ! w"rth+ "3 '"&,()r%t("& &"w. Thr (, ;r+ pr",p't th%t th wh"$ ,-!B'tw($$ ! ,p(r(t)$+ %&) th"r"-#h$+ '"&,()r) (& '"&3r&', "3 th )$#%t("&, %&) "& th=""r "3 th G&r%$ A,,*!$+. A& (*p"rt%&t "!B't(; (, th%t th p"wr "3 th #r%t

    *%B"r(t+ "3 th **!r &%t("&, t" %'t t"#thr t" "-t$%w w%r9 pr;&t %&) p-&(,h%##r,,("&9 %&) pr";() 3"r th p%'3-$ ,tt$*&t "3 pr";"'%t(; )(,p-t,9 ,h%$$ !%,,-r) !+"&) )"-!t. I& th "p(&("& "3 *%&+ "!,r;r,9 th pr,&t 'r(t('%$ (,,-,%*" th &%t("&, #" *-'h )pr th%& %&+th( th%t '"-$) %t pr,&t ! '"p) w(ththr"-#h %*&)*&t, "3 th Ch%rtr.



    '%-, rh%!($(t%t("& "3 th w"r$)P, ,h%ttr) '"&"*+ %&) th r$(3 "3 p"p$, 3r"*h-r9 w%&t9 -&*p$"+*&t %&) ),p%(r %r ,,&t(%$ t" th r,t"r%t("& "3 $%,t(

    p%' %&) th r-$ "3 $%w9 A*r('%& $%w+r, %r &%t-r%$$+ (&tr,t) (& pr"p",%$, t" )%$w(th (&tr&%t("&%$ '"&"*(' pr"!$*, %&) th", "3 (&tr&%t("&%$ tr%) %&) '"**r'thr"-#h '""pr%t(; %'t("& -&)r th %-,p(', "3 %& %#&'+ "3 th &(t) N%t("&,. Thpr";(,("&, "3 % Ch%rtr 'r%t( %&) (*p$*&t( ,-'h %& (&tr&%t("&%$ Tr%)Or#%&(%t("& *%+ %$," h%; (*p"rt%&t 't, "& (&)-,tr+ %&) '"**r'9 (& r,p't,wh('h %r "3 (&tr,t %&) '"&'r& t" $%w+r,. 12

    C"&,()r%!$ prp%r%t"r+ w"r %, t" th Ch%rtr "3 th pr"p",) I&tr&%t("&%$ Tr%)Or#%&(%t("& h%, !& )"& %t % '"&3r&' (& ,,,("& (& G&;%9 Sw(tr$%&)9 ,(&'

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    Apr($< !-t th Ch%rtr w($$ ! #(;& (t, 8&%$ 3"r* (& % C"&3r&' t" ! '"&;&) (&H%;%&%9 C-!%9 "& N";*!r 1. Th 3"r* (& wh('h th )r%3t Ch%rtr w($$ *%&%t 3r"*th G&;% C"&3r&' (, &"t +t %;%($%!$ 3"r ,t-)+ !+ +"-r '"**(tt9 It (, &"w& th%tth )"'-*&t h%, !& $%r#$+ 'h%) 3r"* th 3"r* (& wh('h (t w%, t%& t" G&;%9%3tr % 3w h%r(, (& th(, '"-&tr+.

    Th H"-, "3 D$#%t, %,) +"-r '"**(tt9 %$" w(th th C"**(tt "& C"**r'%&) th S't("& "3 I&tr&%t("&%$ %&) C"*p%r%t(; L%w9 t" ,t-)+ %&) rp"rt t" th H"-,'"&'r&( th I&tr&%t("&%$ Tr%) Or#%&(%t("& %&) (t, pr"p",) Ch%rtr.

    &)r th, '(r'-*,t%&',9 +"-r '"**(tt (, "3 th "p(&("& th%t (t w"-$) p$%(&$+ !pr*%t-r 3"r th '"**(tt "r th H"-, %t th(, t(* t" p%,, -p"& %&+ ph%,, "3 thI&tr&%t("&%$ Tr%) Or#%&(%t("& "r (t, pr"p",) Ch%rtr. 7r,&t %'t("& !+ th H"-, "3D$#%t, *%+ %ppr"pr(%t$+9 (& th "p(&("& "3 +"-r '"**(tt9 '%$$ th %tt&t("& "3 thpr"3,,("& %&) th p-!$(' t" th (*p"rt%&' "3 th ,-!B't9 r'"**&) % '%r3-$ ,t-)+ "3th Ch%rtr wh& '"p(, "3 (t %r %;%($%!$9 %&) )'$%r (& 3%;"r "3 (t, !( ,-!*(tt) 3"rr%t(8'%t("& !+ th S&%t %, % tr%t+9 %&) 3"r %'t("& -p"& (t %$," !+ th H"-, "3Rpr,&t%t(;,9 3"r r%,"&, (&)('%t) (& "-r ,-!*(tt) r,"$-t("&.

    '%-, "3 th(r $%r# r$%t("&,h(p, t" t%r(,9 r;&-,9 %&) "thr 8,'%$ *%ttr,9 %, w$$%, th(r pr"!%!$ $#(,$%t(; '"&,F-&',9 th pr"B't) pr";(,("&, "3 th Ch%rtr%pp%r t" ! ,-'h %, t" '"* w(th(& th (&t&t %&) pr%'t(' -&)r th C"&,t(t-t("& th%tth H"-, "3 Rpr,&t%t(;, ,h%$$ %'t %, t" ,-'h *%ttr,.



    O-r 8r,t r,"$-t("& (, 3"r % r%@r*%&' "3 "-r A,,"'(%t("&P, ,t%&) th%t th 3"r(#& p"$('+"3 th &(t) St%t, ,h"-$) ! );$"p)9 )'()) "&9 ,-pp"rt) %&) '%rr() 3"rw%r)9 !+

    % &(t) '"-&tr+9 w(th"-t )(;(,("& "& p%rt+ $(&,. 1?2

    O-r ,'"&) r,"$-t("& pr"p",, ,-pp"rt "3 th %'t("& "3 "-r G";r&*&t (& #(;(%,,(,t%&' t" th G";r&*&t %&) p"p$ "3 Gr'9 -&)r Art('$ 51 "3 th Ch%rtr< Y"-r'"**(tt !$(;, th%t th(, !%,(' 3%t-r "3 "-r '"-&tr+P, p"$('+ ,h"-$) h%; th&)"r,*&t "3 "-r A,,"'(%t("& %&) th ,-pp"rt "3 th A*r('%& p"p$. 142

    O-r 8&%$ r,"$-t("& %, t" 3"r(#& p"$('+ pr"p",, t" )'$%r ,-pp"rt 3"r ,t%t) !%,('pr(&'(p$, wh('h %r !$(;) t" ! 3-&)%*&t%$ 3"r % ,"-&)$+'"&'(;) p$%& 3"r th'"&"*(' rh%!($(t%t("& "3 th ,h%ttr) '"&"*+ "3 E-r"p9 3"r "-r "w& pr"t't("&%#%(&,t %##r,,("&, %&) (&8$tr%t("&, wh('h *(#ht "thrw(, '"* ," &%r "-r ,h"r, %&)r#("& %, t" *&%' %$$ &%t("&, "3 th A*r('%. Th !%,(' pr(&'(p$ -&)r$+(

    A*r('%& %,,(,t%&' (& *"&+9 3"")9 3%r* F-(p*&t9 3rt($(r9 %&) "thr ,,&t(%$, "3 %3r '"&"*+9 ,h%$$ ! th%t th 3r &%t("&, "3 E-r"p ,h%$$ 8r,t "r#%&( %&) '""pr%tt" h$p th*,$;, %&) %'h "thr9 "& th h%r) r"%) !%' t" ,t%!($(t+9 (&)p&)&'9,"$;&'+ %&) p%'.

    I& th "p(&("& "3 % *%B"r(t+ "3 +"-r '"**(tt9 th M%r,h%$$ 7$%& h%, &"t +t %t th(,wr(t( !& #(;& ,-@'(&t$+ )8&(t %&) p%rt('-$%r() 3"r* t" &%!$ "r w%rr%&t %)'$%r%t("& %ppr";( (t %, ,-'h %&) !+ &%*. -t (t ,*, t" ! h(#h$+ ,,&t(%$ th%tth "r#%&() !%r9 %&) (&)(;()-%$ $%w+r, thr"-#h"-t "-r '"-&tr+9 ,h%$$ )" %$$ th+ '%& t"

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    !r( (t %!"-t th%t th pr(&'(p$, %&) r%,"&, -&)r$+( th A*r('%& p"$('+ t"w%r)E-r"p ,h%$$ ! -&)r,t"") %&) %ppr";) !+ th p"p$. R,"$-t("&, wh('h )'$%r %&)&)"r, th ;(t%$ pr(&'(p$, *%+ ,r; th(, p-rp", !ttr th%& %& &)"r,*&t !+ &%*"3 % p$%& wh('h h%, &"t +t !& p-!$(,h) (& % )8&(t(; 3"r*.


    A't("& !+ th &(t) N%t("&, 3"r 't(; (&tr&%t("&%$ '"&tr"$ "3 th pr")-'t("& %&) -,"3 %t"*(' &r#+ 3"r w%r p-rp",, (, ,t($$ ,t%$$) !+ th %tt(t-) "3 th S";(t &("&.Th ,'"&) rp"rt "3 th &(t) N%t("&, At"*(' E&r#+ C"**(,,("&9 'r%t) !+ thG&r%$ A,,*!$+ %t (t, "r#%&(%t("&%$ ,,,("& (& L"&)"& (& >!r-%r+ "3 149 w%, 8$)

    th(, *"&th. A )8&(t(; p$%& ,-pp"rt) !+ th N%t("&,9 (&'$-)( th &(t) K()"*9>r%&'9 Ch(&% %&) th &(t) St%t,9 w%, %ppr";) !+ th ;"t, "3 t& **!r, "3 thC"**(,,("& %&) tr%&,*(tt) t" th S'-r(t+ C"-&'($.

    R-,,(% ;"t) %#%(&,t (t %&) #%; &"t(' "& Spt*!r th%t (t w"-$) &"t w%(; th;t" wh& th rp"rt '"*, !3"r th S'-r(t+ C"-&'($.

    7"$%&) pr"t,t) th rp"rt !-t %!,t%(&) 3r"* ;"t( %#%(&,t (t (& th C"**(,,("&.Th ,t('(p"(&t (, th%t th S";(t &("& (&,(,t, th%t "&$+ th S'-r(t+ C"-&'($ ,h%$$)'() %$$ F-,t("&, "3 ,%&'t("&,9 &3"r'*&t9 t'.9 %, t" ;("$%t"r, "3 th pr"p",)'"&;&t("& 3"r pr"h(!(t("& "r '"&tr"$ "3 %t"*(' w%p"&, (& w%r9 %&) (&,(,t, 3-rthr th%tthr ! &" w%(;r "r *")(8'%t("& "3 (t, ;t" p"wr (& th '"-&'($ %, t" %'t("& %#%(&,t

    ;("$%t"r,. 152

    Th(, %$$(*p"rt%&t (,,- w($$ th-, ! !$"') (& th S'-r(t+ C"-&'($9 !-t w($$ r'(;,p(r(t) '"&,()r%t("& %t ,"* ,t%# "3 th 'r-'(%$ ,,,("& "3 th A,,*!$+.

    7r"p",%$, h%; !& *%) th%t th &%t("&, wh('h %r w($$( t" ,-!*(t th*,$;, t"(&tr&%t("&%$ '"&tr"$ %&) t" (&tr&%t("&%$ %&) w"r$) $%w "& th ,-!B't ,h%$$ pr"') w(thth(r '"&;&t("& %&) #(; %$$ r%t(3+( &%t("&, (t, !&8t %&) pr"t't("&.

    Y"-r '"**(tt rp"rt, th%t (& ;(w "3 th pr,,-r "3 -r#&t !-,(&,, !3"r th S&%t"3 th &(t) St%t, %t th ,h"rt ,,,("& "3 th C"r,, wh('h %)B"-r&) "& -$+ 9 &""rt, wr *%) !+ +"-r '"**(tt t" "!t%(& th (&tr")-'t("& %&) p%,,%# "3 % S&%t

    r,"$-t("& 3"r %& %*&)) "r ,-pr,)( A*r('%& D'$%r%t("&. t" $(*(&%t thC"&&%$$+ r,r;%t("& %, t" A*r('%& %''pt%&' "3 th "pt("&%$ B-r(,)('t("& "3 thW"r$) C"-rt. S-'h %'t("& !+ th S&%t w%, r'"**&)) !+ th H"-, "3 D$#%t, %t(t, >!r-%r+ ,,,("& "& th r'"**&)%t("& "3 +"-r '"**(tt. , ?? A..A.. 494O04O19 4?0 142.

    S;r%$ **!r, "3 th S&%t pr,,) th(r (&tr,t (& th ,-!B't %&) th(r %tt&t("&t" (&(t(%t '"rr't(; %'t("& %t %& "pp"rt-& t(*.

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    I& '"&'$-,("&9 +"-r '"**(tt '%$$, ,p'(%$ %tt&t("& t" th )'$%r%t("&, (& ,;r%$ "3 (t,r,"$-t("&,9 %, t" th &) th%t $%w+r, ;r+whr ,h%$$ )" %$$ th+ '%& t" %() th);$"p*&t "3 p-!$(' -&)r,t%&)( "3 th (,,-, (&;"$;) %&) %& (&3"r*) p-!$('"p(&("& (& ,-pp"rt "3 "-r '"-&tr+P, p"$('+ (& 3"r(#& %%(r,.

    R,p't3-$$+ S-!*(tt)















    #in "$fred P$an%%%&'( )*

    KING AL>REDQI& th ;&t "3 w(),pr%) %&) '"&t(&-( %&) '""r)(&%t) r%'(%$ )(,t-r!%&', (&

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    th &(t) St%t,9 K( A$3r)9 %t th )(,'rt("& "3 th 7r,()&t9 (, t" ! p-t (&t"%'t("& (**)(%t$+.

    7ARTICI7ATING >EDERAL AGENCIESN%t("&%$ S'-r(t+ C"-&'($

    Dp%rt*&t "3 -,t('C&tr%$ I&t$$(#&' A#&'+Dp%rt*&t "3 D3&,>)r%$ -r%- "3 I&;,t(#%t("&Dp%rt*&t "3 I&tr("r

    7ARTICI7ATING STATE AGENCIES&)r >)r%$ -r(,)('t("&2N%t("&%$ G-%r) &(t,St%t 7"$('

    7ARTICI7ATING LOCAL AGENCIES&)r >)r%$ -r(,)('t("&2C(t+ 7"$('C"-&t+ 7"$('

    e/o: "tion"l Sec%)it Co%ncil

    'en ;e&o)e 1!54, en te S%p)e/e Co%)t o& te United St"tes o& A/e)ic" decl")ed %nconstit%tion"l

    sep")"te ed%c"tion"l "nd )ec)e"tion"l &"cilities, )"ci"l %n)est "nd disco)d "d ;eco/e 'e) ne")l " p")t

    o& te A/e)ic"n " o& li&e. %t t"t " o& li&e "s )ep%+n"nt to /ost A/e)ic"ns. Since 1!54,oe'e), t"t %n)est "nd disco)d "'e ;)oen o%t into idesp)e"d 'iolence ic inc)e"sin+l "'e

    pl"ced te pe"ce "nd st";ilit o& te n"tion in di)e eop")d. Tis 'iolence "s )es%lted in loss o& li&e,li/; "nd p)ope)t, "nd "s cost te t"xp"e)s o& tis n"tion ;illions o& doll")s. And te end is not et insi+t. Tis s"/e 'iolence "s )"ised te t)e/endo%sl +)"'e %estion "s to ete) te )"ces c"n e'e)

    li'e in pe"ce it e"c ote). "c p"ssin+ /ont "s ;)o%+t ne intelli+ence t"t, despite ne l"s

    p"ssed to "lle'i"te te condition o& te ino)it, te ino)it still is not s"tis&ied. e/onst)"tions "nd)iotin+ "'e ;eco/e " p")t o& te &"/ili") scene. T)oops "'e ;een c"lled o%t in cit "&te) cit "c)oss

    te l"nd, "nd o%) i/"+e "s " o)ld le"de) se'e)el d"/"+ed. %) ene/ies p)ess close), seein+ te

    "d'"nt"+e, possi;l "t " ti/e d%)in+ one o& tese o%t;)e"s o& 'iolence. Te ino)it "s "dopted "n"l/ost /ilit") post%)e to +"in its o;ecti'es, ic ")e not cle") to /ost A/e)ic"ns. t is expected,

    te)e&o)e, t"t en tose o;ecti'es ")e denied te ino)it, )"ci"l ") /%st ;e conside)ed ine'it";le.

    6en t"t e/e)+enc co/es, e /%st expect te tot"l in'ol'e/ent o& "ll 22 /illion /e/;e)s o& te

    ino)it, /en, o/en, "nd cild)en, &o) once tis p)oect is l"%nced, its +o"l is to te)/in"te, once"nd &o) "ll, te ino)it t)e"t to te ole o& te A/e)ic"n societ, "nd indeed, te #)ee 6o)ld.

    C"i)/"n, "tion"l Sec%)it Co%ncil

    )eli/in") e/o: ep")t/ent o& nte)io)

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    Unde) Jin+ Al&)ed, te n"tion "s ;een di'ided into 10 )e+ions. n c"se o& /e)+enc, ino)it

    /e/;e)s ill ;e e'"c%"ted &)o/ te cities ; &ede)"liBed n"tion"l +%")d %nits, loc"l "nd st"te police

    "nd, i& necess"), ; %nits o& te $e+%l") A)/ed #o)ces, %sin+ p%;lic "nd /ilit") t)"nspo)t"tion, "nddet"ined in ne"); /ilit") inst"ll"tions %ntil " &%)te) co%)se o& "ction "s ;een decided.

    1 - C"pit"l $e+ion2 - o)te"st $e+ion

    3 - So%te"st $e+ion

    4 - @)e"t E"es $e+ion5 - So%t Cent)"l $e+ion

    = - eep So%t $e+ion

    7 - eep So%t $e+ion

    8 - @)e"t l"ins, $oc /o%nt"in $e+ion! - So%test $e+ion

    10 - 6est Co"st $e+ion

    o "tte/pt ill ;e /"de to se"l o&& te C"n"di"n "nd exic"n ;o)de)s.

    Sec)et"), ep")t/ent o& nte)io)K 84!-8!! Jin+ o& n+l"nd o sl"%+te)ed to%s"nds %nde) te dis+%ise o& p)otectin+ te %)ope"n

    )eli+ion o& C)isti"nit. As " )es%lt e "s )e'e)ed "s one o& te /ost no;le Jin+s in te isto) o&


    Co/;ined e/o: ep")t/ent o& L%stice

    )eli/in") e/o: #ede)"l %)e"% o& n'esti+"tion * Cent)"l ntelli+ence A+enc

    Te)e ")e 12 /"o) ino)it o)+"niB"tions "nd "ll ")e &"/ili") to te 22 /illion. ossie)s "'e ;een

    co/piled on te le"de)s o& te o)+"niB"tions, "nd c"n ;e st%died in 6"sin+ton. Te /"te)i"l

    cont"ined in /"n o& te dossie)s, "nd o%) t)e"t to )e'e"l t"t /"te)i"l, "s conside)";l eld in cecso/e o& te le"de)s. Ee"de)s o do not "'e s%c %s";le /"te)i"l in tei) dossie)s "'e ;een

    "pp)o"ced to t"e +o'e)n/ent posts, /ostl "s "/;"ss"do)s "nd p)i/")il in A&)ic"n co%nt)ies. Te

    p)o/ise o& tese positions "lso "s /"te)i"ll cont)i;%ted to " te/po)") slo-don o& ino)it"cti'ities. 9oe'e), e do not expect tese slo-dons to ;e o& lon+ d%)"tion, ;ec"%se te)e ")e

    "l"s ne "nd dissident ele/ents oinin+ tese o)+"niB"tions, it te potenti"l poe) to )epl"ce te

    old le"de)s. All o)+"niB"tions "nd tei) le"de)s ")e %nde) const"nt, 24-o%) s%)'eill"nce. Te

    o)+"niB"tions ")e:

    1 - Te l"c %sli/s

    2 - St%dent on'iolent Coo)din"tin+ Co//ittee (SCC3 - Con+)ess o& $"ci"l %"lit

    4 - U%)% o'e/ent

    5 - @)o%p n Ad'"nced Ee"de)sip (@AE= - #)eedo/ o ")t (#

    7 - United l"c "tion"lists o& A/e)ic" (UA

    8 - Te e "n-A&)ic"n o'e/ent (TA

    ! - So%te)n C)isti"n Ee"de)sip Con&e)ence (SCEC

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    10 - Te "tion"l U);"n Ee"+%e (UE

    11 - Te "tion"l Associ"tion &o) te Ad'"nce/ent o& Colo)ed eople (AAC

    12 - Co//ittee on $"ci"l "nd $eli+io%s )o+)ess (C$A$

    T: At te "pp)op)i"te ti/e, to ;e desi+n"ted ; te )esident, te le"de)s o& so/e o& tese

    o)+"niB"tions ")e to ;e det"ined E 69 T S CEA$ T9AT T9 CAT $MTT9 $@C, o)in+ it loc"l p%;lic o&&ici"ls d%)in+ te &i)st c)itic"l o%)s. All ote)

    le"de)s ")e to ;e det"ined "t once. Co/piled lists o& ino)it le"de)s "'e ;een )e"died "t te "tion"l

    "t" Co/p%te) Cente). t is necess") to %se te ino)it le"de)s desi+n"ted ; te )esident in /%cte s"/e /"nne) in ic e %se ino)it /e/;e)s o ")e "+ents it Cent)"l "nd #ede)"l, "nd e

    c"nnot, %ntil te)e is no "lte)n"ti'e, )e'e"l Jin+ Al&)ed in "ll its "spects. ino)it /e/;e)s o&

    Con+)ess ill ;e %nse"ted "t once. Tis /o'e is not ito%t p)ecedent in A/e)ic"n isto).

    Atto)ne @ene)"l

    )eli/in") e/o: ep")t/ent o& e&ense

    Tis /e/o is ;ein+ s%;/itted in lie% o& " &%ll )epo)t &)o/ te Loint Cie&s o& St"&&. T"t )epo)t is noin p)ep")"tion. Te)e ill ;e /"n cities e)e te ino)it ill ;e ";le to p%t into te st)eet "

    s%pe)io) n%/;e) o& people it " despe)"te "nd d"n+e)o%s ill. 9e ill ;e " &o)/id";le ene/, &o) eis ;o%nd to te Continent ; e)it"+e "nd nos t"t politic"l "sl%/ ill not ;e "'"il";le to i/ in

    ote) co%nt)ies. Te +)e"test concent)"tion o& te ino)it is in te eep So%t, te "ste)n se";o")d,

    te @)e"t l"es )e+ion "nd te 6est Co"st. 6ile te n"tion"l pop%l"tion exceeds t"t o& te ino)it; /o)e t"n ten ti/es, e /%st )e"listic"ll t"e into "cco%nt te &olloin+:

    1 - An esti/"ted 40-50 pe)cent o& te ite pop%l"tion ill not, &o) '")io%s )e"sons, en+"+e te

    ino)it d%)in+ "n /e)+enc.2 - A/e)ic"n A)/ed #o)ces ")e sp)e"d ")o%nd te o)ld. A ;)e"o%t o& ") ";)o"d /e"ns &ee)

    t)oops "t o/e to "ndle te /e)+enc.

    3 - Eoc"l l" en&o)ce/ent o&&ici"ls /%st cont"in te /e)+enc %ntil elp "))i'es, to%+ it /" /e"n&i+tin+ " s%pe)io) &o)ce. e o) Cit, &o) ex"/ple, "s " 25,000 /"n police &o)ce, ;%t te)e ")e

    ";o%t one /illion ino)it /e/;e)s in te cit.

    6e ")e con&ident t"t te ino)it o%ld old "n cit it too &o) onl " &e o%)s. Te l"c o&

    e"pons, &"cilities, lo+istics --- "ll p%t te ino)it "t " &in"l dis"d'"nt"+e.

    Since te Jo)e"n 6"), tis dep")t/ent "s si&ted ino)it /e/;e)s o& te A)/ed #o)ces to ")e"s

    e)e co/;"t is /ost liel to occ%), it te "i/ o& eli/in"tin+, t)o%+ co/;"t, "s /"n co/;"t-t)"ined /ilit") se)'ice/en "s possi;le. Tod" te )"tio o& ino)it /e/;e) co/;"t de"ts in

    Mietn"/, e)e te ")e se)'in+ "s >"d'iso)s,? is tice "s i+ "s te ino)it pop%l"tion )"tio to te

    )est o& A/e)ic". elo is te ti/et";le &o) Jin+ Al&)ed "s tent"ti'el s%++ested ; te LCS o)eco//end t"t te ope)"tion ;e /"de o'e) " pe)iod o& ei+t o%)s:

    1. Eoc"l police "nd ino)it le"de)s in "ction to e"d o&& te /e)+enc.2. Co%ntdon to ei+t o%)s ;e+ins "t te /o/ent te )esident dete)/ines te /e)+enc to ;e:

    ". "tion"l

    ;. Coo)din"ted

    c. & Eon+ %)"tion (8t o%)

  • 8/9/2019 Writ of Habeas Corpus- for :Nanya-Shaabu:El by the Matriarch of Atlan Turtle Island


    3. Co%nt police oin loc"l police (7t o%)

    4. St"te police oin co%nt "nd loc"l police (=t o%)

    5. #ede)"l /")s"ls oin st"te, co%nt, "nd loc"l &o)ces (5t o%)=. "tion"l +%")ds &ede)"liBed, eld in )e"diness (4t o%)

    7. $e+%l") A)/ed #o)ces "le)ted, t"e %p positionsD ino)it t)oops di'ided "nd det"ined,

    "lon+ it "ll ite s/p"tiBe)s, %nde) +%")d (3)d o%)8. All /ino)it le"de)s, n"tion"l "nd loc"l det"ined (2nd o%)

    !. )esident "dd)esses ino)it on )"dio-tele'ision,

    +i'es it one o%) to end te /e)+enc (1st o%)10. All %nits %nde) )e+ion"l co//"nds into te /e)+enc (0 o%)

    >0? Co//ittee $epo)t:

    S%)'e sos t"t d%)in+ " six-e") pe)iod, p)od%ction c)e"ted !,000,000 o;ects, o) 1,500,000 e"ce"). )od%ction co%ld not dispose o& te cont"ine)s, ic p)o'ed " ;ottlenec. 9oe'e), t"t "s

    "l/ost 20 e")s "+o. 6e s%++est t"t '"po)iB"tion tecni%es ;e e/ploed to o'e)co/e te p)od%ction

    p)o;le/s ine)ent in Jin+ Al&)ed.

    (Te >0? Co//ittee $epo)t is )e&e))in+ to te p)o;le/s t"t occ%))ed in "Bi @e)/"n en te&%)n"ces e)e not ot eno%+ to ;%)n te ;odies t"t 9itle) "d illed. Te ;odies clo++ed %p te

    &%)n"ces te)e; c"%sin+ " p)o;le/ t"t te ";o'e co//ittee )eco//ends "'oidin+ ; ;%ildin+ i+-'ol%/e (n%cle")-poe)ed incine)"to)s t"t ;%)n 5,000 de+)ees. t so%ld ;e noted t"t steel /elts "t

    "pp)oxi/"tel 2700 de+)eesN

    ote: ). $" 9"+in ("sto) "nd )o&esso) "t te A&)i"n Mill"+e Cente) in St. Eo%is, isso%)i.
