v 1r y 3 l mIJA1 JULY II I FIVEt I I SPECIAL FOR c SATURDAY AND MONDAY J 14 quart Knomcl Dish PanJ QQ unly 0 I I II 4 II S 37Cr None delivered nr this price 20 PER CENT OFF I 4 to On all flintier Sets during thc month of July Now nillnerIf I I Set IJvery let marked In plain figures nt our regular price 1 4 4500 sets 3600 15 oo sets S 1200 I t 3000StIS2400 12 50 sets 1000 1 25pofcts2000 1000 sets 800 22508C1S1800 1 t 750 sets 600 CiS oo sets 4 S 1 440 S 600 sets 480 I Kentucky Glass arid Queensware Co 406 Broadway u S LOCAL LINES For Dr Pondlcy ring 416 Call Palmer Transfer Co for carriages baggage wagons and first clni livery rig hack fare sd l trunks strictly caib Beet service In b the city Sign and carriage painting 0 It Sexton both phones 401 Call on or phono Gardners drug d store It you need anything In the I drug line Another run on copyright books Oordon Keith Drowsier i Million History of David Orlnvo I and hundreds of others Only fflc at It I n Clemens Co The Woodmen of the World Art preparing for a grand basket picnic I and Jubilee nt Fulton today All neighboring camps have been urged nud tho general l public Invited to at t t- L 1J c tend The picnic grounds will bo on the LovlBnow farm tour miles tiouth of town Tho stock of II I n Grace the ijgar nnd tobacco dealer who ns Ignod several dnyi ago to Jamas J 1 Campbell Jr was sold by the as ¬ signee yqMorday afternoon nt a pri ¬ vate solo to Mr Taylor Klslier tot 1000 The stock was tippralscd nt SIH by Messrs Robert Mochello l Taylor Fisher and Harry Rudolph Tho Wlnstoad Medicine Co now occupying a storeroom on Sev ¬ enth street between Kentucky nyc nut and Washington street has be ¬ gun moving stock to the building JUNt vacated by Friedman Keller Co 4 AlUsos Mnttlo Van Pelt und Kate I Nunemnchcr have formed a partner ¬ r ship to do all ulassoH bt stenographic work They have engaged rooms In I the Fraternity building and both be ¬ ing excellent stenographers will doubllcKH mnko n succosa In their f work On account of the Illness of Sec rotary Harry Judd of the Mangum lodge I I O O I V the Installation of ofllccrs ejected last week was post t poned until the nyxt regular meet ¬ lng p Miss hazel Cllno the daughter of Mr W l D Cllnc of Fourth nnd Tennessee streets stopped on a rus I ty nail yesterday morning and Is to S Sdl unable to Walk The ngoncy nt West Point and b office of operator In tim I oulsvllla I C dispatching office are vacant Two Bars of OF i d TWO TARS I A tar soap that cuts the dirtiest kind of dirt off the hands 4Two Bars for 5c tillS WWKK ONLY I R W WALKER CO DRUGGISTS fun tiS fit aid Bway I nnd bulletins have been posted In lo ¬ cal trnlnnmn qiuirlnrit with Instruc ¬ tions for applications for the posi- tion ¬ t tile office to bo held open three moro lays Tho regular quarterly vntch In ¬ spection on tho Louisville division Paducah to Central City will bo hold on the 17th The quarterly Inspec ¬ tion from Fmlucnh to Cairo will bo held on tho 19th Mr Harry Mo > r- ot the firm of Nagol f Meyer Is tho Inspector An auctioneer who has been sell Ing books on the streets from an open hack was topped this morning by Broadway officers lie would secure a stand near n street corner and would sodn have the street blockad ¬ ed He refused to stop selling until the officers compelled him to go to the City hall Mr F L Thompson roadnms ter of tho IXHilsvfllo division and Mr A II Egnn superintendent of Louis ville division met Mr I I O Itawn general manager of transportation antI W J J Hnrnhan fourth vice preH1 ld ntrllflMhellllnol8C t ntni1rRll road at thp union depot this morn Ing Mr Ilawn nnd Mr Harrahan are on n general inspection trip of the road Miss Tesslo Lewis of Ilayou Ky who has been visiting friends In the city was called howe this morning Sho will return In a few days Th Paducah Construction com ¬ pany has secured a contract to build n 120000 brick structure In Charleston Mo for I the Farmers Mercantile Co Work will begin Monday Detective Will linker arrested Fnnnlo Hawkins colored this morn- Ing charged with stealing a skirt from Mrs I F N Gardners residence but on the return of the garment Mrs Gardner refused to prosecute Ward Wicks white for a breach of tho peace was arrested this after ¬ noon The Commercial club held a meeting this morning to hear a proposition from a foreign enter ¬ prise antI will make n counter propo slllon Nothing Is expected by way of answer before several days SALOON HOIWKI Alex Stonlc Plaro on Urncr Ken t lucky Avenue The saloon of Alex Storrle on Lower Kentucky avenue near Maid ¬ en alley was entered last night af ¬ ter closing hours and n slot machine roken up nnd contents taken Tho machine had not been rob ¬ bed by the owner fur several lays and was supposed to contain In the neighborhood of 2G Tho machine was practically ruined WwkH Tpbnifo Report Inspector I IL it Millers report for tho weak shows Receipts week 281 hogsheads re ¬ ceipts year 4GC8 hogsheads offer ¬ ings week 287 hogsheads offerings year U iD42 hogbheads rejections week 34 hogsheads private sales week 12 hogsheads i sales week 2CG hogsheads sales year 3948 hogsheads Itooxcvolt In Claire Cairo July lt Presldent Roose- velt wilt be Invited to come to Cairo In October to attend tho Ohio Valley Improvement Association meeting the city council having concurred In this suggestion mado by Mayor Par Sons at tho council meeting hold last night It was decided tq have tho mayor prepare the Invitation which will be signed by all tho members of tho council Dr H P4 Sights rotiirnod today rota Henderson Ky vfl w r feople anci- FZetzsanJ Events St Ixjuls Wedding of Local IiHneat Airs llortensc J Funston Forbes of St Louis who visited Mrs Rabb No- ble ¬ at Anncllold last spring become I the bride of Mr Herbert Durand at 030 oclock Wednesday morning tho ceremony being performed by Rev J R Winchester of the Church of tho Ascension In the parlors of tho homo of the aunt and undo of tho bride Air nnd Mrs William F Fun ston of Cnbrinne avenue Only a few members of tho families witness ¬ ed the nuptials the arrangements for which were dll very olrnplc KiiUrttilii at Dancing Mr and Mrs Jan C Utterback honoring MIss Woodran of Owens boro Miss Poll of Cincinnati give a dance at the Wallace park pavilion tonight Jiiiti Pnrly Tonight Miss Mary II Jennings entertains I this evening at her summer homo I Oaklawu In Arcadia with a lawn party itiitieitiuitui VoMts Air Luther1 Bailey of Aladlsonvllle I Ky formerly of Paducah was mar nod Tuesday to Mss Maggie Lang Icy of AIndlsonvllle t Special services welcoming the Rev Lloyd T Wilson formerly of Paducah as pastor of the Hast Bap tint church of Louisville were held Sunday afternoon by tho congrega ¬ lion Dr Wilson preached In tho morning and evening nnd was heard by a large audience Air Clarence Brown went to Alur ray this morning on busfness Mrs W L Wllkerson nnd chil ¬ drIll went to Jackson Tcnn this morning to visit Circuit Judge W l1 Reed went to Bell ton this morning to try an In ¬ junction suit brought by trustees of a school district who are lighting over school matters Mr Smith F6lds of Fulton Is In the city Atf John Keller returned from Texas this morning Attorney V A Berry retuTned tram Fulton this morning tMr John Counts went to Murray this morning on business Mr John Little returned front St Louis this morning Mr J M Hpgan went to Johnson vllle Tcnn on tie business yester ¬ daI Mr Walter Sutherland has gone to Alnyfleld to see his brother Air James Sutherland who Is 111 Miss Mary Virginia Quinn and Miss Annie Mao Derrington of May- field are vlstlng Mrs Mike Caldwoll Mrs W M Pryor has gone for Paragould Ark to visit her daugh- ter ¬ Mrs Lcdbetter Miss Nova Zelgler leaves Sunday 6r Noxopater Miss to live Thomas Hayden of tho R G Ter ¬ roll wholesale grocery of Paducah I U visiting his father Z T hayden In Graves county I Miss Alaymlo Baynum returned Thursday to Paducah after n visit to her mother In Graves county Mrs Beta Ozborn of Paducah Is attending tho bedside of her sister i AllssLcnn Wilson at Alayfleld Air William H Bryant Is up the Tennessee river on n business trip Mr Oco Alexander returns tomor ¬ row from Louisville Manager James Biigg of tho Hoi combLobb local odlco limo returned front Murray Air W 0 Dumlngton the tobacco BB9Bm8EIECS SLEEPLESSNESS May sometimes be due to bd health but more often its due lo worry How much sleep do 30U- uoe over your financial affairs Can you always go to sleep with ¬ out worry about the future We believe you would feel much easier if you would start an ac ¬ count at this bank It provides a barrier against future misfortune that enables our depositors to go Lo bed anti sleep without at least worrying about finances One dol- lar ¬ will start an account MECHANICS 4 FARMERS SAVINGSBANK 227 Broadway w L buyer of Parmersvllto Va l Is In the cityMr Jesse Loch and sister Miss Florence Loch sailed yesterday for Germany on the liner Darbarlssa for an extended tour of Europe Mrs I 12 Kccgnn and daughter of Hopklnsvllle are visiting relatives I In the clly Mr Clarence Elllthorpo and wife I of Chicago stopped hero ell route to Memphis whore they will locato Attorney James Ray has to the city after a Justness rip Marlon I Kyt Mr GeOrge Gardner Is In Mayfleld- visiting his brother Judge k GardnerMr 1 F Tlsdale of Union City Tenn Is In the clton business Mrs lien Hurnctt of Mayfield Is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs T II Owen Mr W OB Hutson and wife of llnrdwoll returned home yesterday after a visit In tho city Mr Victor Van do Mojo left on tho Dick Fowler for Metropolis this morningMr Singleton and wlfo left for Cairo on the Dick Fowler this morning for1 a pleasure trip Mrs W C Dowd and son Isaac left last Monday for Cerulean Springs to spend the summer Miss Antonia Dowd Is In Memphis the guest of Mrs Nola Tucker Mr W H Holcomb president of the HolcombLobb Tie Co Is In time city on business A D Smith and C L Faust ol the A H Smith Lumber Co leavr tonight for Nashville Tenn on bus ¬ iness Mrs Jan S Caldwell returned home irom Bddyvllle Ky Mrs G M Tagg and niece Miss I Minnie Kllcoyne left last night for a visit at Battle Creek Mich Miss Lyda Wilson and Miss Georg- Ia ¬ Moses leave tomorrow for a visit at Dawson Springs Air Ed L Hcndrlcks former tJI S revenue officer here of Madison vllle I Ky left last night after a vis It here Atr J 11 McCandless left last l last night for Memphis on business Dr anti Mrs C AI Roberts and Mrs Dennis of Hot Springs Ark who have been visiting Rev J H Roberts of West Jefferson street loft at noon for Crcal Springs 111 accompanied by Rev Roberts nnd daughter Mary I Louise Roberts Mr J W Worrell went to Kut awa at noon on business Mr W J Slater district superin ¬ tendent of tho Postal Telegraph Co and Air E H Price superintendent of construction left this morning for Louisville Ky Deputy U S Marshal George W Sounders arrived from Alayflold at noon today Attorney Lai Threlkeld of time firm of Grassham Threlkeld this morning qualified as a notary puhI lie I Air Jt Smith has returned from Dawson Messrs T C and C C Duke of St Louis are In the city on business Air G II Warneken the tobacco I dealer of Clarksvlllc Tenn is In thec c cityMisses Birdie and Myrtle Hawkins will go lo Dycrsburg Sunday to vIsI It Their mother Mrs Alice Haw ¬ kins who hints been visiting in Dy ersburg for several weeks will re- turn ¬ homo Sunday City Clerk Henry Bailey and fam ¬ ily returned this morning from Ce ¬ rulean Springs Clerk Bailey had been away for his health and return ¬ ed greatly Improved Mr I G Rawn general manager of the I I C and Air W J Hnrohan fourth vice president of the road ar- rived ¬ In Paducah this morning at 1120 oclock on train No 102 from tho south They lire ou a regular In ¬ spection of tho road and will look over tho now bridge at Gllbortsvllle I which was Monday thrown Into ser ¬ vice They will remain In Paducah this afternoon until 4 oclock and then leave for Louisville on a special train WOULD CAUSE TROUHLB Aisceiuslon of Danish Prince Charles to the Throne of Norway Stockholm July HCharles R Flint of New York arrlyed hero t to- day anti had a long Interview with Minister of Marino Palandor Mr Flint declined to state tho object of his visit The semiofficial Dagblad refer ¬ ring to tho rumor that Prince Charles of Denmark may ascend time throne of Norway says It would cailso astonishment not to say worse If Denmark allied her ¬ self with a country which through revolution robbed a lawful king of one of hlsHhrones Depositions were concluded in the ease pending In the Livingston circuit court In settlement of the es- tate of M Broomllold formerly o Livingston but Inter moved tp Tex as dying and leaving mijch property In Texas and Kentucky IA L I PAY DAY SPECIALSFor 15 40o C 30k C 1 lb of our 300 Pride OCn Coffee for UU 20I C 18Coffee C 55s C C- No Limit to Quantity Great Pacific Tea Coffee Co 333 Kroadwav Old rhou liii HW r kli U76 ANOTIIKU SCANDAL Jhls Time in the Printing Depart ¬ ment Washington D C July HAs- a result of the state of affairs dis- closed ¬ In the government printing of tire thero Is certain to be a big shakeup when President lioosevclt gets back to town TIme disclosures brought out by the Investigation of the contracts by the public printer have convinced omc nlstiml there mustbe a chango of personnel to tho full extent of the presidents au ¬ thority The president has not been un ¬ mindful of the conditions although he hits not known tho extent of the mismanagement Fred Gray driver of one of I Frank Fohrs Brewery wagons was bruised considerably this morning when his horse became frightened In front of the Ice house on First street L and throwing him off the wogan dragged him quite a little distance between the wagon and a string of r railroad cars that were on the track at that point In the caso of W J 1 Cox as ¬ signee and trustee against the Daw son Springs Hotel Co in Hopkins circuit In contest with the general I creditors and bondsmen time sale money Is being held while C C Grasshnm prepares the depositions of general creditors scattered through ¬ out the country Postmaster Allard Williams has returned from visiting his brother Mr Pe rlla Williams at C- airoCOMING SWALLOW l t MARKLES GRAND FLOATING PALACE THEATRE Largest in the World FRIDAY JULY 14 AT PADUCAH See the funny musical comedy A COl11plctelblll beauty choruf of lovely girls the bold bank robbery Edisons latest grand double orchestra anti marine band new electrical effects Cooled by electric fa- nsPRICES25c 35c 60c We Carry Everything That t can be found In any uplodate drug store The time has come to buy medicine We have all kind And If you feel tired and worn out conic In and we can fix you up with sonic good tonic We have all the advertised btands If you want toilet articles petfutnery face pow ¬ der skin creams soaps bruiberi etc we have complete stock If you have any private receipts of your own let us fill them for you We want you to come to us for every- thing ¬ in time drug store line Well try to pleaseyou AT SMITH NAGEL DRUG STORE Fourth and Ifroadway J V i Have U Saw the I Squeezin Bucket j j It certainly dd squeeze much more 0 squeezer than any of the squeezirigest squeezers thats asqueezin an oldtime squeeze Harts Mop Buckets J Know how to squeeze and do get the water out ofa mop and leave it in the very best mopping condition without twisting and pulling the mop into strings A Great Saving not only in mops but in labor as the Mop Bucket does all the hard straining work Reduced Price 150 GEO 0 HART i SONS CO J TI 81 l If anything went amiss at the office today which a want ad may remedy and you hastened to fix up tho want ndou may stop worry- ing about the matter FOR RENT Two rooms 219 N Fifth street FOR SALE Gentle buggy horse 1308 Jefferson FOR RENT Furnished rooms 908 Broadway PATRONIZE Ellis Williams un ¬ ion barbershop 408 Broadway FOR SALE Pony phaeton and harness Address M F W care Sun FOR RENT Flro nice up stairs rooms See Kamlelter the Grocer ALBERT SAPi > LIE candy kitch ¬ en confectionery fruits cigars etc 530 Broadway INOTICESouthern Credit Co has moved to 230 South 4th street cor- ner ¬ Washington J M Day L A LAWLER Old Phone 1062 will give you lowest prices on all kinds of painting FOR RENT Furnished or utafur nshed rooms up stairs T Coonoy I Fifth and Jackson FANNIE AVANT 716 B Sixth Shampooing Scalp Massagj Mani ¬ curing Phone 1678- WI11TF2iMORE Real Estate Free prlco list Insurance Notary public Fraternity Building PhoneD 835 NICE FURNISHED room for rent with bath and all modern con vefllonces 918 Broadway FOR SALE Two fresh milch cows Apply J S Hunt 1720 Mont roeWANTEDYotlimS lady as office girl also young man to distribute cards Yale Dentists 227 Broadway FOR SALEA good safe family horse carriage anti harness Call on Dr Williamson corner Fourth and Broadway Brook Hill Building BOARDING STABLE Careful at ¬ tention by practical mon given your horse and carriage C R Holland 210 South Third Old phone 721 NOTICEI I hereby notify all per ¬ sons that I will be no longer respon slblo for any debts that my wife may contract J L Putnam FOR RENT Furnished rooms within two blocks of Fourth and Broadway on car line Old phono 6134 J H MORGAN blacksmith JOI = S Third Old Phone 457 Superior work guaranteed Exclusive agent for flora stone side wire tires the best rubber tire made FOR itENjiflo Blue Rlbbuu Hall newly fitted up with electric fans and all conveniences For In formation < all at Blue Ribbon sai loon liii PIANO and piano players on easy payments Pianos rented and tuned Fred C Watson Bro V H Thom ¬ phoneE3 STRAYEDSmall red and white ottcd cow three years old Reward for Information concerning her whereabouts Address Sun omco or ring new phone 1094 GREEK CANDY K1TOHEN 211 Broadway cold drinks fresh candles choice fruits tobacco and cigars Ice cream soda 5c Ice cream Be 90c per gallon wholesale Satisfaction a guaranteedVANTEDMan and boys to learn plumbing trade Cannot supply der mand for graduates I I to 5 per day Many complete course In two I months Graduates admitted to Un ¬ I ion and Master Plumbers Assri Send for free catalogue Coyne Bros Co Plumbing School New York City Cincinnati 0 St Louis Mo Wanted Everybody to Know We rent and sell Pianos and Or gans We sell and bang wallpaper We frame your pictures right up to date without delay Union labor and firstclass goods We do not add 30 pdr cent and worry you with bills but remember cash counts at tile PADUOAH BOOK MUSIC STORE 428 Broadway JXOTICE Twenty dollars reward will be paid for the arrest and conviction of par ty or parties who turned In thin raise fire alarm over the American District Telegraph Cos night watch and tire alarm system from Hiram Blow Cos plant near Union depot about 340 p III Saturday evening July 1st 1905 G B ELMORE Mgr American Dint Tel Co of Ky Flro nt Columbus Columbus 0 July UFIte this morning burned out the Central Ui Ion Telephone exchange entailing P twentylive thousand dollars dnni age and putting tho exchange out of business probably for several days 4 UNCAMPOOAUY Paducah Ky June 20 1905 I have tried uncampogary In place of qulnlno ou my own child who had fever and I think It Is a sure and successful substitute for qui ¬ nine without tho bitter taste and ill effects on the head DR LEE DEMYERS The above Is a new tasteless qui ¬ nine form for babies anti children who cannot tako capsules It Is mak- Ing ¬ a big hit Try It At all drug- gists ¬ Smith NngflJ special asent Pndiirnh Ky Ue

y II SATURDAY FOR MONDAY FIVEt FZetzsanJ Events PAY inyx.uky.edu › dips › xt754746r966 › data › 0100.pdf · St Ixjuls Wedding of Local IiHneat Airs llortensc JFunston Forbes

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Page 1: y II SATURDAY FOR MONDAY FIVEt FZetzsanJ Events PAY inyx.uky.edu › dips › xt754746r966 › data › 0100.pdf · St Ixjuls Wedding of Local IiHneat Airs llortensc JFunston Forbes







J 14 quart Knomcl Dish PanJ QQunly 0 I I II 4 II S 37CrNone delivered nr this price


4toOn all flintier Sets during thc month of July NownillnerIfI I

Set IJvery let marked In plain figures nt ourregular price


4500 sets 3600 15 oo sets S 1200I t 3000StIS2400 12 50 sets 1000

1 25pofcts2000 1000 sets 80022508C1S18001 t 750 sets 600

CiS oo sets 4 S 1 440 S 600 sets 480I

Kentucky Glass aridQueensware Co

406 Broadway



For Dr Pondlcy ring 416Call Palmer Transfer Co for

carriages baggage wagons and firstclni livery rig hack fare sdl

trunks strictly caib Beet service In

b the citySign and carriage painting 0

It Sexton both phones 401Call on or phono Gardners drug

d store It you need anything In theI

drug lineAnother run on copyright

books Oordon Keith Drowsier

i Million History of David Orlnvo

I and hundreds of others Only fflcat It In Clemens Co

The Woodmen of the World Artpreparing for a grand basket picnic

I and Jubilee nt Fulton today Allneighboring camps have been urgednud tho general l public Invited to attt-

L1J c tend The picnic grounds will bo onthe LovlBnow farm tour miles tiouthof town

Tho stock of II In Grace theijgar nnd tobacco dealer who nsIgnod several dnyi ago to Jamas

J 1 Campbell Jr was sold by the as ¬

signee yqMorday afternoon nt a pri ¬

vate solo to Mr Taylor Klslier tot1000 The stock was tippralscd nt

SIH by Messrs Robert Mochellol Taylor Fisher and Harry Rudolph

Tho Wlnstoad Medicine Conow occupying a storeroom on Sev¬

enth street between Kentucky nycnut and Washington street has be¬

gun moving stock to the buildingJUNt vacated by Friedman KellerCo

4 AlUsos Mnttlo Van Pelt und KateI Nunemnchcr have formed a partner ¬

r ship to do all ulassoH bt stenographicwork They have engaged rooms In

I the Fraternity building and both be ¬

ing excellent stenographers willdoubllcKH mnko n succosa In theirf work

On account of the Illness of Secrotary Harry Judd of the Mangumlodge II O O IV the Installation ofofllccrs ejected last week was posttponed until the nyxt regular meet ¬

lngp Miss hazel Cllno the daughter

of Mr W lD Cllnc of Fourth nndTennessee streets stopped on a rusIty nail yesterday morning and Is to

SSdl unable to WalkThe ngoncy nt West Point and


office of operator In tim IoulsvlllaI C dispatching office are vacant

Two Barsof




I A tar soap that cuts

the dirtiest kind of dirt

off the hands

4Two Bars for 5c




fun tiS fit aid BwayI

nnd bulletins have been posted In lo ¬

cal trnlnnmn qiuirlnrit with Instruc ¬

tions for applications for the posi-tion


ttile office to bo held open threemoro lays

Tho regular quarterly vntch In ¬

spection on tho Louisville divisionPaducah to Central City will bo holdon the 17th The quarterly Inspec ¬

tion from Fmlucnh to Cairo will boheld on tho 19th Mr Harry Mo > r-

ot the firm of Nagol f Meyer Is thoInspector

An auctioneer who has been sellIng books on the streets from an openhack was topped this morning byBroadway officers lie would securea stand near n street corner andwould sodn have the street blockad ¬

ed He refused to stop selling untilthe officers compelled him to go tothe City hall

Mr F L Thompson roadnmster of tho IXHilsvfllo division and MrA II Egnn superintendent of Louisville division met Mr II O Itawngeneral manager of transportationantI W JJ Hnrnhan fourth vice preH1ld ntrllflMhellllnol8Ct ntni1rRllroad at thp union depot this mornIng Mr Ilawn nnd Mr Harrahan areon n general inspection trip of theroad

Miss Tesslo Lewis of IlayouKy who has been visiting friendsIn the city was called howe thismorning Sho will return In a fewdays

Th Paducah Construction com ¬

pany has secured a contract tobuild n 120000 brick structure In

Charleston Mo for Ithe FarmersMercantile Co Work will beginMonday

Detective Will linker arrestedFnnnlo Hawkins colored this morn-Ing charged with stealing a skirtfrom Mrs IF N Gardners residencebut on the return of the garmentMrs Gardner refused to prosecute

Ward Wicks white for a breachof tho peace was arrested this after ¬

noonThe Commercial club held a

meeting this morning to hear aproposition from a foreign enter ¬

prise antI will make n counter proposlllon Nothing Is expected by way ofanswer before several days


Alex Stonlc Plaro on Urncr Kentlucky Avenue

The saloon of Alex Storrle onLower Kentucky avenue near Maid ¬

en alley was entered last night af ¬

ter closing hours and n slot machineroken up nnd contents takenTho machine had not been rob ¬

bed by the owner fur several laysand was supposed to contain In theneighborhood of 2G Tho machinewas practically ruined

WwkH Tpbnifo ReportInspector IIL it Millers report for

tho weak showsReceipts week 281 hogsheads re¬

ceipts year 4GC8 hogsheads offer ¬

ings week 287 hogsheads offeringsyear UiD42 hogbheads rejectionsweek 34 hogsheads private salesweek 12 hogsheads i sales week2CG hogsheads sales year 3948hogsheads

Itooxcvolt In Claire

Cairo July lt Presldent Roose-

velt wilt be Invited to come to CairoIn October to attend tho Ohio ValleyImprovement Association meeting

the city council having concurred In

this suggestion mado by Mayor ParSons at tho council meeting hold lastnight It was decided tq have thomayor prepare the Invitation whichwill be signed by all tho membersof tho council

Dr H P4 Sights rotiirnod todayrota Henderson Ky


w r

feople anci-FZetzsanJ Events

St Ixjuls Wedding of Local IiHneatAirs llortensc JFunston Forbes of

St Louis who visited Mrs Rabb No-


at Anncllold last spring becomeI

the bride of Mr Herbert Durand at030 oclock Wednesday morningtho ceremony being performed byRev J R Winchester of the Churchof tho Ascension In the parlors of thohomo of the aunt and undo of thobride Air nnd Mrs William F Funston of Cnbrinne avenue Only afew members of tho families witness ¬

ed the nuptials the arrangementsfor which were dll very olrnplc

KiiUrttilii at DancingMr and Mrs Jan C Utterback

honoring MIss Woodran of Owensboro Miss Poll of Cincinnati give adance at the Wallace park paviliontonight

Jiiiti Pnrly TonightMiss Mary II Jennings entertainsI

this evening at her summer homo I

Oaklawu In Arcadia with a lawnparty

itiitieitiuitui VoMts

Air Luther1 Bailey of AladlsonvllleIKy formerly of Paducah was marnod Tuesday to Mss Maggie LangIcy of AIndlsonvllle


Special services welcoming theRev Lloyd T Wilson formerly of

Paducah as pastor of the Hast Baptint church of Louisville were heldSunday afternoon by tho congrega ¬

lion Dr Wilson preached In thomorning and evening nnd was heardby a large audience

Air Clarence Brown went to Alurray this morning on busfness

Mrs W L Wllkerson nnd chil ¬

drIll went to Jackson Tcnn thismorning to visit

Circuit Judge W l1 Reed went toBell ton this morning to try an In ¬

junction suit brought by trustees ofa school district who are lightingover school matters

Mr Smith F6lds of Fulton Is In

the cityAtf John Keller returned from

Texas this morningAttorney V A Berry retuTned

tram Fulton this morningtMr John Counts went to Murray

this morning on businessMr John Little returned front St

Louis this morningMr J M Hpgan went to Johnson

vllle Tcnn on tie business yester¬

daIMr Walter Sutherland has goneto Alnyfleld to see his brother AirJames Sutherland who Is 111

Miss Mary Virginia Quinn andMiss Annie Mao Derrington of May-

field are vlstlng Mrs Mike CaldwollMrs W M Pryor has gone for

Paragould Ark to visit her daugh-ter


Mrs LcdbetterMiss Nova Zelgler leaves Sunday

6r Noxopater Miss to liveThomas Hayden of tho R G Ter ¬

roll wholesale grocery of PaducahIU visiting his father Z T haydenIn Graves county I

Miss Alaymlo Baynum returnedThursday to Paducah after n visitto her mother In Graves county

Mrs Beta Ozborn of Paducah Is

attending tho bedside of her sister i

AllssLcnn Wilson at AlayfleldAir William H Bryant Is up the

Tennessee river on n business tripMr Oco Alexander returns tomor ¬

row from LouisvilleManager James Biigg of tho Hoi

combLobb local odlco limo returnedfront Murray

Air W 0 Dumlngton the tobacco


May sometimes be due to bdhealth but more often its due loworry How much sleep do 30U-

uoe over your financial affairsCan you always go to sleep with ¬

out worry about the future

We believe you would feel mucheasier if you would start an ac ¬

count at this bank It provides abarrier against future misfortunethat enables our depositors to goLo bed anti sleep without at leastworrying about finances One dol-



will start an account



227 Broadway

w L

buyer of Parmersvllto Va lIs In the

cityMrJesse Loch and sister Miss

Florence Loch sailed yesterday forGermany on the liner Darbarlssafor an extended tour of Europe

Mrs I12 Kccgnn and daughter ofHopklnsvllle are visiting relatives I

In the cllyMr Clarence Elllthorpo and wife I

of Chicago stopped hero ell route toMemphis whore they will locato

Attorney James Ray hasto the city after a Justness ripMarlon IKyt

Mr GeOrge Gardner Is In Mayfleld-visiting his brother Judge k

GardnerMr1F Tlsdale of Union City

Tenn Is In the clton businessMrs lien Hurnctt of Mayfield Is

visiting her parents Mr and MrsT II Owen

Mr W OB Hutson and wife ofllnrdwoll returned home yesterdayafter a visit In tho city

Mr Victor Van do Mojo left on thoDick Fowler for Metropolis thismorningMr

Singleton and wlfo leftfor Cairo on the Dick Fowler thismorning for1 a pleasure tripMrs W C Dowd and son Isaacleft last Monday for Cerulean Springsto spend the summer

Miss Antonia Dowd Is In Memphisthe guest of Mrs Nola Tucker

Mr W H Holcomb president ofthe HolcombLobb Tie Co Is In time

city on businessA D Smith and C L Faust ol

the A H Smith Lumber Co leavrtonight for Nashville Tenn on bus ¬

inessMrs Jan S Caldwell returned

home irom Bddyvllle KyMrs G M Tagg and niece MissI

Minnie Kllcoyne left last night fora visit at Battle Creek Mich

Miss Lyda Wilson and Miss Georg-Ia


Moses leave tomorrow for a visitat Dawson Springs

Air Ed L Hcndrlcks former tJIS revenue officer here of Madisonvllle IKy left last night after a visIt here

Atr J 11 McCandless left lastllast night for Memphis on business

Dr anti Mrs C AI Roberts andMrs Dennis of Hot Springs Arkwho have been visiting Rev J HRoberts of West Jefferson streetloft at noon for Crcal Springs 111

accompanied by Rev Roberts nnddaughter Mary ILouise Roberts

Mr J W Worrell went to Kutawa at noon on business

Mr W J Slater district superin ¬

tendent of tho Postal Telegraph Co

and Air E H Price superintendentof construction left this morningfor Louisville Ky

Deputy U S Marshal George W

Sounders arrived from Alayflold atnoon today

Attorney Lai Threlkeld of time

firm of Grassham Threlkeld thismorning qualified as a notary puhIlie I

Air Jt Smith has returned fromDawson

Messrs T C and C C Duke of

St Louis are In the city on businessAir G II Warneken the tobacco I

dealer of Clarksvlllc Tenn is In thecc

cityMissesBirdie and Myrtle Hawkins

will go lo Dycrsburg Sunday to vIsIItt Their mother Mrs Alice Haw ¬

kins who hints been visiting in Dy

ersburg for several weeks will re-


homo SundayCity Clerk Henry Bailey and fam ¬

ily returned this morning from Ce ¬

rulean Springs Clerk Bailey hadbeen away for his health and return ¬

ed greatly ImprovedMr I G Rawn general manager

of the II C and Air W J Hnrohanfourth vice president of the road ar-



In Paducah this morning at1120 oclock on train No 102 fromtho south They lire ou a regular In ¬

spection of tho road and will lookover tho now bridge at Gllbortsvllle I

which was Monday thrown Into ser ¬

vice They will remain In Paducahthis afternoon until 4 oclock andthen leave for Louisville on a special



Aisceiuslon of Danish Prince Charlesto the Throne of Norway

Stockholm July HCharles R

Flint of New York arrlyed hero tto-

day anti had a long Interview withMinister of Marino Palandor Mr

Flint declined to state tho object of

his visitThe semiofficial Dagblad refer ¬

ring to tho rumor that PrinceCharles of Denmark may ascend time

throne of Norway saysIt would cailso astonishment not

to say worse If Denmark allied her ¬

self with a country which throughrevolution robbed a lawful king ofone of hlsHhrones

Depositions were concluded in

the ease pending In the Livingstoncircuit court In settlement of the es-

tate of M Broomllold formerly oLivingston but Inter moved tp Texas dying and leaving mijch propertyIn Texas and Kentucky





40o C

30k C

1 lb of our 300 Pride OCnCoffee for UU20I C

18Coffee C

55s CC-

No Limit to Quantity

Great Pacific Tea

Coffee Co

333 Kroadwav Old rhou liiiHW rkli U76


Jhls Time in the Printing Depart ¬


Washington D C July HAs-a result of the state of affairs dis-


In the government printing oftire thero Is certain to be a bigshakeup when President lioosevcltgets back to town TIme disclosuresbrought out by the Investigation ofthe contracts by the public printerhave convinced omc nlstiml theremustbe a chango of personnel to thofull extent of the presidents au ¬

thorityThe president has not been un ¬

mindful of the conditions althoughhe hits not known tho extent of themismanagement

Fred Gray driver of one ofIFrank Fohrs Brewery wagons wasbruised considerably this morningwhen his horse became frightened Infront of the Ice house on First streetL

and throwing him off the wogandragged him quite a little distancebetween the wagon and a string ofr

railroad cars that were on the trackat that point

In the caso of W J1 Cox as ¬

signee and trustee against the Daw

son Springs Hotel Co in Hopkinscircuit In contest with the general I

creditors and bondsmen time salemoney Is being held while C C

Grasshnm prepares the depositions ofgeneral creditors scattered through ¬

out the country

Postmaster Allard Williams hasreturned from visiting his brotherMr Pe rlla Williams at C-



PALACE THEATRELargest in the World


AT PADUCAHSee the funny musical comedy A

COl11plctelblllbeauty choruf of lovely girls the boldbank robbery Edisons latest granddouble orchestra anti marine bandnew electrical effects Cooled byelectric fa-nsPRICES25c 35c 60c

We CarryEverythingThatt can be found In any uplodatedrug store The time has come tobuy medicine We have all kindAnd If you feel tired and worn outconic In and we can fix you up withsonic good tonic We have all theadvertised btands If you wanttoilet articles petfutnery face pow ¬

der skin creams soaps bruiberietc we have complete stock Ifyou have any private receipts ofyour own let us fill them for youWe want you to come to us for every-thing


in time drug store line Welltry to pleaseyou



Fourth and Ifroadway



Have U Saw theI

Squeezin Bucket jj

It certainly dd squeeze much more0

squeezer than any of the squeezirigestsqueezers thats asqueezin an oldtimesqueeze

Harts Mop Buckets JKnow how to squeeze and do get

the water out ofa mop and leave it inthe very best mopping condition withouttwisting and pulling the mop into strings

A Great Savingnot only in mops but in labor as the MopBucket does all the hard straining work

Reduced Price 150


If anything went amiss at theoffice today which a want ad mayremedy and you hastened to fix uptho want ndou may stop worry-

ing about the matter

FOR RENT Two rooms 219 N

Fifth street

FOR SALE Gentle buggy horse1308 Jefferson

FOR RENT Furnished rooms908 Broadway

PATRONIZE Ellis Williams un ¬

ion barbershop 408 Broadway

FOR SALE Pony phaeton andharness Address M F W care Sun

FOR RENT Flro nice up stairsrooms See Kamlelter the Grocer

ALBERT SAPi > LIE candy kitch¬

en confectionery fruits cigars etc530 Broadway

INOTICESouthern Credit Co hasmoved to 230 South 4th street cor-


Washington J M Day

L A LAWLER Old Phone 1062

will give you lowest prices on allkinds of painting

FOR RENT Furnished or utafurnshed rooms up stairs T Coonoy I

Fifth and Jackson

FANNIE AVANT 716 B SixthShampooing Scalp Massagj Mani ¬

curing Phone 1678-

WI11TF2iMORE Real Estate Freeprlco list Insurance Notary publicFraternity Building PhoneD 835

NICE FURNISHED room forrent with bath and all modern convefllonces 918 Broadway

FOR SALE Two fresh milchcows Apply J S Hunt 1720 Mont

roeWANTEDYotlimSlady as office

girl also young man to distributecards Yale Dentists 227 Broadway

FOR SALEA good safe familyhorse carriage anti harness Callon Dr Williamson corner Fourthand Broadway Brook Hill Building


tention by practical mon given yourhorse and carriage C R Holland210 South Third Old phone 721

NOTICEII hereby notify all per ¬

sons that I will be no longer responslblo for any debts that my wife maycontract J L Putnam

FOR RENT Furnished roomswithin two blocks of Fourth andBroadway on car line Old phono6134

J H MORGAN blacksmithJOI

=S Third Old Phone 457 Superiorwork guaranteed Exclusive agentfor flora stone side wire tires thebest rubber tire made

FOR itENjiflo Blue RlbbuuHall newly fitted up with electricfans and all conveniences For Information < all at Blue Ribbon sailoon liii

PIANO and piano players on easypayments Pianos rented and tunedFred C Watson Bro V H Thom ¬phoneE3

STRAYEDSmall red and whiteottcd cow three years old Reward

for Information concerning herwhereabouts Address Sun omco orring new phone 1094

GREEK CANDY K1TOHEN 211Broadway cold drinks fresh candleschoice fruits tobacco and cigarsIce cream soda 5c Ice cream Be 90cper gallon wholesale Satisfaction



and boys to learnplumbing trade Cannot supply dermand for graduates II to 5 perday Many complete course In two I

months Graduates admitted to Un ¬ I

ion and Master Plumbers AssriSend for free catalogue Coyne BrosCo Plumbing School New YorkCity Cincinnati 0 St Louis Mo

Wanted Everybody to KnowWe rent and sell Pianos and Or

gans We sell and bang wallpaperWe frame your pictures right up todate without delay Union labor andfirstclass goods We do not add 30pdr cent and worry you with billsbut remember cash counts at tilePADUOAH BOOK MUSIC STORE

428 Broadway

JXOTICETwenty dollars reward will be paid

for the arrest and conviction of party or parties who turned In thin raisefire alarm over the American DistrictTelegraph Cos night watch and tirealarm system from Hiram BlowCos plant near Union depot about340 p III Saturday evening July1st 1905 G B ELMORE Mgr

American Dint Tel Co of Ky

Flro nt ColumbusColumbus 0 July UFIte this

morning burned out the Central UiIon Telephone exchange entailing P

twentylive thousand dollars dnniage and putting tho exchange out ofbusiness probably for several days


Paducah Ky June 20 1905I have tried uncampogary In place

of qulnlno ou my own child whohad fever and I think It Is a sureand successful substitute for qui ¬

nine without tho bitter taste and illeffects on the head

DR LEE DEMYERSThe above Is a new tasteless qui ¬

nine form for babies anti childrenwho cannot tako capsules It Is mak-


a big hit Try It At all drug-gists


Smith NngflJ special asentPndiirnh Ky Ue