Partnership Opportunities Presented to:

Yard sale for the cure benjamin moore proposal (final)

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Partnership Opportunities

Presented to:

About CBCF

The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation is Canada’s

leading breast cancer charity through:

• funding relevant, impactful and innovative research

• supporting and advocating for the breast cancer community

The Foundation is a trusted leader

The Foundation is the country’s leading organization

committed to creating a future without breast cancer and

since its inception over 25 years ago, has invested over $248

million in the most relevant and innovative research.

The Foundation has a highly recognizable brand and enjoys

significant brand value.

Insight and Perception

CBCF ranks in the top 5 national charities measured for

support and in the top 3 for brand perception.



Activating our community Last year:

• Yard Sale for the Cure’s media presence generated almost 400,000 impressions with consistent RTs from the blogging community

• 70,000 Ontarians participated in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure

• CIBC Run for the Cure’s Virtual Run site raised $118K, an increase of 22% from the previous year

• CBCF Ontario introduced a writing letter campaign to improve quality breast cancer screening in Ontario. Over 20,000 letters were sent to the Ontario Government and during the first two weeks of the campaign, our social media audience increased by 400%

• CBCF was awarded the most influential non-profit in social media by Hill & Knowlton (Oct 2011)

CBCF Facebook page


Yard Sale for the Cure (YSC) is a Canada-

wide, community-driven movement

organized by groups and individuals

committed to creating a future

without breast cancer.

Created in 2005, by breast cancer survivor

Rachael Smith, YSC raises money by

encouraging corporations,

communities and individuals to hold a

series of yard sales in neighbourhoods

across Canada.

Her first yard sale in the Toronto Beaches

raised $45,000. Now Yard Sale for the

Cure has 225 communities

participating across the country.

Over $1.3 million raised to date!

Yard Sale for the Cure

• Our message that “Anyone can host a sale – at home or online” is

relevant to adult women of all ages in every stage of life, all

ethnicities and socioeconomic backgrounds.

• Our hosts tend to be 40+ years of age with 80% having strong

connections to the cause – for themselves, and as children, mothers,

sisters, aunts and friends of those who are also connected.

• Shoppers of yard sales vary depending on the area of the sale and

the people hosting them. Over 90% of hosts surveyed, said families

shopped their sales.

• Our media strategy will be to build upon 2012 with Print, (women’s

magazines, Daily newspaper with regional representation, Editorial content/partnership), Radio,

a new website (micro-series, user generated video, features) and an integrated

social media plan.

Target Audience


To capitalize on the Foundation’s large online follower base, Yard Sale for the

Cure’s marketing channels are primarily online, with radio and print media

seamlessly integrated into the overall marketing channels.

Marketing Channels

Facebook Page Yard Sale for the Cure Website Yard Sale for the Cure


Top Yard Sale Sites


FAST FACT: 50 corporate sales occurred in

Ontario on May 26, 2012

Top 5 Sites: Toronto



St. Catherine’s


Since Yard Sale for the Cure became a proprietary Foundation

event, the number of media impressions has consistently


In 2012, Yard Sale for the Cure’s media impressions were 34

Million, up from 17.8 Million in 2011. As a result Yard Sale

for the Cure received more community support and media


Media Reach


Yard Sale for the Cure resulted

in 59 print, online articles and

blog posts, tripling the amount

from 2011.

Become Involved

•Host a design themed Yard Sale

• Hold refurbishing & painting

workshops at community sales

• Encourage retailers to host their

own Yard Sale, or shop at a Yard Sale

near them

Become a sponsor.

Yard Sale for the Cure provides opportunities for

companies to both engage their customers and

employees at the grassroots level.

Some ways Benjamin Moore can become involved:

• Promote Yard Sale to your customer base (e.g.

integrate Yard Sale into your marketing activities)

• Challenge your employees to engage and

activate their neighborhoods and communities

• Acknowledgment as an Official Sponsor of Yard Sale for the Cure in the GTA and

across Ontario-Atlantic

• Advertising & Promotion:

– YSC Radio ads played on media outlets with, “Benjamin Moore, Official Paint Sponsor of

Yard Sale for the Cure”

– On-site signage acknowledging Benjamin Moore as the Official Paint Sponsor at the

community and corporate activations

– Display space on-site at all community and corporate activations

– Opportunity to provide promotional items/material in the Ontario kits (160)

• PR/Host event – National Home Show (March 15-24, 2013)

– On-site signage acknowledging Benjamin Moore as our YSC partner

– Opportunity to provide product as incentive prizing during the NHS

– Opportunity to promote a contest in conjunction with the event

– Opportunity to provide promotional items/material in the branded bags (5000)

– Opportunity to provide promotional materials at the CBCF Yard Sale for the Cure booth

– Opportunity to provide promotional materials in the YSC bags distributed to YSC contest



• www.yardsaleforthecure.com and cbcf.org/Ontario and Atlantic


– Logo recognition on the Sponsors and Partners section of the website.

– Includes link to full page layout and description of partnership, including

a link out to your Benjamin Moore website.

– 8,000 visitors to Yard Sale for the Cure website , March-May 2012 period

– Host a Featured Auction with your branded car, motorcycle or

premium service and be featured online and onsite at NHS.

• Yard Sale for the Cure e-communications:

– Recognition in e-communications slated for distribution during Yard

Sale season, March 25th to September 30th

– 245,000+ subscribers

• Logo on all t-shirts produced for province of Ontario (760)

• Online Celebrity Yard Sale “Webisodes”

– Opportunity to place product or CEO in an episode of the YSC Micro-Series

– Brand association with celebrity, YSC and on site activation at local sites


Activation Opportunities

• The Benjamin Moore™ UPCYCLE Station

where guests can learn new trends and try paint

techniques, and refurbish their sale items

• Cross promotions, demos workshops and

product giveaways with Benjamin Moore


• Opportunity to provide branded product bags

for all YSC purchases at community events

• Logo to be included in onsite thank you


• Benjamin Moore™ Thank You Host Gift

redeemable for those who submit funds by 5pm

on May 25th

(*sites TBC)

Activate at National Home Show and large community YSC sites:

Your investment of $25,000 will ensure the success

of Yard Sale for the Cure in 2013 and 2014.

*-Additional materials at sponsor’s cost and to be mutually agreed upon.

Contact Information

Thank you for your consideration of the Yard Sale for the Cure. Together, we can create a

future without breast cancer. Please contact us if you require additional information or

have any further questions:

Leigh Jasmine

Director, Community Development

Ph: 416-815-1313 x300

E-mail: [email protected]

Kelly Ziger

Community Development Officer

Ph: 416-815-1313 x435

E-mail: [email protected]