Year 11 Yearbook 2015

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To Year 11It has been wonderful to see you all progress through the years here at Catmose College; I have some very fond memories and I am sure you all do too.I know you have bright futures ahead of yourselves and I look forward to hearing great things about you!Best of luck in everything.S Williams

To the class of 2010-2015 – Many thanks for your warmth, humour and good grace. I will remember with pride the large number of you who represented the College so well on Open Evening. You were mature, smart, and confident. To my class – well done on all your efforts. I enjoyed our lessons and will even miss the Friday homework catch up crew. Remember your time at Catmose with fondness. You were fortunate to be part of a great year. J Harrison

A few assembly thoughts.... Want and value what you have; rather than trying to have everything you want, you WILL be happier. History is the past you can’t change it so try to learn from it. The future is a mystery so you can’t know it, but you can prepare for it. The present is a gift, so use it well. You can get a living from what you earn, you’ll only get a life from what you give.Aim to have the strength to change what you can, have the resilience to cope with what you can’t change, and hope to find the wisdom to recognise the difference between the two. G Marsh

Dougie, stop confusing Maths with Drama.C Burns

The Science team have all been very impressed with your commitment this year. Well done each of you for your dedication to your science qualifications. You deserve some excellent results! We wish you the best of luck in whatever you do and look forward to hearing about your contributions to scientific developments in the future.N Mentzel

To all Year 11s, we met for a reason and either you’re a blessing or a lesson! Good luck!B Learoyd

You are the first year that I have taught all of the way through from Year 7 and I must say it has been an experience. The fact that my daughter claims to have found a grey hair the other day, is surely a coincidence. I wish you all the very best for future success and the door is always open for future grovelling apologies!R Lewis

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Staff QuotesAs a teacher who had previously moved jobs regularly, you are one of the first year groups I have ever known from Year 7 until Year 11. Watching you all grow into the incredibly flexible, supportive year group you are now has been a pleasure. You have adapted to the different stages of your secondary education so well, by looking after each other and embracing the new. This fills me with confidence for your future. You are capable, thoughtful individuals who have made excellent decisions on your next steps. I wish you all the best for your futures and look forward to hearing news of the successes you so richly deserve. Good luck and please keep in touch with the College.J Macdonald

Well Year 11, what can I say? I have really enjoyed your company over the last five years, there have been ups and downs but mainly ups. Your participation in performances, trips and sporting events as well as academic success, have played a key role in making the College an outstanding one, with a great reputation in the community and beyond. Remember you only get out of something what you put in – so take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.V Savage

Dear Class of 2010-15 I would like to thank you all for making my job so easy. You really have been a pleasure to work with. The things I will remember most are: my Y11 GCSE PE group; the Sports Leaders; the Ski Trip to Italy; and perhaps most of all the Ghana Expedition. With regards to the latter I don’t think you can underestimate the positive impact you have made. The New Zealand Rugby Team have two sayings. The first is ‘to be good ancestors’ and the second ‘to leave the jersey in a better place than you found it’. Both these apply to you. You have been fantastic advocates for the College and set the bar pretty high for future cohorts. I wish you all the very best for the future. O Teasel

It has been a pleasure teaching many of you over your time at Catmose. I am sure you will look back at your time here with fond memories and I wish you all the best for the future.R Wardhaugh

“I can’t be bothered Miss” Nicole CoxL Wells

Year 11, it has been an experience! My biggest regret is never having witnessed ‘Where’s Wally?’ on the Hellerup. The place will be greyer without you.A Beacham

“Queridos estudiantes, gracias por un año increíble. Me lo pasé muy bien con vosotros. A mi modo de ver estoy muy emocionada porque voy a echaros de menos. Buena suerte para el futuro. Un abrazo.“ Señora Wiik

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C Dodson

It’s hard to believe that it’s nearly over! It doesn’t seem like two minutes (well a bit longer!) since I was trying to remember your names on the Y7 taster day when you were all wide eyed and innocent. As it’s gone so quickly I am thinking that it must mean that it’s been a good 5 years – time flies when you’re having fun? I am really proud to have been your form tutor and I still maintain that you are the best form! You have all changed so much, grown into confident young people and discovered your talents on the way (remember in Y7 when you all recorded your talents?). Keep growing and never stop learning.

C Dodson

Form 11A

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Niamh Bradford: “They love their hair because they’re not smart enough to love some-thing more interesting”

Edward Burns: “The person to the right is my clone”

Lewis Burns: “My twin is a nerd”

Zied Cheikh: “when is the lat-est we can send it to you”

Nicole Cox: “If somebody asks you to do something, do it really badly so you never need to do it again.”

William Devere-Summers: “Just get on with it”

Nikita Edwards: “ I’m gonna miss you guys”

Oliver Elliott: “I Dunno”

Emellia Goodburn: “I’m a plank”

Sacha Gordon: “In the end we only regret the chances we did take”

Cameron Gorman: “To catch flies you need honey, to catch honnies you need to be fly”

Bradley Hack: “No Party Is Better Than A Pinkie Pie Party”

Morgan Hodgkin: “Not eve-ryone you lose is a loss”

Ruby-Mae McAuliffe: “CLAS-SIC”

Yasmin Makinde: “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough”

Trudi Miller: “I’ve had a great time”

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Joel Morris: “But quite honestly I can’t help being a passionate football supporter. If that’s my sin, I’m guilty” - Delia Smith

Isabelle North: “One person’s craziness is another person’s reality”

Ellie Payter: “The only person you should try to be better than is the person than you were yesterday”

Freya Ratcliffe-Cooper: “Don’t you hate it when sentences don’t finish the way you sausage”

Thomas Smith: “ Goodbye


Fern Spencer: “It doesn’t matter what’s behind you or in front of you, it matters what’s within you.”

Willow Spencer: “The best revenge is massive success.”

Alice Tatlow: “You remind me of my niece who pretends to be a cal…” Mr Donnelly

Samantha Waddy: “My sister stole my quote”

Sam Wood: “After Tuesday, even the calendar goes WTF”

Katy Woodman: “The world is your oyster”

Megan Mumby: “I’ll always remember Catmose. Not just for the good times and bad times, but for the people here; students and teachers for making my time here worthwhile. I’ve made friends who I’ll never forget.”.

Rebecca Potter

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S Kelly

As my 18th Year 7 intake in 2010 (as they say: ‘do the Math’) you have proved to be my favourite tutor group for many years. Entering the College as children (and some more childish than others!) I have seen you grow into confident young adults ready and eager to take on the world. I shall miss your friendliness and good humour and wish you well for the years ahead. Keep your heads up and look to the future!

Form 11C

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Leah Ayling: “live life while you can”

Amber Cole-Wallace: “Good luck for the future”

Emma Carter: “Live every-day like it’s your last! Xxx”

Abbie Redfern: “Remember to be yourself”

Thomas Ameer-Beg: “You can always rely on me to do everything right - After I’ve tried everything else”

Peter Amor: “Further resist-

ance is futile”

Ella Baines: “What goes around comes around”

Chelsea Briggs: “See ya later alligators”

Matthew Brown: “Jamie Vardy’s having a party”

Jack Crump: “If opportunity

doesn’t knock, build a door”

Lucas Dawson: “I never make the same mistake twice, I make it 5 or 6 times, you know, just to be sure”

Sophie Garfoot: “Bye Cat-

mose forever”

Lily Hemsley: “I has been great, thanks”

Gabriella Ingamells: “My name’s not Gabby”

André Price: “You’re laughing because I’m laughing, but I’m laughing because I farted”

Douglas Saxey-Santillo-Hempkin: “Waking up for school is the second hardest thing in the morning”

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Megan Smith: “WHAT YOU SAYIN’”

Olivia Woodcock: “Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you”

Lucy Steel: “A day without laughter is a day wasted”

Liam Truscott: “If nothing goes right... go left”

Jordan Wallace: “Costa tonight?”

Hannah Stokes-Bright: “If you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working for it”

Alberto Serio: “Can everyone stand in height order”

Lydia Simms: “Come back to

me later”

Callum Smith: “It’s said that two wrongs don’t make a right, but two Wrights make an aeroplane”

Thomas Soares: “Take a chunk out of life”

Jessica Waddy: “Past is in the past, future is in front of you”

Sam Watchorn: “Darn, Matty Brown stole my girl again-Everyone”

Zak Whitaker: “I never make stupid mistakes, only very, very clever ones”

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Form 11M

“I could say it’s been the longest five years of my life. I clearly remember the first days of Year 7 and what a fine, immaculately turned out group of Year 7s they were. Indeed, some of them have maintained their standards of dress and appearance throughout the following five years, while some have fallen into the temptation of strange hair dos and coloured nails. Nevertheless, as 11M begin the final slog to exams and departure, I can look back with fondness and comfort at the journey they have made, some voluntarily, some with a little encouragement and support, and a few needing a constant battery of rewards and sanctions to maintain some semblance of progress.On reflection however, despite the ups and downs, there is no doubt that they leave college as a group of well educated and increasingly mature young people, poten-tially able to make the best of the next stage of their education and certainly with the potential of becoming reliable citizens and sensible adults.”

M Hawkins

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Jack Astill: “EGG; no more, no more, no more for me”

Charllotte Bell Chloe Booth Connor Boylan: “This school gave me a lot of opportunities”

Joe Buckle: “Emily Rayner” Chloe Brown Elyse Cameron: “CLASSIC” Charlotte Cramphorn: “Put your faith in what you most believe in”

Bethany Godfrey: “Fail to pre-pare, prepare to fail”

George Gray: (poo emoticon here)

Thomas Hall: “ Matt is bae”

Poppey Johnstone: (insert poo emoticon here)

Imogen Kelleher: “of course it is happening inside your head harry. But why on earth should that mean that it is not real”

Imogen Green: “don’t be a hater, dear”

Thomas Law: “Life is not a dress rehearsal”

Nadia Lesna: “Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground”

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Isaac Limbrick: “I bought my way through High school”

Nathan Liptrot: “who let the dogs out? I’m sorry to say again, its moysch!”

Rory Madelin: “The best lan-guage in the world is music”

Jamie Maxwell: “Give it giigy’s till end of season”

Harriet McHugh Jake Orton Jonathan Procter: “Here’s to the crazy ones. The ones who see things differently. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do”

Nicole Smith: “Success comes in cans, not cannots”

Bethany Steadman: “The moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle hap-pens. Do not give up”

Christopher Taylor: “This school

has given me so many friends and great memories”

Hannah Tomkinson: “So long, farewell, auf weidersehen, adieu”

Brandon Wood: “Lava only flows one way, downhill!”

Kyle Woolley: “How do you measure mass, temperature” - Liam T

Ella-Louise Perkins

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You actually are you? Stop comparing me to Mr Wilson on a daily basis - Thanks. What a lovely few months we have had!!!! You’ve helped me settle in so well, you’re all so kind and always listen to what I have to say, tutorial is the best part of the day! Ermmmm. On a serious note, I want to wish you all the best in the next stage in your life whether that be at college or 6th form. Good luck.

Form 11O

L Jones

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Kyan Atkins: “I always leave my homework until the last day because I will be older and therefore wiser”

Shanyron(Nick) Bell: (Left Early)

Ross Bussingham: “4 times 1 night”

Fletcher Charlesworth: “Eve-ryone lights up a room,some when they enter and some when they leave”

Katherine Conboy: “:-)”Isaac Taveira Costa: “Only dead fish go with the flow”

Toby Crowden: “I’m not say-ing I’m Batman, I’m just say-ing no one has seen me and Batman in a room together”

Mariana Dias: “You were born an Original, don’t die a copy”

Jonathan Eldred: “Help, I’m trapped in this book”

Cameron Ferguson-Parr: “I love my six pack so much I protect it with a layer of fat”

Fabio Gorrell: “five years later and I still haven’t grown”

Lydie Halliday: “Not Lazy, just relaxed”

Kimberley Forsythe

Abigail Dearden: ”I won’t because I can’t on principle but if I could I would throw you out of the window”- Mr Kerley

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 Alicia Hubbard: “You’ve all been saying my name wrong for five years :)”

Ryan Lee: “Yesterday I did nothing. Today I finish what I did yesterday”

Corinne Leeman: “Why did Jenny fall off the swing”

Freya Menzies: “because she had no arms”

Louie Miles: “Look at all this space for activities-Brendan Huff”

Edward Miller: “Thinking is important, if you don’t think then you will fail at life”

Sheetal Odedra: “Girls want attention but women want respect”

Declan Rawlings: “You tell me”

Megan Rayson: “Never give up, remember there is no such thing as an ending, just a new beginning”

Olivia Stevenson: “Everyone’s a critic”

Emily Topping: “Dribbles#5” Amelia Walker: “You alright…”

Rebecca Wensley: “Don’t tell spud”

Rachel West: “There’s noth-ing better than a friend other than a friend with chocolate”

Sofie Whittemore: “I can only please one person a day, to-day is not your day, tomorrow doesn’t look good either”

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At the time of writing this letter you were all in Year 10 on the end of year wind down, the sun is shining, sports day is in full flow and all you are really worried about is the last dragging days that are in your way before the summer holiday. As you read this a lot will have changed, your summer holiday will be longer this year which you must take every opportunity to enjoy; your GCSEs and Catmose will now be behind you and attentions will begin to shift towards the variety of colleges, sixth forms and apprenticeships that you each will have ahead. My first and main message is to wish you good luck in whatever this next step may be. Whether your dream is to become a doctor, teacher, plumber or farmer you are all capable of great success so long as you put the work in and have belief that you can achieve your goals.

Now then, what will I have missed about the form formally known as 7, 8, 9 & 10O for this last year? I can honestly say I have never known a group of 30 individuals, so different in so many ways to all work together and get along so well. With the exception of one or two scraps and brief fallings out along the way, you were always an incredibly friendly, happy and well thought of group. I will particularly miss raising anxiety levels while passing out your reports and even more so while handing out your school photos (easily my favourite tutorial each year).

Finally, a very long list, what will I remember of each of you? Milly and Rebecca (and many others) breaking down in tears of laughter for no reason, Rebecca also acting as Katie’s in school carer to make sure she got to her lessons, ‘quiet chats’ with Cam and Dec outside the form room, Fabio always knowing when to be quiet to avoid getting in trouble, 20 questions with Sheetal (with Kim, Megan, Rachel and Marianna trying to calm Sheetal down/wind each other up by breaking each other’s hands), Lydie and Olivia’s karaoke (which Kyan began to take over in the later stages of year 10), Louie continually trying to convince Sofie and myself that he is a nice person, the comments Isaac made when he didn’t quite know what was going on (and Freya being the only person apart from myself to pick up on these moments), quizzing Corinne about her doodles and being told this was mean by Abby, long chats being quizzed during DofE by Toby and Alicia, Ed’s moans about having to stay in school until he is 18(!!!), Jonny and Ryan for holding the world record for excuses for being late to tutorial, Fletcher taking over my job and shhhh’ing the class quiet, Nick’s relentless attempts at comedy, Ross’s ‘tales’, and finally being quizzed on every single request I ever made by Emily.

For one final time I wish you all the best in your futures and the many directions these will take you. Never stop setting yourself goals and more importantly never give up on achieving them.

O Wilson

Form 11O

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Thank you for letting me into your worlds and sharing - you have made me laugh and cry- for the best and wrong reasons! It has been smooth sailing with so many of you: thank you - you know who you are! You have made it a privilege to know you.  I wish you all the best. Please value yourself highly, wherever you go.Sarah Martin XX 

Form 11S

S Martin

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Evie Alexander: “don’t take life too seriously”

Rachel Alfieri: “The one that had time for a swing”

Oscar Body: “Anyone for Harington?”

Oliver Bulmer: “School is long and hard like my snooker cue”

Sophie Castle: “B**ch, Don’t kill my vibe”

Sophie Clark: “Somebody told me to go to Hell. Couldn’t find it at first. Now I’m here”

Ewan Crawford: “#MCJC” Clarice Deakin: “Good luck after your GCSEs”

Carlo Ferreira: “We all bleed Kelloggs”

Sophie Joyce: “Always live life to the full. Try and you’ll succeed”

Georgina Lightfoot: “Imperfec-tions create character”

Jacob McConnell: “Booty had me like”

Matthew McGarvey: “You can take that haircut to client services”

Alex Goodson-Jones: “I live, I die”

Oliver Cliff: “Matty”Georgia Butlin: “I don’t need a quote”

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Rhys Morgan: “Nah” Louisa Orchard: “CLASSIC” Hannah Pepper: “Flute is me lae”

Ben Ramsey: *insert witty quote here*

Charlotte Raxter: “Something sappy and cliché about change.”

Laura Rhys-Williams: “Jeep-ers”

Christopher Spencer: “I was going to say something but now I’m not”

Kyle Stevenson: “Rosalind is love, Rosalind is life”

Daniel Storer: “ Duo Screen” Charlie Strain: “Eat, sleep, rave, repeat”

Zoe Wade: “If an experi-ment works, then something has definitely gone wrong”

Chloe Wallace: “I’ll be think-ing of you all, in therapy”

Anna Ward: “CLASSIC”

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You have achieved success if you have lived well, laughed often and loved much; left the world better than you found it and have always looked for the best in others and given them the best you had. “This is the start of the rest of your life… make the most of it!

Form 11T

K Dodd

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Chris Allen: “Je m’appelle Christophe”

Erik Ansell: “I’m a proper technician”

Luke Berrie: “They wouldn’t let me retake my picture... now I’m going to be remembered looking like this. I was honestly better looking than this”

Ben Birch: “It was all going well… Until it exploded”

Alice Broad: “I’m a happy mushroom - A.Beacham”

Lewis Bullimore: “You tried your best and you failed mis-erably. The lesson is never try”. - Homer Simpson

Ellie Bullough: “Dribbles#4” Lauren Burgess: “It’s not about passing exams, it’s the taking part that counts”

Sophia Corby: “This is not the quote that I want or is it”

Elysia Dooley: “Vision with-out action is a daydream”

Reece Hinson: “Nah” Charlotte Lee: “Wish you all the best for the future xox”

Charlie Lewis: “It’s because I am fabulous”

Chelsea Lucas: “The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow”

Poppy Flitcroft: “Love is like like a fart, if you have to force it it’s probably c**p”

Ella Gilbert: “You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions”

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Alexandra Meade: “Maths, why can’t you solve your own problems”

Annabelle Woodward: “I’m so much cooler on Twitter”

Benjamin McDonald: “I never had a policy; I have just tried to do my very best each and every day - Abraham Lincoln

Dillon Moynihan: “Eat, Pray, Gym”.

Emily Rayner: “Classic? Are you refusing to follow requests?”

Hayd’n-Lee Lysandrou: “#Egg #Bowl”

Jarrod Miller: “Life is like autumn leaves, it rots”

Olivia Mould: “Surely not” James Platt: “If you want to get to know someone find out what makes them angry”

Harry Sargood: “Same blazer still fits from year 7 till year 11! #Bowl #Egg

George Sayers: “‘George your incompetence knows no bounds’-Peter Amor, after I spent 6 hours in A&E with my tongue stuck to brace, sorry A&E”

Talek Semmens: “The road to success is only closed for resurfacing”

Kyle Southernwood: “(He has a quote)”

Millie Watson: “Goodbye Erik”*

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House Captains





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Image wall

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Image wall

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At School

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Ghana trip

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Head Boy

Head Girl

Deputy headboys & Head girls

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Good luck!

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“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go...”- Dr. Seuss

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A last story from Mr Marsh

Two old stories, but perhaps with a message for us all.In the early 1300’s in Scotland a man named Robert Bruce was fighting desperately to get the English armies out of his country. Six times he attacked and six times he failed. He found himself on the run with enemy soldiers keen to find him. He found a cave in the hills and hid. Whilst he was there he saw a spider trying to spin a web across a corner of the shelter, but it seemed to be too wide and it failed, but it started to try again. Robert became transfixed, watching, willing it to try again. It failed again, and again, and again! It now became an obsession to him. He desperately wanted the spider to succeed, as somehow it seemed important. Eventually, on what seemed to him, to be symbolically, the seventh occasion, the spider successfully spanned, what seemed to be an impossibly wide gap. He decided to take this as a message that he too could succeed, in his own, seemingly impossible task to defeat the English army. He gained heart, set out to draw supporters together and in June 1314 he finally defeated a much larger army and gained a secured Scottish throne.A second story concerns a soldier (again some versions place it in Scotland), again on the run, but this time hotly pursued by enemies. He hides in a cave and prepares for a last stand or death. He prayed. “Please God send me your protection” and lay down to rest a moment.He became aware that soldiers were drawing nearer and as he looked at the exit to the cave he noticed a spider spinning an intricate web across the opening. He half smiled to himself, “I asked for protection Lord, a stone wall would be useful, rather than a flimsy web”. He hid in the corner gripped his sword and prepared to die fighting. He heard soldiers talking, “There’s a cave, he could be there, come on!”, then one said, “No, there’s no point look at that spider’s web. It’s huge! Nobody has gone through that gap for a long time, he’s only been out of sight a few moments, so he can’t be in there, let’s keep going”. He was safe.The End….. but wait! There’s always a message of some kind.So, what do we get from these stories?Spiders are great role models for keeping going and not giving in just because something’s hard to do! Be more spider – like!Support and protection can come from the unlikeliest sources.If you’re religious try prayer.

The answer you’re looking for might not be the one you hoped for, but it could still be helpful.

So… Don’t give in, Keep trying to achieve your goals even if they seem impossible.

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Catmose College2010 - 2015

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Catmose CollegeHuntsman Drive

OakhamLE15 6RP