Yuendumu Landfill Environmental Management Plan 2014

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Yuendumu Landfill Environmental

Management Plan 2014

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Yuendumu Landfill Environmental Management Plan


Table of Contents 1. Scope and Purpose of EMP 2. Objectives Programs and Targets 3. Environmental Policy 4. Site Physical Environment 5. Site Operating Environments 6. Environmental Impacts and Controls 7. Site Waste Management 8. Site Closure and Rehabilitation Plan 9. Legal and Other Requirements 10. Resources Roles and Responsibilities 11. Competence Training and Awareness 12. Monitoring and Measurement 13. Emergency Preparation and Response 14. Evaluation of Compliance 15. Non Conformity-Corrective Action and Preventative Action 16. Management Review 17. Appendices Written by Mick Cafe with the assistance of the Central Australian Waste Management Committee.

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Yuendumu Landfill Environmental Management Plan


1. Scope and Purpose of EMP The Aims of this EMP are to detail the actions and procedures to be carried out during the operation and post closure phases of the Yuendumu landfill in order to mitigate any adverse impacts to the environment where practicable. The purpose of the EMP process is to: 1. Produce a frame work for control of design, construction, operational

and post closure impacts, including practicable and achievable performance requirements and a system of monitoring and reporting and implementing corrective action where and when required

2. Minimise adverse effects to the environment and to facilitate compliance with current legislation, regulation and guidelines as they relate to workplace, public health and safety and environmental protection within the landfill site context

3. Provide information for a potential landfill licence- (currently Yuendumu is exempt from licensing as it has less than 1000 residents), however the aim of this EMP is to prepare for future growth.

4. Provide evidence of compliance to relevant legislation, policies, guidelines and requirements of relevant authorities

5. To minimise inconvenience to local residents by eliminating/controlling dust, odour and noise nuisance from landfill activities and to ensure that all operational procedures designed to protect human/environmental health are efficiently implemented

2. Objectives, Targets and Programs Council aims to operate Yuendumu landfill under the broader scope of regional waste management principles and in line with best practice principal agreed to by NT Health, NTEPA and Regional Councils as a cooperative program. The landfill management is guided by but not restricted to the Central Australian Remote Landfill Operating Manual as a primary resource. Best practice management principals aim to:

• Allow for the progressive use of the landfill in such a manner that part of the site can be capped, part is to be prepared to receive waste, part is left undisturbed for future use and part actively receiving daily waste

• Enable progressive excavation of on-site fill materials whilst minimising double handling

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• Provide adequate storage of materials used for sequential restoration

• Concentrating waste disposal activities within a predefined, prepared area

• Curtailing leachate generation by reducing areas of active and unrestored tipping to a minimum

• Segregation of clean surface water run-off from leachate generated by landfill activities

• Protecting local amenity • Phasing landfill development and restorative work expenditure • Preparing adjacent landfill site for future expansion of the facility

3. Environmental Policy The Central Desert Regional Council Environment Policy has been developed to provide direction to Council operations to enable environmentally sustainable service delivery.

4. Site Physical Environment 4.1 Ownership and Tenure Details Yuendumu Landfill is part of the Yuendumu Aboriginal land trust. 4.2 Development Approval There has been no development approval sought for the present landfill site. The site has been developed to incorporate an existing site created under the Yuendumu Community Government Council. Central Desert Shire Council continued operating at the existing site from 2008 and continues to do so as Central Desert Regional Council from 2014. Presently the base population of Yuendumu is 649 (ABS 2012) people which legally does not require a landfill licence. The population is not expected to reach 1000 during the operational period of this EMP, however, Central Desert Regional Council is committed to best practice principles at each of its landfill sites.

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Yuendumu Landfill Environmental Management Plan


Yuendumu Landfill Precinct Location

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Yuendumu Landfill Environmental Management Plan


Yuendumu Broad Area Operational Plan


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4.3 Location and Site Layout Yuendumu Landfill is located 3.8kms North East of the town. It currently service approximately 700 residents, service providers and contractors performing work on the community. The active landfill area is approximately 1.6 hectares in size. The existing fenced compound containing landfill pits is 120m by 120m and at present usage rates has an expected lifespan of 10-15 years. Further expansion is possible to the immediate South, with sacred site clearances already obtained in 2013 for the purpose. There is a large area of legacy waste covering approximately 6 hectares to the East of the present site. Yuendumu landfill has been active in its present location for 8 years. 4.4 Old Landfill Sites Yuendumu has existed since approximately 1950. There are two major disused landfill sites around the community. See opp diagram Yuendumu Legacy Waste Areas. These sites are no longer active. Landfill Compound Area 1.6 hectares Point 1: 131° 49' 07" -22° 13' 36" Point 2: 131° 49' 11" -22° 13' 35" Point 3: 131° 49' 12" -22° 13' 39" Point 4: 131° 49' 07" -22° 13' 39" N/E Legacy Waste Site Area 5.9 hectares Point 1: 131° 49' 19" -22° 13' 34" Point 2: 131° 49' 23" -22° 13' 32" Point 3: 131° 49' 32" -22° 13' 40" Point 4: 131° 49' 29" -22° 13' 45" Point 5: 131° 49' 23" -22° 13' 37" Point 6: 131° 49' 19" -22° 13' 35" Yuendumu West Legacy Site Area 12.2 hectares Point 1: 131° 46' 38" -22° 14' 56" Point 2: 131° 46' 18" -22° 14' 36" Point 3: 131° 46' 36" -22° 14' 23" Point 4: 131° 47' 16" -22° 14' 44" Point 5: 131° 47' 19" -22° 15' 01"

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Yuendumu Landfill 2012-Latest Satellite image

Yuendumu Landfill 2006-First available satellite image

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4.4 Site Conditions Landform Yuendumu landfill is located on flat sandy loam ground with a gentle fall toward the North East. The landfill compound has minor depressions which capture rain water. There are no permanent water courses within 20km kilometres of the site. Storm water In periods of high rapid rainfall –above 30mm, storm water can flow across the surface as sheet flow. This has the potential to flow into and out of the landfill site. Rainfall (Source AGSO News letter 1998) The Papunya, Kintore, Yuendumu area of 60,000km2 includes seven major Aboriginal Communities and a number of outstations. It has irregular rainfall of 250mm, and annual evaporation of 3000mm. Surface Hydrology Yuendumu Landfill is located within a large track of flat area. The surface water movement is contained to this area and no significant water courses are present in this area. Site ground water flow is currently directed to the centre of the site. Past earth works has created a series of depressions over the site which may hold water. This will be addressed with remedial earthworks. Yuendumu Water Supply Yuendumu is completely reliant on groundwater for its town water supply. This is extracted from bore fields 12km South West of the landfill at a depth of 30 m. It is not impacted by landfill activities. Extract from AGSO newsletter1998 “Groundwater salinity, a major constraint on present and future development which exceeds the accepted drinking water standard limit of 1500mg/l total dissolved solids Dust and Noise There are no specific actions taken to mitigate dust or noise. Both are restricted to general operations and the site is far enough from other amenities (3.8km) that they cause no problems. Odours Waste in pits is covered daily to minimise odours. The distance from other amenities ensures odours are dispersed before causing any problems. Soil Type and Geology Nearest Bore RN000462 Location Position 131° 49' 14" -22° 13' 36" Distance 876.0 m True Course 358.8°

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Regional Ground Water Map

The bore log shows a depth to groundwater of 26.5 metres, water quality as fit for human consumption and the flow volume as 300 gallons per hour or 23 litres a minute.

The bore data from NT Maps shows that around 25 bores have been drilled within a 2 Km radius of Yuendumu but all are dry wells.

However an early report ( Availability of Water on Yuendumu Native Reserve. P.J. Cook 1962) states that in 1958 a bore was drilled ¾ mile south west of the settlement and struck water at 96 feet producing 400 gallons an hour but containing 130 ppm of nitrate making it unfit for humans.

In 1960 a bore was drilled 2 miles south of Yuendumu, 400 ft. into Trueuer sandstone but proved dry.

Nine miles to the north west a stock bore drilled in 1960 produced 150 gallons per hour at 49 metres.

Today Yuendumu’s water comes from a set of bores 12 Kms to the south west of Yuendumu.


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Ground Water Hydrology Nearest Bore Location Position 131° 49' 14" -22° 13' 36" Position 131° 49' 13" -22° 13' 07" Distance 876.0 m True Course 358.8° Yuendumu Bore Locations

Landfill Precinct

Bore-876m from landfill

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Surface Water Risk Analysis Table Rainfall (if rapid) Effect Control Less than 30mm Localised pooling in

compound Evaporation greater than 3m P/A

Above 30mm Surface water moving from compound to outlying evaporation area

Nominated evaporation area N/E of site

Above 100mm Significant surface water movement.

Site bunding to divert surface water to nominated evap area

5. Site Operating Environments 5.1 Site Overview The Yuendumu Landfill operating compound is closed to general public access. The public use an external drop off area with separation bays to deposit waste. Waste is then transferred to the main disposal pit and storage areas by Council staff daily. No Staff are onsite fulltime. The gates to the compound are locked to minimise incorrect dumping practices. A sign on the gate directs contractors to call the Works Supervisor to unlock and direct contractor waste to the correct location.

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Central Desert Regional Council Generic Site Design

The facility is fenced with 2.2m chain wire with one access point secured with double gates. 5.2 Landfill Pits Main Pit Yuendumu landfill uses unlined pits to dispose and cover waste. Pits comply with the generic pit design specified in the Central Australian Remote Landfill Operating Manual

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The pit design meets current trenching and WHS standards and allows Council staff to operate the trench in a manner consistent with the principles outlined in the manual. Using this design maximises trench life and enables the effective development of waste cells and compaction efficiencies. At March 2014 there are 2 open pits within the compound and five full covered pits. The site has 4secondary pits: Asbestos pit- Outside main compound in licensed Asbestos facility Animal Carcass disposal pit South West corner of facility It is recommended that several pits be pre dug in preparation for unexpected deaths. For dogs and other small animals excavate 600mm auger holes 2m deep. Surround with portable panel fencing or similar Cardboard burning pit Westernend of facility. The recommended method for disposal of cardboard at the landfill site is burning. *Back loading cardboard with outgoing trucks, or Council vehicle can be investigated as an alternative. Burning must be done under controlled conditions and by trained staff.

Conditions to burn as listed on the permit to burn;

♦ Permit is not valid on fire ban days. ♦ Only Council staff to light up the burn pit. ♦ Council to ensure community fire trailer/truck is on-site

when burning in high risk fire season. ♦ Council staff to remain on-site in high risk fire season until

visible flames have disappeared and/or the situation is safe. ♦ Council to ensure fires breaks are in good order and

maintained between the community and landfill, and around the perimeter of landfill

Septic Pits The trench(s) shall:

♦ be of sufficient volume to contain the amount of septage requiring disposal

♦ be located so as to minimise access by humans and stock ♦ Not cause a public health nuisance, mosquito breeding, etc.

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♦ be immediately covered with a minimum of 150 millimetres soil ♦ If in a landfill site, have a setback distance of at least 6 metres from

a landfill trench or adjacent septage trenches. Disposal of septage must be to a designated trench (i.e. not trenches intended or used for Landfill),within landfill sites, additional fencing if required. Occupational Health & Safety issues are to be considered whenever handling septage. Protective clothing is to be used and hands are to be washed regularly, prior to smoking, eating, etc.

♦ Contractors need to notify the Council when a septage trench is required

♦ All contactors must be accompanied by a Council staff member ♦ Septage must be covered immediately

Pit Designs and Specifications located in Appendices 1-5 5.3 Operating Hours Day Opening Hours

Main Compound Opening Hours Public Drop off area

Monday –Friday Closed to public-Contractors to call Office

All Hours

Saturday Sunday Closed All Hours 5.4 Nature of Operation and Capacity The landfill is designed to accept all community waste inclusive of community members, service agencies, contractors stores and other businesses. Waste is separated into main categories

• Domestic Waste • Green Waste • Metals • Listed Hazardous Waste • Cardboard • tyres

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5.5 Capacity The capacity of current/future pits in the existing compound is estimated at 3-5 years. The site will enable above ground cell development once the 3 pits are full to capacity. Once all pits are full the site allows above ground cell development for additional waste disposal. The progression of the site into above ground waste disposal will give an estimated further 5-10 years. Proposed Landfill Extension

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5.6 Designated Waste Areas at the Public Drop off area Domestic waste is deposited on the domestic waste pad outside the main compound gate. Metals, recyclables and listed waste are removed by Council staff. Staff then transfer remaining waste to the landfill pit for burial. Metals Metal is stored at the Western end of the compound. Metal dropped by the public and contractors is transferred to the main metal pile on a daily basis. The metal pile is designed to store metal for a nominal period of 5 years until the quantity is viable for a scrap metal merchant to remove. Listed Waste These include batteries, gas bottles, waste oil, paint, chemicals. These are separated by the public and /or council staff then stored securely on site until such a time when they can be transported economically to Alice Springs for processing. Cardboard Stores are asked /expected to separate their cardboard and deposit in Councils dedicated cardboard burning pit. The pit is designed to arrest embers and a burning permit is obtained from Bushfires N.T for the nominated fire risk period. (Sept to Feb). Backload options with stores are being explored to minimise recycle this waste stream.

Domestic Waste Pad

Scrap Metal Pile

Listed Waste

Cardboard Burning pit

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Tyres Tyres are collected and stockpiled within the fenced compound. They are then transported to Alice Springs for shredding/recycling, or are used back in the community for playground surrounds and to exclude vehicle traffic. Asbestos Pit Yuendumu was granted a an Environmental Protection Licence in 2013 to operate an asbestos disposal facility on site. A designated pit for asbestos accepts only local asbestos from Yuendumu, Yuelamu, and Nyirripi. 6. Environmental Impacts and Controls 6.1 Noise and Visual Noise emissions from operations do not present a problem due to adequate buffer zones from the community. The landfill is 3.8 km’s from the nearest house. The closest infrastructure is the sewerage ponds, at 3km’s distance. There are no plans to expand Yuendumu in the direction of the landfill. 6.2 Social Impact The Yuendumu landfill facility provides residents with an essential service. Social and aesthetic impacts are minimal due to the operations distance from other amenities. Members of the public are not permitted into the main compound to address safety and operational risks. Council

Asbestos Pit


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has implemented a study to gauge the cost of legacy waste clean up. Legacy waste poses the single most measurable environmental impact to the community, however this is not contained to the landfill site. Legacy waste from old landfills on the immediate perimeter of the community pose a significant social and environmental risk. There is asbestos in these sites, which need appropriate isolation and management. 6.3 Gaseous Emissions The total volume of general putrecsible waste placed within the disposal area is considered to be insufficient to lead to anaerobic pollution on site. Possible production of minor amounts of carbon dioxide, the bi product of compacted domestic waste biodegradation requires investigation and possible future management. The Alice Springs landfill has been found to have minimal anaerobic gas production, due to there being inadequate moisture to initiate such degradation. 6.4 Public Health and Biological Impacts Possible impacts from landfill activities are likely to originate form

• surface or sub terrainian fires • accidental discharges of waste (solids or liquids), to of site areas • Illegal dumping of asbestos, with possible aerial fibre movement • Lighting up of tyre piles

6.5 Leachate Management Leachate development is minimal given the low annual rainfall of 250mm and high evaporation rates (3000mm pa) and relatively small volumes of putrescible and green waste disposed of at the landfill site. Surface waters are directed to flow to a designated evaporation area in the event of a significant rainfall event- exceeding 60mm. Leechate is contained in the pits and rainfall collection is limited the surface area of the pit due to bunding on its perimeter. Leechate is subject to evaporation at a rate of 3m per annum and to diffusion into the sub soil. It is perceived that the rate of diffusion combined with evaporation is adequate to contain the leechate to a localised area and not effecting ground water at a minimum depth of 60+ m. Yuendumu’s bores are located approximately 18.5km SW of the landfill site. Nearest bores are xx kms. Water depth is xxm. There are no indications of water holes closer to the surface at Yuendumu landfill. There is therefore no risk to the water table from leachates percolation down to the aquifer. It is expected leachates will percolate only several metres into the soil, before being evaporated over time by the high

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evaporation rate of 3metres pa. Hence it is likely that a halo of contaminants is mobilised under the landfill pits but no further.

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6.6 Waste Management and Minimisation The following are separated from the Domestic Waste pits. • Green Waste • Metals • Listed Waste • Cardboard • Tyres • E-waste

CDSC is currently investigating options for monofil, storage and transportation of recyclables to the regional waste management facility in Alice Springs. 6.7 Illegal Dumping The Yuendumu landfill area has been in use in its present site for approximately 8 years. There is however legacy waste spread across a vast area surrounding the site. Council’s primary aim is to limit landfill activities to the designated site and eliminate further dumping of waste in non designated areas. Legacy areas have been fenced off to prevent access and monitored by Council staff to assess and report any new illegal dumping outside of the Landfill compound. This has been achieved by educating users and physical barriers to divert potential illegal dumping to the site. No negative environmental impacts form landfill activities have been observed on the wider environment so far and future management endeavours to keep impact negligible

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6.8 Environmental Controls 6.8.1 Litter Main Landfill Compound Wind blown litter is contained within the site by a 2200mm chain wire fence. This eliminates any wind blown rubbish exiting the site. The effect of wind across the site is mitigated by stock piles of pit spoil. Windblown rubbish is arrested by perimeter fencing. Staff clean wind blown rubbish collected against internal fencing at regular intervals. Site Access Roads Site Access roads are regularly cleaned as part of weekly landfill practices. 6.8.2 Dust Dust is not controlled on the site. Public access to the main compound is restricted and due to the landfill being 3.5km from the community, windblown dust is does not affect the community. Vegetation buffers the effect of dust movement from the site to the community

N/E Legacy Waste Area

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6.8.3 Odour Daily covering of waste inhibits the production of odours. The site is deemed to be in the acceptable range of landfill odour production. 6.9 Vectors-birds, flies, vermin and insects The control of pest is achieved by daily covering of waste at the site. Compaction also assists in vermin control. External fencing excludes feral dogs. There is no permanent water to harbour insect larvae. 6.10 Asbestos

Asbestos is present in all remote communities. It was widely used as a cheap building material and is found in many different products. Asbestos is very common in all communities and is often found;

Lying on open ground In abandoned buildings In mixed waste piles around the

community In old dongas and silver bullets

Legacy Asbestos- Yuendumu Yuendumu has applied to the NTEPA for a specific Asbestos Licence to accept the communities’ asbestos. The site is located at the Northern side of the existing landfill compound. The site is fenced and locked. 7. Site Waste Management Site Waste Management practices are outlined in detail in the Central Australian Remote Landfill Operating Manual. The Manual is available from Central Desert Regional Council 8. Site Closure and Rehabilitation Plan Site Closure will proceed when the site is no longer deemed to be serviceable. Closure of the

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Landfill will include but not be limited to the following works: • Shaping of the floor to ensure no water pooling • Placement of a300mm thick cover of onsite inert soils across the

top of cells to prevent water pooling and assist with drainage • Ensure perimeter bund is intact so no external surface water enters

the site • Retain perimeter fence and keep locked • Placement of a notice notifying the public that the enclosed area is

the site of a disused landfill • Ripping of final surface and spreading of topsoil removed from

adjacent new compound to encourage native vegetation Control and monitoring landfill gases:

• Selection of locations for and frequency of gas monitoring Control of leachate:

• Determination of operation schedule for leachate monitoring and treatment measures if required. If no water pooling/infiltration over old pits, then no further leachate produced.

Environmental Management System:

• Selection of sampling locations • Frequency of monitoring • Constituents to be measured

Legacy Waste Rehabilitation: Legacy waste is located in 3 areas- North East Area, Eastern Legacy Waste Area and Western Legacy Waste Area. These areas are defined on the Yuendumu Legacy Waste Areas map. The rehabilitation plan for the 3 sites is: 1. Fence and prohibit further dumping 2. Install “Area contains asbestos” warning signage 3. Prepare a clean up legacy waste plan and apply for necessary remediation funding

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Yuendumu Legacy Waste Areas

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9. Legal and Other Requirements Relevant Legislation

• Waste Management Pollution Control Act 207 • Water Act 2004 • Public Health ( night soil, garbage, Cesspits, wells and water)

regulations • Public Health General Sanitation, mosquito prevention, rat

exclusion and prevention) regulations • Local Government Act 2007 • Environmental Health Standards for Remote Communities in the

NT 2001 • Work Place Health and Safety Regulations 2008 • Weeds management and pollution control Act • Central Desert Shire Relevant by laws

10. Resources, Roles and Responsibilities 10.1 Landfill management Hierarchy The landfill comes under the direct management of the Council Service Manager for Yuendumu. Council staff are responsible for the day to day operation of the site. The site management hierarchy is demonstrated in following figure. Landfill Management Hierarchy

10.2.1 Weekly Landfill Inspection Audit

The landfill inspection audit identifies and monitors onsite issues. The intended user is the Works Supervisor and/or Landfill Leading Hand assisted by field staff. The audit should be completed once a week as per the Work Method Statement- Landfill Inspection Report, and handed to the SSM or Works Manager. The audit sheets should be in a dual copy carbon A4 book, or completed on electronic tablet device.

See Appendix 6

10.2.2 Monthly Manager’s Inspection Report

The SSM/Manager should undertake a formal monthly audit of the Landfill site. This involves a site visit to make sure that staff are on track with the overall operation of the site. The audit will assist the manager to assess the status of upgrades, plan future works and budgets, and identify gaps in staff training. The manager must lodge the report to their relevant Director.

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See Appendix 7

10.2.3 Annual Director’s Report The Director’s report is a summary of the progress of operations and capital upgrades, for use by the CEO and Council. The Works Matrix used by Central Australian Regional Councils will capture this information.

Reporting responsibilities of community based staff:

1. Council Service Manager - Monthly landfill audit and report 2. Team leader- Weekly Report 3. Field Officers- daily visual inspections, tidy up and report issues to

Team Leader

Landfill Reporting

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11. Competence training and awareness 11.1. Staff Training Units of Competency Central Australian Remote Landfill Operating Manual The Central Australian Remote Landfill Operating Manual or “Manual” is a practical guide for remote landfills across the Barkly, MacDonnell and Central Desert Regional Councils.

Landfills in the Central Australian region have historically been subject to neglect and legacy issues that affect the efficiency, safety and health of landfill sites. This recognition led to the establishment of the Central Australian Waste Management Program being in 2012. This document is a practical guide intended to assist Council Managers, Works Supervisors and field staff to implement effective change at their landfill sites. The framework outlined in the Manual applies to remote landfills and will assist in long term improvements and functionality that will keep landfills operating well. The Manual helps put in place training for staff and ongoing management principles that will assist Councils in the task of maintaining healthy and well-functioning landfill sites. This resource consolidates existing waste management resources that have been created

by Central Desert, Barkly and MacDonnell Regional Councils. The Manual recognises the LGANT Waste Management Guidelines for Small Communities in the Northern Territory as a key document. Staff will also be trained in: AHC21210 Certificate II in Rural Operations

This course is compiled by The Centre for Appropriate Technology-CAT

1. Cover Waste CPPWMT3021A and 2. Place and Compact Waste- CPPWMT3020A

Minimum Training Requirements for Landfill Staff:

o OHS requirements and safety plan o Emergency response plan

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o Manual handling of waste o First Aid o Personal Protective Equipment o Emergency and safety o Risk identification and management processes o Policy/management systems/procedures o Use of site plant and equipment o Storage and covering of wastes o Site maintenance requirements

11.2 Contractor advice GENERAL CONSTRUCTION WASTE Contractors are fully responsible for management and disposal of their own waste. Waste Volumes At least 14 days before commencing site works, Contractor must provide Shire with estimate of waste type/s and volumes over the length of their contract. Use attached Volume Sheet. If volume is expected to exceed 50 cubic metres, the Shire has the right to instruct the Contractor to excavate own General Construction Waste pit. This will be in a Shire-nominated location, to Shire specifications and work practices. See attached Specifications for general pit design. Contractor to arrange excavation plant and logistics, and cover full excavation costs. At Work Site Contractor to ensure excessive dust does not leave construction site onto Council managed land including road reserves, parks and ovals. All waste to be contained within the construction site boundaries. All waste to be contained in suitable receptacles so not accessible to children, dogs or other. Waste Transport to Landfill The Contractor remains responsible for their construction waste from the construction site to the landfill. Dusty loads must be covered. Any

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spillages or other negative impacts must be fully rectified at the Contractor’s cost. At Fenced Landfill The Shire may decide to issue the Contractor with a key to the locked landfill compound. If a key is issued, the Contractor is able to access the compound as required. Contractor must ensure landfill gate is locked at all times when not onsite and must abide by all Shire directions. If a key is not issued, then Contractor must give minimum 4 hours notice to the Shire to be escorted to the landfill, given entry and watched whilst disposal occurs. Contractor to limit their impact to immediate surrounds of Contractor’s or Shire’s pit, whichever is being used. Any other disturbances to be made good at Contractor’s expense. The Shire reserves the right to randomly inspect the Contractor’s operations at the landfill at any time, and can give lawful instructions to rectify any aspects that do not meet the Shire’s landfill management standards. Any damage to Contractor’s plant, equipment or staff whilst in the landfill compound or surrounds remains the full responsibility of the Contractor. Shire accepts no liability for such. The Contractor may ask permission to store plant, equipment or other materials in the landfill compound. If permission is granted, this is fully at the Contractor’s own risk and the Shire will hold no responsibility for any damage or theft of those items. Pit Excavation, Management and Completion The Contractor is authorised to remove excavated pit soil from site for their own contractual use. However the Contractor must ensure adequate cover fill is available to complete final coverage of their pit. The Contractor is not authorised to remove and forward-sell this soil to other entities.

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All construction waste placed in the General Construction Waste Pit will be charged at the Shire’s ‘Construction Waste’ rate, as per current published Shire Fees and Charges. Provided construction waste has no putrescibles elements, Contractor is able to leave waste uncovered until that section of the pit is full. Contractor must fill and cover the pit in short sections, rather than using the full pit length over an extended time. Final waste level must be at least 300mm below natural ground level, with nothing protruding above that height. Once final height is obtained, a final cap must be placed within 7 days. Final cap must be clean fill, and must be mounded 300mm above natural ground level to allow for later settling. At end of Contractor’s time, all waste materials must be covered and finished to the standard above. Any unused sections of pit at the end of the Contractor’s time onsite must be left in a safe and tidy condition, for future use by others. Non-Construction Waste All ferrous and non-ferrous metal must be separated, and not disposed in the Contractor’s general construction waste pit. Ferrous metal must be disposed at the Shire’s ferrous metal pile, in a sub-section designated by the Shire. Volume will be invoiced monthly as per current published Shire Fees and Charges. Volume to be measured jointly by Shire and Contractor representatives, and signed and dated by both parties. All combustible timber and green wastes must be disposed at the Shire’s ‘Green Waste’ area, in a sub-section designated by the Shire. Volume will be invoiced monthly as per current published Shire Fees and Charges. Volume to be measured jointly by Shire and Contractor representatives, and signed and dated by both parties. Timbers treated with toxic materials (e.g. copper treated logs) are to be disposed in the Contractor’s General Construction Waste Pit. Shire reserves the right to sample and test any suspected Asbestos-like waste in the Contractor’s or Shire’s dedicated landfill pit. If found to be asbestos, Contractor to remove and relocate to Asbestos Disposal Pit at

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Contractor’s full cost, and to ensure no asbestos remains in general contractor’s pit or Shire pit. Any listed wastes or designated recyclables are to be placed at the Shire’s existing bays within or outside the landfill. These will be charged at Council’s published rates as per current published Shire Fees and Charges. Contractor to supply Shire with monthly report of construction waste volumes put in landfill. The Shire will use these figures to invoice Contractor monthly as per current published Shire Fees and Charges. The Shire has the right to add or remove conditions from this document throughout the full life of the Contract. ASBESTOS HANDLING AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Before commencing works at any Lot, the Contractor must advise the Shire whether any asbestos has been identified on any existing Asbestos registers, or via direct site inspection. Where asbestos is identified, the Contractor must handle and wrap asbestos waste to at least the minimum standard stated in the NTG ‘Asbestos Disposal in the NT’ procedures. The Shire may elect to grant permission for the Contractor to dispose of asbestos in one of the Shire’s licensed Asbestos Disposal Facilities. If permission is not granted, the Contractor must dispose in another licensed site. Where permission is granted, the Contractor must give 24 hours disposal notice to Shire staff who will inspect wrapped asbestos before it leaves construction site, to ensure compliance with Shire and industry standards. Contractor to move asbestos from site to Asbestos Disposal Facility using own equipment and with PPE to appropriate industry standard. Shire staff will fully control the Asbestos Disposal Facility site, including providing access to Contractor through locked gate, supervision of disposal into pit, and calculation of volume disposed. Shire staff will supervise immediate burial of wrapped asbestos waste to ensure compliance with Shire standards. Alternatively the Contractor may

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contract the Shire to bury as a wet hire contract, at the fee stated in Shire’s Fees and Charges 2013/14. No asbestos will be accepted or disposed of without appropriate documentation provided to Shire. This will be in the form of a docket that includes:

• contractors, name, site representative and contact details; • vehicle and registration number; • date and time of disposal; • quantity of materials disposed; • GPS coordinates of disposal location; • name and signature of driver.

The completed docket must be counter-signed and dated by an appropriate Shire representative. Shire representative to forward Docket to Shire Accounts Receivable department for issuing of invoice. Asbestos Disposal Fees will be as per current published Shire Fees and Charges. The Contractor faces up to a $5,000 fine if found to have deliberately disposed of asbestos in general landfill pits or Contractor General Construction Waste Pits, plus full cost to remove and rehabilitate site. The Contractors Waste Estimate is recommended for use by contractors to assist in accurately gauging and charging for waste activities. See Appendix 8

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Landfill Hazard Control Table

12. Monitoring and Measuring Yuendumu Landfill is monitored on a daily basis by Council Staff. A weekly landfill report is submitted to the manager. Issues are dealt with as they arise in accordance with operating procedures outlined in the Central Australian Remote Landfill Operating Manual. A monthly Landfill Audit captures site issue and includes localised surface and ground water monitoring. This report is collated for an annual Landfill report. 13. Emergency Preparedness and Response 13.1 Fires All fires must be treated as a potential emergency and dealt with accordingly

• No employee is to tackle a fire alone

Hazard Controls Implement Controls Dust dust mask– water truck Wear Dust mask –wet down

work area Falling Avoid walking near pit

edges Fence off pit edges

Vehicle Movement

Don’t walk near moving vehicles or plant

Establish exclusion zones for staff near vehicles- wear high visibility vest

Heat Stress Have adequate water on site

Drink and work in cooler parts of the day

Chemical exposure

Separate chemicals from main pit,

Establish chemical area, wear chemical gloves, mask ,face shield, overalls if handling

Manual Lifting Avoid lifting items that are too heavy

Employ safe lifting techniques. Do not walk on uncovered waste

Disease Avoid entering the pit Stay in vehicle whilst in pit, be appropriately vaccinated, wear PPE

Asbestos Identify possible asbestos source

Wet down work area, avoid disturbances, and follow safe asbestos removal principles.

Gas Gas mask Wear gas mask

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• Incident notification procedure is to be followed immediately • Yuendumu fire crew is to be alerted immediately on detection of a

surface fire or deep seated fire Surface Fires

The following procedure applies for small to medium fires: • Smother the fire with large volumes of damp soil/cover material • Work progressively inwards from the edges of the fire until the

whole area is covered • Compact the are • Allow to cool • Move all the material, burn residues and applied smothering

cover to its final disposal site once extinguished and cooled. The following applies to large fire:

1. No individual is to tackle a fire alone 2. inform the relevant authorities in Yuendumu- Emergency

Services 3. Smother with large volumes of soil/cover fill to stop

excessive smoking and to absorb excess water preventing leechate formation/water pollution

4. work progressively inwards from the edges of the fire until the whole area is covered

5. compact the burn site when cool 6. move all the material; to its final disposal site

Deep Seated Fires Deep seated fires at the landfill must always be taken very seriously due to their ability to:

• Create large voids, invisible form the surface • Produce hazardous concentration of the toxic gas carbon

monoxide Procedure: This procedure applies to deep seated fires in waste cells, which can be easily reached by landfill plant:

• Prepare and emergency fire bunded tipping area surrounded by a fire break

• Excavate the fire (use a spotter) and have readily available water supply to douse flames.

• Spread the burning waste on a soil base in the prepared area • Douse with water to extinguish flames • Smother with large volumes of soil/cover fill material to stop

excessive pollution • Work progressively inwards from the edges of the fire until the

whole are is covered

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• Compact the burn site • Allow to cool and refill the excavated site with material.

14. Evaluation of Compliance Evaluation of compliance will be an ongoing process. The reporting regime of weekly, monthly and 6 monthly will enable CDSC to monitor and address issues as they arise. The Regional Waste Management Coordinator in partnership will work with Council staff to ensure key principles of landfill management are consistently maintained. 15. Non Conformity, corrective action and Preventative Action Non Conformity, corrective action and Preventative Action will be addressed as part of the CDSC landfill Reporting regime. The severity of the identified issue will determine the time frame and course of corrective action/actions. 16. Management Review The EMP will be reviewed every 12 months by the Director of Council Service Delivery.

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Appendix 1- Waste Sorting and Transfer Waste Sorting and Transfer Effective waste sorting will ensure the efficient use of the landfill site. Traditionally pits were used for all items that had no separate areas to place them. This led to pits being filled quickly and with items that don’t belong in the ground. The pit is predominately for domestic waste only-that is waste that comes from households. (Pit may contain mixed demolition and shop waste). The pit should not have the following items in it:

♦ metal ♦ green waste ♦ chemicals/paints ♦ tyres ♦ batteries ♦ animal parts or carcass ♦ medical waste ♦ E-waste ♦ Waste oil ♦ Gas bottles/fire extinguishers

All the above items need to have designated areas to keep them from going into the pit. Separation bays and specific waste areas need to be located away from the main pit. This will allow users to unload those items before reaching general the waste drop off area. Traffic flow is important to keep the site functioning. Bunting, bollards and internal wire fencing should be used to delineate waste areas. Key waste areas to be clearly identified at the site;

♦ Main Pit ♦ General household rubbish bay ♦ Recycle and listed waste bays ♦ Cardboard burning pit-inside locked compound ♦ Animal carcass pit –inside the compound ♦ Medical waste ♦ Septage ♦ Asbestos ♦ Metal ♦ Mixed rubble (dirt, bricks, concrete) ♦ Clean fill (dirt only-contains no rubbish)

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Waste Compaction Technique

The stepped sided trench with a floor width of 9m allows council staff to safely conduct work in the trench and carry out the four ‘C’ s of landfill management as outlined in the CARLOM 1) Consolidate/Collect 2) Compact 3) Cover 4) Cap Pit Life The Life span of the new pit design is yet to be tested. Designs should aim for minimum 5yrs life, given that mobilisation costs for excavation plant are often a large component, and it is a major logistical project for most remote locations. Pit life is greatly increased by excluding all recyclables and listed wastes. General Household Rubbish Bay

Recommended Dumping Method

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♦ Council staff should clear this bay regularly and on a daily basis in larger communities.

♦ Listed wastes should be extracted by staff before the general rubbish is moved to the main pit.

♦ Use backhoe or loader to move waste to main pit ♦ Remove items that may cause damage to equipment during any

stage of the process- example steel posts

This area is a defined area designated for public use. It allows the public to drop domestic waste on a defined pad and not in the pit. This method gives Council staff the opportunity to further sort the waste and make sure nothing but domestic waste enters the pit. Council staff then transfer sorted waste to the main pit.

At the site it is critical to keep the following items working well:

♦ Keep all areas neat and tidy- it might be a rubbish dump, but it is a work place and needs to be a safe and healthy work environment

♦ Have clear directional signage for traffic flow to the site and within the compound

♦ Fence the public access areas so vehicles cannot stray into non- public areas

♦ Regularly clear items from drop off bays to reduce clutter and minimise fire risk

♦ Leave a few example of each item in each bay to encourage drop off in the right areas

Plant & equipment for landfill management

To operate a landfill you requires suitable plant and equipment for daily running and site management. Daily tasks require a minimum level of plant and equipment to manage the tasks as set out in this Manual. All operators of plant should be suitably trained and or licensed on that item of plant. It is intended that all Council staff will receive training to operate various plant in conjunction with the principles out lined in the Manual. This will ensure the landfill site will remain a functional user friendly site. Landfill machinery in a community will be typically be limited to;

o Back hoe o Front end loader

Councils may also provide and share specialized plant across multiple communities for example; steel wheel compactor, bulldozer or grader

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Backhoe Front End Loader

Rubbish collection and disposal plant will typically be one of the following;

Standard trailer o Tipping trailer with no hydraulic bin lifter o Purpose built rubbish collection trailer or tipper with hydraulic bin

lifter o Garbage compactor

Site Management Machinery

Plant Item Intended use Backhoe o moving waste from public drop off bays to landfill pit

o daily waste consolidation in pit o applying daily cover fill o minor daily compaction

Front end loader

o waste movement in pit o applying cover fill application o waste compaction o Cover fill movement o Landfill pit or cell creation

Steel wheel compactor and or Bulldozer

o Major waste consolidation o Major waste compaction o Landfill pit or cell creation

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Rubbish Collection and Disposal Plant

Plant Item Intended use Tipping Trailer Outstation or Small community domestic(household)

rubbish collection Purpose built rubbish trailer or tipper with hydraulic lifter

Small community domestic (household) rubbish collection from wheelie bins

Garbage Compactor

Medium to large community domestic(household) rubbish collection from wheelie bins

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Table of Appendices

1. Trench Design for Central Australian Communities

2. Asbestos Pit Design

3. Animal Pit Design

4. Burning Pit Design

5. Septic Pit Design

6. Weekly Landfill Inspection Report

7. Monthly Landfill Audit

8. Contractor Waste Estimate Form

9. Notice to Territory Housing Panel Contractors

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Appendix 1- Trench Design

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Appendix 2- Asbestos

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Appendix 3- Animal Pit Design

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Appendix 4- Septic Pit Design

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Appendix 5- Burning Pit

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Appendix 6- Weekly Landfill Inspection

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Appendix 7- Monthly Landfill Audit MONTHY LANDFILL AUDIT

Community: Date of Assessment:

Assessors Name:

1= No work required 2= Scheduled work required 3=Immediate work/corrective action

Description Score Condition Score Criteria Entrance Road from Community to landfill

1- No Rubbish –No work required 2- Scattered Rubbish- Scheduled clean up required 3- Piles of waste –scattered rubbish- wind blown refuse

Landfill Compound Fence

1- Intact, gates operational- no public access 2- Holes or gates broken- needs repairs- 3- No fence in sections-large holes or gates missing

Public Drop Off Bays 1- Drop off bays established, well signposted, tidy 2- Drop off bays established, some signage missing, poorly maintained 3- Separation bays not present or not used

Storage Areas In Compound

Tyres, scrap metal, , green waste

1- Well Defined storage areas- pushed up and controlled 2- Defined areas in compound-not pushed up 3- No defined area -scattered across site

Pit Condition 1- Waste covered, compacted , pushed up and well managed 2- Waste partially covered, poorly compacted, and spread along pit 3- Waste uncovered, no compaction, not controlled

Burn Pit 1- Pit used properly, ember fence intact, signage in place 2- Pit present, ember fence damaged, metals and plastic present 3- No pit present

Carcass Pit 1- Pit in use, fenced, properly backfilled- signage 2- Pit present, fence damaged, poorly backfilled- no signage 3- No pit present

Vehicles 1- Separate vehicle area established and controlled 2- Separate area established – vehicles scattered or uncontrolled 3- No dedicated vehicle area - not controlled

Listed Waste-Paints, poisons, chemicals, batteries, fire extinguishers, gas bottles, waste oils

1. Separated and safely stored for transport 2. Separated, not safely contained 3. Not separated –present in undefined areas across site

Septic Pit 1. Fenced and signposted, waste covered correctly, pit ready for waste 2. Fenced, not secure, waste covered, may need new pit 3. Not fenced or signposted, waste not covered, no pit available for next


Leachate and Surface Water Assessment- Tick appropriate

Weather when assessment conducted Dry: During Rain: After Rain:

Pit Leachate- ( water/liquids) pooling in pit

Yes: No:

Site Water pooling (ponds or puddles) on site

Yes: No:

Evidence of Water flowing off site Yes: No:

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Appendix 8- Contractor Waste Estimate Form Community: Site Rep Contact Ph:

Business Name: Site Rep Name:

ABN: Brief Work Description:

Contact Phone:

Business Address:

Start Date: End Date:

Waste Type Expected Volume (cubic metres) Cost

GENERAL WASTE *Minimum 0.5 cubic metre charge Council to fill out

General Demolition


Green waste / Combustible timber

Mixed fill (soil, rocks, some rubbish)

Construction Waste


Asbestos (check Council policy) Septage

The following listed waste items must be transported to Alice Springs/Tennant Creek Regional Waste Facility unless prior consent by council is arranged

Gas bottles / Fire extinguishers

Waste Oil


Chemicals / Paint / Poisons



I/We agree to abide by all conditions and fees in the ‘Instruction to Contractor – Construction Waste Handling & Disposal’ information pack. Fees will be charged as per current published Council Fees and Charges. Contractor’s Representative Council Representative

Name:___________________________ Name:___________________________

Date:_____________Sign________________ Date:________________Sign___________

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