Release 02.00.01 Release date 14/07/2017 Page 1 of 17 ZTravel Release 02.01.00 – 14 July 2017 Content’s list Common Features Basic Archives / Fluxes / Role Master Data Unselecting the option for not sending e-mail is possible even if there are some approver roles defined. HR Personal Data / Subject In the “Ztravel” section a new field has been added: “Enable job order approver menu”. Remember to flag this option for all approvers responsible of a specific Project/Job Order as defined in the Job Order Table. Basic Archives / Fluxes / Formula Master Data New layout to setup formulas. Advanced user’s filters Only for users inserting trip request and expense report a new filter is available: now it’s possible to select “Current user” in “Managed by” to display all requests created or edited by the active user logged in that moment. Ztravel Setup / Managements The “Light Entity” functionality has been restored. If the “Enable light entities input” is flagged, in the itinerary section of the trip request, the user, clicking on “Light Entity”, he can insert an accountancy entity. This reference will be automatically transferred into the related expense report with a special icon . Use this functionality when you don’t want to activate the percentage on accountancy references. Travel Module MIXED TRAVEL AGENCY INTEGRATION SETUP It’s now possible to manage a mixed communication method with the travel agency, even for the same Company. In the previous version it was possible to configure: 1. A Web Service communication between Ztravel and the travel agency with an automatic flow for trip requests, modifications and cancellations. 2. An automated e-mail exchange between Ztravel and the travel agency: after the manager’s authorization and as the ticket were issued, there were an automatic email flows importing/exporting all information needed. In this new version it’s possible to setup both configuration in the Travel Agency / Travel Agency Master Data section: Tables / Business Trip / Travel Agency / Travel Agency Master Data New fields added: “Default Agency” and “Disable Web Service communication”. Select the first one “Default Agency” if you need to setup this agency as default to book all travel services. In this case all travel requests will be automatically sent to this agency. The second field allows to enable or disable the xml communication to the travel agency. If you have more than one travel agency and you need the user to select it, do not flag “Default Agency”. The system will ask to the user which one to choose from a list. ZTravel Setup – Business Trip – Filling in If you select the option “Enable communication with travel agency” and “Automatic” in the “Travel Office – Travel Agency” section the system will activate the “Travel Agency e-mail” box: if you flag the option “Do not make automatically reserved

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ZTravel Release 02.01.00 – 14 July 2017

Content’s list

Common Features

Basic Archives / Fluxes / Role Master Data

Unselecting the option for not sending e-mail is possible even if there are some approver roles defined.

HR Personal Data / Subject

In the “Ztravel” section a new field has been added: “Enable job order approver menu”. Remember to flag this option

for all approvers responsible of a specific Project/Job Order as defined in the Job Order Table.

Basic Archives / Fluxes / Formula Master Data

New layout to setup formulas.

Advanced user’s filters

Only for users inserting trip request and expense report a new filter is available: now it’s possible to select “Current

user” in “Managed by” to display all requests created or edited by the active user logged in that moment.

Ztravel Setup / Managements

The “Light Entity” functionality has been restored. If the “Enable light entities input” is flagged, in the itinerary section of

the trip request, the user, clicking on “Light Entity”, he can insert an accountancy entity. This reference will be

automatically transferred into the related expense report with a special icon .

Use this functionality when you don’t want to activate the percentage on accountancy references.

Travel Module


It’s now possible to manage a mixed communication method with the travel agency, even for the same Company.

In the previous version it was possible to configure:

1. A Web Service communication between Ztravel and the travel agency with an automatic flow for trip

requests, modifications and cancellations.

2. An automated e-mail exchange between Ztravel and the travel agency: after the manager’s

authorization and as the ticket were issued, there were an automatic email flows importing/exporting all

information needed.

In this new version it’s possible to setup both configuration in the Travel Agency / Travel Agency Master Data section:

Tables / Business Trip / Travel Agency / Travel Agency Master Data

New fields added: “Default Agency” and “Disable Web Service communication”.

Select the first one “Default Agency” if you need to setup this agency as default to book all travel services. In this case

all travel requests will be automatically sent to this agency.

The second field allows to enable or disable the xml communication to the travel agency.

If you have more than one travel agency and you need the user to select it, do not flag “Default Agency”. The system will

ask to the user which one to choose from a list.

ZTravel Setup – Business Trip – Filling in

If you select the option “Enable communication with travel agency” and “Automatic” in the “Travel Office – Travel Agency”

section the system will activate the “Travel Agency e-mail” box: if you flag the option “Do not make automatically reserved

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bookings sent by mail to travel agency”, the internal travel office will be responsible to manage manually all bookings

from its desktop.


There is a new integration module with E-Agency, a backoffice system for travel agencies developed by Zucchetti

Systema, part of the Zucchetti Group.

The two systems communicate each other thru a Webservice.

Customers, who would like this kind of connection will allow their user to create a trip request in Ztravel with specific

travel services and the system will send automatically the trip request to the agency connected.

To activate this service ask to your travel agency the credentials needed in Ztravel Setup.

Ztravel Setup / Business Trip / Travel Agency Integration

Set in the “Integration mode” field ”WebService 2” and fill in all credentials required provided by the Travel Agency: “Link

Web Service” “Username WS” “Password WS” “Azienda WS”).

Then define:

- “Master Data export path”, ”File name”, “Enable employee’s cost center entry” to activate personal profiles data to the E-

Agency backoffice (sourced by the Employment section).

- “Default payment type” to assign automatically the form of payment to the travel services.

- “No of log maintenance days”, to maintain log file as long as you like.

- “Days nr. of confirmation flow”, to define the period in which the system should wait for a ticket issue message; ovet

this limit the system will intend the travel service as “not executed”.

- “Invoicing flow import path” e “Invoicing import file name”; these fields are optional. Use them when you need to

activate invocing data from the Travel Agency. All invoicing data will be imported thru the file with the defined name and

they will saved in the HFTR_000001SENECAFATTURE table thru a scheduled job called hftr_bsenecscfile_zt.

- “Communication method”

Post dispatch: data flow is sent immediately as soon as the user sends his trip request;

Post approval: data flow is sent only after approver’s authorization.

Remember that to allow prepaid data import from the travel agency to the user’s expense report you need to enable

the “Enable travel agency section” field on Ztravel setup / Business trip / Filling in – Travel office – Travel Agency area.

CWT BOOK2G – INTEGRATION WITH CARLSON WAGONLIT TRAVEL Cwt Book2Go is the self-booking tool provided by Carlson Wagonlit. The use of this tool is reserved for CWT’s

Customers and before enabling the integration, Customers must have a specific contract with the TMC.

When the integration is active, the user creates a new trip request and after its authorization, clicking on “Bookings” the

system will allow access from ZTravel to CwtBook2Go with a Single Sine On functionality.

If the approval workflow need a specific pre-trip authorization, the user can access the self-booking tool even clicking

on the hyperlink in the authorization mail.

Ztravel setup / Business Trip / Travel Agency integration

To enable the CWTBook2Go integration choose as Integration Mode ” CWT Book2Go”.

Fields “Group Code”, “Link WS” and “Link Book2Go” must be completed with information provided by CWT.

Ztravel setup / Business Trip / Mail

With the CWT integration enabled, if you need to activate the access hyperlink in the user’s mail, go to mail, “Parameters

for users” and in “Notify approved Business trip” add the variable ${LINKB2G}.

Please NOTE:

- To enable the access button to CWTBook2Go system, the trip request must be on status “09” (=End

process) and start date must be greater than today.

- If the user deletes a trip request, Ztravel will sent automatically a cancellation flow to CWT.

- If the user needs to edit a trip request and consequently the travel services, the user must access

CWTBook2Go application and edit manually his own bookings.

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- CWT system could send back to the Customer tickets prepaid data to be imported automatically into

the user’s expense report.


It’s now possible to manage in the trip request “Other services” requests, meanings that user can request as well as

travel services, other services provided by different suppliers.

In the “Other services” area Customer can configure any kind of service connected to any kind of supplier internal or

external to the Company.

This setup provides an e-mail to the designated supplier with a pre-configured content with all trip request details

(dates in/out, destination, type of service requested, notes).

This specific request can not be subjected to approval workflow: as the user sends his trip request Ztravel sends an

email immediately and the supplier will manage the confirmation via mail, externally to Ztravel.

Tables / Business Trip / Travel services / Other services

To setup a new “Other service” fill in the required information:

- Company Code

- Service code

- Service description (name)

- Icon

- Flag “Required notes” if the user must enter mandatory notes in his request.

You can include or exclude some specific users from the section view.

At the end insert the e-mail address to whom send the e-mail request for this specific service.

The e-mail will have the following content:

Object: Company name – Traveller’s name – Departure date – Destination


Traveller: Company name – Name and Surname (company code – employee code)

Trip request n. 123 – from 01-06-2016 to 04-06-2016

Service: description (name)

Status: New or modified or cancelled


The service status changes in Cancelled/Modified if the trip request already authorized is modified by the user.

Trip request

In the “Other services” section use to add a new service request. Quick selection button suggests automatically

departure and arrival location.

Pls use to edit or delete a service request.

NEW ATTACHMENT – Business trip

In Setup Ztravel / Business trip / Filling in / Service reservation there is a new field “Enable attachment section”.

If flagged, a new section is activated to allow the user to save generic attachment.


Tables / Expense Reports / Expense reports / Filling in / Reason Master Data

Now you can set as mandatory the estimation cost field for a specific travel reason.

In the “Trip checks” area, flag “Estimated cost required” if you require to insert a cost estimation for this particular trip


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Tables / Basic archives / Fluxes / Steps Master Data

If an approver decides to edit the estimation cost inserted by the employee, the system can hold historical data.

To activate this functionality you must flag “Edit cost estimation with history management” in the referring module and

process of the valid step period.

Trip requests Dashboard for Approvers

In Ztravel/Setup/Managements if you flag the option “Enable management of taking charge of business trip and expense

report” you activate in the Approver’s Dashboard the “Taking charge” button. This functionality allows the approver to

take a trip request in charge. If the approver selects this option the system shows a check mark and in the right frame

historical Date and Time are displayed.

The approver can even decide to remove it clicking on the “Remove take charge”.

In the advanced search filter the approver can use it to adjust his own trip search.

Ztravel Setup – Business Trip – Mail

A new object in the mail content is available: ${RIFCONTR}. Use it to receive the entities of the accounting references for

your trip request.

This object is available on the following mail types:

Parameters for Approvers: warn of business trip request.

Parameters for Cash Desk: Notify advance payment request

Parameters for Travel Office: Notify booking request

Parameters for Travel Agency: all customizable mails.

Mail from the internal Travel Office to the external Travel Agency from the trip requests Dashboard

The object is available even in all travel service details (flight, hotel, train, car, ferry) when activated.

User’s trip request / Travel services

Now the user can ask for a “return trip” just clicking on the option box.

The system creates automatically a return segment filling in date and time from the outbound segment.

The user can navigate back and forth selecting the “Shown outward trip data”.

Trip request / Itinerary summary

In the right frame of the user’s trip dashboard, the system highlight trip dates and times. Times are

displayed when the user specifies them. If he doesn’t and they are filled with “00:00” the user’s will see 24:00.

If the user’s enters some notes, the system shows an icon:

Ztravel Setup / Business Trip / Filling in

“Enable number of day insertion”

If selected, the user must fill the duration number of days of his trip request. The number can be different but lower

than the trip request effective days. This option is controlled by the cash advance functionality per geographical area.

“Block change of return and destination location”

If selected the user can’t change the “Departure” and “Return” field while creating a new trip request.

Travel Office Dashboard

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If the travel office’s user inserts an attachment on a collective business trip, the same document is automatically copied

in all trip requests for all travelers. The attachment is available in the travel service section: click on the breadcrumbs

menu of the travel segment and select “Travel Office attachments”.

Cash Office Dashboard

In Ztravel Setup / Business trip / Filling in – Cash Advances requests and cash desk section, there is a new option: “ Warn if

IBAN is not inserted”. If flagged, when a cash officer uses a massive delivery function, the system checks if all IBAN are

correctly inserted for all user’s trip requests selected.

For a correct working HRPortal release 07.03.00 must be installed.

Expense module


For a correct working HRPortal release 07.03.00 must be installed, as well as latest available APP 2.0 (April 2017).

Tables / Expense Reports / Expense reports filling in / Payment type Master Data

Now it’s possible to choose which form of payments you need to activate for expenses coming from the mobile APP.

The option “ Enable for mobile” must be flagged. When you select this option you can even insert a different payment

description name filling in the empty field close to the option box.

This form of payment is available in the APP ONLY if the general setting of this form of payment is NOT flagged the

option “Disable use for employee” (if you flag this option the form of payment is not available for the user).

Tables / Expense Reports / Expense / Expense Master Data

- “Default payment type”: if you select one choice on the option list, the form of payment will be automatically

suggested to the user for this specific expense even in the APP. The user can in any case modify it.

- “Enable start and end date”: if you select the choice in the option list and this expense is activated in the

mobile, the user will see this field (as mandatory or optional) even inserting this expense in the APP.

- “Required note”: if the expense has the field selected the user must insert a mandatory note even in the APP.

- “Enable Fixed Amount”: ”: if the expense has the field selected the user will find a fixed amount even in the APP.

- “Default document type”: this configuration will be replicated even in the APP: the user will find the document

type already inserted and he could change it or not, based on system setup.

NEW: Destination section

Now the following options are available:

- “Enable location section”: it activates a “Location” field on a single expense.

- “Mandatory location”: it defines if the location field is mandatory or not.

- “Load place from itinerary”: the system will fill automatically the location from the trip header.

The first and the second options are available even for the APP.

Administrator functions / Expense reports / Operational / Expense import log

Use this utility to view all expenses imported from external applications but not yet allocated in a specific expense


There are 3 different sections:

- Prepaid expense table: expense list imported as prepaid from external application (Travel agency, for


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- Mobile expense table: expense list imported from the mobile APP.

- Referring table: expense list registered in the “hftr_[companycode]spark”. In this table you’ll find all

expenses imported with no correspondence found in any expense report. So, all “non-imported” expenses will

be registered here. These exceptions caused the following warning to the user:

In this page the administrator can run the following actions:

This icon means the transaction hasn’t been imported in any expense report. Click on it and the system imports

automatically the transaction if a correct expense report exists. If the transaction has already been imported and you

need to choose the following options, the system will notify the user that the transaction will need to be imported again




Disconnect . This icon appears only when a transaction has already been imported instead of . Click here to

disconnect the transaction from the expense report; then you could re-import it again.


Tables / Expense reports / Expense / Expense Master Data

In the “Document type” section you can set the default document type and the preferred supplier (for this specific


Useful for recurrent expenses with recurrent supplier (for ex., fuel in a negotiated gas station).

Tables / Expense reports / Expense reports filling in / VAT rates

Now it’s possible to have more than one VAT exemption code in addition to the conventional one (99) automatically


Just flag the “Exempt” field and the system won’t calculate VAT amount in accountancy registration.

Ztravel Setup / Expense report /Filling in / Expense

Here you can manage the supplier’s master data for invoices: you can decide if the user will be allowed to insert and

save a new supplier or not:

- If you flag “Store the invoice data in Master Data” anytime the user inserts invoice data with a new

supplier (new fiscal code), the system will save the new supplier in the default Company or in a specific

Company code as set.

- If you do not flag this option and the user inserts a new fiscal code NO new supplier will be saved in

Master Data. All data will be treated as text fields valid only for this invoice/expense.

Expense report / Inserting expenses

Now, when an employee needs to register an expense with invoice, he can force di VAT Amount using the button.

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Clicking on “+” or “-“ the system adds or cuts the amount allowing the user to have the exact amount on the paper

invoice as provided by legislation.

For example:

VAT rate 10% Taxable €100,00:

Clicking on “-“ = VAT Amount € 9,0 Taxable € 101,00

Clicking on “+” = VAT Amount € 11,00 Taxable € 99,00.

If the user inserts the expense “Document” the total invoice amount is displayed in the first page and the new

functionality is enabled too, but in this case user can edit even the total amount and/or the taxable one. The system will

recalculate both.

Administrator functions / Expense reports / Report / VAT Register

New enhancements are the following:

- Company code, year and month as mandatory

- The “Control Extraction” can be executed as many time as needed and the “Final Extraction” will assign

the progressive number as provided by legislation. The system will maintains the progressive number for

future executions.

- New filter for:

o Approved and not transferred: to run a report with all expense reports on status higher or equal to

28 and without an export date to external file (accountancy or payroll).

o Approved and exported on : to run a report with all expense reports on status higher or equal to 28

and with an export date to external file (accountancy or payroll) equal to the one selected.

o It’s possible to search even per “headcount data filters”.

The progressive register number is assigned per Company/Year. If you need to set a different rule go to Ztravel Setup /

Expense report / Prints and select:

- “Summary document 2” and remember to set the “Accounting sector in subject master data (for last

level approver). In this way the progressive number is assigned first per Company/year then per accounting

section for all approvers involved in the invoices exported.

- “Summary document 1” and “Line nr. for document”: use it, if the customer’s accountancy system has

a limit on the number of documents for the same register (for ex. SAP). As soon as the first register reaches

the limit, the system will automatically create a new register with a new progressive number with the remaining



The new enhancement manages a specific case where the maximum rate allowed changes based on a special event

(trip reason, trip duration, etc). To set this parameter go to Ztravel Setup / Expense report / Calculation.

Ztravel Setup / Expense report / Calculation

Select the option “Enable daily parametric limits flag” and insert the “Daily parametric limits flag description”.

Using both fields the user will be able to select a different choice on every single day of his expense report.


if you set…

… the limit exception will be shown as:

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Clicking on the new button the system will ask to the user for which days he wants to apply this exception:

The same selection can be obtained directly in the calendar of expenses:

In this way the system will apply a different expense limit on the day selected.

Tables / Expense reports / Expense / Expense Limit

In the parametric limits section there is one more column “Flag days”:

In this field you can set: Yes, if you allow the user to define the days, No if you do not allow.


Until today the approver was able to approve or to reject the whole expense report. Now it’s possible for all exceptions

or just some of them to approve or reject the single expense. The approver can approve the single expense, reject it or

approve just a part of it.

Pay attention, this functionality is NOT valid:

- if the user tries to approve from a mobile device.

- for all expense reports created earlier than the control setting activation.

Go to:

Tables / Basic Archives / Fluxes / Steps Master Data

First you need to set in which approval workflow step you need to activate the partial authorization: select the right step

and flag the field “Enable error approvation”:

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Then, go to:

Tables / Expense reports / Expense / Warnings / Controls Master Data

Here you need to create a new control setting:

- in Verticalizations section, flag “Item creation if limit has been exceeded” and specific the expense

name to use for this exception: the system will move the exceeded amount in this specific expense.

- in Anomalies authorizations, flag “Request anomaly approval” and define the 3 specific expense types

to use for all cases:

o Expense type “to be verified” (the same as above)

o Expense type approved

o Expense type not approved

Obviously the expenses must be created into the Expense Master data before setting this rule.

As soon as the rule has saved, the approver will obtain a new warning while authorizing the expense report:

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YES: the entire expense will be authorized.

NO: the approver goes back to the dashboard.

View anomalies: allow the approver to make a selection.

For example: the expense calculation has generated the exception in the figure here under:

The approver clicking on View anomalies can decide to authorize/reject/partially authorize:

The type of choice has different impacts on the refund calculation: the expense type with the limitation is always

returned into the maximum limit and the exceeded amount is transformed into the other expenses type based on

approver’s authorization or rejection.

Tables /Expense reports / Expense / Expense typology master data

“Exclude from bank magnetic storage generation”

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Use this flag if you need to exclude this expense type from the bank file, for instance when you don’t need to reimburse

it to the employee.

A flag on “Exclude from summaries” leaves out this expense type from the refund summary section in

the Expense report Dashboard. This is useful, for instance, to exclude the exceeded amount on expenses with

limit set.

“Exclude allocation on accounting references (Accounting 13)”

This function is useful only when you use accounting file personalized no. 13. This specific file format shares all

expenses in % with daily accounting allocations. With this flag the expense is not divided.


It’s now possible to enable a new control that compares estimation cost values in trip requests and expense reports: if

authorized amounts in trip planning are different from the effective one in expense report, the system generates a


Tables / Expense reports / Expense reports filling in / Reason Master Data

To enable this new control , first, go to the Reason Master Data table and flag the “Estimated cost required” field.

Then…go to…

Tables / Expenses Reports / Expense / Estimated costs check

…and select all expenses where you need to activate the control.

The system will prompt only expenses already configured as enabled for cost estimation.

Select the expenses for which you want to activate the control.


Inserted: the system checks the amount inserted by the user.

Calculated: the system checks the amount calculated automatically according to the rules.

For ex.: if for the expense type (€ 100,00) there is a rule that cuts the maximum rate exceeded (€ 40,00), the

comparison will be done on the truncated amount (€ 60,00).

“Control code”

Optional field: use this field if you want to connect this control to the partial authorization process.

On the right side defines all the expenses you want to compare with this control between trip request and expense

report (normally they are the same: hotel>hotel, Air ticket>Air ticket…)

Saving the expense report, the user will see the following warning:


Tables / Accounting references / Entities configuration

Now you can set accounting references on single expenses, not only in the expense report header.

After having configured the section, you must enable it on every single expense flagging “Enable accounting references

in percentage “ in the Expense Master Data area (see following).

Tables / Expense Report / Expense Master Data

After having configured the section “Entities configuration”, you must enable it on every single expense.

Go to Expense Master Data, select all expenses one by one and flag “Enable accounting references in percentage “. The

system will check a 100% allocation.


Tables / Hours setting / Reason setting

- New field “Short description”: enable a brief description in the calendar view.

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- New field “Do not show unit of measurement”: it disables the unit of measure for the selected reason

in the calendar view.

Ztravel Setup / Expense report / Filling in / Time setting

- The new field “Enable destination visualization” requires to the user to insert reason as well as


- The “Entry mode” list box allows:

o “Daily” if you want to set the time configuration per day.

o “Grid”, it’s a new choice that allows to insert quantity. This option works ONLY if timesheet is not active

and all reasons are set as “quantity”.

A preview follows.

The user clicks on “Edit” and inserts the quantities:

- “Display mode”:

o “Only schedule”, the only possibility since today;

o “Only Grid” selected:

o Both: it enables the user’s view choice. In this way he can choose the one he prefers.

New variables on expense report formulas

A couple of new variables are available for the Expense Module:

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- Trip request source: it’s possible to set different conditions for trip requests coming from the Ztravel

Travel Module or externally. Use “TRF” value for all trip requests imported from the Travel Module.

- Total amount estimated costs.

Ztravel setup / Expense report / General / Options

“Enable trips over months for monthly calculation (no “credit contract”)”

If flagged, the user must enter the reference month with 2 options:

Departure month (initial date)

Arrival month (final date)

This feature is useful for customers who have a monthly expense report set with no trip request import from the Travel


In this way users are able to insert monthly expense report between 2 different months.

For instance: Expense report referred to March, if it’s flagged:

- Departure month (initial date): user can insert expenses from March to April.

- Arrival month (final date): user can insert expenses from February to March.


Ztravel setup / Expense report / Mail

- In the emails setup to the approver, you will find ${ELENCOANOMALIE} to include all warnings of the expense report in

the body of the email.

- In the emails setup to the user there’s a new option: “Notify expense report at specific approval steps”. If flagged you

need to select the workflow step where you want to send the email.


Workflow step 03 – Second level approval = the system would send an email after first level authorization.

Workflow step 07 – Refund = the system would send an email after last level authorization when the expense report is

ready to be refunded.

Setup / Reminder management

A new functionality allows to set a reminder to the approvers who have pending authorizations to manage. You can set

how many reminders, in how many days and for which period:

“Workflow step”: choose the step to send the email.

“Code”: free code to assign.

“Days nr. from last operation for sending reminder”: set the number of days after which the system must send the email

counting from the workflow step entered.

“Day of the month for sending reminder” : this is alternative to the previous one. It’s a pre-defined date to send the

reminder (every month, the same date).

“Reminder number”: according to the period configured, you can define how many times the system must send the


“Days interval between each reminder”: after first sending, you can set a days range between one email and the other.

There’s a job (“hftr_bsollecitinstr”) that controls all emails in the workflow step set and sends automatically all reminders

configured. For a correct use, schedule this job to run daily.

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Ztravel setup / Expense report / General

“Request sending confirmation for expense report without refund”

Use this option if you want to close directly all expense reports with no refund for the user.

An expense report with no refund is a report completely empty: without expenses or mileage refunds or travel

allowances or cash advances.

In this case the expense report skips all authorization steps configured and goes directly into the last step (to be paid

and exported in accountancy).

To enable this feature you need to flag this option but also to create a new formula to assign in the workflow steps

using the condition “Expense report without refund”

If enabled, while the user is sending his expense report, the system shows a message asking a confirmation:

“Parametric text exposed at expense report sending”

Enter the text message you want to show to the user while sending his expense report.


Ztravel setup / Expense report / Filling in / Itinerary and travel reimbursement

“New mileage reimbursement insertion mode”:

- “Disabled” : standard mileage reimbursement;

- “Scheduled”: the system doesn’t pre-compile the itinerary fields and the user is free to insert what he likes. If

the user clicks on “Precompile” the system will compile all itinerary fields as per all destinations entered.

- “Free field” : the system will connect automatically to Google maps and validates any destination the user will

enter (city, address, point of interest, etc.). With this selection you must enter a “Google API Key”. As first setup enter

“Zucchetti key”.


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- the system must be allowed to navigate in Google Maps (check connectivity).

- The “Zucchetti API Key” works only for a maximum of 2500 calls per day. If you need to go over this limit, you need to

register a new Google APY Key with 2500 free calls per day and an extra cost over this limit.

With both options a is available for an automatic compiling of the return itinerary.

If you need to apply a different and new methodology pls contact support service.

“View departure and return location”/ ”Block change of return and destination location”

Flag the first option if the user should see the departure and return destination. Flag the second one if he shouldn’t

change them.


Expenses insertion

Quick feature to change the expense date: in addition to the arrows forward and backward now

clicking on the date the system allows to change even trip date.

Currency field in the expense: entering the 3 initial characters the system will search the right


Expenses with guests, favorite list: as the user enters a guest, the system will save it for future use.

The list can be edited and cancelled. To enable this feature flag “Enable personal address book management” in

Ztravel setup / Expense report / Filling in / Expense. With this option the user will see an icon where all

preferred guests will be saved.

Ztravel Setup / Expense report / Filling in / General options

“Previous months compared to current month”/ “Subsequent months compared to current month”

The new options are full filled with 18 and 6. They manage the months list that the user sees creating a new expense

report counting from the creation date. With the 2 options there is even an added one available in Company Master


HR Personal Data/ Company-Corp.

“Allow e.r. creation from”

Optional. If flagged the user can’t create an expense report for a previous period not allowed in this configuration.

This option clears the command entered in the previous paragraph (Ztravel Setup / Expense report / Filling in / General

options – Previous month…).

Ztravel Setup / Expense report / File generation

“Consider employees transferred to destination company”

If flagged, while generating an exporting file, for all employees transferred to another Company, the system considers

the Company Code valid at file generation date instead of the expense note creation date.

Electronic payments module


In the electronic payment page an user select the transaction to complete and click on “New”…

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… the system requires to enter the document type and the expense type:

1) The first enhancement allows to set a default value in the document type field. In Ztravel setup /

Expense report / Filling in /Electronic Payments select Receipt or Invoice as default document.

2) The second one is to define a new default expense based on the merchant type. First, try to

understand where, in the credit card transaction file the MCC (Merchant Category Code) is placed. This code

allows you to understand which type of expense is (Meal, Accomodation, Car, Other….). A correct setup of

these codes allows the system to combine automatically the correct expense or to suggest a short list to the

user (Meal can be Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast…).

3) In this way, with this new enhancement it’s possible:

a) To suggest automatically the correct expense type:

b) To suggest a list of expenses.

c) To suggest “Credit card withdrawal” defining if it should be editable or not.

How to do it:

Other Modules / File Import / Running / Run import

Required condition is the variable “CODCATMER” in import file definition.

Tables / Electronic Payments / General / Parameters definition

To run correctly the electronic payments import remember to flag the “Connection table compulsoriness” field in the

Connected expenses table management area.

Tables / Electronic payments / Transactions / Expense related Master Data

Use this section to join the MCC code with the transaction files sourced from the Bank.

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It must be the correct code sourced from the Bank.

Then, in the Expense item section:


Select a choice (Expense, More expenses, Credit card withdrawal). This setup will show to the user the selection while

joining transaction and expense type. The user can change it.


This option is an alternative to the previous one and, in this case, he can’t change it.

As before select one option: Expense, More expenses, Credit card withdrawal and fill in the required information.