
Obi Wan Kenobi

Visually, the movie version and game version of Obi-Wan look almost identical. The details on the Robes are almost perfect, the colours are as good as they can make them, considering the restrictions. The face details in the Lego character are amazing, especially in the beard.

Darth Vader

The movie version of Darth Vader looks a lot more intimidating than the Lego version, due to the face he is a lot taller.

Who is the audience for Lego and is appropriate to have a game using this film?

Any fans of Lego and Star Wars would have been big fans of this game, it follows the story, characters deaths, etc. There are some childish elements within the game, but that’s expected as it has a Lego theme.

Who is the audience for the movie franchise originally?

Star Wars audience is mostly male based, due to the fact is a science fiction based movie series. Genres like these usually attract male audiences.

What is the genre? Who likes this genre?

Star Wars is a fantasy/ science fiction film. First released in 1977 it was an instant hit, and has fans all around the world. The target audience is mostly boys, although there are still a lot of girl fans.

How have they adapted the style for a Lego game both visually and suitability for the Lego game?

Looking at some of the death scenes from the movies and comparing them to the Lego version, there are some obvious

There are obvious differences between this two scenes. On the Lego version, you can’t see Anakin on fire or his skin burning off, this was adapted for the audience of the LEGO since the majority of players would be kids and having skin burning off a LEGO character wouldn’t be a good idea.
