Download pdf - 07-2013 Newsletter


4112 Old Routt RoadLouisville, KY [email protected]

Office: (800) 447-0800 !Cell: (502) 468-8693Fax: (502) 719-0008 @shaunaruth77

Vol. IX Issue XIJuly 2013

Shauna’s News

Emerald Hills is gorgeous this time of year. And our ponds have never looked better, thanks to Don, our new Facilities Associate, who has been working hard in the summer heat cleaning them up.

Guests Welcome!Slowly, very slowly, but surely I’m making improvements to my house. I love dreaming of all the possibilities and improvements I can (one day) make to it. Decorating on a budget is challenging, but Pinterest is a great place for inexpensive ideas!

The Bible Bowl team from my home church in Florida were my

first guests in my new home! (pictured below) It was a tad crowded but they never complained and we all had a great time. I took them to Papa Johns Headquarters park for dinner one night where we fed the geese and ducks by hand.

If you are ever near Louisville, my guest room is ready for you!

Happening this Month...North American Christian Convention (NACC)Louisville is hosting the NACC this year! I’m excited to host my parents who are heading up to attend. Team Expansion will be displaying the Unleashed for the Unreached Wall again and it will even be featured in one of the main sessions! I’ll be spending time talking with folks who stop by the Team Expansion display. If you’re attending be sure to stop by and be sure to spend time praying at The Wall too.

Connections Trip to Dearborn, MIOur short-term missions opportunity we call Connections continues to improve and grow. These can be both state-side and overseas. I’m excited to be joining a weekend trip to Dearborn with several other women to experience the Yemeni culture there. We’ll have ethnic meals, go on a prayer walk, help with a service project and even visit a local Mosque. Please pray for opportunities to be Light and Love to the community there.

In  addition  to  the  7  Great  Passions  I  mentioned  last  month,  we’ve  also  identified  7  Core  Values  that  all  of  us  have  chosen  to  embrace  in  unity.  This  month,  I’ll  share  the  first  three:

1.    Biblical  —  God’s  Word  is  our  key  guide  for  figuring  out  what  we  believe  and  what  we  do  each  day.

2.    Unreached  —  It’s  hard-­‐‑wired  into  our  DNA  to  focus  on  those  who  don’t  know  Jesus.

3. Grace  —  We  try  to  show  grace  to  locals,  team  members,  and  even  to  ourselves.

These  are  three  of  the  7  Core  Values  that  serve  as  compass  points  to  guide  us  in  our  dreams,  goals,  objectives,  and  daily  tasks.  (Continued  next  month.)  They  bind  together  our  teams  and  labor.  By  undergirding  the  global  work  of  Team  Expansion,  you  are  embracing  them,  too!  Thanks  for  your  partnership!

Doug  Lucas

GIVE ONLINE: Enter my name on the “Missionary/Project Name” line or set up payments through your bank. SEND A CHECK: Please make checks payable to “Team Expansion,” do not put my name on the memo line (just make sure my name is on the envelope) and send it to: Team Expansion ATTN: Shauna Peterson Account 4112 Old Routt Road Louisville, KY 40299

Current supporting churches: FCC of Lake Butler (FL), Discovery CC (FL), Southeast CC (KY), Union Chapel CC (IN)

Beginning Balance $5,254.35Support IN: Monthly Gifts (Churches) $552.00 Monthly Gifts (Individuals) $1,010.00 Special Gifts $200.00 Payments OUT Salary (Food, Gas, etc) -$650.00 Housing -$679.60 Life Insurance -$15.31 Health Insurance -$156.37 Dental Insurance -$36.65 Car Insurance $0.00 Utilities -$131.90 FHA Insurance -$95.00 Ministry -$106.29 Internet/Phone -$147.63 Team Share -$100.00 Tax/Social Security -$300.00 Total ($2,418.75) Ending Balance $4,597.60

Message from the President

J U N EFinancial Report

Prayer Requests & Praises✤ Ask  God  to  bless  the  NACC  (North  American  Christian  Convention)  and  all  

those  who  will  be  aVending!  It’s  just  around  the  corner  and  it’s  here  in  Louisville!  If  you’re  coming,  be  sure  to  stop  by  The  Wall  and  the  Team  Expansion  booth.

✤ Lift  up  the  Dearborn  trip,  myself,  and  the  13  other  women  going.  Pray  for  safe  travels,  meaningful  moments  learning  about  another  culture,  sensitivity  to  the  Spirit’s  leading,  and  opportunities  to  be  a  positive  influence.

✤ Pray  for  my  teammate  Carla  Williams  (and  husband  JC)  as  they  head  to  Taiwan  July  8-­‐‑22  to  help  with  our  Taiwan  Team’s  Sports  and  English  Camp.  Praise  God  for  providing  all  of  the  funds  they  needed  for  the  trip.  Pray  for  all  144  teens  aVending  the  camp  -­‐‑  that  they  will  be  drawn  closer  to  Him.

Unreached People Group Kerinci of Indonesia• Population: 317,000• Language: Kerinci• Religion: Islam• Evangelical: 0.05%

Go to to learn more about unreached people groups and how to pray for them and for more harvest workers to go share the love of Jesus with them.

PRAYLet’s Color a Tree!

I couldn’t say it be!er than Paul if I tried. “I thank my God in all my remembrance of

you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of

your participation in the gospel from the $rst day until now.” (Philippians 1:3-5)

Many of you have been $nancial partners from the beginning, nine years ago! %ank

you for coming alongside me and being an integral part of this ministry and Team

Expansion’s efforts to reach the unreached.

Currently, I am $700 short from coloring this tree orange, a.k.a. being 100% funded. Will you help? Do you know of someone, a family, a church or group that would partner with me? My latest brochure, which includes my budget can be found on my website. I can also email it upon request.

Please join me in prayer and ask God to raise up more partners who will join me and Team Expansion in making a difference in this world for Him.
