Download pdf - 09 Crisis Management Plan

  • 8/12/2019 09 Crisis Management Plan



    Crisis Management Plan


    Confidential Not for Distribution

    Issue Number: ! Issue Date: O"tober # $ #!

    DOC%MEN& 'PPRO(ED )*: '%&HORISED +OR %SE )*:

    ',,ro-ed: C. innett / M. Ha01es 'ut2orised:

    &itle: ER Coord/Se"urit3 'd-isor &itle: HSE Dire"tor

  • 8/12/2019 09 Crisis Management Plan



    !. P%RPOSE

    This Crisis Management Plan is required to facilitate efficientmanagement of a crisis situation such as fire, explosion, H2S gas release,uncontrolled well, kidnapping, murder, civil unrest, terrorism orgovernment collapse resulting in the potential or need for expatriate redeplo!ment" Similar threats to an! of the parent companies or itssu#sidiaries which ma! place at risk the safet! and wellfare of incountr!personnel will also constitute a crisis"

    This plan is designed to identif! those compan! officers and disciplineswhose input ma! #e needed to evaluate and authorise action to limit theconsequences of the crisis and to efficientl! mitigate"

    Privilege$ Selected information included in this plan is confidential" %tshould onl! #e made availa#le to those management personnel who needto #e aware that such a plan exists"


    The Crisis Management &rgani'ation (CM&) comprises$

    a) *enture +irector

    #) HS +irectorc) &perations +irectord) +evelopment +irector

    The CM& have ultimate polic! authorit! for decisions made #! TheCompan! in a crisis situation"

    7. CRISIS M'N'EMEN& &E'M 5CM&6

    The Crisis Management Team (CMT) comprises$

    a) HS +irectorate -dministrative -ssistant -dmin Support#) Communications Manager . Pu#lic /elationsc) Human /esources Managerd) +ut! Managere) 0eneral Services Manager 1ogisticsf) HS Manager Planningg) ell &perations Manager . ell Controlh) Senior P+T Pro3ect Manager . 4ield +emo#ili'ation

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    i) Production Manager . Production &perations3) mergenc! /esponse Coordinator . mergenc! &perationsk) Manager 7 -dvisor Securit! . Securit! :nit 1eader

    Mem#ership of the CMT reflects the required input from the a#ovemanagement disciplines" -dditional support personnel within thedisciplines are availa#le #asis the severit! and duration of the incident"The organi'ation chart for the team can #e found in Section 2"

    +epending upon the precise nature of the incident and the location, theCrisis Management Team (CMT) is responsi#le for carr!ing out Compan!Polic!, Procedures and for maintaining direct communications with parentcompan! officials, em#ass! officials as needed, external resources asappropriate and emplo!ees affected #! the incident"

    The activation of the CMT and support staff will #e a reflection ofcircumstances involved in the crisis situation" %t is difficult to predict thecomposition of the support staff that would #e activated as each incidentwill generate different requirements"

    -ctivation of the Crisis Management Team and Support Staff should #elimited in order to avoid unnecessar! interference with da! to da!#usiness !et #e adequate to ensure appropriate resources are availa#leto efficientl! manage the crisis"

    +ecisionmaking should #e collective where possi#le, !et the CrisisManagement &rgani'ation (CM&) is in overall control of the CMT and isresponsi#le for implementing Compan! polic!"


    ;ritish 0as corporate offices in the :nited 6ingdom will act as thecoordination center for 6P& #"v" support activities, out of countr!, in theevent such services are needed"



    /esponsi#le for the overall management of the CMT organisation andoperation to include$

    a) -ssures that adequate funding is availa#le to support the crisismanagement o#3ectives"

    #) /eview and approve crisis management o#3ectives"

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    c) 1iaisons with parent companies"d) /eview and approve emplo!ee and media information prior to its


    .# CRISIS M'N'EMEN& &E'M

    .#.! 'dministrati-e Su,,ort

    Maintain accurate up to date incident files, including

    Maintain meeting minutes including actions and o#3ectives

    Provide duplication services

    nsure access of all personnel to office supplies and equipment

    Maintain copies of all incident forms and reports

    .#.# Human Resour"es

    /esponsi#le for advice and information on all relations7humanresources aspects during and su#sequent to an incident to include$

    Maintain accurate data#ase and account for all personnel in

    countr! working for 6P& #"v"

    mplo!ee morale

    ffect of incident upon local la#or relations" /eception and treatment of a kidnapping hostage following a


    %f appropriate, provision of medical or other information relevant

    to the victim

  • 8/12/2019 09 Crisis Management Plan



    .#.8 Publi" Relations

    /esponsi#le for developing and releasing information a#out theincident to the news media and other appropriate agencies andorgani'ations"

    +evelop material for use in media #riefings

    %nform media and conduct media #riefings

    /esponsi#le for the collection of information relative to the crisis

    and for coordination with the Crisis Management &rganisationits release"

    tain external media information that ma! #e useful to incident

    planning /esponsi#le for o#taining review and approval #! Crisis

    Manager and 1egal +irector of all developed information andstatements prior to #eing released"

    /esponsi#le for collecting, reviewing and disseminating

    pertinent external information to the Crisis Management Team(CMT), as it #ecomes availa#le that ma! #e useful during crisismanagement planning"

    -ssure that accurate information is released to help avoid the

    reporting of negative or incorrect information"

    Provide media first media statement earl! as possi#le to

    suppress con3ecture, speculation and rumors"

    .#. 9ogisti"s

    /esponsi#le for providing facilities, services and materials to allorgani'ational components involved in the incident" Manage issuesthat include$

    +eveloping and coordinating incident communications s!stems

    Providing meals and su#sistence support

    Coordinating deliver! of response equipment, material and


    -ssuring equipment is maintained and repaired

    -ssuring response facilit! locations are properl! equipped

    -ssuring ground and air transportation services are availa#le

    -ssuring response vehicles are fueled and maintained

    %dentif! service and support requirements for planned and

    expected operations

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    -dvise on current service and support capa#ilities

    Coordinate the processing of requests for additional resources

    Track all resources

    -ttend incident #riefings, tactics meetings, planning meetings

    and operations #riefings

    .#.; Planning

    /esponsi#le for collection, evaluation, dissemination, strategicplanning, and use of information for the development of theincident action plan"

    :nderstand the current incident situation

    Predict the pro#a#le course of incident events Prepare alternate strategies for the incident response

    Provide input to the Crisis Management &rgani'ation and Team

    in preparing an incident action plan

    sta#lish planning c!cle and meetings schedule

    -ssign technical specialists and7or speciali'ed resources

    Provide status reports to appropriate requesters

    Maintain situation status and resource tracking

    .#.< =ell Control

    /esponsi#le for advice, information, and mo#ili'ation ordemo#ili'ation of resources on all aspects of well controloperations"

    .#.> +ield Demobili?ation

    /esponsi#le for advice, information, and implementation of CMTdecisions related to the development division of the 6arachaganak4ield facilities and personnel

    Coordinate Main orks contractor

  • 8/12/2019 09 Crisis Management Plan



    /esponsi#le for advice, information, and mo#ili'ation of resourceson all aspects of mergenc! /esponse in support of the response

    o#3ectives" /esponsi#le for management of emergenc! operations

    applica#le to the primar! mission

    -ctivate and supervise elements in accordance with the

    incident action plan and direct its execution

    ;rief and assign emergenc! personnel

    /equest or release resources as needed

    -ctivate and execute the Site Safet! Plan

    nsure safe tactical response operations

    Make expedient changes to the incident action plan and report

    to CM& /eport an! information a#out special activities, events,

    occurrences to the CM&

    .#.!! Se"urit3 %nit 9eader

    /esponsi#le for advice and information on all securit! aspectsduring and su#sequent to an incident to include$

    Securit! of communications

    Securit! of meeting rooms and %ncident Command Centers

    used #! the Crisis Management Team Securit! of documentar! records

    /esponsi#le for #riefing the CM& on a regular #asis on related

    securit! issues

    /esponsi#le for liaison with 0overnment on intelligence


    Securit! of hostage

  • 8/12/2019 09 Crisis Management Plan



    - mergenc! vacuation Plan- 6idnapping and /ansom Plan- Threat to 4acilities Plan

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    ;. Notifi"ation and Communi"ations

    %t is essential that communications during a crisis is effective, swift and

    secure within the Crisis Management &rgani'ation and Team up to itsparent compan! representatives" Procedures for notification should #eeffective at night, weekend and holida!s, as well as the normal workingda!"

    Communications throughout the Compan! should #e secure and releasedonl! as deemed appropriate #! the CM& #asis the incident, and tomaintain the securit! or confidentialit! of the actions that are to #e takenduring the response"

    ;.! Initial Crisis Notifi"ation

    %nformation on the incident has to reach the +ut! Manager" The initialnotification ma! #e direct from the 6P& #"v" workforce familiar with the+ut! Manager, or the notification ma! #e made to the :nit > Paging&perator who will then contact the +ut! Manager"

    &nce the +ut! Manager receives the information and #asis an initialevaluation of the information provided, the +ut! Manager will then contactthe mergenc! /esponse Coordinator and HS Manager to assist in thecallout and activation of the Crisis Management Team" The CrisisManagement Team Contact +irector! can #e found in Section >" &nce

    each Crisis Management Team (CMT) individual receives notification,each will report as instructed to one of the following locations$

    ?$88 p"m" to ?$88 a"m" Crisis '"tion CentreC'ech Camp;lock *%%2nd4loor /oom 2@See Section 4 for DiagramTelephone 5um#er$ ABBBTrunking /adio %+$ 2889?94ax 5um#er$ ABB>

    ?$88 a"m" to ?$88 p"m" In"ident Management Centre6P& #"v" Main &ffice Complex9st4loor . /oom 98See Section 4 for DiagramTelephone 5um#er$ 22D>Trunking /adio %+$ 28892D@0as 1ine$ >B2A4ax 5um#er$ 22D>

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    Embass3 Information

    :nited States m#ass!

    D7D?- 4urmanova St"-lmat!, /ok

    Telephone$ 8?>2?2A8?B2?Telephone$ >>>29B?>B4ax$ 8?>2?2A8B2BDmail$ [email protected]

    :nited 6ingdom

    Telephone$ A828A8B989


    Telephone D9888?D9898?


    Telephone @@222@@>>2

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    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]