Page 1: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called:

• A) DNA.• B) a chromosome.• C) a genome.• D) a gene complex.


Page 2: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

2. In adoption studies, scientists have found:

• A) adopted children have personalities closer to the parents who raised them.

• B) adopted children have personalities closer to the other children they were raised with.

• C) adopted children have personalities shaped predominantly from their environments.

• D) adopted children have personalities closer to their biological parents.


Page 3: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

3. In studying worldwide mating preferences, researchers have found that, in 37 countries:

• A) men prefer thinner women.

• B) women prefer mates with wealth and status.

• C) mating preferences differed according to cultural norms.

• D) women are marrying younger than ever before.


Page 4: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

4. Rats raised in more stimulating

environments resulted in:

• A) “talented” rats who could count to ten.

• B) happier and more sociable rats.• C) larger brains and more

synaptic connections.• D) increased sexual activity.


Page 5: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

5. Shared environmental influences account for ___ of children’s personality differences.

• A) less than 10 percent.

• B) about 50 percent.

• C) about 25 percent.

• D) more than 50 percent.


Page 6: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

6. Children who grow up hearing one accent of speech at home and a different one from their peers:

• A) do not develop accents.

• B) develop accents similar to their parents.

• C) develop accents similar to their peers.

• D) has no relation to their own speech.


Page 7: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

7. Identical twins can differ in their development before they are born in cases of:

• A) genetic mutations.

• B) two placentas.

• C) different fathers.

• D) alcohol abuse.


Page 8: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

8. Boys usually play ____ and girls usually play ____.

• A) socially; aggressively

• B) aggressively; competitively

• C) with one friend; in large groups

• D) large groups with an activity; with one friend


Page 9: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

9: A set of expectations about the way men and women should behave are:

• A) cultural norms.

• B) gender identity.

• C) male-female constructs.

• D) gender roles.


Page 10: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

10. Tichner believed in the method called ____ to investigate psychological processes.

• A) the experimental method

• B) cause-and-effect relationships

• C) introspection

• D) psychoanalysis


Page 11: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

11. The first textbook was written by:

• A) Washburn.

• B) Titchner.

• C) Wundt.

• D) James.


Page 12: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

12. In studying anger, the psychologist who views an anger outburst as an outlet for unconscious hostility is coming from the ___ perspective.

• A) neuroscience• B) evolutionary• C) cognitive• D) psychodynamic


Page 13: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

13. The psychologist most likely to treat mental disorders is the:

• A) counseling psychologist.

• B) clinical psychologist.

• C) personality psychologist.

• D) developmental psychologist.


Page 14: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

14. The ___ has a medical degree and prescribes medication.

• A) clinical psychologist

• B) neuropsychologist

• C) psychiatrist

• D) all of the above


Page 15: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

15. You are a VP in a major corporation and need to hire a professional to help hire and train employees more effectively. Your best choice would likely be a(n):

• A) industrial/organizational psychologist.

• B) clinical psychologist.

• C) social psychologist.

• D) cognitive psychologist.


Page 16: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

16. Research aimed at building psychology’s knowledge base is:

• A) applied research.

• B) academic research.

• C) basic research.

• D) theoretical research.


Page 17: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

17. The ____ administers tests and provides therapy and the ___ prescribes medication.

• A) clinical psychologist; psychiatrist

• B) psychiatrist; clinical psychologist

• C) counseling psychologist; clinical psychologist

• D) school psychologist; clinical psychologist


Page 18: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

18. Together, three different levels form an integrated approach to understanding psychological processes. This approach is called:

• A) neuro-developmental.

• B) biopsychosocial.

• C) bio-mental-behavioral.

• D) cognitive-behavioral.


Page 19: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

19. Julie appeared not to be surprised when the couple broke up. “I could have predicted that,” she said. Julie is demonstrating:

• A) ESP.

• B) hindsight bias.

• C) overestimation the extent to which others share her opinion.

• D) correlation proves causation.


Page 20: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

20. The following is an example of an operational definition:

• A) stress is defined as how well a person adjusts to his/her environment.

• B) personality is defined as how well that person relates to others.

• C) empathy is defined as showing you can understand the other person’s feelings.

• D) intelligence is defined as a score on an intelligence test.

• E) all of the above. 25

Page 21: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

21. When everybody has an equal chance of being included in a study, this process is called:

• A) unbiased reporting.

• B) a survey.

• C) a random sample.

• D) reliability.


Page 22: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

22. Which of the following correlation coefficients reflects the strongest correlation?

• A) +.10

• B) -.64

• C) +.35

• D) -.10


Page 23: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

23. Consistently, we find low self-esteem is often related with high levels of depression. This means:

• A) low self-esteem causes depression.

• B) depression causes low self-esteem.

• C) low self-esteem and depression are caused by a third factor.

• D) they are correlated but this does not prove causation.


Page 24: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

24. In an experiment, the group of participants who are exposed to the treatment of interest is in the:

• A) control condition.• B) independent condition.• C) placebo condition.• D) experimental condition.


Page 25: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

25. Neither the researcher nor the subjects knew whether or not they received the drug studied or a placebo. This is an example of:

• A) expectancy effects.

• B) placebo effects.

• C) a double-blind study.

• D) nothing. It would be ridiculous.


Page 26: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

26. The best way to assure the post-treatment differences found between the experimental and control groups is due to the treatment is by:

• A) random assignment.

• B) training your subjects well.

• C) letting your subjects know which group they are in.

• D) using a placebo.


Page 27: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

27: If results of research are not likely to have occurred by chance, we say the results are:

• A) an illusory correlation.• B) descriptive.• C) valid.• D) statistically significant.


Page 28: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

28. When we experience _____, we feel tension when our actions do not coincide with our beliefs.

• A) cognitive dissonance.• B) actor-observer

discrepancy.• C) personal perception.• D) self-serving bias.


Page 29: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

29. For teens, it is especially important to dress and act like their peers in order to be accepted by the group. This pressure to conform is called: • A) informational social influence.

• B) ethnocentrism.

• C) out-group homogeneity.

• D) normative social influence.


Page 30: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

30. Milgram did not require his subjects to shock people at the highest level at the beginning, but to build up to it. He used the:

• A) cognitive dissonance theory.

• B) foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

• C) normative social influence.

• D) social exchange theory.


Page 31: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

31. When people are working in a group on a project rather than individually, there is likely to be less effort by some, called:

• A) social loafing.

• B) competition.

• C) self-serving bias.

• D) cognitive dissonance.


Page 32: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

32. When a group’s goal of harmony takes precedence over rational decision-making, they become involved in the process of:

• A) social cognition.

• B) group polarization.

• C) group think.

• D) fundamental attribution error.


Page 33: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

33. Rape victims are sometimes blamed for wearing too revealing clothes and, “getting what they deserved.” This false conclusion is based on:

• A) the just-world hypothesis.

• B) fundamental attribution error.

• C) social categorization.

• D) social exchange theory.


Page 34: 1. A spiraling, complex molecule containing genes is called: A) DNA. B) a chromosome. C) a genome. D) a gene complex. 96

34: According to the bystander effect, if you needed help you would be more likely to get it if:

• A) many people were present.• B) few people were present.• C) someone else was also

helping.• D) no one knew you.

