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Alpha Phi OmegaCourtney McLaughlin Pledge Class

Spring 2014 Chapter Manual

Gamma Gamma ChapterUniversity of California, Berkeley

Region X, Section 4

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AΦΩBe a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service.

alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014





+RZ�WR�&KDLU�DQ�(YHQW�LQ����(DV\�6WHSV�Before the Service Project/Fellowship1) Decide whether you want to chair a project at least one week before�WKH�GD\�RI�WKH�HYHQW��� ([�FHSWLRQ���7KHUH�LV�QR�FKDLU�IRU�WKH�HYHQW�DQG�\RX�GHFLGH�WR�VWHS�XS�DQG�FKDLU��'R�WKLV�DW�OHDVW���GD\V�before the event).



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AΦΩAΦΩalpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service. Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service.

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alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014









The Three Points of the Scout Oath:���'XW\�WR�*RG�DQG�FRXQWU\���'XW\�WR�RWKHUV���'XW\�WR�VHOI

The Scout Motto:%H�3UHSDUHG






NameSIDE-MailAddressPhone NumberReason for Reimbursement








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AΦΩAΦΩalpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service. Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service.

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alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014



What time do pledge reviews begin?3OHGJH�5HYLHZV�ZLOO�VWDUW�DW�7pm SHARP. We suggest that you arrive early because if you have not








I have a complaint or question about pledging, but I am afraid that bringing up the com-ment will affect my becoming an active. Whom should I speak with?,I�\RX�KDYH�D�VXFK�D�FRQFHUQ�RU�DQ�LVVXH�WR�DGGUHVV��\RX�VKRXOG�LQTXLUH�GLUHFWO\�IURP�WKH�3OHGJHPDVWHU��$OO�FRQFHUQV�ZLOO�UHPDLQ�FRQ¿GHQWLDO��,W�:,//�127�DGYHUVHO\�DIIHFW�\RXU�RSSRUWXQLW\�WR�FURVV�


What are Sectionals/Regionals/Nationals?




Chapter Contact Information:APO Webpage:





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AΦΩalpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service.

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AΦΩalpha phi omegaAΦΩalpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service. Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service.

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Courney McLaughlin Spring 2014



Our PurposeThe purpose of the pledging period of this fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega, Gamma Gamma chapter shall be to: Promote the three cardinal principles of leadership, friendship, and service; promote brotherhood through service; promote fel-lowship in the principles embodied in the Boy Scout Oath and Law; and promote the development of a personal honor code.

Your OathI fully accept the obligation of pledgeship in Alpha Phi 2PHJD��,�ZLOO�HQGHDYRU�WR�SURYH�P\VHOI�ZRUWK\�RI�WKH�FRQ¿-dence imposed in me. With a sincere desire to put service to KXPDQLW\�DKHDG�RI�VHO¿VK�DLPV��,�ZLOO�VWULYH�GLOLJHQWO\�WR�VR�live that I, in due course, will be accepted as a loyal and true Brother in Alpha Phi Omega.

Your PromiseOn my honor I swear that I will do my best to complete this period of pledging, to put forth a true and honest effort and further the principles of Alpha Phi Omega. During my pledge SHULRG�,�ZLOO�HQGHDYRU�WR�IXO¿OO�DOO�P\�UHTXLUHPHQWV�WR�WKH�best of my abilities, build lasting ties of brotherhood, and JLYH�XQVHO¿VKO\�LQ�VHUYLFH�WR�DOO�LQ�QHHG�

__________________________________________________ Signature Date

From the PledgemasterTo the CM Pledges:Welcome to Alpha Phi Omega! My name is Vivian Nguyen and I am honored to be your Pledgemaster this semester. Alongside me are a group of individuals, your pledge committee, who are dedi-cated to foster development and growth within each and every one of you. We are here to ensure that you not only learn about leadership, friendship, and service as pledges, but also embrace those core principles as active brothers. We are so excited to em-bark on this journey of serving the community with you!

$W�RQH�SRLQW�RU�DQRWKHU��\RX�ZLOO�SUREDEO\�TXHVWLRQ�RU�GRXEW�ZK\�\RX�DUH�KHUH�ZKHQ�IDFLQJ�WKH�GLI¿FXOWLHV�RI�SOHGJLQJ�DQG�,�ZDQW�\RX�to know that we’ve all been there. I felt like giving up on pledging but sticking it through was one of the best decisions I ever made. ,�FDQ�HQVXUH�LI�\RX�GRQ¶W�¿QG�\RXU�SODFH�GXULQJ�SOHGJLQJ��\RX�ZLOO�¿QG�LW�DV�DQ�DFWLYH��0\�SOHGJH�FRPPLWWHH�DQG�,�DUH�KHUH�QRW�RQO\�because of our passion for service, but because of our desire to guide you and help you in whatever you need, but you must keep an open mind and do the best you can! Take advantage of all the opportunities presented to you and know that you are never alone in this pledging process!

As your Pledgemaster, I do expect you to respect the culture and traditions of this chapter and maintain an open mind about ev-erything we do. Use the traditions, values, and advice you learn and transform it into something of your own and if/when you go on to activehood, you will have so many chances to be part of the change you want to see in our chapter and in our community.

Lastly, be present and make the most of your time! This goes for any aspect of your life. I highly encourage you to put in your best ef-fort and you will get something amazing out of it. As Pledgemaster, I promise to do the best I can to create a comfortable environment for you to talk to me or anyone else on PComm. Don’t ever hesitate to talk to me about any concerns or if you need help with anything throughout this semester! I wish you all the best of luck!

In Leadership, Friendship, and Service,

Vivian Nguyen




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AΦΩalpha phi omegaAΦΩalpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service. Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service.

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Be a Leaderby Wiemond WuCharles P. Zlatkovich Pledge Class

HERRRO & WELCOME, APO FRESHMEAT! :D Through APO, I have learned that leadership is an extremely complex art that may take a lifetime to under-stand and master. Leadership is about taking initiative, giving orders, and leading the wolfpack; but at the end of the day, leadership is about mediat-LQJ�WHQVLRQ��SURYLGLQJ�VXSSRUW��DQG�EHLQJ�ÀH[LEOH��/HDGHUVKLS�LV�WUXO\�D�WHVW�of character, and I challenge you to become a better leader within your own pledging experience.

0\�¿UVW�FKDOOHQJH�IRU�\RX�LV�WR�7$.(�$'9$17$*(�RI�DOO�WKH�DFWLYLWLHV�DQG�IULHQGVKLSV�LQ�$32��7KHUH�ZLOO�EH�events that you may not want to sign up for because it sounds scary or uncomfortable! For me, I have learned that you should take advantage of all the chances you get. You never know when you may meet a new friend or learn VRPHWKLQJ�QHZ��%\�GRLQJ�VR��\RX�DUH�JHWWLQJ�RXW�RI�\RXU�FRPIRUW�]RQH���WKH�¿UVW�REVWDFOH�\RX�PXVW�RYHUFRPH�DQG�a sign of great leadership potential! You may feel uncomfortable right now, but you are going to have to break down those walls eventually. Why not start early?! In the long run, you will feel very comfortable with wetting your feet in every sticky situation!

0\�ODVW�SLHFH�RI�DGYLFH�IRU�\RX�LV�WR�86(�<285�92,&(��:KHQ�,�ZDV�D�SOHGJH��,�ZDV�SUHWW\�TXLHW�GXULQJ�P\�FRP-mittee meetings. I had my ideas but I always refrained from speaking because I always thought other ideas were the best! Don’t be afraid to say what you believe in! There is never a bad idea, and you must begin to understand that your voice is very important from day 1! You will always learn that there is someone in the fraternity ready to support your ideas and motivations! As a pledge, I recognize how easy it is to show your respect to others, especially Actives, but I urge you to give respect to your own voice by sharing what you believe! Always give feed-EDFN�DQG�LGHDV�DQG�WR�TXHVWLRQ�ZKDW�\RX�GR�QRW�XQGHUVWDQG��$32�FDQ�JHW�FRQIXVLQJ�DQG�\RXU�EURWKHUV�DUH�KHUH�to answer them for you! There comes a time in everyone’s career where they have to utilize these two core leadership principles. Utilizing DQG�PDVWHULQJ�WKHVH�WZR�LGHDV�DUH�LPSRUWDQW�WR�RXU�OHDGHUVKLS�DELOLWLHV��%XW�OHDGHUVKLS�LV�GH¿QHG�LQ�HYHU\RQH¶V�own terms. If you disagree with me, then I challenge you to come to terms with what you think leadership should be and work towards your own goal this semester! Always remember that you are a leader, whether you know it or not! With that being said, I’m very excited to meet you and hear all about your accomplishments! I wish you the best of luck with pledging!

Be a Friend by Elizabeth Sabiniano

Jennife Sun Pledge Class

In APhiO we always say: You come for the service and stay for the friends. In my time in this organization, these words are more than what they convey. ,Q�$3KL2�ZH�RQO\�QRW�¿QG�IULHQGV��EXW�D�IDPLO\��7KLV�RUJDQL]DWLRQ�KDV�WDXJKW�me that there is so much more about being a friend. Once you start pledging, you will obtain brothers and learn how to become one throughout your jour-ney. You will receive and you will give in return. May it be your pledge broth-HUV��VPDOO�IDPLO\��RU�FRPPLWWHH�PHPEHUV��,�KRSH�\RX�¿QG�LW�LQ�\RXU�KHDUW�WR�let them in and hope someday, you will be thinking like me and think of it as

one of the best decision you have made in this organization.

Before pledging, I have been part of various campus organizations but have never felt the sense of belonging I IHOW�ZKHQ�,�DWWHQGHG�P\�YHU\�¿UVW�UXVK�HYHQW��7KH�EURWKHUV�ZKRP�,�KDYH�FRQYHUVHG�ZLWK�RQ�WKDW�RQH�IDWHIXO�LQIR�night are now some of my closest friends in the chapter/college. (One of them is even my roommate now)! In ad-dition, my small family went above and beyond at being my friend. Whenever I am stressed out about pledging or school, they will be there to support me even 2 years later when I am no longer “the baby in the family.” I could at-test to the fact that in APhiO, you really reap what you sow. The fellowships, volunteer service, and other various DFWLYLWLHV�DQG�HYHQWV�DUH�QRW�MXVW�PHUH�UHTXLUHPHQWV��WKH\�DUH�ZD\V�WKDW�EULQJ�\RX�FORVHU�WR�\RXU�IHOORZ�EURWKHUV�

I may sound somewhat idealistic, but I do only speak from the heart. The family system, the service, and the fel-lowship events - they all work together to lead you to the friends and family whom you will cherish forever. The family and friends I have gained through APhiO provided me with so much love and support that I would have never gotten if not for this organization. And I hope the same goes for you in your time within this chapter.

I hope in your time here, you will let us help you explore the beauty of serving others whilst in the company of good friends. Don’t be afraid to say “hi,” ask for help, or lend a helping hand, in APhiO we are a family! As Mary $QQ�(YDQV��RU�KHU�SHQ�QDPH��*HRUJH�(OLRW��VD\V��³:KDW�GR�ZH�OLYH�IRU��LI�LW�LV�QRW�WR�PDNH�OLIH�OHVV�GLI¿FXOW�IRU�each other.” Happy pledging! :)

Be of Serviceby Annie FergusonJennifer Sun Pledge Class

Hi Pledges! I’m here to talk to you about service, the corner-stone upon which our fraternity is founded. As brothers, we are given the opportunity to be of service to our fellow brothers, to our school, to the community in which we live and to our entire nation.

All that sounds like a bit of a mouthful, but honestly, it’s really not that scary. Our service calendar offers a very wide range of service projects for you to participate in, depending on your interests and schedule, and you’re welcome to test out as many


My advice to you is to test the waters and sample different projects. This will help you zero in on what projects are most meaningful to you and help you meet lots of other actives and pledges! Part of what makes APO service XQLTXH�LV�WKDW�\RX�GRQ¶W�DWWHQG�VHUYLFH�HYHQWV�DOO�E\�\RXU�ORQHVRPH��\RX�JR�ZLWK�SHRSOH�\RX�DOUHDG\�NQRZ��6R��while your service should always be productive and professional, it will also be a lot of fun.

6HUYLFH�DV�D�EURWKHU�RI�$3KL2�LV�D�SULYLOHJH�ERWK�EHFDXVH�RI�WKH�XQLTXH�H[SHULHQFHV�\RX�ZLOO�JDLQ�DQG�EHFDXVH�service activities, events, and random acts of kindness help us contribute to positive long-term effects through our actions. To be of service, then, is to be as positively impactful on the present and future, both yours and that of the people around, as possible. And that’s about it!

Welcome to APO! I look forward to getting to meet all of you this semester!

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On Brotherhoodby Sridatta Thatipamala.LQJVOH\�.XDQJ�3OHGJH�&ODVV

There are many service organizations on the Berkeley cam-SXV��%XW�ZKDW�PDNHV�$OSKD�3KL�2PHJD�XQLTXH�LV�WKDW�ZH�DUH�a fraternity. The people of APhiO are not mere “members” who see each other occasionally at events. We are brothers, united in our common beliefs of leadership, friendship and service.

My experiences with brotherhood and friendship in APhiO EHJDQ�LQ�P\�RZQ�SOHGJH�FODVV��..�6SULQJ��������:LWKLQ�MXVW�a few weeks, I went from knowing nothing about my pledge brothers to developing our own inside jokes and stories. Throughout the process, we learned how to work with each

other to make our pledging semester memorable and also contribute back to the chapter through service and leadership. As an active, that sense of brotherhood has carried on. I am inspired by my brothers and their level of commitment to service. But most importantly, they make the experience enjoyable. I used to be focused on WKH�UHTXLUHPHQWV�DQG�ZRXOG�SODQ�RXW�KRZ�WR�JHW�WKHP�GRQH��%XW�QRZ�,�MXVW�JR�WR�HYHQWV�EHFDXVH�,�HQMR\�VSHQG-ing time with other APO brothers and have fun

Brotherhood in APhiO extends even beyond our own campus. Early on, I mostly interacted with the pledges and actives within our chapter. This changed when I attended Sectionals, an inter-chapter event that includes all the other APhiO campuses in our section. Going to sectionals reminded me how large and inclusive the fraternity really is. Even though we all attended different schools and had varying majors, there was a sense of community among all of us. It was nice to discover that there are so many other people just within our section that are interested in service and valued the same things I did. I might not see the IC brothers on a regular ba-sis but I am still glad that I am part of such an amazing brotherhood.

At a large school like Cal, it is easy to get lost in the crowd. But APhiO has made me I feel like I am part of a family here, whether it is through doing service, grabbing dinner, or just saying hello on campus. Thanks to the lasting friendships I made in Alpha Phi Omega, I have grown a lot as a person and had a lot of fun in the pro-cess.

On Being a Pledgeby Joanna Chang

Dave Emery Pledge Class HELLO PLEDGES (: I feel weird saying that because I still feel like a pledge myself haha! Anyways, here’s a little insight on my pledging ex-perience and what you can expect from yours: I pledged fall semester as a freshman, which I cannot say was the smartest decision I’ve ever made, EXW�,�GH¿QLWHO\�GR�QRW�UHJUHW�LW��*RLQJ�LQWR�FROOHJH�ZDV�UHDOO\�LQWLPLGDW-ing for me. I did not know what to expect or how to go about adjusting to the college life. I knew that I wanted to get involved in extracurriculars here, but with Cal being so big and offering so many different opportu-nities, I was pretty lost. Luckily, after a week of going from table to table GRZQ�6SURXO�� ,�ZDV�À\HUHG�E\�DQ�$OSKD�3KL�2PHJD�UXVK�FKDLU�� ,�KDG�

always been intrigued by the brotherhood of fraternities but turned off by the hazing, so when the rush chair told PH�WKDW�$3KL2�GLG�QRW�KD]H��,�GHFLGHG�WR�FKHFN�LW�RXW��$IWHU�D�IHZ�UXVK�HYHQWV�¿OOHG�ZLWK�ZHOFRPLQJ�SHRSOH�DQG�lame (not really hehe) icebreakers, I pledged!

To be honest, I did not really know what I was getting myself into, so believe it or not, I was about to de-pledge right after the ritual. However, my pledgemaster convinced me to stay a little longer, so I did. Pledging was not what I originally expected. There are times when you have to be serious, but a lot more times when you can mess DURXQG�DQG�KDYH�IXQ��,�DP�QRW�VD\LQJ�LW�LV�DOO�IXQ�DQG�JDPHV��EHFDXVH�WUXVW�PH��WKH�TXL]]HV�DQG�VLJQDWXUHV�FDQ�JHW�SUHWW\�VWUHVVIXO��EXW�WKHUH�LV�GH¿QLWHO\�D�SRLQW�WR�HYHU\WKLQJ�LQ�WKH�SOHGJH�SURJUDP��0RVW�RI�WKH�DFWLYLWLHV�WKDW�\RX�are involved in help you bond with your family and pbros, as well as your pledge committee and other actives in the chapter. I was surprised at how close I got to some people in APhiO because it usually takes a while for me to RSHQ�XS�WR�SHRSOH��7KH�EURWKHUKRRG�LQ�RXU�FKDSWHU�LV�GH¿QLWHO\�VRPHWKLQJ�,�FKHULVK�D�ORW��DQG�LW�LV�DOVR�WKH�RQH�thing that made me stay when I was having a hard time balancing school work and pledging.

I think my main advice to you guys would be to stay visible on the calendar. By this, I mean sign up for lots of service and fellowship events! If you try your best to get involved in APhiO, you will be rewarded with lots of good memories. However, please do not put this fraternity over your grades. I think it is really easy to get carried away sometimes when you are enjoying your time, but in the end, we’re at college to get an education. With that said, WU\�QRW�WR�GR�RQO\�ZKDW�WKH�UHTXLUHPHQWV�WHOO�\RX�WR�GR�EHFDXVH�\RX�ZLOO�JHW�VR�FDXJKW�XS�LQ�WU\LQJ�WR�FRPSOHWH�WKH�UHTXLUHPHQWV�WKDW�\RX�ZLOO�QRW�EH�KDYLQJ�IXQ��7KLV�IUDWHUQLW\�KHOSHG�D�ORW�ZLWK�P\�SULRULWL]LQJ�DQG�WLPH�PDQDJH-ment, and I really think I grew a lot my pledging semester. Do not hesitate to go to any active for help! Enjoy your time as a pledge because it is all about you!

On Being an Activeby Pooja Shah.LQJVOH\�.XDQJ�3OHGJH�&ODVV

+HOOR� 6SULQJ� ������0\� QDPH� LV� 3RRMD� 6KDK�� DQG� ,� SOHGJHG�$3KL2�..��6SULQJ� ���� VHPHVWHU� �PRVW� RI� \RXU�3&RPP�ZHUH�P\�3�%URV���3OHGJ-LQJ�LV�UHDOO\�DERXW�H[SORULQJ�RXU���FRUH�YDOXHV��DQG�OHDUQLQJ�PRUH�DERXW�what each means to our organization. For me, I joined APhiO for the service, ended up in Leadership Committee as a pledge, and then served as a chair under the fellowship VP! Truth is, if you ask anyone in APhiO WKH\¶OO�GH¿QLWHO\� VD\� WKDW� ,¶P�DOO� IXQ��DOO� WKH� WLPH��(YHQ�DV�D�SOHGJH�� ,�crossed with the most number of fellowships in my pledge class (and of course you’ll always see my name as a fellowship superstar during CM!)

Activehood is really all about taking the opportunities APhiO has to offer in developing your skills in L, F and S. During DE semester, I served as D�EDQTXHW�FKDLU�ZLWK�P\�SOHGJHPDVWHU�7RQLD�7UDQ��DQG�\RXU�SOHGJHPDV-

ter, Vivian Nguyen (she was also my trainer, LOL). Going into it, it was really overwhelming to work with two people who were so integral in my time as a pledge (plus, they had WAY more APhiO experience than I did!), but I took it as an opportunity to listen, learn, and act as an extra set of eyes and ears. Even as an active, there’s DOZD\V�VR�PXFK�\RX�FDQ�OHDUQ�IURP�SHRSOH�LQ�$3KL2��1RZ��IXWXUH�EDQTXHW�FKDLUV�FDQ�ORRN�RQWR�PH�DV�D�UHVRXUFH�(especially since I co-chaired with two APhiO legends!)

Last semester, I also was really involved in the family system. I got to be both a big and a parent, and really ZRUNHG�KDUG�WR�NHHS�RXU�XQLTXH�IDPLO\�V\VWHP�VWURQJ��3DUWLFLSDWLQJ�LQ�WKH�IDPLO\�V\VWHP�LV�WKH�ZD\�PRVW�DFWLYHV�are involved after their pledging experience, especially when you have a busy semester, or are unsure where else

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in APhiO you want to get involved. You also really get to create your ideal family environment, and big with any-one you want! I even had the opportunity to big with someone who served on my PComm! Actives and Alumni in APhiO are always down to give back to the chapter, to try new things and you help you out. Despite how it may feel sometimes, we all want as many of you to cross as possible to keep our active body strong. You all are our legacy (no pressure)!!!

Congrats pledges on making the best decision you’ve made since coming to Cal!

On Being an Alumnusby Jeffrey SwartwoutJennifer Sun Pledge Class

Hello pledges! If you’re reading this, then you’re probably a try-hard….WHICH IS DEFINITELY A GOOD THING. Alpha Phi Omega is an orga-nization where commitment and involvement is rewarded. And while the immediate reward of service hours or fellowship credit accelerates your integration into the chapter, understand that you’re also gaining invalu-able skills and experience as well as forging awesome relationships and networks.

3OHGJLQJ�WKH�HQG�RI�P\��UG�\HDU�6SULQJ�������,�KDG�QR�LGHD�ZKDW�WR�H[SHFW���APO really brought me out of my shell and shaped the person I am today.

,�FDQ�KRQHVWO\�VD\�,�JUHZ�PRUH�LQ�P\�SOHGJLQJ�VHPHVWHU�WKDQ�,�GLG�GXULQJ�P\�¿UVW�WZR�DQG�D�KDOI�\HDUV�DW�&DO��Just interacting with member after member, pledge after pledge, really expanded my view of different kinds of people from various backgrounds – and helped develop people skills. On fellowship committee, I learned to or-JDQL]H�DQG�IDFLOLWDWH�HYHQWV�DQG�ZRUN�XQGHU�WU\LQJ�FRQGLWLRQV��IHHGLQJ�����FROG�DQG�KXQJU\�DFWLYHV�DW�FDPSRXW�was a monumental task!). No matter what committee you’re in, however, you will develop many leadership skills. Public speaking, people management, taking the initiative, and effective communication/listening skills are all things you’ll improve on! These are only experiences I had as a pledge; there are many more opportuni-ties to develop leadership skills as a member (Excomm, Pcomm, bigging, and Excomm chairs to name a few)! Interviewers have often asked about my experiences in APO, and I love when they do because it’s an opportu-QLW\�WR�ÀDXQW�WKH�PDUNHWDEOH�VNLOOV�,¶YH�DFTXLUHG��

Networking. Networking networking networking. It’s huge. Today’s job market is extremely competitive and there’s no assurance that you’ll end up with a 9-5 right after undergrad (unless you’re CS or EECS, in which case I hate you). I’ve only ever had part-time and summer jobs, and literally all of them have been through re-IHUUDOV��,I�\RX¶UH�LQWHUHVWHG�LQ�D�FHUWDLQ�¿HOG��WDON�WR�SHRSOH��SUHIHUDEO\�WKRVH�ZLWK�MREV�DOUHDG\��DQG�VHH�LI�WKHLU�RI¿FH�KDV�DQ\�RSHQLQJV��<RX�KDYH�WKH�EHQH¿W�RI�JRLQJ�WR�D�KLJKO\�FRPSHWLWLYH�VFKRRO��ZKHUH�PRVW�VWXGHQWV�DUH�motivated and already have connections in certain industries…which means that many people you meet have the potential to hook you up at a place they’ve worked at, are associated with, or currently work.

%XW��HQRXJK�RI�WKLV�SRVW�XQGHUJDUG�UHDO�OLIH�EODK�EODK��<28�:,//�0$.(�)5,(1'6��1R�PRUH�SOD\LQJ�'RWD�IRU�9 hours straight, no more playing 1-player Pandemic, no more not taking advantage of carpool lanes (I may or may not have just described my life). APO is a huge support network of friendly, semi-interesting people. Between your committee, PExcomm, family, pledge brothers, and random actives you’ll meet, you will…I say DJDLQ«:,//�¿QG�SHRSOH�WKDW�\RX�FDQ�UHODWH�WR�DQG�VSHQG�YDOXDEOH�WLPH�ZLWK��-XVW�PDNH�VXUH�WR�NHHS�DQ�RSHQ�mind, many of the people I ended up getting to know really well were people I never thought would have simi-lar interests. To bring it full circle, the more you put into APO the more you get out of it. Invest some time get-ting to know your bigs and you’ll have an even more thrilling campout, invest in getting to know your PComm and they may just cross you ;). Plus you never know, you may just end up dating your trainer.

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alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014



Gamma Gamma is founded. National President, Dr. H. Roe Bartle in attendance.(Fall) earliest archive entries. 11 actives, 12 pledges.Gamma Gamma presided over installment of Eta Psi chapter (Chico State).Christmas @ Cal program, in which competing groups decorate various portions of the campus to bring Christmas spirit to various University buildings, UMOC Queen Contest “Beauty and the Beast” generates $6000.(Fall) Dwight D. Eisenhower Pledge Class. Banquet: cost per plate $1.75-$2.50, dinner dance is held at the Claremont Hotel.Gamma Gamma holds largest UMOC to date for any chapter: $6696.87 at a penny a vote. First public recognition of Gamma Gamma for a book drive.Gamma Gamma coordinates the ASUC elections.(Fall) Elmer Fudd Pledge Class.Daily Californian reports 5 Cal students painting Stanford’s Hoover Tower blue (3 APO mem-bers in the group).(Fall) Lord Baden Powell Pledge Class. APO conducts the Kangaroo Court to hunt out individu-als wearing red the week of the Big Game. The “traitors” were dragged, pushed, or carried into Eshleman Court and thrown into a large cage, then tried and sentenced. When Oski was caught sporting a red pom-pom, he was sentenced to ride on the handlebars of a red bike.Glenn T. Seaborg Pledge Class. Gamma Gamma attempts to begin San Quentin chapter: Broth-ers Behind Bars.The UC Bridge Club, started by APO members, dies out. Due to allegations that the Kangaroo Court constitutes hazing, APO begins the Cinderella Slippers Program: everyone wearing blue is JLYHQ�WKH�RSSRUWXQLW\�WR�WU\�RQ�D�VOLSSHU��*UDQG�SUL]H��WKH�¿UVW�ZRPDQ�WR�¿W�WKH� VKRH� ZLQV� D�night on the town in SF for herself and her escort.1DWDVKD�6XFUH�LV�WKH�¿UVW�ZRPDQ�WR�HQWHU�802&��UHSRUWHGO\��VKH�ZDV�SUHWW\�XJO\��Women admitted to APO through Gamma Delta Epsilon, a service sorority that becomes an af-¿OLDWH�RI�$32��*DPPD�*DPPD�FKDSWHU�Gamma Gamma chapter dies out.*DPPD�*DPPD�FKDSWHU�UHYLYHG��¿UVW�SURMHFW��%RRN�6ZDS��IDLOV�&KDSWHU�RI¿FLDOO\�EHFRPHV�FR�HG��*DPPD�*DPPD�LV�UHFRJQL]HG�DV�WKH�3DUW\�7LPH�&KDSWHU�RI�WKH�West Coast at the 14th Regional Conference. (March 4) Formal rechartering. (April 2) Iota Phi KRVWV�RI¿FLDO�UHFKDUWHULQJ�Gamma Gamma receives the H. Roe Bartle Award for outstanding achievement in chapter ad-ministration and program.Banquet: cost per plate, $10-$14.Gamma Gamma again receives H. Roe Bartle Award.(Spring) Receives Golden Pan for Best Overall Chapter Program.(Spring) Co-receives Golden Pan for Best Overall Chapter Program.(Spring) Gamma Gamma hosts Spring Sectionals.(Fall) 50th Anniversary of Gamma Gamma’s founding; Founding Chapter President Charles “Cap” Taylor Kierulff is welcomed as an honored guest at the banquet.(Spring) John Lindner Pledge Class, 35 pledges; Larry Labell receives DSK, last time UMOC suc-cessfully held on campus.(Fall) 50 pledges; Chun Tam receives DSK, 2 Gamma Gamma members attend the National




195719571958 1958




1971 19761977




Chapter HistoryƧĭƻ�7KURXJK�7KH�<HDUV

Our HistoryChapter History7KH�VHYHQW\�¿IWK�FKDSWHU�RI�$OSKD�3KL�2PHJD��GXEEHG�*DPPD�*DPPD��ZDV�IRXQGHG�LQ������DW�WKH�University of California at Berkeley, in a small ceremony with National President Dr. H. Roe Bartle in DWWHQGDQFH��'XULQJ�WKH�¿UVW�IHZ�WXUEXOHQW�\HDUV��PDQ\�RI�WKH�FKDSWHU�UHFRUGV�ZHUH�ORVW��7KH�DGYHQW�RI�World World II also disrupted operations at the chapter and national level. Most pre-WWII records ofGamma Gamma are unavailable. The following is a partial history of Gamma Gamma after WWII. Because of WWII, many chapters of Alpha Phi Omega became inactive, including Gamma Gamma. However, after the war, many members worked tirelessly to re-chapter lost chapters and continued toserve the community. In 1947, members of the dissolved Gamma Gamma chapter convened to discuss SODQV�WR�FRQWLQXH�WKHLU�GHGLFDWLRQ�WR�VHUYLQJ�WKHLU�FRPPXQLW\�DQG�FRXQWU\��7KH�¿UVW�PHHWLQJ�ZDV�KHOG�on Tuesday, April 15, 1947, at seven o’clock in the evening at the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity House. All former members and Scouts were invited to become active members of Alpha Phi Omega, Gam-PD�*DPPD�FKDSWHU��$FWLQJ�FKDLUPDQ��)UDQN�%URZQ��RSHQHG�WKH�PHHWLQJ�DQG�WHPSRUDU\�RI¿FHUV�ZHUH�elected. They were as follows: President: Frank Brown Vice-President: Ken Caldwell Secretary: Charles Hargreaves Treasurer: Warren KitchenOn that Tuesday night, the men of Alpha Phi Omega, Gamma Gamma, decided to meet every other Tuesday night at seven in the evening. This tradition is preserved and continues to be observed. At the IRXUWK�JHQHUDO�PHHWLQJ��WKH�RI¿FLDO�H[HFXWLYH�FRPPLWWHH�ZDV�HOHFWHG� President: Bill McCullough Vice-President: Bob Miller Secretary: Don Atwater Treasurer: Jack Evert Historian: Phil Ham Alumni Secretary: Louis Ravn-LindeAt that meeting, chapter dues were established to be two dollars per semester, and national dues were ten dollars for each member. The initiation banquet was held on May 9, 1947. Brothers from Gamma Beta, San Jose State, were present to provide witness to the occasion. The Gamma Gamma chapter IDGHG�LQ�������$IWHU�¿YH�\HDUV��LQ�WKH�VSULQJ�RI�������WKH�¿UVW�SURMHFW�RI�*DPPD�*DPPD�ZDV�KHOG�EXW�IDLOHG�PLVHUDEO\��2Q�-DQXDU\����������WKH�UHFKDUWHG�PHPEHUV�¿OHG�DQ�DSSOLFDWLRQ�ZLWK�WKH�8QLYHUVLW\�RI�&DOLIRUQLD��%HUNHOH\��WR�EH�UHFRJQL]HG�DV�DQ�³RI¿FLDO´�VWXGHQW�RUJDQL]DWLRQ��2Q�0DUFK����������WKH�IRUPDO�UHFKDUWHULQJ�ZDV�KHOG�DQG�WKH�HOHFWHG�RI¿FHUV�FRQVLVWHG�RI� President: G. J. Ma Vice-President: R. B. Fong Secretary��.��6��7VXML Treasurer: L. J. Pang Pledgemaster: M. S. DavisOther rechartering members included: S. Bernal, J. Chen, H. D. Feit, J. B. Han III, M. Kan, N. Nicker-son Jr, C. Wagner, D. Young, and J. A. Merslich Jr. The rechartering initiation was held April 2, 1977, with Iota Phi from the University of California at Davis acting as the host chapter.

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CM Pledge Class Manual 13

AΦΩAΦΩalpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service. Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service.

CM Pledge Class Manual 12

alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014



(Spring) Stylus Electric website created by AVP Stephen Wang; former Pledgemaster Kenneth S. Lin elected as pledge class namesake; Gamma Gamma attends rechartering ceremony for Chi Chapter at UCLA, advised by Gamma Gamma alumni Kanta Sircar and Christine Chan; Ken &KDQJ��IRUPHU�*DPPD�*DPPD�DFWLYH��EHFRPHV�¿UVW�3OHGJHPDVWHU�IRU�QHZO\�UHFKDUWHUHG�8&/$�chapter; Gamma Gamma receives Golden Pan for Best Service Program in the Section.(Fall) William T. Cunningham pledge class; 66 pledges cross; Gamma Gamma host Region X Regionals, chaired by Gavin Zee and Sylvaine Wong; 38 brothers receive Sturdy Oak Award; +LVWRULDQ�SRVLWLRQ�DGGHG�WR�([HFXWLYH�&RPPLWWHH��/LQGD�&KLQ�¿UVW�+LVWRULDQ�(Spring) Sueanna S. Fong Pledge Class; 54 pledges cross; 65 members receive Sturdy Oak Award; Order of Elections amended: Pres, SVP, PM, AVP, MVP, FiVP, FeVP, and Historian, Gilbert K. Lee receives DSK Award.(Fall) Joseph F. Kuchta Class; 32 pledges cross; 27 members receive Sturdy Oak Awards.(Spring) Christine L. Chan Pledge Class; 37 pledges cross, 32 members receive Sturdy Oak Award; Golden Pan Award received at Sectionals (Best Overall Program).(Fall) Dr. Stan Carpenter Pledge Class; 39 pledges cross; 33 members receive Sturdy Oak Award; Gamma Gamma hosts Chapter Program Workshop; Angie Karino, Gamma Gamma alumni, helps install APO charter for San Francisco University (Alpha Epsilon Nu).�6SULQJ��*LOEHUW�.HOO\�/HH�3OHGJH�&ODVV�����SOHGJHV�FURVV��693�RI¿FH�WHUP�ORZHUHG�WR�RQH�semester; updated Chapter Constitution and Bylaws.(Fall) Robert C. Barkhurst Pledge Class; 44 pledges cross; Gamma Gamma sends 10 brothers to Philadelphia for National Convention.(Spring) Joe Yang Pledge Class; Gamma Gamma chairs Spring Sectionals; FeVP resigns; 36 pledges cross, 25 pledges receive Pledge Oak. 49 actives receive Sturdy Oak; Jason T. Lee, broth-er of Gilbert K. Lee (Spring 2000 DSK), receives DSK Award.(Fall) Robert J. Hilliard Pledge Class; Bylaws appended to require 3/4 chapter vote for a DSK award.(Spring) Jerry J. Jen Pledge Class; 55 pledges cross; 21 pledges receive Pledge Oak; 60 actives receive Sturdy Oak; Paul Choung receives DSK award.(Fall) George Dacy Pledge Class; 33 pledges cross; 3 pledges receive Pledge Oak; 39 actives re-ceive Sturdy Oak.(Spring) Jenny S. Chang Pledge Class; 55 pledges cross; 10 pledges receive Pledge Oak; 41 ac-tives receive Sturdy Oak; Pledge Class Retreat added to list of Pledge Class Events; “Line of Fire” added to the Pledge Review(Fall) Ray Hancock Pledge Class; 30 pledges cross; 7 pledges receive Pledge Oak; 47 actives re-ceive Sturdy Oak. Eric Chow awarded DSK.(Spring) Annie Chung Pledge Class; Jenny S. Chang awarded DSK; 40 pledges cross; 12 Pledge Oak; 91 actives, 42 receive Sturdy Oak.(Fall) Togo West Pledge Class; 15 pledges cross; 7 Pledge Oak; 55 Actives; 31 receive Sturdy Oak; Gamma Gamma hosts Fall Sectionals; Albert Park awarded DSK�6SULQJ��7LQD�7MDKMD�3OHGJH�&ODVV�����SOHGJHV�FURVV����SOHGJHV�UHFHLYH�3OHGJH�2DN�����$FWLYHV����received Sturdy Oak; Gamma Gamma receives Golden Pan Award at Sectionals (Best Over all Chapter Program)(Fall) Gerald A. Schroeder Pledge Class; 19 Pledges cross; 4 pledges receive Pledge Oak; 48 Ac-tives; 23 received Sturdy Oak; Ryan Constantino awarded DSK(Spring) Derek Wang Pledge Class; 38 Pledges cross; 13 Pledges receive Pledge Oak; 55 Actives; 24 receive Sturdy Oak; Gamma Gamma receives Golden Pan Award at Sectionals (Best Leader-











Convention.(Spring) Eric Lee Pledge Class, 60 pledges; Cathleen Yoshida receives DSK; Gamma Gamma Times, the chapter newsletter, begins publication; Gamma Gamma attends rechartering of the Alpha Gamma Nu chapter in Santa Cruz.(Fall) 70 pledges; no representatives from Gamma Gamma attend Regionals; Gamma Gamma hosts Fall Sectionals, chaired by Yeeling Wu.(Spring) Larry Labell Pledge Class, 100+ pledges; received the Golden Pan for Best Service Pro-gram; Gamma Gamma Stylus goes into publication; Eta Psi rechartered; Chapter Bylaws up-GDWHG�IRU�WKH�¿UVW�WLPH�LQ�VHYHUDO�\HDUV��,QIR�/LQH�LV�VHW�XS��*DPPD�*DPPD�$OXPQL�$VVRFLDWLRQ�is established with President Cathleen Yoshida.(Fall) J. Joseph Scanlon Memorial Pledge Class, 91 pledges; Pledgemaster established as elected RI¿FHU��RUGHUV�RI�VXFFHVVLRQ�DQG�HOHFWLRQ�DUH�FKDQJHG��*DPPD�*DPPD�UHFHLYHV�UHFRJQLWLRQ�IRU�more than 10% growth, largest chapter in Section 4 with 160 actives in good standing and 91 pledges; Steve Dow and Melvin Tan receive DSK.(Spring) Chun Tam Pledge Class, 77 pledges, introduction of Pledge Parents by PM Ed Chang; DFWLYH�UHTXLUHPHQWV�DUH�UDLVHG�WR���VHUYLFH�SURMHFWV����PHHWLQJV����IHOORZVKLSV����LQWHUFKDSWHU��etc; Yeeling Wu receives DSK; toast song within chapter changed to “true to” from “men of” for the sake of equality; 9 members attend Nationals in Boston and 19 attend Setionals at Zeta.(Fall) Earle M. Herbert Pledge Class, 63 pledges; Yeeling Sunshine Crew is created; Sturdy Oak $ZDUG�LQWURGXFHG�E\�093�(GGLH�&KHQ��UHFRUG�IRU�PRVW�VHUYLFH�SURMHFWV�E\�(G�&KDQJ�������*DP-ma Gamma receives two Golden Pans for Service and Best Overall Chapter as well as the Na-tional H. Roe Bartle Award.�6SULQJ��&DWKOHHQ�<RVKLGD�3OHGJH�&ODVV�����SOHGJHV��3UHVLGHQW�UHVLJQV��QR�SOHGJH�RI¿FHUV��6SULQJ�Sectionals hosted by Gamma Gamma (largest to date), chaired by Christine Chan and David Co-hen; Service Calendar established by SVP Joel T Chao.�)DOO��$OH[�0��/HZDQGRZVNL�3OHGJH�&ODVV������SOHGJHV�FURVV����PHPEHUV�DWWHQG�1DWLRQDOV�LQ�'DO-ODV��7H[DV��*DPPD�*DPPD¶V�ELG�WR�KRVW�QH[W�1DWLRQDO�&RQYHQWLRQ�IDLOV��ELJ�VLEELQJ�UHTXLUHPHQW�repealed; 19 members receive Sturdy Oak award.(Spring) Steven J. Dow Pledge Class, 78 pledges cross (168 began the pledge semester, largest to date); 35 members receive Sturdy Oak award.(Fall) Philip H. Prince Pledge Class, 69 pledges; PM Waymond Wong initiates Pre-Ritual Ser-YLFH�3URMHFW� IRU�SURVSHFWLYH�SOHGJHV�� ���PHPEHUV� UHFHLYH�6WXUG\�2DN�DZDUG�����PHPEHUV�DW-tend Regionals in Portland (chapter wins award for most total miles traveled by chapter mem-bers); Sueanna Fong receives DSK; Joel T Chao awarded Gamma Gamma Talent Show Lifetime Achievement Award�6SULQJ��<HHOLQJ�:X�3OHGJH�&ODVV�����SOHGJHV��DFWLYH�PHPEHU�VHUYLFH�SURMHFW�UHTXLUHPHQW�XSSHG�WR���SURMHFWV�DQG�6WXUG\�2DN�$ZDUG�VHUYLFH�UHTXLUHPHQW�UDLVHG�WR���SURMHFWV�����PHPEHUV�UH-ceive Sturdy Oak award; Christine Chan receives DSK; PM Ken Lin revamps pledge require-ments to include Brotherhoods, Pledge Campout, and Pledge Guides to espouse brotherhood among pledges; active member dues raised to $20; Gilbert K. Lee elected Chapter President.(Fall) Thomas H. Kean Pledge Class, 53 pledges; 74 members receive Sturdy Oak Award; Gam-ma Gamma surpasses rival chapter Iota Phi to become the largest chapter in the Region with 183 PHPEHUV�LQ�JRRG�VWDQGLQJ�����PHPEHUV�DWWHQG�1DWLRQDOV�LQ�3KRHQL[��$UL]RQD��*DPPD�*DPPD�contingent, chaired by Gavin Zee and Arvin Chan, delegated to do Printing and Publications and Registration and placed in charge of publishing The Lightbearer, the National Convention daily SXEOLFDWLRQ��*DPPD�*DPPD�UHFHLYHV�ELG�WR�KRVW�QH[W�5HJLRQDOV�LQ�'HFHPEHU������








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AΦΩAΦΩalpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service. Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service.

CM Pledge Class Manual 14

alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014



The Distinguished Service Key AwardThe Distinguished Service Key (DSK) is the highest honor which a chapter may confer to one of its ac-tive members. There are no set requirements for the DSK award other than the approval of 3/4 of the chapter’s quorum - however, as a general rule, the recipient ought be a member who has made a lasting contribution to the chapter. The nominee is not to be made aware of her/his nomination unless and upon conferment of the award at the end of semester banquet. The following is a partial list of past DSK honorees: Spring 1981 John G. Lindner Spring 1988 Patrina Chong Spring 1989 Eric Lee Fall 1989 Linda So Spring 1990 Larry Labell Fall 1990 Chun Tam Spring 1991 Cathleen Yoshida Spring 1993 Yeeling Wu Fall 1995 Sueanna S. Fong Spring 1996 Christine L. Chan Spring 1997 David S. Kim Spring 1998 Gilbert K. Lee Spring 1999 Irene M. Chu Fall 2000 Joe Yang Spring 2001 Jason T. Lee Fall 2001 Eric Hu

3DXO�&KRXQJ��6SULQJ������ pledged Wiliam T. Cunningham semester in the fall of 1997. He big sibbed many times throughout his time in Gamma Gamma and was a parent for the Vanguard family during the JY pledge semester. Served as President of the chapter during the year 2000: the Gilbert K. Lee and Robert C. Barkhurst semesters. Currently serves as an active alumni at the Chi Chapter in UCLA.

(ULF�&KRZ��)DOO�������In the middle of night, at the Denny’s on San Pablo, a man was shot and left EOHHGLQJ�RQ�WKH�ÀRRU��(ULF�ZDV�WKH�¿UVW�SHUVRQ�WR�UXQ�WR�KLV�DLG�DQG�KLV�KDQG�ZDV�WKH�¿UVW�WR�FRYHU�WKH�wound. That probably caught your attention. But when it comes to Eric, that won’t be the only thing. <RX¶OO�QRWLFH�KLP�QRW�EHFDXVH�KH¶V�ORXG�RU�REQR[LRXV��EXW�EHFDXVH�KH¶V�DOZD\V�WKH�¿UVW�RQH�WKHUH�ZKHQ�someone needs help. You’ll notice him because he listens a little more, tries a little harder, helps a little ORQJHU��,Q�$3KL2��SHRSOH�OLNH�WKLV�ZLOO�DOZD\V�VWDQG�RXW��7KH\�VKRZ�XS�DW�VHUYLFH�SURMHFWV�QRW�WR�DFFXPX-ODWH�KRXUV��EXW�EHFDXVH�WKH\�UHDOO\�ZDQW�WR�PDNH�GLIIHUHQFH��&KHHV\�LVQ¶W�LW"�%XW�LQ�OLIH��\RX¶OO�¿QG�WKDW�people like this will act as constant reminders of how much better the world could be and how much more you could do. No DSK was ever more deserved.

-HQQ\�6��&KDQJ��6SULQJ�������She pledged with Christine L. Chan pledge class during Spring 1999. :KLOH�VKH�ZDV�NQRZQ�IRU�KHU�PRGHVW\�DQG�IULHQGOLQHVV��VKH�ZDV�UHFRJQL]HG�IRU�KHU�H[FHSWLRQDO�ZRUN�DV�WKH�6HUYLFH�93�GXULQJ�---�VHPHVWHU���$FWLYHV�DQG�DOXPQL�UHPHPEHU�WKH�RYHUÀRZLQJ�VHUYLFH�FDOHQGDU��which allowed a pledge and a couple actives to complete triple digit service hours that semester, and no one has reached that since then. She introduced Eggstravaganza to the service program and it became WKH�FKDSWHU�LQLWLDWHG�VHUYLFH�SURMHFW�WUDGLWLRQ�HYHU\�6SULQJ���-6&�SOHGJH�FODVV�ZDV�QDPHG�DIWHU�KHU�GXU-ing Spring 2003. During AC banquet, she was confused with the purpose of her invitation until AFTER her friends spoke for her AND AFTER her own ‘thank you for inviting me’ speech.

ship Program); Michelle Gubatina and Isaac Liao both awarded DSK(Fall) Kate Westlake Pledge Class; 27 Pledges cross; 8 Pledges receive Pledge Oak; 39 Actives; 21 receive Sturdy Oak(Spring) My Linh Nguyen Pledge Class; 32 Pledges Cross; 8 Pledges receive Pledge Oak; 47 Ac-tives; 24 recieve Sturdy Oak; 5 Associates(Fall) John “Jack” C. Jadel Pledge Class; 16 Pledges Cross; 6 Pledges receive Pledge Oak; 48 Ac-tives; 21 receive Sturdy Oak; 10 Associates; Gamma Gamma hosts Fall Fellowship(Spring) Chris Cheuk Pledge Class; 73 Pledges; 60 Crossed; 12 Pledge Oaks; 39 Actives; 4 Associ-ates; Kevin Wong awarded DSK(Fall) Wilfred Krenek Pledge Class; 60 Pledges; 47 Crossed; 10 Pledge Oaks; 72 Actives�6SULQJ��6KHHKDQ�7HMDPR�3OHGJH�&ODVV�����3OHGJHV�����&URVVHG�����3OHGJH�2DNV�����$FWLYHV�����Associates(Fall) Jack McKenzie Pledge Class; 63 Pledges; 48 Crossed; 12 Pledge Oaks; 83 Actives(Spring) Geoffrey Lee Pledge Class; 75 Pledges; 63Crossed; 12 Pledge Oaks; 91 Actives(Fall) James L. Chandler Pledge Class; 26 Pledges; 21 Crossed; 3 Pledge Oaks; 104 Actives; 23 Associates; 32 Sturdy Oaks; Bill Wells and Nicholas Yap are both awarded DSK(Spring) Katherine Strausser Pledge Class; 55 Pledges; 42 crossed; 8 Pledge Oaks; 71 Actives; 43 Associates; 32 Sturdy Oaks; 43 graduating Actives(Fall) Charles P. Zlatkovich Pledge Class; 54 Pledges; 43 crossed; 87 Actives; 31 Associates; 8 3OHGJH�2DNV�����6WXUG\�2DNV��*HRIIUH\�/HH�DZDUGHG�'6.��3OHGJH�&ODVV�6HUYLFH�3URMHFW����DGGHG��$GPLQ�:RUNVKRS����DGGHG��3H[&RPP�VWDUWHG(Spring) Jennifer Sun Pledge Class; 39 Pledges; 34 crossed; 74 Actives; 23 Associates; 10 Pledge Oaks; 41 Study Oaks; 40 instead of 20 Interviews but no longer need to type them up; 1 hour Study Sessions added; Active service requirement increased to 25 hours and 4 C’s, Active event (1/5) requirement added; Gamma Gamma hosts Regionals(Fall) Maura Harty Pledge Class; 31 Pledges; 22 crossed; 54 Actives; 22 Associates; 5 Pledge 2DNV�����6WXUG\�2DNV��-RHO�)R[�DFWLYDWHG�DV�DQ�+RQRUDU\�0HPEHU��.DUHQ�+H�DGGHG�DV�&RP-munity Adviser; 20 Meet-a-Bro’s typed up; 4 Chair Interviews; 1 Pledge Class Bonding required; Weekly study sessions implemented, but not required; Fellowships increased to 7; Only 3 C’s required for service.(Spring) Kingsley Kuang Pledge Class; 25 Pledges; Active Service requirement decreased to 20 hours and No C’s required; Active Fellowship requirement decreased to 5; Active Event require-ment removed; Rush Event requirement increased to 4; Leadership Requirement increased to 5 �EXW��PRUH�EDODQFHG�ZD\�WR�IXO¿OO�WKHP���6HQLRULW\�0HPEHUVKLS�DSSURYHG��HOLPLQDWHG�6LJQDWXUH�3DJH�UHTXLUHPHQW��$FWLYH�6LJQDWXUH�6KHHW�UHIRUPDWWHG��2I¿FH�+RXU�6KHHW�DGGHG�����,QWHUYLHZV�LQVWHDG�RI����0$%¶V��3OHGJH�&ODVV�6HUYLFH�3URMHFW����UHPRYHG(Fall) David Emery Pledge Class; 24 Pledges; Pre-Recruitment Workshop required for Actives; /HDGHUVKLS�5HTXLUHPHQW�GHFUHDVHG�WR����6LJQDWXUH�3DJH�UHLPSOHPHQWHG��2I¿FH�+RXU�6KHHW�UHPRYHG��3OHGJH�&ODVV�6HUYLFH�3URMHFW����UHLPSOHPHQWHG��$FWLYH�6LJQDWXUH�6KHHW�FRPSOHWLRQ�increased from 1/2 to 2/3(Spring) Courtney McLaughlin Pledge Class; 37 Pledges; Leadership Requirement increased to ��FUHGLWV��5XVK�UHTXLUHPHQW�LQFUHDVHG�IURP���KRXUV�WR���KRXUV�RI�À\HULQJ��([&RPP�6LJQDWXUH�sheet reimplemented; Interfam requirement decreased 2/3 to 1/2, Sponsorship Week imple-mented, Spirit Week implemented; Families revealed before PR2










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AΦΩAΦΩalpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service. Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service.

CM Pledge Class Manual 16

alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014



ship Committee Trainer during the Spring 2007 MLN semester, and Pledgemaster during the Spring 2008 CC semester. He continues to keep in touch with all of his Small Fams, Big Fams, committees, and pledge classes. As an alumni, Nick is currently on Section Staff as a Section Representative, advis-ing the Zeta Chapter at Stanford University. Nick would be known for his steadfast dedication and hard work behind the scenes of Gamma Gamma, helping to ensure the chapter and family system always runs smoothly

*HRIIUH\�/HH��)DOO������ pledged Gerald A. Schroeder in Fall 2005, where he found his passion for service and learned to be a servant leader. He has previously served as Pledge Finance Co-Chair, Membership Secretary, Chapter Webmaster, Parliamentarian, Finance VP, and Section 4 Conference &R�&KDLU��+LV�KRQRUV�LQFOXGH�6SULQJ������1DPHVDNH��3OHGJH�2DN��VL[�6WXUG\�2DNV��*DPPD�*DPPD�Maniac, and Pledge Gamma Gamma Maniac. However, he is most proud of having created the current chapter website, his lasting contribution to the chapter. As an alumnus, Geoffrey has continued to serve Alpha Phi Omega as Chapter Advisor, Section 4 Treasurer, and Region X Finance Chair. His most im-portant values in life are compassion, understanding, and a desire to help.

The Family SystemPledging a fraternity the size of the Gamma Gamma chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, with more than 100 active members and large pledge classes, may be quite intimidating. There will be confusing moments DV�ZHOO�DV�TXHVWLRQV�ZKLFK�DULVH�GXULQJ�WKH�SOHGJLQJ�SHULRG��)DPLOLDU�IDFHV�DQG�FRQ¿GDQWHV�FDQ�UHDOO\�help during this period. To help ease the pledging process and introduce you to the various aspects of the chapter, a family structure is utilized, which is divided into two different levels: the small family and the big family.

Small Family7KH�¿UVW�OHYHO�LQ�WKH�IDPLO\�VWUXFWXUH�LV�WKH�VPDOO�IDPLO\��7KH�IHOORZ�SOHGJHV�LQ�WKLV�IDPLO\�DUH�\RXU�FR�siblings. The actives are your big siblings, and you become their little siblings. Your big sibs are your JXLGHV�DQG�FRQ¿GDQWHV��HDVLQJ�\RXU�WUDQVLWLRQ�IURP�SOHGJH�WR�DFWLYH�PHPEHU��DV�ZHOO�DV�DQVZHULQJ�\RXU�TXHVWLRQV�DQG�VKDULQJ�ZLWK�\RX�WKHLU�H[SHULHQFHV��$V�D�IDPLO\��WKHUH�DUH�PDQ\�DFWLYLWLHV�\RX�FDQ�RUJD-nize and partake in outside of fraternity events. For instance, you can dine together, watch a movie, go to a club, study together, etc.

Big FamilyThe second level of the family structure is the big family. Each big family is comprised of a numberof little families under the guidance of a group of Pledge Parents, who determine the theme for the bigfamily. Each group of Pledge Parents coordinate their respective large family, helping to organize bigevents. The Parents act in a similar fashion to the big-sibs of the small family, but on a grander scale. In addition, events such as Broomball are well-suited for the big family, where teams are often formulated by large families for the purpose of fostering family spirit. It allows you to get to know other pledges and activies outside your small family. There are also a number of competitions between big families throughout pledging, which bring out family pride and spirit.

$OEHUW�3DUN��)DOO�������I pledged Fall 2000, with the Robert C. Barkhurst pledge class. I was pledge class president, and it was a good semester. Lots of great times with my pledge brothers and sisters. During my active semesters, I was AVP, pledge trained as a leadership trainer for the Robert J. Hill-iard pledge class, big sibed a few times, parented a few times. I also got to play with the website, in it’s various incarnations over the years. Overall, my semesters in APhiO have been a lot of fun, and very rewarding. I got the pleasure to meet wonderful people of all sorts. Thanks again, gamma gamma.

5\DQ�&RQVWDQWLQR��)DOO������ pledged Joe Yang pledge class in Spring 2001. Besides pledge train-ing the Jerry J. Jen pledge class, parenting, big sibbing, and countless other leadership roles, he was the Pledgemaster to the George Dacy pledge class and served as Chapter President in 2003.

,VDDF�/LDR��6SULQJ�������pledged Stan Carpenter class in fall of 1999 and has been actively engaged LQ�$32�HYHU�VLQFH��+H�VHUYHG�RQ�S�FRPP�DV�¿QDQFH�WUDLQHU�GXULQJ�5-+��DQG�WKHQ�VHUYHG�DV�¿QDQFH�vice-president during JJJ and GD semesters. In addition, Isaac has bigged and parented numerous times spreading his superior APhiO genes through generations of mini-Isaacs. His devoted commit-PHQW�WR�$3KL2�FRQWLQXHV�DIWHU�KLV�\HDUV�DW�&DO��VHUYLQJ�DV�DQ�H[DPSOH�WR�PDQ\�E\�EHLQJ�FRQWLQXDOO\�LQYROYHG�DV�DQ�DOXPQXV��,VDDF�VHUYHG�DV�D�IULHQG�WR�PDQ\�LQ�WKH�FKDSWHU�WKURXJKRXW�WKH�\HDUV��)RU�H[-ample, by opening his doors to hordes of APhiO’ers (as a resident of the Black Hole), Isaac provided his fellow brothers with the warmth and thoughtfulness he is known for. Isaac is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at U.C. Davis and is still able to return to Berkeley on a regular basis for APhiO events. For his positive LQÀXHQFH�RQ�WKH�*DPPD�*DPPD�FKDSWHU��,VDDF�/LDR�ZDV�DZDUGHG�WKH�'6.�GXULQJ�WKH�':�SOHGJH�FODVV�

0LFKHOOH�*XEDWLQD��6SULQJ�������pledged Joe Yang class in spring of 2001. She served as service trainer on the Ray Hancock p-comm and as service vice-president. Her impact on our chapter has proven invaluable, which is evident by the fact that her ideas still live on in events like the annual Hal-loween Carnival. She is a leader, a friend and a dedicated person with undying affection. She was known for her spunky enthusiasm and genuine devotion to the fraternity. She was undoubtedly dedicated to providing service to the 4 C’s, making important causes her own. She is currently pursuing a masters in SXEOLF�KHDOWK�DW�<DOH�DQG�FRQWLQXHV�WR�H[HPSOLI\�RXU�FDUGLQDO�SULQFLSOHV�LQ�KHU�HYHU\GD\�OLIH�

.HYLQ�:RQJ��6SULQJ������ pledged Joe Yang class in spring of 2001 as an undergraduate and has since served our chapter in more ways than imaginable. Throughout the years, he has served as Leader-ship Committee trainer, Membership VP, Service VP, and President. And despite all that, he still found the time to be a big-sib or parent each semester. Kevin is always willing to help others in times of need, DQG�KH�KRSHV�WR�GHGLFDWH�KLV�OLIH�WR�VHUYLQJ�WKH�FRPPXQLW\�WKURXJK�QRQ�SUR¿W�ZRUN��+LV�OHDGHUVKLS�LQ�the chapter, caring for fellow brothers, and dedication to service is truly inspiring and deserving of our highest award.

:LOOLDP��³%LOO´��&��:HOOV���)DOO������ received the Alpha Phi Omega Distinguished Service Award from the Gamma Gamma Chapter in December 2010 and has been a member of Alpha Phi Omega Na-tional Service Fraternity since 1968. He is a recipient of the Fraternity’s National Distinguished Alumni Award and is a Charter Member (roll number 26) as well as a Past President of the Tau Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega at Humboldt State University. He is a Life Member of the Fraternity and for several years served on the Region X staff and the National Alumni Committee. He became an advisor (roll number 607) for our chapter in 1982 and served as the Chapter Advisory Chair. almost continuously from 1982 to mid-2009. He still continues to serve the Chapter as a Scouting and Youth Services Advi-sor.

1LFKRODV�<DS��)DOO�������pledged Togo West in Fall 2004. Nick has bigged four times and parented D�UHFRUG�VL[�WLPHV��+H�VHUYHG�DV�)HOORZVKLS�9LFH�3UHVLGHQW�GXULQJ�WKH�)DOO������*$6�VHPHVWHU��)HOORZ-

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Orders of Election and SuccessionThe Order of Election LV�WKH�RUGHU�E\�ZKLFK�([&RPP�RI¿FHV�DUH�HOHFWHG�GXULQJ�(OHFWLRQV��7KH�RI-¿FHV�WKDW�DUH�PRUH�FUXFLDO�WR�WKH�RSHUDWLRQV�RI�WKH�FKDSWHU�DUH�SXUSRVHO\�HOHFWHG�¿UVW��)RU�LQVWDQFH��WKH�President directs the overall chapter program, and the Service VP is responsible for coordinating the chapter’s service program. The chapter requires leadership and direction on the President’s behalf, and VHUYLFH�LV�D�FULWLFDO�FRPSRQHQW�RI�$32��&RQVHTXHQWO\��WKH�3UHVLGHQW�DQG�693�DUH�WKH�¿UVW�WZR�RI¿FHV�WR�be elected. The Order of Elections recognizes that certain services in the interests of the chapter are best VHUYHG�E\�DQ�HOHFWHG�RI¿FHU�ZKR�VSHFLDOL]HV�LQ�WKDW�SDUWLFXODU�WDVN��DQG�HQVXUHV�WKDW�FKDSWHU�HOHFWLRQV�are held in an organized manner. Unlike the Order of Succession, the Order of Elections is observed RQO\�ZKHQ�WKH�FKDSWHU�FRQGXFWV�LWV�HOHFWLRQ�IRU�WKH�SRVLWLRQ�RI�WKH�RI¿FHUV��

The Order of Succession is the order by which, in the event that the President is incapacitated and XQDEOH�WR�IXO¿OO�KHU�KLV�GXWLHV��DQRWKHU�RI¿FHU�ZLOO�WDNH�XSRQ�WKH�UROH�RI�WKH�3UHVLGHQW�XQWLO�DQ�HOHFWLRQ�IRU�WKH�RI¿FH�RI�WKH�3UHVLGHQW�PD\�EH�KHOG��7KH�UDWLRQDOH�EHKLQG�WKH�2UGHU�RI�6XFFHVVLRQ�LV�WZR�IROG���WR�HQVXUH�WKDW�DQ�RI¿FHU�KDV�D�NQRZOHGJH�RI�WKH�GDLO\�DIIDLUV�RI�WKH�FKDSWHU��DQG�WR�DYRLG�WR�DV�JUHDW�DQ�H[WHQW�DV�SRVVLEOH�WKH�GLVUXSWLRQ�RI�WKHLU�VZRUQ�GXWLHV��7KH�$GPLQLVWUDWLYH�93�LV�WKH�¿UVW�WR�WDNH�XSRQ�the President’s roles, since the AVP is familiar with the operations and current affairs of the chapter from an administrative standpoint. A similar concept applies to the Membership and Service VPs, who are primarily responsible for the chapter’s active program and service program, respectively while the scope of their duties are already quite broad and time-intensive, they are familiar with the daily opera-tions of the chapter. Consequently, the MVP or SVP will take upon the role of the President only if both the President and AVP are incapacitated. The Pledgemaster is among the last in the Order of Succes-sion, since the PM already acts as the chair of PledgeComm, it would be unwise for her/him to also act DV�WKH�FKDLU�RI�([�&RPP�LQ�WKH�DEVHQFH�RI�WKH�3UHVLGHQW��7KH�2UGHU�RI�6XFFHVVLRQ�PD\�EH�REVHUYHG�GXULQJ�&KDSWHU�0HHWLQJV�DQG�([�&RPP�PHHWLQJV��ZKHQ�WKH�RI¿FHUV�WDNH�WKHLU�WXUQ�WR�VSHDN�



President:- Read further for full description of responsibilities

Administrative Vice President: - Oversees all the administrative and communication functions of the chapter, such as Stylus and the website

Membership Vice President: - Coordinates membership recruitment (rush), family system, and retention of active members



Fellowship Vice President: - Coordinates various chapter fellowship activities both within the chapter and with other chapters, such as end-of-semester banquet and IC Poker, respectively

Pledgemaster:- Oversees the education of the pledges in chapter and national aspects of Alpha Phi Omega

Historian:- Records chapter minutes; promoting and preserving all chapter traditions; serves as Master of Ceremonies at Ritual and Activation events; maintaining a Scrapbook, alumni relations

1985: Randy Salisbury1986: Karen Park1987: Albert Murtsuchi1988: Eric Lee1989: Chun Tam1990: Carrie Chen1991: Melvin Tan1992: Steve Dow

2008: Jonathan Lam2009: Francesca Wang2010: Andy Chau2011: Courtney McLaughlin2012: Stanley Cheng2013: Wiemond Wu2014: Jeffrey Ma

1993: Julie Wann1994: Sueanna Fong1995:��5DMHQ�%RVH1996: Gilbert Lee1997:��$OH[�6X1998: Belinda Low1999: Eric Hu2000: Paul Choung

2001: Ellena Mar2002: Eric Chow2003: Ryan Constantino2004: Derek Wang2005: Christopher Cheuk2006: Kevin Wong2007: Christina Mi (Spring)Jennifer Sun (Fall)

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Family Chairs: Karen Wu & Nancy Phan* Plan out fun activities to enable family bonding at Speed Dating Night, Sib Social, and Spirit WeekAssassins Chairs: Rebecca Phuong & Sara Vidovic* Coordinate a chapter-wide game of Assassins throught the semester

Service CommitteesSVP Assistant: Tinnie Ho, Angela Wu, & Bofan Chen �)LQGV�DQG�SRVWV�QHZ�VHUYLFH�SURMHFWV�RQ�WKH�FDOHQGDUBearTrax Coordinator: Annie Ferguson & Elizabeth Sabiniano �$FWV�DV�D�OLDVRQ�EHWZHHQ�WKH�FKDSWHU�DQG�%HDU7UD[�9ROXQWHHU�&RRUGLQDWRUCollege Day Chairs: Angela Wu & Cherry Yip* Preparing a day for middle and high school students to observe college life and to promote college education.Active Day of Service Chair: Dennis Lee* Organizes active-only service eventGG/IC Sewing: Wiemond Wu �2UJDQL]H�WKH�DQQXDO�*DPPD�*DPPD�VHZLQJ�VHUYLFH�SURMHFW�WKDW�GRQDWHV�EODQNHWV�WR�KRVSLWDOVSpring Youth Service Day: Lakana Bun & Aimee Chan*Organize a two-day event supporting pre-college age youth

Finance CommitteesFundraiser Chairs:�-DPHV�:DQJ��1DQF\�7UDQ��3RRMD�6KDK��'HEELH�<DQ���6XD�.LP* Assist FiVP with fundraisersReimbursement Chairs: Rebecca Phuong, Elizabeth Sabiniano* Assist with managing reimbursementsFundraiser Organizers: Sua Kim �&RRUGLQDWH�DQG�¿QG�IXQGUDLVHUV�IRU�WKH�FKDSWHU

Fellowship CommitteesFVP Assistant: Joanna Chang* Assists FVP in various duties, such as checking on calendar fellowshipsHot Spot Chairs: Aimee Chan, Edith Ho, & Sri Thatipamala* Organize and promote Hot Spot for actives to mingleGG Sports Chairs: Dennis Lee & Nancy Tran* Sign up for IM teams and coordinate practices/gamesGG Events Chairs: Sharon Wang* Organize the beginning-of-the-semester barbeque fellowship and end-of-the-semester potluck fel-lowshipTalent Show Chairs: Lakana Bun* Organize program and host the semi-annual chapter Talent ShowBanquet Chairs: �%HQMDPLQ�/H��1DQF\�3KDQ��/DNDQD�%XQ �3ODQ�WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�VHPHVWHU�EDQTXHW�WKDW�FHOHEUDWHV�DQG�UHÀHFWV�XSRQ�WKH�VHPHVWHU

Order of Election � � �363P$0)L)H+�� P: President S: Service VP Pm: Pledgemaster A: Administrative VP M: Membership VP Fi: Finance VP Fe: Fellowship VP H: Historian


Presidential CommitteesSergeants-at-Arms:��'HQQLV�/HH��6UL�7KDWLSDPDOD���3RRMD�6KDK* Aid in maintaining order at chapter meetings, collecting/counting ballots, checking for pins, mug-gings, and various other dutiesInterChapter Chairs: Yoyo Tsai & Bonghyun Kim* Aid in contacting and maintaining correspondence with other chapters within the section

Administrative CommitteesStylus Editors:��-HIIUH\�6ZDUWZRXW��5\DQ�)RQJ���3RRMD�6KDK* Edit and publish the chapter newsletter that informs actives of chapter events and serves as a means of chapter communication through printWebmasters:��%HQMDPLQ�/H* Maintain the chapter websiteFunpack Chairs: Joanna Chang & Yoyo Tsai �3XEOLVK�WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�VHPHVWHU�³\HDUERRN´�¿OOHG�ZLWK�SKRWRV��PHPRULHV��HWF�

Membership CommitteesSpirit Chairs: Sharon Wang & Ryan Fong* Plan and promote spirit within the chapter over the semester, especially during Sectionals/Fall Fel-lowship when they coordinate Roll Call Academic Chairs: Alyssa Ferrell & Angela Wu* Help organize study buddies and study tablesRush Chairs: Lakana Bun, Sharon Wang & Wiemond Wu* Organize Rush activities at the beginning of the semesterActive Retreat Chairs: Nancy Phan & Nancy Tran* Plan a weekend retreat for actives to attend

Order of Succession�3$06)L)H3P+��P: PresidentA: Administrative VPM: Membership VPS: Service VPFi: Finance VPFe: Fellowship VPPm: PledgemasterH: Historian

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6SULQJ������([HFXWLYH�&RPPLWWHHPresidentJeffrey MaJennifer Sun Pledge ClassDear Pledges,

As President, please allow me to welcome you to Alpha Phi Omega.,�DP�YHU\�H[FLWHG�WKDW�HDFK�RI�\RX�KDYH�GHFLGHG�WR�SOHGJH�$32�WKLV�VHPHV-ter and for allowing me the honor of getting to know each and one of you.APO is a truly great institution that lives up to its principles of Leadership, )ULHQGVKLS��DQG�6HUYLFH���7KURXJK�WKLV�MRXUQH\�FRPPRQO\�NQRZQ�DV�SOHGJ-ing, you will forge and strengthen relationships with not only your fellow SOHGJH�EURWKHUV�EXW�DOVR�DFWLYH�EURWKHUV���<RX�ZLOO�H[SHULHQFH�WKH�ZLGH�YDUL-


Along the way, you will also become a better leader. The leadership skills gained as a brother of APO H[WHQG�EH\RQG�$32�LWVHOI��DQG�,�KDYH�IRXQG�WKHP�WR�EH�DSSOLFDEOH�LQ�PDQ\�DVSHFWV�RI�HYHU\GD\�OLIH�You each chose to pledge APO for different reasons. But I assure you, at the end of this road, you each will chose to stay for the same reason. And this reason is well beyond our principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service. I encourage each and every one of you to take advantage of all that APO of-fers.

Administrative Vice PresidentNgoc Tran

Maura Harty Pledge Class

Knock Knock! Who’s there? Well, it’s me, Ngoc. Most people pronounce my name as “Knock”, but you can also call me Jimmy or any other appropriate names that are circling around to represent the entity that is your Admin VP. I won-der who actually reads this, but before you continue to read this, let me assure you that THE DAUNTING LIST OF RE-QUIREMENTS YOU SEE ISN’T AS BAD IT LOOKS. Just think of pledging as a Mario Video Game and those require-ments as things you collect as you go through the stages, but with a bunch of other players (YOUR PBROS).

Enough about that. I guess this is a bio about myself, so let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’ve been living independently of my parents ever since 8th grade and I lived in Minnesota, attending school by myself so I got a feel of the college life early. If you ever want to know more about it, let ask me because this is a huge story, but basically I love to talk about Minnesota so that’s always a good conversation started.

Pledgemaster CommitteePledge Committee: You bettter know who they are and what they do!

Historian CommitteesAlumni Relations Chairs: Wiemond Wu & Bonghyun Kim* Organize events where actives and pledges get to mingle with alumniGG Maniac Chairs: Debbie Yan* Award the GG Maniac recipient with a giftPhotography Chair: Janice Lai* Helps take many photos for the semester and oversees the Photography committeeChapter Wiki Chair: Yoyo Tsai* In charge of maintaining the Chapter Wiki pageScrapbook Chairs: Alyssa Ferrell & Bofan Chen* Help create a scrapbook to highlight the semester as well as digitizing old scrapbooksJeweler: Rita Mae Nuevo* Creates chapter mementos for the actives to be presented at Banquet

Membership PoliciesThere are strict rules governing membership in our chapter. Pledges are activated into the chapter each VHPHVWHU�DIWHU�VXFFHVVIXOO\�FRPSOHWLQJ�DOO�SOHGJH�UHTXLUHPHQWV��7KH�¿UVW�VHPHVWHU�RI�DFWLYH�PHPEHU-ship into the chapter is considered a probationary semester. During this semester the new active PXVW�IXO¿OO�DOO�DFWLYH�UHTXLUHPHQWV��7KHVH�UHTXLUHPHQWV�DUH�YRWHG�XSRQ�DQG�DSSURYHG�E\�WKH�FKDSWHU�DW�WKH�¿UVW�FKDSWHU�PHHWLQJ�RI�WKH�VHPHVWHU��,I�D�QHZ�DFWLYH�GRHV�QRW�IXO¿OO�WKHVH�UHTXLUHPHQWV��WKDW�DF-WLYH�LV�VXEMHFW�WR�GHDFWLYDWLRQ�E\�WKH�FKDSWHU��6KRXOG�DQ�DFWLYH��DIWHU�WKH�SUREDWLRQDU\�VHPHVWHU��IDLOV�WR�IXO¿OO�DFWLYH�UHTXLUHPHQWV�GXULQJ�WKH�VHPHVWHU��WKH�DFWLYH�LV�FRQVLGHUHG�LQ�³bad-standing” for the QH[W�VHPHVWHU��%DG�VWDQGLQJ�PHPEHUV�DUH�not�HOLJLEOH� WR�UXQ�IRU�RI¿FH��YRWH��QRU�PDNH�PRWLRQV��,Q�order to reattain good standing, the member must complete any additional requirements that may EH�SURVFULEHG�E\�([&RPP��$Q�DFWLYH�ZKR�IDOOV�LQWR�³double-bad standing” for failure to complete PHPEHUVKLS�UHTXLUHPHQWV�IRU�WZR�FRQVHFXWLYH�VHPHVWHUV�LV�VXEMHFW�WR�deactivation by the Member-ship Vice-President.

If an active (after the probationary semester) feels they will be unable to fully participate in chapter affairs for a given semester due to constraints upon time and effort, that active can petition the Mem-bership Vice-President to become an associate member. Associate members are not obligated to com-SOHWH�DQ\�DFWLYH�UHTXLUHPHQWV�H[FHSW� IRU�SD\LQJ�1DWLRQDO�DQG�&KDSWHU�GXHV��$VVRFLDWH�PHPEHUV�DUH�considered in good standing and receive all privileges of an active. No member may be an associate for two consecutive semesters nor in the probationary semester.Similarly, if an active is eligible, that active can petition the Membership Vice-President to become a seniority member. Seniority membership is available to an active if that active (1) has been in good standing for three consecutive semesters as either an active, including their probationary semester, or associate member or (2) is entering their graduating semester. Seniority members are obligated to pay National and Chapter Dues as well as to complete the greater half of the active requirements; they are also considered in good standing and recieve all privileges of an active. Seniority membership may be conferred consecutively.

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Service Vice PresidentSusan GuanMaura Harty Pledge ClassHello pledges! My name is Susan Guan and I will be your Service Vice 3UHVLGHQW�WKLV�VHPHVWHU���,�DP�FXUUHQWO\�D�WKLUG�\HDU�PDMRULQJ�LQ�6RFLRO-ogy and minoring in Education. I was born and raised in Los Angeles. Ever since coming to college, I found it pretty funny that whenever I tell people that I’m from LA (like actual LA), they seemed to be surprised. %XW�,�JXHVV�WR�EH�PRUH�VSHFL¿F�,¶P�IURP�WKH�ERUGHUOLQH�RI�WKH�(DVW�/RV�Angeles area and the “626”. 2Q�P\�IUHH�WLPH��,�HQMR\�SOD\LQJ�WHQQLV��GRLQJ�DUWV�DQG�FUDIWV��FRRNLQJ��baking, reading Yahoo articles, organizing random things, decorating my room, listening to music, and watching TV shows. Some shows that ,�HQMR\�ZDWFKLQJ�DUH�+RZ�,�0HW�<RXU�0RWKHU��)DPLO\�*X\��0DVWHU�&KHI��

)ULHQGV��1HZ�*LUO�� ��%URNH�*LUOV��3URMHFW�5XQDZD\�DQG�.LWFKHQ�1LJKWPDUHV��2QH� WKLQJ� \RX� VKRXOG�know about me is that I am addicted to TVB dramas. I have been watching TVB shows since my child years and through watching enough I eventually learned how to speak Cantonese. Aside from shows, ,�HQMR\LQJ�ZDWFKLQJ�PRYLHV�HVSHFLDOO\�DQLPDWHG�PRYLHV��0\�IDYRULWH�DQLPDWHG�PRYLH�LV�0DGDJDVFDU��(Marty, the zebra, is so cute). My recent favorite for animated movies is Frozen. Olaf is so cute. If you haven’t watched it, you need to go now.

I pledged Maura Harty semester during Fall 2012, which means that I have been in Alpha Phi Omega for a year. I decided to pledge APO because of the three cardinal principles in our fraternity, which are /HDGHUVKLS��)ULHQGVKLS��DQG�6HUYLFH��,�FDQ�GH¿QLWHO\�VD\�WKDW�,�KDYH�EHFRPH�D�OHDGHU��D�IULHQG��DQG�RI�VHUYLFH�WKURXJK�MRLQLQJ�WKLV�IUDWHUQLW\���%HLQJ�LQ�$32�KDV�GH¿QLWHO\�PDGH�P\�FROOHJH�FDUHHU�WKDW�PXFK�more unforgettable. In APO you will have a chance to make good friends along with doing community service. Please take advantage of that because I know I sure did! Here’s to a fun and successful pledging semester! I look forward to meeting and getting to know each and every one of you. :)

Finance Vice PresidentJane Tam

Maura Harty Pledge ClassHello pledges! Name’s Jane Tam and I’m originally from Rose-mead, CA (6-2-sickness!). I’m intended MCB with an emphasis on neuroscience – currently pre-med. I plan on becoming a neurosurgeon in the future after I take a year or two off after getting my degree from Berkeley.

,¶P�ORXG��9(5<�/28'�±�\RX¶OO�PRVW�OLNHO\�¿QG�WKDW�RXW�EH-fore you even read this (mainly because I like to talk a lot). My laugh is probably one of the most unique ones that you’ll hear – I’ve heard it’s pretty contagious. I treasure all my adventures, whether it be late-night food adventures, hiking/nature walks, or disobeying those “Do not Enter” signs. One of my favorite

If there are a few things people know me for, it’s my love of squirrels. There’s a squirrel album on my IDFHERRN�DQG�\RX�FDQ�DOVR�¿QG�D�VTXLUUHO�HDWLQJ�P\�LFH�FUHDP��,Q�DGGLWLRQ�WR�P\�ORYH�RI�VTXLUUHOV��I love sports and love doing anything outdoors. I like long walks and hikes with a nice scenery as it helps to calm and de-stress me and give a quick escape.



Membership Vice PresidentStephanice Chan

Jennifer Sun Pledge ClassHello pledges! My name is Stephanie and I will be Most Valuable Player, DND�093�WKLV�VHPHVWHU��,�KDYH�D�IHZ�QLFNQDPHV�WKDW�,¶P�VXUH�\RX¶OO�¿QG�RXW�sooner or later from other people. I was born and raised in sunny San Diego, ZKHUH�WKH�ZHDWKHU�LV�DOZD\V�QLFH�DQG�WKH�0H[LFDQ�IRRG�LV�ERPE���'�,¶P�FXU-UHQWO\�D��WK�\HDU�DQG�DP�FUHDWLQJ�P\�RZQ�PDMRU��KRZ�FRRO�LV�WKDW"�&RPH�WDON�WR�PH�PRUH�WR�¿QG�RXW�ZKDW�,¶P�VWXG\LQJ����,¶P�JHQHUDOO\�D�IULHQGO\�SHUVRQ��\RX�SUREDEO\�ZLOO�DOZD\V�VHH�D�VPLOH�RQ�P\�IDFH��VR�,�DP�GH¿QLWHO\�ORRNLQJ�forward to you all to come talk to me! But in the meantime, here are some random facts about me:

�� I love, love, love to bake: I love looking up new recipes to try, so if you are D�EDNHU��,�ZRXOG�ORYH�WR�¿QG�VRPH�EDNLQJ�EXGGLHV��� On the topic of food, I love to eat! I love yelping up good hole-in-the-wall restaurants because they usu-DOO\�KDYH�WKH�EHVW�IRRG��DQG�,�FDQ�VSHQG�KRXUV�MXVW�VHDUFKLQJ�XS�IRRG�EORJV�DQG�¿QGLQJ�QHZ�UHFLSHV�WR�H[SHUL-ment. �� I’m half Vietnamese and half Chinese (Cantonese). I can speak Canto and understand a bit of Vietnamese. I’ve taken 4 years of Spanish in high school and a year of Japanese, so I know a little bit of a few languages. �� ,�DOZD\V�VNLS�WKH�¿UVW�OLQH�ZKHQ�,�ZULWH�RQ�OLQHG�SDSHUV��LW¶V�VRUW�RI�D�ZHLUG�KDELW�WKDW�,�GR��� I love being outdoors: going to the beach, hiking, playing any sports (love playing football especially), etc. �� I love playing board games. Some of my favorite games are: Cranium, Cards Against Humanities, Set-tlers, Munchkins, and Ticket to Ride.�� ,�FDQ�QHYHU�¿QLVK�JHW�FDXJKW�XS�ZLWK�79�VKRZV��EXW�RQHV�WKDW�,�GR�ORYH�ZDWFKLQJ�DUH��0RGHUQ�)DPLO\��Chuck, Suits, Game of Thrones, HIMYM, Once Upon A Time, and many Chinese dramas! �� I bruise like a peach�� I have a cousin who is only 12 hours older than me �� I have an older brother who graduated from UCSD last year!


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alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014



wrong-car-switcharoo am I right? I also lost a lot of my grammar/ English-speaking abilities. I know WKDW�VRXQGV�ZHLUG�EXW�ZKHQHYHU�,�JR�RQ�EUHDN�P\�EUDLQ�MXVW�VKXWV�RII�RU�VRPHWKLQJ�DQG�,�IRUJHW�FRPPRQ�words and stutter and everything. Just yesterday I said ‘cransfer tredit’ and ‘sights and tocks.’ Maybe ,�DP�G\VOH[LF��$Q\ZD\V�QRZ�WKDW�\RX¶YH�UHDG�DERXW�PH��ZKR�DP�,�NLGGLQJ�QR�RQH�UHDGV�WKHVH�WKLQJV��,�hope you can come get to know me in person! I am a friendly, silly person and would love to get to know each and every one of you!! Here’s to meeting new people, studying hard, and making wonderful new memories! (:

PledgemasterVivian NguyenJennifer Sun Pledge ClassYou see that picture right there? That’s Zachary Levi and me. You don’t know who he is? Lies. Of course you know him! He’s the voice of Flynn in Tangled and the star of WKH�7�9��VKRZ��&KXFN��6R�\HV��\RX�VKRXOG�EH�YHU\�MHDORXV�

$Q\ZD\VVV��ZHOFRPH�SOHGJHV�� ,¶P�YHU\�H[FLWHG� WR�PHHW�all of you and hopefully get to know each one of you a lot better! I wish you the best of luck and I hope you make WKH�EHVW�RXW�RI�WKLV�H[SHULHQFH��1RZ�OHW�PH�WHOO�\RX�D�OLWWOH�about myself! I’ll do it in bullet points so you’re more likely to read it.

�� 6HQLRU��6RFLRORJ\�0DMRU��(GXFDWLRQ�0LQRU��,�ZDQW�WR�ZRUN�LQ�WKH�HGXFDWLRQ�¿HOG�RQH�GD\��� I’m from San Diego and I loveee warm weather and of course, the beach�� I absolutely love fried food and boba�� ,¶P�D�7�9��MXQNLH�VR�,�ELQJH�ZDWFK�7�9��GXULQJ�EUHDNV��6KHUORFN��*DPH�RI�7KURQHV��7KH�:DONLQJ�Dead, Suits, HIMYM, American Horror Story, and my all time favorite is Friends!)�� I like to dance & sing (for fun, of course), listen to music, read, hang with friends, go to the gym (when I have time) and eat eat eat �� I’ve been listening to a lot of R&B/Hip Hop and EDM, but my favorite artist is Ingrid Michaelson�� I really like traveling but I wish I had more money to travel�� I like to talk (and I do it a lot) and getting to know people really well so I tend to ask a lot of ques-tions, but it’s because I want to hear your story!�� I’ve been through a lot of aspects of APO so if you ever have any questions or concerns feel free to DVN�PH��,W�GRHVQ¶W�KDYH�WR�EH�MXVW�DERXW�$32�HLWKHU�

* I have a feeling not many people read bios so I will set out a task. Whoever reads this and comes up to PH�¿UVW�ZKHUH�,�WRRN�P\�SLFWXUH�WKDW�ZDV�XVHG�IRU�WKH�ELR�DQG�KRZ�,�PHW�=DFKDU\�/HYL��,�ZLOO�JLYH�\RX�D�little prize (prize is TBD) and brownie points for reading this!

WKLQJV�WR�GR�LV�HDW��DQG�,�JXHVV�LW�EDODQFHV�RXW�VLQFH�,�DOVR�HQMR\�FRRNLQJ�EDNLQJ��,¶YH�IRXQG�RXW�KRZ�much fun it is cooking with other people but I also like cooking for people! :D Oh, btw Gordon Ram-say is super awesome; I’ve learned a lot by watching him. I’ve realized that the best time to start a new 79�VHULHV�LV�GXULQJ�GHDG�¿QDOV�ZHHN�±�\RX�FDQ�JHW�VR�PXFK�GRQH�VR�IDVW��,¶P�RQH�RI�WKH�ELJJHVW�,�/RYH�Lucy fanatics you’ll probably meet, but for more modern shows, Supernatural tops my charts. On my free time, I like to play Call of Duty, but am also a big movie watcher. With music, I’ve been into EDM �VHQG�PH�DQ\WKLQJ�\RX�WKLQN�LV�JRRG���DQG�VRQJV�WKDW�VRXQG�ROG�DQG�FODVV\��,�UHDOO\�HQMR\�SODQQLQJ�HYHQWV�DQG�DEVROXWHO\�ORYH�ZRUNLQJ�ZLWK�PRQH\��,�OLNH�WR�H[HUFLVH��,¶YH�¿QLVKHG�WKH�,QVDQLW\�SURJUDP�twice) and used to be an avid tennis player. I walk really fast and hate it when I have to go around people on sidewalks. I love taking photobooth pictures and am still trying to perfect my stick shift GULYLQJ�VNLOOV��5HFHQWO\��,¶YH�GHYHORSHG�D�ORYH�IRU�PDKMRQJ��&RPH�SOD\�ZLWK�PH�


Fellowship Vice PresidentSarah Wang

Kingsley Kuang Pledge ClassWhat’s up pledges! My name is Sarah Wang, and I will be your Fellow-ship Vice President this semester (you lucky children)! I pledged KK VHPHVWHU��6SULQJ��������,¶P�D�VHFRQG�\HDU�ZLWK�DQ�XQGHFODUHG�PDMRU��but I’m looking into public health.

I was born in China (Sichuan woop woop), raised in Tennessee, and currently reside in Irvine, CA. Yes I know Tennessee is a very random place for a Chinese family to live in, but I had quite a bit of fun there, and no I am not a hillbilly and neither were my friends. Everyone as-sumes ‘redneck’ whenever I mention it and think I rolled around in the mud with pigs or something. Albeit my neighbors did own horses and go deer hunting… Anywho I went to high school in Irvine and it was a total 180 from Memphis with its perfectly manicured lawns and vari-ous shades of beige-colored houses.

But enough about that, here are some fun facts about me: I love food, movies, tv shows, my little brother, rain, laughter, lame puns, reddit, fuzzy socks, waking up and realizing you have time to sleep a little more, IUHH�VWXII��¿QLVKLQJ�D�WHVW�SDSHU�SURMHFW�DQG�FORVLQJ�DOO�\RXU�EURZVHU�tabs one by one, dogs, and food. I love love love potatoes. I don’t know what else to write about so I’ll tell you about my winter break. I went snowboarding in Utah, I went bowling, I practiced driving stick shift, I went to the movies and I ate a lot of good food with a lot of good com-pany. One night, I went to Peet’s at night with some friends and when I got in my car to go home, I realized I was sitting in the wrong car.


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CM Pledge Class Manual 29

AΦΩAΦΩalpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service. Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service.

CM Pledge Class Manual 28

alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014



nity on Region X staff and the National Alumni Committee. He received the Alpha Phi Omega Distin-guished Service Award from the Gamma Gamma Chapter in December 2010.

Mr. Wells was born in California, but attended middle and high school in Canada where his involve-ment in community service started with the Boy Scouts of Canada (now Scouts Canada) and the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp. In the Boy Scouts of Canada he earned the top rank of “Queen Scout”. While in college he served as an Assistant Scout Master in Boy Scouts of America and has continued to serve the Boy Scouts of America in various adult leadership positions. He is currently a member of the Herms District Committee. In 1976 he was honored by inclusion in “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges”. He graduated with two BA degrees (Sociology and Social Welfare) from Humboldt State University. In 1996 he was recognized as the Volunteer of the Year at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco Bay Model Visitor Center in Sausalito, and as a Marin County Vol-unteer of the Year by The Volunteer Center of Marin. He served on active duty with the U.S. Navy dur-LQJ�WKH�9LHW¤QDP�:DU�DQG�WKH�¿UVW�*XOI�:DU��6WDUWLQJ�DV�D�6HDPDQ�KH�HDUQHG�WKH�UDQN�RI�&KLHI�3HWW\�2I¿FHU��+H�KDV�EHHQ�DZDUGHG�WZR�8�6��1DY\�$FKLHYHPHQW�0HGDOV�E\�WKH�6HFUHWDU\�RI�WKH�1DY\��EHHQ�honored as the Naval Reserve Region Twenty Sailor of the Year and been nominated as the national Na-val Reserve Sailor of the Year.He was employed as a client services consultant, voice network analyst, webmaster and computer programmer in the Information Services and Technology department at the University of California, Berkeley. He retired from the University of California in June 2009.

Millicent Morris ChaneyUniversity Advisory ChairMillicent Morris-Chaney (roll number 2271) is a Student Affairs Of-¿FHU�DW�WKH�8QLYHUVLW\�RI�&DOLIRUQLD��%HUNHOH\��6KH�LV�WKH�$VVRFLDWHG�6WXGHQWV�RI�WKH�8QLYHUVLW\�RI�&DOLIRUQLD��$68&��$X[LOLDU\�6WXGHQW�Affairs Advisor for the Chapter. She has been the Advisory Chair for the chapter since June 2009 when Mr. Wells retired from the Uni-versity. Millicent was a Transfer/Re-Entry student at Cal in 1997, graduating in 2000 with a B.A. in Psychology and was president of the Association of Psychology Undergraduates while a student. Prior to coming to Cal, Millicent had a career in TV and Radio ad-YHUWLVLQJ�SURGXFWLRQ�LQ�/RV�$QJHOHV��ZKLFK�LV�XVHIXO�H[SHULHQFH�LQ�helping group’s produce their diverse activities at Cal.

Robert B. DiMartinoFaculty Advisor

Robert B. DiMartino is a Professor of Clinical Optometry at the University of California, Berkeley School of Optometry. He is also currently the Chair of the ,QVWLWXWLRQDO�5HYLHZ�%RDUG�&RPPLWWHH�IRU�WKH�3URWHFWLRQ�RI�+XPDQ�6XEMHFWV�for the Berkeley campus. Dr. DiMartino is a credentialed attending doctor at the School of Optometry with clinical and research interests in glaucoma, the ocular manifestations of diabetes, and the assessment of cataracts. Dr. DiMar-tino is the most recent recipient of the California Optometric Association’s Outstanding Teaching Award.

HistorianKelsey Chan

Kinglsey Kuang Pledge ClassHai Pledges! My name is Kelsey, and I am Spring 2014’s Historian! I am VWLOO�UHODWLYHO\�QHZ�WR�$32�EHFDXVH�,�SOHGJHG�H[DFWO\�RQH�\HDU�DJR��DQG�\RXU�Pledgemaster was one of my LComm trainers. But, that is not stopping me from being as active and involved as I can possibly be. APO has given me a KRPH�DQG�IULHQGV�WKDW�,�GR�QRW�WKLQN�,�FDQ�¿QG�DQ\ZKHUH�HOVH�RQ�FDPSXV��DQG�EHFDXVH�RI�WKDW�,�ZDQW�WR�VHUYH�RQ�([&RPP�WR�JLYH�SOHGJHV�DQG�DFWLYHV�WKH�VDPH�RSSRUWXQLWLHV�WR�H[SHULHQFH�DQG�VKDUH�PHPRULHV�WKDW�ZLOO�VWD\�ZLWK�WKHP�IRUHYHU��)XQ�)DFW��P\�ROGHU�EURWKHU��ZKR�MXVW�JUDGXDWHG��LV�DQ�DOXPQL�RI�WKH�APO chapter at UC Irvine (Rho Rho), and he was Historian too!

,�DP�FXUUHQWO\�D�VRSKRPRUH�PDMRULQJ�LQ�HFRQRPLFV�DQG�SUH�EXVLQHVV��,�DP�IURP�6R&DO��8SODQG�WR�EH�H[DFW���,I�\RX�GRQ¶W�NQRZ�ZKHUH�WKDW�LV��,�OLYH���miles from the Claremont Consortium (Pomona College, CMC, Harvey Mudd, Scripps, and Pitzer). I absolutely love the sunny weather and the mouth-sa-voring foods from home, but it is nice to get out of my comfort zone and live farther from home here in Berke-OH\��,�GH¿QLWHO\�PLVV�WKH�ÀLS�ÀRS�ZHDWKHU�DQG�WKH�FRQYHQLHQFH�RI�KDYLQJ�D�FDU��EXW�WKH�FKDUP�RI�WKH�SHRSOH�KHUH�in the bay grows on me with each passing day.

So, here is a little bit about myself outside of APO and school. If you have never met me and only heard my QDPH��\RX�ZLOO�SUREDEO\�UHPHPEHU�PH�DV�WKH�³¿JXUH�VNDWHU�´�,�KDYH�EHHQ�VNDWLQJ�VLQFH�,�ZDV���\HDUV�ROG�DQG�have been competitive in Regional, Sectional, and National competitions for 7 years. When I was 16, I fractured my back and ruptured some of my spinal disks, so I had to stop doing all those fancy “tricks” you see on tv. But, I still skate as an ice dancer with the Cal Figure Skating Team. In my free time, I love reading and watching tv/Asian dramas. I go for the mind-numbing stuff that does nothing for my intelligence to balance out the stress of school, and I am slightly addicted to K-pop, anime, and mostly K-dramas (plus Running Man)! I am a self-SURFODLPHG�IRRGLH�EHFDXVH�DV�D�FKLOG��P\�SDUHQWV�H[SRVHG�PH�WR�DOO�GLIIHUHQW�W\SHV�RI�FXLVLQHV��VR�QRZ�,�ORYH�JRLQJ�RXW�DQG�WU\LQJ�QHZ�SODFHV��,�DOVR�HQMR\�VKRSSLQJ��EXW�DOZD\V�DW�D�EDUJDLQ���DQG�WUDYHOLQJ�ZLWK�IDPLO\�DQG�friends.

,�DP�GH¿QLWHO\�ORRNLQJ�IRUZDUG�WR�JHWWLQJ�WR�NQRZ�DOO�RI�\RX�WKLV�VHPHVWHU��$V�D�ZRUG�RI�DGYLFH��WKH�NH\�WR�PDN-ing the most out of pledging is to have a positive attitude and never hesitate to ask for help. It was not hard for PH�VLQFH�,�DP�EXEEO\�DOO�WKH�WLPH��EXW�LI�\RX�QHHG�DGYLFH��ZRUGV�RI�HQFRXUDJHPHQW��RU�MXVW�D�IULHQG��FRPH�¿QG�me! I wish you the best of luck!

Bill WellsUniversity and Scouting AdvisorWilliam (“Bill”) C. Wells has been a member of Alpha Phi Omega Na-tional Service Fraternity since 1968. He is a recipient of the Frater-nity’s National Distinguished Alumni Award. He is a Charter Member (roll number 26) and a Past President of the Tau Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega at Humboldt State University. He became an advisor (roll number 607) for the Gamma Gamma Chapter at University of Califor-nia, Berkeley in 1982. He served the chapter as the Chapter Advisory Chair almost continuously from 1982 to mid-2009. He continues to serve the Chapter as a Scouting and Youth Services Advisor. He is a Life Member of the Fraternity and for several years served the Frater-

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AΦΩAΦΩalpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service. Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service.

CM Pledge Class Manual 30

alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014



in the last half century. His long service with the Boy Scouts of America, including been President of the local Boy Scout Council, had brought him the title of Councilor of Boy Scouts of the Western States and +DZDLL��7KH�FLWL]HQV�RI�%HUNHOH\�KDG�DZDUGHG�KLP�WKH�%HQMDPLQ�,GH�:KHHOHU�PHGDO�IRU�GLVWLQJXLVKHG�citizenship for long service on the Berkeley Board of Education and in other civic enterprises. Surpass-ing all these citations, however, are the memories in the minds of thousands of former students of an LGHDO� FROOHJH� WHDFKHU��VFKRODUO\�� IULHQGO\�� DSSURDFKDEOH�� DQG� LQ¿QLWHO\�ZLVH��7KH� ORFDO�%R\�6FRXWV� RI�America District and the scout camp north of campus in El Cerrito, California, is named after him.

-RHO�+HQU\�+LOGHEUDQG������������Charter MemberFaculty Advisor3URIHVVRU�+LOGHEUDQG�ZDV�D�FKDUWHU�PHPEHU�DQG�RQH�RI�WKH�¿UVW�IDFXOW\�DGYLVRUV�(member number 23) for the Chapter. He was Dean of Men (1923-26) and Dean of the College of Letters and Science (1939-42) when the chapter was chartered and later was the Dean of the College of Chemistry (1949-51). He was born in 1881 at Camden, New Jersey. His ancestors came to America before the revolution from the upper Rhine valley. When asked about his longevity, Joel replied, “I chose my ancestors carefully” and frequently added that most, if not all, lived well past 80.

$� FKHPLVWU\� SURIHVVRU� DQG� UHVHDUFKHU��+LOGHEUDQG¶V� LPSDFW� DV� D� WHDFKHU�ZDV� MXVW� DV� LPSRUWDQW� DQG�in many respects more remarkable than his role in research. His freshman chemistry lectures, given regularly from 1913 until his “retirement” in 1952 were legendary. Thousands of alumni recall his vivid descriptions and dramatic demonstrations as well as enlivening digressions into music, art, and moun-taineering. A single course was offered at Berkeley with total enrollment usually somewhat over 1000, with lectures in a room seating about 500, but with laboratory, quiz, and discussion in groups of 25. William Bray and Wendel Latimer took primary responsibility for the laboratory and wrote the book for it. Most of the regular faculty took freshman sections (in addition to other teaching) and thereby initi-ated the graduate students into their teaching assistant duties in an apprenticeship pattern. Thus there ZDV�H[WHQVLYH�LQYROYHPHQW�RI�PRVW�RI�WKH�IDFXOW\�ZLWK�WKH�JHQHUDO�FKHPLVWU\�FRXUVH�DQG�JHQHUDO�DJUHH-PHQW�FRQFHUQLQJ�LWV�FKDUDFWHU��%XW�+LOGHEUDQG�JDYH�WKH�OHFWXUHV��ZURWH�WKH�TXL]]HV�DQG�H[DPLQDWLRQV��DQG�ZDV�LQ�JHQHUDO�FKDUJH�RI�WKH�FRXUVH��+H�ZURWH�WKH�FHQWUDO�WH[W��3ULQFLSOHV�RI�&KHPLVWU\��ZKLFK�ZDV�revised several times. The course at Berkeley, as developed by Hildebrand, Bray, Latimer, and others, departed from the pattern of that time by much greater emphasis on principles with reduced attention WR�PHPRU\�RI�VSHFL¿F�IDFWXDO�PDWHULDO��,W�ZDV�RQO\�DIWHU�DERXW����\HDUV�WKDW�RWKHU�WH[WERRNV�EHJDQ�WR�DSSHDU�ZKLFK�UHÀHFWHG�VLPLODU�HPSKDVLV���-RHO�ZDV�VXSHUE�DV�D�OHFWXUHU�DQG�KH�WKRURXJKO\�HQMR\HG�OHF-turing.

Victor LindbladCharter MemberScouting Advisor0U��/LQGEODG�ZDV�D�FKDUWHU�PHPEHU�DQG�RQH�RI�WKH�¿UVW�VFRXWLQJ�DGYLVRUV��PHPEHU�QXPEHU�����IRU�WKH�&KDSWHU��$W�WKH�WLPH�RI�WKH�&KDSWHU¶V�FKDUWHULQJ�LQ�������KH�ZDV�WKH�6FRXW�([HFXWLYH�IRU�WKH�ORFDO�6FRXW�Council. A Boy Scout camp, Camp Lindblad near Boulder Creek, California, in the Santa Cruz Moun-tains is named after him. Camp Lindblad now serves as a resident camp for Cub-Scout-aged youth.

Geoffrey LeeCommunity AdvisorHey there, I’m one of your chapter advisers and a Section 4 staff member. As an alumnus of Gamma Gamma, I’ve continued to stay involved in Al-pha Phi Omega because this is a fraternity where really great people come together to do great things for our community. It’s my mission to sup-port our chapter and help it be a success by imparting useful knowledge DQG�H[SHULHQFH��'XULQJ�P\�WLPH�DV�D�SOHGJH�DQG�DV�DQ�DFWLYH��,�VHUYHG�DV�Pledge Finance Co-Chair, Membership Secretary, Finance VP, and Web Committee Chair. If there’s anything I can do to help you, please feel free to talk to me. (Oh, and if you play video games, my gamer tag on Steam is “blah139”, and my gamer tag on Heroes of Newerth�LV�³JHRIÀHH´��

Karen HeCommunity Advisor

Hey Y’all! I’ll be serving as one of the advisors for Gamma Gamma and ,�DP�UHDOO\�H[FLWHG�WR�PHHW�DFWLYHV�DQG�SOHGJHV���,�SOHGJHG�LQ�)DOO�������Wilfred Krenek semester at UC Berkeley. A few of the reasons why I love Alpha Phi Omega is that the fraternity offers me a life-long opportunity to meet brothers from all over the country, to serve the community, and above all, to foster my leadership abilities. For this, as an advisor and member of APO, I’d like to give back to the chapter. I am also a LEADS Apprentice for Discover. Outside APO, I am a Product Marketing Ana-O\VW�IRU�D�&XVWRPHU�([SHULHQFH�0DQDJHPHQW�FRPSDQ\��7HDOHDI�7HFKQRO-ogies that was recently acquired by IBM. Besides APO and career, I tend WR�EH�D�EXV\�EHH�ZKR�HQMR\V�UXQQLQJ��UHDGLQJ��KDQJLQJ�RXW�ZLWK�IULHQGV��WKLQNLQJ�ZD\V�RI�PDNLQJ�PRUH�PRQH\�ZLWKRXW�PRYLQJ�D�¿QJHU��-.���ZLQ-dow shopping, photography and traveling.Please feel free to ask me anything about APO, academics, OLIH�H[SHULHQFHV��FDUHHU��IRRG��WUDYHOLQJ��HWF���%HOLHYH�PH��,�KDYH�EHHQ�WKHUH�DQG�GRQH�WKDW���6WRS�E\�DQG�JHW�WR�NQRZ�PH�EHWWHU�DV�WKH�SDUDJUDSK�DERYH�GRHV�QRW�GR�MXVWLFH�LQ�VXPPDUL]LQJ�³PH´�

Advisors EmeritusGamma Gamma Chapter

:LOOLDP�%URGEHFN�+HUPV������������Charter MemberFaculty and Scouting Advisor 3URIHVVRU�(PHULWXV�DQG�/LHXWHQDQW�&RORQHO�+HUPV�ZDV�RQH�RI�WKH�¿UVW�IDFXOW\�DQG�scouting advisors for the Chapter (member number 20). He was a dynamic leader in every undertaking to which he directed his unbounded energies. As a scientist, his colleagues had elected him to the presidency of both of the national entomolog-ical societies--the Entomological Society of America and the American Association of Economic Entomologists, a distinction that is shared with only one other person

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AΦΩAΦΩ alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service. Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service.

CM Pledge Class Manual 32

alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014



Pledge Class NamesakesEach pledge class is named in honor of a distinguished member of Alpha Phi Omega. Originally, the Gamma Gamma chapter had only one pledge class a year during the Fall academic term. Each Fall pledge class is named after a nationally distinguished member of Alpha Phi Omega by the National Executive Board. Therefore, all chapters nationwide have the same Fall Class Namesake. In 1990, Gamma Gamma instituted a Spring pledge semester. Our Spring pledge classes are named in honor of distinguished members of our chapter. Traditionally our namesakes have been past DSK recipi-ents, although the tradition has changed with the honoring of the Spring 1997 namesake. The chapter YRWHV�RQ�WKH�QDPHVDNH�DW�WKH�¿UVW�FKDSWHU�PHHWLQJ�RI�WKH�6SULQJ�VHPHVWHU��%HORZ�LV�D�SDUWLDO�OLVW�RI�WKH�pledge class namesakes along with the pledgemaster of each respective class. Each class embodies the ideals of each namesake and the philosophies of its Pledgemaster.

Pledge Class Namesakes & PledgemastersFall 1994 Alex M. LewandowskiPM: Jun BooSpring 1995 Steve DowPM: David LeeFall 1995 Philip H. PrincePM: Waymond WongSpring 1996 Yeeling WuPM: Kenneth LinFall 1996 Thomas. H. KeanPM: Christopher ParkSpring 1997 Kenneth LinPM: Jarvis MakFall 1997 William T. CunninghamPM:Steve WangSpring 1998 Sueanna FongPM: Allen SetoFall 1998 Joseph F. KuchtaPM: Geoff LewSpring 1999 Christine L. ChanPM: GiaBao NguyenFall 1999 Dr. Stan CarpenterPM: Joe YangSpring 2000 Gilbert K. LeePM: Jason T. LeeFall 2000 Robert C. BarkhurstPM: Nu Lien LaiSpring 2001 Joe YangPM: Annie Chung

Fall 2001 Robert J. HilliardPM: Elvin VedarSpring 2002 Jerry J. JenPM: Jessica LinFall 2002 George DacyPM: Ryan ConstantinoSpring 2003 Jenny S. ChangPM: Alan WongFall 2003 Ray HancockPM: Erin SantySpring 2004 Annie ChungPM: David ShehFall 2004 Togo WestPM: My Linh NguyenSpring 2005 Tina TjahjaPM: Harvey DuanFall 2005 Gerald A. SchroederPM: Erica TuSpring 2006 Derek WangPM: Thomas HongFall 2006 Kate WestlakePM: Michael SouthworthSpring 2007 My Linh NguyenPM: James ByunFall 2007 Jack C. JadelPM: Dennis MoSpring 2008 Chris CheukPM: Nicholas Yap

Fall 2008 Wilfred KrenekPM: Christopher ChenSpring 2009 Sheehan TejamoPM: Elaine ChowFall 2009 Jack McKenziePM: Julie TruongSpring 2010 Geoffrey LeePM: Richard TamFall 2010 James L. ChandlerPM: Ali CarbonelSpring 2011 Katherine StrausserPM: Gloria WuFall 2011 Charles P. ZlatkovichPM: Christine VuSpring 2012 Jennifer SunPM: Armand CuevasFall 2012 Maura HartyPM: Celina ZengSpring 2013 Kingsley KuangPM: Tonia TranFall 2013 David EmeryPM: Jeffrey ZengSpring ‘14 Courtney McLaughlinPM: Vivian Nguyen

Getting to Know Your Namesake: Hi Pledges,

My name is Courtney, and you will be hearing my name quite a ELW�WKLV�VHPHVWHU«�,�SOHGJHG�$3KL2�GXULQJ�WKH�¿UVW�VHPHVWHU�RI�my freshman year, fall of 2008. I was rather shy, awkward, un-sure of myself and rather giggly. I still laugh a lot, but the people I have met here in APO, the leadership experiences I have had and the overall progression of college have made me the leader and friend I am today. I may be still slightly awkward at times (just the engineering degree showing through!) but because of $SKLR��,�JUHZ�WR�EH�FRQ¿GHQW�DQG�FRPIRUWDEOH�LQ�P\�UROHV�LQ�APO and out.

During my time at Cal, I spent many hours in the depths of the Etcheverry computer labs, but PDQ\�PRUH�KRXUV�DW�IHOORZVKLSV��VHUYLFH�SURMHFWV�DQG�FKDSWHU�HYHQWV���0\�IDYRULWH²DQG�¿UVW²project was Project Open Hand. APO brought me my most treasured memories like serving on PComm with my best friends, and taking committee trips to Tahoe, but also my biggest chal-lenges, like being president and chairing the Regional convention during my senior year.

I lived in Unit 2 Davidson during my freshman year (with an AWESOME 8th-story view of the bay) and lived on Hillegass and then Benevenue for the next three years. I loved living down the street or a couple blocks away from all of my friends, and I loved running into people on my walks to class. I majored in mechanical engineering, and people from home were constant-ly asking me, “Are you SURE you want to be an engineer?” My answer was no, but that I was sure I wanted to get my engineering degree.

After I graduated started my job as a consultant at a software company right after graduation. During that time, my favorite part of the week was tutoring kids in the “bad area” of San Jose. ,�TXLFNO\�UHDOL]HG�WKDW�FRQVXOWLQJ²DQG�µZRUNLQJ�IRU�WKH�PDQ¶�LQ�JHQHUDO²ZDV�QRW�WKH�ULJKW�¿W�for me. In January 2013 I quit my job, and started my trek to pursue teaching middle school math. I currently work at a charter school in Oakland with 7th and 8th graders, who I love dearly and you will surely hear me talk about a lot.

I can’t wait to meet you all! ENJOY your time at Cal and in APhiO!

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AΦΩAΦΩ alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service. Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service.

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alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014



Message From Your Namesake:

CM Pledges, I am so excited that you have decided to pledge APhiO, and are actually reading this! I feel so honored. Through this semester, you are going to get a lot of positive messages about do-ing service, and going to fellowships and talking to ExComm and PComm and getting to know your pledge class and learn all the things you need to learn. You are going to get all this positive encourage-ment from your bigs, your trainer, and all of the wonderful people in the chapter, because we have all been in your shoes before. I support ALL of these messages, but since you are going to get this from many other people, I wanted to make my “message” a little different.

My current favorite inspirational speaker is a 12-year-old who calls himself “Kid President”. He makes videos to make the world more awesome, so I’m going to use some of his quotes to communi-cate my message to you.

“Some days you’ll get ice cream. Some days you won’t.” In APhiO, just like everything else in life, sometimes things will totally go your way and you will be loving life, and other days will kinda suck. Those days when you don’t get the ice cream might be when you have three midterms and two pa-pers due, roommate drama going on, and pledge class campout to top it all off. It might be stressful. You might have a mini-meltdown. THAT’S OKAY. Even those people who seem to have it all together have these moments of freak out and doubt in themselves. Luckily, there will also be awesome days, like doing a really meaningful service project after a stressful week of midterms, getting a surprise, or making a new friend. These ‘ice cream days’ won’t feel quite as sweet if you don’t have to go through the tough ones.

³7KHUH�DUH�ORWV�RI�UHDVRQV�WR�GDQFH��\RX�MXVW�JRWWD�¿QG�WKHP�´�7KHUH�LV�$�/27�RI�JUHDW�WKLQJV�DURXQG�you right now. Especially when things get stressful, look for the little things to make you smile: say good morning to someone you don’t know, walk a different way home, write down 5 things you are grateful for, listen to your favorite song. There are always going to be things we can complain about, but remember that focusing on the negative or talking negative about someone or something is going to make YOU feel more negative. Even when things seem dark and gloomy, look for the positives and ¿QG�\RXU�UHDVRQV�WR�GDQFH�

“Take brain pictures.” There are going to be SO many awesome things that happen—REMEMBER THEM! Savor the good times and live in the moment. Yes, this sounds corny. I acknowledge that. But LW¶V�DOVR�VR�WUXH��0DQ\�WKLQJV�DUH�JRLQJ�WR�GLVWUDFW�\RX²RI¿FH�KRXUV��KRPHZRUN��À\HUV�RQ�6SURXO��HDW-ing ramen 4 days in a row—but remembering fun times and living each day in the moment is going to pay off in the long run.

“Things can be better! It’s okay about all the mess ups!” You are going to screw up. I screwed up a LOT: academically, as president, as a friend, as a big, as a little; for myself and for others. But it’s okay! Learn to forgive yourself. Forgive others too. We all screw up, but luckily we usually learn from those screw-ups. Move on and do things better next time. Take advantage of living in the Berkeley Bubble. Learn from everyone you can, and keep thinking how things can be better.

You were made to be awesome. I’m really glad you’re here!

Courtney McLaughlin Pledge ClassSpring 2014 Requirements

Attend RitualPay $90 Pledge DuesWear Pledge PinAttend Speed Dating NightAttend Family NightAttend Pledge Class RetreatAttend 1 of 2 events for Spirit WeekAttend Pledge Class Fellowship Attend 2 of 2 Pledge Class Service ProjectsAttend 1 FundraiserAttend CampoutAttend Talent ShowAttend 5 of 5 Pledge ReviewsAttend 4 of 5 Chapter MeetingsAttend 1 of 1 Elections (2, if necessary) Attend 1 InterChapter EventAttend 1 ExComm MeetingJoin 1 ExComm Committee$WWHQG���2I¿FH�+RXU�SHU�3&RPPHU����7RWDO�Attend 1 of 2 InterFamsAttend 1 Pledge Class BondingComplete 20 Service HoursAttend 5 Fellowships Complete 30 Interviews&RPSOHWH���5HÀHFWLRQV�Pass 4 of 4 Pledge Review QuizzesComplete 2/3 of Active Signature SheetComplete PComm/ExComm Signature SheetComplete Committee RequirementsComplete Pledge BinderPass Pledge TestAttend Activation

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Pledge CommitteesLeadership Committee- Organizes and runs Pledge Class Retreat(s)- Organizes and runs Leadership Workshop- Organizes Pledge Thank You Banquet- Organizes Pledge Class Gift- Participates in Leadership Core Bonding- Organizes Pledge Class Bondings to build unity amongst pledge class- Creates study guides for the pledge quizzes and pledge test (PCP’s responsibility)- Organizes rides for Pledge Class Fellowship/Campout

Fellowship Committee- Promotes pledge-pledge, pledge-active, and pledge-alumni interactions through fellowships- Aids in organizing Pledge Class Fellowship (e.g., Broomball, Quidditch)- Organizes and runs Campout and tent cleaning (with Service Committee)

Service Committee- Searches for and coordinates new service projects- Organizes and runs Service Workshop- Aids development and organization of the Pledge Class Service Projects- Aids Fellowship Committee with tent cleaning

Finance Committee- Organizes Pledge Class Fundraiser(s)- Explores new avenues of fundraising for pledge class activities- Oversees creation and distribution of Pledge Class T-shirts & Campout Grams

Historian Committee- Records pledge class memories (i.e., takes pictures) and maintains photos on Facebook- Coordinates Pledge Class Gamma Gamma Maniac- Creates Pledge Class Banner for Pledge Class Fellowship- Organizes Pledge Class Fellowship for costume winner- Organizes and runs HComm Workshop- Creates Pledge Class Memento for Banquet- Organizes Pledge Class Superlatives for Banquet

*Note: This is not an exhaustive list of all Committee Requirements; rather, they are overall responsibilities of each committee.

Pledge Class RequirementsDemonstrate Leadership, Friendship, and Service in your daily life. As the cardinal principles of our fraternity, you are expected to embody all three throughout the pledging semester.

Attend Ritual8SRQ�FRPSOHWLRQ�RI�WKH�SOHGJH�ULWXDO��SOHGJHV�RI¿FLDOO\�EHJLQ�WKHLU�SOHGJH�VHPHVWHU���Ritual takes place on Tuesday, February 11, 2014.


Wear Pledge PinPledges must wear their pledge pins AT ALL TIMES (except for the 4 S’s).

Attend Speed Dating NightSince a pledge has not beeing sorted into pledge family, it is critical that every pledge attend this fellowship in order to meet more actives to help sort them into families. Speed Dating Night takes place on Friday, Febru-ary 14, 2014.

Attend Pledge Class RetreatThis is to further foster the bonds of brotherhood within the pledge class. You will engage in various icebreakers and other activities. Retreat takes place on Saturday, February, 22, 2014.

Attend 1 out of 2 Spirit Week EventsThis is to foster Spirit within the Pledge Class as well as allow pledges to bond with their own families through friendly competitions. This also builds spirit leading to the Pledge Class Fellowship. These events take place the week of March 2nd-7th, 2014

Attend Pledge Class FellowshipPledges will have the chance to build pledge class unity while engaging in a fun activity. The fellowship will take place on Saturday, March 8, 2014.

Attend 2 of 2 Pledge Class Service ProjectPledges will have the opportunity to work side-by-side with all of their pledge brothers at a serviceWKH\��6HUYLFH�&RPPLWWHH��LQ�SDUWLFXODU��KDYH�FRRUGLQDWHG�WKHPVHOYHV��IRVWHULQJ�EURWKHUKRRG�ZKLOH�EHQH¿WLQJ�WKH�local community. The pledge class service projects will take place on March 1, 2014 and April 13, 2014.

Attend 1 FundraiserParticipation at a fundraiser is considered a Service to the Chapter, and during your period ofSOHGJHVKLS��\RXU�SOHGJH�FODVV�ZLOO�EHQH¿W�GLUHFWO\�IURP�\RXU�VHUYLFH�

Attend CampoutAn action-packed weekend that is a great chance to spend an extended period with your pledge brothers and actives and become better acquainted with them. Campout will be an overnight event spanning from Saturday, April 5, 2014 to the afternoon of Sunday, April 6, 2014.

Attend Talent ShowPledges can showcase their talents on their own and with each other for the chapter. Pledges will also be able to

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see the great talent held by actives in this fraternity.

Attend 5 of 5 Pledge ReviewsPledge Reviews are a chance for pledges to learn about our fraternity traditions as well as bond with their pledge class brothers. Pledges will have the opportunity to participate in activities designed to foster brotherhood among the class. Pledge pins, handbooks, and manuals are required. Pledges must check-in with their respective trainer(s) upon arrival and departure.

Attend 4 of 5 Chapter MeetingsChapter meetings are where general chapter business is conducted and announcements for upcomingevents made. Every pledge ought to be kept up-to-date by attending these meetings. This is also when pledges receive the chapter’s Stylus.

Attend 1 of 1 Elections (2, if necessary)3OHGJHV�ZLOO�JHW�D�FKDQFH�WR�OHDUQ�DERXW�KRZ�WKH�FKDSWHU�HOHFWV�LW¶V�H[HFXWLYH�RI¿FHUV�DQG�WKH�LPSRUWDQFH�RI�WKH�election process. Elections takes place Tuesday, April 15, 2014 (& if necessary, Wednesday, April 16, 2014).

Attend 1 ExComm MeetingAttending an ExComm meeting will allow the pledges to better understand the administrative structure of the chapter.

Join 1 ExComm CommitteeExComm Committees are a great chance to help out in overall chapter operations and work with both Actives and one of the Executive Committee members.

Attend 1 InterChapter Event (hosted at another chapter)This will be an opportunity for pledges to interact with members of other local chapters (this requirement can be IXO¿OOHG�VLPXOWDQHRXVO\�ZLWK�DQRWKHU�UHTXLUHPHQW��L�H��RQH�FKDSWHU�SURMHFW�RU�IHOORZVKLS�FDQ�$/62�EH�DQ�LQWHU-FKDSWHU�RQH����$WWHQGLQJ�6HFWLRQDOV�)DOO�)HOORZVKLS�RU�RWKHU�FKDSWHUV¶�PHHWLQJV�DOVR�VDWLV¿HV�WKLV�UHTXLUHPHQW�

$WWHQG���2I¿FH�+RXU�SHU�3OHGJH�&RPPLWWHH�0HPEHU����7RWDO�Since the Pledgemaster and Pledge Committee are charged with guiding and educating pledges about the frater-nity’s history and principles, pledges are highly encouraged to develop a kinship with each member.

Attend 1 of 2 Interfamily SocialsInterfamily Socials provide an unique opportunity for you to engage in fun activities while minglingwith people from the other small & big fams. Held either on Wednesday or Thursday evenings, each Parent group will have something exciting for you to participate in. You will not receive credit for Interfamily Socials unless you attend the one assigned to you by the Membership VP.

Attend 1 Pledge Class BondingBonding in the pledge class is an important part of pledgeship and will greatly enhance the pledging experience. 7KH�EHQH¿WV�WR�D�FORVH�SOHGJH�FODVV�ZLOO�ODVW�EH\RQG�MXVW�WKH�SOHGJLQJ�VHPHVWHU�

Complete 20 Service HoursAs a service fraternity, we are committed to providing service to our chapter, campus, community,and country. You will have a variety of projects to choose from. Please refer to the web calendar. Sign-up and have fun!

Attend 5 Fellowships (separate from ones listed above)This is not a requirement so much as a mandate to have fun. If none of the events on the web calendar sate your

thirst for a good time, create and chair your own fellowship!

Complete 30 InterviewsInterviews are meant to be a method for pledges to meet fellow pledges and active brothers. These must be turned in at the start of Pledge Reviews to your trainer(s).

Pledge Review #1: 4 Pledges & 3 Actives Pledge Review #2: 4 Pledges & 3 ActivesPledge Review #3: 4 Pledges & 3 Actives; 1 ChairPledge Review #4: 3 Alumni; 1 Chair (not from your Small Fam)Pledge Test: 4 InterChapter Brothers

&RPSOHWH���RI���:ULWWHQ�5HÀHFWLRQVThere will be four writing assignments due at the beginning of PRs 1-4 and must also be emailed to the Pledge-master and your respective trainer(s). These assignments are designed to be a way for you to do some introspec-WLRQ�DQG�WR�H[SUHVV�\RXU�WKRXJKWV�DQG�IHHOLQJV�UHJDUGLQJ�\RXU�SHULRG�RI�SOHGJHVKLS���7KH�OHQJWK�RI�HDFK�UHÀHFWLRQ�must span approximately 2 full pages, 1-inch margins, double-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman Font. 7KH�WRSLF�IRU�HDFK�5HÀHFWLRQ�ZLOO�EH�JLYHQ�SULRU�WR�WKHLU�GXH�GDWH�

Pass 4 of 4 Pledge QuizzesPledge Reviews 1-4 will begin with a quiz, to which the questions will be announced at the PR prior to the quiz. <RX�ZLOO�EH�DEOH�WR�UH�WDNH�RQO\���TXL]�GXULQJ�D�WUDLQHU¶V�RI¿FH�KRXUV�

Complete 2/3 of Active Signature SheetPledging a fraternity requires a sense of brotherhood which comes from not only developing bonds with your own pledge brothers but also being acquainted with the current Brothers in the chapter.

Complete Committee RequirementsPledges will take an active part in the success of their class by being separated into subcommittees responsible for different facets of pledging. This is the opportunity for pledges to take the initiative to plan and carry out their ideas. Pledge committees will meet as deemed necessary.

Complete PComm/ExComm Signature PageThe Signature Page must be signed by the indicated persons.

Complete Pledge Binder$�QRWHERRN�LQFOXGLQJ�DOO�,QWHUYLHZV��5HÀHFWLRQV��6LJQDWXUH�6KHHW��35�DJHQGDV��3OHGJH�&ODVV�1HZVOHWWHUV��6W\OXV�Editions, and other handouts which will be due at Pledge Test.

Pass the Pledge TestThe Pledge Test is a comprehensive test covering all material from Pledge Reviews, Chapter Meetings,the national manual, and the pledge manual. While it is not an easy examination, pledges who have been active, SDLG�DWWHQWLRQ��DQG�GXWLIXOO\�VWXGLHG�VKRXOG�QRW�KDYH�D�JUHDW�GHDO�RI�GLI¿FXOW\�SDVVLQJ�WKLV�WHVW��SDVVLQJ�PHDQV�D�score of 80% or better). Pledge Test takes place on Tuesday, April 22, 2014.

Attend ActivationA ceremony hosted by the chapter to welcome the new actives who have completed a successful pledging semes-ter and celebrate the introduction of new brothers into our fraternity. Activation takes place on Friday, April 25, 2014.

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Courtney McLaughlin Executive & PledgeCommittee 6SULQJ������2I¿FH�+RXUV

Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.

10 AMAnn @ FSM


11 AMNgoc @ FSM Ann @ FSM


12 AM Preston+Kevin @ FSM Sarah @ FSM


1 PM Jejee+Bella @ FSM

Kelsey @ FSM/Hotspot

Kevin @ FSM Jeff+Tin Oi @ FSM


2 PM Janice @ FSM Vivian @ FSM Stephanie @


3 PM Vivian + Tin Oi @ FSM

Janice @ FSM


4 PM Jane+ Susan @ Pat Brown’s

Bella+Jejee @ Ramona’s Preston @ FSM



Demonstrate L, F, and S Examples include

�� Joining more than 1 ExComm Committee �� Attending Sectionals/do Roll Call�� Attending Alumni events�� Going above and beyond requirements

* Note: �� This is not a checklist. These are merely suggestions for you to demonstrate L, F, and S so you are not restricted to this list.�� Completion of a requirement does not guarantee a signature�� Signatures are not given until the day after PR4 so do not ask a PComm member for their signature before that

Pledge Committee Signature Guidelines

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alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014



Pledge Program Signature SheetThroughout the pledge semester, pledges ought to become acquainted with various members ofthe chapter who expend much of their time and energy for the sake of Alpha Phi Omega, includingmembers of the chapter’s Executive Committee, Pledge Committee, and Chapter Advisors. For the purpose of catalyzing interactions between pledges and the members of our fraternity, the signatures below are to be collected, with the completed sheet turned in at the time of the Pledge Test. You will ¿QG�LW�QHFHVVDU\�WR�HQJDJH�LQ�FRQYHUVDWLRQ�ZLWK�WKH�SHRSOH�EHORZ�LQ�RUGHU�WR�REWDLQ�WKHLU�VLJQDWXUH�

Executive Committee______________________________PresidentJeffrey Ma______________________________Administrative Vice PresidentNgoc Tran______________________________Membership Vice PresidentStephanie Chan______________________________Service Vice PresidentSusan Guan______________________________Finance Vice PresidentJane Tam______________________________Fellowship Vice PresidentSarah Wang______________________________PledgemasterVivian Nguyen______________________________HistorianKelsey Chan______________________________Bonus: Section RepresentativeChristina Tran-Kenyon______________________________Bonus: Section ChairTiffany Huang

Pledge Committee_____________________________Leadership Co-TrainerBella Tsay

_____________________________Fellowship Co-TrainerAnn Chan

_____________________________Fellowship Co-TrainerKevin Nguyen

_____________________________Service TrainerPreston Chan

_____________________________Finance Co-TrainerJejee Hasdarngkul

_____________________________Finance Co-TrainerTinOi Lui

_____________________________Historian TrainerJanice Lai_____________________________Bonus: Pledge Class Namesake

Executive Committee Signature Requirements

You have to initiate a conversation covering the THREE topics (listed below).

1) Ask about their responsibilities/duties (explicitly given in & implicitly stated by the Constitution & Bylaws)2) Ask why they chose to run for their position3) Ask what they hope to accomplish for the chapter with their position4) Depending on each position, refer to the table below.

*Note: You do NOT have to do ALL of the above for each ExComm member. They are merely different oppor-WXQWLHV�\RX�FDQ�FKRRVH�WR�IXO¿OO�WKH��WK�VLJQDWXUH�FRPSRQHQW�RI�HDFK�PHPEHU��

Name #1 #2 #3Jeffrey Ma Attend Sectionals Atten two IC Events Play badminton with me

Ngoc Tran Suggest interesting feature to build for the website to make people’s lives easier

Give me a funny interesting fact about yourself

Stephanie Chan

Join Roll Call and/or at-tend sectionals!

Attend at least 2 study tables

Susan Guan Complete 40 service hours Create and chair a new ser-vice project

Be on Spring Youth Service Day and.or College Day com-mittee

Jane Tam $WWHQG�¿YH�IXQGUDLVHUV� Present a new fundraising idea to me.

Cardio kickbox with me.

Sarah Wang Get to know me Attend 15 fellowships Make a creative/fun fellow-ship

Vivian Nguyen Join Roll Call and/or at-tend sectionals!

Attend and actively partici-pate in mid-semester and/or end-of-semester forum

Kelsey Chan Join Scrapbook and/or Photo Committee

Upload at least 50 photos to SmugMug (or whatever site PComm decides to use)

Attend more than 1 Alumni event

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alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014



Active Signature SheetThroughout pledgeship, pledges ought to become acquainted with various members of the chapter who expend much of their time and energy for the sake of Alpha Phi Omega, including Active members, members of the chapter’s Executive Committee, and Chapter Advisors. For the purpose of catalyzing interactions between pledges and the Brothers of our fraternity, the signatures below are to be collect-ed, with (at least) half of the sheet completed�E\�WKH�WLPH�RI�3OHGJH�7HVW���$V�\RX�ZLOO�¿QG�LW�QHFHV-sary to engage in conversation with the people below in order to obtain their signature, it is advisable to promptly begin collecting the signatures from the beginning of your period of pledgeship.



1 Aimee Chan

2 Amanda Sheu

3 Angela Wu

4 Annie Ferguson

5 April Hishinuma

6 Ben Le

7 Bofan Chen

8 Bonghyun Kim

9 Carmen Yung

10 Charlene Fung

11 Cherry Yip

12 Christopher Wen

13 Christopher Ching

14 Daisy Chan

15 Debra Yan

16 Dennis Lee

17 Derek Wang



18 Dylan Chiu

19 Edith Ho

20 Elizabeth Sabiniano

21 Emily McCann

22 James Wang

23 Jeff Zeng

24 Jessica Woodard

25 Joanna Chang

26 Karen Kim

27 Karen Wu

28 Lakana Bun

29 Mandy Chan

30 Mary Horng

31 Matthew Chong

32 Melisa Li

33 Nancy Phan

34 Nancy Tran

35 Pooja Shah

36 Rebecca Phuong

37 Ryan Fong

38 Sara Vidovic

39 Sharon Wang

40 Sridatta Thatipamala

41 Sua Kim

42 Tinnie Ho

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Courtney McLaughlin Pledge ClassSpring 2014 Pledge Committee



Actives (continued)

43 Tyler Weng

45 Wiemond Wu

46 Yoyo Tsai


Bill Wells -- --University & Scouting


Millicent Morris Chaney -- --

University Faculty Advisor


Robert B. DiMartino -- -- Faculty

Advisor --

Geoffrey Lee -- -- Chapter Advisor --

Karen He -- -- Communiy Advisor --

Extra SignaturesIf you meet an active who is not already on the Active Signature Sheet, you can talk to them and get their signature. Each signature would counted

along with the ones received from the actives already on the sheet itself

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Spring 2014 Pledge CommitteeThe Pledge Committee is currently comprised of the Pledgemaster and nine Pledge Trainers. It is their duty to guide pledges throughout the semester so they can become good actives and members of the Gamma Gamma chapter of Alpha Phi Omega. Pledge Trainers assist with the administrative details of the pledge program at various levels. They have the honor of performing much of the work that it takes to put together a successful pledge program.

(Just in case you didn’t read this in the ExComm section)

PledgemasterVivian NguyenJennifer Sun Pledge Class“Batman” Yeah, you see that picture right there? That’s Zachary Levi and me. You don’t know who he is? Lies. He’s the voice of Flynn in Tangled and the star of the T.V. show, Chuck! So yes, you should be very jealous. Now let’s get straight to it and let me tell you a little about myself! I’ll do it in bullet points so you’re more likely to read it.

�� 6HQLRU��6RFLRORJ\�0DMRU��(GXFDWLRQ�0LQRU��,�ZDQW�WR�ZRUN�LQ�WKH�HGXFDWLRQ�¿HOG�RQH�GD\��� I’m from San Diego and I loveee warm weather and of course, the beach�� I absolutely love fried food and boba�� I’m a T.V. junkie so I binge watch T.V. during breaks (Sherlock, Game of Thrones, The Walk-ing Dead, Suits, HIMYM, American Horror Story, and my all time favorite is Friends!)�� I like to dance & sing (for fun, of course), listen to music, read, hang with friends, go to the gym (when I have time) and eat eat eat �� I’ve been listening to a lot of R&B/Hip Hop and EDM, but my favorite artist is Ingrid Michael-son�� I really like traveling but I wish I had more money to travel�� I like to talk (and I do it a lot) and getting to know people really well so I tend to ask a lot of questions, but it’s because I want to hear your story!�� I’ve been through a lot of aspects of APO so if you ever have any questions or concerns feel free to ask me. It doesn’t have to be just about APO either!

* I have a feeling not many people read bios so I will set out a task. Whoever reads this and comes up to PH�¿UVW�ZKHUH�,�WRRN�P\�SLFWXUH�WKDW�ZDV�XVHG�IRU�WKH�ELR�DQG�KRZ�,�PHW�=DFKDU\�/HYL��,�ZLOO�JLYH�\RX�D�little prize (prize is TBD) and brownie points for reading this!

Leadership TrainerBella Tsay

Kingsley Kuang Pledge Class“Robin”

Hi! I’m Bella, current sophomore and intended nutrition science major. I pledged KK semester and am very excited to be entering my third semester in APO as your leadership trainer. I was born and raised in Pleasanton, also known as the end of the blue line on Bart. Random things I love include: Miyazaki, Harry Potter, hiking, food with faces, whales, and the Food Network. Come talk to me if you are passionate about any of these things! And if you’re not, come talk to me anyways as I can assure you that I’m very friendly. APO has brought me lots of wonderful things since I pledged a year ago, and I can’t wait to see what it has in store for all of you. Best of luck to you guys; I can’t wait to get to know you all!

Fellowship Co-TrainerAnn ChanKingsley KuangPledge Class“Superman”

Hai all, my name is Ann Chan (yes, it rhymes). My major is chemical biology and I’m a sophomore. I am from Diamond Bar, California: a small city about 20 minutes from Disneyland. I have one older and two younger brothers. In a house full of boys I was raised to be tough and fend for myself; I’d like to think I could KROG�P\�RZQ�LQ�D�¿JKW��,�VSHQG�D�ORW�RI�WLPH�ZLWK�P\�LPPHGLDWH�and extended family; it’s always a good time with them because they are as crazy, weird and loud as I am. As far as favorite things, my favorite place, other than my small house that I’ve lived in my whole life, is Disneyland. My friends and I used to go Disneyland after school all the time. My favorite food is probably potatoes (CARNE ASADA FRIES)…well I love all food actually. My favorite

colors are teal and maroon. I love to go to the gym, hike, go on spontaneous adventures, play board games, bake, and read. Some of my favorite movies are Remember the Titans (I love sports movies!), Harry Potter movies and 50/50. I like all types of music except reggae and screamo. Hmm…I’m very competitive because I grew up playing a lot of sports. Oh and I’m artistically challenged. I’m pretty outgoing and friendly and love to meet new people! I love people! I’m lonerphobic so I hate being alone. I’m known to smile and laugh A LOT; come to me if you need someone to laugh at your jokes. I love to joke around and be crazy and weird; being normal is so overrated. Well… I’m excited to meet DQG�OHDUQ�DOO�DERXW�DOO�RI�\RX����&RPH�WR�P\�RI¿FH�KRXUV�RU�OHW¶V�JR�RQ�DQ�DGYHQWXUH�LQVWHDG��ZKHUHYHU�we are I promise you’ll have fun talking to me! WOOOO YAYYYY I’m excited. Kthnxforreadingbye!

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Fellowship Co-TrainerKevin Nguyen

Kingsley Kuang Pledge Class“Aquaman”

Hi all you pledges! It is my pleasure to be your fellowship trainer for your pledging semester! My name is Kevin Nguyen and I am currently a second-year, intended MCB major with an empha-sis on Immunology. I hail from one of the greatest cities in the state: Stockton! For those of you who haven’t heard of Stock-ton, then consider yourself lucky. For those who do know, then you should know you should NOT mess with me at all…or else…. Just kidding! I’m an all-around nice guy with many interests, such as sports (ultimate Frisbee!), music (I play 5 different in-struments), and video games (just started LoL, not looking good IRU�PH�WKLV�VHPHVWHU�KDKD���VR�,¶P�VXUH�ZH¶OO�JHW�DORQJ�MXVW�¿QH���I wish you all luck in your pledging and am looking forward to a great semester with you all! Peace out!

Service TrainerPreston ChanMaura Harty Pledge Class“Flash”Hi! My name is Preston Chan. Currently I’m a 4th year Public Health ma-jor who pledged Alpha Phi Omega Maura Harty semester (Fall 2012). I UHDOO\�OLNH�¿VK��$V�LQ�HDWLQJ�WKHP��DQG�DOVR�NHHSLQJ�DTXDULXPV��,�KDYH�IRXU�aquariums in my apartment right now. Fish obsession aside, I have many other hobbies as well. I like to play guitar, even though I’m pretty bad at it (I taught myself a few years back). Biking is another thing that I really enjoy, especially on a sunny, warm day. However, when I get lazy, I also really like to drive around. I guess I like having the freedom to just cruise and go wherever I want, whenever I want to. Even though I really really love fast food, I also like cooking. I took 2 years of culinary courses, but I really like experimenting on my own and straying away from recipes. My favorite type of music is alternative and top 40, but I can honestly listen to anything. I also watch a lot of TV! My favorite shows include: Friends, +RZ�,�0HW�<RXU�0RWKHU��6FUXEV��7KH�2I¿FH��6XSHUQDWXUDO��DQG�9DPSLUH�Diaries (haha). I love watching TV while eating… As I already mentioned I love fast food, but my other favorite cuisines are Japanese, Thai, and Ital-ian, even more so because I’ve been to all of those places. Oh, and I also love computer games. Bye!

Finance Co-TrainerJejee Hasdarngkul

Kingsley Kuang Pledge Class“Hawkgirl”

Hi pledges! I’m Karen and I’m a second year intended Biology major (not sure if MCB or IB). I have always lived in the Bay Area. I currently live in the hoods of San Mateo which is right across the Bay. If you ever decide to head in that direction, you have to go to this tea shop called Tpumps. It’s super delish and the line is always super long. There are also a ton of yummy Japanese restaurants in downtown San Mateo. However, I chill in the the South Bay a lot too. It’s like my second home. Any-ways, my hobbies are the typical: eating and sleeping. Apart from the typical, I enjoy shopping at Valley Fair and Stanford Shopping Centers and I like to laze around. You could say my spirit animal is a sloth. I listen to all kinds of music but for some reason my ears don’t favor the melody of hardcore country or rock. Some of the artists I’ve been listening to are Ne-Yo, Kend-rick Lamar, Ciara, Wale, YG, ASAP, Chris Brown, Justin Bieber, Joseph Vincent, New Heights, Big Bang, Jay Park, and the list goes on. I like to watch CSI, Criminal Minds, Case Closed, Big Bang Theory, and a bunch of Korean dramas. Yeah, I admit I watch Korean dramas...they are so addicting. I’m not really an outdoor person because I’m dead scared of bugs and insects. I just don’t like dirty things in general like dust, dirt, mud, etc. When I was a tiny little kid in elemen-tary school I was even scared of ants and ladybugs. Okay, I’m really bad when it comes to writing about myself so I’ll just stop now. If you want to get to know me, come talk to me! Don’t be scared...although I may seem scary at times.

Finance Co-TrainerTinOi LuiKingsley Kuang Pledge Class“Wonder Woman”Hey Pledges! My name is Debbie; pleased to make your ac-quaintance! I am currently a 3rd year Business Administration Major and a Music Minor. I love music! I was in choir since I was 7 and I played four instruments as a child. I was also in-volved in musical theatre in high school and also make up and costume design crew. I really like classical music and opera, but also appreciate the many other genres of music such as R&B, Jazz, and EDM. My favorite musical artists are Mozart, David Choi, and Michael Buble. One of my greatest passions in life is EATING! I love everything that has to do with food and Master Chef is currently my favorite show! I also like chilling

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AΦΩAΦΩ alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service. Be a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service.

CM Pledge Class Manual 52

alpha phi omegaCourtney McLaughlin Spring 2014



and watching a movie or TV series in my spare time. I am currently obsessed with Game of Thrones, 30 Rock, The Big Bang Theory, and Once Upon a Time. Besides all that, I enjoy trying new things, going on adventures, listening to jokes, and painting nails all day!


Historian TrainerJanice LaiKingsley Kuang Pledge Class“Green Lantern”Ya-hoor pledges! I am Janice your Historian Trainer and that’s just part of my name. My full name is Lai Wing Hei, Janice and I am born and raised in Hong Kong. I am an international student, and I moved to US when I was 17. I have dedicated my life to food so I became a Nutritional Science major, working my way to become a RegisteredDietitian. Come talk to me about nutrition-related issue DQG�\RX�ZLOO�¿QG�PH�HQG�XS�WDONLQJ�SDVVLRQDWHO\�DERXW�KRZ�WR�LP-prove nutrition for school kids.

I learn to speak 4 languages (or 3.5), Cantonese, English, Mandarinand a bit of Japanese. Knowing Japanese helped me watch some Japanese shows and animation without subtitles and that’s what I do in my leisure time. I love J-pop artists in Hello!Project and that is mainly what’s on my playlist. I love Japanese food too and I am always searching for a good Japanese restaurant… In general I love everything about Japan! My dream is to take a year off and go work in Japan on my own.

Besides my Japanese addiction, I have a few cool hobbies too. I started singing last semester and I am now a member of UC Women’s Chorale. We sing cool A Cappella music and I can harmonize ‘Sweetdreams are made of these’ and other songs if you would sing for me! I love photography, cooking and sleeping… and I have a collection of a certain kind of animal. (Ask me about it!)

I am very friendly and approachable so feel free to talk to me! I hope to get to know every one of you and JXLGH�\RX�DORQJ�WKH�ZD\�RI�SOHGJLQJ��3OHGJLQJ�$3KL2�KDV�JLYHQ�PH�D�IXO¿OOLQJ�H[SHULHQFH�DQG�KDV�JLYHQ�me a sense of belonging in Berkeley and in the US. I hope you will enjoy pledging as much as I did and if you have any concern, don’t hesitate to talk to any of your PComm members (me!me!me!) because we are always here for you.

Pledge Committee Photo MissionsIntroduction and Rules of Engagement7R�FRPSOHWH�D�SKRWR�PLVVLRQ��RU�³VQHDN´��PHPEHUV�RI�WKH�SOHGJH�FODVV�PXVW�¿QG�D�PHPEHU�RI�3&RPP�during the start of their weekend (more details given at #4 & #5) outside of Alpha Phi Omega HYHQWV�DQG�FDSWXUH�WKH�PRPHQW�RQ�¿OP��5HPHPEHU��WKH�real objective�RI�D�PLVVLRQ�LV�WR�¿QG�D�PHP-ber of PComm and to build pledge class unity in the process.

Rules:1. At least eight (8) pin-wearing pledges�PXVW�EH�SUHVHQW�DQG�LGHQWL¿DEOH�LQ�WKH�SKRWRJUDSK�2. A pledge who wishes to receive credit for the photo mission MUST be wearing their pin.3. A legible sign, reading “Mission Accomplished by the Courntey McLaughlin Pledge Class” and including the date of the mission and the name(s) of the PComm individual(s) must be pres-ent in the photograph. The signatures of all eligible pledges of the Sneak shall be recorded and signed on the back of the banner, which is then surrendered to the victim.

Restrictions:4. An individual may be a target beginning one hour after his/her last class or work for the week is scheduled to end, until one hour before�KLV�KHU�¿UVW�FODVV�RU�ZRUN�IRU�WKH�QH[W�ZHHN�5. During the weekend, an individual may NOT be a target during or in the hour before and after: DQ�RI¿FLDO�$32�HYHQW��FRPPLWHH�PHHWLQJ��%LJ�)DPLO\�HYHQW��RU�RWKHU�FRPPLWPHQWV��H�J���RWKHU�H[WUDFXU-riculars, work, etc.) a) Should an event end earlier/later than scheduled, the one hour buffer shall begin after circling up and the completion of the Toast Song. b) Should an event have no scheduled ending time, the one hour buffer shall begin once the individual being targeted has left the event. 6. Sneaks CANNOT be conducted on any property of the University of California, Berkeley (e.g., dining commons, units, Underhill, RSF, etc.) The inside border will henceforth be designated as the side of the street that a campus building resides.7. Sneaks CANNOT be conducted in the building complex within which the target resides NOR on the side(s) of the street the building complex is located.8. Sneaks CANNOT be conducted in the residence of another person without that resident’s expressed consent.9. Sneaks shall be conducted in a SAFE manner. The target may attempt to run or escape, but a two-handed tag from four of the pledges (with the others in at least a 20-meter radius of the target) results in a successful capture, forcing the target to stay in place. Physically restraining a target shall UHVXOW�LQ�WKH�SKRWR�PLVVLRQ�EHLQJ�GLVTXDOL¿HG���6LPLODUO\��D�WDUJHW�WKDW�SK\VLFDOO\�UHVLVWV�capture will result in a successful mission.10. A targeted individual CANNOT be tagged while in an automobile.11. A targeted individual CANNOT be “snuck” when either in the presence of alcohol--because pledge pins cannot be worn/visibily shown (violating #2)--or is intoxicated.

Reward/Punishment12. If successful, the photo mission’s target MUST award each participating pledge a Pledge Dollar. Also, pledges are allowed one free Interview (used at anytime).13. If successful, the photo mission’s target shall then be invited by the participating pledges to a din-ner, with the pledges acting as host. The dinner must be conducted within seven days from the date of the successful photo mission.

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AΦΩ alpha phi omegaBe a Leader. Be a Friend. Be of Service.

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Courtney McLaughlin Spring 2014


14. More importantly, with each sneak, pledges can hold bragging rights over their PComm target and, by extension, over the entier PComm.Reverse Photo Missions/Sneaks15. PComm may also conduct Reverse Sneaks upon the pledges. The same rules/restrictions list-ed above (#2-11) applies except all 10 members of PComm MUST be present. Consequent-ly, whenever all 10 are together, PComm is INVINCIBLE and CANNOT be targeted. And, PComm will also owe the targeted pledge with dinner, which must take place within seven days of the sneak. Take Notice: DO NOT do anything illegal or anything that might put the target of your mission or your fellow pledges in danger... Simply put, use common sense! This includes NOT surrounding cars to prevent a target’s escape. Please allow the target to leave, as the SRWHQWLDO�GDQJHU�RXWZHLJKV�WKH�EHQH¿WV.

Pledge Oak & Sturdy OakPledge OakPledges who go above and beyond the call of duty during their pledge semester may be conferred the Pledge Oak award. Akin to the active Sturdy Oak award, this award is handed out to those pledges who willingly and voluntarily demonstrate great devotion to our chapter and our three cardinal principles by doing more than merely the minimal pledge requirements. That is part of being a Leader and part of being committed to Service and Friendship. Each semester, PComm determines which pledges are worthy of this honor. The award is conferred at the end-of-semester Banquet.

Sturdy OakActives who go above and beyond the call of duty during their active semester may be conferred the Sturdy Oak award. This award is handed out to those actives who willingly and voluntarily demonstrate great devotion to our chapter and our three cardinal principles by doing more than merely the minimal active requirements. That is part of being a Leader and part of being committed to Service and Friend-ship. Each semester, ExComm determines which pledges are worthy of this honor. The award is con-ferred at the end-of-semester Banquet.

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The fraternity coat of arms and other logos may be trademarked by Alpha Phi Omega and are used with permission. The Alpha Phi Omega oaths and promises are copyrighted 1985 by Alpha Phi Omega and are used with permission. This manual is the property of the Gamma Gamma chapter of Alpha Phi Omega and must be returned upon request. This pledge manual was originally created by the Fall 1993 Pledge Committee, with revisions made by the Fall 1995 Pledge Committee. Major revisions and additions were made in the 3rd edition by the Spring 1996 Pledge Committee. Special thanks also to the Spring 1996 Executive Committee, Sueanna Fong, Joel Tchao, and Kristine “Yoon” Yoo for their valuable contributions. The 4th-6th editions were assembled by their respective Pledge Committees with assistance from Stephen Wang and Will Yu. The seventh edition was completely redone by Paul Choung and Harry Hwang, following the same format as previous editions. The 8th-18th edition consists of a compilation of revisions by David Sheh, My Linh Nguyen, Harvey Duan, Erica Tu, Thomas Hong, Michael Southworth, James Byun, Dennis Mo, Nicholas Yap, Julie Truong, Ali Carbonel, Gloria Wu, Christine Vu, Armand Cuevas, Celina Zeng, Tonia Tran, and Jeffrey Zeng from 2005-2013. This 19h edition was edited by Vivian Nguyen.Alpha Phi Omega is ASUC Funded and Wheelchair Accessible.

Table of ContentsIntroductionFrom the Pledgemaster 3Be a Leader 4Be a Friend 4Be of Service 5On Brotherhood 6On Being a Pledge 6On Being an Active 7On Being an Alumnus 8

Gamma Gamma Chapter InformationOur History 10The Distinguished Service Key Award 15The Family System 17Executive Committee Overview 18Chapter Presidents 19Orders of Election & Succession 19$SSRLQWHG�2I¿FHUV�DQG�&KDLUV� ���Membership Policies 22Spring 2014 Executive Committee 23Chapter Advisors 28

Pledge Class InformationPledge Class Namesakes 32Your Pledge Class Namesake 33Requirements Checklist 35Pledge Committees 36Pledge Class Requirements 373([&RPP�2I¿FH�+RXUV��6LJQDWXUH�6KHHW� ��Active Signature Sheet 44Spring 2014 Pledge Committee 47Pledge Committee Photo Missions 53Pledge Oak & Sturdy Oak 54

AppendicesChapter Resources 55How to Chair an Event in Ten Easy Steps 55Reimbursements 56Fellowship Guidelines 56The Scouting Tradition 57Contact Information 58Gamma Gamma FAQ 59