
10 Little Changes for Big Weight Loss Results

Eat eggs for breakfast

According to a 2008 study published in the International Journal of Obesity, swapping out your morning bagel for eggs could help you lose 65 percent more weight. Subjects who ate eggs for breakfast lost more weight, body fat and inches from their waist than those who ate the same amount of calories in the form of a bagel. Researchers believe the higher protein content of the eggs helps you stay fuller, longer and leads to eating less throughout the day.

Turn off the tv

You know you probably shouldn’t, but sometimes you eat in front of the TV or computer. But do you know how much it affects your waistline? Studies show that we eat around 40 percent more when watching TV and we’re more likely to eat junk food while distracted. To lose weight without major sacrifice, power down your TV, computer or smart phone during dinner and concentrate only on your meal.

Focus on the futureFeeling positive about the future, rather than focusing on the past or present, is more likely to lead you toward a healthier snack, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Consumer Research. Instead of rewarding your happiness with a candy bar in the moment (or eating one for comfort), focus on the future outcome (like a healthier, lighter you) so you’ll make better choices in the present.

Slim down your daily coffee

Removing just two teaspoons of sugar from your daily cup of coffee may not seem like a big deal, but it can save you 32 extra calories a day or three extra pounds a year, says Morgan. If you’re a coffeehouse fiend and make two trips a day, consider this: Skipping that afternoon latte could save you an extra 54,750 calories (more than 15 pounds!) -- and almost a thousand bucks -- by the end of the year.

Add fruits & veggies

Weight loss doesn’t always mean cutting down on things. In fact, adding in more fruits and vegetables helps you stay fuller, longer, with less calories and more nutrition. To lose weight without feeling hungry, eat at least one serving of fruit or vegetables with every snack and two with meals, recommends Rachel Begun, a registered dietitian and food industry consultant in Rye Brook, N.Y.

Take a time out

Too much stress could be thwarting your weight loss efforts. “Cortisol is the stress hormone in your body that glues itself onto fat and keeps it on your hips, abs and thighs,” says Jillian Moriarty, a certified yoga instructor and owner of Happily Ever Active in Wayzata, Minn. To decrease cortisol and decrease fat, try this quick time out every day (especially when stressed), recommends Moriarty. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and choose a mantra such as ‘relax’ or ‘let go’ and repeat it in your mind as you take slow, deep breaths for about 10 minutes

Eat a lighter lunch

According to a new Cornell University study, people who ate smaller, portion-controlled lunches consumed about 250 calories less per day (that’s about two pounds a month) than those who ate as much as they wanted. Portion control doesn’t mean you’ll go hungry. Reward yourself with a snack for sticking to smaller meals, which can help shave off pounds without major sacrifice.

Go for a walk immediately after a meal

Walking is great exercise for weight loss, but it seems to be even more effective when done just after eating. A 2011 Japanese study found that walking immediately after a meal was more effective for weight loss than waiting up to an hour afterwards. Subjects who went for a brisk, 30-minute walk just after lunch and dinner lost more weight than those who waited to walk. And because walking is a low impact form of exercise, it shouldn’t cause any digestive distress.

Chew More to Weigh Less

Chewing your food 40 times (instead of the average 15 times) can may help you eat about 12 percent less food, says a new study from China published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The study found a direct correlation between chewing more and lower levels of the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin and higher levels of CCK, the hormone believed to reduce appetite. Cutting your calorie intake by only 12 percent may not sound like much, but that translates to a loss of almost 25 pounds over 12 months.

Get Some Sunshine

One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that obese subjects had 57 percent lower levels of Vitamin D than non-obese participants. “Getting about 15 minutes of sun exposure every day can boost your vitamin D3 levels, which has been linked to increasing your body’s type 2, fast twitch muscle cell fibers (which help you perform explosive movements such as jumping) enhancing your athletic performance,” says Dodge.
