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Select 4 questions from the list below and create essay plans for them. Your essay plans need to include an explanation of what the question is asking you to do, a structure for answering the question, key quotations for each paragraph/section (include page references) and a written conclusion


1. The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them.

2. When all the other ranch hands go to town, Lennie, Crooks and Candy are left behind. Explain what they have in common that causes them to be left out.

3. Choose two characters from the list below, say why you think they are important in the novel and how Steinbeck presents them: Candy; Crooks; Curley; Curley’s Wife; Slim.

4. Of Mice and Men has been described ‘as nearly perfect as any book can be’. How do you respond to the novel as a whole? Write about:

how you respond to the novel how Steinbeck makes you respond by the ways he writes.

5. Many readers find that Of Mice and Men is a sad book. How far do you agree? 6. How does Steinbeck create sympathy for Lennie in Of Mice and Men? 7. Many people in the novel suffer from disappointment. Choose any three of the following characters and discuss what reasons they have to be disappointed about their life: Crooks - Curley - George - Candy

8. Which character do you feel most sorry for in this story? Explain your choice by referring closely to the events of the novel.

9. Slim is the only character in the novel who is not handicapped in some way. Do you agree?

10. Write about the importance of dreams in Of Mice and Men. Write about:

• the dreams in the novel • how the writer shows the importance of dreams.

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How does Steinbeck create sympathy for Lennie in Of Mice and Men? K Jones In the introduction I would write my initial thoughts on what make you sympathies for Lennie. For example we sympathises for Lennie because he does not realises the difference between killing a woman and killing a dog. After you have expressed your thoughts you have to expand on each one. You can do this by separating each point into a paragraph making sure you use quotations and explain your point by thinking of the moral and philosophical point of why Steinbeck has done this. Key quotations: “I done a bad thing, I done another bad thing.” Page 128 This shows Lennie doesn’t understand. “Jesus,’ he said. ‘He’s jes’like a kid, ain’t he.” Page 68 This shows the reader that he can be looked at like a kid.


2. When all the other ranch hands go to town, Lennie, Crooks and Candy are left behind. Explain what they have in common that causes them to be left out. O Faulkner Here I would first off mention how in the novel they are seen as outsiders to the rest of the ranch because they all have something wrong with them, whether it is racial, mental, societal, physical, ageist or sexist. However sexism is shown through Curleys Wife, she could also be seen as an outsider and so could be linked in the essay. First off I will answer the question straight away by saying what they have in common then I will go into detail linking each character to each part off discrimination that is going on. Key quotations Lennie- ‘Lennie covered his face with his huge paws and bleated with terror’ page 91 -‘Lennie watched in terror the little flopping man whom he held’ page 91 Crooks-‘why aint you wanted’ Lennie asked, ‘because I’m black’ page 100 Candy-‘ ‘ I ought to have shot that dog myself, not let some stranger shoot it’ page 61 This quotation links to the ending of the story and how Lennie links to candy because candy saying this more or less makes the audience know now that George will shoot Lennie

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5. Many readers find that Of Mice and Men is a sad book. How far do you agree? O Faulkner Here I would mention why some readers would find it a sad book my mentioning the deaths of lots of characters including Lennie and candy’s dog. Also people may link it to society at the time and how Steinbeck shows that there is no hope for dreamers. Then I would look at reasons why people wouldn’t see the novel as sad e.g. mention how readers may of thought that George and Lennie chasing their dream was a very long shot and how it was just like someone wanting to be a football player in today’s society. And so that the death of the dream was going to happen sooner or later. First off I would answer the question by saying why some people find it sad and why some people don’t. Then I would go into detail about why they think it’s a sad story and why it isn’t. through all this I would be linking quotations to back up why they believe this. Key quotations Curleys Wife ‘ if I catch any one man an he’s alone, we get on jus fine but just let two guys get together and you wont talk, your all scared of each other’ The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them. G Wells Paragraph 1= I will talk about the deaths of the two. Paragraph 2= The difference between the killers of the two Paragraph 3= The reasons of death Coclusion= whether the deaths were necessary and as a reader what I thought about them. 5. Many readers find that Of Mice and Men is a sad book. How far do you agree? G Wells Paragraph 1= sad points Paragraph 2= good points Paragraph 3= compare the good and bad points Conclusion= the novel is sad but in the conclusion I will sum up how sad it is when you add the good points to it 9. Slim is the only character in the novel who is not handicapped in some way. Do you agree? G Wells Paragraph 1= about Slim Paragraph 2= other characters that are handicapped Paragraph3= characters that are not handicapped Conclusion= My response to the question based on the facts I get to the 3 paragraphs before

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6. How does Steinbeck create sympathy for Lennie in Of Mice and Men? G Wells Paragraph 1= how Steinbeck describes Lennie from the start Paragraph 2= the things that happen to Lennie to make us feel sympathy for him Paragraph 3= Then the things that make us feel less sympathetic like the killing of the pup and the crushing of Curleys fist Conclusion= whether Lennie is as helpless as he seems but chooses not to stand up because he doesn’t want to get told off by George 2. When all the other ranch hands go to town, Lennie, Crooks and Candy are left behind. Explain what they have in common that causes them to be left out. L Humphrey Write an introduction explaining the task Lennie, Crooks and Candy are left behind when the others go into town To start this section off I would explain how John Steinbeck emphasises characters that are seen as outsiders, relate this to how society have a racist view over Crooks. Also talk about how discrimination affects Lennie because of his ill minded behaviour and how he is not like everyone else

You must explain the similarities between these characters and then create a contrast explaining their differences. This structures the paragraph and allows you to answer the question quickly. The use of quotations as evidence to back up your view must be used as this bumps up your mark. Candy was left behind because old and frail self, also because he did not follow the story line by shooting his dog as he got Carlson to do it. This is different because George shot the weaker character and his pair, by providing a dignified death. Lennie left behind due to his unusually body and ill minded behaviour. Also because of when he was working he was better than the other workers, so they became jealous of him. Conclusion – tie all the loose ends up by summarising briefly why the people didn’t go into town, because of the racist remarks made by the rest of the ranch members. Use the quotes listed below

Character Quote Lennie ‘Lennie covered his face with his huge paws and bleated in terror’ Page 91 Point Comparisons to an animal ‘Lennie watched in terror the flopping little man whom he held’ Page 91 Point A subtle comparisons between Curley’s dog

Crooks ‘why ai’nt you wanted? Lennie asked because I’m black Page 100 Point Racist comments

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5. Many readers find that Of Mice and Men is a sad book. How far do you agree? L Humphreys Introduction explaining the story line at the start and the end. How the themes affect the mood, e.g. death, relationship’s, Father and son Link these to how a saddened mood is created but this can also create a happier mood as a dignified death can be created (e.g. when George shot Lennie at the end of the novel) Father and son relationship between George and Lennie shows a saddened mood because this bonding built up over the course of the novel is killed off at the end when Lennie is shot. Many readers find that Of Mice and Men is a sad book. How far do you agree? A Rich This question is asks you to identify why some readers of OMAM find this to be a sad book. So even if you don’t find this the novel sad you need to speculate why someone would find it to be sad. For this question you need to decide which section within the book is going to give the biggest impact in the story that forces readers to adopt an emotional impression, this being sadness. Furthermore this question asks you to what degree do you agree with the section you have highlighted that gives the final emotional impression. Introduction In your introduction you could choose to talk about- Where Steinbeck has included the largest emotional impression within the novel I think that the emotional impression is largely based near the end of the novel where George shoots Lennie. Why does the reader then label the book as ‘sad’ This could be because of the struggling friendship that Steinbeck has expressed through the novel and how it has been abruptly ended. Do not go into too much detail in your introduction. Try to aim for half a page for the intro. Paragraph 2 In paragraph two of your essays you must now elaborate on how the section you have chosen makes the reader feel sad

The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them. G Hill Introduction – write about how candy’s old dog was killed, who killed the dog and why he killed the dog. Paragraph 1 – Explain why the killing of candy’s dog is similar to the killing of Lennie. Paragraph 2 - How the relationship between candy and his dog is similar to George and Lennie.

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Paragraph 3 – write about the links with euthanasia and the time the book was set in using the quote ‘I ought to have shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn’t ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog’ (candy, bottom of pg 89) Conclusion – summarise the links between the two killings, explain why at first they seem wrong but it becomes clear that they were mercy killing for the ‘greater good’. When all the other ranch hands go to town, Lennie, Crooks and Candy are left behind. Explain what they have in common that causes them to be left out? G Hill Introduction – write briefly about what the 3 men have in common and why they are different to the men that have gone into town. Paragraph 1- Explain how Lennie, Crooks and candy are outcasts from the other men on the ranch. Paragraph 2- Lennie, Crooks and candy all have a form of disability write about how the three men are mentally physically and socially disabled compared to the rest of the men on the ranch.(‘sure he’s jes’ like a kid’ pg 69) (‘out of the sleeve came a round stick like wrist, but no hand’ pg 39)(‘I aint wanted in the bunk house, and you aint wanted in my room.’ pg 101) Cocclusion – summarise Question 1 – The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them. K Hayton In my introduction I would talk about how Candy’s dog died For paragraph one, I would highlight a similarity and difference, and use some quotations – how Lennie and the dog were both killed by the same gun, Carlson’s Luger – “He went to his bunk, pulled his bag from underneath it, and took out a Luger pistol.” – (Carlson, top of page 74), “he reached in his side pocket and brought out Carlson’s Luger, he snapped off the safety, and the hand and gun lay on the ground behind Lennie’s back.” – (George, top of pg 146) For paragraph two, I would talk about how the killing of candy’s dog leads to the key plot of George being influenced to kill Lennie himself – (Euthanasia) – pg 89 near bottom, “I ought to have shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn’t ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog.” For paragraph three, I would say the point about how Lennie and the dog are both killed in the back of the head (links to Euthanasia) “the way I’d shoot him, he wouldn’t feel nothing. I’d put the gun right there. He pointed with his toe. Right in the back of the head. He wouldn’t even quiver.” – (Carlson, top of pg 72), “And George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle close to the back of Lennie’s head.” – (George, Bottom of pg 147) For the conclusion, I would write about how there are mainly more similarities than differences in the way both are killed, but how they are all linked to Euthanasia, where the killer thinks they are doing it for the right reasons, and to be merciful.

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Question 2 - When all the other ranch hands go to town, Lennie, Crooks and Candy are left behind. Explain what they have in common that causes them to be left out. K Hayton For the introduction, I would write briefly about why the ‘Outcasts’ are left behind. For paragraph one, I would write about how they are all ‘Outcasts’. For paragraph two, I would go into more detail about their disabilities and use quotes – “Jesus, he said. He’s jes’ like a kid, ain’t he?” (Slim talking about Lennie pg 69), The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them. K Mabbutt Candys dog killed like Lennie. “Back of the head, where the spine meets the skull.” Didn’t have to be killed but were killed out of mercy Carlson just wanted to shoot them both “(dog) ill shoot him for you” “(Lennie) ill get my Luger) Both painless deaths. “right there, he wouldn’t feel a thing” Both people with close companion i.e. Candy and his dog, Lennie and George. 7. Many people in the novel suffer from disappointment. Choose any three of the following characters and discuss what reasons they have to be disappointed about their life: Crooks - Curley - George – Candy K Mabbutt • Crooks= black and crippled, a double social reject and wont get far in life because of

disability. He is also lonely because he is always left out. “Why aint you wanted?” “cus im black!”

• Candy=old and crippled, his dog has been killed and his last chance to die a happy old man at the ranch with George and Lennie died when Lennie did. When Lennie is about to be killed he repeatedly asks George “we still gonna get the ranch aren’t we George?”

• George 8. Which character do you feel most sorry for in this story? Explain your choice by referring closely to the events of the novel. K Mabbutt Chose Lennie He is mentally ill but nobody knows He is forced to try and live normally with problems Tormented by visions of aunt clara “but you don’t take no care, you always done bad things Also tormented by a giant rabbit “Well hes sick of you”

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8. Which character do you feel most sorry for in this story? Explain your choice by referring closely to the events of the novel. T Price Paragraph 1 I chose Lennie because Mentally tormented by rabbit and aunt Clara Rabbit-‘well he’s sick of you said the rabbit’ Aunt Clara- ‘But you don’t take no care you do bad things’ Paragraph 2 Dies ‘ He pulled the trigger’ Para 3 Is left out because of his mental handicap Left at the ranch when the others are at the ‘cat house’ ‘everyone went into town he said’

1. The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them. T Price Para 1 Describe dog killing Candy protests –looks to Slim ‘why don’t you shoot him Candy…Well - hell! I had him so long Long silence –include personification ‘the silence fell on the room again’ Awkward silence ‘what the hells takin’ him so long’ Para 2 Describe Lennie killing Calms Lennie down ‘I ain’t never been mad’ Tells him about rabbits ‘Look over there like you can almost see it’ People coming building tension ‘George turned his head and listened to the shots’ Para 3 Differences+ similarities Shot in same place ‘Back of the head where the spine meets the skull’ Carlson wanted to shoot both Lennie ‘I’ll get my luger’ dog ‘ I’ll shoot him for you’ Friend kills, stranger kills.

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When all the other ranch hands go to town, Lennie, Crooks and Candy are left behind. Explain what they have in common that causes them to be left out. S Hare The question simply asks why these three characters are left out so the differences between those three and the ranch hands need to be explained. Also the similarities these three characters have should also be discussed. Quotes that describe the three characters disabilities or differences: Candy - “And out of the sleeve came a round stick-like wrist but no hand” – Shows equality (useless). Crooks - “His body was bent over to the left by his crooked spine” – Has a disability along with being a stable buck (coloured man) (Society beliefs of coloured people at the time – prejudice). Crooks - “He kept his distance and demanded that other people kept theirs” – Lonely, Unaccepted) Lennie - “George says I gotta stay here and get in no trouble” – Shows that Lennie doesn’t understand Paragraph 1 – Introduction: Introduce the question and the characters involved. Paragraph 2 – Talk about the similarities between the three characters, the way there seen by society (racism, mental disabilities and age) Paragraph 3 – The way they are seen by the other ranch hands (Slim describes Lennie as a “big kid”, Carlson describes the dog as old and no use, links to the way Candy is now, Crooks as a coloured person, not called by his name known as Stable-buck) Paragraph 4 – Conclusion: The three characters are known as outsiders in Of Mice And Men because of differences and similarities between each over and other ranch hands. The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them. A Bailey

The question is asking me to compare two different scenes in the book one that is about the death of candy’s dog and the other is the death of Lennie.

Paragraph 1: The introduction here I write what I am writing about and what I think of these two scenes.

Paragraph 2: Use quotations and descriptions to describe the scene with the killing of Candy’s dog I will then write a small conclusion to summarise what I think of the text.

Paragraph 3: Use quotations and descriptions to describe the scene with the killing of Lennie I will then write a small conclusion to summarise what I think of the text.

Paragraph 4: I will then compare the two texts and point out the similarities and differences before writing a conclusion for both of the texts.

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Conclusion: To conclude I think that the killing of Candy’s dog and the killing of Lennie are similar in the way that they both point out the morals of euthanasia one difference is that after Candy’s dog is killed he admits that he should have killed the dog himself, “I should have shot that dog myself, I shouldn’t have let no stranger shoot it” so when Lennie is going to be killed George steps up and shoots Lennie himself. 5. Many readers find that Of Mice and Men is a sad book. How far do you agree? A Bailey This question is asking me my opinion on if I think that of mice and men is a sad book Paragraph 1: I will explain if I think the book is sad Paragraph 2: I will explain the sad themes in the book and the happy themes and compare the two Conclusion: I think the book is a sad book because Steinbeck builds a sympathetic and emotional bond to Lennie so that when he is killed at the end of the book the reader feels not angry at Lennie for getting himself into the mess and they don’t blame George for killing him because the reader, throughout the book becomes to realise that George is not a bad person and only does what is best for Lennie and so by the end of the book the reader does not really blame anyone but only feels sad that these unfortunate circumstances befell Lennie. The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings,

pointing out any similarities and differences between them.

A Dye First, in my intro I will write briefly about what I will talk about, and a bit about the deaths. In my second paragraph I will then go compare the deaths of Candy’s dog and of Lennie. I will find the similarities and differences between them. In the same paragraph I will compare the killers of Lennie and the dog. In the third paragraph, I will talk about the reasons for which the aforementioned were killed. Conclusion: my conclusion is based around the fact that the death of Candy’s dog does indeed lead to the death of Lennie, and some key similarities make us see why. Mostly being the way Lennie was killed, by a shot to the back of the neck, similar to Candy’s dog. They were both killed in a mercy kill fashion, with it being decided they are no good to anyone, including themselves. 5. Many readers find that Of Mice and Men is a sad book. How far do you agree? A Dye First, my intro I will write briefly about the happy and sad points of the book. In my second paragraph, I will write about the good points in more detail, then I will write about the bad points.

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I will then compare the significance of the good and bad points, and try and equal out the good and bad to decide if its more happy or sad. This will probably be most influenced by the end of the book, with the dream dead, along with George’s best friend. I think that the book is more sad than happy, it spends the whole book building up the idea of dreams and friendship, only to knock us down with the ending, in which Lennie is killed. This vastly defeats the happiness in the book, leaving the ending we’d hoped for in ruins, and instead with a dead friend, and another who will be miserable for the rest of his life. 6. How does Steinbeck create sympathy for Lennie in Of Mice and Men? A Dye I will make my intro by saying that Stienbeck begins from the very start of the novel, making Lennie appear to be a very child like and un-intelligent person. I will write my second paragraph about some of the things that happen to Lennie that truly make us feel sympathy towards him, such as the incident with Curley’s Wife, in which he didn’t want to get in trouble, and killed her by accident. In my third paragraph, I will write about the moments that make Lennie seem less helpless, like when he kills things or is forced into fighting. I conclude that Lennie is a character we are made to feel sympathy for. He starts out as someone who appears as a massive burden to George, but unintentionally. He is then later revealed to talk to apparitions of his own mind, making us realise that he is in fact completely insane. This makes us feel that maybe he has had these apparitions all the way through the book, and this makes us feel even more sorry for him. 2. When all the other ranch hands go to town, Lennie, Crooks and Candy are left behind. Explain what they have in common that causes them to be left out. J Coolican This question is asking me to talk about the reasons why some of the people on the ranch are segregated from doing things with the rest of the group.

Paragraph 1- Introduction

Paragraph 2- Lennie Quotations on what makes Lennie seem different to the others

Paragraph 3- Crooks Quotations to show why he thinks he is different to others

Paragraph 4- Candy Show how he thinks that when he is too old to work he’ll be scrapped

Paragraph 5- Why they are the same and therefore grouped together by the rest of the ranch hands. Quotations from the scene where the 3 are together in Crooks room to show how they are all similar.

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Paragraph 6-The others pick up on differences and therefore push them out of things. Quotations from when the ranch hands are together showing the differences between this and the scene in Crooks room.

Paragraph 7-Conclusion 3. Choose two characters from the list below, say why you think they are important in the

novel and how Steinbeck presents them: Candy; Crooks; Curley; Curley’s Wife; Slim.

R Jones What the question is asking: To pick out important events in the novella and to describe how they fit into the story through the things they do and they way they are described Paragraph one: Curley’s Wife’s description when first enters the story: Curley’s Wife “a brake screeched outside. A call came ‘Stable-buck. Oh sta-ble buck.’” Pg 52. The screech of brakes shows she is an accident waiting to happen. “She had full, rouged lips with wide-spaced eyes, heavily made up. Her finger nails were red. Her hair rolled into little rolled clusters, like sausages,” Could be showing she is ‘tasty’ “She wore a cotton house dress and red mules, on the bottom of which there were bouquets of red ostrich feathers” pg 53 showing she is a ‘bird’ but cannot fly away. Candy’s description: “The old man” pg 39 is how he is first described, like he is neglected and not cared about immediately because he is old, it also says he has “whiskers” pg40 which could say he’s like a dog Paragraph 2: what they have to do with the novel Curley’s Wife: Is one of the outsiders and is the person in the end who gets killed which made the whole mess with Curley wanting to kill Lennie. Candy: Is an old man who has no more prospects in life. His dog gets shot in chapter 3. This shows the first relevance to euthanasia which will be used with Lennie later on “ I should have killed my dog”. He also gets in on the dream with George and Lennie, and when that fails he becomes useless again. Paragraph 3: Who do they represent? Both show they are outcasts in society Curley’s Wife: describes the typical Wife at the time; not well cared for, mostly treated as an object. Her shoes “Bouquets of ostrich feathers” show she cannot get away because she cannot fly. Candy: Represents the elderly, showing as soon as people get older they get thrown out of society, symbolised slightly by the dog killing. Conclusion Curley’s Wife: I think Curley’s Wife is very important in the novella though she does not make any big changes in the story line till the end of the Novella but she does give across the bad treatment of women in the era. At the end when she gets killed by Lennie, this shows that no-one really cared about her because no-one thought that she might be in danger with Lennie, however when Lennie attacked Curley, they tried to get Lennie off. She shows that women are treated as objects and not valued for their personalities or other qualities

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Candy: I think Candy is relatively important in the novella because he is the person who makes the ‘dream’ possible. However when Lennie kills Curley’s Wife all hope goes for the old swamper which could be saying that for the majority of the elderly that in the bad economy all their savings have gone to waste. 4. Of Mice and Men has been described ‘as nearly perfect as any book can be’. How do

you respond to the novel as a whole?

R Jones The question is asking you to write about you personal opinion on the Novel and other views towards the book. Paragraph 1: How I respond to the novel, thought it was quite calm throughout the book, then a sudden jump of fear when Lennie kills Curley’s Wife. Paragraph 2: Describe how other people could find the book offensive; Racism, sexism etc Paragraph 3: the character… they are very simple and stereotypical, showing lots of aspects of the world at the time and lots of problems with the world. Paragraph 4: The whole story is in a long cycle which goes on and on, 2. When all the other ranch hands go to town, Lennie, Crooks and Candy are left behind. Explain what they have in common that causes them to be left out. J Nutt This question requires me to go into detail regarding the differences the characters above have in common over the other hands when going to town. It asks me to identify the characteristics that separate them and why these characteristics are stopping them from visiting the town. When answering this question I will structure the answer in a way that will answer the question immediately. I will go into detail about the differences the characters have and will then follow it up with areas of evidence such as quotations on the physical attributes or mental attributes that make these characters different, I will then finally conclude my point and link it to any other aspects such as other context’s or societal areas I will relate to the other characters throughout the answer commenting on what makes them different in comparison to them and why there presence is not encouraged.. Key Quotations, Character Quote Reference Significance Lennie “Lennie covered his face with his huge

paws and bleated” “Lennie watched in terror the flopping little man whom he held”

Pg.91 Pg.91

- This quotation supports the animalistic features of Lennie.

- This quotation shows how Lennie doesn’t know is own strength which links to why he was not able to go to town.

Crooks ‘“Why ai’nt you wanted?” Lennie asked “Because I’m black.” ’

Pg.100 - This quotation shows how Crooks is black and is not of identified as an outsider.

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Candy "I ought to of shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn't ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog."

Pg.61 - This quotation linked to the death at the end of play and why Lennie shares characteristic with Lennie, himself and his dog and the ideas of the survival of the fittest.

For question two I intend on answering the question in a simplistic but effective way. My intentions are to identify the key aspects of each character that make them an individual and an outsider in comparison to the other ranch workers, I will go through one by one why the character is the way they are and how it links to key significance’s in the play. I will link it to the societal features of the time and how it affects the outcome of the story, I will connect It to key historical occurrences of the time such as the dustbowl effect and the great depression. Once all the characters are identified and there issues have been scrutinized I will then justify why the issues they have make them different to the other ranch workers and what is stopping them from visiting the town just as the other workers do, I will further support the ideas of why this is happening and relate it to other scenario’s in the society. I will relate all aspects of the question to wider contexts. Wider context relations In terms of wider context relations Lennie has characteristic’s that link to an array of different characters. The first aspect that Lennie has that is noticeably similar is his physical presence this

The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them. H Barden This question is asking you to relate the killing of candy’s dog to the murder of Lennie, shedding light of the differences and similarities. Paragraph one: describe candy’s relationship with his dog and how far it dates back, state how they only have each other because they are both useless. ‘I had him so long, had him since he was a pup’ ‘he was the best damn sheep dog I ever seen’ Paragraph two: relate George and Lennie’s relationship to that of candy and his dog. ‘we travel round together’ Paragraph three: Describe how Candy’s dog is shot and the reasons for the execution of this innocent dog, how is this similar to how Lennie is killed and the reasons for his death? (noise then silence, noise then silence reoccurs, this builds pressure to get the killing over with) Paragraph four: the very significant difference between the two deaths, candy allowed Carlson to kill his companion, and regretted it very much. However it was George that killed Lennie. Conclusion: describe how the killing of candy’s dog makes you predict that Lennie is going to be killed. Mainly because of all the similarities between the dog and the relation ship they have with their ‘guardian’ (George or Lennie) I think that Steinbeck might be trying to pass the message of ‘survival of the fittest’.

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The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them. A Moxham What the question is asking: The question is asking you to compare the two killings, of Lennie and Candy’s dog, and to find parts from the novella to back up any similarities between them, but also which parts of the killings have been changed to suit the character. Paragraph 1: In this paragraph I would describe about what the two killings consist of, and when in the story they occurred (with page numbers to help find extra information), I would also say the reasons for killing the two characters. Paragraph 2: In this paragraph I would start to describe the similarities between the two character deaths, e.g. the position of the gun when they were to be shot, the gun that was used, why they had to be killed. One of the quotes I would use for this is ‘”I’d put the gun right there.” He pointed with his toe. “right back of the head.” Page 72, and also ‘…he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennie’s head.’ Page 148. This shows that the gun shot them both in the same place. Another similarity is that some of the characters don’t mind about the deaths or learn from them. Paragraph 3: In this paragraph I would describe the differences between the two killings, for example: the location was different, the first one we never viewed or knew if Carlson shot the dog in the back of the head, that George hesitated to kill Lennie before, and the reason for them being killed. One of the quotes to back this up would be ‘Lennie turned his head and looked off across the pool.’ Which shows that he is in a different location at death than the dog was. Paragraph 4: In this paragraph I would describe my views of both killings and bring to a conclusion of what they could be depicted as, as well as looking into them in a philosophical view to look into the happenings in more detail. How does Steinbeck create sympathy for Lennie in Of Mice and Men? A Moxham What the question is asking: The question is asking about what is used in the context of the story and also the side story of the character Lennie, in which it gives him the approach of you being sympathetic for him. Paragraph 1: In this paragraph I would describe what Lennie the character is like, what his appearance is, and also how this makes people think about him. One of the quotes I would use is ‘a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders, and he walked heavily dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws’ page 19. This quote shows the Lennie is described as an animal from the very beginning of the novella, rather than a person, this could make people feel sorry for him because he isn’t recognised as a person. Paragraph 2:

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In this paragraph I would describe how Lennie is dependant on George, and also that he isn’t a very smart character, one quote to back this up would be ’”I forgot,” Lennie said softly “I tried not to forget. Honest to god I did George.” page 21. This shows that it may not be the first time he forgot, and you could feel sympathetic for him because the isn’t anything he could do. Paragraph 3: In this paragraph I would start going into more detail for other reasons that people would be sympathetic for him because he doesn’t know what is actually happening in some situations, and that he relies on George to make a decision for him, for example when Curley starts a fight on him and George has to tell him to fight back. Paragraph 4: In this paragraph I would round off the subject and also say the final reason for people to be sad for him and feel sorry, this is because he isn’t just simple minded but he is genuinely crazy, because at the end of the book it says ‘And then out of Lennie’s head there came a little fat old women.’ And also ‘Aunt clara was gone, and from out of Lennie’s head there came a gigantic rabbit.’ Page 142, this shows that he is having to fight off his own aunt clara and a giant rabbit that is always putting him down inside his head, and telling him that he is worthless and that George could do so much better without him, this makes you feel sorry because all of the times George has called him ‘Crazy’ it has actually been true that Lennie is crazy. Many people in the novel suffer from disappointment. Choose any three of the following characters and discuss what reasons they have to be disappointed about their life: Crooks - Curley - George - Candy A Moxham What the question is asking: The question is asking you to use your views on the character and information from the book to decide which characters, from the list, have had to suffer disappointment in their lives, and also what makes the characters have had disappointing lives. Paragraph one: In this paragraph I would choose one of the characters from the list, for example Crooks, and then start to describe from their point of view what has been bad in their lives, which for Crooks would be that when he was a child he would play sports with white children, but his father didn’t like him to because their family was black and they were the only ones there who were, and Crooks never understood why his dad didn’t like him to, until later on in his life when things started to change with the people he knew because of the colour of his skin. Paragraph 2: In this paragraph I would pick another character from the list and start to describe what has been disappointing in their lives, for example George, the things that have been disappointing in his life is that he has been stuck with Lennie the whole time working, rather than going out and having fun, but this is also a good side of an argument because it shows that he has had a friend with him through it, another bad thing is that he has had to live with guilt through his life for telling Lennie to jump and go swimming in the river.

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The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them. M Ringrose Paragraph 1- (introduction) explains why candy’s dog died, how and where. Quote page 74 Paragraph 2- Explain the similarities between the relationship of George and Lennie and then Candy and his dog Paragraph 3- Explain the significance of the quote on page 89 about candy shooting his own dog. Paragraph 4- Explain how Lennie died, how and where. Paragraph 5- Link the two deaths together using quotations (conclusion) When all the other ranch hands go to town, Lennie, Crooks and Candy are left behind. Explain what they have in common that causes them to be left out. M Ringrose Paragraph1- (introduction) begin to explain how the 3 characters are different to others Paragraph2- Explain the social, physical and mental views on each person. Link this with views as the time Paragraphs 3- (Conclusion) compare all 3 characters together 5. Many readers find that Of Mice and Men is a sad book. How far do you agree? M Ringrose Paragraph 1- (introduction) explain why readers might find the book sad Paragraph 2- briefly states a couple of my views along with views on the book at the time it was written. Paragraph 3- (conclusion) State my views clearly going into detail on key points in the book.

6. How does Steinbeck create sympathy for Lennie in Of Mice and Men? M Ringrose Paragraphs 1- (Introduction) describe Lennie and how he is different to others in the book. Paragraph 2- Other characters views on Lennie in the book Paragraph 3- views at the time the book was written on Lennie Paragraph 4- (conclusion) my views on Lennie and how Steinbeck creates sympathy for him. When all the other ranch hands go to town, Lennie, Crooks and Candy are left behind. Explain what they have in common that causes them to be left out. T Fielder This question is asking me to find the similarities between Crook, Lennie and Candy that makes them different from the rest of the ranch hands. Also to why this similarities make them different from the rest of the group that they get left behind. Paragraph 1-Introduction Paragraph 2-Lennie- Quotations of what makes Lennie seem different to the others.

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Paragraph 3-Crooks- Quotations of what makes Crooks seem different to the others. Paragraph 4-Candy- Quotations of what makes Candy seem different to the others. Paragraph 5-Why they are the same and therefore grouped together by the rest of the ranch hands-Quotations from the scene where they are all together in Crooks room to show how they are all similar. Paragraph 6- Lennie, Crooks and Candy don’t judge people on what they look like; they are willing to listen to people. They don’t just exclude them from the group-Quotations from when Lennie first meets Crooks. Paragraph 7-Conclusion 1.) The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them. B Ingham Plan: “I ought to have shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn’t have let no stranger shoot my dog.” Describe the killing of Candy’s dog and how he is forced into letting him be shot Talk about how important candy’s dog was to him. Focus on how the quote affects what George does about Lennie and his Lennie’s likeness to an animal and being shot because it’s the “best” thing. Describe how similar the deaths are. 5.) Many readers find that Of Mice and Men is a sad book. How far do you agree? B Ingham Plan: The book is definitely sad because after everything they do and plan they all end up worse off than before. The dream is destroyed, George said softly, “-I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed we’d never do her. He usta like to hear about it so much I got to thinking maybe we would.” “Then – it’s all off?” Candy asked sulkily. What George plans, to get paid ad go into town just like everyone else who works on the ranch whom also have nothing to hope for. Talk about how after all they’ve been through they end up without a dream anymore whereas before they had some hope.

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The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them. R Northwood Paragraph 1 – Brief explanation of the death of Candy’s Dog. Why he was shot and what Candy said about it afterwards (page 89 quote) Also the similarities of the relationships of George and Lennie and Candy and his Dog. Paragraph 2 – Significance of the page 89 quote. What this means for the rest of the story. What George may think at this point. How important Candy’s dog was to candy. “No” He said softly. ”No, I couldn’t do that. I had ‘im too long.” Paragraph 3 – Explain how Lennie dies, how and the similarities in the deaths of both him and the dog. Point out differences and explain. (Page 147 description of shooting.) Paragraph 4 – Conclusion. Talk about how similar the deaths are. 6. How does Steinbeck create sympathy for Lennie in Of Mice and Men? R Northwood Paragraph 1 – Explanation of Lennie and his character Personality. (Use quotations from the character Dossier) Paragraph 2 – Talk about what happened in weed and what happened with the pup near the end. (Quote his reaction) Paragraph 3 – His reaction to killing Curley’s Wife and what George says about it. (Quote George) Paragraph 4 – Conclusion. Talk about why the readers feel sorry for Lennie and how Steinbeck makes this happen. 6. How does Steinbeck create sympathy for Lennie in Of Mice and Men? K Chandrashekara Start of with an introduction stating the main reason why people feel sympathetic towards Lennie- his mental disability. Give an example: Section 5 when Lennie accidently kills Curley’s Wife: ‘I done a bad thing’. Shows that he doesn’t understand that killing someone is much more than just a ‘bad thing’. He doesn’t fully understand death. Another example: Before he kills Curley’s Wife he accidently kills a pup as well and he refers to this after he kills Curley’s Wife by saying ‘I done another bad thing’. This shows that he doesn’t understand that a death of a person is far worse than the death of a pup. Also when Lennie kills or hurts someone it doesn’t turn out to be his fault. This creates sympathy because you know that Lennie did not want to deliberately want to hurt these people so he is not a violent person. An example: Section 3 when Curley starts a fight with Lennie and George shouts to Lennie ‘Get ‘im, Lennie’ meaning to fight back which Lennie is not doing. The quote ‘Make ‘um, stop George’ makes the reader feel sorry for Lennie because it compares him to a child asking for help from an adult. Also Lennie regrets his actions straightaway: ‘I didn’t wanta hurt him’ which shows that he doesn’t realise his own strength and how he can hurt people.

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The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them? Killing of Candy’s old dog signifies the ‘start’ of all the bad things to come in the novel at the ranch and Lennie’s death signifies the ‘end’. Similarities Carlson doesn’t care about either death. He can’t understand the relationship between Lennie and George or Curley and the dog. I know this because he says ‘I bet Slim would give you one of them pups to raise up’ which shows that he thinks that you can just replace someone’s friend without a second thought. Another example is in Section 6 where he says ‘Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin’ them two guys?’ which shows that he doesn’t understand the situation someone would be in after not just losing a best friend but being the one who kills him. He doesn’t have any friend’s or a companionship with anyone so he doesn’t understand the importance/significance of a relationship and then losing that person. Both were shot in the back of the head which is an instant death. Also Lenny and the dog were both oblivious to what was about to happen. Reflects on society where someone/something who is disabled or different in any way is generally not considered equal to everyone else so is usually discriminated against. The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them. G Adamson The question above simply wants you to point out the similarities and differences between the execution of Candy’s dog and the mercy killing of Lennie at the end of the novella, here are some quotes which I will use in my answer; • Carlson - “He’s all stiff with rheumatism. He ain’t no good to you” • Candy – “I had him so long, since he was a pup” • Candy – “He was the best damn sheep dog I ever seen” • Carlson – “Look this ol’ dog just suffers himself. All these quotes are taken from the conversation about the shooting of Candy’s dog, they can all be linked to the shooting of Lennie. For example; Lennie is holding George back, getting him in trouble and he always ends up endangering those around him. I know this from the incident in Weed and how Lennie ends up killing Curleys Wife towards the end of the novella. So out of MERCY George shoots Lennie. George is very reluctant to do this much like Candy is reluctant to let Carlson shoot his dog. Yet everyone else thinks its for the best but not necessarily for the right reasons, by this I mean; Curley wants Lennie dead as he killed his Wife, more to the point it’s because Lennie beat up Curley and Curley wants his revenge, this is his opportunity to do just that. Carlson says he wants Candys dog gone as it is old and decrepitude and that it would be the “Right thing to do”, but really Carlson wants Candys dog gone as it smells. Everyone in the ranch has there own take on the situations present and they are all done under there own prerogative. More to the point, Candy agrees for his dog to be killed out of compassion and mercy, he doesn’t want his dog to be killed yet he thinks it is for the best for everyone on the ranch. The same goes for George and Lennie, George kills Lennie out of compassion. Paragraph 1 – Describe Candys relationship with his dog and how far it dates back, state how they only have each other because they are both useless.”I had him so long

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The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them. R Deacon The question is asking me to give a brief description of the two killings and then relate it back to society and what the similarities are of killing the dog and then Lennie. Paragraph 1 This will simply describe what happens when the dog is killed and how candy and then George loose their companion’s first candy with the dog and then George loosing Lennie.”I ought to of shot that dog myself” Paragraph 2 This will describe the similarities between the two killing and the differences. Both shot in the back of the neck Died quickly “close to the back of Lennie’s head” “Right back of the head” Paragraph 3 How this reflects on society at the time If people were old or disabled they are described as useless and no good in society. Conclusion I think that the killing is very similar because I think that it show as time goes on it gets worse to start with Lennie gets in trouble in weed for holding on to a girls dress and then an animal gets killed and Curley’s Wife and then Lennie. This shows that if they do not realise that if they do not get out of the cycle it will keep happening just like what happens in society. ”I ought to of shot that dog myself” Companionship is also heavily reflected with both men loosing their best friends showing that it is no better to have a friend than to be on your own. 2. When all the other ranch hands go to town, Lennie, Crooks and Candy are left behind. Explain what they have in common that causes them to be left out. R Deacon This question is asking me to comment on the outsiders and why they are Physically Mentally and social different Paragraph Introduction who are these people a short description for each Paragraph 2 Lennie and why he is physically mentally different Lennie is described as a bear and just like a child “just like a child” said Slim “the way a bear drags his feet” Paragraph 3 Crooks and the issue of racism and disability

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Openly referred to a “nigger” “Californian civil code” Shows that he has been properly schooled Paragraph 4 Candy Candy is an outsider because of ageism and because of disability because he lost his hand. Paragraph 5 The only woman on the ranch Conclusion This reflects what society people thought at the time and all the men only worked in the fields and then spent the month’s wages in the cat house just as George keeps saying if I had not got you I would go to a cat house and spend my 50 bucks. 3. Choose two characters from the list below; say why you think they are important in the novel and how Steinbeck presents them: Candy; Crooks; Curley; Curley’s Wife; Slim. I Pope The question is asking you to pick out the key events in the novella, describe their role in the key events and how they are described in the novella. Paragraph 1 – Curley’s Wife. Describe her description when she first enters the novella.“She had full, rouged lips and wide spaced eyes, heavily made up. Her fingernails were red.” Pg 53. This shows that she is tart and she is showing off to the other men trying to make them look at her. “Her hair hung in little rolled clusters, like sausages.” Pg 53. The significance of her hair being described as sausages is the sausages would attract the men and draw the in men in. Paragraph 2 – Curley’s Wife. Say why you think they are important in the novel and why you think that. Curley’s Wife – she gets killed by Lennie, broken neck, which messes up the dream. Paragraph 3 - Curley’s Wife. What and who does she represents? She represents sexism in society at the time. Not treated equally, ignored and uncared for. Ostrich feathers on shoes show that she can’t fly away. “…on the insteps of which were little bouquets of red ostrich feathers.” Pg 53. Paragraph 4 – Curley’s Wife. Conclusion. Sum up why you think she is important in the novella and how she affects the storyline. How her representation is put across. Paragraph 5 – Candy, the old swamper. Describe his description when he first enters the novella. “…tall, stoop - shouldered old man…” Pg 39. This shows that Candy is an old man who is past his prime and is in his twilight years. …he carried a big push broom.” This shows that he is useless and the only thing he could do is sweep floors. Paragraph 6 – Candy, the old swamper. Describe what his involvement in key events is. His dog is shot. He finds Curley’s Wife dead. He was going to help George and Lennie achieve the dream. Paragraph 7 – Candy, the old swamper. Describe what he represents in the novella. He represents ageism and how society disregards the elderly and ignores them. Paragraph 8 – Candy, the old swamper. Conclusion. Sum up why you think she is important in the novella and how she affects the storyline. How her representation is put across.

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1.The killing of Candy's old dog foreshadowed Lennie's death. Describe the two killings, pointing out any similarities and differences between them. B Butler Introduction. The paragraphs will be focusing on the keys areas about the two killings; they will sectioned so I can cover the main differences and similarities. Paragraph 1. In the first section I would write about the shooting of candy’s dog, talk about the mood and how it ends, including quotations about how the silence crept in the room. Paragraph 2. In this section I would talk about how George kills Lennie at the end of the story, maybe using quotes but focusing on the description. Paragraph 3/4. Just before the conclusion I would, compare the two events going over the similarities and differences in detail, I would use quotations from both scenes to help compare. Conclusion. I have looked at the two events in the story finding the similarities and differences, after doing this the evidence shows that hints were given to those who could pick them out. The main hints given were by Carlson and Slim saying it’s the best thing for it and it’s for its own good. Also when you reread both events the description gives it away. The way they talk about how they will shoot the dog is the same way George shoots Lennie in the end. 6. How does Steinbeck create sympathy for Lennie in Of Mice and Men? B Butler Introduction. The paragraphs will be covering how Lennie looks, how he behaves in the story, the scene with him and George at the brush talking about their dream and how he dies at the end of the story. Paragraph 1. I would talk about the basics the description of Lennie and how you get the image of a big, simple , childlike man. Quotes like ‘ he had a shape less face’ help create this image in the readers mind. Paragraph 2. In this section I would talk about how Lennie can never have a conversation with anyone because he is always thinking about other things. This shown when Curley’s Wife is confessing to Lennie, and all he can thing about is his rabbits. Paragraph 3. In this paragraph I would talk about the scene with George and Lennie in the brush. This section in the story reveals how simple minded Lennie actually is . Paragraph 4. in this final paragraph I would write about how Lennie got into trouble because he likes to ‘stroke soft things’ and ends up killing Curley’s Wife. I’d then talk about how he dies, how George has to kill him. Conclusion. Over the course of the book it is clear that Steinbeck wants us to feel sorry for Lennie , he gives him a child’s mind and complete innocence , but like a child he gets into trouble but doesn't know why. He just referees to it as ‘another big thing’ these features about him and the sadness of his death make him the character we all care about and don't want to lose in the story. In a way it turns you into George because we understand why Lennie does the things he does, we learn to like him and accept what he does because he doesn't know any better in the end, then when he dies you feel George’s sadness.
