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TriDj:fyREPoRTER Vo\9,No.l (USPS640-920)


THE HARTFORD CONNECTION by Ivan A. Backer After a decade of local liaison work, Trinity's director of community educa­tion discusses the College's role as an in­stitutional citizen.

THE DOWNTOWN CLASSROOM by Kathleen Frederick '71 Breaking out of the traditional curricu­lum to take on an internship has become an increasingly popular option for today's undergraduates.




by Robert Pawlowski A front-line worker describes the struggle to revitalize the South End with aid from the Institute of Living, Hartford Hospital and Trinity.

AN ALL-HARTFORD ELEVEN 14 Traditionally the City has attracted some of the best talent the College produces. Here are eleven alumni for whom Hartford was first choice.

THE VIEW FROM CITY HALL 21 by Nicholas R. Carbone The deputy mayor sees some tough sled­ding for City taxpayers and calls on the College to bring its resources to bear on pressing local concerns.

THE URBAN PROBLEM, THENANDNOW by Eugene W. Davis Alienation and isolation are the basic problems of any over-urbanized culture beginning with the Hellenistic Age, says a distinguished historian.

THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OUT by Francis M. Rackemann, Jr. '43 A Baltimore Evening Sun reporter takes a "busman's holiday" and files a story about his return to campus to celebrate his thirty-fifth reunion.



Editor: William L. Churchill Associate Editor: Kathleen Frederick '71 SjJorts Editor: Randolph R. Pearsall '78 Publications Assistant: Paula DiMaria Consulting Editor: J. Ronald Spencer '64, Dean of Studies


Frank M. Child III Professor of Biology

Gerald J. Hansen, Jr. '51 Director of Alumni & External Relations

Dirk Kuyk Associate Professor of English

George Malcolm-Smith '25

Gael M. O'Brien Assistant to the President

Theodore T. Tansi '54

Susan E. Weisselberg '76

Published by the Office of Public Relations, Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut 06106. Issued four times a year: Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Sec­ond class postage paid at Hartford, Connecticut.

The Trinity Reporter is mailed to alumni, parents, faculty, staff and friends of Trinity College without charge. All publication rights reserved and contents may be reproduced or reprinted only by written per­mission of the Editor.


Student in Residence

Quad Wrangles

Along the Walk

Campus Notes


Class Notes

In Memory

Photography by ]on Lester except as noted. Cover art by David Noyes.

28 29 30 34 36 45 55

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The historic currents between Hartford and Trinity run deep.

Back in 1824, the citizenry outbid New Haven and Middletown to bring the Col, lege to the City. Along with hard cash, the residents pledged goods and talents -bricks, lime, hay, seal skins, gold leaf, blacksmithing, bookbinding and more -to make the creation of the College truly a community enterprise.

In ensuing years, the interactions be-

tween town and gown have taken many turns. The College, once known as "The Hartford Local," is a distinguished institu, tion of national stature; the City has changed from a provincial town to a ma­jor metropolitan center. Yet, despite these shifts in scale and outlook, the ties be­tween Trinity and Hartford have never been closer. The many facets of this spe­cial relationship are the subject of this is, sue of the Reporter.


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The Hartford Connection An educational institution cannot exist in splendid isolation.

by I van A. Backer

W hat role should an institution like Trinity play in its host community? Should college

activities be limited to educating the students who enroll within its walls? Or does a college have other responsibilities to its home base?

For much of the 156 years since Trinity's found­ing, the relationship between the College and the City might best be characterized as cordial, but essentially passive. In the past decade, however, largely at the urging of President Lockwood, Trinity has assumed a new, active role as a responsible institutional citizen. There are at least four primary reasons for this awakened interest in Hartford and its environs.

First, the educational enterprise of a college is not an end in itself. To teach students to better under-

stand themselves and the world around them, to think critically, and to analyze insightfully, are all worthy objectives of a liberal education, but they beg the question "for what purpose?" The goal of education is to help men and women become knowledgeable in order that they may be con­tributing citizens and be able to enrich both their personal and social lives. Likewise, educational institutions cannot accumulate and dispense knowledge in isolation; they should demonstrate by example the applicability of learning to the outside world and the responsibility which comes with it. Trinity not only urges its students to acquire the values by which they might serve society, but also practices its belief as a concerned, active citizen.

Second, the nature of community requires the

2 TRINITY'S URBAN LOCATION provides a wide range of opportunities for research, study and cultural pursuits.

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participation of all its members. Trinity takes ad­vantage of the City's cultural, commercial and communal life. In turn, the College reciprocates by sharing its resources - both people and facilities -with the community in a variety of ways.

Third, in addition to these voluntary inter­relationships between the College and the City, Trinity relies on Hartford for certain services such as police and fire protection, street lighting and maintenance. Trinity's tax-exempt status serves as a moral incentive to contribute its talents and resources to the City.

Lastly, many people, especially those in leadership positions, expect institutions of higher learning to assist in solving the problems faced by urban centers. When politicians are at their wits' ends, they often attempt to invoke the expertise of colleges and universities in dealing with social problems. This approach was heralded in the late '60s with mixed results, and the call is now being heard again. Though these high expectations may not always be met, it is a fact that many citizens expect in­stitutions of higher learning to assist with the problems of the City.

In theory there is no argument that colleges should be responsible institutional citizens. But given the fact that colleges and universities are themselves hard pressed and facing financial dif­ficulties, the more urgent and more difficult

BLOODMOBILE is one of the many community projects that has broad support from students and staff members.

Summerstage ~T~

,..--------;~~~~~~-----. Y.Jl-.,Y A SHARING OF RESOURCES

The actors have taken their final curtain calls, the house lights go up, and within moments, an energetic figure somewhat reminiscent of Peter Ustinov, seats himself on the edge of the stage to convey a few suggestions to the company. It's a final dress rehearsal and Roger Shoemaker, assistant professor of theatre arts and artistic director of Trinity's Summerstage, adds some finishing touches to the life he has created behind the proscenium. While he comments to the actors on their per­formances, the crew begins to clear the set, the lighting people check their cues and the costumers continue making final alterations all in preparation for another opening of another show.

Very much at home with the organized but seemingly chaotic atmosphere of the theatre, Professor Shoemaker spends much of his time from September to May teaching T ri~ity students the life of art. But when summer rolls around, he switches gears and, as the artistic director of Summerstage, he uses his knowledge of both life and art to bring Hartford a festival of professional arts events.

Trinity inaugurated Summerstage in 1977. Each summer a season of plays, dance concerts, children's theatre productions, musical events and art exhibits attracts an audience from all corners of the state and beyond.

"Summerstage was founded as a way of sharing resources," Shoemaker explains. "In a<;ldition to opening the College's facilities, we are able to create a real give-and-take situation with the community. We're the only professional, resident summer theatre in Hartford filling, what I believe to be, a real need for quality arts activities during this period."

"From a personal perspective," he continues, "working with professional actors at Summerstage helps me to grow as a director, which I hope makes me more valuable to the students during the academic year."

According to Managing Director John Woolley, Summerstage employs about forty people during its eight-week season. Some of the employees are Trinity students who work as interns backstage, building sets for the three major theatre productions, or assisting the dance and children's theatre companies.

"These students are given the opportunity of working with seasoned professionals, most of whom have worked on Broadway and in major regional theatres across the country," comments Woolley.

"Of course, the professional staff of actors and directors are also resources for the community," Shoemaker adds. "During their stay on campus, some of the staff conduct courses in their various disciplines. Summerstage is really all part of what a college is for . . . a constant striving to extend ourselves, improve our understanding, and to communicate and reach out to others."

Gayle Gordon


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COLLEGE RADIO station, WRTC-FM provides special programs for black, Spanish and Portugese audiences.

questions are: What can these institutions reasonably be expected to contribute? And what, if anything, can they expect in return?

There are three assets that a college can share: physical facilities, human resources, and knowledge. The use of Trinity's facilities by community groups has been a frequent pattern over many years, as long as the event does not conflict with campus activities. Classrooms, lecture halls, and gymnasia are being used rent-free by various organizations for civic activities such as community meetings, public interest group workshops, League of Women Voters' panels, and educational forums. The Hartford Board of Education utilizes two rooms in the Life Sciences Center continuously for .a special high school program, The Alternate Secondary Network. Thirty students, who have had difficulty coping with a large traditional high school, call these rooms on campus their high school, and say with pride that they go to school at Trinity.

Human resources - faculty, students, and staff -are perhaps Trinity's major asset. More than 250 students each year are involved in various public and private organizations in Greater Hartford as volunteers and interns. Students' activities range from tutoring and being a Big Brother or Sister on a volunteer basis (without academic credit), to being a legislative intern at the Connecticut General Assembly or working with a governmental or social service agency in the Trinity internship program, and receiving academic credit for an independent study. The internship program is described in a separate article on page 6. Faculty members and administrators also contribute their time and talents by serving on organizational boards of directors, as members of public commissions, and in oth~r capacities.

Another Trinity resource, highly visible but seldom acknowledged, is WRTC-FM, the student­operated radio station. In addition to its regular shows which have a community audience, it produces programs in Portuguese and French, and simul-broadcasts the daily WFSB-TV3 six o'clock newscast in Spanish. Its staff has also trained minority young people in mass communication on several different occasions.

Knowledge is the third category of contributions to the community. Often members of the faculty are sought out for their special areas of expertise. A study of the organization of voluntary agencies in Hartford; a report on red-lining for the State Department of Banking; consulting with the Hartford Police Department; initiating a peer counseling system in a local high school; conducting symposia on problems of health care and dying; these are all recent examples of Trinity faculty activities in the City.

This winter the College also sponsored three lectures on charter revision· issues featuring leading academicians from Yale and Harvard along with planners and politicians from Hartford and other urban areas. Another series called "Hartford Conversations" brought public servants from the City to campus for informal talks with faculty and students. The sharing of knowledge is a two-way street.

A very effective way to harness the resources of the College to the needs of the community is to institute ongoing activities which combine the use of facilities, human resources and knowledge. Usually both the community and Trinity benefit by such an arrangement, and the self-interest of both tends to guarantee perpetuation of the program. Two federally funded programs are cases in point. The

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Upward Bound program provides 100 educationally and economically disadvantaged Hartford high school students with academic and counseling support to enable them to gain college admission. In its sixth year on campus, Upward Bound co-nsists of a six-week summer residential program, augmented by weekly tutoring and study during the academic year. In addition to College facilities, the program involves Trinity faculty, students and ad­ministrators.

Ten years ago Trinity sponsored its first Summer Sports Program, in cooperation with the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association). This program at Ferris Athletic Center enrolls ap­proximately 275 disadvantaged Hartford youngsters. In five weeks they learn many different sports skills under the direction of professional coaches, many of them from Trinity's staff. Each day ends with a hot lunch.

The most ambitious current endeavor is Trinity's involvement in its own Frog Hollow neighborhood, in cooperation with the Hartford Hospital and the Institute of Living. Over the years every major study of this section of Hartford has identified these three institutions as having to play a significant role in neighborhood development and life. That role, however, was never defined. To discover what actions they might take to support the efforts of neighborhood residents, the institutions joined together in late 1976 and formed the Southside Institutions Neighborhood Alliance (SINA). Its executive director, Robert Pawlowski, describes the fruits of this venture in an article on page 10.

The College effort most directly related to academic pursuits is the Urban & Environmental Studies program. Initiated in 1971, this program currently has about 20 majors. The approach to urban problems is a multi-disciplinary one, which

utilizes all the social science disciplines, as well as history, philosophy, and the law. Trinity's Hartford location provides an unequalled setting for a liberal arts student interested in this field. Each un­dergraduate is required to become an intern in the community. Frequently urban related courses also involve research projects for which the City becomes an indispensable data base. The exposure to dif-ferent racial and ethnic groups and to urban poverty is especially valuable to those white Trinity students whose suburban backgrounds have sheltered them from the realities of the inner city.

The Urban Studies program illustrates the quid pro quo principle underlying all Trinity's commldnity service projects. Through the efforts of students as interns and researchers, it is hoped that they will contribute something useful to the agencies with which they work. It is certain that they gain in the process by learning first-hand about urban situations and their possible solutions.

Trinity's urban location presents the College with many challenges, but it also provides unique op­portunities. An urban studies program or a wide range of internships is virtually impossible in a smafl town or a rural setting. The City of Hartford makes these programs possible and offers a ready-made laboratory for the examination of complex social problems. To be a responsible citizen is not only valid for sound educational, moral, and community reasons, it is also in the best interest of Trinity College. Underlying all of Trinity's outreach to the community is the conviction that these activities mutually benefit the City and the College, and that they are the manifestations of responsible in­stitutional citizenship. • A . Backer is director of graduate studies and community education at Trinity. For the past ten years he has been instrumental in creating links between the campus and the Greater Hartford Region.

SUMMER SPORTS PROGRAM has been co-sponsored for ' the past ten years by Trinity and the NCAA. Nearly 300 Hart· ford youngsters participate, learning new sports skills under the direction of Trinity coaches and students.


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The Classroom

Student interns put theory into practiqe.

by Kathleen Frederick '71

W hen Trinity students head for class, instead of Seabury their destinations might be the State

Capitol, a downtown business firm, the Municipal Building, a local television studio, a neighborhood social agency, a health care facility or a criminal justice institution.

This semester almost 100 students are breaking the routine of their normal academic programs to ex­perience learning in a different setting, through the College's internship program. Internships are in­dependent study projects, taken for academic credit in which a student works off campus, usually without compensation, to learn about a specific field. The "on-the-job" experience is complemented by readings, papers, and sometimes seminars, under the direction of a Trinity faculty member.

Now about ten years old, the internship program has grown from an informal, little-used option to become a significant feature in the Trinity curriculum. Though the majority of students still graduate without having done an internship, the number of participants is growing, and current undergraduates as well as applicants for admission view the opportunity as a distinctive feature about the College.

The last major revision in the Trinity curriculum, made in 1968, opened the door for the internship program. Among the recommendations of the revision committee was that "students may, after the

freshman year and upon receiving the approval of a faculty member . . . undertake an independent study program." Among the independent study options available at Trinity (others include laboratory and library research and tutorials) was the opportunity to do "field work" tied in with a specifically designed academic program.

The curricular decision was timely because the late 1960's was a period when a substantial number of students wished to undertake some serious endeavor outside the "ivory tower" to enhance their classroom studies. Many of the first efforts at internships were student-initiated and involved work with social service agencies and political campaigns. Sensing that the off-campus experience could be extremely valuable for some students, Director of Community Education Ivan Backer began to keep files on in­ternship opportunities in the area, as well as en­couraging faculty support of the option. The first directory listing available internships was distributed to students in 1974 "and it's grown from a slim book to a fat book," states Backer. The most recent internship directory lists 186 opportunities.

Though the student mood on college campuses has changed dramatically since the sixties, the desire for significant learning experience outside the classroom has persisted. Trinity's internship program got a giant boost in 1976, with the hiring of a part­time coordinator and subsequent funding for the

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program from Aetna Foundation. Internship Director Keats Jarmon makes the

program work through constant advising of students, liaison work with faculty, and outreach into the Greater Hartford community where the internship opportunities exist. From her discussions with students, Jarmon can enumerate a variety of reasons for the growing popularity of the option. "Many students are trying to sort out career plans, to verify intuitions that a certain field is the one that they will pursue after college," Jarmon explains.

Amy Katz '79, an English major from Mamaroneck, New York, set up an internship at WFSB,TV to test her life,long ambition of work in the communications field. At Channel 3, she performed a variety of tasks: researching background material for news stories, going out on assignment with reporters, and setting up a phone system for election night coverage last November. Her duties in the newsroom were supplemented by readings assigned by her internship adviser, English professor John Dando, who himself has had a distinguished career in the television field. Katz's work at WFSB led to her being offered a full,time job there this summer.

Often an internship is a logical extension of classroom work, as it was for Carol Curtin '80, a sociology and psychology major who plans on at, tending graduate school in social work. "There aren't many courses at Trinity which relate directly to my interest in psychological social work," Curtin explains. Together with her internship adviser,

"If students undertake internships thinking they are going to cut down on their work load, they're usually in for a rude awakening."

Professor Joan McGuire, Curtin tailored a rigorous program which combined 8,10 hours of case work at the Hartford Association for Retarded Citizens with a tutorial consisting of readings on retardation and social service agencies. For her final paper, Curtin presented an analysis of citizen advocacy for the retarded.

To broaden his expertise in an area outside his philosophy major, senior William Hagan is currently involved in a two,semester internship with the municipal government. Under the direction of an assistant city manager, Hagan is conducting an impact analysis on the effects a nationwide recession would have on the city of Hartford. He has taken a number of economics courses at Trinity and is enhancing his internship experience through in, tensive reading in urban economics. Hagan, who is considering a combined law and masters in business administration program after graduation, is astounded- and delighted- at the high level of responsibility that his internship entails.

An interest in social problems was the impetus behind David Rosenblatt's decision to seek out an internship at the Hartford Institute of Criminal and Social Justice last term. A senior American studies major, Rosenblatt analyzed data and set up a

CAROL CURTIN '80 (left) discusses a case with her supervisor at the Hartford Association for Retarded Citizens while Anita Spigulis '80 (right) does some work on the set of the Hartford Stage Company with director of community affairs Jeff Gordon '69.


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demonstration project for a study of Connecticut's adult probation department. He is continuing his research this semester. "The internship has been a welcome change of pace and, as a bonus, I've become familiar with some of the important issues facing the city of Hartford," Rosenblatt says. "I went to school here for three years before I took ad­vantage of what the city has to offer." One of Rosenblatt's colleagues at the Hartford Institute is Ross Lewin '77, whose undergraduate internship there led him to apply for a fu ll-time job after graduation.

As divergent as their academic interests and motives for seeking out an internship might be, one quality that most interns have in common is "a lot of energy," says Internship Coordinator Jarmon. "We don't spoon-feed the students - we show them the opportunities and they take it from there." Once a student has pinpointed the agency or organization at which he/she wishes to work (in itself, a time­consuming process), the student must find a faculty adviser who will d irect the academic component, and pass muster at a personal interview. If the student and the host organization are satisfied with each other, the student usually has to establish regular hours to fit around a class and study schedule, and sometimes a campus job.

Jarmon admits that there is enough "red tape" in setting up an internship to discourage someone not really committed to the experience. "If students undertake internships thinking they are going to cut down on their work load, they're usually in for a rude awakening," says Jarmon. In addition to the time spent at the placement, there is a reading list to tackle, a journal to keep, and one or more research papers to produce in the course of the semester. All of this earns the student one (or occasionally two)

INTERNSHIP COORDINATOR Keats Jarmon (right) confers with of­fice assistant Carl Guerriere, an IDP student, on an internship opportunity in the city.

course credits. According to Susan Kidman '81, who was program director for a youth group at Em­manuel Lutheran Church last term, "it was much more work than a standard course."

With the seat of state government only a mile from the campus, it was appropriate that Trinity's first internships involved students in the legislative process. In 1967, the College's political science department pioneered the legislative internship program, which has become a model for other colleges and universities across the country. Each spring, 15 carefully-selected students team up with Connecticut state legislators for whom they work directly as legislative assistants. Their duties often include attending committee meetings for their legislator, doing research, speech writing, press relations, conducting constituent surveys, and meeting with lobbyists.

Students are required to keep a journal, attend bi­weekly seminars on campus, tackle a formidable reading list, and produce written projects and oral reports. Among the texts used for the course is "Perspectives of a State Legislature," a book of essays by leaders and observers of Connecticut state government which was produced by the legislative internship program last year.

This elaborate course of study is the handiwork of Dr. C lyde D. McKee, Jr., associate professor of political science and director of the legislative in­ternship program. McKee recalls that the idea began about 12 years ago when he received an urgent phone call from the Minority Leader of the House. There were important issues under consideration, and the legislators needed some staff assistance. Were there some Trinity students interested in helping out?

McKee estimates that more than 150 students

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have gone through his internship program since its inception. Unlike most internships at the College, the legislative one is an entire semester's work

' carrying four -course credits during the years when the legislature conducts a full session. (In alternate years when the session is truncated, the students are awarded two credits and take other courses.) For the four-credit program, students spend an average of 35 to 40 hours per week at the Capitol.

Though the majority of students who undertake legislative internships are political science majors interested in applying their theoretical knowledge of the political process, students majoring in other fields often participate. Several years ago, a fine arts major became a legislative intern in order to learn how to effectively lobby for funds for the arts, an interest she now pursues full time. In the late 1960's, when environmental issues were just coming to the fore, a science major was able to use his background to become a valuable resource person for the legislators who wrote the clean water bill which eventually became law in Connecticut.

Among the legislative internship program's strongest supporters is Senator Cornelius O'Leary (Democrat-Windsor Locks) who has had three interns from Trinity. "Because the legislature has relatively little staff, the interns are put in positions of very high responsibility. They aren't 'go-fers' or clerks," O'Leary comments. He is impressed by the ability and dedication of the Trinity interns he's sponsored and with the careful organization of the program.

The good reputation of Trinity's internship programs is evidenced by the fact that there are more opportunities for interns than there are students to fill them. "Generally speaking, Trinity students pave the way for their successors," Keats Jarmon maintains. The benefits accruing to an organization employing interns can vary from getting some "new blood" into an office on a tight budget where employee turnover is low, to finding persons who someday might join the staff full time. Interns are often used to complete short-term special projects for which companies are reluctant to hire full-time staff.

Jarmon and Director of Community Education Ivan Backer are quick to point out, however, that Trinity and individual students are the real beneficiaries of the internship program. In addition to fostering the personal development of students, the program has provided a strong link between the College and the community. Though improving town-gown relations was not the impetus for starting the internship program, it has been one result.

Despite the pronounced success of the internship program, Trinity is still grappling with several troublesome aspects. Doubts about the legitimacy of the concept linger in the minds of some faculty who wonder if internships have sufficient academic merit to deserve course credit. Some internships don't have a reading and writing element that is naturally compatible with field work, resulting in, in the words of one faculty critic, "a rather artificial and

SOPHOMORE DAVID ALBIN is spending the spring se· mester learning about the legislative process first hand. He's intern for Rep. Christine Niedermeier (Democrat• Fairfield).

contrived academic component." Another problem which is discouraging to students is that their in­terests and available internships don't always match up with areas of faculty expertise. Without a faculty sponsor, an internship cannot be taken for academic credit. Smoothing out rough spots such as these is the task now being studied by a subcommittee of the faculty curriculum committee.

Other difficulties have already been addressed. In order to ensure that the standard and expectations of students and their organizational sponsors are the same, both parties are now required to discuss and sign a "learning contract" before the internship begins. Keats Jarmon believes that this exercise has minimized the misunderstandings that sometimes have made the internship experience a disappointing one.

While encouraging and facilitating the internship program, Trinity maintains it as an option, not suited to all students. Experience has shown that sometimes even conscientious students flounder in the independent study mode, either overcommitting or undercommitting their resources to the in­ternship.

But for many students who have tried the program, internships hav_e been among their most memorable and exciting college experiences.

"It allowed me to put theory into practice." "It gave me a new perspective on my classroom

studies." "It allayed my fears about my career plans." "It made me realize how lucky I was to be getting

an education." •

Kathleen Frederick is associate editor of The Reporter.


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New Life in the Nei~hborhood I

Three institutions make a commitment to the South End

H ow was I supposed to suc­ceed? In the past two decades

two major attempts by very sophisticated planning groups to bring together talents and resources ofT rinity, Hartford Hospital and The Institute of Living to mend the steadily declining neighborhoods which surrounded their walls had died on the drawing boards. This was the third time around. Skeptics reminded me of that several times as I began. What shape was "this'' going to take? I really had no idea.

Trinity's Ivan Backer had ap­proached me with the idea of my playing a liaison role between the three institutions and neigh­borhood block clubs. Over the past year the block clubs, organized by church-funded Hartford Areas Rally Together (HART), had emerged as a potentially powerful force in the proposed revitalization of the nearby neighborhoods. They wanted institutional assistance in their efforts; they were convinced that institutional participation was somehow critical.

Never before had there been such a broad base of well­organized community activity to save these neighborhoods. Ivan believed that the lack of this key ingredient was one of the major reasons previous institutional efforts had failed. And, he in­formed me, the three non-profits were getting some serious heat from Councilman Nick Carbone about the city services they consume, at taxpayers' expense.

I began work with a committee of four administrators from the three institutions. Odds makers would have given us very little chance for success. My first assignment was what I referred to

by Robert Pawlowski

as "exploration and education." Translated, it simply meant find out what's going on in the neighborhoods and educate the committee about it.

The neighborhoods. I had been there before. I had lived there. I had explored their streets, and their histories with students. Consulting work with Greater Hartford Process, the Hartford Architecture Conservancy, and the Hartford Board of Education had given me another view.

This time was different. The

PARK STREET FESTIVAL is enjoyed by Anne Zekas (r.), Southside Neighbor· hood News president, and Liz Bames from HART.

exploration involved attending numerous block club meetings, listening carefully, and beginning to help fashion a role for in­stitutional participation in neighborhood issues - a role compatible with neighborhood desires.

A few things became very clear as we began to develop the in­stitutions' roles. First, the neighborhood groups should take the initiative on issues or projects. Ours would not be a big brother approach. Second, any in­volvement with neighborhood groups should be something which had an immediate impact, something which produced results. The past history of elaborate planning schemes, inflated ex­pectations, and no implementation should be buried forever.

The key institutional representatives were Paul Somoza and Sid Wainman from Hartford Hospital; Emil Sapere, Jr. from the Institute of Living; and Trinity's Ivan Backer, a seasoned veteran in community affairs. They spent countless hours with me becoming thoroughly immersed in Hartford neighborhood politics. They were excited about the prospects, and they learned quickly.

What gradually began to emerge from our "neighborhood com­mittee" was a sometimes uneasy coalition between the HART block clubs and the Hospital, the Institute and the College. It was not a relationship based on a facade of "do-goodism" but on mutual self-interest. Both the block clubs and the institutions wanted the neighborhood im­proved, both had strained relations with City Hall.

There were results. One of our first goals was helping to define a

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context of reinvestment in the neighborhoods. Over the past 25 years the area had suffered severely from a disinvestment pattern by banks, individual homeowners, and businesses. The result was a tattered area with an image tarnished by insensitive media coverage. Many remaining residents and business people had lost confidence.

Block club people talked about starting a community newspaper

to begin to rebuild the image of the area. We decided the in­stitutions could play a major role here. In March of 1977, the Southside Neighborhood News

Company was formed. The first issue of the Southside Neighborhood News was published in August of 1977. The institutions contributed seed money, planning time and active Board memberships to the newspaper. I have served as its publisher since the first issue.

One of our partners in the creation of the News was a group of about 100 area business people who we had helped to form a neighborhood organization. The South Central Business/

BLOCK CLUB REPRESENTATIVES gather annually to establish priorities for HART (Hartford Areas Rally Together).


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COMMUNI1Y CONGRESS session gives local business and professional coalition a chance to question Councilman William Di­Bella about City development plans for the Frog Hollow neighborhood. Coalition has been instrumental in encouraging invest­ment in South End.

Professional Association (SCBP A) added local small business people and professionals to the coalition building effort, particularly in Frog Hollow neighborhood- the section lying roughly between Trinity and the State Capitol.

Later we produced "Frog Hollow - A Neighborhood Portrait," a slide-tape program that placed the neighborhood's revitalization efforts in the context of its colorful history. It has be~n shown to numerous institutional, community, corporate, civic and church groups since then.

We had begun to accomplish our first objective. The Southside News was having an impact, not just in the neighborhood, but at City Hall. There was now an image of a neighborhood with an emerging sense of power. The SCBP A was attracting a lot of attention to Park Street; the slide presentation was stimulating interest from "outsiders" in the area, and also giving Frog Hollow residents and business people a new sense of their own history.

Now that the context had become more clearly defined, we moved to implement a homeownership incentive program for employees of the three in-

stitutions. The Travelers Insurance Companies established a $500,000 revolving fund for acquisition and rehabilitation of neighborhood homes at an attractive short-term financing rate of three percent. We hired the Connecticut Housing Investment Fund (CHIF) to administer the program and put together a slide show on neigh­borhood housing stock. Since then CHIF's Jill Diskin and I have given several presentations to institutional audiences of potential home buyers. The mortgage program has been a factor in the renewed real estate confidence in Frog Hollow. CHIF staff reported recently that Frog Hollow is the most active new real estate market in Hartford.

Somewhere in this rambling chronology of events the "neighborhood committee" from the three institutions decided to formalize the tripartite arrangement. We became the Southside Institutions Neigh­borhood Alliance (SINA).

Another factor which had become an asset as the alliance gained strength was the unique nature of the network of coalitions which had been organized. Three major institutions, a business-

professional community, and an active group of block clubs had developed the capacity to work together and to produce results.

With some convincing by HART Director Jack Mimnaugh, a brilliant issue strategist and coalition builder, the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving recognized the . potential of what was happening in Frog Hollow. The Foundation provided a two­year grant to HART for staffing the SCBP A and for a "program developer."

The principal thrust of Program Developer Jesse Ackerman's work has been wedding the business, institutional and residential communities in the Broad-Park Development Corporation, a vehicle to seek funding from governmental, corporate and foundation sources. Ackerman now serves as interim director of Broad-Park. In that capacity he has submitted a UDAG Proposal for $3,000,000 in federal funds. The money would be used as guarantee cash to leverage local financial institutions to invest in the area. The SINA committee sees Broad-Park as a critical link in sustaining and monitoring the reinvestment pattern which has begun in the neighborhood.

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Another organization which has been quick to recognize the unique character of the Frog Hollow coalition is the Greater Hartford Process Inc. Process, with its new president, Morton Coleman, has played an important role in providing technical assistance to the Broad-Park Development Corporation. Coleman, formerly the dean of the University of Connecticut School of Social Work, has also often played the sensitive role of providing a sense of perspective for the divergent groups involved in this community building process.

Even the Hartford Architecture Conservancy (HAC) has been attracted by the ground swell of activity in Frog Hollow. After almost five years of battling the city bureaucracy and boarded up Victorians in the Charter Oak­South Green section, the Con­servancy is now focusing its efforts on Frog Hollow, wh1ch has been nominated to the National Register through HAC's efforts. The new director, Toni Gold, has developed a close working relationship with HART, SINA, Broad-Park and the SCBP A. HAC's revolving fund should be an extremely valuable tool in saving abandoned properties and helping to stimulate reinvestment in some of the more severely blighted areas of the neigh­borhood.

So what have we done? Have we really succeeded?

After two years, hours of meeting, learning, planning and doing, I think we can say that we've helped to renew confidence in a dying neighborhood. We've joined in a grass roots stabilization and community building process, and in doing so, we've helped to stimulate a convergence of talented actors responsive to a neighborhood audience. All of that is beginning to be translated into physical improvements in Frog Hollow.

And that's not the end of the story. •

Author Robert Pawlowski is a neighborhood consultant and publisher of The Southside Neighbor/wad News.

STOREFRONT home of the Southside News on Park Street and pub­lisher Robert Pawlow· ski.


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An All-Hartford Eleven For these alumni, the City is a way of life.

T alents. These have been Trin ity's most significant contribu ti~:ms to Hartford over t he past 156 years. As a nationally known institution,

the College has always attracted capable young people to the area. And each year a sizeable number decides to remain in Hartford after gradua­tion, using their liberal arts training in a variety of career endeavors.

Here are eleven Trinity graduates who chose to work in Hartford. Selecting them from the more than 1,000 alumni now employed in the C ity was a difficult and arbitrary task; others might make different choices. But, for us, these men and women typify the extraordinary array of abilities that are among Hartford's most valuable resources.

DENTIST. Growing up in Hartford, Allyn Martin decided at an early age that he was going to Trinity. When he graduated in 1953 he recalls that he was one of two blacks in the class and the first pre-dental major.

After dental school at Howard University and an internship in New York, Martin came home to set up a practice in the North End. As the black population in the City ex­panded, Martin was drawn to the political arena, gaining a seat on the City Council in 1968. He was elected to three more terms becoming deputy mayor in 1975 before retiring from elective office.

In recent years he has con­centrated on his dental practice and become increasingly discouraged about the prospects for the North End. "We are worse off in every way than 30 years ago - economically, politically and socially," he observes. "Now all the attention is on downtown development, but that's like trying to cultivate a pearl in a polluted oyster bed." Martin sees indecision in the educational com­munity and infighting on the City Council as major roadblocks to pro­gress. His chief hope is that the neighborhoods will organize politically and develop clout.

Outside his professional life, Martin is an avid collector of old clocks, pipes and house plants. A onetime flutist, he started playing the cello three years ago. He attributes his varied interests to his liberal arts background. "This is Trinity's legacy to me," he says. Allyn Martin '53

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AGENCY DIRECTOR. A member of the first class of woinen to graduate from Trinity in 1973, Susan Hoffman Fishman hoped to use her fine arts training in a career as an illustrator. Finding artistic avenues limited, she first worked as a consultant for the Hartford schools, then spent a year as director of a youth organization.

It was a one-year hitch with VISTA that made the difference. Placed with the Department of Corrections, her task was creating an agency to assist families of persons sentenced to prison - usually first offenders.

From her labors has come Women in Crisis, a private, non-profit agency that is a model for the country. "Our job is to provide information and support to families of the incarcer­ated during the initial adjustment ,period," Fishman states. "In a real sense the families are victims of the crime, and they are not prepared for the emotional and economic impact of a prison sentence for a family member.''

To do its job the agency recruits and trains volunteers, most of whom are working professionals. At present 55 volunteers are engaged in out· reach work. Fishman heads up a paid staff of seven who do the recruiting, fund raising, training, and co\}rt liaison.

Having just renovated a home in Hartford's West End, Fishman is now working to establish a new religious community to save the Charter Oak Temple, one of the oldest synagogues in New England. As for her art, she still keeps her hand in and admits to writing and illustrating a book in her "spare" time.

CHIEF JUSTICE. Except for a three­year stint to earn his law degree at Harvard, John Cotter has been "at home" in Hartford where he is now regarded as an institution.

He came to Trinity from Bulkeley High to major in history and economics, receiving his degree in 1933. "Knowing what I know now," he states, "I sometimes wish I had majored in English. ln law, crafts· manship with words is very im­portant whether one is preparing for a trial or writing an opinion from the bench."

Entering law practice in 1936, Cotter eventually took a fling at politics, serving in the legislature from 1947-50 where he was House floor leader. Switching to the judicial branch in 1950, he became

Susan Fishman '73

judge of the Hartford City and Police Court and has been on the bench ever since. He was named Chief Justice in 1978.

Active in the Bar Associations and on many national judicial com­mittees, Cotter has dealt with a broad range of legal problems from malpractice to no-fault insurance. Perhaps his chief concern is that the legislature is increasingly looking to the courts to solve social problems. "The current educational funding issue under Horton vs. Meskill is a classic example of this trend," he opines. Such cases he believes ac­count for much of the present logjam in the courts. "In the future," Cotter concludes, "emerging political and public issues must be resolved through legislative action and not in the courts."

The Hon. John Cotter '33


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GOVERNOR'S SPECIAL ASSISTANT. If you drive by the State Capitol about 6 a.m. and see a light burning on the second floor, chances are it's in the office of Daniel Reese, special assistant to Governor Grasso for national affairs.

A self-confessed "workaholic," Reese has found the fast lane through the thickets of state and federal bureaucracy since graduating from Trinity in 1975.

He got his start on Capitol Hill in 1974 working part time for Senator Richard Schweiker of Pennsylvania. After earning his B.A. in political science, Reese joined the Federal Election Commission "virtually as an office boy." Inside a year he was pre· paring the agency's $6 million budget and managing a staff of 200.

He renewed his Connecticut ties in 1977 as the State's lobbyist in Wash­ington. That year the State had the third largest per capita federal aid in· crease in the country.

Reese gets these results with solid research and hard work rather than by traditional lobbying. "If I've learned one lesson, it is that by working hard you can reach your ob­jective. Ninety percent of the people do ·not make a commitment to do a professional job," states Reese.

Governor Grasso brought him back to Hartford in the fall of '78 to work on her campaign. Once re-elected she named Reese her chief advisor on na­tional policy.

Calling the Governor "one of the smartest people I've met in my life," Reese likes the pace of the executive branch and the immediacy of deci· sion-making. "I urge college people to get involved in state and local government," Reese says. "It's in­credible the impact you can have if you work - even as an under­graduate."

True to his work ethic, Reese spends his evenings attending classes at the University of Connecticut Law School.

FOUNDATION DIRECTOR. Joseph Van Why wasn't supposed to go to Trinity. In fact, he had already completed his freshman year at Hobart when a medical problem put him in Hartford Hospital. During the recovery period he transferred to Trinity, a step that would later launch him on a new career.

Graduating in 1950 in classics, he went to Brown for an M.A. and

Daniel Reese '75

developed an interest in rare books. From 1953 to 1964 he taught in private secondary schools, the last eight years as chairman of the classics department at Loomis School. In 1958 Van Why had a summer post as a cataloguer at the Watkinson Library on the Trinity campus when a call came from a Miss Katherine Day who was looking for someone to organize her

collection of Harriet Beecher Stowe's writings.

"I got the assignment," recollects Van Why, "and it was obvious from the start that there was a lot more than a summer's work here." He was right. Nine summers later he was appointed full-time curator with the dual task of researching the Stowe House to guide its restoration and organizing the Stowe collection into

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a library. Presently Van Why is director of

the Stowe-Day Foundation, a historical and literary organization operating the Harriet Beecher Stowe House, and the prestigious Nook Farm Research Library. He takes special pride in the library, a huge underground vault with source materials on the abolitionists, women's suffrage, architectural restoration and the decorative arts of the 19th century. "We built below grade," he says, "so that Nook Farm would remain true to the days of Mrs. Stowe and Mark Twain."

Under Van Why's sensitive leadership, the literary heritage of Hartford is obviously alive and well.

HEADMASTER. When Charles Todd graduated from Trinity in 1964, he simply trucked his belong· ings across town to the Watkinson School where he's been ever since. "I was a history major without a job," he recalls, "and decided I could teach for a year until I knew where I was headed. I talked my way into teaching art history part time, and

' learned enough to be hired full time the next year."

He coached soccer, taught history, dabbled in archeology on summer cruises of the Aegean, earned an M.A. from Trinity, and in 1971 was named headmaster. Since then Watkinson enrollment has doubled, the budget runs in the black, and annual gifts are up tenfold.

Even more notable has been Todd's awareness of Hartford as an educational asset. "We used to worry because we weren't out in the woods like our competition. Not any more." Under Todd's direction Watkinson has instituted a summer bilingual program for 5th and 6th grade His­panic children from Hartford. Parti· cipants return weekends during the school year for tutoring in reading and math by Watkinson students.

Athletics are almost synonymous with private schools, but Watkinson offers sports alternatives including volunteer service opportunities at hospitals or counselling centers, and arts programs at the Hartford Ballet, the Hartford Art School or the Hartt School of Music.

Todd, when not indulging his love for sailing, finds time to serve as president of the board of Grey Lodge, a residence for homeless girls, and as a trustee of the Hartford Art School.

Joseph Van Why '50 17

Charles Todd '64

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NEIGHBORHOOD WORKER. Larry Woods' goal is to "make people feel good about themselves. If we can accomplish this, we can have a great City," he enthuses.

Since graduating from Trinity in 1973, Woods has been the director and motivational force at the Inner City Exchange, a North End educational, cultural and recreational agency. He and a staff of eleven provide a variety of community services including: a nursery school, arts and crafts classes, a reading clinic and tutoring services, a library where teenagers can study, a boy scout troop, and various recreational activities. One of Woods' newer programs, called "Feed a Mind," tries to get people off the streets and into an atmosphere where they can get counselling from volunteer workers.

A product of Hartford Public and the Greater Hartford Community College, he came back from Vietnam with a commitment to the City. Woods admits that the politics of fund raising and the apathy of many citizens are problems, but he remains optimistic. "I'm a 'do-gooder' and a bridge builder," he says, "and I'm interested in bringing the people of the City together."

To this end he assists with a course for white students from area colleges on education for the disadvantaged. He also works with UConn's urban semester program, which has students living and working in the North End.

Larry Woods '73

His greatest concern is persistent illiteracy in the black community, which contributes to its lack of power and explains its poor voting

Oliver Johnson '35

record. "It is through education that people gain self-respect and the ability to improve the quality of their lives," Woods concludes.

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COMPANY PRESIDENT. "Printing touches every walk of life, and that's what makes it so fascinating," says Oliver F. Johnson, chief executive of Bond Press, Inc., Hartford's largest printing firm. "In the course of a day I may talk with a banker, a lawyer, a farmer, several editors or various government leaders," he adds.

Starting in the family firm at age eight, Johnson had a healthy supply of ink in his veins by the time he graduated from Trinity in 1935. After working in New York and Delaware and a hitch in the service, he came back to Hartford in 1945 to join his brother in business at 71 Elm Street.

DANCE MASTER. A pioneer in the Hartford arts world, Joseph Albano has made his mark as a choreogra­pher, dancer and ballet master since graduating from Trinity in 1960. Al­though he has danced with the world's leading companies, including Martha Graham and the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, Albano's forte is the training and development of dance artists.

He has given the City two dance companies, founding the Hartford Ballet at age 20, and in 1971, the school and company that bear his name. "My academy is a creative alternative to New York," he states, "and with 300 students enrolled, we have nurtured a plant with a helluva lot of seeds coming off it. "

A volatile man, Albano admits to being a hard taskmaster. "Because I demand the best of my students, some people call me difficult." His methods have turned out some of the world's leading dancers including soloists with American and European companies.

In his Victorian academy on Girard A venue, Albano teaches not only dance, but music and drama as well, believing that dancers need the "right overview." "I am convinced that good learning is form with content; good dance is the same. For that reason," he observes, "a lot of improvisation ought to be left in the laboratory."

Albano is as zealous in creating sensitive spectators as he is in training dancers. His current com­pany performs in area schools to reach grass roots audiences. "After seeing dance, youngsters in elementary school do not forget it," Albano comments. "My dream is that this community will someday reach a quality level in dance performance and viewing that is unique in the country."

A Hartford native, he feels his hometown is "the most exceptional place in the country." He has played leading roles in the chamber of commerce, Rotary Club, and printing trade associations. "Hartford's greatest asset is that the leadership of the business community cares about the city's future,")ohnson states.

An outspoken advocate of education, he once bought full-page ads in the Hartford newspapers to explain "the ecstasy of learning." The ads included a pledge to be signed by parents, teachers, and students with the aim of helping young people understand why school

was important. "The problem is not teachers or facilities," Johnson comments, "it's motivation."

His broad contacts through printing led to an appreciation for other cultures and membership in the World Affairs Center of which he is currently president. He has also been active in Trinity alumni affairs and various charitable causes.

Life is not all business, of course. His friends at the Hartford Golf Club will tell you that Ollie won the Garvan Cup two years running. And if you can't find him around town, chances are he's probably hiding out

·_ in the Berkshires casting for bass.

Joseph Albano '60

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Susan Weisselberg '76

The Han. William Cotter '49

EDITOR. A third-generation jour­nalist, Susan W eisselberg wanted to write so much that she created her own fortnightly news magazine during her junior year in Britain. When her editing chores were done, she hawked her product on local street corners.

Such persistence came in handy when she graduated in 1976 just before the demise of The Hartford Times made cub reporters a surplus commodity. "I wanted to stay in Hartford because I was doing some exciting volunteer work at Channel 30 on the advisory board of a show

called 'What About Women.' " In spite of the competitive job

market, she caught on with the Connecticut Law Tribune where she is currently managing editor and writes a weekly column. The paper serves law firms, courts and various agencies with news of Superior Court decisions, legal interpretations and trends.

W eisselberg spends a lot of time at the Capitol and finds politics "much less theoretical than I imagined. I've seen personal power plays I didn't believe ever happened. Politics in textbooks is much tidier."

. Her degree in American studies helped bring historical perspective to her writing. "I can still hear my instructors warning me not to make blanket assumptions," she admits.

Next fall she wants to enter either Yale or UConn Law School and eventually hopes to combine her law training with journalism on a national basis. By staying in Con­necticut she can also satisfy her passions for flea markets, tag sales, and refinishing old furniture.

CONGRESSMAN. When Bill Cotter went to Trinity he walked back and forth to class from the family's Fairfield Avenue home where he still resides today. One of the youngest students in a college full of veterans he remembers Trinity as "much more conservative than now and about 90 percent Republican."

A history ~nd economics major, he graduated in 1949 and began selling · insurance. At the urging of another Trinity man, Mike Kelly, he ran for the City Council and was elected in 1953 along with his classmate, James Kinsella, now a . Hartford attorney.

A year later Governor Ribicoff named Cotter to an aide's post. His administrative talents were sub­sequently put to work as deputy insurance commissioner, and in 1964 he became commissioner.

He resigned in 1970 to run for the seat being vacated by "Mim" Dad­dario, an:d has been in Congress ever since. A dedicated Hartford booster, he claims to have spent every weekend in his hometown since going to Washington.

Cotter is optimistic about Hart­ford's future. "I don't know of any place like this," he says, "where an enlightened business community has played such an active role in reviving the City." He is also encouraged by the corporate resolve to resist the out-migration that has plagued cities like New York.

Cott~r sees crime and high taxes as major problems in Hartford, but feels the City has turned the corn:er. "I am particularly encouraged by the numbers of young people settling here. Their confidence," he added, "is a key ingredient in revitalizing the community."

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The View From City Hall

The deputy mayor outlines new areas for town~gown cooperation.

by Nicholas R. Carbone

H ow does an institution like Trinity College impact the city of Hartford? Having spent

these last months acutely aware of the economic and emotional hardships property revaluation imposes on city residents, its effect on the city budget and, ultimately, on the delivery of services to neighbor­hoods, my first concern is the tax-exempt status enjoyed by the College.

Hartford, as a creature of the State, can raise revenue only with the permission of the legislature. To date, local governments have been given one taxing mechanism - the property tax. The tax­exempt status of educational and cultural in­stitutions and hospitals is, therefore, an issue of critical importance, particularly when the City is experiencing a dwindling property tax base that has ~

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"While I applaud the strides and contributions the College has made, I also understand that the institution is in a unique position to better har­ness the creative energy of faculty, administra­tors, students and staff for the good of the com­munity."

resulted in a severe reduction of city services. Residential property owners, who do not have the

luxury of a tax exemption, are facing a tremendous escalation in their taxes as a result of the state­required revaluation done for the October 1978 grand list. Projected effects of this revaluation indi­cate that there will be a six million dollar shift from commercial to residential properties . Such a shift would mean an average increase of 46.8 percent in the tax bills of Hartford's residential property owners.

In addition, revaluation confronts policy makers with the following possible consequences: a sub­stantial out-migration of those residents who have the means to live outside the city as well as a slowdown in those moving into Hartford; an alarming increase in tax delinquencies and aban­donments by residential property owners; and an increase in mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures. High taxes also tend to drive down real estate prices because of the scarcity of potential buyers. The net result is a city with an ever-increasing poor and dependent population, a shrinking tax base, and increasing costs for services such as welfare, social services, police, fire and education. The demand for services keeps escalating while resources to finance those services diminish. That's when a policy maker really takes a good har.d look at the equity of tax exemption.

Based on 1977 data compiled before revaluation, Trinity's real estate in the city was assessed at $18,500,000. If Trinity's property were not tax exempt, its property tax payments to the city would have amounted to $1,681 ,696.40. This payment would have been equivalent to approximately two percent of the City's current property tax collection. Add to this amount the revenue from other City tax-exempt properties such as the University of Hartford, Hartford Hospital, Mount Sinai Hospital, St. Francis Hospital, McCook Hospital, The Institute of Living, and the Wadsworth Atheneum, and you begin to see the ma~gnitude of the problem. Over 50 percent of the City's properties is tax-exempt.

For this reason Hartford joined with other major cities in Connecticut to lobby for relief from this burden. Consequently, the State established a reimbursement program through which the City receives 23.4 percent of the taxes on exempt property from the State.

I am focusing on Trinity's tax-exempt status for a variety of reasons. Clearly,· the institution's con-

sumption of city services is at the taxpayers' ex­pense. Trinity pays no taxes on its educational plant to the city of Hartford , yet, if there is a fire at Trinity, the city's fire department responds. If there is a major disturbance, the City's police department responds. When the snow falls, the City plows the streets around Trinity to the extent that it can afford to plow the streets. When someone slips and falls on the sidewalks around Trinity, they sue the City, not the College. Every City response and ser­vice to that institution costs money; larger amounts of money each year due to inflation.

A study done in 1974 by the Council on Municipal Performances showed that 61 percent of Hart ford's residents live on incomes that are below the poverty line - the amount of money necessary to buy food, clothing, shelter, and health. A city where nearly two out of every three residents are poor must conceive of an institution such as Trinity as an island of privilege: parents spend more to send their children to Trinity than most of Hartford's residents have to live on.

What responsibilit'Y then, if any, does Trinity College have to the city of Hartford and her residents? Public policies have made educational and cultural institutions and hospitals tax-exempt. In doing so, residents of the region, the State, and even those from other parts of the country benefit, while a disproportionate burden is borne by city residents. There is little we can do to try and change history, but, as John F. Kennedy incisively noted, "Our task now is not to fix the blame for the past, but to fix the course for the future."

Trinity should join with the City to find ways to use the area's resources more equitably. While I applaud the strides and contributions the College has made, I also understand that the institution is in a unique position to better harness the creative energy of faculty, administrators, students and staff for the good of the community. It is not enough in a city such as Hartford for administrators to flag that the institution serves as a locus for cultural events, that some of its students leave the College to live and work in the City, that students work in city agencies, that the College provides a labor force for city residents, or even that the presence of the College in the neighborhood contributes to surrounding property values. Hartford's problems and the frustration and resentment of her residents are of too severe a magnitude to be quelled by such arguments.

What the College should feel positive about is the coalition it has established with Hartford Hospital, The Institute of Living, neighborhood block clubs, and businesses. This coalition, known as SINA, Southside Institutions Neighborhood Alliance, has encouraged reinvestment in the neighborhoods and created the Southside Neighborhood News as well as various slide shows which educate residents in problems endemic to their communities. Moreover, establishment of the homeownership incentive program for employees of the three institutions is a program I am looking forward to watching develop.

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Specifically, then, what are other agendas the College might become involved in? First of all, requesting that this article be written by a policy maker is a good start. It provides an effective public forum for articulating the City's issues. The City tends to get more press coverage from personality clashes between Councilpersons than on issues under debate. Therefore, a more active, activist role by administrators and faculty on City issues, using

-the press to communicate their postures, is a strong recommendation. I am certain that the Hartford Courant, for example, would be most agreeable to publishing op-ed columns written by distinguished academic leaders and scholars.

Academic institutions have great potential to be resources to the community in which they exist. The sharing of these resources with local government can accrue great returns. I spoke a lot earlier about . taxation and its effects. Every year the City and the Citizens Lobby launch massive campaigns to make this problem felt at the legislature. We're always seeking new ways in which to remedy the situation as well as new advocates to join our forces .

Other valuable College contributions might in­clude: lending expertise to help train City employees in the characteristics and dynamics of the South End neighborhoods; granting professors leaves of ab­sence to work with the City as well as encouraging faculty to do so in their spare time; providing pay and promotional incentives to increase staff involve­ment; and using some of its $33 million endowment as a loan fund for neighborhood business revitaliza­tion. Persuading its faculty and staff to live near the College is another positive step. There's nothing like living in a City to stimulate interest in its govern­ment.

We also need help in making City government more efficient and responsive. Instituting district­based elections for the City Council and adopting a strong mayor form of government are two measures I believe will provide citizens with more ac­countability from the elected official. These initiatives simultaneously strengthen the neigh­borhood base and help government. All require extensive lobbying by citizens either on local of­ficials, or frequently in tandem with local govern­ment on state and federal levels.

Trinity College is part of the city of Hartford. It appears from some basic calculations that the City's taxpayers are subsidizing the education of the undergraduate and graduate students ofT rinity, through tax exemption, by about $845 per student, per year. As has been demonstrated, this is a luxury the City cannot afford to rationalize.

Here in Hartford we're trying to live up to the purpose of government defined by Thomas Jefferson: "The care of human life and happiness and not their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of good government." To succeed in achieving our purpose, we need the mobilization of both your talent and resources. •

Nicholas R. Carbone is deputy mayor of Hartford and a leading spokesman on the concerns of municipalities in Connecticut.


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The Urban Problem, Then and Now

Human needs remain surprisingly constant since the days of Alexander.

by Eugene W. Davis

W riting half a century ago, the British histo­rian J.B. Bury lamented the neglect of Greek

history for the age after Alexander the Great. He could no longer do so, for this Hellenistic Age has received increasing attention in recent years largely because of its parallels with "modern" life. It was an age in which the individual appeared very small and helpless and society very large and impersonal, yet the whole texture of the culture was somehow shaped by the effort to meet the needs of that small and helpless individual.

So it is with us. We readily laugh at the follies of the "hippies" of our own recent past, but in doing so we overlook the fact that they correctly identified our basic problems: alienation and isolation. These are the basic problems of any over-urbanized culture, and the Hellenistic Age was the first in history to face them. Large cities had existed before Alexander, but earlier cultures had always been those of the tribe, the group, the state. After Alexander, in a singular way the Greeks developed the culture of the individual.

We all know what is wrong with life in the village. Its narrowness, drabness, spitefulness, and cliquishness are only too familiarly catalogued. In each generation the more venturesome souls have sought out the freer atmosphere of the city - but only to find a new set of problems.

What do these urbanites lose in leaving their village? One thing is their own sense of importance. In a small group every person counts. It has been said that in a village the only private life you have lies in the difference between what "everybody knows" and what is really true - and the smaller the village the smaller that difference is. In a great city, on the other hand, you can do whatever you please. Nobody cares. What you do doesn't matter because you don't matter.

Further, village life offers a certain rock-bottom social security. Even the slaves have it. They may be brutally treated, but if the village eats, they eat. The same is true at the bottom of the scale of freemen with the village idiot and the town drunk. The children may make mock of them and play tricks on

them, but they will be given a handout and allowed to sleep in the barn. They are somebody's cousin. Only the outlaw and the outcast are excluded. The true horror of those words is worth noting.

The villagers' third advantage is self-assurance, for in the social sphere they operate entirely in a world of knowns. They may attribute storms to a rain god instead of a low pressure front, but in their daily life they know whom they like or dislike, whom they trust or distrust and, moreover, they know exactly why. One result of this certainty is that the villagers' judgments are usually personal, often moral, and only sometimes economic. Some people buy at Smith's (the prices in the only two stores are inevitably identical since everybody knows what they are) because Smith belongs to their lodge, and (furthermore!!) they darkly suspect that Jones mixes lard with his butter. Jones's customers, on the other hand, shop with him because he always votes Democratic, and (besides!!) they darkly suspect that Smith waters his milk.

Overall, then, villagers have a sense of belonging; they are part of some greater whole or group. It may be dominant or oppressed, but it is a group; somewhere its members are insiders. The cement which holds all this together is loyalty; the villagers know they can count on their group simply because it is their group.

Look now at the urbanites. They feel alone; they are part of nothing larger than themselves. In "alienation and is9lp.tion" it is the isolation that comes first. In their deepest beings urbanites think and react as strangers. We have a clear example of this in our 0wn recent past. During the gasoline shortage we can all remember the persistent, per­vasive suspicion that certain (usually unspecified but definitely wicked) gas station operators were (wickedly) holding back gasoline for their favored customers. Our reaction was that of the outsider; whoever was being favored, we knew it wasn't us.

In its extreme form this leads the lone individual to feel that all groups are a threat. "Groupness" itself becomes an evil and loyalty a vice -favoritism, cronyism. Since we can trust no one's

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loyalty, we inevitably refuse our loyalty to anyone else. The end-product of isolation is universal susp1c1on.

The first requirement, then, for a culture of in­dividualism is large numbers of persons who are psychologically alone. The second is an underlying assumption that society itself is not threatened. It is a huge and heartless monolith. When a society feels its whole self threatened by an outside danger, whether a foreign conquest or a real energy crisis (not one that "they" have rigged) the reaction of its members is to submerge their differences and band together tO try to save it.

In the face of this great, secure, uncaring world, lonely individuals have several options. First, they can flee, either actually back to the village or into a fantasyland of artificial simplicity. Second, they can try to make themselves so self-sufficient they will not need outside support. Third, they can join a group or subculture (even one devoted to overthrowing society) and thus achieve a small, manageable world­within-a-world for themselves. Fourth, they can find a religion whose caring god is always reliably there to sustain them. And finally they can attempt through some "science" to increase their power over their own destinies.

We can find all these solutions being attempted by the men of the Hellenistic world, and we can see them about us today.

Those who actually flee back to the village presumably find again the security they lost and so make no new demands upon the culture. But there is another partial flight, one to a temporary refuge, which is important in shaping culture.

Suburban villas sprouted all over the Graeco­Roman world for those who could afford them. We need only think of Cicero - an urbanite if there ever was one- rejoicing in his Tusculan villa. Even more important, perhaps, was the fantasy flight back

URBANIZATION of the Hellenistic Era is seen in this restoration of Pergamum, a city on the west coast of Asia Minor. 25

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to a "purer, simpler, more honest" world. Ar­chaizing tendencies appeared in the plastic arts, older modes became again the fashion in literature, and the pastoral emerged in both prose and poetry. The pastoral deals especially with sweet and simple shepherds and shepherdesses singing sweet and simple lays to one another while a few tasteful sheep graze peacefully on a hillside in the middle distance. However artificial, this poetry can be very lovely, and it answers a real need of a highly urbanized audience. Actual peasants, however, don't go in for pastoral very much. Even today we know all about shepherds - they abide in fields and keep watch o'er flocks by night- but not many of us have gotten close enough to a genuine sheepherder to hear him or touch him or (especially) smell him. Even the cowhands look down on him.

Today we also have the rustic hideaway. It is called suburbia. We are so accustomed to thinking of the urban problem in terms of the ghetto that we forget that the suburbs are also a part of the same urbanized complex. The rough, tough, hairy-chested suburbanite, riding his 'power mower over his acre­and-a-quarter ranch and scorching a steak over gas­fired bricquets in his backyard patio, is easy to laugh at, as is his slim, tanned wife who - archly barefoot - serves that steak by the simple light of candles on informal plastic placemats in the air-conditioned family room. But they are expressing a human need and reacting to a too-urban environment just as surely as is the ghetto youth who labors fo{ ac­ceptance by a street gang.

The second way to deal with the sense of isolation and helplessness is to strive for individual self­sufficiency. In the Hellenistic world this function was taken over by philosophy. Philosophy has never been so important to ordinary citizens in ordering their daily lives as it was then, and it is noteworthy that the attempt to achieve individual self-sufficiency (autarkeia) was a feature of nearly all the principal philosophies. People, you see, felt themselves very much at the mercy of the goddess Tyche (Fortune), who unpredictably dispensed blessings and disasters and, quite beyond any man's control, brought him now high, now low on her "wheel."

How were individuals to free themselves from

Fortune and her whims? Hellenistic philosophy's basic answer was that people should limit the things they cared about, since everything external to themselves - wealth, honors, power, anything­was really a hostage to Fortune. Whatever it was, they might lose it, and only by not caring for it could they protect themselves from pain. The Cynics, of whom Diogenes is the most famous, went farthest in this vein. So long as a man possessed Virtue - a kind of inner harmony - nothing could greatly hurt him. The Stoics were in general agreement here, though the Virtue they pursued was rather a bringing of one's own desires into harmony with a pre-existing, divinely decreed order of the universe. Their real concern, however, was with their own actions; so long as they knew that they personally had acted well, they could not be shattered by how things turned out.

The Epicureans and Cyrenaics (Hedonists), on the other hand, noting that all animals seek pleasure and avoid pain, pursued happiness rather than abstract Virtue, yet even their pursuit rings somewhat oddly to us. The Hedonists held that the Now should be totally enjoyed, since this moment is all we really own. One Aristippus, when his slaves grew tired while crossing a desert, ordered them to throw away the gold they were carrying. "It is of no use right now, so ... " Such an irresponsible at­titude toward gold doesn't seem very hedonistic today.

Epicurus, more than any other, is still associated with a philosophy of pleasure, but the pleasures he advocates do seem a little surprising - simple joys, quiet intellectual delights. He tells us that to make a man rich, do not add to his wealth but subtract from his desires, and that, if a man owns the whole universe and still wants more, he is poor. We have all heard such things, but who has associated them with being an Epicurean?

Today popular psychology substitutes for philosophy in our search for self-sufficiency. I must "get in touch with my feelings," "understand my emotions," and then I will be serene and happy. A favorite quotation is a remark of Abraham Lincoln that a man is usually about as happy as he decides to be. Pop psych is full of statements like, "If something hurts me, I must ask myself: what is wrong with me?" The implication is, of course, that "I" ought to be so inwardly secure that nothing external can hurt me.

A third way to deal with a too-large world is to cut back the part one really cares about by joining a group or subculture. After Alexander, guilds and mutual assistance societies began to multiply. They were usually associated with the worship of some god, but they were basically a banding together of people with a common trade, business or interest. And they provided support and a sense of self­worth; a person who could never hope to rule the world could be important in his guild. This pattern is very much with us today, not only in the traditional fraternal and service clubs, but also in the proliferating professional societies and interest

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SUBURBAN VILLA in Pompeii has a Hellenistic court­yard and a colonnaded porch or peristyle. The court was the center of family life where children played among flowers and splashing fountains.

groups. We cannot live in a geographical village, but we can meet on the commo.n ground of a shared interest - a labor union, a bar association, an antique car club. Even the various "anonymous" groups - Alcoholics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous- achieve a community based on concern with a shared problem. All these things decrease our isolation in a too-large world.

The fourth response of the helpless little man is to seek a clivine supporter who can be "a very present help in trouble." Today, particularly among the young, the search for a faith is very evident. In the Hellenistic world this search took form in the growth of the so-called mystery religions. These were not new, -but they had great new appeal. In one package they gave the individual the support of a loving god and a sense of belonging in a smaller, more comfortable world. Neither the Olympian gods of the state nor the household gods of the family provided just this kind of support. The mystery cults both offered something directly to the individual and required something of him. They had a god who had suffered and so could sympathize with suffering, and they promised their initiates a glorious immortality and a 'heaven. N~te the word "initiates." A person could not inherit membership in such a cult. He himself had to make a conscious decision to join and then had to follow through with specific required actions in order to make himself worthy. But once initiated, he belonged; he mattered; he had a group. 27

In the Hellenistic world one final response to the feeling of helplessness was attempted. Its purpose was not to enable a person to bear what happened but to increase his actual control of his fate . "Scientific" knowledge could be used to build a happier and more successful life. Astrology became widely popular. Should I start this journey or undertake this venture today? After all, knowledge is power. This, too, is not unknown today.

Clearly, we neither can nor should go back to a village culture, but while remembering the evils of stagnation and clannishness we must not pretend that stability and belongingness have no psychological value. One of the great interests of the Hellenistic Age for us lies in the similarity of both their problems and their solutions to our own. Even in their cities, of course, the neighborhood ap­proximated the village much more than it does in our motorized society, and the lack of the computer prevented their going as far as we have in trying to eliminate the human element from all human contacts. Nevertheless, there is value in the reminder that as human beings we have human needs and that our human responses have changed very little in the 2300 years since Alexander. •

Eugene W . Davis is professor of history at Trinity where he has taught since 1948. He is a specialist in ancient history and has a strong avocational interest in dialects.

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I t' s a pretty good crowd. Students are sitting around

tables with pitchers of beer and glasses, laughing and running up to the bar to get another bag of potato chips. There are records playing, and sometimes live en­tertainment on weekends . Couples are sitting by themselves in dark corners, and a few brave souls may be dancing. It could be any bar in any college town in America .

Except it's the Iron Pony Pub, located smack in Mather Dining Hall at Trinity College. Six hours ago, the lights were turned up and they were serving chopped steak and french fries.

The theme of this issue is the relationship between Trinity and Hartford, and an on-campus pub is a good place to start looking for it. (I've gone there when I've had to start a column before.) The official view of the relationship is something like what my editor, William Churchill, calls "the Hart­ford Connection"; it says the Trinity student might catch a shuttle bus to a class at Saint Joseph, or do an internship at a state agency downtown. In fact, at least from the students' point of view, the Hartford Connection is about the most under-used thing at Trinity College, perhaps because Trinity is such a com­fortable community by itself. We have the option of not crossing the street at night, because there is a pub right here of our own. Let me explain that. Hartford has, and Trinity advertises that it has, lots of opportunities for the Trinity students, but it may not have many necessities. Trinity has a post office, so there's po need to go downtown; it has laundromats,

by Eric Grevstad '80

Dantesque as they may be, so there's no need to go across the street; and it has a dining hall and a pub, with the occasional trip to Friendly's if the food gets tiring or to the Corner Tap for a mixed drink.

I should say that I am considering places like ABC Pizza, where Rich Staron has been serving students for eight and a half years, or the Corner Tap - which has a Bantam over the door, for heaven's sake - as being part of Trinity rather than Hartford. Both are across the street from campus, and as comfortable to students as their dorms; like Cinestudio, they're open to the public, but usually full of us . Counting places like this, Trinity is such a nice spot that many students never set foot in Hart­ford .

Which is not to say they don't go downtown. I view going down­town differently than most, because I do it on foot, up Washington Street: There's the Institute of Living, and the Cumberland Farms; there's Hart­ford Hospital. There's A. C. Hine and Belmont Records; there's Marty's Adult World next to the A & P that's out of business, there's the State Department of Labor. After that, there's the Capitol and Bushnell Park, and then the business district and the Civic Center. It's a nice walk .

Most students don't know the way downtown as I do, but they know their way around it well enough. Catching the Broad Street bus to go shopping is very popular, as is getting into a friend's car to go party. Downtown is done in groups.

A man has not knocked at a woman's door, given her flowers, and taken her downtown for dinner and a show from Trinity since 1967. Most socializing in­volves a bunch of people thrown together over dinner, from the dorm, or even in the parking lot - almost nothing is planned more than one night ahead - and heading to one of the bars or discos in the city, like the Russian Lady or the Brownstone. Or they may go to the Bushnell - the symphony is not a big draw, but people are going to T wyla Tharp and Marcel Marceau this month. Before the Coliseum fell in, people went to the Civic Center for a rock concert or a hockey game. Downtown is a change of pace from campus, which a place like the Corner Tap isn't, and it's an adventure. It's a big, if optional, part of life at Trinity.

Between Trinity and downtown, then, is Hartford, in the sense that it's advertised in the catalog; and this is what a lot of students miss. Those who don't are the students working at Southside Neighborhood News or the Institute of Living or somewhere; they are the Hartford Connection, and they have the best of three worlds.

Trinity is in Hartford, but not the way that Dartmouth is Hanover. Hartford is not a college town -but Trinity, with the "Long Block" of New Britain Avenue, Summit, Vernon, and Broad Streets, almost is. And it's a nice place to be.

But it's not the only place to be. •

An English major from West Hartford , Er ic Grevstad is also a regular contributor to the Tripod.

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Quad Wmntles

T ime was, back in 1824, that Hartford, Mid­dletown and New Haven were literally in a

bidding war to be the site of the fledgling Washington College- now known as Trinity. Hartford advocates of the College argued it would "enlarge our business, increase our wealth and promote among us a spirit of enterprise." If the same opportunity were offered today, we wonder whether the city fathers would show the same mercantile enthusiasm for a new institution of higher learning.

Elsewhere in this magazine, Hartford's deputy mayor, Nicholas R. Carbone, has spelled out some of the thorny issues in local political thickets: a dwindling tax base, reduced municipal services, escalating assessments and mutinous taxpayers. With over 50 percent of Hartford's land tax-exempt (including federal and state properties), it is little wonder that city leaders are casting covetous glances at the holdings of colleges, churches, museums and hospitals as potential sources of new revenue.

Why are institutions like Trinity tax-exempt? The origins of this concept were explained clearly by Nathan Pusey, the former president of Harvard: "Tax exemption is not a matter of conferring special privilege upon a college or university because of itself. Quite the contrary, it is a recognition of the need for colleges and universities in our state and nation - the public need. For our colleges and universities, whether privately or publicly managed, are still in fact public institutions serving the public good, the common weal. If they were not created by private funds, they would have to be built, main­tained and operated by tax dollars. In a very real sense, Harvard is a public institution and has been from the beginning."

Thus, it is Trinity's public service that is protected by the exemption, not the institution. It is this same freedom from taxation that encourages the development of new and diverse artistic, cultural, ethnic, religious and scientific groups and protects them from outside control.

Philosophy aside, there are a number of miscon­ceptions about Trinity's economic relationship with the City. First, the College places relatively small de­mands on public services. It provides its own security, grounds maintenance and refuse removal; it does not use the schools, the streets or the welfare system. However, its employees, who do require these services, pay taxes just like everyone else.

To take this a step further, try envisioning Hart­ford without Trinity. Instead of the park-like cam­pus, there would be a grid of city streets lined with the familiar multi-family dwellings of the South End.

Would not the demands for public and educational services from such a neighborhood be far greater than those required by the College? We think so.

Second, the College is a major employer not sub­ject to the whims of technology, faddism or cheap labor markets. It will not board up its classrooms and move to the Sunbelt. Trinity's payroll last year was over $6 million, much of which was spent in Hartford. Along with wages, the College contracts locally for many goods and services. Not to be over­looked is the $5-.9 million invested in the library and a new dormitory over the past two years.

Third, independent colleges like Trinity attract dollars to the economy. More than half the students in the state's private colleges are from beyond our borders. Last year these out-of-state scholars brought over $100 million to Connecticut.

A fourth, and perhaps more important factor, is that many of these talented students choose to re­main in Connecticut after graduation. The so-called "brain drain" experienced by some states is not ap­parent here. In Trinity's case, for example, 3,000 of the College's 14,000 alumni live in the Greater Hart­ford area. Much of the City's vitality stems from the imaginative endeavors of its educated populace.

Another popular notion is that Trinity is an en­clave for the offspring of the wealthy. Mr. Carbone somewhat unfairly points out that parents of Trinity students are paying more in tuition than many Hartford families earn in a year. What he fails to mention, however, is that the cost of a Trinity edu­cation is no higher than that of a public college or university. The only difference is that these same Hartford families pick up much of the tab in taxes to keep tuition low in the public sector. It also should be noted that while some Trinity parents can foot the tuition bill, more than one-third of our stu­dents are on financial aid.

We have dwelled overly long on economics. Dis­cussions of the financial intertwinings of the College and City are interesting academic exercises - per­haps even worthy of a doctoral dissertation- but they miss the heart of the matter. Even if Trinity were assessed to the hilt , the net return would not significantly relieve the financial plight of the City.

What can bring about a substantial shift for the better in community fortunes is a renewed determi­nation by the College to contribute its energies and talents toward the solution of mutual problems. De­spite our disagreement with Mr. Carbone on the tax issue, the oppot"tunities for collaboration far out­number our differences. •



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Along the Walk


After a six-month nationwide search, the College announced in January that Dr. Andrew G. De Rocco, a physicist from the Uni­versity of Maryland, will be the next Dean of the Faculty.

De Rocco, who will assume the Trinity post on July 1, is professor of molecular physics at the Insti­tute for Physical Science and Tech­nology at the University of Mary­land. He is a graduate of Purdue University and earned his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Uni­versity of Michigan where he taught from 1957-1962. Since JOmmg the Maryland faculty in 1963, De Rocco has taught courses in physics and chemistry, as well as on racism and women's issues. His administrative experience includes heading the graduate program in chemical physics at the University of Maryland from 1967-1970.

According to Dr. Paul Smith, professor of English and chairman of the faculty search committee, De Rocco was the unanimous choice of the eight-member committee. Noting De Rocco's distinguished publication record, Smith said, "We wanted a scholar who had thought about the relationship of that scholarship to teaching."

De Rocco is the author of some 50 articles and reviews, primarily in the field of statistical physics. His research has been supported by the American Cancer Society, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National In­stitutes of Health, and the Na­tional Science Foundation. He is referee for a dozen scientific journals, including Biophysical Journal and the Journal of Chemical Physics and Science. De Rocco has been a professional consultant to corporations and to the Office of

' the Secretary of Defense, the Na­tional Institutes of Health, and the Veterans Administration Hospital.

He has a special interest in pro­grams for academically gifted stu­dents, and is the immediate past president of the National Col-

Andrew G. De Rocco

Frank W. Sherman '50

Deborah}. Sikkel '78

Alfred C. Burfeind '64

legiate Honors Council. De Rocco has been a visiting professor at Tufts University and at the United States Air Force Academy.

De Rocco, who has met with faculty, students, staff and trustees on his two visits to the Trinity campus, is obviously looking for­ward to his new assignment. He says, "The challenges likely to be encountered in higher education over the next few decades will no­where be more interesting than in the revealing setting of an urban, premier college of the liberal arts.",

De Rocco will succeed Dean of the Faculty Edwin P. Nye, who has held the post since 1970. Nye, who announced last spring his in­tention to resign, will resume his teaching responsibilities in the de­part~ent of engineering.


The College has appointed two new members to the development office staff and promoted a third.

Frank W. Sherman '50 has been named director of annual giving, effective April 1. In this capacity, he will plan and manage Trinity's $600,000 annual giving program, including the Alumni, Parents, and Friends Funds, as well as the Buisness and Industry AssoCiates. Sherman comes to Trinity from the Union Carbide Corporation, where he has worked since 1950, most recently as marketing manager of the battery products division.

Deborah J. Sikkel '78 has been appointed assistant director of annual giving. Her efforts will be con­centrated on fund raising among recently graduated classes. An American studies major at Trinity, Sikkel was a special assistant to President Lockwood and also worked with the development office organizing student phonothons for annual giving during her un­dergraduate years.

Alfred C. Burfeind '64 has been promoted to associate director of development. Burfeind will be responsible for Trinity's deferred giving program, and foundation

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research and proposals. He joined the development office staff in 1974 to assist with the capital campaign and became assistant director of development a year later. In his new position, Burfeind succeeds W. Howard Spencer, who retired in January after 15 years of service.


The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving has awarded Trinity $75,000 over a three year period in support of Summerstage, the College's summer arts festival.

Summerstage, which began in 1977, presents a range of activities in the arts including professional theatre, dance, music, children's theatre and art exhibits. The program was started in order to provide area residents more cultural alternatives during the summer and to utilize Trinity's facilities effectively when school is not in session. Last year, an estimated 32,000 people came toT rinity to attend Summerstage and related events.

The grant will ensure that Summer­stage can maintain its artistic quality while keeping ticket prices at a level affordable to the general community.

The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving is a community foundation supported by individuals whose gifts and bequests are held in trust. The income from these gifts is distributed annually in grants.


Trinity was the site of a two-day symposium on China which attracted the attention of amateur and profes­sional China watchers. The sympo­sium was designed to address the special interests of secondary school teachers and the business community, as well as the general public.

On April 5, aspects of U.S.-China trade were discussed by a panel of ex­perts, including Robert Oxnam, exec­utive director of the Chi~a Council of the Asia Society and a former Trinity faculty member; William Clarke, of the U.S. Department of Commerce; and John Amann, regional director of United Technologies International. Special invitations for this portion of the program were extended to the greater Hartford business community.

That evening, a general view of the changing roles of the U.S. and China in world affairs was provided in a public lecture by A. Doak Barnett, senior fellow at the Brookings Institu­tion and one of the nation's leading Sinologists.

AN ANGLO-SAXON FEAST was held in December to culminate English professor Milia Riggio's course in epic literature and to provide a forum for students to present their final projects. Roast pig and mead were the bill of fare, and students held court in St. Anthony Hall far into the night. The program included poetry readings in Anglo-Saxon, an ordeal or two, and reports on weaponry, the Great Hall, and riddles in pre-Norman England. Pearsall Photo

Secondary school teachers from all over Connecticut participated in a day-long program on April 6 entitled "China: Focus on Teaching." Speak­ers included Trinity professors Ranbir Vohra and C. Kenneth Quinones, as well as Dr. Peter Seybolt from the University of Vermont and Dr. Ch'ang-T u Hu of Columbia Univer­sity. Workshops were arranged to fa­miliarize teachers with the programs, curricular materials, and resources available for instruction about China.

The symposium, which was co­sponsored with Trinity by the World Affairs Center and the China Coun­cil of the Asia Society, was planned prior to the rapproachement between China and the United States. Ac­cording to Dr. Quinones, who origi­nated the program, the normalization of relations between the two countries "has re-awakened interest in all as­pects of China and hopefully has made our symposium a particularly timely event."


About 25 members of the Trinity Coalition of Blacks held a silent campus march followed by a press conference to protest alleged racial

incidents and attitudes at the College. The protest, which took place in

mid-December, was apparently triggered by two incidents involving

. either verbal or physical abuse of black students, according to TCB representatives. The first encounter was a clash between two students after an intramural contest at Ferris; the second, a snowball fight in which a black woman was hit in the eye and then "subjected to racial insults." Both matters were investigated and handled through normal disciplinary channels by Dean of Students David Winer.

The TCB march route included administrative offices, the Library, classroom buildings and Mather Center. Marchers carried placards with statements such as: "I don't have time for racism, I have to study"; and "We came to get an education, not

. " raosm. In the ensuing press conference,

attended by about 100 faculty, students, administrators and media representatives, TCB spokesman T aiwo Inman read a statement en­titled, "Whither Racism at Trinity?" In addition to condemning the in­cidents described earlier, the statement censured the silent student majority for its "quiet indifference" to


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racist attitudes on the campus. TCB also called attention to the decreasing numbers ofT rinity minority students and the scarcity of black faculty, administrators and staff at the College.

In the wake of the protest the College has taken a number of steps to underline its interest in the rights and expectations of the minority community. President Lockwood met with TCB members at the Black Cultural Center to explore their concerns. The president has also issued new hiring guidelines to academic and administrative departments urging renewed efforts to attract women and minorities to College positions. "To attain our goal of true affirmative action practices," he stated, "our recruitment procedures must be broader, more open and better publicized· throughout the academic com­munity."

As reported in the fall Reporter, Trinity has bolstered its minority affairs staffing with the addition of Assistant Dean Barbara Robinson­Jackson and Associate Director of Admissions Reggie Kennedy. A new brochure aimed at recruiting minorities has also been published with the aid of current undergradu-

ates. Some refurbishment of the Black Cultural Center at 110 Vernon Street is being carried out as well.

Lockwood has also called on the six fraternities to look for new ways to serve the intellectual life of the campus and to be more open to all segments of the student body.

In a recent development, the Women's Center Coordinating Committee pledged its support of TCB in the fight against racism. In addition to speaking out against racist slurs when encountered, the group is seeking to feature more black women in its programs, and encouraging minority women to attend the weekly meetings at the Center.

Other steps to improve the at­mosphere for minorities on campus are expected to be implemented in the months ahead.


Six Hartford colleges have invited a distinguished professor of Russian, Alexander A. Guss, to teach joint courses on their different campuses during the coming year.

A specialist in Slavic languages and literature, Guss retired this year from

Though 45 years may separate them, John Kelly '34 and Elizabeth Howard '79 joined together in assisting Trinity's Annual Giving program. They were among eighty students and alumni who called Trinity alumni last December for pledges to the 1978-1979 Alumni Fund. These volunteers raised nearly $60,000 in pledged support during the four-day phonothon. Five more phonothons will help Trinity achieve this year's $410,000 Alumni Fund goal by June 30, 1979. Hartford will be the stage for a second four-day national phonothon, and one· and two-evening phonothons will be held in Washington, D.C., New York City, Philadelphia, and Boston.

Macalester College in Minnesota. Born in the Ukraine, he came to the United States in 1922. He is con­sidered an authority on Russian literature of the Soviet era.

His appointment as visiting con­sortium professor marks the first such appointment by the Board of Gover­nors of the Greater Hartford Con­sortium for Higher Education. The Consortium is a cooperative associa­tion of Hartford College for Women, The Hartford Graduate Center, Saint Joseph College, Saint Thomas Semi­nary, Trinity College, and the Uni­versity of Hartford.

Guss began in January, teaching Russian language and literature, inclu­ding a seminar on Solzhenitsyn. His courses are open to undergraduates of

. all the Consortium co lleges. "This joint appointment is an

example of the benefits of cooperation among the colleges," said Robert M. Vogel, director of the Consortium. "By working together we can bring to Hartford a scholar-teacher in a vitally important field."

Guss holds degrees from Sophia University in Tokyo and Georgetown University. He developed the Russian Department at Macalester, a college nationally known for modern language teaching.


Honors day will be enriched by two new prizes, one honoring a retired faculty couple; the other a distinguished alumnus.

The Sam and Clara Hendel Book Prize, created at the time of Professor Hendel's retirement from the Poli tical Science Department, will be awarded annually to the undergraduate who is judged to have written the best paper on a topic involving issues of civil liberties or social justice. Ross Lewin '77, who is heading the prize fund, said that the prize is intended "to honor Sam Hendel for his exceptional abilities as a teacher and scholar and Mrs. Hendel for her energetic in­volvement in campus life and her w-arm regard for Trinity students."

The fund currently stands at more than $600 towards a minimum goal of $1,000. Contributions may be sent to the College in care of ].R. Spencer, Dean of Studies.

Parishioners of Christ Church in A von have contributed more then $1 ,200 to establish the Paul H. Barbour Prize in Greek in honor of the parish's associate pastor. The priz~

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will be given annually to the student who achieves excellence in a special examination in Greek.

Barbour, who graduated from Trinity in 1909, spent much of his life ministering to the Indians in the western part of the country. For 27 years he was superintending presbyter of the Rosebud Mission in Mission, South Dakota.

Although he officially "retired" in 1956, he has continued to be active in church activities in the Greater Hartford area. He has been associated with Christ Church for nearly 20 years.

Donald G. Conrad

Jason M. Elsas, Jr. '58


At the January meeting, two new members were appointed to Trinity's Board of Trustees. They are Donald G. Conrad of Simsbury, Connecticut, and Jason M. Elsas, Jr. of Ridgewood, New Jersey.

Conrad is executive vice president and a director of the Aetna Life and Casualty Company. A graduate of Northwestern University, he earned his M.B.A. from the University of Michigan. Before joining Aetna in 1970, Conrad worked for the Exxon Corporation. He will serve on the Trinity board as a charter trustee until retirement.

Elsas is a general partner in the investment banking firm of Salomon Brothers in New York City. A Trinity alumnus, he graduated in

1958 as a history major. Elsas played an active role in the recently com­pleted Campaign for Trinity Values. As a term trustee, he will serve on the Trinity board for eight years.


Thanks to the detective work of an anonymous book dealer from Paoli, Pa., the College has recovered a valuable set of books stolen from the library several years ago. The discovery took place at a New York book auction where the dealer was examining a 20-volume, leatherbound set of books by Edward Sherriff Curtis depicting the Indians of the United States.

Curtis travelled the West in the early 1900's using a cumbersome camera and glass plate negatives to photograph the Indians. Later, aided by the patronage of J. Pierpont Morgan, Curtis produced 272 numbered sets of his work. Trinity received its set of "The North American Indian," in 1924 as a gift from William Mather. Interest in Curtis' photography waned during the depression era, but revived during the 1970's with a commensurate escalation in the price of his works.

Meanwhile, back at the auction, the Paoli dealer noticed that the numbers had been erased from this set of Curtis books. Since the author had numbered each original set in ink, the erasures aroused the dealer's suspicions. Upon closer examination he was able to make out the partially erased number 459 in two of the volumes. From a published list of original subscribers he learned that the set on sale was one originally given to Trinity.

After checking with the College, it took some time to verify the stolen property. The thieves had not only stolen the books, but had covered their tracks by removing the reference cards from the card catalogue. As a result the books were never requested and the library was not aware they were missing until the call came from New York.

Once ownership was established, the books were withdrawn from the sale and returned to the College. The set had apparently been through at least four owners since leaving Trinity, all reputable individuals who had been victimized by still unknown professional art thieves.

A substitute set of Curtis books was located to replace the Trinity books at the auction and sold for $21,000.


Students are opting to study abroad in increasing numbers, according to Robbins Winslow, dean of educational services and records.

This year, 149 Trinity students have emoiled in academic programs in other countries, up from 119 last year. London, Paris, Vienna and Madrid are popular destinations, as well as Trinity's own campus in Rome, the Barbieri Center.

The traditional assumption that art and language majors are the ones who study abroad is no longer true, Winslow asserts. Most of the students enroll in broad liberal arts programs and are able to earn credit toward their majors - whether their field of concentration is, for example, economics, political science, history or psychology. Trinity's flexible curriculum, with no required courses outside the major, also allows students to explore foreign study opportunities.

Dean Winslow believes that financial considerations are also playing a role in students' decisions to go abroad; the price differential between foreign and domestic study is narrowing as U.S. schools become more expensive due to inflation. The increase in the number of women at Trinity - they now comprise about 44 percent of the student body - is also reflected in the figures because women tend to go abroad more than men.


Alumni harboring a secret desire to try some marathon running will have their chance on May 9-10, the dates of the seventh annual 24-hour relay on the Jessee Field track. For the past six years relay teams of students, faculty and staff have run around the clock for the benefit of a particular cause or charity. In 1978, the runners clocked 1268114 miles and raised over $2,400 for the Women's Athletic Fund.

This year Victor F. Keen '63 hopes to recruit an alumni squad that will give the campus teams a run for their money. Those interested should contact Coach Keen at 49 E. 86th Street, Apt. 17A, New York, N.Y. 10028.


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Campus Notes

~ Last fall WAYNE ASMUS became the director of Mather Hall. In

this position he supervises the Iron Pony pub, the post office, and the front desk (radio, telephone, and information service). He also serves as the principal administrative liaison with the Student Government Association and the Student Government Planning Board.

Iiiio.. Last December at the University ., of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington, Conn., JOSEPH D. BRONZINO, Vern on D. Roosa professor of applied science, spoke on "CT (computerized tomography) scanning," a process where computer analyzed X-rays are used to show highly detailed cross-sections of the body or head.

Iiiio.. GEORGE CHAPLIN, professor of ., fine arts and director of the program in studio arts, reports several of his art works on loan to the U.S. Department of State's Art in Embassies Program. "Major/Minor Interrelation" is in the residence of the ambassador of the American embassy in London, England; "Alizarian Sunset" is in Paramaribo, Republic of Suriname; "Cadium Thin Red For Purples" is in Rabat, Morocco; and "Split Green Com· position" is in Lisbon, Portugal.

~ Prof. NORTON DOWNS of the history department hosted Alan

Bell, assistant curator of manuscripts at the National Library of Scotland. Mr. Bell, who is working on ad· ditional volumes of letters of Sir Walter Scott, agreed to return to campus in March to give the dedicatory address on the occasion of the opening of the Scott Medieval Studies Room in the newly-renovated Library.

Iiiio.. RONALD K. GOODENOW, ., assistant professor of education, was elected a Fellow in the Institute of Philosophy and Politics of Education at Columbia University. He was also appointed the senior editor of the New York Times Microfilm Corporation of America series, "American Higher Education: The Essential Sources." In addition, he has published essays and reviews in Phylon: The Atlanta University Review of Race and Culture; Urban Education; Higher Education; Educational Theory and History of Education.

Iiiio.. NORMAN GRAF, coach of ., rowing, wrote an article on conditioning for rowing which ap­peared in Scholastic Coach. He also wrote an article, "How to Manage a Rowing Program," which is to be included in a coaching development program book and is part of a rowing coach certification program.

~ JOHN DANDO, professor of English, continues in his 18th year

as a literary critic for Voice of America where he does a series of half-hour programs, "In the Author's Words," which is beamed to Europe in English once a month and tran­slated into languages for broadcast to nations of five continents. Recent topics have included "Mr. Singer and the Nobel Prize," "John Updike: The Coup," and "The Short Stories of John Cheever."

LESLIE G. DESMANGLES, ~ assistant professor of religion and intercultural studies, conducted a six· week study entitled "The Religions of the World" at Village Church Presbyterian, Northbrook, Illinois. While in Northbrook, he presented a paper on "The Future of American Religious Cults" for the Maple School System. He has also presented papers at the American Academy of Religion in New Orleans, the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion in Hartford, and the Ethical Humanist Society of Chicago in Evanston.

Iiiio.. KARL HABERLANDT, associate ., professor of psychology, and Gregory Haroian '78 presented a paper entitled "Story Grammar and Encoding of Story Constituents" at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Philadelphia.

Iiiio.. CARL V. HANSEN, associate ., professor of modern languages, had an article accepted for publication in Modern Austrian Literature, a scholarly journal edited at the University of California in Riverside. The title of the article is "The Death of First Sergeant Anton Lerch in Hofmannsthal's Reiter· geschichte: A Military Analysis."

~ DAVID HENDERSON, assistant professor of chemistry, rece'ived

$10,000 for a two-year study from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Grant of Research

Corporation. The title of his study is "Piezoelectric Crystal Thermo· gravimetric Analyzer." He has also made several presentations with Robert Chaffee '79, one at the 1978 Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies Meeting (F ACSS) in Boston, and another at the 1979 Pittsburgh Conference of Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy in Cleveland, where he also did a presentation with Uko Udodong '79.

~ FRANK G. KIRKPATRICK, chairman of the department of

religion, was featured on Hartford's WTIC radio show "Mike Miller Talk." He spoke on the topic of cults in America.

Iiiio.. CONSTANCE KREEMER, artist ., in residence (dance), presented a paper entitled "The Stigma of Women Who Danced in Philadelphia Pre-1900" at the Congress on Research in Dance and American Dance Guild international conference at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu. She is presently chairperson of a dance history conference co-sponsored by the dance program at Barnard College and the Dance Collection Library of the New York Public Library at Lincoln Center.

~ EUGENE E. LEACH, director of the American Studies Program,

served as a panelist in a forum en­titled "Child Abuse: Looking Back­Looking Ahead" sponsored by the Bristol Hospital and funded by the Connecticut Humanities Council. Last October he was elected president of the New England American Studies Association for a three-year term. The NEASA is the largest regional association in the national American Studies Association and is composed of people from three dozen American studies programs as well as museum and library professionals and in· dependent scholars.

~ RICHARD LEE, professor of philosophy, delivered a paper

entitled "Duties Toward the Retarded" at a state-wide meeting sponsored by the Connecticut Association for Retarded Citizens early in December 1978.

~ CHARLES W. LINDSEY, assistant professor of economics, par.tic·

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ipated in a panel discussion at the Meriden (Conn.) Public Library on the topic "Free Enterprise-In­Tune or In-Crisis?" He has also had several articles accepted for publication including "Changes in Market Concentration in Philippine Manufacturing: 1960-1970," which appeared in the Philippine Review of Business Economics.

~ THEODOR MAUCH, professor of religion, gave a series of six

Sunday morning lectures during January and February at the Federated Church of Orleans, Mass.

111.. Coach DONALD G. MILLER, "' professor of physical education, was named United Press In· ternational's "New England Coach of the Year." Last fall the Bantams were the top small-college team in New England and placed several players on post-season all-star teams.

111.. Ghost Images is the name of a new "' novel by STEPHEN MINOT, professor of English. Published by Harper & Row, it is his second novel and third volume of fiction, and was completed with the assistance of a grant from the National Endowment of the Arts. Sections of the novel have appeared in modified form in literary quarterlies including the 1977 edition of the 0. Henry Prize Stories and The Best American Short Stories.

111.. ROBERT LINDSAY, Brownell· "' Jarvis professor of natural philosophy and physics, RALPH 0. MOYER, Jr., associate professor of chemistry, and David N. Marks '77 contributed a chapter to the book, Transition Metal Hydrides, which was recently published by the American Chemical Society as part of its Advances in Chemistry Series.

~ C. KENNETH QUINONES, assistant professor of history, was

appointed assistant editor for the Journal of Asian Studies. His article, "An Inverted Pyramid: A Study of Historiography," appears in this spring's issue of Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies.

~ JOHN ROSE, college organist, has been invited to represent the

United States in a special in­ternational Festival of Organ Music to be held this summer at the Church of Madeleine in Paris. He will also do a series of ten recitals at historic churches in Norway under the in· vitation of the Norwegian Organ Circle.

~ Dr. Clyde D. McKee, Jr., associate professor of political science, is a

member of the committee which is looking into primary procedures in Connecticut. Their report will be pre· sented to the General Assembly.

~ MICHAEL P. SACKS, assistant professor of sociology, read papers

on the subject of occupation dif­ferentiation by sex at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies held in Columbus, Ohio and the Southern Conference on Slavic Studies in Chapel Hill and Durham, North Carolina.

~ AUGUST E. SAPEGA, professor of engineering and coordinator of

computer services, reports that two undergraduates presented papers at computer meetings. Fred Borgenicht '79 reported on his development of a computer graphics system at the IEEE Computer Society's Second International Computer Software and Applications Conference in Chicago last November. Joseph Introcaso '79 presented a paper on his programs to aid in the study of organic chemistry at the Sixth Annual Conference in Instructional Computing sponsored by the New England Regional Computing Program (NERCOMP) held at Dartmouth College in January. It was the only un­dergraduate paper presented at this meeting.

~ CRAIG W. SCHNEIDER, assistant professor of biology,

presented a paper entitled "Is North Carolina a Transitional Benthic Algae Phytogeographic Zone in the Western Atlantic?" at a special symposium on biogeography at the American Institute of Biological Sciences in Athens, Georgia.

~ J. EMMETT SIMMONS, associate professor of biology, attended the

Symposium on Steroid Hormone Receptor Systems at the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology in Shrewsbury, Mass. He also co· authored a paper with David Printz '79 and presented it at the New England Endocrinology Conference at Wellesley College.

~ ROBERT E. SMITH has been designated as the Composer in

Residence of the Trinity College Chapel. He is a graduate of Mannes College of Music in New York City where he was a harpsichord major. This spring there will be a special week of chapel music devoted to a variety of his work.

~ The Witness, a monthly magazine of the Episcopal Church,

published in its January issue an article, "Beyond Triviality," by ALAN C. TULL, chaplain of the College and assistant professor of religion. Last fall he presented a paper in Cambridge on theological and ethical issues in the con· temporary discussions of sexuality to the Commission on Religion and Health of the national Episcopal Church. As a member of the Program on Human Sexuality of the Diocese of Connecticut, he is presenting a paper at a series of workshops throughout the state.

111.. RANBIR VOHRA, Charles A. "' Dana professor of political science, pres~nted a paper on "The Soviet Union- An Asian Power?" at the National Defense and Foreign Policy Seminar last October. The seminar was held on campus under the auspices of the Reserve Officers Association (Hartford Chapter) in cooperation with the National Strategy Information Center and Trinity College. He also gave a talk entitled "The China of Today" at the Old Guard of West Hartford, Inc.

111.. President THEODORE D. "' LOCKWOOD attended an international conference on small· scale energy held in Reading, Eng· land, in January as a representative of Volunteers in Technical Assist· ance. VITA is a non-profit organiza· tion which provides technical and educational assistance to developing countries. Also, Lockwood is one of 26 college and university presidents who have joined with chief execu· tives of major U.S. corporations in the Business-Higher Education For· urn. The purpose of this group is to improve communications, under­standing and support between the business and educational sectors and to combine their resources to address national concerns.

Ill.. "In Defense of Anthropomor· ,. phism" is the title of a chapter written by EDMOND LA B. CHER­BONNIER, professor of religion, for Reflections on Mormonism -Judaeo-Christian Parallels, published by Brigham Young University. He is also the subject of an article by William L. Power in the journal, Cithara, Volume 17, No.2, entitled "The Bible, Metaphysics and Logic: Edmond La B. Cherbonnier and Other Theorists."


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As in past seasons, the women's squash team has been nearly unbeatable. And like each preceding year, the word "nearly" could also be spelled P-r-i-n­c-e-t-o-n. The women proved that they could knock off other Ivy League opponents like Dartmouth and Brown, but the Princeton Tigers again blocked Trinity's bid for a national championship by soundly defeating the Bantams twice in the same week.

Trinity traveled to Yale for the Howe Cup having already shut out Wesleyan, Vassar and Middlebury (twice). At Yale, the luck of the draw went against the women as they were in the same division as Princeton. Despite defeating six of seven teams, the in-division loss to Princeton allowed the Bantams to only finish fourth.

The women's 13-2 overall record (7 -1 dual match record) was fashioned by superlative individual efforts. Senior Muffy Rogers and junior Mimi Coolidge have compiled team-leading 13-2 records. They are trailed closely by Captain Marion DeWitt

and Nina McClane, qoth seniors, who have identical 12-3 marks. Sophomore Kim Henning registered twelve victories in thirteen matches before suffering an arm injury.

Although Princeton's dominance seemed to preclude Trinity's chances for a national title in 1979, the women continued to beat everyone else and patiently awaited another rematch in the Nationals.

SWIMMING Head coach Chet McPhee was faced with a unique

problem this year: overseeing two varsity swim teams at the same time. With staggered practice times and help from his captains and assistant coaches, McPhee has built a successful, if not yet winning, aquatic program in Trinity's Trowbridge Pool.

The women were in their first year of varsity competition. Previously a club sport, several top swimmers turned out this season to boost the ex­panding women's sports program.

Junior Denise Jones helped the Bantams down Holy Cross 86-41 by tying and breaking her Trinity records for the 50- and 100-yard breaststroke, respectively. Freshman Tini Peiser also entered the record books in the~ 100-yard backstroke. In diving competition, Coach Bob Slaughter has developed a sensational diver in freshman Janet Rathbun.

* * * The men's swimming team faced a lack of depth

WOMEN'S SQUASH capped a 12-2 season with a third place finish in the Nationals behind Princeton and Yale. Marion DeWitt received a number five national ranking and teammate Muffy Rogers gained honorable mention as they con· eluded outstanding varsity careers. Pearsall Phoro

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- 3

CO-CAPTAIN KENT REILLY '79 led the men's swim team to a 5-5 mark and received the John Slowik MVP Award for the third time.

with serious losses to graduation and study abroad. However, the men have been led by co-captains Kent Reilly and Mike Hinton to several remarkable performances on the way to a 3-3 record.

In a match that typified the exciting season, Trinity edged Babson 58-54 and displayed the desire, courage, and skill of a winning team. Reilly, Hinton and Bob Calgi led the charge as each swimmer tripled, entering three events. With the score tied at 48-48, the meet went down to the last relay. Trinity was forced to fill one slot with diver Randy Brainerd. With fingers crossed, Trinity's Lenny Adams gave Brainerd a five-yard cushion and Chip McKeehan deadlocked the race leaving it all in Rich Katzman's hands. Katzman took the last relay by ten yards and Babson lost to the Bantams for the first time. If the men can maintain this pace for the rest of the season, the team should post a record that matches their winning attitude.

MEN'S SQUASH Keyed by the resurgence of Captain Andy Storch,

the men's squash team pulled together to post a 9-2 record and a Mason Tourney Championship. Storch returned to action after two years of injury-related inactivity and won his first two matches in the John Mason Round-Robin T 6urnament.

Inspired by Storch's courageous efforts, the team went undefeated through the first seven matches. Yale gave the Bantams their initial loss, avenging an opening match Trinity triumph over Ivy League ally Dartmouth. Traveling to Wesleyan, Trinity hoped to take home its second round-robin trophy, but was upended by Stony Brook after demolishing host Wesleyan and Franklin and Marshall.

Experienced juniors Page Lansdale, Scott Fried­man, and Rob Dudley have held down the top three positions. Lansdale and Dudley posted identical 8-3 records while Friedman lost just twice in eleven matches. Sophomore Jamie Webb equalled Fried­man's effort. Only freshman sensation Chris Morphy (1 0-1) could boast a better record at this point in the season.

Several other players had highly successful seasons. Peter Derose was 7-1 before suffering an ankle injury and fellow freshman Jack Scott recorded an 8-3 mark. Senior Danny Adler was the only undefeated player with seven victories. John Bur'chenal (8-3) and Rich Kermond (7-4) also played well.

WRESTLING The wrestling team, hampered by a poor turnout,

struggled to a 1-9 record for the first ten matches of


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the season. While other Trinity teams were slowed by injuries, Coach Mike Darr's problem was the necessary forfeiture of key bouts due to a shortage of personnel.

Junior co-captains John O'Brien and David Brooks have been the team's top performers. O'Brien posted a 6-4 record wrestling at 167 lbs. while Brooks managed a remarkable 4-1-1 mark in the 190 lbs. weight class before suffering an injury. Freshman heavyweight Glenn McLellan's 5-5 record was the third-best for the Bantams.

Although Trinity's lone win was a 33-27 victory over John Jay, the Bantam matmen lost several bouts by the margin of points forfeited in unfilled weight classes. Against Amherst (24-30), Norwich (16-28), and Bridgewater (21-34) Trinity led in points scored in actual bouts wrestled.


ALUMNI GAME Sparked by the sixteen point performance of

Trinity all-time second-leading scorer, Wayne Sokolosky '76, the alumni basketball team defeated the Bantam junior varsity 105-71. Twenty former Trinity greats returned to play under Coach Jerry Hansen in a surprisingly competitive battle with the Trinity stars of tomorrow.

Dave Weselcouch '77, Robert "Bobo" Pickard '76, and Tom McGuirk '72 combined for thirty points to aid the alumni cause while the most memorable moment of the evening came when Dave Smith '52 tallied two underhanded free throws to equal son George's ('78) scoring total for the evening.

MEN'S BASKETBALL When newly appointed head coach Dan Doyle

was first asked last spring about the prospects for the 1978-79 season, he was careful not to promise immediate success. While the team has struggled to a 6-12 record, it is important to realize that Trinity's hoop fortunes are indeed on the way up based on the performances of several players this season.

Faced with the prospect of only four returning letter winners, Doyle turned to nine freshmen to rebuild the Bantam roundball dynasty. They have responded with flashes of brilliance and inconsistent efforts through the eighteen games.

Forward Roger Coutu and center Carl Rapp have led Trinity this year. Coutu has been the team's high scorer while the 6-7 Rapp was the top rebounder. In the 95-84 loss to Colby, Coutu and Rapp combined for 63 points. They are joined by 6-5 Jim Callahan, Coutu's high school teammate, and 6-10 Steve Bracken who may be the tallest basket­ball player in Trinity history. Frosh forward Robert Craft has also come along well, scoring a game high 14 points in a setback at Wesleyan.

While freshmen have provided most of the scoring, the upperclassmen have been responsible for excellent team leadership and some fine individual efforts. Junior co-captain Willie Rosshirt's buzzer shot helped nip Amherst 44-43. Amherst was ranked sixth in New England at the time. Rosshirt

BANTAM BASKETBALL fortunes appear to be on the upswing with freshmen like 6· 7 center Carl Rapp. Rapp was Trinity's leading scorer this year, averaging 14.5 points per game.

was joined in the backcourt by junior Woody Baird, an excellent defensive guard. At forward, both Dave Smith and senior co-captain Dave Whalen have seen limited playing time. Whalen, last year's leading scorer, seemed to have regained his shooting touch late in the season.

HOCKEY The big sports story at Trinity this winter didn't

even take place in Hartford. The hockey team, playing home games at the Glastonbury Skating Arena, ran its overall record to 12-4 and entered the ECAC Division III tournament as the team to beat.

After a 4-3 upset defeat by Amherst in the opening game, the Bantam skaters rebounded to win six consecutive games and garnered the Wesleyan Invitational Tournament trophy. Nichols College was the only other Division Ill team to defeat Trinity while UConn and New Haven (Div. II) accounted for the remaining Bantam setbacks.

Trinity's charge was led by a host of stars. The 1978 ECAC Player of the Year, George Brickley, maintained his prolific scoring of a year ago and was top scorer with 31 goals and 30 assists. His twenty-

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sixth goal made Brickley the first Bantam to crash the career 100-goal mark and he is now ranked twelfth on one New England college career scoring list.

Brickley's performance was backed up by the all­star efforts of several players. Junior Bob Plumb was second to his teammate in the ECAC scoring race with 22 goals and 23 assists. His best game came against Ramapo when he scored five goals in a 7-2 victory.

Trinity's top checking line of seniors, Tom Keenan, C\int Brown and Sam Gray, also found the net several times this season, combining for twenty­five goals in sixteen games. Larry Rosenthal and Rick Margenot played well at the wing positions while freshmen Robert Ferguson, Dave Roman, and Karl Nelson displayed the offensive fire power of the future. Roman was the team's third leading scorer with 11 goals and 21 assists. Nelson was named ECAC Rookie of the Week for his five goal outburst in an 18-2 rout of Quinnipiac. In that game, an

improved William Bullard added six assists. Defensively, the Bantams were led by two-time

Goalie-of-the-Week Ted Walkowicz. The senior tri­captain sparkled in the nets as Trinity allowed half as many goals as they scored. Walkowicz's 3.71 goals-against average ranked him third among ECAC goalies.

WOMEN'S BASKETBALL The women's basketball team has streaked to a

highly successful 7-3 record utilizing the philosophy of first-year head coach Kathie Lipkovich and by combining the experience of the upperclasswomen with the enthusiasm of the freshmen.

Co-captain Cindy Higgins led the Bantams in scoring and rebounding for the first ten games of the season. Higgins' 14-point-per-game average includes two record-breaking performances. In a 73-46 victory over Vassar, the junior center scored 26 points, setting a new Trinity record for women's basketball.

GEORGE BRICKLEY (#6) shattered every scoring record on his way to leading Trinity to the ECAC finals for the second /year in a row. Even Brickley's heroics, however, failed to give Trinity a championship as Framingham St. held on to beat the Bants 6 -5.

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Higgins broke her own record one week later with a 31-point, 26-rebound effort against Bridgeport. The 26 rebounds in the 57-50 win broke another Higgins record.

The basketball team was hardly a one-woman show this season. Three other players were game­high scorers and helped the team to six straight victories before falling to Westfield State. Senior co­captain Sue Levin tallied thirteen points in the first win of the year against Hartford. When Levin wasn't scoring, she was able to assist two promising freshmen, Kathy Schlein and Tracy Partridge. They combined for 36 points in the team's victory at Smith and together totalled 30 points against Wesleyan one week later.

Senior Kathy Crawford also played well as Trinity appears to be headed towards its best record ever in women's hoop.

JUNIOR CENTER Cindy Higgins (#21) propelled the women's basketball team to a 10 -5 season, their finest ever, with record-setting scoring (219 points) and rebound­ing.

..... ..... ..... ....... ........ ....... ····· ..... ....... . ..... . ....... ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ ....... . ..................... . ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ •..•....•......... ......... ......... ........ . ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ....... ... ... ... ... ... ....... ........ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ....... ... ... . .......... ······· ....... ... ... ......... ........ ... . .. ······· ... ... ... ....... ....... ........ ... ... ......... ....... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ........ ... ... ... ... ... ......... ........ ... . .. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... . .. ......... ......... ......... ... ... ........ ......... ......... ... ... ... . .......... . ....... ....... ....... ... ... ........ ........ ....... ... ... ... . ......... . ..... ..... ..... ... . .......... ······· ····· ... ... ... . ........ .

MEN'S SWIMMING (5-5) 70 Union 65 Wesleyan 30 M.I.T. 58 Babson 53 W.P.l. 56 Central Conn. 69 Iona 43 Tufts 29 Amherst 59 Clark

38 46 80 54 59 57 42 68 64 42

WOMEN'S SWIMMING (2-7) 77 Conn. College 53 86 Holy Cross 43 43 Smith 87 51 Wesleyan 80 51 M.l.T. 80 58 Central Conn. 72 53 Tufts 78 48 Mt. Holyoke 83 58 Amherst 72

WOMENtS SQUASH (12-2) 4 Dartmouth 7 Wesleyan 6 Bowdoin 7 Middlebury 7 Vassar 7 Middlebury 1 Yale 0 Princeton 4 Brown 5 Williams 7 Smith 7" Penn 6 Bowdoin 7 Amherst

3 0 1 0 0 0 6 7 3 2 0 0 I 0

78 New England College 71 Mass. Maritime 35 Coast Guard 56 Williams 56 Kings Point 49 Wesleyan 44 Amherst 72 Conn. College 62 W.P.l. 76 Bowdoin 86 Colby 47 Wesleyan 66 Brandeis 90 Queens 47 Tufts 45 Coast Guard 65 Hartford

WRESTLING (1-12) 16 Norwich 21 Bridgewater 3 W.P.I.

33 John Jay 0 Wesleyan

10 Rhode Island 12 W. New England 24 Amherst 12 Hartford 10 M.I.T. 7 Brown

24 Williams 6 Plymouth State

WOMEN'S BASKETBALL (10-5) 26 Dartmouth 52 Hartford 27 Quinnipiac 56 Smith HOCKEY (16-6)

3 Amherst 7 Wesleyan

4 60 Conn. College 3 73 Vassar

14 Quinnipiac 4 Bentley 7 Ramapo

11 Fairfield 4 Wesleyan 5 New Haven 7 Iona 2 Nichols 4 Amherst

18 Quinnipiac 3 Fairfield 7 Bryant

11 Clark 5 UConn

10 Ramapo 4 Wesleyan

10 Lehigh 10 Hobart 9 R.l.T. 5 Framingham


4 65 Wesleyan 3 53 Hartford z 57 Bridgeport z 46 Westfield 3 71 Bates 7 39 Williams 4 35 Quinnipiac 4 59 Amherst 3 65 Wesleyan

2 I 6 2 6 1

12 4 2 6 6

MEN'S SQUASH (12-5) 8 Dartmouth 9 M.I.T. 7 Amherst 9 Bowdoin 9 Colby 8 Hobart 9 Wesleyan i Yale 7 Wesleyan 2 Stony Brook

72 M.I.T. 61 8 Franklin & Marshall 0 Princeton

72 Clark 85 71 Amherst 84 51 Wesleyan 55 65 Central Conn. 88 78 Johnson State 50

5 Williams 3 Navy 8 M.l.T. 6 Amherst 4 Army

50 73 41 68 67 75 43 54 73 75 95 57 71 72 46 48 93

28 34 48 27 44 43 39 30 37 35 39 30 53

55 48 62 45 38 46 54 51 so 58 57 53 78 40 48

I 0 2 0 0 1 0 8 2 7 I 9 4 6 1 3 5

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Thirty-Five Years Out by Francis M. Rackemann, Jr.'43

An alumnus shares his thoughts on returning to campus.

T he big sign over the main gate read "Welcome Home

Alumni" and that was the warm beginning for a most nostalgic return to Trinity after leaving the College in 1941 to go to war.

Ray Cunningham, classmate and fraternity brother, called me in Baltimore encouraging me to attend our 35th reunion. I'm delighted he did, although I was a bit skeptical of a possible dull weekend with the usual ad­ministrative commercials for building funds, reports of athletic and academic achievements and other college matters usually associated with those clubby community alumni associations outside Hartford.

When a colleague at the Baltimore Evening Sun heard of my plans for last November's homecoming reunion, her eyes lit up. Linell Smith Holljes, Class of 197 4 and a former member of the Pipes, and I decided to drive up together. She wanted to help celebrate the Pipes' 40th an­niversary, while I looked forward to Delta Psi's centennial.

Arriving after a five-hour Friday afternoon trip, we found the crowded eating hall at St. An­thony filled with old friends and new faces. After dinner, Ray and I attended the concert in the "new" Mather Campus Center where Linell got the chance to har­monize with the. "Rusty Pipes."

The weather was perfect for a Saturday morning tour of the campus. While Jarvis, Seabury and Northam looked like they had aged gracefully, and Cook -where my roommate Chester Siems and I used to balance our daily milk bottles against the casement window - appeared

much the same, I was over­whelmed by the growth of the College.

How the 87 -acre campus had changed! New to me were the Life Sciences Building, Ferris Athletic Center, a library addition, a modern house for the president including a grove of pine trees, Mather Center, Downes archway adjacent to the still magnificent chapel (I'm still behind in chapel credits) and other facilities.

Over coffee and danish in the Austin Arts Center, Jerry Hansen, who planned and organized the happy weekend, told me about the 100th anniversary of the Quad's Long Walk, the loss of Trinity's famous elm trees, the growth of the student body from 500 during World War II to 1,700 today, including women, and the interest of 14,000 alumni. Afterwards came a chat with Dr. Theodore D. Lockwood who has served as president of the College since 1969, the longest tenure of any New England college chief executive since Kingman Brewster resigned from Yale to become ambassador to Great Britain. President Lockwood told me that since World War II Trinity College has spent $35 million on college facilities - "everything from long walks south to a high rise on the north end of the campus." He said the book value of the College is now $40 million and added that there are no immediate plans for any new buildings.

"One of the most important developments at the College took place ten years ago when we began admitting women," Lockwood said. "Now 46 percent of the students are women, and I

would have to say our program is as successful as any in the country."

As to the future of Trinity, the president predicted that it will remain predominantly an un­dergraduate college. "There is no evidence showing a lack of interest in this type and size of institution by today's students," he said.

Besides admiring Trinity's new buildings and facilities, attractive, well-maintained grounds, it was fun to join some of the more than 1,000 homecoming alumni and guests for a delicious lunch in the field house. We sat at long tables set up for reunion classes.

Then it was off to the football game where we were only 30 feet from the players and right on the 50-yard line. We had a good view of halfback John Flynn as he raced 65 yards for one of his touchdowns. Cheers, led by a happy 1953 graduate, went up for quarterback Mike Foye's numerous and successful tosses to split-end Pat McNamara, who set a couple of college football records that afternoon against Amherst.

Trinity, considered the un­derdog that day, won the game 41 to 32 and when it was all over, instead of heading for the showers, the players stayed on field exchanging greetings with the opposition, parents, fraternity brothers and classmates. It was a touching scene.

The purpose of any reunion, of course, is to greet old friends and learn of their past.

"I sure wasn't headed that way when I came to Trinity," said my friend Ray Cunningham, who is now an Episcopal minister in Millbrook, N.Y.

continued on page 44


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THE EIGENBRODT CUP, the highest award given to an alumnus for unusual and significant service to the College, was presented to Robert D. O'Malley '38.

LYMAN B. BRAINERD, board secre­tary, received a Trinity doorknob marking his retirement after 41 years of service.

THE BOARD OF FELLOWS BOWL was won by the Class of 1963 for its combined class spirit, reunion attendance and support of the Trinity Alumni Fund. THE JEROME KOHN A WARD for the reunion class with the largest percentage of its mem· bers returning to campus went to 1953, celebrating its 25th re· union. THE TRINITY CLUB OF HARTFORD received the George C. Capen Trophy honoring the Area Association that has been most effective in the past college year.


Robert M. Blum '50

Michael R. Campo '48

Peter W. Nash '55

TWO ALUMNI from the Class of 1963 travelled farthest to make reunion. H. Richard Gooden of Tokyo (l.) and Harold Vickery of Bangkok (r.) discuss jet lag with their classmate Ted Raff.

ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENT AWARD went to Alfred N. Guertin '22 for actuarial accomplishment; accepted by son, Bob '61.

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TAILGATE TRADITION brought record numbers to Jessee Field parking lot before the game. Charcoal grills were popular; one table had candelabra and crystal.

THE CLASS OF 1953 opened its 25th reunion with a reception at the faculty club in Hamlin Hall.

Group photographs of the following reunions are available at $2.50 per print from the alumni office: '38, '43, '53, '58, '63, '68, '73. Send orders to Alumni Office, Trinity College, Hartford, Ct. 06106. Make checks payable to Trustees of Trinity College. POET JOHN FANDEL '48 combined his 30th reunion with a poetry reading in

Mather Center. Fandel read from his new book, "Bach and a Cat Bird."


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continued from page 41 It was good to see John Bonee,

secretary, and Sam Corliss, agent, for the Class of 1943, two out~ standing lawyers; talk with Bob Hale, a Superior Court judge for Connecticut; Charles Hodgkins, who wore a dark blue suit and is now a corporation lawyer in Georgia; AI Stafford, a prominent dentist and other classmates.

Approaching the age of 60, we all share a common bond as we grow older, "just thankful to be alive," as one classmate put it.

World War II interrupted many of our college days. I lasted only

two years, then joined the Navy after being drafted into the Army. Being 6~feet 6~inches tall, I didn't want to have to dig a foxhole. It would have taken too long.

Dr. Remsen B. Ogilby, then president of Trinity, was most kind to me. He used to fling open his first floor window and invite me into his office for a friendly "chat." He took me out of English A and put me into Bill Wendell's special writing class of a dozen students. This experience laun~ ched me on a newspaper reporting career that began in 1950 and is still exciting.

Said President Lockwood: "Our emphasis is on the traditional, older academic disciplines. Our goal is to get people to think and express themselves effectively and to study the values of everything we do in life, where students understand themselves and the world."

How true this has been for me. Thank you Trinity for the op~ portunity. •

Francis M. Rackemann, Jr. began his journalism career with the Meriden Journal. He has been a reporter and garden editor of the Baltimore Evening Sun for the past twenty-five years.

BLACK ALUMNI (above) gathered later to cele­brate at a reception in the Vernon Street home of Dean Barbara Robinson-Jackson.

BALLOON LAUNCHING (left) from football field highlighted halftime, set the mood for a 41· 32 win over Amherst.

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Vital Statistics


1967 DAVID A. ANDERSON to Rosemary


1971 KEITH FUNSTON, Jr. to Grace Cutler

1973 CHARLA THOMPSON to Charles


1974 ALGIS RAJECKAS to Donna


1976 STEPHANIE BORYK to Philip




Jacqueline L. Newsom

1978 LIVIA DeFILIPPIS to Ronald K.

Barndollar GARTH M. WAINMAN to Barbara C.


1923 IKE LAIRD NEWELL to Helen Gray,

January 14, 1978

1964 MICHAEL DEARINGTON to Geraldine

Mary Wall, October 14, 1978


Karanne Sue Farling, September 1978

1970 GEORGE C. CONKLIN to Claire V.

Thompson, July 1, 1978 PETER WILES to Margaret Cowan

Curley, June 1978

1972 TIMOTHY M. O'DELL to Ann Mead

Hooker, June 18, 1978 JAMES T. PRESTON to Chris Steiner,

August 1978

Class Notes

CONSTANCE "Robin" ROGERS to John V. Browne, June 24, 1978

DAVID S. ROSENTHAL to Sally Abrams, November 1978

WILLIAM MELLON WHETZEL to Patricia Joan McGarey, November 18, 1978

1973 LAWRENCE S. HOTEZ to Linda Fine,

November 12, 1978 WILLIAM NEALON to Mia Lindquist,

October 28, 1978

' 1974 HUGH F. d'AUTREMONT to Corrine

Tonelli, July 15, 1978 PETER A. SCHULLER to Jane Dickens

North, August 19, 1978

1975 JAMES W. CUMINALE to Cynthia A.

Conron, August 19, 1978

THOMAS R. SCHREIER to Deborah Savarino, October 27, 1978


Dworkin, May 24, 1978 REBECCA DUNN to REYNOLDS ON­

DERDONK, June 4, 1978 DEBORAH L. PAVA to James W. Cosper,

September 30, 1978

1976-1977 CLAUDIA A. PERRY to FRANK A.

HOLMES, October 21, 1978

1977 ROBERT C. BUFFUM, Jr. to Linda Ann

DePatie, August 26, 1978 PETER PIDNNEY to GAIL A. ZELMAN,

September 3, 1978 ALISON STODDARD to JOHN T.

ZIEW ACZ, Jr., August 26, 1978

1978 ROBERT D. CLAFLIN to Joan E. Poirier,

August 19, 1978 HARRY H. GRAVES to Lynne E.

Reichart, August 19, 1978 JANET MAZZOLA to MICHAEL G.

MOTO, August 5, 1978

Masters PETER J . MALIA '75 to Celeste Anne

Hurter, July 21, 1978 SUSAN ANNE BUCKLES '77 to Jonathan

Daniels, July 8, 1978


1961 Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Schumacher, son,

Scott Randy, January 15, 1977


1962 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis B. Rodgers,

daughter, Andreanna, January 21, 1978

1963 Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Masius, son,

Michael Benjamin, Jr., January 14, 1978

1965 Mr. and Mrs. Rush LaSelle, son, Darick

Walter, August 30, 1978

1966 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson,

daughter, Chelsey Brooke, May 29, 1978

1967 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Raws, son, Wyeth

Blair, September 29, 1978 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tassinari,

daughter, Margaret Baker, July 30, 1978

1968 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Edelman,

daughter, Kimberly Jean, August 29, 1978

Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Jaffee, son, Nathaniel Eli, October 15, 1978

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Kramer, daughter, Rachel Eva, September 15, 1978

Mr. and Mrs. A. Raymond Madorin, daughter, Catherine Alexandra, June 16, 1978

1969 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J . Kobus, son,

Kevin, March 8, 1978

Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Hendee, daughter, Sarah Hayes, May 25, 1978

1970 Mr. and Mrs. David B. Richards, son,

Christopher David, October 3, 1978

1971 Mr. and Mrs. Clifton B. McFeely,

daughter, Margaret Wright, March 9, 1978

1972 Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Floyd, son,

Gregory, May 5, 1978

1973 Mr. and Mrs. Selbourne Brown (SUSAN

CALABRO '75), son, Trevor Ian, April 10, 1978

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farley (ALICE HAMILTON), son, Alexander Hamilton, September 21, 1978

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Harrold, son, Erik Alan, February 3, 1978

Mr. and Mrs. David Shively (CANDY HACKETT '74), son, Christopher Hackett, October 26, 1978

1974 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Fenkel, son,

Jonathan Mark, November 4, 1978

1975 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Huoppi

(MARGIE BAIN '74), son, Peter Morgan, September 1, 1978

Mr. and Mrs. R. Christopher Williams (PHOEBE KAPLEYN), son, Andrew Perkins, July 14, 1978

1976 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rudnick, daughter,

Heather Marie, August 18, 1978 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schiller (AMY

KRAVITZ), son, Matthew Jason, March 30, 1978

1977 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slack (CORLISS

KONWISER), daughter, Catherine Ginna, May 28, 1978

MASTERS 1970 Mr. and Mrs. S.R. Lavin, son, David

Blake, October 8, 1978

1972 Mr. and Mrs. John Pelczar, daughter,

Patricia Lynn, August 17, 1978

1974 Mr. and Mrs. William J . Provost,

daughter, Amy-Elizabeth, September 15,1978

1976 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Blanchfield,

son, Joshua Oliver, May 27, 1978 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McGrath; son,

Thomas More, October 6, 1978

1977 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. (NANCY)

Guyon, Sr., daughter, Christine Elizabeth, August 24, 1978

HONORARY Mr. and Mrs. Sydney M. Rudy, son,

Phillip Nathaniel, April 12, 1978

05 Allen R. Goodale 705 New Britain Avenue Noble Building Hartford, CT 06106

ALLEN GOODALE recently visited the Alumni Office to present the 1905 Class Banner to the College. He related that in those days it ·was the custom for the sophomores to prevent freshmen from flying the Class Banner from the flagpole. However, on the night before St. Patrick's Day, several of the members of the Class of '05 put the banner on the flagpole and it remained there, in spite of the sophomores, until the next evening when the freshmen took it down. ·

09 Rev. Paul H. Barbour 14 High Street Farmington, CT 06032

The Rev. PAUL ROBERTS preached twice at Christ Church in Harwichport and twice at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Orleans, Cape Cod last summer.

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11 The Rev. John Rosebaugh 1121 Louisiana Street Lawrence, Kansas 66044

SHERMAN POST HAIGHT, Sr. cele· bra ted his 90th birthday last September.

14· Robert E. Cross 208 Newbury Street Hartford, CT 06114

JOE EHLERS, who was a professor of structural engineering at Pei Yang Uni· versity from 1920 to 1924, recently re· turned from a tour of the People's Repub· lie of China. He writes: "I had my picture taken sitting on the Great Wall of China at the same spot where it was taken over 55 years ago. The Ming Tombs, the For· bidden City and the Temple of Heaven still make Peking a sightseer's paradise. Incidentally, I was listed for the first time in the Marquis book of Who's Who in the World, which verifies my status as a vagabond, I guess." Joe also mentions that he had a fine telephone chat with TED HUDSON when he was in the San Francisco area. "Hud" is in good shape. JIM MOORE mentioned in his Christmas card to Joe that he was to undergo some surgery in January.

15 W. Benfield Pressey 6Parkway Hanover, NH 03755

You will be saddened to learn of the death of our classmate TED (Theodore A.) PECK on November 8, 1978. I learned of it so promptly because the Washing· ton Post gave his biography a conspicuous notice with portrait, and REUEL STRATTON sent the clipping to me. Be· sides his widow, he leaves a considerable family: children, grandchildren, even a great-grandchild. You may remember that Ted became disturbed at the absence of Class of 1915 letters and wrote one him· self. I urged imitation of that action by other members of the Class, but I think no one did.

16 Erhardt ("Dutch") G. Schmitt 41 Mill Rock Road New Haven, CT 06511

I was disappointed not to see you all at Homecoming - Trinity-Amherst, that is! And what a game it was. Not to men· tion the following Saturday at Wesleyan. It made one feel like a boy again ... back to '13, '14 and '15 plus, when the great TED HUDSON '14 was tearing right down the field - our real "Walter Camp" All-American! Remember?!

Try hard to come back to the Immor· tals Dinner and Reunion this June '79. This will be a very interesting meeting and a great addition to Commencement week activities. Last year two or three of us joined up with '15 so we could have a good round table.

I'm sure you all appreciate the great work our class agent BOB O'CONNOR is doing on our annual giving as a class. Keep in there "pitchin," Bob, you're doing just fine. Got a letter at Christmas time from GEORGE FERRIS who seems to be in great shape. He sends his best wishes to all of you for another good year. He hopes to be back with us for the Immortals Dinner and I, for one, look for· ward to seeing him.

Received another splendid letter from JACK TOWNSEND. His address: Rev. John Townsend, 615 Harper Rd., Kerr· ville, Texas 78028. He appears to be fairly active. He now lives with his eldest daughter after retiring from 23 years in Cuba and 17 years in the Panama Canal

Zone serving various parishes and the Cathedral of St. Luke.

Did you see and hear the Third Yale Russian Chorus on your T.V. January 14? Well, the concert was held at the Austin Arts Center. Our theatre showed up pretty well on the screen and the house was filled and enthusiastic.

You will all be interested, I am sure, to read the following report about the Class of 1916 Memorial Scholarship. Mr. John Taylor, director of financial aid, writes me as follows: "It is indeed a pleasure for me to have this opportunity to inform you of this year's recipients of the Class of 1916 Memorial Scholarship. Without such support as provided by the Class of 1916 Memorial Fund, our ability to ex· tend financial assistance to those unable to afford the full cost of a Trinity educa· tion would be greatly diminished. This year's recipients are Bruce Shea '79 of Quincy, Massachusetts, and Francine Kersch '79 of Eastchester, New York." These recipients will doubtless write me as Class Secretary, as in the past, and I will be happy to pass the stories along to you via the Reporter.

17 The Rev. Joseph Racioppi 264 Sunnieholme Drive Fairfield, CT 06430

DON TREE writes that he is an ins pee· tor for the Whitney Chair Co. and is living in West Hartford.

Your SECRETARY, who has five grandchildren, celebrated his 50th wed· ding anniversary last October.

19 Clinton B.F. Brill Route 13, Box 227 Tallahassee, FL 32312

VINCENT POTTER spent last sum· mer traveling with his grandson, Jona· than Vincent, in Ireland.

STAN LEEKE, retired from Hamden (Conn.) High School, planned to spend four months in Treasure Island, Florida this winter.

25 Raymond A. Montgomery North Racebrook Road Woodbridge, CT 06525

Dr. JOHN E. DARROW has finally made it official. He retired from medical practice and changed his residence from Hartford to New Britain. He can be reached at 35 West End Court, New Bri· tain, Conn. 06052.

Another change, MOE LISCHNER has retired from the private practice of !lledi· cine but will still be very active in the State Department of Social Services as a medical consultant. Moe's address is 110 Bartholomew Ave., Hartford, Conn.

And yet another retirement, KEN SMITH, from the directorship of the Baseball Hall of Fame at Cooperstown, New York, where he served with distinc· tion for the past 15 years. Prior to that he was nationally known as a sportswriter with the New York Mirror, covering the New York Giants. Ken and Em my moved from Cooperstown and are now at their "shooting box" at Lake Candlewood, just outside of Danbury, Conn. The effer­vescent Kenny will continue to represent the Hall of Fame at special events and also will perform with the Cooperstown Opera Company in its summer produc· tions.

After the Amherst game, we ran into many classmates and old friends at the cocktail party in the Austin Arts Center. Later we attended a delightful cocktail party at DAVE HADLOW's home in West Hartford.

We saw the chairman of the Athletic Advisory Board, DON VIERING '42, and his wife; the LYMAN BRAINERDS '30;

Headliner I. "Ike" Laird Newell '22 received the Dexter Brackett Medal of the New England Water Works Association for his distinguished career in the field of water and waste treatment technology. The retired president of the Henry Souther Engineering Company, Newell also served. for many years as Connecticut's State Chemist.

the Tony Trainers; BART WILSON '37; the Plumbs; Mary Kay Moses and the WILSON HAIGHTS '37, among other Trinity people and friends.

Betty Noble made her annual pilgri· mage to Seattle, Washington to visit with her daughter Nancy's family and then to the family of her son BROWNIE '58 in Pennsylvania over the Christmas and New Year's holidays.

Edla Anderson, I understand, has moved to Florida near her sister, but I have no exact address as yet.

The Trinity Club of New Haven held its annual Sports Night at the home of Olga and RAY MONTGOMERY in Wood­bridge. Thirty-three promising athletes attended along with the College coaching staff, several fathers and guest coaches. A light buffet and liquid refreshments were served and highlights of the 1978 football season were shown. Pat Me· Namara is a product of one of these Sports Nights.

26 N. Ross Parke 18 Van Buren Avenue West Hartford, CT 06107

It's always good to hear from our good classmates and to know we are all "clickin." Let's keep up the good work and let your SECRETARY know what you are doing as time goes on.

Thank you HOWARD and ' Doris TULE, "MARTY" CO LETT A, Georgi­anna and BILL NICOL, Elizabeth and BEN WARNER, MATTIE DAN, Marion and FRANK PRYOR Ill, Dodee and ADRIAN AVITABLE, Marion and BOB NEWELL, Jane and CARL FARRELL, Ida and ELWOOD RIDER, Adelaide and GEORGE JACKSON, Peg and DICK FORD, Miriam and HAROLD MESSER. It was especially good to hear from dear

~ Dorothea Pallatt - our good MILTON's wife - Jean and NORM PITCHER, Peg and HERB NOBLE, Sandy and KEN STUER, Betty and JIM BURR.


How about kindly and thoughtfully doing like our good Jimmie did Novem­ber the lOth. He sat down, I am sure, and to quote briefly, wrote to say: "I have just returned from a golfing trip to Hawaii, Hong Kong and Japan as a mem­ber of the American Senior's Instruc­tional Team. It's a different world over there; however, they do have a fine appreciation of the Arts. The Chinese and Japanese are wonderful hosts and went out of their way to make us comfor­table to see that we had a fine time ... We leave for Florida the 20th and will try to see Norm at Lehigh Acres."

Of course, we can't all have such an outstanding record and do such wonder­ful things and take such glorious trips, but thank our Good Lord we can do quite a little in our own little "sphere of influ­ence." So, like good ole Jim and young Betty, how about writing a few notes to

your ole SECRETARY so that we can share with each othe some of the hap· penings that will interest our good class­mates. Best to you each and all.

27 Winthrop H. Segur Park Ridge Apt. 516 1320 Berlin Tpke. Wethersfield, CT 06109

Happy to receive a note from my number one correspondent, STAN BELL, telling of a great three-week vacation last summer in France with his Ginny. It seems as though he especially enjoyed the ladies on the Nice beaches. (He would!)

It is with heavy heart that I direct your attention to the Reporter's obit column in this issue. Future 1927 and/or Immortals' Reunions will not be quite the same with the passing of FRANK CON­RAN. His ready wit, engaging smile and hearty way of life endeared him to all his classmates who extend their sympathy to his high school sweetheart and wife of many years, Julia, and his family.

28 Royden C. Berger 53 Thom~on Rd. West Hartford, CT 06107

ART PLATT has agreed to take on the duties of Class Agent, succeeding HENRY MOSES who died last July. Art retired recently as executive assistant to the president of Dickinson College. His address is: 644 Yorkshire Drive, Carlisle, PA 17013.

Henry held the post for many years. In the 1977-78 Alumni Fund, Henry's last year as Class Agent, our class ranked second among all classes when "best per· centage participation" and "most dollars raised" were combined. Seventy-three percent of the class participated and con­tributed $9,113.50. Art deserves our continued cooperation.

29 GEORGE TURNEY received an

alumni association ·:certificate of recogni­tion" at a dinner at Yale in New Haven last fall.

HANK FAIRCHILD retired from the architectural firm of Fairchild, Rallis, Fairchild of Hartford, but still remains a consultant for them.

31 Robert P. Waterman 148 Forest Lane Glastonbury, CT 06033

GEORGE MACKIE writes that his wife of 43 years, the former Miriam Barnes, died just after Thanksgiving last year.

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32 Julius Smith 242 Trumbull Street Hartford, CT 06103

HALSEY H. FOSS writes that upon his retirement from the Pratt & Whitney Division of United TMhnologies he en­joys golf and sunshine in Florida from October to April. He returns to Connecti­cut for the spring and summer months "keeping a hand in with a few consulting contracts each year." He says the high­light of the winter is the annual Palm Beach area alumni meeting with "our de­lightful President."

33 Ezra Melrose 186 Penn Drive West Hartford, CT 06119

Several members of the Class have entered the world of retirement. At the end of January GEORGE LACOSKE re­tired from state service. HERBERT BELL enjoys retirement activities in Hendersonville, N.C., where he manages a fair share of golf, bridge and travel. He also notes that he welcomes "Alumni looking for a suitable place to settle." TOM WAD LOW is healthy and busy with much sailing: "Bermuda and Canada this year." His brother, L.A. WAD LOW lives next door "and the same goes for h. " liD.

34 Charles A. Tucker 7 Wintergreen Lane West Hartford, CT 06117

This is our Reunion year - our 45th! Our class agent, JOHN KELL-Y, keeps

busy· in retirement. He serves as chair­man of the parish council of the Sacred Heart Church in Wethersfield, Conn. and assists with J.V. soccer coaching at Trinity.

DOUG and Marion RANKIN celebra­ted their 40th wedding anniversary this past year. They had a visit from their daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren from St. Louis, Missouri last August.

JOHN MASON and Phyllis are en­joying their new home, a daily two-mile beach walk and each other in Chatham on the Cape and plan to be in Captiva, Florida in late winter.

C. BRUCE SCHNEIDER has moved to New Hampshire and is he;lting by wood - a courageous feat in th'ese New England winters.

Diane and BILL BASCH keep active, and we learned that their three sons have interesting and diversified careers - one an analyst, one a violist with the Marine Corps Chamber Orches­tra in Washington, D.C., and one a doctor of medicine.

ANDY ONDERDONK continues as treasurer of Trinity Church, but finds time in a very busy schedule to visit his camp in Maine for a few weeks at a time.

HAROLD BAYLEY finds the Pennsyl­vania winters as vigorous as most of us do in New England (with the possible ex­ception of C. Bruce Schneider) but is sticking it out in Devon, Penn. He and Winnie plan to be back for our 45th.

Ruth and CHARLIE TUCKER an­nounce the birth of their first grandchild, Bethany, as of November 14, 1978 - this when some classmates have grand­children graduated from colleges!

June and VAHAN ANANIKIAN visited Colorado, Utah and Arizona this past summer and Vahan also did some hiking. The installation of their · church organ is still in progress.

35 Albert W. Baskerville RD #5, Birchwood Drive Derry, NH 03038

A welcome letter from recently re­tired BILL WALKER. Bill was assistant secretary and director of rehabilitation for the New Jersey Manufacturers In­surance Co. With 40 years in the field, Bill had attained an enviable reputation as an authority on brain stem and spinal cord injuries. Now he can spend more time on the repairing and restoration of old clocks and antiques. In addition to this avocation, Bill is mayor of Hopewell, N.J. All in all, the Class salutes you and wishes you many and rewarding retire­ment years.

Homecoming game with Amherst turned up SHED McCOOK and CHAP­PIE WALKER. Sharp-eyed STEVE COFFEY alerted the P.A. announcer of an error in the official program identi­fying the Trin team which held the record for the fewest points scored against them in a season. That event oc­curred during our college years.

DAN GIBER announced his retire­ment and move to Lake Worth, Florida.

PEARCE ALEXANDER visited MIMI MARQUET who lives on a yacht in Florida. The two former pigskinners en­joyed a mini-reunion with tennis, swim­ming, memories, songs, etc. (plenty of etc., no doubt).

BERT SCULL received a letter from DESMOND CRAWFORD saying that he has been living in Siena, Italy for over six years in the Chianti Classico wine zone on a 30-acre farm - "all in vineyards and olive groves." Bert became a grandfather last July.

BILL STEIN met BILL HULL '37 in Sarasota, Florida, and they square danced with their wives at several places in the area. Bill ran two New England tennis tournaments; the first New Eng­land tournament for ages 60-65 in Glastonbury, Conn., and one in Farming­ton, Conn., which was the first of its kind sanctioned by the New England Tennis Association. Bill managed to reach the semi-finals of the senior 60 singles and, with his partner, reached the finals of the doubles.

37 Robert M. Kelly 33 Hartford Ave. Madison, CT 06443

This seems the time to report on a few new retirements or shifts in direction for a number of our Class.

BART WILSON, who had been direc­tor of public information at Trinity for the past 13 years, following 27 years in the advertising field, retired from his Trinity position January 1. Bart, one of 37's most loyal and dedicated mem­bers, will continue to live in Hartford and plans to hang out his shingle as a consul­tant in public relations and editorial ser­vices.

GEORGE LEPAK, who has worked for the A.M.F. corporation for many


years, more recently out of the com­pany's Alexandria, Va. headquarters as director of manufacturing services, plans to retire in March. A year ago, George and his wife, Anne, were considering a trial move to Florida on a year-round basis.

DWIGHT CUSHMAN, a junior high school history teacher in Canoga Park, Calif., has been reelected president of the San Fernando Valley Historical Society and nominated for a national of­fice in the Society for Mayflower Descen­dants.

Your SECRETARY continues to slide into retirement gradually and now works three days per week as a consultant for Sphere Inc., an agency servicing a num­ber of private independent schools which offer programs for inner-city youngsters. Oldest son, Bob, Jr., who is now director of recreation in Ridgefield, Conn., was married recently, the first of the three Kelly children to take the "plunge."

38 JamesM.F. Weir 27 Brook Road Woodbridge, CT 06525

A goodly group of 26 classmates and their wives gathered for the busy 40th Reunion along with a great Homecoming crowd. BOBBY O'MALLEY received the prized Eigenbrodt Trophy, much to his surprise, and with the best wishes of all who were there.

We were able to update our files to a great degree with more news about the Class than we have had for a long time ... stories about travels, jobs and family information concerning many of the Class of '38 in the span of four decades. We would welcome further in­formation from those of you who have not been able to write notes these past few years.

ART SHERMAN, rector of Saint John's Church in Lancaster, Pa., was in­stalled as Canon in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania. His daughter, Mary, was married in October 1978, shortly after

'graduation from Millersville State Col­lge. Art's oldest son is at Kent State Uni­versity; his second son, a medical techni­cian in the U.S. Air Force, also attends Park College in Missouri; and his youngest daughter is at Millersville State College. If three in college at once doesn't age you, the arrival of a first grandchild makes one sit up and take notice. Art's first grandchild arrived in early November 1978.

JACK PARSONS retired from Aetna Life & Casualty and is now living in Rhode Island operating his own agency. Bob travels considerably in his work to places all over the world such as Europe, Africa and even to Paraguay.

HENRY FULLER, an investment agent at Legg Mason Wood Walker Inc. of New York City, was recently named a corporator on the Board of Amoskeag Savings Bank in Manchester, N.H.

PAT CULLENEY has a new position as director of planning and research for the Council of Better Business Bureaus in Washington, D.C. Pat still exhibits "good hands" on the piano as demonstrated at the Reunion.

We note a story in a recent banker's trade journal that NEIL PF ANSTIEL was a feature speaker at seminars spon­sored by Union Planters National Bank in Memphis, held in Tarpon Springs, and again in Chicago. Neil is assistant vice president of Aetna Casualty and Surety Co. in Hartford.

If we had given recognition to the classmate who traveled farthest to at­tend the 40th Reunion, the honor would have to go to LOU WALKER (Green­ville, N.C.) or JACK LEON (Tryon, N.C.). On the way up the coast they found CARL HODGDON, now retired in

Williamsburg, Va. A telephone call to ERNIE CORSO urging him to spend the Reunion weekend at Trinity was to no avail as Ernie said Ferris & Co. (Rosslyn, Va.) was taking up his available week­ends. Ernie is vice president of Ferris & Co. and resides in Alexandria, V a. He mentioned that he would appreciate a call from any classmate sojourl}ing in Washington, regardless of political af­filiation.

SPENCER P. KENNARD was active last summer as office manager for the Council on Aging, Chatham, Mass. He hopes to live full time on the Cape soon. STAN MONTGOMERY, a salesman for Thomas Cadillac in Hartford, is the grandfather of three little girls.

39 Earl H. Flynn 147 Goodale Drive Newington, CT 06111

F.E. HAIGHT II is in his eighth year as commandant of the Knickerbocker Greys, a group founded in 1881 in New York City. RUDY OBLOM makes his home in Stamford, Conn. BILL MOR­GAN, who for several years has been re­tired from the Hartford National Bank & Trust Co., lives in Stuart, Florida. AR­NOLD WATERMAN is also retired and is living in West Hartford.

LEON GILMAN has assumed a semi­retired status from Connecticut General Life Insurance Co. and is spending time in insurance estate planning sales on the Cape in Barnstable, Mass.

Last summer the Rev. GEORGE W. SMITH, executive director of the Age Center of Worcester (Mass.), was pre­sented a framed testimonial by the mayor and city council of Worcester in recognition of his contributions to the city and community. In October a bronze plaque in a high rise apartment {or re­tired people that was built by George was dedicated to him.

42 MartinO. Wood 474123rd St. N. N. Arlington, VA 22207

Can you top this? TOM TAMONEY seems to have started a Trinity dynasty. TOM, Jr. '72 married CELIE HOWARD '72. His son ANDREW was in the Class of '77 and daughter MARGOT is in the Class of '82. Add Tom's brother HARRY '43, and you have quite a Trinity family.

43 John L. Bonee 50 State Street Hartford, CT 06103

RAY CUNNINGHAM writes that he is now executive secretary of the New Directions Program and priest-in-charge at the Church of the Regeneration in Pine Plains, New York. He can be reached at: New Directions Field Office, P.O. Box 829, Millbrook, N.Y.l2545.

DAN MILLER writes that he is now a registered representative with Mosley, Hallgarten and Estabrook of New Lon­don, Conn., and that he was elected vice president of the New York Yacht Club in addition to being voted a trustee of the Mystic Seaport Museum.

Your SECRETARY would have you know that the Class had a great 35th Re­union, perhaps the best attended ever, beginning with a cocktail party at our home on Terry Road during which the following classmates signed "the book": RAY CUNNINGHAM, RUSS and Mary COLLINS, CARL WILLIAMS, BOB and Joy HALE, "MUSH" and Phyllis GIUL­LET, SAM and Lorraine CORLISS, CHARLIE HODGKINS, PETE and Sue PETERSON, JOE and Connie Annie ROSSI, BOB and Betsy HINCKLEY, JOHN DOUGLAS, BILL, and Bern

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ALLEN, AL and Phyllis STAFFORD, NICK and Margaret MOTTO, Elaine and JOHN BONEE, BOB WELTON, FRANK RACKEMANN, Jr., and BILL and Bonnie GREY.

The Class extends its deep sympathy to CARLOS RICHARDSON upon the death of his father, Atty. ·Carlos A. Richardson, of Kensington, Conn., who passed away on September 24, 1978 at the age of 83 after a long and distin­guished legal career.

44 LOCKWOOD (Dick) DOTY II is direc­

tor of public relations for the Mutual Broadcasting System in Alexandria, Vir­ginia.

A "Trinity Wedding" was held in Bar­rington, R.I. last July when Dr. J . STEPHEN FINK '72, son of Lois and JOHN T. FINK, married Linda Ann Specht, a Mount Holyoke alumna. The Rev. EARL T. WILLIAMS officiated, and two other Trinity alumni took part: E. LAWRENCE MINARD III '72 and PETER A. FINK '76.

46 J. William Vincent 80 Newport Ave. West Hartford, CT 06107

PAUL STAFFORD is a senior design engineer for the Fenn Manufacturing Co. in Newington, Conn. Following the death of his wife, Alice, in December 1977, BILL WEAVER closed his engineering firm and took the position of executive director of the properties review board for the state of Connecticut.

CHUCK HAZEN presided as presi­dent of the Institute of Home Office Underwriters at its 42nd annual meeting held recently in Miami Beach which was attended by 925 delegates and their spouses. The institute is an organization of 1,050 underwriters representing over 525 life insurance companies in the U.S. and Canada.

Col. SIG KAUFMAN writes that he is in pursuit of his avocation and taking part in NATO summer maneuvers. BILL HART's daughter, Claudia, will be en­tering Trinity this fall as a member of the Class of 1982.

48 The Rt. Rev. E. Otis Charles 1349 3rd Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84103

The 30th Reunion gathered together JOHN FINK, JOHN GAISFORD and JOHN FANDEL, who gave a reading from his latest collection of poems, Bach and a Cat Bird. BILL LICHTENBERG, BILL JACKSON, DICK ALTSHELER, DAVE RIVKIN, RALPH RAREY, ALLEN McDONALD, ART W ALM­SLEY, MICHAEL CAMPO, ALLEN NE­VINS, TOM MEREDITH, ROY MOR­RELL and SAM GOLDSTEIN were also there. There were a goodly number of wives in attendance and, of course, TED

LOCKWOOD. Ted and his wife graciously entertained us all on Friday evening at· the magnificently new Presi­dent's House. Highlight of the weekend was the presentation of the Alumni Medal for Excellence to Mike Campo at the Reunion Dinner. Your SECRETARY was privileged to preach in the Chapel on Sunday morning. Corysidering Saturday evening's festivities, there was a pretty good congregation.

Since the Reunion, we have heard that ED BURNS has retired from the Trea· sury Department. Ed is four times a grandfather! ED LIMIEUX reports that his daughter, Linda, ranks 40th in her class of 1,200 at the USAF Academy in Colorado. DON SHIPPY has been elected a corporate vice president of First Wall Street Settlement Corp., which is the operations arm of Loeb Rhoades, Horn­blower and Co. JIM PAGE, president of Bearings and Transmission Specialties, is living in Alexandria, Va.

49 FREDERICK MISSEL was awarded

the degree of doctor of ministry from Drew University last September.

BILL WILSON is publisher, vice presi­dent and secretary of the Connecticut Law Tribune. LAWRENCE "Buzz" FA­GAN was reappointed by Gov. Ella Grasso of Connecticut to a five-year term on the board of registration for profes­sional engineers and land surveyors.

Last March GEORGE ARMSTEAD was elected secretary-project manager of the Merrow Machine Co., Inc. in Hart­ford.

BILL COUGHLAN writes that his daughter, Laurie, was married last Octo­ber.

50 James R. Glassco, Jr. 1024 Pine Hill Road McLean, VA 22101

BRENT HARRIES was a guest of T.V.'s "Wall Street Week" on October 13, 1978.

WALTER SULLIVAN was appointed senior vice president and trust officer at the Fidelity Trust Company of Stamford,

L Conn. He was also elected chairman, Trust Division, of the Connecticut Bankers in June 1978, and co-chairman, Probate Bench- Bank Liaison Commit­tee, in September 1978.

Lost Address: If you know the present address of NORMAN T ASLITT, please notify Trinity's Alumni Office.

51 John F. Klingler 344FernSt. West Hartford, CT 06119

DON ROME was recently made presi­dent of an association of commercial fi­nance attorneys. Rev. LEONEL MIT­CHELL became a professor of liturgics at Seabury-Western Theological Semi­nary in Evanston, Illinois.


CLASSES '34, '39, '44, '49, '54, '59, '64, '69, '74


Headliner Raymond Parrott '53 has been elected executive director of the National Advisory Council on Vocational Education. Previously, he headed the Massachusetts Council on Vocational Education. He also spent eight years in the Peace Corps serving in Africa and later in Washington, D.C. as special assis­tant to the director.

NORM WACK, vice president of the H.O. Penn Machinery Co. Inc. in Newing­ton, Conn., bought a cabin cruiser last summer and enjoys using it on Long Is­land Sound.

MORT ROSENBERG is currently chairman of the history department at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana.

52 Douglas C. Lee P.O.Box838 Ceres, CA 95307

Courtesy of Ma Bell I had a nice chat with ED SHAPIRO in Briarcliff Manor, N.Y. In early August of last year Ed was appointed town justice for Ossining, N.Y. (Briarcliff Manor is a part of Ossining). In addition to being a practicing attorney in New York City, Ed recently opened an office in Briarcliff Manor. His oldest boy, Jim is currently a sophomore at Trinity, and at this early stage in his career has an interest in law.

Also in the political arena, DAVE BARRY was reelected to the Connecti­cut State Senate representing Glaston­bury, Andover, Coventry and parts of Windsor and Manchester. Dave served as assistant majority leader in the 1977-78 session of the legislature. During the same period he was also a member of the Town Council in Manchester.

BOB WERDELIN is director of statis­tics for the Aetna Insurance Company in Hartford. TED GROSS is director of information systems for the State of Connecticut Dept. of Mental Health at Connecticut Valley Hospital in Mid­dletown. DAVID BOLAND writes that he is self-employed as a dentist in Cheshire, Conn.

A history teacher and tennis coach in the town of Simsbury, Conn., ALBERT "Buzz" HOLMES has twice received the National High School Coaches Associa­tion's Tennis Coach of the Year Award· District 1. He is the father of four children.

53 Paul A. Mortell 508 Stratfield Road Fairfield, CT 06430

Congratulations to the Class of 1953 for having the largest number of Trinity Alumni attend a 25th reunion. By now all of us have settled down from our big weekend in November. I can't name all our classmates who attended but hope to see you all for our 30th.

CARL "Fritz" HELLER is product sales manager for Food Enterprises in Canton, Mass. HERB HOLMQUIST is a senior associate with Sterling Institute of Washington, D.C., a management training and development firm .

Dr. PETER "Buck" CLIFFORD writes that his son, James, is a freshman at Hartwick College and his younger son, Jonathan, is attending the Kingswood­Oxford School in West Hartford.

54 Theodore T. Tansi Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Co. 1 American Row Hartford, CT 06103

"TWEED" BRASKAMP just returned from Brussels, Belgium after living there for three years. He is working for the IBM Corp. in White Plains, N.Y. and lives in Weston, Conn. Tweed has a son who is a sophomore at Trinity. ROBERT "Gil" GILLOOLY's son, Dennis, is a member of Trinity's Class of 1982.

JIM DILLON is manager of the Travelers Insurance Co. data processing department in Hartford. TED OXFfOLM was promoted to first vice president of Cameron & Colby Co. last July. This is a subsidiary of the Hartford Insurance Group, which writes unusual types of insurance. 1

After ten years as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Vancouver, Wash., GEORGE H. PIKE became the senior pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Cranford, N.J. last September. The church has over 2,500 members and a staff of 16 persons. George says now that he's back east, he hopes to make it to Trinity for the 25th Reunion this year.

JOHN BURRILL is proud of his fourth club championship title in golf at the Wampanoag Country Club in West Hart­ford. He's prouder still that his son, Jason,won the junior club championship honors at the same time last summer.

RICHARD D. HINES was elected vice president of Associated Spring North America, a part of the Barnes Group Inc. of Bristol, Conn. GEORGE H. COSBY III is now affiliated with Cosby V. Asso­ciates, Inc., a management consulting firm in Richmond, Virginia.

WILLIAM B. CONNOR was elected to the 26-member board of trustees at Villa Maria College in Erie, Penn. CHARLES H. VAN LANEN was promoted to mana­ger of sales for the Baltimore, Md. dis­trict of Bethlehem Steel Corporation last fall .

55 E. Wade Close, Jr. West W aldheim Road Pittsburgh, PA 15215

ALVIN FISHER is a staff oceano­grapher· for the Naval Office in Groton, Conn. Alvin writes that his employer moved south so that he is now the New England representative. He is "enjoying the area immensely, and may even have the house fixed up by the time my three­year assignment is up!" He also adds that it "sure is great to be able to read about Trinity in the local tabloid.''

An industrial relations manager for the Anaconda Co., RICHARD BITTNER was transferred from Waterbury, Conn. in October 1977 to New York City till July 1978 when company headquarters were moved to Denver, Colo.

Last June ED FITZPATRICK as­sumed duties as force supply officer, com-

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Headliner The new director of the University of Alabama Press is Malcolm MacDonald '57. Earlier MacDonald was editor and assistant director of the University of Georgia Press. He is the co-editor of "Chemistry and Society," a beginning text for college students, and has served as a consultant on university press publishing.

mander submarine force of the U.S. At­lantic fleet.

DAVID NELSON, senior field mana­ger of the Conn. Citizen Action Group, completed work on an M.A. degree in psychology from Indiana State Univer­sity.

56 HERBERT KLEE is a consul/admini­

strative officer for the state department in Monterey, Mexico.

EDWARD A. MONTGOMERY, JR. re­turned from London in September 1977 after three years as vice president and manager of the London Branch of Mellon Bank. He now lives in Pittsburgh and is senior vice president of Mellon National Mortgage Corp.

WILLARD S. DAKIN is treasurer of NPI Corporation in Burlingame, Calif. KEN SWANSON, president of Swanson Tool Mfg., Inc. in Elmwood, Conn., writes that his company has doubled in size over the past few years and he now markets taps and thread gages on a national scale with some export sales to Europe, South America and the Far East.

CHESTER RINGHEISER lives with his wife and two sons in Bennington, V er­mont. JERRY PAULEY and his wife, Omie, have three children in college and writes that they are "living" through it all. JOHN BLACKFORD, an attorney-at­law in New Britain, Conn., has a daughter at Drew University.

PETER SAYRE retired from the U.S. Air Force and moved to Palmetto, Florida where he joined an investment brokerage firm as a registered repre­sentative. He says it's a super firm and he's having fun.

JACK BARTON, president of the Bruno-Barton Ins. Agency in Bridgeport, Conn., was appointed to the Amity Re­gional School District board of education.

57 Paul B. Marion 7 Martin Place Chatham, NJ 07928

GORDY SZAMIER has retired from the Plymouth (Conn.) Board of Education after teaching for almost twenty years.

WARD CURRAN 's excellent under­graduate education has propelled him to the chairmanship of the Economics De­partment at Trinity. He was also on the program committee for the national meetings of the Financial Management Association held in Minneapolis last October.

NORM RICHARD is a eucharistic minister for the Hartford Archdiocese.

Any Connecticut classmates having phone problems can contact DOUG RAYNARD, the new administrative manager of the marketing department at Southern New England Telephone Co. in

New London, Conn. "Duke" is also presi­dent of the United Way of Southeastern Connecticut.

DOUG MacLEOD, insurance manager for the County of Nassau, N.Y., indicated in a recent article appearing in Business Insurance that there is absolutely no political favortism in his department. In fact, Doug said that he even knows a few Democrats, Socialists and Moonies.

58 The Rev. Dr. Borden W. Painter, Jr. 110 Ledgewood Road West Hartford, CT 06107

Our Twentieth Reunion seems a bit like ancient history now, but I am pleased to report that about forty class­mates returned for some portion of the weekend. My thanks to those who helped get the troops back to Trin, especially GERRY NEWTON and GEORGE BAXTER for their good telephone work. The Twentieth served as a good warmup for the Twenty-Fifth, so mark you calen­dars for 1983!

DAVID LEE is an underwriting mana­ger for Middlesex Insurance in Concord, Mass. Dave lives in nearby Acton with his wife, Victoria, and two children, Jennifer and Scott.

JIM FLANNERY will direct a produc­tion of three original plays by the dis­tinguished Irish poet, Ulrick O'Connor. The project will be part of the Dublin Theatre Festival and will inaugurate a theatre in a new arts center at Trinity College, Dublin. Jim is chairman of the Theatre Department of the University of Rhode Island.

59 Paul S. Campion 4 Red Oak Drive Rye, NY 10580

WILLIAM Y AHN took a new job in Mississippi as general manager of Key­stone Seneca Wire, and when he moved there discovered, to his horror, the con­cept of the "dry country."

J.R. "Jack" DONAHUE is general manager/vice president of New Age Management Services in San Diego, Calif. He writes that he has discovered higher consciousness: "The inner journey to increased awareness of the ultimate harmony of the universe is the truth I live. I welcome contact from all alumni and friends."

60 NICHOLAS POSCHL is a marketing

executive for a . reinsurance communica­tions organization and winner of two worldwide photo contests. Last July he had a showing of his photos in Chatham, Mass.


Headliner The Mathematical Association of America has awarded its Carl B. Allendoerfer Award for Expository Writing in Mathematics to David A. Smith '58. Smith, an associate professor at Duke University, received the honor for his article "Human Population Growth: Stability or Explosion?", which appeared in Mathematics Magazine.

JOE BRODER was promoted to the rank of commander in the U.S. Naval Re­serves JAG Corps.

N.R. BRASHICH is a program officer for the American Embassy. He writes that after having spent the last five years in Morocco "where the orange blos­soms bloom," he is presently located in Korea - "The Land of the Morning Calm." He says there are a lot of con­trasts, but it is a wonderful opportunity to view at close hand a developmental success -story which the U.S. can be proud of.

SKIP MORSE is vice president of mar­keting for UMC Industries Inc. in Stam­ford, Conn. He lives in Fairfield with his wife and three kids.

WILLIAM HOKANSON is president of Marketteam in Newport Beach, Calif. He writes that it's a big change to run a company in California, especially when its function is to "barter" advertising and travel for products with major companies here and abroad.

LEE KALCHEIM, a television com­edy writer , had a play, "Winning Isn't Everything," open Off Broadway at the Hudson Guild Theatre last fall. The story is about a campaign team and opened, appropriately enough, during election week.

61 Kerry Fitzpatrick A-21 Avon Drive East Windsor, NJ 08520

Class agent TOM REESE did an out­standing job in coordinating the Class of '61 to another excellent year of support of the Alumni Fund. DOUG TANSILL, our former class agent who now serves as an Alumni Trustee, has issued a chal­lenge to the Class of '34, winner of the Alumni Fund Trophy last year. The Class of '61 finished sixth last year and, with an increase in participation, we can make Doug's challenge a reality.

Dr. CHARLES GIANETTI, now a plastic surgeon in Bridgeport, recently coordinated a doctors' cancer forum for the American Cancer Society.

62 Barnett Lipkind 1 Longfellow Place Apt. 2016 Boston, MA 02114

COLBY COOMBS has accepted an ap­pointment as assistant funding controller with the Development Finance Corp. of New Zealand where he will manage foreign liabilities and advise on new funding techniques. This assignment grew from consulting work in London with United Nations agencies on problems of capital formation. Colby's address is P.O. Box 3889, Wellington, New Zealand.

STEVE COOL was recently in Boston to attend an optometrist's convention.

Steve is presently acting dean of the School of Optometry at the University of Houston.

JOHN DENSEM is a senior systems analyst with California Casualty In­surance Group in San Mateo, Calif. John is one of 14 men in the choir of men and boys at San Francisco's Grace Cathedral.

BORIS LUTS is manager of supplier development for Volkswagen de Mexico. For the past 12 years Boris was associa­ted with the Friction Products Group of Abex Corporation.

DENNIS RODGERS has started his own law firm in Decatur, Illinois. He is also a part-time teacher of business law and real estate at Richland Community College.

Belated kudos to GEORGE WILL for his latest book, The Pursuit of Happiness and Other Sobering Thoughts, which re­ceived a very positive review by Edmund Fuller in the July 10, 1978 edition of the Wall Street JournaL

Your SECRETARY recently attended a highly successful luncheon in Boston which was co-sponsored by the alumni associations of Trinity, Skidmore, Wil­liams and Amherst. Mayor Kevin White was the guest speaker. Our classmate, JIM WHITTERS is president of the Bos­ton Alumni Association and is to be complimented on the success of the pro­gram.

63 Timothy F. Lenicheck 25 Kidder A venue Somerville, MA 02144

STARR BRINCKERHOFF moved his regional sales office for Paine, Webber from Stamford, Conn. to the Pan Am Building in New York City.

EMMETT MILLER has recently had a book published by Prentice-Hall entitled Feeling Good. He has also been exploring the use of music along with deep relaxa­tion and suggestion and notes that so far the results are quite exciting. In addi­tion, he's been doing some consulting work for government and industry, especially in terms of stress reduction, tension control and anxiety elimination.

ROBERT M. MURDOCK was ap­pointed director of the Grand Rapids Art Museum last fall. Previously he had been the curator of contemporary art at the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts.

PETER M. DENSEN was named president of Anistics Inc., the risk management consulting subsidiary of Alexander & Alexander Inc., worldwide insurance brokers, consultants and ac­tuaries. He is based in New York City.

MARSHALL E. BLUME, managing editor of the Journal of Finance, collaborated on a study published by John Wiley & Sons entitled The Changing Role of the Individual Investor which reports that despite the rapid growth of institutional holdings and the decrease in the number of individual

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Headliner Major George A. Rustigian '61 was named the outstanding field grade officer in the 21st Air Force Transportation Recognition Program. Rustigian, an authority in transportation, is in charge of the Air Terminal Operations Center at McGuire AFB in Pemberton, New Jersey.

stockholders, individuals continue to own more stock than do institutions.

64 Beverly N. Coiner 114 Cloverleaf San Antonio, TX 78209

CHRIS GILSON was promoted to busi­ness manager responsible for Citibank's consumer/retail business in Long Island. RONALD "Boscher" BOSCH was also promoted to assistant director in the computer science division of the Travelers Insurance Co. data processing department in ·December 1977 and is responsible for technical planning.

DANIEL A. SAKLAD was named re­gional business manager in the north­western United States for Nationwide Financial Services Corp., a consumer fi­nancial services subsidiary of Citicorp.

BERTRAN FEINGOLD was recently elected a fellow in the American College of Surgeons. He is also a member of the Western Orthopaedic Association.

Dr. JOSEPH R. MARTIRE, medical consultant to the Colts and Orioles in Bal­timore, wrote an article entitled "Women in Athletics: A Medical Perspective," variations of which appeared in the Balti­more Sun, Trinity Tripod and Athletic Equipment Manager Association (AEMA) newsletter.

65 The Rev. David J. Graybill 9612 Byford Road Kensington, MD 20795

RUSH LA SELLE is now director of sales and marketing for Nypro Illinois, Inc., and lives with his wife and two sons in Galesburg.

DAN SWANDER left his job of 11 years to become vice president of opera­tions at Victoria Station Incorporated in the San Francisco Bay area.

BOB HARTMAN writes . that he de­signed several upper level biology courses at the Loomis Chaffee School in Windsor, Conn. Also from Windsor, Atty. VINCENT OSWECKI was appointed by the Governor as chairman of the Bradley International Noise Abatement Policy Committee.

MERRILL YAVINSKY, senior vice president of Walker & Dunlop Inc. in Wash., D.C., writes: "You run into people in the strangest places. On a western trip with my three sons, ran into LOU and Gail HUSKINS and their three kids at the Navajo National Monument in Shonto, Arizona ... everyone doing very well ... Small World!!!"

JOHN H. MAKIN joined the Univer­sity of Washington's economics depart­ment staff in Fall 1976 and was promoted to professor last year.

MARK E. JOHNSON is still practicing law in Seattle, doing most trial work in the maritime area. Last year he bought a sailboat which is moored on Puget Sound, and he enjoys racing and cruising it.

"Classmates are welcome to call - I'll take them for a saiL"

Air Force Major RICHARD G. MECK is attending the Armed Forces Staff Col­lege at Norfolk, V a., a Dept. of Defense school which provides students with in­tensive instruction related to national and international security.

66 Randolph Lee Office of College Counseling Trinity College Hartford, CT 06106

Despite the cold winter we have had in Connecticut, we hear that TIM Mc­NALLY and his wife continue to work on the house they are building in Pomfret, Conn. Tim writes that he and Reva bought 64 acres atop a hill there, and that they have been working on the house since last fall. Tim also moved his law of­fice to Putnam at that time and notes that "we welcome visitors, particulary those in jeans and willing to lend a hand in the construction process."

Also in Connecticut, TOM ANDER­SON tells us that he recently received a certificate in data processing from the In­stitute for the Certification of Computer Professionals. He is manager of systems planning for Financial Industry Systems in Hartford. Tom is also in his second year of study at the Stonier Graduate School of Banking at Rutgers.

BILL WHARTON writes that he continues working toward the comple­tion of his Doctor of Musical Arts in Or­gan at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Bill has also earned the "Associate's" and "Choir Mas­ter's" certificates from the American Guild of Organists.

Further west, MARK JOHNSON tells us that he has a new position as pastor of the Evangelical Covenant Church in Mar­quette, Kansas.

Finally, and quite a bit further away, PETE KOEHN is currently on a two­year leave of absence from the Univer­sity of Montana and is now serving as Principal Research Fellow at the Depart­ment of Research and Consultancy, Insti­tute of Administration, Ahmader Bello University in Zaria, Nigeria.

News has tended to dwindle a bit from many of you, and there remain a number of classmates from whom we have not heard since graduation. I do hope you will take the time to drop me at least a quick note and let me know what's hap­pening.

67 Thomas L. Safran 943'12 Hilgard Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024

While planning a recent Alumni dinner in Los Angeles, BOB EBINGER revealed that he is getting married in July in Washington, D.C. He also informed me that PENN HUGHES has moved to New


Headliner Eileen S. Kraus, M.A. '65, has joined Hartford National Bank and Trust Co. as a vice president. In her new post she will be responsible for staff training and development, af­firmative action programs and career planning. Earlier she was president of Career Search Re­sources, a management and con­sulting firm.

Orleans where he is studying psychology in graduate school and that he and his wife, Viola, are expecting their first child.

In the academic field, PHIL GULLEY received his Ph.D. in higher education ad­ministration from Boston College last year and is now the dean of students at St. Mary's College of Maryland, a small, coed, liberal arts college in the Maryland State System. Phil ran in the Boston Marathon last year in the time of 3 hours, 11 minutes and hoped to do even better in the recent New York marathon.

CHARLES BACHRACH is teaching and coaching grades 5-8 and acting as a dorm supervisor at the Howe Military School in Indiana. GEORGE SOMMER. Jr., is the division accounting manager for Raytheon International Data Sys­tems in Norwood, Mass. He and his wife and their son, Tyler, live in Walpole, Mass.

Also in New England is CHUCK HECKSCHER, Jr., who is working on the controversial Seabrook nuclear power plant where he is a buyer/contract coordi­nator for United Engineers & Construc­tion Inc. Chuck is enjoying life in Ports­mouth, N.H. and expects to be there for the next four or five years. He would ap­preciate knowing if there are any Trinity classmates in the area.

CHARLEY KURZ sent in a letter from CHARLES JACOBINI, who recently moved to Washington, D.C. after having spent four-and-a-half years in BraziL He is currently working in the Trade Agree­ments Division of the Economic Bureau of the State Department where he is in· volved in multi-lateral trade negotiations and spends approximately one week each month in Geneva. He commented that at an Alumni cocktail party he ran into JOHN WODATCH '66. It turns out that they live within three blocks of each other. BOB RATCLIFF is • also in Washington, but they haven't seen each other in a couple of years. He also saw HOWIE WATTENBERG in New York last winter and has talked with TIM BROSNAHAN on the phone.

DON BISHOP and his wife, Jemma, and their two sons, Jerome and John Patrick, are having a good life in Colo­rado Springs at the Air Force Academy. Don is continuing to teach cadets Middle East and world history. Last year he spent over a month at the Pentagon at the Korean desk. In the process, he developed a delightful image of that vast building. To quote Don: "I liken the Pen­tagon to 26,000 Olympic athletes swim­ming in a huge pool of molasses!"

RAY REYNOLDS GRAVES recently hosted a reception of over 200 persons celebrating the nomination of his col­league's appointment as a judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern Dis­trict of Michigan.

Finally, as I promised in a previous is­sure, let me fill you in on the doings of other physicians in our Class.

CULLY CARSON has been a neu­rology resident for the past three years at the Mayo Clinic. After graduating from George Washington University School of Medicine in 1970, Cully spent two years at the Dartmouth Medical Cen­ter as an intern and surgical resident. He then served two years as a flight surgeon with the Air Force at England Air Force Base in Louisiana. Cully, and his wife, Mary Jo, and their two children, Cully IV and Hilary ,live in Rochester, Minnesota.

Out west in San Antonio, Texas is DAVID GORDON, his wife, Jayne, and their two children. David opened a pri­vate practice last fall in medical oncology and hemotology at Southwestern On­cology Associates. David received his medical degree from Case Western Re­serve and then interned and held a resi­dency at Harvard University HospitaL From there he spent his second year in residency at the University of Minnesota Hospital followed by three years of fel­lowships at the University of Rochester Medical Center.

Moving to the midwest is JIM McCUL· LOCH and his wife, Christine, and their two children, Mike and Maggie. (Seems like we're beginning to follow a pattern here.) Jim is a staff physician at North Care, a health maintenance organization in Evanston, Illinois. He received his medical degree from the University of Illinois and then worked three years at the University of Nebraska in family practice residence. This was followed by the usual two-year stint with the military at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois. Jim spends his limited free time gardening and, of all things, playing with (?) black powder firearms.

TED RUCKERT remains single and living and practicing in his home town of Rochester, New York. Ted has his own practice of Ob/Gyn in the city after having progressively received his M.D. from Columbia University, interned at Cooperstown, New York, and worked a three-year· residency at Genesee Hospi­tal in Rochester, which was followed by a two-year stint in the U.S. Army Hospital at Okinawa, Japan.

Also in New York, but in Albany at the Medical Center Hospital, is ROBIN TAS­SINARI who breaks a trend (at least as of the Reunion report) with three children. He and his wife, Anne-Marie, and their children live out in Chatham, N.Y. Robin has had a private practice for nearly four years in psychiatry. Pre­viously, he ·received his degree from the St. Louis School of Medicine and then spent subsequent years as an intern and psychiatry resident at the Albany Medi­cal Center Hospital and College. In addi­tion to his private psychiatric practice, Robin has served both as assistant p,ro­fessor of medicine and psychiatry at the Medical College in Albany.

Another one of our physicians, RICHARD WEINSTEIN, was recently appointed assistant professor of medi-

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Headliner Yale's soccer fortunes now rest with the coaching skill of Stephen Griggs '67, who has been named head coach of the men's varsity. Griggs was an All-New England soccer player and previously coached at the secondary level for Pingry and Choate. For the past two years he has been head tennis coach at Yale, guiding the Elis to the N"ew England cham­pionships.

cine at the University of Pennsylvania. He also serves as a staff physician in hematology at the oncology section at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia.

RICH RATZAN, who is a physician at the Hebrew Home in Hartford, is the father of two sons and is living in West Hartford.

And lastly, STEVE NUERNBERGER is currently a partner at the Allied Medi­cal Laboratori"es wliicli serves Southern Illinois. After finishing his residency in pathology at St. Louis University Hospi­tal, he serv.ed as a surgical pathologist at the NavaiRegional Center in San Diego.

68 Joseph L. Reinhardt 1113 Dixon Blvd. Cocoa, FL 32922

BRUCE FRASER received his Ph.D. in American history from Columbia in 1976. He is now a program officer for the Connecticut Humanities Council after having served as an executive assistant to the secretary .of state.

A partner in a law firm in Torrington, Conn., BILL BARRANTE was the Re­publican candidate for judge of probate in Watertown last fall. Also in the legal field, RAY MADORIN became a partner in a law firm in New Britain, Conn.

STAN KOSLOSKI is assistant direc­tor for the State of Connecticut's Office of Protection and Advocacy for the Handicapped. RON KLEINMAN is a pediatric gastro enterologist at Massa­chusetts General Hospital in Boston.

MICHAEL KRAMER moved from Al­bany, N.Y. to a new pulpit at Farmington Valley Jewish Cong., in Simsbury, Conn. Also in Simsbury, JERRY ODLUM writes that he and his wife, Karen, have recently purchased a horse farm and will soon be in the breeding, racing and showing business in full force.

DOUG MORRILL is teaching Ameri­can government at the Kingswood Ox· ford School in West Hartford. His wife, Christine, is a medical student at the Uni· versity of Connecticut.

69 Frederick A. Vyn 19 Shoreham Club Road Old Greenwich, CT 06870

CHARLES DUFFNEY is an attorney with Bierbower & Rockefeller in Washington, D.C.

AL CLEARWATER has worked at the Naval Underwater Systems Center in New London, Conn. since he graduated. During that time he has traveled ex· tensively while in the Navy. Last year he spent seven weeks in India as a member of a Rotary Group Study Exchange Team and is currently on assignment in Eng­land as an exchange scientist.

MARK EDINBERG is an assistant , professor at the Center for the Study of Aging at the University of Bridgeport. RICHARD HOFFMAN is a newsman for

Radio Station WILl in Willimantic, Conn. KENN KOBUS was promoted to assis­

tant vice president and district manager of Society for Savings in Simsbury, Conn.

70 John L. Bonee III 50 State Street Hartford, CT 06103

BOB BASKIN has been promoted to senior vice president of Y ankelovich, Skelly and White, Inc. on Madison Ave­nue in New York City. He is involved in a new division which deals with govern­mental public policy issues. Bob has taken residence in Westport , Conn.

Your SECRETARY wishes to report that he has been promoted to the posi­tion of partner in the firm of Kenyon, Bonee & Greenspan. The firm is involved in the general practice of law and is locat· ed in Hartford.

Your Secretary also wishes to mention that he saw "The Big Fix" the other night. It was a thoroughly enjoyable movie related to some rather funny poli­tical antics in southern California. It is particulary noteworthy because it in­volves people who are "of our era" - a comic portrayal of what some campus politicos of the late 1960s are doing now. Just one more indication to your Secre· tary that our generation continues to have an impact on American culture, especially since there are so few coming after us. Prediction: Being over 30 is about to become "in."

DOUG BOYNTON writes that he spent an enjoyable summer swordfishing on Georges Bank with DAN ZITIN.

GRANT BRANSTATOR plans to be in Seattle, Wash. until September 1979. He is on leave from the National Center for Atmospheric Research in order to com­plete course work for his Ph.D. in the atmospheric science department at the University of Washington. After that he plans to return to Boulder.

Having lived through the Amin coup in Uganda, JOHN CHAPIN reported that PETER WILES is right in the thick of it in Iran. Apparently, Peter foresook his job teaching English and lacrosse at the sedate Renbrook School in West Hart­ford to head the English department at the Community School in Teheran. Of course, there are many ways to enjoy such an opportunity; yet, Pete, we are all concerned that you will pull through it A.O.K. and would appreciate a report if you get a moment. John also noted that he has successfully sold his restaurant in Farmington, Conn. (The Reading Room); and, further, that his former partner, RYAN KUHN, is currently at Harvard Business School.

The Philadelphia architectural firm of Baker Rothschild Horn Blyth has announc­ed that JIM CORNWELL has been pro­moted to an associate in the firm . The major projects with which Jim has been associated since he joined the firm in 1973 are the PSFS Branch Bank in Allen­town (awarded the Philadelphia chapter


of AlA citation for excellence), the reno­vation of the federal penitentiary at Louisberg and numerous custom resi­dences. He presently resides in Nor beth, Penn.

BOB DUNCAN became associate rec­tor of the Chapel of the Cross in Chapel Hill, N.C. last July. As such, he is chap­lain of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Bob wishes to extend his invitation to any of us who might be passing through "the southern part of heaven" to visit him and his wife, Nara, at the church or house.

TOM EWING writes that he survived the Illinois Bar and was sworn in last November. He is currently in private practice with one other person in Lewis­ton.

WINKlE KUYK has been elected to the board of directors of the Oliver Wolcott Library. The library is located in Litchfield, which is one of Connecticut's most beautiful and historic towns.

After his three-year toil at the George­town University Law Center and after sitting for the District of Columbia bar examination, SCOTT MARSHALL is now clerking for the Hon. David L. Ca­hoon, a trial judge in the Montgomery County Courthouse in Rockville.-Md. He is having a well-rounded exposure and believes it will be excellent preparation

for a trial practice. He writes that he really loves his job and that he and his wife, SUZANNE WILSEY '71, are still living at the Holton-Arms School in Bethesda.

Having been graduated from the Wharton School in May 1978 with an M.B.A., JOHN McKINNEY took employ­ment with Arthur Anderson & Company in San Francisco. He managed to have a little fun in the interim however -camping for four weeks throughout the western U.S. and Canada. He is now living in Mill Valley, Calif.

IRADJ MEHRMANESH and his wife, Barbara, have just had a little girl and continue to live in Farmington, Conn. where they are really enjoying their new status as parents.

MIKE OHLIGER is also living in Farmington and finds himself in much better spirits ~ he has just taken a job as a financial analyst with Heublein, In­corporated!

BILL REDFIELD was ordained an episcopal priest last summer. He is living in Gardner, Maine and is presently a counselor and family life educator at the Community Counseling Center in Port­land.

CURT SHAW, currently residing in Stamford, Conn., has taken a position as associate attorney with Shearman and

r------------------, I I I I I I I I I

Tell Us If You've Moved

We want to keep in touch with all our classmates and alumni friends. So, if you have changed your address, let us know in the space below. A special plea to the class of 1978-where are you?

Name ------------- -- Class ________ __

If your present address does not match that on the mailing tape please check here 0

New Res. Address-----------------------

City ------------ State _______ Zip ____ _

Res. Tel: ------------ Bus. Tel:

Your present company _______________ ___ _ ___

Title --------- ------------------

Bus. Address ______________________ ___

City ---------------- State ____ _ _ _ Zip ____ _

WHAT'S NEW--- ----------------



Page 54: 1979Winter

Sterling in New York City. PETE STEINWEDELL drove a total

of 2,280 commuting miles from West Hartford to Mystic Seaport in order to attend Prof. Sloan's course in American maritime history. That is dedication! He recommends the course highly and says that it is given each summer through the Munson Institute.

Both WARREN TANGHE and Prof. Norton Downs (special thanks to Prof. Downs for helping us keep in touch) wish us to note Warren's change from Keble College in Oxford, England to Pembroke College in Cambridge. Warren has taken an extended assignment as chaplain of Pembroke College and, while his respon­sibilities will primarily be pastoral, he will undertake a certain amount of teaching. He will also continue to work toward his D. Phil. at Oxford.

The other half of the famed and feared Blasphemous Bipartite has finally also succumbed to the holy bonds of matri­mony. Yes, great fun was had by your Secretary, GEORGE SIMON '69 and MARK WILLIAMS (other former co-blas­phemer) after we witnessed CHARLIE TUTTLE walk down the aisle in Chur­chill, Pa. last September. Charlie now lives with his wife, Melanie, in North Bend, Ohio where he is employed by Proctor and Gamble.

JOHN WILLIN has been an account consultant with the Aetna Life and Casualty Company since 1970. He lives in Newington, Conn. and has even managed to find the time to be an assistant basket­ball coach at Bulke1ey High School in Hartford during the 1977-1978 season.

EDWARD YETARIAN, formerly an instructor of neuro-anatomy at Harvard Medical School, has been appointed assis­tant professor of psychology at Colby College in Maine. Ed has devoted much of his research to the neural basis of sen­sory interaction and, basically, his in­terests deal with how the brain makes sense out of its many inputs. He received his master's and doctoral degrees from the University of Connecticut.

71 RON CRETARO writes sports fea­

tures for Southside Neighborhood News in Hartford. He has also been director of the Quaker Court Monitoring Project for the past five years and a junior varsity basketball coach at Trinity.

CARLETON TAYLOR's expanded log cabin in the middle of Simsbury Woods, Conn. was featured in the Home section of The Hartford Courant last year.

BENJAMIN FOSTER, a principal planning analyst in the Connecticut Of­fice of Policy and Management (OPM), was appointed an educational policy fel­low of the George Washington Univer­sity's Institute for Educational Leader­ship in Washington, D.C. for the present academic year.

After having passed through eight years of qualified accounting in the Uni­ted Kingdom, France and Holland, NIGEL BACK finds himself living in Paris and working the French cereal markets as a merchant. "The social whirl continues unabated and I thankfully re­main 'celibataire' in the middle of it all."

Portfolio Management of Texas, Inc. appointed WILLIAM H. REYNOLDS, Jr. vice president of development. ANNE POMEROY started with the Hartford Insurance Group in July 1977 and was promoted to a methods and pro­cedures analyst a year later. CLIF Mc­FEELY is an account executive for the Dancer Fitzgerald Sample Inc. on Madi­son Avenue in New York City.

LAURA SOHV AL is associate super­visor of the books hop at the Metropolitan

Headliner Provident Travel Service in Cin­cinnati has a new vice president: Nancy A. Heffner '71. A member of the company since 1972, she now assumes office managerial respon­sibilities as well as coordinating travel arrangements for groups and individuals.

Museum in New York City. DANIEL LAVIN received his LL.M. in taxation from N.Y.U. and is now an attorney for the Dept. of Justice (Tax Division) in Washington, D.C.

FRED GOODHUE writes that he and his wife, Lynn, and two daughters have moved into the home they built last sum­mer in Williamsburg. He said there was "much work and expense remaining but all major systems are in and func­tioning."

W.R. "Ting" TINGLEY is owner of Boatland Enterprises where he sells canoes and kayaks and teaches people how to use them. Last summer he partici­pated in the U.S. Open Canoe White­water Championships on the Y oug­hiegheny River in Pennsylvania. He placed second in both the downriver and slalom events with his partner, ELIOT OSBORN's brother, Nic.

STEVE KEENEY is keeping busy as a freelance writer in addition to his job as a media consultant and studies at the Uni­versity of Connecticut School of Law. STEVE BOSWELL graduated from the National College of Chiropractic and is now practicing in Chicago. He says that he "caught marathon fever" and planned to run in the New York City marathon.

72 Dr. Jeffrey L. Kupperman 3632 Crestmont, Silver Lake Los Angeles, CA 90266

ARMANDO CUELLAR is working on a book about Sherlock- Holmes while pur­suing a degree in English literature at San Francisco State University. He ran into L. SPRAGUE ANDERSON, who is a professor of film at the San Francisco Art Institute, and together they planned to shoot a pilot on pirates. Armando wrote the script and planned to direct it. He said that some of his stories are be­ginning to sell and life is good on the West Coast.

CHRISTINE SIEGRIST VERTE­FEUILLE became a member of the law firm of Susman & Duffy in New Haven, Conn. Also in the legal field , DAVID STAMM was appointed administrative director of the Connecticut Bar examining committee. In addition, RICH JACOBSON is a staff attorney for Inter­pool, Ltd. in New York City.

RICHARD PALMER served as a legal clerk for the judge who presided over the trial of the SCM Corporation's antitrust suit against the Xerox Corporation and is presently with the firm of Shipman and Goodwin in Hartford.

JAMES TATE PRESTON graduated from Tuck School at Dartmouth with an M.B.A. in 1977 and got married in August 1978 to a classmate from business school. KEN MARTIN, DAN SELTZER and CRAIG TAPLEY were at the ceremony as well as ·brother-in-law JOHN SNY­DER '69. Jim is now manager of manu­facturing systems at the Electric Machinery Mfg. Co. in Minneapolis.


TOM ROBINSON spent last July sailing a 35-foot sloop from Honolulu to San Francisco. He writes that it was a marathon battle between his patience and the Pacific when he was becalmed 2,000 miles due west of Redondo Beach. He is now back at Friends' Central School in Philadelphia teaching English and religion and "homesteading nearby with HARVEY ZENDT and the counter­culture of the greater suburban area."

CONSTANCE "Robin" ROGERS­BROWNE is head teacher for a mixed group of kindergarten through second grade students at the Shady Hill School in Cambridge, Mass.

RONETTE (LOGANZO) KOLOTKIN received a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Minnesota and is now a clinical psychologist/assistant pro­fessor at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center in Chicago. Half of Ronette's time is spent with medical pa­tients and the other half on teaching and research. Ronette would love to hear from alumni in the Chicago area.

TIM O'DELL is a candidate for a de­gree of master of public and private ad­ministration from the Yale School of Organization and Management.

ROBERT "Commander" WHITE­HEAD is a staff attorney for the Connec­ticut Prison Association and gives legal assistance to prisoners.

P . FREDRIK NAESS is a pilot for Braniff International Airways out of Kennedy International Airport in New York City. LAWRENCE McGOLDRICK is director of personnel at the Connecti­cut Savings Bank in New Haven, Conn.

KLONDIKE KOEHLER is providing sound for many festivals including the Boston Globe Jazz Festival, New Orleans Jazz Festival, and Newport Jazz Festi­val. He still plays bass for Outerspace.

DAN MIXTER is doing artist manage­ment for his own company in West Hart­ford which entails record production and performing. He was also appointed to the National Associate Member Advisory Committee of NECAA.

ALBERT FLOYD received his M.B.A. from Western New England College and is now supervisor of shop scheduling and loading at Hamilton Standard in Windsor Locks, Conn.

73 Lawrence M. Garber 1245 Elizabeth Street Denver, CO 80206

ERICH JAMES WOLTERS is adminis­trator at Margate General Hospital, lo­cated a couple of miles west of Ft. Lau­derdale, Florida.

WILLIAM B. AHEARN received a doctor of philosophy degree from Johns Hopkins University. LENN KUPFER­BERG received his Ph.D. in physics and is now working as a research associate at M.I.T. SUZIE CHEN WISE received an M.S . in genetics last year and is currently pursuing research towards her Ph.D. at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine

in New York. GEORGE SUTHERLAND is head ten­

nis and squash coach at Trinity. JOHN W. TYLER, a history and English teacher at the Groton School in Massa­chusetts, had an article on the 18th cen­tury Maryland tobacco trad!) published in the September 1978 issue of Maryland Historical Magazine.

MICHAEL VITALE is a computer pro­gramming instructor at Manchester (Conn.) High School. He writes: "I've just bought a townhouse on Zion St. I cor­dially invite all my old Trin friends to look me up."

CLAIRE ROBINSON is in her fourth year at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. She hopes to find a place in an obstetric and gynecology resi­dency program next year.

JIM KOWALSKI, curate of Trinity Episcopal Church in Newtown, Conn., proudly writes that his wife, Anne, will graduate from the University of Ver­mont Medical College and Episcopal Divi­nity this year.

CHARLA THOMPSON is currently employed as the infection control coordi­nator at Will's Eye Hospital in Philadel­phia. STU CORSO is setting up a dental clinic for the Penobscot Indians in Old Town, Maine.

74 Jim Finkelstein 26 Mayflower Pkwy. West port, CT 06880

Winter of 1979 finds members of the Class of '74 having finished graduate school, making changes in careers or otherwise enjoying their pursuits almost five years after graduation from Trinity.

JEFF THOMPSON and his wife, Cindy, are now in the Boston area where Jeff is a postdoctoral research fellow in the biophysics research laboratory of Harvard Medical School. Jeff accepted this position after finishing his Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry at Northwestern.

AMY YATZKAN is now working at a residential treatment center for children in central New Jersey. She received her MSW in 1977 from the Smith College School for Social Work. Amy would be in­terested in seeing or hearing from some voices from the past. Her address is 36 Wiggins St., Princeton, N.J. 08540.

DAVE BORNN is currently finishing up his first year as a law student at Villa­nova University. SAM GIDDING graduated from Rutgers Medical School and is now a resident in pediatrics at the Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse, N.Y. JOHN WILCOX currently works as a draftsman for Don Hammerberg Asso­ciates, an architectural firm in Farming­ton, Conn.

MARY JO KEATING was recently ap­pointed corporate relations manager of Kaman Corporation. She will assist in the development and administration of pub­lic relations and corporate advertising programs.

ADRON KEATON writes that he and his wife, Bessie, are still loving Hartford where he is working as an underwriter for Aetna Life & Casualty. Residing in West Hartford, Adron continues to coach varsity football at Weaver High School.

AL RAJECKAS graduated from M.I.T. in June 1978 with a Ph.D. in or­ganic chemistry. He has been working since then as a chemist for New England Nuclear in Boston.

CHRIS WYLE graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with his MBA this past fall. MARTHA A VERY SMITH has kept close to Trinity by working as a depart­mental technician for the biology depart­ment. JOHN HASYCHAK informs us that he is now the eastern regional training manager for the Fasfax Corpora­tion in Nashua, N.H.

Page 55: 1979Winter

Headliner Elizabeth Lyra Ross '74 is a featured vocalist in Washington, D.C. with the 300-member U.S. Army Band. Her duties include singing with a chamber choir, and solo performances with a symphony orchestra and a jazz band. A mezzo­soprano, she plans a singing career, ideally performing classical music.

HUGH D'AUTREMONT is being trained by the American Foreign In­surance Association to go to Santiago, Chile. BOB FRATINI was appointed aca­demic associate at the American College of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

BRUCE CHOLST writes that he is serv­ing as a law assistant to the justice of the civil court in New York. Bruce was admitted to the bar in New York, Florida and Washington, D.C. EMILY SULLI­VAN graduated from Yale Law School and now works as a law clerk for Justice Speziale of the Connecticut Supreme

- Court. JON EMERY continues to thrive as an

attorney with Brown, Wood, Ivey, Mitchell & Petty in New York City. ED HEIDERICH has assisted many corpora­tions with information systems planning as a member of Arthur Anderson's Management Services consulting staff in Philadelphia. DON HAWLEY consults in strategic and corporate planning with Braxton Associates, a management con­sulting firm in Boston, Mass. Your SECRETARY has recently joined PepsiCo as the manager of compensation and organization planning for the Pepsi­Cola Company in Purchase, N.Y. CHAD MOONEY joined the general accounts depar-tment of A.G. Becker in Los Angeles as a registered representative.

The Alumni Office is seeking current addresses for all alumni of the Class of 1974. In particular, if anyone knows CAROL ELIZABETH MANAGO's cur­rent location, please let Lucy Myshrall in the Alumni Office know.

In anticipation of the Class of 1974's Fifth Reunion (Homecoming 1979), I en­courage everyone to keep in touch and plan on attending this year's festivities in the Fall!

75 Gary Morgans 638 Independence Ave., SE#2 Washington, D.C. 20003

BILL FERNS is a member of Hart­ford's Peace Train Roundhouse Revue and last summer performed "Courting Music" at the Gengras Court of the Wadsworth Atheneum.

RICH HUOPPI is a math teacher and coach at the Pomfret (Conn.) School. ELLEN HUMPHREVILLE McGUIRE is still heading the education department of the Lyman Allyn Museum in New Lon­don, Conn. This is her second year of working with area schools and the re­sponse from teachers has been very re­warding to her . Upon occasion she talks to DEBBIE DONAHUE who is with Lit­tle Brown & Company. Debbie's sister, Lisa, is a freshman at Trinity.

POPPY OLIVE MOTLEY lives in South Natick, Mass. and is still in the ad­vertising world meeting deadlines. JUNE G. O'NEIL is in graduate school at the University of Connecticut School of Social Work. SUSIE TILNEY is living in

a "terrific apartment atop a two-family house. It awaits Trinity good times and cheer to warm it up." LINDA LOREN­SON LYSAGHT is married and living in Bristol, Conn.

GAIL FREESTON is an executive compensation consultant at Aetna Life & Casualty in Hartford. She is also in the University of Connecticut's M.B.A. pro­gram. JOHN LIPTAK is also at Aetna and works in the systems department as an analyst/programmer. At the New York branch of the Aetna is C.G. MOONEY who is a group and pension representative.

Last summer ERIC LARSEN was a chaplain in a hospital in Vancouver, B.C.

76 Eugene Shen 205 E. 78th St., Apt 5T New York, NY 10021

PETER MORIN is a graduate fellow in the zoology department at Duke Univer­sity where he is studying temporary pond ecology and working towards a Ph.D. He ran into BARRY DOUGLAS "while dining at Bullock's Bar-B-Q, one of Durham, N.C.'s more infamous eating establishments.''

Navy Seaman ALAN GURCHIN has completed recruit training at the Naval Training Center in San Diego. Also in San Diego, NANCY OPENSHAW is now working for the General Atomic Com­pany as a department clerk intermediate for the office of the divisional comptrol­ler. She says that she loves California, her job, her apartment and her activi­ties!!!

PHiLIP BIELUCH has been named an Associate of the Society of Actuaries (A.S.A.l, and was also recently promoted to assistant vice president at Huggins & Co. Inc., a division of Hay Associates in Hartford.

A music teacher in Stratford, ROCHELLE HOMELSON and her brother wrote and recorded a new theme song for Gov. Ella Grasso of Connecticut which was used in her campaign last fall.

DEBBIE HEIDECORN got married and was awarded her master's degree in clinical psychology from Fordham Uni­versity. ''I'm presently working on my doctorate ... it seems like schooling never ends!" PEGGY HERZOG is also in a Ph.D. program in clinical psychology. She's at the California School of Profes­sional Psychology. JUDY HUDSON is in a Ph.D. program in developmental psy­chology at the City University of New York.

Others pursuing higher education are LINDA CHERKAS who is at the School of Social Work at the University of Penn­sylvania, SCOTT LEWIS at Suffolk Uni­versity Law School, WILLIAM MAT­THEWS at the University of Chicago Business School, MARTHA COHEN in the environmental communication and advocacy program at the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources, and MARK "Ji;x" ECKMAN who

graduated with a master's degree in bio­medical engineering from Northwestern University and is now in his second year at Albany Medical College.

DEBBIE PA VA graduated from the University of Iowa School of Social Work and is now director of children's activi­ties at the Jewish Community Center of Dallas.

Last summer ROBERT GIBSON, a his­tory teacher at Hillhouse High School in New Haven, became a fellow of the Yale­New Haven Teachers Institute and did • research on two 20th century Afro­American leaders: Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois.

WM. JEFFREY BOLSTER is splitting his time between two jobs. In the spring and fall he teaches maritime history and literature of the sea for Southampton College on their school ship. In the sum­mer and winter he is a deck officer on school ships run by the Sea Education Assoc. and/or Dirigo Cruises.

DOROTHEA GLATTE is attending the Gordon-Conwell Theological Semi­nary and continued her studies last sum­mer by taking a church history course which involved a total of eight weeks of travel through western Europe and Israel.

MARGIE JOHNSON is still working for the same consulting firm and was pro­moted to an analyst. She was sent to Paris for a month to work on an environ­mental report with the Organization for Cooperation and Development. She re­ports that her French improved but still has a long way to go.

ROXANNE "Roxy" McKEE is a trans­portation planner for the State Dept. of Transportation in Wethersfield, Conn. BOB COLE is a grants administrator for the Connecticut State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council. REBECCA DUNN graduated with an M.B.A. from the Uni­versity of Connecticut and is now a bank examiner for the State of Connecticut Banking Commission.

GEOFF BINGHAM is a computer pro­grammer/analyst at Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. in Springfield, Mass. Geoff writes that he is applying to doctoral programs in experimental psy­chology and his wife, Lisa, is in her last year at the University of Connecticut Law School and looking for jobs.

MICHAEL J. FLIS is an agent for the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. in Farmington, Conn.

77 Barbara Hayden 2311 N. 9th St., #301 Arlington, VA 22201

Navy Ensign DAVID JANCARSKI has completed 26 weeks of instruction in the basic Naval Flight Officer Program at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida. Another 16 weeks of advanced training will make him a Naval Flight Of­ficer.

STEVEN DASH again received the an­nual American Family Scholarship for 1978-1979. The award is offered to top students in the University of Wisconsin (Madison) School of Business.

MITCH SANBORN wrote to tell me about his new job at a ski shop in Steam­boat Springs, Colorado. He manages to ski every day and shares an apartment with BILL FERGUSON. Sounds great!

A mile down the road, ZAN HARVEY and CARL TORREY have an apartment. Carl works at another ski shop and Zan sells stereos by day and plays drums at night.

CAROL PLOUGH began work on her master's in French at Middlebury Col­lege last summer. She teaches French at the Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, Conn.

Also continuing their education are BOB PASKOWITZ, who is at the Univer-


sity of Hartford, and DON BERRY at Yale Law School.

BRIAN DONNELL is a second-year student at Boston College Law School. He is a staff member for the Uniform Commercial Code Reporter-Digest on the side. GIL CHILDERS is also at B.C. Law School as a first-year student.

LISA HUGHES is another trinity grad in Boston. Lisa works as an administra­tive assistant to the director of sales at the Copley Plaza Hotel.

PETER PHINNEY is technical direct­or at Milton Academy in Milton, Mass.

Having obtained his M.S. degree in optics and optical engineering last May from the University of Rochester, MARK GERCHMAN is employed in his field with Zygo Corporation in Middlefield, Conn.

JOHN ZIEW ACZ and ALISON STOD­DARD are now married and living in West Hartford. John attends the Univer­sity of Connecticut Medical School and Alison is a kindergarten teacher at the Canton Public Schools.

JULIANNE (Joli) MILLER is also at the University of Connecticut Medical School. Now a second-year student, last year she did a preceptorship with a local family physician.

STEVE CORSO is a ward clerk at the University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington.

In Windsor, Conn., DANIEL FILER teaches art at Sage Park Junior High. Daniel got a master's degree in studio arts from Wesleyan University in 1978.

LISA MINDNICH is in her second year of the University of Hartford's mas­ter's program in clinical psychology. She will be doing a full-time graduate intern­ship with Drs. Randy Lee and George Higgins of Trinity.

Recently promoted, JAMIE ARNOLD works for Proctor & Gamble as the Phila­delphia case food district field repre­sentative. Jamie lives in King of Prussia, Pa.

BETSY TYSON, originally from Darien, Conn., now works there in the Darien public school system as a reading aide/teacher in the , high school equiv­alency program.

Also in the education field, RICHARD TANASI is a learning coordinator with the alternative school program in Meri- / den, Conn.

CORLISS KONWISER SLACK lives in Coraopolis, Penn. with her husband, Roger, and daughter, Catherine Ginna. Roger is a seminarian student at Trinity Episcopal School in Sewickley, Penn.

"A Guide To Hartford" by ALLYSON HENNING and GWYNNE MacCOLL is a 257-page guidebook of the city and was published by the Globe Pequot Press of Chester, Conn. last fall. It offers informa­tion on traveler services such as where to park, stay, dine and facts about city government, climate and a section on day trips, including historic sites, museums and galleries.

78 George L. Smith 45 Pinewood Drive Longmeadow, MA 01106

Thanks for the cards and notes which you have sent. It's good to hear from all of you.

Several people have informed me of their grad school experience. Among those involved in the study of law are JOHN GIOVANNUCI (Western New England Law Scho ol), STEVE TITUS (University of Southern California Law School), DANNY HOWE (Drake Univer­sity Law School), and ROBERT PHELPS (Michigan Law School). JEFF DU­FRESNE is marginally enjoying Colum­bia Business School. JOHN WYLIE is at the University of Southern California School of International Relations, and

Page 56: 1979Winter

Association Activities

HARTFORD - President, George Lynch, Tel: (203) 233-8295 In December, the Trinity Club of Hartford held its monthly downtown luncheon at

the Holiday Inn. The luncheon, attended by 45 alumni, featured head football coach, Don Miller, as the speaker. With Captain John Flynn and Captain-elect Chuck Tiernan in attendance, Don narrated the color film of the Trinity football victory over Wesleyan. The monthly luncheon in February featured Director of Admissions Howie Muir.

In January, the Club hosted a cocktail party attended by over 90 alumni and wives in the Colt Gallery of the Wadsworth Atheneum. The response to the cocktail party was very gratifying due to the organizational efforts of Alf Steele and John Bonee III.

In May, the Club will hold its third annual Cocktail Party/Auction, which serves as our major scholarship fund raiser. Over the last two years the Cocktail Party/Auction, attended by over 125 alumni and friends, has raised in excess of $4,500 net for scholarship assistance.

NEW HAVEN - President, Raymond Montgomery, Tel: (203) 387-7307 On December 7th, 42 outstanding high school athletes and students from the New

Haven area were hosted by Olga and Ray Montgomery at their Woodbridge home. The College night ended with refreshments and a light buffet for the prospective students and guests.

NEW YORK - President, Jon Simonian, Tel: (212) 730-3616 On November 14th, approximately 85 alumni and parents attended a lecture by

William W. Stahl '74 at Sotheby Parke Bernet, prior to the auction, "The American Heritage Auction of Americana."

Over 100 alumni and parents attended the annual dinner on January 19th at the Lotus Club. President Lockwood shared his thoughts about the College with the record-breaking turnout. Jon Simonian was elected president and would be happy to hear from alumni interested in becoming more active members of the Club.

BOSTON - President, James Whitters, Tel: (617) 426-4600 The annual meeting for alumni and parents was held on December 6th at the

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. President Lockwood engaged in a lively question and answer session. The monthly luncheons continue to be a great success, with Red Auerbach of the Celtics spe<tking to over 200 guests at the January gathering.

DETROIT - President, Bruce Rockwell, Tel: (313) 259-2600 Diane and Charles Wilson, parents of Charles '79, hosted a very successful reception

in the trophy room of their home on January 16th. Dr. George Cooper did his customary excellent job in discussing Trinity today.

WASHINGTON - President, William Schweitzer, Tel: (202) 857-1531 Ron Spencer, dean of studies, was the guest speaker at a reception on January 25th

for Trinity alumni and parents at the George Washington University Club. William Schweitzer was elected president and announced that monthly luncheons are planned for this spring.

DENVER - On Friday evening, February 2nd, Virginia and David Dunklee, parents of Vivi '78, graciously hosted a reception for alumni and parents at their attractive home. President Lockwood gave an informative talk.

PHOENIX - Robbe and Joseph Heistand's lovely home was the setting for a suc­cessful reception on Sunday evening, February 4th. It was another occasion for President Lockwood to talk with alumni and engage in a question and answer session.

SAN DIEGO - On February 5th, Betty and Edgar Craig graciously hosted a very successful reception for alumni and parents. Their beautiful home in LaJolla was a perfect setting for President Lockwood to discuss the state of affairs at Trinity.

LOS ANGELES - President, Thomas Safran, Tel: (213) 477-8057 An enthusiastic turnout of alumni and parents attended a reception and dinner at

the Chronicle Restaurant on February 6th. President Lockwood, speaking as a guest of the Club, encountered a lively and interesting audience.

SAN FRANCISCO - President, Allen Cooper, Tel: (415) 772-0233 and Haig Mar­dikian, Tel: (415) 986-0785

On February 7th a record-breaking turnout of alumni and parents attended a reception at the fascinating and flower-bedecked home of Iwonka and David Leof. The group was responsive to remarks by President Lockwood.

HAW All - Dave Kennedy '54 arranged a successful reception at the Pacific Club in honor of President Lockwood and his wife, Betty. An enthusiastic group of 30 alumni and friends attended the affair.







April 19th



May 6th

August 6th


LYNN GRAY is also in California at­tending the California College of Arts and Crafts. Finally, DEBBIE GARCIA is at the University of Bridgeport studying in the field of dentistry.

Many of us have decided to remain in the Connecticut area for the present time. JORY LOCKWOOD was a teaching assistant at Clark University and is now a substitute teacher in the Connecticut public school system. In Hartford ELAINE BUCHARDT is an adolescent and family counselor at the West Hart­ford Runaway Shelter. GAIL LEBO­WITZ is an admissions and financial counselor at the Hartford Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center and LISA PAS­SALACQUA is a psychiat»ic aide at the Institute of Living. SUSIE COHEN is a legal research analyst for the· Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co. LISA CHRISTENSEN is employed as an actuarial specialist by the Hartford In­surance Group. BRIAN BACZYK is a technical consultant for ADP Network Services in Hartford and IRENE RODRI­GUEZ is the assistant director of finan­cial aid at dear old Trin. LISA CALES­NICK is employed by Aetna and is a member of a three-year group manage­ment training program. Rounding out the Hartford constituency is LISA BONEE who is working in a bank credit office.

The eastern Massachusetts region finds many '78 grads in its midst. CAROL KIM, JULIE VIGNERON, and ROBIN YUDKOFF are all in the retailing field . Carol works for Jordan Marsh in Boston while Robin is with their Worcester store. Julie, who is employed by D.M. Read Co. of Boston, sent me a very nice newsy card and should receive credit for at least half this report. She also informs me that she has seen LARRY PAYSON and PETER MOTT several times. CINDY WESSICK and SCOTTE GOR­DON are both employed by Wheaton Col­lege. Scotte is in the admissions office and Cindy is studying birth defects in either mice or rats. GARTH WAINMAN is a sales representative for Procter & Gamble and STEVE LLOYD, repre­senting western Massachusetts, is a teacher at the Berkshire School in Shef­field. Steve, while attending HARRY GRAVES' wedding was reunited with Larry Payson, GEORGE MALHAME, TED PARDOE, and SANDY BUNTING along with several members of the Class of '77.


1940 ALLEN HYDE is retired from the U.S.D.A. Food and Nutrition Service.

1941 MILDRED BASHOUR, a consultant for the Bloomfield (Conn.) High School Board of Education, became a grandmother for the third time last year.

1947 ART SEBELIUS recently returned from a very productive "roots" search in Ostra Karup, Sweden. He found over a dozen first, second and third cousins he never knew about, plus 28 in the churchyard from as far back as 1790.

1952 MARIE BOWIE ERWIN, principal of the E.B. Kennelly School in Hartford, was installed as governor of the North­eastern Region of Soroptimist Interna­tional of the Americas, Inc.

1953 NELSON P. FARQUHAR, an "itchy retiree' from the Connecticut Asso­ciation of Independent Schools, is on

a one-year appointment as a visiting teacher at the Loomis Chaffee School in Windsor, Conn.

1954 RANKINE HINMAN has retired as director of studies and senior master at the Westminster School in Simsbury, Conn. He is staying on as an archivist to create a new directory and write a centennial history of the school for 1988. Also, last September he became exec­utive secretary of the WALKS Founda­tion (a consortium of private high schools: Westminster, Avon Old Farms, Loomis Chaffee, Kingswood-Oxford, and Suffield Academy).

HERB DICKSTEIN is a retired certified public accountant from state service and an adjunct teacher at the University of Hartford.

GENEVIEVE KRAWCZYK is a senior insurance financial examiner at the Con­necticut Life Insurance Company of Avon, Conn.

1955 LARRY McGOVERN is a developer of the newly-revised English-Spanish cognate alphabet published by the Hart­ford Board of Education.

1956 HELEN SHELDRICK is the author and editor of "Pioneer Women Teachers of Conqecticut, 1767-1970." She is also a retired instructor of English from the Gilbert School in Winsted, Conn.

1957 GEORGE MURRAY writes that his daughters, Susan and Alison, are now attending college.

1959 LIBBIE ZUCKER recently celebrated her 40th wedding anniversary and has two grandchildren. Currently vice president of the Connecticut Region of Hadassah, she just completed a two-year term as president of the New Britain Chapter.

1960 DON MACKAY was recently promoted manager of industrial relations at the Hartford division of Emhart Industries Inc.

1961 MAXINE SPITZLER writes that she is currently employed part time at the Veterans Administration in Hartford. She is also working for Literacy Volunteers as an interviewer and teacher and has been studying piano, composition and recorder at the Hartt School of Music. She is hoping to become increasingly more involved as an ac­companist and composer.

BERNIE GILMAN is a retired guidance counselor from Hartford Public High School.

1962 Dr. DAVID S. SALSBURG, a senior statistician in .the clinical research department of Pfizer Inc. in Groton, Conn., received a fellowship citation from the American Statistical Association.

BILL GAY was elected to the planning and zoning commission in South Windsor, Conn.

1964 RON "Boscher" BOSCH was promoted to assistant director in the computer science division of the Travelers Ins. Co. data processing department in Hartford and is responsible for technical planning.

1966 CAROL ANN BUTTERWORTH is a research analyst for the town of Tolland,

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Conn. and works directly for the town manager. She is also enrolled in Trinity's public policy studies graduate program aqd writes: "This will be my second M.A. at Trinity!"

1967 The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has reappointed Connecti­cut's Consumer Protection Com­missioner MARY M. HESLIN as a member of its Product Safety Advisory Council. The council gives the com­mission advice on major policies and discusses problems and issues involving product safety.

FRANCES BLUMENTHAL is president and founder of Accent, Inc. of West Hartford, a business with a dual function - foreign language training and translations.

1968 ELIZABETH JOHNSON WEBB is currently juggling membership in Greenwich, Connecticut's representative town meeting, presidency of her son's P.T.A. and partnership with her husband in his new position as a G.O.P. district leader.

BILL DICKSON is a resource art teacher for the Hartford public schools and chairman of the Connecticut Region Scholastic Art Awards . He is also chairman of the Scholastic Art Exhibit in the Annual Greater Hartford Civic and Art Festival.

EILEEN PLEUA AKERS is co­chairman of the English department at Teacher's Memorial Junior High School in Norwich, Conn. Her husband is a research physicist at the Naval Under­water Systems Center in New London, Conn. and is completing his Ph.D. in physics at the University of Connecticut.

JOLENE GOLDENTHAL's short play, "A Stranger in a Strange Land," was recently published in an anthology of Poetry, Prose, Plays: An Anthology by Contemporary Connecticut Writers. The same play won second award in a play­writing competition sponsored by Galaxy in Norfolk, Va. in 1977.

1969 Dr. ELIZABETH STEVENSON, associate dean at the University of Idaho College of Letters and Science, was named acting academic vice president last May. She is the first woman to hold a vice presidential or dean position at the university.

HENRY "Augie" AGOSTINELLI was accepted into First Company Governor's Foot Guard. It is the oldest military organization in continuous existence in the U.S., having been created in 1771.

RONALD GIGUERE received a research grant from the French government for the school year 1978-1979 and will spend that time in Paris.

Retired from the U.S. Army, Col. TONY SHOOKUS completed a 235-mile canoe trip on the Missinaibi River -from Mattice to Moosonee, Ontario -last August. In September he hiked the 134.5-mile Northville-Placid Trail in New York.

Proprietor of a pharmacy io Ken­sington, Conn., JULIUS CASTAGNO writes that his two daughters have graduated from college.

1970 S.R. LAVIN, publisher at Jerusalem House in Ware, Mass., received his third N.E.A. grant in literature for the Four Zoas Journal of Poetry and Letters which was published in 1978.

1971 BARBARA B. KENNELLY was elected secretary of the state of Connecticut in last fall's election. She also chaired the

Hartford City Council committee that investigated the c1v1c center roof collapse in January 1978.

FRANCES E. D'ANGELO is an ad­ministrative assistant to the principal of Southington (Conn.) High School.

BOB MORTON is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Hartford where he was an instructor of economics for six years. He is also vice president of the investment division of First Connect­icut Bancorp, Inc. in Hartford.

NICK DeCESARE, manager of foreign benefits at Bristol Meyers in New York, became a member of the New York bar last February after receiving his law degree the year before.

1972 JAY BROWN is successfully engaged in the coordinating of a personal development and motivational program (Adventures in Attitude) for Lego Systems, Inc. in Enfield, Conn.

JOHN PELCZAR is a teacher at St. Cyril & Methodius School in Hartford.

MICHAEL EANES is the assistant headmaster for development at The Gun­nery in Washington, Conn., where he set all sorts of annual fund records last year. The total fund was up 49 percent with alumni giving up 130 percent.

1973 MARSHALL LINDEN was elected a Putnam (Conn.) city alderman in November 1977 and chairs the highway and capital improvements committee. He also continues as pastor of the Putnam Congregational Church.

JEFF FLEISCH is head teacher and counselor for industrial programs for the Regional Adult Basic Education program in Vernon, Conn. He is presently working in conjunction with Pratt & Whitney Aircraft running in-plant adult basic education and high school equivalency programs.

BRYAN LEONE is an internal auditor for the Hartford Insurance Group.

1974 SCOTT C. OTERMAT was elected an associate actuary for the Hartford In­surance Group.

JANIS LANGSTON is finally fulfilling a life-long dream. She located a small farm about a year ago "and the production of Anglo-Arabian horses for dressage and eventing was started with this year's foal crop." Next year she expects five foals at the farm.

1975 WILSON H. FAUDE resigned as curator of the Mark Twain Memorial in Hartford and was appointed executive director of the Old State House on Main Street. He co-authored a book, Connecticut Firsts, which was released last fall.

PETER MALIA is a research associate for Sleepy Hollow Restorations in Tarrytown, N.Y.

STEVE ADAMOWSKI left his position as principal for the Farmington (Conn.) Board of Education to earn an advanced certificate in administration planning and social policy at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

JIM W ARYKAS is employed as an English teacher by the East Lyme (Conn.) Board of Education. He writes that he won the O'Neill Directing Award for "And Miss Reardon Drinks A Little" in 1977 and again in 1978 for "The Hot I Baltimore," the 1978 Best Play. He also directed "When You Co min' Back, Red Ryder?" at the O'Neill Center, the 1977 Best Play.

1976 ROBIN SHEPPARD is an instructor of physical education at Trinity. STEVE McGRATH is a history teacher at New


Milford (Conn.) High School. Last summer MARY FISCHER

CURTISS and her husband, CLAYTON, M.A. '64, both English teachers at Trumbull (Conn.) High School, took their ten-speed bicycles to Europe and biked 1,430 miles through Luxembourg, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France and England.

GREGORY BLANCHFIELD, a teacher at Killingly (Conn.) Junior High School, began work on his Ph.D. in educational supervision at the Univer­sity of Connecticut in January.

RUTH WITTIGSCHLAGER retired from the Richard C. Lee High School in New Haven, Conn. and is now teaching accounting in the Glastonbury Adult Education Program and shorthand at Middlesex Community College.

Last July SUSAN LINTELMANN received an M.Litt. degree from St. Andrews University in Scotland for her thesis, "The Latin Poetry of Samuel Johnson." Also last summer, DAVID CAMPBELL became pastor of both the First United Methodist Church and the Old Mystic United Methodist Church. He is also president of the Mystic Area Ecumenical Council in Connecticut.

1977 JOSEPH LEPAK was accepted into the Ph.D. program in philosophy at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh.

GREGORY "Coach" DeMANCHE returned from the American School of Tangier (Morocco), where he was director of athletics, and accepted a teaching­coaching offer at the Park-Tudor School in Indianapolis.

JANET G. AUBIN is a senior personal lines underwriter for the Aetna Ins. Co. in Hartford.

New York City finds> BETH LEVINE working for the Dell Publishing Co. as a publicity copywriter and SUSAN HERTZ, who is working in a law office in preparation for law school. Further up­state in New York is ANN BRACCHI, who is a food service manager for Saga at Clarkson College.

NANCY THORNTON is conquering the banking world in Chicago and JOYCE BROWN is employed by Delta Airlines as a flight attendant assigned to the At­lanta base.

GAIL DOYLE is a member of the Champion Paper sales organization.

In closing, I wish you all continued suc­cess in whatever you may undertake and keep those cards and letters coming.


ELLA T. GRASSO was sworn in for a second term as Governor of Connecticut on January 3,1979. 1978

JUNE J. CHRISTMAS was named presid.,ent-elect of the American Public Health Association at its annual meeting in Los Angeles last October. She is also Commissioner of the Dept. of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services in New York City.

In Memory WALCOTT CHAPIN, 1915

Walcott Chapin of Williamstown, Vt. died on October 20, 1978. He was 85.

Born in Barrington, R.I., he lived in Williamstown since 1958. He graduated from the Holderness School in Plymouth, N.H., and from Trinity in 1915. He was a wholesale grocery buyer for the First National Stores, Southern New England, for 46 years.

He is survived by his wife, Margaret; two daughters, Phoebe of Williamstown, and Mrs. Rosina Cheney of Glastonbury, Conn.; a sister, Mrs. Rebecca Fisk of Washington, D.C.; two granddaughters and several nieces and nephews.

THEODORE ABBOTT PECK,1915 Theodore A. Peck, a retired business

machine sales manager, died of pneu­monia on November 8, 1978 at Arlington Hospital in Virginia. He was 86.

The Washington area sales manager for the calculating machine department of Friden Inc. from the end of World War II until his retirement in the late '60s, he continued to work part time for the firm for several years.

Born in Putnam, Conn., he graduated from Trinity in 1915, where he was a member of Delta Phi. He served as an aerial observation instructor with the U.S. Army in France during World War I. From 1923 until 1942, he was a sales­man and sales manager for the Ford Motor Co., working in Charlotte, N.C., and then Alexandria, V a. He was also a volunteer worker with the Child Development Center of Northern Vir­ginia.

He was married to the late Josephine Abbott Peck, a novelist, who died in 1964. He is survived by his second wife, Ruth, of Falls Church; two sons, Theo­dore A., Jr. of Princeton, N.J., and William L. of Lynchburg, Va.; a daughter, Katharine Talent of Los Angeles; two stepdaughters, Carol Scott Ireland of Sil­ver Spring, Md., and Jean Scott Shipley of Gilrey, Calif.; six grandchildren and ten step-grandchildren.

EDWARD GABRIEL McKAY, 1917 Attorney Edward G. McKay, a promi­

nent lawyer for 53 years, died September 29, 1978 at W.W. Backus Hospital in Nor­wich, Conn. He was 82.

A member of the Class of 1917 at Trinity, he was New London (Conn.) County coroner for 40 years and a former member and chairman of the Norwich Board of Education. He was a teacher and coached football and baseball at Nor­wich Free Academy.

He practiced law for many years with the firm of Perkins and McKay of Nor­wich, and later was an individual practi­tioner. Elected president of the New London County Bar Association in 1949, he was active in the association's Law Library and grievance committees. He had been vice president and assistant secretary of the Dime Savings Bank of Norwich since 1952. Elected a corporator of the bank in 1933, he was named a direc­tor in 1936.

A lieutenant with the Army's 76th Division in France during World War II, he later was a member of the Connecticut Guard, where he retired as a colonel.

He was a life member of the Norwich Lodge of Elks and a district deputy for several years with the Knights of Colum­bus. He was a prosecutor in the old Nor­wich City Court and a member of the boards of Norwich Free Academy and W.W. Backus Hospital.

He is survived by one sister, Mary F . of Norwich.

SAMUEL MARTIN GRIFFIN,1920 Samuel M. Griffin of West Hartford

died on December 14, 1978. He was 82. Born in Woodstock, N.H., he attended

Trinity with the Class of 1920 and was a member of Alpha Chi Rho. A World War I Army veteran, he was a stockbroker with the E.T. Andrews Cot in Hartford.

He is survived by two sons, Samuel D. of Lufkin, Texas, and William M. of West Hartford; two daughters, Mrs. Bruce L. Forbes of Old Saybrook, Conn., and Mrs. Thomas G. Elliott of Toronto, Canada; a

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Recent Bequests and Memorial Gifts Trinity acknowledges with a deep sense of loss the passing of alumni and other

friends of the College. It seems appropriate to list the bequests and memorial gifts which have been made to honor them.

Gifts totalling $1,500 for the scholarship fund in memory of B. Floyd Turner '10, bringing this fund to more than $11,400.

A gift of $1,000 for the Alumni Fund Endowment Fund in memory of Robert P. Withington '13, bringing this fund to more than $6,200.

A bequest of approximately $104,000, in trust with another trustee, for scholarship purposes from the estate of Dallas S. Squire '15.

An additional amount of $15,000 for general purposes from the estate of John S. Gummere '17, bringing the total bequest to $22,203.

A bequest of $5,000 for general purposes from the estate of A. Henry Moses '28, charter trustee and secretary of the board of trustees of the College.

Additional gifts totalling $754 in memory of A. Henry Moses '28, bringing the total gifts in his memory to $3,574.

Gifts totalling $2,000 for the scholarship fund in memory of the Rev. Flavel Sweeten Luther, former president of the College, bringing this fund to $20,000.

Gifts have also been received in memory of the following alumni and friends:

Clinton J. Backus, Jr. '09

Ronald E. Kinney '15

Sydney D. Pinney '18, Hon. '49

Paul A. H. de Macarte '22

Julius G. Weiner, M.D. '25

Joseph Lovering, M.D. '30

Professor Lawrence W. Towle

Julia E. Devanney

Florence S. and Muriel Harrison

G. Ellis Schaefer


Ronald E . Kinney of Clearwater, Florida, a retired insurance executive and former alumni trustee of the College, died October 31,1978. He was 86.

Born in Vestal, N.Y., he attended Trinity with the Class of 1915 and was a member of Phi Gamma Delta. He was also a football star who played through four seasons without missing a game.

His service to Alma Mater over the years in Philadelphia included membership on the Board of Fellows and presidency of that body from 1946-47. He was elected an Alumni Trustee in 1949. He established the Ronald Earl Kinney Choir Fund, and was recipient of both the Eigenbrodt Trophy, the College's highest honor, and an Alumni Medal for Excellence.

Kinney was founder and honorary life member of the Maxwell Club of Philadelphia. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth M.; and a granddaughter, Kathy Cone of Los

Angeles, California. A memorial service for Mr. Kinney will be held in the Trinity College Chapel on

April 22 at 1:00 p.m.

sister in Plymouth, N.H.; and seven grandchildren.

JACK WIEBEL LYON,l920 Jack W. Lyon, a retired trust officer of

Mellon Bank in Pittsburgh, died on December 5, 1978. He was 81.

The son of Walter Lyon, a former governor of Pennsylvania, he attended Trinity with the Class of 1920 and was a member of Alpha Delta Ph.i. He also graduated from the University of Pitts­burgh Law School and was a member of his family's law firm before joining Mel­lon Bank, where he retired in 1964.

A resident of Sewickley, Penn., he was secretary-treasurer of the Edgewood Club from 1964 to 1977.

He is survived by a sister, Ethel Opie of Baltimore, Md.

FRANCIS EDWARD CONRAN,1927 Frank E. Conran of Hartford died on

November 8, 1978 at Hartford Hospital. He was 72.

Born in Hartford, he attended Trinity with the Class of 1927 where he was a member of Alpha Chi Rho. A representa­tive for the Monarch Insurance Co. for 45 years, he was a member of the BPOE and Avon (Conn.) Country Club.

He is survived by his wife, Julia; a son,

Frank E. of Southington, Conn.; two grandchildren; and several nephews.


Henry B. VanGieson, Jr. of Stratford, Conn. died June 24,1978. He was 73.

He attended Trinity with the Class of 1928 and was a member of Delta Phi. He later graduated from Boston College and was employed as a foreman by the Ray­bestos Co. for 30 years.

A past commodore of the Housatonic Boat Club, he was also a life member of the Bridgeport (Conn.) Rifle Club and an active member of the New York Holland Society.

He is survived by his wife, Margaret; a son, Lt. Col. Henry B. Van Gieson III of Ware Neck, Va.; and three grand­children.

JOSEPH LOVERING, 1930 Joseph Lovering died on September 7,

1978 at the Day County Hospital in Webster, South Dakota. He was 69.

Born in Portsmouth, V a., he later moved to St. Helena, Calif. where he graduated from high school. A 1930 graduate of Trinity and a member of Al­pha Delta Phi, he later graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Medical


School in Philadelphia. His training in­cluded two years on a fellowship in sur­gery at the Mayo Clinic. He joined the Army in 1942 where he attained the rank of major and served in the Pacific and Mediterranean in the Medical Corps.

He joined the Peabody• Hospital staff in Webster as a surgeon in 1946. He was a member of the 12th District Medical Society, South Dakota State Medical Association, American Medical Associa­tion, certified by the American Board of Surgery, and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.

He is survived by his wife, Dorothy of Webster; one son, James W., a student in Tempe, Ariz.; one brother, Phillips H.; and one sister, Mrs. Stella Fiske of Waldron, Wash.

JOHN JULIAN GLYNN,1931 John J. Glynn, director of the Univer­

sity of Connecticut's Labor Education Center since it was founded in 1961, died December 15,1978. He was 70.

A resident of Mansfield, Conn., he was a member of the UConn faculty for 29 years and had been active before that in labor organizations. Also active politi­cally, he was one of the founders of Americans for Democratic Action for Connecticut.

Born in Ridgewood, N.J., he joined the United Electrical Workers Union after graduating from Trinity in 1931. He later helped organize the UConn faculty union. He was also chief adviser on labor educa­tion to the University of the Philippines from 1954 to 1956. In June 1976 he was honored at a testimonial dinner by Gov. Ella Grasso, UConn President Glenn W. Ferguson and national and state labor leaders.

He is survived by two sons, John F. of West Hartford, and Gregory L. of Mans­field; two brothers, Robert L. of Clinton, Conn., and Jerry in Arizona; a sister, Cecilia Althouse of Clinton; and four grandchildren.


Thomas E. McDermott, Jr., a retired piano teacher, died on January 14, 1978 at Halifax Hospital in Daytona Beach, Fla. He was 65.

A Hartford native, he was a member of the Class of 1933 and taught in the Hart­ford school system upon graduating from Trinity. He was a member of the Piano­forte Club of Hartford and served as president from 1932-34.

Upon retiring he moved to Daytona Beach where he lived for ten years. There are no known immediate sur­vivors.

OLIVER DOUGLAS CARBERRY,1936 The Rev. Oliver D. Carberry, a retired

rector, died at his home in Wells, Maine on October 18, 1978. He was 68.

Born in Aguascalientes, Mexico, he was a 1936 graduate of Trinity and a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. He took post-graduate courses at Columbia Uni­versity in New York City and attended the General Theological Seminary of New York and the College of Preachers in Washington, D.C.

He did city bishop work in New York in state hospitals and penitentiary insti­tutions. He was curate of St. John's Church, Bridgeport, Conn. and vicar of St. Michael's, Fairfield, Conn. He became rector of Christ Church, Warwick, N.Y. in 1942, followed by rectorships at Zion Church, Wappinger's Falls, N.Y. in 1945 and St. Paul's Church, Albany, N.Y. in 1948. In 1954 he became rector of St. Paul's Church, Fairfield, where he re­mained until his retirement 19 years later.

He was a member and past president of the Fairfield Rotary Club. Upon his re-

tirement he moved to Wells, Maine, and served on the board of appeals for the town.

Besides his wife, Louise Harder Car­berry, he is survived by a son, Rev. Timothy 0., rector of Christ Church in Oxford, Conn.; two daughters, Mrs. Gwendolyn Rowins of Kent, Conn., and Grace M. of Wells; a brother, Robert B. of Drakes Island, Maine; a sister, Mrs. William Donald of Mellville, Mont.; and four grandchildren.

SANFORD CORTELYOU SMITH, 1940 Sanford C. Smith, an advertising exe­

cutive, died on February 2, 1977 at Greenwich (Conn.) Hospital. He was 61.

Born in New York City, he attended Trinity with the Class of 1940 and was a member of Delta Psi. He lived in Green­wich for almost 30 years and served on the board of Greenwich Hospital, the Greenwich Health Association and the Boy Scouts of America. He served in the U.S. Coast Guard during World War II and was on the Commodant's Advisory Committee for several terms.

In addition to his wife, Fannie Taylor Smith, he is survived by two sons, San­ford D. of Greenwich, and Grayson H. of Fort Collins, Colo.; a daughter, Mrs. Jeanine S. Trail of Lake Worth, Fla.; a brother, Herbert D. of Rumson, N.J.; a sister, Mrs. Gerald H. Phipps of Denver, Colo.; and two grandchildren.

THORNTON CLEMONS McGEE,1942 Thornton C. McGee of Windsor, Conn.

died September 26, 1978 at Hartford Hospital. He was 57.

Born in Louisville, Ky., he lived in Windsor all his life. He graduated from the Loomis School in Windsor and from Trinity in 1942, where he was a member of Sigma Nu.

He had been employed as the sexton of the Unitarian Meeting House in Hart­ford, and had been a former salesman for the American Automobile Association of Hartford.

A World War II U.S. Army veteran, he is survived by his father, Marcus T. of Windsor; a brother, Howard S. of Pitts­ford, N.Y.; a sister, Mrs. Audrey M. Bom­bard of Windsor; and several nieces and nephews.


The Rev. George G. Monks died on August 18, 1978 in a Portland, Maine hos­pital. He was 80.

Born in Boston, he was a 1921 graduate of Harvard University. He later graduated from the Episcopal Theolo­gical School at Cambridge in 1925. In addition, he received an M.A. from Columbia University and an honorary M.A. from Trinity in 1942.

After his ordination, he assisted for one year at All Saints Church, W orces­ter, Mass., and founded the Lenox School, where he served as headmaster for 20 years.

He became a canon of Washington Cathedral, where he remained for ten years. In 1957 he left Washington for St. Paul's Cathedral in Boston· until his re­tirement from the active ministry in 1965.

He served as director of the Bement Scholarship Fund, treasurer of the trus­tees of donations for the Episcopal Church and for one year as acting presi­dent of Garland Junior College in Boston.

He is survived by his wife, Katharine Knowles Monks; a daughter, Mrs. Austin D. Higgins of Cape Elizabeth, Maine; three sons, George G., Jr. of Andover, Mass., Robert A.G. of Cape Elizabeth, and William F.K. of Longmeadow, Mass.; 13 grandchildren and seven great-grand­children.

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Robert G. Barney of Bloomfield, Conn. died on December 21, 1978. He was 59.

Born in Springfield, Mass., he graduated from Trinity in 1943 and re­ceived his master's degree in 1948. He was employed as a technical writer by Kaman Aerospace Corporation for 18 years. He was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Greater Elm Post, Wethersfield (Conn.) for 15 years, and a member of the American Helicopter Society.

He is survived by two sons, Robert G. II and Christopher, both of Bloomfield; a daughter, Brenda M. of Arlington, Va.; his father, Harold L.; a brother, Curtis H. of East Hartford; four sisters, Mrs. Helen B. Sellew of Windsor, Conn., Mrs. Marilyn B. Gracey of Hanford, Calif., Mrs. Keith Markee of Waterville, Maine, and Mrs. John A. Johnson of East Hamp­ton, Conn.

ROBERT WILLIAM MULLINS, 1950 Robert W. Mullins of Vernon, Conn., a

practicing attorney in West Hartford, died September 8, 1978 in Newington (Conn.) Veterans Memorial Hospital. He was 51.

Born in Hartford, he graduated from St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield,

Conn., and from Trinity in 1950, where he was a member of Alpha Chi Rho. In 1958 he graduated from the University of Con­necticut School of Law and was a mem­ber of the Hartford County Bar Associa­tion, the Connecticut Bar Association and the American Bar Association.

He was a U.S. Navy veteran of World • War II and a member of the Hannon­* Hatch Post 9929 Veterans of Foreign

Wars of West Hartford. Besides his mother, he is survived by

his wife, Ruth; three sons, William R. and Bernard G., both of West Hartford, and James B. of Houston, Texas; and a daughter, Mary Ellen of New Haven.

SPENCER MILLER III, 1955 Spencer Miller III died August 21,

1978 on the Island of Guam. He was 45. A member of the Class of 1955, he had

gone to Guam with his family for a two­year assignment in 1967 with the Federal Aviation Agency and eventually stayed there to make the island his home. He at­tended the University of Guam where he received a bachelor's degree in psy­chology and was in the process of studying for an MBA at the time of his death.

He is survived by his wife, Tallie; and three daughters, Katherine, Sheryl and Margaret.

RONALD UTMAN, M.A. 1958 Ronald Utman of Woodbridge, Conn.

died on December 14, 1978. He was 51. Born in Waterbury, Conn., he was a

graduate of the University of Maryland and received his master's degree from Trinity in 1958. He also attended Ren­sselaer Polytechnic Institute and George Washington University.

A commander in the Navy during the Korean War, he later was corporate in­ventory manager with Hilti Inc. in Stam­ford, Conn. He had previously been em­ployed by the International Silver Co. of Meriden, Conn., and Stanley Works of New Britain, Conn.

Besides his mother, he is survived by his wife, Nancy; two daughters, Mrs. Laurie Baroni of Southington, Conn., and Diana of Woodbridge; three sons, Ronald B. of Hartford, Bryan L. of New York City and Robert A. of Woodbridge; a sis­ter, Mrs. Mario Biasetti of Rome, Italy; and three grandchildren.


Harold L. Colvocoresses, Sr. died January 1, 1979 at Hartford Hospital. He was65.

Born in Colorado Springs, Colo., he had lived in the Hartford area for 25 years.

He was a graduate of the University of Virginia and received his master's de­gree from Trinity in 1967. A recipient of a Ph.D. from the University of Connecti­cut, he also received a master's in educa­tion from the University of Hartford where he was the assistant director of the Evening College from 1957 to 1963.

He was formerly employed in the State Department's office of Strategic Services and was executive secretary in the office of Inter-American Affairs for the country of Colombia.

He taught French and Spanish at Newington (Conn.) Senior High School from 1963 to 1966, and served as assis­tant professor of languages at Manches­ter (Conn.) Community College from 1966 to 1978 when he retired. He was elected to the position of professor emeritus by the Board of Trustees for Community Colleges and was a member of the Ameri­can Association of Univers ity Professors and the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. He was also a free-lance writer and wrote a text in Spanish for law enforcement offi­cers.

He was governor of the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the state of Connecticut and a member of the Society of Founders and Patriots. He is survived by his wife, Josephine, of West Hartford; and a son, Harold L., Jr. of Hartford.

National Alumni Association




Senior Vice President

Vice-Presidents Alumni Fund Campus Activities

Admissions Area Associations

Public Relations Secretary Treasurer


George P. Lynch, Jr. '61, West Hart­ford Robert N. Hunter '52, Glastonbury, Ct.

Brenton W. Harries '50, Westfield, N.J. Richard P. Morris '68, Philadelphia Jeffrey J. Fox '67, Newington, Ct. Victor F. Keen '63, New York Joseph E. Colen, Jr. '61, Norristown, Pa. Theodore T. Tansi '54, Hartford Megan J. O'Neill '73, Hartford John T. Fink '44, New Haven

Francisco L. Borges '74, Hartford Elaine I. Feldman '76, Ithaca, N.Y. Jeffrey J. Fox '67, Newington, Ct. Eugene Shen '76, New York Alfred Steel, Jr. '64, West Hartford James Whitters '62 Boston Bernard F. Wilbur: Jr. '50, Hartford, Ex-Officio

Athletic Advisory Committee

Raymond A. Montgomery '25, Woodbridge, Ct. Donald J. Viering '42, Simsbury, Ct. EdwardS. Ludorf '51, Hartford

Term Expires

1978 1980 1979

Alumni Trustees

Douglas T. Tansill '61, New York Jay E. Geiger '50, Philadelphia Thomas C. DePatie '52, West Orange, N.J. James A. VanSant '52, St. Louis Karl E. Scheibe '59, Middletown, Ct. Edward A. Montgomery, Jr. '56, Pittsburgh

Nominating Committee

John C. Gunning '49, Hartford Wenda Harris '76, New York Norman C. Kayser '57, Hartford Peter Lowenstein '58, Riverside, Ct. Leslie Henderson '78, Hartford William Vibert '52, Granby, Ct.


Nancy A. Heffner '71, Cincinnati Stanley J. Marcuss '63, Washington, D.C. Charles Kurz II '67, Philadelphia Christine S. Vertefeuille '72, New Haven Thelma Waterman '71, New London, Ct. William Kirtz '61, Boston David R. Smith '52, Holyoke, Ma. Wilson H. Taylor '64, Hartford John L. Thompson '58, Kensington, Ct. Wade Close '54, Pittsburgh Karen Jeffers '76, New York Michael Zoob '58, Boston

Term Expires

1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984

Term Expires

1979 1979 1980 1980 1981 1981

Term Expires

1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 1980 1981 1981 1981

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