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Linda LiuStewart Wenner1984 Essay Outline

Thesis:Though George Orwell’s vision of the “perfect” anti-utopian society has not yet fully materialized – the

“High Society” fails to completely safeguard its power – there is clear evidence of movement towards that ideal in our world today, visible in the actions of various governments and the status of life and society in general.

Paragraph 1: GOVERNMENT CONTROL-One of the most obvious and powerful developments seen in 1984 is the extreme prevalence of government control and intervention in the lives of its people. Though the level of manipulation visible in Orwell’s work is not abundantly clear in our lives today, there is no doubt that the government has become very involved – simply in a different way.

control of ideas, truth 1984: Ministries (i.e. Ministry of Truth) produce and censor all documents; Thought Police monitors

ideas; ■ manipulation of public opinion

propaganda: Two Minutes Hate doublethink, Newspeak: limits ideas that can be expressed; intended to impose only

positive attitudes upon thinker current situation: banned books in libraries,

■ manipulation of public opinion propaganda: political campaigns

invasion of privacy 1984: telescreens,

population control 1984: sex as procreation only – not pleasure; marriages without children are sometimes separated current situation: in China, limits on number of children

Body paragraph #2: effects of government control 1984: paranoia, rebellion current situation:
