Page 1: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。
Page 2: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

1.It will be harmful for people to learn English.2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well.3.It is not helpful to learn English.

不利于学英语。1. It is not good for students’ English learning.2. It is of no benefit to students’ …3. It can’t help students learn English well.4. It is not helpful in students’ learning English.

Page 3: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

Nowadays, more and more Chinese peopletend to use English or Web vocabulary in theirdaily communication. Some people even speakChinese mixed with English words. This is a phenomenon worth thinking about.Some people think it kind of ridiculous. In theiropinion, it makes no sense in helping peoplelearn English. However, others, especially theyoungsters, are fond of this way. They think itof special help in expressing themselves.In my opinion, it’s not a good practice to usethis kind of language. It may be fashionable assome thinks, but you may also get your idea confusing, leaving the other person at a loss

Page 4: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

as to your meaning. What’s worse, it may contribute to the language pollution.

Page 5: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

1. 发牢骚2. 向某人抱怨…3. 对差的服务失望 / 不满4. 认为得体得或适宜的5. 调查6. 尽力做7. 不时地,时不时地8. 渴望9. 沿着海岸延伸10. 使某人一瞥 11. 因心胸开阔而著名12. 庆祝它的一百岁生日

be known for big hearts celebrate its 100th birthday

give sb. a glimpse of

get the itch for sth. / to do sth stretch itself along the coast of.

every now and then

make complaints complain to sb about/of sth be upset about the poor service as you see fit look into do everything sb can to do

Page 6: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

13. 厌烦,不喜欢14. 变凉 , 冷静15…. 的天堂16. 惊人的景色17. 各种各样的娱乐18. 大饱眼福19. 去游泳、去洗澡 20. 锻炼 ; 算出 ; 有预期的结果21. 把纸撕成碎片22. 与…聊天23. 照顾病人24. 在山顶25. 全包式旅游

a feast for the eyes

work outtake a dip

tear paper into pieces have a chat with

attend to the sick on top of the mountain

package trips

a paradise for breath-taking scenery a wide variety of entertainment

cool offbe/get tired of

Page 7: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

26. 自己安排27. 避免带太多的钱28. 复印29. 经验丰富的旅游者 30. 轻装旅行

seasoned/experienced travelers

travel light

make photocopies of

make one’s own arrangements avoid bringing too much money

Page 8: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

1. 与…有关联2. 进行体检             3. 把…从…赶走         4. 对…渴望 \ 渴求 5. 为…作出牺牲 6. 远远落后于  7. 在方面8. 从…中恢复9. 尽管…的苦难            10.带走,剥夺走11. 使…做… 12. 目睹一系列的… 13. 打死

take away

see a series of …

drive… off… be greedy for

make sacrifices for sb.

recover from

be far behind

shoot… to death

in areas

lead sb to do sth=cause sb to do sth

be connected with take physical tests

despite the hardships of

Page 9: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

14. 纪念15. 徒然,枉然 16. 以…而自傲17. 向…显示新形象18. 一个急速发展的商业中心19. 是…的代表20. 决心做…21. 抓住机会做          22. 主办奥运会 23. 坚持做24. 出版一本书25. 代售的 / 低价出售              

in vain be proud of

in honour/memory of

display one’s new image to sb

be representative of be determined to do take the chance to do

host the Olympic Games insist on doing sth

put out a book on sale

a booming business center

Page 10: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

               26. 大量的 27. 从 1830 年起            28. 与…达成协议                                                29.割下皮                    30. 以…为主食 通过…谋生31. 灭绝32. 轮流 ; 反过来33. 放弃土地给殖民者

in turn

live on live by+doingdie out

in huge numbers from 1830 on/onwardsmake/reach agreements with  cut off the skins

give up land to the settlers

Page 11: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

1. 想出解决问题的方法2. 残疾人

3. 在镇的另一端4. 没有做…的能力5. 到处走动6. 穿好衣服7. 获奖8. 在她省里的科学展览会上9. 为社会作出贡献10.… 的问题11. 开办特殊教育学院

think of ways to solve …the disabled=people with disabilities on the other side of town without the ability to do get around get dressed win/receive an award at her province’s science fair make a contribution to … a matter of launch a special education college

Page 12: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

12.帮助某人做… 13. 过有意义和多产的生活14. 日常活动15. 调整生活方式16.同情某人17. 在画画方面有天赋18. 因…向某人道歉19. 开发潜能20.克服困难21. 为…沏茶22. 团结感23. 参加 ,参与

assist sb in sth/doing sth live a meaningful and productive life daily/everyday activities adjust one’s way of life have sympathy for be gifted in painting apologize to sb for sth develop one’s potential overcome difficulties make a cup of tea for…a sense of unityparticipate in/take part in/ join in

Page 13: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

24. 在…中竞争 为了…而竞争25. 能同样进入 ...26. 对公共场所进行调查27. 有时,不时

compete in compete for have equal access to conduct/carry out a survey of the public places at times

Page 14: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。
Page 15: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

1.visitors who get tired of the sand and the sun can cool off in one of the many…..[考点 ] v+ off取消凉变赶走还清债务 ; 得到回报炫耀推迟起飞 ,事业腾飞 , 脱衣服关掉送行使…不靠近

call offcool offdrive offpay offshow offput offtake offturn offsee offkeep off

Page 16: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

1. The match has been ______ until tomorrow because of bad weather.

2. She likes to wear short skirts ____________ her legs.

3. He slammed the door and went for a walk ________

4. All her hard work ________ in the end, and she finally passed the exam.

put off

to show off

to cool off

paid off

Page 17: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

1. We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _______ office soon. A. leaves B. would leave C. left D. had left

2. _____ it with me and I’ll see what I can do. A. When left B. Leaving C. If you leave D. Leave

3. You should make it a rule to leave things _____ you can find them again. A. when B. where C. then D. there

4. Don’t leave the water _____ while you brush your teeth. A. run B. running C. being run D. to run

Page 18: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

[考点 ] leave 的用法1. “离开 ;前往” leave a place; leave for a place2. “ 使…处于某种状态” leave sb./ sth. doing/done….3. “委托 ;托付” leave sth. to/with sb.

leave about 乱放 leave alone 不理会 leave behind 留下 leave out 省略 leave as it is 听任某事发展 ask for a leave 请假 on leave 休假

Page 19: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

3. On August 27, 1955, the Guinness Book of World Records went on sale.[考点 ] on+ n.出售 , 打折值班展览在船上究竟竖着 ;连续地起火故意地在度假

on saleon dutyon show/exhibitionon boardon earthon endon fireon purposeon vacation/holiday

Page 20: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

1. A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics, which _____ will promote its economic development.A. in nature B. in return C. in turn D. in fact

2. __________, Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare.A. In total B. In that C. In general D. in vain

Page 21: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

4. This in turn had an effect on the food……[考点 ] in + turn in returnin particularin generalin allin totalin vainin orderin dangerin troublein that= becausein fact


Page 22: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

5. Bison waste no longer fell on the ground toimprove the soil, which as a result became….[考点 ]常用的插入语常用的插入语的介词短语 : in other words, in a word; by the way; in one’s opinion

常用的插入语的分词短语 : generally speaking;judging from

分句做插入语 : I think; I know; I believe; you see ; what’s more; or rather; believe it or not

不定式做插入语 : to be honest; to tell you the truth; to make matters worse

Page 23: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

1. I would like a job which pays more but ___I enjoy the work I’m doing at the moment.A. in other words B. on the other handC. for one thing D. as a matter of fact2. ______, the more expensive the camera, the better its quality.A. Generally speaking B. Speaking generalC. General speaking D. Speaking generally3. It is so nice to hear from you, ______. we last met more than thirty year ago.A. What’s more B. That isC. In other words D. Believe it or not

Page 24: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

6.The wounds are slow to heal and the scars run deep… run+adj ( 通常指不好的结果 ) 成为…的状态 run 的常用意: I run slower than he. My brother runs a company in that city. The road runs along the river. Tom will run for mayor this year. The color of this T-shirt runs easily.

跑 经营

延伸,扩展 竞选


Page 25: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

phrases with ‘run’

run after run over run into run across run out of in the long run

追赶 溢出;辗过 撞上;偶遇 偶遇 用光 最后

Page 26: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

7. result from/in

1.The accident resulted _____ his carelessness.

2.His carelessness resulted ___ the accident.



He drove carelessly. As a result/In consequence, the accident happened.

As a result of/In consequence of his carelessness, the accident happened.

result from as a result of in consequence of


result in as a result in consequence

+ 结果

Page 27: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

8. 坚持住,最后你会成功的。Hold on and you will succeed at last/finally/in the end/eventually.

There are many reasons for his success. First, …; second, …;___________, …. finally

9. The little child resisted to be taken away.

10.At the 2003 Special Olympics in Ireland, more than 6,500 athletes from over 150 countries took part in and there were 21 different sports.

being taken away

Page 28: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

---Can we tell others about it?---No. carl ______ silence about this matter.A.Insists keeping B. insists on that we keepC. Insists on us to keep D. insists on our keepingAnn insisted that she ___ right, so she insisted that I ____ an apology to her. A. be; made B. was; make C. be; make D. was; made

Page 29: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

11.insist +宾语从句

认为 (所需时态 )坚决要求, (should)+ 动词原形

insist on sth/doing sth 12 get tired of/from (with) 1)He was tired _______ answering his little son’s continual questions.2)I’m very tired _________ running as fast as I can.



be strict with sb be strict in sth be angry with sb be angry at/about sth

be familiar with sth be familiar to sb

Page 30: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。
Page 31: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

1. there is no need to worry if you have never skied before.[考点 ] 常用句型考查 1. It is no ____ arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind A. use B. help C. time D. way 2. He hasn’t slept at all for three days. ______ he is tired out A. There is no point B. There is no need C. It is no wonder D. He have no choice3. ____ is no possibility ____ Bob can win the first prize in the match. A. There; that B. It; that C. There; whether D. It; whether

Page 32: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

It is no good/use doing sthIt is no wonder that …There is no need to do sthThere is no point in doing sthThere is no doubt that…There is no possibility that…


Page 33: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

[考点 ] 与 time搭配的句型1. It is time for sb. to do sth.2. It is (high) time that + 过去式 / should do3. It is the first time that+现在完成时 It was the first time that + 过去完成时

1. It is the last time that we ___ such a silly thing. A. have done B. had done C. will do D. do

2. It’s time that she ____ to her boyfriend.A. apologizes B. apologized C. had apologized

Page 34: 1.It will be harmful for people to learn English. 2.It is bad for English learners to learn English well. 3.It is not helpful to learn English. 不利于学英语。

3.________________________________(要是你还剩下足够的精力 ) after a day on the slopes, you can take a dip in the pool.

Should you have enough energy left

If you should have enough energy left after a day…

should用于 if和 in case 之后或将主语与动词倒置,表示某事可能发生。

4._______________(慢慢地但是确定地 ), Atlanta was becoming a successful city.

Slowly but surely

Adv, 作状语 修饰整个句子