Page 1: 2 Vertiefung filefamily bought a bird for company. The bird sang the whole day and did not care that the fi sh was silent all the time. Everybody lived happily ever after. >: enn



One day the family bought another pet: a fi sh. It lived in a big glass bowl. The mouse tried to make friends with the fi sh. It said “hello” all the time. But the fi sh never answered.

The mouse was very, very sad. “Will I ever fi nd a friend?”, it asked itself. The mouse stopped eating and be-came thin and tired.

The family was very worried. “What happened to our mouse?” They bought lovely cheese to cheer up the mouse. But nothing helped.

The cat and the dog were worried, too. They told the horse and the cow about the poor little mouse.



FriendsDie einfache Geschichte zum

Thema Freundschaft können Sie den Kindern vorlesen oder von der

CD abspielen. Weisen Sie auch hier wieder jedem Kind ein Tier

zu. Wenn die Geschichte gelesen wird, müssen die Kinder, wenn sie

ihr Tier hören, entweder aufstehen oder das Geräusch machen, das zu

ihrem Tier gehört (englische Tier-geräusche siehe Seite 15). Manch-

mal ist das Hören und Verstehen aber schon so anstrengend, dass

das deutsche Geräusch vollkommen reicht. In der Geschichte kommen vor: cat, dog, fi sh, mouse, cow, horse,

pig, bird.

nce upon a time there was a family who loved animals. They had a dog, a cat, a horse, a cow and a mouse.

The dog was very friendly with the cat and the horse was very friendly with the cow. Only the poor little mouse had no friend and it was very sad.

Then one day the family had an idea. They went to the market and bought a pig. They put it in the barn and told the mouse about the pig.

The mouse was very happy because it could talk to the pig. Both became great friends and were together all the time.

To stop the fi sh being lonely, the family bought a bird for company. The bird sang the whole day and did not care that the fi sh was silent all the time.Everybody lived happily ever after.


Wenn die Kinder an den richtigen Stellen aufgestan-den sind, sollte man die Geschichte noch einmal als Ganzes vorlesen und sie auch übersetzen.
